Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 30, 1872, Image 2
MACON DAM IMTIBPBISI NtoA.soTi*™. n-Dl-UMItU IV* HY Y lines, wing a smith. So. 1# Hollingsworth block. All letter* riltitliiU '"l‘ rmmJ to l.ltun, Winy A Smith, Moron, tin OtemsuntMfwo* for the I*l*' *htuld hr od -4 rated lo If* IMUor. W* conuol uiuUrtnU I" ,et*m rrjrr'rd rommut'il'OiO. Hitl authmtl ,.iud nr r-. u,,ra, fruit aft Jtrrl* of thr SU>t', ei- UeUtd. .. , - ■ ■ ~ - -t*~. Un Frank J. lIEHUNOTOb Ih our only uuUwtiitd City Agent, and lie i (Inly em powered lo solicit work for tlm office, and •nbacripthm* to the Entkiu-hihe. Ml. CItAHhKK L. Mi/.e, book mid new dmler. I* rmr nulhori/oil agent in I>awon, O*. J. L Tucker isottr authorized agent at Fort Gsincs Mr. W. ft. Deideick. Souther* Expreas Company Office, is our authorized Agent at Hmllbville. I. N Setmoiik, of Uyingion Hotel, la ourautborired Agent at Urlffiu Mr. Ed T. BtixotoH Is our agent la Fort Valley. W. WATkll IIKMaN. Editor. lIOHtll I.Kt l I I I IH 1)1 *l> Bucb ii the announcement to the world tula morning. He died at ten ininulea to ■even o'clock yctorday evening, at 7ai/y --town, New York The dispatch save lie was conscious, and passed peacefully away. This event, although sudden, Is not alto getlier surprising, as the telegraph has aubuuncsd from day to day bis failing health. Yet the news will carry sadness everywhere No American of the present generation bad become more widely known, aud generally respected. His life Uaa been oue of integrity and labor. Aud now that bis record is closed on earth ho Will be Judged, as all men are, hy his deeds Ilia lift) has been an eventful one a m luaaeclrd with tba politics of Ida coun try , tbe Influence of which will be fell to the remotest generation)). mm. NriiPHKM* npitx h in ATLAIkTA. Tbe 3rd of December i* the dele filed upon by Mr. Htepliens to comply with the request of many of the prominent citizeus of Atlanta to make a public address at the Capitol. In an article ou Mr. Stephana, la yesterday's liwue, we predicted that lila utterance* ou that occasion would be de liberate iu>d worthy of attention—that In deed they might prove one of the best leg iM-ie* that be Will leave to coming genera Hun*. Since writing that article we are la reclpt ol the Atlanta Hun of a üb*e qurot date, wherein wo Cud eonie words from Mr. Stephens that confirm the opin ion expressed, ft peaking in tUesccuud person, be says : "In yielding to tbe eolicltulioua of those wbo eaked for the addreee. Ida object was to give bis views mainly in reforcuco to tbe future, aud especially in tefcrencc to the hiture ef the Democracy of Georgia, at well a* the United fttates, in relation to tbair principle* aud their future policies upon them "Mr. Stephen,, above all things, politi cally, desire* unity in the Democratic party in tbit Htate, and in all tbe State* . but that unity which alone can lie secured by ac ad Iterance lo those principles of tlirir faith ou which the Government waa founded, and ou the maintenance of which all sure hope, for the preservation ef the liberties of llic country depend Upon these principles, when strictly nil liered to. the Democracy have never suf tered defeat, and in Mr. Stephens’ judg merit never will " ’ Alluding te uufrioudiy charges that he desires to be United ftletee Heustor, Mr. 8 aeye; "We heve only to say that Mr Stephens desires nothing, politically, so Tar aa he it Individually concerned, but to serve his couolry. aud lo the utmost of his shllity. physically and mentally, to contribute ail in bit power to aid in the preservation and |>erpatualion of the free institutions of our ancestors in whatever sphere or position those abilities msy ire brought useluily, Into exercise He has uo personal views, wishes, objects, alms or aspiiationa what ever to gratify ’’ Theae ara the wort* of a patriotic alaleaiueu. that untie but lover* of their country will permit