Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, February 08, 1870, Image 1

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cL ISBY, REID & REESE?, Proprietors.
The Family Journal-News—^Politics—Liter^ture—Agriculture—Domestic Appai
TIi© Kngler.
I dream of one who lies
Beneath Kentucky skies
mta with to»ra my eyea aro overflowing,
in “ And I seem to hear a sound
From a Woody battle-ground
Where lies a little mound with grass o’ergrowing.
Again I bear the crash
Of cannon, and the d&sh
nt that Hash across the valley;
°f cavalry BOund thaa
Beneath the smoky pall,
Shrill* ont the bugle-call of “troopers, rally 1”
A down the rocky hill
They gallop with a will,
tmele Mowing shrill a cheery measure
. ” Tlieir chargers all a-row,
Flags flaunting to and fro,
pight on to death they go, as if for pleasure,
Sharp rings the whistling steel,
While cannon thunders peal—
A about goes up, “They reel in yonder hollow 1”
And lo 1 with cheer on cheer
They drive them far and near,
The firing winged with fear of those who follow.
Why does the bngle blow
No loud recall ? No note
Of triumph that tho foe dismayed is flying?
Alas 1 our bugler lay
Where raged tlio hottest fray,
gpon that evil day, ’mid dead and dying 1
We laid him down to rest,
Brave heart! where Earth had drest
A tree-plumed liillock’e croat with floral beauty.
Ah! never truer soul
Than his sped to its goal,
Whose legend marked our roll, “Slain at his duty 1”
windows one of the most beautiful views in
America is commanded, taking in the broad
Fotomao as far as the eye can reach, with Ar
lington Heights on tho right, and the misty
green meadows of the eastern ehore on the left.
The room abounds in pretty little ornaments,
statuettes, vases, pictures, costly books and
knick-knacks—mostly presents.
Atrs-_ Grant receives her familiar friends in
her boudoir. More formal callers are
ushere d in the Red Parlor. To see the wife of
the Present is an undertaking of no small
moment. The army of richly dressed servants
that fill the mansion aro instructed to admit no
one until a i\ard is presented to Mrs. Grant.
And then it is required that the applicant for
the honor of paying his respects to the wife of
the President either be accompanied by
some one already enjoying the acquaintance of
the hostess, or have been previously presented
to her. The caller, moreover, must appear in
full dress.
tiie white house.
President (irnnt mid Ills Wire, and Hon
They See the Folks, and the Style In
Wlileh They I.lve.
[From the Nets' York £«n.]
To gaiu an idea of the change that has so
gradually crept over us, and tho contrast the
White Pouso to-day presents to tho same estab-
lishwcnt a score of years ago, one has bnt to
snake a formal call of respect upon the Presi
dent. No longer does he find tho main entrance
shading open to all comers. Even nt the very
thnshhold lie is reminded that the latch-string
does not bang out as indays of yore. Tho house
of lie President is closed against tho common
timg. To be sure the great dignitary may bo
tecs, but not as in days gone by, in a plain, fa.
miliar, easy manner. The visitor mnst under-
ttud at tbe outset that be is calling upon no or
dinary personage. A flunky in fall dress re
ams bun at tho door. All the paraphernalia
olmllow-tailed coat, white vest and choker,
Uick trousers, and white gloves, with which
this obsequious door-opener astonishes tho vis
itor, is designed to prepare the mind for some
thing more grand and aristocratic within. Tho
plain citizen is at onoo embarrosed and confns-
ed. If tbe ushers of tbo President are thus
gnodiy attired, bow may) a visitor approach
the august presence in plain homespun?
Bat, tb« portal passed, a more bewildering
effect awaits the visitor. The grand vestibule
of the Executive Mansion, glittering like tbo
spacious s il ions of Jim Fisk’s Boston steam
boats, with gold l-.uf and bright colors, presonts
a aiore advanced idea of the grandeur which
has displacidthe American simplicity that once
graced this aV>. de. The glass screen separating
the vestibulo from the main corridor of the
mansion, is a work of art of which even tho
Tuifleriai might be proud. The iron frame is
richly bronzed, while the glass presents tho
choicest designs in all the colors of the rainbow.
The lofty ceiling of the apartment surpasses in
brilliant coloring and miscellaneous groupings
Brumidi's gaudy master-piece which adorns the
dome of tho Capitol.
In his domestic relations, the President is
treated with the utmost deference and respect.
Mrs. Grant insists that whatever may be tho
proper homage for him to receive on public oc
casions is none the less proper in the privacy of
his own family circle. Thus he is always ad
dressed as Mr. President, and referred to as the
President, and tho servants are strictly enjoined
to observe this mark of distinction. On state
occasions, the President, of course, with the
most distinguished lady guest, leads tho way
into the dining room. But this strict etiquette
is by no means confined to such solemn occa
sions. Should a friend of the President, how-
over intimate ho might be, accept an invitation
to dine socially, and venturing upon his intima-
cy, presume to forget the preference to which
the President is entitled, he would bo reminded
of it. Thus, when dinner is announced, tho
guest will offer his arm to Mrs. Grant, and move
forward. Mrs. Grant checks him with a polite
bow toward her husband, and the remark, “The
President goes first.” So at the table; the
President i3 first served, and then those who sit
at meat with him. And this rule admits of no
variation nnder any circumstances.
Just off the State diningroom,and back of tho
passage leading to the conservatory, has been
erected a small addition to the mansion for the
diversion of the President. This is the execu
tive billiard saloon. It is about eighteen by
twenty-five feet in dimensions, nearly all en
closed with glass, the narrow space between the
windows being filled with pictures of a sporting
character. The furniture is of black walnut,
and consists merely of a few chairs, a table, a
side board, etc. The room is prettily carpetted
and contains a single table of Phelan’s make,
finished in rosewood in tho most elaborate style.
