Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 19, 1872, Image 2

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BACON DAILY ENTERPRISE ** T '** ~ j tl tnn.UA.. ruauanED inn xtzsiso nv LINES. WING A SMITH. No. 10 Hollingsworth Block. .11/ letter* rtUUinff to habm/rlpthm should l* ful ler* *ri In Unet.Wing <C- .Smith, Maw t, (la. CommuiikatioHS for the r 'f t should U ml dressed to Ha Editor. IT* cannot undertake to rrlurn njrclnl communications. HVII authenti cated newt items, Jcom .dl+arts of thr State, no • | lirited. j Mu Frank J Ukiuunoton U our tmfjr nuthoi ized City Agent, mill la; is duly fin |xiwerod to solicit work for this office, and -übso.riptions to the Knteui’liisk. M:t. Charles L. Mizk. hook ami news dealer. Is our authorized agent in Dawson, (la. Mr. W. H. DeiiirU'K. Southern Kxpfess Company Olllce, is our authorized Agent at Bmithville. .1, 1, Tucker i our authorized agent at Fort Uiiiuca. I N. Seymour, of Hylnglon* Hotel, is our author! zed Agent at (Jrltlln Mu Ed. T. Hyinoton Is our agent in Fort Valley. M , VVATKtN IIH li l *, I’tUlor. ill e tviNiHin oi' i:vim;ki. ENCK. Our principle is to rncognlz* that which is worthy, honorable ami good, wherever we tlml it and bestow our commendation for w hatever it may he worth, upon any movement which indicates <1 judge mont mid a right spirit. We therefore note, svitli real pleasure, the icsult of a meeting held on Inst even iog hy the colored people of Macon. The meeting was called to make notni nations for the eouilng municipal election, and arrange for the division of puily posi sition and hopes. To our surprise, party was Ignored, and one spirit pet vailed the Assembly. The wisdom of the majority of tax pay ing white citizens was allowed weight, and entirely Influenced the meeting Ills Honor Mayor Iluir was emphatically cn endorsed ns tho people's Mayor regaldlcvs of parly alllnlly or lines Ills nomination hy the leading citizens •it Macon for another term met with no opposition from the radical ccnlar. hut wus unitnlmouily ii'UOpted and holster, ously ralUlcd. To some, this action upon the part of our colored population may he a sulllcirnt ground or reason for opposing Mr. Hull, lull to us. and we think, t" most persons, it is an evidence of n latter tween the races, ami an intimation at least, that a belter day is about to dawn Wc want unity in our home all airs The dis traction of jHillticnl parlies should he frowned down in all municipal contests, and (lie host men lor the places of honor and trust should lie chosen Irrespective of parly or opinion in matters foreign to our immediate interests. YVe arc glad therefore, to hear colored citizens shouting for Hull, and wc hope they will vote for him. u .11 NT MO. The Tribune, in un mlicle suggested hy the lialtle of tho rostrum now lioing waged between England and Ireland ill the per >nus of,lames Anthony Froude and father Torn Hurkc, ends with there muds 'lt is useless lo defend the post, Thu most that a patriotic Englishman can now do is to refillm the puscul," We opine that the English lia'lon is of the same opinion, ami that scholar Fronde will uol receive laurels for ids Quixotic eoinpalgii. when the Dominican Is through with him The voice of civilization is not easily cajoled, us Mr. Froude should know, itml of all nations. England is the last who w ill care to know what that voice Is bound to say iu tho matter in hand Hut the jury is summoned, ami the ad vocates are pleading—let the case goon. And when (tie a (fair* of Ireland are settled, we propose India I’eihaps Mr Froude, oi some other champion will epen the debate ami tiuderlaku lo show the prospective benefit* to India from the in justice of British rulo in the past ? Tin: M. K. Church .NolUi has srl tlie suui to he raised for .Mission work for tlio year of Grace 157.1, nt ($$(*0,000) eight hundred thousand dollars,—a noble eon trlbutlon nobly appropriated. The wisdom of tlio Missiouui) Society of the Church North, is won. in other di rections also It is proposed to gel ready lor the vast interior continent of Africa s* nsm it* Or. Livingstone makes his ap pearance and reveals its secrets to the civi lized word. The returns from the various foreign fields of Missionary labor, are very gratifying, and inspiring. The llolv Spir it has blessed the labors of the church, and the patient watchers for the morning dawn of result aud harvest, now rejoice In the abundant gathering. Truly, it is refresh ing to witness nations drawing neater and nearer together, by the cohesive ]*<wrr of spiritual truth' ♦ •- lii.KKtuMi Ct ns.