Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 19, 1872, Image 1

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Ilia c on Oailtj JntiTprisc. Links, Wish A: Smith, Propihktokb, >ie Ve r 4 Oi ix Month o ou Hirve M*;.tils hivaritK' r , l<flty -u .M-rlbi-rn by the w,.ofA,Sevcuty-flve cedis,* erv,, ‘ l . FOR M AYOR OF MACON, aos W. A. HUFF. BY TELEGRAPH FROM AUiTlli: WORI-I). Horse Naludy Worse ami Worse. Nkw York, November IS.—lnsurance circlet) are excited over rumors tliat the Judges in adjoining counties arc ready to appoint receivers upon ex parte testimony. The chickens along the Hudson River are dying by the hundreds of horse ntal ady. Turkeys, geese and ducks show signs of the malady. The dropsy in the horsea has appeared at all the car stables Fifty’per cent of the horses attacked will die. Nearly all the women arrested in the raid on the concert saloons were released and <he proprietors held for trial. Anotlicr CJrnei-ul Coal Strike. Dipatches have been received from the Pennsylvania coal mines reporting a gen eral strike, and have caused considerable excitement in coal circles. The ICaleißii Poisoning Case. New Yoke, November 18. — A Herald special from Raleigh, dated Ill'll, says the charge against Mrs. Smith and .Mrs. Mann, wife and daughter of Rev. Dr. J. Britton Smith, of poisoning him to death, has been dismissed by Judge Watts —there not be ing the slighest evidence against them. Bangor Insnrance Companies. Bangor, Me., November 18 I The fol lowing are the assets and losses of the va rious Bangor Insurance Companies Ban. gor assets $255,000, losses $50,000 ; Fas' tern, assets $546,000, losses $150,000; Union, assets $550,000, losses $150,000; National, capital $200,000, losses $166,000. Except the National, all these companies, losses have been made good by the stock holders. The National is in the hands of receiver. The Cass Comity Lynchers. Kansas City, November 18.—Forty four citizens of Cass county have been in dieted for complicity in lynching persons in alleged connection with the fraudulent issue of Cass county bonds, when the Judge of Cass county, and a man named Dutro were taken from the cars and shot. Thirty-six were released ou bail, three are sick, and the remainder are out of ttie Slate. Shtiatingiu SI Louis. St Louis. November 18 — ln the vesti bule of the Southern Hotel Captain Ed Dix Shot Robt Estlin. of New Orleans in jaw. Dix fired asecond shot Estliu's wounds are slight It appears the affair grew out of a game of dominoes. Itcaurcgurd Elected. New Orleams, November 18 —Gen. Beauregard has been elected Administra tor of Improvements Hniluay Accident Cincinnati, November 18.—A freight boiler of the Atlantic and Great Western road exploded at Bowlesburg.Ohio,wreck ing the train and killing shreejpersens Fi-mcli Politics. Paris, Norcmber 17. —In all tlie cathe drals of France, to-day, special prayers were offered for the National Assembly and the blessings of God invoked on its proceedings. Government officials attend ed the services, escorted by details of troops as guards of honor. The congre gations at all the churches in this city were very large. The several parties into which the As sembly is divided had meetings last night to sum up the events of the past week and decide upon their future policies. The Monarchists confess they have been defeated and will secure an honorable re treat by giving their support to the Con servative Republicans. All Conservative elements have been united in favor of a motion which will be introduced this week by Deputy Chan garnicr, condemning Gambctta's speech at Tours. Resignation of Gen. Bristow. Washington, November 18. —General Bristow taken an important position on the Texas Pacific Railroad, and resigns for that purpose. Executive Mansion, t Washington, D. C., Nov. 15, 1872. $ Dear Sir : —ln aeceping your resigna tion of the office of Solicitor General, this day tendered, permit me to express the re "gret I feel at severing official relations with one who has tilled his trust with so much zeal and ability. Being the first Solictor General under tne government of the United States, it has been your privilege, though accompanied by arduous labor, to organize that department. All who have come in official contact with you bear witness to the efficiency with which the service of organizing and managing the affairs of the office has been conducted. In the new field of labor laid out for your self you take with you assurances of my best wishes for future success, and confi dence that you cannot fail I thank you heartily for tho kind words contained in yonr letter of resignation, towards me per sonally, and my administration of the office entrusted by a people to whom I shall ever fedl grateful. With high regard, your ob't servant. U. 8. Grant To Hon. B. H. Bristow, Solicitor Gen eral, United States. Tile Alabama Legislature .Hud dle. ’Montgomert, November !B.