The cues are mostly of costly wood, inlaid with
pearl. Everything in the apartment is of the
best, and certainly it is an attractive spot. The
tho table was selected by Gen. Grant in person
at Phelan’s establishment in this city, and was
in use at his private residence before he was
elected President
Mr. Grant receives his visitors with no trace
' cordiality whatever. Ordinarily ho remains
isted at his writing table, nods and matters
Maturing like “good morning,” as the caller
ipproaches; listens moodily, almost abstracted
ly, to him as he states his case, answers him in
lonosjllables, and dismisses him with a nod
id half inaudible “good day.” Those of more
ordinaiy pretensions, who may chance to
are admitted to the stereotyped shake of
hands, the President rising and accompany-
ig the shake with something like “I’m very
to see yon.” But then he shuts himself up
jhis studied reticence, and listens patiently,
ittsvers briefly, and’gets through the business
“ quickly as possible. With a third class, how-
i«r. he is altogether a different person. These
re his old army companions and such civilians
's hive gained his confidence. To gain Mr.
'tintsconfidence is an achievement now rare-
accomplished. It was easier eight or ten
;cats ago, and hence the most of his con-
dtnts are those who had relations with him
Mentis star began to rise. Such are received
V Lia with the utmost cordiality and famili
ar- They are relieved from tho examina-
lc ® by Dent, and are admitted to tho pres-
at any time when others are not closeted
"ith him. They are sainted by their sur
ges, as “How are you, Sherman?” or
Hailo, Smith; glad to see you,” and so on.
"Lm such familiars call, no etiquette whatov-
r is followed. Cigars are usually produced at
ocs, and then follows a free and easy, gossip
's- stoiy-tolling conversation. And as the
•’ke becomes thick in the room, and the fa-
liarity attains its height, Mr. Grant becomes
tmost pliable person imaginable. All reti-
-ca and stolidity are laid aside; bo talks as
«cly as any one; tells as good a story as tho
and will promise anything that may be
«d of him. There are bnt a few persons who
'jay this close acquaintance with Grant, and
‘7 are fortunate. Still a fonrth class is com-
of exclusively of solid men—men who are
'pposed to bo able to draw their checks for
ibnlous amounts—the Stewarts, Bories, and
like financially great men of the country,
these the President accords the most gra-
reception. On the announcement of their
ics, he hnrries to greet them, and himself
fends to offering them seats. Their calls are
‘ter considered too long, or in the slightest
use a bore. To them he is cordial to subserv-
The Executive stables, near the Navy De
partment, are fitted up with every comfort and
luxury for the equine members of the Presiden
tial establishment. There are twelve animals of
various degrees of beauty and value kept here
for the use of the President and his family, with
four carriages, besides an array of open wagons,
bugeies, and other equipages.^ The horses in
clude coacn teams, trotters, racers, saaai» Lorses,
and two Shetland ponies for the exclusive use of
the Executive's juveniles. The aristocratic look
ing Nubian who has tho honor of presiding over
this establishment, takes delight in showing vis
itors through, and in descantingupon tbe merits
of the different animals. But not the least at
tractive feature is the stunning liveries of this
same Nubian and his worthy coadjutor, who oc
cupies the position of footman. The coats are
of a rich olive brown, with broad lappels, cuffs
and pocket covers, the whole profusely covered
with bright silver buttons, the size of an old
American silver dollar piece. The gorgeous top
boots in which the feet of these worthies aro
encased render attention to tho character of the
pantaloons unnecessary. Black stove-pipe hats,
with broad bands and massive silver buckles,
adorn the heads of these servants of Presiden
tial grandeur, and complete their outfits. All
the carriages bear the initials “U. S. G.,” in
monogram on the panels.
1862 AND 1863.
President Linooln, when
tho war was at its height,
and tbe duties of llie Ex
ecutive office required
moro clerical and other
labor than ever before or
since, asked for—
One Private Se
cretary, at $2,500
One Secretaiy, to
sign land pa
One Steward.....
One Messenger..
Stationery & con
tingent expen
Pay of Maj. John
Hay, Military
His own salary.
$ 9,050
. 25,000
Toal salaries $34,050
Under Grant 61,600
Increase under
Grant $27,550
Llaving observed the innovations and changes
i the east end or business portion of tbo Ex-
:utive Mansion, it may not be amiss to take a
£iice at the other parts of the establishment,
swing ourselves ont of tho President’s pres
ses, and descending the plain, old-fashioned
aircaso to the gorgeously frescoed vestibule,
’approach tho magnificently dressed usher,
» ask permission to see the house. We are
lately shown into the famous East Room, and
r ® told that, by order of Mrs. Grant, the rest
the House is not open to sight-seers.
range of parlors stretching along the
of the mansion from the state dining room
‘ the East Room have always been free to visit-
5 until the present time. Why they should be
^>1 now is incomprehensible, the more bo
lce Mrs. Grant has caused to be provided a
* parlor up stairs for her use, and makes no
;'-ense of occupying either the Bed, Blue, or
Parlors for any domestic or family pur-
^JFhe room on the upper floor, at the south-
corner of the house, formerly occupied by
Patterson as a bed-chamber, has been
‘“wormed into an elegant private parlor for
?• Grant. Gilding and fresco have been
^“gnt into free use in this apartment, and
it into a luxurious boudoir. The ele-
1 “0® and damask curtails, the costly Turk-
tJv’P**’ the magnificent mirrors and the rich
furniture are all new, and were mostly
sat tt roa d expressly for this domestic re-
1,. “ er .®> when wearied with the flatteries
t;„_ j uRrcrs, and exhausted with the studied
rtht of 8tat ® occasions, she retires to en-
irrT.l.- an i lliAr converse of those she esteems
t0 J anicular friends. It is, indeed, a gem of
® a T® the gilding and painting which
much and too highly colored. From its
1870 and 1871.
President U. S. Grant has
asked for tbe next fiscal
year a continuanco of tho
force he has put on duty
since tho 4th of March
last, viz.:
One Private Se
cretary (Robt.
Douglas) at... $3,500
One Aseio't Priv.
Secretaiy. 2,500
Two Clerks of
class 4, at 1800
dollars 3,600
One Steward.... 2,000
One Messenger.. 840
One furnace
Two policemen
for special duty
at $1,320 2,640
Two night watch
men, at $900..
Ono door-koepor-
One assis’t door
Ono Secretaiy to
sign land pa
tents (now sta
tioned at Int.
For Stationery,
Pay of Maj. and
Brvt. Brigadier
General Porter
(actnal Secreta
ry) mil. detail,
Pay of Gen. Bab
cock, (actnal
Assis’t Secreta
ry) mil. detail,
about........ 2,500
Pay of Capt. and
Brvt. Brigadier
Gon. Badcan,
(historian) mil.
detail, about ..