—According to the New York Herald. Cuba is the dark and bloody ground, and the tight goes on with terrible result in blood and terror Acta of tearful outrage, deeds of nameless crime appear to be matters of daily occurrence, if the Herald s accouuts be reliable, lfcport it seems, is up in Cuba, that General Kilpatrick w ill lead a troop of horse against the Spanish invaders. Ef forts arc now being made to involve I'ncla '->ainucl in the squabble. dYe shall sc* 1 A raid on Cuba would prolmblv ho more successful, as a measure of diplomacy, than the recent squint a: Isanto Domingo. "OLD Cin/KH —Sour Kraut has disa greed with him, or lit its confirmed di* imptic Head his letter in suothsr col umn. Doleful, dolefullcr. dolefnllest' The remedy is the re-election of Mayor Huff, of course with vigorous application of en ergy to work out of any embarrassment we may be thought to labor under rut; IJIIUARI. YVillmolt, on liia “Flcusurca of J.itcin turn," gives expression to a thought that never faila to keep company with the scholar in the library. We may not quote terbatim, but sufllcienlly ao to preserve the ring "The written outlives and out dazzles the spoken word/’ The life, of the rbcthorlc parishes w ith the rhetorician; it Uatkens w ith liia eye, atill’eua with his hand, freezes with kia ! tongue. The bows of eloquence are burled with | the archers." To illustrate or bring home Ihe truth, so beautifully expressed, lie continues Where la the splendid declamation of Ho liughroke 1 It. has vanished, like his own Image, from the grassplols of Twickcn -1 ham. That intellect, to which the printing i preiis gives a laxly, an uuquenchsblo spirit inliuhils. Literature is the immortality of speech. It embalms for nil ages the dc parted kinga of learning, and watches over their repose iu the eternal pyramids of Fame.” Our thought makes, at this time, a side issue, or rather suggests a companion picture to that which Mr. YVillmott has ao vividly painted Literature, not ouly embalms HA own Kings and Priests, Imt ll does this generous work for the I’l im es and Nobles of other lealms than i:w own Thecomoncst live*judged hy literary law. are made to 1111 up the spaces of time, and to link with events hy the pen of lively gossip, and Boon wo come to yield to them our homage through the royal pleasure and clemency of literature. How shall ouo sufficiently express Ills gratitude, for example, to that l’rinco of gossips. I’epys. whose pages, by the “ art preservative of arts,"teem with the delicious taltloof his times,ami bubble over with the effervescing wit of the grave and the guy actors on the human stags. In the Melrop oils of the world Leigh Hunt calls him the •* immortal ami most play-going Pepys," and the • jol lisst of Government officers," during the reign Charles 11 The little fat gentleman ia every body's friend, and every one’s favorite Ills eyes wander all-where, and the itch in his cur ls only suppressed by harmless eaves dropping. The quaintness of his t-xcla. ■nations when lie is pleased leluius much of its freshness to this day ' mid Inis sallies of'genuine homely wit keep the library in u pleasant humour. The little fat man’s comments on the times, and the uncon scious trilling with his deepest nature, will always commend him to the fellow feeling of honest incu through all Ihe luture. Here Is a short entry iu liia diary, ao touching, so gay, aud so unconscious, that we shull bu pardoned for trassfering it aiillit. "February 1667- GB,-7lh. YYitli my wile to the King's House (Theatre) to arc "The Virgin Martyr," (by Masacnger) the first time it hath been acted a groat while, aud it Is mighty pleasant; not Hint the ploy ia wortli much, hut it is fine ly acted hy liook Marshall. lint lliat which did ploaso mo hoy and anything in the world, was tho word niuaiquc wbeu the angel comes down ; which is so tweet that it ravished me, and. indeed, iu a word, did wrap up my soul so that it made me really sick, just ns I have forinctly boon when in love with my wife , that neither then, nor all tho evening go ing homo, and at home, I was able to think ol nnythiug. but remained all tiuus pot ted, ao as 1 could not believe that ever any uiusiqite had Unit real command over tho soul of a man, at this did upon mo , and makes me resolve to practice wind— musique, mid