Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 13, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE m % o*. ***- i. i*. rcBUSUKD KVEHY HVICNINU HI LINES. WING A SMITH. Nn. 10 Hollingsworth Block. in letur* rihiliui/ toSuhs. ..plimi should be mi i .i.iiiitiiiiituliiiiin for Ihi />•</*' ehoidit hr ad lln I/'I hjtitor. II C.inn ut niulertal.r to ritin'ii I'ljerlfil niimlH'iiii'iltioii". Will iint/ifntl mint m I'm Unit >, front oil Jnli'li* nj tin Sloh i mi lirilrti. W. WATKIN IIK HU. INlilor. A NIMJIiK IIVK. 'l li strong, common sense of the Satur day Hovicw, Is becoming a matter of mo ment if not congratulation. For a long time we have read it instead of I’uncli, and for the purpose of studying the char acter of dccrepld, or effete systems and classes. During our Presidential caul paign, the utterances of our lory cousin were exceedingly giolesque, and, consid ering the phlegmatic nutuic of Sir James or ids grace of , must he passed Into history ns first class specimens of uncon scious wit. Hut anew day lias dawned, and the age of reason returns. In a recent num ber, on "The llrltish Empire, "the follow ing language will answer for prool of our assertion “The decision in the Hun Juan case Is simplicity Itself. The Emperor of Herman)/ lias, we are told, In the teiscst possible language, decided that we are entirely wrong, and the Americans on lirely right. Fortunately not a ; ingle print iple of in Icriiatlonul law is involved In the decl ion and no one * an possibly think that our government was in the wrong either in adhering to the Kngtish interpretation of the treaty of 1B4(5, or in submitting the matter Vo arbitration Ccrtuinly not, cousin John, certainly not! You have shown in a remurkuhit) de gree the qaliliss of "do unto others,” etc., lor which we are duly thankful. We will not twist you with anythin) like fear, nr immnnllnoKH. Only we eannot forbear saying that too iiiueli “rum" between the beginning and the “finis” ot your interna thmnl article, makes a rum thing of it. Here, for example, you say, "The Ameri cans weir principally impelled to insist on their claim to the San Juan group be ciiuac these islands w ill ulliird to all Amer ican Heel a port of great advantage In ease of a war w ith England." If you think so. cousin John, you are the must contemptible eowaied alive, and we despise you ! -* *• % NO I They have plearunt triangidai squibs at Savannah Tow n indulging in, hy those noble minims of the press, the "News," Hie liepublicnn" and the "Advertis er." it seeiu* that the Uopublle re cently gave a long article In ostensible vindication of the credit of our la-loved Slate, and. thcrolbro, the Executive was induced, or "look n notion" to liny up tire thousand copies of said article, for "trausuiission abroad" as our English eons ins say. Now, who pays for those fire thoueand , asks lilanehc and Tray v Hereupon the ltepubliciin becomes tun, and, in faint imitation, of the Tclu gruph and Messenger when its feathers are milled, lait with Iwttei ginmumr, Intimates its vast importance and proposes to settle with the little fellows at twenty live tents per line, ate. Now, we happened to rend lie great article in question, and, for our lutore, or, us our ancient city cotempo rary would say—•• hy the rod," we could not make a silk purse out of it ' If it will strengthen our credit abroad, then our credit—is easily comforted, and, moat any thing would do as Well, say, a dose ol Simmons Regulator, or a copy of Harris' witticisms, or even a volume of the controversial w ritings of the Atlanta t'uiislitulioii vs. the Hun ! We do not mean to say I hut the Arlielo in question, wins ill conceived, badly writ ten or that it lacked weight and breath and depth, or, that it did not touch upon our credit, hy no means Hut no sooner did it strike the currents of l-'.ui ope than llie llank of England sent up its interest to an unprecedentedly high figure ! *■ '■— Tin: condition of the English navy, is aw akening wide discussion in England. Tlir fact tlmt other u ilium arc augment ing, ami have already afloat, powerful, perhaps more powerful navies tlian Omit Itrilutn. ercnles, naturally, a lee!ing of in security ami ilistiusl Tlie probability is ilmt, Hie government will take imtuediale meaauie* to remedy the apparunt defect. Tntc New Orleans Picayune, in uti ex eellent article on "The Omm! la-sson of the Election,” says, "Money has ever Iwen the most eiirrupting element in all society." This is