Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 26, 1872, Image 2

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™ 1 M ENTERPPiISi: W' / • X/%.. m:c. i*** ii r.VKIiV I *M>iO I*v , WING . c < SMITH. > No. 10 llolHnir.*'itli iI'H-k. ,U 0 leilcrt rtlaUtifl In-'” 1 btnifl'-/- '" tlo JJtt**, W<“() '* ‘ "\ . i <fiuiumuH>cftU .i* /*'/*' ■ - J to I/.. ,b ■ return rtj*v*ta co/Mthf:uuuuou^. .•utei iurt> iftiu*, from a t l-ift* 'V l,u ■ • ,u /nriiP/l. Thun jlow Weed having written a Jettcr opposing Civil Service lieform, the St. Louia llepublicau nobody nuked bin opinio*, nobody cut* vvbat be thinks, an bit views ou that subject arc of do more consequence than the ideas of Julius C.t •ar on the h< rue diacasc. TIIL leiusal of Judge Bradley, 1:0 j l'nited State* Supitmc Court, to go to New Oileans. on the giouud of professional etiquette towards Judge JDurell, is likened by the Picayune unto the charge* to fre queully brought against doctors that while they aie practising the etiquette of the j tick room the patient is dying. Atlantic liu* had the kindlier to oiler assistance to Koine in her preteat distress, occasioned by the Hoods, for which Home express her gratitude, l>ut say* In r snll'cr ng* are too insignificant to require aid. Good In Atlanta, and plucky in Home. A telegram to yesterday's lb raid says “Home it all right,and happy”—as a Clam no doubt. * —— ■* •- The Chesapeake und Ohio ltuilroud now lacks only twenty mile* of completion, and it is proposed to have it in running condition by spring. It istlie shortest line, by bn mih hi tvvi en the Atlantic coast and Mississippi valley . running from Hampton ltonds to llun tington on the Ohio river A CK>ilUi:< TION. —Wo in ro misled in a o-mnt xtAlomeitt that tho now incumbent of First Slrcet M K. Church la this city, ii a brother of HUbop Fierce. The name even is not the same, being spoiled IVnice. Our informant being his picdeci -or, who liiiusolf had been misinformed, will ac count lor Ihe error. Mr. Pcarco is well and favorably known in the North Geor gia Conference, whence he comes, and will no doubt fill his charge here accept ably. The Ficnyune thinks it u higher lino i-iii lo livcjiliiin to die for one's country, Uiidvi It inis us allliet FoUsiuna at this lime. It fears tliero is but one tribunal left unto which an appeal cun be made with the least hope of a decent hinting and a calm decision—aid tlmt is the great tntmnal f Uio American people. The Fieaidcnt hns proven an iceberg; the l'nited Rtnies Btiremc < ourt takes retuge behind tcchnicalltle*, nud no oUho ii course remains. Tint JaKVAKT MAli.lZl.Mx*. 1 111' I leetic is to Land—welcome h* Usual. In addition to its usual rnluable table of con tents, it is bomilitied by two llluslration* mi steel Her. David Livingston mid Heatrhe de ( coco. K It IVlton, I' 1 ' Fulton street, Now York, publisher. s.'■ per annum. Harper # opens the urn in a style' evinces gieat resource' It is fully equal to any number that lias ever preceded it Tbe Magazine. Weekly, and lla/ai. cub 11 —tbe three together, Font I'Kitsoss Dnowawt.— A letter dated Ualoesville. the 21th, to the Atlanta Constitution, of yesterday, relates u a l occurrence some eight miles north of Gainesville, Hall county, on Friday last An old gentleman, by the name of Little ton lvlc, had gone down to the hclglibor ing county of Hanks after his daughter, Mrs Tapp* and her two little children, to spend the Christmas holidays. The ram that fedl In such torrents on Thursday night had raised lli* water courses consid erably. and as Mr. lvio neared his home he had to cross Little Hirer, lira! was spread out ou either side, and presented a a very dangerous appearand*. Being well acquainted with the lord, he ventured in with his