Pay of Maj. and
Brvt. Brigadier
General Dent,
military detail,
(Chief Usher,)
Pay of ono Secro-
taiy to General
Dent, military
President’s salary 25,000
The above does not include tbe salaries of the
ushers, gardnerc, and other officials and labor
ers detailed from other departments.
In addition, the following appropriations aro
asked for the current year :
Fuel for President’s house $5,000
Care snd improvements of grounds 3,000
Removing snow and ice from walks.. 'Mm . . 1,000
Manure and hauling , 8,000
Repairs and painting exterior of President’s
house . 15,000
lighting President's house (proportion of
$10,000 asked for* that, Capitol and public
grounds) say..., 6,000
Pay of lamplighters 1,000
Construction of circular fence around and
through President’s grounds • • 10,000
Additional repairs of greenhouse at Presi
dent's bouse and purchase of plants 5,000
qy>tal $48,060
Add salaries as above 61,600
Expense of Executive establishment for ' • -
current year. §109,600
Tlie Great Cheshire Cheese.
From Appleton's Journal, j
The Great Political Cheshire Cheese has so
nearly passed ont of tho memory of men, that
we doubt if many of the present generation
even heard of the existence of this extraordinary
instance of political enthusiasm. Mr. Elihu
Burritt has recently revived,its history, from
which wo condense tho following account: In
tho Presidential campaign preoeding tho elec
tion of Thomas Jefferson, the father of Democ
racy, party spirit ran high, and tho Federalists
were unsparing in their denunciations of Jeffer
son. Tho parsons of New England, especially
of Massachusetts, entered the arena, and, turn
ing their pulpits into hustings, waged war upon
a religious basis, denouncing Jefferson as an in
fidel, and placing him upon the samo platform
with Voltaire and the other apostles of atheism.
In Cheshire, Mass., however, a divine was
fonnd who took up the eudgels against the in
tolerant bigots, by whom he was surrounded.
This was Elder John Leland, a plain, unassum
ing man, but one of the most effective preachers
of his day. He bent all his energy and mental
power to tho support of his own views, and had
the satisfaction of winning to the side of Jefferr-,
son every member of his congregation, as well
as many others; in fact^Cheshife to a man fol
lowed his lead.
After the election of Mr. Jefferson, Eider
Leland conceived an original plan of announc
ing to the world the principles of Cheshire, and
one Sunday proposed to his congregation that
on a given day each man and woman in the town
who owned a cow should bring every quart of
milk given on that day, or all the curd it could
make, to a great cider mill owned by Captain
John Brown, the first man who detected and de
nounced the treason of Benedict Arnold, for the
purpose of manufacturing a mammoth cheese,
as a present to tho President. The idea was re
ceived with enthusiasm, and on the day appoint
ed, tho sun shining brightly, and everything
propitious, the whole population of the town
ship, men, women and children, on foot, in car
riages, wagons and ox-carts, assembled at tbo
great cider-press, each bringing his or her con-
The press had been prepared for the occasion,
and upon the bed had been placed a huge hoop
to serve as a cheese-box. Into this was poured
the milk, and, when tho last contribution had
been given in, a committee of the most experi
enced matrons of the town attended to the deli
cate task of mixing, flavoring and tinting the
largest mass of curd tho world had then seen.
This done, tho ponderous machinery was put in
motion, tho yonng men seized the levers, the
screws were turned to the limit of their power,
and the work was accomplished. Elder Leland
then closed the exercises by imploring the bless
ing of Heaven upon tho undertaking, after
which ho said: “Let us further worship God in
a hymn snitable to this interesting occasion.”
Tho hymn “lined ont” by the Elder was sung
to the tune of Mear, and the crowd quietly dis--
persed. When the cheese was thoroughly dried
and ready for use, it weighed sixteen hundred
pounds, and conld not be safely transported on
a wagon. It was not until midwinter that it was
possible to move it, when taking advantage of a
heavy fall of snow, it was placed upon a sleigh,
and Elder Leland, taking the reins, drove all
the way to Washington, a distance of five hun
dred miles, which ho accomplished in three
On arriving in Washington the elder drove at
once to the White House, and presented his
people’s gift to tho President in a characteris
tic speech. The President responded with deep
and earnest feeling to this remarkable gift,
coming from tho heart of a New England popu
lation ; receiving it as a token of his fidelity to
the equ<d and inalienable rights of individual
men and State*. At tho close of the speech,
the steward of tho President out out a deep and
golden wedge in tho presence of Mi. JofFnrson,
the heads of the departments, foreign ministers,
and many other eminent personages. It was of
a beautiful nnnotto color, a little variegated in
its appearance, owing to tho great variety of
curds composing it; and, as it was served up
to the company with broad, all complimented it
for its richness, flavor, and color.
The Captain John Brown alluded to here, was
Grandfather of Mr. Herbert R. Brown, and of
Mrs. A. L. Maxwell, of Macon. Elder John
Leland, the celebrated Baptist Divine hero men
tioned, and the progenitor of a numerous and
talented race, was their Great Grandfather, on
the maternal side. The thoroughness with
which that good old soul indoctrinated the peo
ple of Cheshire, in the principles of “democra
cy and a strict construction of tho Constitu
tion,” will bo appreciated from tbo fact that,
from that day to this, Cheshire has stood un
shaken in her democratic faith—steadily voting
down, in turn, Federalists, Whigs, Know Noth
ings, Republicans and Radicals by a majority
of never less than three to one. She was demo
cratic all through tho war—never flinching in
her opposition to it on constitutional grounds.
