Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 12, 1872, Image 1

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Jii* ICS, Wind fe Smith, Proprietors, Term* ol* Nubweription s )nc Year $ Six .Months * (M) Three Months OB InmviaUy in advance. To city subscribers by the month, Seventy-live .•eiits, -erved by carriers. FOR MAYOR OF .MACON, BON, W. A. HUFF. Mu. Frank J. Herrington is our only authai ized City Agent, and he is duly em powered to solicit work for tins otlice, and subscriptions to the Enterprise. M i. Charles L. Mize, book and news dealer, is our authorized agent in Dawson, Ga. Mr. W. S. Deidrick, Southern Express Company Ollice, is our authorized Agent at Smithville. •I L Tuokeu is our authorized .agent at Fort Gaines. i. N. Seymore, of ilyington s Hotel, is our authorized Agent at Gritlin. Mr. Ed. T. Byington is our agent in Fort Valley. Mr. YV. \V. Laney, is our authorized Agent at Colapoiehee. C. W. Brown, liailroad Depot is our authorized Agent at Harnesville. FATHER TAKE MY HAND. 1 The way is dark, my Father! ( loud upon cloud, Is slathering thickly o'ei my head, and loud The thunders roar above me, V, t see, I stand like one bewildered '. Father take my hand, And thro’ the gloom had safely home, Safely borne, safely liouie, Lead safely home, Thy child ! I The day declines, my Father! and the night Is drawing darkly down. My faithless sight Sees ghostly visions. Fears of a spectral band hneomi a s me. O Father, take my hand, And from the night lead up to light, Up to light, up to light, Lead up to light Thy child ! The way is long, my Father! and my soul Longs for the rest and quiet of the goal; While yet I journey through this weary ’and, Keep me from wandering. Father, take my hand, And in the way to endless day. Endless day, endless day. Lead safely on Thy child ! 4. The path is rough, my Father! Many a thorn Has pierced me; and my feet, all torn And bleeding, mark the way. Yet Thy com mand Rids me press forward. Father, take my hand, Then safe and blest, O lead to rest, Lead to rest, lead to rest, () lead, to rest Thy child ! The throng is great, my Father! Many a doubt And fear of danger compass me about; And foes oppress me sore. I cannot stand Or go alone. O Father take my hand; And through the throng, lead safe along, Safe along, safe along, Lead safe along Thy child! rt. The cross is heavy, Father! 1 have horse It long, and still do bear it. Let my worn And fainting spirit rise to that bright land Where crowns are given. Father, take my hand ; And, reaching down, lend to the crown, To the crown, to the crown, 1 ,ead to the crown Thy child! FAMILY SECRETS. The meanest of all meanness is that of going into a family, possessing one’s self of its secrets, nnd then telling them to others There is no family but has something belonging to the present, or past, that they cannot conceal within their own homes, however much they may desire to do so. They are open to the gaze of all who cross the threshold, yet they belong espe cially to the alllicted family. They do not concern the outer world, and the world has no business with them. Yet there are those who enter these homes which are alllicted with domestic miseries, and although nothing is said to them upon the subject, they see for them selves and bear oft’ the memory to exhibit to others. Visitors in such a family should be blind to all that does not concern them invividually, and deaf and dumb. The joys of a household may be spread abroad, but its atilictions, its miseries, its shame and its sorrows, should have a sanctify that must not be disturbed. One who enters a family and learns that its secrets, only to dispose of them to oth ers, is a greater thief than he who comes in the night and steals the silver and the jewels. For silver and jewels may be replaced, but the reputation of a household —never ! If people wish to drag forth the secrets, and sins, of anybody’s life ; why not ex pose their own, and not meddle witli an other? Why speak of the affairs of another, in that person’s absence, differently, or more fully, than we would speak of them if they were present ? It would be a good rule to adopt in our relations