Newspaper Page Text
\y *
* , .TJ
The Greoraia Weekly Telegraph and Joiirnal 6c Messenger,
hi 114 .dPH,
October 18.—Both sides continue
^•rating near 0rleans - The rrassians
^’'orleius and camp near Meung. Ad-
^^froni Lille report the arrival of large
•***. fjrc ei in the Northern Department.
P®*’ n colnmn on each bank of the Loire.
ty prn^i an8 > ovidenUy, are coming towards
1 gn(J Xours. Another successful sortie
P* v risis just announced. The Prussians
t,.l> thousand. No further particulars.
^ cf removing the capital from Tours
^ d Tne discipline of the armies has
improved lately.
^ ’ « bows is favorable. The Seine has been
.*.1 affording communication with forts
and Ivry. The Mobiles make suc-
1 forties. Sharpshooters are operating
^ •. Jr among the German linos of commu-
• . No official intelligence has beenro-
{wm Orleans to-day. The Government
information to ensure the success of
ic movements. Shells were thrown into
^L Dan this afternoon. A tclegTam from
^* 3 annnnnces that tho Germans occupy
1650 , rfjjere being no United States repre-
j n Tours the French Government re-
^ '.a. Vow York Associated Press to make
rsests tne
» . at. a Am AIT
' nc w postal treaty between the two na-
"bosnos, October 18.—Bourliaki, who eom-
dstbo army of the North, will eo-operatp
.. The rinderpest is spreading over
to tha American people the desire to
... gamine. The rinderpest is spreading
tinen t. The investment of Soissons
C .° D h e * e cks and tho bombardment three
if*,' Det^lJ of the battle at Bagneux: At
toe in the morning, the French opened a fierce
Ellery fire, to which the Prussians answered.
The Mobile Garde advanced at S double-quick,
-d a fierce battle ensued. The Prussian po
rtion was carried at the point of the bayonet.
Ite Prussians were nnable to withstand the
■udanche of men poured upon them. Thoyre-
i :!f d ineffectually, to several slrategems, and
ton* dispersed. The French entered Bag-
ysi'and soon carried tho Prussian barricade.
Heavy masses of Prussians now appeared on tho
Atrenand the French, protected by the forte,
retired unmolested-the object of tho recon-
ttoisance being, in every respect, accomplished.
Jhe Prussians loss 300 killed and 100 captured.
The government has abandoned the prosecu
tion of Flourens, at the instance of Rochefort.
The Times reminds its readers that to-day i3
the anniversary of the great battle of Leipsic,
jal«l3. The day hss been regularly celebrated non ‘
It is understood in German camps that the
bombardment from all tho batteries will com
mence to-day.
Three thousand wounded Germansand French
sre at Orleans. The German armies in France
in constantly reinforced. It is estimated that
fulhix hundred thousand effective Germans
ire now on French soil. Nothing from Laferte
md St. Auburn. Gambetta has left Tours for
Versailles, where an army is organizing to
check the Prussian advance on Lyons. The
Prussians have made no movement towards
Blois or Tour*.
Thiers has returned to France. It is reported
that Frassia tenders mediation, and that Aus
tria and England are anxions for peace.
The Bankers to-day decline to negotiate Ber
lin paper.
Hamburg and Bremen are threatened by tbe
Trench fleet. The excitement in these cities is
intense. Rumors of an armistice are current
in banking circles, and stocks are advancing.
London, October 18 —The Prussians are using
the new railroad to Paris opened by the capture
of Soissons. Tbe powerlessnes3 of tho Paris
tional Guard and nine -hundred Franc-tireura
disputed every inoh of ground. The Prussian
force was 8,000. Nothing official from the large
armies concentrating near Orleans. It is un
derstood that the French, are slowly falling
back, while the Prussians seem to be withdraw
ing towards Orleans.
Tours is filled with French troops, just ar
rived. A baud of Ameriean-Irisli volunteers
have just reached here.
London, October 10.—A dispatch from Cha
teau Dun says the Prussians have commenoed
bombarding that plaee. The army of the Duke
of Mecklonburg Schwerin, 82,000 strong, en
tered Soissons on Sunday. Fifty thousand
pounds of ammunition was found. It is thought
at Lille that the surrender was brought about by
treachery, instigated by the Bonapartists, who
are known to bo scheming in the Isle of Jersey
and London to place the Prince Imperial on the
throne with Eugenie as Regent.
The explosion of sn ammunition wagon near
Sedan caused a panic. The gates were closed
and the draw bridges lifted. The explosion
was caused by some smokers. Many wete
killed and wounded.
The sortie from Paris, on tho 14 th, was driven
back. The French, entrenching at Yille Naif,
were driven off. Five hundred French of the
Garde Mobile prisoners escaped from tho Ger
mans at Chateau Thierrn.
It is asserted that Napoleon has ten millions
francs invested through the agency of Brown
Bros., New York.
Peace negotiations by Favre and Burnside are
rojected. It is stated the terms were £80,000,-
000 sterling, indemnity; Alsace and Lorraine
to remain neutral ten years, and then decide
their future status by a plebisoitnm; the Prus
sians to enter Paris and sign the treaty.
General Boyce, with a flag from Bazaine vis
ited Bismarck.
Russia demands a revision of the treaty of
Spirited fighting along tho Rouen road.
Bonrbaki is at Blois.
Tho Prussians burned tho bridge at Beau-
Gambetta has returned.
