Newspaper Page Text
W. A. HUFF' May®**-
, . r , . Y A. R. Tinslet,
" J Wilburn E. Woodliff,
P FmoS O- . Roberts,
w T Fills E. P. Strong,
) aSng 1 J. Russell,
d' n alt ’ R. Waoof.sstein.
C. J. Williamson, Trewurer.
A O. Bacon PhyS
,k. G. N. Holmes, U .
.Chief of Police.
H* ’ Elrst Lieutenant.
H. c. iATLOR, Second Lieutenant.
w“a K'• -Third Lieutenant
~ Finnet’ -' Guard llonßC Kcc P cr -
O. P. UNNET.... Street Overseer.
a "ic'Harman, City cxton '
n r Hodgkins Magazine Keeper.
.lErFEHs! ::: Clerk of the Market.
11,i* Offl.ce Is prepared to ex
rente Job lrininjc at prices to
salt the times, and in n style
.satisfactory to all. Fine work
made a wpecialty. W nolit it
your orders, and will do our
ix-Nt to please you, Il<
home "affairs;
nv<o.>. iii., OCT.■. IST a.
YVhortlbbehbies.— Huckleberries are plen
tiful in the city. They sell rapidly.
Negro Killed.—A light occurred between
two negro men at McCall’s Mill in this county
yesterday about a stick of wood, in "which one
.hot the other dead on the spot.
Death of Wm. J. Darraugh.—This old
citizen fell dead in his store at 8 o’clock last
night. He ia supposed to have been attacked
with heart disease, or some other malady which
producea instant death. He had often served
the city as policeman. He will be buried to
morrow afternoon.
“Little Charlie.”—A bright and interest
ing little boy of Judge R. H. Hutchings, died
Thursday night, after a very brief illness. He
was laid away in his little grave late yesterday
afternoon —a tear shed upon the 6od, and then
the Might wind left to sing its rcqulum over the
cold little grave forever and forever!
Mator's Court. —Jas. H. Finlayson, drunk,
officer Taylor; $5 and costs.
Jane Lowe, stealing, officer Rattle; dis
MolliM Parker, for koeping an assignation
honae, officers Duke and Wood; continued.
Sam Johnson, disorderly conduct, officer
Ruff; diamisaed.
A New Ice Machine.— We saw a perfected
little machine for the manufacture of artificial
ice, yesterday, the whole apparatus and at
tachments of which could be placed inside of
a water bucket. For use in the country whore
water is bad and ice hard to get, it ia a very
valuable invention. It waa invented by a gen
tleman in Macon, and we suppose the machine
will be for sale before long.
Picking Cotton. —People from the country
report the picking of the cotton crop as rapidly
going forward—that if the weather continues aa
fine aa it now ia, the whole of it will be gath
ered by the 15th or 30th of November. Two
thirds have already been gathered, gined, baled
and either on the road to market or already
there. Aa a general rule, we never get done
before the middle of December or first of Janu
ary, but at this time we are all of one month
ahead of time.
Fort Valley and Perry Road. —Work
progresses quite slowly on this little branch
road. We heard this morning that no more
than two or three miles had been completed—
that the entire track had been graded, however,
and that it would be sometime in December
before cars would be running over the whole
line. The iron used is being taken from the
Muscogee road—which line is being relaid
with the Fißb-bar rail.
Burning of a Carload of Cotton. —When
the up-train on the Southwestern Railroad was
passing Massey’s plantation, near Marshall
ville, Conductor Welch discovered a car loaded
with cotton on fire. The engine was immedi
ately halted and all hands went to work to save
all they could. The cotton was tumbled from
the ear, which was saved without material
damage, but it was impossible to extinguish
the fire and every bale, consisting of twenty
five, consumed. It caught from a spark fi om
the locomotive. The road loses over $3,000.
Forrester, Again.— lt seems the papers
never will get through with this precious
scoundrel, the supposed murderer of Nathans
in New York, and who is now in the Alton,
Illinois, Penitentiary.
It is well known to our police that he was
in Macon just before he was arrested at Savan
nah. We heard a man say tlio other day that
he knew of Forrester having cither sold, or
“soaked,” ten watches when here and it may
be important evidence to rake these watches
up and see if they did not belong to the mur
dered man.
Mules and Horses. —Kentucky, Indiana
and Illinois are now pouring into Georgia
their annual surplus crop of mules and horses.
