Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 29, 1872, Image 2

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lACOH DAILY ENTERPRISE HACO.T, OJU, MOV. *•. lWt. alit a-"Ji at ■" ■ ~.:T ” munn uyskt avr-Nixs bt LIN ES. WING A SMITH. Mo. 10 UoUlactworUi block. All letter. relating tobttmrtpUvn thouUlbr ml draaaad to Liao, Wng * Smith, Maeon, (la. Ctonmuntooftona for Ou paper ihould lx ad rfrruftf to the Editor. W* cannot nndertoki to rvtum rejected rommunUoUiont. Well authcnli • rated fteiM item*, from all part 4 of <Ar State, 40- itoitod. Mb. Frank J. Hbmuhotom U our only authorised City Agent, end lie >* duly era powered to goliclt work for this oßlce, und eubecriptionß to the Enterpribk Mb. C.arlim L. Mibb, book and news dealer, la our nuthoriiad agent In Dawson, Oa J. L TuCKitn ia our aulhomed agent at Fort Guinea. Mr. W. 8. Deidbick. Southern Express Company Office, it our authorized Agent al Bmithvillo. I. N. Hetmore, of llyinglon* Hotel, la our authorized Agent al Griffin. Mr. Kd. T. Btinoto* is our agent In Fort Valley. Mr. W. W. Larky, I* our authorized j Agent at Coiaporchee. W. WATKIIH HICKS, Editor. AUXAIUIIR U. mif.pminm. Mr. Btepbent hat to grown Into the heart affection! of the people of Georgia, that even hit outgoing! and incomings are to all matter! of Interest We have already noticed hit recent viilt to Atlanta, —the first lime for four years he had ven tured from hit own quiet home. In the Atlanta Bun. of the 26th, he speaks of hit visit to that city. He had returned to Liberty Hall rather beneOtted than injur ed In health, with pleasant memories of hka trip. He had rant old friends and ac quarantin es—among whom were many ha had never expected to meet again Since the 7th of February, )8G!I. Mr. Stephens had nut only for the most of the time been to his room, hut in deed to hia bed, from acute and geucral rheumatism , save for Ilia lait twelve months, when he hag been gradually im proving. On the 20tb. for the first lime 1a four years, did lie vesture from his own domicil. Notwithstanding his bodily afflictions, and consequent confinement, Mr Stephens list been a careful observer of passing events, and the world has been made richer by his labors. Naught of public interest lias escaped Ids observant eye ; and never was there a time since ho entered public life that his bruin snd pen have been more active In the I’resideu tlal csutum just closed lie sought nut the popular current, but, as in nil things t lint have thus far in life characterized his course in private and public, he was gov erned by a right principle, iu hi* own uilnd, that be in no way allowed to be compromised. The columns of the Sun bore testimony alike to his labort and to the courae he had marked out for himself from the beginning, and it must surprise many, now that the dust of buttle is predictions of the ¥. r Blepjiew; means endowed with prophetic powers, but be reasons closely from cause to effect, and hia conclusions are seldom wrong lie early predicted the re-election of Gen Great, and counsel led the Democracy against entangling alliance, lie regarded the motive "to beat Grant," at unworthy a parly that bad so long battled for the maintenance of Constitutional principles against a strong tendency to a Centralized power. lie was powerless to control the action of lilt party iu an expedient line of policy. He however maintained hi* own course, aud is now a witness to almost , universal regret that bis voice was not heeded Sometimes, in the course of the canvass. be was Indeed strongly impeded. Mid even charged. by many of bia old po lltical friends, of being but an emissary of General Grant, as tli* nomiure of the "Straigbtouts" bad no hope from the be ginning of aucceaa. This had no rtTect upon him. There were principles in volved of which he did not for a moment lose sight. Uti party thought they saw success by a shorter road , aud like many others who seek even right by questions hie meant, fell by the way-side. Mr. Blephens, m