Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, November 26, 1869, Image 1

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1 hb|bmhh^hb| xgsvntn»vr«er«s ■» a — ——i *X£8 AND GEORGIA & MDESSEN’GKER,. LjSbT, REID & REESE, Proprietors. MUSHED 1826. The Family Jou rnal.—News—Politics—Lite r a tube—Agriculture—Domestic Affairs. GEORGIA TELEGRAPH BUILDING MACOtf, ftitIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1869. YOI. LXIY.-KO. 20. , j;l Telegraph Building, Macon. KATKS or SUBSCRIPTION: TnMB*ra-f»rono Tear.. ....—.... *10 00 ■•^ISisc.iurH-forelx months 5 00 EaTOfirttr psriod* One Dollar per month. I r,, c?2i.WE*KBT Tklecraph—one year.. 4 00 W,A Sr!lI-WlC**LY Telegraph—six m’thd 2 00 * 6U - VTMKbV Telegraph—one year S 00 rt>, 2 Wkcei.v Teligraph—six months 1 50 Payable always w» advance."®#.' i „i £ and. Jol) Printing " a ?Ailr executed nt reasonable prices. by mail with Postmaster’s certificate a (For the Telegraph and Messenger* The Modern Knight. Uliose is no more the stately tread. The gravely courteous mien, jbe linked mail and helmet head, • The blade of Syrian sheen; ffl.0 walks the ways of common men, In lmnying hannta of trade, Hi. arms, tlie ledger and the pen, The plowshare and the spade. Kliose splendor fa no more the sun Of conrts, tho proud array. In tpnra of knighthood wildly won In some fierce fought affray; yyiiose dress, as sober to the glance As autumn’s brown leaf, hies Unnoticed, on each breeze of chance. Or wind of enterprise. Hfko coolly scans his follow-men With philosophic eye; Converses calmly, knowing when To emilo, or when to sigh. Kor tilts at wind-mills—saves his breath To namo them with a sneer; MacGregor, on bis native heath, From him had nought to fear. Who rides no more through foreet dim, With half-drawn sword, and prayer Upon his lips, or holy hymn. To guard from evil there. Who steps with dainty footfall, down The church’s throng-lined aisle, And views the emblemed cross and crown With eelf-sufficient smile. Whose chivalry to all tho weak Ia proofless—who can cheat Tho widow and the orphan meek, And all tbdr woes complete; Whose highest aim is self, whoso laugh Greets wrong, who mocks at right, Who bows before the golden calf— Ia this the modem knight ? Ah! no. Who loves not bis own age, With all its faults of kind, May rank as hermit learned or sage, Bat leaves all love behind; For human hearts, since Adam, beat With pulses still the samo, And change, which timo must ever meet, Is half—a change of name. And loyal truth, pure knighthood's beet, A bright twinned star, still lies Beflectcd from the earnest depths Of some clear human eyes; What though the jesting cynic lurk Upon the tongue; words can Eat challenge jest, when noble work Proclaims tho cynic, man. And honor, chivalry, live yet, Deny it. ye who may; l’oar cheeks with passioned tears still wet, In memory of a day, When woke the loud, stem trump of wars, And glowed each latent spark, Of knighthood, till a field of stars Blazed o’er his ’scutcheon dark. Ay, chivalry ia living yet, Kor all laid ’neath the sod. With lives, (a country's long regret,) To country given and God; Sol less showed forth its lofty power, Kot less Us pride of will, That hardest lesson of the hour, To suffer and be still. So daring in war’s fierce melee, So patient and so strong. To hear reverse, what minstrel lay. What poet’s sweetest song Can tell of Ceeur de Lion’s more, Or hymn Crusaders’ story? Pass by the vaunted days of yore. From glory unto glory! In life’s great tournament, the knights Wage kindly contest ever, Kot dim in distance, all tho lights Ofchivalric endeavor; Whoever doubts, now take good heed. Or keep bis vizor down, For doubt is doubt’s deserved meed. As (rust is honor’s crown. Latienne. Manufacturing in the South. Th* editor of the Newburyport (Hass.) Her- • who is well posted up in the manufacturing r '-aness, living as he does at the month of tho laurimack river, which turns more spindles NnUjr than any river in tho world—Concord, | ! -*kc-ag, Manchester, Lowell, Nashua, Law- f', Hnverhill, and other great mnnufactn- R cities of Massachusetts—thus speaks of Rnfaetnring prospects in the South • | There is a mania at tho South for cotton r“j*- They are gomg up by scores in Georgia R Alabama, which States will soon bo able to I -pply tho South with all the coarse cotton they Rd, and it is not impossible that Southern I-woos will bo in tho Boston market within letea years. Wo have seen greater changes in I ^de in other directions than this would bo. L” on ly trouble with manufacturing in the I ■■5th heretofore has been the want of proper IjWitive*. Slaves could not bo worked in I-nories; free blacks were good for nothing, R l ‘*60 whites were no belter for such pur- Thero was a prejudice against factory and there was no foreign immigration to ■ "•fit Hereafter it will not’bo so. iJwte will be largo emigration from tho North I >T “?? Europe. It will be larger in five years date than people dream of now. Some I will be fitted for the work; or, if not, I ^dnese will come in, who will bo admirably I to such employment. This will push I ^athern manufactures to bo competitors with I ^ ort bt *ni when they have trained I ,j! r hands upon eoarse work they will easily IA *° ® ae 8°°ds. Water power is abundant | and cheap, and so is coal; and the cotton ■... |»n the shade of tho factory, and can "be I hi a P er here. Tho only trouble seems I, to that manufacturing is already overdone, h-grnnd and the United States each produce IGS goods than can well bo disposed of; but I £hl *** ke able to undersell them in tho Afem and Western markets, and our manu- I Widon? ,W ^ ^ ave no defence against such com- I ,^ I8ru ®' 0E ** Cuba.—Cholera, yellow fever I ^, 6ma ^P° x aro raging fearfully at Santiago I, 'd ,a > three hundred deaths having occurred Rm cholera alone within thirty days. It was I jRi impossible to give the dead bodies proper < the bodies being covered only with a v inches of earth. As a consequence the *** from the oemetery has almost become a to k» * DCe ' Cubans in the interior profeaa J* confident of nuoew, and giro the Spanish 1 °°P* touch trouble. WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE. Washington, November 20, 1860. Editofs Tdegraph. and Messenger: All busi- ness in the Departments and Government offi ces here virtually closed for tho week, at noon on Wednesday last At that hour it was offi- cially promulgated that all clerks and clerkesses who wished to buy turkeys and “fixins” for their thanksgiving dinner, would bo granted permission to leave their desks at one o’clock. The result was a general rush, although ninety- nine clerks out of one hundred are quartered in boarding houses. Thursday they sang psalms with a nasal twang until they rimJo themselves hoarse. They .stuffed ihemstlvea with roast turkey and Paritanical beans; they made windy speeches, full of “trooly loil” sen timents ; and they quaffed tho mild and acid