Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 15, 1872, Image 2

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11A'JON DAILY ENTERPRISi pt m.iFiiin wrmv r.vmm# *"• L | N E S . WING .V SMITH. No. HI llolllnifworl4i Block. „ ~t-i T. —T- >1 .•• - "~Mt Utter < rrlatlou tu.'tiibtAipllonthouldlmad’ to tr.,/ .1 WM, Moron, da. oof. Ik* V<i*r •huohl I* a.!- to tto Alitor. M* ■ -mrrf owl trial rto n*Vn ryratttt rao.lo , ...-Jrllrll •v.thluU ';o jiu." ■> .1""” a" /*"" •/ "" A7 "'''' “* Itettmt. n . tV ATKn 111 I K*. IJdllor. 04 4 1 1.1 4 AIJMKM. Ancut tin: agitation of the public mind on the subject of spiritualism, and, in Ilia light of Dr. llnrrlsou’s admission* and ex planations, —u glance nt certain iceogni- < Hon* of Science, may not la- in npprnpri- j ale. What are occult cause*V They are causes unknown. mid invisi ble. The recognition of these Is not univer sal, and hence, even wise men ale found to deny nil phenomena which cannot he refered to acknowledged causes Among these secret causes, men lie-fore our time and age, reckoned the supernat ural, and attributed to it certain manifests tlona, which now form the illustrations of the spiritualistic philosophy. The- phenomena which e are an us tom to consider from the standing point of the present local agitation, are, by no means extraordinary or new ns such, since they have, in similar manifestations, fretted, frightened, puzzled and Instructed every generation of men. Yet have they lied from the eager pursuer, when bent on ascertaining their cause. Impenetrable silence, unlightcd darkness, awful mystery have rewarded all dilligcnce. in the weariness of such pursuit, the consciousness of what we know appeals small indeeil In comparison of the infinite beyond our grasp. It was Module* who said that all human knowledge is but a ijualilifd ignorance. The fart that phenomena existed and were constantly tuauifestiiig, whose causes were beyond science In the shadow realm caused Aristotle, doubtless to utter senten ees that remain to this dav uniuterpreted by his best commeutators. Hear him "A theory of truth is partly easy, pnrlly dlflleult This is shown by the fact that no one Ims been wholly sue ! cessful, uud no one wholly unsuccessful In : it* acquisition. * * * * Hut our ina- . hility to compass sums whole and patl (or to compass loth whole and part) may ; eviueo the dillleulty of the inquiry." Ho Im* It been until now. Partly bid den, purtly revealed. I’henmnena ll.vsli j ing out upon our vision or projecting over : us, while causes deep, secret, and uuiver sal, remain the invisible spirits of nature. 1 Shall tie there fore, continue to conject ure Hindi we rest in the beliel built up from our Inability to fathom and unfold ; that in no rase can spiritual nguucy be numbered among the Instruments and powers of occult science? <tr, shall we adopt the ancient and unknown poet's faith, and seek no further, u lieie we leap so scantily Kail many a m ,-rift in her :■ red vail Hath SSta re folth.l She voaeltssfe* t-i 1, now I Not every mystery, no ■<! . /or ■'< omoo oor rot" ot, Oil i.xniiv/,, I et as uot, therefore, seek wtait God eom , til* , I-or even tin- things whfeli tin within oar llMhllt— rbrac, knowing, wc know tied. 8n fut from us, In doubtful dlmitosr, gtcuim. tin* at Mr of truth. “ I’iolmldv our Itx ■.( conception of llic initMc til' certain pltnnomcnn it to rcctig in mu U l<> lie inconceivable, tin St I'ypiun aht of mtr conception of God MY enn ueltlter affirm not deny We know too little of the eeret sitlr, and the little wo do know |iu//le ua. and assure* to of the truth of the saylttg of Cullen “There arc more fa Ist' facts cuneut in the world titan lalsc Ihonrlea." and that ot the inel nneholy llano ■■ There ate more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, titan are diva in I of in your pbllosopv - -♦ -♦ - in CrreM|iomleilM, /Si::Ud trader wants to know w hat Tennyson means tiy llto wool Sfnitr" in Ilia (iarclh. Answer Tim wor I Sptatcs is oh lele and means u wild stream, or. a adeem swollen by recent rains The poet uses it in Introducing (luroth thus “The la-t talk son ol t.ut slid lieitiecnt And twltct, t.melt., In a atiuwerfut .pring, St tint at k npuw " Gen. Lee * Opinion of Gen. Meade. 