link' wagon and yoke of oxen, but failed in his purpose, and all were drowned. The body of the old gentleman only recovered ♦ w A lipitUAHT Wnoctxo —A spvcihl tel • gram to the Atlanta Constitution, under date 9f Angmrtn, 24th. details the marriage uf Col-mcl K. W. Cole, General Supcriu icudeut of Uw Naskvill* wod (Biatlanoogn. uml Western and Atlantic, and Georgia railroad*. and Miss Anna Kusscll. of that city, which look place at Si. Johns Meth odise church, ou Green sheet. ut 4 30 I*. >r. Itrehop MeTycire, of Nashville, ufUci.tML The ceremony was poiformed with the ring, and was very Impressive. The reception at Hon, Henry i'. Hussell s. the Unde's, was a msguificeut and Irriliiaat affair. The bridal present* were numerous, select and costly. The whole affair passed off with great, The bridal par ty left on a special train at S 15 o'clock that night iljtuso nhi V JoUN>“X A 'miuillee of MtiUcmen at Louisville, Ga., asks Gov. Johnson for jw rmwslon to make public, a private letter addreewsi to them about two month# si ace by himselt on the subject of the Senatorial election to which Ire re plies under dale of the lib " In that letter 1 stated l<> you that I had no desire to lie a candidate This i> still my feeling.. There are many others who I understand are candidates, and earnestly destring to be elected I do not wish hr antagonise them, or any one of them, from whom tha General Assembly can make a #electton, a* able aud worthy, if not mor* so, than I am Keoognizing. however, the right of the Slate to require my service*, aud the correlative duty on my part to obey her behest, if the General Assembly should tender me the Senn! >r a *hip,.l should accept it." c| > IIS!,'-' CUI INK. 1 he preamble and it solutions of n meet ing of the colored voters of Bibb County, held at the City Hall Monday night, were ! published in tho KaTKKPBisK Tuesday. They certainly evince patriotic go ,and scum-. and an intelligent comprehension of the true and proper political relationship be tween the two races The colored voters, by their action referred to. pledge them- , selves to ignore parties in the coining contest fur county officers, and to unite with their white fellow citizens in the sup port of such men for position as are quali fied to discharge faithfully the duties im posc-d upon them. In pursuance of such pledge, a meeting was held on Tuesday night, at which the following nominations were made, viz For Ordinary, C. T. War 1 Clerk of the Superior Cuuit. Ali l!"s Sheriff, James Martin. Tax Collector, W. T. Nelson. Tax Kccciver, It. A Henson. Treasurer, Jos. Wilboum. Surveyor, Thus. Butler. Coroner, Joseph Trippe. All save two are acknowledged to ht "pronounced Democrats,” and several of whom are Democratic nominees. The ac tion of the Democratic Executive Commit tee leaves tl e track open for n scrub race for ul 1 candidates for offices, save such us received nominations by acclamation. It in the opinion of some however, that in asmucli as a part of the proceedings of the Convention were iuipro|ier,the w hole may properly lie disregarded This is a matter upon which we venture no opinion from a partizan standpoint. It is of more vital e urern to the public that tli* offices lie filled with h me-1 capable men thau that their chief virtue shall consist in party euti. money for the mere sake of success. At the coming election, the candidates thus fill announced, are well known and well di erving men, several of whom have alrcaily piovcu themselves worthy and well qualified in trusts committed to their hands The day of election is *p preaching when each elector should go forwurd und deposit his ballot in accord ance with Id- own individual conviction of iiliat he conceives to be for the public good, 'i bis