ulous cider until they were internally as sour and flatulent as their polities. This is a fine dissipation after a protracted season of “hash” and bean coffee has placed most of them hors du combat; and in consequence the depart ments have been exceedingly quiet and barren of items. Few people have any idea of tho moral de pravity which exists here in high places. It is only when, by an unforeseen accident, the veil is lifted, that prominent officials, shining politi cal lights of radicalism, and over-zealous church members are exposed in all their hideous ini quities. The papers to-day contain tho sad and tragic stories of two women, tho victims of men occupying responsible positions under tho gov ernment, of unimpeachable loyalty and profess ed morality. The first case, which is still par tially enveloped in mystery, is that of a young girl who was found dead in her bed on tjio day of Gen. Rawlin’s funeral, with her throat cut from car to ear. In the days of her innocent girl-hood, she had moved in the best circles of this city. She was beautiful, highly accom plished, brilliant of intellect, the pride of fond parents, and the delight of a numerous circle of friends. The victim of an unprincipled man who had dishonored, disgraced and afterward abandoned her to her sorrows and the bowl, she pnt an end to a wretched existence. For good reasons, probably, her death was concealed, and the body was clandestinely hurried from this city to its once happy homo in the West. No crape was allowed upon the door, and the Coro ner was ont-witted, or in Ieagne with the parties who seenred the body. Hush money was paid to undertakers; a surgeon was summoned to sew np tho throat, and the corpse was then hur ried away. All this had escaped tho public prints until now; and tho fato of tho nnfortnn-, _ MrH i- re i,io conunuca to sxtoko d;s loreneau ate woman remains, unknown to her frienclar softly, while she lifted her palo face to tho sun- THE BROKEN HOME. “ truth straeoer tuax rnriiox. • In San Francisco, on tho north side pt Folsom street, overlooking Mission Bay, stands a palatial residence. The interior of this house is even more beantifnl! than its exterior, every apartment being in its way a gem of magnificence and refinement. The library especially realizes tho most perfect idea of ar elegant and cultured home. And yet, at tho moment wo look in upon him ono August afternoon, as he occupied his library— • the proprietor of all this wealth appeared of all men the most miserable. i Ho was Mr. Morton Preble, for many years a-fead- rng banker of San Franyiaco. < _ It was in vain that the broad bay-window at tho south end of the room had been opefledf giving in gress to the sunshine and the fragrance of rare flowers—in vain that the walls were lined with rich- ! iy carved book cases and paintings—in vain that soft couches and luxurious chairs had been gathered around him. . i He was wretched. He lay on a sofa, in tho depths of the great bay- ! window, the wreck of a once powerful man. IBs figure was thin and gaunt; bis face wbite'as marble; ' his eyes having an expression of woeful apprehen- : sion, of harrowing anxiety, of dreadful expectancy, i It was evident at a glance that no merely physical ailment had made him what he was. Dy what withering secret, by what destroying . affliction, had he been thus agonized? tbusbaunt- ed? thus hunted? he so noble and good! he so wealthy and distinguished! As ho moved restlessly upon his luxurious cush- j ions the pretty clock on tho mantel-piece struck five, every stroke seeming to fall like a hammer upon the heart of the nervous invalid. He aroused ! himself, strugglmg feebly to a sitting posture. j “ Oh, will this fatal day never, never pass ?” he ' murmured; “ nor bring us relief ?” Noticing with a nervous start that b3 was alone. : he touched a bell upon a table before him, and | exiled: “Helen, Helen! where are you?" Before the echoes of his voice had died out a step ! was heard, and liis wife entered his presence. j “I left you only for a moment , Morton,” she said, j advancing to tho banker's side, “You were dozing, ’• I think. I wished to send for tho doctor!” • I She was a beautiful woman of some six and thirty ■ years, graceful, with broad white brows, and loving eyes, in which tho brightness and sweetness of a ' sunshiny nature were still perceptible, under a grief and anxiety no leas paignant than that evinced by her husband. “ The doctor 1” he echoed, half-roproachfully. • “Yes, dear,” she said, in a calm and cheerful voice, as she drew a ebair to tho side of tho sofa, and sat down, stroking the corrugated forehead of the invalid with a magnetic touch. “He will be hero immediately. Your last nervous crisis alarmed ; me. You may become seriously ill!” Mr. Preble bestowed an affectionate look upon his j wifo, but said despondently: “Tho doctor! He cannot ‘minister to a mind diseased!’ Oh, if these long hours would only pass ! If I only knew what the day has yet in store for us!” 1 “Look up. Morton!” eDjoinedMrs. Preble, with a reverently truBtfui glance upward through the open ; wiudow at thebluesky, andas if looking beyond the 1 azure clouds therein. “Let us appeal from the in- ■ justice and wickedness of earth to the goodness and mercy of Heaven 1” The banker gave a low. sobbing sigh. ' ^ “I cannot look up, Helen,” he answered, with a' passionate tremor in his voice—“only down, down at the grave that is opening before me!’’ -Sirs. Preble continued to stroke his forehead “Angnst 8,1835. Jane, hr. A.- / Jessie. And the next year it is— . “Aagnst 9, 1830. Four Jessie Sfo lives J” And tho next— ’ ‘■August 9,1S57. She Ui* eood *md*r And the next— “August 9,1858. She »’» Ketl as ikert” And the next— So fur as known no legal steps have been taken in (be matter; but the facts have boon laid be fore the Chief of the Bureau, in which the se ducer is employed, and his official decapitation is looked for. Hero is another case, made public for tho first time this morning. Mr. William S. Finney, who is' chief of a division in the Third Audi tors’ office, a principal trustee of the Freed man’s Bureau, a most prayerful and prominent member of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion, and ono of the most intensely “loyal” of the “god-and-morality” party here—a fellow who would send a man to the infernal regions for smoking a cigar, and who could find no hell sufficiently hot to which to consign tho wretch who would even look at a whisky bottle—has been brought into very disagreeable notoriety in conjunction with a female who is not bis wife. The details of tho affair are of a character unfit for -publication; but the main facts are, that the woman was a clerk in tho Treasury, and has kept up a criminal intercourse with Finney since 18G7. She now comes forward and makes affidavit that this pious yankee ruined her, and after making her the partner of his quilt for two years, abandoned her in June last to her