Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, October 07, 1879, Image 2

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/ 3D?* HjdbegjespJ? sm& Jmmtsd $$ M*«^*ws*c* IbeTelepnl aiiOIesseier. OCTOBER 41189. —Mrs. Augusts J. Evans Wilson, the au thor of ‘Bsulab,’ ‘fit. Elmo,’ etc., is in Now York, the guest of the widow ot Cornelias Vanderbilt. —Tiio French artillery has boon doubled since 1870, and now numbers, gun for gun and man for man, exactly tho same as that of tho German Empire. —The German Empsror treats bis troops in the most paternal fashion. ‘Good morn ing, ray children, he says with a kindly smile, as he rides past the brigades drawn up to receive him; and all the regiments answer lustily, ‘Good morning 1 your Majesty.’ —The to etc sent by 03tywayo to Lord Ohelmstord to intimate wish for peace, is BOW at tho Colonial Offioe. It is seven feet in length and about half a yard thick at the broadest part. It is pronoucced the finest over e sen In England. A Ersaxax Banxa or Bsozhzs Moody's— The Eun says: It Brother Moody’s Tuesday evening talk at the Cooper Instltnto meet ing was accurately repotted, he said a very strange thing. ‘I have hardly ever met a man,* ho is reported as saying, ‘who was con verted by means of a sermon.’ —When an enthuiiastio third termer at San Francieoo told Grant the other day that there were many in that city who would like to see him President again, ho answered, diplomatically, *1 don’t aspire.’ Still farther pressed to say whether ho would be a candi date in a certain contingency, he looked to ward the sea and took rofuge in silence. —Mrs. Eate Ohase-Spragno was thirty- nine years old on tho 18 th of last August. In Mr. Chase’s diary at tho time of Us daugh ter’s birth oocnrs the following remarkable entry: ‘The babe is prouonnoed pretty, bat I think it quite otherwise. It is, however, well formed, and I am thankful. May God give the child a good understanding, that she may keep His commandments.’ —Tho Prince do Joinville brought home from one of bis voyages (he entire costume Of a Queen cf Zanzibar. It was contained in « box twice as large as his hand. The ladies of the royal family of Louis FhiUippe At the Tuileries crowded around to see tho contents of the little box, And trero quite shocked to find when it was opened only a pair of car-rings and a pair of sandals! —TheGeimsn Emperor’s Journey of 200 miles from Danlzio to Btetnn last month was A triumphal progress throughout. Every station, village and oottsge within sight of the train being gayly decorated. The mani festation culminated at Btettin. This was a set-off to the gloomy silence and closed blinds of Btrassburg. —Quean Victoria once signified to Viscount Macduff, now Earl of F.fa, that she would not be unwilling to have him for a son-in- law. The nobleman respectfully declined the honor. He is not yet 89, was eohooled At Eton, has eight residences in the High lands, and is warmly spoken of by all clas ses. His four sisters are ladies of extremo beauty, but have not all been enviable in their wedded life. -Ex-Gov. Throckmorton was defending a murderer, the other day, at Gainesville, Tex* as. He desired to convince the jury that the min whom hi) client killed, although in his shirt sleeves and without a pistol pocket in his trousers, might still have been armed. The lawyer had prepared himself to illustrate his argument. Taking off his oeat, and stan ding before the jurors, ho said, Can you see any sign of arms about me?’ They ehook their heads. Then ho drew a pistol from nnder each arm, one from each boot leg, and a long knife from the back of his neck. —The Colombians Sentinel gives the par ticulars of a novel performance which took place recently at a colored marrligo near the Hontevallo coal mines. This performance was, it is stated, considered a part and par cel of the marriage ceremony, and was emi- ply this: After the knot was tied a number of the wedding guests took the bridegroom, stripped him of hts clothing, and gave him forty lashe3 on his bare back. Thoy also took tho bride *id treated her in a similar manner, giving her, however,__only.twenty the* bride and groom qnietly snbmittod to the castigation, recognizing it as a part of the morriago ceremony. —The British farmer is by no means as rooted to the soli by patriotic attachment to it as his Geltio brothers, and has been, in his sullen, undemonstrative fashion, packing himself off by the dozen and the score all the summer. On four contiguous estates in Yorkshire a hundred and eighty farms are deserted; over twonty 03tate3 in another shire are being or will be farmed by land lords for want of the tenants, who aro going with a vengeance. Tho farmers are repor ted as far loss inolinodto trust the fnturo at home than relieved by the prospect which invites them to South Texas territory. Fobitoe3 is Ikon.—Tho Cleveland Leader says, some nest ,little fortunes have been ■ made by the rise in iron. A syndicate of wLse youngsters in State street, Boston, saw fir enough beyond their noses to realize $330,030 by it; and a hardware veteran in the same city, whose neighbors thought him crazy for laying in' 60,000 kegs of nails, net ted as many dollars when the boomcamo. It is calculated that the action taken by the Western Iron Association in Pittsburg, last week, advancing card rates to 3 cents per pound, will yield a dally Increase to manu facturers in that city alone of $29,000 to $22,- 000. The new card took effect yesterday, and wo ATS glad to learn carries with it an advance in poddiers’ and helpers’ wages. Thb Ekalleht or Baizi.—Mrs. George Fromm, of New Pork, has just become the mother of a boy baby, which weighed at Ita birth eleven ounces and three-quarters. The head of tho child, although smaller than a small apple, is covered with an extraordi nary growth of light brown hair. Thofea* lures aro regular, the eyes bright and clear, and the skin is fine and delicate. The arms aro the thickness of an ordinary little finger, and the fingers are the size of extra large pencil leads. The nails, although not much bigger than a good-sized pinhead, aro per fectly formed. An ordinary luncheon basket is an ample cradle for the babe. His height at birth was 6 inches, and breadth across the shoulders 2}*. Wealth Easily Obtained. Jay Gould, oomblnlng vast amounts of money with several great capitalists, has frequently made colossal profits in stock speculations, paypg millions to cvcb share holder. The new combination plan of Meetrs. Lawrenoe & Go. confers similar benefits on tho shareholders who invest email and large amounts, from $25 to $10,« 009. The money of thousands of customers is thus massed in one mighty enm, and operated with the ripest experience and best skill, has secured the most brilliant success es. A hotel keeper in Ohio invested 8X09 in a combination, which netted $478. Three investments resulted in a total profit of $13,801,18. A Boston man invested $500 in a combination, which yileded a profit of $2.- 817.04; two reinvestments netted him S3,- C14-31. /a Ohicsgo merchant made $13,210.