Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, February 08, 1870, Image 3

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The Q-eorgia "W'eekly Telograph and. Journal <fc JVIessenger*. sc Telegraph and Messenger. MACON, FEBRUAKI 8, 1870 ' Whom First we Love. Bt JCUA WAED HOWE. When first welovo, yon know, wo seldom wed; Tuns rules us all. And life, indeed, is not The thing we planned it out ere hope was dead; And then we women cannot cliooso our lot. iTnch must be borao which it is hard to bear, Mnch given away which it were sweet to keep, fiod help us aU! who need, indeed, His care: And yeti know the Shepherd loves his sheep. My little boy begins to babble now upon my knee bis earliest infant prayer; w e has his father’s eager eyes, I know, And they eay, too, his mother’s sunny hair. nnt when be sleeps and smiles upon my knee, p i n( j j can feel his light breath come and go. I think of one—Heaven help and pity me! Wbo loved me, and whom I loved, long ago, who might have been—ah, what I dare not think, —11 Ali«nrrn<1 indfrAR ft\V HR VlPflf _ Ond help ns do our duty, and not ehrink, And trust in Heaven for tho rest. •Rnt blame ns women not, if som3 appear Too cold at times, and some too gay and light; Rome griefs gnaw deep, somo woes are bard to bear, Wbo knows the past? And who can judge ns right? ah, were we judged by wbat we might have been, And not by what wo are—too apt to fall! yiv little child—be sleeps and smiles between (These thoughts and me. In Heaven we shall know all. “Not Quito Forgotten.” Not quite forgotten, though the years endeavor To fling a veil between thy soul and mine; Deep in my heart thy memory liveth ever; By tears and emiles unaltered is thy shrine. Not quite forgotten, oh, thou flrat and fairest Of all my day-dreams! thon who yet must be Trusted in longest, and still loved tho dearest; Forgotten ?—there is no such word for thee! Not qnite forgotten, for thy dear reflection Undimmod in memory over must remain ; And there are times when all the old affection Which I have borne thee surges back again. No, not forgotten! for a chance resemblance, A voice which rings as thine hath rung of old, Will often bring theo back to my remembrance, And reproduce the past a thousand-fold. Faint as the fragrance of a flower long gathered, Such is tho love I bear thee; and no sin I count it, for its passion long since withered, And now 'tia love with naught of earth therein. Ilnsljgrapliic Sketches. BT SIDNEY HERBERT. A Sunny Idea.—The Hon. “Sun-Set” Cox, H. C., intimates that he shall not name his boy after himself; ho having decided to call him “Sun-Rise,” in the hope that his son will rise to distinction in public life, after his father’s sun has set beneath the political horizen. There is still another good reason why “Snn-Set” Cox should name his boy as he proposes. The father comes from the “West (Ohio), where the sun sets; bnt the boy belongs at the East (New York), where the sun rises. And then it will be a very easy matter to get him up in the morn ing. His father will bo obliged to simply call out to him, “Sod, rise!” A Live “Dog Watch.”—Jenkins says he was walking on tho sea shore the other evening, and as he approached a cliff of rocks which jutted out from tho bank, ho saw a dog sitting there alone, and evidently gazing out upon the ocean with an eager look. On approaching the animal, who seemed to take no notice of him, he was struck by the intelligence that beamed from his face, and having heard that dogs had been trained to talk, he asked tho animal why he gazed so intently out upon the wide expanse ol waters. Without turning his head, tho dog replied, in a whining tone—“My bark is on tho sea.” Jenkins said “he could’nt see it in that light” (twilight), and so ho turned his feet homeward. “Going it Pig Back.”—In Salt Lake City, the headquarters of Brigham Young, they have a Mormon theatre which receives com. wheat, turkeys, hens, pigs, dead or alive, and almost anything of valne in payment for tickets of ad mission. Artemns Ward says he saw a whole family (a Mormon family, remember,) go in on a live pig. We were telling this story to a friend of ours who has traveled extensively in foreign lands, and he replied: “Oh! that’s nothing, I’ve seen a full grown man riding on a Cochin China hen.” rrieatr Note to the Header.