7*.i Mr Ktlttor ,>f Thf jyiiune —Sm A gentleman who avivmi with Gen. l<w writes *<m alter Gen Meade took tom ntand of tlte Amt)'of the Potomac, while troth armies were in Winter quarters. he innilc a demonstration for the purpose, doubtless, of feeling li is adversary's posi tion The movement was a very lines jHvied one, and it happened that nearly all of Gen. Lee'S aid* were absent for the day, w hen the Federal force* appeared lu our (rout Ocu. Ltc therefore asked some of his subordinate* for detail* of otllccr* to act as leni|>orarv mcmtieis of his stall, and of these 1 was one During the brief action which ensued, tome one asked Gen l-*e what he thought of the new com man der opposed to us. and 1 shall never for get the measured and carefully weighed words of hi* reply. T have now. 'he said, •• the most dangerous adversary I have ever faced. Gen. Meade will do noth ing which the newspapers will -;u mad about, but he will never luaks a mistake in my front, and if l make one he w ill see it instantly and take Immediate advantage •it It." The remark -truck me, at the lime, as the highest compliment which any commander could pay to his antago nist, and at Gettysburg the correetneas of the opinioa was proved, when the mis take was made, ditcov t ied, and Instantly tinned to advantage, precisely as the ('on h deiau- leader had predicted. i < r VW* Jerfc, A'aramkrr if, A bank of t reel lent rneers, hauu clay has been discovered in Southern Calitor nia, and workmen are to be imported frosu Europe t 0 manufacture it Into pipe* ('■IT AITtIHS. In anollier column our readers will tin-.l a communication from “An old Citizen,’ I containing animadversions ml prop tui tions upon and in behalf of el'y matters. We arc willing to have this an.l ereiy matter of moment, freely and properly discussed in our columns Our paper is independent of parties an ! persons in all public interests, while we reserve to our selves the light to lead in that diicction most consonant with utw convictions of the people's prosperity and tlie eternal laws. We arc not at all afraid of weakening the present city government by proper discussion. On the contrary, we believe that the closest and most thorough sifting and investigation will result, and can only result in the triumphant vindication of our present Mayor's position and aim Any I one, who allotva himself to imagine thut the present Executive is disposed to he reckless in tho exercise of his prerogatives and the people's money, is guilty of an act of great injustice, and fails to compre hend Hie character of the gentlemen in question No citizen can he more ardent ly desirous of proper limitations, checks and hounds, laid down by law, than the present Mayor, ami, to our knowledge he lms exerted himself unceasingly to this end. We know also of some of the dil-* llcullics which have opposed his edmts in tills good direction, end if any g ! could he compassed, we should not In. bite to uncover them llut we believe in whole some friction. Free, temperate discussion of real issues must only strengthen public confidence in tho right, und tend to <ll, cover ami uproot the wrong. Let it then, proceed. Wo have refrained from a lengthened ciiticlsm of the recent exhibit, presented ! by a citizen his conclusions just | or unjust, has been looking up the figures. That exhibit was presented ill our own columns with pleasure, in will a'-o all similar papers lie from time to time. Wo take it for granted that every Intel * llgeut citizen is capable of judging Its tuer Us, und easily detecting its errors, and yet credit the writer with patriotic motives J Our conviction remains, and il possi i ble, is deepened, that the present Mayor, i if lie will serve, is the man over ail others ! within our know ledge for the high posi tion, and, we know that nine-tenths ol (lie I tax paying public would consider his de clinature a public calamity. “Ona man power” is it phrase as unlucky as it is vague, and seldom conveys a clear thought independently of n ding w hich spoils its force. Some other man, is still • one man," whose “power" would be his own inter pretation of a "programme,” which w ould of necessity bo more individual than aught else, so that cheap talk about “laws" char tered lights, “limitations" etc tie , would occupy the same front