Dispatches from Belfort report a successful
sortie from New Brissach, driving the Prussians
with considerable loss from their position,
sortie from Monimedy surprised the Prussians
and captured 400 camp chests, with twehiy
thousand francs and two wagons loaded with
chassepots.' On the following day they attacked
Louisville, October 19.—A suit has been , Tlie Lato Buttles Reforc Metz,
commenced to remove Judge Lindsay fromthe j the Aew Tork Tribune. |
the 14th Amendment. 1 tho m03t important effort that Bazaine has made
Boston, October 19.—Butler- has been xe- ' since the Prussians have thrown their belt of
nominated for Congress. . • • J | men, guns and earthworks aronnd the fortress.
up a constant fire, preventing the Prussians I ong
from constructing works. I The morning was dull and misty;. About one
Garibaldi was enthusiastically received at o'clock I was sitting at lunch with two staff offi-
-R-lfAi cers, in an asbor m General Summer s garden,
... when the guns of the Pru-man batteries by
General Lefort resigned the portfolio of the Lemeconr rbegan to giro tongue. The roar of
War Department. the guns became louder and louder, and then
' Liyeiipool, October 19.—The ship Alhambra - came first one great boom and then another,
has two feet of water in her hold. The ships **
Dofrothy, Mayflower and Fawn returned to Car- manner j n w Mcb they were foiled, I *>ive a brief
diff damaged. They experienced heavy gales, description of the ground. From Metz to Me-
Raleigh, October 19.—The State fair is pro- zieres there is a long trough with flat bottom,
• * 1 the alluvial margin of the Moselle. - This tract
grossing finely, with excellent weather. aW fonr E( f lish miles w5de . 0 n the west
Fortbess Monroe, October 19.—There was a j g b OUI1( j e( i by heights, and nearer Metz by
grand parade of the fire department in Norfolk Norny and Sanlny; on the east it is bounded by
to-day, in commemoration of Cornwallis’sur- a lower series of bluffs, on whichstandthe 'nl-
lages of Olgy and Malroy, but between them
render at Yorktown. ,, runs the Moselle, infringing considerably on a
Atlanta, October 19.—The State Fair opened fl at eipanso jnst opposite Olgy.
to-day. Five thousand persons present. Across the bottom, at the narrowest part thos
‘ The Atlanta, from Savannah, won the prize formed, lies a series of viUages. the Two Tapes
» * . i - and Streney with Maze and Ladononamps, re-
of tho fastest single trotter. speclivelv, slightly to the east and west front
Tbe Radical members of the Legislature are moteor i 0B8> There were Prussian troops in
busy mailing election documents. Tbe envel- all these place?. Tho dispositions detailed to
ope3 are franked by J. H. Platt, member of me by the staff officer had been substantially
_ .... maintained.
Congress, from Virginia. . Bazaine had laid his scheme with great art.
Staunton, October 19.—Mr. Corcoran, of Under cover of the dense fog be had made his
Washington, while attempting to mount a mov- dispositions with such adroitness that when it
ingcar, was sirnck by a piano on the platform bnfcompletTSteffimtTnstence he
and narrowly escaped death. ^ directed a strong assault on Ijadonchamps.
Madrid, October 18.—Barcelona is still landwehr outposts held the place as if
closed. Rodriguez declines a place in the min- they were 10,000 instead of 100 men and the
istry. French sent their infantry swarming into it
are flooded. Leinecourt were hard at work and also others
Mobile, October 18.—Twenty yellow fever nearer the town, while the great gunB at Frine-
deaths since our last report The Can’t-gat- court were sending shells atlowrange-right over
away clnb. Laving expend.A its funds in relto.-
ing sufferers, appeals to absentees and the gen- £ er i e3 - WCT0 maintaining a semi-cross-fire.—
erons hearted everywhere for assistance. Oth- p rom the blaff, on tho other side of the Moselle,
erwiso tho club will be compelled to suspend between O'gy and Malroy, the Prussian field
operatioas. Weaae .« M .d T s “ a a’.^ k ft“Sg«
*>om Atlanta ' of Grandes Petites, Tapes, Strenoy^and Maxe
. From AUauw. wero overwhelmed by a cataract of Frenchmen
Special to the Telegraph ana Messenger. J j The Fdty-Dinth Landwher in Streney would
Att.avta, October 18.—Senate.—A motion not fall back, in common prudence, as it should
to reconsider the Mitchell heir compromise was have done, but stood up there in Aha sUMt^nn-
lost by seven majority,
of the motion to reconsider.
Rain at Bright.
fina:v:;;al anii ooMvr^ n Lni.
Weekly Renew of the Market.
Patter, patter, dreary rain
'Gainst my lonely window-pane—
Hid from view the Night’s fair Queen,
Peeping stars no longer seen, .
Patter dreary rain!
Poured ont is the soul to-night— r
Flickers in the heartthe light,
Through the darkness and tbe damp,
Sweet and precious from tbe lamp
Memory has lit!
. • ■ • o.... m.
Fast and steadily the rain
Dashes 'against my window-pane—
Close and heavy is the air,
Burdened i» the heart with care;
Darker grows the night!
e WIV3 miYO UUUC, uut OVUJU a.*# - -- a
Conlnv voted in favor tR the French having played upon it withtheir
Conloy voted ll^»VOT ortilleryand r<linea chaKFepot and mitrailleuse
Dull, determined, plashing, rain, . . .
Wet with tears my lonely pane,
Lull me to delicious dreams—
Voices sweet your dropping seems,
And my soul is stirred!
Thrilling the mysterious chain
' ‘ Binding heart to heart again; ■ 1
Come sad yearnings vain and sweet.
For those forms we ne’er can meet
Tn this Land of tsars!
. Vet their loving glances seem
Ever stealing through my dream—
Fitful, homeless, moaning mind,
Bringing voices sad and kind,
Sing, oh, sing to me!
Sing! to night my spirit grieves—
And ye dark and shaken leaves, -
Trembling, struggling in the rain,
Whisper, too, against my pane
All the low winds say!
Softly, sweetly, dies the rain—
Gently sighB the wind again; • ■»'
Odors float upon ite wings,
. ; And it joyful tidings brings—
Lo, the morn has corns'!
. - , IX.
Night, with garments black is o’er—
Shivermg Spirits come no more;
Weird, fantastic, Spirits bold,
Through the wind and rain and cold,
Sigh and moan no more!
October 19 —Evening. 1876. j
Octxcn. Receipts to-day, 815 bales; sales S'3;
| shipped 814.
Receipts for the week ending this evening 4,654;
! sales 4,864: shipments 4,209.
Tho market closed dull on the date of our last
weekly review at IS)* for middlings, at which price
it stood until noon of Monday last, when a slight
advance in the New York and Liverpool markets
was announced, and to which this market imme
diately responded, and it closed firm on that day,
with a strong demand, at 13J^. On Tuesday prices
.gain advanced a J^e., and all offered was readily
taken on a basis of 13Ji for middlings, the market
closing firm and holders asking 14 cents. To-day
the Utter figures were the rulingprioe for middlings,
up to the hour when the usual evening reports from
New York are received, when the demand was
1 slightly checked, and" the market dosed quiet and
I rather weak at 14 cents.
