Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 11, 1872, Image 1
Lines, Wing & Smith, Proprietors, Term- of MultsfrlliHan: On# Year * , f!R six Months ;; Tluve Months ijto'tr tiWy in advance. To city subscribers by the month , eventy*il\e cents, ><i ved by carriers. FOlt MAYOR OF MACON, B )N. W. A. H UST. Mu Frank .1 IlßituiNfs ion is our only nuth'n izcd City Agent, ami lie is duly em powered to solicit work for tins office, and subscriptions to tlie Entkri’kisr. M i. Charles L. Mize, book and news dealer, is our authorized agent iu Dawson, Ga. Mr. AV. S. Deidhick. Southern Express Company Office, is our authorized Agent at Smithville. j. I, Tucker is our authorized agent at Fort Gaines If N. Seymore, of Byiiisinn h Hotel, is our authorized Agent at Griffin. Mr. Ed T Hyinoton is our agent in Fort Valley. Mr. W. W Laney, is our authorized Agent at Colaporchcc. C, W. Brown. Hailroad Depot is our authorized Agent at Bartlesville. NEXT CONGItESS. The returns for the Congressmen elect are so meagre that we can base couclit .sions as to the cimrucler oi the next House of Representatives only on the general re ports One thing, however, is plain, and that is, that the Republican majority in Hie forty-third Congress, will be larger Hiau it is in tlie forty-second. The men who were the leaders in the Liberal move ment have, without exception, failed of a re election. Banks is beaten by Gooeli in Massachusetts. Farnsworth failed to get the Liberal and Democratic nomination in lllioois. and Blair, of Michigan, was not renominated by reason of being a candi date for Governor. Neither he nor Farns worth could have been elected had they been candidates. The only Republican member of the present House from this State who took up arms against liis party was Milo Goodrich, of the twenty-seventh district. lie, too, is beaten. The heavy Kt'pnhlirnn majoritv in the State on both the national and State tickets leaves no chance for Cox, and tire defeat of Shaw in the eighth, Cox's old district, shows that he could not have been elected even had 1.0 preferred not to roam at large. Koberls, Brooks, Wood, Creamer and Mellish are elected, from the other city districts, some of them by greatly reduc ed majorities. So far none of the repub lican candidates are beaten who ought to have been beaten except Syplier, of Lou T isiana, though it is likely that Stoughton, of California, will fail, owing to his action on the Goat Island job. It the jobbers, both democratic and republican, had been left at home the country would be better off for yesterday’s work. The contrary .how ever, is the case, for unfortunately some of the best leaders of the honest men in the present House will be lost to the next Congress. Kerr was sacrificed in Indi ana in October, and thus the most earnest and thorough free trader in the House is no longer to lead a demoralized opposi tion, and the loss of Cox in this State adds still further to the weakness of the democracy on financial questions Hol man will be the opposition leader against the jobbers, and we may fairly expect that men like Roberts, of this city, and Arthur of Kentucky, will tako a more active part in the Forty-third Congress than they have cared to show so far in the present Con gress. Blaine will of course be again the Speaker, and the Republican strength will be marshalled very much as in the present House Dawes and Butler and Garfield and Wheeler will all be in their old places, and Brooks and Wood will continue to hold their positions in the Committee of Ways and Means and Foreign Affairs re spectively. The administration will be all powerful, first, because of its numeri cal strength, and secondly, from the fact that the republican party has re elected nearly all its ablest Congressmen, while many of the best men in the opposition have been sacrificed to the liberal move ment. — Herald. Sippings of Punch. THE “IP.REPRESSIIILF,” AGAIN. Gent, in Knickerbockers— " Rummy spea kers, them Tglilaiiclcrs ’Eiiery. When we wos talking to one of the 'auds did you uatice ’im saying ‘uozzing’ for ‘nolbiuk,’ and ‘she’ fer "e ?’ ” PAST AND PRESENT. lhince Bismarck has stopped the Bish op of Emerald’s salary because that ultra montane and infallibist illegally excom municated certain “Old Catholics.” Nev ertheless the bishop, we are informed by telegram, “unreservedly adheres to the position assumed by him on the question rot excommunication.” Such Bishops ns Ihe Bishop of Enne laud anachronisms. The time for ex communication lias gone by. The present era of railways and electric telegraphs is an age of communication. MEM. FOR BATSMEN. Cricketers will remember this as “ the year of Grace 1872." TITLE BY PRESCRIPTION. It lias been stated that Sir lioundell Pal mer, on liis approaching elevation, would take the title of “ Lord Mixbury,” from bis birthplace. There must surely be some mistake here, for Sir Uoundcll is a great lawyer, not a great doctor. “ COLOR EST DETRRIMUB ALBUS.’ Schoolmaster . “ What color, accord ing to Virgil, is the worst in a horse V” First boy—“ Brown.” Second boy—“Ches nut.” Third boy—(favorite)—“Black." Schoolmaster (meditatively)-" Well, black! Yes, light black ; yes, grey. Well—light ish grey, in fact, white. Yes, go up ! ” A WORD OX STRIKES. (To my dear old friend P.) liacg it, old P. let's all strlke-.Why not ? It will equal ize matters generally. After a time, when we want bread, beef and beer, we can all begin de noro. And when we do begin de noxo, we’ll settle to be satisfied with necessaries, and we shall be every man his own butcher, every man his own baker, every man his own washer-woman, every man his own bootmaker, &c. Then gradually we shall work around to a rational state. Britons let's all strike In the meantime I shall go and live quitely in Kussia. Yours truly. Knout. “■Still Life'’ —The whiskey mauufacti* ring business. BY TELEGRAPH I'BSOM AliliTHK WOKI-IK Texas Election. Galveston, November 9—Texas is largely Democratic —with four out of six Congressmen. Virginia. Richmond. November 9—Should thu same losses and gains occur in llie mid land portion of Virginia, Grant will carry the State by about 3,000 majority. 4 alifot'iiia an<l Nevada*. San Francisco, November 9. —The re sults ot the election in this State and in Nevada are very significeut. Coughian, the Republican candidate of the railroad monopoly for Congress, who is defeated by Lulu tell. Liberal and Democrat, ran 3.698 behind bis ticket Page. (Republican) j another railroad candidate who is eleeetl. rail In hind Giant over 4,000. The Celt tritl Pacific Raiiiond interest ruined both I these candidates, lit this city the railroad | question was takeu entirely out of politics. | In Nevada, Kendall, for Congiess, who has a good record against the railroad j monopoly, although a Democrat, is elected, j while the State gives 2,0011 majority for Grant, and J. P. Jones, who is opposed to the railroad monopoly, secured the United States Seuatorsliip Tribune on Hie Result. New York, November 9 —Col. Henry M Baker, of Meagher’s liish brigade is dead. The Tribune concedes Virginia. Ala bama and Tennessee, to Grant, and claims Georgia. Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, and Texas doubtful. It gives Grant 12,000 in Ohio and 129,000 in Pennsylvania Wasiiigton Appointments. Washington, November 9.—lt is sta ted tlmt Langston, colored, will succeed Solicitor Bristow. Congressman Bingham succeeds Curtin as minister to Russia. t illed fr Contempt. Chicago, November 11. —The editor and proprietor of the Evening Journal lias been fined for contempt of court. The cause is his comments upon a pending trial. viarrlaiul Baltimore, November 9.