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About Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1872)
I iINESj Wing & Smith, Proprietors, ■form* of WntoncrSpUon* One Year qq SH>: Months t> . Tiu'ee Months >,variably in (w'voncc. •1 o city subscribers tj the month, Seventy-live cents served by curriers. ,t! Republican Democratic Ticket. for President : HORACE GREELEY, OF NEW YORK. For Vice I*rcidenl : B. GRATZ BROWN. OP MIBSOUBI. resale Eilectorul 'firliel. roll STATE AT LA HOE, Prlneinals. Alternates. W. T wo four), A. 11. 001.QUITT, TI. U. BESNtXG, F.LT WAUUI'A, ,u i.n\’ if w it!no”, a. ii. iia.v f.i„ W YMUNGTON POE. GEO. D. Rh ■■ DHTIUCT EI.KCTOUS. 1 H. (i. TURNER, 1. J. RIVERS, -• v EI,Y. a. A- I- HAWES, W. .1. HUDSON, }'■ V- SMmi. 4. J AMES M PACE, tl. t. NEW MX, 5 A. it. CASEY, f). A. M. RODGFRtj .1 V. DORSEY. i 1,. J. ALLRhi), E. D GRAHAM, 7. R. A. ALSTON. for Conßrew. JAMES BC. -BlsOUl* , SIXTH CON G R ESS ION AI DISTRICT. For RcpresfiiUitive from the oi l Fourth Dis trict to Jill the vacancy in the Congress oeca r ioned by the death of lion. T. J. Speer, COL. fl. W. BECK, OF SPALDING COUNTY. .•s .•petal election, 39th October instant. Mu. Frank J. Hekkington is our only authorize* City Agent, and lie is duly em powered to solicit work for this office, and subscriptions to the Enterprise. li t. Charles L. jMize, book and news dealer, is our authorized agent in Dawson, Ga. Mr. W. S. Deidrick, Southern Express Company Office, is our authorized Agent at Smithville. J. L Tucker is our authorized ngcutat Fort Gaines. I. N. Seymore, of Byington's Hotel, is our authorized Agent at Griffin. TIIE DUEL. THE FACTS AND SOME ADDITIONAL PAR TICULARS—ARREST OF A SECOND AND PRESENT CONDITION OF THE WOUNDED MAN. The unfortunate duel that occurred Fri day afternoon inis excited much interest. It may he well to review the facts as they appear. It was charged that Mr. Wallace Has kell pinched a young lady’s arm at the Episcopal Bazaar one evening last week She was walking with Colonel J. It. Hart, of Tliomaston. She stated that she was insulted, and requested Col. Hart to call Mr. Houston Force. Col. Hart did so, and left them together. Mr. Haskell and Mr, Force had a conversation about it, which scents to have been unsatisfactory. Their statements conflict. Mr. Haskell states that he apologized. Mr. Force says he told Mr. Haskell the lady would take no apology. While conversing, Col. Hart approached them and suggested a post ponement of the matter. Mr. Haskell shook his finger in Col. Hart’s face and said lie did not recognize him in the matter. Col. Ilart left and went to the National Hotel and sent for Haskell. Mr. Haskell and Mr. Force parted in dissatisfaction with each other. COL. HART AND MR. IIASKKLL MET At the National Hotel that night, and their misunderstanding was settled, Mr Haskell apologizing for his bluntness. But in this interview with Colonel Ilart, Mr. Haskell spoke severely of Mr. Force, and also of the young lady. This was reported to Mr. Force, who, acting on it, prepared himself with a stick and attacked and beat Mr. Haskell the next morning, on Whitehall street. Pistols were drawn, but not used, and the parties were disarmed by their friends and separated. THE CHALLENGE. Mr. Ilaskell challenged Mr. Force, se lecting Mr. Townsend as his second. Col. Hart, for Mr. Force, declined to recognize Mr. ilaskell as a gentleman, but offered any satisfaction to Mr. Townsend. The latter gentleman took the place of his principal and sent a notice by