Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 07, 1872, Image 1

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Links, Wing & Suixn, Propiuktouh, IVrmM of (inbucrlptlon: me * ? 99 Six Months 9” !!reo Month* - w Invariably in advance. po city subscribers by the < <ih, Seventy-five t\H, served l>y curriers. FOR MAYOR OF M A'JON, i:>n. w. a. Hurr. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. Editor Enterprise: Lost spring I ap pealed tlirougli your columns to the citi zeus of Macon for aid, to put the chapel (externally )and the grounds and surround jogs of the Wesleyan Female College in such condition that they would he no longer a reproach to the fair fame of our city. My appeal met with favor, it being im mediately followed by a letter or two en closing liberal donations By personal solicitations. 1 received enough in cash and promises to pay to '.variant mv begin ning work, in the htlii-f Ilia' Macon gea erosily would see it paid h r wneii ihe citizens should see wlmt was to come out of their liberality. I again ask a place in your columns. Mr. Editor, to appeal to the citizens: first for an inspection ol my work, that they may judge whether or not I. have kept my pledge ; and secondly, lot that aid 1 deferred to ask last spring, on account .of the stringency in the money market. lire work is not yet finished—the tinal Douches —the trimming being not yet done (But tbe foundation for indefinite iuipror iment is laid, and we can make progress ais we shall have the means. And now, to meet costs, I need tfo.hiiu, a small sum for the many friends of the College whom Macon holds, to raise. 1 had hoped, at one time, to recieve aid front tiie city, ns the improvements were for the ijWic, and not to maintain in any way o r Institution. If the public will lake care of our buildings and grounds, the Trustees and Faculty will pledge them selves to keep up an Institution that will bring annually into Macon a large sum of .money. I But the city lets failed to respond, and I annst seek for private benefactions : and this I now do through your columns. When it is considered that the work j tone and projected is likely tu improve the j vdue of property in all our neighbor -hood j —that it has given anew outlet to Mag j rud'io. ami ei'lisi'qui'nlly t ne*:_v !! *el. j which will jKirliap* . no distant <! j he traversed try a Mint niHroad. gristly facilitating conubmiiiiitioii v,College Hill and Viueville lean im! iu-lieviMiuU • lie property holders and business men o! Macon will generally ami generously re spond to this appeal, and from these I am hoping lor aid. Let me appeal also to the graduates of the Institution to give me t icir support in this matter. Some can give; all can solicit a ill, and convey .t.o me the contributions of others. My time is 100 fully employed to permit ■,nc to see the citizens personally. Why ■should it he needed? The postoflice is convenient —pupils are coming daily to the College from many households. It will be easy for the liberal-minded to make sue a remittance. Small or large, it will be welcomed. I may not expect very notch, iperliaps, from any one person ; but some loan give $5, some $lO. some S2O, or SSO ur $ 1(00, and some may, perhaps, give as much as from S2OO to SSOO, as a few have already done. If all these figures are rep resented in the donations as liberally as the ability of our citizens warrant, the $5,000 asked for will be soon forthcoming If any one wishes to contribute, and finds it iucouvenieut to make a remittance by letter, it may he handed to either J. W. Burke, E. Wiuship 11. L. Jewett or C. A. Nutting. Esq. A speedy response from the liberal iminded will not only bring credit to them selves, hut will greatly oblige one whose .chief interest has been to serve the public i. ; ntetiests faithfully in this matter. Kespectfully, etc., E. If. Myers. p. sS.—ln addition to the collections re- ! ported last spi'iog. I have received from Messrs. Carhart .