Newspaper Page Text
CLjel&gcapty $m& J^wcnal
fleers nnd Funds Missing, Etc.
^ V.iK November ll.-Henry D.
>‘ # ),%’ r of tbo SecurityBank, has
fjjiW. L ,_«->o,000 short.
'in'the presidency of the Pan-
JjftiiltjW' 1 <» ^,'^a merchants, failed
*"-'Vrs • ... which amounted to a
in*"* fwmenof Brooklyn have placed
Thl ^ «credit of the street repauv
p6 Sdia? them to r ’ 3 -° mpl0y rccently
SfSliSr'comprommed on five
J5.T reduction.
r Cuban Movements.
Cubans held a private meeting at
Tk‘V““i: 0 f General Quesado last
KtZ consummate their plana for a
ti - b ^-btion. It is now thought it
#e* to sail before the end ot
will w vi, 1
\ Centennial Tea Party.
pur*. November 11.—The
pHI, ^ D Centennial Ward Committees
^ m0 “" plotcd their treasury airange-
^.T/a projected tea party at the
"L the l"th of December, the
*£2* of the Boston tea party. The
**? ^States will bo represented by
The ladies attending upon the
required to dress in the Mar-
g^Siugton style, with cap, ker-
fiiicf, etc.
jlississijtpi Valley Outlets.
f uvapous, November 11.—The
h Kiehange have appointed a
jarhau present the claims of
rS o the Mississippi Valley for
‘^iSjLdin improving the outlets to
5“***._ The committee asks the co-
Srnion of leading cities of the Missis-
pypi Valley.
Illinois Election.
/wiso November 11.—The county
7 rL are now all in. The farmers Cuban waters will be, if they have not
f . -arried fifty-one counties, the Re- already, been instructed to observe the
Weans fourteen and the Democrats orders issued in the spring of 1869, when
^ hteen In thirteen counties there reports came to the Navy Department.
‘ ” ltu ' 1 through the press and telegrams, of sev
eral American vessels having been search
ed by Spanish men-of-war in British waters
and on the high road of nations in tho
Gnlf of Mexico. The Government then, as
now, took the position that while the
United States Government wished to ob
serve strict neutrality in regard to diffi
culties existing on the Island of Cuba,
they could not consent that our merchant
vessels should be n olested in their lawful
r, About the Murdered Cabans.
Washington, November 11.—The of-,
fieial information from Santiago de Cuba,
desired by the Department of State from
our consulate, has not.y-t been received,
although several days have elapsed since
he was telegraphed to furnish' all the
particulars relative tty tho seizure of the
Vjrginius and the executions whioh so
soon followed that event, but notwith
standing the non-rcceipt of the informa
tion our Government has, as is already
known, taken-such action in the premises
as has, so far as the Spanish Government
is concerned; secured a delay of ’ proceed
ings relative-to the captives now in cus
tody of the Cuban authorities, until all
the foots in the case shall have been as
certained. '
The Spanish Minister for Foreign Af
fairs in his recent conversation with Min
ister Sickles, expressed his disapproba
tion of the summary manner of the exe
cution of the most prominent persons
captured with the Virginins, and gave
tim tho assurance that no efforts should
be spared by the Spanish government to
show the United States that its friend
ship was more substantiate than mere
words, or language to this effect. The
utterances were, it i3 believed by those
who have been officially advised of them,
made in good 1 faith, but the Spanish gov
ernment. like our own, admits the im
practicable character of those with whom
it has to deal in Cuba.
Whil" referring to the troubles which
now convulse Spain herself, thus render
ing her almost, if not quite po ®erless to
act efficiently in the affairs of Cuba and
restrain, fxcesses which, under other cir
cumstances might bo prevented, at the
Cabinet meeting to-day, there was a con
versation of long continuance with re
gard to Cuban affairs generally and the
position occupied bv the United States
on that subject. Ther' was no differ
ence among the members of the fall Cab-
met as to our dnty in the premises—
present and prospective.
, While awaiting the necessary official
information, there is no doubt that the
Admiral and commanders of our fleet in
«re no party issues.
Railway Accident.
PiTFr.snv, November 11.—A collision
eworred to-day on the New York, Oswego
ud Midland road near Hancock. The
engineer, a fireman and a lady passenger
xere killed.
Post-Office Leak.
Boston, November 11.—The postmas-
ter of Eldorado, Arkansas, has been ar- I p arsu its, or overhauled and examined
rested here, charged with embezzlement. ^ es they were found committing some
Engineer Killed. I violation of Spanish authority. This they
Saw Lake, November ll.-Mathcw I could onl y do by landing arms andmu-
Einney, an engineer on the Central Pa
cific railway, was fatally shot by a negro
Laborers Returning to the Old World.
, Boston, November 11.—The steamship
Atlas, which sailed to-day for Liverpool,
had two hundred and thirty steerage pas
sengers. A large proportion of them
were mill operatives and artizans who are
returning to the old world for lack of em
ployment. Some forty factory operatives
catno on from Fall river to embark on
tho Atlas.
Gale on the English Coast.
London, November 11.—A violent gale river '
prevailed on the British and Irish coasts,
and the harbors are filled this morning
with vessels disabled or seeking shelter.
*$0 serious disasters are yet reported.
Lawson, stock-broker, interested in
Erio, failed to-day.
entire bale.
Gone to his Post.
Alfred N.Yonng, United States Consul, I
at Santiago de Cuba, sailed to-day for j
Put to Work.
nitions of war. The waters between
| Cuba and the United States being used
as the great highway of all nations, ves-
_ , „ . , sel3 should not be molested unless they
Discharged from Custody. wtra ^thiu a marine league of the island,
Saw Vouk, November 11.—Royal I and not even then unless detected in
Sammis. Rudolph Sammis, and the other gome overt act. The Secretary of the
peisoiis implicated in the Kelsey case, I Navy, in his general and special instruc-
wre arraigned at Jamaica, Long Island, I tions said:
{(►day, and discharged from custody. “ The United States Government sees
Lamar TS. Dana. no reason why vessels pursuing their
m. •* t* I peaceful vocations should be overhauled
Tama, f has been no proclamation according bel-
“wS, ™ »&■ t»««»•<»!« «?*-
rta maue m gwu wuut ““““ * I ^ yonr power, any infraction of mterna-
«f President Lincoln. . tional law by the Spanish vessels of war
High Price for Cotton. j ^ ag the matter of oar commerce is
New York, November 11.—A bale of J concerned.'”
cotton was sold at auction to-day, for the I And on the instructions to Admiral
benefit of the Memphis sufferers, at 66| j Poor, in January, 1870, the Secretary
cents per pound, bringing $300 for the said: “It is desired • that' you should
i keep some of your vessels stationed on
the north and south ends of the Island of
Cuba, or at such ports as the so-called
insurgents shonld convene for escape
from the Island. Whilethe Department
does not detire that youNihould seek op
portunities to encourage these distressed
In response to appeals from the labor- I persons to seek the protection of the
era of Brooklyn for help, the Board of United States flag, you will in no case
City Works to-day set four hundred and refuse them shelter on board the vessels
fifty men to work on public improve- I of yonr fleet, and when they are once
ments. under the protection of the flag, these
The Aid for the Sufferers. persons and property will be held sacred
mr a a i . , .. , , • I against the interference of the Sjjank.a
The total amount contributed for the autll0r itics. In no case will yon give up
relief of the Memphis sufferers on elec- one attempting to escape from the
bon day was $7,836. island, except by authority from this
Public Health Association. Department,”
The American Public Health Assoeia- I • It is probable the fleet in the South
tion is in session in this city. . Delegates.[ Atlantic will be increased without delay,
•represent from all parts of the United and one or more vessels sent to Santiago
States and from various parts of Europe, de Cuba, i „_
Mrs. nail Visits the Tigress. - Discussions have
The widow of the late Capt. Hall vis- nursue in case Spain
fied the Tigress to-day, to obtain, if pos- tunable to enforce the principles
siUe, any relics of the Arctic voyage, j £ intornational law> or violate those ap-
Mrs. Hall was greatly affected w ^ on pUcable to the highway of nations, par-
ihown the prayer-book of her husband. ^ cul ^ ly affec ting vessels sailing under
ThO Virginias in Cabinet. ,I the national flag. It has heretofore been
Washington, November 11.—There plainly intimated to oe I ? °i^Tl
was a full Cabinet to-day. The seizime I communications, that the necessity mignt
of the Virtinius on the high seas and the be imposed on the United States to ae-
elauirhter °of Rvan and his companions, cisively enforce the . principles fo F
was discussed. The conclusion has not this government has earnestly contended,
transpired. Gen. Burritis announcement The. future wiU determine when they
that the patriots died with composure I shall have a practical application. .
seem? to swthe the authorities here into The Secretary of State, in convereation
to-day, expressed his surprise at the re-
1 f rtr Work ^rti inirview with him yesterday.
