Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 14, 1872, Image 1

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Links, Wing & Smith, Proprietors, ■lVill-* of Subcri|Hln: * nil* Year <*! Six Months * Tins • Months - 0° ■p /. r bitty hi adven^e. W To citv subscribers by the month, Seventy-jive nc'n: served hy carriers. FOR MAYOR OF MACON, H JN. W. A. HUFF. in TELEGRAPH FROM ALL THE WORLD. I'iicU* Siam. Nkw Vokk. November 13.—The gov ernment sues the German Savings Gunk tor $-40,700 unpaid taxes, and $.5,000 pen ally for failure to report. Receivers have been appointed for the International Insurance Company. Tlm- < Keitels. A correspondent, telegraphing from ICiamosa, Cuba. oth says lie has just re turned from the camp of the Cuban leader, "Manuel Agramonte. Their horses, nm inuuiliou and arms are in a very fair con dition ; but ammunition is scarce. Com missary stores abundant, except coffee. New York on llie Boston Fire. * Gen. Shaler, of the New York Fire De partment, inspected the burned district of Heston. The tire was a consequence of the delay of the firemen to reach the scenes, narrowness of 'lie el reels which prevented eliective work, and the great heat. lie agrees with the Boston chief, that the explosion of buildings by gun powder tends to spiead the conflagration, lie assures the people of this city that there is no likelihood of a similar occur rence befalling New York. Meeting of Underwriters Ad vance in Itiitcs. A secret meeting of the underwriters adopted the rates of 1870, which advance the present rates lit to 15 per cent. The subject of Mansard roofs was referred to a special committee. I£c!ii]>sc ssi the Horse IHahitiy. A second phase lias appeared in the large stables, in the shape of a relapse, tending to dropsy, with several fatal in stances. The disease seems to affect horses compelled to work during the first stages of the epizootic—a dropsical relapse swel ling of the legs and belly. The remedy used is rubbing the parts with a liniment composed of camphor, hartshorn and sweet oil. Boston Wants no Increase of Circulation. W Boston, November 13.—The following was issued this morning from the Belief Committee rooms. It having been sug gested that the Secretary of the Treasury might issue au additional amount of cur rency in view of our calamity, resolved that this committee earnestly remonstrate against such issue as unwise, unnecessary and prejudicial to the whole country. Boston Insurance Meeting:—Spe cial Legislature Called. Boston, November 13, — A prelimina ry meeting of Insurance adjusters of lead ing American and English Companies was held at the Beverc House. E. J. Bassett of the A3tua, of Hartford, was Chairman, 11. Bowers of the North British, Secreta ry. Thirty-six Companies were represen ted. No definite action was taken, and the meeting adjourned, subject to the call of the Chairmau. At a meeting of the Governor and exe cutive council, this afternoon, the legisla ture was ordered to meet next Tuesday. The Te\as and Knusas FCai!- niad. Cincinnati. November l.'l—A dispatch from Parsons, of Kansas, says tlie Missouri Kansas and TexusJKailroad is now comple ted to within eleven miles of Red Kiver. The bridge across that stream is being rapidly built. The Texas Central Railroad will be completed to Denison by the first of January next. The gap between the two roads is now only forty- two miles, and its business this season will exceed 100,000 bead of cattle and 30,000 bales of cotton. Cincinnati. November 13.—The mal ady is spreading. Only four or live deaths Horses attacked on Friday, appear to be recovering . Freights are accumulating at the river and railroad depots. The American Express Company use oxen. The Cuba Censorship. Havana, November 13.—The Impres sion that telegrams passing through this Island to other places are liable to censor ship is not correct. Only dispatches origi nating or delivered in Cuba are subjected to that process. The Captain General has ordered all parties accused of incendiarism to be tried by court-martial. Freni New Voile. New York, November 13.—Shipments of specie to day amounted to 1900,000. The suspension of Stanfield, Wentworth & Cos., dry goods and commission mer chants of Boston and this city, is announ ced. It is expected they will resume soon. Advance in Prices of Leather and Wool. It is estimated that a quarter of a mil lion sides of leather were burned in Bos ton. Prices here have advanced—unfin ished leather ten, sole leather three, and six per cent further advance is anticipa ted. Sheepskins are held higher. It is estimated three million pounds of wool was burned. Prices here have advanced ten per cent. Knspcndrd Insurance Com panies. The Spectator has the following list of suspended insurance companies and the amount each will probably pay ; Massa chusetts companies—Bay .State 50 per cent; Boston 60 : Boylston 56 ; City 40 ; Elliott 75; Exchange 40; Faneul Hall 50 ; Fireman's 35 ; Franklin 25 ; How ard 25 ; Lawrence 50 ; Manufacturer's 05 ; Merchant's 75; Mutual Benefit 35; National 75 ; North America 50 ; People's 75; Prescott 50; Shoe and Leather 75; Sutfolk 50 ; Tremont 25 ; Massington 05. New York companies—Humboldt 40; International 75 , Market 50. Providence companies—Equitable 60 ; Merchants 65. A Rumor Denied. Baleigb. If C., November 13.