Newspaper Page Text
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1 lie Georo'ia 'WVekly Telegraph, and. Journal & Mlessenaer
r .L :,±' _
• - > • • .
'.■CK nilvlso* Conan jiplive* to go
:.S cl “ t<> Florida in Winter.
, lint thirty-five years, dovoted my
important step li for the patient to
IS'^vT.cnlJ.end the best of all places on this
l&^ofrtbi* purpose m winter, is Florida, well
litis'fv' ct*te, where the temperature is regular,
■See i» , ;«• to such variations as in more Xorth-
15* ,' Art I’alatkaisa point. I can recommend.
KWKw is kept there by P# toman. Last w inter
lif*2»ral persons toere whoro Innea had heca
I'd *•’. *) but who. under tho bealu g tnflceiice
US® lilfate and my were getting well.
li5»fiISi.«d mites furtherdown the nverxsa point
I>;V2„uM P’ ef,r to Pslatka. M the temperature
li* 4l .«n»nd tho at try nnd bracing. Melloc-
letcrprise ar • located tfceie. I should givo
Ifb*?j d t to Mellonville. 11 is two miles
■ wis™ •?. iAe. end it seems almost impossible to
lt«* r, l? there. The tables in Florida might bo bet-
l^* t i'I.,tieetscomplain at times, buttbatisagnod
■ * t ® d jT indicate a return of appetite, and when this
l^,»ss tk»yg e ^ ral,y increaso in flesh, and then
Hibernia, Green Cove, and many
11*' 1 ums in various psits of Florida, esn be snfo-
Irptf^.T.ded to consumptives in winter. My
ll 1 * ' ingso are that patients are less Hablo
upi, i there than where there is a less even
l* 9ifC tn‘re snd it is not necessary to say that
I» 11 .resumptivererson exposes himself to fre-
he i-certain to.die shortly. The:tfore,
. re is «0 well down into tfco State out ol tho
Islv’i . ..vailing esst winds and fi gs. Jaelcson*
‘ffJJt in* other of the localities I have
ld>S“ M^tessfll thoso who aro troubled with a
.disordered stoicaeh, d<ranged bowds,
li® 1 '!!..* or cough, but f r those whose lungs aro
ISwid»« 0, ° southern pout is earnestly recom-
■' tCr £,tr,Ti vests prior to R00, I wss professionally
Pl^wk Boston. Baltimore and Phi-ad.lphia
|h*'* .,v where 1 saw and esamined on an aver-
|2?« taidred pstirnw a w. ek. A practice so ex-
■f . , ir hir ing every poss.bla phase of Jung dis-
l B * ».V tike vast quantities of “Scherck’s Pni
l ,,, ,' t ?“jmp.6**we<d Tonic and Mandrake Pills,
1 *'?'*: 5 :‘,fhs does not avoid taking cold.
nearly everybody is using Sehenck’s
Mticttllv Sehenck’s Mandrake Pills for
I l f liim»t« is more likely to produce bilious bahits
I ueliuists'* , . ro i aU tades. tt H a well cstab.i-hcd
I *fiS?Milve«of F'onda rarely die of consumptien,
|h ct, b** "*Mf" 0 f the southern part. On the other
I**! i. if w EaiNnd.o-io third, at Icastof thepopu-
ISial. of thii terrible disease. In the Middle
' l BO t prevail so largely, stiil thero are
I!«»thousands ofcates there Whatavart percentage
l?!Lso”d bissv.d if consumptives were as easily
IV 1 '*’ , rrcar J to taking iresh fold as they aro
Iru'ti fev-r, suia 1 pox. etc. BgtfknstaieL
|g»'V.k whai theyterma little cold, which they
I miu'ou* enough to believe will wear off in a
12am They pay no attention to it, and hence it
l£ib«M»d’“io? for another and anothcrstill. un-
Ivii. luces «re diseased bevond all hopo for cure.
I 'ii.«ivire to pe sons whose longs are affected even
I-S,Vl* tostock of Bch.nck's Pulmonie
IS.o’srterera Seaweed Ionic and sehenck’s Man-
ISki'Pilb snd go t« Flo ida I recommend these
ISKulir medicines because I am thoiougbly ac
|2Srf with their action I know that whore they
I trued :u1-let accordance with my dir vetions they
IS Jo the work that is required. This accomplshed.
Hem will d* the rest. The pbysie an who pro-
l«bes for eold.o.,ugh or nightsweats, and thin ad-
Iwwth. patient to walk or ride out every day, will
Iguirc 11 a corpse on his hands before loog.
E iwfmiM. ■jim LTV fi-BREG OLATOB. or M ED-
[II nm K W 2f for 'dyspepsia, Head acne,
aunuice, t'ostivencss. Camp Dys-
sntery, tick Ho.vaehe. Chroma
iiiaorboe^, Atteci.uns of the Bladder and Kidneys,
rever, liervou-ness. Chills, Diseases of theSk n, Im
purity of tho Blood; Melancholy or Depression of
Most of thcailmen’s hero enuTicratcd have their
or cm ina di.easd liver, which is the mostpreTa’ent
affeetion in this coantry, and as ia many orsesthe
l atient is m t within the riach of a physician, itre-
quiies th.-t ome remedy s : oui.i i>-> provided tLat
would not in the least impair ihe constitution, and
yet be aci ve rd safe. Ih t such is tbe character of
theSfM .VIONBREiUf-A 1 OR there cm be no doubt,
which the testimony of hundred.* will establish.
S Mk^
[Sitcom B’s
tv HUP.
Bor sale bv .1 :
J. II. ZFIUli & CO*
Pain in thes'de: Sometimes the
ain is telt under the shoulder-
lade; i« sometimes m'staken for
rheumatism in tho arm. The
siuinuch is Hticciedwith leas of appetite and sickness,
bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternating
with lav: the head is troubled with pa ; n, accompa
tied with a dull, he vy sensvtion. Tbero is gener
ally a considerable loss of memory, a'-cotnpaniod with
» painful sensa'ion of having left u- dono sou etbing
that ought to have been don-. A slight, dry cough is
sometimes an alt-ndaet The patient comp’ains of
weariness and debility: he is ca ili startle>, his feet
are cold or, and he complains of a prickly
sensation of tho sk n; his sririra aro low; and. al
though satisfitd that ever ise would be beneBcial to
him ytthe tan s arcely summon up :ort:tudo enough
to try it. In f ct, he distrusts every remedy, fc'ev-
eial of tkoabovo symptoms attend thcdisoisr, but
esses liave occurred when few of them existed, yet
examination of the tody after deat’> hasthown the
Liter to nsvo been extensively deranged.
ltshiuldbo used by ail persons, old and renng.
whmever any of the foregoing s ym: toms appear. It
is a rurely vegetable cemprund, is net 'ninri .us to
tbc most delicate constimtU.ns, and will keep the
Liver in healthy action if ns id properly.
Po-sons living in un* eiltby localities mav avoid all
bilioos aiiaeks bv taking a dose occasionally to keep
*be Live- in lieal'hv action.
For. hildren complain'nv ofccl-
c. headache or sick stomach, a
easpoor.ful or more wi - l give re-
ref Children, as well ss adults,
eat sometime v o much supper or eat something
which does net dig'st well, producing sour stomach,
heart-burn err stlessness: a good dose will give re
lief. Thi3 applies to persons of all sgeB
Pregnant ladies will find sur> relief from their
headache, enstiveness, swimming ia the head, cclio,
sour stoma'll, restlessness, etc., etc.