—Our name is Henry, but for that he calls us Hen.; hence his meaning was—“Coach in China, Henry.” “Where did yon see this wonderful sight?” I inquired. “In Shanghai.” At this stage of the story I saw the joke, and asked if the man was inside the coach, or on top. “Outside,” replied my friend, with a smile of apprehension, which I immediately confirmed by saying, “Oh! then he was a Shanghai roos ter f" There is a good point in this joke, bnt we leave it to be discovered by the reader. Clayton, Ala., 1870. Notes on our Terrj-Tory ! BY SIDNEY HERBERT. “O nr Stabs.”—In calling General Terry’s Headquarters (which are not where Gen. Pope said his were) tho “Star Chamber,” the press of Georgia do not, of course, intend to cast any historical reflection npon the place. They sim ply mean (which is a happy mean) that whoever visits Gen. Terry with their disrespect will “see stars.” a Slander.—It is not trno that Gen. Terry is in tho habit of saying to his visitors—as has been reported of him by his enemines—I thank —my stars for my present commanding posi tion.” Being a Major General, he wears two stars on his shoulders; and this undoubtedly gave rise to the report. Anothe ‘D. B.”—Wo would remind General Terry that his instructions are those of a “D- strict”—not a B-slrict—“Commander.” In as suming both titles he becomes, according to a vulgar definition of “D B”—a “Dead Beat” Commander. But we learn that Gov. Bullock, and not tke President, has famished tho ground to make Terry firmer (terra firma) on Georgia soil. Bollock is a dirty fellow, for ho furnished all tho ground tor tho late reconstruction meas ures. A Terrible Confession.—The people of Geor gia say they are in a more terrible condition under the new terry-torial rule than they were in old Meade-evil (medieval) times. While they do not accord a fall meed of praise to their former commander, (for he was not a flowery Meade,) they prefer, in many respects, George tho First to Alfred the Great. Clayton, Alabama, 1870. New Blasting Powder.—Alfred Nobel, the engineer, who first practically applied nitro glycerine to blasting purposes, has recently ta ken out a patent in England for a new explosive compound. According to the inventor, a mix ture of nitrate of potash, soda, baryta or lead, with sugar, starch, or other bodies rich with carbon, cannot be employed for blasting, except under strong pressure; but if moistoned with a small quantity of nitro-glycerine, so that each grain is surrounded by a layer of it, the mass will become explosive under ordinary circum stances. Nobel gives the following proportion for his new blasting material: 68 parts of ni trate of baryta, 12 parts of charcoal, if possible, such as contains some hydrogen, and 20 parts of nitro-glycerine; or 70 parts of baryta,_10 of resin, and 20 of nitro-glycerine. An addition of 5 to 8 parts of sulphur enhances the effect, bnt diminishes the safety. It is set on fire by ordi< nary primers with fulminate of merenry. Fortune Hade in Six Years.—Six yean ago John E. DeWitt, a youth of 18, took the local agenoyof the Phoenix (Hartford, Conn.,) Life Insurance Company, at New York. By energy and business tact, he soon took the gen eral agency for New England and New York, and the other day was paid by the Company $120,000 to give np his right A Kensatlon Story From Louisville— A Resurrected Murderer. > * The Courier-Journal tells a startling story of the bringing to life of a man named Kriel, who was hung in that city, two weeks ago to-day, for murder. Condensed it is about as follows: When the rope that held the trap was severed and the body fell it was a subject of remark that the closed hands and position of the legs and feet remained entirely enchanged, showing tremendous exercise of will and control of neive. The neck was not broken, neither was the rope drawn so closely abont his neck that its mark conld be distinguished, nor was the skin chafed a particle, and it was noticed by persons who witnessed the execution that the carotid arteries of the neck pulsated after tho surgeons declared life extinct. After hanging some minutes Uriel's body was placed in a cof fin and rapidly driven away to the cemetery vault. A surgeon of skill, and a firm believer in the theory of resuscitation through the gal vanic process, is said to have been driven in a wagon, containing a mattress and blankets, to tho cemetery; shortly thereafter the vehicle returned with the body of Kriel, which was con veyed to the surgery of another skillful and leraned physician. The body was placed in a reenmbent position on the table, the galvanic battery applied, and in les3 than fifteen minutes the warm blood commenced to course through the chilled body, and at last the eyes opened. One of the doctors asked Kriel if he was sensi ble ; the eyes answered expressively, and the lips opened