Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 30, 1872, Image 3

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[CITY GOVERNMENT. ‘ W. A. WOT, .. ALDERMEN: j j CbJiJt A. K. Tinblev, U.W.wli., E. Woonurr, P FITZOaKSLI), Q. B. RoBBKTS, vy. u Ellis, K. I*. Stkono, A 4. Smith, •! Kibbell, D DiiT, 11. Wagobnstbin. t. 4. WILUAMKOB frcwm'r. 4 A. McMancs, • o Bacon, City Attorney. ■ O. N. Holmes, City Physlcau. Chief of Police. ■1 C Tavlok .... first Lieutenant. Joint HcblbtV *eeond Lieutenant. •v v. Third Lieuteuant. joh rmxrixL I’liiat OlHee L |rrpar*d l *v ntf .lob *rlMinjs al price* o ,„h ihr tiincM, auil in n sfyle .uiistaetory o nil. l ine, work i:iude> n wpeeialty. H e >orr orders, und will tlo our Ve*t to pleilKO you. TKV I'N. HOME AFFAIRS. a ico*. 0i... *oV. o, fra. pint Stmt Church. —\V. Watkin Bicks will preach morning and evening at Eirat Street Church to-moriow. Hours of Service lOtf and l}i o’clock. Subject for the morning (by request), Contentment ; at night, Ministry rf An yell. No Sbkvicxs or Sunday School to-morrow at the 2nd Baptist Church o:i account of iin prove meat* being made Cell Kr) tnuiiu vki. We have liad a card from tliia gentleman in ruply to an attack made upon him, in our pos session for some time, hut Inis hern unavoida bly crowded out. it is in type and will appear Monday. —♦ ♦ Cal. Richard A. Ilenaoa. if a life-time residence in the county—a general knowledge of the people—au unremit ting attention to dHty as an officer, and famil iarity with the tax laws, make him equal to any b* a Tax Receiver,—then should the peo- ! pis again placo him in an Office, he is so com- 1 pstent to fill. It. The Great Ole Hull. As will be seen by the advertisement ule Bell will favor Macon with, a grand concert. 1 We will give an extended notice of him and j Lie tronpe in Monday’* issue. Ole Hull. Will give one Grand Concert at Senate Hall, Millcdgcrille, Thursday evening, December sth. THE MAYOR'S COURT. ron. w. a. nurr presiding. lteeae Van and J. F. Phillips for being drunk, pay $5 and costa each. C. P. Snead, disorderly conduct, ¥lO and costa, with the privilege of having the case re opened on Monday for the introduction of more witnesses. Lucy A. Lone, fighting, ¥3 and costs. ♦ Heal Bing Romances. It is qnite a singular fact that Atlanta, £a vannah and Macon shsnld be made the scenes of a ring romance and that all should occur in a very short time of each other. Atlanta, with her accustomed enterprise claimed the first of the series, and it proved a capital item for the news-hungry locals in that village. Then Ma" con, with a spirit of emulation to bs com manded, succeeded in unearthing one as ro mautic as that our Atlanta brethren boasted of. Now Savannah, determined not to be outdone, pounces to the frost with a similar story. This time the ring was owned by a fcatino manipu lator of daugh. A young lady, (and what is romance without a young lady) fancied the ring and by beguiling smiles and other tender allurements succeeded in relieving the festive baker of the golden circlet. The uaunl vil lainous looking officer took the matter In band and captured the ill-fated and much handled ring. Verily we have a “ring” among ns. Street Corner Notes. Atlanta hash parts it* hair in the middle. Sniffers soys our street cars are b ut Saratoga tranks on wheels. The forgery case of Bennett and Holmes oc cupied the attention of the Superior Court yes terday and to-day. There was a second alarm of fire yesterday, but it did not amount to anything. A cooling and healthful food for horses affec ted by tbe eplzooty has been prepared by Law ton & Cos. See advertisement. Sniffers says he likes Macon better tkan At lanta. The streets are so narrow in Atlanta that a man can dun him across the street. K. Jemison Wynn was married to Miss Mary Bowman on last Wednesday, the 27th in. t. Greer. Lake A Co’s famous dog, .Snap, is dead. He is now a cold Snap. A man named Pack Horton attempted to ah tve a forged draft on Saulsbury, Kespcss A Cn ye-terdny, tint was not sharp enough. Max Strukosh is to 'avor our city with a con cert this season. lirown A Cos. say something to the people through our columns