Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 27, 1872, Image 1

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fHacfttt Dailt) Mnhrptitft. Lines, Wing & Smith, Proprietors, Terinw of Subscription: * 8 00 Six Months.. 5 S Three Months ~ w Invariably in advance. To city subscribers by the month. Seventy-five cents, served by carriers. _ FOR MAYOR OF MACON, aON. W. A. HUFF. —, nE H ()01. If it be true I cannot tell That spirits in the forest dwell, But, walkinß in the wood to-day, A vision fell across my way; Not such as once, beneath the green O’erhanging bows, I should have seen; But in the tranquil noon-tide hour, And in the crimson Campion fiower, And in the grass I felt a power; And every leaf of herb and tree Seemed like a voice that greeted me, Saying, “ Not to ourselves alone We live and die making no moan. The sunshine and the bummer showers. And the BOft dews of night are ours ; We ask no more than what is given; Our praise and prayer is leaf and bloom, And day and night our sweet perfume Like incense rises up to heaven; Thus our sweet lives we live alone, We come and go and make no moan.” And so out of the wood I went, Thinking, I too will be content With dav and night, with good and ill, Submissive to the heavenly will. The power which gives to plant and tree Its bound and limit, gave to me Just so much love and so much life; And whatsoever peace, or strife, Or sin, or sorrow, may be mine, . Is bounded by a law divine. I cannot do the things I would, I cannot take the boundless good Which love might bring or heart desire, And though to heaven my thoughts aspire, ’Tis onlv given me to behold, Far otr, its spheres of living gold. The little orb on which I ride Around the sun in circuit wide, Is all an unknown lank to me And waters of an unknown sea. The narrow bourne wherein I move, This little home of bate and love, Within whose set diurnal round By strongest fate my feet are bound, Has light upon it form afar As when a dungeon’s iron bar Crosses the splendor af a star! This world of memory and care, This cave of thought, this cell of prayer, This House of Life in which I dwell Is vast as heaven and deep as hell, And what it is I cannot tell. Of this alone my mind is sure— That in my place I must endure To work and wait, and, like the flower That takes the sunshine and the shower, To bide in peace the passing hour ; To know the world is sweet and fair, Though life be rooted fast in care; To watch the far-off light of heaven, Yet ask no more than what is given, Content to take what nature brings Of all inexplicable things,— Content to know what I have known, And live and die and make no moan. —Spectator. From the World.] Mr. Beecher’s Lecture-Room Talk. Advice to people who don’t know now TO FRAY— MORE ABOUT TIIE MEMORIAL. The usual weekly family gathering in the Pivmouth Lecture-room was largely attended last evening. After the ordinary opening exercises Mr. Beecher said : “I will read a note which 1 have received." He then read as follows: “‘Will you please remember in your prayers just for one night a poor little music-teacher in the oil regions V Ask that her petition may be heard and that she may possess that peace which has thus far been sought in vain. Praying seems to her like trying to send a telegram to a friend without under standing the art of telegraphing. One may try, hut if the operator does not ren der his assistance the message, however important, would not reach its destina tion.’ ” In relation to this Mr. Beecher remark ed : “That’s a good figure anyhow. I think myself a great deal of praying is like a person drumming on a telegraph instru ment without the least idea of what they are doing, but even at that there is some body at the other end who knows that somebody is trying to do something.” He then continued at length explaining the nature and importance of prayer, holding that we should pray always anu for our selves, and those who prayed oftenest were the least skeptical as to their prayers being answered. Brother Holliday differed from Mr. Beecher somewhat as to asking other peo ple to pray for us. He had gone repeat edly to an old colored woman to ask her to pray for him when he needed help in any special emergency, and had always found comfort. Mr. Beecher responded that in some cases, when one knew a person living very near to Christ, it might be well to ask that person's prayers in his behalf; hut he had such a superahounding faith in the love of Christ that to ask anybody to pray for him seemed a superfluity. When he was in Stratford-on-Avon he went into a large brewery, and the brewer showed him an immense vat of beer, with a spigot nearly as large as a beer cask itself, and the great vat contains as much beer as half that lecture-room would hold that had been there for two years ripening, and the idea came over him that if he should bring a tumbler there and try to get a glass of beer out of that spigot how he would be drenched in beer, and have to swim for it, and he felt just so about the great stream of Christ’s love —that it was boundless, and no man could try to get ever so litlle without being drowned in it. A brother said that his prayers were as diversified as his wants. Sometimes lie prayed for one thing, and sometimes for another; but as to the necessity of prayer that he was fully convinced of. If there was one thing he hated it was Universa lism. The idea that a man was to be dragged into heaven anyway, was very re pugnant to him. Mr. Beecher—Bo you think that any man lives Binless ? The Brother—Yes. Mr. Beecher—Do you live a sinless life? The Brother—l do. Mr. Beecher—And if he is not sinless, he will be dammed ? The Brothe—rNo, not that exactly ; but if a man gives himself up to God he will keep kitu from falling. Mr. Beecher—lf you are sinless then you are a fortunate man. We are all of us sinners ; we have done that which we ought not to have done, and we have left undone that which we ought to have done and I tell you it is the love of God, and not the fire of God that is to be the salva tion of the world. — 1 1 * * The mercantile marine of the whole world numbers over 61.000 vessels. FLORIDA IMMIGRATION. Correspondence Savannah Republican.] Sanford, Fla., November 3, 1872. Editor Republican Dear Sir : I comply very willing with your request to furnish you with informa tion touching my experience iu the intro duction of Swedes as laborers and colonist iu this State. I would premise that I have a large tract of laud ou Lake Mouroe, of near twenty five square miles, part of w hich was Uuown as the “ Levy grant," and purchased by me of your townsman, General Finnigau, sev eral years ago ; and iu view of its location the terminus, so to say, of navigation for large steamers —the facility of access sa lubrity of its climuto and peculiar adapta bility, by reason of being beyond the lim it of injurious frosts, ami selected it as best adapted for an enterprise 1 wised to un dertake, viz : the culture of the orange on a large scale, and the demonstration by it that Florida could furnish semi tropical fruit as well as the two Sicilies or the 11a hamas. and malic us independent nt them, and that capital invested in their culture on a large scale would yield large returns. I commenced in 1870 laying out a grove of one hundred acres,with six thousand six hundred trees, and for clearing the laud we had a large force of negroes brought from Middle Florida. The prejudice of my neighbors touching the introduction of that class of labor, and the difficulties caused in consequence, constrained me to turn to another quarter for laboring men and I sent over in .limitary. 1871. an agent to Sweden, where I was assured 1 would have no difficulty in engaging peasants, who would give a year's service tor their expenses. This proved to lie the case, and iu May my agent returned with forty live Swedes —men and women —who immedi ately set to work at Sanford. They prov ed to be, instead of peasants, accustomed to field work, artisans mainly, from the townot Upsula. I only required labor in the fields, however, and they were set to work grubbing land, and, notwithstanding an exceptionably hot summer enjoyed good health in the main. They were well housed and fed—better, I doubt not, than iu their own country, with their own wo men to wash, cook and sew for them; were generally contented, laborious and gober, and so well satisfied was I that I sent for more, and in November another detachment of thirty-five arrived, and now, at the request of their friends and relatives iu my employ, I have just sent for some twenty more—making in all near 100 of these excellent people introduced by me here. As their contracts for a year’s la bor expired, I gave those who desired to remain a gift oi five acres of choice laud to improve, with the option of purchasing five acres more. Quite a number of fami lies have selected their lots, and are—their time having expired—busy in improving them, erecting houses, etc. for which I give them the lumber, to be paid for in la bor later. Thus a colony has been estab lished which will become to me and my neighbors permanent labor, and which, will hereafter need no help from me in its growth, for I look upon it as the nucleus of a large settlement, sure to increase as these colonists thrive and hrii.'g over their friends, or attract others to come to be neighbors. 