Mr. Joseph .Smith. It seems that Col. Half and Mr. Smith have had a difficulty before, and Col. Hart declined to receive any commu nication through Mr Smith. Upon this, Mr. Haskell published the correspondence, denouncing Mr. Force as a coward. Mr. Smith's note of his transaction with Col. Hart denounces that gentleman. This correspondence was sent to the Constitution, but was not published, as none of the parties brought it. Mr. Force published a counter-card. Col. Ilart was taken sick and was una ble to take further part in the affair, being prevented by his physician. Mr. Crutch lield took his place as Mr. Force's friend, and Mr. Wallace took Mr. Smith’s place as Mr. Townsend’s friend. HOW THE MEETING WAS ARRANGED. The following is a statement of an eye witness to the duel: He said that no writ ten correspondence took place between Force and Townsend. The understanding was—so if is reported—that the fight was to take place between George Wallace and Col. Hart, Col. Hurt was sick and not present It is said that Townsend insisted that Wallace should not fight. The weap ons were double-barrelled shot guns—new one;. Townsend’s was a breech-loader. It is not definitely known who selected the weapons, or loaded the guns. THE MEETING. The parties proceeded to a little grove in front of the main entrance to the Ceme terv. on Fair street. Mr. Crutchfield who acted as Mr, Force's second, and .Mr. Wal lace, who acted as Mr. Townsend’s second, stepped off about forty paces and placed their principals in position. Mr. Crutch fie'J, Mr. Bedell and others, it is stated, endeavored to atop further proceedings, w ithout avail. Townsend is reported by our informant to have been too much un der the influence of liquor. It is said that Mr. Force asked for twenty four hours, in jus!ice to Coi. Hart. This wu; refused unless put in writing. Townsend *asked if his gun Wa3 cocked. Gentlemen insist ed that Townsend should be instructed, but this was refused. The question w T as asked, "Gentlemen, are you ready ?” The word "fire “ was not given, neither was the word “stop. 1 after the words “one — two—three.” Mr. liedell cried out that wrong, and insisted that the word should he given correctly. Mr. Force fired a few seconds after the word “three.” Mr. Townsend fell upon receiving the wounds mentioned yesterday. As he fell, his gun was discharged in adirvetion con trary to where Force was standing. Mr. Force went lip to Townsend and expressed regrets that he (T.) had not returned his (F’s) fire, and assisted in getting the wounded man in a carriage. WARRANTS OUT. Warrants are out for Mr. Force and the seconds, whose whereabouts we do not know. After the light Mr. Force and Mr. Townsend are said to have made friends. It is one of the most complicated affiiirs that ever occurred under the Code. The fighting was between two gentlemen who had no grudge against each other, and who fought under a technical rule of the Code that makes a second responsible for his prlii'"pal This iiioc'.iiig \\ as stimulated by the unfortunate position in which Mr. Force was placed from Mr. Townsend s friend, Mr. Smith being hostile to Col. Hart liis own friend, and the seaming appearance of His avoiding to respond to Townsends call after a notice to that gentleman that a demand from him would be answered. Doth Mr. Townsend ami Mr. Foice p pear to have acted unexcepiionfioly upon the ground, neither showing any lack of nerve. We would caution all persons against any hasty conclusions, because where there is