Sho was never misled into any sort of isms,
idiosyncracies, extravagancies, corrnptions and
rascalities of the times, bnt has conducted all
her public affairs straight along with old-fash
ioned economy, prudence, honesty and incor
ruptible virtue—paying as she went, and even
coming out of tbo war, in spite of all extra
ordinary expenses to keep up tho quota of
troops demanded of her, out of debt and right
side up. Such has been tho force of the exam
ple and precepts of old Elder John Leland, who
asked a blessing and sung a hymn, over tho
Great Jefferson Cheese, and then drove it to
Washington, in mid-winter, making his speech
to the great Apostle of Democracy from the
sleigh or sledge. j,
Farnsworth vs. Butler.—There were lively
• times in the United States House of Represen
tatives Monday last, when the Virginia bill was
under discussion. Bingham and Farnsworth
piled in heavily on Butler, and many hard
words were spoken. Mr. Farnsworth dagner-
reotyped “The Beast
Mr. Farnsworth said he understood perfectly
well the allusions of the gentleman from Massa
chusetts when he accused men of leaving the
lie-publican party. His Republicanism was of
too old a date to be questioned by tbo gentle
man from Massachusetts. Ho was a Republi
can twenty years ago, when that gentleman was
chasing fugitive slaves through Massachusetts.
In I860, when he (Mr. Famswortfl) was at the
Chicago Convention helping to nominate a Re
publican candidate for. the Presidency, tho gen
tleman was in Charleston, S. C., vo.ting for Jeff.
Davis. [Laughter among tho Democrats.]
Again, in I860, when he (Mr. Farnsworth)
was voting for Abraham Lincoln, the gentleman
from Massachusetts- was voting for John O.
Breckinridge, of Kentucky, and having, besides,
voted for all the reconstruction measures, he
was not now to be talked out of the Republican
party by ths gentleman. He knew the gentle
man's facility for turning about, and he knew,
too, that he came over to the Republican party
when his friends deserted him. His conversion
was so sudden that it put that of Paul to shame.
When Peter deserted his Master, ho had to fall
to cursing and swearing to prove the sincerity
of his repentance, and so the gentleman from
Massachusetts had to become more radical than
all the rest in order to show that he was a Re
publican. The gentleman, in his speech, had
much to say about what took place in this
House on Monday, and ho (Mr. Farnsworth) re
pudiated the idea that anything like what had
been called snap judgment had been taken.
The labor reform men in New Hampshire
want to nominate a liberal Democrat for Gov
ernor, and ask General John Bedell, tho regular
Democratic candidate, to withdraw. But Bedell
is not able to see the advantages to him of this
arrangement, although thoy promise him a nom
ination for Congress next year.
**** r-- * 7 ’ *■*»! <v 2 '** * - :ti htid ' ..ito
fxm one rtOTtoeV * *»*
Trial and Execution or Sal nave.
By the arrival at this port of Ibi bark Harrii
frpm Portau Prince, the report o| Salnave’s ei-
eention is confirmed. Salnave wis put on M|J
trial on the 15th by the revolutimary trib
The trial commenced at 3 o’clock in the p:
enco of a largo number of civil authorities md
attended by the National Guard. The accwed
was introduced by the President as Sylvanfeal-
nave, President of Hay ti, aged forty-three, )orn
at Cape Haytien and living at Port au PVnce.
The President—“Have you made a chote of
soma one to defend you 2” /
Salnave—“I wish to be assisted by lessrs.
Yalten and Lavaud.”
: Mr. Lavaud declined to defend the /ecused.
Tho President, of the Council then d$ignated
M. Jair, of Jacmel, to act with JC. Valiin. Sal-
navo then had an interview with Ijis cfAnsellors,
after which thei 1 Deputy Marshal isadthe charge
to the prisoner, which pccnp^ V.Asiderable
time, tho most important being’thit to annulled
the Constitution and named himself p’Otector of
the republic; that he associated hinself with
depraved characters, and held on tc the Gov
ernment by fraud and force; therefore Sylvan
Salnave, is accused of high treason devasta
tion, pillage with arms, committingassassina-
tions, and is now amenable for theaeirimes.
Salnave Said that he was not oapolo of the
acts with which he was accused. JEL counsel
made a strong appeal, and made ovey effort to
destroy the accusation, qnoting freqently tho
position of Jefferson Davis in the rebtlion in the
United States. After ashortaddres from the
prosecution, ono more appeal wa? made by
Salnave’s counsel, M. Valien, and tl? trial was
closed. The members of tho corr then ad
journed for deliberation, which la/tid an hour,
at the expiration of which the jugment of the
court was pronounced as follows: j*In tho namo
of the republic, the court finds Sjvan Salnave,
aged forty-three, soldier, and exPresident of
Hayti,guilty of all the charges prferred against
him, and do sentence him to be shot to death,
and order that the execution Ejall take place
at the Peristyles of tho National ( ’alace.”
Preparations were immediatcl-made for car
rying out the judgment of the cart.
Tho President then addressedjialnave: “You
havo just been condemned to doth, I entreat
you to be firm and courageous.”
Salnave replied: “ I shall nt fail. I only
ask for time to put my affairs inbrder.”
This request was granted, aniio was engaged
for a quarter of an hour in wiring a letter,
which he sealed and placed in tie hnnds of the
President. Immediately nfterihis he was pin
ioned and taken from tho coitt, attended by
two clergymen, to tho place of execution. He
was was then tied to a post; prepared for the
occasion, and a solemn scene etmed. The firing
party was then drawn up, and 3eneral B. Canal
said to Salnave, “You are goir? to be arraigned
as a traitor.” “Fisc la constitriion," tho words
which the signal for tho deafly volley, were
taken up by tho people, and aaid tho shouts of
“r?>c la constitution,” at tiveny minutes past C
o’clock, January 15th, Sylvan Salnave ceased to
exist. His body was then pit into a cart and
buried among the felons.—2vco York Sun.
Colored Senator from Jlississippi.
IVo havo the following particulars concerning
Hiram R. Revel, the colored &nator elect from
Mississippi: Ho is a tall, polly man, of right
complexion, has benevolent features, a pleasant
voice and gentle ways. He h thoroughly re
spected by his own people aid by the whites.
Born in freedom, in North Cirolina, in 1822;
craving an education, ho removed to Indiana;
spent two years at the Quaker Seminary in
Union comity; entered the Methodist ministry;
afterwards received furthermstraclions. at tho
Darke county Seminary, vhen ho became
preaoher, teacher and lecturer imong his people
in tho States of Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and
Missouri. At the breaking ont of the war he
nos ministering at Baltimore. Ho assisted in
the organization of tbe first two colored regi
ments in Maryland and- Missouri. During a
portion of 1863 and 1864 ho aught school in St.