- 31 in foot months of combination invest ments. New explanatory cmcular with “rules for unerring snocess." Apply to Messrs. Lawrence & do., Binkcrs, 67 Exchange Palace, Ne w York City. .The Heaviest Steer In the World. Douglass (Kansas) Enterprise.! The champion fat steer of the world was on exhibition at Neo*ho Falls this month. This animal weighs 8,360 pounds and is to day, by the cattle records, the heaviest ani- , mat in the known world Exhibited with > this animal was an Arkansas dwarf steer, between two and threo year a old and weigh ing only 190 pounds. Which Is cheapest A package ot Duxa'a Dart am. containing tventy pipe-tolls of the ben smoking toba.v cide, or one com min cigar! Bach coats 10 ntti acts dkw Turned Out of school. Special dispatch to the Constitntionl Lst tbe Bibb connty representatives return home. The school commission' ere will make laws, having this day ex pelled ell scholars from the free schools whose fathers have not paid poll tax for 1878, by a'high-handed and arbitrary law of their own. JtSN A. NzL80N. The poll tax is one dollar. Between five and six thousand taxable polla are re ported in tho connty, from whom tbe last official statement reported less than one thousand actually oolieoted; and the general average has been about 1,600. It is manifestly unjust to put upon prop erly the entire burden of sustaining the public schools. Tbe Board of County Commissioners, at the request of the Board, this year has taxed property ic this county $16,700 for (he support of the schools, and it will be bard to find in Georgian better example of a wise and public spirited liberality in behalf of pop ular education. It amounts to more than a third of the entire pnblio revenue of tho connty for all purposes. Tho Board of Education in this county is acting nnder a special law creating it, and conferring powers which, it is be lieved, are not transcended by this rale recently adopted, requiring the payment of this tax as a condition precedent of admission to the schoola. This role is the only means (very inadequate) of en forcing tho collection of the tax from non-property holders, and enrely a dol lar a year can be no grievous harden. If a case ebon Id come to light where the oolleclion of the tax would operate os a hardship, the board will doubtless make it an exception. Bat surely the good sense of the' country will sustain the board in tho effort to make tho great bulk of tho benefioiaries of the schools contribute at least one dollar to the fam ily in support of them. As handsomely as property now con tributes to the support of these schools, and as closely as every expense is pared down to its lowest point,eo rapidly do the schools increaso, that the Board will not bo ablo to keep them in operation for the fall scholastic year of nine months,nnles3 the income from tbe capitatnm tax can be closely collected. If it could all be collected, property would then pay three- fourths and persons tho remaining fourth towards tho education of the children. Balldoxins In Ohio. In a recent speech Governor Yonng, of Ohio, advi-cd all Republicans of color to ostracizs nl colored men voting fora Democrat, uj matter how good a man the Democrat might be. Now a dispatch from Kenton, O., sayst “More bulldozing has been going on in Baker creek township, Logan connty, of which wo have bnt a meager account. It seems that Mr. Kenslav, a Republi can negro, seventy years old, had attend ed the Democratio colored meeting held in the district school house last week at the time the mob of negroes attempted to break it up, and, being disgusted at the outrage of his brethren, and rather partial to Dr. Goodlow, Democratio can didate for Congress f tom this district, de clared his intention of voting the Damo- oratio ticket, and with him go several more colored votes from friends who are sub ject to his influence. A mob of Eepub- liean negroes hearing of this came to gether Friday night, end visited the old man’s house, taking him from hia bed, beating him in a frightful manner, at tempting to force from him a promise that he woold not vote for Goodlow or the Democratio ticket, bnt he wonld not promise, and the mob, after telling him they wonld come back and kill him the next night nnless be promised, retired. The next day the old man left home and is now with friends in another township. Bnlldosing is highly improper, nnless it bo exercised to compel men to vote the Republican ticket. Then, as Repub licanism is ran on a “high moral’’ sched ule, it mast necessarily be virtuous, be cause it compels men to vote right. It is on this ground that the party sustains bayonets and military bulldozing at tho polls thronghont the country. Should the national administration ever fall into the hands of the Democrat ic party, these laws, which enable tho • —A — -n*. fi,n rt-m<nftn mill (arypowers ofthe country to perpetuate its hold on official power, wonld be uni versally regarded as miechievons and dangerous in the extreme. Bnt so long as it can only bs employed to make Re publican officials, it is very safe, of course. It is precisely this kind of ratiocination which satisfies tho so-called Republicans in their defense of military interference at the polls—a thing which no free peo- pla ever permitted before—and which they would not tolerate a moment under Democratio rule. foreign immigration Soutii. At last foreign immigration is begin ning to tend southward. Virginia, East Tennessee and Texas have received im portant aooesBiona to their population from this source. North Carolina has a colony or two. Texas hes already re ceived about 3.000 foreign immigrants, and fo-diy the telegrams ohroniole the arrival in New York of 160 more. When onoe the movement is fairly inaugurated it will soon beoomo rapid, if easy facili ties can be offered for acquiring land In large bodies. Texas owes this immigration simply to her large amount of nnoecnpled land In market. Georgia coold probably secure a share by tbe formation of etook com panies, each controlling some five or six square miles. These farmers want from fifty to a hundred aoree eoob. And each large tracts laid off in fifty aero lots, and offered in alternate late at low prices wonld no donbi eccnre good returns, and introdace a system of small farming which wonld be highly advantageous to the State, and a profitable example to the people. We need a plan of agricultural life more condnsive to social enjoyment and improvement than is compatible in these times with the old proprietary system of the days of slavery. We want a system which will admit of well sustained ohcrches end sohools and a free and easy social intercourse. Hts Finances. Eoston Herild i ' * Gen. Grant told a reporter in San Francis*, co that bo was wortn considerably more than $75,000, and that he had money enough to live on. Nel Hkc1c42 Years. I was troubled for many years with kidney complaint, gravel, oto.; my blood became tbin; I was doll and inactive; could hardly crawl; was an old worn oat man all over; could get nothing to help me until I got Hop Bitters, and now I am a boy again. My blood and kidneys aro oil right, and I am aa active as a man of 80, although I am 72, and Ihavenodonbtit will do as well for others cf my age. It is worth a trial.