Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 27, 1872, Image 2

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yfflwmi *OV.' iw. rVBUKHIU KVKRY KVKHCIa BV LINES, WING & SMITH. No. 10 Hollingsworth Block. All lettere relating to Sabnerlption thouldhe "il- | AreMnl to IXn*n,Wig <fc Smith, Mason, On. CommunieeUione for the pi/eer thoulil hr ad drenml to the KdUur. We cannot undertake to return rejected eoenmeen loot lone. MVB aulhentt ntini iterne, from all parte of the State, *o- Unted Fun J. HItMLiBOToR Is our only mathmued City Agent, nd ha u duly em powered to solicit work for this office, and subscriptions to the EhTEBMUSK Mu. L. Mize, book and news dealer. Is or authorized agent In Dawson, Os J. L Tucier Is onr authorized agent at Kort Osines. Mr. W. 8. UsiDMCK, Houthern Express Company Office, Is our authorized Agent at Smithrillc. I. N. Betmore, of HylugUins Hotel, Is our authorized Agent at Griffin. Mu. Kn. T. Htijcotow is onr agent In Fort Valley. Mr. W. W. Lanky. Is >ur authorized Agent at Colaporchec. W. IVATkIt 1114 K V I dlloi . Thanksgiving.— To morrow being a National Holiday, by virtue of Presiden tial Proclamation, the same will be duly observed in this latitude. Our primers will participate, therefore no paper will be issued from tills office Tuk Kpizooty Is universally prevalent. It would he news to slute where it is not We were informed this morning hy one of our leading druggist Unit the oipenrc for medicine for each, case Is about $3.75. The method of treatment Is becoming gen emlly well understood, and when careful ly observed the danger of fatal results is very slight. —O O' The laic census returns gave Nashville, a population of 25,9(15. The people of. that city claims that the outlying districts and Kdgfleld are properly hut parts of Nashville iu estimating the population, which will swell the remits to 37,1173. Judge W. F. Cooper has been appointed Chancellor by the Governor of Tennessee at Nashville, vice lion. H II Mast, re signed. - -♦ ► National Commercial Convention. The National Commercial Oovcntlon. which was held last year at Haltltnore.will assemble this yesr at St Louis, on the I lih of December. The character and objects of lids Con vent ion are of great public interest. The following is the basis of represents tlon. One delegate for each Incorporated city, and one additional delegate to each 5(1.000 inhabitant* over the first 50,0(1 each Stale la entitled to one delegate to lie appointed by the Governor thereof, each railroad, steamboat, manufacturing and mining compauy having a capital of $75,000 or utore, are entitled to one delegate Each Chamber of Cotniueice or Hoard of Trade la entitled to one delegate for every fifty active members (hereof Only half fate will be charged by the railroads for the delegates. Macon will of course be duly repre sented Horth Oft. Conference M. £. Church. SIXTH SHBSION. The siilb annual session of llu North Unor, is Conference of llio M V. Church South, convenes this morning nt li o'clock, in Iho basement of (he First Methodist Cbureh. The officers of (lie Ecclesiastical Confer enoe ere ltlshop W M Whitman 1) 1)., L 1, I> . President; John W Heidt. beentary , (i W Yarborough and Thomas A Seals, ns sistents, F G Hughes, statistical secretary George K Quillinn. assistant The reports of last year show til 582 churches, valued at $532,410, with room for seating 158,805 persons , 55 parson ages, valued at $ 73,200 ; 55,27-1 white members , 447 colored ; 42ft white local preaeheis ; 4 colored . ll.ill while in fan ts baptised ; and 3,028 while adults baptised, end 15 colored . 470 white Sun day schools ; 2,303 white olllccrs am) teachers and 24.01*2 pupils , 1,588 con verted during the year ; 33.530 volumes in the library ami 11,05!