doubtless true in the concrete, hut so far as tee arc concerned, we pro nounce it utterly false in lAe abstract, as the Hindoo cat said, when site vindicated her innocence of love for bird flesh -♦ Tin a tar Mr. Ureelcy'a majority In our St ate is too small to talk about, and makes us ashamed Ninety-seven counties re turn a majority of 11, fin only. This is a tearful falling off, and presents a curious study—or introduction to lhe study of Georgia politic*. A i it am. K w ill lie made Iu the schedule of the Macon and Western Kail lead on next Sunday We ate informed il will! likely tie altered to the saute time the trains run below (be recent change j ti'nJßu Am. We are truly glad to hear ol tin- above, and ho|s- the rumor is correct A CmcAoo court lias decided that it is * era lire ujh>u an lusttraace company to luwy'lice when a policy expires a library 4 just recovered the lose of his ib r this decision. imtoit hi:. We clip from the editorial coluuis of , Suvaiiuah Advertiser, the following hrorh ure of wisdom in a nutshell, and also con sistency in a fact. Wo do it f"r fun. H. H. J. i of the Macon Telegraph and Messenger, lias tills to say of Savannah "Having therefore no hack eeuntry to maintain it, Savannah is virtually and wholly dependent upon her foielgu com nierco for her growth and pio*|H-rity. Happily, as m the case of some ol the an cient cities, this a prolific source of wealth and aggrandizement A visitor toiler long line of wharves,crowded with the shipping of every civilized nation, ull busily cugag ed in discharging their varied cargoes, would tie astonished nt the magnitude of her trade. No wonder that her people are merchants princes, and so many evidences of splendor and opulence ure to he obser ved on every side. The cotton business of the present season lias far exceeded that of last year. It is a noteworthy fact also, that of the immense sums falling due in hunk on the first instunt nearly every dol lar was promptly covered with the cash. Asa consequence money is comparatively easy, and the merchants are doing a most encouraging and satisfactory business Tbe transactions of wholesale houses have been very heavy, ami all Unit Is wanting to make Savannah the grand entrepot of Southern coniintrcc, is direct importations from abroud by one or more line ol ocean steamships. Until these are established we never can be really independent ot tbe North, though many interior merchant* now do their trading here." The unsophisticated reader will not fail to lie struck with the, —now you see it und now you don't see it, of so aide a commer cial paragraph. 1. Savannah's growth and prospciity, is the result of foreign commerce lb’- warves aro "crowded win, the shipping of every civilized nation, all busily engaged in diitrhart/ing their varied cargoes, etc., etc , ml tickenum. 2. Ha van null would he a good, great place—"grand entrepot*' is the word, il there were " direct importationn from abroad " etc., etc. Doubtless, O Dauiel, thou prophet of southern elections, dis poser of scalawags, and—friend of all ! ’i*inriK oi’ Mil Til UK* 11001**1. The following, from a late number of the Bulurdoy Keview, treats of works well and favorably known among us, one a compilation, the other a closely written life of our undying hero —it. K. Lee, by Miss Emily V. Mason of Virginia Two works by Miss Emily Mason pos sess a considerable, if a melancholy, in terest, especially for that very large class ol Englishmen who have not wholly for gotten their former sympathy for the he roic endurance of tho Southern people, the splendid military qualities of the Con federnie soldiers, the diameter of their great leader, and the terrible catastrophe which crushed their hope and mined their epuntry. The one is it collection of Southern poems, written during the war, ami called forth by its various inci dents and by the sutlerings which it in volvcd. Muuy of them are touching und graceful, amt several are spirited , but on the whole we are surprised that so grand a theme and so exalted a state of feel ing should have called forth so little poe try of real merit —so little that can stir the hearts even of those who felt most warmly for Hie cause who vicissitudes of fortune gave occasion to these pieces, and for the gniluiil men aud patient women whose deeds and whose sorrows are therein ro cortled. There are scarcely in the w hole collection half-a-dozen pieces worthy of being included in an American anthology with even the