Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 06, 1872, Image 1

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' Lisks. Wing & Smith, Proprietors, IVi-iUM of SnbNri|>ilo: if 8 00 One Year 4 (HI Six Mouths ,> ‘ Three Months “ [nrariuMy in advance. To city subscribers fajthe'Month, Seventy-live eents, served by carriers. FOR MAYOR OF MACON, HON. W. A. HUFF. Mu. Prank J. Hbbbinotom is our only authorized City Agent, and lie is duly em powered to solicit work for tins cilice, and subscriptions to the Enterprise. M i. Charles L. Mize, book and news dealer, is our authorized agent in Dawson, Oil. Mr. YY. S. Deidrick, Southern Express L Company Office, is our authorized Agent at Smith ville. .1. L Tucker is our authorized agcntal Fort Gaines. I. X. Seymore, of Dyington s Hotel, , is our authorized Agent at Griffin. Mr. Ed T. Byington is our agent in Fort Valley. • Mr. W. W. Lanky, is our authorized Agent at Colaporchee. I C. W. Brown, Kailroad Depot is our authorized Agent at Barnesville. rrY~TELEGRAIM I I'lcotl AM.TIII'I 4YOSei.l>. KLfcKJTION ttlSrUll^S. Gcurgiii, Augusta Ga. —November s—Gree ley's majority in the city is 3,000 in llie ; county 50fl. The probable majority in j tiie 81b district for Greeley is 4,000. Gen. Wright (Democrat) is elected to Congress by a large majority. I Savannah, November s.— Rawls, Dem ocrat, is probably elected to Congress. Atlanta, Ga., November 5. —Greeley carries Georgia by twenty thousand. All tin; Democratic Congressmen arc elected Florida. Tallahassee, November 5. —Partial u-turns indicate the election of Bloxliam, tlm Liberal candidate for Governor. Alabama. Mobile, November s.—Tlie city and county give 7,000 for Greeley. The vote is much increased. The returns are meagre, but indicate that the State lias gone for Greeley and the Liberals State ticket. .Mississippi. i. .lackson, November sth.—Forty three ftowns give Grant a heavy majority. Lousiiina. New Orleans, November 5. —The elec tion is quiet. Warmoutli thinks the State lias gone lor Greeley by 15,000, and claims three Republican and four Conservative Congressmen. New Orleans, November 5. —The gen eral opinion is that the city has gone for | Greeley and Fusion by ten to twelve thou ,saml majority. In Minden Greeley had three hundred majority out of nine hun dred votes. The Liberals claim 500 ma jority in Webster parish. Franklin parish j gives Grant three hundred majority, but elects the Fusion ticket. Ooliason parish : gives Greeley and Fusion about GOO ma jority. Aui’tb Carolina. Partial returns from about twenty five counties indicate that the State has gone for Grant by between 5,000 and 8,000, with a largely decreased vote. The elec tion passed off quietly, and but little inter est was manifested. South Carolisia. Charleston. S. C., November 5 Grant has carried the State by a heavy majority. The white vote was very light. . The horse malady is increasing, but is of a mild type. Virginia. Both parties claim the State. In thirty counties the Democrats made few,.while the Republicans made many gains. ’I he chances arc in favor of Smith in this dis trict. West Virginia. Wheeling. November s.— Returns are I meagre, but indicate the State lias gone for Grant. Kentucky. Hopkinsville. November 5. —Partial returns indicate Grant’s majority in Chris tian county to be about 800. Louisville, November 5. —Tlio official vote gives Greeley 2,137 majority. The O'Conor vote in the State is insignificant. Tennessee. Nashville. November s.—Returns from i State meagre, but show Greeley ahead; State ticket indicating Andrew Johnson defeated for Congress, with chances in fa vor of Maynard. Memphis, November 5 — lt is raining, and the vote will be light Maynard (Radical), for Congressman at large, carries this county. The contest is close for Congress in this district. Maryland. Baltimore, November G—3 a. m.— Greeley and the Democratic Congressmen in the First, Second and Third Districts arc elected. The others are doubtful, Delaware. Wilmington, November .7.