I Stock on hand Sept. 1,1870—bales.. 2,334
I iaB6tfc^ra~.uSUM*
| Shipped to-day........ , OM -
| Shipped previously 18,413-19,227
c%n LOTS of 250 acres each in the 10th District of
ZD Mitcholl county—341, 342, 848, 844, 334, 885,
837, 338, 839, 340, 301, 308, 301, 305. 806, 807, 293,
294, 295, 2!K>, 298, 264, 265, 26 >. 267 253. „
The Albany and Thomasville Railroad passes
through six lots—293, 294, 295, 296, 266, 284.
In the tract ia a good Plantation, with a good
House and eight Cabins. Barns, Stables, large Mule
Sbed and Fodder House, Blacksmith Shop, Mill
Site, eto., etc., about one mile from Railroad Star
tion No. 2. The land is well timbered, and the best
joint between ThomasvQle and Albany for a Saw
; dill. Titles perfect. Terms made known on day
of sale. A. P. Wright, Esq., of Thomasville, or
Mr. E. McDonald, of Camilla, will furnish any fur
ther information desired.
(Surviving parter of G H. McLaughlin & Co J
octlSdtaw w3t Augusta, Oa.
To thoTax-Payera of Bibb County
T HE Tax Books are now open for the collection
of the 8tate and County Taxes for the year
1870. My office is at the earns place. George B.
Barker's Store, Cotton avenue. p ^ H EATH.
octlGsu tu th wedtf T. O. for Bibb Co , Ga.
Stock on hand this evening
Financial.—The money marketia graduallygrow-
[ ing easier under tho daily heavy sales of cotton.
Indeed, we never saw a crop of cotton being dis
posed of bv planters with more rapidity than that
of the present year, and hence, mono; is becoming
more plentiful, and the banks are better able to ex-
[ tend accommodation, as the acceptance paper dis
counted by them is being taken up.
• Tho operations in the stock and bond market are
so few and far that quotations cannot be
accurately given. They are merely nominal, and wo
I omit them. We quote:
Buying .....& dis
Selling P 41,
united states ounKENcrr—loans.
I Permonth i !>«• « n ‘
Moxtkzuma.Qa., October 1Z,MP9.
To the Citizen* of the Thirteenth Senatorial JfhtP&t.'
B EING eligible to any office within th} gift of the
people of this State, anl celing a deep
in the'relfare of my native State,,that the should
htTe just and editable arid that said laws
should be honestly executed, anil st ict economy
in the appropriation of the people s money, and tnat
the State Kailroad should he
that will guarante© reaaon.hhlc dividends to tne
State Treasury, and that toe people eh u’.d hare a fair
chance to express their wi l whether they deairetne
removal of the fct&te Capit»\l to Atlanta, and that the
per di^m of members ot the Legislature eeredsujed
to fire dollars; and that the LegUlaturo pjm a joint
resolution askir g Congress to remove all politscai du-
ahiiitiesof oureitixe* s On this Platf orm, I announce
myself a Ocn-ervatvve Candida e for the office orf;en-
ator«f this District, and pledge myself, if elected, to
support these principles. A £ gMITH n
octlS dlaw&wtodec22. Att«>rn»y st Lww.
Baying rates for Silver —
Selling 1 05 .
...1 C3
Geocebies and Peovmons—Trade in this line
has been moderately good all the week, and prices
have ruled firm with an advancing tendency. Tbe
„„„ . ■ . BobinO into thiv Subtebbanean. Sea.—-On
Uiu bullets-thev finally pushed backward the shat- Thursday last the labors of the parties who had ......
Tho bill amending sections 42, and 145 of the tered remnant by dint of sheer numbers. The been boriDg for the last-eighteen months in stock of old bacon is now unusuaUy light, bath here
Code was reconsidered, and the words, ‘Wall Fusilier batallion of the Fifty-eighth occupied Lincoln, the capital city of Nebraska, for salt mnd m Was tun markets, and there isverylittlenow
LOuO was reconsiuereu, »nu ru Grande Etapes, and it occupies Grando Etapes I ^ ateF) wero crowned with auccesa. At the totha hands of producers. Corn is rathor weak
nn ATfillflrv train eaDtsrine a number of can-1 such convIcts 811011 be immediately released, but ^ OCC u pa tion consistsof dead and dept h 0 f six hundred feetbelowthe surface,iu quotlt ions, and soon tho new crop will bo coming
an artillery tram, captwnng a numner oi | woro 8 tricken ont and the bill passed. : wounded. ■■ • a rtratnm of sandstone, a lead of the greatisub- ^ maybQ confident:y anticipated, as
to.d so o,d.r to-day, thr<»l.»»B to, o^ ™ .nd t.U.d to. tho ^ KtSm! dSj “h.«“ cofloSrfMro^r .Sd SlocM iio tat
to shoot nm ebt< : same regiment suffered horribly. So far Bazaine and ^ith great force and increasing strength, barrel. Whisky is firm at 1 35
subordinates, and asks the men I
he fails in the duty.
New Yohk, October 18.—Winslow, Lanier &
Co.’s paying teller is absent with $50,000. The
firm withholds his name and won’t prosecute.
Two persons were sentenced to-day to nine
years’ imprisonment each for perjury in a di
vorce case. - * - 1 . .
Tho St. Laurient sailed to-day, full of rifles,
cannon and howitzers sold by the United States
sell at $X0@11 per
for com proof. We
The Governor vetoed the resolution to allow bad 6UC ceeded. Ho had occupied a cha* of forming a briny rivulet. It is believed by the append quotations for a few leading articles:
Navy Department.
Mr. Davis arrived to-day in the Cuba.
