Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, October 07, 1879, Image 1

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U It ■dafisis'V mhm CL1SBT, JONES & REESE, Proprietors. Turn Familt Journal.—News—Politics—Literature—-Aubicultube—Domestiu GEORGIA TELEG2APH BUILDING Established 1826. MACON, TUESI&Y. OCTOBER T, 1879. Volume LIT—NO 37 - -- - STATE LEGISLATURE. Atlanta, (September 29,1879. THE SENATE met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the President. Prayer by Rev. J. P. Duncan, Chap lain. Tbo roll was called and a quorum found present. Journal read and approved. A resolution to allow Peterson Thweatt to sue tba State was read. Mr. Harrison moved to lay the reso lution on the table, and at the same time called tor the yeas and nays. The call was sustained and the following was the result ot the vote: yeas, 11, nays, SO; 60 the motion to lay on the table did not prevail. high court or impeachment. At ten o’olock Justioe Warner oalled the Co art to order. Tim initiate- ot Sat urday were read and approved. Mr. Dabose arged the evidence of John W. M irphy admissible. Mr. Speer did not want to enoamber tbo evidence with illegal evidence. He was opposed to a violation of the rales of evidence. He did not think a precedent had been made in the Goldsmith trial for tho admission of illegal evidenoe. There is not the remotest obance for this respon dent being injured by being compelled to comply with these rules. President Lester—The naked question is whether this evidenoe ia competent, He offered a resolution that the evidenoe of Jndge John L Hall be heard, bat that the question of its oompetenoy had not been determined. Mr. Lumpkin rose to suggest that it would meet with the views of all the Sena tors to adopt tbo resolution offered by Mr. Lester. Manager Cox eeld that the managers did not offer any evidence in favor of the defendant, and if tna oonnsel so under stood be on tbe part of tbo managers bogged leave to withdraw it. Mr. Oabanias, for one, was mistaken in bis conception of tho agreement en tered into by tbo managers. He under stood all tho testimony to be offered, ex cept tbe testimony or statement of John W. Renfroe. Oniet Jastice—Tho question to bo de termined by the oourt is tbe resolution of fered by the Senator from tbe First. The clerk will read the resolution. Tno resolution was toad. Cbief Jnstice Warner—Senators, all of you who aro in favor of this resolution will, oa yonr nameos are otiled, voto yet; those of a contrary opinion, no. Toe roll was called and tho result of tho vote was—yeas 41, nays 1. So the resolution was agreed to. Judgo John I. Hall then took tho Blend. Jndge Hall remembered that at the middle of September, be offered a resolu tion to prevent the Treasurer from re ceiving money as Interest from banks, and was approached by the Treasurer, who asked him why bo wanted to “thumbscrew" tho Treasurer, when bis salary was so email and bio duties so on- eron?. This was tbe conversation a3 near ss possible. I told him that the bill was simply to carry out the Consti tution, I had no idea of ever being called upon to give a history of tbe conversation, and did not particularly ebargo my mind with it. Manager Cox—Jndge Hall, you say that when yon told Mr. Rsnfroe the bill was to carry out tho Constitution, be re plied, “Well, if that's eo, I have nothing to say.** Judgo Hall—Those were his words. Senator Stevens—When yon offered the bill in tbe House did you know of Treasurer Bcnfroe having received money os interest on the State’s deposit. Judge Hall—I did ’•-t. Senator Preston—.. . ’’'iasurcr Ben- froo say that ho w. • rant of these provisions of tho oon.- - a ? Judge Hall—I dt ... .. member that he did. No more question. ..u asked Judge Hall. Counselor Jackson * i a report of the former Treasure. Manager Cox objec . . j -ho report S3 irrelevant. Tno objection was t- -<1. Counselor Jackson offered the ropoits of the Treasu. le on Jana ary l, 1877, January i .j.j. October 1, 1878 and Jnly 1,1879 Senator Russell off...* an order that no other parts of the reports be used, as the coansel of tbe defendant may point oat as relevant Tho order was adopted. Counselor Jackson read a letter from a New Yoik bank announcing its willing ness to act as fiscal agent of the State, making no obarge fox oonponB on bonds. Mr. Jackson then read a letter from Treasurer Renfros to the Fourth Nation al Bank, notifying its discontinuance as fiscal agent, and annonnoing the selec tion ot tho National Park Bank as suoh sgent. Senator DuBose was sworn and intro duced by Counselor Jackson < Was on a joint committee looking over the report of the Treasurer at the beginning of the present session, and the committee con ceded everything to be all right. Counselor Jackson—Yon found all the vonchers, eta, all fight 7 Senator DuBose—We did. In reply to questions by Mansger Cox, the Senator testified that tho Treasurer had not stated that he had received large sains of money ub interest on deposits. Senator Candler was sworn and testi fied that be was on tbe eame oommittee, and gave evidenoe similar to that of Sena tor DaBoae’e. Counselor Jackson—We offer as testi mony iba evidence given by the respond ent before the investigating committoe as per agreement with tbe managers. Mansger Cox—We have no objections to receiving it as tho statement of the defendant. Counselor Jackson—We then offer it as a statement, of oonree reserving the right to snbmit an additional statement. We close for the present. Chief Justice Warner—Have the man gers any testimony tn rebuttal? Manager Cox asked that a witness, Mr. Moss, be allowed to make an explana tion. Tnis was allowed, and Mr. Moss ex plained part of hie evidence relating to who was ‘present in the Treasurer's office daring certain cocnrronces mentioned by him. Manager Cox wished to introduce the jonrnai ot tho House in relation to the date of the introduction ot the bill re ferred to in the testimony of Jndge Hall. Mr. JohnH. James was sworn and tes tified that he was a member of the Gen eral Assembly oreating the bonds of tbe Macon and Brunswick road. Ho ex plained the matter of the bonds. Had never heard of the reception by tho de« feedant of interest on deposits. Governor A. H. Colquitt was sworn and testified as to being present at a delib eration concerning the signing of the Northeastern bonds. There were present Messrs. Cobb, Erwin, Childs, Moss, Avery end Warien. Neither Mr. Rsu- froe ter his clerk, Mr. Murphy, were present. By Manager Cox—Has tbe Treasurer, in his quarterly reports, made any state ment in regard to his reosipts of inter est? Governor Colquitt—His reports limply alluded to reoeipts and expenditures. Mansger Cox—Was there ever any in formation given to yon of Hr. Benfroe’s having received moftejr for sfgning cou pons? * - Governor Colquitt—Never. The oonrt then adjourned until 8:30 o’clock. The Senate then resumed its session for legislative purposes. The Senate then resumed the conside ration of a resolution to allow Peterson