Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, April 05, 1870, Image 7
m- .!•;^^^p^ l ^ r ^ v -' ,: " ’ ,;v *' :: ’& : ' '** ' MM rsfiisshtts : 51 Til© Greoi-jiia Weekly Telegraph, and. Journal &. JVEessenger. StorK^Tclegmpli Building. Macon ^flyTetcrmph and Messenger. 1 f<*r • <* Ji* goath*--— 1 00 v2j?WrckVy Telegraph and Messci-ger. 1 year 4 00 , (l0 11 j5 columns. 1 year — — | £** ® CDt ^ S payabio always in advance. ...IKS IRRA.NOKMKSrS WITH 3. W. BUSKS t CO. f I'** Pl'Bl.lCATIo.S3. •J,;jr Telegraph and Messenger, and Farm and^ ^ *Jfcl?Telesr»pb and Mraenger’~ and" Farm' nSUome. • JS-Weekly Telegraph and Messenger, and *Vt»nc and Hoffa.-.™ , Ti— Christian Advocate, with Weekly..—. j$»’s Weekly 4 00 500 5 «• 400 .■ ni , irranrement is where remittances aro made lirect to the offico of publication. The consolidated Telegraph and Messenger repre- .u a large circulation pervading Middle, Southern 'nd Southwestern Georgia anti Esstern Alabama, and Middle Florida. Advsri iscments at re isonable rates In the Weekly at one dollar per square of three-quar- i rs of so inch, oaeb publication. Remittances should * ffl ade by eipress. or by mail in money orders, or ..altered letters. JIM SMILEY’S FROG, jfnrk Twain's Masterpiece. \\'c wake no aftology for publishing for the ^iod or third time, “Jim Smiley's Frog." j, j,i a production thrft is destined to “go the jobihK’ for many yearn, as one of the richest t pecimens of American humor: JIM smiley's frog. lie cotched a frog one day and took him home, and said he cal'lated to educate him; jad so he never done notbingftir three months hat sit in his back yard and learn the frog how to jump. And you bet he did learn him too. He’d give him a little punch behind, and the next minute you’d see the rrog whirling in the air like a doughnut—see him turn a tummer- jet, and maybe a couple, if be got a good jtart, and come down flat-footed all right like scat. He got him up so in the matter of catching flies, aud kept him in practice so con- >tant, that he’d nail a fly every time as far as he could see him. Smiley said that dll the frog wanted was ed ucation, and he c«uld do ulmo.-t anything, and l believe him. Why I’ve seen him set Daniel Webster down here on the floor—Daniel Web ster was the name of the frog—and sing out: ••Flies, Dan’l, flies,” and quick’n you conld wink he’d spiing un and shake a fly offn the counter there and flop down on the floor again gj solid as a gob of mud, and fall to scratching the side of his head with his hind foot as in- difcr.tit as if he hadn' t no idee he’d done any nior’n any frog might do. You never jct^afmg so modest and straightfor’ard as he wf, i' ,r all he was so gifted. And when it oame to a square jumping on a dead level, he foulJ get over more ground at one straddle than a’ly animal of his breed you ever seed. Jumping on a dead level wa* bis strong suit, yon understand, and when it came to that Smiley would ante up money to him as iong as he had a red. Smiley was monstrous proud of his frog, and well he might be, for fellers that had traveled and Lin everywhere all said he laid over every frog that they teed. Well, Smiley kept the beast in a little lattice box, and lie used to fetch it down town some times, and lay for a bet. Once a feller—a stranger in camp, he was—came across him with his box. and says: “What might it be you’ve got in the box?” And Smiley sor’er indifferent like: “It might be a parrot, or it might be a ca nary’, maybe; but it ain't, it's just a frog.” And the tiller took it and looked at it care ful, and turned it around this way and that, and -ays: “H’m—so ’tis. Well, what’s he good f«r?” “Well, Siniiey says, easy and careless, Tie's good enough for one thing, I should judge— he can out jump any frog in Calaveras coun ty-” The feller took the box again and took an other long and particular look, and gives it lack to Smiley, and s»ys very deliberate: “Well, I don’t see no points about that frog that’s any better’n any other frog.” "Maybe you don’t,” Smiley, said. “Maybe you understand frogs, and maybe you don’t uader-tand ’em; maybe you ain't only an amateur, as it were. Anyways I've got my opini o, and I'll rbk flirty dollars that he can ouijump any frog in Calaveras county.” And the feller studied a minute or two, and then says kinder sad like: “Well I'm only a stranger here, and I ain’t got no frog, hat if I had a frog I’d bet you.” And then Smiley says: “That’s all right. That 's all right. If you’ll hold my box a min ute I'll go and get you a frog;” and so the teller took the box, and put up his forty dol lars along with Smiley’s, and sat down to wait. So he sat there a good while, thinking to fci--e!f, and tuk the frog out and pried open his month and took a teaspoon and filled him full ofqnail shot—filled him pretty near up to the chin, and set him on the floor. Smiley, he weut out to the swamp and slopped around iu the mud for a long time, and finally he fetched a frog and fetched him in, and give him to the feller, and says: “Now, if you are ready, set him alongside of Dan’l with his fbrepaws just even with Dan’l’s, and I’ll give you the word. Then he ays, “one—two—three—jump!” and him and the feller touched up the frogs from be hind, and the new frog hopped off lively, but Dan’l gave a heave, lusted up his shoulder— so—like a Frenchman, but it wasn’t no use; he couldn’t budge; he was planted as solid V'an anvil, and he couldn’t no more stir than 'f he was anchored out. Smiley was a good deal surprised, and he was disgusted, too, but he didn’t have no idea what the matter was, of course. The feller took the money and started away, ond when he was going out of the door he sorter jerked his thumb over his shoulder—at i • 4. tmrkii A heat little trick is being perpetrated on the New York publio by the directors of the Pneu matic Tannel. The innocents visiting the work are requested before retnming to npper air to register their names in a book, a request al ready complied