ineffectually, for no speech came forth. Stimnlants were ponred down the throat of the revived criminal, and in less than one honr after he had been placed in the surgery, Kriel sat np and asked them, “What have yon done? Am I alive?” He was then disguised and hurried away to a place of safety. Adjourned to the 14th. The Agency has called a halt and adjourned the 14th instant, to wait upon Congressional recognition. It is a consolation that we have got to print or hear no more about the Agency for ten days. 0 utsiders say the Agency wants farther information about Hill and Miller—to feel about a little, and see whether it can go on and elect Blodgett and Mott, or whether Grant's ruling that Hill and Miller are the duly elected Senators will prevail. Others say the Agency don’tcare astraw about Grant’s ruling, and will elect Blodgett and Mott any how. The Agency considers this a prelimina ry session of a something which won’t begin to be a l egislature till Congress says you can go od, ar : d then for the first time they will take a start as a Legislature, and daring their powers and prerogatives from that point, hold over to 1872, no matter what the Constitution says. The Agency don’t believe in Hill and Miller, or any of the so-called Congressmen elect from Georgia, hut will order a new elec tion for Representatives, which we think the Agency will find to be a losing business, if they don’t count Radical votes double. A Voice from Chicago. Cook, tho specimen shepherd of the Northern Methodist fold, whose recent elopement with Miss Johnston, and returning home afterwards, illustrates one of the very few triumphs of con science over Inst in men of his stamp, has turned np in Chicago, whence he sends this dis patch to his wife: "■I have left for parts unknown; you’ll never see me again. Horace Cook.” If he'll stand by his word, Mrs. C. will have mnch cause for self-congTatnlation. The Negro Judge in Sooth Carolina. The Charleston News tells ns all abont Wright, the negro just elected Supreme Court Judge of that State. It says: John W. Forney, in one of his two papers, makes this shameful' deceleration: “The Fif teenth Amendment once entirely secure, the work of reconstruction is practically finished. It secures the ballot to the black man of the South, and saves the Republican party of the North.” So, then, remarks the Bridgeport Farmer, all this trouble and turmoil, this trampling out of State Governments and ex pelling States from the Union—this enormous expenditure of tho people’s treasure for pur poses of reconstruction—was merely intended to establish negro suffrage and to save Forney and other “loil” people who snbsist on Govern ment pay. A Lover on the Rampage. It is singular what strange episodes the ten der passion sometimes occasions. It is not unfrequently the ennse of biliousness, producing dyspepsia and other complaints of the digestive organs; it has been asserted that cholic is sometimes the resnlt of it^and a wonderful ten dency to melancholy is created by it. Medita tive walks, silent reveries and self-communion spring inevitably from the first advances of the observing emotion. These are common and anticipated results; bnt it has been left to Ju lius Cober to disclose a new feature in the uni versal malady. It seems that Julios has been smitten with tho bright eyes and rosy cheeks of a cabbage vender in the Poydras market. He visits her daily end dines in her presence on rashers of bacon and cold vegetables, and on one of these occasions summoned sufficient courage to proffer his suit. But his embarrass ment caused him so mnch excitement that he actually overturned a jug of carbolic acid, which had been put under the table by the maid en's respected progenitor. The noxious finid rapidly spread npon the pavement and a most offensive odor arose from it. “What’s that?” inquired the little maiden, elevating her olfactory member, and making evident signs of distress. It’s my love.” continued Julius, oblivions in his excitement, of the smell, and supposing her inquiry to refer to his attachment. “ Ob, my! You don’t tell me that’s love ?’ “ Of course it is, my dear. Yon have no idea how strong it is.” “Yes I have—my goodness!” exclaimed the beanty, as Jnlins’ feet stirred tho sediment and a more sickening odor arose. “Why it’s terrible.” “Indeed it is; and I’ll certainly die if yon don’t marry me!” ‘And will it always be this way ?” and again the little pug nose shot np in the air. “Always!” “ Bnt I can’t stand it!” “It won’t be qnite so violent, bnt jost os strong.” “I—I—-I—don’t think I like to be loved, sir; it smells too bad.” “What!” exclaimed Jnlins, with another scrape of his foot—and this time obtaining a good draught of the carbolic acid. “ It smells so!” the maiden again repeated. “ Bnt that ain’tlove—its something under the table!” ‘Oh! well, now, I thought as how when peo ple loved they smelt!” “Oh, no!” said Jnlins; and an immediate search revealed the eanse of the offensive odor. It is useless to say that thereupon Jnlins be came happy and his sweetheart radiant.” BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, February 5.—-Revenue to-day, over half a million. Mr. Cumback declines tbe Portuguese mission. The President has promulgated the Chinese treaty. Mr. Hugh Ewing will be recalled from the Hague. Mr. Stoughton, of Prince Arthur's party, denies the assaseination story. CONGRESSIONAL. Washington, February 6.—Senate—The Com mittee on Commerce held a meeting to-day, and considered, among other things, the levees of the Mississippi. The matter was finally referred to a sub-committee of Senators—Buckingham and Kellogg. House.—General debate to-day. Mr. Sheldon, of Louisiana, spoke on finance and tariff, arguing from facts and figures in favor of re taining the present tariff on sugar. FROM ATLANTA. Atlanta, February 5.—The oldest and most influ ential Democratic journal in the State of Georgia, and always opposing the reconstruction policy of Congress, comtia out to-day in a bitter pro test against the eelf-oonsUtuted delegation to Washington, headed by Bryant, without any authority from the people, who seek to stir up strife and keep Georgia out of tho Union, to have reconstuction done over and entail on the people the enormous expense of going through what she has gone through for the third time, in the earnest efforts of the people io comply with the demands of Congress; that every interest of the State demands that recon struction be considered by Congress as perfected in Georgia; that men of property, tax payers, labor, enterprise, and every other interest of the State de mand that a stop bo put to the schemes of the so- called Bryant Democracy; that the great mass of tho people of the State receive the recent acts as a final settlement of the reconstruction issue, and the great body of Democrats in the State do not sustain the movement of Bryant and committee to over throw what has been done. MARINE DISASTERS-LOSS OF LIFE Wilmington, February 4.—Last night was one of the most terrible ever experienced hero. A cold rain waB falling and a fearful storm raging all night. Thus far four marine disasters are reported off our coast—all occurring on yesterday. The schooner Eleanor, from Baltimore, with a cargo of fertilizers consigned to O. G. Parsley & Co., of this city, went ashore at 4 p. M., a few miles north of Fort Fisher, and immediately went to pieces. Five men, sup posed to he her entire crow, were drowned. When the vessel broke up these five men were seen cling ing to portions of the wreck, but in a few moments all were washed off by the heavy Eea and lost. The other three vessels were the schooner Sam uel 0. Ebora, Capt. Farrow, of Hydo county; schooner Racer, Capt. Hatchell, of Elizabeth City, and the schooner Bay, of Hyde county, all having cargoes of corn consigned to merchants hero. It is not known definitely, but some hopes are enter tained of saving some of the latter. No reports have yet been received of the resnlt or effect of tho gale of last night, bnt it is feared it will bo one of fearful loss of vessels and life. STANDARD FERTILIZER, DICKSON’S COMPOUND, Manufactured by the III FERTILIZER COME AUGUSTA, GCA.. $66 PER T01I DELIVERED ON BOARD THE OARS. GUARANTEED PURE. No Inferior or Adulterating Material used Whatever. W E manutacture under the direction of Mr: David Diekson. of Sparta, Qa., upon the formula used hr him. Other paities who make a SO-CALLED DICKSON’S COMPOUND, OB DICKSON’S niXIIIRE, are not authorized br Mr. Dickson to use his name in the sale of their manipulations, and all such are without his approbation. Perseus in doubt may easily refer to Mr. Dickson, whose address is Sparta, Ga. We, suggest caution against manufacturers who make unauthorized use of his name. Look for the Brand on eaoh bag of the DICKSON FERTILIZER COMPANY. Augusta, Ga^ and the Trade Mark of the Sweep. JAMES T. GARDINER, President. HARDEMAN A SPARES, Agents, Macon, Ga, doc21-dAw2m GENERAL NEWS. New Yobk, February 5.