—Greeley's majority has not reached 1,500 in Mary land. The delegation stands four Dem ocrats and two Republicans. morse Dheave in Albany, Gcor- Kia. Albany, Ga., November 9. —The horse malady is here and two deaths have oc curred from it. Wreck f the Katie. Memphis, November 9. —The Steamer Katie was two years old and cost $195,- 000. She was insured for $69,000, and can be raised. She belonged to Miies Owen of Memphis. Cholera in Prussia Dresden, Nomember 9. — Six cases of cholera —three fatal —have occurred here. They were American —a child and a young lady. The police authorities say it is only cholera morbus. The first case came from Perth, Scotland. Nice, November 9, — Cardinal Luigi Ainat, Vice Chancellor of the Roman Church, is dead. (iank Kales Increased. London, November 9. — The Bank of England has advanced its rates 1 per cent. The rate is now 7 per cent. New York, November 9.—Arrived, Charleston, Leo. Arrived out, Scotia. Election News. Nasiivili.e, November 9.-Browu is elec ted Governor by 9,01)0 to 5,000 majority. Greeley’s majority is 8,000. Whitespoou is elected in the 6th district. The Repub licaus and independents have the Legisla ture. St. Louis, November 9. — Ninety-one counties give Gieeley 23,000 majority. The Democratic majority on joint ballot is 56. apd eight Democratic member of Con gress. Chicago, November 9.— Grant s major ity in the State is 56,000. The Republi cans have barely seven majority on just ballot. Steamer Katie's Cargo, Memphis, Nevember 9. — A dispatch from Helena says the cargo of the steamer Katie will be saved, except the cotton in the hold, which will be slightly damaged, but ultimately saved. The machinery, furniture and stateroom doors are all that can he saved. Suicide of Col. Titu>, C. Itice. Fortress Monroe, November 9. —C0l Titus C. Bice, a recluse, who has been liv ing on an old barge here since the war, committed suicide last night about 9 o'clock by shooting himself through the head with a Henry rifle. Some 2h years ago lie was a prominent citizen of Rich- j moud, and Colonel of the famous Black horse Cavalry during the war. lie acted as a government pilot on James River. He was a native of Connecticut, and about seventy years old. The Katie Putnam Troupe. Washington, November 9.—The Katie ; Putnam Comedy Troupe has collected a ; great engagement at the National Theatre, i and departs to-morrow for a Southern tour. 1 Washington Patriot to he Sus pended. The stockholders of the Patriot have resolved to suspend its publication on Monday. Horse Malady. There is no abatement of the horse dis ease in Chicago. It lias reached Cincin nati. Some cars arc running here, draw n by four feeble'horses. Steainboatsnen Convention. New York, November 9. —Delegates i representing all steamboat trades, leave Sunday to attend a genera! convention of steamboatmeu at Cairo on the 14th of No : vember. Mexican News. Matamobas, November 9 letter te ceived here from President Lerdo and the Minister of Foreign Relations, state that the Mexican Frontier Commission will strictly investigate complaints as to cattle stealing, and that the Mexican Govern ment will aul that ot the United States in pit ting an end to all disturbances. The Mexican Government is resolved to foster internal improvements, to con nect Mexico and the United States, and to encourage foreign immigration. MACON, GA., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1872. Election News. Richmond, November 9.—lit ninety ■ counties and cities heard from, most of them official, Grant lias overcome the Walker majorities of 1869. ami lie now leads Greeley 1,025 votes. • Tbo remain ing eleven counties gave Walker 404 ma jority. It is almost certain that Grant will carry the State by about 3,000. OOi cial returns received to day from some of thecounlies in the Fifth district materially changes the aspect of the result in refer ence to I lie election of Thomas, (rep ) in that district, and it is almost certainly as certained that his opponent, Davis, (dent.) will tie elected by two or three hundred. Further returns from the First District insure the election of Letter, (rep.) over Braxton, (dem )by a small majority. The Congressional- delegation will, therefore, stand five Democrats and four Repub licans Atlanta, November 9 —Ninety seveu counties gives Greeley 11,467 majority. UesliTtefive Cunflngrntiun iu liosloit. Boston, November 9.