with by several thousands. The first pageB of the book contains a petition to the Legislature in its favor, and of course the names of all visitors will be laid before that body as enthusiastic endorsers of the enterprise. This neat little trick is one worthy the best minds ever prodneed by the State of Massachusetts. A' Pennsylvania bachelor thus gett th after a lovely woman: “I impeach her in the name of the great whale of the ocean, whose bones are torn asun der to enable her to keep straight. I impeach her in the name of the peacock, whose strut, without his permission, she stcalthfully and without honor assumes. I impeach her in the name of the horse, whose tail she has per verted from its use to the making of wavy tressess to decorate the back of the head and neck. I impeach her in the name of the kan garoo, whose beautiful figure she, in taking upon herself the Grecian bend, has brought into ill-favor and disrepute.” ». rv TANNER, ALEX. DELANEY XrTKuPOLITAK WORKS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Cornir or $*• «.:t an 1 .'anal Street*. The reports from fifty-one oil districts in the Pennsylvania regions show an aggregate in crease in the daily productions in twenty-one districts of seven hundred and ninety barrels, and an aggregate decrease in twenty-six dis tricts of three hundred and sixty-three barrels, there being no change in three districts. The net increase of daily production was, therefore, four hundred and twenty-seven barrels. THE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY J as the result of a lonpr established and successful business enables us to offer inducements that makes this announcement worthy of ATTENTION. Importing our foreign goods di rect, controlling many leading styles of American fabrics, employing the best artistic talent in the production of our goods, and “constant progress" our motto, wc claim to lead the mar ket in all READY-MADE CLOTHING, of which we keep full lines .of grades, for Men and Boys. In CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassed for qual ity, workmanship and elegance. In GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS our stock is constantly large and seasonable. We are the sole manu facturers of the COTTON STATES LIFE IfflliME COMPANY! Authorized Capital, $2,000,000. ATIiA-WTili. MEDICAL COLLEGE. rpHE Thjrtzcnth Anneal Conno of Lecturesjn thia _ Institution will ccmmenoe on Monday, the sec ond day of May next, and continue four month*. Guaranteed Capital, $500,000. Deposited for the Benefit of Policy Holders, $100,000. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: W'4 E. TANKER & CO., Stationari & Portable Engines, SjSL-W IVEIXjXx®, BOILERS, BRIDGE BOLTS AND CASTINGS, IRON AND BRASS WORK. PLASTER, GRIST ASD BARK MILLS. I RON and WOODEN TRUCKP for Cars IM PROVED MAJHINERY »f all kinds built and repaired. Also, Agent tin the Soother a Stater fox Gleie’s Patent Stone & Ore Breaker Onr Engines took the FtRST PREMIUMS at the Virginia and Georgia State Fairs, and wherever else exhibited. xt. r.. saowjj, a?’i, sept4-d**»l No 55 Third at.. Macon <*». Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. I don't see no other points about • that frog that’s any better’n any other frog.” Smiley ho stood scratching his head and looking down at Dan'l a long time, and at last fesays: “Ido wonder what in tho_ nation that frog throwed off for, I wonder if there •in t something the matter with him; he pears to look mighty baggy somehowand sketched Dan’l by the nane of the neck, and Med him up and says: “Why, blame my cat, if he don’t weigh five pounds,” and turned him up-side down and he belched out a double Lindful of shot, and then he see how it Was, ind he was the maddest man! He set the frog down and took after that feller, but he never ketched him. which we supply both ready-made and to order Prices uniformly low. Gentlemen visiting New-York are requested to call and have ther;- measures recorded upon our books System of Self-Measurement, and other information promptly furnished v/hen desired. Address P. O. ^ox 2256, N Y. DEVLIN & CO. Georgia Practical Business College, FORMERLY Corner Mulberry and Second Streets, MACON, GA. iLn’i MT-Z” ”' B. B. EUSTON. Principal of Penmanship Dopart- I sa J s i again, very deliberate, 'Veil, Vaient. late , f Dol bear and J. W. Blackman’s Commer cial Collcei a, New Orleans, La. GEORGE K. LEVISON, Principal of Business De partment, late of Eastman National Business Collego. Poughkerpsio. Now York. JOUNT. McUINTY A. M.. Professor of tbo Eng lish Language, Mathematics .and Civil Engineering. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss ami freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can he found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE SHOO. S<*«i by L W. HUNt & CO.. J. H. Zoilin & CO and cM the Druggists in Macon. Also, all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. jonl3-eod*w*sw BURDICK BROTHERS. GRAIN PROVISION STORE, cs Timm STKEET, MACON, GEORGIA. COBN! CORK! W E have now encage* and arriving daily, o.uuo bushels choice WutTK CORN, sound and dry. We buy and sell nothing but a srrictlycboice ar id T ticlo, and in this way can always give satisfaction. Hoars of Instruction from 9 to 1, 3 to 5, 7 to 9, daily., UNTO VACA-TIOKTS. TERMS OF TUITION-PAYABLE IN ADVANCE (Time Unlimited.) The Cooper Family, of Tennessee. The Columbia (Tenn.) Herald gives the fol laving interesting account of a rather remarks We Tennessee family: The. fijer Cooper brothers, three of whom "Wiallanrv county, have been certainly very •hU of the vital principle of life. John Cooper, Bo 5 residing near Raymond, Mississippi, is C°i°8 on 00 years of age, having been bom two I*»ts before the Declaration of Independence, •ames Cooper, who died last year, was in his '^th year. Jonathan Cooper, of Bear Creek, is *ud the father of fourteen children. Mrs. j**ly Cooper Barr, of Lewis county, is 83. Col. “• M. Cooper, near Mt. Pleasant, is 80, and