—(Father) —Sunday Mercury. So Particular. Philo. Times 1 Those Boston people are so particular. Here is the Advertiser actually making se rious oompteiat because a man has been ap pointed inspector of elections who is nnder oonviotion and awaiting sentoncs for help ing another man to vote illegally teat fall. A UaKU. To all who ore suffering from the errors and indiscretion* of yonth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss ot manhood, etc, 1 will send u recipe mu win core you, eiuk OF oUauGE. line <r«at remedy was discovered by a missionary .n -oath America. Send a self-addressed enveopc to the Rev Jor-ch 7 inmtn, .Station D. New fork. - »iodide WEEN WHITE WITS SNOW. When white with snow ore oil the-hills, And dusky life in the valee below, And bushed and hidden glide the til's. And hungry flies the oairing crow; When other songsters none are near. The mocking wren sings load and dear, Sweetheart! Bweelhcart-Bweet—sweet! O words moat door, Meet pleasing to a maidea’s oo:! When grandams cower ahont the fire, And red-cheeked girls a-eleighing go, When kine stand shivering fa) tho byre, And school boys, sledding, shout bo! ho! When roads are hard and clouds are drear, The mocking wren sings loud and clear, Sweetheart! Sweetheart—sweet—sweet! O words most dear. Most pleasing to a maiden’s eari When to the wild rose tightly clinga The frostod hip with fiery glow, And shrill tbo skater’s iron rings, And breath, like smoke, coils upward eIow, • When wiads blow cold and loaves drift esro, Tho mocking wren sings load and cloar, Sweetheart! Sweetheart—eweet—aweetl O words most dear, Moet pleasing to a maiden’s earl —W. L. Shoemaker,_in Home Journal. Advance m Prices. Speaking of the general advance in prices within tho last few weeks, tho New York Financial and Commercial Chronicle oomparo3 the rnliag rates of September 23d with thoeo of AugnBt 29, for some leading articles of production, as follows: Extra Stato flour has advanced from $4.85 to $5.25 between tho two dates, or morothan 20 per cent.; No. 2 winter wheat, $1.10£ to $1.30, eqaal to 17 per cent-- corn Nn 9. tniied. from 45J cants to 65 cents, equal to 20 per cent.; West ern muss pork, from $8.75 to $9. id, or 4} per cent; lard, from $5.82} to JG.57}, eqaal to 12 per cent.; creamery butter, from 17 to 26 cents, equal to 53 per cent.; cheese, from 6} to 10 cents, eqaal to 82 per cent.; pig iron, from $22 to $27, eqaal to 33 per cent, and so on through tho whole line of articles. Tho iron advanoo is recognized every where as in great part speculative. As to pork, baoon and lard, the advance, eays the Chronicle, is in tbe face ot a fa vorable prospect for a large killing this fall. There is a surplus of 200,000 tier ces of lard this season, against 30,000 tierces ea the average for previous years, and it is olaimed that there are 2,000,000 more hogs this year, weighing somewhat heavier than the averago cf a year ago. On the whole,no one need be surprised to eeo flush and inflation times back on some parts of “kedntry’’ in a few months. In fact,after six years of senseless proatration it is about time for an era of moina mul- tioiulis and wooden cuoambar seeds. A Southern Romance. Condensed from the Cincinnati Oommercial.l During the rebellion a well-to-do family, consisting ot John H. Reynolds, bis wife and daughter, were driven from their North Carolina home because of ita occupation by Federal troops, and settled in Walker connty, near Birmingham, Alabama. There accom panied the migrating family a handsome wo- a who though called a quadroon, was f to be distinguished from a white per son. This quadroon devoted her time to the caroof Mrs. Reynolds, a confirmed invalid. After tbe war Henry Horton settled on an adjoining plantation. He had a son, Mark, end Mark grew up as A playmate or Jessie, tho daughter of the Beynolds household. A few years ago, both families being prosper ous, it was arranged by Beynolds that if tho children coaid be induced to love each other there should bo a union of the houses. Jes sie was sent to a girls’school in Louisville, Kentucky, and Mark entered at Princeton, N. J. Boturned from their collegiate studies the young folks sure enough fell in love, and were married under the moat promising auspices. A month or so ago a child was bom to them, and it was remarked that yonng Horton and wife were among the hap piest of mortals. But a cloud came up on the horizon shortly after the birth or the child. Tiio quadroon fell sick, and Dr. Blackman, tho Birmingham phycician, told her that her death was at hand. The quad roon sent for yonng Horton. She tola him that her conscience bad tortured her into making a death-bed statement, fahe said that Jessie had negro blood in her veins— that she was her daughter. John Reynolds was JesBie's father, bnt the invalid Mrs. Rey nolds had never been a mother. The life- caused' by Beynolds, who,' at jesaio’a birth, forced his wJe to acknowledge tho child or the quadroon aB her own. Tho death of the quadroon occurred soon after Horton had beta given the statement. Horton at once told his innocent wife tho 6toiy of her pa rentage, drove her from hot honEO and sued for divorce in the Walker county court, now sitting. Ths other day the court decreed tho marriage void beiauso of fraud. Pending the decree Horton disposed of his property and left for California. Beynolds ia now en deavoring to toll so that he may return to North Carolina. The poor yonng wifo and mother is wild with grief. It is not likoiy that she will bear tho attain, and an educated, refined girl wilt bo broken under hor weight of woee, tho victim of an institution of the past. Lively Times A bead. In Louisi ana Politics. Washington Special to Baltimore bun. Louisiana politicians say there are lively times m that State jaet now. The Constitutional Convention was snbjucted to such a pressure from tho “outs” that it yet a provision in the Constitution vs' c-> i-g every office in tho State but that of dtate Treasurer. As a consequence the office seekers, which means almost ths entiro white male population, arc in such a condition of ferment and excite ment as almoit parallels certain periods of ths carpet-hag domination. The prospect is that tho contest over the offices will result in a split in the Democratic narty after the nominations are mads. In regard to the office of Governor, what is called the Bontbon element ia working for tho nomination of the present Lieutenant-Governor, Wiltz, while the Conservative element is struggling to nominate Gen. Ogden, the leader of tho White League. The Re publicans have not os yet indicated any pnrpoee to pat a State ticket in tho field, bt have intimated that they will support Ogden, either as a regular or an Inde pendent Democratio candidate for Gov ernor. Shonld Ogden win tho nomina tion at Baton Rouge, tbe Willz-Burko party, it is thought, will bolt, and the decent conservative element of both par ties will nnito in snppott of Ogden. Tho censer7ativo people—those who have property and interests nt stake in Louis iana—want to get a State administration that will protect tho State’s credit and faithfnlly administer the laws. Airoxo its notes on education the Tri bune remarks that Massachusetts sends 74 per cent of her school population to school; New York eenda35 per eent.; New Jersey, 34; Connecticut and Rhode Island, 65; Oregon, CO; and Louisiana* 20. The female teacher in Vermont frets $22 a month; the male teacher in Nevada, $113 a month. Bibb connty. Go., does a good deal better than any State in the list except the first. Dzax Bait.—uur commencement exercises are over. I have' received my diploma, and am I took a prominent ] [.art in tiu i musical exercises fat ths evening. Although I bad contracted a severe cold a few days before, I was enabled by tbe use of Co-assent’ Honey of Tar, the best reme dy in the world for coughs, colds, and all diseases of the threat and lungs, to sing so well that I eomc’eteiy en-aptureJ a large audience. Tell Unoie John that the use of that invaluable com pound, Coussens Honey of Tar, will cure his cough. It it only 50 oonts a bottle, and can be bought at Roland B Hall's Drug Store. Yours in haste, mav7 Ann. Ohio.