—A very exten sive conflagration is now raging at the corner of Summer and Kingston streets. The fire extends east and West on Kings ton street, and north and south ou Sum mer street. The engines are hauled by hand. The property burning is all dry goods stores Four alarms have been sounded. Spanish News. Madrid, November 9. —The Republi can members of Cortes propose to demand of the Government the immediate emanci pation of all slaves ill Cuba and porto Rico Their plan provides for the indemnification of slave-owners in Cuba at the rate of 1,000 pesetas per bead, and in Porto Rico at the rate of 1,500 pesetas. A bill lias been introduced in Cortes providing for the abolition of compulsory service in the Spanish navy. It is said that the Government has con sented to all transmissions over Spanish telegraph lines of cypher dispatches des tined for foreign countries. A PIOUS ARKANSAN. HE WANTS SOME (loot) ROOKS FOR niS SUN DAY SCHOOL, AND EXPATIATES UPON THE HE AU TIES OF A DOUHLE-lIAIiRELLED PISTOL. Dover, October 3, 1872. My Dear Boy : The double-barrel that you sent came safely to hand, and I was only shot at once while carrying it home. Bill Silvers popped at me from behind the fence as I was passing his house, but I bad loaded the two-shooter as soon as 1 got it, and lie didn’t jump from behind that fence hut once. 1 am glad that one of the barrels is a rifle as I needed it for long range practice. The other I can load with buckshot, and riddle a man nicely at close quarters. I mean to try both barrels on those Jetts when I meet them. You see, old man Jett stolo a mule from us in the war, and pap laid for him and killed him. Then Nigger Tombctt, as we call him—the black-faced one—he laid for pap and plugged him. Then I picked up a fuss with Tom, and cut him into giblets, and since that time his brother Sam has been laying for me. I know it is his turn, but I think my double-barrel will prove too much for him. If you want to see fun, come down for a while and bring a rifle. It don’t make any difference which side yeti belong to,and it is even unnecessary to join the militia, it is easy to get up a grudge against some body, and all you have to do is to lay for you* man and knock him over. Behind my pig-pen is one of the best hiding places 1 know of, and it is so handy. A good many people come within range in the course of a week, and a man cau pass his time right pleasantly. I wish you would send me a catalogue of Sunday school books with the prices, if there are any in St. Louis. If we can gel them on time we will tako u big lot of books. lam Superintendant of the Bap tist Sunday school now, and am running it under a full head of steam. Oldman Byers, who is turned out, is right mad about it, and swears that lie will chaw me up ; but he will chaw lead if he don’t keep clear of me. My wife wants to know if you can’t send” her a set of teeth without getting measured for them. Her $25 set was busted all to flinders by a pistol shot that went through her mouth, but it didn't hurt her tongue, VVrite soon to Your friend and pard, John Case. I*. S —That sneaking, onery cuss, Ham Jett, crept up last night and fired at mo through the window, but he didn't happen to kill anybody except a nigger girl. 1 mean to go for him, though, to day, and will be glad of the oßunce to try the double barrel - -<• Louis Darn. BYINGTON HOTEL, OKIFFIN, GA. rpms HOTEL ranks second to none in I Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE BOOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present hot term, It is unequalled, the nights being remarkable cool and pleasant. The best Water in Georgia. 