themselves to fully understand and appreciate • —— -**♦ ———— We regie! that the Atlanta mail* came au late to hand as to prnveut makiug use of our exchange* from that city, of this morning The Constitution notices the editor ut the SltTßltriuaat in the following term* ”On Thursday night, the First Metho dist Cbureh was tilled by oue of the large*! congregation* ever assembled In this city Kev W Walkiu Hick*, of Macou. preached an eloquent and impressive eeriuon from tbe text " We have not followed cun ningly deviaed fables.'” The sermon was a running history of the origin and usurer of the Cbusltau re ligion. refining the various charges of ratioualiem in reference thereto, parllcu larly Kenan in bis •• Origin of Christiani ty.” Tbe second part of hi* sermon was un ruquiry Into the pieaent status of the Christian religion, affirming tbe text. Its spiritual, enltghluiug influence wee panic ulerly insisted upou aud the manifest 'Range which is wrought on the miud aud life ot the Believer t'rrtaia evidence* of conversion and regeneration were consid- , ered at length, during which the congre gation present joined with the preacher in expression* of gratitude to God llial the essential feature ot Christianity were to- 1 day unchanged -Great feeling pretailed among the coagtwgaliou at lime* during the delivery of the sermon, aud it made a deep iurpres at ou upon every oae wbo heard it." In it* notice of the Second day’* proceed ings of tbe North Georgia Conference, the same paper baa the following Kev W Walkiu Hick* of the South Goorgia Con I'erewce. was Introduced to the Conference lie is tha talented editor of the Maces Kn rwreisß. a man of culture and taste, of eloquence aud fine persoueHe. lie is young yet. Suit l* the coming Uaacotub of the t hurch “ In the Doctor s absence, we feed at lib erty to copy the foregoing, and to expreea our gratification ot the appreciation of respected cotemprnrv. LEGHLATI’iIE OF UEOBCIII Tbe Legislature of Ibis Bute will inset on lb* first Wednesdsy In January. Tbs Democrats aro lit tlm majority In both braoches. aud will, as a consequence have the otgauization In tbnir own bauds. The press of tbe State aro already oanvlng the qualification of candidates for \:ii!oiih position*, and urging tbelr favorites upon the attention of members of the I/'giiluture Qualifications being equal, all have equal claims to consideration. What is wauted in each House is an impartial presiding officer, who will respect the rights of the minority alike with tlioae of the majority aud presevro in all respects the dignity of Ills position Such au officer we trust will he selected This is of much more importance than as lo what portion of the State bn may rep reaent. The Americus Republican brings for ward Hon. W A Harris, of Worth, for President of (ho Senata,aud Hon. W I). An derson of Cobb for Speaker of the House Of tbe former geutlcmnu tbe Kcpuhli cun says "His election would insuie a faithful, prompt aud efficient presiding officer, and he a rnmplimant to, and rec ognition of the Democracy of his Disliict and especially to tha Democracy of South West Ueorgia, ever true and reliable un der all circumstances, who liava never ytt barn honored witli a State officer or a presiding officer of either bouse of tbe General Assembly. In consideration ol his worth as a man. hit high character for intrgiity aud honor, lie is commended to the Senators elect for the next presiding officer of the Senate." Of the former the same paper holds tlrr following language "Hon W 1). Anderaon would come ucarer filling the position and giving gen eral satisfaction, than any other member, ills long experience ns a legislator, his knowledge of parliamentary luw, Iris un swerving energy in businfiH*. his gentle manly depot ttuent urn! Ids popularity as u citiveu, all render him n fit mid proper person for the high position." This strong endorsement of the