Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 08, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE ti u <n. • **• >***■ rrOLIHItII KVRHT KVIEMIWO SY LINES. WING & SMITH. No, 10 HolHtur*worUi Block. \/I )eUt r* rd'Uhi'i (0 SuivriptUm tthmdd Uad , ,*,•</ to Lion l, Winn and Smith) Macon, <ja. runtutuauudinvn J\,r the /*'/*"■ nhouhl U ad and to the tthtor. IP camtot oodrftake to km rrjtnifd rOiomnnlndiooK. Will a a thud i .Ziriv 'tlw. ft I*"'*"/ VI. \VATI.I> IIICK*. r.iHlor. iivo i nii *.* Epidemic* come and go. They haw their own causes. and generally, "lay lime, in spite of treatment. Hot a tmd disease is that which we know " 1 lIOW lictiri to designate than political hystcr ies. l ii, for the moat i>art. a hat-miens ailment, with all the disagreeable symp loms of St Vitim' dance, chilblains, and Idiinl stagger . will, now and then a swoon thrown in. It is lncnrulde, and has its periodical excitements, when itn violence la rotner alarming to those who arc unac quainted with its nature and tendency- It is always unpleasant, but alter elec- tions It is pointedly alarming, nml almost contagious. upon the mortal part of a newspaper editor, for example, ho immediately dips his pen in liquid brimstone, and pyrotechnics, in the most wierd and fantastic conceits make day and night fearful to contemplate. The coun try is one vast conflagration. Ihe alarum hells must he rung, and kept ringing , the fears and vigiluueo of the people must he thoroughly aroused. . And so forth. These arc simply the pranks of this wretched disease. Gootl peoplu have become accustomed to Its un fortunate victims,and treat them with that charity "which sntliretli long and is kind." Many people Just now, urn thus atlllcted They must he borne with -especially edi tori. It is well to consider their noble, patriotic anxiety for their eountry s weal , their untiring rlfnits in their imperilled country's cause; the oceans of ink they made away with, and tlie fiantic rallying cries which llicy erased not to utter I And then, to lose id) ail all! I.ot us he thunkflll that the reaction is la so mild a form as the hysterical, even though it bids fair to become permanent! Think how much worse it might have been. It might have been softening ol the bruin, or the displacement of the faculty of rcu sou or the paralysis of the hack bone, or tlml fearful complaint which Ih so fatal In (1 r uervtu .’/, mtmbrum, or even catalepsy! Tnc pi evidence of political defeat Is kind t us, and we have limbing more serious In diaguoaa ami treat, than permanent hysterics, as In the cares named W have only to warn our people In the premises, upon the danger of paving heed to wlmt those nllllclisl persons may say or do. As we l.uvc before intimated, theii vir tty has been seriously tried, and any evlil billon of weakness on their purl should pot lie seriously considered The sun still shines' Oui beautiful country Is still ours, uml no pow er can loti us of its broad acres, stately forests, and unvexed water courses ! H e have some lltlolily loft, and the light of self-respect and self-de|iendenco. And we can prevent the epidemic form of this hysterical disease from spreading hv a > ig neous treatment of personal industry, taken early in the morning and continued regu larly. with reasonable Intermissions " lie who advises is your frleml Farewell, sail to your liesllli attend " *- •NOT CUHrOKTI.IiNtt. Though the ImUIo tins gone against us. in the nation, it is a consoling thought that oar own immediate State is ours I Col. James 11. Blount. the popular candi date for Congress from our immediate dis trict, Is beyoud doubt elected by a very complimentary majority—probably over ,'t (100 votes I This la cheering Indeed and only to be construed by Mr. Blount, as an expression of the confidence njiosed in him. by all classes of his fellow citizens We have every assurance that Col. Blount will do hls whole duty, and reflect Iho greatest credit upon Ids native section from his proper place iu the councils of the Government. We shall record hls suc cess with unalloyed pleasure, ami wish him abundance of tl. 4iOOI>. Tlic follow itig short article l'wi the Telegraph nml Messenger pul* tin Impor tant matter in the right light. Such a lnw ns is here foreshadowed would save us nil sorts of trouble Kkuirtuation —The Atlanta Uriah! mils tail for • registration law to protect the jrolls front repeaters nml other Iraudlt lent voters. The sm of the last Legisla lure of Georgia was that it tailed to pass a well digested election law—a law which, while it gave