Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 18, 1872, Image 1
i'll aco n Ouilij H-ntcrpme. Links, Wing & Smith, Proprietors, Term* of NubMsrlptlon * , v ' *8 00 Six Month*-. nn Three Mi'“G> s JilViT* -"- tu advance. To City subscribers by the month , Seventy live cents, nerved by carriers. jH ' ,-JV FOR MAYOR OF MACON, HON. W. A. HUFF. Bill Arp in the Rome Commercial.] Skip Some John. Me and liill Nations used to love whis key, especially Bill. We soaked it when we could git it; and when we couldent we hankered after it amazinly. We started on a little jurney one day in June, and took along a bottle of “ old rye,” and there was so many springs and wells on the road that it was mighty nigh gouo before din ner. • We took our snack and Bill drained the last drop, for lie said we would soon git to Joe Paxton's, and that Joe always kept some. ■ Shore enuff Joe dideut have a drop, and We concluded as we was mighty dry to go on to Jim Alfords and stay all night.— We knew that Jim had it for lie always had it. So we whipped lip and the old Bay had to .travel, for 1 tell you when a man wants whiskey everything has to bend to the gittin of it. Shore euutf Jim had some. He was mity glad to see us and he knowd what we wanted, for lie knowd how it was hisself. So lie brought out an old fashion glass decanter, and a shugar bowl, and a tumbler, and a spoon, and says he, “now boys jest wait a ininit till you git rested sorter, for it uint good tb take whiskey on a hot sto'mack. v Pvq jest been reading a piece in Grady's newspaper about a frog, the darndest frog that perhaps ever come from a tadpole. It qfts found up in Kauetucky, and is as big as. a peek measure. John do you take l tjiis paper and read it aloud to me and Bill. I’m a poor hand to read and I want ta hear it. I'll be hanged if it ain't the durndest frog I ever Leant of.” He laid the paper on my knees and I begun to ,read, thinkin it was a little short anticdotc, hut as I turned the paper over I found it WM mighty nigh a column. I took a side glance at Bill, and saw the little dry twitches a jumpin about on his coun tenance. He was mighty nigh dead for a drink. I warent so bad off myself and 1 was about half mad with him for drainin the bottle befqro dinner; so I just read along slow and stepped two or three times to clear my throat just to consume time. Pretty soon Bill got up and com menced walkiu about and he would look at the dekaliter like he would give his daylights to choke the corn juice out of it 1 read along slow. Old Alford was a list uin and chawin his tobakker and spittin out of the door. Bill come up to me, his face red and twitchin, and leanin over my shoulder he seed the length of the story and I will never forgit his pityful tone as he whispered—•• skip some, John, for heaven’s sake skip some ” My heart relent, and and I did skip some and hurried through, and we all jined in a drink, but I’ll never forgit how Bill looked.when he whispered to me to "skip some,. John, skip some.” I’ve got over the ■likeof that, boys, and I hope Bill has too. but I don’t know. I wish in my soul that everybody had quit it, for you may talk about slavery, and penitentiary, and chain gaDgs, and the yankec3, and General Grant and a devil of a wife, but whisky is the worst master that ever a man had over him. I know how it is myself. Spell Correctly—-a Man Shot.— Mr. John Sims, a school teacher, near Ball Ground, Cherokee county, one day last week, while hearing a recitation dif fered with a young lady as to the correct ness of spelling a word. Each persistent ly insisted that the other was in error. The young lady’s brother, Mr. David Datby, learned of the difference of opin ion, and visited the school teacher, and in an encounter put him to flight. Ata corn shucking that night, at Mrs. Carpenter's, a large crowd assembled, and among them Mr. Darby, who was seated in the house telling how he made the school teacher run that morning. Mr. S. about this time stepped in,,.nd overheard the remark, and said: “lew, I did run, hut I’ll not do it again.” Mr. Darby then started towards him, and as he did so, Mr. Sims drew a pistol /.'id -fired at him, shooting