1 believe this to be the, only colony of Swedes south of Mason and Dixon's line,* and I believe no others could have been formed, save on this principle of taking a class too poor to pay their way, and wl>o, in their anxiety to get to the laud of prom ise—America—would come to the South ern States, popularly believed to be un healthy, rather than stay at home. If they have means they would inevitably go join their country people in the North west. The success of my colony will help do away with this prejudice against a Southern climate, and its details, which go out every mail in a constant stream of letters to their homes, will tempt, I doubt not, others to follow'. And this direction, once taken, the stream will increase in volume, and give notable accession of valuable immigrants to the South. I re member well, in 1844, seeing the first band of Norwegians seeking a home in the Far West; they were 400 souls, and located at Prairie du Cliien ; there are now 30,000 of them, and 30,000 is now the number who come to Minnesota and Wisconsin for homes per annum. I have, of course, had some difficulties in establishing my colony. Some of the younger Swedes who had trades were tempted to violate their contracts and leave, and in this were excited and aided by gome trifling fellows in Jacksonville, who thought to make political capital by it, and who, under your Georgia laws, would now be in the penitentiary there for. lam happy to say, however, that all people of respectability and weight In the State encouraged and sustained an enter prise so advadvantageous to its interests. I lost thus a dozen or so men—one died from typhoid fever contracted on ship board —the only case of mortality, while several children have been born in the colony. There have been some cases of chills and fever, and a good many have had boils, caused, as is supposed, by a different than their accustomed diet, of which at home, meat and bacon form but a small part. They have been cared for constantly by an excellent physician, Dr. Caldwell. All are now satisfied with the country, its climate and its advanta ges over their own, and are sending for their friends and relatives to come and join them. They are taking hold in earn est and make themselves homes, and as most have trades they form an admirable nucleus for a thriving colony. One who is a millwright has discovered that the water between two lakes where the water is located has fall enough to turn a wheel,and he proposes to establish ! there a grist mill ; and capcnters, black smiths, tailois, Bhomakers, wheelwrights, ; a baker, a watchmaker, &c. Each pro pose to turn their trades to account, while I planting an orange grove, and waiting for it to give the wished for competency. For they see it demonstrated iu their neighbor hood that with care and culture an acre of orange trees is a fortune to them—for it will yield trom SI,OOO to $1,500 per jnum and is as sure as any other crop It is a curious sgibt, these flaxen-headed, rosy cheeked sons of the frozen regions near the Arctic circle cultivating orange trees ! in Florida, happy and industri ous. And now to lire moral of this It you wish to secure Scandinavian immigration to the Southern Statea, it can only be done in my view, by bringing them over in com munities. A number of people in thia ! State and in Georgia have brought over by MACON, GA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1872. twos and threes, Swedes or Norwegians, and on one year contracts, and have gen erally failed to be contented under such conditions; they must have companion ship of their own people, male and female home comforts, inducements held out in land and good wages. 