Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, October 07, 1879, Image 3

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THE THREE DEATEB. T|W the fluid Hope amid the timers to rest, Smooth toadtriy tne daisied turf above it; yjeXah by thegrave by memory’ariys csrees- BssiUing how wo used to ga«d and love It; From £ie sweet aoet fresh fancies may aw .ho, *1111 a now dream U* gentle assembtance take. SJjOVChpasaionato tears fall fast as Som mer r«in, ■Where tee dea’ lore lies in eternal sleep; Xfcengh life and joy may never wear again Tne glory Daried with it, dark and deep; Jost for iha dotd thing’s unforgotten bliss, Aohaa enel charm may sooth a watch like this. Bat when tho shrine where we havo garner ed up Trust, pride, devotion shivers at our feet; When poison, Inching in tho loving cup. Turns into stinging gait what was so sweet; What solace broods abovo such bittter death ? What futuro comforts ns for murdered Fain.? —All the Year Bound. UUDMToi court A x PklK. A Fine Display and a Successful Fair. Yesterday and on the day previous the Houston County Fair took place in Perry. This is the third annual fair of the Hous ton County Fair Association,and each ex hibition has somewhat exoelled the oth ers until the one that haa just closed was at ooce creditable to the connty and all interested. The fair is held in a very suitable grove in the midst oC the town. All Perry tnrnB out to these fairs and they are among of tho grand events of the year. Yesterday, besides the youth and beauty, and the solid worth of Perry,the grounds were thronged with a goodly attendance from Hinkinsvillo, Fort Valley, Mar shall vine, Haynesville and the surround- ing country. The interest taken in the fair is not oonflnbd to Houston county, and exhibits were to be seen from Pulaski, Maoon and Dooly counties. The grand stand wau ifj.ougbonc the day crowded with you eg peopie, ell of whom seemed to en* joy ?*ie occasion to the utmost. Tho ex bibi.ions were arranged in separate de partments. Skirting the enclosure of tho grounds were coops for poultry, and withio them were some fine exhibits of fancy fowls, geese and dnoks. This de partment was really well represented, and did tho gbuexal exhibition considerable credit. AdniOULTUEAL DEPARTMENT. Under a lolly stand, especially devoted to tho pnrpose, was arranged the agricul tural display. Hera were some of the finest field crops we have ever seen nt a county fair. Immense stalks of sugar cane, wiib taeir banner-like foliage wav ing troia luoir top9, showed that the soil and olunate of Houston connty is well adapted to its productions. Cotton stalks, the length of which we did not compute, were suspended around tho building. Some well cured sides and hams were to to be eeun, almost as white as the best Western meats. Messrs. Cooper and Staley exhibited some snpenor rust proof-wheat on which they took a premium. The seed was from Mr. Ha. da way, of Tnomasvilie, mention of whose wheat has been made in this paper. The exhibitors inform us that this kind of wheat was particularly adap ted to this region of tbe State and was the only alsolutely rust-proof variety they had ever cultivated. Houston county raises a large amount of wheat, especially on her red lands. This display was better than last year’s. Among the cariosities in this ball was & Bluffed rattlesnake some four or five feet In length, killed three days betore the fair, ibree miles from^Perry by Mr. G. B. Market. Another crop which promises to be a good one in tho future is the to- baoco yiuid. Leaf tobacco throo feet in length aepended from the beams of the building. One of the interesting displays was made by Mrs. Jadgo Hollzslaw, con sisting of fifty-six varieties of vegetables. All the well-known garden vegetables were present and many others which are rare in this section of tho State. Mr. 6. H. Humph, of the Willow Lake Nureeries, of Atarehallvillo, made a very pretty exhibit of eomo of the largest, ruddiest apples of the Pryor, Carter’s Blue and Buncombe varieties, preserved fruits, vegetables and other products of his nursery. In field crops Mr. C. D. Garr took tho promiam for the best bale of ootton. Xbcie were quite a number of contestant*. In the eto ok departre’>-t there were thirty or fotty stalls oc- .»: by some of the best homo raised at. be found in any Georgia county. ; . F. McGe- hee, o: Houston count ho largest lot of cattle on exhibit. .is Bruman sows and bull attracted .. .tention ot oil tbe farmers on the-• j. We un derstand he baa bee. • ’ i one hun dred and ft icy dollars . . ia head of theaa cattle. Mr. Bummerfield, of I >unty, had a colt on exhibition, « . is a little beauty. Captain U. SI. Gunn, . • .-an, made a large end very ore. . display ol hor.ifcs and colts, Mr. F, D. Garr took .... premium for the best saddle horse. Mr. G. W. Jordon, Jr., of Hawkinsville, was awarded tbe bluo ribbon for tho best horse in harness on the grounds. For tho bestdonbl9 end single mules, Captain H. L. Deanard took the award* Mr. T. M. Burner wss awarded several premiums on bis fine stock exhibition. The most attractive dislpsy, however, wco in ’h.