Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 02, 1872, Image 1

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Matron Dailtj £ ntrrprist. Lines, Wing & Smith, rr.orniF.TOß3, Term* of SnlMiorlplion : i)ue Year s J J'IJJ Six Months Three Months J u Invariably in advance. To city subscribers by the month, Seventy-live cents, served by carriers. FOB MAY OB OF MACON, HON. W. A. nurr. FEBAIiE PI-EASAVTRIEM. “I heard it!” “Who told you?” “Her friend!’’ (?) “You don’t say so?” “’Tis dreadful!” “Yes, awful!” “Don’t tell it, I pray!” “Good gracious!” “Who’d think it ?” “Well! well! well!” “Dear me!” “I've had my “Suspicions!” “And I, too, you see?" “Lord help us!” “Poor creature!” “So artful!” “So sly!” “No beauty!” “Quite thirty!” “Between you and I!” “I am going!” “Do stay !” “I can’t!’’ “I’m forlorn!” “Farewell, dear! "Good-bye, sweet!’. “I’m glad she’s gone!” WONDERS OF THE NORTH. THE PREHISTORIC AGE OF ALASKA—IN TERESTING DISCOVERIES IN ONE OF THE ALEUTIAN ISLANDS. From the Sau Francisco Chronicle, Nov. i.j The last regular meeting oi‘ the Cali fornia Academy of Sciences, held at their looms on Clay street, was a very interest ing one. Dr. W. 11. Dali of the United States coast survey read an interesting report of the explorations made by him on the is land of Unalaska, one of the Aleutian chain. lie illustrated his report by fre quent reference to maps and diagrams and with drawings of tlio articles excavated by him in his researches on that Icebound shore. In excavating for the erection of a signal on the island he found various articles which led him to suppose that the i locality had at one time been inhabited. , and upon continuing his excavations and researches lie became convinced, by the character of the articles found, that the theory was correct, lie unearthed, in a. mound on the northern end of the island,, several ancient Aleutian huts or houses, in which he found three human skele tons in a perfect state of preservation. The bodies were found doubled up, after the custom of the Aleutians, and were in a separate compartment, peculiarly con structed and exactly like the tombs made by the Aleutians of the present time. The doctor also fonnd a number of relics in the subterranean Louses, including lamps full of oil, stone knives, bone spoons, ar rowheads, buttons, etc. Continuing bis explorations during the winter and spring, he discovered the sites and remains of seven ancient villages on the island, of which only two were formerly known even to tradition, lie also made some in teresting discoveries in regard to the modes of burial observed by this prehistoric race. He says: “In certain places at the foot of overhang ing cliffs a wall had been built up until the rock above was reached, and outside a bank of earth or turf covered this wall. In the space inside the debris bad then been removed, and in this space, on a layer of small sticks of drift-wood the bodies had been laid one above the other. In one case I found six skeletons, one above the other, separated only by the layers of sticks and a piece of grass mat ting similar to that still manufactured by tiie natives of Unalaska.” In another piace he found a Bimilar cave, about 20 feet in diameter, through the crevices of which water was dripping. In this he found the remains of seven human skele tons arranged around the skies of the cave. . , , Of his discoveries in lias tomb by the sea, the doctor says : " Near one of the skeletons was found, heaped together, a numberof stone knives, a bone awl, and two fragments, one of punice and the other of fine sandstone, witli edges and surfaces smoothed and squared, evidently for the purpose of dressing down the asperities of skins to be used for clothing. 