Asking for work. j there being some things in the phblica-
Philadklfhia, November 11. - A com- | t;on ^cuiated to place hiih in a false
mittee appointed by a mass meetmg of I ^gj^ion. , ' .
working men. had an interview witii j *' __ .
Mayor Stokely to-day. for the purpose of ; Andy Johnson Heard From,
ascertaining what could be done to pro-1 ■) ■^y^gm^GTO??, November 11.—Ex-Presi
. ride employment for the thousands j 0 lmson. sends a communication to
thrown out of work. He erpiv-sedgrat- j j_^ e chronicle in reply to that of Judge
ification at being consulted and recom- printed last August, on the subject
mended that a petition should be ad- j 0 j. y 10 execn tion : of Mrs. Surratt. The
dressed to the councils, when a committee I chronicle says of Johnson’s commumea-
woald be appointed to take action. ! ^j on . it is throughoutdignified, free from
Much out-door work could be provided; | nee( jiegs personalities, and all vitupera-
but he said there was a necessity for t - on and i 3 confined to a review of
supplying work to those accustomed to I statements of a Government official,
in-door work. [ which, if credited, might affect his repu-
Judge Underwood Assaulted. tation as a citizen, and as an officer while
: Richmond, Va., November 11j—Judge J acting gs the C^ m E xe c utive^ of the
J C TJnderwood, of the United States nation. Charges un T °® cial J^“ c 1 f
' District Court, was assaulted here to-day are altogether ignored in Johnson s com-
by W. N. McVeigh, former owner of the mumcataon.
property in Alexandria purchased under j Boiler Explosion, _
the confiscation act by Underwood. A New y OJS iK, November 11. A boner
few blows were administered by McVeigh, I occurred this afternoon, at the
with no resistance whatever on the part ] of 4t b avenue and 128th. streeti
of Underwood. McVeigh called the I g even persons wero instantly killed ana
Judge "a hypocritical scoundrel, several wounded. .Allgla’s in the imme-
charged him with robbing him and mak- vicinity was demolished. All or
inghis family panpera. __ I the killed had either the whole or apor-
Alabama Fair Indefinitely Postponed. | tion of-their heads blown off.
•. Legal Illegality.
Charleston, November 11.—The Re
publican commissioners of elections have
overruled the protest of the citizens,
against the municipal election of October
1st, which is thus decided to have beer£ ’
legal and valid.
Destructive Fire In Ontario.
Statnor, Ontario, November 11.—A
fire here this morning destroyed the
Northwestern Railway station, Randolph’s
saw mill and lumber yard, Sumner
Feildt’s hotel and four houses, causing a
total loss of about $2,00,000.
South Carolina State Fair.
Columbia, November 12-ii-The State
fair opened to-day under favorable aus
pices. A great many articles are on ex
hibition. The first race was won by
Rutledge, the second by Rank Hampton.
A Heavy London „ allure.
London, November 11.—It is reported
that Wm. Alfred, and Fithur, Burrs &
Co., general metal merchants, have failed.
Their liabilities are $4,000,000.
Wholesale Butchery — Forty-eight
More Murders.
Havana, November 12,—On the 7th
instant the captain and thirty-six of the
crew of tho steamer Virginias yrere exe
cuted at. Santiago de Cuba, and on the
next day (the 8th) twelve more of the
Cuban volunteers on the-vessel were shot.
Among the latter was Francisco Alfaro.
Vengeance on Spain—Robeson Orders
Out his Iron Pots.
Philadelphia, November 12.—Orders
have been received to-day at the navy
yard to fit out the monitor Manhattan
for sea by Friday next. A large force of
workmen is employed. It is understood
that other monitors at League Island are
to be made ready for service at once.
The Boiler Explosion.
New York, November 12.—It is said
the engine whioh exploded on Fourth
avenue yesterday had been tended by a
boy—the engineer being absent.
Miss Bassford, who was killed, was a
young woman of great beauty and intel
ligence. She was on her way home, and
attracted by the shouts of a working
man. stopped fora second and was struck
by a flying piece of the boiler.
The little girl killed was an Italian
street musician. Her harp was found
lying by the side of her body.
The work of death was apparently
mainly executed by a piece of iron weigh
ing full 200 pounds, which was thrown
off from the boiler at a height of about
five feet, and sped through the air at
about that level above the ground.' Its
force was spent at the comer of 128th
street, where it fell—striking on the
head and Trilling the young woman above
The families of the deceased men, who
were nearly all married and had chidren,
visited the stationhouse duringtbe even
ing, and with tears and anguish identi
fied the dead.
Tea Trade Through. Son Francisco.
The failure in the tea trade on Mon
day is attributed rather tor the competi
tion which is growing up in the Vest,
than to the' panic.
The great Western marts, it is said,
are receiving their teas mainly by way of
San Francisco, and many smaller firms
here have been wonnd up owing to- the
consequent withdrawal of trade.
The decreasing trade is mentioned as
the cause of one of the heaviest import
ers alwrtising two vessels of their fleet
for sale.
Hoarded Currency.
The Associated Banks have gained
$1,200,000 since yesterday, and now have
$26,200,000 on hand.—[Which they don’t
know what to do with.J ,
The Russia, sailing for Europe to-day,
takes out $487,846 in silver bars.
The Memphis Bale.
The bale of cotton for Memphis, which
sold here yesterday for $350, was shipped
to Liverpool to be sold for the same pur
Crtielty at Sea.
John A. Brown, captain of the ship
John Harvey, has been lodged in Ludlow
Montgomery, November 11;—The Ala-
bama State Fair lias been indefinitely
'’Ticket Agents in Council
The general railway and steamship
posponedin consequence of thestringency agents held,a meeting to;day and
of the times. 1 * 1 f ormo d a permanent organization, for the
• The Yellow Fever. I purpose of maintaining passenger rates
The board of health atrain publish that M d protection'aga^tthe movement o
■ all fever apprehensions are at an end. No. railroad, managers to abolish the business
- new caseXvo occurred for several days, of commission agencies.Eve^yagOTtin
and but few deaths during the past ten I the city was present. Steps_were
1 days, and they were old cases. [ to unite agents throughout the country.
Associated Banks Rules
hTia Governing Committooof the Clear-
| ing- house Association have fubmitted. the
Roue Back on their Unions.
Knoxville, November 11.—The late
strikers on the East Tennessee, Yirgiaia
and Georgia railroad, including’ the_ en- j to govern the associated
gineers, machinists and blacksmiths, have I following rules w ^
withdrawn from their unions. The en
gineers, in a published card, acknowledge* i interest upon deposits. ■
their error and say they have determined g eco nd—No check shall be certified
Ke» York city ryceived yteyte. of .to-
effect, withdrawing from the Machinists
and Blacksmiths’ Union.
count fixed by the Clearing-house Com-
In to-morrow’s Dally Press and Hernia checks ’•till be taken at deposi
Vice President Jaqnes publishes the fol- | ^ rigi8 ^ collected through the
To the Public.
Clearing-house. ...
Sixth—Checks not good wiU be retum-
To prevent any misapprehension as to L<1 to the depositor the day following,
the true position of the engineers on the Banks not strictly observing these
Virginia and Georgia railroad, I will state will be excluded from the Clearing,
that they have withdrawn from the or- l bouse Association'. . .
ganization known as the Brotherhood of The foregoing rules have been sub
Locomotive Engineers, and the charter of I m i ttc d and will be discussed ,at their
Knoxville Division No. 115 has been de- me eting this day week and if iwceptea
livered to us to be forwarded to Charles ^rill go into effect January s » n
Wilson, Grand Chief Engineer, Cleve- Woman Suffrage Defeated,
land, Ohio. J £ Q ?? SS A The woman’s suffrage proposition was
Vice President E. T. &. Ga. R. R. Co- New Jersey Constitution Con-
The trains are all running regularly, lo»tmtheJNew jew*/
and everything is perfectly quiet. 1 ventio J-
Died at the Same Hour.