witli others, to say nothing “be hind a person’s back that we should hesi tale to say to their face.” It is perhaps envy that prompts one to speak evil of another, especially if any good fortune or good repute is granted them. We should rather try to make ourselves perfect, before we look for perfection in others. Nor allow our lips to speak of a fault or imperfection in the life or character of another, until the possibility of such a fault or imperfection existing in our own life or character is forever past. There is a great deal ol meaning in that passage of Scripture referring to the mote and the beam. llow often does the beam in our own eye magnify the mote iu a brother's eye ? There is more real satisfaction in cover ing the faults of others with the generous mantle of charity than in exposing them to the world. If another sins, he must also Buffer ! Let that satisfy us when we would judge him. Should we do better than others do, were we subject to like temptations ? There is no earthly suffering but is the result of some law of nature broken. But the one that made the law is also (he judge, and awards the punishment. Then speak not of the faults of others, except it be to themselves you speak, and even then in all kindness — Exchange. A thief was lately caught breaking into 1 song. He had already got through the tirst two bars.when a policeman came up and hit him with a stave. An Omaha paper advises the people “ not to make such a fuss about the shoot ing of a constable, as there are forty can didates for the office.'' BY TELEGRAPH Al.l.Tiai: IVOSIMt. Losers by Hie Great I'ire. Washington, November 11.—Secreta ry Delano returns to-morrow. A leading banker telegraphs 1 Soul well that the loss genarally fell upon those able to stand it. The Boston Pension Agency, with safes and personal property, was burned. The papers were saved The Purchasing Navy Paymaster's quar ters were binned The papers were saved. Boston, November 11. —The mails arc received and forwarded as usual. The military guard for the burnt district has been reinforced by a battalion of cavalry. Three of the 7 banks burned failed to set tle at the clearing bouse, namely The Sbawmilt, the Fireman's and the North America The Mount Vernon, Hide and Leather, mid F.verett Banks saved most of their valuables Three hundred families are homeless. Local insurance companies will be able to pav about 50 per cent, on their risks; but capitalists are coming forward liberal ly, and all may be able to continue busi ness. The average loss is about $500,000, two reached SOOO,OOO. The saving banks are all secure. The Evening Transcript appeared to day printed at the Globe ollice. Philadelphia, November 11. —Insur- ance companies here lose about *2,000,000, The Billed of ilie Fin* ii IVfiv York New Yoke, November ll—The panicky feeling is dying out, though but little business was transacted to-day in wool, hardware, leather or dry goods. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Bicbardson, consulting with capitalists, stated that Secretary Boutwell has stopped the withdrawal from the banks of green backs deposited some time since, to re lieve the market. Golds more quiet at 133-1. The suspension of Howies Bros., of Lon don, has no effect on this market. Several failures are rumored hut noth sng definite is known. Probably they are only rumors. It is stated that only three insurance companies here have suspend ed, namely : The International, the Corn Exchange, and the Humboldt. President Oakley, of the Board of Un derwriters, estimates (lie insurance loss in Boston, at not over $100,000,000. The wife of Admiral Bragg is dead. How tin* Cincinnatians ate Acting 1 . Cincinnati, November 11 .—The banks generally are pursuing a conservative course. They are accommodating their customers, but there seems to he a general disposition with them to act carefully until they can more accurately weigh the prob able consequences of the disaster. New Your, November 11.—The ship ment of gold to Europe on Wednesday will amount to $7,000,000. The Board of Aldermen, at a meeting to-day, forbade mansard roofs unless tire proof. The S’air at Selena. Sei.m.v, November 11.