is “0 father of 15 children, 12 sons and 3 danght- J 1 *. He hud 10 boys in the Confederate army, 2 of whom were killed, 3 died and four others •fverely wounded; only one escaping unhurt. Colonel Matthew D. Cooper, about four miles from Columbia, on the Hampshire pike, is 78, JhJ has 1G children, one of whom is a United “tates Senator, another who has been in the tower House of Congress, and a third who is °oonted one of the first lawyers in the State, £®<1 spoken of in connection with the Supreme This vonerable family of five brothers and sister were bom in Chester District, South Carolina. •Psoe to show the silver fibre. That’s as near resumption as the Government has got Foub thousand feet of artesian well at St. bonis cost §100,000. They didn’tgetanywa- ret but they talk of trying again. A Western German, unable to obtain employ- ® f nt from a Radical firm, secured the desired Position by disguising himself ns a negro. A Pennsylvanian has a yoke of 7,000 pound y*® 1 *- Nothing short of a collectorship would c o for him, says the Boston Post. record of the acts of the Ecumenical Council " ' 1 bn published in six magnificent folio vol- •irew, in the most luxnrions stvle. The Commercial Course, here pursued, embraces: Business Yeamansbip ................... .{15 00 Book-Keeping (adapted to diherent depart ments of trade)......... ......................... 25 00 Aritbmetio, Mercantile Calculations........ 25 00 Ornameatal Penmanship and Flourishes......—. 20 00 Pen Drawing.............................—........._.....—. 20 00 Higer Mathematics — S 50 00 Civil Engineering. —. 100 00 English Language, embracing Grammar, Composi tion, and Rhetoric —.850 10 Business Forms, Business Correspondence. Good Board can bo obtained at Twenty-five Dollars per month. Reference*: Hon. E. A. Nisbet, George S. Obe»b, Mayor, Hon. Washington Poe, J. W. Burke, Era.. Hon. J •mks Jackson, Joseph Clisbt, Esq., Da. J. R. Boon. C. A. Nutting. Esq., Rev. David Wills, D. D. jan!3-tf PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY’S COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, For Composting with Cotton Seed. rjiQIS ARTICLE. IS MANUFACURED A.T THE Company's Works, under the direction and super- A Company’s Works, under tnc intendVnce of Dr. It contains the same elements of fertility as Soluble Pacific Ouano. except that it is not famished with Ammonia. It is prepared expressly for composting Feed, which iuraishes tho-elementof Am- igmo render that side product with cotton seed* monia; tho object being to render tnat eiae protmc* of the plantation available to the highest degree an el ement of fertility. Frofurther and particular informa- tion. aPPlY to Acundcrsigncd.^^ AyRE3i Agent at Macon Ga. JOHN S. REESE & CO.. General Agents, Baltimore. Terms—S45 cash, or J50 on 1st November. 1870, for approved City Aoccptauce or othor good seourity. deelS-d*w4ro BACON AND BULK MEATS. LBS choico Bacon and Balk Sides and SA Anil LBS choico Bacon and! yiI,UUU Shoulders, for fale low. FLOUR! FLOUR! A LARGE and assorted stock of Flour, in barrels atd :aeks, allow prices. OATS AND KAY. A LARGE supply' always on hand, at lowest mar ket rates. SUNDRIES. qQ KegJchoice LEAF LARD.. crces MAGNOLIA H A MS. ■ 10 barrels extra AMBER SY RUP. PlOKL ‘ ‘ ^ Abo PICKLED BEEF in barrels and half barrels, SALT. SUGAR, COFFEE, etc. Orders solicited. Onr XMEotto is—To Try to rieasoour easterners. BURDICK BROTHERS, mar!2-daw4w OUR FATHER’S HOUSE; ''The Unwritten Word.” by the popular author O of Night hoenesia the Bible. „ . - tTl Alia last work's immense sale PSfS‘Wtlhl.* i a fine’s fiucceas. All who have one*, want the otaer. Knfe-tinted paper. Steel Engraving?. Teachers, energetio men and ladies wanted In every township to act as aeents, A raying business, etna r Circular. ZtSlGLKK. McCL RDY * CO;. 16 S. Bixthjb'troet, Philadelphia, Pa. MADAME FOY’S Combined Corset, SMrt Supporter nxarll-w6m And TiusnjB [s ju*t the article needed by every lady who consults Health, Comfort and Style. Testimonials in its favor aro con stantly bring 1 ocoived from all parts of the country. LADY AGENTS wanted mevery county of the United Slates. HARMuN. BALDWIN A FOY, Sole Manufacturers New Haven. Conn. '1 * iiifrtlfiiriiitiii ’fcivSri Macon, Georgia. WJf. S. HOLT, Vice-President. C. F. HcCAY, Actuary. GEO. S. OBEAK, Secretary. JOHN W. BURKE, General Agent. WX. 3. MAGIXJb, Superintend^ of Agencies rjiHB COTTON STATES is a HOME COMPANY. _ All its accumulations are deposited at the South, and go to bailding up our own country, rather than to enriching Forkigi Cohpaniks. Its success has been UNPRECEDENTEDuptothis time, and its business is rapidly increasing. It insures on all THE MOST POPULATE PLANS of Insurance. If you want to insure your life in A SOUND COMPANY, At home, so that in case of death your heirs can get the money due at once. For further particulars, a dress either “ OBEAR GEl). S. OBEAR. Secretary, or JOHN W. BURKE, General Agent, decSl- dlaw*w3m 1ST AYA8 SA Ammomated Soluble PHOSPHATE, Manufactured by the Navassa Guano Co~, of Wilmington, N. C< IN BAGS OR BARRELS. T HIS Fertiliser is prepared with the utmost care, and contains every constituent desirable for any crep to which it may be applied. It is especially adapted to the growth of Cotton, Corn, Cereals, Anl all kinds of Fruits and Vegetables. It is manufactured of the same materials from which the celebrated Patapsco Guana Co.’s Phosphate is prepared, and reference is made to that Company, (65 South st., Baltimore,) for its efficacy, quality and uniformity.. R. R. BRIDGES, President. DONALD 5IACRAE, Treasurer and Secretary, Wilmington, N. C. LAWTON & LAWTON, Agents, Macon, Ga. jan23-w3mosdlt Double Refined Poudrette ‘Lodi Manufacturing Company,’ JpOR sale in suit customers.. This article is sold for half the since of other fertilisers, and is cheaper for Cotton, Corn, Tobacco and Vegetables, than any other in market. It is made entirely from the night-soil, offal, etc., of