1 lie most interesting collection was found near the skeleton of the woman, and consisted of two bone labrets shaped like those now in use among the Thlinkets and Hotocudos. There are doubtless very ancient, as all traces of the usage have long since passed away. There were besides a lot of needles made of wing-bones of birds, a needle case made of the bumeras of some large bird,closed at each end by a wooden stop per, bone awls stone knives, a whetstone of fine grained sandstene, and a little cose of birch bark containing plumbago. Neither of the bircli, the sand stone nor the black slate of which the knives were made.nor the plumbago, exist on the island of Unalaska. As proved by other researches of the ' islands of Kadiak and Unga, the early Aleuts were accustomed to preserve the remains of their more eminent dead by re moving the vicera, stufling the body with dry grass and drying it. This was placed in some dry cave, dressed as in life, orna mented with gay apparel and covered with wooden carvings the most remarkable of which were masks of large size, painted of different colors and ornamented witli feath ers, tufts of hair and bristles from the deer. Avery great variety of other carvings were also placed in these caves, and some times the bodies, placed in natural atti tudes, were covered entirely with carved wooden armor, or placed in a miniatre canoe or bidarka, armed as if hunting or holding a paddle. Women were repre sented as if sewing, dressing skins, or nurs lag their infants. Old men as if beating their drams, as they do during their win ter dances in Esquimaux villaees to this day. But few of these remains exist in a well preserved condition, yet the extent of the practice may lie understood from the fact that over thirty different masks, all more or less mutilated, were found in one cave at Unga. Any notes in regard to them possess a certain interest and may be worthy of preservation, as before many yean have gone by even the traces of these bygone customs will have entirely disappeared- NITEO-GLYCERINE AGAIN. Pour coys Duoiting Stokes upon five cans— The Earthquake in Wksciiestek —Thousands of feet of Rock and Eartii Hurled into the Air—The Hoys Blows to Atoms. Yesterday at noon five hundred pounds of nitro glycerine exploded near the line of tho New York and Boston Railroad, in Y'onkers, killing Geo. Hill, aged 21, and JMichael Gallagher, aged lii; mortally wounded John Donnoliy, aged 1 f), uad se riously injuring Win. Terry, aged 21. The New York and Boston Railroad is to pass about tinco miles east of the city of Y'onkers, and one mile west ofßronxville. Blasting has been going on in that vicini ty of lute, ffit as a great amount of t his work is, necessary, nitro-glyccriue has been deposited at different points for use when wanted. Yesterday llill, Gallagher, Donnoliy, and Terry while out gunning found live cans containing one hundred pounds each. A. pit about four feet deep had be n dug. and the cans placed in the excavation. A strong fence had been built around it, and on all sides were pla cards bearing the words, “Danger,” "Be ware,” “Nitro-Glycerine.” HAVING SOME FUN. The boys walked around the fence com menting upon ilie improbability of dan ger from such harmless looking cans, and Hill proposed that as it was Evacuation Day they should create some fun by smashing the cans. The others readily consented, and all four clambered to the top of a large rock about fifty feet above the glycerine, and rolling a stone weigh ing about fifty pounds to the edge of the rock, Hill and Gallagher proposed to tumble it into the pit. Terry said the darned tiling might strike lire and blow the stuff up. IlilT, laughingly, said, “let her blow ; we’ll have some fun anyway.” Terry seized Donnally by the arm, and running away about two hundred feet, they lnd behind a largo tree, at tiie same time jeered by Hill and Gallager. Hill then rolled the stone down. It struck the cans, and the explosion which followed was heard and felt for ten miles around. Trees, stones, and great chunks of earth were hurled in every direction. Tho rock where Hill and Gallagher stood, weighing hundreds of tons, was blown down into fragments. The ground was torn up hun dreds of feet around. A llrst-class earth quake could not have created greater hav oc. Every pane of glass in houses for miles around was Shattered, and the inmates were terrified. The explosion was heard in White Plains, Tarrytown, Tremont, Washington Heights, and even over in New Jersey. BODIES BLOWN TO ATOMS. Workmen from the railroad hurried to the scene, well knowing what had hap pened. They found Teny and Donnoliy with their clothing stripped