Many car loads are now in the city and many
others have passed through going farther Sooth
to find a market. Some of the horses are from
the best breeds of northern Kentncxy and are
surpassingly beautiful. We notice occasional
ly descendants of Gray Eagle, Lexington and
aometime* a splendid Black-Hawk-Morgan
among them. These cost rouadsnms of money
to own, and indeed this trade generally takes a
great deal of money out of the country. But
every gentleman who can afford it eught to
have a fine horse. It is in perfect good teste.
Mysterious. —We learn this morning that
quite a mysterious affair is creating a great deal
of sensation about the city. On Thusday last,
Mr. Sirrine, who lives at No. 6, Macon and
Brunswick Railroad, discovered his dishes,
etc., jumping off the table and being smashed
up. Everything got to jumping, and nothing
conld be seen to do the mischief. In the par
lor, among the broken vases, toys and every
thing breakable, were fonnd two strange bis
cuits, which Mr. 8. swears were not cooked on
his place, and a3 there is no house anywhere
near his, there is no accounting for where they
came from.
Opr informant was there last night and found
everything quiet, bnt as lie was leaving the
dipper jumped out of the water bucket. There
is no clue to the mystery.
Kbmakkale Feat. —While driving liis splen
did Bpan of at the Fair Yesterday. Mr. J.
-I. Clay made a wager of wine with a friend,
that he could start his horses in a fast trot, than
turn his wagon over, light on his feet and turn
the wagon back on its wheels and resume his
seat, aDd without stopping or checking the
speed of the horses, he did it. Many persons
thought the upset was accidental, but it was
nothing of the sort.
The above is from the Enfaula Times. It Is
nothing to what we have seen Clay do. He
once made a wager that he could mount a horse
and aay “whoa,” and all the beating and poking
hit friends could do in a week wouldn’t make
the bona mors an la-h He woo the bet (It
was a saw horse ]
Old and New Thick*.—The cotton and
gold indicators wore in successful operation in
our warehouses this morning— working ex
cellently well—turning out the prices just as
easy as the gal knew her daddy.
We submit that they are somewhat of an
advance upon the old system of carrying the
news —we mean the plans in operation now and
those of 1825. Then there was a pony express
from Auguata and Savannah to Macon, aud
from thla point quotations of cotton would go
to the country by regular and irregular chan
nel. We heard an old citizen telling the other
day of how he used to operate as one of “these
irregular channels” between Macou and Grif
fin. He had a boss here who had a purchasing
friend in Griffin, and whenever any news
of importance was received, he was placed
upon his pony and told to duet.—
His instructions went on to say, if yon
get to Griffin in daylight hitch your horse
In the woods half mile from town, go in,
show yourself to Campbell but without speak
ing to him go to a certain room in the hotel
where he will immediately follow. If you get
there in the night rap three times on hia door,
hand in the letter and then get ou the horse
and come out of town. But never allow any
one to see you talking to him.
It was astonishing to other speculators what
wonderful “ sagacity ” Campbell had about
when to buy and when to sell cotton. He
managed to keep them pretty well bunted up to
the time the telegraph wircß came along when
he lost all his “sagacity” with the sale of his
pony and the discharge of his rider.
—-——♦ ♦
A Neoro Plays the Confidence Game.—
A day or two aince a negro fellow applied at
the residence of Mrs. Fort, telling her that an
old family servant hud just pegged out at Mil
ledgeville and he had been aent to obtain
money to give the woman decent burial. The
story was told too smoothly not to be discredi
ted, aud Mrs. F. gave him ten dollars. But he
had scarcely got out of sight lieforo a letter
was received from the Milledgeville old family
relic, which announced that the report of her
death was “2 premature.”
Mrs. Post went up to Atlanta on the next
train to visit a sick daughter, but had been in
the house only a few hours when this same
rascal, John Henderson, knocked at the door,
and begged for money witli which to pay the
funeral expenses of a Democrat nigger. But
before getting it Mrs. F. espied him as lie did
her, when lie scratched gravel away from there.
He was finally arrested here and aent to jail.
Idlk Boys.—From the number of applica
tions which we daily receive at our office for
positions for young boys, wo know there must
be a great many idle onea in the city. It ia per
haps no fault of many of them that they have
nothing to do, for they appear to be perfectly
willing to accept the most menial situations if
livings can be made out of them.