* church periodi cals circulated board or missions yf H I‘orter, President; J E Godfrey. Vico President; Clement A Evans, secre tary ; J Lewis, Jr. treasurer . BOARD OF rtNANCt: C W Key. chairman. HUNDAT SCHOOL am IK IV. C J Pearce, President. WA l'aikt. First Vice President . W K llmiihaiii, Second Vice i’resideut ; W F Cook, Sec retary aud Treasurer. COMMITTEE OS EDUCATION J lewis Jr .Chairman . M Calls Way. C A Evans. N llase. J K Godfrey. SOCIETY roll TIIK Kill C ATION OK PUT Ult Kits W U Petter, President W P iiariiaoa let Vice I*resident . D J Myrick.iM Vice President. F A Kituball. Secretary . C A Mitchell, Treasurer Till STKRS. Joiru L, Hopkins, President . ( il Johnson. Secretary and Treasurer , Key. J. Bering, 1). 1) . Ageut. PREACHERS' AID Slk IKIV. W. J Parks. President , C W Key. Vice President . C A Evans. Secretaiv . 11. 11 Parks, Treasurer. COMMITTEE OK MEMOIRS J.L. Pierce. A. M Thigpen, \\ P. KivenuU. N. 1-csler. HOARD or EDUCATION FOR PREACHERS CHILDREN J. L. Pierce, President , W. J. Scott. Vice President . A. G. Bagood. T. F Pierce, J. M. Hickey, 1). J. M.vrick. TRUST RES SPEC 1 At. KEI.IRL USD. W J. Parks. President . W. F. Cook, Treasurer, Q. W. Yarborough. Bsc re Ury. RXAMIKIKO CftMMtTTER Candidates H 11. Parks. W 11. Foot, D J. Myriek Kim Tsftr—E. W. Speer, IV A. Sim nuts, A. J. Jarrell. Bscod Tear—W. P Cook. C. A. Ersns. G. W. Yarborough Third Year—A. M. 1 higpeu. L. J. l*a viei, A G Worley Fourth Year— M Callowav, J Ikrrtng. Daniel Kelsey Nearly all o t the mioieters and lay delegatee hare arrived. —Atlanta Conti , tvtion 27th. ii:iim4vai.hi:n. We have read the leading editorial iu the Atlanta Herald of yesterday, ihc 2<ltli, entitled “A Slight Chastisement,” personal to the editor of the Enterprise. It fur nishes food for reflection on n peculiar phase of w lmt is termed “modern journal ism," as illustrated by some controlling the columns of a newspaper Einperlcnl jour nalism is easily detected. L'uliae charity, it vuunteth itself, is unseemly, is pulled up. The m tide of the Herald is a forcible il lustration iu point. It is not onr purpose however, further to notice it, in the ab sence of the editor of the Enterprise This much we could hardly refrain. But we have a few words more on llie general subject. Too many of the newspujier press of this country lisvo a habit, as we have heretofore hu<l occasion to observe, in a somewhat lengthy relationship with il, of indulging in personalties that must he highly edifying to the lovers of lliut style of writing. The great rmn -cm, however, are not pleased with il, and it is disgust ing to the refined reader We have nev er, In all our experience n m editor, been aide to admire it, ami have never Indulged In it, whatever the provocation to do so may have been Why amicable relations and courtesy of speech should not charac terize the intercourse of editors us well us others, we have never been able to find a satisfactory reason. There n courtesy Iu the Intercourse between politicians, lawyers, doctors and ollrct e though con stantly diduring as widely as edih rs. Nearly Hie entire newspaper press of this country is tending to personality. Tin- “lie is passed," and tlieie the matter rests -no serious const rpteni is resulting. We have always thought that this habit of editors lias a hail effeet upon the young, who are an largely educated hy the news paper Il teaches llirm the use of terms that had their origin in human depravity, and are only to lie employed iu Hie heat, of passion oi Hie premeditated onslaught of defamation But they are so common In the newspaper Hist their Irativit to the lips of susceptible childhood and youth, is easy. The truth is, if they do not lisp in terms of vituperation they ate neatly the first they learn. Of course It is usolevi to urge a reforma tion of this habit. It - almost universality insures its perpetuity , and while the col umn glows and hums witli the hot breath of passion, all else, (hough dictated with Addisonian elegance and courtesy, will seem tame and proflllc Votir English newspaper rarely resorts to personal ad jectives. Junius, the most terrible of nil writers, cut Ids adversary to Hie heart in the language of courtesy. His most ic tistless passages eon tain not one word ob jectionable to Hie most refined taste, and yet tlio