from their bodies, lying about two hundred feet from the scene of the explosion, groaning in agony. Donnelly’s body was badly lacer ated ; his legs and one arm was broken, bis body was black and blue, and one eye was gone; he was mortally wounded. Terry was tho least hurt, and will proba bly recover; lie is the only one left to give an account of tiie affair. When (he smoke had cleared away search was made for Hill and Gallagher. Hill’s body was blown to atoms ; bis en trails were suspended from the limbs of a tree five hundred feet away ; other parts of the body were scattered for hundreds of feet around. Only a small part of his re mains, however, had been found last night. Gallagher's body. was not blown into so many particles as Hill's. Ilia legs were found severed from the body, which was stripped perfectly nude. Even his boots bad been torn to atoms and scattered among (he debris. The body, minus tiie arms and head, lay about fiiiy feet from (he legs. The scalp and face, without the skull, were found in another place. The arms were shattered, and only portions were found. The skull is still missing. < ONKTEIINATION IN WESTCHESTER. Captain ilangin of the Y'onkers police, was soon on the spot, and took charge of the wounded men. They were taken to St John’s Riverside Hospital. Donnoliy is insensiole and will not recover. Terry was too badly injured to give a fully and detailed account of the explosion last night. Coroner Smith arrived in Hie afternoon from Hastings, and began preparations for holding the inquests. Hill s remains—all that can be found—will be viewed this morning by the Coroner’s jury. The excitement in Yonkers, and in fact throughout the entire neighborhood, was terrific. All sorts of conjectures were ad vanced as to the explosion. Some insis ted that Hell Gate had been blown up, while others thought there hud been an earthquake. The supestilious fell on their knees 4|i prayer. The irreverent trem bled with fear, but everybody anxiously inquired what the matter was. One old lady in the suburbs of Baouxvillc was in her \ ard when a piece of the fence with the word “ Danger ” fell at tier feet, and she fainted on the spot. All four of the hoys lived on what is called Ilog Hill, within the city limits of Yonkers. Hill resided with Iris parents, and Gallagher beared with his aunt. They were of the poor class and worked at odd jobs in Yonkers. —A Y. Sun Ko 215. Jskw Vos ; Fashions in Hair. —The numb' r of the prematurely gray young woman on the s treetsdressed in the height of fashion, and stylish, attracts attention. The liair is not powdered or frosted, but is really gray. One would hardly credit Ba the fact, hut a fact it is, that a chemical process is resorted to bleach the hair white. The reign of the blonde is over, and Die old term "tow-head” passes from room to room. Golden locks are at a dis count. Haven tressc; are vulgar, and snowy hair is the style. Ihe highest priced wigs are gray, and not black or au burn. Such is the tyranny of fashion that young girls with black and auburn liair are crazy to have a bleached head. JV. Y. Payer. + ♦ l!r . Burlington ays -he gets up every morning at the shrill carrion of tire chan- Spicer sa-,s the mountain am is so thin in .New Hampshire that you can see the mountain's peak and the wood pine. An orator, getting warmed with his subject, exclaimed "There is not a man woman or child in the house, who has ar rived at the age of fifty years, but what has felt this truth thundering through their minds for centuries.” MACON, GA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1872. Sound Teeth.—Mushes, gruels, pud ttings and soups may bo made hygienical ly; but they should also be eaten ltygien ically ; they must bo chewed, not bolted. The nursing infant masticates its mother's milk, for which purpose it takes It slowly, drop by drop. Mastication is for the pur pose of insalivation ; unless food is prop erly insalivated, it cannot ho well digested. The teeth are the firnost, deosost structure of the body, aud this means they are in tended for hard work. Eat solid food at every meal; and when you take semi liquid, or very soft food of auy kind, eat very slowly aud take a bit of hard cracker, a green apple, or something similar, with it. Then will your stomach please aud be pleased, and your teeth, like your eyes and nose, and lingers aud toes, will remain to bless and comfort you to the last. If all persons, after being weaned, would only chew their food euongli, we should hear very little of aching and rot ting tectli, and dentists would be nowhere. —Science of Health. Nepotism at Home—A Good Exam ple.