Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 05, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE n u v <> (.. soi. s. ia. I ri'BUIOMKU LVKHT M-rKINO ' LINES. WING & SMITH. So. 10 Hollingsworth block. Ml IrtU.f* nJutiitu to ,Sutjriptlon tltould U ad- ; I, Jnl to Limn, W ""I <t SmllK, Maton, (la. i "iiiiiiunl'utlont Jur thr />' - •Imuhl I# /. lilt Mi lor. ir ■<'"lll'll anti'rtnlr to | iiiih n .ritrltil etmmunleallout. H-rt nnthiult coti.l nr', it , "f >1" *>• lt<4t*d. . . w, tVAThI> IIICKH, Editor. IHr horse malady liu* r<*Hi*il ('liarle* Km. South Carolina. Ask now conic* the ro|M >il Unit Ihe ne me iii sober enrn*t iiltoul einigi nt mg K> Arkansas. Well. go in peace mid sin mure, i* n bcMllictioti that " ill ri*c to Hie lip* of nil philanthropist*. liMil.iiU Journal* are dilating ni>ou what they are pleased to term a “Trail* at- Untie I’liradiac ’’ —referring to ilmt portion ofour woo stricken country ktiowii us Ar kunsas In the light of recant event* in said paradise, we fear the bloom and fru graucc of the rose and other (lowers will have to give place to the prick ami poison of the black thorn. —♦ *■ While in the little village of Giilliu yesterday, we heard many excellent words said of Colonel Heck our Congressman for the ensuing term. Colonel Heck stands high at home and is honored, trust ed and beloved by nil classes of his fellow citi/.ens It is u compliment to tiie Dlstiiet to have such a represetativo itt Congress (toon Nkws. —We hear good, Joyous inspiring echoes from Louisiana. lty law, in this case, the Louisianians voted for President yesterday, and, we aie informed, gave Greeley mid llrown flfletn thoumml majority. We hope this is the lirst note in a grand universal song of tri umpli 1 —- Tiik knout, that tumble Inslrumcut of KushUm civilization, has not been uliol ishert from tho land of l’utcr tho Great. Alexandria* Kosuenllz, a lady of pure character, and love for ihu country ol her ancestors (Poland), was recently publicly subjected to the tearful ordeal. The bar harlam of civilization i no longer <!• Imtublc -* . Wk call the attention of our jeaders to Hie article from the Culhbert Appeal, en titled, "Let sectional jealousy in Georgia coa-e The article' well sels forth the claim* of Col, Fielder for the Delicti or tin- 1 S. Senate —to<itHe •- of which po -11 lons we should he delighted to see him elevated. We beg to seemid tho motion made by nur brother of the Appeal Wr:-congratulate our reader* upon the end of the political campaign. It has been heated, pcrsonnl and bitter, Society ha* not been Improved rnneh, we fear, by cam paign publications, and the causes of sci ence, art, literature and morality, have been hold 111 abeviiticr. We hope to Invnlh freeer now, nud shall immediately lake anew departure, bidding, us we hope, s loaf, if not eternal farewell to polities. The gnat Issues, mi which no much newspaper wisdom anil, •so//.' liavo beeu I’tpcndnl, nf Inti', me tiring sctlVvl to dny. as our renders will know. We write nilinly iiud with conscience void of ol tense low mil nil men mid things in the lien tens or the cm lit. itv the time our render* see these lines the verdict will hare been given A grasping.-mrillil, scl llsh mail will resume the plnett of power, or ■> I'hilosopci', it stutesmnn, und a friend of the people will give hope to Ids coun try. We arc not prepared to gel excited on either event. - ■ TitKitK are consolations in mt, if the Sat nrday Hevlew is to lie believed, hut judg ing from vvliat we know titxnit mlists, mid art studiea—their history nad r.v|terience —they nre not of a very substantial sort quite the eontimy A gravel in grub alrect, or au impecunious evistenee about town are not fuels of comfort. Kalita iu the fhtnrc—n |mst thimnlus revenue paid to one's name—has men yet furnished w lint is vulgarly called—bread and cheese -w ♦- Oi k render* w ill see by reference to the telegraphic news of the past two days that the notorious women, by uame Wood hull and ClntUin—are under bonds, and will be eoiiq filed to ccsse their scandalous publi cations or prove the humble charges which they have made against honorable and distinguished persons. We are glad to uote that the public mind is slow to believe the raving* of these ■•free-iovers." and that men and women, hitherto spotless in name and I’haraoter. arc not to be put down by snrli wholesale defamation. The Doctor s Chances. From the Savannah New*.) K<li!tr Morning Xctr* :—The News of October SIM esv* • "fir. lllrke of the Sin con KNTRRraisR. rather insinuates that our vomwpondeut, l’oyutr. would like to go to the United States Senate." Now. 1 Nupixwe my chance of going to the Senate is fully as small as that ot the Doctor for getting to Heaven—and this the reader ill jwrreiva. makes the prospect "mortal dim .” ltoiilra. 