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About Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1872)
Lines, Wing & Smith, Proprietors, I'crniN of Subscriptions One Year ® ? ?Jj Six Months 2 JK Three Months * uu invariably in advance. To city subscribers by the mouth , Seventy-five cents, served by carriers. FOR MAYOR OF MACON, I HON. W. A. HUFF. Statuary in America. From Oath’s Letter to the Chicago Tribune ] OUR NISK EQUESTRIAN STATUES. A few days ago a New York newspaper, under the head of “The Sixth Equestrian Statue,” announced that the mounted fig ure of Gen. Lyon was ready for St. Louis. Thu enumeration was imperfect; the fol lowing is the number of colossal eques trian statues in the United States . 11. K. Brown's Washington—Union Square. New York, inaugurated 1856; paid for by merchants in subscriptions of *4OO each. Clark Mills'Jacksou—l.aiayetle Square, Washington city ; cost $3:2,000 ; inaugu rated 1853. The same duplicated—Jackson Square, New Orieans ; cost $35,000. Clark Mills’ Washington—" The Circle,” Washington city ; cost $50,000 : dedicat ed iB6O. Thomas Crawford's Washington—lticli mond, Va. Thomas Ball's Washington—Public Garden, Boston ; cost $20,000, including pedestal ; invailed 1860. 11. K. Brown's Wiulield Scott, • Circle,” Fourteenth street. Washington (now temporarily standing in Spring Garden street. Philadelphia cost,Js6s,ooo. Bailie's U. S. Grant—For the South portico of the Treasury Building, Wash ington ; cast in pieces ; to be placed in position next autumn. Statue of Nathaniel Lyon—ln St. Louis. The above comprise all the statues of their class in the country. OUR PORTRAIT-STATUARY. Of portr lit-statuary, New York has Franklin, Vanderbilt, Shakespeare. Mon roe, Walter Scott, Lincoln, Peter Stuyve sanL Dr. Bethune, and Clinton. Brooklyn has Lincoln and Robert Ful ton. Boston has statues of Franklin, Everett, Horace Mann, John A. Andrew, Olis, Beethoven, Justice Story, Hamilton, Col onel Shaw, Choate, Winthrop, Josiah Quincy, Edwin Forrest, Bowditch, John Adams. Richmond, Va., has Jefferson, Nelson, Marshall, Mason, Patrick Henry, Colonel Washington and Houdon's Washington. New Orleans has Henry Clay'. Baton Rouge has Washington. St Louis has Thomas H. Benton, by Miss Hosmer. Cleveland has Oliver 11. Perry. Philadelphia has Penn, Franklin, Washington and Lincoln. Newport—Matthew Perry. West Point—General Sedgwick. Hartford —Bishop Brownell, Israel Put nam (ordered.) Montpelier, Vt.—Ethan Allan. Milford, Pa. —Napoleon, by Launt Thompson. Cambridge, Md.—Gov. Hicks. Baltimore—Washington, McDonough. Washington, D. C. —Winfield Scott, by Launt Thompson ; Roger Shcrmem and Jonathan Trumbull, by Ives; General Greene, by Brown ; Roger Williams, by Simmons ; Lincoln, by Vinnie Ream and Flannery ; Wreenbough's Washington and Columbus; Stone’s, Hamilton and Hancock; Powers’, Jefferson and Frank lin ; a green Jefferson in the White House grounds -, General Rawlins ordered, and Farragut appropriated for Lexington, Va—Robert E Lee,ordered. Louisville, Ky.—Henry Clay There are revolutionary monuments at Bunker Hill, Baltimore, Washington, and Groton : and a dozen or a score of shafis. obelisks, etc., on battle-fields. Monuments to the second war with England are at Nashville, Annapolis, and Baltimore. Re bellion monuments stand and Roxbury, Providence (ordered ) Detroit, Springfield, 111., Glen’s Fall, Gettysburg, Autietam (ordered.) and many other places. A Mexican war-monument is ill New York city (General Worth). COST AMD TASTE OP PUBLIC ART. ' The cost of the public statuary of the United States has beeu nearly one-million and a half of dollars. Randolph Rogers lias received above $200,000 and its is stated that he has made 105 copies of a meaningless statue of a fictitious personage in a mediocre novel, “Nydia.” The peo ple who own this statue generally call it the Bliud Girl of Pompcy-I, ferocious ac cent on the I, Some art-patron, however, meaning to be literally accurate, let off 1 the I double-barrelled, and climb terraces in pronunciation, as follows : Pompey-eye eyel Ilorv can she be blind with so many eyes ? It is to be doubted whether we have produced, in ail the art