political poems of Lowell or W hit tier, and not above two or three which are likely to tix themselves in the memo lies of Knglihli readers. The touching Utile picture of tho sentry’s murder, "All quiet along the l’olomae to-night," the stirring Invocation to (lie "Old Line State,” which, in spite of the extreme carelessness and badness of some lines and stanzas, deserved its high popularity as a patriotic ballad ("My Maryland.") aud llie lively little song, so redolent of the bivouac nud llie watchflru, so dear even yet to tho memories of the "old brigade,” which recalls the military and personal peculiarities of “Stonewall Jackson’s way,” ure all fa miliar to English readers of American poetry. So is that inexpressibly mournful elegy iu which the wail of a defeated, hu miliated and ruined nation over its dead hopes aud humbled pride finds such thrilling expression—“ Tho Conquered Haulier.” incomparably the best piece in the volume. Hut of those which are new <" though there are several which wt arc glad to nave m<,, tUuiu i„ lonily otic which will linger in our memory along with these, or which Is likely to recall to future generations of Southerners the pas sinus, the sorrows, ami the glories of the great wariu which their fathers tought so vainly, but so well. The other volume Is u popular Life of General Lee , e\ eoedingly readable, and worthy of some thing more than ephemeral popularity. The report of such a career could lmrd fail to he at once interesting anil instruc tive , for such a tile and such a nature are rare Indeed even among the noblest per sonages of history, and contains every thing that can contribute to render a bi ography attractive to renders of all ages and all tastes We have a story as event ful as that of the most adventurous heroes of romance, as sad os the saddest tragedy . a character as pure and as lolly, as simple and true, as that of the purest ideal of chivalry , a spirit as deeply and devoutly religious, a faith as strong, a morality os striet :ts ttisi of the sternest Puritan, coupled with a perfect simplicity, charity, and freedom from everything like cant or atlecllon. General Loe’s piety was of that type which the Anglican Church, to which he belonged, seems peculiat !y to encour age and approve . quiet, somewhat re tinet. never obtruded on others, yet felt and sr'en in every act and every speech, his soldierly simplicity, liis high-bred courtesy, wore as remarkable as Ids great ness in command and bis heroism in disaster. Such a life eveu the worst biographer could hardly mar . and Miss Mason tells its story in a style worthy of the subject— ktraigbUorw ard and simple, clear and prac tical . not hero-worship either to load her uanutivc with unnecessary letters and tri vial ancedotev or to spotl it by intrusive eulogies. What is yet more creditable to a feud nine biographer, she contrives to tell the story of Ice s campaigns as it sliouhl bo told for the general public avoiding all technical explanations and military details, yet making the general course of events perfectly intelligible, choosing the standpoint of the chief whose history she is writing, and making her accounts of bailies and marches really a I*ol of General Lee s biography, aud not a degression into the hisiorv of Coufede rate States, or into the records of the Army of Virgiuiu. There is not very j much that is new in her work ; hut there are few interesting and characteristic an ecdotes, especially of the General’s Inter years, which we do not remember to have seen before, which are well told and well worth telling. FAYING AN ELECTION BET. A ORRKLKY MAN CAIUIIKfI A. <• HAN'T VOTKH FROM I .N’ION W|BAIIK TO 1101/8- ! TON AM) 81 I. MV AN STREETS FOR A wAO Kit—A TORCHLIGHT riux 88010N — A OK l(M AN BAND AND A THOUSAND PERSONS ACCOMPANY Til KM —WILD EX OITKMKNT AND THE GREELEY MAN WINS. On the day after the Democratic Con vention which met at Uallimore had nom inated Horace Greeley for the high office of President of the United Kuites two gentlemen had a friendly discussion as to j the merits of that candidate ut No. 12. J j West Houston street, ut the house of Mr. | Henry llusch. The names of the two gentlemen were Mr. Lionel Keane, a clerk in tbe house of William G. Leusk & Cos . who are the importers of laces, next door to the Ht. Nicholas Hotel, and Mr. Win. II Van Gicson, proprietor of an oyster saloon, ut 112 West Houston street. Gen eral Grant hud been nominated ut Phila delphia on the !lth of June, in