1 never dreamed of going lo the Senate, while the editor of the Kx- TKBPIUSK D probably one of those "Deluded souls that dream ol Heaven." Ihe conclusion that the Doctoi has drawn Is altogether unaccountable. and entirely without foundation, as he himself would know. If lie were only nequainted with IVIYXTX. The above only proves that, if we made any insinuation at all it was just ami well founded, and tapped the "milk in the co roanut ltut. H' out memory senes us, we made no insinuation, hut a proposition to split a certain ditferenee in favor of the lUagruulleWl l’oyul/ As to the Heaven ijuesuoii —we sincerely liojie io get mere and shall uot object to meeting I*oyaU, hut fear that pleasure will lie denied it* if he propoaec to go nr of the United States Senate FUNERAL OF; MRS GREELEY. service* at nn. chapin's riiritcir. Tho funeral obsei|Uies of Mth Horace Greeley took place at noon yesterday in the presence of one of the largest church gatherings ever known in this city, at Un church of tire Divine Paternity d'< rth Unlvcrsulist). at the corner of Forty-filth street nnd Fifth avenue The galleries anil aisles were thronged half an hour be fore tiro time appointed, mostly with la dies, though a great number of the literary and political friends of Mr. Greeley could he discovered here mid there through tin: crowd. The seats in the centre of tho church were set uside for the use of thr. bereaved family mid their mote intimate friends. At n few luinutes past eleven the cor tege, consisting of about twelve carriages, lell Hie residence of Alvin ,1. Johnson, on Filty-scventli street, where the laxly of deceased had laiu since her death, and proceeded to the church During the morning the friends of deceased hud thronged the parlors, taking lligir last look upon the features of the beloved one, and it was long lifter tho, staled hour that the cuskcl could he closed '1 lie funeral pro cession arrived at Dr Chapin's church at a few minutes past twelve The people had gathered in almost a dense mass on the steps, and it required some effort on the part of the police to open a way for the pall bearers. Tho casket was carried up the aisle followed by the-' - gentlemen ns pall bearers Augustus Schell, John K. Williams. Waldo llutchins. Hr llayard. Alvin .1. Johnson, Kicbard il Msnning, Marcus Spring, Isaiah H Williams, Ivory Chaiiil>erlaiii and John II Stuart. liuhind these came Mr Greeley, escort ing his daughter Ids. Mrs Lunison and Gatirielle , Mr and Mrs. Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. Itipley, Samuel Sinclair, Jr , mid wife, George Hoffman, Wliilclaw Ileid, Samuel ,1 Tllden. Mrs. Partridge, Mrs Stuart and a long line of personal liiends of the family A solemn strain of music from the organ was performed as tiie pro cession moved up the aisle The casket whs a very handsome one of polished wal nut, with silver niouudings and handles. On the lid was a silver plate with the sim ple inscription MARY V. ( HKfcKI.KV. The cotfln was decorated with a wreath and cross of beautiful white flowers, and a cross of exotics was borne lip the aisle and placed inside the chancel The choir, which was composed of Mine. De Ibiy lher. .Mine. Du Gebcle, Dr J. A. Kelley nnd George 0. Deyo. rendered the follow ing selections. —Autheui —“Unveil tiiy bosom faithful Tomb.” (Handel.) nnd ilie hymn, “They are not lost, but gone be fore" (Xeuner.) The organist, Albert J. Holden, performed the Funeral March, by Beethoven. After the dirge Dr. Oliu pin read selections from Hie Scriptures for the comforting of the bereaved, beginning with "Blessed ho God, Hie Father ot all mercies,” and closing