Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 09, 1872, Image 1

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Links, NVixo & Smith, Proprietors, IVri.i- ol‘ X.iln*rl| ; * $ s ixt !jix M“ ' ti (ill Three Months - uu mtHu-iabtil in advance. To city subscribers l>i/the month. Seventy-five eent, served t>y carriers. K ill MAYOR OP MACON, jfcrON. W. A. HUFF. ■M jik. Frank J. Heuuington is our onts authorized City Agent, and lie is duly em powered to solicit work for tins office, aud subscriptions to the Entekpkise. M i. L. Mize, book and news dealer, is our authorized agent in Dawson, <Ja. Mr. W. S. Deidrick. Southern Express Company Office, is our authorized Agent at Smitliville. J. L Tucker is our authorized agent at Fort Caines. I. V Seymore, of llyingion s Hotel, is our authorized Agent at Orilliu lilit. Kd T. Uyinoton is our agent, in Fort Valley. Mr. W. W. Eaney, is our authorized Agent at Colaporchco. C. W. Brown, Kail road Depot is our authorized Agent at Bartlesville. To i!n* Citizens and Tax-I'a.yers of Macau. Macon, fi.y, Sept. 3d, Ist-. Abus. i. Ktlllor* iMity Knterpri*.: My attention bus been called to tie-artielc in your paper of the till of August, in which you make the follov. ing stutcuienl: “Mr. R. B. Barlield, during of the debutc, stated that lie was informed by a prom inent Alderman that the indebtedness of tiie city of Macon at the present time exceeded by $300,u0.> its indebtedness at the the time the present City Administration took office that he, with u iiiajoi ity of the people, were opposed to the city’s issuing any more bonds, aud to the city currency, and that he wanted the ‘bond sec tion’ of the new charter stricken out, which proposes to place all bonds issued on tiie same footing.” , Now, Messrs. Editors, I made no such state ment, hut my remarks were as follows : “That one of the Hon. Aldermen of the present Board hod informed me that the present City Admin istration had used an amount of the city assets largely in excess of *300,000 since the inaugura tion ui the present Board, and that there had been an amount of over *IOO,OOO collected from taxes of various kinds, and if, therefore, their statements be true, the indebtedness of the city must have increased to an amount approx imating $-‘IOO,OOO since tiie inauguration of tiie present board.” As to tiie “bond question,” I proposed to strike out so much of the ootli section us is herein contained, and no more: “And be it enacted,” etc., “that all bonds is sued heretofore by the Mayor and Council of the city of Macon, under any contract, or in uceardimcc with any ordinance of said city, shaflr be legal apd valid.” I stated in substance as follows : “That I desired this part of said section stricken out, and no more, for the reason that lie 36tli sec tion was amply sufficient on the subject of bonds, in my judgment. That X did not wish to repudiate or disturb them in any way," and so stated at tiie time, in answer to a question asked me by. Mr. Pugli. With regard to “change bills,” I remarked that “I doubted the propriety of the extra tax clause of one-half of one per cent, to redeem these change bills for three years to come, as rents and wages were low and times unusually tight upon our already over burdened aud heavily taxed |people ;.but, as for myself, I had not the least objection to letting it remain.” As to your statement that “ lie, with a ma jority of'the people, were opposed to the city’s issuing any more bonds,” I simply state that I hud not spoken to any one on the subject, and did not know tiie opinion of any person on the subject of bonds. What I said about “majorities” was this : When Col. Whittle moved a resolution outlie subject of forwarding the proposed charter to the Legislature for their action thereon, I offer ed to amend by substituting tiie following: “That the Chairman of this meeting be in structed to give at least ten day’s notice in tiie city papers of tiie proceedings had on said pro posed Charter, and let the voters of said city ballot on tiie same, and if a majority approved it, then he be instructed to forward it to the Legislature for (/iciraction thereon,” stating at the time that I was opposed to putting that Charter or any other on ruy fellow-citizens with out their having first passed upon tiie same; belie\ ing, as I did then and now do, that tiie humblest citizen, be he white or colored, lias the same right to lie heard as the wealthiest and most exalted. I further stated, in reply to a gentleman who proposed to change the verbi age ill the 36th section, which reads as follows; .After “majority of tiie Council, ratiiled by a vote, taken by ballot, of a majority of the legal voters of said city, who shall vote at an elec tion