Under our excellent free school system an
opportunity is offered all to at least win half
the battle of life, which is to secure a good Eng
lish education at the outset. They can do
nothing successfully without this, and their pa
rents, whenever it is at all practicable, ought to
send them to school in preference to giving
them any other employment whatever.
The Concert Last Night.—Quite an appre
ciative audience were in attendance on the Con
ceit last night. The music was excellent, and
the scholars of Prof. Bichel evinced a careful
training. The violin solo of Master Eddie
Brown elicited much applause.
The gem of the evening was the piano play
ing of little Rebecca Isaacs, who is an apt
scholar, performing difficult pieces in an easy,
graceful manner.
Mißs Ida Abrams iB another accomplished
performer on the piano. Her performance of
Contentment, a piano solo, was well rendered.
The Senior class sung admirably, mid were
frequently applauded.
Profs. Bichel and Perry added much to the
entertainment of the evening.
Being an amateur affair, with only a short re
hearsal, we think the Concert a success.
Lunacy —A negro man was brought through
here last night, chained and ready for quarters
at the Lunatie Asylum. He will not vote for
The Great Dry Goods House of S.
Waxklbaum and Brother. —This mammoth
Dry Goods House is truly one of the greatest
in all the Southern country. Wc doubt if
there are many which are more extensive on
the North American continent outside of New
York and Philadelphia, and even in those
cities there are not many carrying heavier
stocks or doing a larger trade.
Occupying the centre of Triangular Block —
running through from Second street to Cot
ton Avenue, and fiom cellar to roof, there are
five grand divisions to the establishment.
The cellars or ground rooms are used for
packing and unpacking goods for all depart
ments and for the storage of Domestics.
The right hand floor above is the chief whole
sale department, and here we find a ship load
of Prints, Domestics, Alpaccas of all colors,
Janes, Bleaching?, Shirtings, Stripes, Checks,
Ginghams, Fancy Dress Goods, Red and White
Flannels, Opera Flannels, Tickings, Brown
Coods, Corsets, Linseys, Poplins, and so on,
running through the entire catalogue.
On the left is the general Retail Room, and a
busy scene it always presents, morning, noon
and night. It would be much easier to tell
what is not in there than what is. It contains
among other things the largest stock of silks
in Georgia—some of them running as high as
SIOO per pattern. Our ladies can find anything
there from an inch of ribbon to a cashmere
The two floors above are set apart for ready
made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, shawls,
hosiery, gloves, linens, shirts, balmoral skirts,
cloaks, blankets, quilts and notions atl infini
But it is useless to call every article by name,
it would take up half the space in our paper.
Dealers must go and see for themselves. A su
perficial glance makes one think there is
enough on hand to supply the whole trade of
Macon for months to come, and yet so great is
the trade of the house, it is necessary to send
off new orders for fresh supplies almost every
day in the week. Scarcely a steamer leaves
New York for Savannah without having con
signments for “3. W. & 8., Macon.”
The Benior requests us to make the positive
statement ns a fact that they tell at New York
Wc found the house-this morning full of
country merchants and citizens, and every clerk
just aa busy as he could be; and no wonder,
for such a stock as that will attract people to it
the dullest day in the week, and at this season
no one wishing to purchase will go by it.
A large capital, industry, the most scrupu
lous honor, and a long series of years devoted
to the business, has placed this house in the
front rand of Dry Goods Dealers in Georgia. It
is known far and wide as such and will continue
to be for a long time to come. oct9-3w
t - .
Carlos has Florida Oranges large and sweet.
No more blowing about your Ferreotypes.
Brown has just received the best and largest
Ferreotype machine that ever came South. —
Call at No. 8 Cotton Avenue, if you want good
pictures. Old Cameras for sale—different sizes.
Lunch at regular lunch hours, Free Soup.
Tomandjcrry, Hotpunches, and Cincinnati La
ger Beer at Ullman’a Isaacß House Saloon.
Carlos still keeps the freshest fish, the finest
oysters, the coldest Ice, the yellowest oranges,
the reddest apples, the Irlshcat potatoes, the
gcuulncst cigars, the sweetest French candy,
the goodies t groceries and the beat place in
town to buy your groceries at. tf
Oranges at W. P. Carlos’.
Farrar'; Electric— Warranted to cure the
following i iseascs or money refunded; Dlp
tlioria, Ncu algia, Cramp and Colic, Headache,
Diarrhoe ai i Rheumatism if not of too long
Farrar’s Ague Cure—Warranted to cure
in throe days or money refunded. For sale by
all Druggists.