lb pub Mean, aud tbe well known qualification of the gentlemen named, will insure a proper consideration. Let all speak their pref erenccs freely. COL. J AMPIN K. NNi:t:ir. Tii* pres, of Hi* State, with singular unanimity, are suppotliug this gontlriimn for Secretary of State. This we are certain ly glad to see. Tried by the true stsndard of qualification',—lntegrity, competency aud fldellty--ho it eminently the man fur the place, in anyiug that much w* do not mean that there are mil other men iu the Htate equally qualified, but Mr. Bneed hat a peculiar claim upon his guild for support in hi* aipiralioue to official statlou iu the preecut instance. Few men have been more laboroua and efficient in a long editorial carter Ilian Mr. Mured. Ilia pen ha* slwtys been s courseroalur of right principle* , and its power ha* often bean wielded iu the advancement of others with lets qualifications than hit to higher places lhau that which lie now seek*. Ills long connection with the press of Macou and Mavanuah lias made him aril known, especially to the people of Middle and Lower Georgia whose voice would go up in unison iu his iiehalf. We trust the representatives of the peoplo will ti* a unit In calling him to the position uutuod, not only for his own sake but for the good of the public interests, which would in hit hand, be faithfully administered. ()N* of our Stale exchange* ackuowl edges Itself under obligations to a promi nent railroad official for an annual pssa over lilt road In its exuberant jay at auch evidence of condescension, the paper expresses the opiuUm that no road can boast of a more superior or energetic au perintendent, and trusts he will Hlwnv* remain it; his position This reminds u* of a notice the Sheboy gan (Michigan) Gem of Thought gave Aitcmus Waul "This gentleman came into our office to-day and gave us u large amount of printing to do, besides six tick et* to his exhibition We therefor# eon aider him not only the first geutlcmnu but tbe prince of showmen of the Uuitcd States lie has the finest show ever brought to this town aud our citizen*, oue aud all, will will lose a great treat unless they attend it to-morrow night." tiii: t. s. snt iuitMiiiv Tha Aiuerlcus Republican brings for ward tbe name af Col. Charles T Uoode, "aa one eminently qualified for the poti lion" of U. M Senator. Whilst it may be entirely true, as the Republican aavt. tiiat "the record of this gallant Georgian atauds without blemish aud bis name will go dowu to history os a hero among heroes." qualities of experienced statesmanship are Indispensably nredfhl to such a high posi tion It it true, aa a member of the last Legislature, Col. Goode did himself credit, tor which he will not be forgotten, but we hope to see our wisest aud most experi enced statesman called forth at this partic ular time iu the history of our beloved State tyid nation. Not a name bat been mentioned in this connection, that we have seen, hut tho State of Georgia would delight to houor Gordon, Johnson, Hill. Miller. Fielder and Goode, aud others we might enumerate, are names that lend dig nity and strength to the Commonwealth. We trust the Legislature will be governed by the highest wisdom iu it* action, when the vlar of election come* - The bread of life is love ; the salt of life is work , the sweetness of life, poetry tb* water of life,faith. ■* Ketukcid —The editor of the Enter rx.UK. after* week s abeeuce ha* relumed, and will resume hie duties with the next issue STATU NEWS, ; Albany: Tb# Centra] City of the 27th gites tha details of liie shooting of Hill Printer hy Mr. J. H Moore. It seem* that for several j month-, past, the corn-crib of Mr. Moore, wlio liras four miles northwest of Albany, tind fullered greatly from the depredation* of thieve*. On Friday evening last he heard a noise at his crib, and arming biutself with a pistol, and going cautiously out lie discovered a negro