Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 19, 1872, Image 4

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The Daily Enterprise. | M G 1.. 0 T. 19. IX?. ROCHEFORT. T’nAMlI IN TUI! LIKE OK A FUKNdI A<II TATOII. M. Henri lloclictort i tUc modern man with tbe iron mask. Like the traditional brotbor of a French king he is brought in to prominence only U> be withdrawn into n darker seclusion He stood over the body of Napoleon, and, us another Anthony hanging about the bloody remains of Ctessr. conjured the people to be long-suf fering while bo meant to incite them to niuuity. He sent liia revolutionary Lan tame, tired with fierce und dangerous light, into the very precincts of the palace. He stood the embodiment of a French Neme sis in the midst of the terrible bombard ment of I’aris. and handed to Ids colabo rers torch after torch to send the infuriate tlaines crackling, scorching and devouring the very heart of the metropolis bepiofees ed to love with the devotion ofu woman. Defiantly resitting the Vcrsailles Govern ment, he found himself a prisoner of the energetic old man who had chiefly devo id his life to the gracos of historic litcra lure. And today, a convicted man, Roch efort is seen no more by tiie French peo ple. Thu prison iu which lie fuiuinates by duy and sleeps by ldglil is unknown to ids Confrere, who have the good for tune to escape a convict's cell and the swift vengeance of the successful parly. The Frcueh Government and the Jailor alone know the present habitation <>! M. Henri Rochefort. Meanwhile, whether fate bos ordained it for better or for worse, discreditable passages in (lie life of the great whilom agitator have come to light. The tale is so well told that we do not care to abridge it. He earned $6,000 to 8. 000 a year before lie begun to publish La Luiiturne This pe riodical poured into Ids pocket $2 500 clear profit every week. ($130,000 ii ye n I making Ids total annual income (130.000 a year at the least He had Ids wash-stand furuisliud with pitcher, basin, tooth brush box. idl of solid silver. Ills walls were bung with pictures, for wnich lie psiil a great deal and which boro the names of tne immortal musters of palming True, that at the sale they went lor noth hig but Rochefort's Is not Hie only cabinet of piclurss valued nt a fortune by its col lector and (old for n song by Its auction eer. He lavished money on some of the most extravagant women of I'nris. Mean while his lather languished in a garret with no window but a skylight, allowed only one caudle a week and fed—you may imagine bow poorly, after 1 tell you $250 covered all the expenses, lodging*, table lights aud fuel for the sordid lioiirdiug bouse situated nt 210 Reu dti Faubourg. St. Antoine. Rochefort never visited bis father aud never sent Idm money. There is some mystery about the father's marital relations. w ♦- Crime in London. The latest exhibitions at London courts •lionr a swelling in the broud, dark undei currents of society that is significant and alarming. There have been more mur ders there wilbiu thu last twelve months than for the same period in many years before, while the offenses against prop erty, which are committed rather try cun ning and fraud tbau by open violence have displayed a remarkable increase Some of the crimes are peculiar. A case of murder involved John Miucx and his wife, in the starvation of a four-yeur old child, done in the emaciating process, which was their slock iu trade as profes sional beggars, lor exciting sympathy, A i simian, who rau over ami killed a little lmy, was sentenced to two month's im prisonment, slid a man accused by the Society foi Dir Prevention of Cruelty to Auinmls of abusing u cat, received