Prepared only by
«T. H. ZEILIN & CO.,
Price, >1; by mail, 81.25. cc!19-tf
The lies, mul inoec Iteliable ever
ojj'cretl to the Public.
Tb a American Magnetic
■ „..r My object is -
IStrsrd a t petite. Jt : « always a good sign when
liMiStDi b tins to grow hungry. I nave hope* of
115- With a relish for food and the gratification of
ISinlish comes good blood, and wi h it more flesh,
Imehi- closely followed by a healing of the lungs.
IhtilOf cough lo sen:laud abates, the creeping chi-ls
lit! t'limmy night sweats no longer prostrate and
IgW in' 1 "*he patieot ge'.s well, provided he avoids
I > |tvthere arc many consumptives why have not
IfcBMDsto go to Florida The question may be thero no hope forsuch? Certainly there is.
Ibririeetosuch is and ever has been, to stay in a
Inra room daring the winter, with atcmprra’ure of
IdMlierenty drgre s. which shouldlbe kept regularly
1st >t point, by meins of a thermometer. Lot such
liHtient take his exercise within tho limits of the
I o ty walking up trundown as much as bis strength
IrUpermit, in order to keep up a healthy circulation
Igthahloud. I have cured thovsaods by th‘ssystem.
I of c»n do ao again. Consumption is aj easily cur- d
I bim other disease if it is taken in time, and the
I rrorvr kind of treatment is pursued. The fact stands
lodirpute.l on record that Sehenck’s PulmonicSyr-
ln,liludrake Pills, and Seaweed Tonie have cared
Inamanr of what seemed to bo h'pclc.-s cases of
Iacntuition- Go where you will, you will boalmost
lartaiatc find nemo poor consumptive who has been
I Mned from the very jaws of death by their use.
I tafirssihe Mind rake Pills are concerned, cvcry-
llijjihouli keep a supply of them on hand. They
lutes the liver better thin calomel, and leave none
I git, hurt «1 effects behind. In'act they nre exoet-
llant ia all cases whore a purgative medici-o is rc-
I ;i,rrJ. If you have partaken too feecly of fruit and
I eurbtra o isues. adose of Mandrakes will cure you.
Illjsu »-« «ut-i«:t to sick headache take a dree of
I lie Mandrakes and they will relieve you in two hours.
Ill jou Woul i obviate the effect of a change ol water,
letletn'urceindn'gence in fruit, take one of the
I kuJr.kcs every night or every other night, and you
Igntitru drink water and cat wstermelons, pears
lip;Is* e’uv.s, pesches or eornj without the ri k of
I W11rn.J1ie.1ck l.y them. They will protoet thoso
I (Wine in ms situations against chills and fevers.
I Iq them ihyae perfectly harmless. They can
I dayou g-.oil only.
1 1 have my profe sional visits to Boston
IniXev Vurk. but continue to see patients at my
|ilv.S).liS.slXTIl Mreet. Philadelphia, ovary
IfitarJiv. l.oui 9 A- M, to 3 F. M Those who wish a
I ttw.isrii examination with the Respirometer will be
Idayed live dollars. The Respiremeter dectere* tho
lu.r rendiii'in of .be lungs, and patients can readily
■ lam (bether ihej aie c irab'c or not. But I de-ire
Itttutinct.y understood th*V tbw value of myTn'edi-
Iism depends entirely upon their btieg taken strict
lbK\-»,rding to dtree ions.
I uomrlusinn, I will say that when pe*sins t-ke
Ibrnidiijurt and their systems ard’brought into a
Ihal'fcveoed tion thereby, they aro not ao 1 able to
■ btarolj. yet no one wUb diseased longs c ,n be r a rbar.go of atmo. phere without the liability of
IfmieroMc r irritation of ibe tho bronchial tubes.
■ fail direction* in nil languages a eouipany my
iMoieine*, so explicit and clear that any oue can use
lira without consulting me. and pan be bought from
|itjJmgfi,t. J. U.feCHENfK. M D.
* No. 15 N. Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
Ivr A TQTJT A/^TC* A-privateCoun-
[iltyi, A.vXarJL AlWTJEj selorto the Mar
ried orthosc
on tho physiolog
ic ayiterios and revelations of the physical sys-
lm, how to preserve the complexion, etc.
I Ilu Wan interesting work of 224 page-, with cum
IJJt.engraving, and contains valuable information
IwttMe who are married or pomemplat* marriage;
|hl t i, a book that ought to be under look and key,
IMeitUid carelessly about the bouse.
T hen to say one!free of postage) for 50 cents.
I IdJrc s Dr. Butt’s Dispensary, No. 12 N. Eighth
Louis, Mo. _
I k r. applying to the notorious tjuaeka wbond-
ivrae r, public paper, or using any Quack Uetu-
IPf. peruse Dr. Botta’ work, uo mutter what your
I tT*’’";i‘ or bow deplorable your condition.
I Jr. Huts-can be eonaulted, personally or by mall
n rases mentioned in his works. Office, No. 12
tiwhtSi atreet, bet. Market and Chesnut. St. Louis.
wm mmm fcweees
CS:-vl . FIC/.TE.
ftS- I bo c).v ruitiiy ilia- I I uve erntnined. find
thoreu;i,!y tciol in nij ps-nt-tlee the
above r. i bn. m.t !>■ : ■ . it em as picpura::or.a of
great m.-rfi ruJwtiM roidiallys-eon nie.-d them
bs hei.iir pr-par«i w>rh so eelal rare from re
liable 4og»‘i*rtaeiits. end n w elli'nrioue for the
treataieiit (J Ibe v.t ioiu JtfWfSHi v.pilti they WS
desisnet, than n«y rerci c«H(*s »i whieh I have
Veterinary Siirgen*. Author of * Ana e.n.y end Phy~
ticlogy of Vie Horse.” “ Modern Ilone Doctor, ac.
Purchasers will pje»*e ask for a ropy of ■' Hone and
Cattle Owner's Guidc”trratis.
LORD & SMITH, Proprietors,
Caicico, Ilia.
U W. Hr NT A CO.,
For sale f>y all Druggists.
»cr5 daw
Curas Colic and Grip
ing in the Bowels, and
faeilititatesthe process
of feetbing. Subdues
Convulsions and over
comes all di-eases in
cident to infants and
Children. Cures Di
arrhea. Dysentery and
Summer Complaint in
. . children of all ages.
11 w the Great Infant’, and Children’s Southing
,! sedy in all disorders brought on by teething or
r other cause.
repared by the GRAFTON MEDICINE CO.. Et.
Nut Mo.
hold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine eveiy-
03 AD AL1S!
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla,
The reputation this ex
cellent medicine cnjoye»
is derived from its cures,
many of which are truly
marvellous. Inveterate
cases of Scrofulous dis
ease, where the system
seemed saturated with
corruption, have been
purified and cured by it.
Scrofulous affections and
disorders, which were ag
gravated by the scrofu-
luus contamination until
they wero painfully afflicting, have been radically
cured in such great numbers in almost every sec
tion of the country, that the public scarcely need ta
be informed of its virtues or uses.
Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive
enemies of our race. Often, tills unseen and unfelt
tenant of the organism undermines llie constitution,
and invites thoattaekof enfeebling or fatal diseases,
without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again,
i. |g * * — u *—. -v. *---*—nd
ho Blond. Liver snd Kidnrye. Kecomu,ended
.y tho Medical Faculiy. ami many tiousands
, t our best oitisens Head the testimoiy u-
brsielatii and p.tients who have use Rosa-
, IaUs; ,e'd for ourRo hda is Guide to .Ueaal
Lk.ok, or Almanac, for this year, which w<
, lib.i h for gratuitous iiisDibution; it will give
vou much valuable irfirmatiou'
l r. K. W. C rr, of Baltimore, says; I take
pie sure in recommending yonr Rosadalisas
-very poweriul alte »ti«e. I have seen u
u ed in two eases with hippy rtialU: ope m a
ase of secondary syphilis, lo which the p
dent prononncod him eif <urcd aticr bavin*
ukonfivo bottl s «f your meuicii-c Tbr othei
n a case of scrofula i f ocg standing, whie t»
.npidly improving unde - itr use and the n-di
<‘ati>na»ro that tho patient - ill so->n recover
l »ve rarcfully esamrned tto f.rmulffibj
.which yonr Rovada is is mad.. ana fina it an
excellent compound of siiorativ® i* gradients
t Mn'.uel G. McFadden. of Murtnorboro.
i'enn.. lays: „ ...
1 I have u-ed seven bottles of Posadalis. an'
*m eotirely cured ot Rhea-* a>ism. bend m.
l or eoitles, ns I wis it lor my brother who
1 hv ; *«ofa l <m*s'f6 c y e *. .
Berj^min kechtol; of Lima, Ohio, writes:
i 1 avcsuGcrcd for twenty yiars with aD in-
veterato eruption over my vrh'le b dy : a sport
:ie:e sinco I purchased a bottle of Rosadaln
nd it effected a perteot cure.
Ho s A 3D AI1I6
. ^Laboratory, No. 61 Exchange PJace, Bal-
Umoie. , u , „
Clemente A Co., Proprietors.
■ gw t
cles may be suddenly deposited in the iiings or
heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or tt snow3
its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcer
ations on some pert of the body, ncnco the occa
sional use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla is ad
visable, even when no active symptoms of disease
appear. Persons afflicted with the following com-
plaints r " ” ”
it r 1Q KS snd Papers er-r-ow kept bv Mr. D.
Jr^i on ® , • ‘Hit® Warehouse of Misfrs. Campbell
ptr 0,18 * n ®bted to us are requested to we must wind op curioln busine-i.
k#'.y)--" C .£ ADAMS. JUNES k REYNOLDS.
wdlee'ode*AgeiMw ■
tV, 1 .
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringicorm,
Sore JCges, Sore -Earsjlnnd oilier eruptions or
visible iorms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the
more concealed forms, as Duspepsla, Dropsy,
Heart Disease, Rlts, Epilepsy, Neuralgia,
and the various Uleorou* affections of the muscu
lar and nervous systems.
Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases
are cured by it, though a long time is required for
t u bdiiing these obstinate maladies by any medicine.
But long continued use of this medicine will cure
the complaint. Zeueorrhtra or IThltcs, Uterine
Ulcerations, hnd Remale Diseases, arc com
monly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its
purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Direc
tions for each case are found in our Almanac, sup
plied gratis. Rheumatism and Gout, when
caused by accumulations of extraneous matters
fa the blood, yield quickly to it, as also River'
Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion or Inflam
mation of the River, and Jaundice, xehen arising,
is they often do, from the rankling poisons in the
blood. This SJLRSAPARIRRJL is a great re-
rarE nr, fie ‘
rr.ofe who are
dent, Sleepless, aim -—> —**»— ■• -
■ prehensions or Rears, Ot any of the affections
symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate
r-lief and convincing evidence of its restorative
power upon trial.
Or. JT. C. AYER * CO., ftewell, Mass.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
data 17 L W. HDKt A CO, J. Hi Zelfin *(’0
A’.d tit the D Mtoos* AliOg all Druttisu
x±A I'oaUrs iu .1© icine tsvo.jWitte.
ilieod4^4dK . ,jJv - sir *.• * *
OK KOVEMBSa 1,1870.
And to Continue from Day to Day Until
Close or Sale.
A T his residence, two miles east of Montezuma,
a largo portion of the perishab’o Property of
the late I. G Chevcs, deceased, including as fine a
lot of MULES as thero ia in tho country. A large
number of . •
Milch Cows and Dry Cattle.
A splendid selection of Fanning Implements.
Several Wagons. Drays, Wheels, etc., etc.
A log Cart with new wheels, recently put up to
Several tons of old Iron—heavy kind..
Farmers can get complete ontilts.
Saw Mill men can get what they want.
Foundrymen can get Iron.
All can get something.
oct21 dsw&wtds Executor of Estate.
ie Lais For Sale
TTriLL bo tie first Taesdaj m November
YY nest, between tnc lawful hours ot sale, before
tho Coart llou*o door, inViecity of Cambridge, Ga.,
the following lands, embracing some of the most vel-
Riyer Bottom anil Hammock Lands
in the State of Georgia—some of them wild and some
improved—tho most of them admirable
291.110 acres; No. '-9.1, bVA acres; No, 290 Uh\i acres:
No.255,125 acres (north naif): No. 256, 250 acres;
No.257, 25u acres; No. 100, 250 acres. No. GJ. 250
acres: No. 65.250 seres.
In tho 19th Distriot of Decatur county. No 27). 2 0
acres; No28i 250 acres; No 319. 250 acres; No281.
250 acres. No2S3.125 acres (south half); No 211, 250
acrcB: No 240, 250 acres.
In the 21st District of Decatur county. No 95,250
acres, dower excepted; No 46, 250acrcs; No 372,250
No. 92.2'0 acres, in the 16th District.
Alio, No. £G0, 250 acres, in the 18th District of
Thomas county, and No. 13.1st section, 4th District
of Cherokee, now Lumpkin couuty, containing 40
Will be sold, on the same day, at
between the legal hours of sale, the following lands,
lying in Mitchell:
In the 11th District of Mitchell, No. 187, 250 acres;
No 190.25Cacres; No 212,250 acres; No 214,250acres;
No 215.250 acres.
These lands will besold in bodiestosuit purchasers.
Terms, one-halt cash and tho other half payablo in
twelve months, with interest from date, with mort
gage on tho premises as security.
Executor cf Estate of Daniil Rambo.
Post-Office: btcain Mill, Decatur county, Ga.
Note.—The forego ng lands include two planta
tions, embracing dwelling houses, negio and gin
houses, Ac. Ono of theso lies on the Cnattihooehee
river, and contains 1.400 seres of cleared land, under
good fence; the other lies in Mitchell county, aud
contains 530 acres cf . leased land, under good <‘rdi-
narylenco AboutlSCOacrcsofiheselandslieonTired
Creek, in Decatur county, embracing a most desira
ble mill scat, and springs of excellent, never-failing,
freestone water, and aro noted for good health. Tbis
body of land cannot bo surpassed fur fertility by any
lands in Southwestern Georgia. They are only eisht
miles from the A. & G. Railroad. D. R.
augSO dtaw3w£wtds
lif-flY u it that soman? children die under the
*1 age of five years? That a large proportion ot
chii.trtn die ur>d<r that aget ban long boon a subject
of remark, and without a satisfactory cause ascer-
tained. it La certain.