Hunt, Rankin & Lamar,
03-171 Wholesale Agents.
Call at 8. T. & li. P. Walker’s this evening,
if you want such things as choice Tennessee
Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ap
ples, Oranges, Bannanos, Malaga Grapea, or
anything else in the fancy or family grocery
octl7-tf 88 Cherry St.
That’s So. —If you want a suit made to or
der in the best style, you will save money by
calling on (tf) C. H. Baihd.
It Is Also Tbue.—lf you want to buy Rea
dy-made Clothing or good Underclothing, etc.,
it will pay you to walk up to first door above
First National Bank, Cheriy street.
tf C. 11. Baihd.
Macon Lodge, No. 5, meeta every Ist and 3d
Monday night, at Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue.
Mizpah Lodge, No. 47, meets every 2d and
4th Thursday nights at Masonic Ilall.
Constantine Chapter, No. 4, R. A. M., meets
every 2d and 4tli Monday night at Masonic Hall.
St. Omcr Commandery, No. 2, Knights Tem
plar, meets Ist Thursdays of each month at
Masonic Hall.
Protection No. 1 meets Ist Tuesday ulglit lu
each month —House Poplar st., coiner 3d.
Ocmulgco No. 2 meets Ist Monday night in
each month—House on Cotton Avenue, near
City Hall.
Young America No 3 meets Ist Monday night
in each month—House 3dst., comer Mulberry
Mechanics’ No. 4 meets Ist Monday night in
each month —House corner Hawthorne and 3d
Defiance No. 5 meets Ist Tuesday in each
month—Housed in City Hall.
Hook and Ladder No. 1 meeta Ist Friday
night in each month—House Toplar st., cor
ner 2d.
odd fellows.
Franklin Lodge, No. 2, meets every Thurs
day night at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cotton Avenue.
United Brothers Lodge, No. 5, meets every
Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall.
Germania Lodge, No. 59, .meets every
Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall.
Macon Union Encampment No. 2, meets at
Odd Fellows’ Hall on 2d and 4th Mondays of
each month.
Meet every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’
Walton Lodge, No. 23, meets every Tues
day night at Progress Club Hall.
Aurora Ledge, No. 89, meets every Friday
night at theii Hall in Hollingsworth Block.
Dougherty Lodge, No. 179, meets every
Monday nigl.:. at Progress Club Hall.
Windsor L >dge, No. 120, meets every Thurs
day night at their Hall on Windsor Ilill.
Progress Club meets every Sunday nigbt at
their Hall on Mulberry street.
Hibernian .Society meets Ist Tuesday in etiqj>
month at No 2 Engine House.
Malaclii Lodge, No. 14G, I. O, B. 8., meets
second and fourth Sundays in each month.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets
every Wednesday night at the Passenger Depot.
Visiting brethren welcome.
Episcoi>al— Christ Church, Rev. B. Johnson,
Rector—Walnut st., between 2d and 3d. Ser
vices 10 1-2 a M. and Bp. M.
St. Paul’s Church, Rev. 11. K. Rees, Rector
—Vineville, Services II A. m. ; 5 p. M. Chil
dren’s Service; 0 I*. M. Evening Prayer.
St. Barnabas, services by the Rector of Christ
Church, at sp. m. Near Macon & Brunswick
Railroad Freight Depot.
Catholic —St. Joseph’s Church, Rev. L. D.
Bazin. Mass 7a. m. ; High Mass 10:00 a. m. ;
Vespers 4 1-3 p. m.
Presbyterian —Mulberry St. Church, Rev. C.
B. Vaughn, pastor. Services 10 1-3 a. m. and
8 P. M.
Windsor Hill Church, Rev. Win. McKay,
pastor. Services semi-monthly.
JsraeWish Synnyogvc —J. 11. Hertz, President
Near Ist Baptist Church. Services Friday eve
ning and Saturday morning.
Baptist— lst Baptist, Rev. W. 11. Mclntosh,
pastor—3d Street, between Cherry and Poplar.
Services 10 1-3 A. m. and 8 1-4 p. m. ; Sunday
school 4 1-3 P. M.
Second Baptist, Rev. James Meßrvde, pastor
—near Findlay’s Foundry. Services 101-3 a. m.
and 8 p. m.
Mission Chapel, Windsor Hill, supplied from
the city churches.
Methodist Episcopal —Mulberry Street, Rev.