to-day. We shall l ave something to eay of them on Monday. Few l*die we're out shopping this morning. So 5. sold her handsome engine yesterday to a fire company in Cuthbert. A little cotton was buraed yesterday on the incoming train on the Southwestern Railroad. The Enforcement Act-ors met yesterday and had tkeir bonds arranged. At the afternoon performance of John Rob inson’s show, the seats will be carpeted far the benefit of ladles and children. A negro called on Dr. Holmes, city physic ian, the other night, and had a piece of knife Made inches long extracted from her arm. The mode of planting aad the brand of gnano need la mot known. Pork, Beef, Mutton, Sausages (both beef end pork), Hogs at Bc. nett, Steak, Roast,etc., etc., at MERRIT'B, to-day and next week. It Ir is Tnesm days of fraud yon find a lasting friend, atick to him aa tight aa mar, and buy your ahoea of McKerrey & Maloney on Second Street aovSO-lt A bill will be presented to Congreei this winter, which propose* radical changes in the present working of the Supreme Court. The bill contemplate* an intermediate court, which ahall possess the ordinary poweri of the present Supreme Court, and before which all cases shall be argued. The Supreme Court proper shall be made stationary, and the justices reliered of all circuit duty, which abali be performed by the judge* of the intermediate courts; the Supreme Ceurt to give **• e °*' le attention to passing upon and deciding questions of law which come before it from the intermediate courts. The bill will also provide that the intermediate court shall not construe any law, but decide the cases which come before it in accordance with the construc tion placed upon the laws by the Supreme Court. The measure ia deemed necessary bscaass of the accumulation of cases upon tbe docks* of the Supremo Coort—s- MomA Astoarttser. 014 JoliM Ksbllidil'a Ur hut Show. IHS IYHEET I'AUK A NT. Attracted by the sweet strains of music that swelled upon the morning sir, we cast our eyes up Marietta street, when s scene f the most magnificent splendor burst upon our vis ion, headed by one of the grandest hand wag ons, and the best performing travelling bauds we ever heard. We witnessed the most mag nificent street pagent that It was ever our for tune to behold. A long line of elegantly decorated cages, containing the many living and rare curiosities, collected from all parts of tlie globe, bearing with them the Incontrovert ible evidence of a Divine creation within their circumscribed limits. The representation car, witli its historical characters, personated by female* and representing the four quarters of the globe, was a titling tribute to the groat en terprise and energy of the man, OLD JOHN kobinso!*, who had at so great an expense collected this vast of anomalies uud wonder.,.— The car containing the Goddess of Liberty, throned in regal splendor with appropriate symbols, was also elegant, as well as the char riot draw nby a team of Shetland ponies. Tile train of camels and the monster elephant, with their guy trappings, reminded us of h grand Eastern caravan as they pass through the des ert wastes of a far off clime, hearing their val uable burdens to an Oi iental mart. The horses with their paraphernalia ofjgay decorations, all combined to render the scene one of unusual splendor. ANIMALS AM) OTUEK t i'RIOSITIF.S The gentlemanly manager of tills depart ment, with characteristic urbanity, showed us the different animals there congregated. The c'eptiant, the cameA, the bison from the plains, she Shetland ponies, the ox with three horns and three eyes, the monster lions, ami that great wonder, the Sea Lion. This huge aquatic monster, revelling in all the enjoyments of salt water hath prepared for him daily, was the great centre of attraction. There were others of 1 tie name family, l>ut tliis one was the great wonder. The o-erieh, from the distant desert, and the unicorn, with his epidermis covered wiili cabulistio characters that looked invul nerable to “shafts of human invention," the eland and the zebra, all come in for their share of public gaze. It would he as impossible to enumerate in this brief article