- rnnm vt„ o in tbe CaDitol building ' villages, and had got a few batteries of artiEery esp eits who have seen the flow that when tha jj^cON—Clear Sides (smoked)....? 20
theuseof xoomX*-inne>Capitol . outdbtheK front to reply to the Prussian fire, L^r fa withdrawn andtubing inserted astream clear Rib Sides (emokod)... 19*
for the American Bible Society, and the veto - gtata qno he neither wished to, nor 0 f water will be projected from the well to the » Shoulders
wassustained. could, retain. , . . . height of fifty feet, making it thejmost mag- L
The bill to lease the State Road was read. ; Tho Prussian artillery throwing^their projec- nificent artesian weU of Balt the BULK mAK^lear^ ••• 18 ^
Conley took the floor infavorof amending tiles from three sides the parallelogam, inter-1 world ._cr w n«1 Bluff* jlov,*) Nonpareil. _
the House bill, which he declared perpetrated a As regarded the forme*,' it' bMMM LI VKRREG JLATOB, or H KD? OOBN _ whi t 0 ' iU f !". '*1 30 © 1 35
fraud. He offered amendments making the bond ssemed c i eaf t hat Bazaine would not have done fc|i||l|nWfi»|^NB c for Oyspepsia.Headac.e. - w or 1 15 @ l 20
given by the lessees one million, instead j wbat bo had if he did not contemplate some- IMEAL ‘ , % \ f.
of eightmiffion, and limiting through, as weU , con- fHSSSSta ^ J Jl g
as local rates. Both amendments were voted ■ with Xhionville. I purity of tho Bl. oi, Meliacholy or Depression of | WHEAT —Por buabel ] ?’ & 1
© 02*
0 19*
© 17
@ SO
© 19*
© 18*
<3 16*
Judge Anthony Hartman and City Marshal I down ^ an( j b m p ag3ed . Yeas 25, nays 7. ; His tactics were well conceived. From Stre-1 ailments tere enumerated have their
Donovan, have been arrested for a violation of g ena » 0 in executive session, confirmed ney and tho Two Tapea, he kept the Prussian orKiainndi-eas'dliv.r, vihiohis thomostpreva ent
the registry laws. | numerous election managers and adjourned till j ' tSunuinet,«SiS
to-morrow. 1 — - - » —■ '-*•* »♦ * h “
Arrived steamer Rapidan.
1 03 © 1 25
2 0O © J 25
. . 2 00
1 >iu
2 on | <-•:
Tennosae Timothv
. • - W f!® 3 I ouirosthHt'.ome'Veiutdy sl oufil bo p'rovided that j Tennessee
- „ - , , -n_ r ! of Tirailleurs, who fared extremely ill at the ^ ou!d not t be i e «t impair ihe.conititiuuoi), acd BAGGING AND IRON TIFS.
The World’s special balloon letter from Pans, HoTJSE ._Tho following bUls were reconsld- | handa of the Landwebr. But I 1 oTmmon'rrb^ULATOR tSer?c» be^dotSitl I KeatoS^ peryard.. || @
(,f tl:<- 14th, MV.H, the public square and pleas- j . tQ aulbor j za the city of Albany to builds massed a great ^body of ^ filsjsmKWfiassMsaaur. ’
Paininthes'de: Sonietiniesthe Eagleperyard..... 34 ® 83 -,
rr,, a r I I i T V 17 11 ■ pain is telt under the shoulder-I A now Ties per ton, per pound —j jR
The moment was a critical one. The Ltnd- I B |j | , D K B blade: ,•> snmetimesm atakenfor I Arr0W Ties, retail, perponnt} T 0 7*
the head is troubled with pstn, aecompa I „ ■ , vinrket Itenort
a dull, he vy sensation. There u gentr- I Morning MarKei itepori
' - m~ New York, October 19, morning—Flour shade
firmer. Wheat 1 better. Com heavy. Pork quiet.
| negro, per diem relief; sundry loan and build- j
1 ing associations of Augusta. ‘ Wes witifthe exception of one "brigade; that I aioinach <saffecud
The following bills passed: To authorize ^ w £^ eserve . bn t the Tenth Army Corps had »£»*{* g^ r e 8l d
their dead at Bayneanx.
Vebsailles, October 19.—'The Prussians drove
three thousand MobUe Gardes from Oritenlon _ .
the 12th. Gen. Von Worder reports that tho J h Comptroller”General to settle with the Tax * b^ n ‘crossing a pontoon bridge and massing be-1 ^J} ^Yti ^ dnii“he J Ty/snsuiom Thera iagcnrr- |
„bid fro»* b.,.».u«dtt Belfort end | Wciaoni ^| ta ef |
an attrndaat; The patient eompW of | L, "£ t ^® ia * hado eaeier . uplands 16^16*.
Turpentine easier at 45rf45*. Itosin_steady.
Stows steady. Money 536. Gold 12*. Sterling,
short 9*. Bonds, 62s 12*.
October 19, morning—Consols 92*.
spirits are low; and, »1-
Positive Salo at ThomaBville,
Administrator’s Me.
tttILL be sold before the Court house do:r in the
VV town cf.Irrcinton. Wilkinaon o-unty; on the
first Tneidac-in Deceuibe* nex^i within tja# le&ftl
.hour* of sale,tbe follow, eg Real Estate to-wit:
tifte n hundred »nd ‘hi'ty-nine U^) u •oret of
l:in-L moro or lees, lying m tho tnd 26th diBtiicta
of 8»id county of Wil^r .eon, kno^n as theLucmda
H. Wright place. a<minin* *and8 of ' \\. L. Carswell.
‘ Me All*, m. e.-t* te of ud, Mrt EIiea
A., A
Whipplo and others . . -
About 030‘half the plvce is in a, go.attM of cul-
ti«iwioa an 1 undtr feuce. t ,
Xher* is a iood twj sto^y boa e on the plsco. with
al. the necc3?ary ouf>buildiDgo, cr^b-*,* etc 2 two
od well* of water and a good tip hou*a and screir.
Also* the PlMHati-n known as tho Parks i»Ia:e.
l>ing in v e 23d district of sad cour.ty, cent am mg
six hundred a'd thirty »cre%- moro *r w,‘ aad one
hundred acres adj'ining. known sj the Ujpft pUce,
aojo nif'g Linds of Mis* Flisi \\ hippie, ber-rge Lats-
we' l and others. ... .
There a*e on tbe place a dwel irg hoiise, gin Souse
and iciew. and the necessary oat. buddings, enb*.
ethbU^etc., and a goo t w llofwat^r _ . ,
A 1 of these lands are well In wn as the Porter s
Cr* ek lands ontLihe best oottoii 1 nds in the county.
Also, will bo sold at the tame tnno and Plece^a
Srorc-hou°e ’ r d Lot is the town of Irwinton.
house'.s new, 5>f«;t lone cit-wiu o, slid two
stories high. It 5 dfitSiOy W front of the C-urt-
hon'e. and one of the best ba-mess t tends i» town.