—The fifth an nual fair of the Central Agricultural and Mechanical Association at Selma, opens to-morrow under the most encouraging auspices. The entries are numerous and exceeding those of any previous fair. Thirty-five race horses from six different States have been entered. The town is filling up with visitors, and the attendance promises to exceed that of any similar oc casion in the State. The grand hail and pyrotechnic display for Thursday night are creating intense interest. Special trains on all the roads will be run during fair week. Loss of Another Vessel. London, November 11.— I The Mauri tius has been lost in North Channel oif port Patrick, Scotland. Twenty-three were drowned. This may be either ship Mauritius, which cleared from Glasgow, in the latter part of October,for Demorura, or the steamship of that name belonging to Dublin. Gladstone is sick. The Horse Uiseasc. Potsvili.e, November 11. —The mala dy is here. It is expected to extend along the mining districts. Death of Col. it. 11. Cowan. Wilmington, November 11.—Colonel Robert 11. Cowan, formerly President of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruther ford Railroad, and one of the most promi nent citizens of the State, died at 8 o’clock this morniog. Papers and Periodicals Bin ned Out. Boston, November 1 1. —Newspapers offices destroyed are the American Hail way Times, (weekly) No. 66 Federal street American Union (weekly) No. 68 Con gress street: American Workman,(weekly) No. 37 i-2 Cornhill street: Ballou’s Mag azine, (monthly) No. 63 Congress street: Boston Journal of Chemistry,(montlily)No. 150 Congress street Christian Monthly, No. 19 Lindail street; Courier, (weekly) No. 34 Congress street: Flag of Our Union (weekly) No. 63 Congress street; Gleason's Home Circle, (weekly) No. 47 Summer street; Good Templars (semi-montiy) No. 31 Congress street; Literary Companion, (weekly) No 47 Summer street ; Masonic Monthly, No. 36 Kilby street; Month ly Novelette No. 63 Congress street; New England I'ostal Record, (weekly; No. 32, Congress street; Oliver Optic's Magazine, (weekly and monthly) No. 149 Washington street; Path Find Railway Guide, (monthly) No. 5 Lindail street; Pilot, (weekly) No. 19 Franklin street; Saturday Evening Gazette, (weekly) No. 37 Congress street; Shoe and Leather Reporter, No. 40 Pearl street; Student and Schoolmate, (monthly) No. 203 Wash ington street; Sunday Courier, No, 31 Congress street; Tilton’s Journal of Hor ! tieulture, (monthly) No. 161 Washington ' street; Transcript, (daily) No. 150 Wash ington street, Waveriy Magazine, (week ly; No. 50 Lindail street; Yankee Blade, (weekly; No. 32 Congress street, Toutbs Companion, (semi-monthly) No. 151 Washington street ■* Insurance Company Lossit •. New York, November 11. —The ex citement in insurance circles here is in tense. The suspensions of the Humboldt and International Companies is announc j ed. The Spectator famishes the follow ing reliable list of losses , American, New ‘York $80,000; American Exchange, 10,- MACON, GA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1872. i 000 ; Arctic, SIOO,OOO ; Black Uivcr, *35,- 000; Brewer's and Multstins. $50.000; Capital City none; Citizens, New York, $250,000 ; City of New York ; *130,000 ; Clinton 50,000; Columbia, 75,000; Com mercial, 80.000; Eagle, none; Gebluird, 500 ; German American 100 000; Germania, 250,000; 'Glens Falls; 50,- 000 ; Greenwich, 20,000; Hamilton none ; Hanover, 275.000 ; Howard, none ; International *300,000 ; Jefferson, *10,000; Kings county, *15,000 ; LaFuy ette *5,000 ; Long Island, none ; Lorril lard *BO,OOO ; Market, *OO,OOO ; Manhat tan. *35,000; Mechanics, *5,000; Me chanics and Traders, *25,000; Nassau none ; New York Equitable *15,000 ; New York,none; Pacific*ls,ooo; Belief,*6o,- 000 ; Bulgers, none; Standard, *357,000; Star, *150,t 00, United States. *5,000; Williainsbui gh City, *100,000; Liverpool, London and Globe. *1,030,500 ; Washing ton, New York, *110,000; Furrngut, 20,- 000; Commerce, (1,200; Firemens 122,- 000; Bepublie 200,000; Importers and Traders 32,000; St. Nichols, 15,000; Westchester 75,000 ; Manufacturers and Builders, lmtldug; Lamar Heavy Ex change 15.000; American Central 15,- 000; Farmers of New York 5,000; Lancaster mine; Pennsylvania Under writers 15,000; Niagara not over *300,000; Springfield *250,000 ; Trades men *240,000; Traders. Chicago, *30,000; Commerce, Albany, $20.000; Alps *34,- 000 , New York and Yonkers *70,000 ; Lancashire *125,000 ; Mechanics and Traders *25,000; National, New York, *140,000; Firemen's Trust $50,000; St. Paul Fire and Murine *20,000; Franklin of Philadelphia *500,000; Girard *.