Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 04, 1872, Image 1

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Lines, Wing & Smith, Proprietors, FOR MAYOR OF MACON, HON. W. A. HUFF, j REIT. IIV FATHER ItTAX. I. My feet are wearied—and ray hands are tired My soul oppressed: And with desire have I long desired Rest —only Rest.. ii. if is hard to toll—when toil is almost vain— In barren wavs : ’Tis hard to sow— and never grain In harvest days. 111. The burden of my days is hard to bear But God knows best. And I have prayed —but vain has been my prayer For rest—sweet rest. IV. ’Tis hard to plant in Spring—and never reup The Autumn yield: ’Tis hard to till—and when’tis tilled to weep O’er fruitless held. v. And so I cry, a weak and human cry, So heart-oppressed; And so I sigh a weak and human sigh For Rest—for Re.-t VI. My way has wound across the desert years And cares infest My path, and through the flowing of hot tears I pine for Rest. VII. ' Twas always so when still a child I laid On mother’s breast My wearied little head ; e'en then I prayed, As now, for Rest. VIII. And I am restless still: ’twill soon be o’er, For, down the West, Rife's sun is setting, and I see tlio shore, Where I shall rest. Talinage, in a recent sermon, challenges Prof. Tyndall to come to their Friday evening prayer meeting for ten successive nights—that they will offer especial prayer for him, and if, at the cud of that lime, •ho cannot become an old-fashioned psalm singing, prayer-offering Christian, he (Talmage) will confess lhat there is nothing in prayer, or else that they “had a very discouraging case to act on !" - The boyish Emperor of China, who was recently married, lias over one hundred ladies in ids harem, who attend on the Empress proper. The ladiesure expected to make themselves useful as well as ornamental, and from each of them is an Dually expected a certain amount of plain and embroided work. Tbe race ol Chi nese Emperors Ims sadly degenerated Like the successors of Cloves, the descend ants of Kang lie and Kien lung may well lie termed rois faineants. Their brief lives —the last Emperor died under thirty —are spent in childish indolence, and not a remnant of ancestral energy is discerni ble. Still, the governing power in China is so well distributed that but little re sponsibility rest on the imperial figure head. Each province is virtually a sepa rate sovereignty, and the Governor of a province exercises despotic authority.— China may in fact he called a confedera tion of despotism ; and the day is probably not fur distant when some Chinese Capet will drive the lazy Emperor from iris throne and infuse new life into a sluggish nationality.— N. Y. Sun. THE PRAYER TEST QUESTION. There lias been a good deal of discus sion in both secular and religious papers of what is called “the test" of the efficacy of prayer, proposed some time ago by Professor Tyndall, the Englisii scientist. He proposed that a single ward of a large hospital should be set apart for this pur pose, and that those who believe in tbe advantages of prayer for the recovery of the sick should devote themselves during some months, at certain hours, to pray for those in the ward, and if at the end of that time there was a definite improvement in the health of those persons over that of those who were not so prayed for, it might be considered a proof that prayer did pro duce an effect on tbe outward universe The proposition of Professor Tyndall lias been considered by the religious world as wanting in humility and submission to tbe law of God, and would seem like an attempt to coerce Him, by appealing to Him to do what He might not see what was best to be done. It is held that the t39t does not correspond with the condi tions ol prayer—of sincerity, of the right apirit, and of faith —as contained in the Sacred Scriptures. Such a prayer as Professor Tyndall re commends, according to one dviue, would lie something like this : "Ob, Lord, raise the sick in this ward rather than in the other wards, that ail the skeptics may be convinced of tbe effect of prayer.” “Such a prayer,” it is held, “would not be sin cere, and could not be offered in faith. Christians will not believe that God will cure more sick persons in one ward than in another, merely to convince persons of the efliacy of prayer. If this test should be tried, and if the persons in that ward prayed for should recover, science would say : ’There were some physical reSsons why those in that ward should have re covered rather than in the other. There are three conditions to acceptable prayer. One is that it shall be true and sincere, that is, we shall not ask for anything but what we really desire. The second is tnat it shall be in a Christian spirit; that is, we shall not ask for what we do not wish to have ; and the third is that it shall be in faith.’ ” The Old Testament records an example where the propnet Elijah, when only seven thousand men were left in Israel who had not bowed the knee to liaal, pro posed a test of fire to decide who was the true God. While the circumstance* of that period and the spirit and purpose of the appeal warranted the divine iuterpo sition, it is also recorded that the appeal of the rich man in hell, as recorded in the ?iew Testament, to send Lazarus to his live brethren to urge them to repentance, on the ground that they would repent if one went unto them from the dead, was answered “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persua ded, though one rose from tht dead.” It might also be urged that Christians could not, consistently with the injections of the New Testament to pray for all men, restrict their prayers to one ward in a boa- P‘* al without express authority from Him who gave the command, to make an exception for the satisfaction of those who question what Christians believe to be His word, — Baltimore Sun. HORACE GREELEY. death of the founder of the TRIBUNE. From the New York Tribune 30.) In the unexpected event which has clothed our columns in weeds of mourning, a profound sorrow has fallen nut only upon the circles of domestic intimacy and friendly attachment, in which the face of the departed had shone for so many years as a gracious benediction, but upon a wide spread portion of the American people, by whom his name had been lb mil) cherished as the devoted advocate of generous ideas, and the earnest prophet of the advance ment of humanity. Few men in public or private life in this country had gathered around them so large a host of admiring friends. Ho was the object not only of profound revcreuce, but of tender affection. The splendor of his intellectual powers had called forth enthusiastic homage, even from those who differed most widely from him in opinion, hut the qualities of his heart had inspired an almost romantic love, “surpassing the love ofw man." In this hour of softened remembi auce, how many eyes will be wet with sorrow as they read the lines that announce the departure of that noble spirit from his wonted sphere of grand and beneficent activity. * * * * * MR. GREELEY’S LAST HOURS. So far as any of his associates knew', Mr. Greeley was in almost as good health as usual when, on the day after the election, he wrote the card announcing his resump tion of the editorial charge of the Tribune. His sleeplessuess was known to have be come greatly worse, but for years he had suffered more or less from tlie same diffi culty. It is now clear that sufficient al lowance had not been made for the intense strain upon him throughout the summer, and specially during the last month of his wife's illness. It soi.n became evident that his strcDglh was unequal to the hard task to which he set himself. He wrote only three or four careful articles, no one of them half a column in length. The most notable, perhaps, was that entitled •• Conclusions,” wherein lie summed up his views of the canvass. In all lie furnished less than three and a half columns after his return, contributing to only four issues of the paper. Two or three limes lie handed his assistant short articles saying, “There is an id<a worth using, hut 1 haven't felt able to work it out propelly ; you had better put it in shape." At last, on Tuesday, the l::lh inst., lie abandoned tlie effort to visit the office reg ularly, and sent for l) 1 ' Ivrackowizer, the family physician of Mr. A. J Johnson, the friend with whom he was a guest, and in whose house his wife had died. Every effort was made to induce sleep, but lie grew steadily worse, until it became evi dent that his case was critical. Ur Geo. C. S. Choate and others were then called in consultation, and finally it was deci ded to take him lo