New York city. Price, delivered on board in New York city. Twenty-five Dollars per Ton. Pamphlet, etc., giving full informs tion sent on application to JAMES T. FOSTER, Box 3139, New York Post-office. Office 66 Courtlandt Street New York. For sale by ASHER AYRES, Macon, at Thirty Dollies per ton. dec24-w3m BONE FLOUR—BONE FLOUR. ^IRACKED. BONE; Bono _Me*l, Bono Flour, and _ Floated Bone.g arantecd <o produce same effect at HALF COST of Peruvian Guano. Send for circular. Address ;L£STER brothers, feb5-w3m Newark, N.J. B. A. WISE & CO., Cherry Street, MACON, GA. OFFER AT REDUCED PRICES, 300 COOKING STOVES, 100 COAL GRATES, IOO PARLOR ana BOX STOVES. Wishing to close out our entire stock of Cooking Stoves, wo will offer them at great bargains. CP Planters wishing to purchase can do so by Warehouse acceptances without additional cost. Evoiy cook stove warranted or the money returned •©-ORDERS SOLICITED. B. A. WISE & CO., Cherry street, Macon, Ga. rfov2G-tf QUEER OF THE FOUTH PORTABLE GRIS1 MILLS. CORN MEAL, WHEAT FLOURING AND Stoclc Feed, Bolting Apparatus, Smutter* and Mill Work Generally. Our Mills are bnilt from ehoios Dur Blocks, selected at the Quar ries in France by Issao Straub himself. Send for Descriptivo Pamphlet containing treatise on Milling, sent by mail free. Address ISAAC STRAUB & CO., Cor. Frort and John sts., ClX CINXATI, O. septl7-w6m UUB6ELL & CAPRGN’S Turbine Water Wheel gives more power. with less water, than any WHEFL in the market. 24-inch Wheel, $200. Send for illustrated pamph let for 1870. .M anulactory. Lime Rock, Conn ; New York Offioe, No. 21 Court!and Street. feb6-dlm-w2m HUBBELL A CAPR0N GEO. C. MILLER & SONS, Manufacturers of FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES, OIHrCINKTATI. Send tor Book of Style* lauIWwttanlwJkwSm rAOUITY: Willis F. Westmoreland. M. D., Prof. Prin. and Prac. of Surgery. Daniel C.fl'Keefe, M. D.. Prof. Prin, and Prse. of Medicine. John G. Westmoreland, M.D.,Prof.Mat.Med.and Med. Jurisprudence. William S. Armstrong, M. D., Prof. Anatomy. H. V. M. Miller, M. D.. Prof. Clinical Medicine. John M. Johnsoa, M. Dm Prof. Physiology and Pa thology. Jesse Borings M. D., Prof. Obitet. and Disessesof Women and Children. W. H. B, Goodwin, M. D., Prof. Chemistry. Louis H. Orme, M. D„ Prcf. Clinic. Surg. and Dis eases of the Eye and Ear. Jno> Thad. Johnson, M. D. Demonstrator of Anato my. N. D. Alvigny, M. D., Curator. D. C. O’KEEFE, M. D„ Dean. Tickets for the session...., ..........8120 00 Matriculation 5 00 Tickets for dissection 10 00 Diploma 25 00 Board in good families and private boarding houses from $15 to $20 per month. For further information, address the Dean. marlU-w2t WE AJEtE STILL ALIVE! AND SO Will ALL BE WHO TAKE THE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER Complaint are uneasiness and pain in the side. Sometimes the pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaKen tor rneumatism. The stomach is affected sickm , bowels in general with loss of appetite and costive, sometimes alternative is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, con siderable loss of memory; accompanied with painful sensation of having left undone something which ought tn have been done. Often complaining of weak ness, debility and low spirits.— Sometimes some of the above symptoms attendthedisease.and at other times few of them: but Ihmntj! the Diver is gent rally 1 the Diver is gentrall the Liver with Sim well. mons’ Regulator, and all will he Dn, Gtx3vcjx>!C<oi5irs’ LIVER REGULATOR, A REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY A DEKANGED STATE OF THE LIVER. Dyspepsia, Headache, Jaundice. Costiven ess. Sick lioad-achof Chronic Diarrhoea, Affections o' . the Bladder, Camp Dysentery, Affections of tne Kidneys, Fever, Nervousness, Chills, Diseases of the Skin, Impurity of the Blood; Melan choly, or Depression of Spirits, Heartburn. Coiio, or Pains in tho Bowels. Pain in the Head, Fever and Ague, Dropsy. Boils, Pain in the Back and Limbs. Asthma, Erysipelas, Female Affections, and Biliotu Diseases generally Fo2 salo by all druggists, il Si “ By mail $125. A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no injury to any one. It has been used by hundreds, and known for tho last twenty-five years as one of the most reliable, efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. If t iken regularly and persistently, it is sure to cfiect a enre. The following highly respectable persons can fully attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom we most respectfully refer: <>on. W. S. Holt, President S. W. R. R. Company : Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Al bany, Ga.; W. J. McElroy, Esq.. Macon, Ga.; George J Lunsford, Esq., Conductor S. W. R. IL; C. Master- son, Esq., Sheriff Bibb county: J. A. Butts, Bain- bridge, Ga.; N. Binswanger, Esq.. Macon, Ga.; Dykes A Sparhawk, Editors "Floridian.” Tallahassee; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon. Ga.; Virgil Powers, Esq., Su perintendent S. W. R. R.; Daniel Bullard, Bullard’s Station. M. & B. R, R„ Twiggs 00.. Ga.: Grenville Wood, Wood’s Factory, Macon, Ga.; Kov..E. F Easterling. P. E. Florida Conference: Major A. F. Wooley. Kingston, Ga. apr2- dtwtf CONSUMPTION BXSB COUWTY. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. Henry W. Boifeuillet, of said county, apt.iics to fce dis charged from the Guardianship of Klisabe:)* Hall. This is to notify all persons icteie^ted to be and ap pear at the Court of Ordina’y in said c uniy, on the Brat Monday in May, 1»70, tn_show caute, if any they have, why Letters of Dismission should nut be gran.- ed. Given under my hand officially. C. T. WARD. feb2-w3m -Ordinary. N OTICE—Sixty days after dsto application will be made to tbe Court of Ordinary of county, for leave to sell 3fiU acres of Lot of Lend N*. lot. in the first. District of originally Irwin, now Wil cox county, as the properry of James Brown, de ed. fel8-w60d J. K. * W. H. BROWN. Administrators-^ /^JJSORGIA, BIBB COUNIY.