of the late war, more tbaii one good figure, and that proba bly is Ward's Soldier of the Seventh lieg lrnent, For an extraordinary performance in this direction, the Kogers monument at Detroit may be instanced. It is dominated by a figur e called “ Michigan,” in which there is an attempt to represent the lumber resottrees of the State, in association with the woodland garb of this truly aroused woman. She appears with a short drawn sword and shield, and that fervid counte nance which might make it seem that she was beating a dinner gong with a carving kuife, on the arrival of a train at a meal statioa on the Michigan Central Kailroad. The boys call it “The Infuriated She-liid dy; or, The Biled Eagle's Revenue.” Is comparing the Boston and Chicago fires the following details of the latter will prove interesting : The Chicago fire began at 9 o’clock Sunday evening (October 8, 1871) and burned till midnight Monday, lasting twenty-seven hours. The value of the property destroyed, including build ings, merchandise and household property, was $193,1X10,000. The fire burned over an area of about four miles in length and an average of two-thirds of a mile in breadth, destroying seventeen thousand four hundred and fiAy buildings, and ren dered ninety-eight thousand persons house less. The property destroyed was insured for $100,000,0(10; losses claimed amount ing to about $4,000,000 less. Of the sum due, $37,000,000. has been paid, and there is a fair prospect of $12,000,000 more, if some companies are not overwhelmed by the great fire in Boston The loss of life was happily small in Chicago, and the generosity of the world enabled the local committees to disburse more tban $2,000,- 000 in relief. jlacoit Pailß f nterprise. BY TELEGRAPH t'KOII A 1,1, THU WOK 1,11. Important from France—Tillers* Address to llio Notional As sembly. Paris. November 14.—Tillers' speecli thanks God for the reparation and general prosperity of the country. Referring to the success of the late loan, he says the whole available capital of the Commer cial world was ottered to France Ger many lias been paid 806 million liaucs o 1 the war indemnity and she will receive 200 million more in December. The Budget shows a deficiency of 132 million francs for the past fiscal year, hut the estimates show that the equilibrium ot expenditure and revenue will be restored in 1873. and a surplus may he looked foi in 1874. Allusion to llie disasters of the late war and the cruel dismemberment of the conn try. *A frightful test it had been to the establishment of the republic. All these things suddenly bursting on an oppressed an disheartened country might have re sulted in irreparable disaster, if order had not been maintained The appeal is made to Republicans, not to spare even excessive sacrifices lor or der, in their own interests. Events have j given them the Republic. The Republic j exists as the legal government, and an at j tempt at any different form of government would lead to the most terrible tevolution. The President deprecates a formal pro cession of the Republic by the Assembly. The better policy would be to impress on the institutions of the country the features of conserva live republicanism. The re public must be conservative— otherwise it cannot exist. The absolute need of France is repose. The mass might live t.trough a few days of agitation. After frightening others its fears itself and falls into the arms of an adventurer —traveling the sad and humiliating journey from anarchy to des potism, and despotism to anarcy. The lightest fault is sufficient to wreck a Republic. France orderly and strong, it inspires confidence in foreign powers, who desire above all a just equilibi imu. France, if she chooses not to solute herself, may become surrounded by trust ing and useful frieuds. To the Assembly is left the initiation of constitutional measures. The decisive moment has arrived for Hie work. The President promises defence, co-op eration and devotion. He concludes by invoking God to bless the work of ttie Assembly aud render complete aud dura ble the consummation which lias not been attained since Hie origin of the country. The message was well