as it was to see all the strange sights of rare creation in the ! time allotted to us. the enters I'nor-Ku. The appearance of Mr. Lowtow, the w orld re nowned clown and jester, was greeted with rounds of laughter as he delivered ids saluta tory. His wit and repaitee kept up a continued stream e! merriment, as he interspersed cacli act with some Appropriate mirth-making origi nality. Tlr* riding was superb, and thedariug Slid startling feat* by Stickuey and young Rob inson, were startling. The Biiunrsaulting and leaping was splendid, j Messrs. Kelly and Stickuey competing for the j championship, both acquitting themselves with i great credit and engaging the wonder of all.— j Mr. Kelly’s astonishing feats in leaping through j a hoop eighteen inches in diameter, at the j same time diseribing a somersalt, was in our opinion, the crowniug teat of ail. The trapeze act and the horizontal bar, was good. Also Mr. Conrad’s performing dogs, the trick miileß, and the trained pony, were all splendid, while the pad riding by the Madamoiaeile Francis, was excellent. Altogether, it was the best we have seen, and comes up fully to the standard of representation Everybody went away sat isfied.—Atlanta Herald 21. This unrivalled shew performs one day only in this city next Monday. Don’t fail to attend. For the accommodation of ladies and heads of families tickets are now ready at Brown it Co’s. Bookstore. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the I'ostoffiee, Macon, G., November 29, 1872 : A —Armstrong, R A; Allen, Jesse; Alexan der, Miss M B; Adams, B F; Adams, Miss An nie; Allen, Miß* Josie; Alston, Mrs Jane; Aus tin, Mr* Mary; Adams, Robert. B—Bacon, Augustine; Bates, Asa J; Bacon, TANARUS; Bivens, Mrs Charity; Blackshear, Ml-s An nie; Black, Win; Blasslngame, Powcl; Brooks, Miss Jane; Butler, John; Butts, A B; Brown, Mrs P; Brown, Mrs Jane. Cl—Cooper, A J; Cobb, Miss Fiorsucc; Col quitt, Miss Nannie; Cummings, Annie; Cope latt, J J. I>—Demining, Mrs Anna R; Daggett, Jane; Danforth, Delia; Denmard, Hugh; Dominick, Wesly; Douglasß, O; Doyal, Cha*. E—Enloe, W W; Elkins, Miss India; Eman uel, L; Everett, Mrs B<q>pie; Elezcn, Miss 8. F—Faughner, John; Fletcher, Mrs Arabel la; Fowler, Mrs Johnnie E. Ct— Garwood, C B (2); Gcvera, Mrs Sallic; Gie, Mrs Savannah; Graddv, I. C; Griffin, Mrs Adelia; Greeu, Miss L E. B—Harrison, J Lawrence; Hamlin, II Ii; Ilarvey, H; Harris, Eliza (col); liaucock, Miss Addie; Haralil, Miss Marla; Henderson, J; Hol lis, Miss Floyd; Hendrix, Miss Jane; Holt, B C; Hollis, Miss Beckie; llolleman, Barnett; Ho gan, II M; Hunt, Jas H. I—lnman, Miss 8 E. J—Johns, J W; Jackson, mrs Louis; Jack son, Moßes; Jeter, mrs Mittie; Joneß, Wm; Johnson, Nancy, col; Johnson, mrs Howard; Johnson, Dr L L; Johnson, mrs Emclinc; Johnson, Richard; Johnson, K; Johnson, mrs Eliza. K—Kitchens, M W; King, Betsy. I.—Lagerquist, Oscar; Lumkius, John; La mar, L M; Lesterjette, Lewis; Louis, R; Liddcu, miss Mattie; Lowe, mrs. Mary; Lumjuest, mrs Susan; Luster, miss Queen. 91—Matthews, H li; Maoery, mr; May A Cos, C 8; McLaughlin, Patrick; McKay, H D; Mims, C B, 2; Mitchell, miss Annie; Mills, Hampton, col; Miller, Frank; Merritt, miss Julia B; Merritt, miss Ella; Moore, miss Lina; Moore, mrs Christian, 2; Morris, Major, col; Murdock, mrs A M; Moore, l’aralec. N —Nichols, C T. O-O’ Neal, Tims. I* t'itts, LC; Powers, Alfred. Q—Quinn. Mrs Adeline la —Ryan. Mrs M; Robert, Aaron, col; Ityan, Michael; Roberson, Frank; Russel, B ; Rogers, Miss M D; Robnett, L D. S—Slappy, Mrs Georgians; Springer, John; Sims, Geo; Shinholser, Miss Mattie; Skinner, Pleasant; Stratton, George \V ; Stafford, Mrs Jane ; Smith, E. '1' —Taylor, David; Thomson, Jane; Thom son, John F; Tharp, AC, 2. W —WsUon, Henry J.; Watkins, Mrs; Welch, Geo G; Weed, Joseph E ; Weed, Joe ; Whittingdon, J W; Williams, Miss J; Wilson, MistFanay; Wilson, Mrs Sarah Ann ; Wise, Mrs M E; Woodruff, Paul, col; Worsham, Dr; Walkar, Miss Cornelia; Wood, MissL; Waller, Frank. Y— Yates, G W. Letters held for Poatege. Miss E B Dexter, Columbus, Ga.; Capt T G Ilelt, Macon Ga.; Mrs W E Van Densen, Wil liamsburg, N Y.; Fed Johnson, Marietta, Ga.; T F Dardin, Madison, Ga.; Graen