Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 06, 1872, Image 3

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CITY GOVERNMENT. W. A. QVFPi Mayor. ALDERMEN: , , nAY A. R., •I. j.' WIIVIIKN. ®- h 'iVohkkt- SrffiT E.P.-Stboso”’ 4 1 Smith J Kl’ssell, t: I)4l“ R- WAGUENBTIIN. c. J. Williamson lre Clerk . HvCOV city Attorney. f„ i; s Holmes, CHy Phyican. V ' , U .. T . N Chief of Police. H TTayi oh First Lieutenant. ,L S 11, Ki ev Second Lieutenant. W 5! \VH.i,• Third Lieutenant. i.' iv sk v Guard House Keeper. JUU.iauo Cubkkv t,L CitVSexton A. K. H vitMan, Lit) Sexton. D. 0. lioix.KlNs Magazine Keeper. JoUN .1 I l-TUKS, clerk of til 1 * Mai kit. JOU IMtlM'nL. 'l'llis Olllce is prepared to ex trnle .lob lrliiiinK nl prices to M-.iit the liiiies, and in a stylo patisl'actory to all. l’lnc work made a specialty. Me solicit your orders, and yy 111 do our nest to please you. tilV IN. HOME" AFFAIRS. MACO.I, GA., JIOV. O, ISTd. A Chance for Somebody ! ONE-HALF interest in the DAILY ENTERPRISE FOR SALE. DESIRING to make material improvements in tlie oiliee and to make the paper a morn inn paper, we offer for one week, one-half Interest in the Macon Daii.v Enterprise for sale. The paper is in a good paying condition. For particulars address, LINES, WING A SMITH. nov.V I w Macon, Go, Exchanges please notice. I'istol Shooting:. Somebody tried to make night hideous around on Third street near Fire last night. Several pistol shots were tired, and itt one time we (bought there was to lie a general Court house riot l unng America. X tic IllCUlUl IS Wl tuio •* mind that a meeting will be held to-morrow night. See notice in another column. Fine Furniture. fcesore, the enterprising auction merchant, will sell, on Friday, a lot of flue furniture and an excellent piano. Go and attend the sale. Pretty Wet. The streets are lovely to look upon. Mud here, there and everywhere. You step into mud r.d curse. You curse and step into mud. ’Twas ever thus since the rain. Give us a dry spell. Tm FI Fa'*. Delinquent tax payers will find a notice ad dressed to them, by Captain Williamson, in another column. Read it and ponder well. Harry Macarthy. Don't forget that this gentleman opens at Ralston’s Hall, on Friday night. Harry has paid us a great many visits and has always brought a good show. Save your dimes, boys, there is fun ahead. Wlio Found It? A gentleman lost a large leather pocket book, yesterday, between /.. B Wheeler’s and the City Hall. The book had two rubber straps aronnd it and contained a sum of money. The finder will be well rewarded by leaving it at the City Hall. Ini|M>rtsint Humor. It is rumored on the streets that Judge Ers kine, will adjourn his Court and Grand Jury to Macon, and will probably sit here next week. The rumor is credited by responsible parties. Commissioner's Court. The Court was busy this morning fixing up the matter of bonds for the prisoners to appear at Savannah. They met this evening to trans act all unfinished business, discharge witnesses, etc. Flection Ketiima. The follow ing is the returns from the coun ties in this District, ns far ns heard from: Put nam, 25 to 50 Democratic majority; Baldwin, (official) majority 400. It is claimed that Col. Blount, carried every county in the District ex cept Twiggs. Mayor'* t'eurt. The case of E. 8. Spinner, occupied nearly an hour this morning. He was docketed for four or five things, but additional testimony was needed and the case was continued. A young man for being drunk and lying on the streets was fined $5 and costß. Moses Clark for fighting and carrying con cealed weapons was fined $25 and costs. Attend to It. Not long ago we noticed thut the persons whose duty it is to shift the scenery at the theatre failed to give that matter any attention. Sometimes we would see a wood scene tacked on one-half of a parlor. Sometimes there would baa crack on each side of the scenes large enough to show the maneuverings of the ac tors. Their ignorance causes ludicrous views. Attend to it. 