ordered for this purpose, after giving ten day’s notice,” to read, “A majority t>i freehold ers or real estate owners." X was opposed to this change for tiie follow ing reasons ; Because it was violative of the written law, anti-Republican in tendency, not Democratic, and contrary to the genius aud in stitutions of our system of goverment.; Below you will'please find an exhibit,, con taining a statement of tiie debt witli available assets on tiie 3d day of December 1666, this 1 ic ing the time when Mayor Collins left office, with a like statement oil tiie 3d day of Decem ber, 1870, this being tjie time when Mayor Obear left ofliee, together with a statement of the debt and assets on the 30th of September, 187:1, with an estimate for the balance of the year, closing on tile 31st of December, 1872: Liabilities of the city of Macon, on tiie 3d of December, 1860, this being tiie time when Mayor Collins left office: Charge Bills S 25,294 50 Collins it Hardy Bonds 5,600 00 Macon as BrunswickK. K. Bonds.. 192,500 00 Macon A Augusta K. It. Bonds 100,000 00 Bonds endorsed by Railroads 5,000 00 Floating debt of all kinds 83,053 17 $111,447 07 assets, dec. 3l>, 1806. City Property (since sold by Obear’s Administration) * 01,176 09 City Property (since sold by Hull’s Administration) 67,834 22 M <fc B. H. K. Stock, par value *339,600—■worth 68,000,00 Macon A Augusta R. R. Stock, par value sloo,ooo—worth 35,000 00 .Gas Stock, par value *3o,ooo—worth 28,000 00 Armory Property, worth 75,000 00 -■Mules, Carts and Tools 4,815 00 worth SIOO,OOO, not sub- St ject to sale. (ITotal amount of Assets, Dee. 3d, 1866, was *339,835 91 You will here see that the whole debt of the ijcity on the 3d of December, 1866, over available ■assets, amounted to *71,611 73. This exhibit includes *21,000 to pay for Re *er'’.?bahmee due on City Hall and all other liabilities up to date, contracted by this and f preceding Councils. Whole amount of Mayor Collins’ expenditures for the year 18j0, i n c 1 u sive, was $ 153,409 49 Disbursed on ac count of hospital and other charita ble objects * 93H ]“ Bnilding new City Bridge at the river 20,609 77 Chinge bills burned 5,555 50 *35,476 40—* 117,966 09 * It will here be seen that after deducting Hos piui account of *9,311 13; building City .. n ?K. e *90.609 77, and change bills burned, expenditures for the year lwK were the sum of $117,4*5*2 49. * Liabilities of the Lily on the 3d of Decern Tut, INTO, this being ‘the time when Mayor Obear left office: Change Hills $ 00 (jus Honda * 10,000 tH) Macon i\: Brunswick K. It. Honda 139,000 00 Macon & Augusta H. it. Bauds 100,000 00 New City Bonds 71,900 00 Bonds endorsed by Railroads 00,000 00 Annuity of these sold 35,000 00 Mercer University Bonds 125,000 00 (ins Scrip I#2l ’ r>w Floating debt of all kinds 110,000 (K) $774,189 50 Available assets on the 3d ol December, 1870, since sold and appropriated: City Property, since-sold by Huff's administration $ $07,884 22 Macon A: Brunswick It. R. Stock, par \alue slß9,ooo—worth 37,920 00 Mucou A: Augusta It 11 Stock, par value sloo,ooo—worth 35,000 00 Griffin A: North Alabama it. It. Stock, par value sso,ooo—worth 22,187 50 Gas Stock 9,000 00 Annuity Bonds, unsold 25,000 00 Mules and Carls 4,815 00 Due the City from sale of Lots. . 5,800 73 ’ for i.abroad Annuity and Taxes for 1810 0.>,4.t TANARUS. Cush on band December 3, 1870.. 5,381 10 Charge to this account 10,052 91 This amount paid by Hull's administration and charged to Obear’s, having been previously churged in ltoating debt uccount of $140,000 and is therefore error. Whole amount of available assets on 3d of December, 1870 $264,452 21. Thus it will be seen the whole debt, over available assets on the 3d December, 1870, was $5w9,717 29. As is here shown the debt was increased dur ing Obear’s administration $438,105 56. Whole amount of expenditures made by Obear’s administration from December 3d, 1 Stiti, to December 3d, 1870, for four years in clusive was, on all accounts, the sum of $1,018,203 60. Disbursed on account of hospital and other chartitable objects, as follows * 62,759 28 New Engine Houses 44,080 47 Subscription to Mercer University 1*4,750 On Paid for building new sewers 30,000 00 Subscription of Armory property 75,000 00 Estimate for timber cut ou Reserve 30,000 00 *366,595 75 It will be seen, after deducting the above amount of $360,595 75, the ordinary expendi tures for four years of Obear’s administration was $051,607 85; making the annual average expenditures necessary to run the City Gov eminent $162,901 9G. Liabilities of the City on the 30th of Septem ber 1872, together with a statement of available assets ut the above date witli prospective esti mate for the balance of the year, this estimate having been made from the actual expenses now accruing and which will have to be con tinued for the remainder of tiie year: Macon & Augusta R. R. 80nd5.... SIOO,OOO 00 Endorsed Bonds 50,000 00 Macon 2fc Brunswick R. K. bonds.. 