Bishop Henshafw’s sisters,- the wives of
Rev. Dr. Bnmy, at Boston, and Rev. Dr.
Post, at St. Louis, died nearly at the same
hour. i .
Commander R. E. Owen will command
the Manhattan.
An Old Confed.
It is stated that the commander of the
Yirginius was Capt. Fry, who commanded
the Confederate navy in the Arkansas
Fitting the Navy for Action.
The Mahopac and. tbe Manhattan,
which are ordered to he put in commis
sion, and to which officers are’ already
assigned, are fourth class screw vessels,-
iron clads of 550 tons burden, and carry-?
ing each two guns. These vessels will
join the North Atlantic squadron. The
vessels of the navy have been so much
reduced in number that it has been found
somewhat difficult to promptly refit our
squadrons in cases of emergency j but in
the course of a few days all that can be
made available will be seat to Cuban
waters, in accordance with the determina
tion of the Cabinet meeting yesterday.
The Governmental Plnck Getting Up.
The Secretary of the Navy was in con
sultation to-day with the different bu
reau oUcers on the subject of preparing
the vessels for sea. The Government
seems to be more earnest than hereto
fore in protecting the waters between
the United States and Cuba, the great
highway of all nations, from Spanish
malcontents. The Madrid Government
being unable to enforce its authority in
Cuba that of the United States will be
impelled to assert its power in all cases
where the interests of the citizens of the
country and its own hone* - require de
cisive action. The President and all the
members of the Cabinet are in accord on
this subject.
It not helieved in official quarters that
the contest in Cuba has at any time as
sumed the condition* which amount to a
war. in the sense of international law, or
which would show the existence of a de-
facto political organization of the insur
gents, sufficient to justifj a recognition
of belligerency; but, as President Grant
said in one of his annual - messages, the
principle, is maintaining that this , nation
is its own judge when to accord the right
of bilhgerency either to a people strug
gling to free themselves from a govern
ment they believe to be oppressive, or to
independent nations at war with each
other. .
The Murders Confirmed.
The State Department has dispatches
from Cuba confirming the press reports
from Santiago de Cuba in all their de
tails. , • i ■
Ordered to Sea.
The iron-clad Mahopac, at Norfolk, is
ordered to prepare for sea and officers as
signed to her.
Death ot a Journalist.
James W. Knewllen, correspondent of
the Chicago Tribune and other papers, is
dead. He was much esteemed by his
newspaper associates. . He married a
daughter of Judge Riddle only six months
ago. ,
Eosenzweig Again Tarns Up.
New York, November 12.—Judge
Sutherland, to-day, delivered a long opin
ion, discharging Rosenzweig, the abor
tionist. Tho District Attorney moved
for a stay of proceedings until to-mor
row, in order to get the ease before the
general term of the Supreme Court.
The Health Association.
The American Health Association re
newed its session this morning. . Papers
were read by Dr. Leis, of Baltimore, and
, D. E. Russel, Secretaiy of the Board of
Health of Louisiana.
The E. P. on the Chban Murders.
The Evening Post says editorially
“The feeling of our citizens was raised to
fever heat by the .execution of the four
Cuban leaders. It will now rise to the
boiling pitch. Cuba and her friends will
hereafter need neither money nor men.
Have these butchers no fear of tho in
dignation of tho .civilized world? The
report makes the blood run cold.”
Missionary Work.
The fifty-eighth anniversary meetin
of the General Missionary Committee
the M. E. Church was'held this morning.
Present, Bishop Janes, presiding, and
Bishops Simpson, Scott, Bowman, Ames.
Wyley, Haven. Andrews and Peck. There
was also a full attendance from the mis
sion districts. The treasurer’s report for
the past year shows the receipts during
that period have been $767,233; expen
ditures, $725,169. The question of ap
propriation of funds for a mission station
in Central Africa was taken up for dis
: More Naval Preparations.
• Orders have been received at the
Brooklyn navy yard to prepare the sloops
of war Keersarge and Juniata for sea im
mediately. At noon to-day, under equally
pressing orders, the torpedo boat, Admi-
Cotton. j.
/We note some improvement in tho market to
day, It closed with an active demand at 121c for
middlings an 112}c for low middlings.
To-day the receipts were 737 bales—157 by
rail and 280 by wagon. The shipments were 685
bales; sales 699. , .
Stock on hand Scpt-li 1873. 1,399
Received to-day 737
Received previously. 26,838—27,575
-v; , ■ ! • • j 28,974
Shipped to-day 685
Shipped previously. .18,689—19,374
Stock ouhand this evening... 9,600
Financial and Commercial
Gold and Silver nominal.. ■, , ,
Exchange on New York buying at per
oent. off and selling at par. On Providence and
Boston, buying at 1 per cent. off.
Since our last report we are unable to note any
improvement in the financial situation. On the
contrary, the announcement of financial embar
rassment of many largo houses in the North and
in England has served to heighten the prevailing
distrust and depression.
In our local money market there is hut little
improvement in the general tone and in the sup
ply of currency. The banks, however, are able to
discount to a very moderate extent, but are unu
sually exacting in regard to the class of paper
which they take.
The home trade. is very dull in nearly all de
partments, and prices are Unsettled and irregular.
In .the natural course of the laws of trade and
finance there must he a rally from the existing de
pression. Although tho stagnation bears with
pressing severity upon a vast number of people, it
clear that the legitimate business of the coun
try will, with prudent management, be all the
better in the end. ... u • <
Street Jail to await an investigation on : ral Porter, was launched, and. will he
charges of brutality preferred by five
seamen, and committed, during a'voyage
from this port to Cronstadt via Mobile
and return. !
Johnson on the Sorratt Murder.
Washington, November 12.—Andrew
Johnson publishes four and a half col-
ums in the Chronicle in answer to Judge
Holt’s ; allegations that Mr. Johnson dis
regarded tho recommendation of a ma
jority of the cjjyrt, for commutation in, W orld.
Mrs. Surratt’s case.I Faying their Interest.
Mr. Johnson says he never saw the re- . p SXBBSBraa , Va., November 12.—The
commendation. On the contrary, Judge and Petersburg and the Pe-
Holt argued the question that sex ought' fc ^, KmTr and Weldon railroads, R. Bag-
hot to be considered, and urged an early i j an d > President, met promptly the. No
execution. - _ _ I vember interest on their bonds to-day.
'* The Richmond, and Danville and Pied-
made ready for active operations in a
few days.
Murder and Suicide.
California, Mo., November 12.—Hen
ry Rae killed Mollie Waleni and himself.
The parents of Mollie refused to consent
to their marriage. Rae left a note saying ■
that he would not live without the girl
, and resolved to kill her and himself so
that they might be together in the next
Mr. Johnson’s card is regarded as mas
terly. ,
Mr. Johnson complains that Holt with
held an allegation intended to damage
him, until the witnesses were dead.
California Anti-Chinese Convention.
San Francisco, Cal., November 12.—
The anti-Chinese convention met here
to-day and elected T. H. Ward President.
A committee on a platform and 'resolu
tions was appointed and charged with the
duty of drafting an address to the people
of the- United States on the subject of
Chinese immigration.
Billiard Matches.
Chicago, November 1 12.—Gamier beat
Eessinger in 54 innings 400 to. 340.
' Daly beat Slassons 400 to 227 In the
twefth" inning Daly made 153 points. •
v Masonic. 1;
The, Supreme Council ,of, Sovereign
Consistory of Masons of the 33d degree
of the north jurisdiction of the United
States met to-day. A number of nota
bles from: all parts of the country were
present.: • 3
Harder In a Penitentiary,
Philadelphia, N ovember 12.—Colonel
Cregan, a celebrated counterfeiter, and
Charles Brown, who outraged a lady, both
sentenced to the Eastern Penitentiary for
mont Air Line.railroad, Colonel A, S. Bu
ford, President, extending from Rich
mond, Va., to Atlanta, Ga., paid up their
November interest on their bonds yes
terday. -j > •> 1 ■
' The Udderxook Case.