Also, it is known that worms exist in the hansn
system from its earliest infancy; tlirreforo parents,
especially mothers, who are more constantly with
their children, cannot be too observing of the first
symptoms of worms: forso purely as th^y exist, ran
they be
s.arsxk'sr -aura csb.taxbx&'S'
Removed from the most DELICATE INFANT, by
the timely use of
It is perlectlv harmless, contains no Mercry, being
Purely Vegetable Composition,
And may be administered with the UTMOST SAFE
Worm Confections, made mere for th« purpose ol
E leasing the palate than of overoomi'g the disease,
avo been manufactured all over the country, but
their short lease of life is nearly exhausted, and B.
A. -Fahneitock’* Vermifuge continues to grow in favor
d “ ,y ' CAUTION.
Should occasion require you to purchase B. A. Fan
neatock’s Vermitnge, bo particularly careful to see
that the initials are B. A. This is the article that has
been so
And purchasers must insist on having it, if they do
not wish to have an imitation forced upon them.
Formerly B. A. Fahxkstock’s Son A Co..
W E take great pleasure in offering the old Caro
lina Bitters to the public. They are compound
ed with great caru. and contain so pie of tho bes/Ton
ics in the Phxrmaoopia; As evidence of tbesaperi-
ority of our Bitters overall others, we have certifi
cates from many of the. leading phyiicians in our
“ ed them in their practice.
tate, who have prescribed
Will be found invaluable for
We do not offer our Bitters as a cure for all dis
eases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equaL
For sale by Druggists and Grocers everywhere.
Principal Depot,
Importers ofchoico Drugs and Chemicals,
Charleston, S. C.
For sale in Macon by
L. W. Hunt & Co.
CHOWS us untold ricbes aud beauties in the Great
n House, with its Blooming flnwers. Singing birds,
Waving palms, Rolling clouds, Beauti ul bow, Snored
mountains, Dolightlul rivers, Migaty oceans, Thuo-
dfring voio s, Blnxing heavens and vast universe with
countless beings in millions of worlds, and reads to us
in each tho Undritten Word. Rose-tinted paper, or
nate engravings and superb binding. Intelligent
men and women wanted to introduce the work in
every township and village. Light business. Good
pav. Send for circular, description, endorsements
and,terms to agents. &
aug30-wI3t* 16 S. 6th st.. PhilsidtUbia, Pa.
CotM Factors & General Commissioi
A gents for bradley'ssuperphosphate
Jewell’s Mills Yarns, Domestics, etc.
Bagging, Rope and Iron Ties, always on hand.
Usual Facilities Extended to Customers.
sept22-»C m
E. ar. PESDIiETON,.............................Clieinlsf,
To the Planters of the South:
T HE unirecccented sncco-a attending the use of
my C mpound the psst fcason, has caused me to
makomoio extensive arrangements for its manufac
ture, and to socuro uniformity and reliability in its
continuance, all materials for its preparation, and
each lot manufactured will he analyzed and guaran
teed by me. 1 have received the mos favorable ac
counts from parries who used it upon their Cotton
Crop, and ave already received orders from a num
ber of Planter, forthe ensuir.gseason. acdaatheBup-
ply for the coming crop will be necefsanly limited,
those who desire to use my preparation are requested
to forward their orders at onco, which will be filled at
any time specified by them. _
I am also preparing a Special Manure for Wheat
and Com, which I am satisfied by actual experiment
made by me, will be found to beparticulariy adapted
to the soil and climate of the Southern States, and
would advise my friends desirous of testing its merits,
to send in immediate orders.
Circulars containing Certificates, and general direc
tions for its application, can be obtained by address
ing me at Sparta. Ga, or R. W. L. Rosin k Co.. Gen
eral A gents, Baltimore, who will receive and exooute
octl—eodAwft E. M. PENDLETON. M. D.
BEAD.—Upon the reception of f 1 and a three
cent postage etamp, the subscriber will forward to
the person a never-failing Recipe for the oomplete
removal of Bata from Com Cribs, Smoke-houses
and other infested placea by these tronblesome ani
mals No removal, no pay. HOLLIS BELK.
eept21.w4w . Buena Vista, Marion Co , Ga.
G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—To the Honorable
to- Superior Court of ts-j County: *
The ptliti n of E. Witkow ; ki. D. Witkow-ki, B.
Lowcctbal. J bn M»rks, . Garris. M. Glass. A Pnii-
lip->, L Jack-on. U. Sp-Px. J Harriion, H. Wolfe, L.
Luxcnth-il M. Peys r, J. Jackson, S Sprit x and *v
Folomo-. respeetfaMy ehowe h th. to y snd their
asroeixtes have organize i themselves at M tcon, in
sai.t tate and County, into a 41-br-w Congregation,
bvtben-.meof ’BEN-al ISR-EL, (Sms of Isr e!)
and have secured Burial Lot in Rose Hill Cemfctery
fa the inter" out of riseirdesd, according to the rites
and cer-mcnies of the: f.i'h; and- ow pray that
under said n me they may be i roil orated and con
stituted a b. d> politic; for • nd dirir-gtbe period of
twenty years: with tb i priv.Ieseo ra: ewal attho.x-
oiration of that. tiux'. and by that Damn by capable of
lidding p op rs.of nsinta cot mon seal; of suing
and be ng sued ond of doing such other acts as bodies
corporate tnay do.
A t uo extract from tho minutes of Bibb Superior
Court Sept. 29, 1670. „ „„„„ »
A, B, ROS^, Deputy Clerk.
sopt39-dlaw4w y ’ ,il»
Administrator’s Sale.
B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary
of Bibb couuty, will te sold on the firpt Tues
day in November next, between the legal hours of
eale. in front or- the Court-house door, in Macon,
the fotlawmg property, belonging .to the eBiate of
John Hollingsworth, lata of eaid county, deceased:
All tb&t part of Hollingsworth’s Block, fronting
on Fourth street, containing four stores—Nos. 1,2,
8 and 4. ~ Terms Cash.
. A. B. BOSS, Adm’r
eept20 wGw De bonis non.
■*- Administrator's ^rc.
B Y virtue ot an order of the 1’oart of Ordinary, of
Bibb couDt?, w,|i be sold on the let Tuesday in
November next, in front of. the Court-house door, in
the ci<r of Mac ,n, betwten ih > legal hours of sale,
the throwing property, belo girg to the estate of
Duncih McC-llu . late of Bi-►>’county, ’eceasel:
The north balfof lot No.-4, in the 4th uistrict ol
originally 'll) i«t*>n, uo » Bihb county, tho samu coa-
taimrg V VA acres, m re or le«s. . 'I'erms Cash,
Adm’r on Fatale cf D. McCollum.
G EORGIA. Bf i!B fOUM TY.—Alt persons having
claims ag v.tli-o es ate of David L. Wiley, de
ceased.nil! p_ c.-cr.t t'tcratiio to mef >r pavtuent with
in the next .-ixt. dnj All ibose indebted to same
will pleasesottlc crthvri b.
augSI-dIO Iwiiw* Administrator.
Posipniicil Exccntor’B Kate.
G EORGI A, BIBB G INTi.-B.- vinucof an or
der from (he Oou t ot Or in ry, ol Bihb county,
and by ronrch 7 of ■ !i tf-O orties in into est, »itl be
sold before the Court house, in tr.e city of Macon, on
tho 1st Tu» d-y id November next, during t’- c legal
hours of sale, the ioitowiog property, belonging to
the estate of J nek bylandor. late of said o unty to
Lot No. 4, in Mock No. Id, ‘rontiog on Madison st .
in the city of Mie n, co i.aining ono half rcre, and
having no n i*. three ewiall Jve-'iug house 5 . Sold
forthe paymeit of ihc debts of’ho estate and for dis
tribution. Termsen. tolfeasb ; balance st 12 months
with interest.
oct5 w30d Executor.