all will be glad to hear, is Improving in health and bodily strength He has consented to address his fellow cltiaena on public affairs at the Capitol on tha 3d proximo. It will bo an interesting occasion, and will call together a large concourse of people from all pans of the Male Ills utterances will be deliberate > and worthy attention, and may prove one of the beat legacies that he will leave to coming generations Mr Stephens' admirers ate not confined, te Uie State of his nativity. Ills repula tion Is national. He has reared to himself a fame that mere official dislinclion could not confer. He has attained to an emi nence that gives honor to official station, and places him among the very first of the proud list of American statesmen Ac cording to Solomon, be has become grey and well strickeu In years, lor, sailh the wise man ‘Wisdom is grey hairs to men, and an unspotted life is old age ” We trust his days of useful ness may long continue, and that his wise teachings may take a firm aud lastlug hold upon the hearts and shape the course ol his countrymen far generations to come Tea Stviiixa Uult Advekth-xs— This journal is last winning its way to a promt neat position among the beet paper* is the country Col Lamar it a vigorous thinks* and taady writer We are glad to sot he ie becoming widely appreciated The Advertiser is among our most valued A city fop wke was taking an airing in the country, tried to amuse himself by quitting aa old fanner about bis bald head, who aolamaly remarked. “Yoang mao, when my bead gets as soft as yours. I ram raiss hair to sail.” STATE NEWS. tiutnnnih i Messrs. B. Caiman A Cos. cleared on the 2Gth for Cork, the German bark Deinetra. with 1,340 bales upland cotton, valued nt $114,627. The Advertiser says Dispatches from Washington state that ths Chief Engineer of the army in hie report to the Secretary of war. auks for appropriations lor the re pairlug, rebuilding and building fortifica tions in the vicinity ot Savannah. The Mirror says house thieves are at work In that city. It I* well for the peo ple of Macon to keep a watchful eye, lest they may be visited in like manner. John Hbea, a laboring man, attempted suicide on the morning of the 27th. the result of intemperance. No hopes of re covery. He had a family. The papers of the 28th say Bliea died the previous even ing. The annual report of the Hoard of Kd ucution for the city of Havannsh and Hi* county of Chatham lor the years IM7I -'72. presents many interesting features, and wilt be read by the friends of education with much pleasure. At the close of the scholastic and fiscal year the Hoard bud on hand a ballancc of $2,919 31. During the year ending July, 1872, the average attendance of pupils was 1,850 out of 2.513 enrolled, at a coat per pupil of sl7 70. The preceding year the number enrolled was 2.438, the average daily at tendance 1,915, aud the cost per pupil of sl6 25. The News of the 27th liss the following items A rumor wo* ou the ttrset yesterday that A W. Hloue. L\ B. Commissioner, bud been appointed Assistant U. H. Dis trict Attorney for this District We in quired of "officials,'' but they said "nix,” so we don't vouch for Ilia report. Three box cars, left in the lurch by the iron horse "what hat the epizootics," re muin upon the street track near the Ex change A number of private establishment*, With prnnciug steeds, were out yesterday, for the tirat time in several days Who says the “epizootics" ain’t here 1 The Kepublican saya four hundred bules of cotton were brought to that city, ou the 2tilh, from Charleston, for shipment to foreign ports. Atlunia t Colonel W. 11. Weeins hat been appoint ed a delegate from the Btate nt Large to the National Commercial Convention, to be hold at Bt. Louis on the second Wedncs day iu December next. The trial of Milton Malone, charged with the murder of Franklin I*. Phillips, in a bawdy house, on Hie 10th of August. hi Atlanta, is progressing in the Superior Court. Air W. W