so much shrouded hi mys tery, much wrong may done to the par- ' ties involved. MR. GEO. WALLACE ARRESTED Mr. ,1 ownsend's second, Mr. Wallace was arrested by the police last night about 7 o'clock, on the corner of Whitehall and Marrietta streets. CONDITION OP THE WOUNDED MAN. Mr. J 11. Townsend, at a late hour last night, was in as favorble a condition as could be expected, His mind was perfect ly clear. he was cheerful and hopeful. We understand his physicians think that he will recover, but that he will be con fined to ids room for some weeks, perhaps months. By request of Mr. Townsend, we state that lie knew nothing of the issuing of the warrant for the arrest of Mr. Force, and regrets that any such steps were taken. Mr. T. also speaks in kind tern, of Mr. Force. —Atlanta Constitution of yesterday. Feminine Amenities. If women, perhaps better than men, know how to do things insolent to each other, so do they know how to resent im pertinences. An American lady travel ing in Switzerland tells this dinner table story: I had seen enough of traveling English, of whom the party at the table was princi pally composed, to know how to greet them ; so I entirely ignored their pres ence, placidly gazing out of the window in the interval of the. courses, on long, straggling St. Goarliausen opposite. This had its effect in Hie increased respect of all glances, except those from a pair of bold, black eyes opposite me, whose owner ob served to her husband, in a loud tone, “One of the people of the country, I sup pose.” "My dear,” murmured the- gen tleman, “take care,the lady may understand English.” “Not likely !” in a tone of infi nite disdain. “Ah! all! one can never he too careful. So many of our people go to Paris, don’t you know, that the French must pick up a iittle of our lingo.” “1 don't think her French,” remarked the lady, her gaze still broadly fixed on me. She proceeded with some very free and impertinent remarks. At the conclusion of the meal I wanted some confitures Hint stood near this lady, and the waiters had all left the room. I looked directly at her, and said in my best English, ‘-Mad ame. may I trouble you to hand mo those boh bous?” If you could have seen the woman's face! It turned white, her jaw dropped, and she stared blankly, utterly unable to comply with my request. Her husband snatched up the plate and handed it to me with a bow, and I ate my coufec tionary with an innocent air, in 1 lie midst of a dead silence. STAGE REALITIES. I'cchter's Presence of Mind. A French correspondent of the Orches tra gives some details of the working of the wonderful ship scene in the Galctei drama of Le Fits da la Fait. We are told the stage is entirely cleared, and three long lines of rails are laid down —one coming straight down from the back to ward the foot lights and another from fhe left wing, while llie last traverses the stage at the first grooves. The big ves sel. mounted complete upon a platform furnished with rollers, remains till want ed at the extreme back of the stm.