G EO p GIA.BI ! B i’t N’i Y—A’l persons indebted
to »he fstst-r of T enni Sbehan. lato of said
eountv.deco-fed, re r d ti make immediat*
payment :o be under; and tho-e having
cla ms, ti present them in term< of the iaw-
oct7- Executor.
G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY— AH persons indebt-
e l to the estate ol Leroy Nopier, late of said
county de-e ted aro vequired to mako immoiUte
psyment ’o tho undersigned and those having claims
to present them m tonns of '
6w Evocators.
G EORGIA, BIBB CO- NTY.—whereas. Georges.
Jonci aopliesto the undersigned for Letters of
Admi istration upon ibe estate of John E. Day, late
of said eoun' v, ■ tee ised All pertons interested a-e
required to b.. ana appear a’ »he Court of Ordinary
on tbe first Monday it. November next, to show cau 5 o.
if an>- t’ey have, why Letters should not be granted
the applicant.
Given under my hand officially.
. O. T. WARD. Ordinary.
£ x EOHGIA, BIBB (OUNTY.—Whereas. Jc ho F
'JT irnuiinan applies to tbe undersigned to ba dis
missed from tbo Administration of the es ateof Hiram
A. Troutman, Itte of said county, deceased And
whereas, Mrs Tabitba E. Troutman applies to be *p
pointed solo Administratrix upon said estate
said Letters should not be e-ante 1 the applicant.
Given under my hand ofiici ily
C. T. WARD. Ordinary.
G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, Johr. u
t-tubbs, Administrator de bonis non, of too or
tate of !homa3 Arnctr, late of said county, decca>td
applies to m- tor Lotrt-rs of Divmissioa
Given under my hand officially.
on for X.eave toMl JLjuiiI.
ot tbe real and personal property belonging to th
eetato of Leroy Napier, l 5 te of said oounty deceased
G eorgia,!
date applii
Court of
Dismission on tho estate of N B.-Shaft, deceased.
Julyl7-w3m Adm’x.
Baker County Sheriff’s Sales.
■yy ILL be sold, on the_firstTaesda? in November,
ILiu UC6U11, uu LUO ursi mceu»y iu nuvonuer,
. . 1S7.1 lots of land No«. Ii9,181,28.2’7.118 and
176. in tho 15:h d strict of Baker county. Levied on
at tbe property ol George Ye. L. Twiggs, deceased, in
the hands of Hansford D D. Twig
ot’ George W.L. Twiegs, deceased.
Cu ts, vs. Tho
Lewis Parker,
B 1
Administrator's Sale.
lowing lands, t -wit: The undivided half intc
l .t No. 20. in the 15’.h district of Macin count:
5 in the 2i district of originally Dooly, now
county; Nos. 1 and 3 ia the same district, part
said deceased.
Tevma of sals, cash.
oct5 ids
w 3
An ml Hint rater’s Sale.
tributccs. Terms cash.
ocll2-w6t N. T. FULF0RD, Administrator.
Administrator’s Sale. .
ILL be seld before the Court-houso in Ogle
the heirs. Terms cash,
oet!2-wGt W.K. nALL. Jr, Administrator.
w 1
Uonston County Sheriff's Sale.
__ Sheriff.
Administrator’s Sale.
B Y virtuo of an order of tbe Court of Ordinary,
of Houston county, will be sold on the first
Tuesday in November next, between the usual hours
of sale, before the Court-house door, in the town of
Perry, in said county, the following property, be
longing to the estate of James O. Davis, deceased:
Lots of land No. 58 and lot No. 69, and west hMf
of lot No. 63, lying in the 19th District of Houston
and Pulaski counties. Said lands eold for the bene
fit of the heirs and creditors. Terms cash.
septl3 wGw*
G eorgia. Houston count y.—whereas, Thos
B. Chancer, applies for letters «f administration
on the estate of Ames Chancer, late of said county,
Theso are, therefore, to cite all persons interested
to be and appear at my office on or before the first
Monday in December next to show cause, if any, why
letters of administration should not be granted.
Given under my hand and seal of ofifioe this lfth of
October. 1870. ' W. T. SWIFT,
cctl’J-waOd. Ordhacf.
vid H Houser has made application for Letters of
Administration on tbe estate of Ed. W- Jones, lata of
said oounty, deceased, . ,
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
persons interested to be and appear at my office on or
before the 1st Monday in Nov next, to rhow cause,
if any they have, why said Letters shi aid not bo
granted. Given tinder my official signature, this 26th
September. 1879. W.T. SWIFT,
septtS-wSOd Ordinary.
. ' ' ‘ ‘ ' \
(xUttrdiHit’N Kale.
VT an order of tbe ('onrt of Ordinary of Houstoa
county, will be sold, befoie the '“ouit llouso do - ir,
the town of Perry, Houston connty Ga., on the firs’,
iu-s iay in November. 1-7U. b-tvee-' 'h- bou s
of sale, the Esst half of lot ■ f land Go. SI. in thr
Tenth Li trict of said county, containing I01!£ a-ree.
more or less. Sold for the Durr-ose of distriouticr>.
Terms cash, AROli IBALri PAbK.R.
• Guardian ot Vi’tJ P -rktr.
• - * . . ELBERT HOLLY.
Guardian of Georgian* E. Parker.
vXT. Brown,AVm. tt. Brown and Sa uel Jlviuu,
apply for the Guardianship of the ptrsoi-s nnd prop-
ertv of ttemin-r children of Daniel J. Jo. es, late of
.-a d county, oetreared,
Now this is te cit* and admonish nil and singular
the kindred and crcditnis of said deceased to be and
appear at my office, within the time by law pre: cribed,
and show cause, if any they can, why such Guardian
ship should not be granted to said applicant*.
Given under my hand officially. This. 28th day of
Sej-tembe-, 1S70.
octl-wSO-l Ordinary.
Guard inn's Sale.
r\ E0R9IA.HOUSTONCuUNTY-Agreeable to an
\JT order from the Ordinarr of laid county, will be
sold before’he Court-houre door in the town of Pony,
during the legal boars of sale, on the first Tuesday ut
December next. Lot of land No. t ixteen (16) iu the
Mnth‘t9th) District of said county, the same being
the real estate of the minors of Vardeil Jones, lata of
said county, deceased. “Ttrms cash.
octI5-w40d Guardian miu, rs of V. J--, .
(J has <his day filed his petitiosPTor exemptm-i tr-’.
porsoualty, add I will pass upon the same ih- 5 h da/
of November, 1570, at 10 o’clock s. V.. at my office.
0ct2l-d’7tSwlt. Ordinary.
i^t EORGIA. MACON COUNTY.—Cogdell Hamil-
VJT ton applies tor exemption of Personally from
levy and sale under tbe Homestead- Act. and I will
pass upon the same at my office on tho 4th day of No
vember next, at 11 o’clock a. ai.
oct21-d2t&wlt Ordinary.