Thweatt to sue the State. Upon the adoption of the resolution, Mr. Harrison oalled for the yeas and naya and the call was sustained, The vote was: yeas 29, nays 13. Hr. Holoombe gave notice that ho would move a reconsideration of the res olution. Pending argument of Senator Bussell, the Senate adjourned. Atlanta, September 29. HOUSE met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Speaker Prayer by Mr. Hanks, of the House. The roll was called and a quorum found present. * The journal of Saturday'was read and approved. THE SPECIAL OBESn was the consideration of a bill to fix the rata of. interest by Mr. Aw.ry. Mr. Miller offered an amendment to stride ont the fourth section. Mr. Phillips, of Cobbs called tho yea3 and nays, and they were ordered. Mr. Huffman offered an amendment to the fonrtn section. Mr. Miller, of Houston, spoke with his nsual force against tho bill, and argued that it would be inoperative. Mr. Miller again argned against the bill. The amendment offered by Mr. Miller was lost. On the passage of the bill the yeas were 75 and the nays 37. Se the bill fail ing of a constitutional majority wm lost. The Enrolling and Corporation Com mittees made reports, whioh wore read. Mr. King, for Mr. Smith of Oglethorpe, offered a resolution to print 1,000 copies of the report of the committee appoint ed to investigate the Department of Ag riculture. Mr. Awtry moved to strike ont 1,000 and insert 300. Mr. Mathews said ho saw no use of printing 1,000 copies unless the report was to be used as a campaign document. Mr. King said that remark implied a serious redaction on the committee, which ho hoped Mr. Mathews did not in tend. Mr. Mathews said it merely seomed to him tnat it was intended to uso the report as a campaign dooument. It might strike otbors differently. Mr. Livingston said'he had corns in at tho request of the committee to ask that tne House print 1,009 copies for a good reason which he did not mention. Mr. Awtry'a amendment was lost. B* i'ELEGiiAPii. Havana, September 27.—Nugir—Tno market during the week has ruled steady and very quiet, but a bettor feeling pre vailed at tne eud of the week, closing active—Nos. 10 to 12 Ds 6} to 74 reals, eold, per arrobe. Stock in warehouses at Havana and Matanzaa 54,400 boxed, 62,- 500 bags and 3,800 hogsheads. Exports daring tha creak. 1,600 boxoa and 3 600 hogsheads, of 300 boxes and all or the hogsheads went to the United States. Cbableston, S. O., September 23.— Toe decision of tbe Supreme Cocrt of Sontb Carolina in the State bond oases, involving the validity of the ooneolida tion of me bonded debt of the State, plead last evening in Columb:o.)be oourt decided that all the b0uds are under the net entitled “an ant to/ m “ the volnme of public debt and 1 eon for the payment of the eame,” '3 0l ~ obligations, of tbe State ot South "U. hnu, except as follows: “Such as were' issued in exohange for bonds Issued on-, der the act entitled “an act to anthoiiz6 a loan for the relief of the treasury,’’ or for coupons of such bonds—such as were issued in exchange for the second issue of bonds under the aot entitled “an act to antnorize a State loan to pay Interest on the public debt,” or tho ooupaas Of such bonds—such us were issued in exohange for those conversion bonds which were is sued in exohange for other of tho two olaeses of bonds last mentioned, viz: ail bonds for the relief of the treasury, and the aeoond issue of bonds to pay interest on the public debt, or in exohange for coupons of suoh conversion bonds. It any consolidation bonds rest wholly upon any of these objectionable classes of ot bonds or coupons just mentioned, then tney are wholly void; but if they rest only in part upon &uoh objectionable bonds or coupons, then they are only void to the extent on which they do rest upon such objectionable bonds or coupons, and for tne balance aro valid objections of the State. That the burden of proof is npon the Slate to show that any particular bond which may be brought into question, does rest, either in whole or in part, upon such objec tionable bonds or coupons, and it in part only, then tho State must show what part is eo affected. The judgment of the Coutt of Claims is set aside, and tbo cates are remanded to that Court for each further proceedings as may be necessary under tho principles herein announced. The opinion of the Court wa3 delivered by Associate Jastice Mclver. Chief Jus tice Millard concurs, and Associate Jus tine Haskell concurs. Memphis, Sept. 28.—Thirteen new cases, three white and ten colored to-day. Among tne number woro John A. Stc- nelte, George Glass and Mollis McDon ald. Six interments reported by tho an-. dertakers, viz: Allred B. Watkins, Geo. Jorme, Richard J. Lawrenoe, Thomas A. Dobbes, Jerome E, Vallardstand and Holly Rogers—the last named colored. Ic addition to the now cases reported, the following wero supplied with nurses to-daj: Mrs. Lizzie Ryndo9, Isaac Li- crox, Lizzie Cash and Adolph Booldale. To-day at noon Alfred Watkins was buried with military honors by tho Por ter Reserves, of which company he was a member. Tne weather is clear and warm. Simla, September 23.— The Viceroy sent the following despatch to London to-day: *‘General Bailer received a let ter from the Afghan Commander-in-chief yesterday at Mushi, asking whothor ho would receive him and .tne Ameer’s heir apparent in camp. The^Goneral an swered in the affirmative, saying he would meet the Ameer one mile from the camp.’’ Cabal ia in a state of anareby. The gates c£ tha city era closed. A number of Gha!zai3 are oil the' Ameer’a side. General Roberts reached Bnshi to-day. Uadeid, September 28.—The Corves pondencia says it is probable that Sonor Camora3 del Cortillo will resume tho Presidency o* tho Ministry before tho ro-opening of tbo Cortez. Paw?, September 23.—Tho Repiiblique Franeaise publishes the following under reserve: “Lird Salisbury, during his recent interview with M. Waddiugton, assured him that England would endeav or to obtain the unconditional cession of Janina and Greece.” New York, Sspt. 23.—The first race for the O’Leary belt representing six days pedestrian championship of Ameri ca, and $8,160 in cash prizes wilt com mence at Madison Square Garden Oc tober 6cb. One hundred and seven men have paid ten dollars preliminary fee and fifty-three made good the remaining ninety dollars. Twenty-five contestants and five substitutes have havo been se lected ia aooordaaoa with the roles of the belt. * ‘ Doves, N. H-, Sap;. 23.—A fire broke oat this morning in Tabor’s blcok and spread to several large wooden buildings in the vicinity—nearly all being destroy ed. The loss is $23,000, New York, Bepfc. 23—Bark Emma Partridge, from Liverpool, Jaly 25th, for Matanzas, struck the reefs near Turks Island, September 9ta, aad foundered. XUO «w^(ain arA CrOO •■'so corf in bOfttS and were pioked np by Brig Tubal Cam, which arrived here to-day. A special from White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, says Frederick Harvey, residing on Mary creek, killed his step daughter a few days ago, cutting and stabbing her in the neck and head in a most horrible manner. The girl fought desperately, and succeeded in freeing herself trom her assailant after being nearly hacked to pieces. Harvey then cut his throat from ear to ear and died instantly. The woman will hardly re cover. San Francisco, September 23.