-c, and is pushed down the rails and turned to the left ready to enter. The painted cloth, representing the ocean, is then laid down, and the first row of “waves'’ take their places. There are little boys who, armed with semi circular canes, creep under the can vas, and pushing their covering imitate the movement of sea. There are fifty of those useful aids in all, the second row being composed of full-grown men on their knees, and the last and most storm v undu lation of the main are formed by t i move ments of auxiliaries who stand er< ct. The eiectrie light plays upon the tops of the waves, anel the brig appears. it soon reaches Hie middle of the scene, where a turn-table is fixed, supported by the robust shoulders of twenty-five men, who. by moving up and down in measure, imitate, the rolling and pitching of a ship in a gale of wind. The attacking boats now come along the line of horizontal rails, and (he vessel is boarded and taken after a hot hand-to-hand fight. When the piece was first produced, some years ago, Mr. Fecbtcr was playing in Paris, and his presence averted a con tretemps The cloth representing Hie sea gave way in one part, and the head and bust of one of the “waves” who for the sake of coolness, had divested himself of his upper garments. Came through, and re mained fully exposed to the gaze of the audience. Mr. Feebler, who rej isentcd the pirate captain, and was supposed to command on deck, did not lose ms pros encqof mind, but immediately c.. 1 out, “A man overboard !” Aided by the crew the amazed super was hauled on board, amid the applause of the gratified [ecla tors. who fancied that this rescue from a wartcry grave formed part of the play Oil* ago of Schedule. WESTERN A ATLANTIC RAILROAD, Atlanta, Ha,, April 17, 1873. i On mid uftur Sunday, the Cist Instant D.iv Viusctm.'r Train (outward) leaves Atlanta S:BU a. j.,, Connecting at Kingston with THROUGH FAST LINE TO NK W ORLEANS Day Pusfen otNEW YORK FAST 1,1 NE leave Atlanta 4:0.'. p. m , Competing ut Dalton with EAST TENNESSEE THROUGH LINE TO NEW YORK time 4'i nouns 80 minutes ! Nigiit Passenger Fast Line to New York, leave. 1 Atlanta 1 MO r. M., via Hast Tennessee and tonight al Dalton, or NASHVILLE - CIIATTAIIOOOA AT CHATTANOOGA ’i ny; 54 nouns. Day Passcmer (Inward) through from New ) irk via Fast Tennessee, Arrives at/'lama 11:50 p m. Night Pass iger (inward) through from New York via Diet Teniiesm e or Louisville, Arrives at lentil 1:80 a. m. E. B. WAi.KKIf, M aster Ti'iinsporatiotn. C’lovt ” ;-u;i RimuSecds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS. HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, A c. Just, received, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, l-lii-loii 82 and 84 Cherry titreet. NOT ICE. Sy IDS will 1)0 received for (450) four iiun 3drc(l and fifty Cypress, Cedar or Chestnut Posts, 0 feet loinf and (7) seven inches square, delivered at either depot in- this city. Address communications to octS-tf WM. H A Z LEIIU RST. BYINGTON’S HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA, is Tin: 88SSB4 ABA P AST iff) EJS Si For Hip Train from Savannah, Augusta and Ma con to Columbus. a nwacEt house: For tin- Traill from Eufuula anil Albany to Macon. s3:sesik iiouki: * For the Train from Colurabas 1o Miu-on, Sa vannah amt Augusta. Large comfortable I’ooms with Fire places and every Convenience. 112 190 NOTICE. \LL pUT.-ons indebted to the estate of Jacob Gloss, deceased, will please come foe ward and settle, w th Valentine Kahn, AdminLtra tor and all who have uny claims against said estate will please present them to the under signed for settlement. Id 1-157 VALENTINE KAIJN. A/r'l’fiLVrSO*! SNSU tANCE AGENTS, VLL Insurance Accents doing business in . the city ire requested to call at inis olliee, make return and pay a tux of per cent, on their receipt to Scpi. 1. By order of Council. Oil AS. J. WILLIAMSON, I29tf Treasurer. TO BS LEFT TO THE DECISION OF THE FARMERS. r PUL ouiv-ti -n of caterpillars and its terrible