convention, and Mr. Greeley’s nomination followed In July. Mr. Van Gieson Is a Grant mail. WKIOIIH ONE HINDKEI) WO MXTV-TWO POtNI'B and is exuetly six feet high, according to ids own statement. lit: wears a high black castor and has a pair of small Dun dreary chop whiskers. He is of slender frame, but has large bones, and all bis re lations for eighyt live year have been in the oyster business Mr. \an Gieson has a model of an oyster schooner in Ids place of business. Mr. Lionel Keanu is a New Yorker, wiio weighs 1 l!l pounds, and i* live leet eleven and a half inches high. Doth of the political antagonists were exactly twenty-six yeais of age. Tbe mutton chop whiskers of Mr. Keane were not so large or so productive a-t those of Mr. Van Gicson hut he had a clear eye, a solid form and a determined look. Mr. Van Gieson hacked Grant very en thusiastically. and declared that ho would he elected. Mr. Keane believed that Mr. Greeley would he our next Piesldent, und was willing to give odds on his election. • Don't let us list money on the election or we will lose our votes,” said Mr. Keane. "Well, if you are satisfied, I am,"replied Mr. Nan Gieson. "What will we do?" "Let us do something: let us wheel the man who loses up Hroudtvay after tlie election ” "No,” said Keane, “if I I >se 1 will carry you on my hack from the house of Mr. Henry llusch, 12.7 West Houston street, to Union square, and I will take around the statue ol Lincoln three times and then down Broadway to 12.1 West Houston street agian. We must have a hand of music and a torchlight procession to ac company us, so that we can have some good fun "And if Grant is beaten 1 will cairy a loaded musket in my shirtsleeves up and down before Husch’s door for three hours, with a loaded knapsack full of bricks,” said Van Gieson. THE AOUKKMKNT WAS MADE, and last evening the bet was paid. Mr. Keane, who felt had that Horace Greeley had been defeated, w as ready last evening to pay his forfeit. A great crowd began to assemble at 123 Houston street, and Henry liuscb bad all be could do to serve lager to the thirsty mass. Keane was the first man to make bis appearance ami lie looked cool, quiet and calm, like Hilly Edwards before a light. Van Qicson came soon after, and the Herald reporter interviewed him briefly. He wanted to bet every way—- "hundred to twenty live" that Keane could not carry him, or a hundred to twenty-five that Keane would carry him. The peo ple begun to look for ihe German hand, who had been at the saloon, but could not be found. Van Qicson ate four fries ear ly in the morning, and at two o'clock Keane dined ou roust beef, beans and mince pie. The crowd was swelling all the time, aad soon the people in the street saw them coming. They find walked all the way from Third street and Third av enue to save the live cents ear fare on the Houston street ear. A mo FI'RSITUItE THVOK. was tilled with oaken chairs, and the crowd poured in. A. man in the truck bore a large American Hag. A barouche was ready, with a driver, who never laugh ed while the journey was being made. The German hand got into the truck, and the barouche followed up Houston street to South Fifth avenue, nml through Amity street to Broadway, with Keane, Vau Glesou, Henry Husch and the Herald re porter sitting together. A young gentle man named Andrews carried a permission (io Mi Superintendent Kelso lo "form a procession ten feet in width inside of the curb," which lie showed to everyone, at Ihe head of u mass of one thousand per sons The truck with the band of music reached I’liion square, the hand playing crazy waltzes all the time, to the amuse moot.of the people ou the sidewalks and in the windows, who could not under stand it, and who believed it to be a circus just arrived. Arrived nl Union Square, some solemn ceremonies were performed. The barouche was drivcu around the Liucoln statue twice, and Keane stood up ami took oil' his overcoat, which lie passed to a man with a romantic goalee to hold. Thou \ an Oeison took oil' his clonk and frock coat and vest, and AS THE BAND PLAYED, lie apiH'aied standing up in the barouche with Keane amid the eheers of the large crowd, the moving of Chinese lanterns and the blaze of lire works. Solemnly Van Gcison cried out, "I want another drink," and Keane answered, us lie de scended to shoulder bis political antagon ist, "No. 1 won't let you do that. 11l be blamed if I am going to carry a whiskey distillery down Broadway. You have got enough