-> ball devoted to the exhibition ct uomosi.o manufacture, fancy work, flowers and the fins arts. At the upper end ot [tie hall tho floral display w*a ex cellent. Perry is noted for its beautiful flowers, an<t hero they are cultivated in their full and i-erfeet beauty. Baoh corner of tbe hall was fined with a pyramid of foliage plants from tho gardon of Mrs. H. M. Hoitzuiaw. Among thorn wero noted the coral* codes, tbe blushing, bluffy by- biscos, the night blooming oereus, and other rare plants. Tbe cot flower dis play however, presented a more brilliant array ot colors. Mrs. George H. Wmte, Mrs. C. O. Duncan, Mrs. X. M. Killen and Mrs. H. M. Holtzciaw, made elegant exhibitions, the latter’s especially so, and to it was awarded the blue ribbon. Toe stock display was very goad. Some beautiful buggy and eaddlo horses were exhibited in the stock ring. To ward tho end ot the prooesslcn was led a donkey owned by Captain U. M. Gann, which has been embalmed in verse by a poet of HawkinaviUe, Want of space forbids a moro extended notice of tho exhibition at this time. Cxctanati letter to N. V. Times.l At tho present time It is safe to cay that, *o fat -a the election of Foster 13 concerned, there is no doubt whatever, and that his majority will be largo enough to give ernpua- ■as of no uncertain meaning to tbe State rights adherents is not questioned. The Legislature, for which the Dsmocratio man agers are all at work, is uncertain, ait cough ihe advantage is on the aids ot the ilspub- Louis Timce-JournaLl A gentle, f piritueUo woman who can’t go Out into the back yard to band up her wetk’a washing for fear of catching cold, win gallivant all over a wet gbeacb for two nourc, in a bathing suit, and flop around in the surf a whole forenoon, and never iciu£,,.i of her health as long as there's a man with spy glasses sitting out on the ho tel stoop. Huai FI—M St. Louu PJbjsI clans r,ay. Co'den’s Liebig’s Liquid Extract o£ beef tni Tonio Invigorator is a very agr<-'»blo article of diet, and particularly ®3cfal when tonics ora required, being tolerated when other forma of animal food aro rejected. In diphtheria, malarial tjpbo.U fevers and every depressing dis ease tense will be attended with great *U4*nug«. We havo prescribed it with ■accupa aod {jelicvo it to be'•»’most val uable remedy. 'J'. IL Leslie, M. D., G. P. Cop, M. D„, S. B. Prisons. M. D., K. A Vaughan, M. D., Drs. 8. L. and J. C " delef, an i others. Sold by J.unla galls, Macca. THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Atlanta, October 2,1879. THE SENATE met at nine this morning, the President in the chair. Prayer by the Chaplain. The roll was called and a quorum found present. The journal was read and approved. Senator Troutman offered the evi dence of publication for a bill to create a board of commissioners for Crawford oounty. THIRD BEADING. To repeal an aot relating to the com- pensattonof the tax officers of Clay connty. Passed. To regulate the Eohool system in Dodge ccnnty. Passed. THE HIGH COURT OF IMPEACHMENT was called to order tu 10 a. m., as usual, the Cnief Justice in the obalr. The min utes were read. ARGUMENT RESUMED. Manager Cox resumed cue argument oi the cause for the State. Mr Cox said that be had too high an opinion of the intelligence ot th8 court to make a repetition of the argument. He hoped that the end of appro- brium oast on the Honse of Representa tives and tho managers had oome. If the defendant is guilty let him suffer, and if he is innocent there is enough in telligence in this Senate to find mm in nocent. Mr. Cox then proceeded to argue the law on the case, showing that the doing of a thing forbidden by the statute, al though without corrupt motives, is still indictable. Bussell on Crimes; volume 1, page 85. Tne neglect of daty is also an indicta ble offense at common law. When a statute speaks it speaks like a tyrant, to be obeyed. He then read along list of authorities controverting the proposition that ignor ance of law excuses crime. Tne first thing we see is that this offi cer woa a trustee of tho people, a proposi tion as old as tne law. Tne people are tne masters: itio officer is the servant. A trustee mast not nse trust lands for hie own nse. He begged tne pardon of tbe oaort for having to answer fine epeeoces oa the fundamental principles of tne law, ibe A. B. C. ot the profession. Tne pne- nommal featura ot this case is what is forbidden m tho law. Wo are assailed and m time I will repay with interest, but now I will not bo diverted from tbe line ot argument. I have the faot3 cf tniscase m my grasp, and I will bold them. I bave tne nonor ot tbe State in my keeping, and I wilt not be diverted from my pnrposo for the defense of my- selt or anybody. I will defend tae civil service and tbe honor of the State, both ot wbion bave been ontrageousiy assailed, it is said tnat tbe constiiation is not of tores till the aot 01 the Legislature carry it Into force. Those subsequent acts do not help tbe iaw as it stands. Air. Uox then read a number of author ities found m tbe reporte of many States, ah going to show that constitutional propositions are iaw nouva and potent, uua do cot require legislation to make teem effective—24 Ga., 271. 36 Ga. Mr. Cox then proceeded to discuss the article charging Bsufros with receiving fees from tbo Konbeastern Kailroad to tne amount ot $247, as illegal and ex tortionary of tbe money of tbo citizen. Mr. Cox then took np the article charging tbe use of tho office to obtain ffico tor a friend—showing by tbe evi dence that this was contrary to law. I mean no eiigut on the chivalry of tbo noble family allied in marriage to Ben- froe, but tuere was once a Jackson who drew tbe tire from heaven to consume a fraud on eartn. And now tney cast op probrium on tne managers and the House ct Representatives, 1 say, and the honor of the House is as dear to me as was to tbose the buors of JBiuce, kept In its golden casket, that they have been true to the law, me trutn, honor and tbe (Jon- nutation. I cannot answer tho argument of the counsel, for as was tbe world in its pri mary state, beautiful but hazy and us pointed os a ball. What surety have we that he will be trae in future; already boa be endanger ed rbe public wealth. murphy saw the envelopes delivered by Wilson, and “suepiciuned” what it meant, asked iiectruu about it, and he told nun all about it. Now this candid man, this aoio financier, did not make a ot a peu about it, only a small matter, some tnree or four thousand dol lars, wnicb, in fact, tne useful clerk, Murpny, me apostle and nimself, got $16,000, but bis oindor was not devel oped men, ad it has oeaouio since. We nave shown that he boa used tbe puouc funds fur his own use; we have shown bow be endeavored to justify nta fraud; we have shown how he half con fesaed his guilt betore tbe House by of fering to resign ubd repay tbe plunder; we bave shown now be pleads lgnoranoe of law when ne knew tbe law. And now be comes and eays "I havo been a good A'reaaurer.’’ Good, wnen he has been falsa to the Constitution ? Good, wnen be has violated every statute ? When tbo time oomes when the prose cution ot a pubitc defaulting officer is fanaticism, then is liberty a corpse and republican government a failure. Goa grant it may never come 1 Wo bave been charged with prosoou- ttng this case where there ta nut guilt. £ will not argus what tne punishment m oase of oonviotion snail be. Not became I bave no opinion on tbe subjeot. Tho House bolds its opinion and I bave mine, bnt I leavu it in tbe safe bands ot this court. I thank the Chief Jus use for bis attention and conriesy. I thank tbe debate and tbe opposite counsel for their k ing that any other course would be improper. I thank yoa ail and conclude the argument. Upon motion the Court then adjonrn- cd till 3:80 p. m., to take into considera tion tbe time of passing on tbo artioloa of impeachment. The Senate then adjourned till 3:25 p. m. Tho speech of Mr. Cox is tbe speech of the case, full of fine eloquenoe, logio and a profound knowledge of tbe law and power. It was said by all men to be one of tho grandest efforts ever made in the State. The committee appointed to investi gate the Tuggle fee matter will report to-morrow. They condemn the Govern or’s ooorse in the matter, and reinstate Colonel Green as attorney and agent of the State in tho State claims against the Government. Caboltnn. Atlanta, October 2. THE HOUSE met at nine o’clock, Speaker Bacon in tbe obair. Prayer by tbo Ohaplaio. Tbe roll w&s called, and the Journal read and apptoved. Mr. Harrison moved the reconsidera tion ol the Honse adverse aotion on a bill to provide for an appeal from one jnry to another. Loaf. Tho special order was the consideration of a bill to regalat8 tbe lease of tbe peni- entiary convicts. The eab3tUute offered by the committee was read and taken np by sections for amendment. Mr. Miller of Houston, offered an amendment to the first section, ao as to make tho Secretary of State a member of tho Board of Managers instead of the Prinoipal Keeper ot the Penitentiary. Agreed to, Mr. Luffman moved to atriko out tbe fourth tcotioD, which provides for the appointment of three wardens, ono to re side at each penitentiary. Ur. Hall offered an amendment to the sixth section, relative to lessees making reports os to locality of camps, number of convicts, eto. Section seventh was read. Hr. Northern offered an amendment striking out the word “discharged” and insert “retained,” in a clanse providing for the consent of the wardens to em ployment of guards. Agreed to. Section eighth waa read. Mr. Shannon offered an amendment providing that no punishment ,ot con victs shall amount to cruelty. Agreed to. Mr. Miller offered an mendmenc to emo tion 5, whic i pro7*ded that tbe Wirdans be paid out of the State Trees try in stead of the penitentiary lease money. Agreed to. The reading of the substitute was completed. Tbe substitute waa adopted in lien of the original. On the passage of the bill the yeas and nays were necessary as it contemplated the appropriation of money. Mr. Harris offered an amendment that the convicts, as far as practioable, be olaseed aoooxdibg to tbe moral tarpitnde of their offences. Asr-ed to. On the passage ■•> tne bill the yeas were 66 and the nays 67. So the bill failed of a constitutional majority and waa there fore lost. The Honse adjourned to 3£ p. m. M mjStiiUPH. Chetenne, October 2.—Lieut, Price, who la at Fortification Greek, twenty-five miles back of Thornourgh’e command, reports that he has thirty men, and has received orders to entrench and fortify well. General Merritt left here on a special train yesterday afternoon. Assistant Postmaster General Tyner and Governor Hoyt, of Wyoming, with their military escort of eight men, it is believed are now with Thornburgh's command. It is reported that Agent Meeker and family are murdered and the agency bmldingd destroyed. St. Louis, October 2.—The Military Convention met again yesterday, Gen» oral Beauregard, First Vice-President, in the chair. A bill framed to meet the re quirements of the militia service was la&en up and discussed, the bill now be ing betore the House Com tail tea on Army Affairs. Tho eense of the Conven tion was chat it should not be materially changed. The bill submitted to mo cammiteefor a revision of organization, under the Constitution, was adopted yes terday. Is ia called the National Guard Association of the United States, and the object is to secure military efficiency auu a united representation before Congress. London, October 2.—James Barber, Sou & Go., bankers and merchants of London, nave failed. Their liabilities areffi50,0C0. The failure was owir.g to losses id the East and West India trade. A Lisbon dispatch reports that the health commissioner has declared the At lantic ports of the United States free from fever, bnt tnat New Orleans and Memphis are still infected. Beulin, Ootaber 2.