1 would prob ably have spent less money employing home labor at regular rates —but, looking to securing a colony for permanent labor of this honest and industrious people, 1 consider the outlay as a most advantage ous one. My orange grove lias a tweuty acre addition, and, I count, will be bearing fruit in i 875. The Swedes keep the grove in admirable condition—they have mainly run my saw and planing mill, have made roads, built wharves and various build ings, in fine have made themselves useful in every field where they have been pul, and a more sober, orderly, industrious, honest and intelligent community can be found nowhere. Excuse tliis rough, off hand reply to your queries. I hope it contains the in formation you seek. I am, respectfully yours, 11. S. Sanford. [*Note : Avery prosperous colony of Swedes lias been established in Middle Tennessee by Mr. Peter Staub, Swiss Con sul, whose post olllce address is Knoxville. Mr. Staub is doing great good in behalf of his countrymen. lie is a gentleman of Sterling character.— Ed Enterpiuhf.] BY TELEGRAPH I K4MI Al.l.Tlli: WOKU). A I'kiyfiil Explosion. New York. November 20. —A nitro glycerine explosion, near Yonkers, blew two men to atoms and fatally hurt several others. Some young men, in playfulness, threw stones at the cars, causing the explosion. Healili of illr. Greeley. The World says the reports of an alarm ing nature regarding Mr. Greeley arc ut terly' without foundation, lilaiine Disaster—’flic Wcutlicr. The ship Assyria was water logged and her crew brought to New York by' the Baltic. There lias been show, rain and sleet since It o'clock. City Estimates—Heavy failure. New York, November 2(l.—The esti mates of this city show that it will require $10,500,000 for the municipal expenses of 1873. The Kyle Silk manufacturing company has failed. Liabilities $300,000. The principal incorporator, John C. Kyle, is missing. Elyiiijg from Wrath. Parsons, Kansas, November 20—The chief of the land department of the Mis souri, Kansas and Texas Kailroad, escaped from fifty Osage land squatters, by jump ing ou an engine and turning on the steam. The engine carried him to Seda lia, Missouri. The hostile demonstrations grew out of the exasperation among set tlers produced by recent decisions of the Secretary of the Interior, that the lands upon which they five belong to the Mis souri, Kansas and Texa Kailroad Com pany. Cincinnati, Nov. 20. —8. 15. Keyes, banker, has suspended. Fi, in Pennsylvania. Centralia, Nov. 20.—Five houses, in cluding Pipe’s hotel and the Western Union Telegraph office, were burned to day. Insurance Eruinl. New Orleans, November 2G. —Two men wen arrested here charged with ob taining SIO,OOO fife insurance upon a per son whom they subsequently drowned. French Complication Serious. Paris, November 26.—There no indi cations this morning of a compromise be tween the Executive and Legislative de partments. Both parties adhere to their respective positions. The situation is re garded seiious. The Flan (o .Steal Africa. London, November 20.—The Khe dive’s expedition consists of five thous and men, and is commanded by Purdy Dugan, an American. It goes to Zanzibar in transports, with the ostensible intention of joining Dr. Livingstone and of coope rating with him if agreeable, Otherwise to act independently in solving the prob lem of the scources of the Nile, under the the Egyptian colors. The Forthcoming Message. Washington, November 2G. —Tho rough draft of the President’s annual mes sage, though not quite finished, was read to the Cabinet to-day, all the members being present. It will be somewhat, per haps one-fifth, longer than last year's mes sage. In addition to the two copies lo be sent to Congress five will be made in manifold for the use of the city press and for telegraphing. In response to a question asked by the writer of this dispatch, the President re marked he had no objection to saying that the message would not show a change of policy on his part, as his endeavor was now, as it had been in the past, to perform liis entire duty to the extent of his ability and in such manner as would best servo the interests of the country. He was not certain that he would recommend to Con gress an extension of amnesty to the 200 or 300 persons excluded by recent legis lation ; but, if he should, it would be with a proposed condition that the beneficiary merely take an oath to support the Con stitution of the United States ; Congress, however, had ample authority in the premises, and could act with regard to the matter without a .repetition of his views upon the subject contain ed in liis former annual message. He saw no more necessity, as bad been asserted, lor making a declaration of a more friendly policy toward the South that such a declaration toward the North, as he thought, as President, under the obligation