I. destruction <f the llceey staple having like the Hood of old. abated, a still more momentous question involves eepeci and consul oration at the hands of the fanners. For many long years K. Isaacs Ims catered to the wants of the traveling public; and to the farmers, the very bone and sinew of our beloved South, he has taken special pains to make them feed at home while in the city, ilis tables uro lilled and the usual “allowancing” L not “allowa ble.” Indeed you got what you call for and that without i tint. Now the question i : fill tiit! Farmers Snpport Him ? Tlii- question i-- propounded with the tonli dence that will be announced with that little but expressive monosyluble which is bo famil iar with yomi£ people enamored of cru-b ‘-tlier —yew ! The sturdy farmers known too well th** comfort that await him at the ISAACS HOUSE. To answer otberwi ■: than aflirmatively to tb” above mentioned qm Lion. While on the hubject Mr. Isaacs wDbes to uay that bin bafi bo increased as to compel him t<> provid.* more ample aecormno* lion.'*, and th.x he has leased larjre au<l airy rooms oflluLfs new building adjoining bis own. A fine b tr attached U> this hou.-c. K. ISAACS, Proprietor. 135-1 GO. Cherry Street. Press for Sale I \*7E havt- for m!"h kiri’n -i/.o GOBDON VV PKK~ : <Ali“i.L,r) and HUGGUK-L i’APEK CU' I’i-il in good condition. To Lo ti,td at a tut., -in. cold to mk‘t room for lar ger and faster maeiiioe*. Addny-a LINEB, WING A SMITH, 1-tf Macon. Ga. M ACON, (iA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, i Wm. il. Penuleton. Wai.ti'h T. 1!o- s. i’JSN DLETON & ii.OSS, (Sneoc-sors tod. M. Board: in Corner Mulberry and Second Str pis. JIACOAi, 4., W.1.1] PSAI.E AND lIKTAtI, IIEAI.I'.!:- IN SCHOOL BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, LAW BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS !'■ • CM, BLANK BOOKS, CAP, LETTER and NOTE PAIT.It, ENVELOPES, LEGAL BLANKS, WKI UNO INK, COPYING INK, CARMINE INK, INDELIBLE INK, GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, S TEEL PENS, PENCILS, C'.IAI.K CRAYONS, RUBBER, WAX, OIL COLORS, WATER COLORS, COLORED CRAYONS, BR.USHES, CANVASS, PLAYING CARDS, i CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, DOMINOES, BILLIARD CHALK, CHROMOS, PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS, GLASS, ETC., ETC., ETC.; Ami in fact every tiling usually kept in u first class Book and Stationery Store. Orders iron. 1 lie country will receive prompt attention. Uric. -as low ns any other house ill the South. Orders for printing solicit oil. PENULETON A- ECMN. JRt.V.'l Macon, Georgia. Barini t Hendrix, UUiI.DEUN KTOItG, Klnke'a Bloi-k, l’!>iar Slreet, (Between Third and Fonrtli.) WHITE AND YELLOW PINE WORK, ■•, EJoors, Eg! intis, Frame*, Bracket*, ik'ovrol HSislwwttn-s. Mstulles, 141 c., Z'.Sc. Carpenter Tools, Locks, Nails, Hinges, Paints, Oils. Glass and Putty, Lie. CONTUACTOKS for BIILDING. DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT OUR FACTORY, DIXIE WORKS, CHERRY ST. tM-tr BYI iff C- TO 2i HOT T. 3L, <iItIFTTN, (iA. rpilts HOTEL rank; seecind to nolle ill .1. Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOM. . well Supplied tables, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present I hot term. It i.s unequalled, the ni'dit- bciii't ' remarkable, cool and pleasant. The lie-t AYator in Georgia, •G. W. BYINGTON, 110-180 Propel t a. TIIR BJ2MT AN UIIKAPUNT, SODA WATER MAM UACTI UDI) Hi' |W. P. CARLOS Hii .Ilulberry &1.