Westchester, November 12.—The mo
tion for a new trial in the Udderzook case
Will be argued the second Monday in De
A RIES-CLASS Family, News. Political and
Commercial Paper, national in its lum, rep-
jitation and circulation. - In addition, to itsusuiu
quantity and variety of matter, it'will publish
Orieinal Stories and Novelettes, and, commenanj
with its issue of December 3, will, each week, foi
a year or longer, publish a series of
Dehverdby Rev. Dr. STUART ROBINSON, re;
vised by himself expressly for this, paper.
On tbe 1st of January, 1874, the publishers will
distribute ■. ’ •
Among its subscribers. All who avail
themselves of the opportunity of securing a gut
• “ _ , . . ,, . ,, tnemseives01 me ojipunuuuj (WnKpr 10
long term?, fought m their ceil. Bro^li j. worth ^eml hundred dollars can do so by send- x E w Orleans—Gold 7la8. Exchange, sterling
bulted Cnegan’s b^d against tbe^waU, pi^m^thcirsubsOTgton*pnor.tothat_time. - - * —- *—” ‘ '"
inflicting wounds that will probably he
Heavy Snow Storm.
Washington, November 12.—There .is
a great fall of snow north of 'thisplacp
Sterling Exchange.
London,-November 12.—A committee-
of the Stock Exchange have adopted a
resolution that four shillings British per
dollar of American • shall be the rate of.
Exchange after the 8d of December.
Preparing to Leave.
• Madrid, November 12.—A .dispatch -
from Cartagena says the insurgent fleet
is preparing to leave. . The vessels hope
to get out without discovery by the gov
ernment squadron.
Death ot Abdel Kader
Paris, November^ 12.—Abdel Kader,
the famous Arab Chief, is dead.
.Consular Changes.
Washington, November 13 —M. Ger-
riah baa been promoted from the Nantes
to tbe Bordeaux Consulate. Mr.Aleot,
Consular Clerk at Nantes, succeeds Ger-
rial) there.
~~Sreat inducements to subscribers and agents
Circulars, with full particulars, Wters and
specimen copies, sent gratis on application.
oct28<lltweow2t Louisville, Kv.
Notice in Bankruptcy
In the matter of E. T. Jordan—Bankrupt.
rpo whom it may Concern: The undersigned
A herebv gives notice of his appointment
assignee of Edwin T. Jordan, of the county
Crawford, and State of Georgia, within said dis
trict, who has been adjudged A Bankrupt upon
his own petition bv the District Court of said dis
octlfi w*w*;;Assignee.
W ^JxE.—Win be sold, before the .Court
house door, in the town of Irwinton, m Hud
county, between the usual hours of sale, on the
first Tuesday in December next the following
^ Five hundred acres of land, more or less,
eluding a grist and raw mill on the place: said
land and mill lying in the 5th district of ukin-
son county, and known as the John Eady null
and place. Leviod on as the property of John
Eady to satisfy a fl fa issued from the Superior
Court of said county, in favored Eugenia Cochran,
^vU-Ss 1 " 1 T8 f!kW, Sheriff,
inancial and Commercial
! Chaklbston;—Cotton, net receipts 3235; export*; A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE,
to Great. Britain 605; coastwise —; to continent > jtX- order from the Court of Oi
sales 800; stock 39,850; middlings ISJal4; low
middlings ISfc strict good ordinary ISi; market
Liverpool—Noon—Cotton sales 12,000 bales;
speculation and export 2000; uplands 8i; Orleans
81; to arrive sellers demand 1-16 higher; market
Later—Uplands, basis good ordinary, shipped
November and December 8 3-16.
Sales include 7200 American.
New Torx—Noon—Flour dull. Wheat firm.
Com strong. Pork dull; new mess 15 00. Lard
quiet and firm; steam 7 5-16a7|. Turpentine
stesdv at 391. Rosin dull at 2 60 for strained.
Freights firm.
Evening—Flour unchanged; common to fair ex
tra 6 65a6 73; good to choice 6 80»10 50l Whisky
shade easier at 911. Wheat la2 better but very
uiet; choice winter red: western 145. Corn 1 289. in 28th district Early county; lot }fo. 281*, in
igherwith an active export demand; yellow GOia. p i3tii district Early countv; lot No. 75, in Hth dis-
rh&nfred. . Pork nuief mifi 1 .1 *1— z.Z 1,, . ,
6ll. Rice dull and unchanged.. Pprk’ quiet and
unchanged; new mess 15 00. Beef duli; mess 8 50»
10 00. Lard firm at 715-16a7|. Turpentine quiet
and firm at 3t*i. Rosin quiet and linn at 2 00.
Baltimore—Flour dull and heavy; prices un
changed. Wheat quiet and steady. Com quiet.
Oats stcad r ' Southern 49 a 53; Western mixed
50; West vhite 50 a 51. Rye quiet at 80 a 87.
Hay unch. ,,ed. Provisions dull and unsettled;
mess pork nominal at 15 00. Bulk meats—Shoul
ders 6 a 61; clear rib sides 61. Bacon, shoulders
81; clear rib sides 8; sugar cured bams 121 a 14.
Laird nominal at 7}. .Whisky dull at 93.
St, Loots—Flour dull and unsettled agd nomi
nally lower; accurate quotations cannot do given.
Com, supply light; prices higher; No. 2 mixed at
east side in elevator closed at 37. ■ Whisky dull at
90. Pork lower ai 1175al2 00. Bacon dull and
only small jobbing trade. Lard, butebora* ol.
Cincinnati—Flour quiet at6 25a650. Com
steady at 45. Pork quiOt; new, cash 1175; Novem
ber- and December 12 00. Lard, kettle strong;
steam 6|. Bacon steady with sales at quotations;
shoulders 6; clsar rib sides 5Ja6; clear sides 6ia6i
Whisky firm, • ,
LotJISVILLk—Plour quiet at 6 25o6 60. Com
uiet at 58a60'sacked. Provisions in light demand.
*ork IS 50. Lard tierce 71: keg 8. Bacon, shoul
ders 6b, clear rib sides 6}a6i; clear aides 6ja7,
packed. Whisky firm at 87a88.
Since our last report the meat market has be
come completely demoralized in, the West, and
consequently we note quite a decline and an un
settled condition of the market.
Bacon, C. R. sides 8bg9. • ■<
Dry Salted Meats, long clear sides 9@9i :
bflhes.10. , j
Bulk Meats—C. R. sides 81@9.
Hams—Canvased, according to brand, 13®15c-
Lard, iier lb. tierces 10®10l; kegs and tuba 10}
@111; buckets 121® 131.
r -r-0-~
Sagging, Ties, etc.
Domestic Bagging, according to weight, 151®
|. . . -'il
Ties, Arrow 9}; Beard 9.
.Bagging Twine 18@22. ..,
Stock of bagging ample. Arrow ties are scarce
and in good demand.
Butter and Eggs,.
Butter, country 25@30; Tennessee S0®35; Go
shen, according to quality, S0®55.
Eggs, per dozen 35® 40.
Butterand eggs are in light supply with a good
demand at full prices.
Candles, adamantine, full weight, boxes 20®
21c; halves }c higher; sperm 45®50; parafine wax
*°<?iiebse, factory 17®17i; extra cream 17®17}-,
State 14@16.
Cheese has had a steady market all the week,
and with a small advance in prices. Higher price*
will he realized as soon as the present stock on
hand here is reduced.
Coffee, Rio, common 24; fair 25; prime 96;
choice 27; Java 30®S4. i ,
In coffee the trade has been only fair, the sales
being in very small lots for immediate consump
tion. Upward tendency.
Candy, Northern 16@17c.; city 17@18c, per lb.
Canned Goods, per doz., 1 lb. cove oysters,
40@1 GO; 2 lb do,2 SO; 2 lb peaches. 3 00; 2 lb
tomatoes, 2 50; 2 lb pine apples, 3 00; 2 lb pears,
2 60®2 75; green com, —; brandy cherries, 2 qts,
400®4 25; brandy peaches, qts, 400®450; con
densed milk, 275®3 00; sardines, } boxes, per
case, 1900. 1 '■>!