J. O. Branch, pastor— Mulberry st., corner Ist.
Services at 10 1-13 A. m. and 8 p. m.
First Street Church, Rev. W. W. Hicks, pas
tor—lst street, between Oak and Arch. Ser
vices 101-3 A. M. and 8 P. M.
Vineville Church, supplied from the city
East Macon Church, Rev. J. W. Burke, pas
tor. Services 10 1-3 a. m. and 4P. M.
Jones’ Chapel—Windsorllill—services at the
usual hours by the Pastor. Rev. R. A. Cain.
r T'HE Books for the registration of voter* for
the city election will he opened on the first
day of October and close at Two o’clock p. m.,
on December 13, 1873.
sep3o td J. A, McMANUS, Clerk.
Pure Drugs, Medicines,
PHARMAC EUTICAL Preparations, Chemi
cals, etc. Albo, a full line of all the pop
ular Patent > edioines, Toilet Articles, inclu
ding Brushes <f all kinds, Combs, Perfumery,
Toilet Soaps, losmetics, etc. Kerosene Oil by
the barrel ano at retail.
N. B. Particular attention given to the Pre
scription Business, and hone hct fcbe medi
cines used b> competent hands.
All of the avove Stock bought in person for
cash st the lowest market prices, snd all will
be sold as cheap as by sny bouse in the city.—
The public are earnestly invitee to come and
buy. DR. P H. WRIGHT,
octl6-4t Druggist and Physician.
■Sally Kevlew of tlie TtarUel,
Office M acon Daily Enterprise,
October 19—2 o’clock, P. M. j
Remarks. —Dispatches from other market*
to-day, were more favorable for cotton. The
afternoon’s report from Liverpool quoted it
active aud tinner with sales of 18,000 bales on
the basis of 18% to 18% for Upland and 10%
for Orleans. The latest telegram from New
York said ttiat. market was quiet at 19;%. At
Savannah, tills morning it was excited at
and holders asking higher.
The market opened here this morning so
soon as the first reports came to hand firm
with an upward tendency. Before closing It
advanced from 17% to 17% (or Middling and
eighteen for a fancy article We quote it at
17% with all offered taken ut those rates.
YVe have no changes to make from yester
day's quotations of western produce.
Trade has been moderately good in whole
sale departments and active In retail lines, usu
ally the ease on Saturdays. We give the gen
eral market below as nearly correct as it Is pos
sible to make out such a report in a city where
there is no merchants’ exchange, and where
every man is allowed to establish his own
price pretty much as lie pleases.
Cotton. —Report for 24 hours, since 2 P. M.
yesterday. Sold 440 bales ; shipped 322 bales.
Received 573 bales.
Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872-
bales 412
Received last 24 hours 573
Received previously 14,208—14,781
Total receipts 15,193
Snipped last 24 hours 322
Shipped previously 9,547 — 9,809
Stock on hand this evening 5,324
Market stiff 17%a18c.
MAIOY Pllll'i: ’l Kltll.vr.
No. 2 H
Milledgeville No. 2 14
W’aymanville Sheeting 11
Houston Sheeting 11%
Houston Stripes 13%a15
Columbus Stripes 15al8
High Shoal Stripes 10
Montour Shirting —% 10%
Factory Sewing Thread , .00
YARNS— '. 100
G RlTS—per bushel 1 35
OATS—per bushel 00a65
FIELD PEAS—per bushel
Tennessee..... 1 9Ja2 00
Clover 1 90
PEA NUTS—per bushel 1 50
Table use 3 50a4 00
BUTTER—Goshen No. 1 per Hi 43a44
Goshen No. 2 per lb 26
Tennessee No. 1 “ 3J
Tennessee No. 2 “ 20
Country :Uia4o
COFFEE—Rio per lb 23a25
Java per lb 30a3S
CHEESE—Best Cream per lb.. 18
Nciv York per 1b... 15