fate. All the papers, correspondence, photo graphs, etc., in the case, were to-day laid be fore the Secretary of the Treasury. These incidents, by no means exceptional, afford a glimpse of the corruption nod rotten ness which prevails in certain circles here. We have to go back to past ages and to fhe chroni cles of the most sensual and debased nations to find a state of morals so low as that which now oxistsattho National Capitol. Muchka3 been written, pro and con, as to tho character of the female Treasury clerks. That there are de praved and bad women among Ihbm cannot be denied. That there are also those who lead pure and virtuous likes is equally true. But they move in a tainted atmosphere, exposed to baleful influences, and many will live to rue the day they entered the portals of the Troarary building. For my part, I wonld rather a sister of mine should go to a blameless grave, or per form the lowest of menial tasks, than step foot within its granite walls. A movement is on foot here to organize a Southern Labor Union Association, the object of which is to buy Largely of Sontkem lands, in order to help poor white and black people fo^b- ua A j remember it,” said the doctor, softly. might she not have been lost, Mr. Preble ? tain for themselves a free-hold estate. Tho plan is to buy large tracts oHand, divide them up into small farms,- and sell them to all who want to purchase at a small advance on the original purchaso, and on long time. A num- ber"of prominent capitalists here are at tho head of the movement Strong opposition to General Sickles, Minis ter to Madrid, is developing itself _ amoDg the Congressmen arrived here. It is evident be will not retain his position without a vigorous fight. Judge Dent, and others of tho Dent family, ate their thanksgiving dinner at the White House. The Judge left yesterday for Missis sippi to re-open tho canvass. It is said he has private assurances of Presidential sympathy. Private letters received here from Texas state that Col. Thomas P. Ochiltree, tho Con servative candidate for Congress from the Third Congressional District, is making great headway against the Radical carpet-bag candi date, Gen. Clarke. He has denounced Clarke from tho slump as a thief, a liar, and a coward; and what is more, ho has in his possession am ple evidence in support of his assertions. Gon. Daniel Butterfield has taken quarters here for the winter, and will petition Congress for an investigation into his conduct as sub- treasurer at New York, in case the President should decline to order one. There have been very few arrivals at tho ho tels for the past few days. About a dozen Con- ■gressmen have arrived and taken quarters for the winter. The Maynard appointment as Register of fha land office at New Orloans, vice CoL Cnny, is said to bo the would-be negro Congressman who figured here last winter. He has not even the merit of being a native of Louisiana, but was bom and raised in the slums of Washington. A curious financial operation by Secretary Boutwell has just come to light Ho out tho coupons from the bonds purchased- by him, had them cashed, and used tho proceeds to buy other bonds. This is only equaled by tho Irish man who cut a piece from one end of his blank et and sewed it on the other end to make it longer. Everybody predicts a long session of Con- areas. Financial questions will naturally oome up. So will the Cuban question, the annexa tion of San Domingo and Nova Scotia; and there are promises of rich and racy exposure* of fraud committed and fraud contemplated. Altogether, the session promises to be a lively as well as a long one. ' The heaviest rain of tho season feu at an early hour this morning, and the result is com paratively eleaa streets, for the first time within the memory of the light streaming into the apartment “Look up, Morton—always look up!” she again enjoined upon the invalid. “During all these four teen years of agony. I have not once doubted either the goodness or the justice of Heaven. ‘Blessed are thev that mourn; for they shall be comforted.’ , I believe that wo shall yet rejoice more keenly than we have mourned, and that wo shall come to a glo rious day of joy beyond all this long night of eor- i row!” j The face of tho invalid lighted up with an answer ing glow, and he murmured: Glorious faith! My wife, you are indeed a bles- ; Bed comforter! Perhaps, after all, you aro right!" A knock resounded on a side door at this junc ture, and tho next moment Dr. Hutton, the family physician, for whom Mrs. Preble bad sent, entered ho room. He was an old man. portly in figure, with white hair and beard, but with a fresh and ruddy complex ion, a pair of shrewd blue eyes, and with an oxuber- , ant boyishness of manner that sat well upon him. ; Ho had a kind heart and dear head. He approached ; th® sofa, atier greeting tho husband and wife, and lifted the thin restless hand of the invalid, feeliDg his pulse. “Quito a highfever,” he said, after a brief pause. “Worrying again, eh, Hr. Preble ? You are wearing vourseif out Medicine will do yon no good bo long aa your mind is in its present condition. I must i .give you an opiate—” ' “Not now, doctor," interposed tho banker. “ I. cannot—must not—sleep to-day! I'need to bo broad awake now, fori cannot tell at any moment wbat the next mav bring forth. I am looking for the culmination of all my years of anguish—for tho crowning agony of tho whole. Perhaps.even now— Ab, what was that ?" He started up wildly, and then, as tho sound that had disturbed him was not repeated, he sank back . again on liis cushions, pallid and panting. The doctor looked at Mrs. Preble with, an anxious, questioning glance. „ “ It is the anniversary, she replied to his nnspo- . ken inquiry—“the anniversary of our loss.” ’Ab, yes.” said the doctor, “Iremember." > yea. it’s another of those terrible days,” cried the banker, ia a hollow whisper, “Sit down doctor, : and I will tell vou the whole story. I can think of nothing else fo-day, and am almost wild with appre hension and anxiety. Sit down.” Dr. Hutton drew up a chair and seated himself, his face expressing the double solicitude of a friend and pbvsician. “Yon knew us fourteen years ago, doctor,” said Mr. Treble. “ We lived then wbero wo do now, in a cottage on the site of this great mansion. There were but the three of us—Helen and I. and our three-year old Jessie. And it was fourteen years ago to-day that «ur little Jossio was stolen from ‘Yet' She went out to play in the garden, if I remember ‘ fitly, and was never seen by you again. She glit fiavo strayed away—” « So wo thought fora whole year, doctor,” in terrupted tho hanker. “Wo never dreamed that Blie had been stolen. Wo searched everywhere for her, and offered immense rewards for her recovery. I employed detectives, bnt all to no purpose. When our little Joseie ran down tho steps into that flower garden,” and ho pointed to the front of the house, as if tho earth had opened and swallowed her np, we never saw her sgain.” “She must have found the gate open, and wan dered out." suggested Dr. Hutton. “She might have strolled down to tho waters and been drowned.” . ... The banker fixed his burning oyes upon tho pby- eician’a face, and whispered: “I said wo never saw tho poor child again. I did not say wo had not beard of her. She was lost on the 9 th of August. 