—At Lsipaio yes terday H«rr Friedberg, Secrotary cf State, opened the Imperial Supreme Court, and administered tbe oaths to Dr, Simpson, President, and other officers. Tbe Judiciary reforms decreed by tbe R=iclis;ag tmoughont the empire also came mto operation yesterday. Herr Scnueegens, formally Alsatian deputy in tne Bsiohstag, has been ap pointed Ministerial Counselor in the new Alsauati administration. Count .Wiiueim Bismarck, eon ot P/mce Bidmuiot, becomes Secretary to Field Marahal Hantenffel, Governor of Alsace-Lorraine. Field Marshal Manteuf- fei, as Governor, issued tbe following ad dress : “1 to-day assume the office with which the Emperor has entrusted me, of Imperial Governor of Alsace-Lorraine. May God give me strength to exaroisa the powers conferred upca me to tne glory of tbe German Empire, and to the welfare of Alaaoe-Lorralne.” Berlin, October 2.—The election re turns from the country districts oome is Btowiy. So lar as received they indicate tbe success of tbe Conservatives. Her von Lasker and Richter, two of Prince Bis marck’s cnief opponents, are probably defeated. Londun, Oet. 2.—Tbe Cleveland iron miners have deoided to ask an advance in wages owing to the prospects of frado being much brighter. Mr. Dale, the ar bitrator in the great dispute in the North ern iron trade, has consented to accept seven per cent, off the etondaid reto of redaction in wages of the Jarrow iron workers,who resumed work under protest against tbe original award cf twelve per cent, reduction. It is believed that tms will end tbe dispute. Meiifhis, Noon, Oocooar 2.—Not a sin gle new case reported and only one death since last night—Mrs. Maggie Stewart, at old Barney Graham’s place just be yond tbe city limits. Weather oppres sively warm and sultry. New York. October 2.—At the annual meeting of tbe trustees of tho Peabcdy Education Fund, Dr. Sears, the general agent, read bis report. Is states that tho necessity fur thd general government granting some aid to Southern States in their efforts to edaoate tbo ignorant classes is greater now than ever before, as rne evils that grow out of popular ig- tfuiiihbe spread a blight over the whole OJentry. With two million children edit without instruction tbo danger of the situation is apparent. New Yore, Oatober 2.—A Greenville, Miss., dispatch eays: “The fever at Con cordia, has taken a frosh start, and in all .'jVtibooility will oontinae to spread until ail tbe available material is exhausted. Four EoW cases are reported to-day: otso. Herndon,and three colored persons. Sheriff Wilson’s condition has not im proved.” . A fire broke ont in the building which extends from 180 to 193 Avenue C this morning. Before the fire department could get to work the fourth and fifth sto ries were burned out. Tne building was used as a manufacto ry of tin toys, and wa3 well filled with Btook. It was owned and partly occupied by Leo Scblessinger & Co. Tho loss on the etook is $15,000. Tne damage to the bnilding is fully insured. The origin of the fire Is unknown. New Yore, October 2.—The steam ship France brought $000,000 in twenty franc pieces. Washington, D. C., Oct. 2.—Among the arrears of pension claims paid to date, were 1,479 settled through tbe Knoxville Agency, and aggregating $928,863. It ts estimated there are 6,000 or 7,000 pensioners entitled to arrears who have not yet been paid, bnt the twenty- five millions appropriated will cover them all. Chetenne, W. T., October 2.—Two freighters, recently engaged in hauling Captain Dodge’s company’s baggage to Steamboat Springs, lrom Middle Fork, arrived here from North Park last even ing. They report seeing fresh signs of Indians through the Park, of meeting a young Arrapahoo who told them that the Arrapahoes had joined the Utes for the purpose of driving tho colored soldiers (Capfc. Dodge’s company) out of the Park. They think the Indians were about to procceed to Steamboat Springs to attack Dodge, when Thornburgh’s ap proach attracted their attention and they attacked him instead. Washington, October 2.—Telegrnphio inquiry in reference to Assistant Post master General Tyner and party, whose presence near the ecene of the Thornburg massacre, caused Finch anxiety for their eafety and elicits that ft / are thought to be one hundred and fifty miles east of Milk Biver, and therefore not endanger ed, unless the outbreak extends very widely. London, Oat 2.—A dispatch to the Standard from Vienna eays: The dis turbance in East Boumelia is becoming a guerrilla war. There is a gang of GOO well armed discharged soldiers in the moantainons district of the West. Constantinople, Oct. 2.—The Interna tional Commission will hold a meeting before the end of the week, to prepare a plan of reforms for the provinces of Eu ropean Turkey. 8IXLA, Oot. 2.—The cavalry brigade of Sir Frederick Bober ta advance guard reached Tabid Abad to-day. Tho whole expeditionary force is expected to be concentrated for the attack on Cabul by Sands®’ next. The Barnckzai Chiefs aro on friendly relations with the British. Cincinnati, October,2.—Tho striking oabinet makers held a meeting this morning. A committee was appointed to wait on the employes of several firms and demaud that they quit work at onoe. Two fiims have agreed to pay fifteen per cent, advance. The ooopers havo retained to work witkoit obtaining the advance eked. „ New Orleans, October 2,-Wm. Bay, commander, says: “The statement tele graphed from Washington, inveighing against Federal offioiala here, and com plaining of non-empioyent of ex-Federal soldiers, attributed to tbe Grand Armyet the Bepnbiio, is entirely this post.” Nxw Yobk, October 2.—Tompkins & Co„45Peail street, have made an as signment. Tneir liabilities axe not known. Tim claims of preferred oreditors amount to $22,500. St. Louis, October 2.