to make my w ife do the like!" There ' us there ever anything livelier ( brought into a conversazione, or a droller occasion for a hearty laugh buried in the dust of a two hundred year old library? There's a companion for you, these coin ing winter nights, n wit, a gossip, a walk ing cyclopedia of anecdote, fnn and graver pastimes! Old I’epyst who laugh ed until he grew sleek and fat, and then laughed kteavie his nature was so Jolly— the great great great <;rent grandfather of immortal Mark Tapley ! One’s fancy does not require much re tliiruirnt to introduce them now—down from the bright world above, with the ru diattce of blessedness added to the genial good nature with which they were origl imlly endowed—Pepys aud his wife ! He. in rhapsodies, she. stretching tier rosy checks in artless attempts to pWy the hautboy, because it kept liim in the self same humour in which he wooed .and won her heart! 11a, ha, lta! every folio on every shelf, from the "Laws ol lleuu " to Sir William Hamilton's grave “discus sious,” not to s]H>ak of the poets, whose shadowy cantos have a musical laugh of their own, join in the chorus of bolster ous. innocent merriment, while we are "Kissed By sound, or ghost of sound, lu ms.-y strife." I .. Claim to nc Paid.—The Mixed Otn nrissiou for the settlement of liritish aud American claims has made its report Mr Thomas McDowell, of Atlanta, Ga . is awarded $7,442 iu gold t >r Injuries to I his dwelling house, fencing, land, garden etc , etc., by Sherman's army Hooray for John Hull ! Axn now comes the rumor that Judge Settle ot North Carolina. President of the Philadelphia nominating convention, will 1 be elevated to the Supreme Court Bench, to succeed Mr Justice Nelson. It is claimed for Settle that while he is a man of very meagre attainments, he has worked hard for the dominant party, and deserver ves to lie well trttUd. But if thi* rule is to work what shall be done for the thousands who have outworked the settle but who can get nothing beyond a prom issory* recognition—John.M Langlton for example* the negro aspirant, who is twice as smart as Settle. CITY ADMINISTRATION To the Editor of the Enterprise — Dear j Hitt I ntn pleased lo see the handsome manner in which you have opened your columns to the discussion of municipal affairs, and now avail myself of the privi lege hy presenting a few more ideas lor the consideration of your readers. Hcforc doing so, however, it would perhaps be well to disabuse your own mind of the idea which, in common with Mr. Huff you seem to entertain, that all who cannot en dorse the action of Ihe City Government in ail its phases must necessarily be inimi cal to him personally ; he enemies in fact, of the kind without whom, he says lie cannot live. Now I do not occupy any | such position, for 1 have always been one ! of his personal admirers, though 1 have j never been able to approve of all his offi cial course and have not hesitated to speak to his face my full opinion. 1 may ns well stale also that I am no candidate or aspirant foi office and have no “defeated j ambition'’ to uiouni over, other than that j common to most of us, the honorable sin l bitlou of independence to which we im agined ourselves entitled Well let us entiit ly Ignore ihe person ality of Mr Huff, mid home calmly to the considerations ot lilt* causes that lor llie last eight yeuis have added seventy seven thousand dollars annually to the city's oh ligations and see it some letnetly Call nut Ije discovered, that can wi h certainly, put a check upon the head long career that every one must set- is hurrying u. to de slruetiou by precipitating the citizens into a vortex of debt. In Ibis connection I hope you will excuse me for nientionlug once more the "one-man power," a phrase in troduced 1 believe with happy effect hy His Honor the Mayor, when he wished lo convey Ihe idea that Ilia advice of even eight Aldermen wu too much interference with a Mayor's prerogatives which ought to ho somewhat after tho kindly sort, and who should be surrounded with but two committees to record his edicts When men in office undertake to do what they ! havc'no legal authority fordoing, they as sume a power superior to the law, and act up their individual judgment against the ' written statute, and so far as they do so j and uvt upon it they exert in their iudi- I vidua] capacity, the one man-power to ' which kind the many evils that afflict our city to day are mainly