—The News says a rumor reached tho police last night that an attempt is to be made on the life of Prince Arthur. An officer was detailed to watch the Prince’s party as they proceeded from the Brevoost House to tho residence of Judge Stoughton, on Fifth Avenue and Seven teenth Street. A party of ruffians stationed near tho Brevoost House approached the officer, drew their revolvers, and told him to leave. The officer got reinforce ments, returned and attacked the ruffians. After a severo fight they arrested Wm. Murphy, Pat Mul- hide, Charles Gardiner, John Gough and Michael McNulty. Gough is an Englishman—Gardiner a native of Yonkers. Tho party refused to mako an explanation of their conduct and will bo arraigned before the Police Court on the charge of assaulting tho officers. There is not sufficient- proof to estab lish a conspiracy against tho Prince. Tallahassee, February C—Impeachment was killed in the House last night, at 10 o'clock, by a vote of 80 to 21. The minority report was adopted. Philadelphia, February 5.—Three fires occurred here to-day; loss 620,000. Louisville, February 5.—Mr. Prentice will be bu ried with Masonic honors to-morrow. Supreme Court—Morning Session. From the Atlanta Era, 5WI.J Thubsdat, February 3, 1870. The Court met pursuant to adjournment. Messrs. John B. Hart, John L. Doyal, Geo. W. Bryan, and John O. Key were admitted to the Bar. Argument in No. 2, Flint Circuit—Wyatt vs. Turner—certiorari from Henry—was resumed and concluded. Messrs. McDaniel and Peeples for plaintiff in error, and Messrs. Doyal and Floyd for defendant in error. No. 3, Flint Circuit—Sharman vs. Howell- Rule against the Sheriff, from Upson, was ar gued for plaintiff In error by OoL L. P. Doyal, and for defendant in error by Cotten, Esq. Pending tho opening argument in No. 4, Flint Circuit, tbe Court adjourned. Fbidat, February 4, 1870. The Court met pursuant to adjournment. Argnment in No. 4, Flint Circuit—Engel vs. Schenrman—Equity from Spalding—was re sumed and concluded; Colonel C. Peeples for plaintiff in error, Messrs. Doyal A Speer for defendant in error. _ Pending argument in No, 5, Flint Circuit, the Court adjourned. GUANO AT REDUCED PRICES! P LANTERS DESIRING PURE (-UAN0, can, by early application. SECURE BARGAINS—as I am directed to close consignments mw-on hand, of— 100 Tons Peruvian Grao, in original lap, varraM genuine. 100 Toas Extra Fisl Guano, from Atlantic forts, THE BEST EVER SENT TO THIS MARKET. I also offer the following veil known and popular COMMERCIAL MANURES: Rhodes’ Super-Phosplinie, Rhodes’ eOrcliilla Guano, Schley’s Georgia Fertilizer, John Merryman & Co.’s Ammoniated Dissolved Bones. 1 B. A. WILCOX, jan23-docdiwlm No. 8 Hollingsworth Block. MRS; F. DESSAU IS NOV RECEIVING THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN MILLINERY, CLOAKING, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES, REAL LACES, Rtf. GENERAl COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. WK. H. TISOS. FOREIGN NEWS. Madrid, February 6.—Official advices from Ha vana have been received announcing the defeat of the Insurgents by the National troops. The news came late last evening. It is reported that tho Duke of Montpenseers as a candidate for the Throne has been abandoned. Prince George, a Catholic, age 37, son of the King of Saxony,- and Prince Charles, of Prussia, are spoken of. Tho clerical estimates pass ed_tho Cortos yester day after etrcnucus opposition. Marseille, February 5.—Two houses fell to day, crushing twelve persons. It is not believed all were killed. Two were taken from the rains. Rome, February 5.—Tho (Ecumenical council met yesterday. Five addresses were delivered. Tho committee de fide has nearly completed its work. St. Petersburg, February 6.—The Journal of iliia city officially announces that in view of the Montenegrin question, tho anxiety of Russia is for peace. . MARINE NEWS. Savannah, February 5.—Arrived, steamship Vir go, New York. Cleared, etcamBliip Tonawanda, Philadelphia; Famiie, Baltimore; Huntsvijle, New Yoik; San Jacinto, New York; schooner Minneha ha, Fernandina; Bell, New Smyrna; Ann E. Valen tino, Jacksonville. Charleston, February 5.—Sailed, steamer Cham pion, Now York; steamer Maryland, Baltimore. The Old Court Hoube Grounds.