the same sentence So that cats and hoys rank together at Did Hailey. William Ridley was Indicted for cutting the throat of his wife, hut did it in such uu unwork manlike manner Hint the woman recover ed enough to come Inter ceurt mid swear that she iutlicled the wounds upon her self. A youpg married mini was arraign ed on the very peculiar charge o( forging a divorce from ills wife iu order to induce another woman to marry him, and sen tenced to aiglileeii months' imprisonment A clerk Iu comfortable circumstances and without excuse deprived bis employers by forgery of SIO,OOO. while two robbers who stole sls from a man received three times as long confinement with the "cm" thrown iu. Tnic TiiUK Gnu*. —The true girl Im. to he sought for, Site iloes not parade tier self an allow goods. She is not laahlonv hie. Generally the is not rich Hot. oil! wlist a heart she lias wheu you llml her ' so large amt pure, uml womanly ! When you see It you wonder if those showy things outside were really women. If you gain her leve your two thousand are a million, Shell not nsk you for a carriage or a first-class house. She'll wear simple dresses, amt turn them when necessary, with no vulgar tempt (treat to flown upon her economy Pile'll keep everything neat and uieu iu your sky parlor, and glie you such a welcome wheu yan come home that you'll think your parlor higher than ever She'll entertain true friends on a dollar, and astonish you wilh Hie now thought how very little happiness depends on money. She'll make you love home, yif you don't you are a brute.! ami teach you how to pity, while you acorn, a poor lashionahle society that thinks itself rich, and vainly tries to thiuk itself happy. Now do not, 1 pray you, say more. -1 cau't afford to marry.’’ Go aud find the true woman, and you can. Throw away that cigar, burn up that switch cane, be sensible yourself, and acek your w ife In a sensible way —J}r. Vrctby it the Amocia tion Mortify. A Plucky Gtiu*.—We are indebted to Mr. W. R Wheeler for an interesting ac count of a youug lady killing a huge rat tlesnake. She was coming from the spring a hen she saw the snake, aud seeing at once that it was a very large and danger ous rattlesnake, she went to her father's house near by and got a shot gun. and re gardless of the waruiugs of a brother, who by this time was on hand, that the gun would kick her down, she tired at his r.akeshlp, severing Its head from its body. The snake, when measured, was found to te six feet nine ineliea in length, taeivo inches in circumference, and six inches in diameter. It had twenty two rattles and one button. Thia is Tory commendable pluck for a young lady iu this day—very few would have displayed at much proseuce of mind and courage. It waa killed on the fifth of this month a few mile* sooth of here Lumpkin TtUprajth JNO. B. WEEMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE ON Sd STREET OVER I*. H. RANDAL'N KTORE. 2t-m r^Mc^ Tills unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mmu UKT, or any injurious niim ral substance, but is I*l ik i:is 1 v i:• kt % illsi:. For FORTY YEARS it has proved Its great nlMin all dlaeaacs of the Liv kk, !• - II -and Kionkvh Thousand* of the good and great In all parti of the country vouch for it* wonder ful and peculiar power in purifying thr Blood. stimulating the torpid and, and Imparting new Life und Vigor to the whole rya- Urm. HIM MON’S LI VKK REG U LAT( )K Is ac knowledged to have no equal an :i It contains four medical elements, never uni ted iu the same, happy proportion in any other preparation, viz ; a gentle Cathartic, n wonder ful Tonic, un unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of ail impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its qlc, tliat it is now regarded ** the Great I iifailina for Livbu CoMPLifNi and the painful otlstirlng thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CON;VIIPA TH )N, .Jaundice, Millions attacks, HICK lIKAJ) ACJIIK, Colic. D< prt -rion of HpiriU HOCK STOMACH, llcart liuni, *Jtc., A:\ Regulate the Liver andj*rcvent m SIMMONS’ Li VKK KF.GULATOK Is manufactured by .1. ii. ?.i:ii.i'* a co., MACON, GA., and IMI!LADKLFIIIA. Price *1 per package; sent hynudl, postage paid, ♦ l.'JT*. 