—The Militii Convention met again this morning, with General Beanregard in the ohair. Gea. Hunt, chairman of the committee to whom waa yesterday referred the bill now before Congress for the organization ot a national guard, reported that the com mittee waa nnable to agree, and that the majority and minority reports had been prepared. Both repoxis ask for an appropriation from Congress ot two millions or dollars annually tor tfie benefit of the national gnards, and the difference between the reports is that the majority report says the appropriation shall be apportioned ac cording to the enrollment of militia in tho several States, while the minority re port provides for the division of the money according to the population. Considerable debate followed the read ing of the reports. Strong Bpeeohes were made on both sides. Finally the vote was taken and the minority report was adopted—the vote being taken by States. The convention then adjourned, to meet at tbe oall of the Executive Committee. Meufhis, October 2.—Eleven oases, four whites and seven colored, were re ported to the Board of Health to-day. Among the number were Thomas Mc Bride, Sophia Schelling, I. Mebresa and J. W. Blallsn. The last named died yes terday. Two additional deatbB have oo- ourred, Mrs. Carolina Glenn, seven miles eouth of the city on Horn Lake road,and Charlotte White, colored, At a meeting ot tue Safety Committee this afternoon, tno Charity Committee was disbanded. Donations to the Howards to-day aggre gated $87; Thomas H. Melbnrn contin ues to improve. The thermometer has ranged between 72 and 97. Oliver and Charles Stoddard, children of Mrs. Mar tha Stoddard, were stricken with fever to-day, seven miles soath of Memphis, in the neighborhood where the Arnold fam ily recently died. Eight persons havo died and five are still sick with fever in that immediate vicinity. Boston, Ooc. 2.—In the Supreme Coart, the jury awarded $15,633 to John E. Greevy, wno lo3t a leg at the Walloston disaster, on the old colony road, Ootober 8 lb, 1878. New York, Oet. 2.—For the past few days thero has been arriving in this city from different parts of the State, repre sentative Democrats, who were summon ed hither to take part in a oonferenoe to-day, a: Headquarters of tho Democrat ic State Commutes, in the St. James Hotel. Different elements in the party ere represented by visiting politicians, aua it is expected tnat the conference to day will be prouuotivo of harmoniziDg results. Tho visitors will be met by tho iooal Demooratio leaders and a mutual ’xchange of views will lake place. Prom inent Democrats from all parts ot tbs State were invited, and this morning the rooms ot tbe State committee were thronged to tneir utmost oipaclty. All cf the State committee will bo represented either personally or by proxy. A plan was adopted dividing the State into nine districts, whloh are to be visited by a committee of mx members. Irvice, GarsiJo 4 Alexander, druggists, cavo just received afresh lot of Dr. Moffett’s TeelUta*, (Toothing Powders) which is eo rapidly dimhushiug tho mortality of iufants where it Usa been used. _ i’rtt-l ’VJiuUA FBfiSS, Ex-GovansoB Brown has another let ter in the Corutitution yesterday, in which ho refers to bis joining Che Rad icals alter the war, and says: Immediately after tho reconstruction acts bad passed, if the whole South had accepted tho aituation and supported General Grant for President in 1868, we would have been promptly readmitted to Congress, our Siate governments would nave beeclett to our own hands, political disabilities would have been removed and we uhouid have had no carpet-bag rule. This would have thrown together in tho Republican party, as tho result of the war, elements not congenial on ques tions of bunks, currency, tariffs, etc., and befoie this time & split would natu rally have taken place on tbose issues. And as there would bave been no bloody shirt waved, large numborB of Northern men who now act with tho Republican party, who were originally war Demo crats, would naturally havo drifted back to their old position, which haa been prevented by the position of tho South on the reconstruction issues. Entertaining these views I did not sup port the Seymour movement oa the in sane platform of 1868. Bnt I then voted for General Gr&nt as a measure of policy, as tho Democratic party dtd for Greeley in 1872. The difficulty was, however, that the party did not adopt the proper line of policy by giving their support to a Republican till fonr years after the op portunity had passed. That whioh would nave been wise and jndioious in 1863, and would have secured onr immediate return to our proper position m Con gress, was cf no benefit in 1872, beoau3e the times bad ohanged, and tho opportu nity was gone. The mischief bad al ready been done. Had the whole Sonth moved on that line in 1SG3, the result would have been that the Democraoy, designated by their old name, or by eome other watchword, would before this time have been in complete control of the gov ernment. But my assailants through their instru ment quote the bitter and discourteous language used by Senator Hill daring that exciting acd violent campaign, in reference to my position and conduct. Doubtless Mr. Hill used tho expression attributed to him at the time ander the excitement and prompting of a bitter partisan warfare; but Mr. Hill will not use that language now, nor will he ap prove it when nsed by others. The caustic and very severe language of General Toombs, uttered dnring that period of madness, is also inggod into tho reply. Bnt General Toombs will not uso that language new. Subsequent de velopments and the icflaenco of time have wronght great changes. The abusive language and the misrep resentations of the Constitution as then published in this city, are also copied Into the artiole. But the Constitution will neither use nor indorse any snoh lan guage now; nor will it defend any snob