& Curd, $100; Messrs, j Boss & CMeroftu. $100; Messrs. J. W Burke & Cos., $100; Messrs. Hopson & Cos.. SSO; Kev. It. M jLoekwood, SSO : J. P. Fort. Esq., $25 ; C. Huberts, Esq , S2O; Mr Ingalls, paints, $ '5; and handsome donations of brick from Messrs Sparks & Knight, Anderson & Ballard, and W. G. lioge, and of paints from Mr. Peter. Not : more than twenty five individuals or firms have yet responded to my appeals, and. therefore, many remain from whom I look for assistance. Win) first volunteers? E H M TIf.AVE* —-Were there a country on j aarthrUniting all that is beautiful in nature, all that is great in virtue, genius and the liberal arts, and numbering among its cit- j izens the most illustrious patriots, poets, philosophers, philanthropists of our age, how eagerly would we cross the ocean to visit it! And how-immeasurably greater is the attraction of Heaven ! There live the great of all ages and climes; the friends, benefactors, delivers ornaments of their race ; the patriach, prophet, and martyr ; the true heroes of public, and still more private life; the father, mother, husband, wife, child; who unrecorded by man have walked before God in the beauty of love and sclf-sacrificiDg virtue. i here are ail who have built up in our hearts the power of goodness and truth, the wliters from whose pages we have received the inspiration of pure and lofty sentiments, the friends whose countenances have shed light throngh our dwellings, and peace and strength through our hearts.—There they are gathered together, safe from every storm, and triumphant over every evil , and they say to us, Come and join us in our everlasting blessedness, come and bear a part in our song of praise . share our adoration, friendship, progress and works of love.” Anew railroad, 550 miles in length is now being surveyed to connect the Medi teranean sea with the Persian Gulf It is to commence at Triaoli on the Syrian coast, passing by way of Palmyra, and oroaaing the Euphrates, thence traversing Mesopotamia and the Tigris, and terminat ing at Bagdad, where it would meet the Persian Gulf line asorignally planned. True happiness is of a retired nature, and an enemy to pomp and noises , It arises, in the first place, from the enjoy ment of ooe’e self, and in the next, from the friendship and conversation of a few select companions Hfefon fliti(i) enterprise. BRET HARTE. His Lecture on California Life in its Early Days. From tbe Springfield Republican, Nov. '.'ll | To the destructive echoes of the city hall and to -Mr. llarte's inadequate voice, the audience, last evening, owed tlie un fortunate loss of the most exqulsit por trayal of an era unique in its conditions and characters. What Mr. Harte said of the Argonauts of 49 was as delicately humorous aud tender, at once and in turn, as those wonderful sketches that first sur prised the world into a knowledge of his rare, new genius. The lecture proved him. once more, the one poetic soul com missioned to perceive in that exceptional life its underlying, yet essenojl romance, and limn it for enduring recognition. The rudeness, the desperateness. 'lie extrava gance. the coarser humor, the outer sem blance of the life, have found other and remarkable chroniclers ; but no other has reached with sucli keen and appreciative touch, its pathos or its deeper tragedy.— Bret Harte v merits never shone more peileeily ihuu m the picturasque eharac terizalioie- of tins lecture, amt the greater part of the audience, who could not know how tine a banquet they were losing, are to lie compassionated. Mr Hart proposed to tell of a crusade without a cross, an exodus without a prophet. "It is not a pretty story," said he ; "1 do not know that it is even instruc tiAu ; I do not know that it is strictly true It is of a life of which, perhaps, the best that can be said is that it exists no longer.” After this brief preface tlie lecturer sketched the primitive days of California, when tbe laud and the dwellers therein wet® alike enjoying a dolee far niente. lie sketched then rapidly their sudden awak ening to find themselves strangers on their own soil, foreigners in their own laud, ig norant even of the treasure they had been set to guard. The causes of this swift Change were prefigured for many years. The oldest and newest faiths of the world —the Roman Catholic and the Mormon— were the pioneers of California. Father Junipero Lena, ringing his hell in the heathen wilderness of upper California, and Brigham Young, leading his ludf-fam ished legions to Salt Lake, were tiie path dealers of the Argonauts of 49 The Ar gonauts were not men to be deeply a by these coincidence*. They were exalted In mi special me .on. and skeptic 'i of oven lie- existence' ‘ Ut-.j golden fi-iece '"- tit they saw it. *■ The aliogeHici- unexampled e.otur*ii of the new order of life io those early i tys of the urgoiiatitie capture •>t ti e golden Stale, were here depicted \viih Hint power of chili HClerization oy incident and phrase which have become so l'amiUii to ns in Mr. llarte’s stories , as when be alluded to tlie exchange of characters o common, where tbe best men trail tbe worst antece dents, and the worst rejoiced in a spotless Puritan pedigree. “‘The boys seem to have taken a fresh deal all ’round,’ said Mr. John Oakharst to me,in the easy con fidence of a niau conscious iu liis ability to win my money, ‘aud there is no know ing whether a man will turn up jack or king.’ It is relevant to this anecdote that Mr. Oakhurst himself came of a family whose ancestors regarded games of chance as sinful because they were trifling and amusing, but who had never conceived that they might be made the instruments of speculation and tragic earnestness.” And Mr. Oakhurst wondered, as he rose with a gain of SSOOO, that there are folks ‘•as believes that keerds is a waste of time.” This Oakhurst, the typical gambler of that time (tire hero of "The Outcasts of Poker Flat”), once more illustrates in this lecture a phrase of contradictory nobility, by redeeming from the gaming table for bis wife a luckless gambler by buying his next play, and then losing it by concert with the dealer. As he confessed the weakness to a friend he added,solemnly " It's the first time as I ever pla.vcd a game that was’nt on the square." Ilarte’s de scription of the men of the milling camps is more vivid than that of the city popula- tion. Their personal attractions uro rep resented in au exceedingly flattering light!; heir habitual life, minutely drawn with iU unnatural characteristics, its absence of softening influence, of reverential custom, arid —chieflack of all— of home. In this connection, what more exquisit can be thought of than the painting of the lone woman —lone, cveu though wedded, and though beloved by every miner in the camp—pining slowly away, and, to every body's astonishment, dying at last. “‘ Do you know what they say Ma’am Richards died of?’ said Yulia Bill to his partner, •No,’ was the reply. • The doctor says she died of nostelgia,’ said Bill. * What d—d thing is nostalgia?’ said the other. •Well, it’s a kind o’ longing to git to heaven !’ Perhaps he was rigid.” And with this pathetic incident we must close our partial sketch of this eharming essay on California pioneer life. Maxims From Poor Richard. Without justice, courage is weak. Many dishes, many diseases. Many medicines, few cures. Where carcasses are, eagles will gather. And where good laws are, much people flock thither. Would you live with ease, do what you I ought, and not what you please. Better slip with the foot than the tongue Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing. Pain wastes the body ; pleasure the un ! derstanding. The cunning man steals a horse, the | wise man lets him alone Keep thy shop, and thy shop will keep i thee. The king's ciieese is half watered in paring ; but no matter, 'tis made of the people's milk Nothing but money, is sweeter than honey Of learned fools I have seen ten times ten ; of unlearned wise men I have seen a ' hundred. Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. Poverty wants some thing, luxry many things, avarice ail things A lie stands on one leg, truth on two. What’s given shines, what's received is rusty. Sloth and ailence are a Idol's virtues. There's reveugc in words, hut words may be greatly revenged. A man is never so ridiculous by those qualities of his own. as by those that he affects to have. Ever since follies have pleased, fools kava been able to divert, j It is better to take many injuries than to give one. MACON, GrA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1872. Obedience to Law.—From the ad vance sheets of “The English in Ireland in the eighteenth Century,” by James An thony Froudo, wo make the following short extract and commend its profound ' wisdom to the render It is possible that a noble people may, through force of circumstances or great numerical inferiority, be oppressed for a time by the bntto force of baser adversa ries. just as within tbe limits of a nation particular classes may be tyrannized over, or opinions which prove in the end true may be put down by violence, and tin professors of such opinions presented. But the effort of nature is constantly to redress balance. When freedom U so precious that wiihont it life is unendurable, men with these convictions light too fiercely to be