■>(!,- 000 ; Glabe *15,000 ; Montauk *5,000 ; .-Etna, of Hartford, *75,000; Hartford *55,000 ; Connecticut *90,000 ; National, of Hartford. $122,000; Phoenix, of Hart ford, *450,000. All the Providence Com panies say they will come out straight. The American and Mercantile of Boston, will go on. The Boylston must stop. The New Jersey Companies lose only a trilling amounts. The Continental Insur ance Company, of New York, Ims assets amounting to over *2,000,000. If the en tile amount at risk within the district is a total loss one-half its surplus will pay for it. Shipment of gold to Europe ou Wednes day will amount to seven million dollars. Gentlemen interested in the leatln r trade in Boston do not think that the al most total destruction of the leather busi ness in Boston will bring about any sus pensions, except, perhaps, in the cases of one or two firms. The stock l#ld by leading houses was small. Boston, November 11.—Niue hundred and thirty business bouses and sixty dwelling and lodging bouses are burned. The tire is now confined to the ruins and there are no apprehensions. A large number of engines are on the watch. The Saturday Evening Gazette is burned. The Parker House was damaged slightly. Boston, November 11. —Work in the newspaper offices is done by lamps and candles. Fears of the fire rekindling in the oily are ended. Oreeley’s majority in Louisiana. New Orleans, November 11—Gree ley’s net majc rity is 1,121, with half of Or leans and four other parishes to hear from, which will probably increase it to 8,000 or 10,000. Matamoius, November 11.—By order of the Supreme Government the tariff of 1850 for importation ot merchandise to the interior remains in force until the 31st of December, 1872, and the priviliges of the freeze zone have been fully restored. A ((uestioii of Nationality. Washington, November 11.—The Mixed Commission or British and Ameri can Claims I ave dismissed, on demurrer, the case of J. F. Mugridc against the United States. The facts are : The lat ter demurrer to the memorial of claimant on the ground that lie had no standing as a British subject, lie having been born in the United States, and being, by the laws of this country, a citizen of the United States, and, at the time of the alleged injuries, domiciled within the United States. The British counsel replied to the de murrer that the claimant was horn in Pennsylvania, of parents who at the time of the birth were subjects of her Britanic Majesty, and who, at the date of the United States, but within a few week* after his birth returned to England, taking the me morialist with them, where he was chris tened and under the control of his father during his minority. Upon arriving at tire age of maturity, he has always claim ed and adhered to his allegiance as a Brit ish subject, and neither his father or moth er ever renounced allegiance to her Bii tanic Majesty. It was therefore contended that such person is undoubtedly, by t lie law of Great Britain, a British, as the child of American parents born abroad, under such circumstances, would be an American cit izen, and this lias never been doubted, The reply to the demurrer infers that this commission meant to go no further than tojdeclare that Alexander, whose case was cited in the demurrer, had American as well as British nationality, by force of the statue of Kentucky, wiiich declares that all persons horn within that State are citi zens thereof, and that under the circurn straces of that case Alexander had not made such an electron as entitled him to prefer his claims as a British subject. BYINGTON HOTEL. GRIFFIN, GA. rpius HOTEL ranks second to none in 1 Georgia, for ! good comfortable rooms, WELL eUPI’LIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. A:- a resort for the residence of the present hot term, It is unequalled, the nights Icing remarkable cool and pleasant. The best Water in Georgia. 