Dr. Choate’s residence, two or three miles distant from Mr. Gree ley’s own country home at Chappaqua. Here he received the unintermitting atten tion of Dr. Choate; and here Dr. Brown- Sequard, Dr. Brown and others were also called in consultation. The Insomnia had developed into inilamation of the brain, and under this the venerated paiient rap idly sank. At times he was delirious ; at other times as clear-headed as ever. He lost flesh and strength with startling rapidity ; and in a few days the possibility of his speedy death forced itself into un willing recognition. It was not, however, until Thursday last that his associates and family brought themselves to admit it, and even then they still clung to their faith in the vigor of his constitution. On Wednesday night lie failed very rapidly, Thursday afternoon and evening he seemed somewhat easier During Thursday night he slept very uneasily, muttering occasionally, and frequently raising his right hand. Toward morning he was more quiet, and between 8 and i) o’clock fell into a nearly unconscious con dition, which continued, with intervals, through the day. His extremities were cold all day, and there was no pulse at the wrist. The action of the heart was very intermittent, and was constant v dimin ishing in force. He had not sked for water or been willing to drink it. since Ims stay at Dr. Choate s but during Friday he asked for it frequently. Oil the whole lie suffered little,and seemed to have no more thau the ordinary rest lessness which accompanies the last stage of disease He made occasional exclama tion, but many of them, in consequence of his extreme weakness and apparent inabil ity to finish what he began, were unin telligible. About noon, however, he said quite distinctly and with tome force “ 1 know that my Redeemer liveth.” Du ring the day he recognized various people his daughter many times, the members of his household at Chappaqua -Mr. John It Stuart, and 3lr. Iteid. Up to within half an hour of the end he occasionally mani fested in various ways his consciousness of what was going on around him, and even answered in monosyllables, and intelli gently, questions addressed to him. About half past three he said very distincly, “ It is done and, beyond Yes or No in an swers to questions, this was his last ut terance. Ilis younger daughter, Miss (Jabrielle, was with him through Thursday evening. Throughout Friday the elder daughter, Miss Ida, was in constant attendance, as she had been during the whole of his illness, and of Mrs. Greeley's before him. Other members of bis Chappaqua house hold were present, with Mr and Mrs. Stuart and a few o'her friends. Nothing that science or aflection could suggest was wanting to case the last hours. The win try night had fairly set in. when the inevi table hour came. Without, sleighs were were running to and fro, bearing to Cliap paqua, the nearest telegraph station, the ' latest bulletins which the thousands of i anxious hearts in the great city, near-by, kept demanding. Within, the daughter i and a few others stood near the dying i man ; in the adjoining room sat one or two more friends and the physician. At ten minutes before 7 o'clock the watchers ! drew back in reverent stillness from the bedside. The great Editor was gone,— I “in peace after so many struggles, in honor after so much obloquy.” There is at Mr. Seward's house at Auburn a gorgeous silk banner, from China (such as men of rank have borne before them there in procession-), with the portrait of Mr. Seward in the centre, his son at the top and a grotesque crowd of , hypothetical successors of the late Sec re -1 tary around the border. MACON, GA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER I, 1872. Chinese Juggling Extraordinary. Marco Polo uud Colonel Yule furnish I us here and elsewhere with phenomena thut would appear to embrace, if not tran scend, the whole enclyelopedia of modern spiritualism. When, for example, the Great Kahn, “seated upon a platform some eight cubits übove the pavement, desires to drink, cups tilled with wine are moved from a bullet in the centre of the hall, a distance of ten paces, and present them selves to the Emperor without being i touched by any one. ” The feats ascribed in ancient legends to Simon Mugus, such as the moving of cups and other vessels, making statues to