—Bu rners having appeared through the col umns of the Norfolk Journal, Kaleigh Sentinel, and Wilmington Journal, that ilia cun Pailj} enterprise. Gov. Caldwell would issue a proclama tion forbidden the assembling of tho State Legislature on Monday next, the agent of tho Associated Press this morning held an interview with the Governor relative thereto. He replied, in substance, that, like many other statements made by the State press in regard to his official career, this was totally unfounded, and devoid of truth ; tnat lie is now busily preparing Ids anaual message for the General As sembly. Arrested for Fruiting Counter feit ICepublieim Tirkels. it. A Benners was arrested to-day by the United States Deputy Marshal and taken before Commissioner Shannon upon die affidavit of J. 11. Ingraham, charging conspiracy, deception and fraud in printing counterfeit election tickets in similitude to the Republican ticket printed and voted by Republicans of tho State. Benners gave bail for $ 10,110(1. .lliM’rliiini niis Telegrams. lhtovinENCK. it. I . November 13.—The Equitable Insurance Company, of this city, lias suspended. The Merchants' Insurance Company lias called a meeting of the stockholders, to determine its future course Patterson, N. J., November 13 —The broad silk weavers in Tilt A Son's Phoenix Mill have struck, in cousequeuce of a re duction of 25 per cent, in their wages The strikers number two hundred and fifty. Boston, November 13. —Twenty-one thousand dollars worth of property lias been recovered from thieves. The gas was turned on to day, after two nights of darkness. Washington, November 13. —The President, Boutwell. and Assistant Secre tary Richardson had a long consultation today. Norfolk. November 13.—The schoon er Eclipse from New Y’ork for Savannah, with a cargo of lime andguano, put in leaking badly. Her cargo will have to he discharged. Baltimore, November 13. —Dropsy lias appeared in stables. —fatal in many cases. Boston, November 13.—T. A. Hawley banker and broker, lias suspended. Albany, N. Y. Novemberl3.—Water ford bunk was robbed of $4-40,000. No trace to the robbers. Wilmington, N. C. November 13. The horse malady is here. It seems to be a mild type. Peace iu Mexico. Matamokas, November 13.—Gen. Co ballos, Militßry Governor of Sinolas, an nances the pacification of that State with out bloodshed, Gen. Dias having surren dered and given his parole to present him self at the city of Mexico. Pesideut Lerdo congratulates the country on the complete restoration of peace. There is great re joicing at the capital. Foreign S'cws. Madrid, November 13.—The court martial of the Ferrol revolters continues. Several ring leaders have been sentenced to death. Two bauds of Carlists appeared in An dalusia and cut telegraphs and railroads. Troops have been sent there. Rome, November 13.—The Italian Gov ernment quarantines vessels from South ern Austrian ports, in consequence of cholera. London, November 13.—There were heavy gales on the English coast to day. Much damage to shipping is reported. The Losses l*y Insurance Com panies. New York, November 13 —The Spec tator has the following announcement from companies forming the Underwriter's Agency : The Directors of the Hanover to-day, resolved to increase the company’s capital to $500,000. The Republic, Ger mania and Niagara directors resolved at once to make up any deficiency that might exist by assessment. The losses of these four companies will he paid promptly in full. Neither lias suspended or will sus pend Their resources are ample and business continues as usual. Corrected statements made the losses of the Black River Company $05,000, in stead of $20,000 ; the Continental SIOO,- 000; instead of $500,000; the Hoffman SIOO,OOO ; the Market $100,00; instead of $00,000; the Merchants’ $116,500 ; in stead of $50,000 ; the Relief $40,000, in stead of $50,000 ; and the Union, of linn gor, Maine, $150,000. Citizens' ,Heeling Held. Boston, November 13. A meeting of citizens was held to day to consider pres ent emergencies andfuiure contingencies. Mayor Gaston, who presided, alluding to the proffers of assistance from other points said, from our own citizens, t 00, had also some manifestations of the same spirit which made him rejoice that God had given to them large hearts and large means. Bcsolutlons were adopted infavor of the reconstruction of the street lines of the burned district on a better plan ; prohibi ting Mansard roofs and, also, in favor of erecting a Merchant’s Exchange in some