Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 19, 1872, Image 1
JHaufim Jfetilfi enterprise. Links, Wing & Smith, Proprietors, 'lVruiw of Wubncrlptton On*' Year • J J Six Month. ’ ™ Three Months “ w M.lnvariably in advance. ip To city Bubecril)crs by the Month, Sevonty-ilvc cents, served by carriers. Liberal Republican Democratic Ticket. For President s HORACE GREELEY, OF NEW YORK. Fop Vice President s B. GRATZ BROWN. OF MISSOURI. Ktate Electoral Ticket. FOR STATE AT LARGE, Principals. Alternates. W. T. WOFFORD, A. H. COLQUITT, H. L. BKNNING. KLI WARREN, JULIAN HARFRIDGE, A. 11. HANSEL, WASHINGTON I’OE. GEO. I). RICE. DISTRICT ELECTORS. I. H. G. TURNER, 1. J. RIVERS, 2 R N. ELY, 2. A. L. HAWES, W. J. HUDSON, 3. P. F. SMITH, 4. JAMES M. PACE, 4. T. F. NEWELL, 5. N. R. CASEY, 5. A. M. RODGERS 0. J. N. DORSEY, i. L. J. ALLRED, 7, K. D. GAAHAM, 7. R. A. ALSTON. For foEKreti*. JAMES H. BLOUNT, SIXTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. For Representative from the old Fourth Dis trict to fill the vacancy in the Congress occa sioned by the death of Hon. T. J. Speer, COL. £. W. BECK. OF SPALDING COUNTY. Sepcinl election, 29th October instant Mr. Frank J. Herrington is our only authorized City Agent, and he is duly em powered to solicit work for tbis office, and subscriptions to the Enterprise. Mr. Charles L. Mize, book and news dealer, is our authorized agent in Dawson, Ua. Mr. W. 8. Deidrick, Southern Express Company Office, is our authorized Agent at Smitkville. J. L Tucker is our authorized agent at Fort Gaines. I. N. Seymore, of Hyington’s Hotel, 1b our authorized Agent at Griffin. BY TELEGRAPH FROM ALL THE WORLD. NEW YORK. General News Item*. New Yoke, October 18.—A Newport special says that the officers of the revenue seized a large lot of cigars smuggled into the country from Havana on the schooner pioneer, ot New London, Connecticut — not the Cuban Pioneer. Deputy Sheriff Judsou Jarvis returned to the sheriff's office at 11 o'clock to-day, after a night's fruitless search for Wiiliam M. Tweed. It is new believed that Twoed has left the city. A number of cigar manufacturers have acceded to the demands of their workmen for an increase from one to five dollars on every one thousand. Several houses have suspended operations because of the de mand. The friends of Tweed stated at the sheriffs office to-day that he had gone out of the city on private business, but would appear with his bail to-morrow or Mon day. Mayor Hall gave bail to-day to answer the charge of official neglect against him. $140,000 have been ordered by the Board of Apportionment to be divided among a number of charitable institutions Wm. T. Havetneyer in a letter to be published to-morrow, says it would be in judicious for him to accept the reform nomination, in view of the apathy of the people. Patrick Caulfield, on the recruiting staff of the regular army, went to the residence of one Allen, a cloakmaker, 304 Tenth Avenue, last evening, and showed Mrs. Allen what purported to be an order from Washington to arrest her husband, saying he had been sent by Lieut. Dougherty of the first infantry. Mrs. Allen caused Caulfield's arrest, and he was fined SIOO, and he was locked up in default of SSOO bond for good behaivor. Stbacusk, October 18-—The Straight outs organized a State Committee with Charles P. Sykes as Presideot, and re solved to press forward the Louisville nomination. Auburn, October 18. —The manuscript of the original draft of Seward’s book was entirely completed sometime since. At the time of his death, Seward had finished the revision of about two-thirds of it. This revision will be at once taken up and completed by his son Fiederick and his adopted daughter, Miss Risely Seward. WASHINGTON. The Condition of the Cotton Crop—Report of the Agritnltnral Bureau, etc. etc. Washington, October 18.—The follow ing is the synopsis of the statisticians of the Department of Agriculture, upon the condition of cotton in October. The cotton prospects have undergone serious changes since the September re port. The weather lias been generally favorable for picking. No violent storms are reported, and the drouth has not pre vailed. The rain fall in nearly all the cotton States exceeded two inches in Sep tember, Florida alone reporting fully four inches and Tennessee three. The devastations of the catterpillar have extended further North, even to North Carolina, and have involved the top crop partially, and in many places wholly. The influence of the drouth in the later summer months, has been cumulative in its effects and exhausted