—Mr. Biains is reported a3 promising that Ohio will eleot the Be* publican State ticket by 20,000 majority. Mr. Thurman, with equal confidence, says it will electEwing and a Democratio maj --ity is both branches of the Stale Legiela vre Let ns a e which of the two U the better prophet. How It Hay Be. Speaking of the two Presidential Prog resses now going on in the West, tbe Eerald says that the unanimity with which General Grant is welcomed back to the country is the natural oonse- qnence of a belief that he will not re-en ter polities, and that all his fellow-oiti- zsna can recognize his great servlets wilhont risk ot awkward political com mittals. The friends of tbe avowed Re publican candidates for tae Presidency are watching at a distance with Intense jealousy, the great outpouring of popu lar feeling on the Paoifia «oast. because they fear it may be turned to political aooonnt in emargenoies not unlikely to arise. If, eays the Eerald, Gen. Grant should be welcomed with the came enthasisetio warmth in other parts of the eoantry the Republican party wonld be converted in to dry tinder, which conld easily be kin dled into a blaze if his name shonld next year be suddenly sprang upon the Re publican National Convention. Suppose, for illustration, that Mr. Gonkling, Mr. Blaine, Mr. Sherman and Mr. Wash- bnrne should be candidates in the Con vention, eaoh pressed by hia friends,each receiving tho votes of one or more States, bnt none receiving votes enough to make a majority. Suppose, farther, that there should ba six, or eight, or ten ineffeotnal ballotingB, in which the friends of the eereral candidates were unyielding, and the strongest of the candidates still fell short of votes enongh to nominate him. If, at an advanced stage of such a deadlock, some astnte and dexterions admirer of General Grant, who had been lying in wait and watching for the golden crisis of opportunity, snonin iusu,..,... C nt the knot by nominating Grant by acoTamation, ms net difficult to imagine the hurricane of resounding plaudits with which tho cap tivated convention might respond to such a proposal. The spark would fall into a mass of dry combustibles, a mass dried and made inflammable by tho strong Banshine of these ovations. If General Grant is nominated at all it will be by thns taking advantage of a crisis in the Repnblioan National Convention. After a weary deadlock running through many ballotings this sadden solution might carry tho Convention by storm and “take it off its feet,*’ especially as it wonld bo at onco responded to through out the country in the same spirit by vaat multitudes of General Grant’s un thinking admirers, who wonld not atop to oonsider the difference between a nom ination and on eleotion. Unlees some Re publican candidate goes into tho Conven tion strong enongh to eeenre a nomina tion on the saoond or third ballot, and thus preclude a deadlo.-k, it is possible that General Grant may suddenly be brought in as tho dark horse and triumph antly win the race. It would bo difficnlt for him to deoline a nomination made nnder suoh oircamstanoes. The Republican party, so-called, ha9 always been dry as well as combustible, and is now dryer than ever, after a steady feast on troasury pap for eighteen years. Fally comprehending the fact that Grant is their strongest man, they are going to ran him, and, if elected and alive, ran him again in 1834 and again in 16SS, for tbe reasons for running him will grow with every additional election. Sher man's, or any other Republican candida cy, will amount to nothing. Notes of a NorlUern Trip. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: Your correspondent left Macon on the night of the ot 19th inst., via. Central. After a comfortable night’s rest in one of Mr. Wadley’a patent e’eoping berths, we arrived safely at tho Gate City. Wo remained long enongh to see the Georgia Legislature in tho midst of one of its liveliest times in the House — tbe Nelms investigation. Although an ef fort was made to involve our noble Gov ernor, it failed most signally, as your readers have learned. From Atlanta, wo took passage on the Air Line route, tho most popular, on ao- count of its advantages: 1st, Ic is tho shortest route. 2nd, It has two trains a day through to "33. The cars and tho general manage ment, especially on tho Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line, are complete in every respect. Now that we havo been on several of the most popular roads North, we do not hesitate to say that no road Gnrpasss3 the Air Line in these respects. Col. Foreaore has demonstrated his ability to ran a firstralaes railroad. What ho and Col. W. J. Houston oannot do no body need attempt At Danville we left the Richmond ronte and took what wo regarded as the best road through Virginia,the Midland route. The road is superior, we think, to the Richmond road. It is well managed and run through a most beauti ful section of the country. Wo advise all our friends traveling to buy tickets via the Midland ronte, and they will not regret it. The only serious drawback is the eating house at Laugaton, where you get a poor meal at a very high price— fifty per cent, more than yon pay any where else for a good meal. Bat other advantages compensate even for this. Arriving at Washington, D. 0., after midnight, eve saw nothing of the Capital, bat took a through sleeper for New York, whero we arrived for breakfast just 36 hours after leaving Atlanta. We found New York crazy over tho disgraosful walking match which was concluded Saturday night, and sub sequently every thing has been serene. Business of all kinds is lively—indeed, wo never Eaw New York so busy before. The merchants have all that they can do to wait on the crowds of customers who daily throng the city. It is generally conceded that this is tho great heart of the county, and the prosperity here will be seen to ths remotest seolion of the Union. So mote it be. Tho only Maoon man wo met was May or Huff, who is here to get the new bonds made. Ho will get up a beautiful bond, and we verily believe they will be popu lar and relievo tho embarrassment which has hampered our business prospeots in Maoon, and make her what she deserves to be—the qneen city of the State. Among the noticeable things In this city we saw and tried the Bntler Health Lilt. Oar friend, Alexander Agar, a leading wholesale stationer, 110 William street, invited ns to walk with him one afternoon. As we approached No. 74 Wall street, he said, “Let’s go in hero, and I will show yon what saved my life.” We entered an elevator in the basement and were soon hoisted up five storiev, and were ushered by Mr. A. into the pleasant rooms of Dr. Lewis G. Janes. Here wo found a number of gentlemen stretched out on sofas, and ethers pulling away at the health lifts. It is so adjusted, that one can lift from 100 to 600 pounds without any strain upon their muscles, which usually givo way upon a dead lift. Yon stand on a spring platform and lift with body per fectly creot, thua bringing into play every part of tho system. It equalizes ths circulation, and after litting four times with intervening rests, instead of being tired, one feels, while lying on the sofa, a perfect seneo of rest. It is won- derfnl. Mr. Agar was threatened with oonsnmption and was informed by hia family physician that he was in a danger ous condition. He commenced using the Health Lift, and now he is perfeotly well, and is fat and flourishing. No one would suppose, to, look at him, that he ever wsb sick a day in hiB life. He saye: “I have gained ten pounds In weight— good BOlid, healthy tissue. I would not Uko a thousand dollars for the improve ment in my condition. I gave up the use of medioine, and ascribe wholly to the Health Lift the great