—Four weeks after VX date hereof, application ^ill be made to tne Conrt of Ordinary of said county fjr leave to e el I a portion of t he real property belonging to tbe estate of Mirlen Ti twel). late of said count*, deceased March 8,1870. A. H. ROSS, mai?-w4t Administrator. j^DMINISTRyTOR’S SALE ; —By virtue of an or- jLje. der from the Conrt of ordinary of Bibb county, will be sold on tbe first Tuesday in M - T __ _ — ..., _ _.„ay r.ext, during the legal hours of sale, at the Court-bou-o (City Hall) in said county, Lot No. 1 in Square 77. situated and lying on Fourth street, in tho city of Macon, There is on said lot adweliinghouroaudstable. Sold a* the property of J. A. Draper, late of said county, deceased. Terms Cash. S. A. DRAPER, mtr20-w6r.Administrator. ^ DMINISTRATRIX SALE.—By virtue of an or der from tho Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, in front of the Court-house doorat M aeon, ia s id coun ty, between tb« legal hours of sale, the following property belonging to tho estate of Louis it. Sto'es- bury, late deceased: An unexpired lease of four acres of Land in tho City ot Brunswick known as the Stotes- bury Lot—said lot leased from the City Council of Brunswick, about tho year 1SS0. for forty years. Terms cash. ELIZA H. STgTESBURY, mar20 w6w Administratrix. CRAWFORD COUNTY. QEORGIA— CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Where- __ as, John N. Powell, Administrator on the estate of Joseph Powell, deceased, late of Crawford County, having applied for dismission from said administration: Tlicso are to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, If aDy exists, why 6aid letters dlsmissory should not be granted. Given tinder my hand at Knoxville, October 18,1809. JAMES J. RAY, tlfioc mtim Ordinary. Dooxvsr coviffs?. 0.GORQ!A.DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas. David G. .v* ■ aii/vvui vuuti jl a •—»» uuicas* tu u. rvis has applied to motor letters of guardian ship of tbe person and property ef Lucinda and Thcs. F. Cone, minors and orphans of Irwin Cone deceased. These are therefore, to cite all concered to be and ap pear at my office on or before the first Monday in May next, then and there to show causa if any they have, why said letters ehould cot be granted. Given under my ham' 59th day i f March, 1870. mar31-w30d ven under my hand and official signature this, WM. H. DAVIES. Ordinary. HOUSTON COUNTY. Q.KORGIA, HOUSTON CuUNTY.-Whereas. C _ __ Duncan. Administrator de bonis cum testa ments annexo on the estate of J J. Duma*, late of Houston o -unty. deceased, respectfully sboweth that he has full;, administered on taid estate and nowasks to be discharged: These are. therefore, t- eito all persons interested to be and a; pear at my office on, cr before the fir-t Monday in June next to show cause, if any, why tbe petition should not be granted. Giv« n under my hand and seal ot offioe. this I4ih of February. 1S70. W. X. JaWlPT. feblfi w3m O. H. C. GEORGIA. HOUSTON COUNTY.-Whcreas. Wm. vX P. Simmons. Administrator Boling G. M( ■ Airis, represents to this Court that be has fatly settled up tbe said is-ate, and a-k» to bo discharged: Now there are the'etore, to cite all p-riens inter ested to be and appear at my office on, or before the fir3t Monday in June next, to thow cause, if any,why he should not he dismissed. Given under my band and official signature, this 5th January, 1870. W. T. SWIFT, febl8-w3m Ordinary. G EORGIA. HOUSTON COUNTY.-Ordinary’s Of fice for said county. Whereat. Robert Holmes „ ilmcs. late of sard county, dec’d, petition tho undersigned for letters t-f dismission from said trust. These ore, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and appear at my office on or before the 1st Monday in Juno next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be f ranted. Given under my official signature, this 9th, ebrtrary, 1879. W. T. SWI FT, febI2-w3m Ordinary. MACON COUNTY. Tiao I ICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS— Av tice is, hereby given to all persons having Ae- mands against Hiram Q. Gaines. IVto of Macon cooh- tj, deceased: to present them to me, properly sttuWWd. wtttrn tbe time Prtscrtbed by law; and all person* indebted to said deceased are hereby required tosralto immediate payment. H. C. GATLIN. feb25-»40d Administrator ot H. I. Gatne*. - ■\fAC0N SHfcRIFF’hSALl S -Will be eefo befoc* ill the Court house door, ia the town ofOgtetheeas. .-aid county, within tbe legal hours of sals, on the nnl Tuesday in April next, the following property, to-wit: Lot of Lana No. 62, in tbe Second District of ortghs- ally Muscogee, now Macon county, levied on to ratis- fy.the following ti. fas.,issued from a Justice’s Court of said county, to-n it: One in favor of ljromasJ. Wins, ouoiu favor of Jas C. Loyd, and two in favor of A. H. Greer vs. U. L, thealy. Property pointed rut by de fendant, and levied on and returned to me by aoon-. stable. Also. Lota of Land Nos. 33 and 34. in the District and county aforesaid, to satiny the followingfi. fas,, issued from a Justice’s Court tf raid county, to-wit: Two u. las. iu favor of James Gilber, administrator, one in favor of Greer A Adame, one in favor of F. V. Snead, one in favor of Wm. M. Threshold, one in fa vor of Wm. F. White vs. M. L. Sheaiy, and one in fit- nor of Samuel Whito vs. R. B. Pari in andM. L. Shes- ly; levied on as the property of said M. L. Sheaiy. and returned to me by a constable. Property nointo* out by taid Sheaiy. mart, fil'd P.K.RTJSS. Deputy ShertS, * 1 aunuln, MACON COUNTY.—Notice is hereby VJT given to all parties concerned that Sbordriek it. Felton, late ot said county, departed this life testate: that the executor* to said will having also departed this life without fully administering said estate, sad no person having applied for administration tmuuU estate, and thrro befog no representatives of arid executors, and that, in terms ot tbe law, administss- tion will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person, thirty days after tbo publication of this citation, unless some valid objection is made to his appointment. Given under my band and official signators. this 23d day of March. 