victim was not the less put to tortute Refuting a false statement, lie did not tuy •' You lie," hut pro ceil it. By the constant use of tlie extreme terms of the language in denunciation or praise, one soon ceases to have terms to apply to that which is really worthy of denunciation or commendation. -♦ *■ Tin: niiirmu i.ant 3h;ht. It is matter for general congratulation Unit action of Iho Central Democratic ('lull last night resulted in the utmost har mony. as will be seen by the published proceedings. This was what we hoped ami advised. The long wished for time has liuppily in rived In our midst when the lion and the lamb can lie down together and the little eliild can lead them. Knees and colors, simply as such, have no politi cal antagonisms in this election. Tliisouglil to l>o universal throughout this broad land, and we slr.ferely believe would be if left to the peoplu most immediately in teiestcd freely to uet for themselves. We would never fear tint m t ions different es on account of race, color, or previous eon dltion but for outside and selllsh interests whose elevation and iiilluence wholly de pend upon fanning discord where none really exists The Southern white man and the Southern black man thoroughly understand each other, and may continue to live peaceably in Ibe future as in the past, notwithstanding tlieir changed rela tionship. The past year in Macon, so signally de monstrating results creditable to all cou corned iu connection with our municipal Hlluirs, ought to furnish a pattern for wide spread imitation. "Equal and exact justice to all molt." is our motto. Whatever be the issues that may divide men into parties iu the future, that of color simply, has become obsolete. The black man, sur prised as bo Inis lrecit into full lledged, citir.eusblp, will gradually so educate him self that he cau cast an intelligent suf frage upon issues that arc alike common to all classes aud conditions, in local as well as State and National allaire. Mr. Hull is emphatically tin: propyls'cyndipitk, and will have no opposition to his re elec tion. •* * A dlvuki: was entered iu the Chancery Court at Nashville confirming the sale of the Nashville and Northwestern HoaJ, in eluding the right to construct a hraucli road from Huntington to Jackson, to the Nashville aud Chatanooeß Com puny, for $2,400,000 in State bonds. ■ -**--■ The polae ot Jackson. Michigan, nte prohibited from smoking, drinking, and sitting on dry gives!t boxes while on duty. Aitnea has 811*11,000 worth of ear rings Ohio owns 1100,000,000 w orth of live stock. An eating house on the west side of the Santa Fe Kailroad uses 150 pounds of beef j at oik- ureal. A prairie fin* in Page county, lowa j cornered a flock of aheep I,oooin number. > and 50l* ot them were burned to death. The Commissioner of luierua! Kevenue decides that persons selling tobacco and cigars on railroad trains must confine j such sales to the smoking car* STATE NEWS. Much it it till: The cotton blockade i t becoming heavy at Hie depot of the Gulf road. Two tracks from the depot to the vicinity of the wharves are being rapidly completed, which will obviate further trouble. Tire line of the street railroad up East Broad is being properly altered and accommodat ed for steam engines und trains, and will iu a day or two Ire ready lor the passage of trains, which will discharge cotton and freight in the vicinity of the intersection of East Broad and Bay. The registration for voters at the ap proaching municipal election, in January licit, will close on Monday, December 2. Dr. Arnold, Chairman of Hie Democratic Executive Committee, bays there has been an unuccountubie apathy in attending to this essential preliminary to the power of deciding on who shall direct our impor tant municipal affairs during the ensuing two yours. The Carnival, the Republican thinks, will beyond a doubt, be Celebrated in Sa vannah this season iu a proper and mug nifieent style. Every arrangement is being made hy the geiiilenu n Jailing the affair in charge. The Advertiser says