Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 06, 1872, Image 2

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" k *A„ pm:. •. uti, vuwjmub itirt rviraraa wv LINES. WINO 4 SMITH. Slo. 10 ItolMngs worth Block. AM Mhri rgfahog to Snhtcriptiun th<M be ml Aemmd It Limn, Wing At Smith, i/itaen, (it. OmmtmttmHmn for On paper mhtmld It <id ifi mil to the JUUar, We oonnot mtlrrtakt to rthtm njtcitd oemmwnWwflon* HoU mxthenii emtmd nM Korns, _fmix all parti of Ihe State, to- Mato*. Mm. Fkank J. Berhinutoh la our only tnihoi ittd City Agent, anil lie is duly em powerwd to mollclt work for tin* office, mid •übwcrlption* to the Entp.hi’kisis. Mi Chari.e# L. Mize, book and ncwa dealet. la onr aatborlzod agent in Dawson, Om. J. L Tdceer Id oar ualhorized agent at Fort Game*. Mr. W. 8. DbidRICK, Houtbern Express Company Office. 1* our authorized Agent at BniilhviUa. I. N. Sbtmouk, of Hying tou# Hotel, U our authorized Agent at Griffin. W. WATKIS lilt Its, lldilor. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY- A bill went through the lower House of Congraa* yesterday to admit building material tnto Boston free and then took up the bill for the ten sloops of war. Mr Archer, a member of the nural committee, advocated the bill as a matter of necessity, the navy of the United Slates being now In arottou and ruinous condition. Ha ad mitted that there was nothing to be feared from the great powers, but the people whom It was desired to impress with the greatness of this country were the acini •ivlllzed nation of the world. It svns fur that object more than any other that these vessels were required. Various amendments, snob as requiring half the number to be built in private shipyards requiring plans and estimates to he reported to Congress and an appro priation made before the work is com wauced, to modify the provision in regnrd to guns, so as to make it read not exceed ing ten gttns, reducing the number of ves sels to lie coustiucted from ten to six. wore agreed to, end the bill passnd Mr. Pomeroy introduced a bill to pro hibit tbs sal.-, or manufacture, or Inqioria tiou of intoxicating liquors in the District of Columbia or In the Territories. Morrill, of Vermont, cut 1 up a hill on the endowment or national college it ml npek* am 11. In the Senate yesterday Mr. Caineiou £eve unlive that he would call tip at un aterty day the bill In relHtion to French spoliation claim*. The Preeideut ha* sent in the nomina tion of Ward Hunt aa a Juatice of the Supreme Court, aad J L. Orr, of South Carolina, aa Minister to Kiissia Colonel Frebel, Commissioner of Oeor gie. for the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio river end ite tributaries, is In Waablagton, and will interview the Prea ldent on Batnrday. The Commissioners ft oen twenty other Htaiee ore daily expected end n forum) will be held at an early day. The legislative trouble* lu Alabama have been adjourned to Washington. Committees representing the two hodiae are now in that city. The President liae referred them to the Attorney General, who will give fall attention in every Hint ter presented but he will not rendei any opinion, or tube any other notion therein. The fined delennlnation u! the Govern ment is not to on ter fere in the condition of political alibi re In Alabama, unlcs some thing abould arise under the Constitution of the United States, which shall render nee—ary the Intervention of Federal authority. A Shirs between the two bodies in Montgomery, are in abeyaucc. The steamer Urey Kagle, of the ieville and Henderson line, on the Ohio rivor, has been sunk. Value, #<15.000 She wee insured in I<ouis\l!le for #lO,- 000. In the Freaeb Assembly yesterday, the committee of thirty proposed by Minister Dufhvre, were duly elected. It consleis of the committee, as formed by the Aammbly, 19 deputies from the Might repreaentating 3dl votas. and eleven depu Uvea from the left, representing 5.13 votes What cuuraa the Government will lake under the circumstance* it at this time —known A special telfgmu from I.oudou yes lordny. aaya (be reaction above detailed ricites the liveliest action and apprehen sion in Parts, where lighting is expected The greatest excitement prevails at Chiselkurst. The Marshal Mac Mahon con rrola an Amy. but will act only in obe- f dience to I lie AMrmblv. and not to 1 Thim* Ueiwi i*accap*tioi] is certain if bght lacoww*. Cinwpiaiwue has in colly passed be iweaa MNBarek and Napoleon. Geras*n reoceopation will reatilt iu tbe Rev. Dr. Height, of New York, b.u been alecMli RMtop of tbe Protestant Episcopal CbdrclkSw Use Diocese of kUaMchusett*. vice Bishop Eaalburn decerned. Tbe Newbrypart Ma-sachu*," is -;.u work* exploded ye*terd*v Seven were infiMltT killed and many injur*' ■' ■<* — Ft** PTATK PejxT**.