1 Venn red ready for use in bottle-, *1 f.O HOl.f> BY ALL DKECGISTS. 2if Be ware of ull Counterfeits and imitations. 1 MACON Prti Gas Cos. IIAVK KOK BALIC TJIK ONLY Reliable (Lis Machine KNOWN, Together with CAR PIPE, EIXITRES, BERNERS, SHADES, GLOBES, ETC., ETC. f Kills MACHINE lias been in practical ope -1 ration in 'l’ll 18 CITY for nwarlv two years anil is admirably adapted to lighting Towns, Villages, Hotels, Churches, Houses, etc. There arc now running in the United State* over Srv rn Hntidrtd, wlule there lias kkvkr been an ac eldent with them. Insurance Companies ac cept risks without Increased charges. LOOK AT ODR REFERENCES. Rev. \V. WATKIN HICKS. First Street Mcthmliftt Church. Moften. J. W. BURKE Ac CO. Rev. J. W. BURKE. VIRGIL POWERS, F.*<|, Engineer anil Su perintendent. K. ISAACS. J. R. GRIFFIN tV CO. J. 8. SCHOFIELD CO. LESBKKB OF DINING lIAI.I AND BAR ROOM. IVutrul City Park COLLINS V HEATH. N. J. BUSSEY, Eh<p, Pivfthlcnt, Columb.u*, t*A. J. 11. NICUOLS, Nurcoochee. J. H. JOHNSON, M. 1> . o. M. F. A. M., TutUudogn, Ain. CIIAS. F. WAKEFIEuD, Havtuuah, (sa. And nuuierou* otlien#, whose testimonial* may lx* seen at the oflice of the Company. Ao.(lftK|'COADKr. Jl U O\,iin. Ail comnmnii'aUonft must be addressed to rOtVAIIB ICOWE, • Box 05, I*. O. Agent* wanted In every county In the State. U4U-155e0d IUII.KOAD TIME SCHEDULE. C'tango of Schedule. MTKRINTKNDENTS OFFICE. 1 South \Yktkkk Kaiiuoad Cos., > Mtuou, Ga., June 111, 1871. J (\N ami after Sunday, Inst,, Fuaftuncir f Train* on till* Hoad, will Iks run a* fol lows ; DAT KUFAI 1 \ I'ASwKXGKH TWAIN Li’ftvv Macon sOO a. m. Arrive at Kufaula 4 i\ m Arrive at Clavtun ft: 15 r. m Arrive at Albany *J:4O v. m. Arrive at Fori Gainu* 4:40 p. m Connecting with the Albany Branch Train at Stuillivillc ami with Fort Gaiur* Branch Train hi Cutbbvrt Hally. Leave Clavton . . 7:00 a. m. Leave Kunnla . SSO a. m Leave Flirt Gaiuca 8:85 a. m. Leave Albany 10:45 a m. Arrive at Macon . . . 5:95 p. m Sir AULA JflOlIT FREIOUT AND ACCOMMODA TION TRAIN. 1-oftve Macon .... ftlO p. m. Arrive at Kufaula 10:90 a. m. Arrive at Albany . 0:45 a. m. Airive at Fort . 11:59 a. u. Connect t SmlthvtUe with Albany Train on Monday.Tuoaday, Thursday and FriJav night*, and at Cuthberl on Tuesday and Thuaaday.— No train leaves on Saturday night*. Leave Kufaula . .* 5:15 p. m. Leave Albanv s 40 p. m. Leave Tort Gaines 110 p. m Arrive at Macon s jo a. m. coldsm * DAT pansengur train. Leave M icon 5 x M Arrive at Columbus 11:15 a. u . Leave Columbus . . 410 r! *t. Arrive at Miaou \ 5 | M VIKGIL p6H'KKB. Cl 4 l> Engineer and Superintendent DR* 11. F. <.HIG(.S, i \rrU'K OUI M K. K c- a UoV., Con* V / ft-ctiviuary ston*. Residence, l v lum street* opposite Georvc S O boar's. oetTlm. BOARD. UAY bosrd and board and lodging in a pri- ' vat honsc, can be bad by appiving to " D. Kaincv on Walnut strwt, Macon. Bcpt. 12.1*72 IS7-162 ' THE ENTERPRISE JOB * B S *f* S *f C ESTABLISHMENT 18 NOW PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL KINDS OF PRINTING! SUCH AS CAKDS, RILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, BILLS OF FARE, NOTE HEADS, INVITATION CARDS, HAND BILLS, DODGERS, ETC., ETC., And in u stylo equal to any. Extensive