1870. JOHN L. PARKER. mar2t-w3nd Ordinary. BSAXtlOMT COVNZ7. G EORGIA. MARION enUNTY.-Whereas, Mot- can Kemp, Administrator ot John Kemp.appliec for d ism baton. All interested in said estate arc hereby notified to fiio their objections to the saa.e. if any, within tito time_ prescribed by law Witness ay hand, this February 10.1S70. ,' JAS. M. LOWE, iebl3 w90d Ordinary. / 'i EOKGIA, MARION COUNTY .-Whereas. Perry VX B. Jones. Administrator de bonis non of John B» 1 haggard, has applied for Dismis.-fon: These nrbto cue all interested, to file their objec tions, if any, to the same within the time prescribed b» law. -v Witness my hand, January 15,1S70. JAS. M. LOWS. anl9 w3m Orflinar^. KCAXUOXtr COUNIY. G E RGIA, MARION COUNTY.—E. S. Parker, administrator of James Parker, bar -applied tor letters at dlsmissory All persons -interested are no tified t-> file thrir objections to the came within the time prescribed by law. - Witness my hand, March 17.1870. mar24 w9od JAS M. LOWE, Ordinary. jyjARiON COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALE-Wlllba sold he ore tbo Court House door in the town ut Buena Vista, on the first Tuesday in May next, lot of land No. :05,in the slst district of Marion coun ty. Land sold as the property of-Benjamin, Waller. tn fifitiufv o. fi ♦ j fVam .Iiicfiop’a Ponrf Q(l7th H'atfrinr in to satisfy a 0. fa. from Justice’s Court »(7th (Patriot,in favor ot :f. W. Jmes. Levy made by Jcrho W. Ham ilton. Bailiff. RUBIN DAMILTtlN, mar30-wtd Deputy Sheriff. QlalTWXAJNr COUDJTXr. ('T UARDIAN’S SALE.—Br virtue of an order from VX tho Coart of Ordinary of Houston C 'unty, will be sold on tbe first Tuesday in May next, between tho legal hoars of salo, in front of the Court-House dror iu said county, one town lot No. 4, Block D. contain ing half acre. Fold as the property of Charles Schneider, deceased, for the useothisminorehildren. Terms cash. W. E. BOLEB, marl3-wfiw Guardian. PARALY S5I2S. 30R EIGHT YEABS I have made the treatment F i of Consumption (Lung and Bronchial) a spec ialty, and believe that I can arrest any case of th>g formidable disease (however far it may have ad vanced) in from six to twelve weeks. I do Got pro pose to supply new Langs, nor any large amount of new Lung Tissue, to a patient; but I do propose to prevent farther progross of the disease, to leave the system in that improved condition that robust health may be speedily re-established. The first case of Consumption which it was my good fortune to suc cessfully treat was efa young lady in 1861. In the years 1862 and 18631 bad, charge of Hospitals Nos. 2. 3, and 15. Nashville. Tenn., and of the many cases which came under my treatment there not one re sulted fatally. In 1864 I was Mayor and Health Offi cer of the city of Nattfhez, Miss , also Snegoon of the 2Sth Illinois Infantry, and in pre-cribtog for this disease good health succeeded in every instance. In 1865 I removed to Mjlwnukee, Wisconsin, to superin tend the General United states Hospital, and of the twenty or more case3 which 1 there administered to, I was entirely successful. Tbo samo results havo at tended my practice daring subsequent years, and _I candidly believe that no case exists (however formid able) that my treatment will not speedily eradicate. >!e)-that my treatment wilt notspecffily eradicate. I refer to the above that to those whom this may come that they may not set me down as a quack, for certainly a quack-coul-l never attain to such respon sibilities. REFERENCES: Mat. Gen. Chas. S. Lovell, U. S A-, Colonel 14th U. S. Infantry, whose son I restored to robust health in six w eks, alter most eminent physicians of Milwau kee. Wisconsin, <had pronounced bis case ntterly hopeless; U. M. Lyman. M. D., Editor Medical Jour nal. Cuicigo. Illinois; Maj. R. R. Ryan. Louisville; Mrs. R N. Nichols, Cincinnati. Ohio; burgeon Ries- man. LlbriJge, Illinois; all of whom are indebted to me tor their livea; II Andrew Johnson, late Presi dent of the United States: Gov. Yates. Springfield. Illinois, who twice commissioned lire as Surgeon); Brig. Gen. Swift, Surgeon IL S. A., and Medical Di rector Department of Mis.-issippi, Vicksburg, Miss, underwhoso orders 1 havo s-rved as Surgeon of vol- nteersfor several years, etc., etc. For Bronchitis (acute), send for package No. 1. prior... ..$ 5 00 For Bronchitis (chronic), send for package No. 2. price...— - «... 10 00 For Incipient Phthisis, send for paekage No. 3, price......-...— —. 8 03 For Phthisis Confirmed, send for package No. 4, ^ ^ For Phthiaisj third or iast Stage, send tor pack age No. 5, price— 15 00 An order to one address fur three packages, fifteen per cent, deduction. An order to one address for six packages and up wards, twenty per cent, dedueticu. Packages in ail eases will bo to-warded by express Draftson New York onlyshonlu-bere ri’t-d. This method will be less trouMe, cheaper,-it 1 eater than any other. Address „ _ A. KELLY. W.D., Vicksburg. Mississippi. age No. NERVE SPhCIFrC” will euro Par*.ysis however bad. or of however long standin *nd -tit do so in from threeto eight weeks. A cure in every ease warranty . PackageNo. 4 with Nerve Spec.