MOLASSES—N. O. Syrup per gal. 05
“Georgia” per gal.. 70
Sugar House 35
SYRUPS —Golden Drips, per gal... i)oa7s
Medium per fpil 05
Ordinary tier gal 55
SUGAR—“ A ” per lb 13%a
White Extra “C” 13a
New Orleans (hhds) HU 12%
Yellow C 12%a
llemerara 12%a13
I'orti Rico 11%a12%
POYY'DER—Hazard per keg 7 25
Orange Mills 7 00
BACON—Clear-libbed Sides (smokd).. 13
Shoulders 9%a10
HAMS—Magnolias. C., canvassed... 10j£n2O
Fitch’s tB^aSO
Tennessee, plain-cured IBalß%
White Bellies Kigali
PORK—Pickled, mess 18 00
New, mess.. 13 00
Pickled, rumps 15 00
UARD—PrimeLeaf, Tierces llnllV
Kegs 13
Packages 12a13
.FILOUB -Low superfine per bbl a7 00
Standard superfine.. 8 50
Extra 0 00
Choice extra
Family 10 00
“Wyleys XXX X” (
Georgia Mills j 11 50u12 00
Hyacinthe 9 50
“Domestic” 12 00
Star of Beauty 11 00
Belle of Georgia 11 00
Pride of Dixie 12 00
HilverLake 13 00
CORN—White per bushel 95
Mixed per bushel SBa9o
SHOT—Per sack 3 00
CRACKERS—Butter per lb 09
Soda Bao9
Cream 13
Sugar 12 1-2
Lemon 1.. 14
(finger Snaps
PicNic 10
Fancy 17
CANDY —New York per lb 18
M. R. ltogera *Co 18
BLACKING—No. 1 per gross 5 00
No. 3 0 00
No. 3 7 (X)
SODA—Bi-Carb. per lb 9alo
POTASH—Per lb lOall
SOAP —Turpentine per lb 0 1-3
Laundry 15
Toilet per doz 75al 30
Olive 8
Merrill’s per doz. 1 75n2 25
Horsford’s 2 90
TOBACCO—Choice Chewing per lb 75
Medium 00
Ordinary 40a50
Choice Smoking 1 35
Medium 75
Common 40
ClGAßS—lmported per thousand 75 OOulbO (X)
Domestic 15 00a00 00
SNUFF—Scotch per lb 78
Macaboy 78
PIPES—Per box 3 50u4 50
MACKEREI No. 1 kits 3 35a3 50
No. 3bb!s 13 50a14 00
No. 3 kits 1 75
No. 3 bbls—large..ll 50a13 00
No. 3 kits 1 50al 70
WHITE FISH—Half bbl 7 50a9 (X)
CANDLES—Best Star (full w’tj... 31Ha28
Sperm 42a45
Parafllne,... 1 30a33
STARCH—PearI 7>£aß>X
EGGS—Per doz 35
CHICKENS—Per doz 8 00e5 00
SALT—Virginia per sack 3 10a2 15
Liverpool 8 85
HIDES—Dry flint 14a16
Green 67
WHISKY—Common Rye 1 05al 10
Dundee 17
Patched 17
Arrow Oj^alO
Eureka 10
Aligator 9 ]/,
r> ESPECTFULLY tender bis professional
y services to the citizens of Macon and vi
cinity, Office at Drug Store No. 3 Brown
House Block. Residence at Rev. Samuel Boy
kin's, Georgia avenue. Calls left at cither
place will receive prompt attention, oclfitf
Macon ani> Brunswick Railroad Otpice, |
Macon, Ga., August 3d, 1872. )
ON and after August Btb, Excursion Ticket*
to New York and return, can be bad at
this office, S3B CS) for round trip. TlckeU good
until Oct. lat, 1872.
SB-tf E. J. MARTIN, G. T. Agt
Chnitgo of Schedule.
Macon, Ga., June 1-1, 1872. i
ON and after Sundav June 10th, the follow
ing schedule for Passenger Trains, will
lie observed oil this road:
Leave Macon 8:50 a. m.
Arrive at Macon 7:20 a. m
Leave Atlanta 2:00 A. u.
Arrive ut Atlanta 3:15 I'. M.
Leave Macon 10:00 r. v.
Arrive at Macon 0:25 p. w.
Leave Atlanta 4:00 p. m.
Ai rive at Atlanta 0:00 a. m.
7:30 A. m. and 9:25 i\ i. Trains make close
connections at Macon with Central Railroad
for Savannah ami Augusta, and with South
western Railroad for points in Southwest Geor
gia. 3:15 p, m and O.IKI a. m. trains connect
at Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Railroad
for points YVest. A. J. WHITE,
Sotf Superintendent.
To lilt' 1C ii is Isis* s. h Well ol' llaeou
Ciivtili\l( • ov'hMVt'lv in Mikb'U,
Leo, link mu id Worth Uountb
The wi'ulthuvt <Y>ttnn '•rowing < lion
of Georgia.