Murphy, whilom a citizen of the l.’uited States, but now a resident of Frankfurt-on the Main, the agent of foreign holders of Georgia bouds, is iu Atlanta. The Consitution, in behalf of a number ot busim-as men of Atlanta, calls for those haviug oxen with carta or wagons to come to the city, saying that they can get a good amount of hauling, and al paying prices A leading house had to stop eight druya ou account of sick horses. A petition is to go before Council asking that tax on drayi.Jjy jk-ihoubls, oa the ablution says We had a pleasant call yesterday from Dr. W Watkins Hicks, editor of the Ma con Enterprise. and from Colonel Keck, the Congressman elect from the old Fourth. Dr Hicks is visiting the Con fereace. Colonel Keck la on his way to Washington. The Buu gives the following Court items A negro woman sued a white women for keeping a breast-pin valued at i’.'i cents Tho cost uf the suit was over $7. A white boy sold four pigeons to a little negro The while boy's father took out a possessory warrant for them, but the Jos lice decided they were legally in posses sion of the negro. He then sued the negro for larceny, and lost the case. The pigeons were worth about 75 cents or a dollar, while the expenses of the suits fooled up to ever 111. Having rather dear for a whistle. AugiislM : The Chronicle of the ;77th says an aged lady residing in the up|>er end of lUch moiul county, visited that city, to look af ter her truant daughter, a young girl of 17 ) fan. aud by the aid of the police found her lu a baguio, where the had been stay ing for sovcral weeks. The powder Works machinery in Au gusta. lias been sold by Mayor Kites, to a Hi m lu Nashville, Tenu . for sl-1,000 The Chronicle say* of the Kpiiooty A large number of new cases were re ported, and the indications are that noth ing In the shape of horse or mute flesh will escape the infection, llroad street was al most deserted by the drays, as a great many of the dray horses are off duty and tlie whole available force waa employed "U Keyiiolda street moving cotton We have also to report that several deaths have occulted, mint of them caused by improp er treatment or by working the borae be fore lie had entirely recovered. On Sunday tnoming Mr W. J Far. wliodone business on Broad street.between Mouuim-ut aud Centre, discovered that the money drawer of bia store mas missing, together with its contents —ten dollars in street car tickets and twenty dollars in money. The robbery must have been committed late Saturday night or early Sunday morning, l'he police have failed to gel any clue to Ibe affair. A goal confine.) in the polio* (table to preyem Uie malady attacking the horn's, alms has the vpizooly, and two or three gentlemen who are aick are said to have eTery symptoms of the dleant' Mr. Umc Levy. Sheriff of Augusta, died at lus reaidence in that city on Wed nesday. lie was iu the 01st year of his age lie came to Augusta from Charleston, and had been a resident of Augusta for many years. He bad held the office of City Sbert9 for nearly sixteen years He was much respected in the community. The registry list closed iu Augusta on the 2ith 2.t*82 in all have registered the present year Of these, 16C7 are white, and 415 colored. The election in that city taaes place on Wednesday next. The Oanstitetionaltst says , The requi site amonpt of stock having been aubeenb ed for. a meeung of stockholders will be held in this city the 3d of December for 1 lhc purpose of organizing the company. This looks like business. Columbus: The Enquirer of the 27 th. learns that the atcamer Jackson, which left that city Monday morning, lost her rudder and a portion of the stern post, forty mile! below Columbus, where the it now tied up in distress. She met her misfortune by corn ing in contact with n rock or snag while turning u bend. The Sun pubKslits tht names, ages, and occupation of the registered voters of Col umbus. They number niue hundred and twenty-two. The Annual Conference