3. W. BYINGTON, UO-lfiO Proprietor. FOR RENT. rpjiE house next to Mr-. Campbell’s, on X Third street, between Oak and Arch. It a iarge fine bouse, with kitchen containing ; three rooms, a fine garden spot and well. *• ; rything convenient, and must be rented imme diately. W. E ELLIB At Ellis <fc Cutter’s Planing Mill. odSI-St jAm -£ |IV ■ IBU iFiF ygr <2* This unrivalled Medicine Is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mttncuuv, or any injurious iiiinerul substance, but is I*l Kltl.Y VKUKTABI.E. For FOKTY YEARS it has proved its great value In alt diseases of the Livbk, Howm.s and Rinsers. Thousands of the good ami great in all parts of the country vouch forits wonder ful amt peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. SIMMON’S LIVER REGULATOR isac knowledged to have no equal as a 1.1 l ltlt IIItUK IAF, It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion tu any other nreiiarution, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective Of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, Unit it is now regarded ns the Ureul Id'liiliitt Npeeilie for l.iv eh Complaint and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice,Billiousattaekß, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits SOUK STOMACH, Heart Bud, Ac., At. Regulate the Liver and prevent 4'El 11,1,M t Y FEVER. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by a. ii. a 4 0., MACON, (lA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price $1 per package; Bent by mull, postage paid, $1.25. Prepared ready for use. in bottles. $1.50. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 2 Beware or all Counterfeits and Imitations. CROP OF 1872. Plover .-uni (.mss Scuds. llEl) CLOVER. I CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &c., &c. .1 received, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 14G-16f 82 and 81 Cherry Street. 50 BBLS. RED APPLES, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO.’S 50 Bbls. Russet Potatoes, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY it CO.’S 25 Bbls. Silver Skin Onions At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY it CO.’S Choice mAHer and New Or leans Syrup. At Seymour, Tinsley & Cos. 170-100 WOOD AND COAL. I HAVE established, near the Macon & West ern Railroad Depot, an ample yard witli Fairbanks’ best sculesj to supply all kinds of Wood arid Coal, in any quantity, at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left at tbu offices of Messrs, fl. L. .Jewett, Greer, Lake <k Cos., Turpin <fc Ogden, through Postofllce, or at the Yard, will have prompt attention. Comeand see. m’aoo milo s. freeman. To the llnsinras !?!•• *f iMt THE ALBANY NEWS Circulate- exclusively in Dougherty, Mitchell, Lee. Baker and Worth Count!*'*- The wealthiest Cotton growing section of Georgia. J&S THK NKWH L the bet Advertising Medium in Ho nth west ern Georgia. A DVEKTI H EMBKTH hOIAC ITK I). CARET W. BTTLE3, Proprietor. MERCHANTS A \ S> PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TOTH HI U AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE MAKING ’i'll Kill BELLS. WE HAVE IN STORE, 100.000 LBS. BAGON OLE Alt U. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. ELOUIt, till unities. 500 ROLLS 2J BAGGING. V i.OOO LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 RALLS TWINE. JOHNSON k SMITH. JOHNSON A SMITH, Have, and arc offering at very low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES HAY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN, Together with a lull stock <d all all [roods in our line of business, in; ir Brown’s Hotel, MACON, GA. IF Jon# experience and 11 thorough know) edge of the business in nil ils diverHiiied brandies arc essential to the kccphiffthat wliieh the, public lias lon# hoard of but MiUom smi t A 424M>l> ll4)Ti:ii, the undersigned flatter themselves that they are fully competent to disc,lmr#c their obliga tions to their patrons; hut