seat of order, eeon onty, an 1 defeated ambition. - The Burnt City. i From the World.) M rutc I’ntß UnntiK viuti llimou le AI, ItKMINtHCK.NCkK The locality in which the Hreoiigina lt dis all historical ground. There stood the house of Kdvvanl Everett, and in the corner, commanding n lino view up Sum - mer street tnwarus tite Common, was the study wherein lie w as wont to slowly com pose and elaborately polish his celebrated eloquent impromptus The building was large and expensive, in those duysdigni tied by thesoundiug title of •• niuua’on ” Even now it would pass muster in this city as the rcsidenci ot some wealthy aud eul : tivnted gentleman, who eared more lor solid comfort than pretentious show The immediate neighborhood was iit hah ted by defendants and in some instances founders of the " liet families ” Ou the liglit of Air Everett's house stood that of Mr. John Tappan. brother of Ar thin Tappiiu, the celebrated abolitionist, und s I well known as intimately connect cd with him in his revolutionary move 1 men is. The house was set back front Iho sidewalk some forty teel, occupying the corner of Summer street, and limiting hack some ways along Aiclt court. It had in front a well-kept garden and behind a spite lanyard, lit its parlors could ofleu Ito seen together the three brothers—Chur lr Arthur, and John—ail equally engag ed in abolition, though the two turnon were by tar llto most prominent I'he lat ter was generally contented to be the "si lent pat I tier " and pay the larger pot lion of the expenses of the movement At one time he. in common with many others of the more enthusiastic Bostonians, would use no sugar, as it was the product of slave labor. Only within a very few years was the old fashioned building tarn down. crumbling under the advance ol business us it* successor Ims crumbled before the advance of business' master Within n stone's throw stood the old house 111 winch lived Mrs Johu Hancock at the time she issued her celebrated order that her handmaidens should go forth and "milk all the cows upon the common." In Arch Court, a few feet below tlic ter minatioii of John Tappan's grounds, was a library, old la hioued and quaint a* the locality in which it stood, partly ou one side of the lane—-il was uo more than that—and partly above the arch which spiatig across the street, giving it it* name Within the last few years, however, with the decease of the ancient residents cauie the removal of their descendants to Hack Hay, and the removal of ancient lauduiaiks themselves to the dilapidated Gehenna t>r contractors' rubbish Tall buildings arose upou their sites extending Iront W ashington street lo ltroud Granite usurped the place of gardens, and Men sard roofs rose far higher than the super seded mausou* ever durst aspire. These building* would remind oue somewhat of the Equitable in this city, though they were much les* ornate, being for the most part of a plain, unrelieved surface As the telegraph lias told, they were occupied principally by large and extensive dealers. Summer street was one of the narrow est in that city of narrow streets. the roadway being list much more than thirty fee: w ije. Washington street, just where it i* in te..'te<l at right angles by Sumner street is, or ralher was. one of tho gayest stmts Ig tin whole of lxvston. Although nar row, all lhe space was carefhlly utilized I he shops w cm small, the street not boost in t cf env dry goods or jewelry "palaces '* but this very circumstance serve*! to make thmn the more brilliant. Nearly the m tire front o> each shop was converted into a show window wherein glowed the choic est warm of each vender. The w indow* 1 would gleam with the iridescent colors of artistically arranged silks, sutiu displayed so as to catch und reflect the light ia vu rylng tints, and Jewelry glittering In templing profusion Deride* these, there were In addition nil iho shimmering paraphernalia of ribbons, laces, and bonnets —attraction* eminently adapted to the femulo mind. Nor was the jrinulo mind obdurate, for this place mu Hie favorite promenade. Here every afternoon, and particulaily mi Sat urdays, could he seen the pretty git is on w hom JJoston prides itself wandering by scores nearly blocking the thorougfare,ga zing admit ing oud enviously