—The Alabama Legislature convened bv law to day at 12 u. Lieutenant Governor Morn, who holds over by the Constitution, until hiß suctessor is qualified, called the Senate to order in the Senate Chamber Eighteen genators were sworn in. The Senate ad journed till to-morrow. In ths Hall of the House, Hubbard. ■ gpeakerof the last year, aud who holds over by the Constitution till his successor is elected and qualified, called it to order, j On calling the roll of the counties, fur -Itv five Kepresentatives presented them selves and were sworn in by the Speaker. '■£ There not being a quorum, the House ad g; journed to 12 n. to-morrow. Every mem- I hoo&e, appearing at the capi- I UI, WAS A Conservative The Republicans met at the United States Court room and organized witli a member of each branch in the. chair. This makes two Legislatures in Alabama. Five Conservatives are absent, bin will arrive to night. The three at Marcugq arrested yesterday, hold certificates of election, but they-have been carried to Mobile This would make fifty eight Conservative mem hers in the Conservative brauch Fifty one is a quorum. The Republicans are said ■> have sworn iu fifty in their branch, claii 1 g and seat ing three from Marengo ai three from Barbour, hut who do not Ik certificates of election from the Score *of Slate The Conservatives from I lour, who hold certificates, were arrest this after noon, hut promptly gave bo to appear at the next term of the ited States Court. There is considerab ixcitement, but no disturbance. To-morrow will ptobabi make new developments. The Abibunni Hlnte Fair ommenced to-day. An HiutlMitiakc in Sc- ilusaip shire. Concord, November -18. A severe shock of an earthquake oc irred here about 2 o’clock. It began v li a sort of explosion, followed by a trembling and shaking, which lasted about leu seconds. Another Large Firs*. New York, November 18. —It is re ported that a large lire is raging in Wood ruff & Robinson's storehouse in South Brooklyn. The Missouri. A boiler maker testified that the wood work was too near the boiler of the Mis souri, iu case the water became low. Fire—Fatal Accident. Logassfort, Ind., November 18.—The Taylor House has been burned. By the breaking of a platform on the third floor of the new Herald building this evening, five workmen were percipi tated into the basement—were believed to be fatally injured. The Meaile Fund. Philadelphia, November IS.--Tlie four hundred thousand dollars for the Meade fund has been nearly raised. The Malady at Wilmington. Wilmincton, November 18.—The mal ady has spread to an alarming extent. Two of the principal livery stables are closed. The Horse Malady at Atlanta. Atlanta, November 18. —The malady is here Thirty cases aic reported in one livery stable, also many private cases. The type seems mild. Shooting—Fire.. New Orleans. Novembei 18—Three men assailed a policeman vvlio killed one Three flies to-day—loss $50.m10. . Gotham Matters. New York, November 18.—The gene ral term of the Supreme Conit to day re versed the decision in the Court below in the case of the notorious Dutch Heurichs. sentenced to the Stale prison for rohberry of bonds, and grants him anew trial. Some time ago Mrs. Anna T King brought a suit of divorce against her bus band, Janies E King, on the ground of cruelty. The matter was referred to Judge Sutherland as referred. The case came on to-day. Among the witnesses for plain tiff’ were a Miss F Anthony, F O’Neil and wife. Of the latter both -Mr. and Mrs.ONeil testified,it is reported,to cruel conduct wit nessed by them on the part ol King toward his wife. After the testimony ,s comple ted all pai ties to the suit lef' idge Suth erland’s room. King walked last some feet behind O'Neil, and as t latter was descending the stairs leadi from the third floor, King fired tlnee shots at O’Neil, one of which penetrated his lungs. King then turned and ran back in Judge Sutherland’s room, when lie gave the pis tol to the Judge and then darted in an inner room and locked the and .or behind him. In the meantime, O’Nf , staggered into an adfnning room, wher he died in a few minutes. The police quickly ar rived, and as King refused to unlock tlio door of the room in which he was, it was