already " (Cheers.) Then Keane said, "1 want that surcingle to put around and over my hips." Then he stooped his hack and Van Giesou. with an inebriate shout, leaped across his back, having DIVESTED HIMSELF OF HIS SHOES a moment licfore. The procession was loruied, the hand stretched itself across Broadway. the young men with the Chi nese lanterns tonned also with a ludicrous gravity, and to one of Strauss'wild and demonical waltzes, and amid screams, catcalls and yells of laughter, the insane march proceeded down Broadway. ll is simply impossible for the Herald reporter w ho left Hie barouche and march ed alongside of Keane and Van Geisou down Broadway to eveu attempt to de scribe tlie most uproarious of uproarious oi scenes Its like will uerer probably be seeu again iu our greatest street. People came out of stores and buildings to shout and scream, and tlie excitement was awful. 1 here was the man. in his white linen shirt, jumping up and down on the back i of the perspiring Keane, aud the hand playing the w idest of waltzes all the time. A request was made that they should play cither tire "Star Spangled llanner " or the “Wacht and Klreitn ” but, strange to say, they could not perform either. AT ISLEF.KF.It STREET and Broadway, Keane took a rest in the middle of the street,according to agreement, the band played again while lie took a drink of brandy and sat on a chair, carefully keeping the legs of Van Gieson off the pavement while getting the drink Irom a bottle, which Van Gicson smashed after words. The band again played. '1 he march down Houston street was a scene of wild triumph, and when the crowd reached 12.'t Houston street three rousing cheers were given for a plucky little Uicc le/ man, who had struggled so bravely and had run so well.— Herald. AN ADDRESS. By the United States Centennial Com mission. To the People of the United Stater : The Congress of tho United Slates has enacted that the completion of the One Hundredth Year of American Independ ence shall ho celebrated hy an Intel na tional Exhibition of the arts, manufactures, and products of the soil and mine, to be held at Philadelphia, iu 187fi, and has ap pointed a commission, consisting of repre sentatives from each State and Territory, to conduct the celebration. Originating under the auspices of the National Legislature, controlled hy a Na tional Commission, and designed as it is to “Commemorate the first Century of our existence, hy an exhibition of the natural resources of the country and their devel opment, and of our progress iu those arts which benefit mankind, in comparison with those of older Nations." it is to the people at large that the Commission look for the aid which is necessary to make the Centennial Celebration the grandest anni versary the world lias ever seen. That the completion ol the first century of our existence should be marked by some imposing demonstration is, we be lieve, the patriotic wish of the people of the whole country. The Congress of tbe United States has wisely decided that the Birth day oi the Great Republic can he most fittingly celebrated by the universal collection and display of all the trophies of its progress. It is designed to bring together, within a building covering fifty acres, not only the varied productions of our mines and of the soil, but types of all the intellectual triumphs of our citizens, specimens of everything that America can furnish, whether from the bruins or the hands of her children, aud thus make evi dent to tbe world the advancement of which a self governed people is capable In this "Celebration” all nations will bo invited to participate ; its character be ing International. Europe will display her arts and manufactures, India her curi ous fabrics, while newly opened Cliiua and Japan will lay bare tbe treasures which for centuries their ingenious people have been perfecting. Each land will compete iu generous rivalry for the palm of superior excellence. To this grand gathering every zone will contribute its fruits aud cereals. No min eral shall be wanting ; for what the East lacks the West will supply. Under one roof will the South display iu rich luxu riance her growing cotton, aud the North in miniature, tiic ceaseless machinery of her mills converting that cotton into cloth. Each section of the globe will send its best offerings to this exhibition, and each State of the Union, as a member of one united body politic, will show to her sister States and to the