Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 16, 1872, Image 1

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Jttafrm JUcitiji gnhrptigt. TiTN'FS Wtw a X* O” T *- • f uunti, X"ROPBIETORS, Term* of Nubnorlption s One Year * ® Six. Months ’ Three Months - w Invariably in advance. To city subscribers by the month , Seventy-five cents, served by carriers. uaun. |Translated from the German.| • KISSES. Old Jealousy would count our blisses ; Then give to me a thousand kisses : (jnick kissing me— quick kissing the.— O! quick, O! quick, the jade to track! <)! Ada, kiss me so many kisses, She, counting ever, ever misses. [ Lessing. Wlt'K. But one had wife, Mankind’s allotment; No man in life But thinks that wife is his. [Lessing. AFFINITY. in a garden fair, as the sun rose up, Toying with the air, a blue bell held her cup, In her sweets a be, dainty-sipping, played ; Surelv they must be for tach other made. [Goethe. WINK AND WATEIi. E’en those who hate it must confess That wine more strength than water hath; Yet water, though its power be less, Fells oaks, rends houses in its path, And now you wonder with a frown, That wine succeeds to throw me drown. [Lessing. MOTHER AND CHILD. Mother: Look up, dearest child, there, the angels hav_taken thy brother To heaven,’because he ne’er grieved me. Child : Then tell me, my mother, lf’tisfor this they have taken him, how most I can grive thee, That none of the angels come for me and cause me to leave thee. [Uhland. FLIGHT. •‘I flee that T may come again !” Cries Ben. tke best of bravest men ; Which means, for so it seems to mie, I flee that I again may flee. [Lessing. WHAT I KNOW. Whether I’ll be alive to-morrow, I cannot tell; But, if am alive to-morrow, That I shall drink to drown all sorrow, T know full well. [LessiDg. AUTUMN LEAVES. O ! Autumn, you picture the. way of the world! The highest, the brightest must earthward bo hurled. How transient the glory you mete! The dearer the joy, it will soon have fled, The leaves that to-day flout and flame o’er our head, To-morrow we crush 'neath our feet. QUEEN MARY. From the Cincinnati Enquirer. | James F. Meline, of New York, form erly of Cincinuatti, is after the historian Froude with even more zeal than Father Burke. The point in issue is the character of the celebrated Queen Mary of Scotland. Mr. Froude maintaining her complicity in the murder of her husband, Darnley. Mr. Meline is the champion of her innocence, and gives an extract from a letter of Darn ley’s mother to the Queen, in which she entirely exculpates the latter. The worst thing in Queen Mary’s conduct was her immediate marriage with the profligate Lord Botliwell, who was beyond doubt one of Daruley’s murders, and a man of infamous reputation. The plea of the Queen that she was carried off by force by Botliwell to his castle, and there out raged until she was compelled to marry him, although possible, when we consider the bad character of the man and the dis turbed condition of the times in Scotland, is not very probable. In this contest the sympathies of all will be with Mr. Meline, for the Queen was a beautiful woman and was extremely un fortunate. Whatever Mr. Froude may say of it—however he may seck|to justify it — we can never contemplate without indig nation the cruel imprisonment of eighteen years and tho bloody death which Mary at last Bustu.‘ned at the hands of her cousin Elizabeth of England. That there was any necessity for this cruel treatment to a neighboring Queen and relative, who had fled from her own country to England as a place of refuge, we were never willing to believe. These were times of fierce religious disputes, and it is almost impos sible, such was the warmuess in which they maligned each other, to understand with any accuracy the characters of the principal persons in that interesting era of the world’s histosy. Every historian by looking to the materials furnished by his own sect can make out a good case. Double Standard of (sold and Silver. The Bulletin is showing how the ques tion of the double monetary standard of gold and silver, involving the relative values of these two metals, discussed for centuries, is now reappearing in conse quence of the introduction of a gold stand ard in the German Empire : “■\Vhen gold was discovered in Califor nia and Australia, this question of relative value came