with Paul s iuvoca lion, "Thanks td God. wdio givetli us Hie victory.” Dr. Chapin then delivcied the funeral sermon, lie said it was not an occasion for much speech, for words cannot soothe the mourners' sufferings, nor cun they de scribe their feelings. Art that could he •aid wax embraced ill the words of St l’sitl, w hich had Just been lead, 'Thunk* he to God which giveth gs tiie victory,' He then proceeded to describe the nature of the victory referred to. Tears, lie said' were a blessing, and he thanked God for the tears shed at the grave of Lazarus, for those which Christ wept over Jerusalem and In Hie garden of GeHiseuinue Ho spoke of Hie Christian's sorrow as not w ith out hope ; lie doe* not abandon himself to grief, hut feels that there is still something worth living for . lie fins faith in the power of God and in His infinite, di vine goodness, and while ids heartstrings are wrung lie can still say. "Father, not my will, hut thine he done ” This faith bring* Hie only consolation. When wo begin to realize our loss there is the aim pie assurance Hint although they will not return to us we euu go to them These are the only words of consolation ho (the speaker) could utter. We must not look backward, but upward, and find our con solation there. The speaker then referred to sutli ring* and patience of the deceased in beautiful terms, and her abiding faith throughout nil Iter sufferings, and si the close of the address offered prayer The benediction was then pronounced, nud the body was conveyed to Greenwood for burial, followed by a long line of car riages. Hex . Mr. Schweitzer conducted the exercises at tho grave, which were very brief.—JV JleraUl. William Paine, the Barber. from the Columbus Sun j Ttiis popular colored ciii/.en viral us Icrday looming In bis room, ill the biick building nearly opposite Thompson's sta hies lie wus born iu Macon, ami was aged aouie forty live years lie was the servant of Mr Barney Front, Having re sidevl in Columbus some eighteen veins, he was esteemed one of the best barbers in the whole country, and was liked by all our people. Mince the war ho lias been a con sistent Democrat, making speeches for bis party, uud in 18118 was President efu colored Democratic club, aud w orked hard ngnisnt the ltadicals lie was a man tor peace and order During the war he was leader of a colored dramatic troupe, which gave entertainments for the benefit ot the Confederate*. His funeral yesterday was largely at tended by blacks ami wliitis The pall bearers were fourteen colored barbers, w ho w ere sincere in their mournings, l'hcir shops were draped iu crape. Their reso lutions of respect appear elsewhere. \\ ere all the negroes of the gentlemanly cliarac ter of Win Paine, peace and ardor would have long since reigned in the Month . for there would have been no radicals. THIKVT* OP UKSrKCT. Columbus, Ga., Oct -o, 1572 At a meeting of tlio undersigned barlxus ol this city, heM nt the barber shop of It P. Porter, tlie following resolutions were offered and unauimously adopted Resolved, Ist. That in the death of our friend and brother. Wu> Payne, the com muuity has lost a good, faithful ciliren and an honest man, his children a kind and loving lather. Umolved 2d. That iu taken of oiy love, friendship aud esteem, we will wear the usual badge of mounting for thlrtv days Resolv ed 3d. That a copy of these ieso lotions he tendered the bereaved taiuilv of the deceased. Resolved 4th. That the city pajH-rs lie requested to publish the above [Signed! *K>e llark, \| m. Barter, l“a*chal Clayton. S u Alexander. K P Porter , Oliver Wecui> iShepaid Rodger. IV. K Terry. John Riggers, Simon Clark, and others. • - A atudent of uatural science has come Tub pith in geraniums has its cells till ed with aiarcbour ladies can turn their cultivation fo aecotmt. It seem SHOCKING RAILROAD ACCIDENT Collision on the Jamesburg Railroad, in New Jersey-Explosion of a Lo comotive Two Men Killed and Sev eral Injured—A Heroic Engineer- Affecting Scenes at the Wreck. From the N. V. Herald.] Hetween six anil seven o'clock on Thursday evening a terrible collision oc curred on tho Amboy division of the Penn sylvania Kailroad The passenger train, which take passen gers from