—Mr. Sumner, who gave the Senate that momoruble history of Papal nepotism last spring, should know that tho present Pope not only abhors nepotism, but so strong has always been his dread of the charge that he has actually goue to the op posite extreme. A letter from Romo tells how, during the years of his political pow er as Roman sovereign, no person in any way related to him could come to Rome without not merely a permission but a special invitation from the Pope ; aud it is stated upon excellent authority that his own sister, the Countess Benigni, after having sustained severe reverses of fortune, lived for many years and finally died in actual pecuniary necessity. Ho never gave any place to either of his brothers, one ot whom recently died in obscurity at a great age. The only thing he overdid for his nephews was to order one of them to be arrested when fouud in Rome. Twenty-four families from Sumter coun ty left on Wednesday last for Texas. “ I am certain wife, that I am right, and that you are wrong. 11l bet my ears on it. “Indeed, husband, you should’nt carry betting to such extreme lengths.” The following toast was pronounced at a fireman’s dinner, and was received with great applause : “The Ladies—Their eyes kindle the only flame against which there is no insurance.” - Trying to rise by wickedness is like climbing a lightning rod, blistering the bauds in the operation, and getting pierced at the top, only to be in constant danger of being struck by a fatal shaft. The Evangelist, is the name of anew family and religious paper, to be published in Atlanta, the first number of which will be issued on the first of January next, El der T. M. Harris, Editor. The well-known ability and high Christian character of Mr. Harris, is sufficient guarantee that the Evangelist will be well worthy the patron age of the public. WOOD AND COAL. I HAVE established, near the Macon & West ern Railroad Depot, an ample yard with Fairbanks’ best scales) to supply all kinds of Wood and Coal, in any quantity, at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left at the olllecs of Messrs. 11. L. Jewett, Greer, Lake <fc Cos., Turpin & Ogden, through I’ostofliee, or at the Yard, will have prompt attention. Coineand see. 122-300 MILO a. FREEMAN. Armani) L. Butts. Edoak A. Ross. COAL AND WOOD. WE are ready to fill orders at reduced rates for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK ar.d HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. O. Butts, at store of Winship A Callaway, or ut yard M. & W. R. R., will receive prompt attention. 114-102 BUTTS & ROSS. Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCE, I Macon & Brunswick Railroad Cos., > Macon, Ga., October 30, 1873. ) ON and after Thursday October 81, 1873, trains on this road will run us follows: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY (SUNDAYS EX CEPTED.) Leave Macon 9:15 A. M. Arrive at .Jesup 0:85 P. M. Arrive at Brunswick 10:00 p. M. Leave Brunswick, 4:30 A. M. Arrive at Jesup.. 0:45 a. m. Arrive at Macon 5:10 p. M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY. Leave Macon 8.35 P. M Arrive at Jesup 6.00 a m Arrive at Savannah 8.30 a. w Leave Savannah 7.80 p. m Leave Jesup 11.10 p m Arrive at Macon 7.1 k) A. M Both day and night, teams connects closely at Jesup with trains to and from Florida. RAWKINSVILLE TRAIN DAILT, fSUNDATS EX CEPTED. ) Leave Macon 2:50 p. M. Arrive at Hawkinsville 8:35 V. M. Leave Hawkinavillc 0:55 a. m. Arrive at Macon 10:85 a. m. WM. MacREA, 174tf General Superintendent. Change of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN K. R. CO., I Macon, Ga., October 81, 1872. f ON and after Sunday November 3d, the fol lowing schedule for Passenger Trains, will be observed an this road: DAY