1854. For a year we thought her dead. But on tho anniversary of our loss we re ceived a written message concerning her. ’ “A message!” cried Dr. Hatton, starting. “A mere scrawl—a single line in a hand evident ly disguised,” said the hanker. “Here it is." He produced a dingy scrap of paper from a draw- in the table, and held it up to the view of the physician, who read aa follows: “August9,1855. Jessie, ha, hat Jessie." Dr. Hatton looked, with a puzzled air, from the scrap of paper, which he tnrned over and over, to the countenance of the banker. «... “I can make nothing of this, he declared. "It is merely a date, with the name of your lost daugh ter. It tells me nothing.” “Nor did it us, at first,” saiu Hr. Preble. “Then that name and that date, with the demon laugh con necting them, set ua to thinking. A whole year we agonized over the dreadful problem, and then we received another message, which you shall see.” Ho thrust a second slip of paper, identical in shape and appearance with the first, before the gaze of Dr. Hutton, whoreadit aloud: “August 9,1656. Your Jessie still lives." The physician started, as if electrified. “Ah' this is something definite—something deci sive.” he muttered. “It convinced yon tbatyonr daughter was still living. “Yes doctor,” said Mr. Preble, “and every anni versary’ of that day has brought us some message. The disappearance of the child, mysterious as it fa, does not seem to me half so strange as that the vil lain who took her away could contrive to communi cate with us every year since, and always on s parti cular day—the anniversary of that on which she was stolen—without our being able to discover who he fa. And a still greater wonder to me is what can be hfa motive. It seems incredible. If it wse stated in a novel niany people would not believe it. But ‘truth fa stranger than fiction.’” Mrs. Preble drew from her husband s bresst-poo- ket bis note-book, open edit to the proper page, and presented it to the physician. Dr. Hutton adjusted hfa spectacles, glanced oyer *Qd then slowly read the group of enhaes . ‘‘Angnst 9,18.13. / sate her ye&rflt'fsS” And tho next— . ! «. “Angnst 9. i860. She's uroieims -Vf idly And the next— Anihthfnext— 1SG1 " Shee0 *" :HUC * tn d t vei 'C “Angnst 9,1802. Pte teen her And tho next— “August 9,1803. Sle 'toeetrmsiV’Sa.r And tho next- -V v’f “Ar.gust 9.1SG1. Tom- child is thirteen l” And the next— •‘August 9,1805. She's lovlier than ever /” And tho next— ‘■Angnst 9,1800. She’s really charming l” And last year it fa— “August 9, 1807. My reieard is at hand /” And what shall we get to-day! The physician looked up and fixed his thoughtful gaze upon tho bereaved husband and wife. “How did these messages come to you ?” he de manded. “Invariably by post,” replied Mr. Preblo. “Usual ly to the house, but sometimes to the office!” “ And you have'never seen their author ?" “Never.” j “The. last of them fa dated, I ate, s year ago to day!" “Yes, yes,” faltered tho hanker, “and the timo has come for another message. This fa the 9th of August, 1868!” “1800," said Dr. Hatton. “Ami this fa the se cret of your terrible excitement! You are expect ing to receive to-day another of these strange mes sages !” There was a brief silence. Mrs. Preble’s hand fluttered in its task, and her face grow very pale. The banker breathed gaspingly. Ti» physician re garded them both in friendly sympathy. • “ We shall hear of her again to-day,” said Mr. Preble; “and what will the message be The mother averted her face. Her brave heart faltered as that question echoed in her soul “ The writer of these letters is unquestionably the abductor of your child,” Baid Dr. Hutton. “ Havo you any suspicion as to hfa identify?" “Not tho slightest,” said Mr.’ Preble. “We havo puzzled over the problem for many years, but we cannot guess who he is.” “Think," said the doctor. “Havo youno enemy? I do not mean people with whom you are not friend ly—every stirring man has plenty of these—hut a downright enemy! Is there no man whom you knew in the East who hated you ? No one against whom you were’called upon to testify—no one whom you possibly injured?” Tho hanker Bhook bis head. He had asked him self all these questions repeatedly. I have no such enemy, doctor,” he answered with sincerity of voice and manner. “ And Sirs. Preble ?” suggested tbe doctor, turn ing to her. “Havo you no rejected suitor who might lie revengeful enough to desolate your home ?”- “No,” said the lady. “I was married early. Morton was my first lover!” “Thisis strange—very strange!” muttered the doctor. “ You are not conscious of having an ene my in the world, and yet you have an enemy—a hidden foe—a fiend in human form—who is work ing out against you a fearful hatred! And you have not the slightest suspicion as to whom he fa?" “ Not the slightest,” declared the banker.” “ Not the slightest!” echoed Mrs. Preble. “ My husband had a step-brother who might have been capable of this infamy—bat he is dead!” “The handwriting isnot familiar ?” “ No. It fa merely a rude scrawl, aa you see,” said the banker. “ It suggests nothing—except that it fa evidently disguised f >•» Again there was a profound silence. “Our child fa seventeen years old now,” at length murmured Mrs. Preble, her voice trembling- “She is on the threshold of womanhood. No doubt, dur ing all these years, she has yearned forus, wherever she may be, as we have yearned for her!” •‘But where is she ?” asked the physician—and now liis voice was broken by hfa deep sympathy with tho agonized parents. “Whore can she he?” “Heaven only knows,” answered tho fiiother. "“Perhaps in 8an Francisco—perhaps in some rude hut in the interior, with some obscure fanner, and under a name that is not hers 1 I think liee-thduc- tor would have carried hor to some lonely region of the interior, among the valleys and mountains. Yet I never see a young girl in tho streets without turning to look at’her. I never hear a girlish voice without listening eagerly, half fancying that it may prove the voice of my lost Jessie!’’ “Ob, pitying heaven!” sighed Dr. Hutton, dash ing a flood of tears from hfa eyes. “Will tfifa long agony never bo over ?" “We hope so, and even believe so,” answered Mrs. Preblo, with tho firmness of an unfaltering trust in God’s mercy. “The last message we re ceived from our enemy seems to point to some kind of a change.” “True,” assented Dr. Hutton, looking at tho mes sage in question. “It fa unlike the ethers. It says that bis ’reward fa at hand.