An old colored women, while walking along the canal bank, near the Central railroad crossing, found a little mulatto baby, apparently not more than a couple of hours old and still alive. The little infant was of sub duid molasses eolor, almost white, and seemed to have u good deaj of vitality left in it. it engaged the sympathy of the old woman, who is now taking care of it with all the tenderness of a mother. AiiUiisfii: Tim Constitutionalist of yesterday .speak ing of cotton shipments in that city says, in Augusta the cpi/.ooly has attacked the great majority of horses and the streets 1 ;i ini a quiet appearanee on account of the ( canity of drays, tlieie lias been but hills inletfurenco with shipments. A large proportion of the cotton received is hy railroad for immediate tale—the wure hoiisewomcn and commission merchants have adopted the rule, for the present, of selling the cotton at the various freight depots The bame paper says The execution of the convicted murderer, Henry Johnson nfui* Bet) Bacon, will take place on tin: South Commons in that city on the 29th instant, between the hours of ten in the morning und two in the afternoon. The condemned man has been constantly en gaged preparing his soul for its plunge into eternity, and will be baptized on Friday morning before lie is removed from Hie jail for Hie gallows. Nearly every horse in Augusta Ims Hie epizooty , so far, only one death. The Express Company were using mules to some of their wagons yesterday. Mules appear to have escaped the disease lip to the present time. The total registration of votes in Angus tu. is nearly 2,000, of which number about four hundred are colored. The Chronicle says Two boys, named Thomas I’osten and Oscar Weaver, about nine years of age, left the Asylum at Sat urday, 23d hint., without permission, mid are still absent. They were seen in com pany with a buy named Malloy. 31 Hedge villi-: The Recorder says Most of the mer chants burned out at the late fire have ob tained stoics and are ready for business again. The convention to nominate candidates for county officers w ill lie held on Wed nesday next, 4th proximo. The funeral of Mr. Janies Covey on Sunday afternoon from the Methodist Church was largely attended. . The old McComb Hotel is to he repair ed and opened for boarders. Cube Sparks nml Henry implicated with Glasco Ciuv iu slealiug goods from Mr. Joseph, came out with flying banners and with their skirts unstained Justice Fair released Oabe and Henry and hound Gins cooler to appear at the next term of 8u perior Court. Ui illln: The Star says On lust Sabbath the Rev John Hoidt preached his farewell sermon to hi* charge, the conference year just ended As -Mr Heidi Ims been here two years, it is not probable lie will be re turned by the conference, though we be Neve it is to be the unanimous wish not only of his church, hut this entire com munity. At the close of the scrnion Mr. llcidt retired and the board of stewards, through their chairman, Mr. Tuba Johnson, re ported upon the fluuuces of the church, showing them to be behind with tlieir minister about fSffi* Tube made a splen did exhortation in favor of raising the money tight then and right there; ami in augurated a scheme of S2O, $lO, s.i, ami smaller contributions so successfully, that .< large portion of the money was raised in a few minutes. Young Kd. Hammond, who niiuouuced as independent candidate for Mayor a few days ago. declines the race in favor of Mr. Hecks The friends of this gentleman an nounce Ids name as a candidate for Ordi nary of l’iko county, at the ensuing January election He lias been Ordinary of that county for the last eight or ten ! years. | ltomc: The Courier, of the 2l>th. says Mr. T. ! ti Wallers' kitchen was burned last Sal ! urdav night at about ten o'clock. The • prompt attendance and energetic action of 1 tlic firemen, aided by the water works, j saved his dwelling. llis loss is about two hundred and fifty dollars . no insurance Vtlnndi: The Sun of the 2ith has the follow ing ; items i Several