Crackers (no charge for package), per lh, soda,
71 @84; butter, 9®11; picnic, 10@I1; sugar, 10®
18; cream, 14®15; lemon cream; 14@15; ginger
snaps, 14® 15; srated, IS. -
FBUlTS.apples Northern and Western, accord'
ing to condition,-'per bbl, $500@8 00; dried
piaches per lb. —: dried apples per lb. —.
Layer Raisins, new, boxes, 4 25®4 50; half
do, 2 40@2 GO; quarter do, 110@1 25. Old crop
60c per box less, other sizes iq proportion.
Mackerel, No. 1, bbls $22 00@2S 00; halves
$11 50@18 50; kits, accordingto weight $2 50@3 00
No. 2 bbls. $16 00al7 00; halves $8 50a9 00; kits, ac
cording to weight. $1 75a2 00; No. 3, large bbls.
314 00al5 00: halves $7 50a8 00; kits, according to
weight, $150al 65.
White Fish. No. 1, half bbls. $9 00.
Stock of mackerel large. White ffsh in light
Flour, per bbl superfine $7 00@8 00; extra $8 50
@9 00; family 9 60@10 00; fancy 1100@12 00.
In flour tho stock is large, with, light enquiry
Prices tend downward, caused by.holders anxious
to realize on a cash besis.
Grain, com pdr bushel, white $100; yellow and
mixed 90®95; Oats, per bushel, white and mixed
—; rust proof —. - - !
In moderate demand, stock fight.
Gunpowder, FFG, kegs.,750; half do,400
quartcrdo.260. ' • ■ : ' .j ' -i
'Hay, per cwt- Timothy —; Western -r.
Molasses and Syrup, reboiled, hhds. per pd
82; bbls. 35. Syrup, refined, according, to quality;
52a75; Georgpft and Florida, none in market.
Potatoes, per bbl. Northern $4 00; Western
$350. -
Onions, per bbl. $5 50a6 00.
Pickles, pe r d° z ' gallon, —; half do, 406
quarter do, 3 00; eighth do, 2 00. ,,
, Rice, per lb., choice 7}a8; prime 8a8}.
SNUFF, per lb, Maccaboy 78a80, Scotch 78a80.
Salt, per sack, Liverpool $1 90a2 00; Virginia
flue $2 20.
Soap, per lb, common. 6la0; family 7aS; olive 7}
a8; wrapped, per box, 100 cakes, $6 BOaSOO.
, Sugars, per lb, cut loaf, 14V, trushod and poW'
dered 1», A 121alS; extra ClljalZ; yellow extra
C.lOJall};yellow lOalOl. , ■, . .
In large supply and light demand. Downward,
tendency., <i < v
Starch, refined pearl, per pound, 71.. .
Spices, per lb, pepper, 28; spice, 18; ginger ,1(S.
SHOT, bags 25 lbs., drop 2 90a3 00; buck 3 25.
• Tob ACCO,.per lb, common 4Sa48; medium 60a55;
fine bright 60a70; extra fine and fancy 80al00
Smoking, according to quality and brands 40a75.
Stock of manufactured large; holders anxious to
realize; prices in buyers’favor, - , r, ,
Vinegar, cider per. gal. S5a40; white wine do-*
mestie 40a45; wfiite ^fine imported 60.
Wraps and LiquoBs, proof com per gaL $110;
proof Bourbon, $125al 50-, . common Bourbon, $la‘
110; Robinson county, $120al 75; fine iye,$2aS 50;
gin«125a200.. r
Champagne Wine, Heidsick per pint, $33; dry
Yerzenay, $30; Krug A Co, $38; imported Cabi
net, $25; ,Werks’ Golden Eagle, $22; per quart, $20,
system. V HMMHHP.
sicians have long sought for an agent that would
Purge, purity. and , Strengthen
At One andthe Same Time;
.Their research has at lartbecn rewarded hsra
discovery which lull)? realizes the fondest- desires
of the medical faculty, and which is justly ret ard-
" as the most important triumph that phar; xacy
chieved. This important desideratiun is
has ever achieved. This important
Dr. Tutt's Vegetable Liver Ptllx,
Which purify tl e blood and remove all coirupt
humors and unhealthy accummulations from the
body, and yet produce no weakness or lassitude
whatever, but on the conaraiy. tono tho stomach,
and invigorate the body during the progress of
their operation. They unite tho heretofore :n*e-
condlable qualities of a Strengthening, Purgative
and a Purifying Tonic. . .. .
Dr. Tutt’s Plilg are tho most active and,
searching medicine in existence. They # at once
attack the very root of diseases, and their action;
is so prompt that in an hour ortwo after they are
taken the patient is aware of their good effects.
They maybe taken at any time without restraint
of diet or occupation; they produce neither nau,
sea, griping or debility, and as a family medicine
they have no rival. „ , ■ „ _ - ‘ !
Price 25 cents a box. Sold by all Druggists.
Principal Office, 48 Cortlandt street New York.
; iiteresting to Cotton Planters
TXTILL be rented at publio outcry before thi
rr Court house door in Clinton, Jones county,,
Georgia, on Saturday, tho 6th day of December
next, between the legal hours ot sale, for the
next year.. possession given the first day of Jan
uary next, and rent'to expire one year thereafter,
the Plantation belonging to the estate of the
late Dennis L. Towndsend. consisting of 440
acres more or less. One half in high state of cul
tivation and under good fence, with abundant
running and well water. Large two story dwell-
' laborers’ houses, gin house, horse stables, etc.
Jerms made known on the day of renting.
For particulars inquire of ,,
J. F. GREER, Ad’mr.
at Greer, Lake A Co.’s Macon, Ga.
New York—Noon-rGold opened at 71- f
active. Gold 71. Money 5a6. Exchange. long 6h
.short 8J. Govenunenta unchanged. State bonds
<,U Evening—Money easy at 6L Sterlim? 61. Gold
7{a7i> Governments, little doing. State bonds
81s Ith «2s 649 7J*.05s 7f, new9f;
67s Wh 68s 101; new 5s «i; lCMOs .• v __
Tennessees 64;: new 64; -Virginias 38; new 85;
consols 46}; def’d.71; Louisianas 85; new 40; levees
6s 50; 8s 58; Alabama 8s 65; 5s 36; Georgia 6a
68: 7s 70; North Carolinas 20; new. M special
tuc 6; South Cardinaa 90; ney 8; April and
13} for bank checks. New York right} discount
for currency; ll premium for certified cnecHS. _
London—Noon—Consols 92}. Fives 90. Ene
^tater—Erie 34}. 6s 90}. V- '
Later—Erie 35t.
Paris—Rentes 67f86c.
New* York—Noon—Cotton sales 1249; uplands
141; Orleans 14fc market quiet. ’ ,
Futures opened as follows: November —; De
cember 14 5-16al4}; January 14 9-16al4}; February
l«al415-16; March 15; April lS}"^ • ■
• Evening—Cotton; net reoeipte 238 bales; gross
297; sales 3326; uplands 14i, Orleans 14J; mar-
Putures closed buoyant; sales 36,500; ^Novem
berI4ial4f, December 14}; January 15; February
15}al5 5-16; March lSlalSJ; April 16. .
Baltimore—Cotton, net receipts in; grMs 841,
exports coastwise 85; Great Britain —; France
— mlos 650; stock 8536; middlings IS}; low mid
dling IS); strict good ordinary 12}aiS; market
d ™*w Orleans—Cotton, net receipts Si 08; gross
3811; exports coastwise —: to Great Bntam 1311;
to continent —; to France—y sales 3000; stock
88 773; middlings 14}; low middlings ISfcstnct
good ordinary 12}; market firm; demand good. ,
Wilmington—Cotton, net receipt* exporn
coastwias 35a; to Great Britain 255; sates 162;
stock 2084; middlings IS; market quiet.
Augusta—Cotton, net receipts 775; sales
I486; middlings IS}; demand good.
Savannah—Cotton, not receipts 5048; rates
2263; exports coastwise 2048; to Great Britain 1580;
stock 8$|729; ■pi'ifiinp 13}*, market firm.
25 whole casks CLEAR RIB SIDES.