- Ho means either that ho intends to marry your daughter, or that he in tends to depiand money of you for bringing her back—or both.” “We shall soon know,” said Mrs. Preble, with forced calmness. ‘"To-day wo shall havo another message, no doubt. What will it be?” The banker tunic d restlessly on hfa sofa, and hfa face grew even paler. “Whatever it is. let it come!” bo murmured. “Anything can bo borne better than this awful sus pense. Letiteome!” As if liis impatient words had precipitated a crisis, a step was heard on the walk at this moment, and a ring at the front door followed. “ Another message!” breathed the banker. A servant soon entered, bearing a letter, which ho extended to Mr. Preblo, saying: “ Tho hearer fa in the hall.” With aa eager gazo tiie banker glanced at tho su perscription of the missive. “ It is from him /” ho faltered. •> • He tore the envelope open. It contained a slip of paper of well-known shapo and appearance, upon which was scrawled a single line, in an equally well-known handwriting, which the banker exhibited to his wifo and tbe physician. This lino was as follows: “August 9,1868. At six 1 will call A shock of wonder and horror shook the three si multaneously. “ Will call!” cried Mr. Treble, starting to hfa feet nnd glaring wildly around. “Is coming here ?"_cried Sirs. Preble, also arising. Weekly Resume si Foreign ASUrs. BKEPABED FOB THE GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. Great Britain.—The funeral of George Pea body took place under imposing ceremonies.— Tho funeral procession formed before the house of Sir Ourtis Lampsan, Eaton Square, where the great philanthropist expired. Amongthe mourn ers following the hearse there were General Grey, representing the Queen, Mr. Motley, am Impressions of the Fair. Wo asked our friend, CoL James A. Nisbet, the other day, to give ns his impressions of the Fair. As one of the Executive Committee, he has studied it much more olosely than most people.. He has had large experience and ob servation of such exhibitions, mid he is a wmi of known judgment, candor and impartiality. In response to our request he sent ua the fol- bassador of the tho United States and Benj. lowing. bn.f artiele, which, we publish just a® it Moreu. Secretary of tbeAji.o.ioan Embassy.— came from his p«n : xne carriages of the Queen, the Prince of Wales, — Miss Burdett Contis and the aristocracy of Eng land closed the fnneral, which moved slowly through the crowded streets towards Westmins ter Abbey, the Pantheon of England’s great ness. The bier was deposited in the choir draped in mourning to remain there until it will be brought over tothis country. A few days before his death Peabody made another donation of £150,000 to the Peabody fund. A striking contrast to this great Commoner, who gathered riches only to bestow them on the poor again, forms the late Harqnis of West minster. His yearly income was estimated at 500,000 to 600,000 pounds sterling. He spent his whole life time in increasing his fabtfions wealth, and thero are many anecdotes current about his exceeding parsimony. Ha might be scon very often walking home from Charing Cross railway station with his carpet-bag, in or der, as dame fame has it, to save a cab fare. The whole property around Belgravia, the wealthiest quarter of London, was bought by the grandfather of the late Marquis in the middle of the last century. At that time it consisted bnt of one swamp where, towards the end of the latter and commencement of the present century, “elegant London” arose. As the leases granted for this property will expire in a few years, the whole, with the buildings erected upon it, will fall baok to the present second Marquis of Westminster, thus, perhaps, doub ling his already fairy riches. For the great abuse of selling property for the erection of new buildings only, against a lease of 99 years or a shorter period, is still prevailing in England and Ireland. Fenian demonstrations continue. Tho Cen tral Amnesty Committee of the Fenians calls upon the Irish people to resign the consumption of tobacco until the release of the prisoners. The purpose of the Committee is to reduce, by this measure, the revenues of the government and to keep alive the agitation. Tho discount of tho Bank of England is ex-, pected to rise. The press is discussing the Irish land reform. The Times hopes that Gladstone and his col leagues will succeed in solving this difficnlt problem. In another article the Times thun ders against the Protectionists in Lancashire and Manchester. France.—Perfect order is reigning in Paris. Henry Rochefort will be probably-elected in the second district. The manifesto of the deputies belonging to the opposition has been published. It is signed Even as ho spoke the clock on the mautel-pieee commenced sti iking tho appointed hour, and at that instant heavy footsteps resounded in the.hafi, ap proaching tho library. “It fa he!" cried the doctor, also arising. As the last stroke of tho honr resounded, the door leading from tho hall again opened. Ono long and horrified glance cast the banker and Ids wifo in that direction, and then she fell heavily to the floor. Her senses had left her. Tho above we publish as a specimen chapter; but tho continuation of the story will bo found only in tho New York Ledger. Ask for tho number dated December 4th, which can he had at any news office or bookstore. If you are not within reach of a nows office, you can have the Ledger mailed to vou for ono year by sending three dollars to Bobcrt Bonner, publisher, 182 William street. New York. The Ledger pays more for orig inal contributions than any other periodical in the world. It will publish none but the very, very beet. Its moral tone is the purest, and its circulation tho largest. Everybody who takes it is happier for having it. Leon Lewis, Mrs. Harriet Lewis, Mrs. Southworth, Mr. Cobb, Professor Peck, Maiy Kyle Dallas, Fanny Fern ana Miss Dupuy will write only for the Ledger hereafter. Mr. Bonner, like other leading publishers, might issue three or five papers and magazines; bnt he prefers to concentrate all his energies upon one, and in that way to make it the best. One Dexter is worth more than three or five ordinary horses. t Ono science only can one genius fit, So vast fa art, so narrow human wit. 1 then slowly read the group of en entry tbs first year is as follows: To Extinguish the National Debt, aa Illi nois sucker proposes the simplest method yet. Pat it all ia greenbacks and keep them in circu lation till worn out The Storms of the 19th.—The Herald says the gale of Friday night, the 19th, extended all over the country. In New York city the cellars on the streets fronting the river were flooded, and the Hoboken flats were covered with water owing to the unsualiy high tidesi Seven vessels were sunk in the Hudson. Houses were un roofed in Albany and various towns in Massa chusetts, numerous disasters with loss of life are reported on the Lakes, one or two vessels were driven on the bar in Hampton roads and twenty houses were demolished in Georgetown, Colorado, where the storm is said to havs been the severest eve* experienced. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: You ask me, as an active member of the Executive Com mittee, to give you my impressions of the Fair. X will do so. The show in machinery and agri cultural implements was large—in fertilizers, hopefnl—:n minerals, surprising—In the fancy departments, varied, and in part exquisite, es pecially paintings and music; the paintings displaying “the pencil’s imitative grace,” And the music gently stealing over the senses “as bright Appollo’8 lute strung with his hair.” The horses were grand, and with their riders famished the greatest attraction to the crowd, and decked ont the immense hippodrome with as splendid pageantry as ever graced theRoman amphitheatre. The noble horse was tabooed as to speed—the Committee gracefully yielding to the prejudice against racing. May our Christian friends soon agree with a pious and eminent clergyman in ms own terse language “to put the noble horse under the control of gentlemen,” and then will beauty’s wand banish the evils of the race track. Because, boast as we may, ’tis true as sung by a fair poetess: “The Lords of Creation, men we call, And they think they rule the whole; But they are mistaken after all For they are under woman’s control.” The cattle and hogs were few, but some of them fine. Plantation crops made a meagre show. Old King Cotton offered but a modest display of his snowy robes, whilst alas I alas! rice and sugar seem to be wrapped in their bloody cerements, away from view. To sum up the whole—the people in attendance, and the articles on exhibition were a splendid success, and the management unsatisfactory. Bnt we hadan “elephant” and our successors must work on and tame him. Brains, system, and energy will do up the work successfully in a few years. Let the State Pair travel around to Atlanta and other cities, and then let an incorporate compa ny buy the Laboratory grounds, and cotton (Ihate “king”) and grass join bands to lead both on to success. Your friend, James A. Nisbet. Correct Views About the Fair and Macon’s Part Therein. We commend to the noble army of grumblers and croakers who have been boring the people abont the failure of the Fair, and of the people of Macon to do their whole duty in the premises to the following from the Columbus Sun. We rcspeetfully call the attention of our friends of the Savannah Republican to this statement by twenty-eight members. Dwelling on the wishes of the nation for solf-govemment, it de- , that the opposition wiU employ but exerted ^l of thoir^ell estabhshed hospitAHty: “ - - - -- They had freely given all the money asked to make the Fair a success, and they did all in their power to contribute to the comfort and convenience of their guests. Private houses were filled with visitors. The hotels and board ing-houses alone could not have emptied twenty thousand people upon the Fair Grounds. We are quite sure that the people of Macon did their full duty, and we take it as an accepted fact, that they did not lose anything by the op eration. dares tL_- „ -r - « - peaceful mearik unless silenced by forcible measures. The manifesto, pointing out tho re forms on which the opposition will insist, de nounces the oath of allegiance which the depu ties are now required to take and advocates tho abolition of tho military laws. Baron von Werther, the new North German ambassador in Paris, presented his credentials to the Emperor. He assured Napoleon that the Prussian government sincerely wished to culti vate also in the future the samo friendly feel ings existing at present between both countries. The Emperor replied by a rather lengthy speech, and concluded by expressing his desire to see friendly relations develop between France and tho North Gorman Confederation. Monsieur Axmand Barbes, a prominent radi cal, has returned to Paris after having passed several years in exile. Monseigneur Dupanloup, Archbishop of Or leans, has published a pastoral letter expressing his consent to tho resolutions decided upon by tho German bishops at Fulda; yet he declares ho would submit to tho decisions of the Roman Council. North German Confederation.—The intro ductory speech of Camphauson, the new minis ter of finances, has mado a very favorable im pression in the House. Bismarck is soon expected in Berlin to take charge of his office again as Chancellor of the North Gorman Confederation. King William, as tho head of the Evangelical Church, had appointed tho 10th of November, Luther’s birth-day, as a thanksgiving day. The North German Minister of Commerce has issued a circular inviting Germans engaged in commerce to attend the international con gress of merchants at Cairo, to be opened on tho 1st of November. The principal subject of discussion will bo the best means of rendering the Suez Canal generally beneficiaL Spain.— Out of the 17Kepublicandoputies who have played a part in tho late Republican rising two, Caimo and Saner, are in the hands of the government. They have been arraigned before a court-martial; and Prim has announced in the Cortes that they were going to suffer the penalty of death after having been found guilty of high treason. Yet it is difficult to believe that Prim will carry this sentence into execu tion, as he may want before long the support of the Republican party to face toe Union Lib erals, who are making preparations to oppose the almighty Minister of War, who now rules Spain by the sword. One hundred and fifty-four deputies aro now said to have pledged themselves personally to elect the Duke of Genoa, while twenty-four absent deputies havo sent letters of approba tion. It is further reported that the Italian Cabinet has at last approved of the Duke of Genoa being a candidate for the Spanish crown. * Admiral Topeto was elected Vice-President of the Cortes. The Spanish merchants have declared their readiness to send 10,000 men to Caba in De cember next. Several battalions of volunteers had left again for the island. Russia.—A collossal lawsuit, involving one million and a half of roubles, about a false testa ment, is pending in St. Petersburg. Two hun dred witnesses have been examined. Also, Prince Obolenski, a Senator, had been sum- monod to give his testimony. Rut he, appealing to the monopoly of his rank, declined to appear. The Court was therefore obliged to proceed with all prisoners, gensdarmes and officers in solemn procession to the palace of the Prince. The University of Warsaw was opened by Count Berg, toe Governor of Poland. f Turkey.