of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church for Georgia, will convene on llie lßtb of December. Kisbop W II Miles will preside. Charles 11. Williams, Esq . City Attor nry, is of Hie opinion that the Columbus tH.x of $2, iu lieu of street duty, the pay ment of which it a prerequisite for voting in the municipal election, it clearly con stitutional. and can he enforced. The following recipe for whooping Cough lias been handed Hie Sun with the request to publish. It lias been found an infallible remedy Take 60 grains ipecac, 1 teaspooufui of tincture of assafcctida, 20 drops of lauds uutn and half pint of water. Hhaku well and give a teaspooufui every ten minutes until vomiting is produced. Repent the dose three morning'* * u succession. Cirldin : The News of the _’7tli av Air \> • W. Morxland. a noted planter in Merri wrotber County, ginned and packed two bides of cotton at Byrd Lovett's gin house yesterday morning, und was in Griffin market with them before dark—driving 2-1 miles. This shows what ail energetic planter can do when prices are high and he is afraid they will go down Five families from Units County are to take the train at Gi illlii bound for Texas This Western fever has broken out ail over the country. Him-im'sville : The weekly Gazette of the 28lli has the following The Lecture of Rev. W. Watkins Hicks on Tuesday evening last, on " Moral Greatness the True Aim," was a decided success. A. large audience was in attend ance, sail all present seemed to appreciate tiis deep logical ideas to Hie fullest extent We only w ish Hint the audience had been twice as large, ns there wore persona in town absent on nccount of business or otherwise, who would have appreciated such a lecture highly We trust that Dr Hicks will visit iih again We feel i iglily complimented by bis able lecture, as Hie proceeds collected from the audience were applied to the finishing of Hie .M. E. Church The Bartlesville Patriot of the 27tli comes to us with the Salutatory of Dr J C. C. Blacburn, and the adieu of Messrs. McMicbnel & Beverly. The outgoing Editors bear testimony to the fact that Barnesville is sue of the most liberal, en terprising aud rapidly progressing towns in the State. The incoming Editor makes a most graceful bow to the public. The politics of the Patriot will remain fearless ly aud zealously Democratic. Wo permit the Doctor to speak for himself in the fob lowing extracts "We were brought up at the " foot of Gamaliel and made a Pharasce of the strictest sect " We shall labor to build up Hie town and county. Here we were 11,.. t.,,., ,r> nays ..rn|||Miw<.wi> 'mu the sweet, golden period of tally manhood In a word, we love the old red hills of Pike, '1 hey are dearer to us than the broad prairies of the West, where we have been sojourning tor a time. Wc left this beautiful towu with regret ; we return with joy, and are will ing to spend and he spent in pushing for ward every interest that will promote her future growth. To our brethreu of the press, we can only say that we renew the associations of the past and shall bo happy to revive its pleasant reminiscences, link ed ss they are with all that renders an editorial life joyously bl ight. While we cordially greet Dr. Blackburn iu his return to the ranks of Hie fraternity, and wish him, —in common, with the cn lire household of faith.—unmeasured pros perity and unalloyed happiness, we desire the same blessings will attend the footsteps of our departing friends, whithersoever they go. As nn evidence that Burnsville is still prospering the Patriot says Mr \Y S Middlebrooks bought twenty acres of land adjacent to that city from Mr M O How aid last week at foil per acre, and will soou erect a line reshleucc thereon The same paper says ns Mr. Jas Hose was on his way front Zebulon home on Friday night of lust week, he was assaulted by some unknown ruffian, and struck at twii e with a stick A timely response from n seven shooter saved Ins bacon aud caused the rufllian to vumoos tho ranch. I. nton