improvement in my health.” Dr. Janes ia an exceedingly nics man, and we wish we hid suca a man and his Health Lifts in Macon. Tho fiiet evening wc tcied the Li t it cured iw i of a distressing headache, which has not aioee returned. It ia a good thing. We opntion this matter that those suffering fjom nervous or pulmonary disease may, if they have opportunity, try the valua ble remedy. On Sabbath last, we made a pleasant visit to and dined with an old Maoon Mend, Mr. and Mrs. Walter 0. Hodg kins, who live -just across from New York, on the Bergen Heights, New Jar- cay. They have a delightful home over looking tbe whole Island of Manhattan. We shall long. remember with pleaanre our short and delightfnl visit to onr friends. _2fat we mnst clone now. More hereaf ter. J. W.B. Nsw Tons, September 29,1879. JSscsd as Ween By a Tourist. n?rom a very pleasant and remarkably well written letter from Maoon .to the Courier-Jeurnai, wo clip the following good words for onr oity and her instiln- tfijns. We thank the unknown corres pendent “Pan Handle," and hope the next time he passes through our city he will make himself known: Yon leave the thriving manufacturing town ot Columbus, with the noisy hum of its myriads of spindles and looms, its long line of streets and well-filled stores, the clatter of feet and tongnes, and feel glad to take the train for Maoon and the sweet air of the pine groves, Yon reach Macon at sunset, and, just in front of ths passenger depot, the first thing yon see is the imposing faoade of Brown’s Hotel. It looks inviting and first-olas3 from the outside, and when yon enter the reoeption room and see the grand chan deliers, the luxurious ohairs and eolaB,tbe splondld faience gas jets, and tbe hand some faos of the proprietor behind the desk, yon know instinctively that yonr lines are fallen into a pleasant place. The hotel was burned two years ago, bnt was rebuilt in 1878, and is iw* to first- class order, ana nnea with eueBts- The rooms are fine and well famished, par lors elegant and luxurious, and the ser vants well trained, as only colored ser vants can be. The head waiter is a marvel of polite ness and attention; he has tbe air of a Frenchman, and although bronzed to the hue of a West Indian, you wonld take him to be of Caucasian descent. He is a prince among butlers, and worth hia weight in gold to the management of tho house. Macon is an old town, and has grown rich with its manufacturing interests. I. is a larg8 railroad centre, and its mer chants are active and wide awake men. It has a great fntnra before it, and has none of the brand-new brick and mortar look of Atlanta, Macon is old and rich and highly respectable. GoL Blount, member of Congress from Macon, is a deservedly popular man, and has represented this district several years. He is a straight Democrat, in whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning. Polities seem to interest no one here, and everybody is hard at work. There are no trampB in Georgia, and the ne groes are as happy as any class of work ing men in tho world, and are saving and laying up as muen. monoy as the whites. There will be a large immigration to this Slate, this winter, from tho North, and already large tracts of land havo been sold to aclnal settlers. I hare conversed freely with (ho leading bnsinesa men of Macon, snoh as* Johnson & Harris, Jacques & Johnson and G. T. Rogers Sons, and they all agree that the ontlook is promising and favor able. Thero is a genoral inclination among capitalists to invest in email cot ton faotories at various points in the State, and to enlarge them os they are productive and remunerative. Tho suc cess of tho Macon and Columbus mills is something marvelous, and really as tounding to the factory men of the North, who pretend to believe that tbe geniuB and spirit of tho Sonth are an tagonistic to the seated industries of the factory system. The Lowell and Fall River manufacturers must havehad their eyes opened long ego by the small orders from the Bontb, and by the fact that Southern factories are underselling the Northern, and making cotton clothes that aro heavier to the yard, and there fore more honest goods than those made in tbo North. Every factory in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi is working on full time to fill orders that continue to jiour in. Mr. E. It. Irvine. Mr. E. D. Irvine, one of Maoon’s most industrious end encosssfnl yonng busi ness men, baa recently removed his stock from Cotton Avenue to the store lately occupied by Mr. L. Newman, next door to Meters. Wing & Solomon. His new qaaTteis are much more commodious and better adapted to hia business. He has enlarged his stock, and, with commenda ble enterprise, keeps abreast of the de, mauds of trade with all the newest, pret tiest and latest goods in his line. Mr. Irvine is one of tho most skillful frame manufacturers in the country, and has every facility for making them in a strictly first-class manner. His trade in this line is very large. He claims to be the only dealer and manufacturer who engraves frames south of Baltimore. ThiB is a new feature in the picture frame busineee, and one that has become popu lar on account of its attract) veness. Mr. Irvine ha3 also an endless supply of blank books of all kinds, and a well lected general etook. Wo wiah him great enccess in his now and elegant quarters. Nothing tries the patience of a man more than to listen to a hacking cough, which he knows could easily te cured by investing 25 oents in a bottle of Dr. Doll's Cough Bjrup. CosKLisa Sick.—The Tribune eays tho news that Conkling has been again attacked with the malarial fever which has harassed him for several years past will be a great disappointment to the Re publicans, who hoped that he would be in the field from tho very opening of tho campaign. There is a possibility, how ever, that he will be able to keep his en gagement to speak in Brooklyn next week, though the probability is not eo strong as might be wished. Bat no ono needs to bo assured that Mr. Oonkling will begin work on the first day that he has the strength to do it. Thousands of peple who are afflicted with a diseased liver, indigestion, heart burn, waterbrasb, sour stomach, or a generally intolerable billiousness, as it ia termed, nse mercury. This is done re luctantly perhaps, but the commonplace argnment is, oh, nothing will reach the liver and spleen except bine mass. Conld I get something else I wouldn’t use it. Reader, yon can get something else and that something else is Simmons’ Liver Rcgnlator. It is eqnal in power to bine mass, and without any of its injurious ef fects. Fastal Matters. Through pouches for Americas and Albany are now sent by the night trains on the Southwestern road. The mail cIobob at 8 o’clock in tho evening. This will be » considerable advantage to the business men of these cities, and shows tho growing importance of the two places mentioned and the extension of facilities being made by the government. “Whither are you sound!” said John Moore u he stood intiia door-wsy of his establishment and saw his old triend 8am Rogers walking slowly Tisat. The latter, wild sunken eras ana pallid visage, bearing evidences el disease, hast ened to reply, “I have long suVered all the hor ror* arising from an inactive liver, and am go- iogto tbe office ot Dr Slow to seecrelief.” “Do no such thing,'* said Lis friend, “when you can boy a bottle of foruli .o, or fabler’s ui^i Kflgulator, lor only W cents, aui be permanent ly relieved. It will cure Dyspeosia, Heartburn. Soar Stomach, Hick Headache, and