attributable. ( )f course due allowance should he made for the extra expenses incident to the an omalous position iu which we have been placed since the war. but that was no ex cuse, fur instance, for Mr, Collins’ admin- I i-lration adding fifty thousand to the Au gusta Railroad subscription or to Mr. Obcars’ for giving over the treasury of the city to tho Mercer University not for Mr. Huff's using the corporation funds in fix ing for and runing a fair, the doing of which has (listened a bonded debt upon her of two hundred thousand dollars in gold. Now ii those had been ligilimnteobjects that any stretch of the imagination could have deemed consonant with Ihe objects for which the corporation was created we might have borne the burdens imposed without a murmur, hut they were not,and 1 don’t believe if the questions were tested that the properly of Ihe cillzens could ho sold for laxos imposed for any such pur poses. He that however as it may, if Ihe laws Imd been carried out without in fraction, it would have been impossible to have been so extravagant, for those administrations would have been compelled to keep their expenditures w ithin their means and when Mr. Collins began to printKnd issue mo- ney, he set an example that day which if ' followed will swamp any city corporation in the world. Mr <’ left thousands of prom ises to pay Mr O. improved upon it and left Jsil.ooi) to be provided for, und Mr. II not to he behind hand added $173,000 to that, converted the public properly into cash of over SIOO,OOO spent that, added a third more to the taxes, and instead of having his mirrency make interest he pays iutcrest ror it to keep it out ! I and will have to fund in gold bearing bonds having perhaps twenty years to run ol un expense of $30,000 more for interest and possibly double that for discount, besides liaviMg still $90,000 of the Mayor’s prom ises to pay, limiting about or paying five and u half per cent to some other corpora tion for being put away !! And all this because they persist iu making the city do an act so contrary to law that would consign any man of them for doitig the same to the penitentiary. Hence, 1 say It behooves the citizens to i see to it that those plates be destroyed at 1 all hazards, aud there is no better time to do it than right now. when it is announced , that many more thousands will be needed to run the nest Fair, and doable the sala | ries of the city officers. Speaking about Fairs, however, it j strikes me that this is a bran uew business i for city corporations to engage in. St. Louis has been mentioned as also Louis ville ns furnishing examples for our imita tion in this department, but 1 venture the assertion that neither of them, no, nor any oilier corporation iu the United States or the world, except Macbn. lias ever eui barked as a corporation in the show busi j ness, ano no other treasurer of a corpora | lion holds Weston the walkists voucher I for money received or any similar receipt, and it is something in this wild age to be i able to say that, for assuredly in Ibis par ticQlar. Mayor Ilutr has shown himself tiro "most progressive man iu the world" tor here he treats the palm. I don't pretend to say thorp have been ! any lies* Tweed's about Macon, but a ! printing press oilers too many temptations ■ to poor human nature, and parties who ; scout at honors iu connection with a •Mayor's office in these degenerate days, should not be too greatly exposed. For this reason also I urge the destruction of I those plates, for with corporations os with men who sign their names too often, tticrc can be no real economy wltcu money can ; be had on such easy terms Ido not charge Mr. Huffs administration with recklessness in the use' of the people's money, though a heap of it Ims goue since they came in power, besides what will have to go after they retire, but 1 do arraigu their judgment iu not paving the floating debt with the cash assets of the city instead of launching forth into still greater extravagance. In the one case the 110,000 realized fof sales of public property, including sales or street outfit which Mr. iluffomilted. would have paid up within lI.tKJO of the floating debt left by Mr Obcar that added to the currency theu out ot StiOOO would never have been fell and could have been paid just as easily as the ikblHM) that is still out while the proposed 200,000 gold Kinds and their 30.000 interest would have been raved to the city