Is the best AdvcrtiHin# Medium in s-nth went*
ern Georgia.
CARET W. STYLES, Proprietor.
IIIAY’E established, near the Ylncon A West
ern Railroad Depot, an ample yard witli
Fairbanks’ best scales) to supply all kinds of
Wood and Coal, in any quantity, ut the lowest
market rates.
A stiare of public patronage is respectfully
solicited. Orders left at the offices of Messrs.
H. L. Jewett, Greer, Lako it Cos., Turpin it
Ogden, through Postofllce, or at, the Yard, will
have prompt attention. Conicand see
122-200 MILO S. FREEMAN.
ONE of the most desirable places on Troup
Hill, one mile from the Court Houhc, and
near Mercer University. Nine acres of land at
tached, orchard, garden, splendid well of wa
ter, etc.
Parties wanting to rent a good house can se
cure one by applying to the undersigned, or to
Messrs. B. 11. Wrigley <& C0.,00 and 08 Second
street, Macon, Ga.
A FAMILY designing to break up house'
keeping on the first of October, now oiler a
complete outfit of furniture for live or six
rooms, together witli all necessary kitchen
utensels. for sale at half original cost. It con
sists of Mohair Parlor Chairs, Mahogany and
Black Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus, Dining Th
ble, Dining, Rocking and common ehuirs, Car
pets, Dinner ami Tea Belts, and in short, almost
every article demanded in a house of five or six
rooms. The furniture has not been used over
one or two years, is in perfect repair, almost
ns good as new, cost SI,OOO and will now be
sold for SSOO cash. Address Box 4JW, Macon,
orapply at this THIS OFFICE.
ii. :<%.
llulMton Hull ISci 1 1 <1 i
IW. It. 4a I'll!lit I'.
) Struct*, in Court lloubo, Mm on, Ha.
_? 9 : 104
Sale of Li very Stable Stock
WILL be; sold at public outcry ut Holmes
fo Clay’* Livery Stable, at 10 o’clock a.
m., on the tirbt Tuesday in November next, (20)
Twenty head of Horae*, Carriage#, Phuitons,
Buggies, Harks, Wagons, Harness, Buddies,
Bridle*, Iron Hafc, I)o*k, etc. Sold for division.
For further particulars, apply to
C. MASTKKSON, Receiver,
Octls-tds At the Stables.
- TICE OF TttE PEACE. ICM be found
fur the present at all hours of the day at my
office adjoining the law office of A. Proud fit,
over the Htorc of Juque? A Johnson, Third Ht.,
Mucon, Oa., to attend to all Magisterial busi
IMIK PROPRIETOR Superintend# the Pres
. cription department In person, and iibch
the PUREST and KKKBHKHT medicine* that
can he procured, and would Hiy to every one in
hi* .portion of the city, that they (shall have
I)ruj{H and Medicine* a* frc*h und a* cheap a*
they cun be bought in the city. He would ud
viae all who are laboring under chill* and fever
or Liver derangement, to u*e id* “Remedy for
Chills and Hi*ea*es of the Liver,” and will
warrant it in every ca*c where the direction*
are hone*tly followed.
Lamp Chimney*, Cigar* and Tobacco alway*
on hund.
N. ■>. I2VKRKTT,
Ih'iiK iMt,
151 -159 Fourth Street, near Arch.
c;. w. iiowauo,
Offlc at entrance of Ralston Hall, Cherry street
I-ajTAII business will receive prompt atten
tion. 95-173
Ilarne*), Saddles, Collars, Horde Equip
ment* and Clotlilng Generally.
ALSO a fall aiwortmentof LEATHER of al
kind*, Enameled Cloth, etc.
saddlers and Harness Maker* Hardware and
T C*Mh paid for HTDEB, FURS, SKINS, WAX,
WOOL sud TALLOW. 5-103
* _
Grain, Provisions and Groceries,
‘Have now in stop- n fpsli Stock of Good*, and Invito tin: attention of the Public.
190,000 potinda BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, direct'from the Packers.
25 tierces of the genuine “MAGNOLIA” II AMR.
20 tlcrccs PURE LEAF LAUD.
500 Rolls BAGGING, weighing 2 , :yfpnund* to the Yard.
■■A If BtO W ” r T I ll] N„
25 Bags Choice RIO COFFEE.
50 lilila. SUGAR of various graeds.