—After the conclusion of the performances at tbe (Jatifornia Theatre last night, General Grant drove to the Pavillion, where a oamp of soldiers, Un ion and Confederate, was in progress. Notwithstanding the huge proportions ot tbe Pavillion, every inch of -tending room was occapied, and thousands were outside, unable to gain an entrance. General Grant was greeted with a tre mendous round of applause, and respond ed to tne address of welcome with a few words characteristic of cuoh an occasion. Jollity was resumed, and wa3 continued to a late hour. New York, September 28.—Peirce & Evans, cotton brokers. No. 118 Pearl sireot, have suspended. Their liabilities are about $14,000. Tne firm state that tney expect to resume business next week. Norfolk, Ya., Sept 28.—Schooner Wm. Conners, Capt. Morrisay, fifteen days from Port Desair, Hayti, fox New York with a cargo of logwood, vut in tbis morning in dutiees and is no-. * ‘J quar antine. All of tho crew, except tbe captain and one colored man, are sick with malignant form of fever. The mate Tnompjon, died shortly after tbe vessel cast anchor, and one or two others may die. Proper food and medical attention have been furnished. Dr. Nash, health officer, eaya he is not positive that it is yellow fever, as tne patients have not de veloped some of tho most striking symp toms of the disease. Galveston, September 28.—A News’ special from Palestine says Jame3 Gut- senburg, lately acquitted of tho obarge of murdering Dr. Grayson and wife in 1878, was shot and killed yesterday by C. C Rogers, oity marsn&l, who was a witness for tbe State a: Gnisenburg’s trial. Gnisenbnrg bad threatened Rog ers’ life..' Berlin, Txx., September 28.—A fire yesterday destroyed five of tbo largest stores in the centre of tho town. Tea oiiiere were palled down to stop the spread of tbe flames. Tha loss is abont sinannn. London, September 29.—Notice of a ten per cent, redaction ia wages was posted on Saturday at nearly all the eartaenwaro and china manufactories la Staffordshire. The men determined to resist the redaction, which will affect 80,000 persons. London, September 29.—A dispatoh trom Paris to tne Times says a oomcuiitee of the Ronen cotton factory overseers have addressed a letter to tho President or the tariff committee urging him to ex pedite the ooiumittee’s labors. They etate that not one-quarter of their pro duction finds a market, and stock is in creasing alarmingly. Prices are eo low that wages have fallen twenty per esut. Unless tbere is some ohange conn Indus try will como to a oompiete stand-still. It is expected that the cotton opera* lives at Wigaa, who nave stood out againnt a five per cent, reduction of wages, will resame work in a few days. A meeting of eighty-four representatives of the Oldham cotton operatives resolved to ask the masters to reoonslder their notice of a five per cent. redaction. London, Sept. 29.—Tho mass meeting to denounce the incapacity of the government and to demand an appeal to the country, was a failure. AtFordham there aro moderate stocks of yearlings and old hops on the hands of brewers, and considerable is coming from America and the Continent, probably. A single scull race between John Hig gins, ot Shadwell, and R. W. Boyd, of Middleboro, for 400 pounds, came off to day over the Thames champion ship osurae, from Patney Aqueduct to the ship at Moztlake. It was easily won by Boyd. New Yobk, Sept. 29.—There is consid erable exouemout among the Roman Catholics of Jersey City on acoount of the oonduotof Rev. Father Hennoseey, of St. Patrick’s Cathedra), in oioslng the doors to a funeral party, becanae they violated the order of the Bishop whioh prohibits the use of more than twelve carriages. Yesterday the body of Bridget O’Rourke was brought to the door of the cathedral with a following of forty carriages. Rev. Father Henneisy positively ratnsed to ad mit it, saying be must obey the Bishop’s ordsr, whether the priests did or not. A compromise was effected by sending away thirty carriages, but after the cere monies in the churoh the carriages re joined the procession. Father Hennessey, from the pulpit last evening, referring to tbo matter, said those pretentious fanerals aro for show only. In most cases the long line of carriages are not pud for, and, even when they are paid for the expenso often takes bread and bntter out ot hungry mouths. Memphis, Bept. 29.—Tne development of several C3*es of yellow fever in tho country adjacent, all or whioh were traced to infection from Memphis, has caused the rules and regulations governing the quarantine to be drawn tighter. Here after so one will bs permitted to enter or leave the oity at any hour or the day without a special permit from the Super intendent of quarantine. One new oase was reported this morning—Lizzie Cash. Tne weather is clear and warm, London, September 20.—A dispatch to the limes irqm Simla b»je: “Thera ia a very general distrust of the conduct of the Ameer daring the Oabul outbreak, but as he ha9 now come to our camp he has given material guarantee for his fu ture gosd behavior. Tho gates of Cabal ore closed, apparently with the vague idea that tho British are closo at hand.” Tha Urns*, in a leading artiole, points to the faot that Daoad Shah being alive and in the British camp, confirms the suspicion of the Ameer's insincerity, os he, in a dupatoh to the Indian Gov ernment at the time of the outbreak sta ted that Daoud hid been killed while en deavoring to qniet the rebels. £ London, September 20.—The Pall Mall Gazette nays serious trouble ia brewing in Ireland in conBequenoe of anti-rent and national agitations. The betting was three to one on Boyd at the commencement of the race. He won by four lengths with ease. Time 24 minutes and 6 seconds. Sir Fxanois Wyots Truscott has been elected Lard Mayor of London. PARIS, September 29.—Paul Adalbert Talleyrand, » grand nephew of tbe great Talleyrand, is dead, aged 68 years. Fall Eiveb, September 20.—The working spinners of Sagamore mitt, being informed that they would bo required to board, whioh is equal to a redaotion of wages, struok to-day. Memphis, September 29.—Four more cases were reported to-day: A. T. Bell, Miss Era Murray, James Hall, Florence Taylor. The two las; named are colored. Miss Murry is the daughter of Alexapder Mucrny. she is now convalescent* ner name having i»w withheld from pre vious publication for the private reasons of her phyaioian. One death has oc curred, Frank Goldcamp. Mrs. Prac- tidge is better. Mr3. Alice Rettwell, woo had the black vomit for forty-eight hours, is convalescing. Mrs. D. F. Jackson is able to ba up. Dke&oit, Sept. 29.