walk, causing closed doors to fly open spontaneously, were by no means unusual among the Bacsi, or Thibetan priests, whoso performances, if we are to believe our traveler, might well excite the envy of modern spiritual me diums. Producing figures of their divin ities in empty space ; making a pencil to write answers to questions without any body touching it; sitting upon nothing; flying through the air, penetrating every where as if immaterial; conjuring up mist fog, snow and rain by which battles were lost or won; preventing clouds and storms from passing over the Emperor’s palace ; reading the most secret human thoughts, foretelling future events, and even raising the dead—these and many other wonder ful feats could be perfoim by means of the Dbarani, or mystical Indian charms. Ibu liatuta, the Arabian, whose mar velous account lias been more recently corroborated by Edward Melton, the Anglo-Dutch traveller, relates that when present at a greater entertainment at the court of the Viceroy of Kbansa (Kinsay of Polo, or Hangehaufu,) a “juggler, who was one of the Khan’s slaves, made his appearance, and the Amir said to him, ‘Come and show us some of your mar vels. ’Upon this he took a wooden ball with several holes in it, through whicli long thongs were passed, and, laying hold of one of these, slung it into the air. It went so high that we lost sight of it altogether (It was the hottest season of the year, and we were outside in the mid dle of the palace court.) There now re mained oi iy u little of the end of a thong in the conjuror's hand, and lie desired one of tile boys who assisted him to lay hold of it <nd mount. lie did so, climb ing by the thong, and we lost sight of him also. The conjuror then called to him three times, but getting no answer, lie snatched up a knife, as it in a great rage, laid hold of tlie lining, and disappeared also. By and by lie threw down one of Uie hoys’s hands, then a font, then the other hand and then tbe oilier foot, thou the trunk, aud last of all the head V Then lie came down himself, all puffing and pant ing, and with his clothes all bloody, kissed the ground before the Amir, and said something to him in Chinese. The Amir gave some order in reply, and our friend took the lad's limbs, laid them together in their places, and gave a kick, when, presto! there was the boy, who got up aud stood before us. All this aston ished me beyond measure, and I had an attuck of palpitation like that which over come me once before in the presence of the Sultan of India, when lie showed me something of Lite same kind. They gave me a cordial, however, which cured the attack. The Kazi Afkbaruddin was next to me, aud quoth he, ‘Walluh ! ’tis my opinion there has been neither going up nor coming down, neither marriage nor mending , ’tis all hocus-pocus I’— Harper's Magazine. Personal, Mr. It. W. Emerson is in England, cn route for the east. Charles Dickens, .Tun., is coming to America next spring. Cardinal Cullen has returned to Dublin after liis long visit to Home. The Grand Duchess Constantine, of Russia, will pass the wintor at Nic, Iluly. Signor Arditi is to accompany Mine. Adelina Patti Caux in her American en gagement Anna Dickinson is about to marry a nice young man, and go in the nursery business. Abhy B lutwell, the Secretary’s sister, sculps. She is going to Rome. Edwin Forrest's dramatic readings in New York arc very largely attended. The Marquis and Marchioness of Bute are coming over to see us next spring. Sir Charles Dilke lias recently been speaking in Birmingham in favor of free schools. He wants a general system like our own. Professor Huxley and the Marquis of Huntley aie named for the Lord Rector ship of Aberdeen University. Messrs. Gladstone and Darwin have declined the proffered honor, M. Fournier De Sair.t Aiuant, long <:s teemed the greatest French chess player has at last been checkmated by death. In 1817 lie was Provissional Governor of the Tuileries, and for several years past had resided in Algiers. Chief Justice Chase does not feel sufficiently debilitated to abandon liis judicial duties just now. Thomas Stilly, the oldest of our Aineri : can artists, died in Philadelphia on Tues j day, aged 1)0. He painted “Washington j Crossing the Delaware.” Captain Richard F. Burton, the distin tinguisbed traveller, lias just returned from