sighing. It was as though Broadway uud fifth uvenuc were combined As sucli it was regarded by all true Bostonians who were congre gated there to scan the passing beauties eye glassed gaze. The City on the Downward Grade. Ml AM. tit APPLY Tltr. DRAKE Mr. Editor:— The financial statement > of Mr. It 15 Barfield presents much food for serious reflection to the tax payers of Macon, and should he studied carefully by the people, embracing as it does a state- ■ ment of the nctunl yearly accretion of the city debt from the end of the Collins' to and during the Obcar, and IlufT adminis trations. When the former went into power the debt of the city ha I been kip’ stiictly within the legal limit of two hun dred ami lifiy thousand dollars. By Mr ltiiifnM s statement in December, HGte when Mr. Collins left ollbe it had reached i 1 11, Jl7 G7e. Four years afterwards when Mr. Obcar left oflkeit hud reuebed $774,- 1H11.50 and on the .Tltti December, next it will hr sHti4,oo!>.s(J, with every tangible as-et of the city sold or otherwise dispos ed of, and the taxes inereased three fold I!! The yearly increase of debt being on an average nearly $77,(100 dollars, all of which together wittt tbe increase of taxes liaH been absorbed in Hie current expense, except 550,011(1 given to the Augusta Kail road, in addition to the original subscrip tion of 550.000, and so far a* the waiter knows without nuthmity of law. together w ith the amount spent on the Park, w hich j however can hardly he called an asset of j ihe city, an I the donation to the Mercer : University the benefits of which are still 1 In the clouds. The citizens of Macon who will look on this picture without prejudice may here see that the one man power a modified form.from that advocated by the present Mayor, has cost the city over 5(iM,000 dollars in eight years, be sides the tremendous amounts extorted from the people’s pocket* in double and tripple taxes, liseenses &c., aud during the same period, and at the same time they enn look nt the beggarly account of emp ty boxes that the results presents. When Legislature throws aside the re slauints of constitutional law and officers of corporation ignore the charters that de fine their powers, and Mayors take the law into their own hands, or at their discretion become a law unto themselves, snd in deliancc of all law spend or give away the public treasures in consideration pel Imps of a little cheap eclat or even from the best of motives there is an end of all responsi hie government, the one man pow er nut prerogative is assumed |so far as each in dividual can. two heads no longer consid ered better Ilian one, and time honored consultations of "commilteess" acting un der t lie restraints of law, and sworn duty, are derided and cast to the winds 1 ! With law for a guide if honest, the way-faring man though a fool will not err, but with only poor discretion guided by the cap rice of the moment to direct the step.they would lie "green" indeed who would trust it, and the community who entrusts its in tercets to that kind of direction or lets it so continue when discovered or aunonced has only itself to blume for the results, how ever damaging they may be As regards Macov, up to and during the war, her Mayors und Couucils never dreamed of exceeding their legal powers, and (he records of their proceedings will prove that though they did it in the regu lar business way, each acting in his own particular sphere, with committees not ignored, they yet succeeded with much smaller mentis in carrying on the city government with better results than lias I yet been attained by any administration that since the war has substituted for law, 1 its own discretion aud depended on en abling nets, that dated not see the liglit till passed to make their actions valid. This much, by way of comparison, is proper to he said in favor of those much abused administrations, hut it is also right at the sumo time, to assert that in those days the people by a healthy public opin ion, gave proper support and direction to tlie w hole, so tliut tlie Mayor or the Coun cils that sitettld have undertaken to spend or give away the public treasure at the into of hundreds of thousands without authority of law or in contravention of it. would have been drummed