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morris, of Valmia township, Casa county, were murdered last night for tbo pnrpose of plunder. Morris had recently made o large sale of wheat. There is so elite to cue muederors. New Orleans, Sept. 29.—Just before reaching the landing here, tho cotton in tne steamer Natohez took fire, creating groat excitement among the passengers. The boat landed and threw overboard 300 bales of burning cotton. The boat was elighily damaged. The damage to the cargo is estimated at 30,000 dollars. The first extra day of tho fall meeting of tho Jockey Club had delightful weath er, an ex;eilent track and a fair sized crowd to witns33 fonr exciting events. The first race, a mile dash, Usd three etartera. The selling in tho pools stood —Buckshot, seventy dollars; the field, composed of Mollie Hart and Mayfield, eighteen dollars. Tho former won easi ly, time 1:494- la tbo second raoe, Ju niata was the favorite. Juniata won the first heat by a half hoad. Rewett won the second by a length, Bowett now be ing tho favorite in the third heat. For 86veu-eightbs ot a mile the horses ran neck and neck, and Rowett won by two lengths. Time, 1:43}, 1:464* Washington, Sept. 29.—The Treas urer el tne United States and assistant Treasurer have been directed to pay ont gold uud eiiver com freely upon all gov ernment obligations presented at their rtspecuvd offices. Mayvillb, N. Y., Sept. 29.—Haulm, aocompauied by his trainers, took up his quarters at Caautauqu? Lake house to day, and will ot once go into active train ing. He is improving daily and expeots to be in Hue condition by the 16:b. Providence, September 29.—Mrs. Sprague’s trustee was refused admission to Canonchct to-day by Gov. Sprague, although ha was accompaniod by an agent of 7ilr. Cnaffee, trustee of the Hprague estate. Tho objeot of the visit was to make an inventory of the proper ty in the house that Mrs. Sprague might indicate, what she claimed as her per sonal property. Hew Yobk, September 29.—Too ar gument to compel Oalvery Cemetery au thorities to inter tne body of Dennis Cooper, wnich they xeinse to no on- the pronmi nf nia be'BP a Free fib* 1 ?®* 0 ® continued tc-lay m iuo oupreme Cou.t, befote Jndge Westbrook. Counsel for the Cemetery Trustees argued tnat tho cemetery was for tho burial of Catholics alone; that it was not enovrn tnat Copper attended any Catholic church, and tnat the Protestant faith was over him. Counsel for tne relatives of the de ceased, in reply, argued that the next of km, in the absence of express testament ary provision to tne contrary, wero tue proper parties to begin and sustain snoh action, and that the Vioar General Quinn’s the opinion in regard to excluding a Freo Mason from burial in consecrated groaud, as reference to tho deorees and laws ot the 2ad plenary coansel ot Balti more would show. Judge Westbrook re served his decision. Petersburg, V\., September 29 — The cornerstono of tho Methodist Episco pal Zion Church,colored, being erected on Oak street, was laid tbis afternoon in the presence of a largo assemblage, with ma sonic and interesting ceremonies* Stratford, Conn., Septemoor 29.— Mrs. Mary E. Lunsberg was brought De- fore a Justice co-day, and through coun sel plead not guilty to the charge of mur dering her husband. She was commit-' ted without bail to await trial. Memphis, baptembar 29.—Nine new cases, fonr white and five colored, have been reported to*day. Hugo Goudon was the only white reported tbis afternoon. No additional deaths. Mrs. Caroline Glenn, Wash Piess, John Morvius and James Rice were supplied with nurses to-day by the Howards. Their osseB hare not yet been reported to the Board. Donations to the Howard’s to' d*y were $1,192. Tbe following tele gram was reoaivod to-night: Nashville, September 29. Hon. John Johnson,SuperintendentQaar- antine: The greatest vigilance is now neces sary to prevent the spread of the pesti lence into the country around Memphis. You will therefore revise rule number one of instructions to bs observed by the piokets and patrols, eo a3 to read as fol lows : “Parties residing beyond the picket linea are hereby warned against the great danger they would incur by coming within the _ city limits, and ns a precaution to prevent a further spread of the disease in the country, such persona will not be permitted to pass the picket lines with out a special permit from tbe Superin tendent of Quarantine. Such epsoial permits will only be gtanted in oases of urgent necessity. [Signed] J. D. Plunkett, President State Board ot Health. Tho thermometer has ranged to-day between 63 and 82 degrees. Suffer not disappointment by employ ing too many “cures;”—bnt for the dis eases of infancy use Dr Ball’s Baby Syrup which never disappoints, and costs only 25c a bottle. Phil. Times.l It seems that the business of acting as President of tha Untied States daring the absence of Mr. Hsyss has worn Private Sec retary Rogers out. He hss done as mnoh as ho could to hold np the administration and win llis applause of the country, but he has evidently begun to realize that he looked Ihs moral inwardness of Hcyes and has broken himself down completely. He has, there fore, gone to Ohio for a little rest, and will probably noed enough rest to keep him in that State till after oleotion. It is greatly to the credit of Ohio that whan any impor tant part of Ihs administration gets broken down ho goes out there for repairs. N. Y. Horald.1 The following is said to be tho manner in which General Grant and General McDowell greeted each other on ths deck of tits Tokia: Grant, with both hand*, extended, said: “How aro you, Mm?” McDowell, a little choky, asid, “How are you, old boy?-’ A THRENODY. Burlington Hawkeye.l The day is oome, and tbs carpets Are dragged outside tho house; As a man is dragged to the station At the olose ot a big oarouse. I see the wife and her housemaids Wade through the ends and dust; And I feel as though the pleof my life Was nearly allunder crust. Ocme, give me a olub with a handle A- Iol g as the mouth of M&y1 And I will wattle tbe oarpet . The whole of the livelong day. Do you reckon the grand old masters, The immortal bards sublime, Bent the echoing thuds of tha carpet stick Down the oorridorsof time? Or. like the strains ot martial music, Tha endless “thrum.fiUrn, thum!” Makes ms think of the man on dress parade, A pounding of n>° hl -’ aA —*• I wield the stick that they have brought me, With a flap, and a thud, and a hies; Oh. better a year and a naif of sleep Than fifteen minutes of this. Perchance corns humbler poet Was ..riven at rice of sun, To face a carpet and cellar a club, But he didn’t do it for fan. For a oarpet has power to quiet Tuese dreams of the upper air, And make a man run riot, Aud rip, and rave, and tear. But I pound from dawn to noontide, And if ever I atop trom ohoioe, From the back door nigh or tbe window high, I hear tbe geo J wife’s voice. And the day is eo full of this muiio That I wish some April day, Some tramps would take in our carpets and run Twelve thousand miles away. QiSUKUlA