—We e that the name at Mr. J. H. Estill, of the Savannah kb or, mg New*, has )>eru tnaalinrted iu coaneeiinu with the above office There i* no paiwoa. in our opinion, with al! due Oefbreoce to the at he; candidates. Iwtter titled /or the position snd the dtorbaige of it* manifold duties than tbe energetic pro prietor' of the Morning News A (borough printer, enterprising and reliable, :a hi* hands the work would be executed in the beet style and promptly. We hope hi* claim* will he duly considered by the legislature. V ATIOV A I. HAVKN. Ouf National Banking system hss Its Irieuds and Us ensmies Whatever may be said of Its defects, os compared wltb any system heretofore In vogue in this couutry, it is an Improvement. Tbc old safety fund system of New Turk, sujier seded by tbs Free Banking Iv.v of ti.ul Hlate. worked welt for the people The present National system however is tbs outgrowth of this latter, greatly elab orated end improved. In reading the recent reports, on the National system we arc not a little gratified to observe to few failures, and so little loss attending its administration. We find ouly twenty-one banks, organ ized in eleven different States, with an aggregate capital $4,236,100, have failed since its organization in 1803. The total circulation of these hanks was $_’,942,703, of which $2.4 )1,430 has been redeemed in full, leaving a balance still outstanding of $501,363, which will also be redeemed upon presentation to the Treasurer of the United States, from the avails of United States bonds held as security for that pur pose. Of these hanks, live have been finally closed (two during the past year), having paid dividends to their creditors During the year pust six failures are reported Of these, the Union Square National Bank, New York , tiro Fourth National Bunk, Fhiladr Iphia and the Waverly National Bank, New York, have puld their creditors in fhll—a settlement, it is believed, without n precedent in the history of Bunking in America Tire Eighth National Bunk, New York, has paid a dividend of 50 per cent . the Ocean National Hank, New York, n dividend of 70 per cent, and the receivers of tire Ocean National Bunk, and of the First Nationul Bank of Fort Smith. Ark . esti mate that the creditors of both these hanks will ultimately receive a dividend of 100 cents on the dollar. The Venanago National Bank of Frank lilt, I’eun . the Merchant*’ National Bank of Washington, D. (’ , the First National Bank of Selma. Ala., and the First National Bank of New Orleans, were United State* depositories. The final dividend in favor of the creditors of the First National Bunk of Vicksburg lias been unexpectedly delayed by the recent presentation of a claim of the United States for money *1 leged to have been been illegally deposited by tbe Collector of Internal Revenue of Ural district, in the year IKGB Since that time no losses have occurred to the Gov ernment by deposits made in the national bnnks, although many millions of dollara have been continually on deposit with bnnks which are designated as daposlto ries The three first named bnnks. at tbe time of their failure, had a large amount of Government funds on drqrosit. Wkii.yan Female Coli.kok.—For want of space ive are compelled to leave out to-day Dr. Myers appeal for additional will fur this time honored and most worthy institution. We will print the aptp'al to morrow It is known to our citizens generally, that greut improvident* nro going forward at the college, both in tbe building* and upon tbe extensive grounds. Wltcu the plans adopted am fully carried aut nod finished, tbe college and ground* will pre sent a moat beautiful appearance. Money is now needed to go on. The citizens of Mseou will nut let au appeal for aid past unheeded from the Waaleyun College ' un institution that has, for ninny years given aid, < huracter uad attraction to our city. Dr. Myers lies appointed Messrs. H I. Jewett, J. W. Burke, E. Winsbip and C. A, Nutting,—a committee to reeieva lunds and subscription. 