Philadelphia and Mew York at Monmouth Junction for the Amboy divis ion, had orders to ruu and lay up at Day ton turnout for extra No 668, to pass which was a coal train from South Amboy. No. (Kid bud orders to run to Dayton and lie there for the passenger train to pass from Monmouth junction. This last order to tins was countermanded through the earlesstiCM of the operator, and according to the dispatch the conductor gave orders to ruu to Monmouth Junction instead of Dayton. Tho following is a copy of the di-patch “From Trenton for extra No. (ids) at Jaineshuig. Meet extra No. 615 at Dayton, then run to Monmouth Junction off of nil extras. Kun to Dayton off of train No. HO.'’ There were the orders, hut the operator issued them as follows : "Meet extra No. 515 1 Dayton, then run to Monmouth Junction off of train No. do 1 It will he seen Hint some of tiie most important parts of Hie dispatch were omiuittcd, which was tiie means of caus ing Hie collision. Immediately after the collision the boiler of the locomotive of train No. 6(iß exploded, killing instantly Christopher Heckman, the fire man, whose body was found twen ty yai ds distant in a ditch, to which It Hud bean curried by the force of tiie explosion. Both of his legs were cut off below the knee and found under Hie wreck of the locomotive. Heckman lived in Trenton hot was a native ol Charleston, W C. Oba diiih Freeman, of Hie passenger train, who was severely Injured, died in twelve hours after the occurrence. Jacob Tyndall, en gineer of Hie coal train, received, proba bly, fatal Injuries and lies in a very pre eaiions condition at Mamniolli Junction. Freeman is a native of Freehold, N J , and Tyndall, who leaves a wife and live children, belongs to Yurdvillu, N J. Joseph Davison engineer of the passeuger train had hiH arm broken and received a very had sculp wound, lie belongs to Freehold. John Collins, a brakeman, was also badly injured, lie is from Camden, N. J None of the passengers wero hurt. Tyndall's father, mother and wife visited him yesterday, when a very affecting scene took piace The poor man was un conscious. ami was not able to talk to them. They all wept bitterly over his mutilated form, and Hie interview lasted for some lime. A curious feature in the catastrophe was that the road on which it occurred runs in a straight line from Mamuioulli Junction to Jamesburg—de void of all curves and other obstructions— nnd il is rather strange that Hie engineers of the respective trains did not see each Other in lime to avoid the collision. The locomotive which exploded was strewn around the scene of the casually. Chunks of iron weighing seventy live pounds were found in the woods, 151) yards distant, tiie house of the engine was blown to atoms, and the sandbox was carried a distance of JIM) yards. The steam dome, weighing 300 pounds, and a coal pick were found where they were blown, a distance of 400 yards aw ay in the woods. The exploded engine is completely demolished, and the other one badly damaged Only one emp ty coal car was wrecked, and the baggage ear received but slight injuries. Trains were delayed for about twelve hours in consequence of the obstruction, which was not cleared away till eight o'clock yester day morning. it was most marvellous that the passen gers escaped uninjured. liy the force of the collision tho engines were so tirmly wedged together Hint it required two loco motives to pull them apart The baggage car was carried on top of one of the en gines Martin Conover, tiie operator, and w ho, it is alleged, was Hie cause of this sad calamity (whether intentional or otherwise cannot lie ascertained), hastily took his departure for parts unknown niter Hie lirst intimation be received of the occurrence, stating be fore lie left Hint lie could not bear to await An examination into the matter, us lie fear ed il might result seriously to him. No blame can lie attached to Mr. Htuurt, the superintendent of Hie telegraph depart ment Conover was always considered by him nn reliable man. James Higgins, a Justice of the Peace of Monmouth Junction, held nn iuquest over the remains of the deceased 6reman. Ohadiali Freeman, yesterday afternoon, at that place, w hen a jury of twenty meu