109,500 00 Macon & Augusta Railroad bonds.. 74,900 00 Mercer University bonds 95,000 00 Annuity bonds 60,000 (X) Gas bonds 10,000 00 Change bills 259,609 50 Increase of debt necessary to con vert these change bills into bonds at 85 cents in tiie dollar, this being tiie highest price realized for bonds since the war, will be 45,000 00 Amount necessary to run the city Government for the balance, of tile year 1872 60,000 00 Making a total of #864,009 50 Assets of tlic city on the 30th of December, 1872, will he as follows: Macon & Brunswick R, R. stock j par value *189,000 worth noth ing. ) Railroad Annuity for 1872 $ 5,000 00 Amount due for taxes for 1872 94,006 82 Amount due for city lots 20,000 00 Cash on hand Sept. 30th, 1872 7,338 39 Whole amount of asset* will he.. .$126,345 21 As is here shown, the debt, over and above all available assets will be, on the 30th of De *737,664 29. It will here be seen that the debt of tiie city will have been increased during the two year* of Huffs administration $227,947 <K>. Add to this the increase of taxes that have been added and have been collected and are now due and being collected by Huff’s admin istration, in excess of tiie rate of taxes charged and collected by Obear’s administration which is about, as estimated $65,000 00. The increase of debt would have been $292,- 947 00. For, that which is now due and unpaid, is a debt as well as that winch is not now provided for in the present tax account. These items will make tiie sum of *292,917 00 which, in fact is the actual increase of debt chargeable to Huff’s administration. The whole amount of expenditures on all ac counts as here shown for Mayor Huff’s admin istration for two years from December 3d, 1870 and December 30th, 1872, inclusive, will he the sum of *616,132 09. Amounts paid out as follows: For hospital and other charities.. .$ 13,053 75 Subscription to Macon Street R. K. 5,0(X1 00 Raid Mercer University bends not yet due 80,000 00 Improvements at Central City Park. 91,451 12 Flouting debt contracted by Obear’s administration 140,000 00 *287,504 05 According to the above showing it will lie een that after deducting the aum of $287,- 504 05, the ordinary expenditures for two years of Mayor IlulFs administration will he $329,- 942 04. Average yearly expenditures of Mayor Unit’s administration, as shown is $161,714 52. Average yearly expenditures of Mayor Obear’s administration us shown, was $162,- 901 96. The amount of revenue to lie derived from all sources for the year 1872 will he us follows : From tax on real estate *111,918 45 Licenses of all kinds 32,000 00 Fines, which as they amounted in 1871 to $3,427 05, we estimate for 1872 the same 3,427 05 Railroad Annuity for each year which is 5,000 00 Making in all $152,345 50 Thus it will he seen tiiat the expenditures for each year of Mayor JiutTH administration will he in excess of all ordinary incomes of the city, the amount of $14,369 02. As there is now no other real estate, bonds, stocks or other assets to sell, tiie reader will very naturally inquire how this deficiency is to be met. As there has been so much gossiping about the city debt, I propone to make an exhibit showing how the debt might have been reduc ed had the administrations of Obear and Huff been as frugal and economical as Collins’ ad ministration or any of his predecessors in office —with the same assets that have and will pass through their bands, to the close of the present administration: Ist. The actual expense account for running the City Government by Mayor Collins, as shown, for the year 1860, after deducting the extra expense, account wm $117,986 09. The actual expense account for running the City Government by Mayor Huff’s administra tion for one year after deducting all extra ex penditures will be $164,714 50. Difference in favor of the Collins administra tion is $40,728 43. Multiply this by two, the number of years Mayor Huff has been in office, and it makes $93,456 86. Difference, as has been shown, between Col lins and Obear’s administrations, for four years wa $169,006 48. Add to this the amount expended at the Cen tral City Park of $94,451 12 making in those th ree ito m 5357,571 40. As is here shown, the debt would now have been only $380,092 83. I am, therefore, brought to the unwelcome conclusion that of the present city debt, amo no ting to $737,664.29, there Is, or ought to be, chargeable to the administration of Obear MACON, GA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1872. and