received by the Left and Kerdrel. to whom it gives great satisfaction. The Conservatives moved the appoint tnent of a committee to draw up a reply The motion was agreed to by a small majority. It is thought that the Presi dents message will lead to an early diso lution of the Assembly. KcMiniing liitNiiiess. New York, November 11. —The three broker’s firms that suspended on Monday have met their engagements, and resum ed. The Market Insurance Company, of this city, pay their full losses. The llursc malady. Washington, November 14. -It is raiuing steadily. Little improvement is noted iu the horse malady. Gov. Cooke has called a meeting of this territory on behalf of Boston. Three thousand horses are sick at Lou isville, and the disease is spreading rapid ly. Nearly every horse in Milwaukee is affected. Wtieeling and the a jaceut country are seriously affected. Storm* in England-- Harm*- S U asters, London.- November 11-—The heavy gales which prevailed on the British coast yesterday were very destructive to life and shipping. Reports of the wreck of many vessels, including barks George and Hia watha, have already been received Fifty lives are known to have been lost, and it is feared this number will be increased by reports of additional disaslers. Naval matters. Washington, November 14.—The United States steamer California arrived at San Francisco yesterday from Panama. She will be the Hag ship of the North Pacific lleet, Rear Admiral Per.nock, com manding. mayor Hall’s Case to lie No! Pros'd. New York, November 14. —It is sta ted that a nolle proaeqvi will be entered, on Monday, iu Mayor Hall's case. The Express says an old tea firm has suspended.’ Died. James Hadley, Frofcssor of Greek at Yale College is dead. Specie shipments to day $1,400,000. A Decision in tin* Tweed Case. The general term to-day rendered a de cision in the Tweed suits, dissenting from an opinion of the general term in Albany and sustaining the decision of Judge Bar rett, that the company lias a right to sue for money misapplied from the county treasury. Uniters in Koslon. Boston, November 14. —The work of pulling down the walls and clearing olf the debris from the burnt district is pro gressing vigorously. There is but little additional news as to insurance. The Amazon and Triumph Companies, of Cin cinnati, nave stopped writing policies in New England. ! The Old South Church has been leased for two years for a post-office. A meeting of the Citizens’ Relief Com mittee. this morning, passed resolutions of thanks for the sympathy and aid extended from all parts of the Union. Steamer Sunk. Cincinnati, Nov. 14.—The Chiouicle says the steamer St. Mary's, which left Memphis for Cincinnati last night, with two hundred and thirty-six bales of cotton and ten passengers, struck a stump near Morris Landing, at half past 9 o'clock at night, tearing a hole between her wheel and stern, causing her to sink iri eVhteen feet of water. Wlieu she struck > was headed for the bar opposite and rao upon it, but lier bow swung around a/ and she floated off down the river nearly a u>ile to Brandy-Wine, upon which she now lies. As far as is known, no lives were ia-L her passengers having been carried salely to the bar and thence ashore in a lie boat One fireman is missing. The steamer City of Chester pasted soon after she settled, MACON, GA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1872. add carried er passengers to Curio. The St. Mary's v is valued at $36,000, and was insured iu i inciunnti office* for $16,000. The vessel i u probably be raised. A Ini in North Cuvoliitii. Wii.mioton, N. C. November 14. Business is ■ impended on account of tbe Fair of the ( ape Fear Agricultural Asso ciation Iliirtiiqiialic. San Francisco, November 14.—A sharp shock of an earthquake was felt at Austin, Nevada. Tuesday night. A slight shock was also felt at* Stockton on the same night. Kelief lor the Bostonians. London, November 11 —At a meeting yesterday, in Boston, Lincolnshire it was resolved to aid the sufferers by the great tire of the American namesake, aud sub scriptions for that object are now being secured. Measures for the relief of sulfcr ers are also being taken in London. The gale of last night was exceedingly severe on the Prussian coast. At Steral sttrd its effects were’ most disastrous. Twelve vessels were sunk m the harbor Towns were inundated and, in the height of the storm, lire broke out among the warehouses, wnieli spread rapidly and is still burning. Several lives are reported lost and many persons injured. UiMiiiirck sick. Berlin, November 14.