course will dignify the elec tive franchise, and sooa put forever at rest tin' vulgar clamor between classes that h ads only to evil. Wi. are in receipt of No. I, Vol, of The rimes, dated New Orleans, the 21st. It gives this an ount of itself “Born Sat urday D rj i her 21st, at 1(1 o'clock I*. M , healthy mi l doing well." Thus is Illus trative of that saying in the book of Job ”(tut of tin* carcass shall come sweetness.” The Times out of the recently sup pri -i N. O Times under a writ in bankruptcy, sued out by one McKee a ainsi Wt I. f r one thousand five bun dle 1 i! .!ur* Although double the amount, with costs, was proffered, under I the proceedings before Judge Durcll the writ w ould not he dismissed. Tho Times on- that this ni t wns a part of the foul euiispii aey which tliicatrns tho whole honest portion ol that community with ruin, as abundantly shown by the inti mate relations of .McKee with the Cus tomhonsu riii" Tliis blow simed not only at the liberty ol the press hut at its very existence, is in keepiug with the pro gramme taiug erected in laiuiaiann. ST AT K NEW S. knv 1111111111 : The News of Tuesday says lly Some provoking perversity of the pen. vve stated in this column yesterday that the Central and Atlantic aad Gulf Kailr uls would transport visiters to tho Savannah Fair live of charge. Hy way of correction, we will state that the Cen tral 11 iad. Ihu Atlantic and Gulf Hoad, the Southwestern Hoad, und the Maeon and Western Hoad will tisnsport visitors for- P’if fare Tho Atlsutic and Gulf ltoad will transport all ai tides intended for rr hi bit ion fire of charge. This is an important correction. Savan uah will not see all of her county cousins under the e circumstances. The News acknowledge* the pleasure of a call from our Mr. Lines. (He is al home now, pleased with his visit.j The steamship San Salvador, which ar rive,l Tuesday mght irom New York, re tains having passed off Cape Lookout, II o'ch ek v. m . on the 23rd Instant, steam ship Huntsville, appearently disabled. Chii-t Church was tilled last eveuing liv a largo congregation of fashionable, well dri '.l people, attracted thither by the marriage ceremonies of Mias Alice llardee. daughter of Chas S. Hanlee. of the Kepuhlican, and Henry L. lhiekus, one ol the truest aud best youug men Si vaniiah eau boast of.— Adrtrtiter, 271 h. Two i ollceiuen—Murtsugli and Strong got to skylarking in the liarracks. after 1) o'eleik, Tuesday night, which resulted iu the she uing of policeman McKlltgott. it is feared fatally. As the matter will be investigated it is not proper to come to conclusions at present. Three thousand seven hundred and eighteen bales of cotton aud 1.200 white oak stoves were exported from Savannah for Liverpool on Tuesday, valued at f3l.">. 311,85. tiiiiuvtu : The Chronicle lecorvla the death of Mis Starr, a lady well and favorably known as a tir'-t-elass hotel proprieties* in that city She died on the 23d. General Wright was buried on Sunday. Hi' funeral was very largely attended by all class . Among the distinguished cit . us pie-mt were Governor Charles J I Jenkins, Bishop Governor II Y. Johnson, General Toombs, W. Hope Hull, 11- .General Kershaw. James Gard uer. Esq , Judge Gould. Hon. 11 W Hillard, Judge Gibson, Judge Hook, Judge Twiggs and others. At the grave, the Her. W II Clark concluded tbe impres sive services commenced at the bouse The Masonic Brotherhood performed tbe tl. A r:tes of that noble orpxuiiatiou, of which the deceased was an honored member. Allan lit : A seveu years old hoy came near Ireiug smothered, by falling into the deep mud of Washington slrcet, Atlanta, on Tues day. In Decatur street, a poor horse, in attempting to navigate, fell, and has been left two days to wallow without help And yet our neighbors are offering un sought assistance to Borne ! Jasper Cook. Monroe Samples, Alonzo Samples. Isaac Samples, Haiti-on Baker, J. C. Hansard, Ira Hansard, J. D. Han sard and Alvin Hunsard, all of Forsyth county, Georgia, w ere on Tuesday brought before United Slates Commissioner W. B. Smith, severally charged with illicit dis tilling. The Sun ssys it has been iny.