Huff *357,571.46 as being waatefully spent I by their administrations. Tims, the whole 1 debt of the city should be *880,092.83, instead > of #737,604,29, which it now is, and will be at the close of the present year. As above shown, l have summed up all tiie assets used and appropriated by each adminis tration—those donated, wasted and lost, as well us those disbursed—so ns to make a complete and correct record of all the acts and doings of each Council, for the following reasons : Mayor liutF complained to me that my show ing would be prejudicial to his administration without it, as he had spent at the Central City- Park $94,451.12, thereby Increasing his expense account very much, ana, as ho lmd transferred Hie pauper and hospital account* to the coun ty, thereby relieving Ids administration for the present year of these accounts, I thought it best to divest each administration of all extra expenditures , and make my showing in that wav. This transfer of pauper and hospital accounts to tiie county is a simple transfer from one tux account to another, and does not lessen our taxes in the least. And now comes tiie “question of questions” —the charter—aud 1 propose to otter a few reasons why / ttiink we need new charter: Ist. About the year 1866, Col. Atkinson, then a member of the Legislature from Bilib county, secured the passage of a taw by that body granting to the “Macon Volunteers, “Floyd Rides” and Bibb Cavalry the sole and exclusive use, for (99) ninety nine years, of wliut is known as “Camp Oglethorpe.’’ This vested absolute \ title to this property, and has been so held by I the Judiciary ol the State in similar eases. This Is, therefore! fraud on the Macon and Bruns wick Railroad Company, as well as ontlio citi zens and tax payers of Macon and military. 2d. Change bills Issued ity Mayor Collinss, Obear and Hull, which an- now out, to the amount ol #259,609.50.- 'lbis is violation of law. 3d. Subscription of *75,000 worth of city property without, authority of law. 4th. Cutting and destroying timber on the Reserve, worth S3O,(XX), In violation of law. sth. Selling city lots, parts of Reserve, by Mayors Obear and Huff, worth #IO,OOO. oth. Spending $91,451.12 at the Central City Park without the advice and consent of the people. 7th. Because it is necessary to have au Act passed by the Legislature authorizing the issu ing of $190,000 wortli more bonds to redeem these change bills, and leave in the Treasury money enough to run tiie city government tiie iirst quarter of next year, with license tax and tax on sales, this will bring the city out of cur rent debt to the middle of the year, and save hawking mid borrowing money fir that pur pose. Whatever may lie said of llutl’s admin istration, the aecounts, for once, are in a visi ble and tangible shape, and 1 hope they will remain so. Bth. That on tiie 23d of December, 1826, wtiat was known then as “Napier’s old field,” and now known as the “Central City Park,” was taken from Tho. Napier, sr., by the State authorities under tiiat great stretch of power of such doubtful propriety of “appropriating private property to public use,” or of subserv ing tiie ends of the old maxim, “the greatest good to the greatest number.” Wliat were the reasons given for this extraordinary stretch of power ? It was done for the protection ns was alleged of the health of the inhabitants of the town of Macon, by preserving all the forest growth on said land. So strict were they in this giant that they prohibited the city authorities from felling any timber for any other purpose than tiie opening of roads. In 1834 there was a law passed “forever prohibiting brickyards on tiie Reserve.” In 1856 “Napier’s Old Field” was leased to John S. Richardson, liy an act of the Legislature, with one restriction which was prohibiting said Richardson from "felling tiie native forest growth on said land, if any.” There have been various other acts passed at different times, to pre vent the destruction of this timber, for tiie benefit of the health of the inhabitants of tho city. In the month of December, 18C6, tho law was passed by the Legisls lurc “ceding whatever title the State had in this Reserve to the city of Macon.” What were the reasons moving the Legis lature to make this very liberal dona tion ? There were certificates presented from most or all tho practicing physicians of the city, stating that,” it was absolutely necessary to keep this Reserve with the timber thereon in a complete stato of pre servation as being indispensable to Hie health of the city. Had not this shew ing been made together with the origi nal grant to the city, who will doubt hut that the State authorititics would have sold this valuable property and