All of tho ab;ve and fore. <.in« i roper:y sold as the
a— —r D 'A VU Vii «itv1 a la»A ftf aoid OfiDStT. dfl*
WJterty ofB A. Whipple,'late of said county, do-
CPAFed.for^he benefit of heirs and creditors bold by
authority cf an o der of the Ordinary of ta Wcounty.
lersi« of sale, one-half cash and the b nance at
twelvemonths, with mortgage <M the property as se*
curity, and intercs* from date !fnbt punctua ly paid.
Poss ssion. 25th December. & b. WHIPPLE.
octI9 lawin«6w. ' ■ Administrator.
jric*. October 17.1870.—By virtue of an order of
e-day in oeptemoer, Joiu, ox xuiiwwiu*
described property having, failed s to comply mhtM
terms'of s'aid sale,) will be sold before the Court
house door in the city of Macon, county of &bb, of
said State, on the first Tuesday in Dejtomber.lWO. the
following property, to-wit: Westhalf of Lot 3.8quara
42, in said city of Macon, j-dninx —Clinxsealer.
Mrs. Holimesworth, et al. Sold as the property of
Mrs. Hollinrsworth. t. — -r- ,
Emily Bennett, deoewed, AVwsLL 4
creditors. Terms cash. JNO. W. MAk\W 5jjV-
o:U0-w6w Administrator, with will annexed.
Cotton Factors aM Commission Merchants,
Fourth Street, i t Macon, Ga.
-uiison for offensive movements is moro; evi
d-nt No sortie? since September 30. The i•** “ i oouuoiui«. uiwhuv-. j ""»iu^^r/a* ne ral Von Volet wasincoaunandol I » P'Ui'uiseus™^ _
I pto n. , 9 - A ■»«>) ^ ”“ ,y ! -s
hUvo. The fall of Ron on involves tlie sever- j ^ ^ ^ledo, Wabash and Western Railroad JRR - — :
co _ ni - ntlication bet ec ran off tbe track. Two killed and threo fatal.y 1 1(mdg f or national cemeteries to tbe United | lu ^ ap deP3Q columns of companies jiffirenq-1 *^ p b ^®QMurre? wtw^few^ttjm existed*, yet | xuvj>i^~y nggofo-oS5BB! aslps ia.000
Southern France. j hnrL e talcg PQT o m ment . fliers bands playing and colom unfurled., But %$££#£** the body after death has shq,n the I fine; uplands8*@8*; Orleans 8*@9, talesXt,two
Hoag Kong advices to tbe 27th report fresh ^ 13 _ The U W Bn ; t off Con, 0clober biU to all the -orkwasnot Wc for Western^ wheat 8s 93; winter wheat 10. to
H AYING built a large warehouse and made am
ple arrangements for tho accommodation of
^jmearooL, October 19, morning.—Cotton oMued
mitted tbe snbject matter thereof, jurisdiction 0 { t i es 0 f five thousand inhabitants, |
overruled, and evidence affecting Bennetts I PP ^ flssea _ yea315 , Mys 10 . «
/.Loi-ootor Avelnded. Bennett claims a hundred I 1. mnntnt.
hurt I States government . > . . j
‘bbSs^, October 18.-The Independence^ ^L^fendlnLtd'-1 provide ter the better government of cities and j
Beige continues the attack oa Bismarck a poli-
*r, and charges him with dealing with insinua
tions uosustained by facts.
Bebun, OctobeT 18.—The peoplo of jStras-
bnrg are generally satisfied with tho situation.
1 few who fired from the windows since the
capitulation were promptly arrested. Tho offi
cial language hereafter will be German, Tho I acce8Sory t0 the Nelson murder. I
St. Cloud Palace is a total ruin. The pictures q rul ^ Si October 18 -Deaths yesterday J* "JLJV R ^he Mil 'Za indefinitely post- taW them and the .Prussians, the
... ^ 1 Tbe memorial ceremonies to General riow entertain it. ihe Dm was in if were obBtinftte and would go no father.
The memorial ce I ^ ( In Tain the Prussian artiUery fired on the ^il-
mb .tu. Com 18s 6d to 9d. ...
Lateb.—Cotton easier; uplands 8*: Orleans 8*.
| character excluded. Bennett
| thousand dollars damages. The case was re-
[ Burned to-day.
Philadelphia, October Id.—Hon. Win. B.
Mann has been unconditionally discharged as
10 - '•* ' - . J parts of Fort St. Eloy; but th?^mitraUleusea
The bill authorizing the Governor to appoint aoun ded their angry whiz, compeuing the star-
a sheriff in certain cases was lost. ; mishers to recoil as they crossed the hoe ofTlje, 1 IrkOCLAT
a snemr m ce Savannph * tearing the Chassenrs in front of the sohd
. . . ! masses of which they were the forerunners, eat edmsfittw.
and divide the city into wards was taken up. i The attm and skirmishers were enough for
Wooten made the point that the Senate hav- tbo p renob . The dense columns staggered and uetrirBS&Jfl;
similar bill, it could not broke, but when they had once got stone and " ■
e, beadeehe or sfek stomach, a
ea#o<w.*uI or more
October 19, evening—Bonds 92*.
pn.i . ... .,„,i Markets—Evening Report.
ftreneompUmms^col- N zw Yobk, October 19. — Cotton weak;
^ijiren, as well lI1 ss E adal5i4^Kpu^^,t6iAijd’Western superfine 5 80 to 5 50;
.supper, or eat sometbia* Southern firoiinwratot 0 *!* 11 ® xtra '. 68 ? t0 8 J?1
il; prodneins lour stcmaSh, 1 KOO q , 0 choice 6 55 to 8 75- Wheat moderate except
1 a ffood dose will tiy.oMv xcfninrreff and amber Western 138 to 141;
all our customers, and having been most successful,
both in the sales wo have made for the past two
seasons and in the general satisfaction we nava
given our customers in handling Cotton, w* earn
estly appeal to our friends who have not heretofore .
done so, to give us a trial in the sale or -their crops,
or at least to share their basinesa with ua.
We ha' e no complaints to urge against our Hon
orable and high-minded compeers in the Factorage
business—so from it, that we do not think sny oty
can boast of better warehouse men, or a better Cot
ton market, all things e’nsidwed, than Macon.