world, how much she can add to the greatness of the nation of which she is a harmonious part. To make the Centennial Celebration such a succoes as Hie patriotism aud the pride of every American demands will re quire the co operation of the people of the whole country. The United States Cen tennial Commission has received no Gov ernment aid, such as England extended to her World's Fair, mid France to her Uni versal Exposition, yet the labor and re sponsibility imposed upon tho Commission is ns great as either of those undertakings. It is estimated that ten millions of dollars will he required, and this sum Congress Ims provided shall be raised by stock sub scription, and that the people shall have the opportunity of subscribing in propor tion to the population of their respective States and Territories. The Commission looks to the unfailing patriotism of the people of every section, to see that each contributes its share to the expenses, and receives its share of the benefits of an enterprise in which all are so deeply interested. It would further earnestly urge the formation in each State and Territory of a centennial organization which shall in time see that county' associ ations are formed, so that when the na tions arc together in 1870 each Common wealth cun view with pride the contribu tions she lias made to the national glory. Confidently relying on the zeal and pa triotism ever displayed by our people in every national undertaking, we pledge and prophecy, that the Centennial Cele bration w ill w orthily show how greatness, wealth and intelligence, can be fostered by such iuslitulious as those which have for one hundred years blessed the people of the United States. Joseph It. llawi.ey, Fres. Lewis Wai.n Smith, Tern. Sec. DK. WRIGHT. DS NT! ST, HAS removed to Boardman’s Block, over Pendleton A: Ross', corner Mulberry and | Second sts., Macon, Ga. nov7-3m. FOR RENT. (\NK live room house on First street, be * tween Oak and Tine, near the residence j of 11. L. .lavvett, in good repair. All necessary out buildings and good well of water on the promises. Kent cheap. J. E. ELLIS, At offlee of Ellis ,Vt Cutter. tiov'J-Jk Aiimam. L Bin r*. Eihiak A. Boss. COAL AM) WOOD. \\ T I arc ready to till orders at reduced rates T 1 for tlie very best COAT CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, t'OKF. and BI.ACKSMI Til COAL, also best I'PLAN'D OAK a L d IIICKORV WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. G. Butts, at store of Winship A Callaway, oral yard M. A " ■ ft-, will receive prompt attention. BUTTS A- ROSg . A i n:> riON ; INSURANCE AGENTS. \ Ll Insurance Agents doing business in TV t: city are re..nested to eail at this office, make returns ami pay a tax of 2'-, per cent, on ! their receipts to Sept. 1. Bv order ef Council ' chas. j. Williamson, Treasurer. ANNOUNCEMENT* (.Eo. F. Chbektis announced ns acanilldutv for Sheriff of Bihbconntv, subject to the Dem ocratic nomination. novlS td Ed. G. Jeffubs is announced as a candidate for City Treasurer, subject to the Democratic nomination. no\ l.t td Wi: til.- lot. I- Ol H o'" 1 mil!} utmoimiT Win. Ellison Gross os a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the nomination of the Democratic party. novlil-tf <>. P. Finnki Is ai <fir Tax- Beoelv or of Bibb County, subject t • the nomination of tho Democratic Party. novlStf I hereby announce myself a • audidate for Sheriff of Bibb county—subject to the nomina tion of the Democratic Convention. novlStf S. D. Rainey. The friends of Maj. John A. McManus an nounce him as a candidate for re election us Clerk of Council of the city of Macon. novl'2-tf. The friends of Chas. J. Williamson hereby announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of City Treasurer. novlti-tf. The undersigned announces himself ns a candidate for Treasurer for Bibb county, sub ject to the Democratic nomination. novl2tf Felix Cosput. The friends of W. T. N’eLSOK announce him as a candidate for Tax Collector for Bibb coun ty, subject to the Democratic nomination. novl2-tf. After repeated solicitations from friends and mature deliberation, feeling it to be our duty to benefit our fellow-citizens in every manner pos sible, we have concluded to announce ourself a candidate for the House, sign und ornamental painting, subject to nothing but greenbacks or city scrip, and pledge ourself if elected to do our In si for ourself, and not go back on our consti tuents. WINDHAM* CO. Under Spotswood Hotel, Macon, Ga. novlS-tf. XKtV A!