all disorders of a timid liver.” For sale by Roland H H» II nmrrlut. may! Killed Near Mlucdgevlite. Yesterday, we learn, anegtoman, who lives on the plaoe of a Mr. RobinBon, was waylaid and killed about a mile from Milledge villa. j / Mortuary. Mr. J. J. Clay, city sexton, make3 the following report of interments for the week ending Saturday: White Adults a White Children x ™G Colored Adults o Colored Children . S —S Total for the week. —a Injunction Case, The injunction case mentioned yester day against the Connty Tax Collector, in behalf of tho Bnilding and Loan Associa tion, was decided by Jadge Simmons yesterday, by granting an injunction for the year 1876, bnt refnaing it for 1875, 1877, and.1778. Mltchtl Guards. TheMttohel Light Guards will hold a meeting to-morrow evening. The com pany is eolid for the trip to Savannah, and it is expected that every uniform will be filled. Captain McManus will go down in command of thb company. Tho Guards aro taking great interest in the approaohing Centennial. Board cf Education. A speoial meeting of the Board of Ed- noation will be held to-morrow afternoon at 4 o’clock in order to elest an additional teacher for the pnblio sohools and to transact some other business whioh will be brought before the body. The addi tional teacher is made necessary by the bnilding of th» J —qg lot anhnnl . For tbe Benefit of tiio Hood Orphans Theodore Tobias, the pedestrian, will give a twelve hour walk at the Park to morrow, commenoiug at 7 a. m. and end ing at 7 in the evening. Ho was out in costume yesteiday afternoon,, and from the way he gets over the ground a fine walk may be expected. The walk will bo at the Park. An admission of 25 cents only will be had. New Orleans Market, It will be seen by reference to the commercial department of this paper, that market reporta of the New Orleans markets aro now received. Reports from this market were reinaugurated last evening, being the first report from that point received in more than a year. This report will bs of advantage to onr merchants. PRESCRIPTION FREE For the speedy Cure ot Seminal Weak cess, Lois oi Manhood, and all disorders brought on by in discretion or excess. Any Druggist has the in- credients, Address DAVIDSON Sc CO. iul deod&w lv 78, Nassau Kt. New York, — — .o ■ - ■ — — Change of Schedule. Commencing to-morrow, a change of schedule will take place on tho Macon and Augusta Railroad. Tho train which leaves Macon at 7:10 m the momiog will l^gfe at 6:03, an hour and five min- ntes earlier. The train from Augusta will arrivo at 5:50 instead of 6:10 in tho morning. The night train will Icavo at 8 o’clock, and tho day train will arrive at 6:30, instead of 6:23, in ihe afternoon. MercerSUnlverslty. The friends of this noble inBtitntion of learning will ba pleased to learn that it has had a most favorable opening with a fine attendance of students. The boys seem anxious to go to work, and there is every promise for a successful year. The roll ao far shows an agreeable in crease over what was expected. In an agricultural country which contnbntca to the support of a college, no surer indi* cation of its prosperity can ba found thar. an increaso in the number o! young men leaving their homes for college, —* - nrnsnerous season always insures a prosperous term for the institution. We hopo the promise of the opening may bo fully realiz3d. ' , Decisions ot the Supreme Court, Delivered September 9,1879. Abridged by N. E. Harris. E»q., of the Maoon yv Bar, from tbo official Report. Wabjteb. O. J., being engaged in the High Court of Impasobment did not preside in the following cases: Scales vs. Shackelford. Appeal, from Gwin nett Jacksox, J.—I The verdict is supported by enough evidence if no xulo of law ws« violated. 2 Where plaintiff was interrogated on the stand by defendant touching certain admis sions made in the presence of certain per sona and at a certain time, and did not set np that what he said was in reference and with a view to a compromise of ths case, but gave his version of the conversation, the de fendant shonld be allowed to give his version of ths >ame transaction by himself or the witnesses present, and euch version of plsin- tiff’e odm'e-iMM shonld not not be ruled out because made in reterence to comoromiBe. Judgment reversed. Truitt vs. Roberts. Trespass, from Cobh. Jackson, J.—1. The Judge may correct the brief of evidence by interlineation or other wise, after it has been agreed on by counsel. 2. If tbe partnerehip was formed prior to ths constitution of 1863, each homestead will not be valid against the other partner for balances dne him on acooant of the tranBaotionB of the firm; bnt before tho cred itor can be subrogated to the rights cf the other partner he must make by hie pleading* such a cose sb will enable him in equity to bo so subrogated. Judgment affirmed. Cherokee Lodge vs. White. Oloim, from Cobb. Jackson, J.—1. In claim cases in the jus tice courts, unless it appears from the record that plaintiff in execution was olatmicg in terest, the principal being fifty collars, or that the property claimed was worth more than fifty dollars, the remedy by certiorari will be upheld. 2. Though a woman be maniid prior to the constitution of 1363 and the woman’s act of 1866, yet her accnimtioM subsequent to those enactments are ner own separate es- tate.^sru; tii^aritsl o* nor nuouand Judgment affirmed! Coggins v». Griswold. Ejectment, from Gil mcr. Jackson, J—1, The grantee of on execu tor who ehows on order from the court of ordinary to sell the real estate of the testa- tor, need no. introdace thd will in evidence. 2. Wildland may be sold at private sale on leave therefor from the ordinary, and in the same application there may be a prayer to sell cultivated and wild land and personalty, and at the proper time on order maybe passed granting leave to sell each. Judgment affirmed. Farrow va. Bollock. Ejeotment, from Lump kin. Jackson, J.—Defondant in ejectment can not teo i the possession of a grantor who to possession originated in fraud of the trne owner to his own possession in order to com plete tho term of years necessary to givo him title by prescription, though he himself be an innocent purchaser from each fraud ulent grantor. Judgment affirmed. Marietta Paper Manufacturing Company vs. Faw, for use, oto. Complaint, from Cobb. Jaoeson, J.—Where the bill of exceptions wes not sorved in time, and counsol for de fendant in error eigned tho following sc knowledgment: “Dne and legal sorvico acknowledged on the within bill of exocptlons. and copy and all further sorvieo hereby waived.” On motion to dismiss tbo hill of excep tions, Held, that the motion mast be grant ed: 50 Ga., 353. The act of 1877 does not enro tho defect. Writ dismissed. Hudson ot al. vs. May and City Council of City of Marietta. Injunction, from Cobb Jackson. J Under the constitution of 1877, artiole 7, section 7, which declares that “no ench connty, municipality, or division, shall incar any new debt, except for a tempo rary loon or loans, to supply casual deficiencies of revenue not to exosed ono fifth of one percentnm of the assessed value cf taxable property therein, without the as sent of two-thirds of the qualified voters thereof at an election for that purpose, to be held as may be preccribed by law,” the city of Marietta has no authority to incur a debt of three thousand dollars ia order to ex- chango an old fire engine for a steam fire engine, nntil there baB been i n election held according to a law proscribing tbe manner thereof by an act of the General Asseembty. A mere vote on the question ot exchange or no exchange, held nnder no law passed by the General Aesemb’y to carry into effect the mode cf avoiding this prohibition on new debts, and held under no law of the State or the city prescribed for such an election at any time, cannot be held to be enoh an au thorization of a new debt as will comply with the constitution and relievo the oity from the prohibition. Tax-payers aro interested to see that their city does not incur such debts, except lawfully, and may intervene by apply ing for an injunction to restrain the munici- r—* -wssnms from unlawfully incurring such new liabilities. Judgment reversed. Besser va. Munford. Application for removal to court of United States, from Lumpkin. Jackson, J.