the most ample protection to the honest voter of every class, should make frauds upon the Sutlragc dililcttlt, if not impossible. The law should require a legist ration before every election. The voter. before being admitted to registry, should lie required to establish liis legal light to vole to tlie N.listaciiou ot the board—should show that he is a resident of age—and has complied with all the constitutional and legal requirements which enter into the qualifications of the voter. When In is admitted to registry he should he foluisbed with a certltlcate there, and upon delivering to this to the inspectors ol election he should la' permit ted to vote without question The ceitili • ate should 1* held by the ius; ect ns and tiled away with the letonis ot eleeliou. In addition to this the law should pre scribe uniformity iu si/e and color of priuted ballots, so as to leave the voter free trout intimidation or influence in the ever i iso of the sutfrage In oilier words, it should not be allowed by any sluqie. color or deslgu to la tray the character of the t otr. These arc just and equitable provisions < sM-uiial to the purity of the franchise in i his State—and the press and peoide should insist upon their being embodied with all others essentia) to a jierfeetlv orderly and lair election, iu a general and w ell digested Mamie on that subject vik’itt: on a bi:*ii:k. This is from our agricultural neighbor. the Telegraph and Messenger S MKHCIt.BHS CASTKIATIO.N. We have received, from an esteemed correspondent un able and most withering communication reviewing tin- political course of a certain liatlical editor i-i this Htate. That worthy is literally flayed alive, and pounded into atoms, between the up|M-r and nelher millstone of the ponderous arguments ot an incensed and virtuous Democrat. The arraignment is based upon some of the wilt'en utterance* of ttic iifo.esaid editoi, which the writer declares to he without foundation and ma in iously untrue. As the election is over and all discus sion is now bootless, and can only Increase the ascerbities of the hour, we have deem ed it beat to withhold the article of mil irate frleml, which can do no manner ol good, but might lend to an endless news paper fusillade. For the same reason we suppressed on a recent occasion arasping criticism u|Mui ono of the productions ot an individual who also edits a paper, he licving that such animadversions, when couched in words so severe and hitter, had better not sec the light. Our motto is, let disgruntled editors mid others pitch in and abuse us as tlu-y wi' 1 . we only smile ul their impotent elToits and are not in the least disconcerted thereby Our urmur is proof against these missives, and ten to one, they will recoil and w ound the hand that aped them. Ho we say, hold friend, and let thine enemy go. The world is wide umaigh for both he und I hoc. We have heard of the worthy who put the candle into bed and blew himself out, but he was a beggarly genius compared with the spirit of the übovo editorial. Now, we do not care a brass button from the coal of a Yankee lieutenant of marines, for the radical rascal who, according to the Telegraph Is (figuratively) "flayed alive nml pounded into atoms," after the milli ner of poor old Mr Adam Hekoli, ol pre cious Telegraph memory—not a button, as we said. but we would spend a picayune or so, to see that "rasping criticism upon one of the productions of an individual who also edits a paper." That must be brother Fitch, of the tw ink ling Star, of the village of Grifihl, since, we have learned from the Telegraph’s own columns Hint lie has taken advantage of its mild mannered virtue. For shame, Fitch! Of course the suppressed "rasping" arti cles were not conceived in tlie Telegraph oil Ice ! Nome famed Junius, who bus been for goMou of llio gods, is the secret forger of tlie holts ho deftly caught by the steady hand of tlioTi Icgrapli! Certainly.' l’oor Juiilus ! Hut wicked people w ill say. or at least Insinuate, that the Telegraph's virtue conics to the front too late, it's sickly “smile,” caught from the famed "dog in the manger," (which proved at lust a poor retreat.) only reveals the features of its patched deformity, and its prating of itself is like that of a certain Fox who became religiously indignant at a gentleman farmer for killing a sheep. “Oh, vile human." cried the virtuous Heynurd, "the devil roust you for shedding innocent blood! (Sato rare -curse my fate . I'm just twen ty minutes too late.) Oh! Ye butchers, retribution will come. I pity you I can afford to pity you, for wlmt would you say should you catch mo at that. (Sotto tore —which you might have done a few days ago!’’ Yea. verily, hiother Telegraph virtue lintli its reward ! Coinpranei rous ! * -* A Iris stated that Mi Uicclcy will, at once, resume his place at the helm of the Tribune It is also announced that the Tribune will he an independent journal, giving Mr. Grunt the utmost co-operation in pushing far ward any reforms lie may condescend to inaugurate. The intimation is plain that the Administration will tie uutramclled, but closely watched in the interest of good government, and the ex teutlon of protection over the whole conn try The pint of wisdom will to sustain and encourage nil means tending to unite the sections and cement the peaceful bond* of nationality. • Dr. Chapin's Prayer. The following prayer was offered by Dr. E Chapin, at tlie fuuerai services of the late Mrs. Horace Greeley : Almighty God, our heavenly Father, wo desito to commune w ith Tlicc. to recog nize Thy presence and consolation. In the days of trial, w hen life is very dear to us, and those we love the most lie dead ami sltcal by our side, who then shall wo look to but to the living God for consolation ’ We praise and bless Tliee that Thou hast made this known to us, that Thou art ever ready to hear the faintest cry, nml more ready to give good gills to those that u<k Then than earthly parents to their chil dren. We thank Thee for all the conso lation which comes to us from our expe rience. and we look hack and thank Thee especially for the utterances and love of Him who died tor u, who took the cup aud gained the victory over death and soi row We pray that Thy spirit may be present w ith us now. We ask especially that Thou wilt draw near to those sorely atllicted iu life, and to him who is called upon to mourn the loss of the partner ot his life, the sharer of his joys and sorrows, who new- in the declin ing yesrs of his life stands almost alone O God. remember him and make him strong in Thy trust, iu thy Spirit Blessed be the name of the laird I Give unto him the consolation of that faith. May that faith which lias sustained him during his life sustain him now. God. console and support him Human sympathy is inade quatc iu his present trial. twit, O God. Thv Spirit is mighty Sanctify, we be seech Thee, Thy consoling Spirit to thesi children, worn and weary through watch iug by the side of disease Grant to both these children Thv help, sustain them as they pass through the valley of the shadow of death. Look into their souls, that they may take this cup w ith recognition anil say, "Not my w ill, but Thine be done " O. God. comfort them, and comfort all who ate immediately afflicted by this death, with the assurance of Thy merev aud a cheerful faith. O. God. may we all be resigned to Thy will, foel that it is a good aud kind will, that ali Thy works ate for the glory and good of the childreu of men Prepare us for the trials and comfort* of life, until we meet in that land where there is no sorrow—no death. "POPULAR AMUSEMENTS'' The Ball-Room and the Theatre—Lec ture by Rev. R. A. Holland. From tie- Ml-sourl Republican, Nov. 4.) Kcv It A. Holland last night delivered a lecture In Bt. tie urge's church, corner of Locust and Seventh streets, to a very large audience, on the subject of- Popular Amusements.” Taking for It's text 1 lie 'Jlli verse of the I Itli chapter of Kccicsias- U:h, commencing with the words, "llejoice O young man in lliy youth,” etc., the rev erend lecturer remarked that the subject of his lecture was a very sensitive one. Whenever the subject of -popular amuse ments” i • approached with a view of point ing out the moral or immoral tendencies involved,, the fashionable world threaten to cry out. Respectable Christians are willing that gambling, intemperance and their kindred vices should be flogged for their naughtiness, hut Christians may claim immunity from censure in going to the theatre, or engaging in the very respecta ble pastime of whirling or tripping around the hall room locked iu the sexual em brace ol Hie waltz, whose immorality is upheld when accompanied by the be witching strains of inspiring music These rcspecUhle ninusemeuts must not tie touched. This was not, however, the Christian morality taught by the Divine Master. It was not the Christianity of St. Chrysostom, who emptiej the theutres of Constantinople by his homilies The metaphysics of Christianity Hereof no value except ns they inspire a godly and pure life. It is the business of Chris tianity to uiukc men