or never been heard of. Hut theu we should not have had the fair buildings that is true, . but 1 suppose wo j could have survived that calamity much 1 better thau we shall the substitute com pared to which the burning of several squares would be of small magnitude. An Orn Citizen A NffiOITNCEMENTS The friends of C. T. YVxbd announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of Ordi nary. The name of K. If. Cain, is hereby presented to the Democratic and liberal party, as a can didate for Tax Collector. Mr. Cain is an old citizen, and, at one time was collector of taxes' His friends ho(>c thut Ids claims will be kind ly considered, knowing that he will do his duty, If chosen. td. The many tlriends of Milo S. Frkeman an nounce him as a candidate for County Treas urer. novl6-td. A. F. Gibson Is announced as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic nomination. nov 14 td. Geo. F. CiiEEiiv is announced as acandidutc for Sheriff of Bibb county, subject to the Dem ocratic nomination. novl.’i td Ed. G. Jeffeks is announced as a candidate for City Treasurer, subject to the Democratic j nomination. novKi td We tho voters of Bibb county announce I Wm. Ellison Gross as a candidate for Sheriff, I subject to the nomination of the Democratic I party. novßl-tf O. I*. Fisnev is a candidate for Tax Receiv er of Bibb County, subject to the nomination of the Democratic I’arty. novUltf I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county—subject to the nomina tion of the Demoeratls Convention. noviajj -S. I). Rainey. . * The friends of Maj. John A. McManus an nounce him as a candidate for re election as Clerk of Council of the city of Macon. novl2 tf. The friends of Cua.s. J. Williamson hereby announce him ns a candidate for re-election to the office of City Treasurer. novPMf. The undersigned announces himself as a candidate for Treasurer for Bibb county, sub-< ject to the Democratic nomination. novßJtf Felix Cobput. The friends of W. T. Nelson announce him as a candidate for Tax Collector forßibb coun ty, subject to the Democratic nomination. novl',’ tf. After repeated solicitations from friends and mature deliberation, feeling it to be our duty to benelit our fellow-citizens in every manner pos sible, we have concluded to announce ourself a candidate for the House, sign and ornamental painting, subject to nothing but greenbacks or city scrip, and pledge ourself if elected to do our best for ourself, and not go back on our consti tuents. Windham & Cos. I'niler Spots wood Hotel, Macon, Ga. novlS-tf. DR. WRIGHT. OBNtJST, U’AS removed to Boardmnn’s Block, over . Pendleton A: Boss’, corner Mulberry and Second ►ts , Macon, (ia. nov7 Brn. leetui of Coloroi Citizens. I N pursuance of a resolution adopted last night, a meeting of colored citizens of each Ward is called for Monday night at the City Hall Come, ruin or shine, as this meeting is of the utmost importance. Bv order J F. LONG, Chairman. N. D. Snkkd, Secretary. Macon, Nov. 10. 2t* Tobacco! Tobacco! IU K would now advise our friends and the ?▼ public generally that we shall in future keep constantly on hand Manufactured To bacco of all grades, aud solicit a share of pat ronage in this line of goods. Mr J. C. Thomas, a Tolxicconist of long ex perience, will superintend this branch of our business and will always be ready and willing to serve his friends. BL HOICK BROTHERS, Third St., Macon, (la., novl4 Iw Sign of the Golden Hog. Telegraph and Messenger copy. ROW ■* THE TIME, A\l) SLAUGHTERS, / \N FOURTH STREET, next door to Wil \ / burn A: Edwards, is the place to buy This an! Christmas Goods. My stock k complete, and consists of every thing in the Bakery mid Confectionery Line. Wedding Parties supplied on reasonable terms. Thankful to the citizens of Macon for past patronage, I respectfully solicit a liberal share for the future. Come and sec me and I will guarantee satisfaction. novls lm G. SLAUGHTER. ■Ward Meetings! r |MIE Democrats ami Liberal Republicans of I. the several Wards of the city, are request to meet on next Tuesday night, at 7' o'clock, at the following places: Ist Ward, at Engine-house No. 2d Ward, at Engine house No. 4. 3d Ward, at Engine-house No. 2. 4th Ward, at the City Hall. Each meeting will nominate three candidates for Aldermen. A prompt and full is requested. Tuos. U. Connor, Pres’t Ist Ward Dm. Club. Jno. G. Deitz, Pros't 2d Ward Dm. Club. ■lno. B. Weems. IWt ml Ward Dm Club. Ci irroKD Anderson, i’res't 4tb Ward Dm. C. T. ((. Molt, Jr., Pny-'t Central Dm. Club, novlh-td. BYIN G T ONH OTEL. GRIFFIN, GA. '■purs HOTEL ranks .