vitality is more apparent than in September ; yet there are districts which report exemption from this premature decay, and promise en hanced results. The effect of fertilizer is advancing the crop ia the Atlantic States. The continued effort of the worm is shortening the season of the growth, and will greatly hasten the close of the pick ing. In some places the crop is already gathered, and in many others the fields will be clean-early in- November. The general average of. condition is re duced from 91, in the first week of Sep tember, to 82 in October. In October last vear the average was 76, which was a ena- terial reduction from that of the present month. It will be seen that the condi tion is still placed higer tha . in last, year’s report for October, while the area, according to our Juno returns, was 13 per cent, greater. The State averages are as follows : Vir ginia 87 ; North Caroliua 90 ; Si aith Car olina 86 ; Florida 75 ; Georgia 88 ; Ala bama 82; Mississippi 78; Louisiana 72 ; Texas 85 ; Arkansas 75 ; Tennessee 90 ; The local disparity existing in the con dition of cotton is perhaps more marked marked than usual. Of the two counties in Alabama producing most largely, both together yielding one-ninth of the cotton in the State. Montgomery reports one hun dred and Dallas fifty. In Georgia, Daw son (?) the first in amount of production, returns one hundred, while Sumter and Lee, both large producers.give only sixty six. In Mississippi a few prominent coun ties report a high condition—Washington sixty-six. Madison sixty-six. Warren sixty live, and Hinds sixty, while Maxwell and Claiborne return one hundred. John A. Whitcmore lias been appointed Postmaster at Sumter, S. C. The ballances in the United States Trea ury, at the close of business to-day, were: Currency, $5,000,000; coin, $77,- 500,000 ; coin, certificates, $24,500,000. PENNSILVAIHA. Fiuaiu'ial Moveinrnl. Irish Catholic Benevolent Union. Philadelphia. October 18.—At an in formal meeting of tho merchants, held to day, the Philadelphia Chamber of Com merce adopted the following resolution : Resolved, That a meeting of the mer chants, manufacturers and bankers of Phil adelphia, be held on the 21st, at the Cham ber of Commerce, to consider tho expedi ency of petitioning Secretary Boutwell to relieve the money market by purchasing $44,000,000 dollars of interest-bearing debt, with a like amount of legal tenders retired by Secretary McCullough. In the Irish Catholic Benevolent Union convention to day, a debate occurred on the Constitutional amendment to strike out the word “Irish’ from the name of the Asssociation. It was advocated by Col. Kilgore, of Virginia, and opposed by Fathers McCatferey and Rooney. It finally stood, yeas 57, nays 85, and the proposition was defeated. CANADA. An Equine Epidemic Disease. Toronto, Canada. October 18.—The epidemic among the horses has now ex tended throughout the Dominion, se riously interrupting the business of the country. The street cars in Montreal have stopped running. In their stables more than three hundred horses are sick Farm ers in the country are unable to bring their grain to market. The disease is not often fatal, but recovery is Blow. TENNESSEE. Homicide. Memphis, Tknn., October 18.—Lewis Holmes and J. F. Eubanks, both planters of Hardeman county, had a diffic ity yes terday, during which the latter struck the former over the head with a stick of wood, from the effects of which he died soon af terwards. ITIAKYEAND. Death of a Catholic Biahop. Baltimore, October 18.—The Kt. Rev. Michael O’Connor, formerly Bishop of Pittsburg, died this morning at Woodstock College, near this city. HISSOVHI. Sale of a Newspaper. St. Louis, October 18.—Two-thirds of the Evening Dispatch of this city was sold by W. H. McHenry to Robt. Barclay ou a basis of $120,000 for the whole paper. Barclay previously owned one-third of the paper. Worthy of Imitation. —We desire to commend to farmers and employers gen erally the example of a well known citi zen of this county, Learning that some of the negroes in his employ had voted the Democratic ticket at the recent election, he went home and talked to them after the following fashion : “You have shown by your votes that your consideryour interest in politics the same as mine; and by fol lowing my advice you have proved that you want to promote my interest as well as your own. I will give each of you five acres of my best land next year, and will help you tocnltivate it.” This shows the right spirit. Whcu a negro can muster up enough moral cour age, (and it takes a great deal) to leave the Radical party and vote with the whites, the latter ought to show apprecia tion of it. —Perry Journal. Inckhdiarism. —An attempt was made to burn the town Sunday night last. The store of Mr. Jno. R. Ware was fired with- j in. by placing balls, saturated with kero sene, on and under the shelving of the store. It was luckily discovered before much damage was done. The entrance was made from a side door which was found unlocked. A few moments more and a whole block, perhaps, of stores would have been consumed. Our city authorities had better employ extra police The perpetrators have not been discover ed.