permanently subdued. Truth grows by its own virtue, at|d fuls hood sil ks and fades. An oppressed cause when it is just, attracts friends, and cmii inands moral support, which converts itself sooner or later into material strength. As a broad principal it may be said Unit, as nature has constituted us that we must be ruled in some way, and as at any given time Him rule inevitably will be in the band of those who are then the siumgest. so na ture also lias allotted superiority of strength to superiority of intellect and character, and in lieeiding the weaker shall obey the more powerful she i- in reality saving themselves, and then most confers true liberty when she seems most to be taking it away. There is no freedom possible to man except in obedience to law, and those who can not prescribe law to themselves, if they desire to be free must he content to accept directions from others. Stranoe Instance of Presentiment. —A gentleman who is temporarily absent from home and stopping iu the city, relates to us that after rctiiiug to bed night before last, and before going to sleep, he seemed all at one to he iu a room at home. Ev erything about tbe room seemed as real aud tangible as if be were that moment in it It c iild not be a dream, because lie had never for a moment lost his conscious ness. Upon a bed ill the room lay bis brother, . ppareutly very pale, and leaning over the bed stood his mother in great seeming distress. All day yesterday lie could not banish the incident from bis mind, and last night came tbe sequel lie reeeivo-i * Inner Iro'.n home saying Hint ills hi oilier had taiien i... ..high window. a; and ever since had lain in an unconscious sluic. io due room which Jo- had so plainly seen ffie before. and (its! his mother si •?.i civ left his beside. We liu .c this informal'on lmm gentleman ot iiilclli getlc.e aid a. di-l"‘. <ci in all spirit nut nmnitesti lions —JJm M.. ‘it Jiegieter — -s* ♦- Most brume diseases and many acute ones are produced at the tabic. Asa rule, no fluid lany kind should betaken at the table, especially if the stomach is weak The stomach should never be overloaded; not more than two or three articles should be taken at one meal, no stimulants used bot'oro eating, tobacco arrests digestion— Milk is the best diet for infants ami chil dren. Tomatoes, with cream and sugar, are healthy ami nutritious. Bread and butter is the staff of life, and is easily di gested. Too much salt irritates the stom ach. Colds are often produced by drink ing hot tea and exposure afterwards Late suppers induce heart disease. Pastry and cakes constipate the bowels. Boiled po tatoes are not healthy as baked ones. Fruits are to he eaten at breakfast and din ner. The stomach requires much rest to he healthy, purgative medicines weaken the bowels. Cheerful conversation pro motes digestion ; anger prevents it. False happiness renders men stern and proud, and the happiness is never com municated. True happiness rendets them kind anil sensible, and that happiness is always shared. Grief murmurs; anger roars; impatience frets ; hut happiness, like a calm river, flowsoniu thequietsunlight,without a rip pie or a fall to mnik the rushiug on of time towards eternity. We make ourselves more injuries than are offered to us ; they many times pass for wrongs, in our own thoughts that were never meant so by the heart of him that speuketli. The greatest of all injustice is that which g"cs under the name of law ; and of all sol 's of tyranny, the forcing the let ter of the law against the equity, is the most insupportable. Grief knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can ; and common suffering is a far stronger link than com mon joy. The baud which casts into the waters of lilie a none of offence, knows not how far the circles thus caused may spread their agi ations. The worthiest people arc more injured by slanders ; as we usually find that to he the best tiuit which tire birds have been picking at. FOR SALE. A FOUR room dwelling find vacant lot, also, splendid well of water In the yard ; fronting on (Spring and Hose Htrects, contain ing one quarter of un acre. For sule cheap. Apply to OEOROE SCUM IDT, nov. 25—lm. comer Third and Plum Streets. . i.owK.vriiAi.’M BAR & LAGER BE HR HA LOON, (mabskt’h OLD STAND.) Op[>osite Medical College, Mulberry St. rpuis Saloon is supplied with the heat Wines,. 