'Flic Itifili County Vote. The following is the official vote of Bibb county: Wreeincts. Dem. Hep. Blount. Anderson. ■beville 22 28 25 28 Howard 35 'OO fib 00 Warrior 463 6 454 6 Hazzard 66 00 60 00 Godfrey 200 51 204 51 City Hall 37 1240 38 1240 Rutland 172 00 168 00 Court House.... 1606 1063 1604 1061 ft Total 2776 2388 2776 2386 Greeley’s majority 388 Blount’s “ 300 “Famed Nome Nense.” Just before the election for Legislators, a Itegro wash-woman told the lady she was wash ing for that the negroes had said there was go ing to be a row and to be careful. Sure enough there was a row. Just before the election, yes terday, the same womon told the lady that she Seed n’t be scared, as “ de niggers done lamed •ome sense, for da hab to work fur de Demo crat-, and if da doa’t do right da can’t work for’em, and dagwinc to ’have dcmsclvcs now.” And there was no row. Mr*. D, P. Bowers. The rain fell in torrents last night, but a rather good house heard and saw the very ex cellent actress play Elizabeth. She played it well and this is enough to say of her. If we , were to fill this column we could say no more. . McCollom’s “ Robert ” was good. Some I I*rts was fine. Some parts of his acting are I equal to Forrest’s. But what’s the use of particularizing* The whole troupe is the best that lias appeared on I our boards for a long time, and we have not the time to spare. We advise all who appreciate good acting, free from all coarseness, to go and see them. llulher Kpukli on film. A young man, one of the arrested boys, has been looking “down in the mouth" for a long time, and ills friends liave been very anxious to know tho cause of Ills depression. Rut "mur der will out" and tho cause of his troubles, trials and tribulations was made known to-day. It seems os if tho young man in question lias been desirous of throwing oil Hie oppressive yoke of bachelorhood, and to further that end wooed and won a charming maiden—one of Macon’s fairest lillles—and the hour when the two souls should be made ns one approached, as it always does, too soon. To-day he gave bond for Ids appearance in Savannah on Mon day next, and when lie signed the document the tears trickled down his cheek and the im aginary castles so fondly built toppled over at one fell stroke of the pen. “Alas,” he cried, “’twas ever thus from childhood's hour, I’ve seen my fondest hopes decay.” Colonel Ear row, who sat near by, judged from the tone of the young man that all was not well with him asked, “Why art thou sad?” Said the young man, “I am sad because my most joyous antic ipations liave 1 gone where the woodbine twincth’ its tendercst tendrils. To night I lead to the altar the fairest of the fair and my bridal tour, from present Indications, promises to be anything but an extended and sweet one.” At this speech the memories of other days llew with rapid tlight to the mind of the stern old Colonel, and without a word he wrote upon the bond of the young cadldate for matrimo nial troubles, the following: “ This party wilt not report at Savannah un til culled for by me. H. P. Farrow, “ District Attorney.” The light that sprung to the young man’s eyes, the buoyant start of his heart, can he bet ter imagined than described. He folded Ids arms a hi Napoleon, looked into the Colonel’s face to see if he really meant it, then with a “thankee” that spoke volumes, he turned and left the