misrepresentations. Why do tho gentle men seek to do me injustice by repro ducing these bitter expressions nsed by the opposition in that most stormy peri od, when they knew that subsequent de velopments have ohanged the opinions of those gentlemen who altered them and that no one olaims now that they were just when uttered. They wore the ebul litions of politloal madness. Thh Fulton connty grand jnry use the following langnage in reference to the act passed by the Legislature re-, cently for tho payment of fifty per cent, of tho Insolvent costs duo City Cour offioers: Resolved, That the act passed by the the Legislature providing for the pay ment of fifty per cent: of the insolvent costs dno the officers of onr City Coart meets onr unqualified disapprobation, and wo will rerase to sanction snoh ap propriation of the pnblio funds for the payment of insolvent costs in that or any other oonrt. The Augusts Chronicle says “Mr. Stephens told a newspaper man at Long Branoh that he had not drank a gallon of whisky in the whole conrso of his life. His favorite brand of tobaooo is—bnt we will not advertise It.” Awful!—The local of the Atlanta DU patch au t3 tea wno can in txiseession faots that “if published, would oreite a con sternation equal to a high-toned eruption of a Mount Vesuvius in onr aristocratic circhs.” Well Aimed,—^The Augusta Chronicle says: ' In one of his recent speeches, Mr. Blaine told ot a Sen them Democrat who visited the House gallery one afternoon, and patting on his eyeglasses, exclaimed, “My God! this is the Confederate army in citisen’s clothing." “Are yen going to reinforce, them?” yelled Hr. Blaine. “Yon can hand this oonntry over to the free traders and the rebels of the Sonth, and youcan most easily do it bj « the Demooratio tiokot.” C-.i-a fi-.wg that Mr Blaino took good; care not to meet any of these Brigadiers in the war, bnt stayed at home, went to Con gress and made money ont ot “the blood of the brave,” his present bravado is simply disgusting. A Batch of Atlanta News.—Colonel Thornton semis it to the Augusta News as follows: Atlanta, Sept. 29, 1876. There is considerable talk in legislative circles to-day over a discrepancy in a statement ot Representative Walters and a statement of Speaker Baoon. I un derstand that Speaker Bacon asserts pos itively that Mr. Walters’ did ask to be appointed a member of the special com mittee to investigate Frinoipal Keeper Nelms, and Mr. Walters in bis card Sun day morning states that be who says he so asked falsifies. Hr. Walters left for his borne in Dongherty connty last night, and it is understood that he haa bnBiness which will detain him there until after the first proximo. Dr. King, of Athens, father-in-law of Mr. Henry W. Grady, has been appoint ed to a position in the office of Comp troller General Wright. Hon. W. A. Hoff, of Macon, parsed through from New York to Macon to day. He came down to see Mr. William Markham, rotative to leasing the Mark ham Honee, bnt Mr, Harkam waa gone to New York to see him on the sane business. Yesterday, says the News, “a postal card was received at Columbia, S. 0., whioh was on its way in a journey around the world, and had nearly completed the circnit. The Register says it Btuted from Columbus, Ohio, on the second day of Jane last, at 5 o’clock p. m., and on it was written a request that the party to whom it was addressed would forward it on its way. It then went to Liverpool, England, to Singapore, Malacca, Strait, to Shanghai, China, and to San Francisco, California. It wav, lost of all, missent to Colombia, S. C., through mistake, for Columbus, Ohio. Asimicus sow rejoices over night mails both ways, which will enable busi ness men to communicate twelve hours earlier with parties in Macon. Tiis Americua Republican learns that on last Saturday as “Messrs. Jas. Roach and John D. Brown were goingto Dray ton in a buggy, they were thrown out and eeriously hurt. Two boys were riding horseback, and wero some distance be hind the buggy when one of them proposed a rase; the challenge was accepted and they started. As they reached the bug gy the horses could not be checked, and one of them ran into tho roar part, strik ing Mr. Roach, knocking him over the dashboard, and throwing Mr. Brown ont over the wheels. They were both serious ly hurt. Mr. Eoaeb, wo are informed, received internal injuries from which he suffers very much.” The same paper states that Colonel Willis Hawkins is still confined to his bed from the effects ot hia reoent acci dent, and fears it may be several weeks before he can attend to business. Mb. Frank Dostzb will show at the Athena Fair “Old Pete,” a horse that served with the Troup Artillery, of that plaoe, all through the late civil war. Tun Oa.roll Omni J X1IIIU Bi-JB B W8ll known lady of Carrollton, noted for her energy and industry, ha3 read the Bible half through this year while churning. Of tne burning of tho Marietta Female College heretofore briefly noted, the Journal says: About 3 o’clock last Monday morning, tbe Maiietta Female College was discov ered to be on fire. The alarm was given, and a crowd soon assembled, but tbe building was completely enveloped in flamos and nothing oould be done to save it. It was a large, two story brick build ing, and its interior well arranged for tbe pnrposos for which it was being nsed. The night wa3 clear and the wind per fectly still, which operated favorably in eavieg adjacent residences. All the deskB, books, etc., of the college wero burned; also a fine piano and or gan, worth $600, belonging to Professor Freyer, and used by Professor Barnwell. The guns, tarnished by the State to the Marietta Riflemen, were destroyed, also. Tho oollege bnilding was the property of the city of Marietta, and its