to u : We had a tuost pleasant call on Thanks giving day from J B Kecse. Esq . of the Press & Messenger who visits Macen in behalf of the mutual interest of our mer chants end his most excellent paiier. lie in forms us that lie is about to put on a bran new dress, when his paper cannot fail to rank in appearance, as it ulready does in matter, with the best of our country jouru ala Our nieichants will consult their own iutercsts by placing their cards in the Frees A Messenger. ALAB AHA. i:•• fmila : The News repot Is. iu the case of the State rr Frank McCullough spoken of in its previous issue as under trial, the Jury returned a verdict of gulty of muider iu the second degree, and setcueed him to the | Penitentiary for forty years The same paper ii happy to learn that the panics from thiscounty arrested by Marslml Kandolph and taken to Mont gomery to appear Before Commissioner Dreasen. were discharged and will return home immediately The epizooty is in Eufaula— bad as anywhere. The Times say Her, J. 11. Kimbrew. - pastor of ttie Firt Baptist Church of that city, has sent in bis resignation, but as yet the church has taken no action iu regard o the matter. The Mntmru Klxctios —The Dem oci atic and Liberal Republican ticket for Municipal officers will be found in to day's Enterprise The Democracy ac cept Mr. Huff, in common with his fellow citizens. " without distinction of race, color or previous condition " The candi. date* for Alderman are all gentlemen of character, and mill command the full j .trength of tbclr party. EMANCIPATION PKOCI.A. .MAHON. Truthful history bearing upon this sub- | ject, as upon all others affecting our country, cannot he too w ell understood by all classes. That negro slavery was not abolished simply for the love of the slave, or In the interest of humanity, is a trutli 100 little known by the mass of ordinary intelligent white readers, and by very few bluck ones For this reason we publish on the first page of the prescut issue an article worthy perusal and preservation Even the enemies of Mr. Lincoln believe him to have been an honest man, and if he were alive to day, would uot permit ovations in his honor as a philanthropist for acts to which he was prompted solely through a feeling of necessity to subdue the South In this opinion we are con firmed in tlio account of Mr. Wells, in the article to which we allude. Oi:r Bepkehentativks in Congress. —Under date of lire 2Gtb, Governor Smith ofllciully proclaims the representatives elect in the nine Congressional districts of the Btate of Georgia, for the Forty-third Congress, as follows : First, Morgan Itawls; Second, Richard H. Whiteley; Third. Phillip Cook; Fourth, Henry K. Harris ; Fifth. James C. Free man ; Sixth. James 11 Blount; Seventh, Pierce M B. Young ; Eighth. Ambrose B. Wright; Ninth, Hiram P Bell. 1 ♦ The Mayor of Nashville says the epi zootic was brought to Nashville by P. T. Bainum’sshow horses. His horses were so affected with the disease, or with the symptoms attending the same, that the Mayor was forced to prohibit their being paruded upon the streets of Nashville. Every inland towu in Middle Tennessee in which the show exhibited is now suffer ing from the terrible disease. 06EETHOKHE INIVKRBITV The Synod of Georgia has virtually abolished Oglethorpe University. At the airauul session of the body in Albany re cently the follow ing resolutions were adop ted llctolvcd, That Synod being convinced that under existing circumstances it will be impossible to continue the exercises of the College longer Hum tlie present colle giate year, request the trustees to pay the Professors their salaries according to con tract, and to close the institution as soon ns practicable. Itezolced. That the Synod request the Trustees to collect and invest nil funds of the Institution, and hold them subject to the orders Synod. Resolved, That they preserve all the property, libraries and apparatus for the future use ot the Institution, when it re sumes its exercises. Resolved. That Hie Trustees preserve their organization and corporate life, und rent out the buildings until such time as the Syuod may order otherwise. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Democratic and Liberal Hcpublimu Nominations. ion MAYOIC M . A. Jlt i'l'. POR ALI/EKMKN, lat Ward. 3rd Ward. Titos U. Conner, John W. Burke, Baron Carter, K. J. Johnston, 1). M Duruett, Christopher Burke, , *-••* Ward. -\th Ward. John G. ueii/., J. ,j. Cornel!,, E Crockett. Geokqb Burdick, Benz Burdick, K. J. Lightfoot. t am a candidate for re-election to the otiice of Tax Receiver of Bibb county at the ensuing election in January. It. A. Benson. nov27 td The friends of James Martin announce him as a candidate for Sherifl of Bibb county, sub ject to everybody's nomination, nov2s-td. The friends of E M Calhoun announce him as a candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county, subject to the nomination of the Democratic party, The friends of Pat Crown announce him as a candidate for the ntIL-e of Sheriff of Bibb county. nov22tde. Candidate for Mayor—The friends of Stephen Collins respectfully announce his name ns a suitable candidate for the office of Mayor of the city of Macon, subject to the Democratic nomination. xov2l-td The friends f Washington Poe, Sr., re spectfully announce his name as a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county, subjeat to the nomination of the Democratic party. novSl-td The friends of Tiudki s G. Holt, Jr., res pectfully suggest him as n suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb couuty—subject to a Dem ocratic nomination. td The friends of C. T. Ward announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of Ordi nary. 1 t.e name of K. 11. Vain, is hereby presented to the Democratic and liberal party, as a can didate for T.II Collector Mr. Cain Is an old cltixeu, and, at one time was collector of taxes' His friends hope that his claims will be kind l.v considered, knowing that he will do his duty, if chosen. td. Tho many tlriends of Milo S. Freeman an nounce him as a candidate for County Trcxs urer. -novlO-td. A F. Gmsox Isimnonneed as a candidate for Couuty Treasurer, subject to the Democratic nomination. no v 14 td. (!eo. F. Cax Eli v U announced as a candidate 1 for Sheriff of Blub county, subject to the Dem | ocratic nomination. novl3 td IV K t lie voters of Hibh county announce j Ell Gross as a candidate for Sheriff, sub ! yect to the nomination of the Democratic ; party. novis-lf 0. P. Ftssxv is a candidate for Tax Kecciv cr of Bibb County, subject to the nomination of the Democratic Party. nov!3tf ' u ft nda of Maj Joax A McMaxca an nounce him us a candidate for re election as Clerk of Council of the city of Macon. novl2 tf. The friends of Cius. J Williamson hereby announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of City Treasurer. novlff-tf. The undersigned announces himself as a candidate for Treasurer for Bibb county, sub ject to the Democratic nomination. norl2 tf Felix Corpct. The friends of W. T. Kelson announce him as a candidate for Tax Collector for Bibb coun ty, subject to the Democratic nomination. novta tf. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county—subject to the nomina tion of the Democratic Convention n0v1.2 tf 8. D. Ram XT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Spare Kilts, Back Bonos I* RENNEI) TURKEYS and CHICKENS, j At J. F. BARFIELD & CO '8 no 9 It Brown house Block. FOR SALE. SIX BUILDING LOTS on Windsor Hill Will sell all, or ns n rv as desired Tin lota sdjoin Dr. Cox’s ou Uie top of the bill. The prettiest location out. Apply to nov27-4t No. 8 Cotton Avenue. FOR SALE. A FOUR room dwelling and vacant lot also, splendid well of water in the yard; fronting on Bpring und Rose Ntrects, contaii ing one quarter of an acre. For sale cheap. Apply to GEORGE SCHMIDT, nov. 25—lm. corner Third and Plum Streets. ArriYed To-day. BARRELS CHOICE APPLES, I " .7. F. BARFIELD* CO.’S, novSO It Brown House Block. 