—According to a report published by the minister of war, toe Turkish army con sists now of 700,000 men. The Sultan, complying with a request of the Crown Prince of Prussia, has ceded toe (grounds belonging to the old Church of toe knights to St. John in Jerusalem, to toe King of Prussia. Two deputies of toe Israelitio Alliance in Paris, Mrs. Armand and Gregoire Levy, are traveling over the Northern part of Boomania to become thoroughly acquainted with the situ ation of the Jewish population there. The Gov ernment takes great interest in these inquiries, hoping that toe efforts of these gentlemen will contribute toward destroying toe prejudices re specting the suppression of the Jews in Bou rn ania. " Jarno. Just So.—Some irate “Union soldier” having raised a disturbance oyer some of Mosby’s ex ploits toe gallant partisan defends himself, and then adds: “I think it high time for a people who glory in ‘Sherman’s march from the mountains to the sea,’ in whioh he made a desert of the country that lay in his track—who received with hnazas Sheridan’s triumphant dispatch Hhat he had burned three thousand bams and mills, and made the Valley of Virginia so desolate that a crow could not fly over 'it without oarrying his rations’—to cease objecting that anybody did not observe the rules of mitigated war.” Hem THE HOTELS ' did toe best they could under toe circumstances. And where are.there any hotels that could stand such a pressure any better? Our editorial hat was not chalked at either of them, which may add to the strength of this notice, which wo think nothing bnt just- The eating and drink ing were nnexeeptionable, bnt the sleeping was a little rongh. Macon was, in all respects, qnito as comfortable as New York during the Demo cratic Convention. WAS THE FAIR A SUCCESS? Pecuniarily, decidedly so. In management, it was not. The people laid toe blame on the Ex ecutive Committee. They in turn shifted some of the responsibility on the railroads. Bnt it was a success to a certain extent. , It brought a large concourse of citizens together. Much was done and said and exhibited to - stimulate toe hopes and energies of the people, and to spread new and advanced ideas among them. The managers, officers and Execntive Commit tee havo received an immense amount of abuse and censure. Some of it was illiberal and un just, a portion was sensible and well founded. As they will have to bear it all, it is only right that they should receive the credit of all the success that did attend toe Fair. If it was a success in no other particular, it was, in that it exhibited as fair specimens of men and women as ever stood in sunlight As we looked upon the crowd as it wound through toe balls or quietly movod about tho grounds, wo took new hope for Georgia, for hand in hand were going men and women who will raise a race of heroeB to fliustrate her for all time to come. It may be truthfully said that no such number of peo ple were assembled together before, who in every respect behaved themselves better. So much for tho present At another time, we propose to say something about the location of future Fairs and the management of them. Tlie Hog Crop. It seems to bo conceded by toe recognized authorities of the West, that the hog crop will be equal to last year in point of numbers, but there is, nevertheless, a strange effort to sus tain toe extreme prioes which have prevailed all through toe current year, on too ground that the supply of old meats in the country is prac tically exhausted, and that therefore the ex igencies of too demand for home consumption and export will be each as not to warrant ma terial decline. Again, it is contended by the high price theorists at toe West, that toe pres ent exorbitant price of hogs should be sus tained through toe winter, in order to compen sate toe farmers for the low prices ruling for their grain—in other words, that the interests of the packers and consumers should be sacri ficed for the purpose of benefitting the pro ducers. It is difficult to percei ve any justice in such an assumption. The logic is false in the ory, and untenable in every respect. For toe past few years toe farmers have monopolized the lion's share of the profits of the provision business, and though those packers who com menced laying up stock at toe beginning of the season, and sold ont during toe speculative times of January and February were handsome ly remunerated, their successors in toe stock have had a different story to tell. The Cincinnati Price Current is of opinion that prices will rule comparatively high, not withstanding the Abundance of hogs and the grain to feed them upon, beoause of the exhaust ed stock of old meats. It looks, however, for some decline, for the reason that the wants of England will be much less than they were last year, and that at last year’s prices bnt little will be needed, as the supply of both hogs and cat tle, in the tbe British Isles, is greater than it was a year ago. Viewed in all these aspects, it is easily seen that the future is any thing but en couraging for the packera of pork, and their true course is to be cautious and patient In view of all the known facts and prospects con nected with the trade, a much lower average of prioes than those of last season seems to be the only safety for dealers, or rather for those who will have to hold their stocks during the season. Nearly all kinds of trade and industry are de pressed, and with an abundance of all food pro ducts, it ia not likely, in the absence, of any ex traordinary demand, that war prices can he maintained. Breadstuffs are down to a reason able scale of prices; and it is evident that meat provisions must take the same course. The Central Railroad are laying down toe Nicholson pavement in front of their depot end shops on West *tr$et, Sfaysngah. •' THE TURKISH WOMEN. A BcTalt in the Hama—CM Ideas being: Discarded—Eugenie's Clifts. Constantdwfl*, October 29.—Your readers will be astonished to hear that during the pest tan days there has been* revolution in Constan tinople. A bloodless one, it is true, yet one that in its results may have a lasting and all-power ful influence for good on the future of Turkey. Tbe ladies have begun to make themselves heard, and they no leogerintend to be compelled to hide their beamy keneato the disfiguring yashmak, or be hid away in too recesses of the harem. They have looked upon toe lovely Eransa' Imperalrizassg; they have seen toe peerless beauty of her face, and the inexpressi ble elegance of her form, and they do not un derstand why their oharms should not also dazzle and delight beholders. They have seen the Lord of the Moslems himself give his arm to a woman, and not only conduct her to her palaoe, but accompany her in the- carriage and the caique, ana they naturally ask why they should be obliged to veil their bright eyes and fair complexions in a cloud of gauze, and take their solitary pleasure on toe water or at the Guenkson, without the escort and compan ionship of their own immediate lords. A “revolt of the harem" has therefore broken out in every gait on the Bosphorons, and the inner life of Stambonl is troubled. This revo lution has beeru going on silently- for some time, but toe visit of the Empress of the French appears to havo brought it to a crisis. It is on ly a few