Louis; then went to Vicksbirg and assisted the
provost marshal in managing the freedmen af
fairs; followed on the heels of the army lo
Jackson; organized churcies, and lectured;
spent the next two years in Ktnsas and Missouri,
in preaching and lecturing ai moral and reli
gions subjects, returned to Mississippi, and has
been in Natchez over since. He is presiding
elder of his church for the Scnthera portion of
of the State of Mississippi, aid since July last,
has served in tho City Counci of Natchez, his
friends say, with ability and honor. He con
sented to ran, and was elected to the State Sen
ate, and has now been selected as the fitting
man to represent the State in tip United States
Atlanta Congressional Agency.
From the Constitution.
Saturday, January 29, 1870.
( Senate.—The Senate met thia morning at 10
o’clock, and was called to order by the Presi
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Prettyman.
The roll was called and the journal of yester
day read and approved.
Mr. Merril stated that he had been informed
that the Governor would send in a message to
the Senate at 11 o’clock, and moved that the
Senate take a recess until that hour. This mo
tion prevailed and the Senate adjourned until
that time.
11.o’clock A. M.
The Senate mot at the above hour and was
called to order by the President.
The Secretaiy proceeded to read the follow
ing order: .
Headquarters Mil. Hist, of Georgia,)
Atlanta, January 28, 1870. j
General Orders No. 11. J
Upon the evidenco and arguments submitted
to the Board of Officers appointed by General
Orders No. 3, current series, from these head
quarters, Brevet Major General comhianding
finds that W. T. Winn, of Oobb county, and W.
J. Anderson, of Houston county, who were
elected to the Senate of Georgia, are ineligible
to seats therein: It is therefore ordered that the
said W. T. Winn and W. J. Anderson be, and
they hereby are, forbidden to assume the duties
or exercise functions of members of said Senate.
And whereas, E. D. Graham, of the 3d Dis
trict, and 0. R. Moore, of tho 12th District,
parsons elected to tho Senate of Georgia, have
rofused, declined, or neglected, or been nnable
to take one of tho oaths prescribed by the act
of December, 22d, 1869, although ample oppor
tunity so to do has been given them, and have
thus by the terms of said act become ineligible
to seats in said Senate, and have also filed with
tho Hon. JR. B. Bullock, Governor, their appli
cations to the Congress of the United States for
relief from their disabilities, thus admitting
their ineligibility to hold the office to which
they hereby are prohibited from taking seats in
said Senate, or participation in the proceedings
And whereas, John J .Collier,of the 14th district,
a person elected to the Senate of Georgia, after
having taken one of the oaths as prescribed
by the act ofDecember 22, 1869, did afterwards
apply to tbo Secretary of State for permission
to withdraw said oath, and has also filed with
the Hon. R. B. Bullock, Governor, his applica
tion to the CongresB of the United States, for
relief from his disabilities; thus admitting his
ineligibility to hold the office to which he was
elected: It is therefore ordered that the said
person be, and he hereby is, prohibited from
taking bis seat in tbe Senate, or participating in
tho proceedings thereof.
By order of Brevet Major General Terry.
J. H. Taylor,
Asssistant Adjutant Genoral.
Official: R. P. Hughs, A. A. A. G.
Resolution by Mr. Harris—That whereas it is
tho desire and intent of this body to comply
with all tho requirements of the reconstruction
acts, and whereas this body is ready and willing
to grant to every member legally entitled to all
Ms rights and privileges in tbis body; that a
committee of three be appointed to wait on tho
Governor and inquire of him who are elected
to fill the places of the members declared va
Messrs. Burns and Candler opposed the pass
age of the resolution.
Upon a vote being taken, Mr. Harris’ resolu
tion was adopted; and
Messrs. Harris, Nunnally and Fain, appointed
the committee.
Mr. Wooten moved a committee of five be
appointed to draft rules for tho Senate. Tho
committee appointed were Wooten, Campbell,
Speer, Harris and Wallace.
Mr. Bruton moved the committee appointed
wait on the Governor, perform their duty as soon
as convenient. Passed.
The committee appointed to wait on the Gov
ernor, nnder Mr. Harris’ resolution, reported
tho following from the Governor:
Hon. J. Harris and others :
In response to your request for tho names of
S ersons who were legally elected in lieu of Hon,
L R. Moore, E. D. Graham, W. T. Winn, W.
J. Anderson, and J. J. Colier, I hereby trans
mit tbe names of Thomas Crayton, Merritt Hen
derson, J. S. Dunning, W. A. Mathews, J. W.
Traywick, who, if prepared to take the required
oath, aro legally elected.
I am, most respectfully,
R. B. Bullock, Prov. Gov.
Anthony Trollope has a pretty deep insight
into human life, which he well Mows how to
exhibit in Ms novels. Who elsowould even
have fathomed this depth in tho love-making
periods of our lives ? He says tint “perhaps
there is no period so pleasant amorg all the
pleasant periods of love-making asthitinwhich
the intimacy between the lovers is so assured,
and the coming event so near, as to produce
and endure conversation about the ordinary lit
tle matters of life; what can be done With the
limited means of their disposal; how that life
shall be begun, which they shall lead together;
what idea each has of Iho other's duties; what
each can do for the other; what eaoh will re
nounce for the other. There was atrao senso
of the delight of intimacy in tho girl who de
clared that sho had never loved her bver so well
as when she told Mm how many pairs of stock
ings she had got. It is very sweet to gaze at
the stars, and it is swe6t to sit ont among tho
haycocks. The reading of poetry together ont
of tho samo book, with brows all close, and
arms all.mingled is very sweet; theponring out
of tho whole heart in words, which tho writer
knows would be held to be ridiculous by any
eyes and ears and senso, but tbe ejes and ears
and senso of the dear one to whim they are
sent, is very sweet, bnt for the girl who ha3
made a shirt for tho man she loves, there has
come a moment in the stitch of it sweeter than
any stars, haycocks, poetry or superlative opt
thets have produced.
A Gentlemanly “Dead Bent.”