3. W. BYINGTON, 110-180 Proprietor. Aiimand L. Bctts. Edciar A. Ross. COAL AND WOOD. WE arc ready to fill orders at reduced rates for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK and HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. G. Butts, at ' store of Win-hip A Callaway, or at yard M. <Y W K K will receive prompt attention. U4-m BUTTS &. ROSS. FOR RENT. rj-\HE house next to Mrs. Campbell’s, on 1 Third street, between <>k and Arch. Jt is a large tine Rouse, with kitchen containing tiirec rooms, a tine garden spotand well. Eve rything convenient, and nmht be rented iwme diatelv. W. E. ELLIS, At Ellis A Cutter’s Planing Mill. octßl tit rSIMMONS'] KL JBMK'V J This unrivalled Medicine is wuminted not. to contain a single particle of Mmicyav, or any injurious mineral substance, hut is l‘l Itlil.T V ■:<> lITAIIM'. For FORTY YEARS it lias proved its great value in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of tile, good and great iu all parts of the country vouch for its wonder ful and peculiar powi rin purifying the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. SIM MON’S LIVER REGULATOR tsao knowledged to linvu no equal ns a LITER lILDK IVi:. It contains four medical elements, never uni ted iu the same lmppy proportion 111 any other preparation, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success lias attended its use, Unit it is now regarded as the tMreitt I'iituilincg Specific for I.ivKK Complaint and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION. Jaundice,Billionsuttaeks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colie, Depression of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, Ac., &r. Regulate the Liver and prevent P1111.1.S ANIL lI.VKII. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured liy .9. 11. Xl'.ll.lA A CO., MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Pi itv *1 nor package; non! by mail, paid, $1.25. Prepared ready for use in bottle*, $1.60. SOLI) BY Aid. DRUGGISTS. 2 a?"Boware ot all Counterfeits and Imitations. CROP OF 1872. Clover iiinl C mss Seeds. BED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS ELITE CRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &c., Ac. Just received, HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 146-150 82 and 84 Cherry tilreel. 50 BILLS. RED APPLES, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.’S 50 Bbls. Russet Potatoes, At SEYMOI.It, TINSLEY A CO.’S 25 Bbls. Silver Skin Onions At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO.’S Choice mARer nndNuw Or leraiis Syrup, At Seymour, Tinsley & Cos. 170-100 WOOD AND COAL. I HAVE Ofttablliilicd, near the Macon West ern Railroad Depot, an ample yard with Fairbanks’ beat scab*) to supply all kinds of Wood and Coal, in any quantity, at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage i respectfully solicited. (Infers left at the offices of Messrs. It. L. Jewett, Greer, Luke & Cos., Turpin At Ogden, through Fostofllce, or at the Yard, wilt have prompt attention. Come and see. isdm MILO H. FREEMAN. To the llnsini'io* Urn of ft non THE ALBANY NEWS Circulates exclusively in Dougherty. Mitchell, Lee. Baker and Worth Counties. 'flic wealthiest Cotton growing section of Georgia.._4fcZ xi ip: mows Is the best Advertising Medium in Southwest erri Georirio. ADV EKTIHK Vt EKTH HO LI C CAREY W. STYLES, proprietor. *! MERCHANTS t\ll PLANTERS WILL FIN 1> ITTOTIU I!’ \l> YANTAUK To (’ALE ON US BEFORE MA KINO Til KIR BILLS. WE HAVE m 8T053F, 100.000 LBS. BACON OLKA R 11. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SIIOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, till .pintles. 500 ROLLS 2.1 BAOUINU. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH, Have, ati'l fife iiiluritijr at. very low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, nil gl’iulos, 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES I! AY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN. Together with it lull .slmT. <>l till till [rOO(lH ill Otll' lillO of buHl'llOHM. iin if Brown’s Hotel, MACON. GA. IF long experience and a thorough know] edge of the business in all itdiv<r ilied branches are essential to the keeping Mini, which the public has long heard of Imi HcUlurn v/7/, /i uoob> iion r, the undersigned Hatter themselves that they are fully competent to discharge Ilnur obliga