destruction waa evidently the work of an incendiary, from what devilish motive we cannot surmise. Under the energetic manage ment of its efficient President, Rev. V. E. Manget-, it waa regaining ita former popularity, and this week it wonld have numbered its sixty scholars, with prom ises of others from abroad. Of the report that Dr. Millerjia “loom ing np” os an independent candidate for Governor the Thomasville Enterprise ornelly remarks: Well, the Dootoris a gentleman of high ability and fine character, bnt baa usually loomed np stronger before elections than after, and we guess it will be so this time. Shots from tbe Rome Courier: Gen. Tcombs is spoken of as an inde pendent candidate for Governor. If be oontinueB to get big fees from the State for compromising and proseondng railroad cases, and to lend money to State con ventions at a patriotically high rate of interest, be will be financially indepen dent enough to pit his barrels .of money against Tilden’s or any other man’s, for the Presidency. We wonld not object personally to bo with him on that plat form, and oould feelingly exolalm with the poet “Iby spirits, Independent, (and tby money,) let me share." The latest intelligence from Congress man Felton waa an announcement to preach at Cedar Grove, Walker oonnty. We have heretofore published the faot of his preaching in the land of Ophir, along the edges ot the Fifth and Ninth dis tricts. Now he ia in the Egypt of the State, olcse on the Tennessee line, hav ing in tho meanwhile not forgotten Mur ray county, and Whitfield. Strangely enough the reverend dootor oonflnoa him self to the congregations of the Seventh Congressional District, letting the ent- Bido barbarians severely alone. Bnt it is not enr right to oomplain, for no doubt be preaches wbero be thinks it will do the moat good. Record of merit.—Tbe popular praise ac corded to Dr.Bnll’s Baltimore Pills by reason of tbeir wonderful worth as a household remedy. Tire Hudson Biver Tunnel* About five years ago a company with tea millions of capital began work on a proposed tunnel under the Hndaon River to connect Jersey City with New - York and make a way for railroad trains direct ly into the metropolis. Like nearly every thing of the kind, it got into tho oonrts and the work was suspended. The liti gation seems to bave resulted in a way to encourage tbs tunnel company to go on with Ha enterprise, and the work has been resumed with vigor. It is understood that Washington Square will be the New York terminns, and the tunnel, which has been started a hundred feet inland in Jersey City,will be twelve thousand feet long, twenty-six feet wide and twenty-four feet high end sixty feet beneath the bed of tho river. It will be laid with heavy steel rule, ballasted with broken stone acd supplied with gas pipes, pneumatic tabes, water pipes and telegraph wires. Within a short time r.-ork will be began at the New York end and prosecuted day and night, it having been estimated that the tunnel ean be completed within two years. When fin ished it will enable some four hundred trains to enter New York every twenty- four hours from the Feuosjlv&nia. Erie, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western and the Jersey Central. New Ycuk Ju/.ly re gards this ai one Ot her biggest thing;. A CELESTIAL BBIDEGBOOII. The Story of an American Girl’s CUtnese Husband. New York Sam] Lum Sing Loo, a young Chinaman, said to be very wealthy, married a few days ago in Newark, Mis i Alice Dodd, an American girl, 18 years old. A Methodist minister officiated. Lnm Sing Loo is about 27 years of age. He was born in Canton, Chin i, woera his father, a tnerohant, holds euuio influen tial position nudar tho government. Eighteen months ago he rented tho old Drummond property on Houston street, Newark, and converted it into a Chinese drug manufactory, tbe only establishment of the kind east of California. He soon afte wards built a high board fence about the entire property, so as to keep out carious people. A score of hia almond-eyed countrymen, allot whom wear blue cotton blouses and wooden shoes, are employed in.the establishment preparing drags for shipment to China. Thes*men seldom venture outside of the inolosed grounds, but Lnm Sing Loo fre quently visits this city to purchase herbs. His nncle and partner, Chock Fan Loo, a very tall and swarthy man, who superintended the drag factory, re turned to San Francisco three months ago. He was angry, it was said, be cause bis nephew was too fond of tho “Helican gallee.” Lnm Sing Loo wears his hair ont short, and he patronizes a fashionable Newark tailor. He ib Blender, and not above 5 feet 5 inches in height. He has pleasant features, and intelligence and good na ture sparkle in his bright blaok eyes. Soon after he opened his faotory he per mitted several parties of yonng ladies to inspeot hia parlor and other rooms, bnt he wonld not allow anybody to enter the manufactory. He gave tea parties to a few female Christian acquaintances. Among his visitors was Miss Alice Dodd, whose widowed mother lives in East Kinney street, and she captured his susceptible heart on sight. Lnm Bing Loo’s attentions to Miss Dodd soon be came so marked that gossips began to comment npon it. Instead of eating with his workmen he thereafter took bis meals at Miss Dodd’s home. He made her presents of costly jewelry, and bought her a gold watoh and chain laat Christ mas. Diamonds always sparkle in Lum Sing Loo’s shirt bosom, and he carried a gold tipped ebony cane. A few weeks ago he rented a three-story residence at 261 Lafayette street, which he furnished richly, and then he told some cf his fe male acquaintances that he was to ba married. His associates are principally Americans, and ho seldom mingles with hia countrymen