A. well dressed man, of easy and assured man
ners, took a seat in a Bowery restaurant, and
ato liberally of the most expensive dishes on
the carte. Having concluded Ms dinner, he
coolly laid his expensive ticket on the pay coun
ter, and looking the proprietor Bteadily in tho
eye, said: “Please accept tMs ticket from me;
I have no money.” “No money!” said the irate
landlord. “Why, then, did you eat my vittels?”
“Because I was hungry." “Yes, but you could
have got along with less; what did you eat the
best there was in tho house for? If you’re a
beat and a beggar why didn’t you take plain
fodder?" “Because,” said the stranger, “I
was brought hp a gentleman and my stomach
revolts at homely food.” “Well, that is good-”
bellowed the landlord, losing all control of
himself, “yon shaltpay for them vittleB, and I’ll
collect it out of yonr hide,” and reaching down
for his revolver, he sprang over the counter and
collared his unwelcome guest, who deliberately
put up Ms eye-glass and surveyed the murder
ous instrument’ “Ah!" said he, at last,' “only
a revolver, proceed; I tmm fearful you had a
House Member* not Sworn In.
The following members of the House of Bep-
oretentative# have not been sworn in:
Ayer, (dead,) Fyall, (dead,) Chambers, Hop
kins, Carpenter, Hughs, Powell—7.
George,' Long, Crawford, Smith, Williams,
Bunson, Brassel, Kellogg, Hudson, Meadows,
Bennett, McCulloch, Moon, Butt, Burts, Bal
lard, Goff, •' Ellis,' Flonmoy, (dead,) Suranoy,
Pendland, Drake, Johnson, Rouse—24.' I
A negro of Patterson, New Jersey, has gone
to jail for the crime of defrauding a member of
the Board of Education. He skinned a cat,
docked the tail off Short, and sold it to the
earned gentleman as a rabbit.'
« .ri 'liMl
Mr. Nunnally—that a committee of throo bo
appointed to inquire into the eligibility of tbe
members reported by tho Governor.
Mr. Harris moved that the resolution be laid
on tbo table, which was done.
Mr. Higbee that tho persons mentioned in tbe
Governor’s reply to the committee from tho
Senate, come forward and take tho oath.
Discussed by Messrs. Wooten, Morrill, Barns,
Upon the question being called, tbe resolu
tion was adopted.
Members sworn in before Judge Black: Tkos.
Crayton, James L. Dunning, J. W. Traywick.
Upon an election for Doorkeeper, 37 votes
were cast, 19 necessary for a choice. Upon
counting the votes, William De Lyon of Rich
mond county, was elected Doorkeeper.
Upon counting out tho vote, A. J. Cameron
was declared elected.
Mr. Merrill, that the Governor be requested
to report the name of the person next eligible
in the place of Mr. McCntchens, dead. So
Mr. Speer—That a committee of three be ap
pointed, to act with a joint number from the
House, to wait on the Governor, and notify him
that the Senate was organized and ready for
business. Withdrawn.
President, pro torn., Messrs. Wooten, Dun
ning and Harris were nominated. Mr. Dunning
announced that under no circumstances could he
serve, and Ms name was withdrawn.
Upon counting out the votes Wooten received
17 votes and Harris 19, when Harris was de
clared elected.
(Senator Harris did not vote, while Senator
Wooten complimented Harris by voting for him.
Senate adjourned until 10 o’clock Monday.
House.—[In our report of yesterday there was
an error. Instead of “Carroll, J. R. Thomas
(c.),” it should have been “Carroll, J. R. Thom-
asson.” Mr. Thomasson proves to have had a
white face, but we didn’t see Mm—hence the
The House was called to order at the hour of
10 i£ m., by Spieaker McWhorter.
Prayer by Rev. O. W. Franois.
Calling of the roll omitted on motion of Mr.
Rico. i
Mr. Scott, of Floyd) stated to tbe Speaker that
he had given notice of a.reoonsideration of the
action of the House yesterday.
The Speaker said that it. was a novel mo
tion to him, to reconsider an election of mem
bers. / - ■
Mr. Bryant arose to a point of order. The
reconsideration was upon the resolution to seat
members, not on their election and qualifica
The Speaker ruled that he: would not allow a
Mr. Bryant appealed from the decision.
Mr.-Shumate said that he hoped the appeal
would be withdrawn. That, in a case Hke this,
an appeal could not be had.
The Speaker ruled that no appeal could be
Mr. Soott asked to have the Journal correct
ed, so that Ms notice of reconsideration might
appear thereon.
> ® The Speaker ruled that the notice was of such
a character that he had not entertained it, and
would not allow it. entered bn the Journal
Mr. , of Thomas, offered a resolution
that the Clerk be directed to notify the Senate
that the House was organized by the election of
Hon. McWhorter as Speaker.
Mr. Smith, of Charlton, offered a resolution
that a committee oi three be appointed to pro-
oure the services of Chaplain for the House.
Motion carried.
: Mr. Bryant said that he wished to give notice
that he protested against any action of thia
House, on the ground that it was illegally organ
The committee to secure the services of Chap
lain, consisted of Smith, of Charlton; Golden,
of Liberty, and Phillips, of Eohols.
Mr. Phillips, of Eohols, offered a resolution
that members be allowed to retain their present
seats. Not acted upon, bnt Fitzpatrick objected.
Mr. O’Neal, of Lowndes, moved the appoint
ment of a Committee lo wait on the Governor
and inform Mm of the organization of the House.
Motion to set apart a certain part of the gal
leries for the ladies. Carried.
Mr. Lane, of Brooks county, offered a reso
lution that a committee of three be appointed
to prepare rules for the government of the
House. Carried.
The Speaker appointed the following Com
mittee nnder tMs resolution; Lane, of Brooks;
Phillips, of Echols; and O’Neal, of Lowndes.
Mr. Nesbitt, of Dade, offered a resolution
that a committee be appointed to wait on the
Governer, and request the appointment of three
commissioners from the House and two from
the Senate to negotiate for the annexation of a
portion of Tennessee.
A motion was made to lay the resolution on
the table.
The Speaker said tho motion laid over a day.
Mr. Fitzpatrick, of Bibb, offered a resolution
that the House proceed to draw for seats ac
cording to the usual custom.
Mr. Tumlin moved a substitute, that members
retain their present seats.
Mr. O’Neal, of Lowndes, moved to adjourn
till 10 a. m., Monday.