> VHIITLSK.HKNTS TAXPAYERS of 188 COUNTY 'ITTILL please read the following, and gov- VY cm themselves accordingly. As this order has been made to me, I have no discre tion, and must obey. F. M. HEATH, Tax Collector of Bibb County. COMPTROLLER GENERAL’S OFFICE, ) Atlanta, Ga , Nov. 4, 1 57:3. f To Tir Collectors: There is, at present, but little money in the State Treasury, not enough to pay the interest now due and falling due on the public debt. In addition to (his, the officers of the Lunatic Asylum, and of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylums, are in need of the money appropri ated to their respective institutions. You are, therefore, directed to send to the Treasurer of the State, as provided by law, all money collected by you, in sums of live hun dred dollars, as rapidly as you can collect it. I will take this occasion to say to each of you, that you must settle your accounts promptly at this office by the 15th of Decem ber, proximo, the time fixed by law. Should you fail to do so, it will be my duty to issue executions against you and your sureties. Make your settlements promptly, thereby sav ing me this necessity, as well as expense and trouble to yourselves and bondsmen. Respectfully, MADISON BELL. nov!3-3t Comptroller General. A PROCLAMATION. UEORCU: BY JAMES M. SMITH, GOVERNOR OF SAID STATE. Whereas, Official information has been re ceived at this Department that Jim O. Pry, (col'd) alias Jim Wilson, stands charged with the crime of Rape, in the county of Bibb, in this State; and, whereas, the same Jim O. I Pry, alias Jim Wilson, did on the 7th day of | November, 18?2, make bis escape from the ofli ! cers having him in charge, and is now at large, I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this my Proclamation, hereby ottering a re ward of Two Hundred anil Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of the said Jim O. Pry, alias Jim Wilson, to the ShcrilV of said county and State. And Ido moreover charge and require all ofllccrs in this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in endeavoring to ap prehend the said Jim (). Pry, alias Jim Wilson, in order that he may be brought to trial forthc ortbnsc with whieli he stands charged. Given under mv hand and the Great Seal of the State at the Capitol in Atlanta, this eleventh day of November, in the year of ourAord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy two, and of the Independence of the Unite and States of America the Ninety seventh. JAMES M. SMITH, Governor. By the Governor: David G. Cotting, Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION: Pry is live and a half feet high, very black, with both legs crooked back below the knees, wears beard on chin and lip. novlo lt The Groat Democratic Journal, THE VOlHi WEEKLY NEWS. BENJ. WOOD, Editor and Proprietor. A Mammoth Eight I’ngc Sheet, Fifty six Columns of Heading Matter. Contains all tin nar.s, foreign, domestic, po . litical and general,with full and reliable market reports. Each number also contains several i short stories, und a great variety of literary, agricultural and scientific matter, etc , etc., I constitutin':, it is confidently asserted, the i most complete weekly newspaper in this country. TERMS. $2 A YEAR. Imluwiu'iifs in Clubs: Five copies, one year $ 9 00 ; Ten copies, one year, ami an extra copy I to the sender 15 00 Twenty copies one year, and an extra copy to sender 25 00 Fifty copies one year, and an extra copy j to sender 55 00 Part it's Hu lint/ clubs as above, may retain 20 | ;>'r cent, of the money neeiieti by than, as com • jMnsatioH. | Persons desiring to act as agents supplied , with specimen bundles. Specimen copies sent { free to any address. All letters should be di rected to NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Box 3.755, novl3-tf A One York City 7W Office. Dutch Flower Bulbs. r rMIK subscriber has received a select stock X of Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, Crocus, i etc., etc . directly imported .from Holland. F'or | price list apply at the store of G. Beggs, Cherry I street, or to I). MILNE. Macon, Ga. Also a large stock of Wilson's Strawberry 1 plants, warranted pure. D. M. oeUlVtw. DR. P. H. WRIGHT 1) ESPECTFULLY tender his professional \ services to the citizens of Maeon and vi cinity. Office at Drug Store No. 3 Brown House Block. Residence at Hev. Samnel Boy kin's, Georgia avenue. Calls left at either plan- will receive prompt