Notice to Sell Laud.
ri EORGIA, MACON COUNTY.—Two months alter
\JT tbe date of tbis advertisement applic ition will
bo made to the Ordinary of Macon county for an or
der to sell ore lot of wild land in Milier couuty, be
longing to ’be estate of J. G Chevei.’deosascd.for the
bore5t of the heirs and creditors of iho estate. Doto-
ber 5(h. 1870. A. J. C’U EVES,
Executor estate J. G. Chores, deceased.
ri EOHGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Josxs bmiri
VJT c’ouar, October Term, 1870 —Itis ordered by tho
Judge tnat tho present Term of Jones Superior Court
bo a jeurned to 9 o’clock Tuesday morning, the 10th
day of January next. Jurors drawn to serve at pres
ent Term of said Court will servo as sueh at said Ad
journed Term. Parties. Jurors and Witnesses take
notice. October 17.1870. R’tLANDT. RONS.
Clerk Superior Court.
A true extract from Minutes of Ccurt.
oot21-w2t ROLAND T. ROSS. Clerk
. Administrator’s Sale.
\J fore tho Court House door in Clinton. Jones
county, on the firstTuesday in November t ext, agree
able to an order of the Court of Ordinary, two hun
dred aud two and one half acres of land, more or
less, the property of the estate of Thomas W. Stew
art. deceased, four miles Northeast of Clinton, known
as the Lowtaerlot. adjoining Joseph Clawson, A. 6.
Hamilton and others, Some original forest thereon.
A good lot of land: no buildings on it: in a good
settlement, and plenty of water. Sold for distribu
tion. Terms cash. ,
Attorney for J.'D. Stewart, Adm’r.
S'p9 w401
Administrator’s Sale.
A GREEABLE to an c-rler from the Court of Ordi-
A nary of Joboj oounty. will he sold before tho
Court-house door in tho town of Forsyth. Monr o
couo’y. on the fir-t Tuesday in Decemberdext, three
hundred ceres ot land, more or- Us-, tbe property oi
estate > fJno. A. C. 8. Lawrence, der’d, (sold for dis
tribution.) adjoiningTinds of Wm. 4 k. J. Watson <nd
others, has a good dwelling and out-hcuscs a’taehtd,
and some woodland. Situate on Eeach Creek, is a
goad investment Term;, cash.
ret6-w6«r. Adsuit.Lt’ator.
- Postponed Exeeuior’a Sale.
TPHE rale of the House and Lot in tbe town of Clin-
JL ton. Jonts oounty. be'onging to the estate ot Sam
uel Griswold, advertised to come off at the Court
House, in Clinton, known as the Lowthcr House,
is postponed until the firstTuesday in November, at
which time it wilt take place before the Court House
in sail county. Terms made known on dry of sile.
cc:4-w30J P. O. hRlKH. Execu’or.
Administrator's Sale.
ri EORGIA. JONES COUNTY.-AgreoaMe to au
VT ordt-r from the Court of Ordinary of Jonrs couu
ty, will be sold before the (hurt House do r in the
town of Forsyth. Monroe county, on the first Tuesday
in December next, within tho legal hours of sale (175)
one hundred and seventy-five acres ot land, more or
less, as the property of the estate of Robert Berry, de
ceased, a good piece if Land, with a small dwelling-
house and Oot-Uou‘es. Situate four miles from >bo
Ocmnlkee river and seven miles from Forsyth. Sold
for distribution. Terms cash,
octs w6w LEONIDAS SMITH, Adm’r.
j*»rsx. qouim.
AdmlhisteatQjr’s Sale.'
T>Y virtue of an order of -the Court of Ordinary of
JD Jasper ciunty. Iwill selL at pnblio outcry, before
tbo Coart-house door in the town of Momieello, on
the first Tuesday in December next, the hou-eaud
lot situated io said towD. known as the res deuce of
the late Mai. Jeremiah Pearson, of arid county.
Terms, cash. 8- L. DEAN,
oct23wtd Administrator of J Pearson, deed.
Application for Leave to Sell Land.
T?0UR weeks after datel will apply to tho Conrt of
J? Ordinary of Jasper county for leave to seti tho
undivided interest cf Fleming Jordan, deceased, late
of said couuty, in three hundred and sixty acres of
Land situate 1 in said countr.
oct5 wcOi THOMAS M. JORDAN, Executor.
Jasper Connty Sheriff’s Sale.
"\Y7TLL be sold on tbo first Tuesday in November
IT next, before the Court-house door in the town
of Monticello, within the legal hours of sale, the fol
lowing pioperty to-wit: Eleven -hundred seres of
Land, more or Ies», lying in said county, adjoining
lands of James Driskell, James L. Maddox, General
Ja—Darden and others. Levied ones the property
ol Pollaird B McMiohael. to satisfy a fi- fa from Jas
per superior Court, April Term, 1866. in favor of John
D Batts A Bro. vs, 0. W. McMichael, executor'of
the last will and testament of Elijah H. L. McMi-
c'lael, deceased, principal, and Pollaird tt. McMt
rhae), security. Property pointed out by Colonel G. Tv
octS w30d THOMAS R. PENN. Sheriff.
Application tor I-oave to Sell Land.
fi EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY.—On tho first Mon-
\JT day in November next. I sha’l apply to the Or
dinary of sail county for leave to ’ell all the lands
belonging to the estate of Arkiles Willscn, deceased.
oci4-w4t B. T. DIGBY. Administrator.
Application for Leave to Sell Land.
fi EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.—On the first ilon-
UX day in November next, I eha l apply to tho Or
dinary of eaid county forloavo to sell all the lands
belonging to the estate ot ARonm Hardaman de
ceased. B.T- DIGBY Admini Tutor,
oct4-w4t With the will annexed.
IjT David W. Simmons aid Argustua F. lishtfuot.
Executors of tho last will and testament of Benja
min Lightfoot, late <f said county, deceased, apply
to mo fur lette-s of dhmission from eu.d adm nistra-
Theso are therefore tociteand admnr.I.-b all parties
in’ercsted to be ond appoar nt my office in t- r'u-s of
tho Statute, snd show cause, if any tney have, why
the said letters dismisscry should net be grant- d the
applicants, ...
Given under my hand and official signature this 3i
day of October, 1879. T , i"- - JA5IFS J. R 4Y.
oct7-vf3m ■) - Owitvui*
Admlainl-ntor’s Sn! .' rri -.7
UJITILL be sold on tbo li.Mt day of : , <y - 7 ;
TT during the legal huurs of sale, btf. .'L* - ,
house door, a: Knoxville, Crawford coin t .*&: tho
lauds belonging to tbo estato of. David Rmhvd, deo’d.
containing 531 acre’, m”e ’r less, alt in o-ubody,
lying in tbe south east ro.-r.or of Ciaufo d, 15
milts from Macon, nd thr.cmilc3 trom.N0.lJ3 Sta
tion on S W. K R. The 0 is three. Settlements on
taii land, 150acics upder fence, in thsCth Dis’rict ot
Crawford connty, Ncs. 17, 18 and 47. Bold for tho
benefit of tbe heirr. On tho day following will be
sold at the old rlsce of . David Brown, deceased, the
Stock, household and kitchen furniture, - Terms cash.
aug2S-tds Adminiiir’t’ir.
vX George Hiloy appiie to me for Letters of Guar
dianship of the pers-in and property of tbe minor
children of W. T. Flowers, deceased. These are.
therefore, to oite and admonish all and singultr tbe
kindred and friends of said minor children to be and
apper.r at my offi-e within the time pres-ribed by
law, and show cause, if any, why said Letters of Guar
dianship should not be granted the applicant
Given under my hand at office. Sentemner 21st;
1870. • JAMES J. RAY,
oot4-w30J Ordin iry.