The Speaker declared to motion carried.
For once, Scott, of Floyd, and Fitzpatrick
agreed, and simultaneously called for the yeas
and nays.
Mr. Hooks, of Wilkinson, who evidently likes
to hunt in couples, said he was “paired off”
with somebody.
Yeas 40, nays 82. Motion lost.
Mr. Rice moved to take up a resolution to
draw for seats. Fitzpatrick's resolution was
handed ont to be read.
Mr. Philips, of Echols, objected—that he
had already offered one not read—that the mem
bers retain their present seats. This was then
Mr. Fitzpatrick offers, as a substitute, that
seats be drawn for. Laid on the table.
Resolution of Mr. Philips, of Echols, taken
Mr. Rice opposed it
Mr. Harper, of Terrell, called for the previ
ous question. Carried.
Resolution of Mr. Philips, of Echols, carried.
Mr. Leo, of Newton, moved to adjourn till
10 o’clock Monday. Carried. Division called,
but the Speaker was off Ms seat too soon for it,
and the House adjourned.
Monday, January 31.
Senate called to order by President Conley.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Prettyman.
Journal of Saturday read.
Mr. Dunning offered a resolution that the
Senate proceed to draw seats for members da
ring the present session.
Mr. Smith, of the 36th, offered as a substitute
a resolution that members retain their present
seats, wMch was adopted.
Mr. Nunnally moved a reconsideration, bnt
the motion to reconsider did not prevail.
Mr. Speer offered a resolution authorizing the
President of tho Senate to appoint the usual
standing committees which was adopted.
Mr. Smith, of the 7th, offered a resolution
authorizing the Messenger to employ Charles
Patterson, as an Assistant, at such a salary as
the Senate might affix, wMch was adopted.
In response to inquiry, whether the introduc
tion of bills would be in order, the President
said bills were not in order, because the Senate
had not been informed that its officers were ac
ceptable to tbe proper authorities.
Mr. Higbee offered a resolution tendering
seats on tho floor to all members and ex-mem
bers of Congress, Governors and ex-Governors,
and Judges of tho Supremo, Superior and Dis
trict Courts, . while in the city, wMch was
Mr. Higbee offered a resolution tendering
seats to tho reporters of the city press, so long
as their reports aro truthful.
Mr. Wooten moved to strike out the clause
“so long as their reports are truthful,” contend
ing that thero was no tribunal established to try
tho truthfulness of reports, and it was casting
an unintentional imputation upon reporters.
Mr. Brock said that the clause was unnecess
ary, for ho was satisfied that newspaper report
ers would report proceedings truthfully and im
Mr. Higbee accepted tho amendment of Mr.
Mr. Bruton offered as a substitute, a resolu
tion tendering seats to all authorized represen
tatives of tho Press in the city.
Mr. Dunning offered as a substitute for both,
a resolution tendering seats to “all bona fide re
porters of tho Press, so long as they give*an im
partial report of the proceedings of this body.”
Messrs. Wooten and Brock opposed the sub
stitute of Mr. Dunning in terso and pointed
Aaron Alpeoria favored the resolution because
tho press gave unfaithful reports of the Consti
tutional Convention.
Mr. Donning explained Ms resolution, and
withdrew it. Ho was on good terms with all
newspaper reporters, and had not the slightest
intention of casting any insinuation on the re
Mr. Chandler offered a resolution as a substi
tute for the whole, that seats be tendered to all
regular reporters of the newspaper press, wMch
was adopted.
Mr. Welch offered a resolution that the Presi
dent be authorized to procure the services of a
On its adoption, the vote stood yeas 14, nays
14, the President voted yea and it was passed.*
Mr. Brock moved to reconsider the resolution
just ado ted.
Mr. Hungerford moved to lay the motion to
reconsider on the table. Lost
Tho resolution was reconsidered.
Mr. Candler offered a resolution that the
President appoint a committee of three to con
fer with the clergy of Atlanta and procure the
services of one or more of them to act as Chap
Mr. Speer offered' as a substitute that the
President appoint a committee of three to pro
cure the services of a Chaplain.
A lengthy discussion ensued, in which many
Senators participated.
Mr. Speer wouldn’t give a banbee for the
prayers of any preacher—conld do Ms own pray
Mr. Smith, of the 7th, was opposed to preach
ers electioneering for the position of Chaplain.
Mr. Candler believed in the efficacy of prayer,
and that if there was ever a deliberative body
Mr. Speer objected to the substitute on the
ground that it would interfere with the business
of Senators engaged in horse swapping !
The substitute was lost and the resolution of
Mr. Higbee adopted.' ’ -
Mr, Brock offered a resolution calling upon
Gen. Terry and Gov. Bullock to issue a procla
mation stopping all judicial proceedings on con
tracts prior to June, 1865.
Messrs. Candler and Wooten made a point of '
order, that the resolution was out of order, the
organization of the Senate not having been re
cognized by Gen. Terry, wMch point was sus
tained by President Conley.
Leave of absenoe was granted to Messrs.
Merrell and Crayton.
. Senate then adjourned till Wednesday, 12
o’clock u.
House.—House met at 10 a. al and was called
to order by the Speaker.
Prayer by Rev. C. W. Francis.
Calling of the roll dispensed with.
Journal of Saturday read.
Mr. Bryant, of Riohmond, handed in a protest
to the further action of the House, on the ground
that it was illegally organized. He asked that it
be read and entered on the journal. The Speak
er ordered the protest read. This was an able
and unanswerable protest.
O'Neal, of Lowndes, arose to discuss the pro
test. He thought the protest was disrespectful— t
A message from the Senate was presented by
J. G. W. Mills, informing tho House of the or- -
ganization of the Senate by the election of Hon.
Benj. Conley, as President, and J. G. W. Mills,
as Secretary, and that a committee of three
from the Senate was ready to proceed with any
similar committee from the House, to inform
the Provisional Governor of their organization.^
Mr. O'Neal continued Ms remarks. He liken
ed the House to a court, and Mr. Bryant a law
yer thereof, telling the court it was not a legally
organized court. He thought to allow the pro
test entered was an admission of its correct
ness. [Some smiles.] Ho asked if the Speaker-
would entertain it. The Speaker said he desir
ed to hear it discussed; but he should at the
proper time rule that this House was organized
under act of Congress and military orders, and
that this resolution was improper.