up. Michael Chevalier backed up by nearly all tbc economists of Europe, urged upon all the governments j to demonetize gold, and make silver the | only legal standard. Foituuately, no gov- j eminent, except Holland, acted on this j advice, and the convenient metal, gold, was gradually substituted nearly every where for the inconvenient metal, silver, to the great advantage of humanity, since this enabled the same value to be trans ported in l-15th or l-Ifith tbe weight that it would take to transport it in silver.” As we have said, this question is once more revived by the action of the German Empire, which, after the first of January next, will substitute a gold standard for the double standard of gold and silver : '• The mark banco, so long the currency of account of Hamburg, is to be sup pressed by law, and the Bank of Hamburg will be forced to pay its liabilities in tbe new gold standard, instead of iu any coin or bullion it pleased, at its value, based on tbe quantity and fineness of the metal it contains. In Great Britain. Russia. Port ugal, and Chili, gold has beeu for some time the legal standard. In the United States, France, Austria, and Italy, paper money, being made a legal tender by law, has driven both gold and ailver out of circulation, though silver is yet a legal tender in these countries. Holland, to-day, is therefore the only country where silver is still in use as a legal tender, and hence the value of silver is declining in tbe principal markets of the world. —-V Y. JRxyrtt*. BILL ARP ON BILL TELL. From tha Rome Dally Commercial.] Professor Koll has just found out that there never was such u man ns William Tell. I don’t know that krout eatin Koll, but I’ll bet lie's.mad with some feller by the name of Tell, and went to work to un dermine his family. If there ia a paasel of folks upon the face of the earth who enjoy my contempt, it is them fellers who are always tryin to pull down and never build up. A min may do a heap of good things, but if he make rm little mistake they’l talk about that and throw it up for ever. They always mention it with a but. “ He’s a very smart man, but. lie would be a great man, but. Ilis intentions are very good, but." Regular sappers ami miners they arc. They suck all the sap out of a tree to kill it, and then under mine it to throw it down. Now, here is a ieller who can’t make himself notorious in any other way, and lie goes to sappin and miuin Bill Tell. Now, I don’t believe one word of it- I was named for Bill, and if there want no such a man, then I’m nobody but Arp— that’s all. That feller is a fool, and lie's got a big joli on hand if he thinks he can rob history of its best siory, and make a hundred millions of folks beleve what lie says He’s envious of Bill. Because he can’t shoot an apple, or string a cross bow or make himself famous, he don’t want anybody else 10. Every few years some conceited fool attacks history. I under stand they’ve got a society to bile it down and stew it. Well, its sorter like washing for gold—they lose more than they catch. Now it amt been very long since one feller denied lhat Bill Shakspeare ever lived. Well they are sorter hard on die Bills, aiut they V Another wrote several columns to prove that old Bonaparte died before he was born, and another man took up forty pages of a yankee magazine, to prove that one of the Bourbons was liviu in obscurity on the batiks of Lake Mich ilimackinack. II hated old Bonaparte’s family so had that he was willin to swin dle a half breed Canady Indian onto die throne of France. There was a Gesler, and he was a tyrant and Bill Tell wouldeul tip his hat to him, and he put him in jail, and Bill’s son Henric was a noble little boy, and Henric was to die unless Bill shot an apple off his head, and little Henric was blindfolded, and stood firm as a rock and still as the grave, and there was a prayer and a shot and a shout, and the little boy was saved and the apple was hit in the center. All that’s so, and Tell waylaid old Gesler af terwards and killed him and set Switzer land free. Its all so. Its been in the books ever since I was born. I’ve read it a hun dred times, and told it to Bull Run and Chickahominy and Bob Lee, and all the little Arps, and I’m not going to take it back, and if I had found out it waseut. true, I v.ouldent have told for a thousand dollars, and I don’t like