—LaGrange Reporter. Cotton. —The cotton crop in this coun ty promises now to be much better than was expected a month or two ago ; taken as a whole, there will be a fair average crop made in the county. The staple is opening very fast—faster than is usual, be cause so much of the foliage has been stripped off by the caterpillars—aud the farmers are employing every available freedman to pick it out in a hurry. —Perry \ Journal. It is a notable fact that more pocket picking is done at Greeleyite than Repub lican meetings. In fact, there i> none of this at the latter. —Uarrieburg (Pi ) Jour nal. Correct. Only the honest, substantial citizens, as a rule, get their pockets picked. Thieves don’t steal from oue another.— Bot ' ton Pott. MACON, OA., SATURDAY, OCTOBER It), 1872. Chi< nge of Schedule. WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD, ( Atlanta, Ga., April 17,1872. f On and after Sunday, the 21st Instant Day Passenger Train (outward) leaves Atlanta ’8:30 A. t., Connecting at Kingston with THROUGH FAST LINE TO NEW ORLEANS Day Pnssen „er NEW YORK FAST LINE leave Atlanta 4:03 p. m , Connecting at Dalton with EAST TENNESSEE TIIKOUGH LINE TO NEW YORK TIME 48 HOURS 30 MINUTES ! Night Passenger Fast Line to New York, leaves Atlanta It. 10 p. m., via East Tennessee and Georgia at Dalton, or NASHVILLE A CIIATTAnOOG V AT CHATTANOOGA TIME 54 HOURS. Day Passer! t (inward) through from New York via East Tennessee, Arrives at Atlanta 8:50 p.m. Night Passt ,tger (inward) through from New York via East Tennessee or Louisville, Arrives at Atlanta 1:30 a. m. E. B. WALKER, Master Transporatiotn. CROP OF 1872. Clover and Crass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, etc., &C. Just received, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 146-156 82 and 84 Cherry Street. NOTICE. BIDS will be received for (450) four hun dred and fifty Cypress, Cedar or Chestnut Posts, fi feet mg and (7) seven inches square, delivered at ■ her depot in this city. Address communications to octß-tf WM. HAZLEHURST. BYINGTON’S HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA, is ran BREAKFAST HOUSE For the Trail from Savannah, Augustaand Ma con to Columbus. DINNER HOUSE For tire Train from Enfaula and Albany to Macon. SUFFER HOUSE For the Train from Columbus to Macon, Sa vannah and Augusta. Large comfortable Rooms with Fire places and every Convenience. 112 120 NOTICE. ~~ ALL persons indebted to the estate of Jacob Gloss, deceased, will please come forward and settle with Valentine Kahn, Administra tor and all who have any claims against said estate will please present them to the under signed for settlement. 131-157 VALENTINE KAHN. ~ ATTENTION I INSURANCE AGENTS. ALL Insurance Agents doing business in the city are requested to cull attbis office, make returns and pay a tax of 2>£ per cent, on their receipts to Sept. 1. By order of Council. char. j. Williamson, I29tf Treasurer. TO BE LEFT TO THE DECISION OF THE FARMEBS. rXMIE question of caterpillars and its terrible JL destruction of the llceey staple having, like the great flood of old, abated, a still more momentous question involves especial consid eration at the hands of the farmers. For many long years E. Isaacs haß catered to the wants of the traveling public; and to the farmers, the very bone and sinew of our beloved South, be has taken special pains to make them feel at home while in the city. His tables are tilled and the usual “allowancing” Is not “allowa ble.” Indeed you get what you call for and that without stint. Now the'question is: Will tße Farmers Support Him ? This question is propounded with the confi deuce that will be announced with that little but expressive inonosyl&blc which is so famil iar with vourit people enamored of each '-thcr —yes ! The >turdy farmers knows. too well the comfort that await him at the ISAACS HOUSE. To answer otherwise than affirmatively to the above mentioned question. While on the subject Mr. Isaacs wishea to say that his p itronage ha* so increased as to compel him ti provide more ample accommo tions, and thshe has leaned large and airy rooms of Hu Hs new building adjoining his own. A fine I i.r is attached to this house. E. IbAACb, Proprietor. 