PltESJS. “Wk notice,’’ says the Atlanta Consti tution, “that tho press of the State are bringing forward the name of Hon. Jas, H. Blount, for Governor. Colonel Blount has mado a widespread and enviable rep utation during his Congressional career, having served upon some of the most important committees in the House; the people of the sixth district appreciate his services, and will return him.” Oar contemporary is conspicuously ex act in its statements as to the apprecia tion in whioh Mr. Blount is helu by tbe people of this Congressional district, as events, in our honast judgment, will''de monstrate. The Savannah Recorder declares that there will be an independent candidate for Congress in that district, bnt mod- es'tly retrains from naming him. It also is very savage on the lawyers of the dis trict, which ia repeating an ancient story, especially when a man has a little hatchet of his own to grind and thinks the lawyers ere in his way. Augusta is to have a freo letter deliv ery about the first proximo. There will ba four carriers and two daily deliveries. M. E. T. writes from Atlanta to the Augusta News that Judge John I. Hall says he “abhors a maohine politician,” and that he will not be in the Congres sional race next year, but that in all probability his law partner, Col. John D. Stewart, will. As to Nelms.—Oa this point "Specta tor” writes as follows to the Augusta Chronicle: Whether or not the Governor will 1J11 MUU IU UUWHIUU UDiOl A« 40 omu tufik there is a large element of the House in favor of condemning tbe Governor if he does not remove Nelms. He is certainly in a quandary. It he believes, as it is generally supposed he does, that he has made a faithful and effioient officer; that he did nolhing wrong in bargaining as be did with the lessees—if he believes this, then Governor Colqnittwill never remove Mr. Nelms. He is toe true a man to do it. But if he acta. on what are supposed to be his opinions on this matter, his ao- tive opponents are going to stir np a row as sure as fate. Any day we may stum ble on tbe iivest sensation of the session, one that would set the State agog—an or ganized and ferocious attack on the ad ministration, oombining all the elements whioh have hitherto hnrled ineffectually their Bpleen against it. I don’t believe tbe House will ever be brought to vote a direot censure on the Governor, for there is an abiding frith in the purity of his motives whioh his antagonists oannot overoome by any efforts similar to those they have hitherto mads. The Augusta Chronicle says “ Mr. Stephens and Col. A. E. Jiimar will prob ably be brought into the Brown-Garrard controversy. They know much about it.” Sxubokon fishing ia Flint river is fine sport this season. Tho Americas Repub lican says one was lately caught that weighed 132 pounds. Rome has great cotton expectations this season. The Courier expects 75/5M bales. She has already handled 2,100- of that number. Thb Rome Tribune states thatfou c daily passenger trains will soon be run on the S. B. & D. road, which statement surprises U3 so much that we can’t help asking our contemporary “to say it again and say it slow." The Columbus Enquirer says “ the general opinion in Columbus is that if Gen. Meade were living, ex-Governor J. E, Brown would never havepubllshed his long card in pretended explanation of his bitter proseeution of the Ashburn pris oners. Here, whenoe tbe prisoners were taken, his explanation is reoeivad with alter incredulity, nay, ntter disgust. Many copieB oE the testimony are still in existence, only one lawyor engaged in the defense is dead, and the whole facta and the united reoolleotion of all engaged in that celebrated oase are against the ex-goveruor. All the evidence is against him. Why, the recollection of all it! that his manner partook o the extromeat bitterness as if he had a personal grudge against the young men. In the official report of 193 pages there ie not one expression, one indication of a partiole of kindness for the accused. We have heard tho lawyers give their opin ions, tho prisoners and numerous friends their version, and if their was one re deeming act, one single beam to show that ex-Governor Brown was in favor of transferring the cases to the civil law, or that any understanding to this effect ex isted between him and General Meade, none were able to discover it until thiB latter-day confession of the principal prosecutor. In Columbus his statement is laughed kway with scorn. Mr. Laot Banks has lived seventy years in Oglethorpe county within less than twenty miles of AthenB, but has never visited that town, a faot whereat the Athenians must greatly wonder. The Oglethorpe Echo says, “the unan imous verdlot of farmers is that they lost heavily by using commercial fertilizers this year, some claiming that it waa in jury to their ootten. This ia not attribu ted to aDy decline in the brand of guano, inti to unfavorable seasons. For the past three years we believe our farmers have lost money by using guano. Less and less is purohased each Reason, how ever, and we believe in a few years but liUle will be bought.’! There is an immense amount of testi mony on the other side, if we are not misinformed. Eatokton has shipped 737 bales ot cot ton up to date this season, against 1,500 up to same date last year. Tbkuu will-have to ba a draft in Horn, roe county for candidates for tax collec tor. There are only eleven candidates ont, with eight distriots to ba beard from. Tvphoid fevar ia provin g very fatal in Butts and Jasper counties. Ten deaths are reported near the Oomulgee in the latter county in two weeks. Thus tha Early county News: The Charlotte Observer thinks it evi dent that either Gov. Colquitt has not prayed enough er Gen. Toombs bos not cussed enough, or Georgia’s administra tive affairs would ba in better condition. Wonder It tbe Observer ouuld give the measure ul either prayer or profanity neoessary to keep a State ia a sound, wholesome condition in ruoh times as these. The Dublin Qaxetle reports blessed times for old soakers in some portions of that county. Water for drinking has to be hauled three miles and a half. The Morgan Gold Mine in Oglethorpe county is about to bs acid for $20.000. Gen. Tookb3’ Fees.