out of town to the Itmo of the rogue's march or been ! treated to strait-jackets and a visit to Dr. Green, and il is only the degeneracy nf tlie times and the people themselves that make such administration of their affairs possible. j Hut what of the future? Any talk of ! economy? Any reduction of expenses? Any lessening of the taxes or the licences? Nay. verily—on the contrary Hie pro ! gramme is to doublo the salaries, iucrcasu the expenses, keep the tsxesntthc highest notch possible, and increase the licenses, throw patriotism out of doors ami work only for the " pay " Tho programme on foot for making Hie eternal fortunes of the people of Macon, designates our former elforts iu developing Georgia by fairs ••littleness" and calls for gold by the ] thousand, "Money without stint in every ■ esse" is the word, and our citizens, the "business " men ol Macon say amen.' at the same time that llie> know that the city's notes or bonds aie bciug given to pay debts contracted by the hundred thous ands in the same cause at .13 I 3 per cent. discount as compared with the currency in w hich they must be paid. Trying to get out of debt on such a programme it must be said is not very cied.table to the ••business men ” of Macou, and if they do much of their own busim ** after the same style God help them. Hut is there uo remedy? Are vve doomed to continue m the dowuward road at a $77.1100 rate, more or less, year by year, at the mere discretion of any body* 1- there no limit? Are we ou the decline, rushing at headlong speed with breaks broken and no power to stop ? it seems so, though we seem quite happy; the engineer crowds on more steam, and. if he sounds the w histle at all, it is go a head , uo thought of takiug up until the fuel is exbaus ed. and that point now will soon be reached. Money gone, property gone, purses exhausted, eredit shaking—what then Break up the currency plates and make sure that uo more notes can be printed Let that b done at all t.aiarxt* . let the business men" and all others assist in that, and have striugent laws enacted enforcing a rigid economy in expenditure*. do away wiili mere discretion or the one man i power and try a prompt adlierance to .iritten laws once more, for short of these our little community is doomed and will oon be past redemption. I Do this aud I care uot who you put in the Mayor's chair or on the Aldermens’ benches, however "green " they may be, il only upright and patriotic, they will beat your over-smart people that can only be influenced by "pay ’’ all to prices and retrieve the fortunes of the city government by emiliuing its operations exclusively to the purposes for which it was created. As Old Oitszen. .VIA It On November 14, 1872, at the residence of the bride, by tbo Rev. IX. J. Harvey, Mr. 8. F. 11. OiLLlsi'ie, of New York, to Mrs. 11. N. Elia, of Macon, Georgia. No curds. Wilmington, (N. C.) papers please copy. A !\ AOIIME.II ENTS. A. F. Gihson laannonuced as a candidate for County Treasurer, subjn t to the Democratic nomination. nov 14 td. Geo. X'. CnEBBr Is announced as a candidate for Sheriff of Biub county, subject to the Dem ocratic nomination. novl3 td Ed G. Jeffehx is announced as a candidate for City Treasurer, subject to the Democratic nomination nov 1(5 tel V.'r, tlie voters of Bibb county announce Win. Ellison Gross as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to tlie nomination of tlie Democratic party. novlS-tf O. !’. Kinney is a candidate for Tax Receiv er .<( Bibb County, subject to the nomination of tbo Democratic Party. novldtf I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county—subject to the nomina tion of tlie Democratic Convention. novl2 tf S. D. Rainey. The friends of MnJ. John A. McManis an nounce him a* a candidate for re election as Clerk of Council of the city of Macon. novl2 tf. The friends of Ciias. J. Williamson hereby announce lilm as a candidate for re-election to the office of City Treasurer. novl2-tf. The undersigned announces himself us a candidate for Treasurer for Bibb county, sub ject to the Dcmoeratic nomination. novl2tf Felix Conri’T. The friends of W. T. Nelson announce him as a candidate for Tax Collector for Bibb coun ty, subject to tlie Democratic nomination. nov!2 tf. After repeated solicitations from friends and mature deliberation, feeling it to tie our duty to benefit our fellow-citizens in every manner pos sible, we have concluded to announce ourself a candidate for the House, sign and ornamental painting, subject to nothing but greenbacks or city scrip, and pledge ourself if elected ta do our Ust for tnirt-df, and not go back on our consti tuents. . Windham & Cos. CuderSpotswood Hotel, Macon, (hi. novlb-tf. m:w advfihtsfmlnts Special Meeting. Huron | 4 o<l!