„ Tfijfcon, <*a. I AM now fully prepared to furnish pure Lot tied SODA WAT FJt in any quantity. Ord ers by mail or telegraph promptly attended to. 1 have in store and am oon.-tantly receiving ; every description of Taney and Family Groceries. i WINKS, LIQUORS, ami CIOAHH, FOItKION sif.d DOMLSTIC FRUIT, KISJf, OAMII, and every delicacy when in season. Bar and Restaurant up stairs, supplied with the wry bent in the market. Parties purchasing goods from tfic can always rely upon them being fresh and fiu-i eiusf> in ; every respect. \M . 2*. i; 18*1,0* . ! Change o £ Hc'hedv.lo. HI, - PBKI NTKNDKNT’H OFFCI:, , Macon & Brunswick Railroad < <l, Macon, Gu., {September !ii, l w 7;J. ) ON and after Monday September 1 R3, trains will run as follows: DAY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN DAILY. 1 Leave Macon 'ls a. m. i Arrive at flesup 5:50 j\ m. i Arrive at Brunswick 10.00 i\ m. j Leave Brunswick *LSO a. s ! Arrive at Jcstip 0; 1> A. v. : Arrive at Macon 5: ;0 v. m. Connect- Ho • at J< up with L •' : A ! Innlieund Oulf Railroad, to and from ! and Florida. NIGHT VXHSKSOV.iI TRAIN, DAILY. Leave Macon 7. 45 r. 'f Arrive at fcavunnali 7. 15 a. m 1 Leave Savannah 7. 00 v. m . Arrive at Macon 0. 45 a. m , IIAWKINBVJLLK TRAIN DAILY, <: ■’ n'OAV S LX* 1 CEPTnn.) Leave Macon 5555 j*. m. Arrive at fluwkiriHville v t.\. Leave HawkinsviJle 7:00 a. m. Arrive at, Macon. . JO;BO a. m. j w'.r. macßfa. M '.ill General Superintcuidenf. iKDiAf! SPRSNGS. ELDER HOUSE. &. HO."*, I'poprletor. r piHß well-known h. is nowo] 1 n to oil I who wish to visit lll'' far-famed Indian Spring. Th- Hotel h nearer the .Spring than any other, with pleasant and shady walks laud mg thereto. KATES OF JSOAKU. P'-r Day $ 2 00 One Week 10 00 One Month •• 553 00 Children and erva:.!. half price. Btf ELDER A HON l A X 8> PLANTERS ■ WILL FIND IT TO Til DU l AD VANTA< 511 TO GALL OX US BKFOItU ■ ATCIXU I ill II BILLS. WE HA¥K m O LO-: V, 100.000 LBS. BACON t L IAS il. SIDES. ‘2,7,000 LUS. BAGOS ■, tI !,- DEItS. 10.000 LBS. BE Ll.' 50.000 LBS. FLO 111 I, Si w.ul.w j 500 ROLLS 2j BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ALLOW TIES. i 10 BALES TWINM. ! JOHNSON i SMITH. JOIiNSON SMITH, ]J;tvp, ami tire ofli'iiii';' ;it, wiy low li.'jjuti'H : 100 BOXES TOIL'S 'GO, .ill grades. 100 BBLS. WIUSKILS. 150 I’.L.LS, SUGAL. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES DAY. 1.000 'bushels GOLN, Togvtln r will) it lull .-duck n! nil till goods in our line of Imsiiv ss. 110-1 f Brown’s Hotel, MACON, tiA, I F <‘N|)< rh*iic(; and a Uigi.uisli Lnowl- Gili'f. of the lm--iii<ws in nil Us divn>ilitul nr■<*. ossontial tollic' ki*j)lr:c 11in1. lib h Uig publlG has long luurd of blit mUlc.iii <ni, \ cioofl) iioto-:i., t ljb undur:-Juried lluttcr thuiiat'lvrs 1 !mf they ore fully Goinpclcnt to discharge llM*ir obliga tions to tlioir patrons; hut they nro not, only oxporionofd in hot* I locpim-, Ibcy rnodf..-lly would claim to have the. BEST AIittANGED and MOS'r COMl’id/l’K* LY AND EX-IT.N.SIVEIiY ITHNIoIJEh * 1 liouic: throughout., hi thft Rfotc, which is Joca tcri exactly where everybody would have it t>it uuted IMMEDJ ATEI.y I M FRONT AND A D.f \ < ENT TO TUB I'A k'IINOM DEPOT, whore travelers ran enjoy the wo. t rJrrjt and less liubleto be bft by the perplexin/dy coiihtuiit departure, of tlm tiuin.'. To illl these important is added a TABLE Unit h ; well supplied with the heat and choicest, dish*:.-, the city and conn try can allbrd : nor would they omit to mention that ■ thed* servants trained to the but,iness, have never he<in i urpa.