—Daring the last week the old Court-house grounds at the foot of Mulbeny street have had a row of young shade trees eet out around them, which, when they shall havo grown up, will mako tho site one of tbe prettiest in tho city. Tho Central Railroad Company have not yet com menced their now and comm odious depot buildings for which tho old Court-houso site was purchased last year, and aro now receiving freight and con ducting the business of tho Company at this point, in the new temporary buildings recently erected on this side of tho river. The handsome brick office and freight shed in East Macon aro,therefore, silent and tennantless—no business of tho Company being transacted in them. By the way, what has become of tho great guano manufactory enterprise which it was said some time ago was to bo established in the buildings of the Central road in East Macon? Wo understood that they had been purchased for this express purpose, and considered tho enterprise as one of tho most promising in tho way of dividends that has been sug gested in Macon for tho last year or two. While we have no disposition in tho world to get np a big stink among onr good friends in East Ma con, yet we must say the buildings of the Central railroad over there ought to be turned into a manu facturing establishment of some sort, and if it is to be for the manufacture of a good and reliable fer tilizer, ail right; better that than nothing. After one gets used to the scent of guano it is not offen- siye. The olfactory nerves of our friend Ayres aro as sensitive as most people’s, yet he Works amid the fumes of his raw-bone superphosphate with as much complacency and indifference as if he were moving abont in a parterre of flowers. With Shak- speare he believes that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; but he does not pretend to say that a lump of his guano, done np as a rose wouldn't stink in the nostrils of one not accustomed to its delightful aroma, as he terms it. So, if there should be a guano factory established in East Ma con, it is to be expected that the lively denizens over there will hold their noses or curl them for awhile at the start, but we know they have the good of the country at heart, are patriotic and enterpris ing, and will cheerfully stand a little stink for large increase of the staple. Billiards are just now a popular amusement in Washington. President Grant has had the passage way in the White Home converted into a billiard room. General Butler is having a billiard room fitted np in his house, Secretary Fish has an exoellent table, and Secretary Bout- well plays at one of the tables of the German olub. TISON& GORDON, COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 96 .Bay Street, SAVANNAH, - - - - GEORGIA. B AGGING and ROPE or IRON TIES advanced on Crops. Liberal Cash advances made on consignments of Cotton. • Grateful for liberal patronage in the past, aoon- tinnance of the same is respectfully solicited. sept2-d*w6m PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY’S COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, For Composting with Cotton Seed. DRESS GOODS, FURS, GLOVES, 3NT O. tl9d*w2m 49- ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. -®S 6 8 JVE UIiBBRHT STRBBT. J. T. WHEATON. N. b. brows F. W. SIMS & CO, COTTON' FACTORS Consignments solicited; Remittances made iromptly; Advances of Provisions, Bagging, Tics and Hope made to persons sending us Cotton for sale. septl6-daw6m r WM. W. OOSDOS. THIS ARTICLE IS MANUFACURED AT T1IE 1 Company’s Works, undertho direction and super intendence of Dr. RAVKNEL. .. It contains tho same elements of fertility as Soluble Pacific Ouano, except that it is not famished with Ammonia. It is prepared expressly for composting with cotton seed, which iumishes tho elementof Am monia; tho object being to Tender that side product of the plantation available to tho highest degroo an el ement of fertility. For further and particular informa tion, apply to the undersigned. ASHER AYRES, Agent at Macon Ga. JOHN 8. REESE A CO., General Agents, Baltimore. Terms—$45 cash, or $50 on 1st November, 1870, for approved City Acceptance or other good security. .ecl5-dkwlm CARHART & IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE. CARRIAGE MATERIAL.. Agricultural igemits, Circular AND NULL SAWS, MILL STONES, BOLTING CLOTHS Belting, etc., Paints, Oils and Glass. SIGN OF GOLDEN PADLOCK, Cherry Street, : : Macon, da. ERNEST PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, NO. 1 SECOND STREET. J^LL KINDS AF SPECTACLE GLASSES FITTED AND ADJUSTED by an OPTIMETER. WATCHES and JEWELRY repaired and warranted ELECTRO-PLATING aprill-tf AMD GILDIMG, AMD STENCILS OF AIX MIXED CUT TO ORDER. THE EUREKA AMMONIATED BONE Superphosphate of Lime T HIS FERTILIZER haa been used in Georgia ever since tbe war, and though thousands of tons have been applied, not one single complaint has yetoecn made of its value. We could bring bushels of certificates, but deem it unnecessary to bolster np an article so well known and of such real merit. For sale at % $65 C ash and $70 Time per ton of 2000 pounds. Time sales will only he made where satisfactory acceptance is given. F. ~W. SIMS & CO., Bnrdon Iron Works. Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &o., and indeed all tho affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. No ono remedy is louder called for by the necessities of tho American people than a sure and safe euro for Fever and Ague. Such wo are now enabled to offer, with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate tho disease, and with assurance,founded on proof, that no harm can arise from its use in any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this disor der must bo of immense service in the communi ties where it prevails. Pretention is better than cure, for tho patient escapes the risk which ho must run in violent attacks of this baleful distem per. This “ Cure ” expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Ague from the system, and prevents the development of the disease, if taken on tho first approach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only tho best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also tho cheapest. The largo quantity wo supply for a dollar brings it within tho reach of everybody; and in bilious dis tricts, where Fever and Ague prevails, every body should have it, and use it freely both for cure and protection. It is hoped this price will place it within tho reach of all—tho poor as well as tho rich. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for tho speedy and certain cure of Intermittents is, that it contains no Quinine or mineral: consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon tho con stitution. Those cured by it are left as healthy a3 if they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone tho consequence of tho miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders ariso from its irritation, among which aro Neural gia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of tho Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in tho Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement of tho Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on tho intermittent type, or become periodical. This “Cure” expels tho poison from tho blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in tho malarious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while exposed to theinfection,thatwill bo excreted from the system,"and cannot accumulate in suffi cient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it i3 even more valuable for protection than cure; and few will over suffer from Intermittents if they avail themselves of tho protection this remedy af fords. , For Liver Complaints; arising from torpidi ty of tho Liver, it Is an excellent remedy, stimulat ing tho Liver into healthy activity, and produ cing many truly rcmarkablo cures, where other medicines fall. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell. Mass.. Practical and Analytical Chemists, AND SOLD ALL ROUND THE WORLD. PBICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE. Sold by L. W. HUNT * CO.. J. H. ZEILIN & CO , and all the Druggists in Macon. Also, all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. janl2-d3taw*semi*w Cotton Factors and General Commission Merchants, SA.-v-A.isr3sr-A.i3:, qa, deo23-d£wfiw SEA FOWL GUANO W.E. TANNER. ALEX. DELANEY M anufacturers of pumping engines ior Water Works, Hish and Low Pressure hn- gines. Portable Engines of all kinds. Sugar Mills; Screw, Lever, Drop and Hydraulic Presses; Mnchin- cry in general. HUBBARD & WHITTAKER, 102 Front street, Brooklyn, N. Y. feb6-d*wly METROPOLITAN WORKS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Corner of Seventh and Canal Streets. DR. BAYLEY’S FEMALE RESTORATIVE. SB. BAYLEY’S NIMITABLE Eve and Pile Preparation used ex- _ clusively for inflamed and chronic sere eyes and * piles. It has been in use for fifteen years without a i single instance of failure tc give relief. 