PASSENGER. Leave Macon 8:15 a. m. Arrive at Macon 8:05 a. m. Leave Atlanta 8:20 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 2:40 F. M. NIGHT PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Macon 8:50 p. M. Arrive at Macon 3:20 A. M. Leave At.anta 8:00 p. M. Arrive at Atlanta 4:55 A. M. Making close connections at Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and with Southwestern Railroad for points In Southwc-t Georgia. At Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Railway for point* West. A. J. WHITE, novStf Superintendent. DR. P. H. WRIGHT RESPECTFULLY tender hia professional services to the citizens of Maoo and ▼l* ciriity. Office at Drug Store No. and House Block. Keaidence at Rct. Smbo'J Boy kin’a, Georgia avenue. Calls It atejtker place will receive prompt attention, •clotf Hi Tliis unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mum or any injurious mineral substance, but is PI'KKI.I’ UlGl'i'l MIIMi. ; For FORTY YEARS it lias proved its great, value In all diseases of tiie l.ivicit, liown.s and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great in all parts of tiie eounl ry vouch for its wonder ful and peculiar powt rin purifying the Blood, stimulating tho torpid Lives and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. SIMMON'S LIVER REGULATOR is ac knowledged to have no equal ns a 1,11 tilt MIIUIiT.YIi, It contain# four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, un unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the hotly. Such signal success lias attended ils use, that it is now regarded as the Urrnt liufuilintf pecllie for LtVEit Complaint and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice, Billions attacks, Slt’K HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, Heart Bum, Ac., Ac. Regulate tiie Liver ami prevent 4’1111,1,N t\l> I I VHK. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by .(. 11. Zllll.l* A 4 0.. MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price SI per package; sent by mail, postage paid, ft. 25. Prepared ready for use in bottle., SOLI) ISY ALL DRUGGISTS, sgf Beware oi ail Counterfeits aud Imitations. 113-523 of un runic or aciul KUcuMuubui, tmui, ■hi t tics, Headache, Lumbago, Ague, Nervousness or Kidney Affections accepted for treatment that I cannot cure. n022 tf CROP OF 1812. Clover ami Grass Needs. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD CRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &0., &c. .Just received, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 14f;-15fi 82 arid 84 Cherry Street. The Great Dp in op rat if Journal, Til■: \i:d vokk WEK KL Y NEW S. BEN J. WOOD, Editor and Proprietor. A Mammoth Eight Page Sheet, Fifty six Columns of Heading Matter. Contains all the none, foreign, domestic, po litical and general,with full and reliable market reports. Each number also contains several short Btoricß, and a great variety of literary, agricultural ami scientific matter, etc , etc., constituting, it is confidently asserted, the most complete weekly new>,paper in flu country. TERMS, 82 A YEAR. Inducement* to Clubs: Five copies, one year *• Ten copies, one year, and an extra copy to the sender ■ • 10 w Twenty copies one year, and an extra copy to sender ao W Fifty copie* one year, and an extra copy to sender w Parti* nendlnfl clubt ax above, may retain 20 per rent, of Uu: inonnj received by Utetn t an corn* pantedion. Persons desiring to act as agents supplied with specimen bundles. Specimen copies sent free to any address. All letters should be di rected to NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Bo* 3,795, novl3-tf iV Yvrh City flat Offtn. MERCHANTS AM) PLANTERS WILL FIND TT TO TIIEIR AD VANTAGE TO (JAM, ON US BEFORE MAKING TIIEIR o WE HAVE iW STORF, 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAR B. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLI ES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, all “ladps. 