Holmes, Ncwnan, Ga ; Chts St Blair, Brooklyn, N Y.; Mist Kate Whitehead, Branchville, Ga.; Messrs. B Michaelsou and Son, Barneaville, Ga ; mrs carali G Chandler, Mobile, Ala.; L L MeC’lae kv, Macon, Ga.; NShivers, Sparta, Ga.; Box 188, Griffin, Ga.; J R Whitehead, Macon, Ga.; Miss Kate Eliit, Columbus, Ga.; Dr. W .1 Kurty, Dublin, Ga.; Mist Clara Pranglin, F.a tonton, Ga.; Caesar, Morria, Milledgeville, Ga. FOR RENT. ONE of the most desirable places on Troup Hill, one mile from the Court House, and near Mercer University. Ninencrce of land at tached, orchard, garden, splendid well of wa ter, etc. Parties wanting to rent a good bouse can se cure one by applying to tbe undersigned, or to Messrs. B. H. Wrigleyds Cos., 66 and 68 Secend street, Macon, (la. 132-tf JAMES W. KNOTT. MISS M. A. DANIEL WOULD respectfully inform the Ladies of Macon and vicinity ttiat she has taken rooms at Ho. lO Cotton Avenue (up stairs), where she is prepared to do Dkbss Makiko in the latest and most faehionalje styles, and war rants to give satisfaction . oct3l-2w RAFFLE! RAFFLE!! A COMPLETE Brass Band, Organ anl Music Box ia offered for rafHe. There are fifty chances at |5 a chance. Tbe organ plays thirty-six tunes. To be raffled as aoon an chances are made up. Call at B. Lowcn thai's saloon end take a chance. nov23-tf DU. B. F. CiBICWJS. g"\FEIC* ovei M. R. Rogers ft Co’a., Coa- V./ feciioaarv store. Ueaidmc-i-, Plum street, opposite George 8. QbeaPs. wt a-Lm. The host in xrtß would “ Putnel A Jacobs Favorite." Nov 27 tf Cahi.oh has Florida Oruugcs large and sweet. ■** The celebrated “ Ponies ” (Imported) minus the fyitoolic for sale only at the New York Grocery Store. Look to Youb Intkkust.— Brown makea four pictures for fl; makes a dozeu photo graphs for (2,50 ; best photographs $5 per dozen. Tills gallery makes the best picture* ill the city. Compare the work. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. noviS-tf. Latest News.—Brown makes those Hue Ink pictures twcnty-llvo cents less. Old pho tographs copied correctly. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. No cards. nov. 11 —If. Ir you want good groceries to eat, good liquors to drink and good cigars to smoke, drop in at the New York grocery store on Second street, and you will he accommodated. Go to the New York grocery store and get the new cigar “Putzels Delight." Carlos still keeps the freshest fish, the finest | oysters, the coldest ice, the yellowest oranges, tile reddest apples, the lristiest potatoes, the geuiiiuest cigars, the sweetest French candy, the goodicst groceries und the hivd place in town to buy your groceries at tf ( A cigar that will suit. Putzcl’s Delight, at the New York grocery store. OnsNOES at W. I’. Carlos’. A favorite with everybody, "Putzel A Jacobs Favorite. FORSALE. \THKEK room house nearly new, \ \ ju re lot, good fencing and splendid well of j water in the yard, on the Houston road near • Judge Wilkinson’s, will be sold at auction on the ~Stli day of Nov., if not sold previously at j private sale. One-third cash, balance in six ; and twelve months, wilh 10 percent, interest. > A good chance for a cheap home. To be sold on the premises between three J and four o’clock. i R. I*. HENRY, Poplar St. j Telegraph copy. novls-td. Bui . ding Lot For'Sale. SI L’UATED near Tatnall Square, within a j few steps of Mercer University. Address E. C., Box K., 98tf Macon, Ga. j Liverpool Salt, ♦ ; At S f SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.’S j 200 Coils Cotton Plow Lines, j ! At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.’S TOILET SOAPS. A LAUGH ASSORTMENT, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO.’S 100 ?30ZEN BROOMS, At Stsiosr, Tinsley & Cl. 187-120 _ FOR SALE. SIX BUILDING LOTS on Windsor Hill. Will sell all, or as many as desired. The lots adjoin Dr. Cox’s on the top of the hill. The prettiest location out. Apply to nov27-4t No. 8 Cotton Avenue. FOR SALE. A FOUR room dwelling and vaeaut lot, also, splendid well of water in the yard ; fronting on Spring and Rose Streets, contain ing one i|uurter of an acre. For sale cheap. Apply to GEORGE SCHMIDT, iiov. 25—lrn. corner Third