—The vote is close. The Republicaus claim the State by a small majority. / Michigan. Detroit, November s.—Seventy-five smaller towns and villages give Grant 8,000 majority ; cities unheard from. Kansas. Topeka, November s. —Twenty town ships and wards in this State give Grant 1,994 majority. Sew Hampshire. Concord, November s.—State goes for Grant by over 4,000 majority. Massachusetts. Boston, November s.—The Republican majority will be larger than ever before. At noon Grant bad 2,5G2 majority in this city. Banks is defeated. The entire Rad ical delegation is elected fiom Massachu setts. Grant's majority in the State is about 65,000. New Jersey. Newark. November s.—The Demo crat# concede the State to Grant by 5,000 majority. Newark, November s.—Fortytwo town* give Grant 2,846 majority. tlhicun Omln Snlrrpmr. Later —Tho Republicans carried the State by a small majority. Indiana. Indianapolis, November 5, —Tho Re publicans claim the State by 20,000 ma jority. Rhode Island. Providence, R. 1., November s—The5 —The Democrats arc polling a light vote. Grant lias an increased majority. Both j Republican Congressmen elected. Maine. Portland, Me., November s.—State carried for Grant by about same majority as 1808. when it was 2,833. Vermont. Montpelier, November s.—Grant's majority in the State is 31,000. Wisconsin M 1 lvvaukie, November s.—Partial re- { turns from four counties give 3,000 111:1 joritv for Greeley—a Democratic gain of '742.' Ohio. CoLUMiius, November sth —Returns throughout tlie State indicate that Giant's majority will ho from 40,000 to 45,000 ma jority. So far as heard from, no Conservative Congressmen have been elected. It is claimed at the White House, where they have dispatches from every State, that Grant will have 270 electoral votes. lown. Partial returns throughout tlie State show tlie Republican majority not so large as in 1868. Sciit aska. Omaha, November 5. —Grant's majority is probably 10,000. From Washington. Washington, November s.—Returns show Republican gains. Cincinnati has goue Republican by 2,- 500. Ilawley. Republican, is elected to Congress in the Hartford district. North Carolina is conceded to tlie Re publicans by 5,000. The Gazette telegraphs that Ohio has goue Republican by 25,000, and Indiana is sure for Grant. Grant’s majority in Philadelphia is 43,- 000. lie carries every ward. Deleware has gone 15,000 for Grant. New Jersey has gone 5,000 for Grant. The Democrats lose two Congressmen in Maryland. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November s.—Twenty Wards give Grant 30,000 majority. Nine wards are to bear from. Tlie Republicans claim Delaware by from 1,500 to 2,000. Scattering returns from l’enusylvauia, show gains over the Governor’s vote for Grant. Cumberland county gives Grant 3,000 majority, a gain of 713; Lancaster coun ty gives 7,500, a gain of 221 : Lycoming gives Grant 5,000, a gain of 72(i ; in Berkes, Reading City, gives Grant 1,0(J7 a gain of 1192 over October. Greeley’s ma jority in tlie county is 2,000, a gain of 3,- 500; in Washington county 1,500, again of 1,326. Deleware gives Grant 2,500 a gain of 1,000. Philadelphia, November s.—Returns from all Hie wards but one, up to ten o’clock, show a majotity of 21,013 for Grant. It is estimated that Greeley will receive 20,000 less than Buckqjew did in October. Philadelphia, November 5. —111 Del aware county Grant’s gain is 950. In Alleghany county Grant's gain is 700. In Lycoming county Grant gains 350. In Chester county Grant’s gain is 2,500. Pittsburg, November s.—At ten o’clock the votes in ten wards stood : Grant, 1,384; Greeley 493. Philadelphia, November s.