additions are daily being made to our STOCK AND MATERIAL Wit.i . very effort will be made to render satisfaction unto all who may favoi us with their pataonage. PROMPTNESS! IN TIIE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF ALL WORK. CHEAPNESS! AT AS REASONABLE PRICES AS CAN BE DONE SOUTH OF MASON AND DIXON’S LINE. NEATNESS! OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN THIS PARTICULAR, AND WE CHALLENGE THE STATE TO EXCEL US. Address, I dnoH Wing tV ?Sinitli, PROPRIETORS, MACON, GA. PRINTING It liitk Ihh‘ll the custom heretofore, and will probably remain so to a great extent, for our merchants aud business men generally to send North to have their priuting done, simply because it can be done there at a little lower figure than here. If our people would discontinue patronizing such men, they would soon see the policy, if not the jus tice, in having their work done at home. Calicos are not manufactured in the South, and hence the merchant must send where it is made, but here we have printing offices all around us, doing work at a very small advance on northern prices, and still the work is sent away. We hope the time is not for distant when our merchants will awake to their in terests and patronize home institutions. It is a wrong practice and should bp condemned. BOSTON —AND— Savannah Steamship Line. SAILING DAYS—EVERY SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH. LOW rates of freight and insurance. First class passenger accommodations. Order your goods shipped by “Boston and Savannah Steamship Line.'’ and avoid all delay and extra handling. RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Agent, Savannah, tia. F. NICKERSON A CO., Agents, 181-209 Boston. J. A. MERCIER, Commission Merchant, 153 BAY STRUCT, Bet. Whitaker and Barnard St., Savannah, Ga All orders will receive promptattention Con signment* of all kinds respectfully solicited. 131-309 boit & McKenzie, Cotton ant Commission 'MERCHANTS, lOM Hay Ntrert, Natnnnnh, Ga. 131-209 MEYER, COHEN &. CO.. WHOLESALE DEALERS IS Boots and Shoes. -It* Uronglilon St.,Savannah, Ga Merchant* supplied at New York Market 13120'.) Prices. A. S. AI.DENi A BKO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS —AND— Dealers iii Fruits, Fish and l’rodnce, No. 95 Bay St., Suvannah, Ga. Consignments solicited. Order* promptly attended to. 131-209 E. D. SMYTHE, IMPORTER OF CROCKERY, Glassware and China, And Healer in House Furnishing Goods, 142 Congress and 141 St. Julian Sts. SAVANNAH, GA. 131-209 F. W. SIMS <fc CO;, Cotton Factors and General Commission Merchants SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Bagging and Tics supplied at market prices. Advances made on CottoD, or other consign ment*. Money promptly remitted. 131-209 A. H. CHAMPION. GEO. C. FREEMAN. CHAMPION A FREE.MA>, Commission Merchants Corner Bay and Drayton Street*, SAVANNAH, GA, 131-209 L. N. WHITTLE. GEO. W. GCBTIN. WHITTLE A GFBTIN, ATTORNEYS, Ac.. AT LAW, NO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. 32-107 Pulaski House, savannah, ga.. JNO. W. CAMERON & CO., PROPRIETORS. A first class house in every respect, 131-209 ICE! ICE! ICE ! ICE one cent a pound as usual. No rise in price now or hereafter. W. P. CAKLOS, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, DEALER IN ICE, FRUITS, FISH, ETC., Mulberry Street, opposite Lanier House, 68-tf Macon, Ga. NOTICE. HAVING recently refitted the old stand of Geo. D. Lawrence, near the Brown House, I am now prepared to furnish REFRESH MENTS to the public. 