—Illegality to the final process va. Humphreys; United States O. 0. Mo, Jnlyuumter of Reporter, p. 66, Judgment affirmed. DBS J P.kW.S. HOLMES DENTISTS, . No 84 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga V T jeth extracted without coin, beautiful sets'oi Teeth inserted. Abscessed Teeth and Diseased Gams cared* Dealers in all kinds of Dental Materials af-d Instruments. Constantly on hand • large a:id full assortment oi Teeth of all kinds. Gold of kinds. Amalgams of all kinds. Rubberc of »U j Grumpier. Claim, from Dooly. llna '’ martdAw'y blkoklev, J.-A judgment which the court was competent to render without tbe verdict of a jury, will he upheld If fonnd entered on the minntos in the day’s proceed' tags, tho minntes of the day being regularly signed by the Judge, though the judgment itself bear only the signature of counsel. Such a judgment is irregular, not void, and can be amended. Judgment reversed. Special Promiunis, Among the speoial premiums offered at ths approaching State Fair aro the fol lowing: Messrs. B. F. Avery & Sons, of Louis ville and Atlanta, offer, through Mr. Hezbst, a D. O. Avery steel plow with sod knife, valued at $15, for the be9t display of oats, (ono bushel ot each vari ety,) by one Georgia farmer. The plow is now on exhibition bt tho Library rooms. Messrs. Walton, Whann& Go., through Mr. William Hazlehnrst, offer one ton of Whann’a Plow Brand Superphosphate, yalaodat$50, as a speoial premium for the best average yield of cotton fertilized with thoir Plow Brand Fertilizer. Messrs. L. W. smith & Co., offer as a premium for the beet drawing by a boy or girl under 18 years of age, a fine oil chromo, handsomely framed, valued at $10. No award will be made nnless there aro five entries. The following prizes for declamation are also offered for tho Stato Fair, the contest to take place on Tuesday, Octo ber 28, at 12 o’olock. The epeeohes are to be from boys from 8 to 13 years of age, and not to exceed 5 to 7 minnteB in delivery. The first prizs is $5 in gold coin, and the second prize ono dollar in silver, both to be suitably inscribed. The pnzes are to be awarded immediate ly after the contest closes. This premi um is offered by a gentleman too modest to allow the nso ot bis name. Tn stock speculation a thousand dollars aro sometimes made from an investment of one hundred. Send to Alex Frothing' bam & Co., brokere, 12 Wall street, New York, for their TPieeHy Financial Eeport, sent tree. Tbe North Georgia Fair. In another column appears the attrac tive advertisement of the North Geor gia Stack and Fair Association, whioh takes plaoe in Atlanta, commencing on the 20th of the month, and continuing six dajB. The Fair will be a grand event in Atlanta. Seventeen thousand dollars in premiums are offered, whioh will bring out a deoided spirit of compe tition. In tbe running and trotting purses $5,000 are offered. The mys* io societies will give displays in costumes, costing thousands of dollars during tbe week of the Fair, and the week will be made.very attractive to all. We in vite attention to ihe advertisement. Absolutely free from Morphia and other dangerous agerrs, Dr Bull’s Baby Syrcp is valued most highly as a rurnedy for tiio dU orders of babjbood. Price only 25 cento a bottle. Lester vs. Lester. Contempt, from Clarke. BuscKLEf, J—Thero is a reasonable pre sumption that a husband and father can con tribute something to the support of Ins wife uid all his minor children, unless ho it nn* able to work. Where monthly alimony has been allowed, and the husband hes ceased to pay one eent, an attachment for contempt may be ordered to bring the actual resources of the parly to r. practical and decisive teat. Judgment affirmed. Heyward -va. Finney. Injunction, from Falton. Bltoxley, J.—1. Where there ia a bond for titles taken, part of tho purchase money paid, and a negotiablo security given for tho bslsnco, and the security is transferred for valuo without indorsement, and the holder sues upon it and obtains judgment, the case of Neal vs. Murphey, CD Ga., SS8 is in point; bnt where the maker of tho bond transfers a Judgment which has been rendered in bis favor for purchase money. Upchurch vs. Lewis. f3 Ga,, 621, is in point. Judgment affirmed. Forrester vs. The State. Retailing, from Pickens. Bleckley, J Retailing done in a man’s kitchen by his servant, and in bis presence, with his consent and approbation, may be deemed hts own act as well as the sot of tbe servant. The evidenca was sufficient to war rant the verdict. Judgment affirmed. Kolb vs. Cheney. Attachment, from Cobb. Elzcslet, J.—A declaration in attach ment, whioh describee the defendant as de fendant in attachment, sets ont the note, which is the evidence of debt, and alleges that an attachment has been issued thereon, concluding with a prayer for process, and omitting any farther description or reference to the attachment, mentioning no properly whatever, ia defective in substance, but amendable, even after judgment, by the at tachment pspero of file in the court, and constituting a part of the record of the cause. Lot the substantial defects ho cured by actual amendment within^ a reasonable time, on pain of h&vlogtho juc* * and tho declaration dismissed. Judgment affirmed. Phillips to. Sewell. Mortgage, from Cobb. > Bleckley, J.—1. Parol evidence of a pay ment, given by a witness on hia direct exam ination, may bo rebutted, explained or con- trsdicted by like evidence of ths same wit ness on his cross-examination, though it be disclosed that there .is a writing present In court in possession of tbe witnesa which will throw light on the true natoro of the trans action to winch tho evidence relates. 2 Tho purchase of part of a debt differs essentially from part payment of tbe debt. Judgment reversed. Roberts ot al. vs. Ivey. Equity, from Lumpkin. Bxecklev, J.—In determing upon tho boundary line between two tracts of tend, the jury are not obb'ged to govern their find ing by marked trees and rcont survey coinci dent tn.rowiib,- taihcr > h*n by corners ox fixed points on tho land, zeccguizsd by former proprietors ss true placo'i of th8 boundaiy, and surveys wbicn conform to them Judgment affirmed. Two Khedives. Parte Cor. London Times.l Ismail’s solo passion was for hoarding and curious anerxiotes are current on tS ’A age I have mentioned, on being invited breakfast tyTewfik, remarked that hte ti ble seivico was incomplete, Tewfik reoliira. it is the offiy one my father Who mo.’ From the moment abdioation w,. pressed on him, Ismail’s only idea J? stave it off long enough to pack np stott? thing, and when ad his tranks were on boud the sensation was ench that the Coaenia ail? pd themselves whether they ouch: lay an embargo on them. His fortune f* « bmsted at Xi6,OOO.OjO, y E t the verv A.