—The Augusta Chronicle is “still harping ou my daugh ter,” as the following under the above head proves: The Atlanta Constitution ventures to observe that General Toombs was the first to discover that tho railway compa nies of Georgia were indebted to'the State, and that he had been instrument al in turning into the Treasury |600,000. Our information ia that Senator McDan iel made the discovery prior to General Toombs, and we may be able to prove it by the record. Will tho Constitution show us by itemized accounts, or by any offi cial authority, that General Toombs has turned into the Treasury J600,- 000, or anything like that sum? Our contemporary has, we think, fallen into a gross error. It is possible that General Toombs exp60ta to turn into the Treas ury suoh an amount, less thirty per cent, divided between himself and the Attor ney-General. But that ho has already done so, is, we think, a mere assumption, not borne ont by any faota and not pos sible oE proof. We should be glad to have the proof, if the Constitutor can give it. Oar Atlanta oontemporary.also says that some of the Georgia papers have dealt in innuendo anent General ToombB and his fees. We know not how it may be with other papers, bnt the Chronisle oertainly has spoken with the utmost plainness—a plainness as far removed from innuendo as language can-convey. The Rome Tribune learns direot from Haralson county that there has been no abatement in the disease that has proved so fatal there for several weeks, and which we have heretofore noted in this column. The rhomasville Times reports the cap ture in that county laBt week of a red fox, the only one, perhaps, ever caught in the county. The country will surely breatheeasi er now. Those South Carolina duelists have agreed to forego gore for the pres ent. Col. Thobnton, o! Atlanta, telephones the Angusta News Saturday the following startling information: Thera Is.some talk about a movement on foot to introduce articles of impeachment ie understood fEai''ffie r ar!io^Va l ?i?6 f fceiiI^ prepared, and will be introduced early next week. When troubled with a Benee of fulness or oppression after meali, the pleasantest relief attainable is one or two of Dr. Bull’s Baltimore Pills. Price 25a. FORTY-NINE YEARS AGO, Opening of the First Passenger Railroad In tbe World. Baltimore American.] Just forty-nine years ago—that is, Sep tember 15, 1830—the first passenger railroad in England, the Liverpool and Manchester Railroad, was opened with great oeremony. A year before, a prize oE $2,500 had been offered for the best locomotive engine, which had been wou by Robert Stephenson’s Rock et, npon which were subsequently modeled the old grasshopper engines of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, their appearance being euggestive of the name. Eight locomotive engines had been completed and placed npon the line, and all had been tested with entire success. To every engine was attaobed four passenger carriages, each eontaimng twenty persons. The first engine, the Northumbrian, drew the moat distinguished guests—the Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, and other members of the Ministry. It had one tine of the double track to itself. The other several looomotives, with their carriages, followed each other on the other line. The proeeaaion started from Liverpool at 11 o’olook, with flags, mu- eio, fine weather and great enthnsl&sm. Seventeen miles from Liverpool they stopped to take in water, and in order to afford the Duke of Wellington an op portunity of seeing the procession, the seven looomatives, with their carriages, were ordered to pass slowly by the North umbrian standing on the traok. Several gentlemen had alighted while the loco motives were taking in water, and one of them, Mr. HuskiBSon, member of Parlia ment for Liverpool, and an earnest sup porter of the railroad cause, catching eight of the Dake ot Wellington, be tween whom and himself there had been some political coolness, ran eagerly across the track to shake him by the hand. At that moment the order was given for the seven engines to move forward. Mr. Huskisson Waa bewildered. The fiooket, whioh was the leading engine, attack him while tie was still in doubt where to flee. The wheels went over hi3 leg and thigh, and he expired that even- mg. The aooident oast a deep gloom over the day’s festivity. Tho trip was oonoluded, that people writing along the line might not be disappointed, but all rejoioing and gayety were at an end. Tbe next day the railway was opened for passenger t.affio, and carried 140 persons from Liverpool to Haneheater in two hours. Tho original calculations of the oonatruotion had been based on probable returns from heavy merchandise traffic— ooal, cotton and iron. They had formed no high expectations of any great emdu« menu from transporting passengers, but the railway was hardly opened be fore an average of 1,200 persons daily were willing to trust it with their lives. In a few years it was found that the enormous traffic was too heavy for the original nils, and it beoame neceaaaryto relay the road at considerable expense. But though September 15, 1830, is the greatest day in railroad annals, being that on whioh the world’s first railroad was opened complete, our Maryland rail road preceded the Liverpool and Man chester in utility. The first sod of tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad wu broken for its oonatruotion July 4, 1828, and by the next year horse oars, assisted by one loeamotive engine, were carrying passen gers and traffic between Baltimore, the Belay House and Elliott’s Mills. A ‘‘Prominent Southern Demo- , ernl’a” Opinion, Washington Special to Ptuladelphia Timec.l “And what of tbe President iri outlook?” “X think the tendency in tha Democratio party, eortrinly tha tendency in tha South, ia all towards Hendcioks. Hendricks ou a sen sible platform oould oarry the country.” “How about the Republican!?’’ “They ain’t stop the Grant boom. They aay the politicians havabaen organizing ths boom- That ia not true. The politicians are organizing to defeat it. Tne Grant boom ia a spontaneous movement and the politicians oannot stop it. It may be true, likely ia tone, that Blaine and fibermut are oombiuiug, or pooling their issues, aa against Grant, with the promise one to the other that whichever is nominated the other •hall be well treated in case of enocees. But it won’t work. Tne day that fioesoe Oonkling got hold of the mtohlnery of the State of New York, la the Interact of Cornell, the opposition to the Grant boom in the Re publican party became' tin do tent. The Onn-ime-oomAti —oendenoj meant eeveniy votes solid in tha Re^aolioaa nomination for Grant on the Ont call, and some enthusias tic, magneUo fellow, aa in . ths oase ot Hob Ingersofi with Blaine in Cincinnati, would be likely to rite and propose that U.ysees 8. Grant be nominated by acclamation, And he would oarry the day. I tell you they cum not stop it. Grant ia bound to ba the Re publican nominee. And Hendricks ought to be tho Pcmaoratio nominee againat him,” N. Y. Tribune, (Hep.) Chairnan McKinney, of the Ohio D«n eorauo Kxeoattve Committee, was in the city yesterday. He betrays no doubts of Gener al Ewing's 8UC03M. In answer to the ques tions of a Tribune reporter fie arid: “Ewing is going to be elected. We shall capture twenty or tweuty-five thousand of the Greenback vote of last year, and that will bring him through. Ewing ia making a splendid canvass. Heia on tbe stamp all the time, speaking twice a day. For a while he talced five hears out of every twenty- four, bat we cautioned him to be more mod- erate, and he now makes shorter speaoheB. Foster’s voice broke down. Ho tried to make five speeches a day and cculdn’t do it. Ewing's meetings are the largest Democrat io gatherings we have had in Ohio tinoe the Buohanan campaign. We have few ou ,side speakers helping us. Voorhee?, of Indiana, is doing good work, but we have nobody else that is very famous—nobody from the East and nobody from the South.” “Didn’t the Maine eleotion damage your proepeota in Ohio?” “Not at alL -If it had gone the oth er way—if Hmith had been elected—it would have been bid for us, because such a result would have encouraged our Greeabaokera to stick to (heir own ticket instead of voting for Ewing.” Boston Herrid.l The famous Judge Snell, .