—1’riuce Bis marck is ill. Physicians hnve gone lo Var/.in to attend aim. ITirlhci' from Boston. Boston, November 14.—A large part of the military guard over the ruins was withdrawn to night. The experiment of blowing up the walls of W\ 11. Gleason's granite building in the square formed by the junction of Summer and High streets, proved perfect!} successful to day. The first charge of five pounds, was affective in blowing out the northern wall only ; hut the second charge of twelve pouuds, one pound to a cartridge, lifted the massive walls from their foundation, aud they drop ped perpendicularly into the cellar aud upon the side-walk,scarcely a alone devolv ing a direct downward course so far as to full in the street. The safe ol Wcscott & Cos., oil High street, was recovered to-day, and its con tents of sls( .000 found uninjured after sixty-two hou s exposure to llie intense heat. The locality had been guarded by u detachment of dragoons. F. A. Haw: y& Cos., hankers, whose temporary su .tension was announced, re sumed busiui < to-day. One daily, fifteen weekly and eleven monthly pape s were turned out of their quarters by tb : lire, wliile almost every publishing es; iblishment in the city suffer ed more or le, >. Itlorc ' ‘rouble in Spain. Madrid,No ember 14. —King Amadeus is confined to he palace by illness. The Epoca, in its i sue to-day, calls the atten tion of the go. eminent to what it terms the gravity ol die situation at tire govern ment arsenal, near Cadiz, where a recent letter in its columns stated a conspiracy has been dts overed. The Kpoea yet fears serious t - (ruble among the men on gaged there, i id urge-Jtho government to take precuuth ist',for the instant suppres sion of any and, loyal sentiment. It is feared that there is a understanding between the men in the at onul and disaifectcd parties iu Cadiz. A Great Storm in Germany. Hamburg, November 14.—A severe rain and snow storm, accompanied by a heavy gale, has prevailed in this section of Germany tor several days. Telegraph wires have been prostrated in all direc tions, the country is flooded, and at Lu lieck. Hie Cu> om house and many ware houses nre submerged. French Politics. Paris, November 14.—A meeting of the Deputies of the Assembly belonging to the Right Wing and the Right Centre was held to-night. A coalition of the Conservative factions iu the Assembly was agreed to, and u resolution was adopted declaring that while they recognize the ini possibility of a restoration ot a mon archy, they hold that the ibsue lies be tween the Conservatives and Radicals, demanding pledges from the President that he will adhere to a strictly Conscrva- live line of policy, and warning him that | lie can no longer have tlieir support j should lie refuse to give the assurance re- j | quired. T’urtlicr trout tlic ( real Storm. | November 14.—Evening— j The storm lias abated, and the water is , j subsiding. The fire. after destroyingsevc- j ral large buildings lias been extinguished. ! The inundation extends along the entire | ! coast. Details of the Storm and disasters ' have not yet come to hand, but the dam- j | age done on tea and shore must he in - I nienso Insurgents Stilt Active. Havana, November 14— Insurgents at : tacked Han Ramon plantation, near Man ranello, burning the place and carrying olf lbrty persons employed there. Troops are lin pursuit. Insurgents attacked LaCas iniba, near Guatanamo, sacked three stores and made off with tlieir booty. Troops attacked and lefeated the Insurgents on the following day. Governor Obregon says the Insui ents intended a mid on the I plains of Gui anarno, but owing to tlieir ■ defeat, it is TV v impossible. Twenty-tv o .Hitters Drowned. London, I s ivember 14. Ihe I Visa! 1 coal mine, in -Staffordshire, was suddenly ; innundaled U. lay, while the men were at i work. Eleve i miners were rescued, hut twenty-two re nain in the mine, and there is little hope t lat they will he saved. Stop my I we it —Every publisher of a newspaper as heard this tremendous order from off ruled subscribers, imagined by unoffended to be as dangerous as a stroke of ligb ning, but in reality rnoic harmless that a musketo bite. A good story is told t the Philadelphia Post of Mr. Hwain, t e former proprietor ot the Daily Ledger By Iris course on some public queatii n, on which different per sons had diffv :nt opinions, Mr. Hwain bad offended a nui her of readers, one of whom met him on C icstnut street, and thus ac costed him "Mr Swaii I've (topped The Ledger “What is tha sir?” "I’ve stopped The ledger,” was he siern reply. - JsH pos sible ?" said Mr. Hwain “My dear Hir what do you mean? Come with me to my office.” And taking the man with him, he entered the offloc at Third and Chestnut streets. Them they found the clerks busy at their desks; then they as cended to tho editorial rooms and compos ing rooms, where everything was going on as usual; finally they descended to tho press rooms, where the engines were nt work. “1 thought you told mo you had stopped The Ledger," said Mr. Swain "So 1 have,” said the offended subscriber. "1 don't see tho stoppage. The Ledger seems to bo going on." "Oh 1 I mean to say—that is, that I—ah—lmd stopped tak ing it.” “Is that all!" exclaimed Mr. Swain, “Why, my dear sir, you don’t know how you alarmed mo.” rSIMMONSI This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mkkcuky, or any injurious mineral substance, but. is ■*| 1C DM VKBTA For FORTY YEARS it Ims proved its great value in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of tho good and great in all parts of the country vouch for its wonder ful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. SIMMON’S LIVER REGULATOR ia ac knowledged to have no equal as a m i:i: It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz : a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the Great I nl'ailing Nprcitic for Liver Complaint and the painful ollsprlng thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice,Billiousattacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic Depression of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, Heart Bum, Ac., Ac. Regulate the Liver and prevent < iiiajiS an■> SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by .5. iS. Xlill.lM A ►., MACON, GA., unit PHILADELI’IIIA. Price §1 per package; sent by mail, postage paid, Prepared ready for use in bottles, £l.f>(). SOlJ) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. gggTßewure ol all Counterfeits and Imitations. “ 118-53:* CROP OF 1872. riovui* ami < mss Hoods. RED CLOY Eli, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &c., &c. Just received, HUNT, BANKIN’ A LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 146-16(1 82 and 81 Cherry Street. BEEND BROS. MANniTACTI'HEIIS OF AND WHOLESALE Sr, RETAIL. I DBAI.BKS IN ilaniess,'-'addles, Collars, Horse Equip ments and Clothing Generally. A 1,80 a full assortment of J-I' A’l HER of ul kinds, Enameled Cloth, ct<\ addlers and Harness Makers Hardware and 1 Cash paid for HIDES, FUHB, SKINS, WAX, wool, and TALLOW. 5-103 50 881/3. RED APPLES, At (SEVMOUR, TINBLKV A: CO.’S 50 Bbls. Hus-ict Potatoes, At rfEYMOUK, TINSLEY <fc CO.’S 25 Bbl Silver Ski a Onions At SEYMOUR, TLV.~f.HY & CO.’S Choict: mAler and Now Or leans Syrup. Seymenr, Tinsley & Cos. J7O-190 BY BREAD WE LIVE rPI f K undersigned lias established a first.class 1 BAKERY where onr citizens ran obtain bread that is bread. My * 11 "“Wb citizens at their residences. I ase only Uu, lst ' ““mol* ““ tCT,a '‘ ISAACS. MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON IJS [ BEFORE MAKING THEIR BILLS. WE HAVE IN STORF, 100.000 LBS. BACON OLKA R It. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, till gradon. 