-tciioualy hinted that an association is being formed for a celebration of "Twelfth Night,” in Atlanta, similar, though on a much small er scale, to the “Mystick K reive’' and Mardi Gras, in New Orleans Columbus : W. 11. Johnson has n 1 the ap j pointmentof FoM Mid-,i, <■ Col, Ho- gan. Dr. Harrison has concluded hi- intoest ing course of In turcs on spiritualism. He at least is satisfied that the physical and mental phcuomiim <-l Spiritualism are tracable to pur'inlly under,to<*l tint not fully defined luw of mind and matter. T'tie Enquirer says •* His theory of the i (lowers and operations of the mind was highly metaphysical and not of easy com prehension to nidi nary intellects Amci lcue : Tlie municipal election look (dace on Saturday. 11. L. French was elected i Mayor. I’olilh < had nothing to do with it. I.nin pkiu : The only thing of importance recorded in the last Independent, as having hap pened in the tin ii ing town of Lumpkin, is an attempt made by a mule to kill a tree by throwing his iider against it—a man and brother—whom he came nearer putting an end to. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Deceudkii 2.lth. N. Y., Dec. 21th. —Barman's Museum was burned, and only the camel und ele phant were saved Loss variously esti mated from $1(10,000 to $1,000,000 The eulire block on the west side of Centre street, between Leonard and Worth, was burned this evening—loss estimated. MISI EI.I.ANEOI S. The Montgomery Advertiser warns capitalists everywhere against the bogus Stale bonds, tlie issue of which has been authorized by the Court-house Legisla ture They will never be recognized by the State, and of course are utterly worth less. The Pope seriously protested against the lull now pending in the Italian purlin meat for the suppression of religious cor porations, und declared that the title to projierty acquired by this means would be null and void. He repeated Ids ecu sure* of those who encroached on the lights of tlie church, and denounced Gcr many as the place where the pitfalls of open violence, calumuy and ridicule were employed to destroy the church, by men who were ignorant of religion, and- light to define its dogmus of allocution. The Germania, belonging to the Allen liue of steamers between New Orleans aud Liverpool, is tlie vessel previously reported wrecked South of the river Gironde. She left Liverpool on Hie 17th. The passengers and crew had to take to the rigging, from which thirty persons were washed away aud drowned The remainder were rescued Sunday m ruing by a French steamship GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. Western Texas exports gum arabic Camphor is a good csop iu the ever glades of Florida. A custom-house officer in Maine eized one nutmeg, nnd it was sold in due form of law. During the month of October nearly fi.IHH) cases of cholera occut red in Austrian Galicia. Out- hundred and flflecti criminals were recently beheaded at Matow. China. There are four hundred and eighty two l’roteslanl clergymen iu I lessee Ca<*el. hut the highest salary that any one gets is six bundled dollars. A young negro at Vallejo, California, speaks four modern languages llueutly, besides being master of Latin and Greek. A little darkey iu Louisville drew $12.