man, who proved to he a workman on ids plantation, named Bill Printer, stealing corn through un uperaturc in the wall, caused hy portions of a log totting away. Hailing Hill and receiving no reply, Mr. Moore fired upon him three times, wounding him it, the ab domen In two pluces. and breaking a bone in the left arm just below the elbow Hill ran around the opposite side of the crib, and across the front yard, and fell dead Ho was a favorite with his employer, who had the utmost confidence in his honesty At a meeting of the registered voters of ! Albany on the 25th, the following notni I nations were made for municipal officers for the coming year, \iz : For Mayor, j James M. Mercer, tor Aldermen. L. P. D , Warren. John A. Davis. Hichurd Hobbs. I L E Welch, 8a nittel Mayer, and Burrell | f. Kemp. On motion ol Maj. Cooper, the names presented were unanimously nominated by a rising vote On the 27th, Mr. 0. A. Weatbrook an nouuced himself an independent candidate for Mayor under u pledge to use Ids efforts and influence to put the best men in office aud use the strictest economy in mlmims- Iration of the umniclpn! duties, and says if IV. L. Davis, W. E Jlilsinun, James Camp, it C. McAlpin, William ltussack. and it T. Kemp, are elected Aldermen ' will servo the citizens under the same pledge, so t lint in any event Albany cannot fail to be well governed. The News of the doth, thus writes of the Editor of the ENTKitfitisE Du Dicks' Lecture.—We had the pleasure of hearing only the concluding portion of the remarkable lecture, deliv end by Kev Dr W Watkins Hicks, un Friday evening last, on India The title does not indicate the cbarac ter ol the lecture. Instead of a dcscrip lion of the country und the people, the lecture was a graphic uccouul of the atroc ities of tlm East India Company, and tlm moustroua policy of tlie liriiisn Govern inent toward tlie inhabitants of India The conduct of British officials, and tlie agents of the East India Company, (liter ally carpet-baggers.) toward tlie natives, of Calcutta were depicted in livid colors and burning eloquence. Tlie parallel instinctively drawn by the audience, as the speaker would illustrute hy hmnerou* allusions tn the condition ol the South, and tlm "tender mercies'' of the "best government the world ever aiiw," elicited frequent demonstrations of sympathy with the clearly defined though veiled object of the lecture. Iluwkinwvillc: The Dispatch of tho 2ftth says Mr Daniel McDuffie, one of the oldest of the old settlers of tho country, was last week found dead in the swamp ou the east side of the Ocmulgee above Abbeville. He left Abbeville in the evening under thr influence of liquor, aud the next dav waa found dead. The weather being very cold, it is supposed lie lay dowu upon the ground ami was frozen Mr. McDuffie was about seventy-four years of age. The same paper hbvh The stockholders of thr liawkiiisville Hank and Trust Com pauy lirld n meeting lust week and elected officers, a sufficient amount having becu subscribed to authorize au organization under tlie charter The following gentle men were elected a Board of Directors Charles T Ealhrop, John Ii Kendrick. J I Sparrow, James O Jelks. jr.G Lauiar. John Henry and J. 1) Slerion Colonel Charles T Lathrop was elected President. Judge John Henry Vice President, and .1 1) Stetson Cashier The bank will he of great convenience to the merchants and business men of liawkiiisville, and to the public generally Sanilmvil r: The Herald,-of 2!)th says, business in ftandersville has been better tho present season than at any lime since the war. Parties who were an unfortunate ::s lo he compelled to give liens, have generally responded promptly, aud the m ot - I tin in Imve something over li nn tlie receipts of tHeir cottnu crop The same paper say* Dr A G. Thomas, for tlie past year pastor of the Christian Church in that city, left for Indiana ou Wednesday of