they are not only experienced in hotel keeping, they modestly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED and MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in the State, which is loca ted exactly where everybody would have it sit uated IMMEDIATELY IN FRONT AND ADJACENT TO THIS I'AHHENOKII DEPOT, where travelers can enjoy the, mo/d nUrjj and less liable to be, Ufl by the pcrploxingly constant departure, of the trains. To all these important advantages is added a TABLE that is well supplied with tin; best and choicest dislies the city and country eun afford: nor would they omit to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. For tin*, truth of these statements, we, refer the public to our patrons who reside in every State in the Union. K. E. BROWN & SON, Proprietor*. Macon, <Jh., April 15, 1872. 78-101 DAVIS SMITH, (Siieeenrior to the lute firm of Smith, Wenteott.. S6 Cos., and of Smith, Mf(iJuHhiin A Cos.) MANt'KACTfIJIKK ASH DKAI.KJI IN SADDLES, HARNESS, l'.iti ih-ks, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, RUBBER, OIM BANDS, ETC,. Together with every article usuully kept in a aaddlery house. I Of* I.IIHKRV NT., HAf OT, G A lVf-isa FOB THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE — LAWTON 4.V RATIOS, 1 ourlli Street, Door to Lntvloa & Willinglmm,) y UK prepared to furnish the trade with 4J II <94 III* 114 S. I’K'niSIOVS Pltrru,.,, St ■•■•Ills. 1144 J 4al.x4a, I II.S. 1,1 t ~ oil ns rciismialilo terms ns any house in Georgia. \Ve will nstnnllv on hand BACON- I.ALD, t.ok.N, DAIS, II AY, SUGAR, ('GEE EE, RAGGING and TIES, and a general assort ment, ol sill'll goods as are kept in a first class Grocery House, (the us a call. \\'<- are running tl,l! KitGLIl ITiOliltliVU niM,!4, and ilireel,-special attention to our “CHOICE,” “EXTRA," “FAMILY" Flours. They will he louml exactly adapted to the trade, and we guarantee every barrel to irive satisfaction. Our prices are ns low as those of the name grades can he bought In the South. ( OKN MI.AL, bolted and unbolted, always on hand, of our own make and of the best snuility. 120-188 BANDY & 00. T,N AN,)S,,KKT I BOX ROOFING, Hnliil Mi Re?airais, aSmti'i' '} TIN ANII IIALVANimi III,IN CORNS!AB Cl; . l.:ol < j \ T li (/j \ Executed at short notice and satisfaction \ J \;■ j guaranteed. J) \ j L No. IO Third Nlreel, Maron, 4jn. \ I Particular attention given to Guttering put up \ \ with \ * WOODRUFF’S \ PATUAT BATE I’ANTUNIN4iN. WH-nug IIPEOYED (HI (PEAR,, S< 1 ■ t.TI IITV< i IN KW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! r I’MIE settling of the Gin House floor has no effect on the Gearing. Kin/; Post of Iron and all 1 the work bolted to iron. IT 18 MADE TO LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY FIVE PERCENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. < Jill and see for youaself. I build a Portable Horse, Power that challenge** all oilier MAKES, but it will not do the work with the Hume, Druft that my PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kbulrt of Machinery made and repaired at ntouuirrrN iikon hokkn, 108-180 Near Brown House, Macon Georgia. ■■him ii ii ■ if BEOWFS GALLERY! Wo. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. fc E. P. TAYLOR, Cor. Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street, DEALERS IN FIMTURE, CARPETINGS, MS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metalic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. by Telegraph promptly attended to. TOtt JAiSKfI 11. HLOUBT. ISAAC HARDEMAN, llliUlfflT A lIAUHEMAA, ATTORNEYS AT ZLAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston Hall, Cherry street. 46-360 Barber Shop For Rent. rpHE Basement room, formerly occupied by I. Mlko Napier, In Brown’s Hotel building te for rent. Tills Is one of the best stands for a Barber Shop iu ttie city. Apply to .•p‘> BROW N’S HOTEL. Volume I. —Number 183 INMAN LINE ROYAL 91AIL STEAMSHIPS. THE Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company dispatch two steam ers per week. The quickest time ever made across the Atlantic. Every comfort and con venience. For further information apply to sep'lS-tf H. C. STEVENSON, Agent.