broken open and lie was arrested and taken to the police station. The body of Mr. O'Neil was also taken to the same place. It is said there lias been some quarrel between the two men in San Francisco. The affair caused great ex citement on the street. In a full bench of the Supreme Court to-day the Court unanimously set asi(% the conviction of E. Itosensweig, who was sentenced last November to seven years’ imprisonment for the murder of Alice Bowlesby by procuring an abortion on her. and ordered anew trial. Itosensweig will be brought immediately to this city. An Evening telegram reports that the Washington Fire Insurance Company, of this city, has suspended, owing to its losses in Boston, and the President says they can not pay more than fifty cents on the dollar. The annual meeting of the friends of missions in the Methodist Church was held to-day in the Central Methodist Church. Vlrs. Fair Lectures. San Francisco, November 18 —Mrs. Laura D. Fair lectures in Platt’s llall this week on ‘ Wolves in the Fold.” Much indignation is expressed at this audacity. Further llatirige by the Storm. Berlin, November 18 —A number of towns in Pomarina were seriously- dam aged by storms last week. London, November 18. — Idm Bright will tesuine bis seat in Pallia icnt at the coming session. Bailey, one ol the Fenian icsiy dent onstration at Hyde Park Jo day 3l)th inrtant. was fined last week to infringing on the regulations tor the pioteclion ol public parks. Au appeal w ;aken to a higher court. A Caithness clergyman, while on his pastorial rounds a few days ago, met a linker lad playing on the bagpipes. He lisiened with attention to the various airs played, and expressed his admiration of toe excellent mauner in which the music had been performed ; but being apprehen sive that the performer's musical talent had been cultivated at the expense of knowledge of a more momentous charac ter, he asked him if he knew “What is mans chief end f” The musician, alter a pause, replied, “I dinna ken, I’m sure; I bnt if ya'll whittle X I'll play Hi” MACON, GA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER li), 1872. In his recent talk with Gambctta, Sena tor Sumner lamented as a great defect of Franco the want of sincere and rational religion and expressed his opinion that one of i m most harmful things ever said by a great man iu a position to influence his contemporaries and posterity was the famous mot of Hum y IV , Paris tut it bien vne mtue ; the free translation of which is that it was well worth while to change our religion and become a Catholic in stead of a Protestant in order to ho master of Pari The profound immorality ou such sk' iticism, co ting from a kinr re puted c •of the be tit t ever reigned, had, iu Ir Suinne. s opinion, stiuck ■ ep root in France, ai 1 produced imme ise evil by ts example ANNUAL FAIR —OF TIIE-- Agricultural ami Mechanical ASSOCIATION OF GLOKUIA, Held at Savannali. COMMENCING MOM AY, DECEMBER Slid, 1872, Ad continue during the week. r |MIE ( nitral Railroad and connection* and 1 A tin ta and Gulf Railroad and connections will trail. >ort visitors for one fare, returning free. SAISKi: ( OATENT, I’here ill be a Sabre Contest between the Savanna! md Augusta Sub re Clubs on Decem ber 4til o loth. It Atm Open 1. 1 the world, three or more to enter. Fastest'l otting Single-harness Horse, Purse, $100; Fastest pair of Trotting Horses, owned and used as such, Purse, SSO; Best Single-har ness Horse, Plate, s‘2o; Best pair of Harness Horses, Plato, $25; Best Pacing Horse, Plate, sls; Rui ling Race, Sweepstakes, mile heats, three or i .ore to enter, two to start, entrance 10 per cci t., Purse, S2OO. CIOTTOA PREIiIU MS. The Ch imberof Commerce oiler the follow ing premiums: For l>c-t. three bales of upland cotton of one planter’s growth on exhibition, premium to go to plantc . SSO. For three bales ranking second in quality, premium to go to planter, S4O. For three bales ranking third in quality, S3O; premium to go to planters For th best bale of sea island cotton, SSO ; next best in quality, premium to go to planter, S4O. For tin* best Gin for upland cotton, SIOO. For tin Imo bushel of Rough Rice, of the va riety kuowinia gold seed, premiun to go to planter, >*lo. Fortin- nest bushel of Rough Rice, of the va riety know u as white, premium to go to plan ter/ $lO. No fee. ill be charged for entering of exhib iting art,i* les. For Pr niura Lists or othe r information, ap ply to J. 11. EBTILL, Secretary, *lB5 td Savannah, Ga. SYlf GTON’B HOTEL, FORT VAI.LEY, GEORGIA, 13 THE SS EIEAKFA§T HOiHE For the Train from Savannah, Augusta and Ma con to Columbus. HOI HK For the Train from Eufaula and Albany to Macon. si Biots*: For the Train from tolumbus to Macon, Sa vannah and Augubta. Large comfortable Koom with places and every Convenience. 