'rnK LATENT FI! AT. The latest feat in journalism is to steal (lie press dispatches and then boast of it ns a smart game. This llie Atlanta Her ald, an insignificant journal of Hie lower aide of civilization, seems to glory iu The Rome Commercial ha* this to <y to tho point We have to enter our unqualified con demnation of tiro manner iu which Mr. St. Clair-Abrams boasts that lie obtained the press dispatclirs and thereby compelled his adversaries to sell them to him at hi* own price. For a cool piece of effrontery Ibis boast surpasses anything we have ever read of. A man exploits Hi# properly of another to compel him to tell it to him at Ins own price, and then comes before tbe public ant) boasts of it a* a smart piece of jour nalistic enterprise. We much mistake the lone and temper of the Southern press, if it does not at one voice condemn mis act of Mr. St. Clair-Abram* as disreputable to the profession and deserving the graven censure. Dnrrixc.i isn*t> Divines —lilsliop tb-o I> Cummins of Hie Episcopal Diocese, of Kentucky, aud Bishop Enoch M. Marvin, of the Methodist Church South, will pleach in Macon next .Sabbath Our Church-going people will doubtless give these lUstinguisexl oflioer* in the realm ecclesiastic*, a generous and a w arui tecep lion. They r able and attractive preachers , —lhhU practically edneated in the same school— namely the Methodist Itiueraucy ; and they both reflect gu st honor upou their noble Alt'a M.itf Aa Mrthoditt preacher, the u w Bihop Cummin was greatly beloved popular, and tucoanefUl. for he gave full proof of hit luiniatrr, and preached w ith an eloquence aud an uaction which have intensified in the Episcopalian Bishop No i *i rt it evidence of the rapid grow Hi and powerful influence of the new -paper press of America can be given than to contrast the journal* of to-day w ith those of thirty years ago. Several of tbc int* rice cities vie with those of Hu- sea board. A day or two since the New York Herald contained sixteen pages A copy of the Missouri Republican is before us contain ing twelve page*, and made up ia all iu department* with an ability unsurpassed in journalism. IIOK ACE GKBaIiET. In a isle num'rer of Tbe Tribune the following poem appears, written, we suppose from the initials, by Edmund C- Btedmsu. It will he read with interest everywhere ■ lelorc the Hurlal. garth, let thy softest mantle rest 3 hi* wearied child to the returning, Whose youth was nurtured st thy breast, Who lured thee with snob leader yearning! He knew thy fields snd wood laud ways, And deemed thy huiuhlesl sou hla brother: — Asleep, bevoud our blame or praise, W e yield him track, O gentle Mother! Of r,raise, of blame, he drank his Mil: Who hss not read the life long story 1 And dear we hold Ids fame, but still The man wss dearer than his glory. And now to u are left stone The closet where tils shadow iiagers, The vacant chair that wa* a throne— 'l he pen, ju-l fallen from his fingers. Wrath changed to kindm* ou that pen; Though dipped in gall it flowed with honey; One Mash from out the cloud, and then The skies with smile and jest were sunny; Of bate he surely Isi ked Uie art, Who made his enemy lover : O reverend head and < hristian heart' When* now their like ttie round world over! He ssw tile goodness, not tho taint, In many a poor, do nothing creature, And gave to sinner and to saint. But kept his faith in human nature; Perchance lie was not worldly wise, Yet we who noted, .lauding nearer. Tin aehrewd, kind tv. inkle In hit eves. For every weakness held hiu, dearer; Alas ' tbs' unto h':m who gars 8o lunch, so til i h- should Ou givsn ! Himself stone, he might not -ave Of sit for whom lus hand* had striven. Plano, freedom, feme, Ids ".ink bestowid: Men took, ami passed, and left him lonely W’hat marvel, If beneutli tiis load, At times he craved- for jn -tree only ! Yet lliaiiltleshness, ttie s- i jHIU’s tooth, Ills lofty purp could not a't'-r; Toil had no power to Ic u t Ins youth, Or make his lusty manhood latter; From envy's siing, from slander's dart. That armored soul the tody slnuloed, Till one darn sarrnw chilled ids lie-.tit. And then lie bowed his head, and yielded Now, now, we measure at its worth Ttie gracious pre.'