- 500 in the library concert. He says all lie asks for is a pair of boots and a bushel of peanuts. A Philadelphia gill vvh -so arms were lost in a railroad accident, di > s u full day s work on a sewing niacliine, inaiiaging her work, with lier teeth. A New England family leeemly char bred a freight car for sll to. and therein mov l 4 themselves and vvordly goods safely and comfortably to Nebraska. California is making brandy fiom tigs Tho liquor is very pleasaut, and after diiuking a quail or so a man will clieer tVlllv stand any amount of abu-e from Ids wife. A Buffalo hoisc doctor lias written to Tiffany A Cos, of New Yoik, wanting to know what “the freight on a large size - 1- itaire diamond will be from Gotham to Huff." Two plugs of tobacco iu Ids pocket stopped a bullet and saved a Kentucky man's life recently, but you will never so,' this circumstance related am! circulated in the form of a tract. The lVlaware Indians live in frame houses, wenr cut away coats and stand-up Collars, fail in business, ami compromise on fitly cents on the dollar, and are tting quite civilized. The Oiceola lVmocra! iri.ab ' a pi, ... ant little incident occurring to two gentle men while out hunting They chased a squirrel up a hollow tree, and" iu cmteiv oring to fork him out brought down a tin bo*, doubtless hidden tin re in no ,'m - containing $3,000 in '‘yellow 1 " The squirrel was paroled, while the happy hunter* marched home humming 11, i sleep the brave,' etc. DIVIDEND No. 55. TREASt'RFU'S OFFICE, , M.iiw A Wrsrrnx Kxu a no Uspim VI v, ox. Gx .IN uiKt ''T. ' v \ DIVIDEND i’T Kl\ i ' Doi.l \.' 1 Y 's r si. .!. - ’ iva and t Ul Stxvk of ties douqse v. us i i'il oa tin night of the .’si inst , pavuble on aud after tin AUh day of January next, iu the carrenoy of j Uie Tnited States ns n.nv received, or dolts, ' idated First Moitgage Bonds of tbe Central. Southwestern and Vi non and Western Id*;’, roads, at uinctv nv< '.Cqrents VtlLO S. FREEMAN. ihx .v'td Secretary and Tre.fciirvr. A 3*01734 II HEIVTV SlGeo. F. (.Ticket is a candidate for Sheritl of Bibb county by Deia >cr*t> nomination. dee9S-bl WxsiitN'i.Tox Poe, Sr., the nominee of the Democratic party, Is a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Bibb county, at the approach ing election. d<-c24 td After consultation with mine runs friends und w illi an earnest desire to preserve harmony In the Democratic party, 1 decline any further candidacy for the office of County Treasurer, deegt-tf J. W. Stcbrs. We announce B. T. Estousn, as our candi date for Tax Receiver. Many Fhiends. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Bibb county at the ensuing election In January. I!. A. Benson. n0v9744 New Candidate.—'Tho fiiemL of Chau i Elio Akstove, announce him as one of ttie most suitable candidate- fur public favor. td. __ _ The frit-nils of Jldi.e J.VS. B. Aiitoce, au i.ounce him as candidate for office of Tax C ol li tor, sutijeet to tlie will of the pcn;>!- . dec. IT— to. The friends of Joseph Wiluoi’hne announce him as a suitable candidate for the office of County Treu.Miri-r of Bibb county, deed td I 111 hi. nits of James Maktin announce him 1 as a c*n lisle for slicrilt of Bibb county, sub ! jeet to era ryf.o Jy's nomination, novdo-td. The friends of C. T. - jhu announce him as | u candidate for re-election te .a- office of Ordi nary. Tlie friends of W. T. Nelson announce LLa as a candidate for Tax Collector for Bit.b coun ty, subject to the will -,f the I'cotile. novl2-tf. __ The friends of Pat Clown announce him as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Bibb county. novgdUle. HONEY STRAINED. I A A ( Hons as nice as cur was offered in IUU tlii.- mark'! K* ‘ail s'! ;.