room. Colonel Farrow said he was married once and “knew how ’twas himself.” ■ lie illegal I tn>. The live negroes, Lake Crol, Fred Stubbs, Gabriel Walker, Hurry Wood and Ben Sanders, urreated yesterday for illegal voting, were turned over by the police this morning to the United States Deputy Marshal, Seifert, who carried them before, the United States Commis sioner. A rumor got out in some way that the United States authorities had taken the prison ers from the State authorities. Upon hearing this, Judge Cole instructed Solicitor General Crocker to Inquire into the matter, who did so, anil was proceeding to get indictments against them, the Court then being in session. Dis trict Attorney Farrow, to avoid a collision of authorities, went to the Court room and point ed out the United States laws, to the Solicitor General, giving exclusive jurisdiction to the United States Courts. The Solicitor then pointed out the law to the Court, when all steps in the State Court were suspended. Tho So licitor was then invited by the District Attorney to appear and join him in the prosecution of the prisoners before the Commissioner at 3 P. m. , promising to let the Solicitor control the prosecution. The Solicitor declined, saying he wns too full of business. Tims the matter stands. A Supposed l use ol’ tl>e Horse Biseawc. A sensation was created at the corner of Cherry and Third streets this morning by what many bystanders pronounced a genuine case of the horse disease. Some ten days ago, M. C. E. Small, who re sides two and a half miles from Macon, on the Clinton road, received a liorse from Indiana. On last Saturday morning he noticed that he was not well—that lie was slobbering at the moutli, coughing, and giving other signs, as if choked. He doctored him for that without re lief, and yesterday rode him to town. But this morning he was much worse than ever. We saw him at Hull’s corner. He was then emitting copious discharges of white foam from the mouth and uostrils, was very dull, and showing other signs of the horse disease. There were two or three hundred people around him, all of whom, with two or three exceptions, pronounced it a genuine ease of the great mal ady now prevailing among the horses of the United States. The Mayor peremptorily ordered the nnimal taken from the city, which was immediately complied with. We trust this was not a real case of the disease, but the evidence is strong that it was. A Wonderful Nuccc**. The elforts of the publishers of the Savan nah Daily Advertiser in giving the public alow priced daily have been crowned with remarka ble success, and in addition to the daily, Messrs. Beard & Kimball are now publishing a magnificent weekly containing thirty two columns of reading matter. There are few weeklies in the country which surpass it, while it Is the lowest priced first-class paper in Geor gia, being mailed for one dollar and fifty cents per annum. We can safely recommend it to our readers. Carlos still keeps the freshest fish, the finest oysters, the coldest ice, the yellowest oranges, the reddest apples, the Irisbest potatoes, the genuincst cigars, the sweetest French candy, the goodicst groceries and the best place in town to buy your groceries at. tf Luncti at regular lunch hour", Free Soup, Tomandjerry, Hotpunchcs, and ( ineinnati Ea ger Beer at Ullman’s Isaacs House Saloon. sepl7-eod-lm Fresii every Morning.—A few fine Ten nesse shoata, superior pork sausages, made from the same. The finest of Tennessee beef, mutton, &c., in fact every thing that is found in a fresh meat market, can be bad K. L. Henry it Bro’s., a few doors above the Enterprise office. Call on them and satisfy yourself. oetß-tnfri. It Is True.