3DR. BA.TSTIiB'Sr Has practiced the Eclectic system of medicine the [ rise of twenty years, and treats chronic diseases with i success—such, as Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Liver Affection, i Kidney, etc. Female diseases, such as Sterility, Ln- i chorea or Whites, Chlorosis; absence of Menstruation I at the proper period, Amenorrhoca; Menstruation obstructed in Us course after having been established; Dysmenorrhoca; Menstruation attended by pain and spasms of the hypogastric viscera, with paroxlmal aggravation and difficult menstruation: menstrual colic Menorrhagia: menstruation too copious—flood ing. Medicine and prescription furnished by mail to any part of the United States, postage pre-paid, to treat any chronic case, for five dollars per month. The Female Regulator and Inimitable Eye and Pile Preparation sent fer $1 each. Symptoms of diseases mnst be plainly stated. Money sent by registered letter. Board, medicine and personal attention furn ished at from $20 to $25 per month, at his residence, ten miles east of Americas; Location healthy. Post- office, Amerious, tia. feb3-wtf FLOATING FABMING CAPITAL! I wish to rnn a Farm on shares, with an experienced man who has already began for the year, hut needs capital to enlarge or continue his business. Address JOHN MANNING, feb4-wt2* Macon, Ga. BONE FLOOR—BONE FLOOR. C RACKED BONE, Bone Meal, Bone Flour, and Floated Bone, guaranteed to produce same offect at HALF COST of Peruvian Guano, Send for .ircular. Address LISTER BROTHER8, feb5-w"m Newark, N. J. WM. E. TANNER & CO.* Stationary & Portable Engines, BOILERS, BRIDGE BOLTS AND CASTINGS, IRON AND BRASS WORK. PLASTER. GRIST AND BARK MILLS. F tON and WOODEN TRUCKS for Cars. IM PROVED MACHINERY of all kinds built and repaired. Also, Agent sin the Southern States for Blale’s Patent Stone & Ore Breale H. R. BROWN, Ay*t, aepU-dewly No S5 Third st- Mae on. 9a. Select Cotton Seed. onn BUSHELS No. l.nt $2 00 Per bushel. OUU 200 bushels No. 2, at $1 00 por bushel. Raised by J. N. Seymour from Hancock Dickson’s No. 1 Seed, and selected from his crop for his own use. 200 bushels PeelerCotton^Be^yat$H»yrbushel dea25-2m Griffin Male Institute, T HE best Mathematical and Classical High School in the State. Entire ooat of Board ana Tuition only $220 per year. Every parent may prescribe the studies in whioh his son zhall r preset Griffin lee in which his son shall engage, urtmn u un surpassed for healthful nees of situation, and the in' telligenee, refinement and high moral tone of ite eltl- sens. The Spring Term opens on Tuesday, the 18th - January, 1870; A. D. CANDLER, A. M , G.O. LOONEY. , , decl9-dAw2m* Associate Principals. WE DESIRE THE FRIENDS OF THIS TRULY VALUABLE AND RELIABLE FERTIL IZER to know that we aro now prepared to sell a limited quantity on Time, for approved Savannah, Augusta and Ma con acceptances. We have now in Store, and on the way, THREE THOUSAND TONS. So SEND ,IN YOUR ORDERS AT ONOE. B. J. WILSON Ac CO., GENERAL AGENTS, IOC BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. JOHNSON, CAMPBELL & CO., Agents at Macon, Ga. jan27-dAwlm MERRTI AI’S RAW BONE ■ OSPHATE FOR COTTON. THIS PHOSPHATE HAS PROVED ITSELF TO BE THE CHEAPEST, And fully equal to any in the market—unsurpassed by the highest-priced Guanos. Its adaptation to Con, Corn, neat, Oats, and Total), GARDEN TRUCK, GRASSES, Etc., Has been thoroughly and satisfactorily tested. Finely ground and suitable foe Drilling. Put up ia hags of 167 lbs. each. O. P. MERRYMAN & CO. MANUFACTURERS, BALTIMORE, MB. MACON, GA.. October 1&1M. wrox k Lawtos. Macon, Ga.—Gentlemen: In obedieud stating that J it ini The experimentmadebyme,'satiefiea me that it is a valuable manure, vory little inferior, if any, t« Peru TlMt Guano. I am respectfully, etc. A. IVERbON, So. FORSYTH. MONROE COUNTY. GA„ October 8,1869. Messrs. O. P. Mbbetm as A Co., Baltimore, Md.—I have used, the present year, several tons of Merrymau’s Raw Bone Super-Phosphate. both on corn and cotton. It greatly increased the product of my oom, and at the rate of300 pounds to tbe acre more than doubled the product of my cotton crop. Ido most heartily recemmend it as a good Fertiliser. JAMES S. LAWTON. Send to Agents for Circular containing other testimonials from different sections of the State. For salt ' Je by Or their by Agents. J. W. MATHEWS k BRO.. Fort Valley DUMAS. WATSON A CO.. Forsyth, F. M. COKER. Americas, LAWTON & LAWTON, Macon, Georgia. J.T. MURPHY k CO.. Barncrrille, R. J. BACON k CO., Albany, Ga* J. H. FURMAN. MUledgeviile, H. T. COLEMA&. Reynolds. J. A. HIER8, Dawson, W. H. WILLIS, Oglethorpe,, J.*H? McLuiSj.'Montesnme! 1 *’ . TOOKE, COOl-’ER A C<h Houston Factory ELKANAH JOHNSON. Brown’s Station. 8. W. R. R. dec23-d$twSm Wm. HENRY WOODS, COTTON PACrOR AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Bay Street, SAVANNAH, QA* ^QKNT FOR REESE’S SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. Is prepared nt all times to advance lihenUy on Consignments far sale in Savannnh, or tor shipment to his concept*!dents in New York Mi Liverpool. augl3-wf®* I '** toZS£*«ii ii> eoitaxi&x*«****. *« | ''ufifammiV 1 tilaufi iiitl : floiiainaih t 1 I usffftt