last week, greatly to the regret of his tuethren and tlie people there Kev. \V L Geiger has resigned the pastoral care of the Baptist Churches in Lauren*, which he lum served so efficient ly for some time psst, and accepted the work of an Evangelist in the Middle As * notation, embracing Effingham. Seriveu and Burke C’nmties. Hi* postoffice is now Springfield. Ga lTbct ion : The Gazette of the 27th says Mr Mal lory J. Thornton. s young farmer of that county, claims to have made this year, w ith no other help than -a horse, seven teen halos of cotton, and thinks be could have cultivated four more acres of ground in the same staple. Last Thursday week tlie dwelling ou the plantation known ** Farm Hill, caught fire front sparks from the chimney, and waa totally destroyed The house was oc cupied by Mr 1) U Fleming, who mat all his furniture and clothing, beside* about three bales of cotton. <'*lu in bus: Kev. Dr. Harrison, of Atlanta, is to lec ture on Spiritualism. >u Columbus, on Monday, Tuesday aud Wednesday even ingsol uext week, under the auspices < f the Library Association of that city. Tbe Sun of the 2'Jth says Dr Heard's gin-house was broken open uigbl before I**l between dork and daylight, aud shout oue thousand pounds of cotton taken therefrom The Doctor tracked tlie cot ton to Columbus, and found a negro. War ner Johnson, endeavoring to sell it to the Eagle factory. He was promptly arrested, and in a few hours John Webb’(co! 1 wa* arrested on the same charge The Court committed Webb, and bound over Jobo rou for receiving stolen goods, knowing the same to be stolen ftnxMiimih : The Mirror of Friday evening has the follow ing items : I he steamship .Mississippi, bound from New Orleans lor New York, fell In with tbe steamship City of Merida, from Ha vana for New York, off Cape Carnaval with her cross head broken. The disa bled steamer waa taken in tow and after forty hours was brought to this port, ar riving on Thursday. The Mississppi now tukiug in coal, will carry the passengers of the City of Merida to New Y'ork. Very few people gave thanks yesterday —all the loyalty teemed lo be centered in tbe newspapears— with no exception— they were so thankful for national bless ing, that they sent their employees to feast on turkey and pumpkin pic. A bale of cotton weighing between three and four hundred pounds was taken from the forward hatch of the bark Francis Hourneuf, on Thursday night and carried otf by some parties, who left no trace whatever behind them Hint may lead to their detection. On Tuesday afternoon u strange and sudden death occurred in the store of Mon day Habersham, a colored dealer in cotton. George if Bollock, colored, who was a clerk of Habersham's, was sitting in a chair eating a biscuit. Suddenly hit* jaw dropped, tha piece of biscuit fell outoflhe open mouth, the eyes were set in a stare, the body toppled over and was thrown prostrate on the floor dead. We are without this morning's Sttvan i nalt or Atlanta papers. a YYOiMin i:vr*. Democratic and Liberal Republican Nominations. rou MAYOR \V. A. llll’F. FOK ALOEKMEN, ljt Hard. tied Hard. Tuos. U. Conner, John W. Burke, Baron C'autek, K. J. Johnston, D. M. Dubkbtt, Christopher Burke, 2 I II Hard. Uh Hard. John G. Deit/, J. J Cornei.i, K. Crockett, Geokoe Buroick, Best. Bukdiuk. K. J. Lioutkoot. J am a candidate for re-election to the office of Tux Receiver of Bibb county at the ensuing election in January. K. A. Benson. nov27-td The friends of James Martin announce him as a candidate for (sheriff of Bibb county, sub ject to everybody’s nomiuutlon, nov‘2s-td. The friends of E M CALHOUN announce him as a candidate for Ordinary of Bibb couuty, subject to tlie nomination of the Democratic party, , The friends of Pat Crown announce him us it candidate for the office of Sheriff of Bibb county. nov22tde. Candidate for Mayor —The friends of Stephen Collins respectfully announce his