100-177 Z. B. WHEELER. ANNUAL FAIR —OF THK— Agricultural and Mechanical ASSOCIATION OP GEORGIA, WII.L commence at their Fair Grounds at Savannah, Georgia, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1872, And continue six days. The central Railroad passes by the grounds. For Premium Listor information, address J. H. ESTILL, Secretary, 183-td Savannah, Ga. Arrival and Closing of .'Hailn. „ Arrive. Close. Macon & Augusta R. R. Way and MilledgevUle 7:40 P. M. 7p. a.. Augusta and Carolinas 7p.m. Macon & Brunswick 2:35 P. m. 7a. m Macon and Atlanta and West ern States (Night Train).,7:SoA. M. 4:3opm (Day Train) 6:I0r. u. 6:loam Muscogee R. R. Way Colnm „ b “ 8 •••••" 6p. m. 7p. M. 8. W. R. K. (Day Train) 4:35 p. m. 7A. M. Americus and Enfaula (Night Tram) 7 p.m. C. R. R. Way Savannah and Northern (Day Tram) 4:51 p. M. 7A. M. Northern. Savannah and Ea ton (Night Train) 5:15 a. m. 5:20 p M Hawkinsville daily (Sundays excepted.... 10:30a. h. 2p m Clinton—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.! ]2m. 12:30 p > Jeffersonville and Twiggs ville, Wednesday 7a m Wednesday 2:25 p. BY BREAD WE LIVE THE undersigned has established a first class BAKERY where onr citizens can obtain bread that is bread. My wagon will supplv citizens at their residences. I use only the best flour and materials generally 133-H3 ‘MARK ISAACS. L. T. WHITCOMB, AgU IMPORTER AND DEALER IN West Mia Fruits, Vetetata, HAT. GRAIN, HAT, ETC., 99 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 107185 Bui'ding L t Eor Sale O irUATED near Tatnall Square, within a O few steps of Mercer UaWersitv. Address K. C.,"80x K., Macon. C,a. WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS FOR COUGHS, COLDS A HOARSENESS. These Tablet* present the Acid In Combtna ti_>n with other efficient remedies, In a popular form, for the cure of all THROAT and LUNG Diseases. HOARSENESS and ULCERATION of the THROAT are immediately relieved and statements arc constantly being sent to the proprietor of relief in coses of throat difficul ties of years statanding. CAUTION—Don’t be deceived by worthless Imitations. Get only Wells’ Carbolic Tablets. Price 25c per Box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St. N. Y. Send for Circular. Sole Agent for the U. S. rtUfjjrrvA MONTH easily made with Stencil JjPaiDUand Kcv-Cfccek Dies. SecureClrcu lar and Samples, free. 8. M. Spencer, Brattle boro, Vt. rib -j Amade from 50c. Call and examine or 12 <SPI\J Samples sent (postage free) for 50c. lhat retail quick for <lO K. L WOLCOTT, 181 Chatham Square. N. Y. Tim Ibitf For Agent*. Work at home x lIC “I “ 4 ur traveling. Ca*h pay.Partic r I ulars freeAddres at once Our IHKC Fireside Friend, Chicago. f-a day to Agents, selling Campaign Bad ep Uges, for ladies & gent* as breast & scarf pins,gold plated with photog’s of Presiden’l Candidates. Samples mailed free for 30 cents. McKav & Cos., 93 Cedar St. N. Y. Horace Greeley and Family. An elegant Eugraviug, perfect likeness, 22x28 in sent by mail sl, also Campaign Goods, 1 silk Grant Badge & 1 plated 25c. Sample latest styles Wedding cards. Notes, &c 200. \ Demo kest, Engraver, 182 Broadway, N. Y. FREE TO AGENTS. A prospectus of the People’s Standard Bible, 550 illustrations,will be sent free to all book agents. Send name and address to ZIEGLER A McCURDY, 581 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ut)YNCIIOIIANCY or SOFT. A I’ll A R MING.