years sinoe the yashmak was worn of so dense a material that it was impossible to' recognize the features of toe wearer, and the ladies ambled along in wide trowsers and loose yellow papoosJies that gave a most ungainly ap pearance to figures otherwise stately and well proportioned. Now, however, the bright eyes flash and the pearly teeth dazzle with their brightness beneath the veil which, from the fineness of its texture, no longer serves to con ceal, but rather add a coquettish charm to toe natural beauties beneath. The slipshod pa- pooshes, too, are discarded, and instead a pretty foot, encased in a neat Frenoh botUne, peeps out from under the flowing drapery. But the feredjie still remains to shroud the figure, and prevent the suppleness and native elegance of the form being seen, while, worse still, the to tal separation of the Rexes, both in and ont of doors, is rigorously exacted. This custom, there can be no donbt, willnow soon disappear, and then the Turkish women will safely bear comparison with toe beauties of any other country in the world. I fear that in England thero is a great deal of’ misconception in reference’to the social posi tion of women in this country. Most people imagine that every Turkish house is a Mormon establishment on a larger or lesser scale, and that the wives pass their existence In bickering and discontent. No mistake could be greater. None of the Turkish Ministers of State possess more than one wife,’ and that one is both hon ored and respected. The poorer classes cannot afford too “luxury” of several wives, while the rich Turks in Stamboul have long since aban doned the practice. Nowhere, in fact, is wo- ^man more tenderly and thoughtfully protected K than in Turkey. The harem, about which such vague ideas exist in Europe, is the sanctuary of tie wife, into which no care or trouble is per mitted to enter. The man is always tho bread winner; he alone bears toe attendant anxieties of life, whilo tho woman is sheltered from every storm, and hor days are passed in one contin uous round of innocent pleasures, free from the frivolous and sometimes guilty excitements which make up the existence of her sisters in the West. Nowhere in Europe is that “pearl without price,” the purity of woman, to bo found in greater perfection than in the households of the Osmauli, and although the Turks are, unfor tunately, not free from evils (many of them in troduced from the other side of the Alps,) there is one evil—too social evil—which has no home among them. Even toe laws of the Empire have been framed so as to give protection in every way to woman. No matter what politioal change may affect the husband, the property of the wife is always secure; under all the circum stances it remains her own, nor is it liable for her husband’s debts any more than the property of a married woman in England when secured under settlement. This, too, applies to all her property, not only that which she may have possessed before marriage, bnt what she may have- subsequently acquired, and even if her husband purohose houses and lands in her name they belong to her absolutely, and no claim of any kind against him will reach them. Our law-makers might, therefore, take a leaf out of the Turkish statute book when they are consid ering the “ Woman s Property Bill ” in the next session o'f. Parliament. Even the slight disabilities under which Turk ish women do labor, the comparative privacy of their life and concealment of their face and fig ure from public gaze, are only relics of a ruae and barbarous age, useful as a means of pro tecting them from injury and insult. Now, however, when a change in manners no longer necessitates the same observances, those re strictions are fast disappearing, and with im proved education, the time is not far distant when Turkey, in her social position, will con trast favorably with what is called the civiliza tion of the West ' .The Empress, before her departure, conferred the Cross of the Legion of Honor on nearly all the Turkish officials attached temporarily to her service. Oar conntryman, Hobart Pacha, re ceived the rank of Commander, “ in rocogni- tion of his services in maintaining the peace of Europe, and for his personal attention to toe French Squadron during her Majesty's visit” Besides valuable presents of diamond rings, pins, snnff boxes,-bracelets, etc., the Empress also gave IGO.OOO francs to toe various charities of Constantinople, the imanms of the mosques she -visited, and toe servants in waiting at the Palace of Beylerbey. Her majesty demined to accept the valuable presents prepared for her self, with the exception of some pieces of cloth of gold, and two superb carpets which the Sul tan presented, saying in French, “They ai* for a boudoir.” The Empress, on her part, pre- sen ted to the Saltan two beantifol Severes vases, and to the Grand Yisier a magnificent tea ser vices of old Severes porcelain.—Correspondent London Metes. Kctchum’s Release. . The stupendous losses which were caused) by the Ketchum forgeries are yet fr&h in the minds of the multitude.of persons who. suffered frem them. EdwardKetchum’s embezzlements amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and concerned many leading banking and mer cantile houses. He was speedily brought to trial, found guilty, and sentenced to.fonr and a half years’ imprisonment at - Sing Sing. In all, twelve indictments were preferred against him, and ex-Beoorder Hoffman, in passing sentence, remarked that had he been put on, trial up jin all the charges, the term of his imprisonment would have extended through toe greater port of his life. He was remanded-to prison on De cember 30, 1865. Last Saturday, after a lapse of three years, ten months and. fifteen days, and after the public had nearly forgotten him, a tel egram from Sing Sing announced hfa release by reason of toe expiration of his term of asn- tenoe. During his prison life Ketchnm en joyed certain privileges and immunities whioh rarely fall to n qonviot This was owing to his excellent condnet during the whole period of his confinement, for he deported himself as a gen tleman, say toe keepers. Hs was not punished once in tha prison, which fact enabled him to take advantage of toe commutation rule, re leasing him nearly eight months before his term had expired. It is said that a convict seldom enjoys toe benefit of this role, because of the great difficulty in keeping all the regulations of toe prison. Ketchum was put to the shoe maker’s bench when he went to prison, but what proficiency he acquired in toe trade eonU! not b* learned. He had a small library of books in his shop. He did not sat his mods with the regular gangs of prisoners; his letters did not pass through the regular channels; had in many other respects, lie appeared to bo h privileged inmate. It is said that to save Ms civil rights he has received a paxde*. WbetbqF this is noe or u<?t, we have no official n PY. Yi CbmfltteW