and Plum Streets. II LOWIIWIIAI/H BAR & LAGER BEER SALOON, (masset’s old stand.) Opposite Medical College, Mulberry St. THIS Saloon is supplied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars ill the market, and sparkling Lager Beer of superior quality Free lunch every day from 10 to 12 o’clock and extra lunches served up at any hour in the day or night. Swiss Cheese, Goose, Duck, Ham, Salads and anything that may be desired for lunch. nov34-tf DR WRIGHT, " DENTIST, HAS removed to Boardman’s Block, over Pendleton & Bosh’, corner Mulberry and Second Ms., Macon, (ia. nov7-3tn. GEO. P. HOG IS. ALEX. li. PTEHIIBNH NOW READY! HOGE & STEPHENS, FOURTH STREET, (EIST riIONT HOLLINOSWODTH 111/JCE), HAVE just opened a bill, and complete stock of Fauci aai Family Groceries, Fresh, pure, genuine, entirely new, arid war ranted to snit the taste of every one. ’.The as sortment comprises everything required in such a house. The finest brand* of Flour, Meal— the best New York Hams, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Cooking Wines, Butter—the best brands of Goshen asp :eialty—Cheese, Fruits, native and Tropical, together with a complete line of Nuts, Candies, CV idles, Pickles and other articles for the retail tr .de. FISH AND OYSTERS. Fresh Fish and Oysters every morning. Also Vcgatables of various kinds. We propose, In a word, Pi supply our friend# aud the public generally with every thing nice required at reasonable rate*. HOOK dt STEPHENS. S. B —All goods delivered free of charge. novTfh*. Call at 8. T. A B. P. Walker’s this evening, If you want such things as choice Tennessee Beef, Pork. Sausage, Frch Fish, Oysters, Ap ple*, Oranges, Bunnamis, Malaga Grapes, or anything else in the fancy or family grocery line. OctlT-tf NS t’HBHIIt Sr. sre'niini—.i in. • ii i FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. Daily Kcvlew or tlic Market, . Orricß Macon Dag •. Kntrhpkisk, ( November SO—2 o’clock, I*. M. I Cotton.—Report tor 84 hours, since 2 P. M. yesterday. Sold 580 hales; shipped 416 hales. Received 1008 hales. statement. Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1878— bales 412 Received lust 24 hours. 1008 Received previously 38,000—8-4,104 Total receipts 34,570 Snipped lust 24 hours 410 Shipped previously ..28,480—23,1)05 Stock on hum) this evening.... 10,071 Market active 17)jc. HACOY PRICK CI KHRYT. OSNABURHS—No. 1 16 No. 2 14 Mllledgevllle No. 2 14 MACON SHEETING 18') Seven-eighths 11 Wayinanville Sheeting l i'.j Houston Sheeting 11H Houston Stripes RiJKalo Columbus Stripes If>ulß High Shoal Stripes 10 Montour Shirting —% lOUf Factory Sewing Thread 00 YARNS— 1 00 GRITS —perbushcl 1 85 OATS—tier bushel 00a(!5 FIELD PEAS—per busliel HAY—Northern Tennessee I !*Ju2 00 Clover I 00 PEA NUTS—per bushel 100 POTA i’OES—Planting Table use 8 50u4 00 APPLES—Northern BUTTER—Goshen No. 1 peril) 43uW Goshen No. 2 per 11) 25 Tennessee No. I “ 3J Tennessee No. 2 “ 20 Country 85a40 COFFEE—Kio per lb 23i125 Java per lb 80a83 1 CHEESE—Best Cream per lb.. IT 1 .,' i New York per 1b... 15 MOI.ASSES—N. O. Syrup per gal. 05 “Georgia” per gal.. 70 Sugar House 85 BYHUPB—GoIden Drips, per gal... 00u7ft Medium per gal 05 Ordinary per gal 55 SUGAR—“A” per lb 13}fli White Extra “C” 13a New Orleans (hhds) 10*12% Yellow C IB%a Demerara 12Wa13 Porti Rico ]lj,,'nl2!.f POWDER—Hazard per keg 7 25 Orange Mills 7 00 PROVISIONS, GRAIN. GROCERIES, *C. BACON—Clear-ribbed Sides (smokil).. 12 Shoulders 8%u9 : HAMB—Magnolias. C., canvassed... 19%u20 Fitch’s 19%a20 Tennessee, plain-cured 18ul8% White Bellies 10ul0% PORK—Pickled, mess 18 00 New, mess 1!) 00 Pickled, rumps 15 00 BULK MEATH —Cask Sides j Shonldars i Bellies 10ul0% LARD-PrimeLeaf, Tierces llall% Kegs 13 Packages 12a13 FLOUR- -l.ow superfine per hhi a7 00 Standard superfine.. 8 50 Extra 0 00 Choice extra Family 10 00 “Wyleys X X X X” , Georgia Mills ( 11 50a12 00 Hyacinths 0 50 “Domestic” 12 00 Star of Beauty 11 00 Belle of Georgia 11 00 Pride of Dixie 12 00 Silver Lake 12 00 CORN —Whitt per bushel 95 Mixed per bushel" . 