*’ How either sex may fascinate and gain the love A affections of any person they choose, instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess,free,by mail for2scts. together with a marriage guide,Egyp tian Oracle, Dreams, Hint* to Ladies, etc. A queer, exciting book. 100.000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM & CO., Pubs., Phila. I’O Tilt. WORKING CLASS, A male or female, *OO a week is guaranteed. Respectable employment at home, day or eve ning; no capital required; full instructions and valuable package of goods to start with sent by mail. Address with 6 cent return stamp. M. YOUNG A CO., 16 Courtlandt St, New York. DUTY OFF TEAS Extra Inducements for Clubs ! SEND FOR NEW CLUB CIRCULAR! which contains full explanations of premiums, etc. THE WAY TO OBTAIN OUR GOODS! T>ERSON3 living at a distance from New JL York, can club together, and get them at the same price as we sell them at our Ware houses in New York. In order to get up a club, let each person wishing to join say how much Tea he wants, and select the kind and price from our Price List, as published in our circulars. Write the names, kinds and amounts plainly on a list, and when the club is complete send it to us by mail, and we will put each party’s goods in separate packages, and mark th name upon them, with the cost, bo there need be no confusion in distribution each party getting exactly what he orders, and no more. The funds to pay for goods ordered can be sent by drafts on New York, Postofflce money orders, or by express; or, we will. If desired, send the goods by Express, to “ collect on delivery." THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., 31 A 33 Vesey Street, P. 0. Box 5643. New York City. BWB 11 BLOOD PURIFIER 11 u i* uul a ~11, aie a men may give temporary reliefto the sufferer for the 11 rut few doses, but a hleh, from continued ÜBe brings Piles and kindred diseases to aid in weakening the inval id, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, under the popular name of “Bitters” is so extensively palmed offon the public as soveregn remedies, but itis a most powerful Tonic and alferalive, pronounced so by the leading medical authorities of London and Paris, ana tas been long used by the regular physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial re suits. Ur. Well’s Extract of Jinltla, retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and must be taken as a permanent cura tive agent. I* their want of action In jroar l-iver and kpleen Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin dis ease, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pim ples, &c., &c. Take Jnriibeba to cleanse, purify and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. Have you a Dyspeptic hlomuch ? Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weak ness or Lassitude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor to the weary suf ferer- Have yon Weakneasofthe In testines? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dreadful inflammation of the Bowels. Take to allay irritation and ward off tenden cy to inflammations. Have yon weakness of the U terine or Urinary Organs? You must procure instant relief or you are liable to suffering worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life becomes a burden. Finally it should be frcqnently taken to keep the Bystem in perfect health or you are other wise in great danger of malarial, miasmatic or contagious diseases. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt SL, New York, Bole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per bottle Send for Circular. THOMSON’S WORLD RENOWNED PATENT GLOVE FITTING CORSET No CORSET has ever enjoyed sneha world wide popularity. The demand for them is constantly increas ing, because THEY GIVE UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION! Arc Handsome, Durable, Economical and A PERFECT FIT. Ask for THOMSON’S GENUINE GLOVE FITTING, every Corset being stamped with the uamc THOMSON, and the trade-mark a Crown. Mold toy all FirM*Cln*i Dcaierai. 