Atlanta lawyers meditate Texas I*llo of tin* horses belonging to the S. uthcrii Express Company died yesterday afternoon. A fire occurred last night ncarthe 11011, , ing Mill, l’lie companies did not go out [ to it Express packages are now delivered li* : t<xeu. Tbs street ears run only every half hour. The Constitution of the 27th says His j Excellency, Governor Smith, proclaims 1 who have been eledted members of tbe Electoral College Tbe College assembles in Atlanta on tbs first Monday in Decem ber. to cas> the Tote, on the Wednesday following, at 12 vt for President and Vice President. Tbt' Herald of this morning says Dur ing Monday night a glass in one of the front windows at Winter SHgh ACo on Alabama street, was broken, and the house eutered by a thief, whostede some serentv- i five or a hundred dollars worth of cigars, making good his escape with his booty. A preacher was standing on Whitehall street, yesterday, when he was approached hy a luwyer. who said to him, "You had better he careful with yourself ; now this epizootic is so prevalent, and protect your self by blankets and drink warm teas." The preacher said—" Why ?" Lawyer answered—“ 1 understand you are a considerable of a hone." The preacher retorted—“ Yes; but I must congratulate you on your safety, os it is generally believed that the disease never attacks jackasses.” Columbus: Congressional Majority.—That of the Democratic candidate. Mr. II 11. Har ris, in this, the 4tli District, is 1,853, his vote being 10,319, and Marion Bethuue's (Radical) 8,470. The horses of nearly all the physicians in the city have tiie epizoot, and the doc tors are practicing on foot, so says the Sun of yesterday. The demand for red tliinuel is heavy. The same paper says that the Bainbridge, Cuthbert and Columbus Railroad will soon be sold. It is intimated the North and South road will lie the purchaser and complete it At Hie late session of the Superior Court of Deealur county, a decree was taken by consent, settling the rights of parties in the case of crcditois against the road. REMEDY FOR THE HORSE DIS EASE. The following is the treatment employ ed by the Express Company for the equine epidemic, now so wide spread. It is giv en under the authority of il. J. O’Brien. Esq , the General Superintendent, and has proved very satisfactory in its results : When the symptoms are first noticed, commence feeding warm mashes of bran and cut hay. Give water after the feed— not before. Keep the borse well and warmly blanketed. Do not use the horse unless compelled to do so, and then he must not be driven faster than a walk. Put on a blanket whenever lie is standing still. If the horse refuses to eat the mush, then give him oat-meal gruel; give n quart or two at a time ; pour it down or give it from a bottle. The horse will have a sore throat. Ex amine, and when seen, apply the following mixture outwardly, rubbing thoroughly from the jaws to the chest twice a day Take and mix four (4) ounces Arnica, (4) ounces Chloroform, four (4) ouuces Am monia, and four (4) ounces Biveet Oil, in addition to the out-meal remedy. You will buy a piece of quarter inch rubber tube or pipe, eighteen inches long ; put iu one end about a tablcspoonful of finely pulverized uluui, insert the tube in the mouth to and beyond the roots of the ton gue, and then blow the powder in the throat. Use this when the throat becomes sore or much irritated. L'se tills with dis cretion. liuy an eight ounce rubber ball sy ringe, and inject up each nostrei the fol lowing mixture four times in the tweuty fonr hours, and continue until you are well satisfied that the liquid has gone well up the nostrels : Mixture—One pound of Chloride of Potash to three gallons of soft water mix thoroughly. Should Hie horse be taken with chills, it is a sure evidence of lung fever, and immediate care is required. You will then give thirty (30) drops of the follow ing mixture every hour until the horse is relieved One ounce of Aconite and three ounces of water ; mix and use. The horse must he kept from