185-160. Cherry Street. Press for Sale! WE have for sale a large size GORDON PRF>> f Aligator) and a KUGGLEH' PAPER CUTTER fo good condition. To be had at a bargain Hold to make room for lar ger and faster machine*. Address UNTO, WING A SMITH, 1-tf Macon, Ga. Wm. M. Pendleton. Walter T. Rons. PENDLETON & ROSS, (Successors to J. M. Boarilman.l Corner Mulberry and Second St reels. MAC'O.Y, <a„ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, LAW BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CAP, LETTER and NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, LEGAL BLANKS, WRITING INK, COPYING INK, CARMINE INK, INDELIBLE INK, GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, STEEL PENS, PENCILS, CHALK CRAYONS, RUBBER, WAX, OIL COLORS, WATER COLORS, COLORED CRAYONS, BRUSHES, CANVASS, PLAYING CARDS, CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, DOMINOES, BILLIARD CHALK, CIIROMOS, PICTURE FRAMES, ' MOULDINGS, GLASS, ETC., ETC., ETC., And in fact everything usually kept in a first class Book and Stationery Store. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. Prices as low as any other house in the. South. Orders for printing solicited. PEiiULIimY A BONN, 113-524 Macou, Georgia. Guernsey, Bartrm & Mm, RIIILDEIM SUPPLY STOItE, ■Hake’s Ulurh, Poplur Street, (Between Third and Fourth.) WHITE AND YELLOW PINK WORK, NumH, Doors, Hllndu, Frames, ■lracketM, Yewrl Posts, ItuluNtcrw, Mantles, Etc., Etc. Carpenter Tools, Loeks, Nails, Hinges, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, Etc. CONTRACTORS lor BUILDING. DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT OUR FACTORY, DIXIE WOKKB, CHERRY ST. 123-tf BYINGTON HOTEL, GRIFFIN, GA. rpillS HOTEL ranks second to none in I Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present hot term, It is unequalled, the nights being remarkable cool and pleasant. The best Water in Georgia. G. W. BYINGTON, 110-160 Proprietor. THE REST AND EH EA PE ST. SODA WATER MANUFACTURED liT W. P. CARLOS ho Ilulberry St., Macon, Ga. I AM now fullv prepared to furnish pare bot tled SODA WATER in any quantity. Ord ers by mail or telegraph promptly attended to. I have in store and am constantly receiving every description of Fancy and Family Groceries, WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, FOREIGN ar.d DOMESTIC FRUIT, FISH, GAME, and every delicacy when in season. Bar and Restaurant up stairs, supplied with the very beet In the murket. Parties purchasing goods from me can always rely upon them being fresh and first class In every respect. WH. I*. CARLOS. 1-tf Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCK, ( Macon & Brunswick Railroad Cos., V Macon, Ga., September 21, 1872. ) ON and after Monday September 28, 1872, trains will run as follows : DAT ACCOMMODATION TRAIN DAILY. Leave Macon 8:15 A. M. Arrive at Jesup 6:50 p. m. Arrive at Brunswick 10:00 p. M. Leave Brunswick 4:30 a. m. Arrive at Jesup 8:45 a. m. Arrive at Macon 5:20 p. M. Connects closely at Jesup with trains oj At lantic and Gulf Railroad, to and from Savannah and Florida. SIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY. Leave Macon 7. 45 P. M Arrive at Savannah 7. 15 a. m Leave Savannah 7. 00 P. M Arrive at Macon 6. 45 A. M HAWKINSVILLE TRAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS EX CEPTED.) Leave Macon 2:55 P. M. Arrive at Hawklnsville 8:80 P. M. Leave Hawklnsville 7:00 a. m. Arrive at Macon .....10:80 a. m. WM. MacREA, Hfltl General Superintendent. INDIAN BPRINCB. ELDER HOUSE. A NON, Hroprletor. rpilia well-known house Is now open to all X who wish to visit the fur-fained Indian Spring. The Hotel Is nearer the Spring than any other, with pleasant and shady walks lead ing thereto. BATES or BOARD. One wiek ..., > One Month .."88 00 Children and servant, half |ri<* kß MERCHANTS ANIt PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TO TUMI It AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE MAKING Til KI M BILLS. O— WE HAVE IN STORE, 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAR R. SIDES 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, nil grades. 500 ROLLS 2iBAGGING. ■# 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TVVTNE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH, Have, and are offering at very low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, nil grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES.' 