him right arm, inflicting a painful i weund. This terminated the difficulty. Let this be a warning to everybody to spell correctly. —Augusta Constitution. A Curious Proceeding — At Jli. Jus tice Eleinger's court, yesterduy, there was presented a curious case. It seems that a negro named Frazier owes Mr. Barney Smith, grocer, about fourteen dollars. The debt remained until Mr. Smith began to consider it rather doubtful. Recently Frazier was hired by another negro nam ed Bcasely, to carry and tally a quantity of rice. The rice was sold to Mr Smith, who, believing that it really belonged to Frazier, refused to pay the full amount of the stipulated price, but retained the sum of Frazier's debt. Bcasely made com plaint, and officer Julius Kaufman was dispatched to recover the property, or the balance due, whereupon Smith was ar rested and a commitment to jail made out. At that juncture he relented and squared matters right. He was then discharged.— Savannah. Advertiser. Death of a Noted House.— There are few of our readers who have not seen the celebrated trick horse, Excelsior, of DattHice. He had been blind for several years and that appeared to add to his in telligence. The animal died in Cincinnati the other day. A few evenings before he died he was brough' into the arena to per form his usual act, but was so weak and trembling, he had to be removed before the performance was half over. That old humbug. Rice, made an affecting speech, told how he hail owned the horse eighteen years, how he had made all his money by the animal and how much he loved him. He even shed tears, and the audience sympathized. > I Aumvai, of Witnesses fuom Bald ewin County.— Yesterday morning some ten or twelve prominent citizens of Mill ggßgeville and vicinity, Baldwin county. Motived in this city by jhe Central Rail l.tOß : They had been subpoemed to ap pear before the United States Court now 111 session, but for what purpose they defi- HPtely know not. It is supposed, however, they are summoned here as witnesses, to jjivt testimony before the grand jury in wjjtne cases now undergoing investi (felon. —Savannah News. BY TELEGRAPH ■ non ai.i.the mould. liiMiruncc Losses. Jflsw York, November 1 (>. —The latest and lowest estimate of insurance losses by the Boston tire gives the total amount as $48,752, 300, distributed as follows : Mass achusetts companies, $29,716,000; Con necticut, $2,952,800 ; New York, $6,850,- 000: Maine, $400,000; Rhode Island, $920,000; California, $75,000; Illinois, $30,000 ; Missfluri, $25,000 ; Minnesota, $50,000; New Jersey, sl7 500; Ohio, $203,000; Pennsylvania, $: ’6,500, Wis consin, $50,000 ; foreign, $4 0,000. The wool dealers, it is -aid, are fully covered by insurance. It is believed the direct and indirect losses wT not exceed $40,000,000 after all iusui ce is liqui dated. lor Hie Prisoners. The friends of Woodhul. tnd Claflin met last night to raise s3B,ol'< I, which, it was alleged, would secure tiny: liberation. After several brilliant speeches the hat was passed—result, $9 50. A committee was appointed to procure further subscrip tions. A LlergyiiiiiH I>o|sed. Louisville, November 16 —The Pros bytery rendered a verdict of guilty against Rev. Dr. Gilbert H. Robinson, on the charges of drunkenness, lasciviousness and falsehood, and sentenced him to be deposed from the ministry and suspended from the privileges of the church, unless he show’s repentance fitting him for mem bership. Ifurvanl College. Boston, November 16. —Harvard Col lege suffered over $500,006. It will cost $300,000 to rebuild the college which lias SIOO,OOO good insurance, from $250,000 for which it was insured. President El liot, says the permanent loss will reach $200,000 and for this we must beg. All the papers, botli weekly and month ly, have arranged to continue their issues. Election Returns. Little Hock, November 16.—Official and unofficial returns from every county elect Baxter, Kepublicau, by 700 majority. Other State officers, with Congressman at large, supposed to be elected are Demo crats. New York, November 16.