the rain and cold winds. The stall must be kept free of wet or moisture, using saw dust to soak it up. aud take it off immediately. Feed light food aud give plenty of fresh uir , a little water often—not cold. Keep the stable clean—use a little Chloride of Lime about the floor. Watch your horses day acd night. Good care and warm covering will do as much as uiediciue. ANNOUNCEMENTS The friends of James Martin announce him as a c mill id ate for Slieritl of Bibb county, sub ject to everybody’s nomination, nov33-td. The friends of E M. C.iuiocs announce trim as a candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county, subject to tbe nomination of tbe Democratic party, Tire friends of I*at Crown announce him as a candidate for the office of Slieritl' of Bibb comity. nov22tde. Candidate roit Mayor.—The friends of Stki'Uen Coli.ins respectfully announce his name as a suitable candidate for the olllec of Mayor of the city of Macon, subject to the Democratic nomination. Lov’Jl-td The friends ®f Washington Poe, Sr., re spectfully announce bis name as a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county, subject to the nomination of the Democratic party. nov'Jl-td The friends of Tuadri s Q. Holt, Jit., res pectfully suggest him as a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county—subject to a Dem ocratic nomination. td The friends of C. T. Ward announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of Ordi nary. j Ihe name of H. H. Cain, is hereby presented to I Iu- Democratic and liberal party, as a cau l didate for T<u OgUtctor. Mr. Cain is an old ii ltiaen, and, at one time was collector of taxes' I His friends hope that his claims will behind ly considered, knowing that lie will do his duty, if chosen. td. The many tiricmU of Milo S. Freeman an nounce him as a candidate for County Trees , ttrer. uovlO-td. A. F. (iiusoN is announced as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic nomination. n ov 14 td. , Geo. F. Cheery is announced as a candidate for SberitT of Bibb county, subject to the Dcm ocratic nomination. novlS td V\ t: the voters of Bibb county announce Ell Gross as a candidate for Sheriff, sub ject to the nomination of the Democratic party. noviS-tf O. r Finnev is a candidate for Tax Beech er of Bibb County, subject to the nomination of the Democratic Party. novlStf The fronds of Maj~Joitx A. McManusan nounce him as a candidate for re-election as Clerk of Council of the city of Macon. novPJ-tf. The friends of Chas. J. Williamson hereby i announce him as a candidate for re-eiection to the office of City Treasurer. novl2-tt The undersigned announces himself as a candidate for Treasurer for Bibb county, sub ject to the Democratic nomination. noTiatf Felix Cower. The friends of W. T. Nelson announce him ! as a candidate for Tax Collector for Bibb coun ty, subject to the Democratic nomination, novpj-tf. new Advertisements FOR SALE. SIX BUILDING LOTS on Windsor Hill. Will sell all, or ns man v* us desired The lots adjoin Dr. Cox’s on the top of the bill. The prettiest location out Apply to nov27-4t No. 8 Cotton AvrNi Robbnry at Coley’s Sta* on. MR. J. A. Barclay was robbed at hiss' rest . Coley’s Station of a sum of money He traced the negro to '- citv and called in the morning at the barrack.- to have the thief ar rested. lie found two lU i 'enuntsof the police engaged in playing domino'-' They coolly in formed him that they would attend to it in the evening, thus allowing the thief to cacupe and preventing Ifim from securing 'h money. nov27-lt* FOR SALK. A FOUR room dwelling and vacant lot, also, splendid well of water in the yard ; fronting on Bpring and Bose Streets, contair iug one quarter of an acre. For sule cheap. Apply to GEORGE SCHMIDT, nov. 25—lm. corne r Third and Plum Streets. 11. ■*<mv:vmih*\s BAR & TiAUER BEER S ALOON, (mabsbt’s oli> stand.) Opposite Medical College, Mulberry St. npiHS Saloon is supplied with the best Wines, JL Liquors aud Cigars in tho market, and sparkling Lager Beer of superior quality. Free lunch every day from 10 to 12 o’clock and extra lunches served up at any hour in the day or night. Swiss Cheese, Goose. Duck, Ham, Salads and anything that may be desired for lunch, no\24-tf DR WRIG-HT. *****?