-m-e gone forever ! The wrinkled Fast, that gave him birth, Laments with every laboring river; Wild moan the free winds of the West For him who gathered to tier prunes Tin- sons of men, and bind*- e -eh crest The haunt of happy household fairies. And anguish sits upon the mouth Of tier who came to know him latest; llis heart, was ever thin*-, < i South ! He was thy truest friend, mid greatest! lb shunned thee in th v splendid shame, He stayed thee in thy voiceless sorrow ; The day thou shall forget liia name. Fair Smith, can have no sadder morrow. The tears that fait from eyes unused, — The hands shove Ids grave united, — The words of men whose lips he loosed. Whose cross he Imre, whore wrongs lie righted,— Could lie but know, and rest with this ! Yet stay, through Death’s low lying hollow! Ills one lust foe's insatiap- Idst On that benignant shade would follow ! Peine! while we shroud this man of men no unhallowed Word tie spoken ! He will not answer the nguin, ltis moii Iti is sealed, his wand is broken ! Some holler cause, some vaster trust lteyuml tin- \ nil. In- doth inherit: O gently. Faith, receive Ids dust, And ft liven soothe his troubled spirit! . C. S. Thanks -The tiiauks of the editor are duo to Mr. i. H Clink, who so ably and satisfactorily conducted Hie Kntehu*!c during tlie past ten days. Mr. Clark is well known in journalism, and lm* occu pied high positions on Hie best journals in the land. Wu are sure ive speak the desire of nil our readers wiien we express the hope that Mr Clark may tiud it in the line of his interests to make Macon ids permanent home. The Attorney Geueiul has decided, in answer to a communication from the I’ost nmster General, that postoffice officials Imre no ri lit to open or detaiu letters or matters transmitted through tbe postoftice. though they may know that they contain obscene matter. The Attorney General adds ' Postmasters have no more au thority to open letters, other than those addressed to themselves, tbau any other citizen of the United States." Tint South Georgia Conference will liegin its session at Tliouiasviile next Wednesday morning, tlie 11th iust. Bishop Enoch M Marvin will preside. The Methodist Churches of Macon will be supplied from this Conference. Bisuor Enoch M. Mauvix, will preach in this city on Suiuisy' usxt. Iu the morning at Mulberry Street and iu the evening si First Street Church Tin: Municipal election at Atlanta on Wednesday, went triumphantly for Hum mock llie Democratic candidate. RomiKKV. Mi kiik.u and Akson—We are informed that Mrs Collier, tlie aged widow of llie late Benjamin Collier, whs brutally’ murdered lust Saturd_y night, at her residence near Orion, Pike county, Alabama. The house was burned after wards to conceal Hie crime Tbe murderer has not yet been discovered, notwithstand ing vigilant search. Tbe crime was doubt less committed by some one who knew or supposed she iisd several hundred dollars in the house. Such a report of funds was circulated. Columbut Sun, 4tA w w- Con i ndiu m* —What two letters sig nily a w ritten article N A. tesaav ) What bird • name can he spelt w ith two letters ? I* N. ;pen lien j What pungent pow der can he -pelt with two letters’ K N (cayenne.) What won!, signifying any thing taken call be sjielt with two letters ’ C. /■ (seized 1 Why is the letter D like * sailor ? Because it follows the C. (tea i Why are It and D in the alpha bet like England and Eranca * Because there is a U (seat between them Why is a fancied idea like tbe sea 5 Because it is i notion -an ocean ) Oshkosh, Wisconsin, tin* had Enoch Arden, but he didn’t come back and gaze through the wiudow at the felicity of the reconstructed household, and then go into the greeu and yellow melancholy business; not any lie kicked the new husband out, sorted o\er the chiidrvu and tent his brats aftrr him then, after thrashing his wile, settled down into a peaceful and happy bead of the faniily Keatlur ti-overs are the latest. They are made in Elorida. and tbe new branch of industry promises to become very re munerative The flower* arv made of the beautiful plumage of the white heron, while the leave* are taken from the paro quet. They are already very fashionable among Southern* A demonstrator ol tue atomic thtOfy— Nitro-glycerine. An