of bis oath, to execute the du ties of liis position without favor or par tiality In accordance with law, he would in his message endorse such recommenda tions of legislation as may he presented by the heads of the several departments, and which experience has shown to be necessary, and he would recommend to Congress that action be taken with regard to the award made by the Geneva arbitra tors. The money will lie paid by Great Britain to the Department of State and be deposited in tbe Treasury. Of course it cannot be drawn therefrom, except in ae- cordanco with law for tho purposes specified. In tlic course of conversation on the subject of civil service reform, the Presi dent said that, while competitive examin ations were desirable, be did not think it right that offices should be given to ene mies of the administration to the exclusion of its friends. He was now engaged in examining applications for pardons, tak ing up the cases singly with a view to con clusions upon them. Ho intended to pardon Col. Bowertnnn, who, nbout 18 months ago, was convicted of embez zlement while lie was an officer in the Baltimore Custom-house. He added that, iu addition to other reasons. Col. Bower man was a bravo and faithful officer dur ing the late war. Regulator! This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Meucuuy, or any injurious mineral substance, but is l * l€ B: I, V Vnu 1:11 HUE. For FOR TV YJ&AKri it litis proved its grant value in all diseases of tin* Liveh, Bowei.s and Kidneys. Thousands the good and great in all parts of the country vouch for its wonder ful and peculiar pow r in purifying the Blood. stimulating the torpid Liviiit and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. SIMMON’S LIVER REGULATOR is ac knowledged to have no equal as a m i:e: It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the Great I iil’aili ii” Npeeilie for Liveu Com plaint and the painful oll'snring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice, Billions attacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, lieart Burn, Ac., Ac. Regulate the Liver and prevent niansSsS a.hh n;Yi,R. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by a. E 9. za:ai.i\ a co., MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price $1 per package; sent by mail, postage paid, $1.25. Prepared ready for use in bottles, $1.50. SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Beware ol all Counterfeits and Imitations. 112-521; CROP OF 1872. Clover and C rass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &c., &c. .Just reeeived, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 146-156 82 and 84 Cherry Htreet. The Great Democratic Journal, Tin: xi:w voitk WEEKLY NEWS. BENJ. WOOD, Editor and Proprietor. A Mammoth Bight Page Sheet, Fifty six Columns of Reading Matter. Coiituins lilt I/" foreign, domc.tlc, po litical and general,with full and reliable market, reports. Each number also contains several short stories, and a great variety of literary, iigrieultaral and scientific matter, etc- , et/-., constituting, it is confidently asserted, the most Complete weekly newspaper in tills country. TERMS, $2 A YEAR. Inducements to Clubs: Five copies, one year % 0 00 Ten copiea, one year, and an extra copy to the sender 15 (X) Twenty copica one ycur, and an extra copy to bender 25 oo Fifty copiea one year, and an extra copy to bender 55 (X) Part ''** wndiny chtfm a < uhi/ce, may retain 20 per cent, of th* money freeired, by them , a* e<„n patwitbm. Persons desiring to act aa agent* supplied with specimen bundles. Hpeciincn copiea aent free to any address. All letters should he di rected to NEW YORK WEEKLY NF/.VH, Box 3,705, novßi-tf New York l‘" At (~ fJbe. BY BREAD WEILIVE. rfMIE undersign cl has established a first class I. BAKERY Where our citizens can obtaiu bread that Is bread. My wagon will supply citizens at their residences. I use only the beat flour and materials generally. 183-148 MARK ISAACS, MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TOT II Kill AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON UK BEFORE MAKING TIIEIU BILLS. WE HAVE IN STORF, 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAII 11. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000 LBS. FLOUR, all graden. 500 ROLLS 2 j BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH, Have, ami are ottering at, very low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WIT I SKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES HAY. 1 000 BUSHELS CORN, Together with a full stock of all all goods in our line ol’ lmsinesK. 