> HAS removed to Board man’s Block, over Pendleton & Ross’, corner Mulberry and Second sts., Macon, Ga. nov7-3m. To Tai Payers of Bin Comfy. I GIVE notice that the Tax Books for col lecting the State and County Taxes for 1872 will close on the 7th day of December. I hope all will note this and pay their taxes, as I have to settle on the 15th and cannot give any longer time. This notice is final. I can’t be responsible for any one’s tax after that time. All poll taxes and road taxes are required from both white and colored. novH-tf F. M. HEATH, T. C. GEO. F. IIOGE. ALEX. If. STEHIIENS NOW j&EADYi HOCE & STEPHENS, FOURTH STREET, (EAST ritONT HOI. 1,1 N<}sWORTH BLOCK), 4 HAVE jurvt opened n full and complete stock of Fancy and Family firoceaes, Fresh, pure, genuine, entirely new, ami war ranted to suit tlic taste of every one. lie as sortment comprises everything required n such a house. The finest brands of Flour, Meal— the beat New York Hams, Sugar, Coffee. Syrup, Cooking Wines, Rutter—the host brands of Goslien a specialty—Cheese, Fruits, native and Tropical, together with a complete line of Nuts, Candies, Candles, Pickles and other arti les tor the retail trade. FIH AND OYSTERS. Fresh Fish and Oysters every morning. Also Vegetables o! various kinds. \? e propose, iiifi word, to supply our friends and the public generally with every thing nice required at reasonable rates. HOGE STEPHENS. N. B.—All goods delivered free of charge. novT-Jra. FUH AHEAD. IN anticipation of the approach of the Christmas Holidays, we have a large stock of new and fresh goods for the retailers, hotels and families; such as EXTRA LARGE BLUSHING RED APPLES, PRETTY YELLOW SWEET OR ANGES, GOOD SWEET CIDER, ALSO GRAPHS, PEAKS and PINE APPLES, (TO BE HERE IN TIME.) MUSCAT, ANGELICA, SHERRY AND WHITE WINE FROM CALIFORNIA. fire wonics, FIRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, TORPEDOES, ETC., Plenty Gilt Edge Butter, Georgia Cane syrup, new Buckwheat Flour, Sultanna, Seedless and London Laver Raisins, Currauts. Citron Prunes, New Figs, Nnts. Domestic. Fancy and French Candies, Pickles, Prunes, Jellies and Jams. Chest unts, Oramrcs and Apples. Must be sold to close consignment, a hint to the wise etc., at novls-lm GREER, LAKE A CO. NOT^JE. - r pilE Boohs for the registration of voters for X the city election will be opened on the first day of October and close at Two o'clock p. m., on December 13, IST2. sep3t) td J.A. McMANUS, Clerk. INO. B. WEEfIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE OX on STREET OVER 1.. KAMI, A I/S STOKE. 39-1:9 BOARD. DAY board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, can be had by applying to W. D. Rainey on Walnut street,'Macon. Sept 1-'. tsTJ 137.162. TO MERCHANTS MERCHANTS wishing to place their name and business prominently before the peo ple of Maeou, Taylor, Crawford and Houston counties, should advertise in the BUSINESS MIRROR Circulation good and increasing Terr fast. Rates liberal. * W. T. CHRISTOPHER, Ed. A Paor'*. Fort Valiev. o*. w- a snrs, Con, Sion at Floor Eiorii OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. I’HAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “THE PRIDE OP DIXIE,” 1 o Eestlin the World> Always on Hand. I 1 claim superior facilities iu the purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOUR, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC., Ami I will mu it to the interest or Merchants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good partii s. W. A. HUEE. D7 —t-f WOOD AND COAL. I HAVE established, ncarthe Macon & West ern Railroad Depot, au ample yard with Fairbanks’ best scales) to supply all kinds of Wood and Coal, in any quantity, at the lowest 1 ' market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left at the offices of Messrs. H. L. Jewett, (freer, Luke A Cos., Turpin A Ogden, through Postofflee, or at the Yard, will have prompt attention. Come and see 132-300 MILO S. FREEMAN. Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFCE, / Macon & Brunswick Railroad Cos., y Macon, Ga., October 30, 1872. j ON and after Thursday October 81, 1872, trains on this road will run as follows : DAY PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY (SUNDAYS EX CEPTED.) Leave Macon 9 ; i5 A M Arrive at Jcsup 6:35 v. m! Arrive at Brunswick . .10:00 i\ Leave Brunswick 4 : ;jo a m" Arrive nt Jesup 6:45 a. m! Arrive at Macon.,. s : io p. m" NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY. Leave Maeon 8,05 p M Arrive at Jesup 5,00 a m Arrive at Savannah 8.30 a. m Leave Savannah 7.30 p. m Leave Jesup 11.10 p m Arrive at Macon 7.30 a. m Botli day and night teains connects closely at Jesup with trains to and from Florida. HAWKINSVJLLE TRAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS EX CEPTED.) Leave Macon 2-50 p m Arrive at Hawkiusville !!” 0:25 p. m. Leave Hawkiusvfile 6:55 a. m. Arrive at Macon 10:35 a. m. WM. MacREA. Icftl General Superintendent. Chai ge of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN R. R. CO., I Macon, Ga., October 31, 1872. j ON and after Sunday November 3d, the fol lowing schedule for Passenger Trains, will be observed on this road: DAY PASSENGER. Leave Macon 8:15 a. m. Arrive at Maco- o.qq a m Leava Atlanta 8:20 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 2:40 p. m. NIGHT PA-SENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Macon 8:50 p. m. Arrive at Macon 3 : 20 A M Leave Atlanta g : oo P . M Arrive at Atlanta 4 : 55 A M Making close connections at Macon with Central Railroad far Savannah and Augusta, and witli Southwestern Railroad for points in Southwest G. gia. At Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Railway for points West. A. J. WHITE, nov2tf Superintendent Akmasd L. Bi tts. Edgar A. Ross. COAL AND WOOD. \\r E are r ' *dy to fill orders at reduced rates T V for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK and HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of X G. Butts at store of Winship A Callaway, or at vard M. A W. R. R., will receive prompt attention. 114-192 BUTTS A R*SS. DR. P. H. WRIGHT RESPECTFULLY tender his professional services to the citizens of Macon and vi cinity, Office at Drug Store No. 3 Brown House Block. Residence at Rev. Samuel Eoy kin’a, Georgia iTenne. Calls left at either place will retire prompt attention, eclflff Siotsiooi ltd, NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT, (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. Board 3.00 per Day. T. H. HARRIS, Proprietor. C. J., Superintendent. James W. Meara, In the Office. 1-tf FOR RENT, ONE of the most desirable places on Treup Hill, one mile from the Court House, aud near Mercer University. Nine acres of land at tached, orchard, garden, splendid well of wa ter, ofc. Farties wanting to rent a good house can se cure one by applying to the undersigned, or to Messrs. B. 11. Wrigley & Cos., 00 and t>B Socend street, Maeon, Ga. 132-tf JAMES W. KNOTT. BYINGTON HOTEL. GRIFFIN, GA. r rHIS HOTEL ranks second to none in X Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATS. Asa resort for the residence of the present hot term it is unequalled, the night* being remarkable cool and pleasant. Tlic best Water in Georgia. nO-160 3 ' WBYI Sr Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS AND OILS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLF.S, SOAPS, PERFUMERYS, COMBS AND BRUSHES, PATENT MEDICINES, Etc. TOBACCO, SNUEF, —AND THE— CHEAPEST CIGARS EVER;OFFERED IN THIS CITY. West's Extra Kerosene Oil! NO. 1 FIRE TEST. LAMPS and CIIDIXEYS and WICK PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Satisfaction guaranteed in all purchases. I have for sale the purest and best Whisky and Gin in thia city for Medicinal purposes.— One trial will satisfy the moat fastidious. ROLAND B. HALL, Dealer in Therbuns’a Garden Seed, 191-tf Cor. Cherry Bt. and Cotton Aretes.