But we do ask that our FRIENDS shall give ns the
email commission incident to tbe r ale of their cropt.
We will advance liberally on Cotton consigned
ns. And will hold Cotton, when desired.
We will furnish our customers with all plantation
Lee at tho St. Charles Theatre were held to-1 {<J prob i b it the collection of ths
ud tapestry were destroyed.
Valenciennes, October 18.—An attache of the
foreign affairs office has jost arrived from Pa
th. The Prussians are calm and hopeful: The , XilB — r .
French guns sweep batteries. The.French fireJ by jadies; sacred music; address
is wonderfully exact. The bombardment f Hq ^ ^ Bnrwe U; oration by Hon._J.
Paris is impossible while tho forts are B ° wen i “^^ eI byRev. B. It Palmer; adop-
Mrved. Tbe manufacture of arms •
m Paris - . , . . . I PoroHBEEPsra. October 18.—Parker’s flour-
Lisbon, October 18.- Late tog milIs have bee n burned. Loss $100,000.
uy Generals Goley and Lopez are pnrro B Wasuinoton. October 18.-Bids were opened
Lopez-Jourdan rebels, whose early sub^n tQ _ dRy for near i y 500,000 stand of arms, with
is anticipated. Montevideo is besieged by the
insurgents, and the citizens are greatly aterme ° R fnll o ab i ne t to-day and a long
night. The building was appropriately decor-
au,d. Th.a— circle ana b«- «»-1»'» . l„ a J,.„. a . ^ j%»Z3kiXZ5SS!35SF&
morning adjourning the House stne die on the . w(JU ,^ not 8bu t up, and the French tirailleurs
25th, and re-assembling the Senate on the 21st sbl jj ji nod the chausee and ite fiont. ,. . • >
November in executive session. j By this time it was nearly four o clock, when
‘ nocrt-Tdc motion l. “| ^
chaugiug the time of meeting of the next Gen- . ^ TilIagea by B t 0 rm. 8 The advance waa .to
oral Assembly was lost; yeas 57, nay3 71. The • 0 f toar brigades of Landwehr, with two
resolution to hold a session from nine to one brigades of the Tenth Army Corps BU PP° rt “8;
o’clock was adopted. Mitchel in chair, set it j Mm more tee |
down for to-morrow.
Price. 11: hy mail, 31.25.
9*. -Ifreighte firm. Cotton per sail *@5 1-6;
wheat per steam none; sail 8. _ .
Money easy. Sterling 8*@8*. Gold 13*. Bonds
steady. • Southerns dull. , .
The money-market is without a new features; call
demands promptly * met at 5(0 6. The demand for
disconute at the bankls active at 7, and more paper
is offered-than can be discounted. Exchange 8*@
8*. Gold opened quiet at 12* and fell to 12*
©12*, and cloaed strong at 13*. OoTemmenta
steady all day.- Bs'81; coupona . 18*. Bonds, 62s
12*? y 6te lljl; 65s 12k; HVW 10*; 67s 10*; 68s
10*; 10-10d 6*. Southerns very dull and but few
transactions. Tennessee’s 62*; new 60. Virginias
62- new G3. Lousiana’e 70; new 66. Levee 6s 95; 8s
SI’ u rr., _ ... qj ini. fw 70 Oenreia’s 6s 80: 7s 90.
Vebsailles, October 18. — Official advices
The Catholic fair is a brilliant success and a
The basis or its remedial properties is a Tegeta- 87 ’. Alabama’s 8s 101: 5s 70. Georgia’s 6s 80; 7s 90.
| fromMth«r**cover iiid"wcnt foraraidwithasteady j b j^ompo^i4 ^, . . . , .. .jj. . | ». Houte Carolinas
•orps which arrived there a few days ago fled.
Apart went to Belfort, and the bulk by rail to
Dijon. Populace conciliatory. The Prussians
oecupy Vcsul, twentyseven miles from Basan-
*3 U.
Kline and Jesse Jones have been committed 1 thoasand persona wer0 on the ground. Theen-
•without bail for -the murder of A. . eavy, ar0 j ar g er than ter previous fairs. Somt
■ar Middleton, Ky. departments are meagerly represnted, others
. Helena, Montana, Oct. 18—Martin Ithens extcn8iv(j]y> Traina continue to bring in pas-
Tovr.s, October 19.-A credit of one hundred fell into a 60 feet shaft on Saturday, and was ^ ^ &nd . . .
thousand francs is offered by the government found yesterday dead. Conservatives pasted J et - Th ® P m0 for lh ® ® ‘ '
for balloon service. Melon was occupied by the Richmond, October 18.-The ConservaU’ horsCi sing i e , to harness, against fcme, was
FranSurcars on the 17th. The Prussians are of the 3d district have nominated Albert Ordi | ^ by ^ sorreU mare ..Atlanta,’’ entered br
levyiDg heavy contributions. Troops^ in large | ray for Congress,
numbers, continue to pass through Tours north
ward j- • ,v :< ‘ I success.
London, October 19.—Tbe Vienna cOrrespon- hgr8« nian elec ^ “, deR ^„ T . „ TT arin onia with
dent of the Standard says Prussia would gladly Nnw Yolk, October 18...
Moot any tortus of peace which would relieve cotton snfl tobacco and.oue
dente universally believe that a general boto- ^ tunlty to
bardment will , bo opened in a
’ entered by
1^1 . . , Chambers, of Savannah. Bhe made it in 2:3..j.
-■Raleigh, October 18.—The. State hair is 0 I Th0pr i z9 f O rtee fastest trotting matched horses
..Weather beautifuL Gilliam, Con-1 _ i _ roQ by Dick Taylor,' of Macon. Time,
qU ShlllVf ! roin tho battery in front of Grand I
Tapes tore through the line—mpttraiHeur and
-vfeaonni bnllota nonred auamst it their leaden
It will restore gtw hsif to ha originU eplor.
It will keep the hair from telling ont.
Bamimobe, October. 19.—Cotton firm; miMlinga
It will keep the hair from telling out. , i i ijar. aa ] ca god; netreceipts 100; eo&stWMe 1200; total
It cleanses the '.scalp and mikes the hair soft, jsoB; exports coastwise 955: Block 4456.. | v.