116 If Brown’s Hotel, MACON, GA. IF long experience and a thorough knowl edge of the business in all Its diversified branches arc essential to the kccptngtliut. which the public lias long hcurd of but mdom *, A 4*001) IIOTIiI., the undersigned flatter themselves I hat they are, fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their patrons; but they arc not only experienced in hotel keeping, they modestly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED and .MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, In the State, which is loca ted exactly where everybody would have it sit uated IMMEMATBI.V IN FRONT ANII All-IAOENT TO THE PASSENGER DEPOT, where travelers can enjoy t he iiiiot uleiji and less liable to be left by tbe perplcxingly constant departure of the trains. To all tiicse important advantages is added a TABLE that Is well supplied with the best and choicest dishes the city and country can afford : nor would they omit to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. For the truth of these statements, we re.fer the public to our patrons who reside in every State in the Union. K. E. BROWN & HON, Proprietors. Macon, (la., April 15, 1872. 78-10-1 DAVIS SMITH, (Suc'CCHKor to tin- late linn of Smith, Wcstcott. tV: C'o., and of Smith, McGla-diun Ac Cos.) MANUi'Af'TUftKlt AND DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, HAODLERY AND IIARNE'H HARDWARE, Ornate Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, KIJBBFK. OIK BAUDS, ETC.. Together with every article usually kept in a saddlery house. ton CHERRY NT., MACON, 4<i A 156-183 FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE IjAWTON bate , Foil rill Street,; (Next Door lo Lnwfon A- Willingham.) ! y l!F. prepared to furnish the trade with Glim llltlDN, I‘UOVINIOVN, IM.I VI ITIOX NIIPPMEH. IUG GI.VG, TIEN, ETC., on nu reasonable terms as any bouse in Georgia. We will keep constantly oil hand, BACON; LARD, CORN, OA TS, HAY, SUGAR, COFFEE, BAGGING and TIES, and a general assort meat of such goods us are kept in a first class Grocery House. Give us a call. We are running the KAGLEFLOIIBING MU.I.M, and direct-special attention to our “CHOICE,” “EXTRA," “FAMILY” Flours. They will be found exactly adapted to the trade, and we guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction. Our prices are as low as those of the same grades can lie bought ill the Mouth. CORN MEAL, bolted and unboiled, always on hand, of our own make and of the beet quality. 120*188 H. KANDY & CO. TIV AND S,,EET IROV boofing, GntteriDf, PlaaHu and Repaiiw, r j ' ) TIS AND OALVANIZEU IHON CORSICA I (/| V Executed nt Rliort imtirc and sntiuftu non \ 9 \ ji|' I giiiinmU cd. D y \ j Yo. to Third Ntreel, silicon, Ou. I Particular attention given to Guttering put up \ with V WOODRUFFS \ HATH.NT l-MV'U I’iNTEXiafGH. IW-img :i IMPROVE]) MI &EAR. SOMiATHIIVCi NEW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO IIUMIUJG!! I'M IF, settling of the Gin House Moor has no cflect on the Gearing. King Pont of Iron and all 1 the work bolted to Iron. IT IS MADE TO LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. (’all and see for vomit elf. I build a Portable Horse Power that challenges nil other MA KES, but it will not do the work with the 1 one Draft that my PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kinds of Machinery made unci repaired at ntocHirrT-n iico* hokun, IDS lHd Near Brown House, Macon Georgia. BROWFS GALLERY! Wo, 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W&EP TAYLOR. Cor. Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street, DEALERS IN FURNITURE, CMWIIS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. lVletaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Collins and Caskets. 79tf by Telegraph promptly attended to. JA.41.N11. BLOUNT. ISAAC IIAUOEMAS. 111,01; vr A HARItI fIA V ATTORNEYS"AT 3.AW, MACON, GEORG'A. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston Hall, Cherry street. dlt-fiW Barber Shop For Rent. rpHE Basement room, formerly occupied by 1 Mike Napier, In Brown’s Hotel building is for rent. This is one of the best Btanda for a BuHpt Shop iu tbe city. B A^,to noTKl Volume 1. —Number 19(1 I\ MA IS LINE ■JEBffBSSE X Btearoh7p ComfMmj dnpt<*h two B^ 1 ' 1 ere ixr wrt'k Th,. quickest time ever made acroL the Atlantic. Every comfort auff eon “-f For S'WISSSHW