namS at a suitable candidate for the office ef Mayor of the city of Macon, subject, to the Democratic nomination. tovJl-td The friends f Washington I’ob, Sr., re spectfully announce his name as a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county, subject to the nomination of the Democratic party. nov2l-td The friends of Tuadeus G. Holt, Jr., res pectfully suggest him as a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county—subject to a Dem ocratic nomination. td The friends of C. T. Ward announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of Ordi nary. Tl.e name of R. 11. Cain, is hereby presented to the Democratic and liberal party, as a can didate for Tnr Collector. Mr. Cain Is an old citizen, and. at one time was collector of tuxes' llis friends hope that his claims will be kind ly considered, knowing that he will do his duty, if chosen. td. The many tiriends of Milo S. Fkkehax an nounce him ub a candidate for County Treas urer. novlfi-td. A F. Gibson is announced as a candidate for County Treasurer, Bubject to the Democratic nomination. nov 14 td. Geo. K. Cheery is announced aa a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county, subject to the Dem ocratic nomination. novl3 td We the voters of Bibb county announce Fix Gross as a candidate for Sheriff, sub ject to tlie nomination of the Democratic party. novlS-tf t) I*. Finney is a candidate for Tax Receiv er of Itilib County, subject to the nomination of tlie Democratic Party. novttltf The friends of Maj John A McManus an nounce him as a candidate for re-election as Clerk of Council of the city of Macon. novlff tf. The friends of Chas. J Wiu.iamson hereby announce Idm * a candidate for re-election lo the office of City Treasurer. novl'J tf IT undersigned announces himself a> a candidate for Treasurer for Bibb county, ante a ct to the Democratic nomination. novl'J tf Fkhx Cottrur. the friends of W. T. Nei.son announce him a.- a candidate for fax Collector for Bibb coun ty, subject to tlie Democratic nomination. novl’J tf 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county—subject to the nomina tion of the Democratic Convention. novl'J tf S D. Rainey. After repeated solicitations from friends and mature deliberation, feeling it to be our duty to benefit our fellow citizeus in every manner pos sible, we have concluded to announce ourself a candidate fur ihe House, sign and orntunculal painting, subject to nothing but greenbacks or city scrip, aud pledge ourself if elected to do our best for our.wff, ami not go back on our consti tuents. Windham & Cos Under Sputswood Hotel, Macon, Ga WOOD AND COAL. I 11 AY E established, near the Macon A West -1 tin Railroad Depot, an ample yard with Ealrbauks’ lu>t scales) to supply all kiuds of Wood and Coal, in any quantity, at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Order* left at tlie office# of Messrs H L. Jewett, Greer, Lake Cos , Turpin & hrden, through IVMoffice, or at the Yard, will have prompt attention Come and see l£.’-iOO MILH 5* FREEMAN. BOARDr n\Y board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, can be had bv applying to TV D Kaiuev on Walnut street," Msoon. ftept l'J, tSra. I.TMtE. Asxakd L. Btrnc Edoak A Koas. COAL AND WOOD. IF! arc ready to fill orders at reduced rate* v t for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMI TH COAL also best UPLAND OAK aid HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. G. Butts, at store of Wlnship A Callaway, or at yard M A W R R , will receive prompt alter,lion. 114-DO BUTTS ft ROftft. NEW ADYEHTISEMENTs Stockholder’s Meeting. Office Macon and Western R. B- Cos., j. Macon, Ga., Nov. .JO. ) Ti annual meeting of Stockholders of t. Macon and Western Railroad Company, for ti e election of President and Directors to serve f' r the ensuing ykar, and any other business tu t may be brought in-fore them will he held at tl.e office of the