was empanelled. Several witnesses were examined, among whom were Mr. Stuart and Hie conductor of the passeuger train, who testified substantially to the facts given a ho' e Their verdict was as fol low s -We find that Martin Conover, of Trenton, a telegraph operator for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, through gross carelessness and negligence, was the cause of the collision on the Jamesburg brunch of the Pennsylvania Railroad, vv here the said Obadiah Freeman came to Ins death , aud we further liud that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company arc. in iu our opinion censurable for recklessness in the manner in which they run their trains on said railroad, and especially on the .'list ol October, IS”—, whereby the collision occurred, and by reason thereof Obadiah Freeman came to his death.” The place where the causuaity occur red is midway between Jamesburg and Monmouth Junction, on the Amboy divis ion of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Poor Tyndall, like Doe Simutous. slood by his i ugine to the last The Urenran told him to jump off. but he refused. To the sympathizers who stood by him nt Mciimouth Junction lie exclaimed, I could uot leave my engiue , 1 had to stop her. ami 1 did almost do it. 1 thank God for one tiling 1 can die with a clear cou science, tor ii was not my fault." Kii.mnii m Dm ty Sheriff A. 11. lit mu Intelligence was received iu the city la>t night that A II Htircli, Deputy S.ierili of Uussell county , Alabama, was shot and killed yesterday by young Dr J t\ Cook, on his plantation in that county. I he weapon said to have been used was’a double band gun. l ook is a son of James Cook, of Colutn bus There arc many reports about the affair, and we heard the fact at so late an hour as to prevent giving particulars this morning. A movement is on foot to settle 8,000 families, comprising lO.tKki people, of the Roumauian Jews iu this country. The gov ernment is asked to extend to a company formed for the purpose of furthering the emigration the title to a tract of laud of 250,000 acres. Bui , ding L t For Sale. C' H ATED near Titnall Square, within a kg’ few steps of itereer Imverailv. Address K C.. Box K... Macon. On Svbiienct.—The easily impressed will now more thoroughly believe in haunted houses than ever. There is one of these mysterious edifices not far from Macon, Ga., inhabited by a gentlemen who “ha* represented his county in the General As sembly of his State”—a Mr. Surrency. In the language of that person, "the glass tumblers slide off the slab—the crockery falls upon the floor and breaks —the books tumble from their shelves, while brick bats, billets of wood, smoothing irons, bis cuit, potatoes, tin pans, water-bucket*, and pitchers fall in different parts of the house.” “Nearly all my crockery and glasses,” says Mr. Surrency plaintively, "have been broken.” “The facts,” we are further in formed, can be established by seventy live or a hundred witnesses.” The house hold furniture has been so knocked about by tiie ghosts as to be almost ruined. One day a specter hog was seen, which walked in at the door, and, while all were watch ing it, instantly vanished, no one being able to tell how it escaped. All possible articles of household gear fly about in all directions. Special railway trains carry great cumbers to this enchanted home stead, and the excitement continues to in crease. We have but one explanation to offer "There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamed of in our philosophy.” — N. T. Tribune. N K\V AI) VEItTISEM ENTS JUST RECEIVED. BARRELS NEW YORK APPLES. “ 5 BOXES CHOICE LEMONS. •JO,OOO SWEET ORANGES. At J. F. BARFIELD & CO.'S nov4 fit Change of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN K. R. CO., Ii Macon. Ga., October 31,1872. ) ; ON and after Sunday November 3d, the fol lowing tjchedulc for Pußsenger Tiidna, j will be observed on this road: DAY PASSENGER. Leave Macon 8:15 a. m. Arrive at Macon 2:05 a. m. Leave Atlanta 8:20 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta . 2:40 p. m. NIGHT PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. L ave Macon 8:50 p. m. Arrive at Macon 3:20 a. m. Leave Atlanta 8.00 f. m. Ai rive at Atlanta 4:55 a. m. Making close connections at Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and with Southwestern Railroad for points in Southwest Georgia. At Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Railway for points West. A. J. WHITE, iiov'Jtf Superintendent. APPLES! ORANGES! 50 Bills. APPLES. 8 “ ORANGES. On consignment, for sale low bv W. P. CARLOS, nov4 lit Mulberry street. A CARD. Macon, Ga., October 31, 18*2. WE, the undersigned delegates to the Grand Lodge of Georgia, desire to ten der to our landlord, Mr. E. Isaacs, of the Isaacs House, our thanks for the kind and hospitable manner in which he lias treated us during onr attendance on the Grand Lodge. We take pleasure in recommending the Isaacs House to the traveling publie, and assure them that Mr. Isaacs will he ever ready to extend to his guests as good aecommodstion as can be had in the city of Macon, or at the first-class hotels in the State. Signed, (J C. Burke, M. D., Cuthbert. S. A. Thornton, Brooksville, Jonathan Bridges, Lumpkin, Hon. K. O. Dunlap, Dawson, E. Bellflower, Damascus, R. H. Lanier, Cuthbert, R. M. Bucket, 8. Wise Parker, Dawson, M. ,1., M. I)., W. L. Kincaknon, 11. It McConnell, W. C. Dial, C. M. McClure, W. B. C. Puckett, W. It. oAfee, ,f. L Dowiia, .1, F. Vinnino, W. M., Alcorn | Lodge No 73, New ton county. Alston Martin. Sam J, Winn. ■I. A. McKanny. W. A. Reeves. Reuren Stroziek. U. athkws. K. T. Rogers. ,1. R. Battle, Oglethorpe. R. Williams, “ B. B WILKISON, “ .1, M. R Westbrook, Americas. L. L. Tilly, Chapel Hill. W. T. Dostf.r, Greensboro. John Hightower, Lumpkin, Ga. A .. Barrett, M P. Camp, Americas. J. W. Remlkt, America*. A J. Williams, Milton Revierk, T. 8. M. Bloodworth, Bimon Holt, D. G. M., Lumpkin. Hon E. Norris, !’. W. Readdick, Weston, Ga. I>. M. Brown, Henderson, E. H. Ezell, Henderson. C. F. Gibson, Monroe Cos., ■I. A. Hafer, Houston Cos., M. J. Collins, Oglethorpe, W. Day, Maxev, G. H. Wagnon, Madison. L. R. Dixon, Oglethorpe. Singleton Harris, Talfifeiroco. John W. Goy, Minbern, Gil and many others. uov. I—lw. Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCE, I Macons Brunswick Railroad Cos., Macon, (in., October IU), 1872. ) ON and after Thursday October 81, 1873, trains on this road will run as follows : DAI PASSBNOER TRAIN, DAII.V (SUNDAYS EX CErTED.) Leave Macon 0:15 a. m. Arrive at Jcsup 0:35 t*. m. Arrive at Brunswick 10:00 p. u. Leave Brunswick 4:30 a. m. Arrive at Jcsnp 6:45 a. m. ! Arrive at Macon 5:10 p. m. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAII.r. Leave Macon 8.35 r. m Arrive at Jesup 5.00 a m Arrive at Savannah 8.30 a. m Leave Savannah 7.80 r. m Leave Jesup it 10 p m Arrive at Macon 7.110 a. m Both day and night teains connects closely at Jesup with trains to and from Florida. HAWKINSVIU.K TRAIN DAILY, (SODATS EX CEPTED.) Leave Macon 2:50 p. m. Arrive at Hawkinsville 6:25 r u Leave Hawkinsville 6:55 a. m] Arrive at Macon 10:85 a. ji. \VM. MacREA. I'4U General Superintendent. WOOD AND COAL. I HAVE established, near the Macon A West ern Railroad Depot, an ample vard with Fairbanks' best scale*l to supplv all kinds of Wood and Coal, in any quantity,"at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT. MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left at the offices or Messrs. H L. Jewett, Greer, Lake A Cos., Turpin A- Ogden, through Porto Bee, or at the Yard, will have prompt attention. Come and see 133-300 MILO S. FREEMAN. T. H. COL ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ralalon Hall Ralldiag. CHERRY STREET, MACON. GGORGIA. It t?w RALSTON HALL manager, - W. E. SPALDING. Monday, November 4th. Engagement for four night* only of the Great Tragic Actress, MRS. D. P. BOWERS, Supported by the Sterling Young Actor, MR. J. C. McCOLLOM. And a selected New York Company. Monday, Nov. 4, John Broughum’s Dramatizu Uon LAD V AUDLEI’S SECRET; or the Mystery of Audley’s Court. Tuesday, Nov. 5, the Grand Historical Play of ELIZABETH. Wednesday, Nov. (ith, tiie Historical Play of Mary Stuart, Scotland’s Heroic ({neon Tliurscav, Not 7, Shakspearc’s Grand Tragedy MACBETH. Admission *1; reserved scats 50 cts. extra -, family circle 50 ete. Sale of Seats will commence Friday morning at 10 o’clock ut Brown iV Co.’s Book Store. octfiO-td RAIiSTOST IIATiTi. Two Nights only, and Saturday MATINEE! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOV. Bth A OtH. Macarthy, Logrenia and O Reordon! MLT.TI’M IN PARVOTROUPE! Music! Mirth! Mimicry auil Magic! Mrs. Lottie Estelle Macartht, Vocalist and Daneuesc. Harry Macahtuy, Author and Great Come dian. Lohgrenia, Magician, with his performing Canary Bird and trained Russian Cat Professor O’Reokdon, Tumbleronicon. The most Artistic Combination in the world. Admission 8100; Family Circle 75 cents; (iallery 50 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats. Sale of seats to commence THURSDAY, No vember 7th, at B.own’s Book Store. NY. R. HAYDEN, nov2 Ct Business Manager. ANOTHER ( AH LOAD CHARTER OAK STOVES JEST RECEIVED —BY— THUMAN & GREEN’S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, Sign of the Golden “Charter Oak.” 162-204 Paints & Oils ATTENTION is failed to my stock of Paints and Oils and tiie very low figures at which they ar^aold. WEST’S EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE OIL. The Cheapest Cigars in the City. Pure Holland Gin and HUNTER'S MOUNTAIN RYE WHISKY ! THE NEW STREET CAR TICKETS, Have become very popular. FOUR FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Prescriptions are Accurately Com pounded. Early JENNY WAKEFIELD. LARGE FLAT DUTCe, and LARGE DRUMHEAD Cab bage Seed just received. NEW CHOP ONION SETTS. ROLAND . HALL, druggist, IGI-tf Cor. Cherry Bt. and Cotton Avenue. ATTENTION ! INSURANCE AGENTS. A LL Insurance Agents doing business in J. V the city are requested lo call at this office, make returns and pav a tax of 2'£ per cent on their receipts to Sept. 1. By order of Council chas. j. Williamson, I'JOtf Treasurer. ANNUAL FAIR —OF THE— Agricultural ami Mechanical ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA. YA7 H- 1 - commence at their Fair Grounds at T V Savannah, Georgia, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1*72, And continue six days. The central Railroad passes by the grouuda. For Premium List or information, address J. H. ESTILL, Secretary Savannah, 6a. FOR RENT. ONE of the moat desirable plaaes on Troup Hill, one mile from the Court House, and near Mercer University. Nineacrcs of land t tachcd, orchard, garden, splendid well of t a tcr, etc. Parties wan tine to rent a grood house can - e cure one by applying to the undersigned, oi .o Messrs. B H. Wrigley *fc Cos., 06 and OS Second street, Macon, Ga. L*2-tf JAMES W. KNOTT. Dutch Flower Bulbs. THE subscriber has received a select stock of Hyacinths. Tulips, Narcissus. Crocus, etc., etc., direcUy imported from Holland. lor price list apply at the store of G. Beggs, Cherry street, or to D. MILNE. Macon, Ga. Also a large stock of Wilson's Strawberry plants, warranted pure. D. M. OCttSktW OLIVER, MASS & CD, No. 42 Third Street, Macon, Georgia, AGENTS FOB TIIE Great Benefactor, Stewart, Cotton Plant, VND various other patterns of Cooking Stoves; also a large assortment of Heating Stoves, Large stock of Grates—the finest in tho market. Manufacturers and wholesale deal™ ill plain and pressed Tin Ware. A full line of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Padlocks, Steelyards, Hollow Ware, Wood and Willow Ware, Broom*, Crockery, Glassware, etc,, embracing* com plete line of House Furnishing Goods. Also, dealers in Steam and Gas Pipe, Stdain andfe Fittings, all of which we sell at low figures. Prompt attention given to orders. 137-188 cod OLIVE K, DOUGLASS A CO. ISSmtE YOUR LIFE! - Provide for those dependent.upon you, beyond the exigencies of ordina ry business transactions. Insure Your Life in a Company under the management of reliable business men, who understand their business, and whose previous sue cess is a guarantee for future safety. Insure Your Life in a Company that selects its risks carefully, and seeks no increase of business without that regard to safety. Insure Your Life in a Company whose mortality and expenses are small. Insure Your Life in a Company whose extent of operations covers a surface that secures the advantages of average mortality. Insure Your Life in a Company that makes no distinction between risks taken either North