<) ]-< r L r ail<n. A liberal deduction will be mode to tlie trade, where 10 or more gallons are taken at once. A. L. CLINKSCALE3, No. 28 Cotton Avenue. DIVIDEND NO. SS. SOUTHWESTERN R. R COMPANY, i Oi i;<ji:, Macon, Ga., December 10, 1*72. j i DIVIDEND OF FOUR >1 DOLLARS 1 \ j- r hurt* i.o- been d-■ lured on the Capi tal Stock of this Company, a held on the flight of thCoOth ult., pavatde on and after the 26th inst., in tlie currency of the United States us now received. Stockholders in Savannah will receive their Dividends at the Central Railroad Bank. •I No. T. BoIFEUILLET, Tivu,-:rer. dec! w. NOTICE. \\J' T’, t’<’- umler.-'urm and have this day :*"iiu r ht \\ oat tlie entire interest of Mr. N JL Cor bin in the butcher business, and will conduct it in future in all its branch's keeping con stantly ou hand line Tennessee Beef, Pork, Sau- Miae, etc. We will run it in connection with our firo;'-ry Store, when: we keep everything sold in that line, including dressed Poultry, etc. Uespeetfullv, WHEELER a: WHITEHURST, d<-i ;*t Corner First and Popular SG. EXECUTOR’S SATE —OF — lUiiroad Stock and Valuable City Property, in Macon, Georgia. ‘fTNDERand by virtue of authority of the I will *f Mrs. .hmc Koirers, late of Bibb < uiity, tit ct Uo-’U, the undersigned will Fell be fore the Court-licope door, in M:.eon, Ga , on the find Tuesday in January, 1 s?:i, and within the legal hours of sale, the following property, viz: i wuntv four shares of the Capital Stock of the Southwestern Kail road Company. Also, Two Brick Mores on Cherry street, two-stories hi i'll, fronting about 52 feet on Cherry street, and running back, same width, 210 feet to Aliev. Also, blocks No. y and io, containing near four acres, and bounded hy Third, Oglethorpe, Sound aud Hawthorne streets, known as the us the late residence of said .Mrs. Jane Rogers. Anew street will be Opened. These two lots will be subdivided into BO of the most eligible lots in Macon either for residences or stores, and now have erected upon them Mrs. Rogers’ re.-idonee and six other comfortable dwelling hou.-t s, besides stores and other improvements. Also Ltts Nos. 1 and 2 in hlook 81, contain ing one acre, on corner of Third and Arch streets, with a store-house and other improve ments thereon. These lo s have also, been sub-divided into smaller ones. Also Lots Nos. 2, fi und 4. being sub divisions of block in square is, near the Vineville Bianch, front ini'on Washington street, St feet, running back 4t)7 feet to any alley. Also Rogers’ Butcher Ten Lot, joining Brown’s Fish Pond Lot, Mrs. Dillard and oth ers, containing l V acres, with a small house upon it. ANo Lot- Nos. 4, o and 0, in what is known as Clarksville, near Maeon and tho Houston road, in said county, containing about two acres, ami joining Zeiiin and others. A Iso Rogers’ brickyard lot, containing ISB acres, more or less, bn the Brunswick Kail* roud, next to Macou, joining the City Reserve, Blake's brickyard, C berry und others. On this place there arc about sixty acres of fine swamp land, cleared and ready for cultivation; the balance is heavily timbered. Also swamp lot No. sd, containing 100 acres, within 1 1 -i miles of the city limits, joisinif Ral ston, Cherry and others, and known as Rodg ers’ Cowles field. Also north half of swamp lot No. 126, within :> miles of the city limits, containing 50 acres, more or less; joining Harden Johnson and others, with the Brunswick Railroad passing through the lot known as Rodgers’ Briar Patch tL Id. One-half cleared, the balance in woods. The foregoing property often a tine chance fr investment, as the city lots are all in that part of Macou which is rapidly improving. For further information apply to the under* signed, who will take pleasure in show ing the property; or to Whittle Gust-n, where the maps and drawings of the same may be seen. I BUMS:—For the Railroad Stock, cash. For the other property, one tiiiro cash, one tliini at six mouths, and one-third at twelve mouths, the deferred paynnnts to bear seven per rent, interest, if paid promptly; if not paid promptly, then ten per cent per annum from day of sale. ITI'KII HARRIS, Kxecntorof Mrs Jane Rogers, deceased. dect ‘Jw C r.r ge ot Schedule. >1 \C>N AND Wi , .'