—Grant's majority in Pennsylvania is from 90,000 to 100,000 (?) Returns received show from 12,000 to 15,000 Republican majority in the State ; 6 Republicans and 1 Democrat elected to Congress. Eldridge is defeated. Points within telegrapii reach, with few exceptions, show large Republican majority and gains. New York. New York, November 5. —Up to one o'clock the election was proceeding quiet ly, and in the down town districts more than half the registered votes were polled. At i 1 a. m. in the Ist, 2d, 3d, 4th and stli wards, O'Brien is doing well, and many Greeley tickets are dropped. In the negro ward, the Bth, O'Brien is the favorite and scarcely any one else is voted for. In the 17th district Greeley is ahead, being run out of O’Brien boxes. In the 15th district O’Brien has beaten Lawrence off the field, and Hnvemeyer has no chance. In the j 17th district Lawrence is heating O’Brien, ! and Ilavemeyer gets a few more votes, ; and Greeley is the favorite on the Presi- ! deutial ticket. In the 18tli district O’Brien is ahead, and running Grant and Greeley tickets. Lawrence developed great strength. In the 17tli ward, counterfeit tickets, scratch ing and selling out is the order ot the day. laone district of the 17th ward the O’Brien tickets were run out of the Tammany boxes. One hundred and two districts of the city give Greeley 4,000 majority. It looks as if Greeley’s majority in the city will not exceed 25,000. Kcrnan runs ; largely ahead of Greeley. Earliest returns show heavy gains for j Grant, and indicate that he will carry j the State by 25,000. Greeley is running ; behind his ticket in the State as well as j I city. Early returns from Maine show heavy | Republican gains. Three hundred and four election dis tricts in this city has given Greeley 15,638 majority. Two hundred and four districts are to hear from. Roberts, Republican, is re-elected to | Congress by 2,500 majority. In Oneida j county Grant's majority is 3,000. The Re publicans carry Richmond county. Greeley’s majority in this city is 22,92 H. Rochester City gives 1,233 Republican I gain. Dix is elected Governor by about 25,000 majority. Tbe World's estimate at midnight is that all of the Northern States, with South Carolina and Mississippi —in all 253 elec toral rotes —have declared for Grant, leav ing 113 electorial votes —all from the Southern States—for Greeley Grant will have at least 40,000 in the State of New York. Greeley is running behind Kcrnan and the State ticket at least 15,000 votes. The Liberal gains in tbe rural districts of Republican counties are more than com pensated by the Grant gains in tbe cities 1 of tbe State, MACON, GA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER (5, 1872. Itavemeyer, at the time of writing, seems to bo elected Mayor. O’Rrieu, though tlie favorite iu the ponds, is behind. The local officers elected, expecting May or, are generally Tammany Democrats, The Republicans liavo tho Legislature of tlie State by a working majority. James Brooks is elected to Congress by 11,000 majority. Four hundred and nine election districts have been heard from on the mayorality with tlie following result: Havemcyer. 43,102; Lawrence. 30,908; O’Brien, 2,752, No returns have been obtained from the Otli assembly district, 13tli ward. Fernando Wood is r.e elected to Con gress. Albany, November 5. —The indications are that tlie Democrats have carried the city' by a reduced majority. Buffalo. November 5.—A heavy vote. Appearances indicate 12,004 Republican majority in this city. Syracuse, November 5. —There was a heavy vote polled. The Democrats have gained. Hiscoek’s majority in the city is about 800. The Republicans gain 311. N kw York. November s.—Returns from the State are incomplete, hut indicate from 5,000 to 6,000 majority for Grant, and 11 Republican majority in both branches ol the Legislature. For Congress the Re publicans elect live of seven members. Rochester, November 5. —Sixteen wo men. headed by Susan B. Anthony, voted 15 for Grant ami 1 for Greeley. General News. The KorSte Malady in Wilming ton, Y. C. The horse malady lias appeared at Wynn. Yauey & Co.’s stables this morn ing. Haywood’s tine trotting nmres, Fan nie Haywood, Loafer and Pomeroy, are down with it. It is spreading rapidly. Wholesale- merchants and cotton factors have ordeicd oxen from the country. Two stores on Hillsboro street were burned this morning. It was tlie work of 1111 incendiary. Loss over insurance $5,000. 