In store and to arrive, on consignment, and for
sale at lowest market rates by
'AVE this day removed to their new store,
- - comer Cotton avenue and Cherry street,
(Bowdre & Anderson’s old stand) whore they will
be pleased to see their old friends and customers
■md the public generally. The street cars from
'fBrown House’* and Passenger Depot pass.m
tbn BiEFS of our door every thirty minutes during
the day.,
Oct29 6t
By virtue of an
Ordinary of B iker
eounty/Ga., will be sold, on tbe first Tuesday in
January next, before the Court-hens.’ door, in the
town of Newton, within the ieval hours of s:ile,
the .following lands and other property belonging
to the estate of Robert D. Ivey, to-wit: ",
One set of mills and : mil! property—mill prop
erty consists of two purs oorn rocks, one pair
flouring burrs; one cardingmiidimeana fixtures;
one saw mill, circular and appurtenances; two , ..
log carts; two yoke oxen, 420 acres of hind, con- )i
M- be sold, before the Court-house
sistingof lot No. 306, and 170' acres of lot No. 335; i mi
loor, in the
town of Butler, within the legal hours oi sole, on
IloifjrsL Tuesduy in December next, the following
deseribcl property, to-wit:
One hundred and forty and three-fourth yds
stripes, E and It, 14 yds prints, fAndover) 79} yds
Warn seta prints, 16 yds Amoskei- prints, il yds
Arnold prints. 17} yds solid Sorurue prints, 51}
yds »sii.ish prints. 29} yds atpncca lustre, 65}
yiU'tdpaCca .lustre, 46} yds dress ..■wsls, S3 yds-
ho t ticking, ski} yds
also many other articles appertaining to, said
mills. Also, at same time and plaoe, wiil be sold
the following property, to-wit: 2,500 wres of land,
consisting of lots of hind viz: Lot No.3S3, in 7th
district Baker county; lot No.307, in 14th district
Decatur county; one-half lot No. Srti, in 0th dis
trict Early county: lot Ha*39% in Btli district
Early county;'lot No. 400, in 6th district Karlv
county; lot No. 229. in 4th district Early county;
lot No. 242, in 28th district Baity countv; lot No.
nsey, 14} yds linen. A',) yds
mttress ticking. 66 yds je:
ans. 450,!'.» fiour. 56*
triqt Early county-: also, at same time will bo sold
21 shares of Camilla and Cuthbert railroad stock;
also, one fourth interest in the Renil & Ivor pat
ent plow. Terms cash. R- F. IVEY,
uovlitds Administrator.
before the Court-house door, in the town of
Clinton, Jones county, on the first Tuesday in
January next, 75 acres of hmd, nine miles north of
Clinton. • Medium quality land, with sotr.3 im
provements thereon. Sold under an order of
Court of Ordinary as the property of the estate of
Bn-ant Funderburk, deceased, for distribution.
Terms cash. WM. A. FUNDERBURK.
nov!2tds ’ Administrator do bonis non.
A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Agreeable to an
Xjl. order from the Honorable Court of Ordinary
of Jones county, ■'will bo sold, before tbe Court
house door, in Clinton, on the first Tuesday in
January next, 1874: 100 acres of land, more or
less, on the Central railroad, lying on the south
side of the long slash, 25 or 30 acres in good state
of cultivation, good log cabins on saidland. Said
land being part of lot No. 87, in the 6th district,
' xfienging to the estate of Benjamin James, de
ceased. Titles good. Sold for distribution; good
laud. Terms cash,
novl2tds i Administrator.
order from tho Court of Ordinary of Jones
county, will be sold. On tho first Tuesday in Janu
ary next, before the Court-house door, in Clinton,
650 acres of land, more or less, situate at Blounts-
ville, in said county, 50 ncres of which is a dower
life estate only—the balance sold in too as the
property of the estate of Sanford M. Tufts, de.
ceased, for payment of debts and division. Terms
cash. SARAH V,'. TUFTS,
novl2tds Administratrix..
G eorgia, macon couxTY.-john Har-
rell has applied for exemption of person?
alty and setting apart and valuation of home
stead, and I wiU pass upon the same at lO.o’clock,
A. M., on the 24th day,of November, 1673, at my
offioe. ‘ JOHN M. GREER,
novl2 2t ■ Ordinary,
an* orelar of tho Court of Ordinary of
Dooly county, will be. sold on the first
Tuesday in December next at the Court-house
door, in the town of Vienna, in Dooly county,
within the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 31,
and the north half of lot- No, 32, in the third dis.
trict, containing 803} acres,more or less, being the'
landc of Ab-am Peavy, deceased. Sold for distri
bution. Terms—12 months credit
UOV4 tds ISAAC Y. VEAV Y. Administrator.
, v^'^»resB^n,^^^p ,
fl fore the Court-house door, between the legal
Lours of sale, in the town of Montieello, on the
/first Tuesday in December next/the following de
scribed property, to-wit: >
Five hundred and forty-nine acres of land; fflort
or less, in said county, adjoining lands of A W
Tanner, deceased, and others, known as the John
L McMiehael plantation. Levied on as the prop
erty of John L McMiehael, deceased, to satisfy a
fi fa issued from Jasper Superior Court in favor
| inn L McMii *
bunches of cotton yams, 6t pair simps. 74 ,siir
boots, 233 lbs sugar, 123 lbs cofteq.7 sacks corn,.
20 shirts, 8 pocket knives, 27 pair- suspenders, 1
box so ,;, and 5 tubs. Levied on by virtue of w
mortgage tl fa issued from Taylor Superior Court,
in favor of - Legush Harris vs'Jere P Moye, as tbe
projmrty of defendant. Pfoporty pointed out by
Also, at the same time and rdace_the eastern
one-half of lot No 227. in tbe 3(f district of Taylor
county. levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from.- -
Taylor Supenor Court, in favor of Susan II Mil
ler, iulministratrix. vs Henry Joiner, administra
tor of Sarah Joiner and John Joiner, a.s the prop
erty of the estate of Sarah Joiner.
Also, at tho same time and plice. lot of land No-
298, in tho 1st district ' of Taylor county. Levied
on by virtue of a fl fa issued from Xavtor Superior-
Court, in favor of W B Adams vs J W Goodwin,
as tho property of said Goodwin. Property
pointed out by plaintiff.
AJso, at the Sauife rime' an(Lplace, J00 ncres oP
lot Or latln No 991, ISO acres Nb-200.aiiJ 100 acres.
No 297, in tho 14th district of Taylor countyx.
Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Taylor-
Superior Court, in favor of J B Devers vs Greem
Dupriest, as tho property .of said. Du priest,, and!
pointed out by plaintiff.
Also, at the same time and place, the crse-halE
in the northern part of lot of land No 219, in the,
12tli district of Taylor county, by virtue of a fixe*
iksuod from Taylor Superior Court, iit favor-oE
Henry B McCrary, administrator, vs Jesse Gar
rett and Enoch Garrett. Jr, principals, an A
Enoch Garrett, Sr, security. Sold as the property
of Jesse Garrett. Property pointed out by de
fendant. _' C. A. J/ POPE.Slsriff.
■V VO Will be sold before tho Court-house door im
the town of Irwinton in said county, on tbo flrst-
Tuesdav in December next,within theusualhourw:
of sale, the following deserihod pni|«rt.V to-wit:
One bay horse, in the imssossiun b£ Crawford
Stanly, aud one buggy, in possessJomof: EUis Hoi—
loiDHii. Sold to sa< isfv one County Court 11 hviife
favor of J. K. llranan. administrator,vs James St
Slaughter, Sold, ns the property ot James S-
Slaughter. Property pointed out by plaiutifPa-
attomey. Terms of sale cash.
pov4tds .Deputy Sheriff.
VT an order from the Court of Oodinary of saict
county, will be sold before the Conrs-house ilooE—
iff. said county, on tho first Tuesday at December;-
next vOne lot of land containing 200} acre*, more,, -
or.less, known as tho Mrs. Wilson place. Sold as- -
the property < f Arkellus Wilson. d*.ve-vscd.for tho. -
purpose of distribution. ' B. T.DIGBY,
nov7tds Adudiisstrator.
JL\ All persons indebted to the estate of Jolm C?