500 ROLLS 2{ BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON A SMITH. Have, ami aim ofKnitttf at, very low figures: 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES HAY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN. Together with a lull sluclc <d all all goods in our line of business, no tf Brown’s Hotel, MACON. GA. IF long experience and u thorough knowl edge of tho business ill all Its divcivillcd branches arc essential to t lie keeping that, which tiie public has long heard of but seldom seen, X GOOD IIOTM., the undersigned flatter themselves that ttiey .are fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their patrons; hut they are not only experienced in hotel keeping, they modestly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED and MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in the State, which in loca ted exactly where everybody would have it sit uated IMMEDIATELY IN FRONT AND ADJACENT TO TUB PASSENGER DEPOT, where travelers can enjoy the most slreji and less liable to be l/J't by the pcrplexingly constant departure of tiie trains. To all these important advantages is added a TABLE that Is well supplied witli the best and choicest dishes tiie city arid country can afford : nor would they omit to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. For tiie truth of tlicne statements, we refer the public to our patrons who reside in every State in the Union. E. E. BROWN & SON, Proprietors. Macon, Ga., April 15, 1873. 78-104 DAVIS SMITH, (Successor to the late firm of Smith, Westcott. A: Cos., and of Smith, Meflluslinn A: Cos.) MANUFAUTI ItKl: AND DK.UXH IN SADDLES, HARNESS, RRIOLEH, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, hoc Findings, Children’s Carriages, RUB BEK, OW HANDS, UTU,. Together with every article nsnally kept In a saddlery house. I Oil CHERRY NT., MACON, UA . 156-W3 FOR TIIE FALL AND WINTER TRADE - —♦ LAWTON A HAT 10 , I’ourili Street, (Next Door to Lawton A Willingham.) A 111! prepared to furnish the trado with GllOt’linilM, ■•KOVIMIONN. PIAVrATIOH NI PPLIEN, HAG MI.YU, TIES, ETC., on as reasonable terms as any bouse in Georgia. We will keep constantly on hand, BACON; LARI), CORN, OATS, lI.A Y, SUGAR, COFFEE, BAQOING and TIES, and a general assort ment of Hiieli goods as are kept in a llrst class Grocery House. Give us a call. Wo are running the EAULHFLOIIKMCI MILLN, and direct-special attention to our "CHOICE,” “EXTRA," “FAMILY" Flours. They will 1* found exactly adapted to the trade, aud xve guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction. Our prices are as low as those of the. same grades cun he bought, in tiie South. CORN MEAL, bolted and unbolted, always on hand, of our own make and of the lev,t quality. 120-188 53&3. H. BANDY & CO. y TI V A!V,) SIIEET IUOy ROOFING, jjjßtiNmWm, Mi! and Bepairiig, f. | TIN ANN I.AI.VAMZED IKON CORNICES Slpil / \\ U Y Executed at short notice and satisfaction \ Is j \|| M guaranteed. j) / \ | l Ao. to Thii'il Street, Macon, 4Sn. I | Particular attention given to Guttering put up Ii with V ' WOODRUFF’S \ PATE.HT KATE I’ASTLAIAGS. IW-atig 8 IMPROVED m GEAR, SOMi YTHINCt! NEW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! < I'll E settling of tiie Gin House lloor lias no effect on the Gearing. King Post of Iron and all 1 tiie work boiled to Iron. IT IS M ADKTM LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. Call and see for youaself. I build a Portable Horse Power flint challenge* all other MAKES, lint it will not do the work with tho same Draft that my PATENT OIN OEAK will. All kinds of Machinery made ami repaired at t ItOCUKTT’H IKON MOItKK, 108-1 SO Near Brown House, Macon Georgia. BEOWFS GALLERY! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where aU the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. & E. P. TAYLOR, for. Cotton Avenuo and Cherry .Street, DEALERS IN mm, mm, rugs, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metalic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins nnd Caskets. '9tf KTOrders by Tclcgrapli promptly attended to. jAJtES H. BLOUNT. ISAAC IIARDEUAN. lIf.OU.MT At HARDEMAN, ATTORNEYSSAT SLAW. MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston Hull, Cherry street. Barber Sliop Tor Rent. THE Basement room, formerly pcchpifJ by Mike Napier, In Brown’s Hotel building Is for rent Thb l one of the best stand* for a p^Shop... .he dty. B Volume I. —Number 199 UNMAN LINE .BSE