a journey of exploration to tiie unknown interior of Iceland, whence he brings :i valuable collection of bones and ancient implements discovered there. When the Woodhuli gets out oi' jail slie intends to go to England to lecture to the down trodden working classes. The down trodden will he apt to receive her with a horse-pond hath. Hodge is gener ally a moral person. —. ■ —• Those whose piide of ancestry is of ' fended by the suggestion that men are de scended from monkeys will tiiank Dr. Ludwig Buecbner for endeavoring to show that monkeys are siruply their cousins and not their great-grandfathers. The origi nal man, according to Buecbner—who. unlike Darwin, does'nt go back as far as the half-shell clam —was a hairy, long headed anirnai. with long arms and short legs, and the race took many thousands of years to develop into its present imperfect state Whatever their nationality or re ligious 1 relief, naturalists seem to be gen erally impressed with the idea that the monkey cannot be ignored as a relative. Even the strictly Christian Waterloo said he always felt a shudder when about to dine on Monkey in the wilds of Guina. This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mkuuuky, or any injurious mineral substance, but is E'l IS I:M V ■•:< ISTA IllsK. For FOKTY YEARS it has proved Its great value in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and grout in all p uts of the country vouch for its wonder ful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood. stimulating the torpid Liver uiul Bowels, anw imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. SIMMON’S LI VEK'KEUULATOK isae knowledged to have no equal us a It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz : a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and u certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the Great lAilailiuu Speeilie for Liver Com plaint aud the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice,Billiousattacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits SOUK STOMACH, Heart Bum. Ac., Ac. Kegwluto the Liver and prevent <llll*l** AJ\l> n vi si. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured lv .. M. 7.i:i1,1\ .V CO., MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price $ 1 per package; sent by mall,.postage paid, 21.25. Prepared ready for use in bottles, $1.50. SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ol all Counterfeits and imitations. 112-533 Ol Olllu.) •'* >*A AVIU t* M. , •-/ I I tics. Headache, Lumbago, Ague, Nervousness or Kidney Affections accented for treatment j that I cannot cure. no'ii If CROP OF 1872. Clover and Crass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, A'C., &c. Just received, HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, I <lO-155 82 and 81 Ch.erru Street. Tire Knot! Democrat re .Journal, 'i'HSl MtiW VDItM WEEKLY NEWS. BENJ. WOOD, Editor and Proprietor. A Mh:i.moth Eight IVi 'c ..]<■<:, J 1 if*.;. Columns of Heading Mattel - . I Mdnih? all UtC Mies, ton igu, ff/ln'-t>, ! litieal and general,with full and reliable market I reports. F.aeb number alr.o contains several j abort stories, and a great variety of literary, | agricultural and scientific matter, etc etc., ! constituting, it i- confidently a-cured, the | most contjm'b' weekly newspaper in thi ! country. TEEMS, %2 A YEAR. ItxliK'ciiiciits lo tiiilis: Five copies, one year • 0,1 j Ten copies, one year, and an extra copy to the sender— ••• w ! Twenty copies one year, arid on i xtra copy to sender ■■■’ : Fifty copies one year, and oil extra copy to sender ' >l, I'arlii V V nd’ .Hj rlttljHH* e/s/,', /„'/'/ f't'iirl .10 per rent, of Un: 'money rmirol hg them, * com jM/WltiOH. Pcmons d(miring to act as agenta supplied with specimen bundles. Specimen copies sent free to any addreoa. Ail letter* bliouhl be di rected to NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Box 3,T0, novlg-tf A> York r 'Hy TV' Offiee. < MERCHANTS A\l> PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE MAKING THEIR BILLS. WE HAVE IN STORE, 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAR R. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, till gnulcs. 