—Hewitt, Liberal, has 17 majority in the 14th Con gressional District. Rilled by a Courtezan. Cleveland, November 16. —The trapeze performer, Harry Maynard, was shot dead by a courtezan. The Horse llaiudy. Louisville, November 16.—Every thing requiring horses and mules has been stopped. Cincinnati, November 16 —The horse disease is rampant The fall fairs have beert postponed In consequence New York, November 16 —The drop sy continues and is very fatal Vander bilt’s Mountain Boy is dead. Jlariuc Disaster. Halifax, November 16.—The Malta, from Boston for Liverpool, was towed in here with a broken shaft. London, November 16. —The Norwe gian ship Sesostris was wrecked in the North Sea during ihe terrible gale on last Wednesday. Fourteen of the crew per ished. The Steamship Arizona. New York, November 16—The officers of the Pacific Mail Company profess to feel no anxiety for the safety of the steam ship Arizona, now twelve days overdue at San Francisco from Panama, believing that the delay is due to some mishap to her machinery. The Arizon iis valued at $600,000, and in accord i o with an invariable custom of the company, is un insured- Washington Notes. Washington, November 16 —It is sta ted that Boutwell succeeds Sunnier in the Senate. Robert A. Kelley has besri appointed pension agent at Louisville vice Win. H. Gallagher, suspended. The Boston Banks. Comptroller of Currency Knox has re turned from Boston. He reports the loans of banks of that city are $87,000,000, sur plus $20,000,000 and loss only $1,500,000. He says the financial prospects, in view of these facts, are cheerful, and business is fast resuming its usual channels. Win. Anderson Escaped. Savannah, November 16.—Win. An derson, alias Cohen, the hank forger, es caped from an officer to-day while being taken to jail. miscellaneous Dispatches. Boston, November 16.— Receivers have been appointed for the National Insurance Company, of this city. Buffalo, November 16—Two feet of snow fell to-day. Passenger trains are ten to twelve hours behind. Pittsburgh. November 16.—Mrs. Lin den, being unable to leave her bouse on account of illness, perished in the flames at Elerd’s station. Terrific Storm in Euri>t--Miniiy Lives Lost. Copenhagen, November 16—The storm which raged in North Europe on Wednes day and Thursday was very disastrous throughout Denmark and on the coast. Great damage was done to seaport towns. Half of the town of Presto, on the island ofZeland on the Baltic, was laid waist by the wind. The small island of Botoc was entirely submerged by water and every inhabitant drowned. Spanish Vows. Madbid, November 16—The Lower House of the Cortes has passed the clause of the mortgage bank bill, by a vote of 12G against 58. There is trouble at Victoria, the capital of the Province of Alava between the gov eminent authorities and artillery troops stationed there, caused by tbe opposition of tbe latter to the appointment of Midalgo as Capitan-General of the Province. Bismarck Recovering. Berlin, November IG.—lt is stated that Bismarck is recovering from bis seri ous illness. From New York. New Yok, November 16,—A writ was granted by Judge Pratt, of Brooklyn, to George N. Bryant to recover his two chil dren, whom his wife had secreted after she had deserted him. There is a marked improvement of the horse disease in Brooklyn. MACON, GA., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1872. S. V White, who was carried down by the heavy decline in securities Monday last, has been unanimously readmitted to membership it the Stock Exchange, and resumed businoss as a broker. Specie shipments for the past week wero $3,000,1100. The Board of Fire Underwriters to day adopted resolutions that the laws of this State requiring supervision of the statue of the insurance companies is adequate to secure all rights of stockholders and claimants and that hasty judicial action in enjoining a company which may become sudden! v embarrassed, is an act of injus tice tending to pro luce unnecessary bank ruptcy, liable to involve substantial com panioa in serious loss. In the case of Lagrave, who swindled so man people and (led MkEurope, being brough back, the pick made to day that the Sheriff in arresting him on the ar rival of the steamer, did so illegally as the prisoner