the man who did tell it, nor the man, woman, or child who believes it,for its likerobbin a dead preach er of his tombstone, to rob history of Wil liam Tell My opinion is. that the 'peace *ml hap piness of the country is in danger from these sappers and miners. We’ll all have to hare a creed and swear to it. I believe in Geo. Washington and his hatchet, and Isaac Newton and his apple tree. I believe in Bonaparte and Sliak speare, and Andy Jackson at the battle of New Orleans. I believe in Santa Claus, and Pocahontas,and John Smith, and Ben Franklin, and|Jefferson. Davis and Dixie, and the 4th of July 177(5, I believe that an old man ouct found a rude hoy up one of his apple trees a stealin apples Ibe lieve the milk maid spilt her milk when she tossed her head and said “ Green it shall be.” I believe in Robinson Crusoe and his man Friday, and the island of Juan Fernandes. 1 believe in old mother Goose and Cindcrillu and John Robinson’s Circus. I believe in Greeley and Ben nett and Prentice, and other dead editors, except Sam Bard, late of the Chattanooga Herald, deceased. I believe most solemn ly that Ben Butler stole spoons. I believe in the big battles of Waterloo and Bull Run and Tbermopylee and Dorking and Leather’s Ford. The last battle was im moortalised in verse by Jack Jones when he wrote, 11 Big fightin Sanford, he tit a mity battle. He lout it at the ford, where Leather's stole the cattle.” I believe that 'Gen. Grant told the truth when he said they had two million six hundred and eighty-eiglit thousand of soldiers in the late war. I believe that old Sherman marched through Georgia about half a mile behind me and my folks, and that Big John wus saved by ticinga knot in his steer's tail. He ncedent deny it, for I saw the knot. Bill Aot. P. S. —I believe solemnly that every body ought to take the Rome Commercial. 11. A. The Deluge. A CONFIRMATION OK TIIE HI RLE STOUT FROM CIIALDAK' 80UHCES. We liave received from Hie accom plished discoverer, Air. George Smith, of tlie British Museum, the subjoined most interesting account of the record of the deluge which, as we announced a day or two ago, he has lately deciphered from the Assyrian monuments : “ The cuniform inscription which 1 have recently found and translated gives a long and full account of the deluge. It con tains the version or tradition ot this event, which existed in tire early Chaldean pe riod at the city of Erecb (one of the cities of Nimrod), now represented by the ruins of Warka. In this newly discovered in scription the account of the deluge is put as a narrative into the mouth of Xisuthrus or Noah. lie relates the wickedness of the world, the command to build the ark, its building, the filling of it, the deluge, the resting of the ark on a mountain, the sending out of the birds,and other matters The narrative has a closer resemblance to tlie account transmitted by the Greeks from Berosus the Chaldean historian, than to tlie Biblical history, hut it does not dif fer materially from either. The principal differences are as to the duration of the deluge, the name of the mountain on which the ark rested, tlie sending out of the birds, etc The cuneiform account is much longer and fuller than that of Be rosus, and has saveral details omitted both I by the Bible and tho Chaldean historian. The inscription opens up many qusstious of which we knew nothing previously, : and it is connected with a number of otb | er details of Chaldean history which will be both interesting and Important, i bis is the first time any inscription has been found with an account of an event meu ; tioued in Genesis. —London TtUgrajih MACON, GA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1872. VISCOUNTESS BEACONSFIELD. Everybody knows soinothing of Benja min Disraeli, who, in his younger days flourished as the author of several well written novels, and as fashionable guest of the lady of Gore House. Vivian Grey, the “ Young Duke” "Contarini Fleming” and •• Henrietta Temple” are quite as well known to young readers as “ Coniugsby ” and " Lothair ” are to persona of sedater minds. Everybody knows something, too of the parliamentiary career of the British statesman who was once the l ight hand of power of Earl Derby and Premier at a later day. But there is a silent figure behind the scenes of the public life of Disraeli, not known to most people—a