~, ed for politeness and atten tion to For the truth of these i t dement ~ we refer the puldic to our patrons who r id--, in < v ry {State in the Union. K. E. BROWN <fc SON, IToprietmv. Macon, C<a., April If#, JTJU 7H-104 I DAVIS SMITH, j (Siicce.-.sor to the kite nrm of Ihnitli, Westeott. tV: Cos,, and </f Smith, MeLl;iKlmn A 1 > ) mam ; act: i ;::: and pi:*.i.i.u is SADDLES, HARNESS, HRIULES, •- ; H-ADJiLKIiV AND JIAJiNK.- ! HAitDWAiIE, (tjjm'su.e Aldlurials, Leatln i ofsjll iumls, Shoe Findings, Cliibiren’s CaiTia^iva Ul IJKEi:, I.V U/Miiw, HTU.. I Togcflic.- with every article lMialiy hr;>t In n | aaddlerj hom e. 10* CIIEKni KT„ .11 ,t<:<>■%, G % j ifirt-i.vs * \!,!i AND WINTER TRADE ■ - ■: A.WTON ISATEM, • • X-\t Door to r.nuton dc Wiffiiighiim.) prepared to f.inii-h the trade with M: ; . *I4S, PI.UYTATIOX KI I'I'LIBN. IMG TIKS, KTi'., •' i”’"”' in Geoi- ii. Wo will keep constantly on liaml. BACON >. .'V GAi,Bl G AR, COl' KI'.E, RAGGING and TIEB, and a general nsflort i i■ - : 'pt hi n tlr ,l class Gr.ieery llhu -. Given, neall. ive are mulling V 2UG9.13 I'LOI ltli\n lIIM.N. and , 1 ■ ' i 'HOK I '." "EXTRA," “F.VMIf.Y '■ I I.JUI . Tlmy will be 1 , I ; , 5 'r:i lr, and we gmir.inte.i- even-tmn-el to give ; :iti,faction Our . ,' are r tow a* tier eof 111" urn- grades cun lie bought in the Month. CORN '.M,, )■ ' ! . uniiolted, nlwnvs on hand, of our own make and of tlic best Miatity. p_. (l J . H. BAND Y & CO.. TI N \Kit SlfEliT lIIOK ROOFI 7 „ ''lliitlmm, PlDrtiit and Repairiiif, ‘yA WMi'l AMO I'. \ SS' . Tl - AM) GALVANIZED IRON CORNICEM Q> . 1 ' —W, ( i : Jl N. Evi-eutcd nt. short notlco and eallsfnotlon \ IS \ . guaranteed. /; \ IO Third Street, llitcon, (da. \ 1 P.irtieiitur nltcnt.lon given to lint hiring put up \ \ with x ! WOODRUFF’S V i'.l’l'KNT liIVE lISTR\I.\GS. IIPROYED m fiHAB. .. i>A I S Z r r i ITIVO- NKW. RUPEESE'DiIS ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! i • i ■ i:i i lutt • ii<mi’lias no edect on the Gearing. Kinu Post of Iron and all a the work bolted to Iron. Ft I -AD i’DLA; , !) To RUN TWLNTY-FTVK PER CENT. LIftHTERTFIAN .ANY < >lll ICR POWER IN USE. (’fill and : <’i* for youaself. 1 build ai* ii ■ ; •that chullump-s all other MAKES, but it will not do the work v.i'.li the runic Draft that nr. 'PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kinds of Machinery made and repaired at • ntO€iu:ri u N ikoa uoriin. B 1 Near Brown I tonne, Macon Georgia. BEOWrS &ALIEEY! No, 8 Cotton Avenue, 9 Is the i lace where all the differ i |e:it Ktyi-z s of pictures are made ato . reduced prices. W. & E. P. TAYLOR, f vr. Uofion A venue and Cliorrv Sfrcot, | FURNITURE, cIETINES, BUGS, . ifS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. - • • - ... -tJ: ..■Af -' : u. - .. • -■• ■ . > r'S- **■- -YY ’ 1 ; -U - Cases & Caskets, Fir Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. 79tf ' ill -i; h I'nrnjkv i.:tndnd to. I 11. 81.01 M. : AA C UAUDBMXN. ttl.Ol IT A. tl lUBIiIIA.'V, 1 XTTOR SiE V L’XT 1 LAW, MACON, GEOI’G'A. / vKFTC’K, at entrance If::’, tou Hall, Cherry ! \ ./ tr a-t. ■-<_ Barber Sboi> For lieat. rpiiK Bumeat room, forim rly occupied by J. Mike N rd'-r, In Orown’n Hotel building i, for rer: ii. i- one of til': boat etauda fora ■SS®** rr„. Volume I. —Number IG4 INM AN I. INE BG’< Ut STEAMSHIPS. rpilK Liverpool, New York ami Ptiiladeiplila A bl.-umabl;) Company dispatch two steam ra per week. Tho quickcat time acroan the Atlantic. Every comfort con venience. For further Information apply W “vpvn-tf TL <• STEVENSON. Agent.