central locality ; favoring and extra ses- j sion of the Legislature, to authorize the issue of building bonds by the city, and I for an application to the General Govern- ! ment for an extension of the new post office building upon the burned distric over the lot adjoining, and for an act of Congress allowing drawbacks on building ! material. lliiniiiM Itcmains Found. On searching the ruins on the site of Mixon & Co.’s store, 172 Washington street, this morning, a small bundle of charred human remains was found. It is impossible, of course, to identify the re mains, but it is known that two men per ished in the fire at that place. A great composer—Sleep. The first game of life—Bawl. Long division—Separation for life. A well-bred dog generally bows to strangers. A mother's heart give* 4tli joy at her baby's Ist 2th. What is required to make a pair of i boots t Two boots. When is a man a scapegrace ? When I he is late at dinner. isn’t it queer that contractors should be I employed to widen street*’ MACON, OA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER II- 1872. In Nutting Time. With lingering glints of gold and ted '1 ho waiting autumn woods nrogruy : And in the deep bine overhead 'Hie sun shines clear eud soft to-dt >. The late October winds me bland, Their voices whisper low and sweet; While far away the bine hills stand With valley vapors round their feet. Across the nzuro of the sky The milky cloud-shades wandering sail, {Southward the roving song birds fly, And from the stubble pipes the quail. Along the winding path we go, Through tiehl in which the aster nods ; And over breezy slopes where grow 1 lie yellow-painted golden rods. Along the path hy field and hill, With many a lightly spoken jest, Pa*t golden orchard roves where still The robin shows his crimson breast. L'i.til at last the woods we gain, And there with shout and crashing sound We beat the boughs till downward ram The ripened mils upon the ground. All other sounds around are hushed, There is no note of any bird ; But. thro’ these aisles with autumn flushed, Our voices far and wide are heard. With lingering glints of gold and red The waning autumn woods are grav, And though tin* summer months are fled, Our hearts make summer of to day. [From ttic N. Y. Sun. The announcement of the death of Tliumus Sully, the distinguished histori cal painter—at least lie was so esteemed half a century ago—brings a curious bit of history that may now he related with out indiscretion. It was while Mr. Web ster was Secretary of State, soon after the death of President Harrison, that the St. George’s Society of Philadelphia obtained the gracious promise of Queen Victoria to sit for her portrait, and Mr. Sulley was engaged to paint the likeness. And lie accordingly made his arrangements to proceed to England for that purpose. Mr Everett was our minister to the Court of St. James’s, and Mr, Sully had letters to him from Mr. AVebster, and it is believed from President Tyler as well. The British Minister ut Washington wrote to the Pre mier, and nothing of a formal and official character was omitted that promised to further the views of Mr. Sully. The daughter of the painter, and accomplished and charming young lady, was to accom pany her father, partly for the pleasure on the trip, but ehielly with a view to relieve the Queen from the drudgery of repeated ly sittings to complete the picture, espe cially with reference to the drapery, if which other person could easily represent her Majesty. Just before the sailing of the party a well-known lady then residing in Phila delphia, an actress, public reader, and au thor, calling to take leave of Miss Sully, inquired if her father had all the letters necessary to facilitate his enterprise iu London. On being informed thut he had ample letters of introduction to conspicu ous and influential gentlemen near the British Government, she remarked thut these might be deemed sufficient, but sometimes a little personal interest was found to be more cfflauacions than the of ficial influence of the most exalted per sonages. She would therefore, she said, give Miss Sully a noto to Sir Francis Egerton, who held a household. In case of any obstruction or embarrassment being en countered by Mr. Sully,and he found it diffi cult to procure an audience of tire (iuecu, she was to send tire note with her card to Sir Francis and await the result. The proff er was gladly accepted. The painter and his daughter duly arrived in Lon don, the letters and crcdentals were delivered and acknowledged, and Lord Melborne, Mr. Everett our Sesretary of Legation sent their eards, with all proper ceremony. Days weeks, and nearly a month passed away, and Mr. Sully had neither seen nor heard from the (juccn. He became impatient and uneasy, but there was nothing to he done. lie called upon Mr. Everett, and left his card with the Prime Minister, hut no progress was made. At this juncture