11. EOWEVniAI.-S BAR & LAGER REER SAL<)O> , (MASSET’S 01.1) STAND.) Opposite Medical College, Mulberry St. r pHlB Saloon is supplied with the best Wines, 1 Liquors and Cigars •■th- market, a-tl sparkling Lager Beer of superior quality Fr- e lunch every day from 10 to 13 o’clock and extra lunches served up at any hour in the day or night. Swiss Cheese, Goose, Duck, Ham, Salads and anything that may he desired for lunch. * nov34-tf DR. WRIGHT. 5$RTt$T, HAS removed to Boardinan’s Block, over Pendleton & Ross’, corner Mulberry and Second sts., Macon, Ga. nov7-3m. To Tai Payers of M County. I GIVE notice that the Tax Books fore< - leeting the State and County Taxes 1 r 1872 will close on the 7th day of December I hope all will note this and pay their taxes, a- I have to settle on the 15th and cannot give a y longer time. This notice is final. I can’t e responsible for uny one’s tax after that tin e. All poll taxes and road taxes are required from both white and colored. novU-tf F. M. HEATH, T. C. GEO. F. HOOF.. ALEX. 11. STFIIIIF S MOW READY: HOCE & STEPHENS, fourth ST reft, (EAST FRONT HOLLINGSWORTH BLOCK), HAVE just opened a full and compb e stock of Fancy and Family Groceries Fresh, pure, gen,a.,,, un tircly new, and war ranted to suit the taste cvc ).,, <me , i, c „ aortment comprises everything i t w i' re( i i„ fu k a house. The finest brands of Flout, Mo- ( tile best New York Hants, Sugar, Coffee. Syrup, Cooking Wines, Butter—the best brands of Goshen a specialty—Cheese, Fruits, native and Tropical, together with a complete line of Nuts, Candies, Candles, Pickles und other articles lor the retail trade. FISH AND OYBTSR3. Fresh Fish and Oysters every morning. .A! o > o various kinds. VJ e propose, ingt word, to supply ourfriei !s aud the public generally with every thing nice required at reasonable rates. HOC>E it SIEPFIENS N. B—All goods delivered free of charge. nov7-3m FTJU AHEAD. I N anticipation of the approach of the Christmas Holidays, we have a large stock of new and fresh goods for the retailors, hotels and families; such as EXTRA LARGE BLUSHING RED APPLES, PRETTY YELLOW SWEET OR ANGES, GOOD SWEET CIDER, ALSO (•RAPES, PEARS and PIN E APPLES, (TO BE HERE IN TIME.) MUSCAT, ANGELICA. SHERRY AND WHITE WINE FROM CALIFORNIA. FIPIE WORKS. FIRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, TORPEDOES, ETC. Plenty G i!t Edge Butt- r, Georgia Cane syrup, ! new Buckwheat Flour, Sultanna, Seedless and London - .aver Raisin-, <'arrant?, Cit 'it P-unes, New Figs, N'u'v Domestic, Fa, y and French Candies, Pickles, Prunes, Jel "a and Jams. Chestnuts, Oranges and Apples. Must be sold to close consignment, a liin- to the wise etc., at novlMm GREEK, LAKE & CC NOTICE. r pilE Books for the registration of voters r 1 the city election will be opened on the t st day of October and closest Two o'clock p. ~ on December 13, *ep3ojd _ J. A. M r MANUS, Clerk _ JT3TO. B. WCE.IIS. ATTORNEY AT LAV , OFFICE ON 3n STREET OVER 1.. W. KASOAL'S STORE. as-ns BOARD. DAT board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, can be had by applying to W D Kainev on Walnut e trout, Macon Sept. 141374 LJV-M4 W- A ttVST'S. Com, En aid Floor Enin OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. :e: Com, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. :o: THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “tie p he op imp,” Tlie *3estBm the World, Always on Hand. :o: ! claim superior facilities iu tire purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOUR, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC., And I will make it the interest of Merchants und Planters to call on me with their MONET or GOOD PAPF.R. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W, A, HUFF. 117-1 f WOOD AND COAL. I HAVE established, near the Macon <fc West ern Railroad Depot, an ample yard with Fairbanks’ best scales) to supply all kinds of Wood and Coal, in any quantity, at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left at the offices of Messrs. 