112-190 Liverpool Salt, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO.’S 200 /’oils Cotton Plow Lines, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY * CO.’S TOILET SOAPS, A LARGE ASSORTMEItiT, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY* CO.’S 10G BOZEN BROOMS. At 1 eymonr, Tinsley & Cos. 187-190 GEO. Y. II <;K. ALEX. If. FTL/IHENH. NOW READY - HOCE & STEPHENS, FOURTH STREET, i (EAH'i FIIONT IIOLI.INOBWORTJI BLOCK), HAVT. ju-it opened a full and complete stock of Fane, ani Fanils Groceries, Frerli, i", genuine, entirely new, anrl war , ranted t< ,'uit the taste of every one. the as sortinen i ■mprises everything required in such a house The finest brands of Flour, Meal— | the heat ■ w York Hams, Sugar, Coffee. Syrup, i Cooking Wines, Butter—the beat brands of Go-hen a specialty —Cheese, Fruits, native and Tropical, together with a complete line of Nuta, Candies, candles, I’iekles and other articles lor the retail trade. FliH AND OYSTERS. Fresh Fi-h and Oysters every morning. Also Vegatahles o various kinds. vt e propose, in a word, to supply ourfriends and the public generally with every thing nice required at reasonable ratee UOoE * STEPHENS. N. B.—All goods delivered free of charge. > noVKJm. mEGULATOf^ j| Tills unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is l KLI.Y VIftJIITAIII.i:. For FORTY Yr.AKSithas proved its great value in all diseases of the UVKR, Bowels snd Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great in all parts of the uouptry vouch for lta wonder ful and peculiar powirin purifying the Blood. stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, und iuiDarting new Life and Vigor to the whole sy% tern. SIMMON’S LIVER REGULATOR knowledged to liave no equal as a 1,1 VICK VIKIkItTMK, It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion In any other preparation, viz : a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success lias attended its use, tliut it is now regarded as the Great lulailins Kpeelflr for Liver Com ci. Aim and the painful offspring thereof* to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice,Billiousattacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, &c., &c. Regulate the Liver and prevent FIIILLN AAO IT.VKII. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by .3. ii. xiiiuii a co., MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price *1 per package; sent by mail, postage paid, (1.25. Prepared ready for use in bottles, (1.50. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 13*rBeware o! all Counterfeits and Imitations. CROP OF 1872; Clover and Grass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &C &C. • ' Jtwt received, HUNT, RANKIN Jt LAMAIt, Wholesale Druggists, 14G-15(i 82 and 81 Cherry Street- BERND BROS. MANUFACTURE lift OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL OKAI.ERS IN Harness, Saddles* Collars, Horse Equip ments and Clothing Generally. ALSO a full assortment of LEATHER of at kinds, Enameled Cloth, etc. addlcrs und Harness Makers Hardware and Tools. Cash paid for HIDES, FURS, SKINS, WAX, WOOL and TALLOW. 5-162 The Great IXemoeratic Journal, ’Flu: NEW I’OUK WE E KEY NEW S. BENJ. WOOD, Editor and Proprietor. A Mammoth Eight Page Sheet. Fifty six Columns of Heading Matter. Contains all the wire, foreign, domestic, po litical and general,with full and reliable market reports. Each number alao contains several short stories, and a great variety of literary, agricultural and scientific matter, etc., etc., constituting, it is confidently asserted, the most complete weekly newspaper In this country, TERMS, $2 A YEAR. to C'lnb*: Five copies, one year I 9 00 Ten copies, one year, and an extra copy to the Bender 15 WJ Twenty copies one year, and an extra copy to Bender 25 00 Fifty coplea one year, and an extra copy to sender W Partita tending rlvtm a* above, rmy retain 20 per cent, of the money received by them, a* coin pamation. Persons desiring to act a amenta supplied with specimen bundles. Specimen copies sent free to any address. All letters should be di rected to NKW YORK WEEKLY MEW’S, Box 3,795, novlS-tf Sew York City P*t Qjflc*- “by BREAD WEXIVE. epilE undersigned has established a first elaaa I BAKERY where our citizens can obtain bread that la bread. My wagon *}“ **?W citizen* at their reaUtence*. I uae only the beat ISAACS. ram i,\D PLANTERS \V ILL FIN DITTOTHEI RA D VANTAGE TO CALL ON UR BEFORE MAKING THEIR BILLS. * O' WE HAVE IN STORE, I 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAR R. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, all grades. 500 ROLLS 2* BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. ■ JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON ft SMITH, Have, und tint offering at very, low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLB SUGAR. 50 BBL 6. MOLASSES. 100 BALES HAY. I 1.000 BUSHELS COBN, Together with a toll atook ol all all goods in our lint* of business. 118-tf Brown’s Hotel, MACON. GA. IF long experience and a thorough knowl edge of the tmalneaa Lb aU it. dlvemitted branchea are vanUal to the keeping thrtwhlrh Uie public ha. long /toon l qf brut teidomwen, A VOOIt HOTEL, * Uie undersigned flatter thew.eivea that the, are fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their petrous; but they are uot ouly experienced la hotel keeping, they modeatly would data to have Uie BEST ARRANGED and MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in Ue State, which la loca ted exactly where everybody would have It sit uated iMMsntaTBLV in wout eiw aimaciit to thb paaaaHoaa paror, where travelers can enjoy t deep and lea. liuhle to he Uft by the perplexing), conetant departure of the trains. To all theae Important ad van tag sa la added a TABLE that Is well aupplled with the beet and choicest dishes the city sud country eau afford : nor would the, omit to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. For Uie truth of theaa statements, we refer the public to our patrons who reside In every State in the Union. K. E. BROWN & BON, Proprietors. Macon, Ga., April 15, 1872.’ 78-184 DAVIS SMITH, (Succeeaor to the late firm of Smith, Westcott. * Cos., and of Smith, MeGlashan & Cos.) MANUVACTiqcr.R AI) DBAI.KK IS SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, % SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, RUBBER, Gift B-AffßS, ETC„ Together with svsry aritela uanally kept In a saddlery house. 1M cherry *T., BACON, A j FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE LAWTON A BATCH, Fourth Nfretl, (Nett Door to Fawlou A VVilliiiiriiaiiM % RK prepared to furnish the trade wlUi N UKAITHIKN. PROVINIOVN, PI.AKTATIOV fII’PPUEN, HAG GIVG, 'ITCH, FTC., an as reasonable b ram as any house in Georgia. We will keep constantly ou hand, BACON; LARD, CORN, OATS, HAY, BUGAK, COFFEE, BAGGING and TIES, und a general aaaort incut of such goods o are kept in a tlrut class Grocery House. Give us a call. We are running the KAfITF. FI.OFRIMfI Ml I. I.M, and direct-special attention to our “CHOICE," "EXTRA," "FAMILY” Flours. They wUI be found exactly adapted to the trade, and we guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction. Our prices are as low as those of the aamo grades oan be bought In the South. CORN MEAL, bolted and unbolted, always on hand, of our own make and of the best quality. 180-188 sO<J. 11. BANDY & CO. TIN AND .SHEET IRON BOOFIXG, , fiitterini, Plutiii ni Beiairiu, jpagM! * o' V tin and galvanized ikon cornices r 'iu v v -T Gfff/l \\ lit'll \ Executed at short notice and satisfaction \ s / \J) 1 guaranteed. / \j; l No. 40 Third Hired, Macon, 6s. I | Particular attention given to Guttering put up y \ with V ' WOODRUFF’S \ PATENT HAVE F4HTF.MI.MfIH. IMPROVED GIN REAR. *•*4 > 7> I *fITHING >'EW. SUPERSEDE ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IS NO IIUMBUG!! rpM!' - . settling of 1 ii floor has no effect on tlio Gearing. King Post of Iron and all 1 tlic work bolt IT IS MADE to I. :> TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. Coll and see for youu ■ If. , I build .1 P.iriu'. ' ■ ai r that challenges all other MAKES, but it will not do tho work with tin: mil- llrafl-'lliiil ifiy PATENT GIN GEAR will. Ail kind* ol Mad imidr und rcpulredat 4 'It 4M !KFTT'H IKOM WOKMN, 108-180 Near Brown House, Macon Georgia. BROWFS &ALLEEY! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. 4c S. P. TAYLOR, Coi\ Cotton Avenue and Cherry Ntroet. DEALERS IN m emus, ics, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. TOtf UfOrdcra by Telegraph promptly attended to. ZAAJ'.a U. VbOUNT. ISAAC HAHDSMAN. Rl.Ol’ffT Jk HABDEMAN, ATTOBXEYBIAT lAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Balaton Hall, Cherry atraat. Bwto Shop Tor Rent. rpHS Baaacnant room, tomarly occupied by 1 Cor rnt. TtJs Is on* of U* hast stands rr • Volume I. —Number 189 INMAN LINE ratals, SffiSHSg: 1 iMeamthfoPompanv dispatch