.UN H. R. CO., I M\i on, i* a. , October 31, 1872. [ / vN i. r Sutul. v N cr and, the fol- V r 4 -, I. ,1. ' 1' l-.- m e... :■ Trains, w,;! bo otwcrred on ti>s* road: DAY PASSENGER. l eave Macon *ls A. M. Arrive at Macon £OS a. si. !.ea\ Atlanta S:tit) A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 3:40 r. si. NIGHT P.\B>ENt.'.',; AND FREIGHT. lo - ~ >.50 r. si. Arris .It Mac m 3:3# A. si. l.eis.- At'anta > 09 r. v. Ai riveat A: ai.t.< 4:55 A. V. A! iking close connections at Macon with Centmi Railroad for Savannah and Augnsta, as I with Southwfatcra RaUrncd for potato In So.::' ss.-st Georgia. At Atlanta with AVer tern and A:l.. .t: Ki!*irtor points AYt>t. A. J. AVHITF.. ros SALE. A fr : ■ . I! and R.ssc Mrs.:-. • .ntair • ing one quarter of an acre. For aaJe cheap. Apply to GEORGE SCHMIDT. Bisv. 35 in; mmer Third and Pluut Stmts. NEW ABVEUTISEMEXTSI FOR RENT r p 11 KK E ROOM-*, in ■ Biiik lluu-c Cut- I ton Avitnui*, sb >\ a Fo-T btrci t- A good Well of Water i:i lard. Appiv to dee M lit ' VALENTINE KAHN d:i. E :u. fb3|i ab.<. OFFERS hi* prr.f *-W. 1 senh es to the ’-/ J- • ! • • n.t / < >fth-e in rear of-Es■ • . im;. No. P* , b.'. Hntfswortfc BGck. UcT •' FOR GOOD. 'RLIALLE G a r(l e u : cods, VANDERBILT BROTITFR.*-’ Aiiii -ul* 1. t irul and Seed Warehouse, Fulton St., New York. Wholesale firms will find great advantage in dealing at the above house. Please send for catalogue. dec‘A> ln ' f Office . VN invitation is tendered to all Grand ofli . cere of idster Lodges, and sojourning brethren, to attend the installation of oflicers of Germania Lod.**, No. ■*>'♦, I. (>. *>. F., on next Wednesday nLbt, January 1, I*7B, at 8 o'clock, I*. M. By order of 11. SPAIIR, N. G. Valentine Kahn, Stcrelary. dee-b-lt BIBS COUNTY Agricultural Society. r pne monJuly melting L of the Society will be held at the Court House, on Saturday, the 28th inst., at 11 A. M. The Annual Elee’ion of Officers will be held at that time ; al.-o Delegate* to the '‘State Air ricultural Society" will be elected for the en* suimr year. A full and prompt attendance is most earnestly solicited. T. G. IIOLT, Jr.. Pres’t. B. 11. Wriglet, Sec’y. dec*2o 2t MILKS. AIULKS. ONE CAR LOAD OF Fine Bite Mini Teansssee MULES, will arrive to-night at Fagan & Bros. Stables. MAJOR J. S. HARRS. dec-4 :2t THE FINEST " Billiard Tables IN THE STATE! '■piIREE OF BRUNSWICK’S TABLES, I. best nssortment of Cue-, plenty of room and good light, can be found at the Bren House Billiard Saloae. Call around and sec me, if you want to enjoy a game. dec24 lm CAREY W. COX. IIEVOLUTION IX CUBAS WILD KATITIiMKNT. THE NATIVES OF BAItABAS WERE THROWN INTO WILI) CONFUSION UPON THE RECEPTION OF GREEfJ, LAKE & CO.’S ORDER FOR i IIRISTMAS FRUIT, WHICH IS JUST IN PEP. SPE LU. TRAIN. ! t‘A!£ unit or YELLOW sjAvvirv w, i < tii lo *.e> ruetMCE: < o <A>A \ T-i u it!i (he milii isi thein, •0 B liIRELS SEI, Ef I'EED o’: YMtsES. 100 ii '.iiuein ( no:ri: keb vri’i.ES, •j; t a mi’ouyia rr. vijs, > FCEOS H ILUIV fiKAPES. Till: AHO YE GOODS ARE POSITIVELY IN STORE IN ADDITION TO THE LARG EST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FANCY AND CHOICE FAMILY GROCER IES IN THE STATE, WHICH ARE BEING DISPOSED OF AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. GREEK. LAKE & CO.. Clicrrv and ill Third Street*. U4V .o-tf FOR SOT vN*)/S PF.K MONTH Tv the vea, tr. lavm e. * :'•> nicer.. ::i*. bett "10. alitv iu iLt city (or Dentist or Milliners- business' Apply at this office, or No. s Cotton Avenue. oct23-tf. MISS M. A. DANIEL 11’ >1 LD res; ee’.fuilv inform the Ladies of I M on and v i.