...._ i- s,.0 . -. i |. Floor dull with prices lees firm..
chassepot bullets poured against .
hail, but still the landwehr, sn«nt
went steadily to ihe front Gon. Von Brander-
stein, commanding.tee Third Brigade of lsna-
wehr, was shot down, and several of his staff
were wounded.
lustrous and silken. .. v
It is a splendid hsir dressmg.
R P. Hall At5o.i Nashns, N. H , Proprietors.
’sikiJ fiJl ) i- .
•:t 20-wlt.
At length the entrenchments were reached, opja,
StJSgSrsSSCXwSiSS!: ciamu. & JOSES
The fraternization oonsisted in a cryof Hurray |
PrueEsen.” and then “Vorwarts, teamen Vor-
warts,” and tee line threw itself to the front in
a run. The French gunners had barely time to
run around the corner before the landwehr were
W m WtoMt Stiadju—
Com dull and lower, white 70 to 90. Whifeky firm
at 92.- Proviaibna unchanged. 11 oa.ocai i . g -v,
Cincinnati, October . 19.rrFl°ur quiet bad :un-
changed. Com scarce, new 44; old 53 to ab.. porx
hihgerat'26 00.' Lard unbbanged. Bacon'nrfair
DONALDS. JOBSS. a«nand and sdirancing;;shoiU<lers 14*; ql cart sides
I ID 1.. r. If. I Jl
St. Loms-October 19—Flour and com unchanged
■Whisky 83.° Tobacco firtnefc .‘.iBsggintr
unchanged. Tork 26 00. {NM
iad ; r<5Ro
*fi riear
gordUu-.ry 13*;
is active
O THE piiANTEiS&'and Merehate-
and higliir; teidaiinga-15©T5* ; . salee MOO; not
9 J receipts 728; jcqsatwisoS09;total 1118; 6torfp52,8.0/
rebie rrWBp***' ■ _ hal they mu away at fir:
London, October 10.—The Prussian EmbAtsy Wiwehr with less of the conventional ’
_A • " * - - ^ " Vllrill OOV- . - .. .1 rtL. n »a nof an mnoh j
rtc. I I
' tho Fr lo’j i:u :••• it l-aat d. *<nt U hud been | Southwestern Georgia, ami invne tl: lr »t- ! expoits coastwise lhlO , . m ,,
‘ - ’ away at first The , Q wtno of tec advantages potscsewl by pi onr drill; tupeifinai4 59; double 5 00, treble
iveational warrior I *hifi eitv over others asa Cotton MMEet-j 11 _ .<> 6 75 to' 6 00. Cora;, mixed 6
bagging* ties* etc.*
and give as prompt attention to him who sends ua
one big as to him who entrust* us with one hundred.
Being the agents of tbe .Prtapsp Gnsno Com
pany we will supply the beet character of ftphzers,
and in every manner try to sue tarn the planter, a
daee of citizens whose avocation we have pursnea
ter forty years, among whom we were .bom and
raised, and with whom we tally sympathize.
We are located on FOURTH STREET, Mi
GA., at tee big red sign of
Tha He#* itnU most. Ilcliqblc ever
offered to the Eublie.
' ' 7b a'ADisi-Vcnn ' Kagnetic
68 to <70; white 70 —
here addressed itself to-day to tho English gov- . ^ them than tbe ii ne> a ro not so much inclined
■> c^tvnfica-te..-
V_^5-IA.c rf.v. ciltay tbv- I ■ 1. ^MuInrfjSnd
anowl^,.., .
Ahibcr.^ ’iU^
ssness in their rear and around them. I r F” SZrilST^SSL The ship I a mtHfe^ indermri^or to absmdon it altogether, | r PolUic.ri OtaabiU
Burnside’s peace negotiations have utterly rived out, BataT1 ^ ° ™ * flStlS naturalization of Strasbourg wifi bo The Question of -Political Dlsahlll
.. j ,*!j . . I Eurelta was bumea aii/araiu. i i. * fTiia
1 battle at Orleans has occurred. Si. PaTBBSBuqo, October 18.—The Press demall d ot Prussia for tee surrender of
Tho expected battle at Orleans ha. ^ J Cenf;cr has been removed ter aUowing articles L ho PreECb me n-of-war has been abandoned
Tho French fled after six bonrs fight g, g uf the^inK off Prussia. entirely, tee German Government having sigm-
tbe Loire intact. The forces abusive of tee Jtmg m m on determinati n no t to permit the
Oswego, Ootober 18.—A ternno gam t traDBfer 0 f any part of the French fleet to the
vailed-since morning. Several vessels 8re German fl ag . it is also understood that Russia
ashore. , . 1 1 insists upon European Congress
the bridge over .
«:.y w, d were about even. No further pirticu-
l«r. Three thousand Prxisaans defeated eight
thousand French, mostly Gardo Mobiles, at
Eli'-aL Tho Germans are now fed from sup
plies captured in Normandy and Orleans.. /:,:>!
Flobbnce, October 19.-Aftor intorviewmg
the Ministry, Thiers left for Tours with the cor
dial sympathy of the people and government.
Todbs, October 19.—Details of the occupa :
tion of Orleans: Tie Prussian levies pro enor-
m..nK. They took all the horses. The so’.diers
ftr« quartered on the people, an^ j
and wasted excessively. The officers are Btudy-
ing the maps carefully. The Prussian strength
was 05,000. ravqi «olad awa .
The Prussians have evacuated the left bank
•f tbe Loire. The German merchants are un-
CttaibeiL^^ W1 J »'muow» m
The Papal nuncto is expected to-day.
The Dews from Marseilles is unfavorable.
Tho Gardes Civique are troublesome.
Gambetta orders the railway companies to
hold their trains in readiness to move troops at
moment's notice.
Official: The Prussians raptured Chateau
Dun after a to" hours fight. A terra ef lira Na-
equal, if not superior, to | jgto 27.. Lord, tierce 16*©17*;keg 18* to 20.