O’Neal, of Lowndes, then said he concluded
by moving an indefinite postponement of the’
Mr. Bryant arose to speak.
Tho Speaker hero interrupted, by announcing
the appointment of ^ committee to co-operate
with the Senate committee. The following is
the committee: O’Neal, Harrison, of Franklin r
Harrison, of Hancock; Costin, and Harper, of
Mr. Bryant then asked that a telegram from
Senator Edmunds bo read by tbe Clerk.
Objection being made, the Speaker refused to
allow it.
Mr. Biyant then read the telegram.
[In this telegram, Mr. Edmunds said that the
cause of the Georgia bill of 1869 was the ad
mission of persons to seats who had not receiv
ed a majority of tho votes of their constituents.]
Mr. Bryant said as to the flings against his
Republicanism, he would say that Ms conduct
was regulated by a desire to save the State
from rain, and prevent illegal action.
He said he was not disrespectful. Senator
Edmonds and Senator Carpenter, Radical Re
publicans, had said just what his protest said,
and with a splendid burst of declamation ho
parodied Madame Rowland on her way to the
scaffold: “Oh, Republicanism! 'What crimes
are committed in thy name!"
Mr. Scott, of Floyd, here obtained the floor.
He said Gen. Terry had, in the telegram printed
in the. Constitution of yesterday, decided that
the House was acting illegally.
Mr. O’Neal interrupted.
Mr. Scott desired to know of Mm if he reoog
nized Gen. Terry as military commander of
Georgia, and a correct expounder of the Geor
gia Bill ? Answer yes or no!
Mr. O’Neal attempted to dodga a categorical
aaswe-r. " • • .
Mr. Scott told him ho knew he was the “Art
ful Dodger,” but ho couldn’t get out of tMs.
Mr: O’Neal refused thus to answer.
Mr. Scott said that the Radicals had appealed
to Congress on the ground that “the next high
est” had been seated. Congress had decided in
their favor, and now the Radicals, by admitting
the “now issue,” had violated that decision of
Congress. It was that violation for which the
protest was entered.
Mr. Harper, of Terrell, said tho House was
declared organized and that was settled; he
only contended for the right of the minority to
Mr. Rice, of Columbia, by way of a little di
gression, said that be esteemed, honored, yea,
higMy honored Mr. Bryant. Some objected to
such talk as tMs, and Mr. Rico proceeded to
say that he was in favor of allowing the protest
—it wa3 a personal privilege of the minority.
His understanding of Bullock’s and Terry’s or
ders about the “new issue,” was a positive com
mand, and he called the previous question be
cause he desired to stop that exoitement and
acquksce in military orders. He favored, how
ever, the allowance of the protest:
O’Neal, of Lowndes, as Chairman of Com
mittee to wait on the Governor and inform Mm
of the organization of the House and Senate,
reported teat they had waited on the Provision
al Governor, who said that he would refer the
information to tee General commanding; and
further, that-he would send a communication to
the Ilonso on IVednesday, 12 sr.
Mr. O'Neal teen moved to adjourn until teat
Motion carried.
Mr. Soott, of Floyd, called for tee yeas and
TMs was allowed, when the call proceeded
with the following result:
Yeas 53—nays 49.
Mr. Tumblin said as he saw no necessity of
the House meeting horo until it was recognized
as organized, he voted yes. I
Many Radioals, including Golden, now chang
ed their votes to “yes.”
House adjourned till Wednesday 12 xr. o’clock.
[Mr. Hooks desires ns to state that tee one
with whom he is paired off, is the gentleman
from Houston, Mr. Matthews. We didn’t catch
tee name Saturday, hence the omission.]
The following is a copy of Provisional Gov.
Bollock's reply to Senate and House commit
Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Commit
tees :
I am gratified to know that you have reached
an organization by the election of officers of tee
two Houses. I will communicate the informa
tion to the Major General Commanding the Dis
trict. A communication will be transmitted to
your honorable bodies on Wednesday next at 12
o’clock. Rufus B. Bullock,
Provisional Governor.
“Gim Me Sum Dat Pie.”
The Columbia (S. 0.,) Guardian relates the
tiaii men, it ■was tho present Senate. Mr. Gan* : head of “humors of reconstruction, by our
ctler paid a glowing and truthful compliment to Northern friends who so enjoy the glorious Af-
the ohristian integrity and fervid piety of the rioan as a legislator—at a distance:
On motion the whote subject was tabled j wmrthing°te te^^S^e
Messages from tha Houso were received an- , Q f ^ a ppi e pie, was dividing it very generously
nouncing tee organization of that body, and among such^f his confreres as wete slated nert
J 0intC0lnaittee to him, when Elliott, negro, who was seated some
upon the Governor. , off> rushed up, and in ratter peremp-
Mr. Wooten, from the joint oommittee to tory terms, demanded a slice. As the pie, so
wait upon the Governor, reported that the com- DeLarge’s liberality had diminished, and there
mittee had waited upon Got. Bullock, and teat being but a single slice remaining, he replied
Gov. Bullock informed them that he would £o Elliot’s demand by ramming that hastily in
transmit the resolution of the Senate and House his own mouth. Elliott was not to be so easily
of their organization to Gen. Terry, and would robbed of his expected treat—like an eagle be
have a communication for the General A mem- pounced upon de-large member from Charles-
bhr on Wednesday next. , ! ton, and grasping him by tbe throat, endeavor-
Ur. Higbee offered a resolution teat the regn- ad to choke a more generous state of
lar hours for meeting should be 10 o’clock a. mtrii Being the stouter, ana having the ad-
x., and of adjournment 1 o dock r. X. of each vantage in position, he standing and tee Other
day. seated, Elliott soooeeded in jamming DeLarge’s
Mr. Stringer offered as a substitute that the head down upon Me chair, when the letter ended
hours of meeting should be at 9 o’clock a. it, tee encounter by using his knife upon bis an-
and2o’clookp. x., and of adjourning 12 o’olook tagoaiat’s lxf, sending him scampering away to
x. and 4 o’olook r. x. each day. his seat, amid the laughter of the House.”