woman of re markable strength of character and of admirable judgment. This is Viscountess Beacotisficld, the wife of Disraeli. She is telegraphically reported as dangerously ill in London, and perhaps, ere now, has suc cumbed, as she is passed into age. In 1837 Disraeli was returned by the constituency of Maidstone and took his seat iu Hie House of Commons. His first speech, w hich is represented us ambitious and pretentious, was a flat failure. The House ridiculed the effort, and the speaker indignantly said : “ 1 will sit down now, hut die time will come when you will hear me !” Any one conversant with British parliamentary manners will appre ciate the feelings of the aspiraut. The House of Commons neither tolerate tedi ous nor stupid speeches. All sorts of noises, coughing, crowing, stamping, are 'resorted to, tliui a speedy end may lie put to the efforts of a member w ho bores them, Ii is on such occasions the most undigni fied legislative body in the world. Hence it is, that so few members become at the outset famous, lie must indeed he gifted with unusual powers of endurance who can stand up iieaiust a body of men de termined to listen only to brief and appo site speeches ami no one hut a veteran, one who lias conquered respect by an ex hibition of good sense, good taste and gen uine power, is allowed the privilege of a lengthy expose of his opinions. Disraeli's half-savage remark to the de riding members of the House was prophetic. The man felt power stir within him. But it required another power to give his genius momentum, and this was wealth. In 1839, tevo years after his failure in Par liament, he married a rich widow, Mrs. Wyndham Lewis. Independent of the influence wealth gave her, she possessed a character well calculated to stimulate the ambition of her husband. From the day of his marriage, Disraeli took a more prominent position in tho aristocratic life of the British metropolis, and became soon more prominent in political circles. On the day when he strolled out from the House of Commons Premier of Great Britain, his wife, leaniug upon his arm, said, half-triumphantly and half-reflec tively : “To-day my husband is Prime Minister of the Brtish Empire !” Refusing to be elevated to the peerage, if, indeed, any royal patent could elevate a man of Disraeli's genius as an author or a fitntesman, he requested the Crown to honor his wife, for by honoring her he himself would he honored. And so the Queen created her Viscountess Beaeons field in her own right. Tho lady deserves to he enrolled among those noble women who adorn auy age, situation or condition iu life, and do credit to the country which gave them blrtli.— St. Louis Republican. Kev.W. M. CkUMLET. —In a few days tliis gentleman will take liis leave of La- Grange, where he has served the M. E. Church South, most faithfully for two years, and go to his new field of labor at Rome. The hearts of his people here will go with liim'in many prayers for his success. His stay among us has been most agreeable to the whole community. He leaves with the best wishes of all, of every denomication, and he will soon gather around him many friends in Rome. LaOranye Reporter. FOR SALE. A FOUR room dwelling and vacant lot, also, splendid well of water in the yard ; fronting on Spring and Rose Streets, contain ing one quarter of un acre. For sale cheap. Apply to GEORGE SCIIMIDT, nov. &>—tm. corncrTJiird and Plum Streets. HTLERS W pHEUMATIC SYRUP liijiTfc TO CURE SB OB MONC V Rgf'JNDtO REWARD FOR A CASE of Chronic or Acute Rheumatism, Bout, hem tics, Headache, Lumbago, Ague, Nervousness or Kidney Affections accepted for treatment that I cannot cure. n022 tf Change of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN K. R. CO., I Macox, Ga., October SI, 1872. f ON and after Sunday November 3d, the fol lowing schedule for Passenger Trains, w()l be observed on this road: DAT PASSENGER. Leave Macon 3:15 A. M. Arrive at Macon 3:05 A. M. Leave Atlanta 3:20 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 2:40 V. M, NIGHT PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Iz-ave Macon 8:50 r. M. Arrive at Macon 8:20 A. M. Leave Atlanta k.OO r. M. Arrive at Atlanta 4:55 A. M. Making close connections at Macon with Centra! Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and with Southwestern Railroad for point* In Southwest Georgia. At Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Railway for point* Wait A. J, Will 1 a<i novtitf Superintendent BOARD. DAY board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, can Re had by applying to W. D. Rainer on Walnut street, Macon. Sept 12,1272. £47-162. [regulator! This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is I* l>C 1’.1.Y V® ETA It I.IL For FORTY YEARS it has proved its great value in all diseases of the Liver, Rowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great j in all parts of tile country vouch for its wonder ful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood. stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. SIMMON’S LI VERREGULATOR laac knowlcdged to have no equal aa a Lit tut It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Sueli signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the Ureal liifulling Nperllie for Liver Complaint and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice,Billiousattacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits SOUK STOMACH, Heart Bum Ac., Ac. Regulate the Liver ami prevent CIIILLN AAO FRVUII. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by .1. 11. KIULIN A- CO., MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price $1 per package; sent by mail, postage paid, *1.95. Prepared ready for use In bottles, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS fg~Beware ol all Counterfeits aud ImiUitieua. 113-533 DAVIS SMITH, . (Suceoanor to the late firm of Smith, Westcotl. ; <fc Cos , and of Smith, McGlushun A Cos.) MANUFACTUItKU AND DKALfiK IN SADDLES, HARNESS, I)K IDLES, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, hoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, It IT it B Lit, UIH BANDS, ETC., Together with every article uaually kept in a saddlery houae. 103 CHE BUY ST., ’MACON, Ui 166-183 SHOOTING MATCH. ANY and all persons wishing to engage In this witli their good gun*, will confer with No. 8, Cotton Avenue, for the $lO colon at picture. Tickets (20) $1 each. dee.Vdt. EPIZOOTY! Epizooty !! Epizooty!! Tie Eagle Flouring Mills, HAVING prepared ft cooling and healthful food for the HORSE MALADY. are now offering it in any quantities. Also an admirable article of COW FOOD, Also PLAIN 801 'J'I'D MEAL, Also all Druries of I’l.Ol R, All of which can be obtained by leaving or ders at VV. A. flufl’a, Seymour, Tinsley At Cos., D. Good* Boris’, Small, (Jumble A Beck’s, Lawton & Bates’ or at the Eagle Mills. n0303w W, J. LAWTON At CO. Fb. B. F. CBIOCfI*. OFFICE ovei M. R. Rogers At (Jo’s., Con fectionary store. Residence, Plum street, opposite George 8. Obear’s. 3-lm. BYINGTON HOTEL,. GRIFFIN, GA. riXHIS HOTEL ranks second to none In J Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE BOOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF KATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present ! hot term, It is nnequalled, the nights being ! remarkable cool aad pleasant. Th e best Water in Georgia. 1. W BYINGTON, 1 ll(Mo Proprietor MERCHANTS t!H> PLANTERS WILL I'’lN 1) IT TO THEIR AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE -MAKING THEIR BILLS. o I WE HAVE IN STORF, 100,000 LBS. BACON CLEAR R. SI DES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SMOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000 EBS. FLOUR, till “liulcs. 500 ROLLS 2] BACHING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. *lO BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & (01ITII, Have, and ;tiv "ll'cring at very low figures: 100 BOXES TOBACCO, till fjradps. 100 BBES. WHISKIES. 150 BBES. SUGAR. 50 BILLS. MORASSES. 100 BALES HAY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN, Toyid.hcr with it lull Dock ol all all floods in our lira* of business. 