-o. nd to none in 1 Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present hot term, tt is unequalled, the nights being remarkable cool and pleasant Die b,vi Water in Georgia. L W. BY! NOTON, 110-ldo Proprietor. J.\o, IS. VfEEIKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE ON Sp STREET OYER 1.. H. KtNDAI/N STOKE. ga-179 _ DM. IS. V. GKIGi.x. OFFICE ovei M. R. Rogers A Co's., Con 1 feetionarv stevre. Residence, l'lum street, opposite George S. 1 OKabs, oct 2-ini. i L. LOWENTHAL, Merchant Tailor. ■ Cotton Avenue, opposite City Hall, Cleaning and Repairing done Neatly. H AS on hand a beautiful stock of Cloths, I . Cassimeres, Doe Skin, Vest Patterns, etc.. which he will cut aud make up for hi. patrons | and the public in general. In the very latest j styles and finish. Give him a call if you w ould I have cheap clothes—cheaper than anywhere in ! the rite. oef.’Mm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS | RALSTON HALL. LAST NIGHT BUT ONE Of the Queen Star of the South and Eminent Comedian, \\T HOME AM* HUSKY O VV A T Ii I A O rTMIIS TUESDAY EVENING, November 19, 1 1873, will be pre-i-r’- and the Beautiful Irish Romantic Drama, replete fh thrilling Interest and affecting Tableaux, the Ladies’. Favorite I'lay, entitled KATHLEEN iIAYCURNEEN, -OR— UNDER THE SPELL. KATHLEEN, with songs . .ROSE WATKINS TERRENCE O’MOKE ..HARRY YVATKINS Other characters by the Company. Reserved Seats secured at Brown & Co's Book Store. Admission $); Reserved Seats fl So; Gallery .We Arrived To-day, s) - BARRELS CHOICE APPLES, a! J. F. BARFIELD & CO/8, novts-lt Brown House Block. SELLING OFF AT GOST. ■ ntercxling So I’lnnteis. r |’ , HE stock of AoRICI I.TI MIL Imolkulv - , 1 Mauhinks, Enoimss, Pumps, etc ,it" , mnv on hand at YV. YV. Parker’s old stand, Hollingsworth Block, will be sold for tin m \t thirty days at cos t : Parties wishing anything in that lino would do well to call and get bargains. Iff Those indebted to W. W. Parker will phase call on the undersigned for settlement. T. It. COY, novlS-ltv Assignee. Savannah Store NORTHEAST CORNER OF McINTOSH AND FOURTH STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. I HAVE opened, in connection with my . choice Liquor and Fancy Grocery Store, a” GREEN MARKET. Where I will furnish to epicures, CHOICE BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SAU SAGES, GAME OF ALL KINDS, FISH, OYSTERS, VEGETA BLES and FRUITS, ' and articles too numerous to mention novlS-tf YV. A. GIBBO^. FTO AHEAD. IN anticipation of the approach of the , Christmas Holidays, we have a large stock of new and fresh goods for the r toilers, hotels and families; such as EXTRA LARGE BLUSHING RED APPLES, PRETTY YELLOW SWEET OR ANGES, GOOD SWEET CIDER, ALSO U ft APES, PEAKS anil PI XE APPLES, (to iie here in time,) i MUSCAT, ANGELICA, SHEIIIiV AND WHITE WINE FROM CALIFORNIA. Pinu worans, EIRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, TORPEDOES, ETC., Plenty Gilt Edge Butter, Georgia Cane syrup, new Buckwheat Flour, Sultanna, Seedless end London Layer Raisins, Currants, Citron Prunes, New Fiis, Nuts, Domestic, Fancy and French Candies, Pickles, "Prunes, Jellies and Jams. Chestnuts* Oranges and Apples. Must be sold to close consignment, a hint to the w ise etc., at novl.Vlm GREER, LAKE & CO. FOR SALE. V THREE room house nearly new, 1 , acre lot, good fencing and splendid well of I water in the yard, on the Houston road near I Judge Wilkinson's, will he sold at auction on | the 2 s th day of Nov., if not sold previously at : private sale. One-third cash, balance in'six and twelve months, with 10 per cent, interest. ! A good chance for a cheap home. R. L. 11ENKY, Poplar St. Tolegrtph copy. novi.vtd. To Tax Payers of Bibb County' I GIVE notice that the Tax Books for col lecting the State and County Taxes for 1813 will close on the 7th day of December. I hope all will note tills and pay their taxes, as I have Resettle on the 15th and cannot give unv longer time This notice is finul I can't be I responsible for unv one’s tax after that time, j AU poll taxes and road taxes are required from both white and colored. novU-tf F. M. HEATH, T. C. THE PKKaiVn WEEKLY. - • I T is universally conceded that advertising ia a necessity to success in business; it is also conceded, by the shrewdest business men, that newspapers