142-167.' THE "LIGHT BUHNUIfi"4 A It don't pay you to light M Wjffp -JM the best rna- ■ F J I . JM&A I’rove iaiiu- |*yßS ' Address “DOMESTIC" s. M. CO.. 96 Chambers St., New York, or Atlanta. Ga 122-200 MACON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wholesale Grocer*, Ac. BURDICK BROTHERS. Third Street, be tween Cherry und Poplar. tf WA. HUFF, Third Street, corner Cherry • street. u LAWTON A BATES, Fourth street, next to Lawton & Willinghams. if A. MAGRATH, Hollingsworth Block, • Poplar street, near Fourth. 36-tf Druggists. GEO. PAYNE, opposite Palace of Justice, Macon, Ga. 50-70 RB. HALL, corner of Cherry and Cotton • Avenue. tf UNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, No. 82 andß4 Cherry-street. • tf JNO. INGALLS, comer Poplar aud Fourth street, Hollingsworth block. 36-tf Fancy Grocers. WP. CARLOS, No. 86, Mulberry-street, • opposite the Lanier House. tf Hewing Machine*. RJ. ANDERSON, Howe Sewing Ma . chine. Cotton Avenue. 63tf 1 I ia_,i ■■ll—; 1 _ Hotel*. Brown house—e. e. brown a son, Proprietors, Opp Passenger Depot, tf SPOTSWOOD— T. n. HARRIS, Opposite Passenger Depot. tf House and Nign Painter*. WYNDHAM & CO., under Spotswood Hotel. tf Attorney* at Taw. JOHN B. WEEMS, Office, Ralston’s block, over Hasdai's. tf B. WOOTEN, Office, 88 Washington * block, up stairs. tf B. GERRY, Office, Court House AO. BACON, Office, 86 Cherry-street. • 36-tf lIOMAS B. GRESHAM, office No. 94 Mu! berry street if HITTLE A GUBTIN, office No. 3 Cotton Avenue. Plxyviclan*. T W. MASON, Office, over First National . Bank. tf Jewelers and Watch Maker*. JH. OTTO, under Spotswood Hotel. t tf ——l^ House Furnishing Govds Stoves, Ac. OLIVER, DOUGLASS & CO., Third Street, between Cherry and Mulberry. tf Shoe Healers. MIX A KIRTLAND, 8 Cotton Avenue, 66 Third Street. tf Furniture, Ac. WA E. P. TAYLOR, corner of Cotton ■ Avenue and Cherry-streets. tf Harness, Ac. BERND BROS., Third Street, between Cherry and Mulberry-streets. tf Bookseller*, Stationers, Ac. gROWN A Cos., 46 Second Street. Husic, Ac. RJ. ANDERSON, Music, Cotton Avenue. 63 tf GUILFORD, WOOD A CO., 84 Mulberry Street. Hardware. CARHART & CURD, No. 65 and 67 Cherry Street. 48tf Dr. Crook’s Wineof Tar. *lO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Dr. Crook’s WINE TAB To have more merit than any similar prepara tion ever offered to the pnblic. It is rich in the medicinal qual ities of Tar, aud unequaled for diseas es of the Throat and Lnngs. per forming the most remarkable cures. Coughs, Colds, Chronic Coughs, It effectually cures them all. Asthma and Bronchitis. Has cured so many cases it has been pronounced - specific for these complaints. For pains in Breast Side or Back Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Liver Complain It has no equal. It is also a superior Tonic. Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to’Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and; Indigestion, Prevents Malarious Fevers, Gives tone to your System. Tr- Dr. Crook’s Wineof Tar. PURIFY YOtJH BLOOD. 1 For Scrofula, Scrofu- J lous Diseases of the ® Eyes, or Scrofula in any form. Any disease or eruption of fx*" the Skin, disease of the Liver, "S-ft Rheumatism, Pimples, Old Sores, Ulcers, Broken-down Constitutions, Syphilis, or any disease depending on a deprav ed condition of the blood, try DR. CROOK’S rM STREP OF mPoke Root. gjf/' It has the medical property jytf of Poke combined with a pre paration ol Iron which goes at •/ once into the blood, perform ing the most rapid and wonderful cures. A9k your Druggist for Dr. Crook’s Com pound Syrup of Poke Root—take it and be healed. DOWIE, MOISE & DATI3, Charleston, S C., Wholesale Agent. 81-Iy For Dr Crook’s Remedies BQA]RD IT will be to the interest of boarders to PP'T to this office, as reasonable board aad pleas ant np stain rooms can be obtained for the summer months in a delightful portion of ths cfltv.