pocketed the proceeds of such sale, as it would have put in the Treasury a SIOO,OOO or other large sums of money. And to whom are we indebted for this valuable accession to our city ? To Mayor Collins and Ids Council, and to Col. Thos. Ilardcman, as a member of tiie Legislature, with his extra ordinary skill and management as such. Col. Jones, a member of the Legislature proposed to sell this property, aud hut for extra good management would have car ried his hill. Col. Hardeman, with his tact and skill as u legislator saw the dan ger to the city and wliilo baffling with Jones' bill conceived the idea of what a nice thing it would be to "take this whole property in out of the wet," He com menced wire-working nnd lobbying and consummated in it a most splended suc cess for which the citizens of Macon owe him a lasting debt of gratitude. Suppose Col. Hardeman had failed, who would have been benefitted by it? Tiie lobbyists in and around the Legislature. Why is the Reserve not subject to sale ? Because all the facts in connection witli it, from the seizure of it from Napier to the trans fer of whatever title the State had to it, to the city in 18GG, shows the purposes aud objects for which it was taken was, for the protection of the henlth of tho peo ple of Macon aud that it was especially understood tiiat it was forever to remain in woods. The State never claimed abso solute title to it; hut claimed a sort of protectorate over it, as being indispensi hiy necessary to the healthfulness of the city, aud of course could not transfer what it did not possess. Who then are (he owners of this property ? The citizens and property owners of Macon. How then can its condition be changed ’ I answer, if at ail, by a vote taken by \ them on the subject. My opinion !*, should l a property holder in the city file an in | junction against the destruction of this ; timber, alleging it would ruin his proper ty by destroying its healthfulness, that the only way to get rid of him would be to ; buy his property The owners of prop ; erty in the lower part of town have good cause of complaint for they, as well as all others, bought with the express uu ! derstanding tiiat (his timber was to re j main intact. Property below thejßailroad | lines is not worth more than one fourth what it was ten (10) years ago. Many ' houses have been taken down and carried away because the owners could not live in nor rent them. Now, let us inquire into this Charter, in its inception. What is it * l Just such a creatiou of power as one of | our Railroads has—its paper existence, and no other sort of existence. It has no powers not granted it by the Legislature, aud anything done by the Mayor, or i Mayor and Council or either or all of > them, except it is in the Charter, or con tained In tiie Ordinances made thereun der aiul conformable thereto, is not legal nor binding on the citizens and tax payers. This was the old way of running the machine, so well wns this understood that public meetings were called, to make ar rangements to raise the smallest sums of money, and when it was thought advisable to do so, the first thing to be done, was to have un enabling net passed by the Leg islature granting power to the city au thorities uiakiug the same legal and valid ; thereby showing that this was the inter pretation put upon the Charter by its originators und authors and so understood by the Fathers, and proving most con clusively', as then understood, that the citi zens and Mayor and Council nor either or all of them could not exercise these extra ordinary grants of power without a special net of the Legislature to do bo, in each particular ease Hut how stands the caso now? If the present Charter stands— with its retroactive clauses, and all that lias been done outside of tiie old Charter the Mayor and Council are made the own ers and proprietors of the city instead of its officers, as they should lie. I there fore, venture to oiler the following sug gestions on the subject: That the voters and tax payers of the city call a meet ing—draft aud udopt a Charter —advertise an election to vote on it giving at leaet ten (10) days notice thereof; and when it is ratified by the people, forward it to the Legislature for that body to enact it into a law. This will he a Charter of their oten making and, of course, will suit the people, let it contain what it may. 1 here, offer the following as the plan host suited, to my notions, in tho promises : That the city government he divided into two departments, in tiie following manner : Let there he elected every two years, u Mayor with eight (8) council men —two from each ward, with a clerk of council—these to lie known as tho "May and Council, and they to have control of