are the best medium for reaching : all parties whose trade is desired. . * THE MONROE ADVERTISER I reaches more of the people trading with Ma j eon than any other journal published in the , couitry; it is. therefore, the lxst medium of j communication with the planting interests, i We will be happy at any ime to furnish ref. r ! cnees to leading merchants here aud elsewhere, who will testify to the fact that they have re ceived orders for goods from parties who read their cartis in Tht Advertiser In fact, main who have availed themselves of its columns, candidly say that its value exceeds that of ail other journals in which they arc represented The Advertiser has the freshm-ss of youth and the ripeness of age, aud is therefore deservedly successful. CHARACTER pE ADVERTISEMENTS. No advertisements are admitted which are not believed to be above question and of real value, and from parties so unquestionably re liable that the readers of The Ailtyrtistr will be safe in ordering them from any distance. To , our readers, the fact of its appearance here Las ■ all the weight of endorsement and authority. Address, JAS. P. HARRISON. ' Forsyth, Georgia. TO MERCHANTS! MERCHANTS wishing to place their nenie . and business prominently before the peo ple of Macon. Taylor, Crawford and Houston counties, should advertise in the BUSINESS MIRROR. Circulation good and increasing | verr fast. Rates liberal. ' W. T. CHRISTOPHER. Ep. <fc Pkop'r. Fort Valiev, Ga THE WORLD’S FAIR TO BE HELD AT MACCN, MONDAY DECEMBER SECOND. JOSN ROBINSON’S Great Trawliii Hun, Menagerie, Caravan and Hippodrome, Combined with the Grand International Zoological Garden, Polytechnic Institute and NANNOtN CIRCUS In Four to Tin Touts, as the space of the Ground will permit JOHN EOBINSON, Proprietor and General Director; JOHN ROBINSON, Jr„ Manager. W| * ■ HrYj i lii.s Gigantic Enterprise which has been, at a Vast Expenditure of Time and Money, thoroughly Reorganized and Equipped for the present traveling season, presents the Startling, Novel, l nique and Colossal Spectacle never before witnessed in the annals of amusement- enter prise cither in this or any other age, ot r FYvolvo Snporioi* Slioavs is* ALL FOR A SINGLE PRICE OF ADMISSOX. In tho Collection and Organization of the Museum the utmost care lias been taken to gratify : and enlighten the public by presenting in One Vast Assemblage an accumulation such as has never been attempted or dreamed of by the combined tact, talent and liberality of all other man agers in America or Europe. It may bo enteresting for the public to understand that for nearly j Iwo A ears Mr. ROBINSON’S NL MEROU9 AGENTS, who are found in almost Every Part of the World, have been actively employed in Procuring Curiosities for his GREAT TRAVELING SHOW. Some of these were put oil exhibition for the First Time Last Year; but they have been very largely supplemented for the present season by New Accessions and Consignments brought by almost every Steamer from Foreign Ports which lias arrived in New York for Un past eight months. As an illustration of the Indomitable Energy of the well known Proprietor of this, establishment, it may bo well to remark that the Exhaustless Resources of Europe, Asia Africa and America, with the subdivisions of China, Japan, Australia, the Polar Regions, South e-eu Islands, Arabia, Turkey, Siam, Circassia, Egypt, file Pacific, Arctic, Indian and Atlantic Oceans, together with the Red Sea and lloly Land, have all been levied upon, contributing to swell the aggregate ol ’ibis Single Department, which after all, constitutes but u moiety of all that may be seen. It is estimated that in the AQUARIUM, MUSEUM, MENAGERIE and CARAVAN, the route Tm i'hiv Tliouwmid Curiosities. ® tu j?. e " d " us Combination lias been brought- together at an actual cost to the Proprietor ol MOKE \ HA .