the letter to Sir Francis occurred to Miss Sully, and with her father’s approbation it was sent him, witii the young lady’s card. He called the fol lowing day, arranged that the artist and his daughter should have an audience of her Majesty immediately, and before the end of the week sbe gave Mr. Sully a sit ting, and every facility was afforded him to complete the picture. We presume It is still in the posseseion of the St. George’s Society, where it ha- always been regarded as a very finished production. If the artist and his daughter had been left to the considerate attention of the high functionaries of the British Government, even if it find been supplemented by the formal civilities of the whole American Legislation, it may be doubted whether the portrait would ever have been painted Blainard’s Musical World, for Novem vember fully sustains its high reputation as a literary and artistic journal of the first rank, and is a welcome addition to our table. It contains more than the usual amount of fresh, spicy, pointed articles on musical subjects. The editorial “ Women and Music” is a very readable and suggestive article. Karl Merz continues his aide and in teresting letters on musical subjects, and gives a large amount of valuable informa tion and good sound advice in each issue. “Our Letter Box,” the editor's special column for the answer of musical ques tions is, as usual, filled with very instruc tive matter. This department alone is worth many limes tire subscription price of the paper. This number contains three beautiful pieces of music. “My Own Bright Is land Home,” a song and chorus of uaus ual excellence ; "Too Late, too late, Ye cannot enter' now Miss Lindsay’s fa mous sacred song, and "Mountain Sylph Schottische,” one of the most sparkling compositions of the talented Charles Kinke] Subscription price SI.OO a year. Send ten cents to S. Brainard’s Isons, Cleveland, O, for a specimen copy arid a copy of their new and attractive list of premiums for new subscribers H tak ebolders —Butchers. The first culled person on record is Joseph Scoat of many colors. Providence, it has been not inaptly said, provides for the provident. The ties that connect business men with the public—Advertise. This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to : contain a single particle of Mukcuky, or any | injurious mineral substance, hut is I*l 1C I: Ia Y V VArn 1 1 1 111413. For FORTY YEARS it has proved its great 1 value in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great in all parts of the country vouch for its wonder ful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood. stimulating the torpid Livkk and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. SI MMON’iS LIVER REGULATOR Is ac knowledged to have no equal as a kiiu:K Riißirm; It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz : a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the hotly. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded ns the Crenl I nfiiliii“ Spn ilie for Li nick Complaint and the painful oltsprlng thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice,Billiousattacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits HOUR STOM ACH, Heart Bu*n. Ac., Ac. Regulate the Liver and prevent 4 iiari,* A\l> ii vi il SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by .i. ii. /i:in.lf a co., MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price si per package; sent by mail, postage paid, sl.*s. Prepared ready for use in bottles, $1.50. Sttbl) HY AI.I. DRUGGISTS. J3g?*Bewarc ot all Counterfeits ami Imitations. 11:3-523 CROP OF 5872. Clover and Grass Seeds. It ED CLOVE It, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ‘ORCHARD CRASS BLUE CRASS. HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, Ac., A’c. Just received, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 146-156 H 2 and H I Cherry Street. BERND BROS. MANLTACTI itKKH OP AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL OEAMCKS IN llarncs*,Saddles, dollars, Horse Equip ments ami Plotliiiig Generally. ALSO a full assort merit of LEATHKH of ul kinds, Enameled Cloth, etc. saddlers and Harness Makers Hardware and Tools. Cash paid for HIIHCH, FL'KS, bKINS, WAX, WOOL and TALLOW. 6-162 50 BBLS. RED APPLES, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO.’S 50 Bbls. Rusiot Potatoes, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO.’S 25 Bbls. Silver Skin Onions At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO.’S Choice mAHcr and New Or leans Syrup, At Sefiiioar, Tinsley & Cos. 170-190 To tint ISiittln<*** M THE ALBANY NEWS Circulate--, exclusively In Dougherty. Mitchell, Lee, hu keraud Worth Counti* The wealthiest Cotton growing Faction of Georgia. THE JVIOW H In the beet Advertising Medium in .Southwest* ern Georgia. advbktmemewt# solicited. CARET W. STYLES, Proprietor. *<) MERCHANTS INI> PLANTERS WILL KIND ITTOTIIEIR AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE MAKING Til MR LULLS. WE HAVE IN STORE, 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAR It. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS, 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, ull grades. 500 ROLLS 2} BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH, Have, ami tiro offering at very low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BILLS. WHISKIES. 150 BILLS. SUGAR. 50 URLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES II AV. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN, Together with ;i lull block ol till nil goods in oiir line of bunint'SH. no if Brown’s Hotel, MACON. GA. I F long experience and a thorough kuowl- I. edge of the business in nil its diversified branches are essential to the keeping thut which the public, has long heard of hut mdom wen, A 4*OOI> IIOTDIi, the undersigned flatter themselves that they are fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their patrons; hut they are not only experienced in hotel keeping, they modestly would claim tohuve the BEST ARRANGED and MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in the State, which Is loca ted exactly where everybody would have it sit uated IMMEDIATELY IN FRONT AND ADJACENT TO THE i’AHHKNGEH DEPOT. where travelers can enjoy the mwU slcnjt and less liable to he hft by the. perplcxingly constant departure of the trains. To all these important advantages Is added a TABLE thut is well supplied with the best and choicest dishes the city and country can afford : nor would they omit to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. For the truth of these statements, we refer the public to our patrons who reside in every State in the Union. K. E. BROWN & BON, Proprietors. Macon, Ga., April 15, 1872. 78-104 DAVIS SMITH, (Successor to the lute firm of Smith, Westcott. & (Jo., and of Smith, Mefilunliun A Cos.) MAM’KAf 'IITtKK AND I>K A Mill IN SADDLES, HARNESS, HIM IHiEK, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, HUBBUB. UV BANDS, ETC,, Together with every article usually kept hi a saddlery house. t OH CllliHKY NT., MACON, A FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE • • ki - A VV'JLM >IS 4.V I I'ourlli Stirol, (Next Door to f.nuiou A Millinglumi. Y It 14 prepared to fumUlt the trade with <.it ocr.u 11:*. i>kovimio.\n. i>i.intation niipplirm, iug <•■><.’, ’1'Il!S. ETC., on n reasonable terms as any house ill Georgia. We will keep constantly on hand BACON b.HSIt, CORN, OATS, HAY, SUGAR, COFFEE, BAGGING uml TIES, and a general assort,: meat of sueli goods as are kept in a (Irst class Grocery House. Give us a call. We are running the lIAGI.Ii I'I.OITtI.XG M 11.1.5, , lni | direct-special attention to our “CHOICE,” “EXTRA," “FAMII.Y” Flours. They will be. found exactly adapted to thu trndo, and wo guarantee every Imrrel to give satisfaction. Our prim s are as low as iliose of the same grades can he bought in the South. COltN MEAL, bolted and unbolted, always unhand, of our own make and of the beet quality. 120-188 . H. HANDY & CO. Tl.\ AM) SHEET IKON UOOFISU, , .■/ xT Gutteriiit, PlnMiii and Repairiar, \ I 3|>W|||J' v TIN Wtl GAI.VANr/FD HiOV rOBNICFS Q _j “ I__F.SC, 1 ' !| | \ W/i 1 > \ Executed at short notice and *.Mi f u t'.on \ £ \ i guaranteed. j) \ ! 1 iKo. 10 Third Nlrrrf, .Huron, Ga. V | Particular attention given to Guttering put up y \ with V 1 WOODRUFF'S \ IMTIi.XT HAVE I-’AHTENINOH. Its IHIg :> iIPfiOYED GU GEAR. SOMI^TIIIIVG SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! r I'M 11C Buttling of the (Jin House floor lift* no eflect on the Gearing. King Post of Iron and ull I the work bolted to iron. IT IS MADKTO LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. Cull and nee for yomirtclf. I build a Portable Horne Power that challenges nil other MAKES, but. it will not do the work with the humic Draft that my PATENT (JIN GEAR will. All kinds of Machinery made and repaired at. 4 IKM'UHTT'N llC4>.\ HOKUS, IDS ISO Near Brown House, Macon Georgia. BROWS’S GALLERY! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. <fe E. P. TAYLOR, Cor, Cotton A venuo and Cherry Street, DEALERS IN FURNITURE, CMIIS, ES, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. 79tf by Telegraph promptly attended to. _ ! , 4 e , H. JILOUKT. ISAAC HAUBEMAN. Itl.Ol AT A. li tItDLUAA, ATTORNEYS AT fLAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entranec Ralston Hull, Cherry atrcct. 40-360 Barber Shop Por Rent. THE Basement room, formerly occupied by Mike Napier, in Brown’s Hotel building ia for rent. This ia one of the best stands fora Barber Shop In the city. Apply to tf BROWN’S nOTF.L. Volume I. —Number 185 INMAN LINE ROYAL MAIL, STEAMSHIPf THE Liverpool, New York and Fbibuiejr^; Steamship Company dispatch ere per week. The across the Atlantic. ®- T ? r Y„ c il o lo veniencc. For further -Jp gSf=i> V* srpW-tf FT. T. BTF. * **>•