116-tf Building Lot For Solo. SITUATED mar Talmdl H<|unre, within a I'l-w whom of Mom rmvorfdty. Address 15. C., Box K., pHtf Macon, Gu. ' FOR I'iAXiF. A COM I’Ll .11'. OUTFIT OK IIOL8EHOLI) l-U IjNITTKE. A FAMILY designing to break up house keeping outlie, liml of October, now oiler a complete outfit of furniture for five or tdx rooms, together with all nccr-unry kitchen nten-eIH, for solo at. half original cost. It ebu histH of Mohair Parlor Chairs, Mahogany and Black Walnut lieibteada. Bureaus, Dining Ta ble, Dining, Rocking and common chairs, Car pets, Dinner mol Tea Setts, and In short, almost every article demanded in a house of live or six rooms. The furniture has not been used over one or two years, Is hi perfect repair, almost as good as new, cost *IJMJU and will now he sold for >50(1 ea li. Addle,s Box 433, Macon, or apply at this THIS OFFICE. aeplfltf ' ■i. i,oiVi;'>TifU/ BAH & LAGER BEER SALOON, (M ASSJCT’rt Old) UTANJ>.) Opposite Medical College, Mulberry ftt. '■pills Saloon is supplied witli the best Wines, 1 Liquors and Cigars in lie: market, and Sparkling Lag' r Beer of i uperior quality. Free lunch every day from 10 to 13 o’clock and extra Inn lies served up at any tiour In the day or n Id, .■ wi ( In-, e. Con Duck, iliun, Salads and anything that may lie i|i-i™l W lunch. :l " DR. P. H. WRIGHT I > KSPKC'iTULLY tender hi- professional It -eiviee to the citizen of Macon and vi , ini tv. Oil a ,t mlg- •“ No- 11l l 1 lr I " wn lion e HI'S ; Re blcne. m• -. mne I boy < It and either place will rea-i iye. prompt atieutlon. uaUHt MZSS M. A. DANIEL t ITOULD 1 '• j II•. ( fi tin; Lmiim of \\ Macon ’I v if!; ! • 11- hart taken room f<> , w un>- >n-, k till ft), ..vJn ii do Dio ‘ Making in tlx* to// / :nxJ / fa.ho,oat,hi ntyleh, find war rant .to ". <;!;• Uv lion. oeOH-tfW Jkl OXt A* ALtwi i'Kft MONTU bytbc .*nrin mivanec. 'I ii rooujK, for;t locality in the city for Don• oi Millinery Apply at th'iH ollic", or So. 8 Cotton Avenue*. oct23-tf. ON CONSIGNMENT MX J. Holmes & Cos., ,\o. 82 Third Slrcrt. I I j qq BBLS. TENNESSEE APPLES, I 5b bids. POTATOES. Also one eat l"** 1 “I choice, salect KI N'*’ moor SEED OATS, ' Superior to anything of the kind ever before offered In tbb market, (rive us a call. uovSXH I I FOB THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE LAWTON Ac BATE, Fourth ; Slrert,|Mi‘ Door to Lawton A Willingham,) prepared to fnniiah the trade with GROCEKIEI, PIOTINIONN, PL4NTATIOY *IPPEIEN, HAG UINU, TIEN, ETC., on as reasonable term* as any bouaa in Georgia. We will keep constantly on hand, BACON; LAUD, CORN, OATS, HA Y, SUGAR, COFFEE, BAGGING and TIES, and a general assort ment of such goods aa arc kopt In a first class Grocery Houso. Give us a call. We are running the EAUEE FLOVHIG MILLS, and direct-special attention to our "CHOICE,” “EXTRA,” “FAMILY” Flours. They will be found exactly adapted to tho trade, and wc guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction. Onr prices are us low aa those of the same grade* can be bought lu the South. CORN MEAL, bolted aud unbolted, always on hand, of our own make and of'the best quality. 130-188 H. BAND Y & COT TIN AND SHEET IRON ROOFINU, Bmalii.Pl—Mmtand RgairiK, J TIN AND GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES T ‘ ‘T'iT ' Nxnl f Executed at short notice and satisfaction \ | j \j) j I guaranteed. \- jf y \lj IN. to Thiril Street, Macon, Ga. 1 | Particular attention given to Guttering put up \ V with \ ' WOODRUFF’S \ PATENT EAVE FANTENINOH. HB-aug 3 IMPEOVED OT trEAR. >3l I ' r riIING NEW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTH R DORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! K settling of t.lio Oin Uoubc floor has no oflct ton the Gearing. Kinji Poftt of Iron and all X tho work bolted to iron. IT IS MADE TO LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. Call and for youaaelf. I build a Portable Horne Power that challenge* nil other MAKES, but it will not do the work witli the. sumc Draft that my PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kind* of Machinery made and repaired at XItOCKETT’K lltOH HOIU4N, 108-18d Near Brown Home, Macon Georgia. BEOWFS &ALLERY! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. & E. P. TAYLOR, Cor. Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street, DEALERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETINGS, RUBS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metalic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Collins and Caskets. T3U UfOrdcr* by Telegraph promptly attended to. jAufr.B 11. BLOUKT. IHAAC HABDJMAN. BI.OIINT A HABDEMAN. attorneyssat slaw, MA.CQN, GEORGIA. OFEJCK, at eatranc* Ralatcm Hall, Cherry Barber Shop For Rent. THE Bauemcnt room, formerly ocupied by Mike Napier, tn Brown’. Hotel building b tor rent. Thw in on* of the -boat rtanda tor a ""'•oiww wi*. Volume I. —Number 211 UNMAN LINE acroM the Atlantic Every comfort and. con -