lidler, to till their hearts with love for all that is beautiful and holy. Christ, the perfect model of all the virtues, is in the world. lie is not dead and in I lie sepulchre, that we should he lamenting liis absence, and proclaiming to the world from the pulpit un uccount of I his extinct miracles. The pulpit lias been playing llio part of ventriloquist, merely giving tlie faint echo of Christianity as it comes to us from a remote age instead of preaching a living Christ, w ho apenka to us not from a period long past, but from ttie present as a living oracle, pointing out the way which leuds to happiness in this life and eternal felici ty in the life to come. Christianity does not condemn rational emjoymeut, There is iu man a spirit of fun which, if not controlled, will develop itself in immoral action. The speaker referred to the spirit of luu iu the child. It was a necessity of his na ture that this spirit slioubl have ample scope for development. It could not be repressed without a violation of the laws j of his being. It must, however, wo cou ! trolled within inuocorit and proper clian nels. At no period of English history hud amusements become so licentious as under the Restoration. Lord Macaulay lias told us that this ago tolerated amusements w hich no other ago would have permitted. The Fui'itana thought it a siu to laugh, and sanctity to tulk through the nose. They regarded fun as the wild unticsof dia bolism hi it any wonder that when the restraints which Puritanism imposed upon society were removed that people should bound into the opposite extreme v The violent reaction that lollowed the removal of unnatural restraints lead the fashionable world. In their amusements to make a mockery of virtue and religion, and satirize and ridicule everything that ennobled and dignified human life. We may conceive of a world made upon purely utilitarian principliea—a world in which every substance, every object and every element cottlTl only minister to the material wants ofllio world upon diflerent principles. For every stem that bore fruit to satisfy the cravings of hunger, there were a thousand stems decorated with flowers and foliiage, presenting to the eye of man innumerable objects of beauty in countless forms and colors For every mountain that contained the ores necessa ry for tire comfort of civilized man, there were numerous mountain chains destitute of every elementof material wealth, whose lolly peaks seem specially designed to give man uu idea of the perpetual presence of the sublime After citing other illustra tions of a similar character the reverend lectui or continued Thus wc see the guy, the beautiful, the sublime, all around u>, in intluitc excess over the merely useful. Religion gives nor full consent to enjoy this beautiful world in which we live. It commands us to rejoice and be merry. It does not teach us the puritanic idea of rq, guiding the voice of iunocent mirth as the chuckle of floods, or to look upon long faced ness us the symbol of Christianity. We may use but not abuse every iaculty which God lias given us for iunocent en joyment It is no argument against any amusement that it is liable to perversion. Hating may become a gluttony, sleep may become sloth, and religion, which is de signed to fill the soul with the holiest de sires, may become fanaticism. l’totcslantisiu becomes papacy when it undertakes to anathematize and place un der ban rational amusements and inno cent recreation. Where, then, is the dis tinction between the moral and the guilty “ It was no sin to shove a ball or cross a cue upon a billiard table, but when this was accompanied with the evil associa tions and sinful practices of the bar room it ceased to be an icnoceut amusement. It was no sin to trip tho light fantastic toe to the accompauiiuent of delightful music, but wlteu this amusement is accom panied witli the guilty embrace, which ex cites unholy desires, and is practiced to kindle the passion of sensuality, it can no longer be defended as an innocent amuse ment. The true lest in determining what kind of amusements we may not engage in is that w e shall tint violate the laws of mor ality. Tito lecturer next proceeded to apply this test to the drama, the objectionable features of which he portrayed in vivid colors. He did not condemn all dramatic w r. tings as immoral, but those plays which weie unexceptionable, which were ele vated in tone and calculated to inspire none but a pure morality were very diffi cult to present in such a manner as to meet with popular favor There w ere not more than two or three actor- iti the country who could impeisouate Hamlet in such a inau ncr as to make the play a success In or der to make money, stage managers are compelled to place upon the stage low comedies, and such plays as excite the baser passions, the presentation ot which d.a< not ici|uitv extraordinary genius Iu almost every exhibition of dramatic art the spectator may see obscenities iu dress and he'ar expressions which suggest impure thoughts. It is only upon very rare oc casions that the best aud purest produe lions ot the great masters at the drama are presentee). 