\o. 5, F. A. H. A SPECIAL Communication of Muon i\ Lodge ,'d, 5, will be held this Friday evening at 7 o’clock for work in Third Degree. Members of Mi/pah Lodge and sojourning brethren are fraternally invited to attend. By order of L. W. HUNT, W. M. Mii.o 8. Freeman, Secy. novls It FOR SALE. \ THU EE room house nearly new, l acre lot, good fencing and splendid well of ; water in the yard, on the Houston road near Judge Wilkinson's, will be sold at auction on the 28th day of Ncv , if not sold previously at private sale. One-third cash, balance in six and twelve months, with 10 percent, interest. A good chance for a cheap home. K. L HENRY, Poplar St. Telegraph copy. novlo-td. NO W is THE TIME, AND SLAUGHTER’S, ON FOURTH STREET, next door to Wil burn iV Edwards, Is the place to buy This aid Christmas Roads. Mv stock is complete, and consists of every - i thing in the Bakery and Confectionery Line. : Wedding Parties supplied on reasonable terms, lhankliil to the citizens of Macon for past patronage. I respectfully solicit a liberal share ; f° r the future. Conic and sec me und I will [ guarantee satisfaction, j noTiS lm 6 SLAUGHTER. i Ward Meetings ! fpilE Democrats amt Liberal Republicans of l ttie several Wards of tin* eitr, are request to meet on next Tuesday night, at 7Y o'clock, at the following places ;' Ist Ward, at Engine-house No. fid M’ard, at Engine-house No. 4. 3d Ward, at Engine-house No. fi. 4th M’ard, at the City Hall. Each meeting will nominate three candidates for Aldermen. A prompt and full attendance is requested. Titos. U. Connor, Pres’t Ist Ward Dm. Club ! Jno. (1 Dkitz, l’rcs’t fid Ward Dm. Club Jso. B. Weeks, Pies’t 3d Ward Dm Club Clifford Anderson. Pres’t 4th Ward Dm. C. T. (i. Holt, Jr., Pros't Central Dm. Club novls-td. RALSTON HALL, TIIIICE MtitlTS OM.T. Queen S'.jr of the South and the Eminent Comedian w KOJiK AAI tMKKV O > > A I K I A .Holiday Eve., Kot . m, IS?a. Only time of Mr. Harry Watkins’ Grand Ro mantic Drama TRODDEN DOWN UNDER TWO FLAGS! FKRors McCartuv... I The Shiniuwn , HA1.1.1 WATKINS Mart McCartht i Bt xncue Desmond ( I.OSK MATRONS Other characters by the Company. novhVtf * ’ Buteli Flower Stubs. r pHE suhscritver lias received a select stock E of Hyacinths. Tulips, Narcissus. Crocus etc., etc., directly Imported from Holland Tor I’nce list apply at the store of G Beg--. Cherry street, or to 1). MILNE Macon, Ga. Also a large stoc„ t,f Wilson's Strawberry plants, warranted pure [) \i octSVtw. BYIIMCTON’S HOTELS FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. IS THE IIRE.IKFADT IIOIAM For the Train from Savannah, Augusta and Ma ci*u to Columbus. iioi ke F°r the Train from Eufanla and Albany to j Macon. Ml PPMR 1101 si; For the Train from Columbus to Macou Sa- j vannah and Augu-ta. Large comfortable Rooms with Fire place* ; and every Convenience, liJ UAr sew mi t:i!Tisi:ui:\ts FUN AHEAD. IN anticipation of the approach of the Christmas Holidays, we have a large stock of new and fresh good* for the retailers, hotels and families; such a. EXTRA LARGE BLV-SlllMi RED APVI.I'B, PRETTY YELLOW SWEET OR ANGES, GOOD sWEET CIDER, ALSO i GIIAPES,PEARS and PIN'D APPLES, t (TO BE HERE IN TIME.) ! MUSCAT, ANGELICA, SIIEKKY AND WHITE WINE FROM CALIFORNIA. 