-inity that she has taken re -! 5. lO Cfitoi Avenue.u- stair* *. w hen s!k i- prepared : • do Dress MaKisoin the ■ c and fnoM PI noble js'ylV-., and war rants tj give *ati*faction. oct3l-2w FOR SALE. OIX B ILDING LOTS on Wind- - niR. O Will -el! all. or as many as desired. The lots adjoin Dr. Coy’s on the top of the hill. The prettiest location out. Apply to novff? 4t No. 8 Cotton A vents. Guernsey, Bartrum & Hendrix. 1 DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF \BU LDE?S SUPPLIES^ MA I, ' LS ' ' y-sik di ii.i K i;> MOULDING, - pp I I jP|| 1 lIARDWAHF. UR.V KETS, F... CARPENTER-.- TOOLS. UA LUSTEnS, TSJIU-WXJXj POSTS, AND ALL KINDS OF TURNINGS. ! ’ACT( >RY--DIXIK MOHKs. \V:ti'erooiiis--lllakc’ Block I’oplju- street, Jliicuii, <ia. dei-lUmarll W & StJITs" Corn, Becoit aid Flour Bmprin OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flour. Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. - THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOCK, “THE PEIHE OE DIXIE.” -‘ ire Rest in the "Worlth Always on I?and. - 1 claim superior facilities in the purcLaesof COM, BACON, PM, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC., And 1 Wlil n ' l '" :t 10 tlK> i!ltl ' ,vst M - r and Planters to call on me with their MONEY ■rt.'i H) PAPER. Rweionable time given to all good parties. V. A. HHEE, 07-lf FOB THE HOLIDAYS! • i,e * l i'.ift 1 to Sflt'H ji Beautiful and Useful Present is at MACK BROTHERS*. BEST KID GLOVES AT *: 'VORTII ■*:.••. TO P.E FOI'ND AT MACK BROTHERS". Sl*L L3 .> I)ID C<> 1? KT. A 1 Oik-., WORTH si :,o, CAN BE HAD OF MACK BROTHERS. ■ -♦ ♦ JUST RECEIVED, Tlif "1.l t x ; BOW"-—Very Pretty. Tlie 'UTH HANDKERCHIEF,” Very Handsome, and in all Colots. D mi LADIES’ and GENTS’ TIES and SCARFS. Another 1; r. ■ Jot of Ladies’ and Children's MERINO VESTS, i hildren'x lirown. Mixed and Striped WINTER HOSE. fancy KNIT WOOLEN GOODS, Etc. A lot of SHAWLS very cheap, and selling very fast. Call early aad make your selections. Prices lower than ever. MACK BROTHERS. .! r—ni " f Second Street, Damour Block. FOR THE MASQUERADE AND HOLIDAYS. OPERA KIDS or any other style at 75 cents per pair, at N CSS BA CM A DANNENBURGS, dccld lw. 70 Third street. Jl hT KEOEIVED VLOT of live hundred dozen first quality KID GLOVES, all colors and all sizes at the low price .■? seventy live cents per pair At NCSSBACM o DANNE.NBERG'S dec 13-1 w TO Third street. J.IO. It. WEE.US. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE ON 3d STREET OVER Is. w. RASWAI.S STOKE. a#-i r Mator’s Office, Macos, December 10,1872. IN addition to the usual inconvenience which has been suffered by the public from the prevalence of the horse disease, we now see a complete blockaded condition of our railroads and the almost total suspension of all commer cial business in onr citv for mere lack of street transportation. This unusual state of affairs sutruest* the want of some immediate relief, both to the railroads and the merchant. Upon consultation, therefore, with the railroad au thorities and the different dray companies iu the city. I hereby give notice to any and all per sons in the adjoining counties, that they are in vited and requested"to bring in their ox-tennis and assist ns in the dray w ork of our city for the next two or three "weeks, at the end t ■ which time we hope to be able to resume the horse and mule labor. Parties bringing their oxen to the city will be allowed to use them in the dra' age of a.l goods FREE OF LICENSE. It is believed that twenty to thirty teams could find constant work "here for several days, at good paying price* _ decll tf W. A. HL FF, Mayor.