1080 or ail town in Georgia. Sugar, prime 13. Molasses, 8° to.100. J
The oDeaing of the Macon and Augusta Railroad iLouisville. October 19.—Bagging firm at 28*
rivesua^anotheroutlet toChaxleston, South Caro- (330. Flour firm; extra family525._OoWjlrUl<>tJ
toja ttaistaCTeoaing competition for our Cotton. jje-a pork 26 00: hams 25._ I.oraie*; shoulders
Wo can furnish Plantation Supphes on the most u %. c!ear 8 idea 18*: ^ t ri‘244-
The following correspodence explains itself: reasonable terms. . ^ n wa ^ net rece,pt8126; C0Mtwwe 108 ’ 24 ’
GENEEAL smith to GENEBAL BUTMB. He^^^pfwSeStS who may favor ’ua with * Kobfolk, October 19. — Cottonflm; low mid-
. Nashyilijs, October, 16, 1870. J^ve we ran pmaee too. — dlings 14*@14*: sales 100; net receipts 712;
General B. F. Butler, Boston, Massachusetts : _ Warehouse has just been put in teorough j exports coastwise 700; stock 2i85. ...... .. v .
If a person’s poliHcal disabilities have been now ready to weigh and seU or boston. October 19-Cotton firm; middlings 16*;
^ d__j 1 n^nnmaa mnnltl ho find anv ! /Tnifvwwi I stock 4000; ealee 200. • .
, for the WIN8HEP IMPROVED Wilminoton, October 19 — Colton firm; mid-
required to take the I COTTON GIN, a rample of which can be seen at dlb)g8 15 .bales 1S5; net rcceipte *3o; expor
been inmianea to mo ’ liussia will require an , .V
dated Versailles, yesterday, in which ho says be g iven w be r on tho Baltic and on the Polish
the object of Germany is not conquest, but to lice .
secure a new boundary which will prevent fu- • 0J , CmE3 . _ The following tablo
tore invasion by the French into Germany. g, 0V f 3 the comparative growUi in population of
away 1
i oct? ...
; mid-
Tom Benton Smith.
a dispatch has been received to-night at tee ^ cities named, since 1860:- ^
State Department from a reliable source in Lon- 187th
don, to the effect teat the report that peace u' ^w
arranged is much believed, although not yet 812,963
officially slated. Chicago
CHABiisroN, October 1».-The election pass- Boston
«i«s. mm b "‘ sssesa issjr i agsa-,
...... 214,000
....... 86,254
79,619 a ,
this city. Work and business were jgp*** &o
The contest was between the Republicans and -^htogton...
Union Reformers. Owing to the peculiarities aravehmd
nt the election law, the official result will be Pittsburg
withheld ter a week, but it is conceded teat the n,464
reformers carry the city by a thousand majon- ^} edo 31,693
tv. Both parties claim the State. The contest Columbus
to this district between Bowen and hi. mulatto Wihmngton JMg'
•oBtratant is oloae. Both BepaWlraim.
Lowell, Mass., Ootober 17,1870.
To Tom Bentan Smith, BasivOle:
i ibdrsoa’B political disaWlittes have been
cssass aetiaitaas
tokine a modified oatb. Congress always acts
inaood faith, and there is no disposition on
161,044 »nv Dart to enforce severe penalties upon those
173,783 who act in good faith with Congrcra. 1
----- D 6 Benjamin F. Butlbb.
ing City Oi nome, ua. ana cihinw-
of 110 aerra beat river botton, undtf fence and
fflfltlvsM and 165 acres woodland. This is one of
the mostAesirsble ptacee in Upper Ga., for fertihty,
I dfinsa 14*14*; sales 150; net receipts 1808; ex
ports coastwise 1980: stock 21,789. .. ,
Mobile, October 19-Ootton fiat; middlings 14*;
■sics 600; net receipts 1394; exports to Orest Bri-
tian 1762; coastwise 1800; stock 20,248. 1. ■ -■ =
London, October 19, evening.' — Consols 32J4.
[fiend, quiet at 89*. . ,
Tallow firmer. . ■
Ihvxbfool, October 19, evening. —Cotton ctosea
I quiet and unehauged; sales 12.000; for speculation
I ’ • a t% aaq J
I red Western 8s lOd. Rosin 60s.
Equine Remedies never fail.
gw. are many hair preparations in tbe market,
but none have so desirable effect upon the hair and
■dp as Hall’s Vegetable Stflisn Hsir Renswer.
21,258 i _ 0Ct2 t wl -
20,081; Sivayeur
. ^ttle by Equine Remedies.
th* noMaesaion of knowledge is Isra likely to fos-
♦Ita most deiirtlRO plftoev IQ tppw \j». t iur iwuutj, i *■> • • . . , ^ . m4l4
health and social adnmtsges. For particulars ap- ter vanity, than .the possession of riches. Aman
piy P. McOlASHAK, I tbund&ntlj ingncnt bis ^osbmiiqd3 of kxiowlr
„ At Smith,’^steota* edge, and yet have bat Uttle to shotr for his paias.
Chany 8t. Maeon, Ga^ ^l• no ^v^ btnJ ^ pe^kj^inuch
G EORGIA. HOUSTON go«)d, to know of tho virtues of the ‘;Qld Carolina
&• an Araratrdadylt* dwepaia.^^l
ra^te^dra P 5f».«- T »55^ r -^g®5; | its kindred tompUdm: octiW^odAwlw.
. tMiBiitfsi mra _ _ „-- T „
Furekaser, will pW» «kM «?y oi Horse and
Cattle Ouners.0-! 3?- -t a\,
I* W. HUNT ec c®.,
For isle by' all DruggiaU.
abrS-daw ; .£.
Burdon Iron 'W orks.
for Water .Works, High and.LowPreeeure En
gines, Portable Engines and ®° llert 5?
Sugar Mill Screws; Lever, Drop and Hydraune
Proasra; Machineryin|enerte WHmAKEB ; —
frtha-AAdAwlr 109 Front street. Brooklyn. ’
gzobge fags A CO.,
fo, 9 M. fichreefier Street, i*Uimert,
M ANUFACTURERS of Portable and Statkmsrv
Steam Engines and Boilers, patent improved.
Portable Circular Saw MUlsjGang, Mulav sad Sate
8aw Mills, Grist Mills, Timber Wheels, Shingle
Machines, etc. Dealers ia Circular Saws, Belting
and every description of Wood WorklM Mochinec•
Agricultural Engines a specialty. Sena tor descrip
tive Catalogue sad Price tests.
gep9 eedwly
Pure Catawba Wine,
w^OBMwtoAL and ^
^ICade by Dr. Bowsrs, of Jones eraoty. Wuren*-
ed pw-l1000 gaHa®f _ ta stare oMdfol rale by tee
; fii S0ST6