all the affairs of the city, except those per- J tabling to finance. Then let there lie elected at the same time five (S) aldermen, with Treasurer — one alderman from eacli ward and ono from the city' at large who shall be chair man of said Board—these to lie known as the “Board of Aldermen or of Finance,” and to have control of all the financial affairs of said city ; to assess, levy and col lect all taxes and to collect all other mo ney due the city, and to have the paying out and disbursing of all money due and payable by said city, and have tho power to limit all contracts made by tiie Mayor and Council, so ns to make the disburse menls come within Hie ordinary income of tho city. And lastly, that this meeting he called, if thought niecssary, before there is an other election held to do with wliut may he thought best in the premises. For I here give it as my opinion, for what it is wortli, that these extravagances will eon tinue, in a greater or less degree, until tlio people take hold of their affairs for themselves, as they have the right to do, not the right only, but in nil conscience ought to do, and so doing, dare maintain it. Citizens nnd tax payers of Silicon, awake, arise you up from this apathetic State, if for no other reason, for tiie pro tection of your wives, daughters and chil dren. Young men, come you up to the rescue, for you are the ones that have got to face the consequences end carry and pay this monstrous debt. To Messrs. Williamson and McManus ns clerk and Treasurer of tiie City Council. I should do inyself and the citizens of Macon great injustice by closing this communication without mentioning the tact, skill and ability, witli which Capt. Chas. J. Wil liamson fills the office of Treasurer. Ho is the right man in the right place, lie has but few equals and no superiors, in my judgment. For his kindnesses ex tended I am due him my thunks und best wishes. As for Mae—there Is old bland, quiante Mac,, ever ready to wait on, ac commodate and oblige everybody. He makes a most superior officer. The fuels and figures in this article may not bo entirely correct, ns between the sev eral administrations, hut as touching the debt—including estimates made—l here pronounce them correct. I have intend ed this article to have no political signifi cance whatever. 1 have no disposition to thrust candidates upon the people ; hut for myself, I am a Greeley inan, intensely so—politically, a Democrat, originally so —and have but one reservation in my political vocabulary, and that is that 1 never have, knowingly, voted for a seal lawag white man whe ha* joined the radi icals for office, and never intend to, but I am glad that the lately manumitted col ored men have the franchises and hope they may iiaprovo by them. And, having touched on some of the facts and figures of the city iilluirs, hut not in so full aud concise a manner as I had wished to have done, I bring this article to a close, by saying the object in writing it lias been witli a view to the public good. If I liavo done this, well. If not, rny labor has been lost. To the gentlemen of the present city administration, as well as those preceding them. I offer this as my apology for obtruding thus with their names and sev eral official records, by wishing them in dividually and collectively, peace, plenty and happiness in this world and the re ward of the just in that to coin*. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. 15. Barfield. BYINGTON HOTEL, GRIFFIN, GA. rpillS HOTEL ranks e<<-ori<l to none in JL Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMB. WELL BURPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for tiie residence of the pre-.ent. hot term, it is unequalled, tin: night being, remarkable cool and pleasant. The beat Water in Georgia. 3. W. BYINGTON, ] 10-160 Proprietor FOR RENT. fTMIE house next to Mrs. Campbell*#, on j J. Third street, between Oak and Arch. Itin I u large line house, with kitchen containing three room#, a fine earden spot and well. Kve- : rrthin* convenient, and roust bo wrwd limno dlately. W. E EhLIS, At Ell!* A Cutter b Piaffing Mill, oct3l-3t 1 MERCHANTS A \ D PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TO TIIIOIK AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON I.IS BEFORE MAKINO THEIR BILLS. WE HAVE IN STOKF, 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEA I! 11. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SIIOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, all gradt's. j 500 ROLLS 2} BACK! INC. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON ,V SMITH, Have, and arc ollcring at very low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUO Alt. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES IIA V. 1.000 BUSHELS COHN, Together with a Toil stork ol all all goods in ottr line of htisiiiess. 116 tf Brown’s Hotel, MACON, GA. IF lon# experience and :i thorough knowl edge of the business in oil IG diversilhul brant-in* are essenthi! to the keeping Hud which the public, lias lon# heard of but utidum rw, \ GOOD iioti:is, the undersigned flutter themselves that they are fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their patrons; but they are not only experienced in hotel koopin#,‘they modestly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED and MOST COMPLETK LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in the State, which is loca ted exactly where everybody would have it sit uated IMMEDIATELY IN FRONT AND ADJACENT TO TUB i'ASSENGEJt DEPOT, where travelers can enjoy the mo*/ nUrp und Ichh liable to be left by the. pcrplexlogly constant departure of the trains. To all these important advantages is added a TABLE that is well supplied witli the, best and choicest dishes the city and country cun afford: nor would they omit to mention Unit their servants, trained to the, business, Inure never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to quests* For the truth of these statements, we refer the public to our patrons who reside in every State In the Union. E. E. BROWN <fc HON, Proprietors. Macon, Oh., April 15, 1872. 78-104 DAVIS SMITH, (Successor to the. lute firm of Hmlth, Westcott. iV Cos., and of Hmlth, McClashan A: (Jo.; MAN UFA C'PL'Ji lilt AND DKALKJt IN SADDLES, HARNESS, Kill DLI’S, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leal her of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, It I It It lilt. WIN HANDS, i;T\, Together witli every article usually kept in a Huddiery house. 102 { 11l icit V NT,, MACO.Y, GA 156-182 [FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE + +. _ LAWTON Ac BATES, J’oiirili Street, (Next Door o I-awton A Uilliagimin. UK prepared to furnish tin: Irmlu with ui:on:itii:s, imiovimionn. plantation si H t ( . 1.1N'1., THIS, I'iTl j"" =’ r.m mnuhle terms ns any in Georgia. Wo wilt keep constantly on hand BACON j I. Mil), CORN, OATS. HAY, SUGAR, COFPeK, BAGGING and TIES, ~.,.1,, g, m ral I niont of surli goods as uro kept in a first class Grocery House, Givens n call. Wo are running ■: \Gi,i:iT,MtnG „,„t • till', I i' attention to our “CHOICE,” “EXTRA,” “FAMILY” Flours. Tlioy will bo iouml O Clotty mluptod to tho trade, unit we guarantee every barret to give satisfaction Our l'l'iocs arc ms low ns those ol the same grades cun tic bought in the South. i oliN MEAI., bolted and unbolted, always oubiuid, of our own make und of the best quality. 120-188 B. BAIYDV& CO. TIN AND Slim’ IRON ROOFING. ,ys - '(ritiEriis, Mini and Hepsim, i ; L tli'i.vJ V TIN AND GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES V I l* 1 ! \ Executed at abort notice and satisfaction \ \ 1 guaranteed. 's J) 1 1 n ‘ Third Nlreel, llnomi, On. Ii I’lirtleular attention given to Guttering put up V \ with V ’ WOODRUFF’S N PATK.NT HAVU I’ANTENINON. IMPROVED fill ftHAfi. SODUfiTHING NEW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! 'IMIIi settling of the Gin House lloor lias no effect on the Gearing. King Foat of Iron and all 1 tin: work liottcd to iron. IT IS MADETO LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN AN Y OTHER ROWER IN USE. Call and sec for yoimsclf. I build a Rortiiblo 1 torso Rower Hint challenges all other MA KES, but it will not do the work with tiie same. Draft that my PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kinds of Machinery made and repaired at t UOOKETT’N IRON WOUHM, 108-186 Near Brown House, Macon Georgia. BROWS ftAILEDT! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent stjrles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. <fc E. P. TAYLOR, Cor. Cotton Avenue und Cherry Street, DEALERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETINGS, RUES, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Collins and Caskets. pa* r Ini)’ 'Orders liy Telegraph promptly attended to. *_ .(A AKM If. lIUIIJNT. ISAAC UABDEMAN. Kl.oii.vr A IIAIiniiMAN, ATTORNEYS AT !LAW, MACON, GEOItU .’A. OFFICE, at entrance Balaton Hall, Cherry street. *49-300 Barber Sbop For Rent. ZTMIE Basement room, formerly occupied by 1 Mike Napier, in Brown's Hotel building la for rent. This It. one of the best stands for a Barber Shop In the city. Apply to ■epgfltf BROWN’S HOTEL. Volume I.— Number 181 I\M A N LI N E IIOYAL MAIL, STEAMSHIPS. THE Liverpool, New York ftDd Philadelphia Steamship Company dispatch two steam era per week. The quickest time ever made across the Atlantic. Every comfort and con venience. For further Information apply to If. C. STEVENSON. Airenf