^i bis deputing ha gave a crownJ^Snulo of bib ruling passion a red carn«-i?.i been laid down on the quty as a^marwlr royal honor. Ismail, eff t c::ng“ 0 e h“w that ho was no longer a sovereign, walked ainmT aide on the bare ground, tho spot where cus.omi dalles are co L-^,1 and learning that thero was m kieh) in the office, he resumed faj*f£<££ &na e^red the mraSy to ba brought to him on bcaid, which, how ever, did notjpreevnt his writing a few days afterwards to Tewfik for X3.000 (TurkUh) which he stood in great want of, not havl mg a farthing ” Unlike ids father, Tewfik pushes ideas of economy almost to an ex tremo. 11 is household is famished to tho simplest retie, and every month the salaries of his personal attendants are paid enter his own supervision; he hss reduced his civil list to a low figure; nothing goes into his private puree; he has made it a Kind of am bition to meet tho engagements of Egypt- and an eye witnesa assures me hss seen him extinguishing candles whioh wero burning in an empty reem. Wash. Special to Phil.’Times.l A party in Illinois recently applied to tho Secretary of the Treasury tor ihe redemp tion O' five coupons or United States bonds representing sever*, thousand dollars. Tho applicant allOROd that for safe keeping he uaa placed the oonpons in a tin box and de posited them in a stove pipe; bnt subse quently a fire wss built in the stove and the oourona destroyed. Tne ashes, however, were retained in the box and were presen ted with the application for redemption. The matter was referred to First Oomptrol- lor Porter for his decision. A scientific ex amination satisfactorily proved that the con tents , t the box were the remains of coup ons, as alleged. The Ueoittiou in the oaee which has just bsen given, is quito impor tant from the fact that it holds that the statute authorizing ths redemption of etiled bonds, where clear and unequivocal evidenos has been famished that they have bsen do- etroyed, does not apply to oonpcaB, whioh at thetimo of the alleged destruction thereof havo been detached from the bondsT The coupons ia question having bsin detached from the bonds, cannot therefore be redeem ed. San Francieco Telegram 1 Goi. News, of the Diamond Patecs, who organized this ball, eignalized tho ocoasion by preeenting Mrs. Grant with a bouquet composed of flowers indigenuus to the va rious countries ahe passed through in her tour around the world. These flowers were placed in regular order, storting with Phila delphia and ending with San Francisco. The bouquet-holder, five inches long, was of pure California gold, and inlaid with quarts and a collection of other metals fonnd on this coast It was a costly present, and will undoubtedly be eeteomed as a precious memento of the visit to California. Philadelphia Times, Ind.1 The attempt of ths Hayes traveling com bination to ran an opposition to Grant is proving a distressing failure. On Monday General Grant had a reception at tne hands of twenty thousand school children, which seems to have suggested to a Hayes reoep tion committee tn Illinois the importance of doing something in the same lino. Conse quently the President was received at the (State capitol yesterday by ibxee thousand children. Grant is still seventeen thousand children ahead, and nnless Hayes con recov er this lost ground before he gets back to Ohio it will be advisable to take bis chow off the rood. Wash. Dispath to N. 1. Hcraid.1 Senator Thurman, in a letter to aperson- al ftiond in Washington, says there is not the slightest doubt in bis mind butwbat General Ewing will be eteoted Governor ot Onto by a handsome majority, and that the Legislature will be Democratio on joint bal lot He says his oonfidenca te not based on oieaal observation, buta practical knowledge of the work being done, and tbe sentiments exprestod in localities which wero for s time justly regarded as doubtful to the Democracy. The Hen Frank Hart, the colored pedes trian, who m-de four hundred and eighty- two miles in the groat international walking. match ’art week, had an elegant reoeption in Boston on Monday and a banquet was giv en in his honor in tho evening. This is un doubtedly tbs mau who should have been nominated for Governor of Massachusetts. Dissatisfied with the Hawaiian Tbzatt. —The. Louisiana sugar planters are very much dissatisfied with tho workings of the Hawaiian treaty. Representative Gib;on intends, when Congress meets, to introduce a resolution providing for an abrogaticnof tbe treaty. In support of this rcsolntion it will be claimed that the treaty benefits no ono except a small ring of sugar planters in tho Sandwich Islands, who are growing rapid ly rich, bnt who wonld havo been utterly ruined had the treaty failed. Tho Louisiana E lantcra think that tbo Sandwich latendera avo too great an advantage over them with- The treaty was negotutcJ'entirelj^ through the influence of Allen, the Chief Justice of the Sandwich Islands, who came here as Kmg Katekana’a Minister. It ia claimed that he himself was largely interested in tbs eugar plantations which were so largely bene- fitted by this treaty. POI’S BTiAfiT THjS great vegetable PAIN DESTROYER AND SPECIFIC FOR IN FLAMMATIQN AMD HEHQRRHA8ES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. tion has cured so many cases of those distress ing complaints as thoExTSACT- Onr Plastik is invaluable in theso diseases. Lumbago, Pw*» in Back or Side. Ac. Pond’s Exikact Oar- jcsst (50 cents) for use when removal of doth* ins is inconvenient, is a great help in relieving inflammatory cases. . , Hemorrhages, — controlled and ■ any cause, Is speedily i Our Nasal Sxbinozs (ss cents) and Ishaijks (SO cents) are great aids in arresting interna bleeding. Diphtheria and Sore Throat Use the Extraet promptly. It is • sure cure. Delay is dangerous. Catarrh. r’Catarrh Cure.” specially prepared to meet se- ‘ious cases, contains nli the curative properties of the Extract; our Nasal Syringe is ravalusblo for use in Catarrhal affections, is simple and inexpensive. Sores,Ulcers, Wounds,Sprains and Bruises.’ J£i£3£%*?5S?&££ mont in connection with the Extract; it wljoid n healing, sofsenir.y and in keeping out the air. Bums and Scalds. SffiSInS rivalled, and should be kept in every family ready for use in case of accidents. A dressing oloor Ointment will aid in healing and prevent testf Inflamed or Sore Eyes. g,£d without the slightest fear of barm fluicklyallaf nit all lull animat ion and tor enoss without _arache, Toothache and Face* a oh a When the Extraet i9 used acoordinf £ acne, directloni Its effect ia eimply **• Pll o*a Ditsd. BissDnre on Ixchiss. rues. tta grate,; known remedy. ««« curing when other medicines have teilef Pond’s Bxtrect Medicated Paper for closets" is a preventive agaiust ChaGng and PileAjJg Ointment is of great service where the rsnof* cf clolbinx is inccnTenicnt. For Broken Breast and Sors Nippies. 5saffis ,, ras«‘w once used it will never be without tt. Ow®** ment is the best emollient that can be apP”^- Female Complaints, n^be®^ in for the maierity oi female diseases if the*** tract is used. Pull directions accompany f"-* bottle* Pond’sExtSWIs?^ has the words “Pond’s Extract,” blown M glass, and Company's trade mark on su.-rou-^-, wrapper. None other is genuine. on having Pond’s Eitr-ct. Take no other prei-“ atfon. It is never sold in bulk. PRICE CF POND’S EXTRACT, TOILET ARTI CLES AND SPECIALTIES. POND’S EXTRACT. WaI1 % Toilet Cream fl 00 I Catarrh Cure—. Dentrifice 501 Plaster —< gj. Lip Salve. M J Inhaler g Toilet Soap sale’s) !*• Ointment 801 Medicated Taper.. PREPARED ONLT BT POND’S EXTRACT CO. NB3TTORKAND LONDON.