88n90 SHOT—Per sack 3 00 CRACKERS—Butter per Ih 09 Soda Bao9 Cream 13 Sugar ,12 1-2 Lemon 14 Ginger Snaps PieNic 10 Fancy 17 CANDY—New York per ih 18 M. K. Rogers At Cos 18 BLACKING-No. 1 per gross 5 00 No. 2 tl 00 No. 8 7 00 SODA—Bi-Carb. per lb OalO POTASH—Per lb lOall SOAP—Turpentine per lb 0 1-2 Laundry 15 Toilet per doz 75al 20 Olive 8 YEAST POWDERS—Preston and Merrill’s per doz. 1 75a2 25 Horsford’s 2 00 TOBACCO—Choice ChewiDg per lb 75 Medium.. 00 Ordinary 40a50 Choice Smoking 1 25 Medium 75 Common 40 ClGAßS—lmported pertbouaand 75 00al50 00 Domestic 15 OOuOO 00 SNUFF—Bcotoh per lb 78 Macaboy 78 PIPES—Per box 2 50a4 50 MACKERKL-No. 1 kits 2 25a2 50 No. 2 bbls 13 50a14 00 No. 2 kits 170 No. 3 bbls —large..ll 50a12 50 No. 3 kits 1 50a1 70 WHITE FISH—Half bbl 7 50a9 00 CANDLES—Best Star (full w’t)... 21%a22 Sperm 42a45 Paraffine... Kouß3 STARCH—PearI 7%a8% EGGS —Per doz 85 CHICKENS—Per doz 8 00a5 00 SALT —Virginia per saek 2 10a2 15 Liverpool 2 25 FEATHERS SO HIDES—Dry flint 14al0 Green oa7 BEESWAX 28a80 SWEET POTATOES 1 50 WHISKY—Common Rye 1 05a 1 ill BAGGING—BengaI 18 Lyon 18 Borneo 18 Gunny 18 Buntlea 17 Patched 17 TlES—Gooche Arrow 9%a10 Eureka 10 Aligator a9% ANOTHER I Alt LOAD —Ol CHARIER OAK STOKES JUST RECEIVED —HY— TRUMAN & GREEN’S, TKIIAGI l.tlt Uf.OCK, feign of the Golden “Charier Oak.” 162-204 ____ EDWARD SPRINZ. VTOTARY PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUS 1> TICE OF TtlE PEACE I can he found for the, present at all hours of the day at my office adjoining the law office of A. rroudfit, over the atore of Jaquas <fc Johnson, Third St., Macon, Os , to attend to all Magisterial busl- MM. 118*330. BOSTON \X!I Savannah Sleaiusliip Line. IOW rates of freight ami insnrauce. Flrat j elans passenger aecomniodutlons. Order your shipped by “Boaton and Havanuuh eteamablp Une. ’ and avoid all delav and extra haudUujf. RICH AUDSON iV BARNAIU), A;ent, Savanuah, (ia. F. NICKURSON & (’(>., Aeenti, ISI 2W Boston. J. A. MER.CIER, Commission Merchant* 153 IIA V Sl ltliLT, Bet. Whitaker and Barnard St., Savannah, Ga. All orders will receive promptat tttntlon Con signincnta of all kinds respectfully solicited. 131-809 BOIT &. McKENZIE. Cottou an ’ Commission iii:i:ch MVT.s, 108 liny Milviinnull, tail. 181-‘TO MEYER, COHEI: & CO.. wiioi,i>\i.u m:.y i:i:s in Boots and Shoes. IM II roilK li lon Sis ~Niii aii null, Un | Merchants suiiplied at New York M.-i ket 131 209 Prices. A. S. ALDEN A KKIL, CO.M MISSION MERCHANTS —AND — Dealers in Fruils, Fish ami Frmluee, No. 95 Bay St., Savannah, (la. Consignments solicited. Oixlcra promptly attended to. 181-209 E. D. SMYTHE, niPUHTIiIt OF FltOt lillKY, Ulnnnw iii*i- iiiml 4'liiiiii, And Dealer in House Furnishing Goods, 142 Congress and 141 St. Julian Sts. SAVANNAH, GA. 131-200 E. W. SIMS &. CO;, I'otlon Factors anil (G iicial Commission Merchants SAVANNAH, tiIIOIIGIA. Baling and Ties supplied at market prices. Advances made, on Cotton, or other consign ments. Money promptly remitted. RJI :20P A. H. CHAMPION. OKO. 0. FILE OMAN. niAiirioY a i Commission Merchants Corner Bay anil Drayton Streets, SAVANNAH, GA, 181809 L. N. WniTTLE. OEO. W. GtJSTIN. Mlimi.U & UITNTI*, ATTOHNEIS, AT I.AW, ■VfO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, IN MACON, (iA. 82-107 NOW IS THE TIME, AND SI.AUG IITICK’S, ON FOURTH STREET, next door to Wil burn & Edwnrdn, i;> the place to buy Toys aid Unas Goads. My stock is complete, und ronhi-ts of every thing in the Bakery ’and Confectionery Link Wedding Parties supplied on reiißonable, terms. Thankful to the, citizens of Mueon for past patronage, I respectfully Holieit a liberal share for the future. Come, and see me and I will guarantee sate faction. novir> Jm G. SLAUGHTER. Marshall House SAVANNAH, GA., A. IS. I.IJCIJ, Proprietor. BOARD PEli DAY $3.00. 131-209 Savannah Store NORTHEAST CORNER OF McINTOSH AND FOURTH STREET, MACON, OEOItUIA. IHAVE opened,' in connection with my choice Liquor and Fancy Grocery Bloro, u GREEN MARKET. Where I will furnbdi to epicures, CHOICE BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SAU SAGES, GAME OF ALL KINDS, FISH, OYSTERS, VEGETA BLES and FRUITS, and articled too miniej'ijus to mention. novlß*tf W. A. GIBBONS. 41. W. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OfTie at entrance of RalHton Hail, Cherry street. 