—lf you want to buy Rea dy-mude Clothing or good Underclothing, etc., it will pay yon to walk up to first door above First National Bank, Clieriy street. tf C. 11. Baird. ■ — ■ Farrar’s Electric—Warranted to cure the following diseases or money refunded: Dip theria, Neuralgia, Cramp and Colic, Headache, Diarrhoe and Rheumatism if not of too long standing. Farrar’s Ague Cure—Warranted to cure in three days or money refunded. For sale by all Druggists. Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, 93-171 Wholesale Agents. Oranges at W. P. Carlos’. - That' 3 So.—lf you want a suit made to or der in the best style, you will save money by calling on (tf> C. H. Baird. Carlos has Florida Oranges large and sweet. NOTICE. HAVING recently refitted the old stanu of Geo. I). Lawrence, near the Brown House, I am now prepared to furnish REFRESH MENTS to the public. 180-177 Z B. W HEELER. CITY DIRECTORY. MASONIC. Macon Lodge, No. 5, moots every Ist and i’sl Monday night, at Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue. Mi/.pnh Lodge, No. 47, meets every 3d and 4th Thursday nights at Masonic Hall. Constantine Chapter, No. 4, U. A. M., meets every 3d and 4th Monday night at Masonic Hall. St. Onier CoßUmuidery, No. 3, Knights Tem plar, meets Ist Thursdays <rf each month at Masonic Hall. FIREMEN. Protection No. 1 meets Ist Tuesday night in eaeli month—House Poplar st., corner 3d. Ocmulgce No. 3 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House on Cotton Avenue, near City Hull. Young America NoB meets Ist Monday night in each month—House 3d st* corner Mul berry Mechanics’ No. 4 meets Ist Monday night in each month—. House corner llawthorue and 3d streets. Defiance No. 5 meets Ist Tuesday in each month—Housed in City Hall. Ilook and Ladder No. 1 meets Ist Friday night in each month—House Poplar st., cor ner 3d. onn FELLOWS. Franklin Lodge, No. 3, meets every Thurs day night at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cotton Avenue. United Brothers Lodge, Nq, 5, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Germania Lodge, No. 59, meets every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Macon Union Encampment No. 3, meets at Odd Fellows’ Hall on 3d and 4th Mondays of each month. KNIGUTS OF PYTHIAS Meet every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. GOon TEMPLARS. Walton Lodge, No. 33, meets every Tues day night at Progress Club Hall. Aurora Lodge, No. 80, meets every Friday night at their Hull in Hollingsworth Block. Dougherty Lodge, No. 179, meets every Monday night at Progress Club Hall. Windsor Lodge, No. 130, meets every Thurs day night at their Hall on Windsor Hill. SOCIETIES Progress Glut) meets every Sunday night at their Hall on Mulberry street. Hibernian Society meets Ist Tuesday in each mouth at No. 3 Engine House. Malachi Lodge, No. 140, I. O. B. 8., meets second and fourth Sundays in each month. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets every Wednesday night at the Passenger Depot. Visiting brethren welcome. CHURCHES. Episcopal- —Christ Church, Ilev. it. Johnson, Rector—Walnut st., between 3d and 3d. Ser vices 10 1-3 A. M. and 8 p. m. St. Paul’s Church, Rev. 11. K. Rees, Rector —Vineville. Services 11 a. m. ; sp. M. Chil dren’s Service; ti p. m. Evening Prayer. St. Barnabas, services by the Rector of Christ Church, at SP. m. Near Macon & Brunswick Railroad Frcigtit Depot. Catholic —St. Joseph’s Church, Rev. L. D. Ba/.in. Mass 7A. M. ; High Mass 10:00 a. m. ; Vespers 4 1-3 P. M. Jh't^byUriav —Mulberry St. Church, Rev. C. B. Vaughn, pastor. Services 10 1-3 a. m. and 8 p. M. Windsor Hill Church, Rev. Wm, McKay, pastor. Services semi-monthly. hraelUiih