\ A MILLION ot DOLLARS; Wliicli is ten times more than was ever invested in a Snow. The curiosities ot the peroral departments represent the choice t excerpts Irom the realms of Zoology, Ornithology, Geology, Ichthyology, Conchology, F ntomologv. Me ! ' 11 nnsmaticd,, Science, Mutuary, Oil Paintings, ami many rare and exquisite productions ot the Automatic and Heliographic Arts, and so classified for this GREAT EXHIBITION as to theacl,niraliuu not oul y 6f Naturalist#, but of Poets Statesmen, Philosophers and Parents Sabbath and Public School Teachers should bear-in mind that No Public Exhibition ever lnatitut. din[America afforded a Titlie of the Practical- ..cssods of Intuition which are tound in this unique Exposition of Object Teaching. PeoMl lhld Vaßt array is adtk ‘ a ’ in a Separate Colossal Tent, capable of holding Ten Thousand A MAGNIFICENT ROMAN HIPPODROME and CIRCUS, WOOD AND COAL. 111. WE established, near the Macon & West un Railroad Depot, an ample yard with Fairbanks’ best scales) to supply all kinds of I vv °°d and Coal, in any quantity, at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left at the offices of Messrs. H. L. Jewett, Greer, Lake & Cos., Turpin & Ogden, through Postoffice, or at the Yard, will have prompt attention. Come and sec. 122200 milo s. freeman. Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCE, ) Macon& Brunswick Railroad Cos., . Macon, Ga., October 80, 1872. ) ff~Y J and after Thursday October 81, 1873, l V/ trains on this road will run as follows: ' DAT PA-SEXUEIt TRAIN, DAILY (SUNDAYS EX CEPTED.) : Leave Macon p.yq A M : Arrive at Jcsup . . <>’3s p’m Arrive at Brunswick ki-’oo p* M ' Leave Brunswick 430 A ' M ' Arrive at Jesup 6:45 a.' m.' Arrive at Macon 5:10 p. m NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILT. Leave Macon B°s p M Arrive at Jesup V. 5.00 a m Arrive at Savannah 8.30 a. m Leave Savannah 7.00 p m Leave Jesup .11 10 p m Arrive at ,\lacon 7,30 a. m Both day and night teains connects closely I at Jesup with trains to aud from Florida. UAWKI.\|TILLB TRAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS EX CEPTED.) I Leave Macon 0.r. 0 p j Arrive at Hawkinsville.. ti:2s p’ m ! Leave Hawkinsville 055 A " M * Arrive at Macon !! .] 18:35 a! m! ..... WM. MacREA. i,4M General Snperintendcnt. C.-ti ge of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN R. R. CO. I Macon, Ga., October 81, 1872. ’ j ON and after Sunday November 3d, the fol lowing schedule for Passenger Trains | will be observed jn this road: DAY PASSENGER. Leave Macon... 8:15 A M Arrive at Macon 0.Q5 A M l.cavu. Atlanta x ; 20 A M Arrive at Atlanta oqQ p NIGHT PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. L-ave Macon 8:50 p. M , Arrive at Macon a m Leave Atlanta 800 p y A. rive at Atlanta 455 A * Making close connections at Macon with '.entrui Rhi road for Sav innah aud Augusta ■ml with Southwestern Railroad for points in Mmtnwrst-Georgia. At Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Railway f<r points West A J. WHITE, norUf Superintendent. Arm and L. Bi rrs. Edgar A. Ros. COAL AND WOOD. Riv ready to till on! at reduced rates t v for the v. ry best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK ai.d HICKORY W(OD. Orders left at the office of A. G. Butts, at store of Winship Callaway, or at yard M. " K. R., will receive prompt attention. 114-I',>2 BUTTS & fIOSS. DR. P. H. WRIGHT r) ESPECTFULLY tender his professional 1 services to the citizens of Macon and vi cinity, Office at Drug Store No. 3 Brown House Block. Residence at Rev. Samnel Bov- 1 kin's. Georgia avenue. Calls left -at either ! place will receive prompt attention, arlfitf Spotswi Hotel, ■ nearly orrosiTE passenger depot, (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. Board 3.00 per bay. T. 11. HARRIS, Proprietor. C. J. Maclellan, Superintendent. I James W. Meara, In the Office. I—tf Marshall House SAVANNAH, GA., A. B. I.rCE, PioiHii'tor, ! BOARD PER day $3.00. | 121-209 FOR RENT. 1C m . os t desirable places on Troup Hill, one mile from the Court House, and near Mercer University. Nine acres of land al ter ete orc^ard ’ S ar den, splendid well of wa- Partics wanting to rent a good house can se cure °ne by applying to the undersigned, or to Messrs, B 11. Wrigley & Cos., 00 and 08 Second street, Macon, Ga. JAMES W. KNOTT. BOARD. DAY board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, can be had by applying to j vv D. Rainey on Walnut street, Macon. • Se P t 137-162. iSr H IS the day on which the sale of Tickets for the CONFEDERATE Monumental Association j of Georgia will close. This is a splendid scheme and worthy the patronage of all classes of our citizen*. ' Two Thousand Prizes, $250,000. SHARES WORTH FROM *lO TO $40,000. ' WHOLE TICKETS $5. Remember, onh two weeks in which to se < ure vour tickets Which are fur sale at the Drug More of ROLAND li. lIALL. 170-tf Cor. Cherry St. and Cotton Avenue. Bui’ ding Lot For Sale. SITUATED near Tatnall Square, within few steps of Mercer University. Address E. C..80xK., 99tf Msofln, O*.