2-#* ■All buk in can will receive prompt ftten tion. 98 173 V. M. COY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kiilnloii Hull Itiill.liiijg, CHERRY STREET, MACON. GGOROIA. 183tf .1. .1. AHR A 91N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BA Y STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. COLLECTIONS promptly attended to and / money remitted at once. I*. O. Box 257 181-209 Pulaski House, HA VANNAH, CIA., J NO. W. CA M ERON CO., PHOI'KIETORS. A first cliik.b house In every respect 131-209 91. It. HURRY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. (90RNEK OK MULBERRY AND SECOND J Streets, In Court House, Macon, Ga. 29-104 Press for Sale! WK have for sale a large size GORDON PRESS iAligator) and a RUOGLEB’ PAPER CUTTER in good condition. To he bad at a bargain Sold to make room for lar ger and faster machine*. Adar.:- LIN*.?, WING A SMITH. ►tf Macon. On. TO EVERYBODY AND HIS CHAKMING WIPEI T llA l “and Important event, the election, having passed away, and the “ times that tried men’s J. aoul* have merged Into the piping time* of peace”, und Winter has been ushered In among twitter of birds and music of the leaves as they fall to the ground ; and the Summer hav , lug faded away and tho weather reduced to something agreeable, r have to announce to my nn -1 "'. ld b<dovt ’“ P atron " that I have recently returned from an extendsd trip to New Yrk I hlladelphia, Pouglikcopsie and Wcehassan, and other oolchrated markrts, where I nnrcliard’ and have now In my store, the largest lot of <( GrOODIESr Ever brought to Macon, consisting in part of Sugar, Coffee, New York Canvassed Hams and Breakfast Bacon, Lard, Butter, Canned Fruit, Jellies, Pickles, Raisins, Nuts, Apples, Lemons ( utihugcH, Onions, Potatoes, Crackers Cheese, Spiced Hams, Bologna Sausages, and—well it would hike me all day. to write what I have got, and it would till tills paper so full that Smith woultln t have a local for a week. It is alinoHt unnecessary for ine to mention the fact that lain I "('pared, as ever, to supply Oysters und Shcll-flh of all kinds, from aCrab to a Greelcyoyeter. The finest F isli, fresh and on lee, is kept hy me, and sold at living rates In view of the fact that tho people of Mucon, and those visiting Macon, arc determined to sat whether they get anything good or not, I have prepared myself for the emergency, by ra-ikim ample arrangements to have my J DINING TABLES Supplied with the very best this and other markets can afford. That popular dish “Birds on 1 oast ’ being my own Invention, the people cun always find Hie sums at my restaurant To gether with niv polite corps of wultera, tills branch of my business will receive the patronage hi '' died wftli tiio ver°"hest' ' 1 llor ‘'’ “ Wny n ' W onCß ’ My rtßtaurant Ib . l <’ l •' well known, EATABLES & DRINKABLES that could be found. Therefore, gentlemen and ladles, having laid before you what I have on hand, and wishing you all the best luck and that I can suit you in your purchases from me I must close this letter. If at any time I can serve you, you have hut to command me or inv corps of attentive and obliging clerks, and you will be made happy. Thanking you for oast favors, 1 am tenderly yours, * W. P. CARLOS. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, THE LARGEST AND OLDEST * CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE, r*o Noeond Street, Macon, Ooorftin. oct 19 3m PROSPECTUS Mm Mly Enterprise, W. WATKIN HICKS, Editor. ( \N or about tins first week in December, / we will issue from this office the first num ber of u Larp, Live Weekly Paper! It will contain all the the Telegraphic news of tlic. week, and the latest reliable information on ul I subjects and from all parts of tlie world. In Its editorial department will tie found dla cussions of all tiie FIVE ISSUES of tlie times. Particular attention will ho giv en to the advancement of Science, Art, and Literature; wl lie all Interesting events and authentic progress of the political world will he faithfully presented. HItUSCIWTION I‘ltlCß. One Year (1 50 Six Months 1 00 Invariably in advance. If/' Sn subscription taken for less than six months. SAT Now Ih the time to subscribe. Hj'BCI MKN COPIES SENT ON APPLICATION. Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS AND OILS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, SOAPS, PERFUMERYB, COMBS AND BRUSHES, PATENT MEDICINES, Ktc. TOBACCO, SNUEF, —AND TUB— CHEAPEST CIGARS EVER;OFFERED IN THIS CITY. West’s Extra Kerosene Oil! NO. 1 FIRE TEST. LAMPS and CHIMNEYS and IfICK. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Satisfaction guaranteed In all purchases. I have for sale the purest and tiest Whisky and Gin in this city for Medicinal purpose*.- One trial will satisfy the most fastidious. ROLAND B. IIALL, Dealer in Thorbura’s Garden Seed, 101-tf Cor. Cherry St. andOrifcon Avtaae. Sptswi Hotel, NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT, (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. Board 3.00 per Day. T. H. HARRIS, Proprietor. C. J. MacLElXan, Superintendent James W Mea/ia, In the Office. I—tf ANNUAL FAIR —OP THE — Agricultural and Mechanical ASSOCIATION! OF CIF.OROIA, Hold at SaTrstimalx. COMMENCING MONDAY, DECEMBER :)oth, 1872, And continue during the week. fpilE Central Railroad and connections und 1 Atlanta and Gulf Railroad und connections will transport visitors for one fare, returning free. MAHRi: CONTENT. There will boa Sabre Contest between the Savannah and Augusta Sabre Clubs on Decem ber 4th und sth. RACES. Open to the world, three or more to cuter. Fastest Trottlug Single-harness Horse, Purse, $100; Fastest pair of Trotting Horses, owned and used as such, Parse, (50; Best Single-har ness Horse, Plate, (20; Best pair of Harness Horses, Plate, (25; Best Pacing Horae, Plate, 115; Running Race, Sweepstakes, mite heats, three or more to enter, two to start, entrance 10 per cent., Purse, S2OO. COTTO* PKIiMII.’MN. The Chamber of Commerce offer the follow ing premiums: For best three bales of upland cotton of one planter’s growth on exhibition, premium to go to planter, SSO. For three bales ranking second In quality, premium to go to planter, (40. For three bales ranking third in quality, S3O; premiums to go to planters For the best bulc of sea island cotton, SSO; next best ill quality, premium to go to plant*-, (40. For the best Gin for upland cotton, SIOO. For the heat bushel of Rough Rlec, of tlie va riety kuown oh gold seed, pretniun to go to planter, $lO. For tiie best bushel of Rougli Rice, of the ya rlety known as white, premium to go to plan ter, $lO. No fee will he charged for entering of exhib iting articles. For Premium Lists or other information, ap ply to J. 11. ESTILL, Secretary, 185-td fluvanuah, Ga. To (be Bualnea* Men of Mr® n THE ALBANY NEWS Circulate* exclusively in Donghcrty, Mitchell, Lee, Baker ami Worth Counties. g-Jf* The wealthiest Colton growing section of Georgia. .JSJ THE NKWW Ia the beat Advertising Medium in Southwest ern Georgia. ADVIBTISKMEKTS SOMCtTEV. CAREY W. STYLES, Proprietor. R) YHE PMEMItJI WEEKLY. IT la universally conceded that advertising is a necessity to success in business; it is also conceded, by the shrewdest business men, that newspapers are the beet medium for reaching all parties whose trade Is desired. THE MONROE ADVERTISER reaches more of the people trading with Ma con than any other journal published in tbe country; It Is, therefore, the best medium of communication with the planting interests. We will be happy at any time to furnish refer ences to leading merchants here and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact that they have re ceived orders for goods from parties who read their cards in The Advertiser. In fret, many who have availed themselves of Its columns, candidly say that Its value exceeds that of all other Journals in which they are represented. The Advertiser has the freshness of youth and the ripeness of age, and is therefore deservedly successful. CHARACTER OF ADVERTISEMENTS. No advertisement* sra admitted which sre not believed to be shove question snd of real value, and from parties so unquestionably re liable that the renders of TKe Advertiser will be safe In ordering tbem fro ® “ 7 dJjUIl K c ±, our readers, tbs tsa t of Its apJwara-we bCTe bas