Synagogue— J. TI. Hertz, President Near Ist Baptist Church. Services Friday eve ning and Saturday morning. JJaptist —Ist Baptist, Rev. W. 11. Mclntosh, pastor —2d Street, between Cherry and Poplar. Services 10 1-2 A. M. and 8 1-4 p. M.; Sunduy scliool 4 1-2 p. m. Second Baptist, Rev. James Mclirvde, pastor —near Findlay’s Foundry. Services 101-2 a. m. and 8 p. m. Mission Chapel, Windsor llili, supplied from the city churches. Methodist Episcopal —Mulberry Street, Rev. J. O. Brandi, jjastor—Mulberry st., comer Ist. Services at 10 1-12 A. M. and 8 p. M. First Street Church, Rev. W. W. Ilicks, pas tor—lst street, between Oak and Arch. Ser vices 101-2 A. M. and 8 P. M. Vineville Church, supplied from the city churches. East Macon Church, Rev. J. W. Burke, pas tor. Services 10 1-2 a. m. and 4p. m. mECULAT ORA This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is l*S icc t t TEUETABLK. For FORTY YEARS it lias proved its great value in all diseasesof the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great in ail parts of the country vouch for its wonder ful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. SIMMON’SLIVER REGULATOR knowledged to have no equal as a Livi:u n It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Bucli signal success hus attended its use, that it is now regarded as the Greut I’nl'iiilincr Specific for Liver Complaint and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice, Billious attacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, Heart Buna, &c., <fec. Regulate the Liver and prevent, 4 1111.1.S A\l I'I.YIIK. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by .1. ii. zi:ii.i:> a. < <>., MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price 81 per package; sent by mail, postage paid, 81.25. Prepared ready for use in bottles, $1.50. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. all Counterfeits aud Imitations. 112-538 To tile lltisincss .Men ol'.ll run THE ALBANY NEWS Circulates exclusively in Dougherty. Mitchell, Lee. Baker and Worth Counties. The wealthiest Cotton growing Bcction of Georgia..,#^ THE MOWS Im the t>eat Advcrtiaing Medium in South west ern Georgia. ADVBKTIbEMENT* fcOLICITEU. CAREY W. STYLES, Proprietor. 89 Call at S. T. &B. P. Walker 1 * this evening, if you want such things as choica Tennessee Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ap ples, Oranges, B.omauus, Malaga Grapes, or anything else In the fancy or family grocery line. petl7-tf 8S CUBRUV St. .*. .. No more blowing about your Ferreotypea. Brown tuis just received the best and largest Ferrcotype machine that ever came South.— Call at No. 8 Cotton Avenue, if you want good pictures. Old Cameras for sale—dltlTrcnt size*. tf FINANCIAL A COMMERCIAL. Dully Kevlew of tho Market. Office Macon Daily Enterprise, I Novejuber 6—3 o'clock, F._M. j Cotton.—Report for 34 hours, sinco 2 P. M. yesterday. Sold 72 bales : shipped 81) hales. Received 408 halos. statement. Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872 hales 413 Received last 24 hours 40$ Received previously 21,894—23,302 Total receipts 32,714 Snipped last 34 horn's 80 Shipped previously 10,206 —16,855 Stock oil hand this evening 5,350 Market active 17 1 j. _ MACU.H I* It lit 10 tIKHILVr. 08NABURGS—No. 1 16 No. 2 14 MilledgevilleN’o. 2 14 MACON SHEETING 13>tf Seven-eighths Waymanville Sheeting 11 Houston Sheeting Houston Stripes 13JS£al5 Columbus Stripes 15al8 High Sliool Stripes 16 Montour Shirting—% lOjaf Factory Sewing Thread 60 YARNS- 1 60 GRlTS—per bushel 185 OATS—per bushel 00a05 FIELD l’EAS—per bushel —— HAY—Northern Tennessee 1 01a2 00 Clover 1 00 PE AN U TS—per bushel... 