Wo have now a good Stock, ami respectfully invite the attention of all who desire to pnr
chiiaii goods in our line.
Entire satisfaction is guaranteed to our customers.
Please call on us at
63 Third Street, Macon, Ga, Sip of The “Golden flm,”
SI > Y October Ist the undersigned will remove
1 > to Intersection of First street aud Cotton
Avenue, Dixie Works side, where he will bears-
I pared to supply his customers, and the public
I Giving my personal attention to the business,
with a thorough knowledge of the same, to
gether with a dispoalti n to please, I flatter
myself that I can and will give entire satisfac
tion to all favoring tne with their patronage.
Until the Ist or October, I can be found at
my old stand on Cotton Avenue, njqwsite Tri-
ri MI AT ull-importunt event, the election, having passed away, and the “ times that tried men's
I souls " liuve merged Into the “ piping times of peace” , and Winter has been ushered lu
among twitter of birds and music of the leaves as they fall to the ground; and the Bummer hav
ing fuded away and I,lie weather reduced to something agreeable, I have to announce to my nu
merous and beloved patrons that I have recently returned from an extended trip to New Ysrk,
Philadelphia, Poughkeepsie.and, and other celebrated markets, where I purchased,
and have now in my store, the largest lot of
M aooDiEsr
Ever brought to Macon, consisting in part of Hugar, Coffee, New York Canvassed Hams and
Breakfast Bacon Lard, Butter, Canned Fruit, Jellies, Pickles, Ruislns, Nuts, Apples. Lemons,
Cabbages, Unions, Potatoes, Crackers Cheese, Spiced Hams, Bologna Sausages, and—well it
would bike me all day to write wlmt I have got, and It would fill tills paper bo full that Smith
wouldn t have a local for a week. It is almost unnecessary for me to mention the faetthat lam
prepared, as ever, to supply Oysters and Shell-fish of all kinds, from a Crab to a Greeleyoyster.
The finest Fish, fresh and on lee, Is kept by me, and sold ut living rates.
In view of the fact that the people of Macon, and those visiting Macon, arc determined to eat
whether they act anything good or not, I have prepared myself for the emergency, by making
ample arrangements to have my
Supplied with the very best this and other markets can afford. That popular dish, “Birds ou
Toast" being my own Invention, the people can always find the same at my restaurant. To
gether with my polite corps of waiters, tills branch of my business will receive the patronage
of nil of my old customers, and, I hope, many new ones. My restaurant Is, as Is well known,
supplied w ith the very best
that could be found Therefore, gentlemen and ladles, having laid before you what I have on
hand and wishing you all the best luck and that I can suit you In your purchases from me f
must close this letter. If at any time I can serve, you, you have but to command me or my
corps of attentive and obliging clerks, and >ou will be made liappy. Thanking yon for past
favors, I am tenderly yours,
; Macon Weekly Enterprise,
ON or about the first week In October,
wc will issue from tills office the first hum-
Large, Live, Weekly Paper!
It will contain all the the Telegraphic news
of the week, and the latest reliable information
on all subjects and from all parts of the world.
In its editorial department will be found dis
cussions of all the
live issues
of the. times. Particular attention will be giv
en to the advancement of Science, Art, and
Literature; wl lie all Interesting events and
authentic progress of the political world will
he faithfully presented.
One Year *} jj®
Six Months 1 w
Invariably in advance.
CT“N subscription taken for ls than six
HTNow Is the time to subscribe. SrECi-
Change of Schedule.
1 Office Macon and Augusta Railroad, I
Macon, May 18, 1872. j
ON and after Sunday, May 19, 1872, and un
til further notice, the trains on this Road
will run as follows;
Leave Augusta 11.00 a. m.
Leave Macou 6 30 a. m.
Arrive at Augusta 3.45 P. M.
Arrive at Macon 7.40 p. M.
ftf Passengers leaving Macon at 6.30 A. u
make close connection at Camak with day pas
senger trains on the Georgia Railroad for At
lanta and all points West; also, for Augusta,
with trains going North, and with trains for
Charleston ; also, for Athens, Washington, and
all stations on the Georgia KallroaY
KSf*Tickcta sold and baggage ebuxed to all
points North, both by rail and by steamships
from Charleston.
24 lv 8. K. JOHNSON Suo’t.
.1. J. ABRAMS.
Collections promptly attended to sod
money remitted at oaee. P, O. Box >.