500 ROLLS 2J BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH, Have, mid urc olliTing ut very low figurcß : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, till grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES IIA V. I 000 BUSHELS COHN. Tonftli' f willi a lull block ol all O all goods in our line of btisiuoss. m; if Brown’s Hotel, MACON. GA. fif long experience ami a thorough knowl -1 edge of iho business In all Its dlvers'dletl branches are essential to the keeping that w liich the public has long heard of but ncldum men, A GOOI> HOTF.I., tho undersigned flatter themselves tliut they are fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their patrons; but they are not only experienced in hotel keeping, tin y modestly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED and MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in the State, which is loca ted exactly where everybody would have it. sit uated HfMEhIATBLT IN FRONT ANI> AllJAl ENT TO THE FAHHKNOEK OKFOT, where travelers can enjoy the mold tletp and less liable to be left by the perplexingly constant departure of the trains. To all these important advantages is added a TABLE that is wed I supplied witli the best and choicest dishes the city und country can afford : nor would they omit to mention tliut their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness und atten tion to guests. For the truth of these statements, we refer the public to our patrons who reside in every State Iu tlie Union. E. E. BROWN * SON, Proprietors. Macon, fin., April 10, IH7. 78-104 DAVIS SMITH, fSucewKOr to the UU*. firm of Bmitli, WohU*oU. A: Cos., and of Hiiiith, MeOlimhaii V Cos.) MANCrAC'f t-'HKit A Nil DKALRH IN SADDLES, HARNESS, ImiDLKS, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, ItIDBEIC, BANDS, ETC,. Together with every article usually kept In a * saddlery house. lOi! (TIF.KHY ST., JUCOY, UA * 1,46-I*2 j FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE ~ - LAWTON Ac BATES, Fourlli Street, (Next Door to Lawton A Willingham.) ' 4 1!K prepared to funifeh tho trade with GKOt'DIIIIiN, I’ItOVINIONM, PbAIITATION NCPPLIEB, NAG (hI.Xm, 'l'll-iN, ETC., oil IIS reasonable terms as any house in Georgia. We will keep constantly on hand. BACON- I.AltO, COHN, OA 18, HA Y, SUGAR, COFFEE, BAGGING and TIES, and & general assort llK-Ut of Kin li goods as are kept in a first class Grocery House. Give us a rail. Wo arc running the EAGLE FEOI itIAG MIIXN, and direct . special attention to our “CHOICE," “EXTRA,” "FAMILY” Flours. They will be found exactly adapted to the trade, and woguilnintoo every barrel to give satisfaction. Our prices are as low as those of the same grades can he bought in tho South. CORN MEAL, ladled and unbolted, always on hand, of our own make and of the beat duality. 120-188 ygfc J. 11. BANDY & CO. S'JZT TIN ANI) SHEET IRON ROOFING, Jt TIN ANII UAI.VANI/EO IRON CORNICES ( t-jjpTT " (j 'I \ Executed at short notice ami satisfaction \ 3 \ y. l j guaranteed. N, J) ill *** Third Ntrcet, iriaacom, Gu. \ | i’artlcular attention given to Guttering put up 1 \ with \ ' WOODRUFF’S V PATENT EAVE I'AHTENINUN, its-ml g!! IMPROVED m s< ii /niing INKW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! ' I'M! 1 ' settling of tin* Gin House floor has no eflect on tho Gearing. King Post of Iron and all I tlie work bolted to iron. IT IS MADE TO LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. < bill and b*<‘ for yoimself. I build a Portable Horae Power t hat ehallenges all other MAKES, hut it will not do the work with Uu* same Draft, that my PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kinds of Machinery made and repaired at 4 EUM Ba/r rs iron wokkn, 103-180 Near Brown House, Mueon Georgia. BROWI’S GALLERY! Mo. 8 Cotton Avenue, I Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. & E. P. TAYLOR, (lor. Cotton Avonuo and Cltorry Htreot, DEALERS IN FURNITURE, CffiffllS, RUES, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins jmd Caskets. 79tf by Telegraph promptly attended to. _ - JA JKB II- BLOWS?. ISAAC HARDEMAN. It 1,01 NT A li,t RDEtIAY, attorneys at :law, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Uni-ton Hall, Cherry street. 41MMI Barber Sbop Eor Rent. THE Basement room, formerly occupied by Mike Napier, In Brown’s Hotel building 1 for rent This Is one of the best stands for a the Cty^A^fo Volume I. —Ncmbkb 186 INMAH LINE “S’