1 bus from the very commencement of the drama in Gre>ece and Home the thea tre’ lias had a degrading and immoral in fluence. There has beou no age of gold in the history of the theatre, but a contin ued era of mud. The theatre has beeu the sewer of time In proof of this prope>sition the lecturer cited an eloqueut characterization of the theatre from a French skeptic. The speaker next spoke of the associa tions of the theatre which were evil, lie thought all attempts to reform the theatre would prove futile so long us men love money more than decency and virtue. The subject pf dancing as an amuse ment was next considered. He would not attempt to describe the character of the dance to which he objected, but his si lence was the silence of bashfulness and not of assent. He proceeded to depict in vivid colors the evil consequences of the excitement and dissipation of the ball room, and closed with an eloquent peroration, in which he commended the condition of those who had discovered that happiness was within themselves, und was not dependent upon artificial stimulants or guilty pleasures. An Actor Who Enoch Ardens Better Than Adanu. From tliu New Orleans Times, 28th. j Twcuty years ago there was known- to the American stage a Mr. X , an actor of considerable local celebrity in New York and Boston, and many there are yet in those cities who recollect him as an artist of more than average ability. In the’ heyday of his years and fame he married a beautiful actress, but their marital hap piness was short lived, tor failing to find iu each other's companionship the fulfill ment of hope's bright visions, they parted, he remaining in the old field of his labors, while she wandered through the land, gaining much success as an exponent of the "horse ” drama, but through all those years they never met nor knew the one that the other still lived, except as the knowledge was borne by the world’s current history. Five years ago the lady appeared at the St. Chailcs thea tre, in this city as "Mazeppn,” under the name of , when one night, while milk ing the “run” lashed to her steed, she met with a severe accident, resulting in her immediate withdrawal from the stage from which time she faded out of exist, dice ; nothing was known or heard of her, and her husband, in common with many, thought her dead. Meanwhile the fortune of X , varying as ever are the fortunes of actors, had led him, now grown old, to join Mr. Aiken's company, finally bringing up in New Orleans Monday last, on which day, soon after his arrival, he started out for a walk. Wandering through the streets of the Third District, he came upon the figure of a woman standing in the door-way of a cigar store. Upon her features he gazed as upon one who awakened recollections of other days, lie looked again, and, as if by. magic, lie recognized the wife of his early years With the revelation, there rushed through liis mind a host of memories, ami iu an instant lie had fainted away dead on the banquoltc. lie was conveyed to his hotel, and upon his recovery immediately in stituted innuirics, whicli revealed to him that after her accident she had married, and was then living with her second bus baud. Of course, she knew of his presence here, but he had made to her no sign, and both, so strangely met, will still journey on apart, to meet again—never, perhaps, this side of eternity. VIA Kit 111 l>. By Rev. \V. Watkln Hicks, November (itli, Mr. J. W. Matiiews and Miss Lirrik Horn, all of Alabama. \ KvT"aD V KKTISK3I KYI'S FRESH ARRIVAL?. | 0 Barrel choice Onions. *2O Barrels Best Irish Potatoes. *-£.