-of Washington, has made another famous decision. A law yer was charged with laroeny for retaining thirty-three per cent, of moneys collected, when ha had agreed to perform tbeservioe for ten par cent. The oourt decided the no tion would not lie, for, if every time a law yer takes his percentage and his client dis putes the amoontr he was to be prosecuted, theoouits would be kept busy. So Jndge Snell conceives it liia business not do jus tice, but to avoid beiBg kept busy. Washington Star.l That the season of prorpsrity baa set in is evidenced by tho large entries which are now being made of tho publio lands. The entries thus far mado exceed any sinco the days of tbe war; and what is still more grat ifying is the fact that those settling npon them represent the best class of foreign em igrants, who buy tne land outright and pay cash for ths fall amount. These aetileis come with money to sustain them-elvee, and seemingly form colonics in advance of emigrating, icaemuoh aa they enter land contiguous, and in each settlement ia to bo found men versed in all the mechanical trades. The sales of publio lands for this year will be one of the strongest arguments 8Y,er, set made against the. poliov of vntinir Phil. Times.1 Mr. Richard T. Merrick, of Washington, has been visiting Mr. Tilden, and gives tne public tho benefit of the information he picked up. Tha substance of it is that Mr. TilCen does not consider success in Ohio vi- ' tal to the Demoorata this year, says the Hew York Democratio row wo Yt amount to any thing, and is sore the Democrats will win in 1880, on the basis of the “fraud issue” in the Presidential election of 1870 and of the extra session questions. All of which will be chterfal news to Mosers. Ewing, Thur man & Co. PhUa. Times.1 It seems to be about time for Mr. Hen- drioks to assure the publio again that he will not be Yice President under any oiroum- stances. It would be very sad if the fact should be forgotten. The Cotton Tbade of France, it will ba seen, is reported to be even in a worse oondition than that of England, and ao- live legislation is invoked by tho manu facturers from the government. In England, the process of cutting down la bor seems to have been puahed already beyond endurance. The condition of factory operatives is now pitiable in the extreme. Jennings, the London oorro- spondent of the World, tells this anec dote in a late letter: I had oocasion to walk twelve or fifteen miles along the turnpike road between Sheffield and Mancheater on>> day last week, and I wob astonished at the num ber of tramps I met, and still more as tonished that very few of them begged for anything. I spoke to a tired-looking woman, who was sitting down on some grass by the roadside, with three or font ohildren playing around her. She said tier husband had been out of employ ment ever ainoe last February, that they had pawned or sold everything they pos sessed and were now cn their way to Manchester to see if they could find any thing to do. Neither she nor ths ohil dren bad bad a mouthful to eat that day,' and their appearanoe was ample confirm ation ot the truth of her statement. Her husband was atthat moment search ing for blackberries in the hedges, but the blackberries are not yet ripe and the prospect of getting a meal from this Bource was not a very good one. An inn keeper on the road told juo that ho al lowed as many aa fifteen of these poor men and women to sleep in his barn at night, and thateinoe he had been in busi ness ha had never known eo many tramps before, chiefly honest people, willing to work but not being able to find any to do. Of course these are only alight indications of the times, but I mention them because thev come under my own observation. If I were at liberlv to' tell you what em ployers eay concerning their affairs you would need little further proof of the tremendous ohange which has come over all the manufacturing districts. The HecbbtKet to Hbiltk.—Tno Scienco ot Life, or SelLPresemtion, 500p»«e!. . Price, only SI. Contain! fifty valuable prescriptions, enber one of which ii worth more than ten times, the priced the bock. Illuitrated sample tent on receipt o! 0 cenu forpoitMC. AidresslDr W H Parker, 4 Bnlflmft street, Boston, Haas. aepS8wlW. _ t CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, hay- me hid placed in hi* hand* by an Uast India muaionary the formula of a mmple vegetable remedy for the »poely and permanent cure for Consumption, B rone bit**. Catarrh, A?lhma,aiid all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Hervou* Debility ana all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative power* in thonsandsof cases, has felt It his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motivo and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send freed charge to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and usmg, in German, French or English. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W W Bhaxab. 148 Powers’ Block, Rochester, N Y ebU 6m t —Mr. Bobert Goelet, the only brother of Peter Goelet, the wealthy Hew York land owner, died In that city Monday. -—One hundred scree of wheat, cut with a ■ tne reaper, keeping six binders going, waa! wurk of a (scotch lassie of Lexington, Ind. tiho need three pairs of horses in relays bat tired them all out. —The Emperor Alexander ia described as looking eo much aged that at bia recent meet ing with bis imperial uncle be looked almost the elder. His figure, however, is still pow erful and fairly oreot. —At a funeral at Delhi, N. X., all tbe mourners were dressed in white, in obedien- oe to the request of the dead mgq, He h»<T nbnerred black, as being expensive and signi ficant of anything but a happy endiugo! this life, as well as last hopes lur tbe future. —lauoending Mount Washington by,tba bridle path two men lost their wfy. They reached the summit the next morning, badly need np. The foe on their nats was half an man uuak, —The moat extraordinary feat of billiards on records has just been performed at Mos cow by a young Japanese, who won ba twelfa borne .-a game of 6,GOO, in the course of whiob be ones scored 1,830 “oMwaWes” in succession. —Mr. Hayes, at Chicago, expressed tha hope that for tho good of ths oountry Tilden <vui not be nominated again. This in gratis tuae to tne man wlijae office he has got and wnoiie money he is spending at tha rate of fifty thousand a year! —Negroes do not often commit suicide, but in Missouri, two, nun ed ashing ton Arnold and Pryor rfard, Joshed arms and ieuoerateiy walked into the Mi-«i?