1 Liquors and Cigars in the market, awd Sparkling 1 Agcr Beer of superior quality Free lunch every day from lh to 12 o’clock and extra lunches servo.d up at any hour in the day or night. Swiss Cheese, Goose, Duck, Ham, Saluda and anything that may he, desired for lunch. nov24-tf DU. B. F. lUG. OFFICE ovei M. H. Rogers* Co’a., Con fectionarv store. Residence, Plum street, opposite George S. Obear’s. ‘ oct 2lrn._ MI M. A. DANIEL WOC CD respectfully Inform the Ladles of Macon and vicinity that ahe, has taken rooms at Ao. IO Cotton Avenue (up stairs), where she 1- prepared to do Dkehs Makino in the latent and m/M fwihioruiiile ntylu. and war rants to give satisfaction. oetlil-2w EDWARD SPRINZ. X-eOTAKF PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JCfi 1> TICE OK TnE PEACE. I can he found for the present at all hours of the day at my offlee adjoining the law otßce of A. Proudflt, over the store of Jaquas * Johnson, 1 bird at., Macon, Ga., to attend to all Magisterial botl ueaa. !!•*. STr This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Meiiccrv, or any injurious mineral substance, but is I*ll EES’<.V VUUKTAIIMI. For FORTY Y EARS It has proved its great value In all diseases of the Liviilt, and Kiunkys. Thousands of the good and great in ull parts of the country vouch for Its wouder fut and peculiar power in purifying the Blood. Humiliating the torpid Liver and Bowiu.s, and imparting new Life mid Vigor to the whole sys tem. SIMMON'S LIVER REGULATOR Isnc knowledgcd to have no equal us a l.m:n niivicni:, It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion In any other preparation, viz : a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful fonle, no unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Sneli signal success Inis attended Its use, that it is now regarded as ti e 4ii■ 1 ills' iliute Npeeltlc for Liver Complaint and Uie painful oilqn hig thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice,Bllllousattacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic Depression of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, Ac., Ac. Regulate, the Liver anil prevent 4’llll.liM A All Fi.VI-IK. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by .n. ii. /iiii.n a i 0.. MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price $1 per package; smithy mail, postage paid, s 1.::o. Prepared ready for use hi bottles, e 1 .Ml, ‘ SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. rjpf“Bewui'o ot all Counterfeits and Imitations, i H 2-538 Ol •- ..w* * *’• tics. Headache, Lumbago, Ague, Nervousneaft or Kidney Affections accepted for treatment that I cannot cure. tl CROP OF 1812. Clover and (draws Seeds. RED CLOVER CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, „ ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &<:., &<:. Just received, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 146-156 82 and 84 Cherry Street. The Great Democratic Journal, TBit: .lEW VOHM WEEK I, V NE\Y S. BENJ. WOOD, Editor and Proprietor. A Mammoth Eight Pago Sheet, Fifty six Columns of Beading Mutter. Contains ait Hu: new*, foreign, dour- tie, po litical and general,with full and reliable market reports. Each number also contains mvcral short stories, and a great variety of literary, agricultural and scientific matter, etc, etc., constituting, it is confidently asserted, the most complete weekly newspaper in this country. TERMS, 82 A YEAR. Inlii<:4‘in<*i>ts to Club*: Vive copies, one yctai ? b 00 Ten copies, one year, and an extea copy to the Bender...., * * W Twenty copies one year, and an extra copy to wonder w Fifty copiea on a year, and an extra copy to sender -to VU Parties nerullng duJ/n <i* afx/vt, truly return 20 per rent, of th> in/ynry rrrtir , ed try them, oji com* pariMjUbn. Persons desiring to act as agents supplied with SDerimcn bundles (Specimen copies sent to^yidress. All lefcrs should he dl- VEW TORE Weekly news, Box B.7SC, nov!3-tf Srw York CUy fat MERCHANTS mi PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TO Til Kill AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE MAKING THEIR RILLS. - (> a WE HAVE IN STORE, 100.000 LBS. BACON OLKA R R. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SIIOI'L DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000 LBS. FLOUR, all grades. 500 ROLLS 21 BAGGING. 10.00(1 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH, Have, it ml an offering at very t e i low ligtivi, : 10U BONKS TO BA COO. ill! "11l lies I 10(1 BBLK. WIIISKIKS. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES I!AY. 1 000 BUSHELS <IORN. | Togeliier with a Till I stock ot all all gooiln in our line of busineKH. 1 io tf Brown’s Hotel, MACON, OA. LK long experience, and a thorough knowl edge of the business in all !U diversltled branches arc essential to the keeping that which the public 1 1 it-, long hctiot nj‘ but mount eea, a uoou iio i i:i, the, undersigned flutter themselves that they are fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their patrons; but they are not, only experienced in hotel keeping, they modestly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED am- MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY I fIt.NISIiKD house throughout, in the Piste, which Is loca ted exactly where everybody would have it sit uated IMMBOIATEI.I IN FItONT ANO AIUACBNT TO THE PAHHKNOEB DBPOT, where travelers can enjoy the mo#< sleep and less liable to be Ufl by the perplexingly constant departure of the trains. To all these important advantages is added a TABLE that Is well supplied with the best and choicest dishes Iho city and country can afford : nor would they omit to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. I’or the truth of these statements, we refer | the public t.o our patrons who reside in every i State In the Union. E. E. BROWN & BON, Proprietors. Macon, Oh,, April 15, 1872. 78-104 DAVIS SMITH, (Bucceftftor to tlic lute linn of Binitli, Wint/ott. A, 00., and of Hmitli, McOlhhliuu A: Cos.) MANLTA* TURKU ANl> DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, hoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, RI’BBEK, OIN BAWDS, ETC,, Together with article uauaily kept In a 109 CMEBRT TANARUS„ WACOM, UA 150-I*s | FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE ~ . LAWTON *V BATE , Toiirlh Miei'l,' (Meil Dour <> iataloii A itillingluun,; VRF. prepared to furnish the trade with . 4JK4M ICItH'.N. |>K4M INI4)VN, I*l . VVIVHO> Kl H.t4- 4J1.K44, in:**, ETC., mi as reasonable terma at any house In Georgia. Wc will keep constantly on hand, BACON: LARD, CORN, OATS, HAY, SUGAR, COFFEE, BAGGING and TIES, and a general assort ment nf such goods as are kept In a first class Grocery House. Give us a call. We sre running the KAGLE FLOURING til 1.1. H. and direct-special attention to our "CHOICE,” "EXTRA,” “FAMILY” Flours. They will be found exactly adapted to the trade, aud we guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction. Our prices are as low as those of the same grades can ho bought In the South. CORN MEAL, bolted und unbolted, always on hand, of our own make and of tbe best quality. 120-18 R H. BAND Y & CO. TIN AND SHEET IKON HOOFING, litl!e|,||ls ’ nn,lli, l Mi Bepairw, '* AMO 71 Spiff'll! ’’ V tin AND GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES l%— < .rscV v 111 v \ GjP J} '" I (.’lij \ Executed at short notice and satisfaction \ 1 . / \(I I I guaranteed. ./)\ ' i *0 Third Ntreel, Huron, Cl®. Ii Particular attention given to Guttering put up \ WOODRUFF’S \ IMIUAT EAVE FAHTENM4M. 08-aug o l ■ . . ■ 1 i-- MV ; 1 LL.UJ'-K'ILJHJL'LtJ IMPROVED 0-nr G-EAR. soMirr llirv< i r* 1 <2w. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! 1 Ml -11 j--•* „f tl.e Gill ItuiiM Ho. M- Inn 1 Ill'll nil tiie Gearing. King Pol of linn usd all .4 ib< il l. hutted to Iron. I r H M tpF.TO LAST AND TO RUN TWENTY FIVE PER CENT. I.IGHTEKTFIAN ANY OTHER Ho TVER IN USE (hill aud see for youaself. I build a I'm table llorse Power that challenges all other .MAKES, but it will not do the work w ‘VltT-1 "i'l"" Draft that ui.v PATENT GIN GEAR will. am aim - ... Machinery made and repaired at, 4 UOt’KETT'ti IRON WORKM, loe-lso Near Brown House, Maccm Georgia. BROWS GALLERY! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ? ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W.’ds E. P. TAYLOR, Cor. Cotton Avenue and Cherry .Street, DEALERS IN ■mm, cmes, its, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metalic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Collins anil Caskets. 7Vtf jarOrilcw by Telegraph promptly attended to. 4KAK.B U. BbOU.NT. BAAC lAMWAK, BI.OE.TIT At HABDEWAI, ATTORNEYS'*AT CLAW, MAUON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Raj,ton Hall Cherry atrect. _l__L Barber Shop For Rest. TEWS? for rent Thf. U one of Urn beat eUo4 tor a 1(16 BOTEL. Volume I.—Number 204 INMAN LINE ABB X BteajnhfpCon>pnr dlepetch two itrem sjrzjZs:' wJsuap "-SSi Agent