tions to their patrons; hut they are not only experienced in hotel keeping, they modestly would claim to have the REST ARRANGED and MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in the State, which is loca ted exactly where everybody would have it sit uated IMMEDIATELY IN FRONT AND ADJACENT TO THIS FABBI3NGKU DEPOT. where travelers can enjoy the rnnut nlerp and less liable to be hft by lint perplexingly eon taut departure of the trains. To all these important advantage a is added a TABLE that is well supplied with the best and choicest dishes the city and country can allord: nor would they omit to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politenc und atten tion to guests. For the truth of these statements, we refer the public to our patrons who reside in every State in the Union. E. E. BROWN & SON. Propriet y. Macon, Ga., April 15, 187 ii. 78-104 DAVIS SMITH, (BucecHKor to the Jute firm of .Smith, We tcott. Cos., and of Smith, McfiJurihan A Cos.; MAM IV.f TI'UISII AND DEM.lilt IN SADDLES, HARNESS, HIM DLLS, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, KI RKUK l BANDS.ETI .. - A Together with every article usually kept in u * tuddiory JiouMi. 109 CIIKBKY NT., MACON, GA 150-I*J ; FOB TIMS FALL AND WINTER TRADE I.IWTON Ac DATES, >’’'nrth Street,*(lVcxt Door to I.awloi: A Willi ttgiiuiii,) KF. prepared to furnish the trade with I JOllir.S. B'KOYIMIOV*. IM.VVI'ATIOX SI l* KA6- 61N6, I ll’S. l:l’.. 11 " ■ 1 '■ ■ 1 t' m my house in Georgia. \Vc will keep constantly on hand. BACON t. \r, ii, < >i. NI, (MI.-, II.U, St GAR, ('CEPKE, BAGGING and TIES, and a general ansort *ll *| l *' • |i < in; at e Kept hi a llrst class Grocery House, Givens aentt. t\’e are running GMGM: I'l.Ol ItI.VG 3111.1,5, amt * I" 1 el *i |' •ia I attention to our “CHOICE,” “EXTRA,” "FAMILY” Flours. They will bn b'U'i'l exactly adapted to the trade, and we guarantee every barrel to give atl-furtion Our ii, C 4 are a.s liitv tin* eofi he same grades can be bought In the South, i 'lltN' MEAL, bolt i. .1 ami unbolted, always onliand, of our own make and of the best quality. 1”0-1HK H. BANDY & CO. TIN AND SHEET IKON ROOFING, / / liiittti , iiii, Plnlii and Bepiirm, , jt ei".^- 1 . } TIN AND lIALVANIZRD IR‘)N WKNICFB Lb - "i . i !, ( y l *ff“ IS 7 >N\ \ Executed at short notice and satisfaction \ 3 \ I guaranteed. X. u \ I No. 10 Third Street, Silicon, Ou. Ii PirLlettlar attention given to Guttering pnt up V \ with v * wooDßurrs IMTILNT ILtVE IMSTILNI.NOS. tGllllgh IMPROVED m GEAR. S< >l>l lflTI lING NEW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! tho <;in House Hour has no oflcct on the (Jearing. King £o*t of Iron and all I the work bolted to iron. IT IS MADKTO LAST, AND TO RUN TWKNTY-FIVK PERCENT. LIGHTERTHAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. ( nil and him* for youuself. I build a Portable Horse Power that ehidleitKCH nil oilier MAKES, but it will not do the work with the name Draft that my PATENT GIN GEAIt will. All kinds of Machinery made, ami repairedut ntono iT M llto* WORKN# 10S-LBO Near Brown House, Mueon Georgia. BEOWFS GALLERY! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the j)lace where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. & E. P. TAYLOR, Cor. Cotton Avenue jiml Cherry Street, DEALERS IN FURNITURE, C WHS, BOGS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. ■ ■-•ssfc., ** .. -af Metaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. 79 ti .y ’Order* t.y Telegraph promptly attended to. —— t\ j(('s 11. 111,01 NT. ISAAC IIAHUKUAN. lII.OINI’ A HAItOEMAN, ATTORNEYS AT JLAW. MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Rulston Hall, Cherry street. _ __ _Z_. Barber Shop For Rent. rpilE Basement room, formerly occupied by 1 Mike Napier, In Brown’s Hotel building Is for rent This I- one of the best stands for a Volume I. —Number 182 IN M -1N E )|S{L£ fflS X Steamship Company dispatch two steam w .,,.l The Quickest time ever mud acrolfl the Atlantic. Every comfort and coo if F ° r TFffi