* Barrels Northern and Western Annies, at J F. BARFIELD A: (JO’ B. novS-2t. TO MERCKANTsT M ERCHANTS wishing to place their name . and business prominently before the peo ple of Macon, Taylor, Crawford and Houston counties, should advertise in the BUSINESS MIRROR. Circulation good and increasing very fast. Rates liberal. W. T. CHRISTOPHER, En. A Pjiop’r. Fort Valley, Ga. Notice to the Tax Payers of Bibly County. r I IE TAX BOOKS for the collection of State .1 and County Taxes for 1873, are now open at the office of Collins A: Heath, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, No. 09 Second street. F. M. HEATH. o -tl.Vtfeod. Tax Collector Bibb county. JUST RECEIVED. IS K\Y SMOKED TONGUES and HF.HE, L AKKIS’ CELEBRATED HAMS amt BREAKFAST STRIPS, 1000 POI NDS BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, j'VTMORE'S MINCE MEAT in packages to suit purchasers, At ,1. F. BARFIELD A CO.’S novß-2t haijSton haliZ Two Niglils only, ami Saturday MATINEE! FRIDAY vxn SATURDAY, NOV. Mu AiUtu. Macarthy. Logrenia’and O'Reordon! Ml I.TI M IN PAItVO TROUPE! Music! Mirth! Mimicry and Magic! Mrs. Lottie Esteli.e Macautiiy, Vocalist ami Dansuese. H arry Macarthy, Author and Great Come dian. Lohorkvia, Magician, with his performing Canary Bird and trained Russian Cat Professor O'Reordon, Tumbleronicon. The most Artistic Combination in the world. Admission £1 UU; Family Circle 75 cents; Gallery 50 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats. S;.!e of seats to commence THURSDAY. No vember Tth, at B own's Book Store \V. K. HAYDEN, \\o\'2 <t Business Manager. NOTICE! TO CITY TAX PAYERS! I UNDER orders from Council I have this J day placed in the hands of the Marshal executions against aP who have failed to pav one-half their city tax. Being unable to give more time (my orders being positive) I hereby notify those wishing to avoid having the<r property advertised and at same time save ex pene, to call upon the Marshal CHAS. J. WILLIAMSON novOlt Treasurer. Akmami L. Bt TTs. Edoak A. Re-s COAL AM) WOOD. AITE are ready to 111] ord -at red.u cd r.:*es ? ? for the very 1_ -t COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK and HICKORY WOOD. Order? left at the office of A. G. Butts, at store of Winship A Callaway, or at varS M *,v W K. R., will receive prompt attention BUTTS A ROSS. DR WRIGHT. JIBNtIST, HAS removed to BoardinnnV Block, over Pendleton Roms’, corner Mulberry and Second ft*., Macon, Ga. nov7-3ra. GEO. V. lIOGE. ALEX. 11. STEPHENS. j NOW READY! HOCE & STEPHENS, FOURTH STREET, (LAST I UONT DOLLING /WORTH iXOCfc), H’AVE just opened a full and complete . stock if Fancy ani Family Groceries, Fresh, pure, genuine, entirely new, and wa - ranted to suit the taste of every me. 'the a.- sortment comprises everything required in such a house. The tlncst brands of Flour, Meal— the best New York Hams, Sugar, Coffee. Syrup, Cooking Wines, Butter —ttie best brands of Goshen a specialty—Cheese, Fruits, native and Tropical, together with a complete line of Nut , Candies, Candles, I’iekles and other articles ior the retail trade. FISH AILD OYSTERS, l’rctdi Fish and Oyster.* every morning. Also Vegetables of various kinds. We propose, in a word, to supply our friends and the public generally with every thing nice required at reasonable rates. HUGE <fc STEPHENS. N. TV—All goods delivered free of charge. nov7*oin Me? Hi, IS t,tie day on which the sale of Tickets for the CONFEDERATE Monumental Association of Georgia will close. This is a splendid scheme and worthy the patioimgc of all classes of our citizens. Two' Thousand Frizes, $250,000. SHAKES WORTH FROM $lO TO £IO,OOO. WHOLE TICKETS $5. Remember, onh two weeks in which to se cure your tickets. Which arc for sale at the Drug Store of ROLAND B. HALL, 1 Ttt-tf Cor. Cherry St. and Cotton Avenue. This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not ) contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is I*l 95i:BjY vi:gi:tarle. For FORTY YEARS it lias proved its great value in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great in all parts of the country vouch for its wonder ful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. SIM MON’S LIVER REGULATOR is ac knowledged to have no equal as a i.ivent It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the (jircut I nfailin'*' Specific for Liver Complaint and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice,Billions attacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, Heart Bum, Ac., &£ Regulate the Liver and prevent 4'llin.M ANfl> I’M’F.R. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by •1. 11. ZEIUA A fO., MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price SI per package; sent by mail, postage paid, $ 1.33. Prepared ready for use in bottles, $1.50. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. glPßeware 01 Counterfeit* and Imitations. 