Company in thla city on Tuesd y the 7th day of uovJO td Secretary and Trcasuier. SALE OF m LOTS. -v rr'lLl, he sold at Public Outcry, at the Y > Town of Milner on the Macon A West ern Railroad, ail the Tewa &e'(s West of the Railroad Wood Shed, containing one to four acres each. bale to commence on Friday, the Oth day ot December next, at 10 o’clock, a. m Teiims One half cash and one half on the Ist day ot June, 1870. A .I. WHITE, President. novSO-td. RALSTON HALL. Mr. T. K. Turnbull respectfully announces the appearance of the World-Renowned ‘ GREAT VIOLINIST, OLE EULL, IN TWO (HUM) CONCERT •, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th and Util. ASSISTED BV MISS GUAZELLA KIDGUAY SIGNOR FARRATINA, BARI TONS COMIC, HI It. J. N. PATTISOtf. Admission 81; Reserved Seats 50c. extra—tc be obtained on and after December 2d at Brown and: Co.’s look Store. Concert will commence at 8 o’cloc k. The Grand Piano used ut these Concerts ig from the celebrated manufactory of Messrs Wm. Knabe <fc Cos., of Baltimore. noySO-il ON CONSIGNMENT J. Holmes & Go., N. 82 Third Street. JQf) BBLS. TENNESSEE APPLES, . r >o bbls. POTATOES. Also one car load of choice, select III:ST PROOF DEED OATS, Superior to anything of tlie kind ever bef re offered in this market. Give us a call. novllOtf Grand Opening —FOK TUB — HOLIDAYS ! Will open on Monday un elegant assortment of PR ESENTS, Consisting of ELEGANTLY BOUND BOOKS Bibles, Prayers, Etc., WHITING DESKS WORK BOXES AND BASKETS, Cl CAB BTAtfVS GIFT BOOKS, Ladies’ and (Lotts' Compauioi >, HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BONE Jewel Boxei:, BOXES or KEEGAN i STATIONERY, AX.B trsvts, And endless and numberless articles of Yet u. LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, 500 Games for the Little Omi; PANORAMAS, DISSECTED PICTURE , Alphabet Blocks, Tool Chests, i lo 71 iGIF LAYTEIIXS, Handsomely Illustrated Toy Books KVUBER BALLS, Efc.. Etc NEW BOOKS! uoSO 2t JftO. &£. WCL.m ATTORNEY AT LAV . OFFICE ON 3d 81 REF.T OYER L. H. RANDAL'S STOIt 1, _'J9-I7S To Tci Payers of Bill) Coos y. I GIVE notice that the Tax Book* for i-ol leeting the State and Countv Taxes for 1573 will close on the 7th day of December. I hope all will note this and pay their taxes, as I have to settle on the 15th *nd cannot give any longer time This notice is final. I can't be responsible for anv one’s tax after that time. All poll taxes and road taxes arc required from both while aud colored. novl4-tf F. M. HEATH, T. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SPBOOTYI Epizooty!! Kpizootv!! flis Eagle Floorii Mils, HAVING prepared n cooling and healthful food for the horsj: MAI,/’- DY, are now offering it in any quantities. Also (in admind'C i rticle of COW FOOD, Also PLtl.\ UOITEO MEAL Also nil Grades <>(' FLOUR, All of which can be obtained by leaving or ders at W. A Huff ’s, seymour, Tinsley & Cos , D. Good & sons’, bmail, Gamble & Beck’s, Las ton & Bates’ or at the Eagle Mills. n0302w W J. LAWTON & CO. MIX & KIRTLAND. NO. :t COTTON AVENUE AND 03 THIRD STREET. TJAVF, just received another full supply of Ladies fine while Kid Botton Boots. LADIES FINE WHITE BATTERN LACE BOOTS. LADIES FINE WHITE KID AND 3ATTERN SUPPERS. Also a full line of Miscs’ and Children's Dress Shoes of every color, size and style. A LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS, GAITERS, LACE SHOES, ETC., FOII GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, Constantly replenished with all the LATEST STYLES. LADIES WHITE KID BOWS AND BOWS AND ROSETTES, of every description. GENTS OVER GAITERS, ETC., ETC. Call and examine, MIX A KIRTLAND. nov3o-lw THE WORLD’S FAIR TO BE HELD AT MACON, MONDAY DECEMBER SECOND. JOSH BOSXtfOOH'O Great Combined with the Grand International Zoological Garden, Polytechnic Institute and caste wo In Four to Ten Tent#, as the space of the Ground will permit JOHN ROEINSON, Proprietor aud General