Aasplcioui Opening. The Congreas of the United States opens its session in * becoming spirit. In tbe Benate, Mr Sumner, on* of tbe mo*t im placable and perusteut foes of the South ; a man whose public career baa been marked by an intense sectionalism, and whose real powers have been dwarfed by an uncontrollable prejudice, moves that all records and symbols of the late civil war be stricken from the flags and banners of the country We can but applaud the sentiment. It is not in the obliteration of insignia which may revive bitter recol lections tnat this res olution is to be en forced, but in the smothering in the heart* of the men of the two sections the fires of hate which have been allowed to burn long uftcr the close of actual strife. And in the House the resignation of General Banks of the chairmanship of the Committeo of foreign affairs was not re- j I ceived. It had been freely giveu out that for his | defection to Graut and his support of Mr j Greeley, the member from Massacliuetts j wa to be punished by degradation. But the llouae went farther still. It or : dered by a uuauimous vote that a record ; should be placed upon its journals of the j vote recieved by Mr. Greeley iu the lute Presidential canvass, together with the ex i pressiou of its profound grief at the loss j the country sustained in bis death. These are the first and frusliest garlands cast upon the grave of the greut editor, j They ara fruits of that spirit of peace ) which be invoked by bis candidacy, mid his admirable conduct in tbe campaign. They give earnest of a truce to strife, of a feeling of fraternization, which, if culti vated, may yet cemeut tbe broken frag inents of a shattered Union A body which starts in such temper can scarcely be expected to prove harsh. Tin dictive and punitory in its action. In the few weeks it has to sit it will accomplish much if it can pass to its successor the ad mirable temper in which it approaches the discharge of public duties.— hue Ilepitblican. Charles As tor Bristed (“Carl Benson ") is said to be the richest literary man in America, his income being sixty thousand dollars a year, but bis income bus little to do w ith his literature A company started in Middletown for the manufacture of odorless rubber goods is rapidly approaching bankruptcy, which shows how impossible it is to make goods ; without a scent. —♦ ♦ Henry Ward Beecher thinks that the reason attention is falling away from the ministry, is becuuae young preachers are content to fossilize as soon as they have secured cu income and a wife. Tuky have u new way of doing it at Cold water. If a man is arrested for drunk enness, and can't pay bis tine, the Nulooli keeper who sold him tbe liquor must pay the line or be prosecuted. ANNOIINCEnEATN. Drmocratie and Liberal Republican Nomination*. rOK MATOK M. A. 11l FF. rOK ALDK.KMKN, 1W Ward. 3rd Ward. Titos. U. CoHNBU, John W. Bchkk, Bakun Cahtbu, E. J. Johnston, D. M. Dukiiktt, Chhistoi-iibk Bckkk, Sad Bard. 4fA Bard. John G. Deitz, J. J. Cokneli , E C'KOI'KETT. GKOKOE Bl KDICK, Benj. Bckuick, R. J. Liuutkoot. 1 am a caiulldatc for re-election to the oilier of Tax Receiver of Bibb county at the ensuing election in January. R. A. Benson. nov’JT-td The friend* of Jams* Maktin announce him a* a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county, sub ject to everybody'* nomination, nov’JS-td. The friend* of E M. Cai.uoi n announce him as a candidate for Ordinary of Bibbcouuty, •abject to the nomination of the Democratic party, The friend* of Pat Crow n announce him aa a candidate for the ofii.-e of Sheriff of Bibb county. nov’22tde. The friends ef Washington Poe, Sr., re apcetfully announce hie name a* a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county, subject to the nomination of the Dimocrntic party. nov’Jltd The friend* of TbaiieusG. Holt, Jh., res pectfully suggest him a* a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county—subject to a Dem ocratic nomination. td The friends of C. T. Ward announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of Ordi nary. The name of R H. Cain, ia hereby presented to the Democratic and liberal party, a* a can didate for Tax Collector. Mr. Cain i* an old citizen, and, at one time was collector of taxes' His friend* hope that his claims will be kind ly considered, kuowing that he will do hi* duty, if chosen. td. The many firiends of Milo S. Freeman an nounce him as a candidate for County Treas urer. novld-td. A. F. Gibson Is annonuccd os a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic nomination. nov 14 td. Geo. F. Chekrt is announced us acandidate for Sheriff of Blbh county, subject to the Dem ocratic nomination. liovlS td Wi: the voters of Bibb cauut>- announce Kli. Gross as a candidate for Sheriff, sub ject to the nomination of the Democratic party. novl3-tf 0. 