500 ROLLS BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH, ITtivo, uiul arc <>i: ;i, at very ! low ligou ; 100 BOX IKS TOBACCO, all “T!t(lcv 100 BBL: . WtIIMCII/S. 150 BBL . SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES, 100 BALES HAY. 1 000 BUSHELS CORN, ToLO’thcr with a lull .' lin k ol all all goods in our line of business, llfi-tf Brown’s Hotel, MACON. GA. IF long experience and a Uinnaigh l.movl edge of I lie buslneea in all ildivcrrilicd hraneliea are enacnlial to the hreplug Unit w'libdi the public has long heard of but srhloni \ GOOD 1101 1.1,, the undersigned flatter themselves that I hey are fully competent to dirfeharge their obliga tions to their patrons; but they me not only experienced in hotel keeping, lliey would claim to have the TIEBT ARRANGED and MOST COM I’I.E J V. LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED bouse throughout, In the State, which is _loea ted exactly where everybody would have it ait uated IMMEIUATBI.V IN If ROST AMI) AOJA<NT TO TIIE I'ASSBNOKII DEPOT, where travelers can enjoy tliemoul xlir/i and less liable to be lift by the pcrplcxlngly constant departure of the trains. To all these important advantages i added a TABLE that Is well supplied with this best and choicest dishes Ibe city and country can afford: nor would they omit to mention thut their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. For the truth of these statements, we refer the public to our patrons who reside In every State in tbe Union. K. E. BROYVN A SON, Proprietors. Macon, Ga., April 15, 1873. 78-101 DAVIS SMITH, (Successor to tiie late firm of Smith, Wchtcott. <te Cos., and of Smith, McGlyshan A Cos.) MAM FA' Tf AND DK.U.KIt IN SADDLES. HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLERY AM) HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materia In, Leather of all klmls, hoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, KI BlirK, BANDS, ETf,. Together with every article usually kept in a - saddlery house. loit CHEBBY ST., MACON, JA 150-182 FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE — LAWTON Ac BATi: , I on’l!i Strove (INVxt Door lo I.awtoii A \\ illiiijflinm.) y RE prepared to furnish the trade with GKOrnillliN, PROVISIONS, l-f.ANTATIOM SI PPI.IPS, KAO unu, THIS, UTC., <m as reasonable terms as uiiy house in Georgia. We will keep constantly on liund, BACON; LAUD, CORN, OATS, RAY, SUGAR, COFFEE, BAGGING and TbKS, and a general uaaorL ment of such goods as are kept In u lirst elasa Grocery House. Give ua a call. Wc m e running the KAGLF, I'LOI KIAG M 11.1.5, and direct-special attention to our "CHOICE,” “EXTRA,” "FAMILY" Flours. They will be found exactly adapted to tlm trade, and we guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction. Our prices are as low as ttiose of the same grades can be bought In the Mouth. CORN MEAL, hotted and unbolted, always on hand, of our own make and of the beat quality. 120-188 H. BAN DY & CO. TIN AND SHEET IIJOV HOOFING, (Merits,PlMliif ail Repaints; n Ufillft'jl 111 V tin AND GALVANI/.EI) IKON CORNICES r> v' u ■” ii ■ s' T C-r- />’ "'/ sA (/] I Executed at abort notice and satisfaction \ [J' J XU 1 ! guaranteed. y) / \ 1 Third Street, Huron, Un. \ | I’artlcnlar attention given to Guttering put up V V with \ ' WOODRUFF’S \ l-ATI'I.VI’ liAVK IMNTKNWIGH. mPROYIi) &Df GEAB. > i *wfi in -X<; >; 30W. SUPERSEDES Eii, OTHER HORSE POtfii NO HUMBUG-!! • , . i mi I lie i King INt of Iron ami all l liu work bolted to imn M TO I,A O ; !.) i NVI. V I Vl.: ! B C’KNT. LIGHTM! Til AN ANY oTiIJNT IN I.>lo Cm 11 iinU r t* fur \ uuastii'. 1 ii;,’. . • !i oil,- r MA K KS, but it will not <lo the work wit the Draft Hint nr. PATIO NT *i * N OP Mi will. All kits ', of Machining made ami repaired at ruo* wouun, ids lsn Nc; i- Brown House, Macon Georgia. BUOWS’S GALLERY! 10. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. ~~~W. & B. P. TAYLOR, Cor. Cotton Avenuo and Cherry Htrcct, DEAI.F.BB IN OH, c|,(MiS. WINDOW SIfABES. etc.” ' -v ' , .v-.' i;~i. - ' - - - ’ , .... S Metaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine Hint Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. 79U OrtltTH tiy Telegraph promptly attended to. 4\AK 11. lil.otvr. ISAAC U ABO KM AX. IlliOC-Vr A 11-IBDEMAY, ATTORNEYS’*AT HAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston JtaJl, Cherry street. w-aoo_ Barber Shop For Ben*v rpilE Basement room, formerly occupied'^ sK'irre.’Sgsa ss: ""’'BHXtiS HOTEL. Volume I. — Number 201 IiNMAjS line £sj£