73*2X123 WOIIKS, FIRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, TORPEDOES, ETC., Plenty Gilt Edge Butter, Georgia Cane syrup, new Buckwheat Floar. Snltanna, Seedless and London Layer Raisins, Currants, Citron Prunes, New Figs, Nuts. Domestic, Fancy and French Candies, Pickles, Prunes,'Jellies and Jams. Chestnuts, Oranges aud Apples* Must be sold to close consignment, a hint to the wise etc., at n0v1.5-1 in GREER, LAKE & CO. ANNUAL FAIR —OF THE— Agricultural and Mechanical ASS 4)( IATI< 4>T 4.KOKUIA, Hold nt Snvnimalx. COMMENCING MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1872, Aud continue during tho wi ck. r fMIE Central Railroad and connection* and 1 Atlanta and Gulf Railroad and connections will transput t visitors for one fare, returning free. s izes:i: contest. There will be a Sabre Contest between the Savannah and Augusta Sabre Club? on Decem ber Ith and sth. RACES. Open to the world, three or more to enter. Fastest Trotting Single-harness Horse, Purse. *100; Fastest pair of Trotting Horses, owned and used a* such, Purse, SSO; Best Single-har ness Horse, Plate, S3O; Best pair of Harness Horses, Plate. $35; Best Pacing Horse, Plate, sls; Running Race, Sweepstakes, mile heats, three or more to enter, two to start, entrance 10 per cent., Purse,’s‘>3oo. 4’4>TT'4> Nt lK EM I I.MW. The Chamber of Commerce offer the follow ing premiums: For best three hales of upland cotton of one planter’s growth on exhibition, premium to go to planter, SSO. For three hales ranking second in quality, premium to goto planter, S4O. For three hales ranking third in quality, S3O; premiums to go to planters For the best bale of sea island cotton, SSO; next best in quality, premium to go to planter, ! S4O. For the best Gin for upland cotton, SIOO. For the best bushel of Rough Rice, of the va riety known as gold seed, premiuu to go to : planter, $lO. i For the best bushel of Rough Rice, of the va i riety known as white, premium to go to plan ! ter, $lO. No fee will be charged for entering of exliib | iting articles. For Premium Lists or other information, ap | ply to J. H. EtSTILL. Secretary, 185-td Savannah, Ga. fi Tax Payers of Si Sty. If; IV K notice that the Tax Books for col lecting the State and County Taxes for 187fi will close on the 7th day of December. 1 hope all will note this and pay their tuxes, as I have to settle on the loth and' cannot give any longer time This notice is final 1 can’t be responsible for any one's tax after that time. All poll taxes and road taxes are required from both white and colored. novl4-tf F. M. HEATH, T. C. Tobacco! Tobacco! W’’ " "‘dd no ' v advise our friends and ti e > > public generally that we shall in future keep constantly on hand Manufactured To bacco of all grades, and solicit a share of pat ronage in this line of goods Mr J. C. Thomas, a Tobacconist ot long ex perience, will superintend this branch of our business and will always he ready and willing to serve his friends. BURDICK BROTHERS, tB Third St, Macon, (4a , novW-lw Sign of the Golden Hog. Telegraph and Messenger copy. OF.O. F. HOG!:. ALEX. H. -TEIIIIKNS. MOW BEADY! HOGE & STEPHENS, I’OCRTiI STREET, (EAST lIiONT nOI.UNOsV. OUTH HI.OCK), H a ' L just opened a full and complete . stock of Fancy anfl Family Groceries, Frt'sli, pure, genuine, entirely now, and war ranted to suit the taste of every one. Ihe as sortment comprises everything required in such a house. The finest brands of Flour, Meal— the best New York Hams, Bii**ur, Coffee Syrup Cooking Wines, Butter-the beet brands of Goshen a specialty—Cheese, Fruits, native and 1 ropicul, t(aether w ith a complete line of Nuts Candies, l audios, ITT les ami other articles tor tho retail trade. FInK and oysters. b resh Fish and Oysters every morning. Also > egatabie* o various kinds. V propose, in a word, to supple our friends and the public generally with every t .im- nice required at reasonable rates. .. n HOtiE A STEPHENS. N. B —All goods delivered free of char-e novT-Sm. " DR. WRIGHT. DENTIST, HA> removed to Bttardman’s Block, over Pendleton & Hess', corner Mnlberrv and Second sts , Macon, (la. nov7-3ra. NOTICE r pilE B -‘ks fo- the registration of voters for 1 the city election will he opened on the tir*t day of October andclo-cal Two o’clock n tn on December 13, 18?d. td J. A. MCMANUS, Clerk. W* A ItWf F’S, Eh, Bin ami Flu Eiporii OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Com, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “THE PRIDE OP DIXIE,’ Tlie BestEin the World* Always on Hand. 1 claim superior facilities in the purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOUR, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC, And I will make it to the interest iff Mereliants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good partus. W. A. HUPP. 97-tf WOOD AND COAL. IHAYE established, near the Macon & M’est rrn Railroad Depot, an ample yard with Fairbanks’ best scales) to supply all kinds of Wood mid Coal, in anv quantitv.'at the lowest j market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully j solicited. Orders left at the offices of Messrs, i H. L. Jewett, Greer, Lake & Cos , Turpin & ! >gdcn, through Postoffice, or at the Yard, will i have prompt attention. Gomeandsee 13J-800 MILO S. FREEMAN. Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCE, i Macon Brunswick Railroad Cos., I Macon, Ga., October 30, 1873. ) O', and after Thursday October 81, 187fi, trains on this road will ran as follows : DAY PASSENGER TKAIN, DAILY (SUNDAYS EX CEPT ED.) Leave Macon <415 a. m. An tv e at J e5up................... <435 p, ji Arrive at Brunswick .10:00 r! ti. Leave Brunswick 4-30 am" Arrive at Jesup (1:45 a.’ m! Arrive at Macon 5 ; io p. M . NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY. Leave Macon 8,25 F. M Arrive at Jesup 5.00 a m Arrive at Savannah ’ 8.30 a. m Leave Savannah 7 30 p m Leave Jesup V.’.’.’.'.’11.10 r m Arrive at Macon 7.30 a. m Both day and night teains connects closely at Jesup with trains to and from Florida. BAWKINSYILLE TRAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS EX CEPTED.) Leave Macon o-50 p m Arrive at Hawkinsville <5:2.5 p! m! Leave Hawkinsville 0:55 a! m! Arrive at Macon ]]]!lO:Ss a m | , w*. MacREA, i 1 ‘ ttf General Superintendent. Change of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN R. R CO I Macon, Ga., October 31, 1873. ’ j OX and after Sunday November 3d, tire fol lowing schedule for Passenger Trains . will be observed on this road : DAY PASSENGER. . Leave Macon S;ls jf, | Arrive at Macon £OS a. m i Leave Atlanta 8:20 a. m Arrive at Atlanta |>:4o i. m. NRiIIT PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. L ave Macou 8:50 p. m. Arrive at Macon 3,20 a. m. Leave Atlanta 8:00 i. if. Ai rive at Atlanta. 4:55 a. m. Making close connections at Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, Dud with Southwestern Railroad for points In >outhwcst Georgia. At Atlanta with Western ind Atlantic Hailwav for points West. A. J. WHITE, nov2tf Superintendent. Akmamj L. Hi tts. Edgar A. Ross. COAL AND WOOD. A \TE arc ready to till orders at reduced rates 1 > for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMI fH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK ai.d HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. G. Butts, at -tore of Wtnship ,v Callaway, or at card M. & W. K. R . will receive prompt attention 114-1 M3 BUT is ,V RQS3, DR. P. H. WRIGHT F) ESPECTFULLY tender his professional k -erv ci st" the cit'Z'-i'S of Macon and vi cinity office at Drag Store No 3 Brown House Block Residence at Rev. Samuel Boy kin’s, Georgia avenue. Calls left at either idaee will receive prompt attention. cl6tf Sptsni Hotel, NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT, (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON, GEORGIA, Bonrd 3.00 per Day. T. H. HARRIS, Proprietor. C. J. Maclellan, Superintendent James W. Meara, In the Office I---f.* f . Marshall House SAVANNAH, ga.. A. B. Lid;, Proprietor, BOARD TER DAY $<3.00. 121-209 FOR RENT. ie m °Bt desirable places on Troup Vy Hill, one mile from the Court House, and near Mercer University. Nineaeres of land nt tached, orchard, garden, splendid well of v.a- Parties wanting to rent a good house can se curc one by applying to the undersigned, orto Messrs. B. H. Wrigley & Cos., (16 and 68 Second street, Macon, Ga. • 133 ' tf JAMES M’. KNOTT. BOARD. TY AY hoard and board and lodging in a pri vate hou se , can be had by applying to \V. D. Kainey on Walnut street, Macon. Sept. 12,1572. ’ 137.163, Mur lot IS the day on which the sale of Tickets far the CONFEDERATE Monumental Association of Georgia will close. This is a splendid scheme and worthy the patronage of all classes of our citizens. iTwo Thousand Prizes, $250,000. SHARES WORTH FROM *lO TO MO.OOU. WHOLE TICKETS $5. Remember, onlr two weeks in which to *B - your tickets'. Which are for sale at the Drug Store of ROLAND B. HALL, 179-tf Cor. Cherry St. and Cotton A Bui ding Lot For Sale. SI I UATED near Tatnall Square, within few steps of Mercer University. Address E. C.. Box K.. 98tf Macon, G*