„ .. .. m d.:..i u6m DR. BAGLEY’S female restorative. DR. BAGLEY’S ' ’NIMITABLE Eve and Pile Preparation used ex clusively for inflamed and chronic sere eyes and pile*. It has been in use for fifteen years without a single instance of faiiure tc give relief. IDS- BAGLE-ST Has practiced the Eclectio system of medicine the rise of twenty years, and treats chronic dieeases with success—such as Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Liver Affection, Kidney, c?o. Female diseases, such as Sterility. Lu- cborea or Whites, Chlorosis; absence of Menstruation at the proper period, Amenorrhoea; Menstruation obstructed in its course alter having been established; Dysmenorrhoca: Menstruation attended by pain and spasms of the hypogastric viscera, with paroximal ggravation and difficult menstruation: menstrual olio Menorrhagia; menstruation too copious—flood ing. Medicine anj. prescrip ion furnished by mail to any part of the _United States, postage treat any chronic case, for five dollars per month. Tho Female Regulator and Inimitable Eyo and Pile Preparation sent far $1 each. Symptoms of diseases must be plainly stated. Money sent by registered letter. Board, medicine and personal attention furn ished at from S20 to $25 per month, at his residence, ten miles east of Americas; Location healthy. Post- office, Americus, Ga. • fcb3-wtf TRUSSES!; SEELEY’S HARD RUB- BBRTKUSSES. SUPPORT- ■ ERS AND PILE INSTRU MENTS, cure Rupture, Abdominal or Uterine Weak nesses and Piles. Different approved patterns. Com fortable. safe, light, cleanly, used in bathing, inde structible (steel springs coated.) Elastio Stockings, Belts. Braces, Bandages, etc.—Grkat Vabikty. Es tablishments. 1347 Chestnut street, Phila., and 3 Ann (UUilhUlHCUVr * tint vuvuiiiww A vvv, a M »•*»■» wuw v ****** street, New York, opposite Herald Building. Send stamp for pamphlet. Sold by all Druggists. Mailed or expressed. feb25-w3m INSTITUTE* NEWBURGH A FAMILY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. T OCATION of unequaled beauty and healthful- . _i ness. Thorough preparation for College, oust- neF8 or profe^ional school, instructors able and ex perienced. Discipline etrict and efficient. .For circulars,etc*, address „ „ r __ 1T> . „ HENRY W. 6IGLAR. A. M.. Newburgh, N. Y. febl2-dlm*w2m A DMINISTRATOR’;* SALE.—Georgia, Hqvstox County —By virtue of »n order fiom the Hou. Ordinary of said county, will be sold, before the Court-house door in Porry. on tho first Tuesday in May next, between the usual hours of sale, ihe fol lowing Lands, to wit: 106 acres of Lot No. 199: 20vJ4 ■errs of Lot No. 260; 100 seres of Lot No 216.and lilt acres of Lot No. 218, making in the aggregate 5u8jj acres, moreor less, all in tbbEleventh Districtr-fEnd county. Sold as tho property of James A. Roque more, lateof said county, decea-ei. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ot said estate. Terms of >ale one-halt each, the other half payable by thefirst of January next, with notes and approved security. EDWARD JACKSON, Adm’r de boni3 non, etc., of Jas. A. Roqaemoro, deo’d. m»r24-w6t QEORG1A. HOUSTON COUNTY. — Ordinary’s _ Officii foe said County.—Tho estate of Mrs. Sarah A. F. Brown, of said eannty. deceased, being unrepresented, citation is hereby issued requiring all persons ictcrested to be ana appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in Mk v next, to show caaso if any they have, wby John H. King, of said county, should not bo appointed administrator de bonis non with the will annexed, in lieu of Josephus Gilbert, Executor, whose letters testamentary have been re voked. Given under my hand and official signatnre. this 23d day of .March. 1870. W. T. SWIFT. mar25-w30d Ordinary. JJOUSt_ON SHERIFF SALE.—Will besotd. before jl* the Court-house door, in the town of Perry, on the first Tuesday in May. the following property, to- hart.fc Curd. aptl-w30d JOHN R. COOK, Sheriff. JJQUSTON COUNtY. MORTGAGE SALE—Will fee sold before tho Court-honso door in the town of Porry on the 1st Tuesday in Juno tbe following property to-wit: Lot of land No. 22 in the 10:h dis trict of Houston county, to satisfy a mortgage fi. ia. in favor of Harvey W. Latbropvs. John R. Kirg. apl-n69d JOHN R. CO JK. Sheriff. JONES COUNTY. Q.EORGI A. JONES CpUNTY.-OBDiSABv’aOmc* vji said county. At Chanbebs, January S. 1870.— Whereas, 1)- Blount and Thomas H- btallwoith, Executois of Beauford Stallworth, deceased, apply to me for dismission; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail per sons concerned to show cause, on or by the first Mon day in May next, if any they have, why tho same shall not be granted. Given under my hand officially. R. T. ROSS, janl2-w3m Ordinary; Q£ORGIA,_JONES COUNTY.-OBnuiAEY’s Of fick, at Chaueeb?, January 13.1870.—Whereas, H. Blount, Administrator do bonis non of tbe JSBM estate of William Paul, deceased; and also Adminis trator of the estate of Mary Paul, deceased, applies to me for dismission from tho administration of said estates. These aretocilo and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, at this office, if any they have to the contrary, on or by tho first Monday in May next. Given under my hand officially. R. T. ROSS. ian!4-w3m Ordinary. QE0R3IA. JONES’s.Of- _ fick. Said County. At Chambers.March 14.1870. Whereas, Wm. D. Green, Guardian of Martha Ham mock ami Sarah L. Hammock, minors of Jackson L Hammock, deceased, applies to me for Dismission. Thess arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, if anvthev have, on or by the first Monday in May next, why the samo shall not be granted. Witness my hand officially, March 14,1870. K. T. BOAS, marl6-wtd* Ordinary, NOTICE. e EORGIA JONES COUNTY—Obdinaby’s Officr, VJT March 21. 1870. An election has this day been ordered to bn held on Thmsday the 11th day of next month (April), at the Tarions voting place in this county for sheriff, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Henry D. Chapman. Witness my hand officially. K. T. ROiS, mar 21-apr Ial2-w2t* Ordinary. JJ1SPEE. COUNTY. EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY.—Whereas, Pamnel VJ u. bay, iixccntor, ana Caroline u. biiy, Execu trix, of tho last will and testament of S. J. Shy, de ceased. havo applied to mo for a discharge from said Executor. hip. All persons concerned are hereby re quired, withtu tho lime fixed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Samuel C. Shy and Caroline O. Sby. should not bo discharged according to the prayer of their petition. Given under my hand and official signature, this 23d day of January, 1870. „ J. W.BURNEY. feb2-w3m Ordinary. /"N EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.