being under the French flag, was virtually on French territory. The case was adjourned to Monday. FiUhcr About the Sforast. London, November 16—A dispatch from Stralsuud of to-day’s date, report that eighty vessels were totally wrecked in the late gale The town was considerably damaged by inundation. The fishermen of the Islands of Zingsdars and Hidden, lost all their fishing smacksmul apparatus Their houses and contents were seriously damaged by irigh water. Noarly all the cattle on the Islands wero drowned. Wells were flooded from the sea, and the inhale. Hants aro sugeriug greatly for. want, of fresh water, food and shelter. The govern ment has dispatched a steamer laden with supplies for their relief. The Island of Rugen has also felt the disaster heavily. Many of its fishing boats have been dis troyed, and fields near the coast linanre flooded. Loss of life, both on the Islands and mainland, is very heavy. The Rdarning Board Restrain* ed. New Orleans, November 16.—The United States Court has issued an injunc tion and restrainer■against the State Re turning Election Board, of which Gover nor Warmouth is President. The Horse Malady in Virginia. Wheeling,- November 16. —The horse disease is spreading in this vicinity and seriously interfering with the transaction of business. What will siie do with it ?—Mrs. Fair has recovered possession of her little pistol, and it is said that when tho weapon was handed to her she wept tears of joys, and declared her cup of joy to be full. — She is undecided which to go after first, a judge, lawyer, qj' juror. She is insane, and therefore can perforate tho stomach of any other man with impunity. —Alta California , November 6 th. A Curiosity. —On Sunday morning last, a little son of Mr. Charles Shirah, of Colquitt county, killed a snake with two heads Our informant was there, and saw the snake himself. He says it was about eight incites long, had two heads and two good eyes iu each head. Shall the won ders of this world never cease? —Camilla Enterprise. ANNUAL FAIR —OF THE— Agricultural and Mechanical ASSOCIATION Ol’ GEOKUIA, Hold nt 3avaixiin lx. COMMENCING MONDAY* DECEMBER 2nd, 1872, And continue during the week. rv* HE Central Railroad and connection and X Atlanta and GuJf Railroad and connect ions will transport visitors for one fare, returning free. KAIIIti: CONTEST. There will be a Sabre Contest between the Savannah and Augusta Sabre Clubs on Decem ber 4th and sth*. RACES. Open to the world, three or more to enter. Fastest Trotting Single harness Horse, Purse, $100; Fastest pair of Trotting Horses, owned and used as such, Purse, SSO; Best Single-har ness Horse, Plate, S2O; Best pair of Harness Horses, Plate, $25; Best Pacing Horse, Plate*, sls; Running Race, Sweepstakes, mile heats, three or more to enter, two to start, entrance. 10 per cent., Purse, S2OO. COTTON IMtEMIUMN. The Chamber of Commerce ofTer the follow ing premiums: For best three bales of upland cotton of one planter’s growth on exhibition, premium to go to planter, SSO. For three hales ranking second in quality, premium to go to planter, S4O. For three hales ranking third in quality, $00; premiums to go to planters For the best hale of sea island cotton, SSO; next best in quality, premium to go to planter, S4O. For the best Gin for upland cotton, SIOO. For bushel of Rough Rice, of the va riety known as gold seed, prerniun to go to planter, $lO. For the best bushel of Rough Rice, of the va riety known as white, premium to go to plan ter, $lO. • No fee will he charged for entering of exhib iting articles. • For Premjum Lists or other information, ap ply to J. 11. ESTILL, Secretary, 185-td Bavannali, Ga. BYINGTON HOTEL” GRIFFIN,. GA. FIMHS HOTEL ranks second to none in A Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present hot term, it is unequalled, the nights being remarkable cool and pleasant. The be f Water in Georgia. G. W. BYINGTON, 110-160 Proprietor. BYINCTON’S HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA, 13 TUB ■i it ha ur a Hi' iioshi: For the Train from Savannah, Augusta and Ma con to Columbus. III.YVHK HOI hi: For the Train from Eufaula and Albany to Macon. hii*i*i:k hoi hi: For the Train from Columbus to Maeon, Ha vanriah and Augusta. iArge comfortable Rooms with Fire places and every Convenience. 