TlY vir’ue of an order of the Ordinary of Crawford
J> oounty, wdl be sold before the Ccurt-houio doer,
in the town of Knoxville, .trawford c.unty, on the
first Tuesday in November next, all the Mud- be
longing to he estati of Arch bald Ken,trick, dtet-is
ed. lat- otsaid county: the same being ots and puts
of lots Nos. 13 and 14. in tbe 1st District of said oun-
ty of Crawford, and also lots Nos. 13 and 14, in tbe 2d
District of the connty aforesaid,’ the widow’s dower of
said luts excepted The raid lots and part- ofl'fa
contain 800 acres, more or less, bold for the benefit of
their heirs and creditor* of su'd estate. Terms oaeb.
C. C. ELLIOTT, Administrator.
Administrator’s Sale.
G eorgia, ckowford couni y.—Py virtu# of
an order of the Ordinary of drawf rd com. ty,
will be sold, before the < ourt Home door in the town
of Knoxville, on the first Tuesday in December nest,
lot of lead No. 99, in the third district of originally
Houstoa. now Crawford oounty. Sold as the properly
ot ThomavJ Hancock, deceased, for the eenefit of
the heir* and creditors. Terms caj*i.
»epl5-w6w GRAY ANDREWS Administrator.
from date application will ba made o the Ordi
nary of Crawfo - d o >nnty for leave to soli the la ds
belonging to the estate of Thornes J. Hancock, de
ceased, late o’ said eoanty of Crawford This 12th day
of Ser’vmber, 1870.
GRAY ANDREWS, Administrator.:
FI E<' RO r *, CR 4 W FORD COUN TT.—Two months
V T a’tar dsti appi’tntion will be made to the Court
f Or Jinary. ‘>1 said ctuuty, for leave to m<: t .. itnds
bo’o sinr to rt.e e 5 ’ate c-f W ; O. Clt v:'a-d. late ol
*1 ! rnunfv. ercev 5 ed. tor toe b-r.eut of beirs and
ireditors of said deceased.
aag30-wc(kl Executor.
M ppllcatton for Leave to Sell Land.
/"'t EOHGIA, OKAWFOKD COUNTY.—bixty days
from date, application will bo made to the
Honorable, tho Ordinary of Crawford county, for
leave to eell tbe lauds belonging to tho relate of
Archibald Keudriok, dec se< d. late of Crawford
county. This Angust 29th.. 1S70
erpl-w60.1 Administrator.
iE-J e-la,QUITMAN COUNTY—Abraham Py!e,
of -aid e lUi.ty, has ai plied lor tbo srttir-g apav
oer, at my office.
(RiUiuhu County Admtniatmtoi's Sale.
B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary
of eaid county, will be sold on tbe first Tues
day in November, 1870, before tbe Court-house
door, in said county, between tho legal hours of
sale, 1be following lots and parts of lots of land,
Oue IrandxiH and eighty-five and a half acres,
more or lose* of lot No. 132; euntb half of iot Nc.
li>8; one-hair of lot No; -154, and all of lots Nos.
157,168 and 190, in the 8th Dishiat'of originally
Lee, now Quitman connty, the same being that part
of estate of Benj. H Bico, deceased, which had boon
assigned as dower to his widow, since, also, de
ceased. Terms cash. H. M. nAIGLER,
sept20-w40d* Adm’r.
G eorgia, quitman county.—ioai whom
itmay CJECtri. Henry M. Kaiglsr. haviaein
proper form a-pUed to meter rermanent icttirs ol
aJmiottra’icn on th3 estate of Mrs. Zibah A Rico,
lato of^aidcoun’y— . .. ,
Th : s isto clt*> all end singular, tbe crecitorsaud
next of kin oi Zillab A. kies, to io and appear et mv
rfflci withia tbe time allowed by law, ana show ciuse
if any they can, why prrmaneiit administration
liocld not be giantedtothoapDlicsnt.
oct5-w.3)d Ordinary,
fri EGRGIA— IWIGG3 COUNTY.-Hilliard , ».
VTT Newby having appliid to beappointed guardian
of tbe person Bnd property cf Willie J. Hun ter, mi
ner rrphan under fourteen years of age of William E.
Hunter, deceased: also Clayton M., Andrew •irau-
sons concerned to be and appear at the Term cf
the Ccuitef Ordinary t> be fceld on tbo first.Mon*
day in November n*xt. and show cause, if any
they have, why said Hilliard t*. Newby ihou’.d not
be entrusted with the guardianship of tb* persons
and property of said minors. V* itness my official sig
nature, tbis October 3,1870 _____ _
oat5-w30d Jt»i»N F. SHINE. Ordinsry.
Application for Leare to Sell Land,
G EORGIA TWIflG5 C0UNTY.-< ntbefirstMon-
day in NoYcmber next, tre will ®pply io the Or
dinary of sxld county for leave t# f#li fell the lands
belonging to tbe cat3tc A. lharp, do-
eeased • VINvINT THAhr,
cet7-w3?d Execa? or.-i of Jo* emiah A. Tharp,
.2 r
Executor’s Sole.
T HE undersignrd, as Executois of tbe 1 :t c t will and
testament of Bartley McCrary, deceased. wLlsell
at Bxeoutor’s sale, at public outcry, on tho 1st Tuns
day iu November next, before the Cnurt-honre door,
in the town of Butler. Taylor county, Ga.. the valu
able plantation be onging to the estate of said Bartley
McCrary, deceased, situated in said county of Taylor,
7iu lesnorthof Butlorifa well watered, with about
500 acres of open land, goed dwelling gm-hou?e,
press and out-hruses of every description, usually
found on a fi st-rate cotton plantation. The place ia
finely wateicd, being situated on Patsalagee Creek.
The place oonta'ns, in the aggregate. 1000acres, mote
or less. Tbo place eould be divided so as to make two
foot rettlemsnts: one oontainl: g ’650 acres and tbe
otber450 acre 5 . Terms made known m the day of
s*pt22 nCw Executors.
11 1
r o
Real applies for permanent Letters of Admin
istration on tho estate of William 11 Read, late.of
said county, deceased, these are therefore, to cite
all persons conccrnod to bs and appear at my office
within tho time prescribed by law, and show cause, if
any they have, why said letters should not be granted
to said applicant. Given under my hand, officially,
this October 12 1870.
oetl9-w3od J OHN F. SHINE. Ordinary.
Administrator's Sale.
ance of au order from the Ordinary Court ot said
couatf, there will be sold before the Court-house
door in the town of Irwinton, in raid county, on tho
trrt Tuesday tu December- neit. during lha legal
hours ol sale, a good Cotton Plantation, of four bun
dred sere-, well improve’, and lying eight miles south
of Irwinton. Sold as tho properly of tho esta’e of
Williein W. Collins, occulted, for the purpose of di
vision. Terms of sale ca 5 h- ...
- «etl9 x?0w — if. O. RlrTITERTORD, Adm r. .
Trustee’s Sale.
bo sold, on tbe firet Tuesday in November
next, during the legal hours of sale, before the
Court House dooriu Vienna, Dooly er unty, all the
lands belonging to ibe estato
ceased, coalaiai tI g 637% acres, more or le3S, al ia one
body, in the ninth district of Dooly county. Nos 94.