Kelly, lute of Jasper county, deceased, will come
forward and present their claims. ai-,d those hold—-
ing claims will come forward within the time al
lowed by law and make settleroen t s nn-ord ingbr.
noviWil A .'ministmtor.
jj'XECUTOR’S SALE.—By virtuo of a decree-
ill issued from the Honorable Superior Court ot'
OMWfeird county, March term, 1873,whits.- sold,
before the Court-house door, in said bounty, on
the first Tucsdav in December next.lots mid frac
tional parts of lots of land Nos 51.77.78,8} end.
85. the 2d district of originally Houston,,
now Crawford county. Sold as the properiyof
W. T. Harris, late of said county, dcrossed, for-
the benefit of the heirs and creditors -faJd estates
.nov4tds* Executor
of A W Jones vs John L
tic’,net. deceased,
George T Bartlett, transferee, vs John L McMi- s tration pn the estate of Thompson Jackson, dfe-
chael, deceased. c
Also, at the same time and place, 700 acres of
land, more or less, known its the Hubbard place,
and a part of tho Polston tract of land, in said
county, adjoining the kinds of Mrs Allen, Mrs
Perry, Pitts and others. Levied on as the prop-
ert.v of John W Wyatt to satisfy a tl fa issued from
Jasper Inferior Clourt, in favor of James H Rob-
erts vs Isaac T Wyatt, principal, John W Wyatt
and George W Wyatt, securities, and the same
transferred to C M and M V Boykin. Attest, etc,
by George T Bartlett.
. Also, at the same time ajid place, 1,100 acres of
land, in said county of Jasper. Levied on as the
of P B McMiehael to satisfy a fl fa issued
:rior Court, in favor of John D
W McMichgcl, executor of Eli
jah L McMiehael, deceased, principal, and P P
McMiehael, security, and the same transferred to
John Straiten, of New York city.
Also, at the same time and place, 100 acres of
land, more or less. Levied on as the property of
O R Belcher to satisfy a fi fa issued from d as per
County Court, July term, 1867, in favor of Prior A
Booth vs O R Belcher.
1 Also, at the same time and place, 52 acres of
land, more or less, and the improvements thereon,
situated in the southwestern portion of HilL in
said town of Monticcllo, on the road leading from
Monticcllo to Forsyth, Ga, known as the E T
White, lot, now in the possession of Henry T
Smith and Asberrv Catchmgs,to satisfy the above
fi fa. Levied on as the property of E T White.
J Also, at the same time and place, 202} acres of
land, more or less. Levied on as the property of
Fleasant Jackson, • deceased, lying on the waters
of Murder creek, known as the Pleasant Jackson
place, to satisfy a fl fa issued from Jasper Supe
rior Court, in favor of O S Prophitt vs J H Free?
man, executor of the estate of Pleasant Jackson,
deceased. '
- Also, at the same time and place, 100 acres of
land, more or less, in said county.' Levied on as
the property, of O R Belcher to satisfy a fikvvs-'
’ ' am Jasper Superior Court, FebruawTierm,
IT WTiltn inn 11 isirtirff Tf mid
I ceased, ■
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ala
lersons concerned to show cause, if any they havfk
o tho contrary,, on the first Monday iu nex8 .
ionth, why the same shall not be granted.
Given under my hand officially.
nov6wlm Ordinary.
1 aluable Lands for Sale*
W ILL be sold before the Court-house door i»
the town of Oglethorpe, Maconcounty, Ga..
od the first - Tuesday in December- next, .within
t) e legal hours of sale, the following property, to
rs t: Lots of land Nos. 66,102, 103, 25 - -and ‘TO, in,
tl e 15th district of originally Houston, now Ma—
c n'county, aathe property of the estate of Mat—
t' ew H. Leggett, deceased. Onsaid lands are two.
» parste plantations, or settlements, both Wel9
ii iproved,and will be sold separately; one known
as the place whereon Dr. E. A. Leggett now re-
» lies, embracing tbe three first-mentioia-u tots,
a wl the other known as the Everett place, cm—
l -acing the two last mentioned lots. Sold in pur—
s lance of an order of the Superior Court oi.saMB
( >unty, to carrv out and perform the report of tho-
; Caster in Chancery of the S. W. Circuit-ranking:
final settlement of said estate.
Sold at the risk of the former purchasers.
Terms cash. A. HI GREER,,
ootl wSt Receiver:
sued.' from Jaiper Su;
1873. in favor of N ”
L Whits
E XECUTOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order
from tho Court of Ordinary of Dooiy county,
will be sold, before the Court-house door in Vien
na on the first Tuesday in December next, be
tween the legal hours of sale, the north-east half
ot lot of land No 120, in the 9th district of said
"county. Sold as the property of H. H. Parker,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors
of said deceased. Terms cash.
. nov4 tds MATHEW PARKER. Executor.
owikjee Plantations!
,.A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold on
f\ tho first Tuesday in December next, under
an order of the Cotirt 6f Ordinary of Dooly coun
ty, for the purpose of paying the debts of Jesse R.
Home, deceased, and also for the purpose of dis
tribution oi his estate among his heirs, if any res
idue after payment of debts, the following prop
erty, lying in the third'district of Dooly county,
- t0 Lots’of land Nos 43 and'fiS.- Lands Sold subject
to widow’s dower therein. Bale made be
fore the COort-houso ddor in Vienna, Dooly coun
ty, between the- usual hours of sale. Terms
nov4 tds ' - ’ Administrator.
Three Valuable Plantations
In Barbour County, located on the South
Cowikee Creek, and along the Montgomery and
Kufauln Railroad. * the Batesville depot being
about the centre ot the three places. *. *
The plantations are all well watered, and under
good fences, and with good out houses* gin houses
and screws, and a good dwelling house on each.
Also, will rent separately, if preferred* a good
.ivi-: f * a • »i t
W ATER-M1 liJU ! *
«»-.* il ffj> i ii. A---: - *' *’•
.With good custom, about six hundred yards from
the mUoad depot Also,
At Batesville depot, which has good custom.
• I also offer to sell cheap, for cash, all my stock
of every kind, consisting«( .i, ,
An early application will secure a good bargain.
, M. L. BATE8.
octlQ gtaw&wlm Bates vilie, Ala.
A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an
order of the Court ot Ordinary of said coun
ty, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December
next at the Court-house door in the town of Vi
enna, in said county, .within the legal hours o
'sale, the following land, to-wit: •
. (>n«hundredncreSfmore orless.oflot No. 45,
in the sixth district of said county, being lands of
H J Cone, deceased.. Sold for distribution.
Terms—12 months credit. , -.
‘ nov4 tds ISAAC Yi PEAVY. Administrator.
W ilKinson county sheriff sale.-
Willbe sold,: before tbe Court-house door,
in the town of Irwjnton, in said county, on the
'first Tuesday in December next, within the usual
hours of sale, tho following described, property, to-
• Fortv acres ot land, being part oi lot No: 118, in
the 6th district of Wilkinson county, adjoining
lands of Chariest Irisy and Joseph Youngblood.
Levied on as the property of Wilson Galloway to
satisfy one mortgage ll fa from Wilkinson Supe
rior Court, 1 in favor of Ira Chambers vs Wilson
Galloway. Property described in saidmortgage
gfa, ■ ... J.Jv. AM,
novStds ' Deputy Sheriff.
G eorgu,- Quitman couNTY.-on the
"first Monday in December next, application
will be made td-sell the land belonging to the
estate of Nasev Hillman, late of said county, de
ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors
A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By order of the
A Court of Ordinary of Crawford county", Will
be sold, before the Court-house door,.in the town
of KnoxviUe, on the first Tuesday in December
next Che lands and one mute belonging to tbe es
tate of Williamson Bentley, deceased, late of raid
county of Crawford. Sold for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors, 'terumc^h. ^^
novitds , .. Administrator.,
sold, before the Court-house door, m the
town of Irwinton,. in aaid county, on the first
Tuesday in December next, during the legal
hours of sale, the following property, to-wit:
One hundred acres of land, being part of lot No.