11. L. Jewett, Greer, Lake <fe Cos., Turpin & < >gden, through Postoffice, or at the Yard, will have prompt attention. Come and sec 122-200 MILO S. FREEMAN. Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCE, ) Macon A Brunswick Railroad Cos., y Macon, Ga., October SO, 1872. ) ON and after Thursday October 31, 1872, trains on this toad will run as follows: DAT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY (SI'NDATS EX- I SPIED. ) Leave Macon 9:15 a. m. Arrive at Jesup 35 P M ’ Arrive at Brunswick 10:00 v. nl Leave Brunswick 4 ; so a. m. Arrive at Jesup . 0:45 a. m! Arrive at Macon 5 : 10 t>. M ’ NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILT. Leave Macon 8.25 r m Arrive at Jesup 5 00am Arrive at Savannah 8.30 a. m Leave Savannah 7.30 p. m Leave Jesnp .11 10 p m Arrive at Mucon 7.80 a. m Both day and night teains connects closely at Jesup with trains to and from Florida. UAWKINSVILLE TRAIN DAILT, (SUNDAYS EX CEPTED.) Leave Macon 2:50 r. m. Arrive ut llawkinsville 1] 6:25 r. m. Leave Hawkinsville 6:55 a. m. Arrive at Macon 10:35 a. m. WM. MacRF.A, 174tl General Superintendent. Change of Schedule. MACON ANI > WESTERN R. R. OO , | Macon, Ga., October 31, 1873. f ON and after Sm day November 3d, the fol lowing schedule for Passenger Trains, will be observed on this road: DAY ABSENGER. Leave Macon S:ls a. m. Arrive at Macon 3:05 a. m. Leavu Atlanta 8:20 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta 2:40 p. m. NIGHT PASSF • ,EK AND FREIGHT. L-avc Macon 8:50 p. m. Arrive at Macon 3:20 a. m. Leave Atlanta 8:00 p. m. Aj rive at Atlanta. 4:55 a. m. Making close i- uection? at Macon with Central Railroad f Savannah and Augusta, ■nd with Southw ru Railroad for points in South west (.eorgii At Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Railw - for points West. A. J. WHITE, novitf Superintendent Aumaxd L. Bctts Edgar A. Boss. COAL A ND WOOD. \ X T E are ready to till orders at reduced rates V V for tlic very , st COAL CREEK ana ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK a f .d HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. G. Butts, at -tore of Winship A Callawsy, or at yard M. & W R. R , will receive prompt attention. ' 114-192 BUTTS* RSB. DR. P. H. WRIGHT RESPECTFULLY tender his professional services to the citlz'-ns of Macon and vi cintty, Office at Drug Stars No. 3 Brown House Block. Residence at Rev Samnel Boy kin's. Georgia avenue Calls left at either Diace w£l rsoetve prompt attention, eelfftf Sptsvood Ml NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT, (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. Board 3.00 per Day. T. H. HARRIS, Proprietor. C. J. Maclkllan, Superintendent James W. Meara, In the Office. FOR RENT. ONE of the most desirable places on Troup Hill, one mile from the Court House, and near Mercer University. Nineacrcs of land at tached, orchard, garden, splendid well of wa ter, etc. Parties wanting to rent a good honse can se cure one by applying to the undersigned, or to Messrs. B. H. Wrigley & C0.,66 and 68 Second street, Macon, Ga. 132-tf JAMES W. KNOTT. BYINGTON HOTEL. GRIFFIN, GA. THIS HOTEL ranks second to none in Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present hot term, It is unequalled, the nights being remarkable cool and pleasant. The best Water in Georgia. “‘"ga Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS AND OILB, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, 80APS, PERFUMERYB, COMBS AND BRUSHES, PATENT MEDICINES, Etc. TOBACCO, BNUEF, —AND THE— CHEAPEST CIGARB EVER;OFFERED IN THIS CITY. Nest’s Extra Kerosene Oil! NO. 1 FIRE TEST. LAMPS and CHIMNEYS and WICK PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Satisfaction guaranteed in all purchases. I have for sale the purest and best WhUky and Gin in this city for Medicinal purposes.— One trial will satisfy the most fastidious. ROLAND B. HALL, Dealer la Tkorturm’s Sardes teed, 191-t# Cor. Cherry Bt. sad Oettee AVW*-