112-523 WOOD AND COAL. I HAVE (-tahllslictl, near the Macon & YVcst -I ern Railroad Depot, an ample yard with Fairbanks’ best scales) to supply all kinds of Wood and Coal, in any quantity, at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left at the otliees of Messrs. H. L. Jewett, Greer, Lake & Cos., Turpin A Ogden, through Postofltce, or at the Yard, will have prompt attention. Come and see. 122-200 MILO S. FREEMAN * tiii: vnumvn weekly. T T is universally conceded that advertising is A a necessity to success in business; it is al-o conceded, by the shrewdest business men, th.t newspapers are the best medium for reaching all parties whose trade is desired. THE MONROE ADVERTISER reaches more of the people trading with Ma con than any other journal published iu the country; it Is, therefore, the best medium f communication with the planting interests. We will be happy at any time to furnish ref- r ences to leading merchants here and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact that they have je ceived orders for goods from parties who re. ; d their cards in The Adrertiser. In fact, many who have availed themselves of its column-, candidly say that its vain, exceeds that of all other join ■ eils in which they are represented Th+ Adm: <rr has the fr 'line: -of youth a 1 and the ripent>s of age, and is therefore deservedly successful. CHARACTER OF ADVERTISEMENTS. No advertisements are adm ited which are not believed to be above question and of real value, and from parties so unquestionably re liable that the readers of The Advertiser will he safe in ord.’ing them from an distance. ' o our the fact of its app ".ranee here 1 is all tho weight of endorsement and authority- Address. JAS. P. HARRISON. ’ Forsyth, Georgia. 50 BBLS. RED APPLES, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A: CO.'S 50 Bbl<=. Rr 4set Potatoes, At SKYMOV '.TINSLEY & CO.’S 25 BbLs. Silx • Skin Onions At SEYMOI , TINSLEY & CO.’S Choice Ami • and New Or lean Syrup, At Seynsor. Mej & Cos. CROP IT 1812. Clover and Grass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, Ac., &c. Just received, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 14(5-loti S2 and 84 Cherry Street. SpoM Hotel, NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT, (Only one ninute’s walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. Board 3. 0 per Day. T. H. IIA US, Proprietor. C. J. Maclellan, Superintendent. James W. Meara n the Office. L—rf O.ta ge t t Schedule. MA'JON AN] E3TERN K R. CO., I Macon, ... October Ul, 187:2. ) ON and after Sut November 3d, the fol lowing schetb Tor Passenger Trains, will be observed on is road: DAY 3SENGER. Leave Macon.... 8:15 a. m. Arrive at Macon.. 12:05 a. m. Leave Atlanta 8:20 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta 2:40 p. m. NIGHT PASSE EK AND FREIGHT. L'ave Macon 8:50 p, m. Arrive at Macon.. 3:20 A. M. Leave Atlanta, 8:00 p. m. Ai rive at Atlanta 4:55 A. M. Making close c ections at Macon with Central Railroad f, fa van nail and Augusta, and with Southwi . ; rn Railroad for points in Southwest Georgia. U Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Railway for points West. A. J. WHITE, nov2tf Superintendent. A CARD. Macon, Ga., October 31, 1872. TVTE, the undersigned delegates to the VV Grand Lodge of Georgia, desire to ten der to our landlord, Mr. E. Isaacs, of the Isaacs House, our thanks for the kind and hospitable manner in whiclt he lias treated us during our attendance; on the Grand Lodge. We take pleasure in recommending the Isaacs House to the traveling public, and assure them that Mr. Isaacs will be ever ready to extend to liis guests as good accommodation as can be had in the city of Macon, or at the first-class hotels in the State. Signed. U. C. Burke, M. D., CuthbcrL S. A. Tuornton, Brooksvil’e, Jonathan Bridges, Lumpkin, Hon. R. O. Dunlap, Dawson, E. Bellflower, Damascus, R. 11. Lanier, Cnthbert, I!. M. Picket, S. Wise Parker, Dawson, M. J. Dudler, M. D., W. L. Kincannon, 11. li. McConnell, IV. C. Dial, G. M. McClure, W. B. C. Puckett, W. H. McAfee, J. L. Dowda, J. F. Vinning, W. M., Alcova j Lodge No. 73, Newton countv. Alston Martin. Sam J. Winn. J. A. Mi Kakny. W. A. Reeves. Reuben Strozier. U. Mathews. E. T. Rogers. J. R. Battle, Oglethorpe. R. Williams, B. B. Wilkiso.n, “ J. M. R. Westbrook, Americas. L. L. Tilly, Chapel Hill. W. T. Doster, Greensboro. John Hightower, Lumpkin. Ga. A. M. Barrett, M. P. C vmp, Arnericus. J. W. Remlev, Americns. A. J. Williams, Milton Rkvieue, T. S. M Bloodwortii, Simon Holt, D. G. M., Lumpkin. Hon. E Norris, P. W. ’ -iDDiCK. Weston. Ga. D. M. ’ iown, Henderson, L. 11. ell, Henderson, C. F. < '-sox. Monroe Cos., J. A. ,'er, Houston Cos M. J. i.liks, Oglethorpe, W. Da Maxey, G. H. vOnon, Madison. L. K. 2 ion, Oglethorpe. Single . Harris, Tallifeiroco. John Got, Minborn, Ga. and many others. nov. I—lw. T. (h\. ATTORN g AT LAW, Ralston I II Building:, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GGORGIA I"23tT Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCF Macon A Uuunbwick Railroad Cos ■ Macon, Ua., October :;o, I*7o ’’ f ON and after Thursday October s'l is--. trains on this road will run as follow. .'’ DAY PASSBNUBR TRAIN, DAILY (SUNDAYS r CEPTED.) El ' Leave Macon 9.,5 Arrive at Jcsup ' Arrive at Brunswick io ; oo H Leave Brunswick g.'go A ' *• Arrive at Jesup e ; 45 A ' j l. Arrive at Macon 510 J( ' jj- NIOIIT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAIRY, Leave Macon g 35 j, Arrive at Jesup 5.00 i Arrive at Savannah H.;;o A / Leave Savannah 7 do i> tl Leave .Jesup ll'.io p J Arrive at Macon 7.00* J Both day and night toains connects clostlv at Jesup with trains to and from Florida. J HAWKINSVILRE TRAIN DAIRY, (SUNDAYS 1\ CEPTED.) Leave Macon 2 : f,0 p M Arrive at HaWklnsville 0:25 p M ’ Leave Hawkinsvillc ty : ss A ’ ' Arrive at Macon I();h5 A ' WM. MacREA. lTltf General Superintendent. Marshall House SAVANNAH, GA.. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. BOARD PER DAY $3.00. 121-209 TOR RENT. ONE of the most desirable places on Troun Mill, one mile from the Court House, and near Mercer University. Nineaorcs of land at taelicd, orchard, garden, splendid well ol wa ter, etc. Parties wanting to rent a good house can se cure one by applying to the undersigned, orto Messrs. B. It. Wrigley & Cos., Oti mid OS Second street, Macon, (iu. mtf JAMES W. KNOTT. BOARD. DAY board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, cun be had by applying \o W. I). Bainey on Walnut street, Macoii. Sept. 12,1(572. 137-162. 'ANNUAL FAR —of rnE— Agricultural and Mechanical ASSOCIATION OP GEOKUIA, \ Y 7 ILL commence at their Fair Grounds at V V Savannah, Georgia, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, And continue Six days. The central Railroad passes by the grounds. For Premium List or information, address J. H. F.STILL, Secretary, 132-td Savannah, Ga. NOTICE. BIOS will be received for (450) four hun dred and tifty Cypress, Cedar or Chestnut Posts, 0 feet long and (7) seven inches square, delivered at either depot in this city. Address communications to ootß-tf WM. HAZLEHUPvST. FOR RENT. (|nA PER MONTH by the year in advance. U Two nice rooms, best locality in the city for Dentist or Millinery business. Apply at this office, or No. 8 Cotton Avenue, oeffifl-tf. MISS M. A. DANTE T WOULD respectfully inform the Ladies of .Macon and vicinity that she has taken rooms at Nio. lO Cotton Avenue (up stairs I, where she is prepared to do Dress Making in the latent and most fashionable styles, and war rants to give satisfaction. oct3l-2w Dutch Flower Brsibr. rpilE subscriber lias received a select stock X of Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, Crocus, etc., etc., directly imported from Holland. For price list apply at the store of G. Beggs, Cherrr street, or to D. MILNE.' Macon, Ga. Also a large 6tock of Wilson’s Strawbcrrj plants, warranted pure. D. Jl. oct2s-tw. Pulaski House. SAVANNAH, GA., J N O. W. CAMERON A < 0., PROPRIETORS. A first elasß house in every respect. 131-209 vriivvriOA * INSURANCE AGENTS. ALL Insurance Agents doing business in the city are requested to call at this oilier, make returns and pay a tax of 2}<j per cent, on their receipts to Sept. 1. By order of Council. CHAS. J. WILLIAMSON, I29tf Treasurer. EDWARD SPRINZ t ATOTARY PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUS* ll TICE OF THE PEACE. I can be fouud for the present at all hours of the day at my office adjoining the law office of A. Proudlit over the store of Jaques & Johnson, Third St.. Macon, Ga., to attend to all Magisterial busi ness. 118-330. DR. P. H. WRIGHT RESPECTFULLY tender his professional services to the citizens of Macon and vi cinity, Office at Drug Store No. 3 Brown House Block. Residence at Rev. Samuel Boy kin’s, Georgia avenue. Calls left at either place will receive prompt attention. oelOtf ANOTHER CAR LOAD —OF CHARTER OAK STOKES JUST RECEIVED —BY— TRUMAN & GREEN'S. TRIAYGI i.ut block. Sign of the Golden “Charter Oak. 102-204 C. TV. HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LA'vV MACON, GEORGIA. Offic at entrance of Ralston Hall, Cherry S?"A 11 business will receive prompt *': Hon.