57 in the 4th district of said county, and known
as’the Gumming Brewner place, near Irwinton;
one house and lot in the town of Irwinton, known
as the place whereon Mary Beall now lives, con
taining 4 acres, more or Iras, as the property of E
dimming; 302} acre* of land, known as the A H
Gumming ^Jloodworth place, in said county, ad-
Ioining lands o( Crutchfield, Jas. Temples etal,
and 14 acres, more or less, situated near Irwinton.
adjoining lands to M J Carswell imd the D A
Mocrcp&ee, on the road leading from Irwinton
to No 18 Central Railroad. Sold as the property
of A H dimming to satisfy one County Court ft
fi in favor of W C Parker vs JolinTB rananand
E Gumming, principal, and 8 J Stubbs and AH
Cumming, securities. Property pointed out by
plaintiff. Legal notion served as law directs.
v algo the same time and place, .650 acres of
land, more or less, in. the 26th distrirt of said
county, in the possession of Wm Whitehurst ; 115
acres, more or tern, now in the possession of Jag
Stevens, of said county; 120 acres, more or less,
now in the possession oi Jasper Ayoock, of smd
county -, 50 acres of land, more or less, now m the
possession of Riley Shepard; 300 acres ofte^,
inoreorless, now in the possession of V W Tlmjp,
of said county. All leviod on as the property of
V W Tharp to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa from
said county, in favor of Garner Mercer vs V M
num Legal notice served upon the narties aa
nov4tds Deputy Sheriff.
A order from the Court of Ordinary of Dooly
county, will be sold, before the Courtr-house door,
in Vienna, Dooly county, on the first Tuesday, in
December, 1873, for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of Wm Gurr. late of said county, deceas
ed, the following property, to-wit: 186 acres of
land, more or less; consisting of . p^rts of tots Nos
110 and 111, in the 2d district of raid county.
Terms cash. J. E. LILLY.
nw4tds Adnpnistrator.
J ONES SHERIFF SALES.—Will be sifid, before
the Court-house door, m the town ofCImton,
less. Sold a. tbe property of Orra Tuffs to raristy
a distress warrant in .favor of /William Little, as
agent foEElizaboth F Tuffs. Said ootton pointed
out by William Little; also, one black mare, one
black mule, and one gray mule. levied on as the
property of Orra Tuffs to ratistya& from
Jones Superior Court, m favor of A M Sloan A
Son vs Orra Tuffs. Proporty pointed out by
Pl Alsd5at a theRame ttme and place, 250 acres of
kind, more'or less. Levied on as the property
j jiu ^ _ w propei
of William C Butler, adjoining .the lands
Messra. Holland, Phelps and others; also, 1.500
pounds of seed cotton, more or less. Sold to
satisfy a fi fa issued from Jones Superior Court l
favor of Martha E Ambrose, administratrix, vs
William C Butler. Property pointed out by
plaintiff’s counsel. ,
Also, at the same tune and place, 640 acres of
land, more or less. Levied on as the property of
William R Ritchey to satisfy a fl fa issued from
lerior Cpurt of said county, m favor of
decrased, vs William R BJtchey, and. N S Glover,
security. Said land pointed out. by plaintiff s
oomisel. Said land* adjoins Stephen M Lulpep-
ner. NS Glover and others. •
*“ w. J. GRESHAM. Deputy Sheriff.
nov4tds - —
tel sold, on the first Tuesday in December
next, before the Court-house door, in the town o’
Clinton, within the legal hours of sale, the follow
ing described property, to-wit: .
Six hundred acres of land, more or less, in raid
county. Said land is well improved. Levied on
as the property of Michael S. Childs to satisfy four
fi fas, issued from the County Court of raid county
one in favor of Charles L Ridley vs John A
Childs and Michael S Childs; oneinfavorof Fran
cis S. Johnson vs Michael S Childs: oneinfavorof
John Garland vs John A Childs, And M S Childs
(security) and the other in favor of Sarah J
Towles vs Michael S Childs; also, throe fi fas is
sued from Jones Superior Court, one in favor of J
L Britton vs Michael S Childs, and one in favor «
J L Britton vs An&nson S Childs and Michael S
Childs, and the other in favor of B L Holland vs
Michael S Childs. Said lands adjoining Madison
Maynard, the widow HoHand and ot hers.
nov4tde W. J. GRESHAM, Deputy Sheriff.
~ James W. Jackson, applies to me for admin—
To the Sick and Afflicted
Hear and Rejoice, for I Bring yon Gmd Tiding-
Great Joy.
Jackson’s Magic Balsam
Is curing the sick and afflicted to an extent nev-
ier before heard of in the annals of medical serene*
It is curing, without fail.
The worst Neuralgia in from 5 to 20 minute
The worst Croup in 5 minutes.
The worst Toothache in 1minute.
The worst Rheumatism in from 20 minute 9*
10 days.' ... .
The worst Inflammation in the Eyes m 1 week
The worst Pain in the Side, Back and Breast.
Tbe worst Painful Tumors in any. part of tbe ■»
^e worst ■ Spraings, Swellings, Bruises and
Risings. • *.
Tho worst Catarrh in the headis relieved m *
The worst Palpitation of the heart in 10 min*
ntes. _
The worst Cuts. Chafe, or flesh wound.
The worst case of Bronchitis is relieved in a few
minutes. • 1 *£.
The worst case of Inflammatory Rheuinatim.
' The worst Bums and Scalds in 20 miputes.
And for pains and inflammation in any part of
the human body, either externally or internals,
tbero s no remedy in tbe entire world that sub*
dues pains and inaflmnmtions so posiitvely so
promptly and so permanently as
Jackson’s Magic Balsam ^
■P..VAN ALSTENE, Proprietor, Bamesvffle, Gf ^
Sold by all druggists at 25c., 50c., and $1 pe
If Jackson’ Magic Balsam has by repeated tl
and permanent cures proven itself to be the
horse lotion or horse remedy in the worldwh}
let the people know it? It is curing the w
Colic in horses or mules in 20 minutes, an
prompt is it. in curing Colic that the propr
will In each and every ease, where 2 o*. in }
•of water is given to a horse or mule that ba-
Colic, refund the money where it does not ctn
20 minutes. It is also the very best lotion in
world for all saddle or collar galls, flesh wou:
bruises, strains, lameness, old sores, sand cr
pole evil, foundered feet, cuts, wounds of all ku
poisons, and wherever swelling and inflamnia'
exist, either internally or externally. There 9
liniment or horse lotion in the world that can
gin to compare with
Jackson’s Magic Balsai n
Arid the time is not fardistant when every ow Her
of and dealer in stockwill have this valuable n f d-
jcine in his stable, ready for any sickness and fa-
tress amongst his stock. Try it. .
P. VAN ALtSINK. Proprietor,
Bamcsville, < Pn .
Sold by all druggists at 2S&. We- $l andf^per
botUe. ■ ^ang!2' ahm
d so
Poktami Mills, stiff spin*
. die under-runners,oock heads
upper-runners, for Park or
Mkkchaxt Work. Scr*-
biob Mill Stokes or-a ll.
sizes, Gsjruiss Dutch As-
keb Boi/riirt Cloth, Horse
Powers, Con • Shelters and
Cleaners, Gearing, Shafting,,
Pullies, Hangers, etc., all
kinds of Mill Machinery and.
Millers' supplies. 8end for -
Pamphlet. Stmnli Mill Company, Box
'iSZ££ a SE8iSi .otod.
New- York r„id Brnaswicfc.
T HE attention of the mereraittte public is re-
sisv-tfullv called to the above Packet lane be- -
tween New York and Brunswick, GO.
Tbe schooner S. F. Hall will be rMulyto receive-
freight in New York on or about the 12th of Au-
gust, «nd the G.L. Bradley about the 90th An.-
line will receive prompt attention.
-e prompt attention.
BAY, Ag’t New York, 120 Wall
Brunswick, Gs.
Working Class
MALE, 860 a
week giwtran-
teed. Respectable employment at home, day or
evening; no capital required; full instructions hud
a valuable package of goods sent by mail. Ad
dress, with six cent retum^Umto^ ^ ^
marts 34w 173 Greenwich street N Y
Agents Wanted for Professor Wise's Great Rook.
A NARRATIVE of forty ymn> advouture^ in
the Clouds. Complete hutory of Isilioonj-
how to make and manage them. Full of ^
incidents and hterbreodth Fiuusely U-
lustrat-si with full page eiisraiuigs. A book that
will soil iutUe hardest times. iUdress tor de
scription and terms, or *cnJ at once 31 AS for out
fit, to Vallst Pub’cc Co* Cihcia'axti. Rt. Lou la.
or New Orleaxs, noi7w8t.