95. 9) and fi actional lot No 90; 200 acres under lenco
The plantation lies pri’-cipatiy on the road leading
from Drayton to Montcxuma. 15 milca from Mootc-
ium* r.nd two miles riorlh of Draytou. Eoldftr the’
benefit of the heirs. Terms o*sh - -
scpll-w6w Trustee,
Q E0RG1A—DOOLY COUNTY—Whereas, Gilbert
0. Carmichael applies loose for lettcrsot'admin-
islration upon tbe cslataof John F. Oliver deceas
ed. These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned tobe and appear at my offios on or
before tbe first Monday in November next, to show
cause, it any tboy have, why said letters should net
be granted. -Given under my hand and official signa
ture this 3d day cf Ootober, 1870.
, . fcORGlA, HENRY COUNTY.—OcmxxBT s Or- . _ n . -
lY riCB,Cletober 17,1870.—By virtuB^of an order of BflEe tkW A Ifc^K C?^?e»
_ ropi
Urmi of said sale,) will be sold before the Court
house door in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, of
said State, on tho first Tuesday in December, 1870, the
following prooertj, to-wit: w est half of Lot 3. Square
42, in said city of Maoon, joining Clinkscales,
Mrs. Holiin'.swortb et al. Sold as tbo property of
Emily Bennett, deceased, for tbe henefit of heirs and
creditors. Terms cash. JNl). W. MAXWELL,
oct20-w6w Administrator, with will annexed.
Postponed Executors Sale:
TTTILB be sold before tbe Court house door in ho
VV country ofDougletty, on the 1st Tuesday in
Decern'-er next, during tho legal hours of sate, the
Plantation belongirgto the estate of Judgo Abner P.
Powers, deceased, situated in the Second District ot
Pnutrherty count?, Georgia, consisting of lo s N'f-
176.177,183,181 1S5 217snd 218, ocntain’ngseventeen
hun ired and fifty (1750) acres.
All the above described property sold for the pur
poses of distritution aud for the payment of tbe debts
* f --aid estate.
The Plantation will bs sold for half cash; the bal-
anca at twelve mon'hs with interestond approved
security. The perishable prop-rty will besold f>r
cash, JGiiN P. MANLEY.
Septl7-tds. ” - ’ Executor.
AilnilnlstratorV Sale.
W ILL be sold before the Court house do*.r in >he
town cf Irwinton, Wilkinson c umy, on tbe
fir;t Tucsda< in Decembor next, within the legal
hou’sofsslc, tbe following Real Estate' t6 wit:
tifto n hundred -nd -hi-ty-nine (1539) »cres of
lan -, more or less, lying in tbo Jrd and 26:h districts of wilki- s-n, known ai ihe Lucinfla
U. i !a:e, nm- inieg ui.ds ot W. E. Carswe.l.
rr., A. ilcAii m. e t to at William Toiiu.Mra Eliza
Wh Pple d..U O'lltTr. t • , .,• i Vi
Ab uto.e half tbe pi tco is in a gvd state of cn.-
ti- a ion a > ui,d r te ce.
Ther is a good two stay hot) e on tba-plAOe r .*l;h
al the necessary i.u .-building:, cr bs, i tab cs.c.c ,t»o
g od'we’l- ofwateranda too l sin bou : e kill screw.
A so. the Pl n ati n mown as the Parks its o
1 ingm e23d district of sa d:county. c ntauirg
sic hundred a d tsiriy ac e , more or less, ao • ( ue
bunlr dacre,aoj inirg. known a-the "’Hajs place, ’
■•cjo nir g lends of 5!is. Elisa VV hippie, leargei ais-
wousjKtctisrs — :t -if ;
There a-e on tbep ! ace a dwel leg bouse, gin bouse
and craw, and tie necessary out bupdings, crib.-,
etHblos o c„ and a gobtv llotwat«T -
A 1 of these lands aro well sn wn ssthe Por er’s
Cr. ek lands and the best -otton 1 nda in the ecu- ty.
Also, will bo su'd lit tho tamo time a il pla.-e. a
S'or—h iu-e d bo< in the town ol IrnUtm The
house is Dew, S-fe t-loi-g by 2- eit wi-*o aid tw»
sturi « nigh it ii dir.ct y in tr n of ihe >1 urt-
hou'e. ar.d on ofthebes bu _'ness - tanjs i :on
Ali oftber.b ve and fore <iag roporej sold as tbe
••r.-iertv ’ It A. v, Hppic, lat * o' s i-i e mrt . dc
ceased,f.r he brno n ol hewsandcreititer* Sola oy
authrrit of an o der of l-eD -iinaf' ol'.-aideou ty.
-erm of sale, oue-fcalf cash ;.n,t thr b lauco ut
twilvemoaths. with D’.i-rt ,-g o tbr proper-y as ie-
enrity,-nd me- s > mu d-te 1 n -t punctca ly paid
Poes ssion, 25th December.
oetl9 lawmwuir. Adm n stra’or.
rpHESE Instruments have been before tbe public
1 for nearly Thirty Years, and upon their ex
cellence alone attained an unpurebaeed pre-emi
nence, which pronounces them unequalled. Their
TONE combines great power, sweetnees and fine
singing quality, as well as great purity of intonation
and sweetness throughout tbe entire scalo. Their
TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from
the stiffness found in eo many Pianos. In work
manship they are unequalled, using none but the .
very best seasoned material, the large capital em
ployed in our-bUBiness enabling us to keep con
tinually an immenso eCockof lumber, ect. on baud.
g9~AU our Square Pianos have our New Improved
Overstrung Scale and tbe Agraffe Treble. •
CSTWo, wonld call special attention to our late:
improvements in Grand Pianos snd Square Grands.
Patented August 14. 1S6C, which bring tbe Piano
nearer perfection than has yet heen attained.
Every Plano Unity Warranted for 5 Years.
We have made arrangements for the Solo Whole
sale Agency for the most celebrated Parlor Organs
and Melodoons. which we offer, Wholesale and Re
tail, at lowest Factory Prices,
q fi WJL KNABE A CO., .
eoptlO wGm _ ^Baltimore, Md.
1100 Acres of Talley Lands Male.
W ILL be sold before tne Court hous dwr, in the
town ofTalbott iu, on tho 1st luesday ia N v.
next »ithin ihe legal hours ft s*le. lbsta-r s -
Val'ey Lands, beloratur t th j es’ato of Tb-
Steobonson, de wed 8 'd lands Re at he
the Pi< e Mountain, in Talb-.t ooun’y 2 m-’
o' the Cha ybeute Si rings. 50» aero* in tb
rsmau inn 60" o exnd aud iu a high s’
ti. n. with Ofy or so-eat J-five o’
lend as iherc is in Middle Gtorgi
Ihi- place is i.eted for its <•
Church‘•a, mills and school h-
proveinen’s good, wi* h the
screw, which were dost- ,ieq44& 'ea«ile>atct j3 } .
sons wishiog to pare*’
Ciamino the preir’
land# are sold '
iddrtts,. van ssiM mdT i .mJSI
stocls F-ed, Collin; Apparatus, Smultsrt
Corn shellerw. l Flonr Packers sag Mill
Work Ucncrsily, ,
' 'These Mills were first made to
supply the wonts of the Plant
ers and Stock Glowers of the
South, but their fame has spread
to every quarter of the globe,
and they aro now sold and used
in Enrcpe, Asia, Africa and
Sonth Ami-lies. To supply the
increasing demand we have en-
largrd our Manufactory and ad
d'd valuable imnruvoraente to the Mills. As
h. retofore, our Mills will be built of choioe Barr
Blocks, selected at the O * - France.
Send for Descriptive ’ ‘"’ng Trea
ties on Milling, ser’
., r%-