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES HAY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN. Together with a lull stock ol all all goods in our line of business. 110 tf Brown’s Hotel, MACON. GA. £F long experience and a thorough knowl edge of the business in all ils diversified branches are esgcntiul to the keeping that which the public bus long heard of but seldom seen, A GOOD HOTEE, the undersigned flatter themselves that they are fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their patrons; hut they are not only experienced in hotel keeping, they modestly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED anj> MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in the State, which Is loca ted exactly where everybody would have it sit uated IMMEDUTKI.r IX FRONT AND ADJACENT TO TUB PASSENGER DEPOT. where travelers can enjoy themoit sleep and less liable to be left by the perpiexiugly constant departure ot the trainß. To all these Important advantages Is added a TABLE that is well supplied with the best and choicest dishes the city und country cun afford: nor would they omit to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politcnc. and atten tion to guests. For the truth of these statements, we refer the public to our patrons who reside in every State in the Union. E. E. BROWN A BON, Proprietors. Macon, Ga., April 15, 1872. 78-104 DAVIS SMITH, (Successor to the late nrra of Hroitli, WoblcoU. <fc Cos., and of Hrnith, McGlashan & Cos.) MANUFACTCRISK ANJi DKALEK IN SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLERY' AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, kiriJfk, uiw jbanos, etc,, Together with every article usually kept In a saddler/ house. 109 CHF.BBV TANARUS„ MACON, A 130-150 IFOR. THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE H a A W V< )N I IATi :s, I’oiii'fli Street, (Next Itoor to latwton *V Wililnirliiuu.i Y RE prepared to furnish the trade with • tJIKM liltlix IBOVINIONN, I*l. A STATION Nl PPI.IEN, BAG GIAG.TIIXETC., on as reasonable terms as any house In Georgia. We will keep constantly on hand, BACON: I, AItD, C( IUN, Oils, IIA Y, SUGAR, (JOF r KK, IIAGGING and TIES, anil a general assort ment of such goods as are kept ill a first class Grocery House. Give us a rail. We arc running tie' lIAGI.BFI,OURINfG MILLS, and direct-special attention to our “CHOICE,” “EXTRA,” "FAMILY" Flours. They will he found exactly adapted to the. trade, and we guarantee every barrel to give, satisfaction. Our prices are as low a those of the same, grades can lie bought ill the South. CORN MEAL, hotted and unbolted, always on hand, of our own make and of tho best 'inaiily. 120-18 R sM'3 • If- BANDY ifcCO., TIN AND SHEET IRON ROOFING, a G,|le riit, Pinto! ai BepaMw, hi' ? etm c f TIM and GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES \ ¥/,' (/i j! \ Executed at,short notice and satisfaction V i* \ 1 guaranteed. 2) s' \ j l No, ID Third Street, Macon, Ga. , I I Particular attention given to Guttering pnt up I \ witli v WOODRUFF’S Y PATENT BATE I’ANTENINUti. 98-aug 8 IIPEOYED GII G-EAE. S< > >ll ST 111 NO NEW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! fTMJK settling of the Gin House floor lias no edcet on the Gearing. King Post of Iron uml all A the work ladled to Iron. IT IS MADE TO LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. < lull and see for youaself. I build a Portable Horse Power that challenges all oilier MAKES, but it will not do the work with the same Draft that my PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kinds of Machinery mode and repaired at CHOCKIVrT’N IKON HOKUM. 108-180 Near Brown House, Macon Georgia. BEOWFS G-AILERY! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ | ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. Sc E. P. TAYLOR, Cor. Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street, HEALERS IN FURNITURE, IMPETUS, BEES, Oil, CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. 79tf fsTOrders by Telegraph promptly attended to. 4AAKH 11. BLOUNT. 18AAC UAIIDKMAN. 111.01 N I A HAISBEMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MAUON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston Ilall, Cherry street. _ 4iMO> Barber Shop For Rent. THE Basement room, formerly occupied by Mike Napier, In Brown’s Hotel building Is for rent This I" one " f the best stands for u *5Sw“ ,h '(totei.. Volume I. —Number 163 INMAN LINE J Steamship Company dispatch two “tea™ cm per week. The qu Ic Jtnne ever made across the Atlantic. Every