150 POTA I'OES— Planting Table use 3 50u4 00 APPLES —Northern BUTTER—Goshen No. 1 per lb 43u44 Goshen No. 3 per II) 25 Tennessee No. I “ 8J Tennessee No. 2 “ 30 Country 35a40 COFFEE—Itio per II) 23a25 Java peril) 80aS3 CHEESE —Best Cream per lb.. 171,j New. York per 1b... 15 MOLASSES —N. O. Syrup per gal. 05 “Georgia” per gal.. 70 Sugar House 35 8Y1U! PS—Golden Drips, per gal... <SOa76 Medium per gal 05 Ordinary per gal 55 BUG AR—“ A ” per lb 13)^u White Extra “C" 18a New Orleans (hlids) 10*12% Yellow C 12%u Demcrara 12%a13 Port! Rico IVMV/. POWDER—Hazard per keg 7 35 Orange Mills 7 00 BROVI9IONB, GRAIN, GROCERIES, Ac. BACON—Clear-rlpbcd Sides (smokd).. 13 Shoulders 8%a9 llAMS—Magnolia S. C., canvassed... lOJjuOO Pitch's 19%a20 Tennessee, plain-cured > 18al8% White Bellies lOftlOW PORK—Pickled, mess 18 00 New, mess 10 00 Pickled, rumps 15 00 BULK MEATS—Cask Sides Shoulders Bellies 10a10% LARD—Prime Leaf, Tierces 1 lull ]/, Kegs 13 Packages 12al8 FLOUR- -Low superfine per bhl u 7 00 Standard superfine.. 8 50 Extra 0 00 Choice extra Family 10 00 “ W.yleys X X X .V , Georgia Mills ) II 5(1a13 00 llyacintho 0 50 “Domestic” 13 00 Star of Beauty 11 00 Belle of Georgia 1100 Pride of Dixie 12 00 Silver Lake 13 00 CORN —White per bushel 05 Mixed per bushel HKa'.K) SHOT—Per sack 3 00 CRACKERS—Butter per Hi 09 Soda Bao9 Cream 18 Sugar 131-2 Lemon 14 Ginger Snaps Pic Nic 10 Fancy 17 CANDY—New York per lh 18 M. It. Rogers & Cos I S BLACKING —No. 1 per gross 5 00 No. 2 a 6 00 No. 3 7 00 SODA—Bi-Carl), per lh 9alo POTASH—Per lb lOall SOAP —Turpentine per lh 6 1-2 Laundry 15 Toilet per doz 75al 20 Olive 8 YEAST POWDERS—Preston and Merrill’s per doz. 1 75a2 25 Hereford's 2 00 TOBACCO—Choice Chewing per lb 75 Medium 60 Ordinary 40a50 Choice Smoking 1 25 Medium 75 Common 40 ClGAßS—lmported per thousand 75 OOaISO 00 Domestic 15 OOafiO 00 SNIJFF—Scotch per lh 78 Macuboy 78 PIPES—Per box 2 50a4 50 MACKEREI No. 1 kits 2 25a2 50 No. 2bbl 13 50a14 00 No. 2 kits 1 70 No. 3 bids—lurge. .11 50a12 50 No. 3 kits 1 50al 70 WHITE FISH—Half bid 7 50u9 00 CANDLES—Best Star (full w’t)... 21%a22 Sperm 42u45 ruratllne 80a83 STARCH—PearI 7%u8% EGGS—Per doz 85 CHICKENS—Per doz 3 005 00 SALT—Virginia per sack 2 10a2 15 Liverpool 2 25 FEATHERS 80 HIDES—Dry flint 14ul0 Green ou7 BEESWAX 28u80 SWEET POTATOES 1 60 WHISKY—Commou Rye., 1 05al 10 BAGGING—BengaI 18 Lyon 18 Borneo Gunny . Dundee 17 Patched 17 TlES—Goodie Arrow 9%a10 .. . Eureka 10 ■ Ailgator “9% Treasurer’s Office, ) Savannah, Griffin <fc North Ai.a. It. it. r Macon, Oa., Oct. 4, 1872. ) rpjfE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of X- this Company, for the election of Presi dent and Directors to aerve for the ensuing year, will be held at the Court-house in New nan, Coweta county, mr Thnrsday, the 7th day of November next. MILO S FREEMAN, oct4-lm Hedy and Treas’r. Notice to the Tax Payers of Bibb County. rpilE TAX BOOKS for the collection of State i. and County Taxes for 1872, are now open at the office of Collins A lleatb, lieal Estate and Insurance Agents, No. 698econd street. F. M. HEATH, oetlS-tfeod. Tax Collector Bibb county. J. .1. A Hit AM N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 15134 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. COLLECTIONS promptly attended to and money remitted gt once. O. Box 7. 181-209 SPSTON ; AND— Savannah Steamship laua, IOW rates of freight and insurance. T'ii K j class passenger accommodations. your goods shipped by “Boston and Savannah Steamship Line,” and avoid all delay and extra handling. RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Agent, Savannah, Uu. F. NICKERSON A CO., Agent*, 181-300 Boston, J. A. MERCIER, Commission Merchant, Iff SI IIA V STREET, Bet. Whitaker and Barnard SL, Savannah, Ga. All orders wilt receive prompt attention. Con signments of all kinds respect fully solicited. 