—Whereas, Sam- v-< uol C. Shy. Administrator of the estate of Joreph Jones, decease!, makes application for Letters ofDis- mission from taid trust (he having settled up said es- These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, on or be fore the first Monday in May next, why the said let- tew shall iiot is£U© to said applicant. # ^ [ il-\ 1 Given under my hand and official signature this 2d day of November, 1869. y M. H. HUTCHISON. nov5-wtd Ordinary. G EORGIA, JASPE COUNTY.-Whereas, Jc-se jiM. 1 ****■““*-“ * T”* rr ‘ ■*’ - ■ Owens and Elbert Canard. Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Cuuard, late of said county, deceased, apply to have said Will proven in solemn, form; This is to oite and admonish all persons interested to show cans*, if any they have, on the first Monday in Mav next, wby said Will should not be admitted to record. Witness mv h*nd and official signature, this 23d day of Match, 187U. J. W. BURNEY, marS7-wS0d Ordinary. a A ntiRGlA. QUilMAN COUNTY. —Thomas fi. VJT Bryan, Executor of tho last will and testament 'e Coart of James Cooper, ■deceased, represents-to tbe „ in his petition tbstrho hasdully administered James Cooper’s e?ta:e.according to the. provisions of said will. This is therefore to cite hil persons concerned to show cau^ts, if any they can. why raid executor should net be discharged and receive letters <ofdi*- mi ti'in on the first Monday in April. 187'1 Deoem- ber 1869. W. P. JORDAN, jan4-W3mos* Ordinary. ; GEORGIA. QUITMAN COUNTY. — Delaware —• Morris, Administrator, with the will annexed, of Lucy M. lennille, deceased, having applied by written petition for a discharge from hie said admin istration: This is. therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if.anjr they car-, why said administrator should not be dis charge d and receive letters of dismission on the'first Mond y in May, 1870. janlG-w'im* W.P, JOl Urdinaiy. G E RGIA, QUITMAN COUNTY.—Jnoksoa Phil lips, Guardian of Sarah Jane Williamson, hav ing applied to me for a discharge from his guardian ship ot said ward, this is. therefore, to cite all perrons concerned to show cause, Py filing objections in my office, why said guardian should not be dismissed ca the first. Monday in May next. Given under my official signature, this January 11,1S70. W.P. JORDAN. ian!4-w3mos* Ordintt n«T. QEORGrA..QUITMAN COUNTY.—Whereas Heo- _ ry L. Baikcotn. Administrator of Ichabod Balk- Cum. represents to tbe Court, in tu written petition, tkaihehfts fully administered lahebod Baltrcom’* ertate, this is, therefore, to cite alt persons concerned. mission on the first Monday in July. 1ST0. „ „ . W.P.JORDAN. apr.3-w3m* Ordinary. TWIGGS COUNTY. . =»< E XECUTOR’S, SALE.—Under and by virtue of oa i_order Horn the huperior Court of l’wiggs_ in the case ot James T. Glover, Executor of D„ «. Shine vs. C. L. Rcdwine etal-will be offered for Sale, to the highest bidder, on the first Tue day in April next, before tho Court-House door, in Ilawkinaville, Pulaski county, a quit claim deed to Lot of Land No. 11, in the 21st district of originally Wilkinson now Fulaski county. Terms cash. JAMES T. GLOVES. fcb20-w6w Executor. G eorgia, twiggs couNXT.-Enoch j. ca lms, Administrator on the estate, of Junes.M. Ware, deceased, having petitioned to be discharged frem raid administration, all persons wbo are 'con cerned are required, within tbe time fixed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Enoch I. C Jlins should not be discharged according'to tbo prayer of his petition. Giren under my haud, offi cially, this January the 16th, 1870. JOHN F. BRINK, janl9-w3m Ordinary. QEORGIA—'TWIGGS COUNTY.—-Whereas, John R Andrews and William A. Andrews^ Administrators of Abisha Andrews, lato county, deceased, having fully discharged their trust, apply to me for letters of dif mission front their said trust: This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all parties interested to be and appear at my ofllce witbin tbe time prescribed by law and 6how cause, if any they can, why such letters should not be granted to said applicants. Govern under my band and official signature, this Novem ber 2, 1809, JOHN F. SHINE, novo mbm/„ QpQfljiqt. Y. A V Y . G eorgia, TWIGGS '/GUSTY.—'Whereas, Caro- r — — - - - • - .r ■j ’ivvjifii j. if iviu*j vvUi’iAi. «i uereftS) vbIu line Coly, having fully administered the estate of George W- Lamb, de.’eused.and made her final return thereon, petitions for, a discharge from said adminis tration: These are. therefore, to eito and admonish all per,-'-ns concerned to b« and appear at my oBe». .thin the tiu c proscribed ly law, and show cause, if any they have, why said applicavti-hould not be di*- missed. in accordance with theprayerof her petition. Given under tny band officially this march 7th. 1879.- JOHNF. SHINE. mnr9 6w Ordinary. /GEORGIA, TWIGGS COUNTY.—Two moathn VX niter dr.te. application will be mde to the Court of Ordinary of Twicgs county, Georgia, at the first regular term after tbe expiration of two months &m thi* notice, for leave to sell all ttse land of the estate of \\ illin.'i J Hammock, i iteofsaid county, deceased, lor the ijcnefiiof tho heirs ofsaid deceased. JEREMIAH PANDERS. * tnar\2-w2mos Adm’r ds bonis non. w* * 4 Wilkes & Dillingham, MANUFAC TUNER’S * _ x II JEM! 7-t .1 Woolen & Cotton Mill Findings DYE STUFFS, COTTON WARPS, B0LTI5G CLOTH, BURS MILL ET05E8, Card Clothing, Roll Carding Machine^ Portable Com and Wheat MiUs, Smut am* Separating Machines Leather and 3 Rubber Belting', Lace Leather, Steam Packing, Hose, .fee. «t| Agents for all kinds of Woolen and' Cotton Machinery. Hciid for a Catalogue. LOCISTULE, Ki mar22-3mo ’in i.n^-i . l frifrsni rnmtm MS CUD Alt CANE ANDPORGHUM MILLS, KVAJP- O . ORATORS and HORSE DOWERS,- ectbodyiaw, all the recent improvements and ’akin ~ •very hind in market. Mauntaotured l SQUISH A BRO^ Bnffalo. N. Y. “ Sorgo JisnUaJs for 1S70 sent free. iTnflTtifitnfrmi