or South. Insure Your Life in a Company whose operations are regularly sub ject to the strict investigation of State Departments, North. South and West. Insure Your Life in a Southern Company, that can give you every advantage offered by either Northern or Western Companies, with this addition, that it is truly a Home Company, and makes its investments in the State from which it derives its revenues. Insure Your Life in a Southern Company, whose terms are as mode rate as any good Company, whose management is economical, invest ments safe, reserve ample, surplus abundant, and who always pay their losses promptly Seek such a Company, and you will find in the PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Virginia, all that you need to secure the benefits desired for yourself and your dependents, therefore, I Insure Your Life in the Muni & Arlinitoa Life Im Coinpanj of Fa.. Branch office 92 Mulberry Street, Macon Ga. T. STANLEY" BECKWITH & SON, General Agents. oc7 codSm JOS. A. ROGERS, Local Agent. EDWARD SPRINZ. ATOTARY PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUS IN TICE OF TliE PEACE. I can be found for the present at all hours of the day at ray office adjoining the law office of A. rroudfit, over the store of Jaqucs & Johnson, Third St., Macon, Ga., to attend to all Magisterial busi ness. 118-330. DR. P. EL WRIGHT RESPECTFULLY tender his professional services to the citizens of Macon and vi cinity, Office at Drug Store No. 3 Brown House Block. Residence at Rev. Samuel Boy kin’s, Georgia avenue. Calls left at either place will receive prompt attention. ©clCtf NOTICE. BIDS will be received for (450) four hun dred and fifty Cypress, Cedar or Chestnut Posts, C feet long and (7) seven inches square, delivered at either depot in this city. Address communications to oetß-tf WM. IIAZLEHURST. FOR RENT- U. A PER MONTH by the year in advance, epxk x/ Two nice rooms, best locality in the city for Dentist or Millinery business. Apply at this office, or No. 8 Cotton Avenue. oct2fi-tf. MISS M. A. DANIEL WOULD respectfully inform tbc Ladies of Macon and vicinity that she has taken rooms at INo. I© Cotton Avenue (up stairs), where she is prepared to do Dress Making in the latrxl and mo*t fashionable styles, and war rants to give satisfaction. ‘ octfil -2w BERND BROS. MANTTACTTRERS OF AM* WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IX j Harness,Saddles, Collars. Horse Equip ments and Clothing Generally. ALSO a full assortment of LEATHER of at kinds, Enameled Cloth, etc. -addlers and Harness Makers Hardware and Tools. Cash paid for HIDES, FURS, SKINS, WAX, WOOL and TALLOW. 5-103 50 BBLS. RED APPLES. At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.'S 50 Bbls. Russet Potatoes, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.'S 25 Bbls. Silver Skin Onions. At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.'S Choice Amber and New Or leans Syrup, At Seymr, Tinsley & Cos. 170-190 BOARD. DAY board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, can be had by applying to W. D. Rainey on Walnut street "Macon". Sept. 13.1 T? 137-163 CROP OF 1812. Clover and Grass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED. Ac., Ac. Just, received, HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 11G-15G 82 and 84 Cheny Street. Sptsnfl Hotel, nearly opposite passenger depot, (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. Board 3.00 per l)ay. T. U. HARRIS, Proprietor. C. J. Maclellax, Superintendent. James W. Meara, In the Office. I— tf Sale of* Li very Stable Stock "VVTILL be sold at public outcry at Ilolmc- Ti * Clay’s Livery Stable, at 10 o’clock v. M., on the first Tuesday in November next, (Iff 1 : Twenty head of Horses, Carriages, Pha-tons. Buggies, Hacks, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Iron Safe, Desk, etc. Sold for division. For further particulars, apply to C. MASTERSON, Receiver, octlS-tds At the Stables. W. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. MACON, GEORGIA. Offle at entrance of Ralston Hall, Cherry street. All business will receive prompt atten tion. 95-173 Marshall House SAVANNAH, GA., A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. BOARD PER DAY $3.00. 121-209