1“. Kinnkt is acandidate for Tux Receiv er of Bibb County, subject to the nomination of the Democratic Party. novlStf Tin- friends of Maj John A. M, Mam - .m nouiicr him as a candidate ft>r re-election as Clerk of Council of the city of Macon. novlfftl Ttie friends of Cuas J, Williamson hereby announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of City Treasurer. novlJ-tf. Tbc undersigned announces himself as a candidate for Treasurer for Bibb county, sub ject to ttie Democratic nomination. ■; "l'-'tf Felix CoJtPCT. The friends of W. T. Nelson announce him as acandidate for Tax Collector for Bibb coun ty, subject to the Democratic nomination. nov IS tf. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county—subject to the nomina tion of the Democratic Convention. nov 12 tf S. D Rainey. After repeated solicitations from friends and mature deliberation, feeling it to be our duty to benefit our fellow-cltixena in every manner pos sible, we have concluded to announce ourself a candidate for the House, sign and ornamental painting, subject to nothing but greenbacks or city scrip, and pledge ourself if elected to do our Asm for ou reelf, and not go bock on eur cooati tUeuts. W INDIA* A Cos. Under Spots wood Hotel. Macon. Ga NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ANOTHER SHIPMENT J ust arrived at J. F. BARFIEI.D & CO.'S It Brown ilouac Block. SHOOTING MATCH ANY and all persons wishing to eng ge in tills wltti their irood guns, will confer with No. 8, Cotton a. le, for the $lO colored picture. Tickets (20) Vi each. dec.‘--4L LOST, ON Sunday Ihbl, a fur cape, The finder will be Kuhably lewarded by leaving th< *rae at thin office. dec 4 Jit ci osiNGOurT ft No 5, If Kntn 00 I No 0, 11. Ham, :> 00 1 No. 7, 11. Ham 58 00 1 Pony Power 85 00 1 Buckeye Cultivator, 48 00 I Buckeye ti rain Drill, 08 00 ft Cotton Seed Linte 55 00 Cotton Seed Huller* each, 85 00 Diamond Mill**. Pumps, Ladders, Wagon Bodies, Cotton planters*. Cultivators, Bee Hives, etc , etc., below cot, at W. W. IMRKEir* Old Ntand, Hollingworth Block. dec3*t. CHAM A. W. W. LAKEY. ELLS <fc LANEY (SUCCESSORS TO w. P. CARLOs.) Wholesale and retail dealers in Staple ami Fancy Graceiies, CANNED FRUITS. Confectioneries, Etc., MULBERRY BTRET, MACON, GA. AGENTS for the Macon lee Manufacturing Company, wholesale and retail dealers in fine Cigars, Tobacco and Liquors. Bar ami Saloon upstairs, constantly supplied with all the luxuries of the season. Ah will be seen from the above, Messrs. Ells A Laney have purchased my stock, an l that they will continue the business at the old stand. I cordially recommend the new firm to the public They are gentlemen of experience and a thorough knowledge of the business, and I hope the patronage so liberally bestowed on me will be extended them Very respectfully, WM. P. CARLOS. Macon, Ga., Dec. 8, 1872. decß-6t. RALSTON HALL. Mr. T. U. Turnbull respectfully announces tlie uppcarance of tlie World-Renoivnc i GREAT VIOLINIST, OLE BULL, Iftl TWO GRAND tOYd’I.TS, SATIRDAY AND MONDAY, DECEMBER 7tli und 9th. assisted by niSS ORAZEULA It IDO WAY, SIGNOR FARRATII A, BAKITONK COMIC, yiH. J. IV. PATTISOY. Admission $1; Reserved Seat* 50c. ex iu—to he obtained on and after December 2d at drown Co.’h Book Store. Concert will commence at 8 o’clock. Tbe Grand Piano used at these Com erte is from the celebrated manufactory of ' cssrs. Wm. Knahr & (Jo., of Baltimore n.*vßo-8t ON CONSIGNMENT —llY — J. Holmes & Cos., ftio. S3 Third Street. JQQ BBLS. TENNESSEE APPLES, 50 bbls. POTATOES. Also one ear load of choice, select RUST PROOF BEED OATS. Superior to anything of the kind ever before offered in this market. Give us a call. novDOtf Stockholder's Meetirg. Office Macon and Western R. K. Cos., i Macon, Ga., Nov. 30. 