«i r r.j rjv- Wat tit. Joseph, on Taesday last, ana were estpt away by the enrrentand drowned. —a well-dressed woman drew a crawd to ga mer in a Oinoumau street, the other day, by striking a man across tha face several limes with a whip, and then flhi-hing the punishment with ner fists. Uhe coolly ex plained that ho was her runaway husband, wboat she had laboriously traoed for ths oule purpose of whipping him. —’Aow^Mr. Robuuon,' said a fair young oity visitor to the kind-hearted farmer, 'won’t you show us your watermelon or* chard?’ 'I haven’t a watermelon tree on the place this year, ma’am; they were all winter* killed,’ auu his questioner wondered why he santed so pleasantly as he answerod. —Tho youth who killed the girl he level because eke would not love ana marry him turns op this time ia Buoyrns, -Ohio. She went to a neighbor's to elude him, but ha foilo *td her, and being refused for the third or fourth time, he shot her dead; Then be went and hanged himself. ■Ths first frost-of the season inBoutfaw side, Ya., was plainly perceptible in many places around .Petersburg, Ya., yesterday, hut owing to the heavy dew vegetation es caped uninjured. The mercury stood at 69. Bhouid an early fall ocoor tho cotton and tobiooo crops in that ecotion will be consi derably cut short. AbvjKce in Gold Leaf.—In consequence of higher wsges paid to their workmen sinoe last Monday How York gold-leaf dealers have advanced their prioa lor books of gold- leaf fully 98 per cent, tbe rate being fixed at 37.40. Workingmen’s wages, it is arid, have been raised trom f3 to 96 a week. The Advance in Hails.—Bar iron was advanced to a three card at Fittsburg on Friday and nails to a S34 J card. These prices will be adopted in this market. The nail mills have been limiting their orders at tho former card, expsoticg a further advance m iron. They havo all they can do ifor weeks to come. —There is no animal that enj oja tho lux ury of a well Uttered, cleau bed more than a horse, and no animal wiU pay for it more readily. At nlghthoraes should have a clean bed to he on, and they will take naturally to it. some horses sleep (standing, but they do not rest WfB. A horse mu-t rest well and sleep well to recuperate his vital forces. —'He is the only man in the world to-day who can bring peace to this divided oountiy.* It is the Commercial Advertiser that says tins, and the man spoken of is Grant. 11 the country oau oa saved only by one man it is not worth Baving. Tbis sort of talk ia an insult to the intelli gence of the people aa well aa an affront to UiahUJAlAQUMkr-jNew York Sun. in the island of Oaprera to settle for the re mainder of his days. His health during his trip from borne was exoellent, but bis gen eral oondition ia one of great feebleness, and ~ is thought that he oannot live much lon ger. He has a cabbage garden on the island whioh he cherishes very fondiy, but he esn’t work it aa formerly, being flat on bis bade naif tbe time through rheumatism, and un able even to hobble about on crutches. —A writer iu the Galveston Hews expres ses tha opinion that a tint of petroleum is flowing through the subtcrr.xnean cavities of Texas. It takes its rise in the carboniferous strata north cf the Colorado B.ver, and may be ti seed at various points on its course to the Gulf of Mexioo, by oU appearing on the surface of springs, streams and lakes, while at what is known aa Oil Bay, on the Golf, the water is so covered with oil that tha waves have no effeot. —In Faria (says the Faris correspondent of the London Times) buUding_was never moreaotire, even under tbe Empire. Two hundred and eighty thousand masons are in oonsunt work; mouses are rising npon all aides, and when scarcely finished bills an nounce that they are no longer to let. Humerioua commercial, industrial and finan cial undertakings have been and are launch ed; the general prosperity is manifest, and the potato itself promises, with a fine Sep tember, to become anti-reactionary amt yield a capital crop. Hlvxn Balm of Cotton from Four Acebs. —An Edgt field correspondent of the Char leston Hews and Cornier writes that paper that O. F. Cheatham, Esq., clerk of the oourt ■ for that county, has a fonr acre patch plan ted in cotton, from whioh he baa already picked, ginned and packed fire bales, averag ing Hi pounds. Mr. Cheatham believes, and other good planters agree with him. that he will yet get two bales. Three bales of this cotton, on acoount of ths fine quality, brought of a cent above tbe market price. A Counter Exodlb.—A Washington die- patch says: ‘Southern faim laborers can make more in a year in cash or its Equivalent, ana are in every way better off than tbe same ciaae ui any other part of the oountry. By way of news, a counter exodus has been started. Arrangements are about comple ted by the Mississippi and Loaiiiana plan ters lor importing oolored labor from Mis souri and the border flutes. Several rail road companies are about to issue tickets over their roads at excursion rates for this purpose. Bale of Florida Raxlro.1 ds.—In Jackron- viiie last Xhnredar the Florida Central, and Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Rail roads, extending from that city to Chatta hoochee Biver, wero sold under decree of the United States Circuit Court, and were bid off by 0. D. Willard, attorney for Adolph Engler, trustee, Tbe Jacksonville, Pensa cola and Mobtie Itoad was sold for 853,000, subject to a prior lien of $803,000. Tbe Florida Central Road was sold for $305,000. Both roads were purchased for the bond holders, and it la understood that a new company will bs organized to operate tbe roads. —A correspondent writing from!Switzer land taye: ‘Tbo peasants are getting in their htv. Tno peasant woman hereabout works afield in a velvet corset and a straw hat plentifully adorned by ribbons. She looks an operatic haymaker. It is impossi ble to imagine that she is real. These good people in the happy valley near Interlaken do not appear to leel that Ure is especially serious; tney work a little, then repose in the shade of the trees, watching ths throngs of tourists go by, without ever manifesting curiosity ae to tne comings and goings of the strangers. They ask only to eat and drink well, to sleep well, and to know as little about the outside world as .possible. Perhaps they are wise.’ No medicine ever inlrodaood to the Pro fession and Publio has giten suoh universal satisfaction or preserved eo many lives as Dr. Moffat's Teethina (Teething Powders.) Druggists tell us the rapid increase in tie sale ia marvellous. The great political problem of tbe hour seems to be whether the New York Tribune can get Mr. Kelly elected Governor of Hew York before the Hew York Tunas oau get Mr. Tilcen nominated for the Presidency. It is not so exciting perhaps as Uio walking match, but those who bke to bet about it at least need not sit up nights in a garden to wait for results. We icrommead it tc In valids as a harmless and interesting amuse ment