Director; JOHN ROBIHSOH, Jr., Manager. This Gigantic Enterprise which has been, at a Vast Expenditure of Time and Money, thoroughly Reorganized and Equipped for the present traveling'season, presents the BUrtlinjf, Novel, Unique and Colossal Spectacle never before witnessed in the annals of amusement enter prise either in this or any other age, ot Twelve Superior Shows in one. ALL FOR A SINGLE PRICE OF ADMISSON. In the Collection and Organization of the Museum the utmost care has been taken to gratify and enlighten the public liy presenting in One Vast Assemblage an accumulation such as hs never been attempted or dreamed of by the combined tect, talent and liberality of all other man agers in America or Europe It may he entercsting for the public to understand that for nearly Two Years Mr. ROBINSON’S NUMEROUS AGENTS, who are fosnd in almost Every Part of the World, have t> n actively employed in Procuring Curiosities for his GREAT TRAVELING SHOW. Some of these were put on* exhibition for the First Time Last Year; but they have been very largely : uppleincnted for the present season by New Accessions and Consignments brought by almost very Steamer from Foreign Ports which has arrived in New York for th past e ight months As au illustration of the Indomitable Energy of the well known Proprietor of thisestablishmt :it, it may be well to remark that the Exhaustless Resources of Europe, Asis, Africa and America* with the subdivisions of China, Japan, Australia, the Polar Regions, South 'ca islands. Arabia. Turkey, Siam, Circassia, Egypt, the Pacitic, Arctic, Indian and Atlantic Oceans, together with tlie Red Sea and Holy Land, have all been levied upon, contributing t swell the aggregate ot This Single Department, which after ail, constitutes but a moiety of *ll that mav be seen. It is estimated that in the AQUARIUM, MUSEUM, MENAGERIE and CARAVAN, there *re Twenty Thousand Curiowities. This Stupendous Combination has been brought together at an actual cost to the Proprietor of TORE THAN A MILLION OF DOLLARS; which is ten times more than was eYer invested in a single Show. The curiosities of the several departments represent the choicest excerpt* from the realms of Ziailogv, Ornithology, Geology, Ichthyology, Conehology, Entomology, Me chanics, Numismatics Science, Statuarv, Oil Paintings, and many rareand exquisite production* of the Automatic ami Heliographic Arts, and so classified for this GREAT EXHIBITION, as te challenge the adm. ration not only of Naturalists, but of Poets, Statesmen, Philosopher* au* Divines. Parents. Sabbath and Public School ’ sobers should bear in mind that No Public Exhibitio* ever institnt, and in America afforded a Othe of the Practical Lessons of Intuition which ars found in this L niqne Exposition of Object Teaching. i o this vast array 1* added, in a Separate Colossal Tent, capable of holding Ten Thousaad People. A MAGNIFICENT ROMAN HIPPODROME and CIRCUS, With One Hundred Horses, Ponies, Camels, Mules, Riding Dogs, Monkeys, Trick Horse*. Elephants, and Fifty of the Best Male and Female Artists In the World. novl-UMS *4ecl. FUIT AHEAD. IN anticipation of the approaeli of tUs Christmas Holldaya, we have a large stock of new and fresh goods for the retailers, hotel* and families ; such as EXTRA LARGE BLUSHING RED APPLgg, PRETTY YELLOW SWEET OR ANGES, GOOD SWEET CIDER, ALSO GRAPES, PEARS and PINE APPLES, (TO BE IU-. HE IX TIME,) MUSCAT, ANGELICA, SHERRY ANI) WHITE WINE FROM CALIFORNIA. Finn WOHKB, FIRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, j TORPEDOES, ETC., Plenty Gilt Edge Butter, Georgia Cane ayrup, ! new Buckwheat Flour, Bultanna, Seedless ami London Laver Raisins, Currants, Citron Pi lilies, New Figs, Nuts, Domestic, Fancy and French Candies, Pickles, Primes, .lellit-a and Jams. j Chestnuts, Oranges and Apples. Must be sold to close consigwmcut, a hint to the wise etc., ut novls-lm GREER, LAKE A CO.