1873 ( Tic annmil meeting of Stockholders of the Macon amt Western Railroad Company, iortlie election of President und Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and anv other busine s tlmt may be brought before them will be held at tlie office of the Company in this city on Tuesday the 7th dav of January next at 10 o’clock a. m MILO S. FREEMAN, novSO-td Secretary and Treasurer. To Tax Payers of Bii Coily! I GIVE notice that the Tax Book* for col lecting the State and County Taxes for will close on the 7th day of December. 1 hope all will note this and pay their taxes, as I have to settle on the 15th and* cannot pive anv longer time. This notice is final. I an’t be responsible for any one’s tax after tha time. All poll tuxes and road tuxes are required from both white uwd colored. novU-tf F. M. HEATH, T. C. NOTICE. r r , HE Books for the registration of veers for A the city election will be opened on ic first day of October and close at Two o’clock p. m. on December 13, 1572. septic td j. a. McManus, t rw. DR. P. H. WRIGH ? 1 > ESPECTFI’LLY tender his prof -ional IV services to the citizens of Macon id vi cinity, Office at Drug Store No. 3 irown House Block. Residence at Kev.Samm-1 Boy kin’s, Georg'* avenue. Calls left at either place will receive prompt attention. • 16tf DR WRIGHT. HAS removed to Boardman’s Block over Pendleton <t Ross', corner Mulberry and Second sts., Macon, Ga. nov'. 3m. ! WOOD AND COALT I HAVE established, nearthc Macon A West ern Railroad Depot, an ample var t with Fairbanks' bi-st scale-1 to supply ail k nds of Wood and Cool, iu any quantity, at the .owest market rate*. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respi-eifullv solicited. Orders left at tbe offices of Messrs. H. L. Jewett. Greer, Lake A Cos , Tn-pia A Ogden, through Postoffice, or at the Is-d, wiii . have prompt attention. Come and sec rB-WO MlL#* 8. FRBEMAN NEW ADYEItTIStMENTS ©BOOTY! Epizootv!! Epizooty!! Tie Ernie Flooring ills, HAVING prepared a cooling and healthful food for the HORSE MALADY, are now offering it in any quantities. Also an admirable article of COW FOOD. Also PL,4I.\ DOI TED VIEAE. Also all Griiili's of FLOI'K, Ail of which can he obtained by leaving or der! at W. A. Huff’*, Seymour, Tinsley A Cos , D. Good & Sons’, Small, Gamble <fc Beck’s, Lawton A Bates’ or at the Eagle Mills. u0302w W. J. LAWTON & CO. t&XK * KtRTLAWD NO. 3 COTTON AVENUE & B 6 THIRD STREET. JJAVE just received another full supply of Ladies tine white Kid Botton Bools. Ladies’ Fine White Sat tern Lace Boots, ladies fine white kid and sattekn suppers. Also a full line of Misses & Children’s Dress Shoes OF EVERY COLOR, SIZE AND STYLE. A LARGE STOCK OF Boots, Gaiters, Lace Shoes, Etc., . FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, Constantly replenished with all the LATEST STYLES. LADIES WHITE KID BOWS AND BOWS AND ROSETTES, of every description. GSNTS’ OVER GAITERS, ETC., ETC. 0.11 and examine, MIX <fc KIRTLAND. uov3o-lw ~~W. A. HUFF’S Corn, Bacon aii Floor Iprii OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. :e: Corn, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. - THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “THE PRIDE OF DIXIE,” The Bestlin the Wox’ld* Always on Hand. 1 claim superior facilities in the purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOOR, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC., And I will make it to the interest of Merchwite and Planters to cmil on mo with their MOXIY or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. ¥. A. HTJEF. 97-tf I FUU AHEAD. IN anticipation of the approach me Christmas Holiday., we have .i r * of new and freali goods for the retailer? hnt.i. and families; such aa hotel* EXTRA LARGE BLUSHING RED APPl.r s PRETTY YELLOW SWEET OR ANGES, GOOD SWEET CIDER, ALSO GRAPES, PEAKS and PINE APPLES, (TO BB HKItK IN TIME.) MUSCAT, ANGELICA, BHEKIIY AND WHITE WINE FROM CALIFORNIA. FinE WORKS. ! FIRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, TORPEDOES, ETC., Plenty Gilt Edge Butter, Georgia Cane syrup new Buckwheat Flour, Sultunna, Seedles* and Loudon Layer Raiains, Currants, Citron Prunes, New Figs, Nuts. Domestic, Fane, and French Candies, Pickles, Prunes, Jellies and Jams. Chestuuts, Oranges and Apples. Must be sold to close consignment, a hint to the wise etc., at novls-lm GREEK, LAKE A to.