131-300 boat & McKenzie, Cotton an 1 Commission TIER!HANTS 108* Hay Ntrc“*l, Sat n nil ill*, <>. 131 300 MEYER, COHEN <fe CO.. yvuoi.gsai.k m:ai kks in Boots and Shoes, 49 UroiiKhton W.,Su vanimli, < Merchants supplied at, New York Market 131-309 Prices. A. S. AI,DE\ A 11110., COMMISSION MERCHANTS —AND — Dealers in FrnltH, Fish anil Produce, j No. 95 Buy St., Bavunnuh, On. Conslgiiinen ts solid ted. Orders promptly attended to. 1:71-Too E. D. SMYTHE. ■ VII’OKII.K OF CltOCkliltV, Uliixswnre anti Chian, And Dealer 111 House Furnishing Goods, 143 Congress and 141 St. Julian Sts. SAVANNAH, GA. 131-200 F. W. SIMS tto CO:, Colton Fuctoitt anti CJeiiei'lll Commission Merchants NAVANN AII, GLOUUIi. Bagging and Ties supplied at. market prices. Advances made on Cotton, or other consign ments. Money promptly remitted. LllvjOi) A. 11. CHAMPION. GEO. <’■ I'KKKMAN. ni t,ui>io> a nu:i:nAK, Commission Merchants Corner Bay and Drayton Streets, SAVANNAH,.GA, 131200 L. N. WHITTLE. GEO. W. UUSTIN. ivmmi: .V GI MTI.Y, ATTORNEYS. Ac.. AT LAW, NO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. 83-107 Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, OA.. J NO. YV. CAMERON A CO., PROPRIETORS. A first class house in every respect, 181-209 THE nUzUIIIiH WEEKLY. TT in universally conceded that advert wing i A a necessity to success in business; it in also conceded, by the shrewdest business men, that newspapers are tho host medium for reaching ail parties whose trade Is desired. THE MON ROB ADVERTISER reaches more of tlie people trading witli Ma con than any other journal published in the country; it is, therefore, tho bent medium of communication with tho planting interests. We will be happy at any time to furnish refer ences to leading merchants hero and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact that they have re ceived orders for goods from parties who read their cards in The Aducrther. In fact, many who have availed themselves of its columns, candidly say that its value exceeds thut of all other journals in which they arc represented. The Advertiser lias the fresh ness of youth and the ripeness of ago, and is therefore deservedly successful. CHARACTER OF ADVERTISEMENTS No advertisements are admitted which are not believed to be above question and of real value, and from parties so unquestionably re liable that the readers of The Advertiser will lie safe in ordering them from any distance. To our readers, the fact of its appearance hero lias all the weight of endorsement and authority Address, JAB. P. IIAKUIHON, Forsyth. Georgia. PROSPECTUS Man Mill Enterprise, W. WATKIN HICKS, Editor. ON or about the fln-t week in October, we will Issue from tills ofllce the first mini- Larne, Live, Weekly Paper! It will contain all the the Telegraphic news of tho week, and the latcrd reliable information on all subjects and from all parta of the world. In lie editorial department will he found dia eusaiona of ail tho LIVE ISSUES of the time*. Particular attention will lie giv en to the advancement of Science, Art, ami Literature; while all interecting events and authentic progress of the political world will be faithfully presented. aunscKiPTioN i-hile. One Year 11 50 Six Montlm 1 00 Invariably in advance. eubacrlptlon taken for lena than six i* the time to subscribe. Bfeci- MKH LOMUS SENT ON APPLICATION. i. CLARKE BWAYZE, i BlbbConuty < vs J-October 'term, 1871. NINA SWA YZE. j Libel for Divorce. It appearing to the Court that the defendant In the above stated cfte, ryides without Hie limits of the State. It U ordetod that Service be perfected In said ease, by publication In one of the public Gazette., published In the City of Macon, once a week for four^monthiL^ Petitioner’. Attorney. 