113-190 jjte rSIMMQNSI . mmßgHffW This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mkiuuhy, or any injurious mineral substance, but is i*i 12 ii i v i:h in nisi:. For FORTY YEARS it has proved Its great Milue in all diseases of the Livkk, Bowels and Kii>nlys. Thousands of the good and great in all parts of the country vouch for its wonder ful and peculiar power in purify ing the Blood. stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, ami imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. SIMMON'S LIVER REGULATOR isac kmtwTedged to have no equal as a ILii Kit nnuiciMK, It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in, the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz : a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of all imparities of the body. Such signal success lias attended its use, that it is now regarded as the Greal 8 nlnilinc Spooilic for Liver Complaint ami the painfulotlspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice, Billions attacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, Heart Bum, A:c., &e. Regulate the Liver and prevent CHSIiSiN .%*■> fi;vi:ic. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by .i. si. ziulO & co., MACON, GA., ami PHILADELPHIA. Price sl per package; sent by mail, postage paid, $1.25. lTcparcd.rrady for use in bottles, $1.50. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 2 Be ware o i all Counterfeits and Imitations. CROP OF 1872. Clover (* mss Heeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS f BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SI']ED, &c., &c. J ust received, HUNT, RANKIN A HAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, k 146-156 82 and 81 Cherry Street. BERN© BROSr MANUFACTURER!* OP AND WHOLESALE &. RETAIL DEALERS IN Ilanius#, Saddles, Collars, Horse Equip- 4 incuts and Clothing Ucncrally. ALSO :t fall assortment of LEATHER of a> . kinds, Enameled Cloth, etc. .-addlers and Harness Makers Hardware and Tools. Cusli paid for HIDES, FURS, SKINS, WAX, WOOL and TALLOW. 5-102 The Great Democratic Journal, •riia; >n:*.v ioick. WEEKLY NEWS. BEN J. WOOD, Editor and Proprietor. A Mammoth Eight Pago Sheet, Fifty six Columns of Heading Matter. Contains all the. ew, foreign, domestic, po litical and general,with full and reliable market reports. Each number also contains several short stories, and a great variety of literary, agricultural and scientific matter, etc , etc,, constituting, it is confidently asserted, the most complete weekly newspaper In this country. TERMS, 02 A YEAR, ImlnccsMcnls to Clubs: Five copies, one year * '■> 00 Ten copies, one year, and an extra copy to the sender 15 00 Twenty copies one year, and an extra copy to sender 25 00 Fifty copies one year, and an extra copy to sender 55 00 I'artyy wndiny elubn an above, nan/ retain 20 par e/ml. of the uaauaj received bj them, an com paruntUm. Persons desiring to act as agents supplied with specimen bundles. Specimen copies sent free to any address. All letters should in; di rected to NEW YORK. WEEKLY NEWS, Box 3,705, novlh tf Aew York City J'oft Ofl". BY BREAD WEtLIVE. rpilE undersigned has established a first class 1 BAKERY where our citizens can obtain bread that is bread. Vfy wagon will supply citizens at their residences. 1 use only the best flour and materials generally. 123-148 MARK ISAACS. MERCHANTS AMI PLANTERS WILII FIND IT TO TIIHI It AD VANTAGE TO GALLON US BEFORE MAlv INO THEIR BILLS. WE HAVE IN BTORF, 100.000 LBS. BACON OLKA R 11. I SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLI ES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, all -grades. 500 ROLLS 21 BAGGING. 10.000 LI’S. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. - JOHNSON & SMITH. ' JOHNSON & SMITH, Have, and are ollering at; very low figures: 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. LOO BALES IIAY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN, Together with a lull stock of all all goods in our line of business, in; tr Brown’s Hotel, MACON, GA. IF long experience and u thorough knowl edge of the business in all its diversified brandies arc essential to the kecpingtlmt which the public Ims long heard of but Htulom tut, A t.OOB llOTi:ij, the undersigned flatter themselves that they are fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their patrons; but they arc not only experienced in hotel keeping, they modestly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED and MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in the State, which is loca ted exactly where everybody would have it sit uated * IMMEDIATELY Jff FRONT AND ADJACENT TO THE BABBENGER DEPOT, when; travelers can enjoy the rnonl nlup and less liable to be left by the pcrplcxingly constant departure of the trains. To all these important advantages !>■ added a TABLE that is well supplied with the best and choicest dishes the city and country can afford : nor would they oqiit to mention that their servants, trained to tin; business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. For the truth of those statements, wc refer the public to our patrons who reside in every Htate in the Union. K. E. BROWN dcSON, Proprietors. * Macon, Go., April 15,1872. 78-104 DAVIS SMITH, (Successor to the late firm of Smith, W<- teott. & Cos., and of Smith, McGlasbim <Se < O.) MANUFACTURER AND DEADER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES. SAOUMCUY AND IIAKNKBB HAUDWAKK, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, RUBBER, Gl\ BANDS, ETC.. Together with every article usually kept in a saddlery house. KM* C'HEKItt NX., mcon, UIA 158-188 FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE - ■++■ LAWTON Ac BATES, I’omlli Sired, (IVoxt Door to Luwloii A Wllliiigliiiiii,) Y KIS prepared to furnish (lie trade with 4.’IE4HU 1C I SIM. I*i:OAINIOAN. PI.ANTATIO3I SIIWM.IEN, IIA4J uimu, TIEN, ETC'., 'll as reasonable terms ns any house in Georgia. We will keep constantly on hand, BACON; I.MU), t'oliN, OATS, IIAY, SUGAH, COFFEE, BAGGING and TIES, and a general assort ment of such ;.Mds us are kept in a first class Grocery House. Give us a call. We are running EA4.I.E I'l.Ol KIYG M11.1.N. and direct Special ill t rillion to our “CHOICE,” "EXTRA,” "FAMILY" Flours. They will he found exactly adapted to the trade, and wc guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction. Our prices are a i low as those of the sume prudes run he himalit 111 the Bouth. CORN MEAL, bolted mid unbolted, always on hand, of our own make and of tlie beet quality. ’ 180-188 TIN AND SHEET IKON HOOFING, Gitterin. PlomMin and Hepairin, ||| l|| I't 4LSO K V T,N AND GALVANIZED IRON COKNICKB V "T vN [/] ! I Executed at short notice and satisfaction \ a / \ J I guaranteed. Xs j) y \ | l No. iO Third Nlret, Macon, Du. \ | Particular attention given to Guttering put up l \ with \ ' WOObRUFF’S \ PATENT BATE I’ANTENINGN. W-mig fi IMPROVED &II HEAR. NOMiiITHING NICW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! MU',; elllice of the (iln House floor has no etlcet on the Gearing. King Post of Iron and all A the work bolted to iron. IT IS MADE TO LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN ÜBE. ('all and sec for younsclf. I build a Portable Horse Power that challenges all other MAKES, hut it will not do the work with the same Draft, Unit my PATENT GIN GEAR will. Alt hinds of Machinery made and repaired nt ( KOCHE'ITN IK4t.NI W4IKUN, 108 ISO Near Brown House, Macon Georgia. BROWI’S RALLERYI No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. w 7 <fc E. P. TAYLOR, Cor. Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street, DEALERS IN FDBNITDRE, CARPETINGS, IKS, 01 CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Collins and Caskets. 79tf l - d m by Telegraph promptly attended to. JAMBS 11. BLOUNT. ISAAC IIAUDEMAN. 111.0 l Yi' Ac iiakhiihav, ATTORNEYS9AT ILAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston Hull, Cherry street. 49-300 Barber Shop For Rent. riMiE Basement room, formerly occupied by JL Mike Napier, in Brown’s Hotel building Is for rent This is one of the best stands fora in the city. Ap^to Volume I. — Number 188 INM A N LINE 1 Btcon/Mi/p C’ompanv dlafcb arrtbK sKi*?