'FIIO Horse Uisease at Wasliing lon anil Chicago. Washington, November s.—No street cars are running to-day. There arc 4,000 sick horses in Washington, and as yet there are no signs of the abatement of tho dis ease. There is a cold rain at Chicngo. and a number of deaths are reported there. Oxen are doing the hauling. French Unties. Washington, November 5. —The state ment that tlie Treasury Department had decided that discriminations against French bottoms applied to vessels afloat, is premature. The matter is still under advisement, but such a decision is proba ble. W'illieim Creates Some Peers. Berlin, November 5 —The Govern ment lias created a number of new peers in order to carry 011 tlie local Govern ment. Another Homicide in Memphis. Memphis, November O.—D. P. Robin son, late Assistant Superintendent, was shot last night in a street car by R. B. Miller, during a political quarrel. The wound is dangerous. It is said the shot was fired in self-defense. Rejoicing over the Telegraph. Melbourne, November s.— There is rejoicing over the completion of the Tele graph. The event will be formally cele brated on the 15th. Henri Rochefort to be Harried. Paris, November s. —Henri Rochefort has been permitted to come to Versailles to marry the dying mother of his children, in order to legitimatize his offspring, When tlie ceremony is concluded lie will return to prison. London, November 5. —The new com mercial treaty which has been for a long time in negotiation between Great Britain and France, was signed to-day. M. H. UIIIIRI, ATTORNEY AT LAW. /CORNER OF MULBERRY AND SECOND V ) Streets, in Coart House, Macon, Ga. 29-104 NOTICE. JTAVING recently relltted the, old stand of L Geo. D. Lawrence, near the Brown House, I am now prepared to furnisli KEFHLBII MENTSto the public. 100-177 Z B. WHEELER. BYINCTON’S HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA," is t ins ISICI2AKFAST UOBJfti: For the Train from Savannah, Augusta and Ma con to Columbus. BH WIIU HOI si: For tlm Train from Eufanla and Albany to Macon. smii:k hoi si: For the Train from Columbus to Macon, Sa vannah and Augusta. Large comfortable Rooms with Fire places and every Convenience. 112 100 Press for Sale! WE have for sale a large bize CORDON FRESH (Aligutoor) and a RUGGLErt’ PAPER CUTTER in good condition. To be had sjt a bargain. Hold to make room for lar ger and faster machines. Aduit/v" Llfc*.S. WING & SMITH, l_tf Macon, Ga. FOR RENT. rpilK hou u e next to Mrs. Campbell’s, on .1. Third street, between ()ak and Arch. It is a large line house, with kitchen containing three rooms, a fine garden spot and well. Eve rything convenient, and must be rented imme diately W. E. ELLIS, At Ellis & Cutter’s Planing Mill. Oct3l -3t Aiimaxd L. Butts. Edgak A. Koh. COAL AND WOOD. WF. are ready to fill orders at reduced rates for the very best GOAL CREEK aRd ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK ar.d HICKORY WOOD. Order, left at the office of A. O. Butt*, at store of Winship & Callaway, or at yard M. A W. R. R., will receive prompt attention. 114-193 BUTTS & ROSS. Wu. M. Pendleton. Walter T. Boss. PENDLETON & ROSS, (Successors to J. M. Boardman.) Corner Mulberry and Second St reels. IIAt OY, <a„ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, LAW BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CAP, LETTER and NOTE P'APEB, ENVELOPES, LEGAL BLANKS, WRITING INK, COPYING INK, CARMINE INK, INDELIBLE INK, GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, STEEL PENS, PENCILS, CHALK CRAYONS, RUBBER, WAX, OIL COLORS, WATER COLORS, COLORED CRAYONS, BRUSHES, CANVASS, PLAYING CARDS, CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, DOMINOES, BILLIARD CHALK, CIIROMOS, PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS, GLASS, ETC., ETC., ETC., Ami in fact everything usually kept In a first class Book and Stationery Store. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. Prices ns low as any other house in the South. Orders for printing solicited. a hows. 113-521 Macon, Georgia. Unerase!, Bartran & Henftrix, KFIFUFICS SUPPLY STOKE, lllalie’s llloek, 1-oplur Sli-eel, (Between Third and Fourth.) WHITE AND YELLOW PINE WORK, | Sash, Hoars, llllnd*. Frame*. Ki-neket*, Newel Posts, Italuslns, Mantle*, Hie., Isle. Carpenter Tools, Locks, Nails, Hinges, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, Etc. CONTRACTORS for BIIIMHNO. DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT OUR FACTORY, DIXIE WORKS, CHERRY ST. I2S-tf BY BREAD WEXIVE rpHE undersigned hag established a first class JL BAKERY where our citizens can obtain bread that is bread. My wagon will supply citizens at their residences. 1 use only the best flour and materials generally. 123-148 MARK ISAACS. FOR SALE. A COMPLETE OUTFIT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITTRE. A FAMILY designing to break up house keeping on the drat of October, now oiler a complete outfit of furniture for five or six rooms, together with all necessary kitchen utenscls, for sale, at half original cost, it eon sists of Mohair Parlor Clmlrs, Mahogany mid Black Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus, Dining 'fa ble, Dining, Rocking and common chain. Car pets, Dinner and Ten Setts, and ill short, almost every article demanded in a house of live or six rooms. The furniture has not boe;i used over one or two years, is In perfect repair, almost as good as new, cost si,ooo and will now lie sold for SSOO cash. Address Box 432, Macon, orapply at this THIS OFFICE. scplOtf 'B ill: HUNT AMI iIIIIAPIINT. SODA WATER MAN Ui'ACTIUIEI) BY W. P. CARLOS N Mulberry Kl., Muenn, <:i. JAM now fully prepared to furnish pure bot tled SODA WATER In any quantity. Ord ers by mall or telegraph promptly attended to. 1 have in store and am constantly receiving every description of Fancy and Family Groceries, WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, FOREIGN ar.d DOMESTIC FRUIT, FISH, GAME, and every delicacy when in season. Bar and Restaurant up stairs, supplied witli the very b(:nt in the market. Parties purchasing goods from me can always rely upon them being fresh and first class In every respect. Will. I*. CARLOS. l-tf ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE one cent a pound as usual. No rise in . price now or hereafter. YV. P. CARLOS, Wliolenale lind Retail Grocer, UKALKK If ICE, I ICI ITH, I’lfSll. ETC., Mulberry Street, opposite Lanier House, CB-tf Macon, Ga. BYINGTON HOTEL. GRIFFIN, OA. rpHIS HOTEL ranks second to none In \ Georgia, for good comfortable rooms, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present hot term, It is unequalled, the nignt* being remarkable cool and pleasaut. The beet Water in Georgia. W. BYINGTON, 11(1-1 GO Proprietor. MERCHANTS \\n PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TO Til Kill AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE MAKING THEIR BILLS. WE HAVE IN STORF, 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAR U. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOUII, all “miffs. 500 ROLLS 21 BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BAKES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH, Have, anti are offering at very low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, fill grades, 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES HAY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN, Togo!her with :t full .stock ol nil all goods in our line of lnisiness. 