attention, oeliitf W- A WS, Corn, Bacon and Fir Unpin OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flonr, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee. Etc. THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “THE PEIBE OP DIXIE,' Tire Bestfia the "World, Always on Hand. I claim superior facilities in the purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOUR, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC,, And I will make it to the interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W. A, HUH 1 , 97—tf WOOD AND COAL. I HAVE established, near the Macon & West ern Railroad Depot, an ample yard with Fairbanks’ best scales) to supply all kinds of Wood and Coal, in any quantity/at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left at the otflccs of Messrs. 11. lx. Jewett, Greer, Lake & Cos., Turpin & Ogden, through Postoflice, or at the Yard, will have prompt attention. Come and see 122-200 MILOS FREEMAN. ANNUAL FAIR —OF THE — Agricultural and Mechanical association or ukokgia. \\7 ILL commence at tlicir Fair Grounds at T t Savannah, Georgia, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1572, And continue six days. Ihe central Railroad passes by the grounds. For Premium List or information, address J. 11. ESTILL, Secretary, 132-til Savsnnah, Ga. Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCE, 1 Macon & Brunswick Kaii.road Cos., \ Macon, Ga., October 30, 1873. j ON and after Thursday October 31, 1873, trains on tills road will run as follows : DAT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY (SUNDAYS EX CEPTED.) Leave Macon 9-15 A M Arrive at Jcsup " (i';3s p. m. Arrive at Brunswick 10:00 p. m. Leave Brunswick 4:30 a. m. Arrive at Jcsup 1P45 A M * Arrive at Macon 5:10 r. m' NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY. Leave Macon 8.25 p. m Arrive at Jesup 5,00 a m Arrive at Savannah 8.30 a. it Leave Savannah 7,30 p'm Leave Jesup 11.10 p m Arrive at Jlaeon 7310 A. m Both day and night teains connects closely j at Jesup with trains to and from Florida. \ UA WKI VSVH.I.i; xit AIN DAILY, (SYNDAYS EX CEPTED.) Leave Macon 2:50 p. m. Arrive at Hawkinsville 0:25 p. m. Leave Hawkinsville 0:55 a. m. Arrive at Macon 10:35 A. M. WM. MacREA. I'ttf General Superintendent. Ciiange of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN R. R. CO., I Macon, Ga., October 31, 1572. f (\N and after Sunday November 3d, the fol / lowing schedule for Passenger Trains, will be observed ill this road : DAY PASSENGER. Leave Maeon 8:15 a. m. Arrive at Macon 2:05 a. m. Loavu Atlanta 8:20 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta 2:40 p. m. NIGHT PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Macon 8:50 p. m. Arrive at Macon 3:20 a. m. Leave Atlanta goo p. xr. Ai rive at Atlanta 4:55 a. m. Making close connections at Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and with Southwestern Railroad for points in Southwest Georgia. At Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Railwav for points West A. J. WHITE, nnv2tf Superintendent. Spotsidl ltd, NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT. (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. Board 3.00 per Day. T. 11. HARRIS, Proprietor. C. J. Maclellan, Superintendent. James W. Meaka, In tlie Office. I—tf Marshall House SAVANNAH, GA„ A. B. LUCE, Pro]ti ictor. BOARD PER DAY $3.00. 131-209 FOR RENT. ONE of the most desirable places on Troup llill, one mile from the Court House, and near Mercer University. Nine acres of land at tached, orchard, garden, splendid well of wa ter, etc. Parties wanting to rent a good house can se cure one by applying to the undersigned, or to Messrs. B. 11. Wriglcy & Cos., 00 and 08 Second street, Macon, Ga. Ll2-tf JAMES W. KNOTT. BOARD. DAY board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, can be hud by applying to w - D- Ramey on Walnut street, Macon. Sept. 13,1872. 137-IC2. Nmrter 11. IS tlie day on which the sale of Tickets for the CONFEDERATE Monumental Association of Georgia will close. This is a splendid scheme and worthy the patronage of all classes of our citizens. Two Thousand Prizes. SHARES WORTH FROM 810 TO 840, 000. WHOLE TICKETS S->. Remember, onh two weeks in which to se cure your tickets'. Which are for -ale at the Drug Store of KOLAND . HALL, 179-tf Cor. Cherry St. and Cotton Avenue. Building Lot For Sale. SITUATED near Tatnall Square, within few steps of Mercer University. Address E. C., Box K., 98tf Macon, Gl