4 extract from the Minutes of Bibb Su- JfcSowt A. B. ROSS, Den. Clerk. .July 17, 1879. 86-lw4ta FRESH STOCK! ~ j i - BURDICK BROTHERS SIGN OF THEi“COLDEN:HOC.” j DEALERS 1\ Grain, Provisions and Groceries, Have now In shire a fie-h Stock of Gouda, uud Invite the attention of the Public. WK OFFER 100,000 pounds BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, direct'.hem thr l'uebtiv. 35 tierces of the genuine “MAGNOLIA" HAMS. 20 tierces PURE LEAF LARD. 5,000 bushels WHITE AND MIXED CORN. 3 CAR LOADS FLOUR from NEW WIIEAT. 500 Rolls BAGGING, weighing 3, ’4 pounds to the Yard. “ARROW” TIES, IN ANY QUANTITY. 25 Buga Choice RIO COFFEE. 50 Dbln. SUOAII of various gnied*. o Choice WESTERN HAY, fresh Water Ground MEAL, WHEAT BRAN, LIVERPOOL mid VIRGINIA SALT. We have now a good Stock, and respectfully Invite the attention of all who desire to par chase goods In our line. Entire satisfaction Lh guaranteed to our custonipm. PieiiHO rail on u/i at, §3 Third Street, Macos, Ga., Sip of tie "Golden Hei," BURDICK BROTHERS, 110-135 TO EVERYBODY AND HIS CHARMING WIFE I r I MI AT all-important event, the election, having punned away, and the 44 timed that tried ineiT* I houlh ” have merged into the 44 piping time* of peace"; und Winter has been ushered In among twitter of birds and music of the leaves as they fall to the ground ; and the Bummer hav ing faded away and tho weather reduced to Homcthing agreeable, I have to announce to iny nu merous and beloved patrons that I have recently returned from an extended trip to New Yerk, Philadelphia, Poughkeepsie and Weehassan, and other celebrated markets, where I purchased, und liuyo now in ray store, the largest lot of “GOODIES!” Ever brought to Macon, consisting In part of Hugar, Coffee, New York Canvassed Ilams and Hmikfust Bacon, Lurd, Rutter. Canned Fruit, Jellies, Hckies, Raisins, Nats, Apples, Lemons, Cabbages, Onions, Potatoes, Crackers. Cheese, Spieed Hams, Kolognu Bausages, and—-well, H would take me all day to write what J have got, and It would fill this paper 60 full that Smith wouldn’t have a local for a week. It is utmost unnecessary for me to mention the fact that lam prepared, as ever, to supply Oysters and Bhclldlsh of all kinds, from a Crab to a Greeley oyster. Hie finest Fish, fresh und on Ice, is kept by me, and sold at living rates. In view of the fact that the people of Macon, and those visiting Macon, are determined to cut whether they get anything good or not, I have prepared myself for the emergency, by making ample arrangements to have my DINING TABLES Siipplli il witli tho very host this find other markets ean ufiord. That popular dish, "Birds ou Toast” belnjf my own invention, the people can always Und the nm at my restaurant. To gether with my polite corps of waiters, tills branch of my business will receive the patronage of ulI of my old customers, uud, 1 hope, many new ones. My rcstanrant Is, ns Is well known, supplied with the very best EATABLES & DRINKABLES Hint could he found. Therefore, gentlemen und ladles, having laid before you what I have on blind, and wishing you all the host luck and that I cun suit you in your purchases from me I must close this letter. If at any time I can serve you, you huve hut to command me or my corps of attentive and obliging clerks, and you will ho mndo happy. Thanking you for past favors, I urn tenderly yours, W. P. CARLOS. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, THE LARGEST AND OLDEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE, 50 Second Street, Maeon. Oeortf*®* oet!9 3*n