110 tf Brown’s Hotel, MACON, GA. TF lon# experience and 11 Ihoiouvh Uuowl- JL edge of the business in all Its diversified branches arc essential U> the keeping that which the public has long heard of but aculum urn, A IIOTHfa, the undersigned flatter themselves that they ate fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their patrons; but they are not only experienced in hotel keeping, they modestly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED ani> MOST COMPLETE LY ANI) EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in the State, which is loca ted exactly where everybody would have it sit uated IMMEDIATELY IN FRONT AND ADJACENT TO TJIJS PASSENGER DEPOT, where travelers can enjoy the most nhvp and less liable to be lift by the. perplexlngiy constant departure of the trains. To all these, important advantages is added a TABLE that is well supplied with the heat and choicest dishes the city and country can atibrd : nor would they omit to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. For the truth of these statements, we refer the public to our patrons who'reside In every State in tlie Union. K. E. BROWN Sc BON, Proprietors. Macon, Ga., April 15, 1872. 78-104 DAVIS SMITH, (Successor to the late firm of Smith, Walcott. A: Cos., and of Smith, Mcdusliuu A: Cos.) MANfi Af'TURKIC AND DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, 111 KM I! It, OIK MINOS, ETC.. Together with awry article usually kept Ju a j saddlery house. IMCHERBF ST., MAUOX, M 4 150-IS3* ' FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE LAWTON Ac BATES, Foilrlli Snoot, (Next I)oor to Lnwtou A Willingham,) i hi: prepared to furnish the. trade with ! v t.'ltOMiltlliS, IMtOVISIONS, M. * VFVHO\ Nl PPLIKN. UAH UI.XU, TltiN, ETC., ’ oil ns reasonable terms as any house In Georgia. We will keep constantly on hand BACON I.AItl), CORN, OATS, HAY, SUGAR, COFFEE, BAGGING and TIES, and a general aaaorV "lent of sueli goods as are kept in a first class Grocery House. Give us a call. We are rnnnlng 111" BAULEtXOVBMC MILLS, and direel-special attention to our “CHOICE,” "EXTRA,” “FAMILY" Flours. They will be •“'■nd exactly adapted to the trade, and wd guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction Our prices are us low as those of the same grades can he bought in the South. • ORN MEAL, hotted unit unbolted, alwiiys onliumT, of our own make and of the best quality. 120-188 "■* ■■■! a , -i ii i. inu ■ sMA. H. BANDY & CO. TIN AND SHEET IRON HOOFING, Plumbing ill Jteprag, \ TIN AND (MLVANIZED IRON CORNICKR ( N * v* !|l A (/] | \ Executed at short notioe and satisfaction \ 9 \ , | guaranteed. j) / \|] I Na. 40 Thlrsl Street, Mueou, Uu. Ii Particular attention given to Uuttcrirg put np \ \ witli \ ' WOODRUFF’S \ PATENT HAVE FAHTENINUH. US-aug 3 iIPEOVH) MS OMR. NOMIi'TIIINGI NEW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! I’T'IIE settling of the Gin House lloor has no utleet on tho Gearing. Kiug l’ost of Iron and all l the work bolted to iron. IT IS MADE TO LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. Call and see for yoiiaaelf. I build u Portable Horse Power that challenges all qther MAKES, hut it will not do tlie work with the same Draft that my PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kinds of Machinery made and repaired at ('HAFKETT'N IRWIN WORKS, 10S ISO Near Brown House, Macon Georgia. Blows’S GALLERY! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where aU the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. & E. P. TAYLOR, Cor. Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street, DEALERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETINGS, REGS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. .j * - •w • ... Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. 79tf ISJTOrdera by Telegraph promptly attended to. ■HJKSII. 11101/.XT. ISAAC HARDBMAN. HI,i;NT Ai HA KOKINA*. ATTORNEYS AT fLAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston Hull, Cherry street. W-WlO Barber Shop For Rent. THE Basement room, formerly occupied by Mike Napier, in Brown’s Hotel halloing is for rent. 'Him Is one of the best stands for • Barber Shop in the city. Apply to aepKS If BROWN’S HOTEL. Volume I.—Number 178 INMAN LINE ROYAJL MAIL STKAMSHIPS THE Liverpool, New York end Philadelphia Steamship Company dispatch two *l**lo', era per week. The quickest time ever Sde across the AtianUc. Every comfort ooS con- ,or g.^r r a^BM-