in Newark. “Mr. Loo is a real nice little man,” said a yonng lady who was seated in the bay window of a French roof cottage on Lafayette street, Newark, yesterday, to a reporter of the Sun, “and all of ns girls down here had set onr osps for him. We liked his tea parties and his presents, bnt wo liked his company best. He’s got lots of money, and he U3ed to spend it on the girls, tco. Ain’t it too bad that Al- ioo Dodd cat ns all ont? Ho used to es cort ns to the Methodist Chapel in Hoi- listen street, treat to ice cream and soda, and his pretty pigeon English is ju3t too sweet for anything.” Mrs. Loo is above the medium height. Her blaok hair yesterday was wonnd in a large ooil on the back of her head, where it was fastened with goldheaded pins and comb. Her features are regular and her eyes largo and dark bine. She said to the reporter: “We kept the engagement quiet because we didn’t want everybody talking about it. Loo’s people were pleased when they heard he wa3 going tes£asstS"for my religion that he did not hang any Chinese pictures or characters in any of tho rooms. A week ago last Thursday we were married by the Rev. Mr. Van Dnyne, a Methodist Episoopal minister, who preacheB in the Houston street ohapel. We were married at his house in Eighth Avenne, and my mother and eister-m-Iaw were the wit nesses.” Mrs. Loo’a wedding present from her husband was a set of gold jew elry with pearl ornaments. As the re porter was saying good-bye she remark ed: “Some of tbe girls who laugh at me and affeot to ridicule my marriage to Loo may get a worse husband. He never ewears, does not drink strong llqaors nor gamble, ani is never oross.” “It is better to laugb than be crying”— deoidedly, and to enjoy yonr baby’s laughing society nse Dr. Bull's Baby Syrap which re lieves the chief discomforts ot babyhood withontstnpefviug the children. Price 25 cents a bottle. The Transition from Iron Co Steel N, Y. Bulletin. The rapidity with which stoel is dia» placing iron in all the larger industries of the world is one of tho most noticeable economic facts of the time. That the dis placement ox snbsiitation rather, is to be steadily progressive and to make itself feic in ship bnilding as well as in rail roading, wonld seem to bo beyond doubt. What our own country is accomplishing in the increased manufacture of Besse mer steel is well known; bnt it may not be so generally known, outside ot trade, that at this moment the leading mills have orders so far ahead that it is difficult to obtain even a quotation for the product of this market. It waa bnt the other day, as we learn from tbe Chi cago Tribune, that the Illinois Central Railroad Company purchased in Eogland 5,000 tons of steel rails for use onits New Orleans division. It’wonld now appear that the company is eo well satisfied with the quality of the rails thus far received that it has for warded an order for 5,000 tons more, making 10,000 in all. The rails are to be delivered at onoe. Bnt for the im mensely high duty on imported steel rails most railroad companies in this country would purchase their raita in England, as the prioe there is not more than one-half what is in this country, and the quality Is said to be much superior. The Illinois Central pays for its rails in England £5 per ton, which is equal to $24.25 in this country. Tho daty, however, amonnts to more than theorig- nal coet, $28 per ton being charged. Freight to New Orleans is $1.50, which makes the total cost, adding inoidontal expenses delivered at New Orleans, abont $55. The cost of steel rails in this oonntry is about $50 and the transpoita- aioa to New Orleans abont $3, wbiob, in tpite of the high duty on foreign rails, Hikes the cost of both hinds of rails abont the same. For years past, the English metallur gists have diligently applied thems3lvee to meet the requirements of a wide range of industries for steel in place of iron, and they are said to have succeeded to an extent which has surprised even them- selves. Within the past five years, the prodnetion of Bessemer steel has in creased from 540,000 to 813,000 tons, and re duced the prioe of steel from £\A to £b 10s per ton. They have established steel works on tho Mersey, on the Barrow, Sheffield and Manchester, in Wales and Staffordshire. Belgium and Germany, by means of their cheap labor and the cultivation of small economies, threaten seriouB competition with English establishments. RunBdelTa Washington Bspnbiio.l Grant didn’t like “Pinafore” when he saw it or heard it, for the first time, in San Fran cisco the other evening. He tbongbt Cous in Hebe said: “do do the Casey’s, the Cor bins and the Dents.” Phil. Times.l Colonel Campbell, whoever be may bo, is now on the stomp in Ohio, and has had the unheard of andasity to nominate Grant for atuirdterm. Colonel Campbell had better be taken down, for be certainly has vety lit tle idea of what the issne in Ohio is. It is no wonder Secretary Sherman haa boon ask ed to hnny baoE into tho Snte. Cincinnati Commercial, Bcp.l Oar position oaths Grant boom is very affectionately inquired into. We think it highly propsr to give Gen. Grant a first-class reception, bnt we do not think it wonld be the part ot wisdom to ran him for tho Presidency as tin. Wo hope this is satisfac tory. Louis villa Oonrier-JonraaU Bach a newspaper (the Cincinnati Gazette) has not the rignt to question ns. It has bnt two rights which anybody is bound to re- speet; the right to be detested and distrus ted in this world and to be darn’d in tbe next whenever the devil is ready for it. Ftula. Times.l Senator Zadh Chandler is on ths stump in Ohio trying to pm down a couple of Union brigadiers, who, in the confusion of things, have got upou thj D jmssratio ticket. Tne Senator bis a conspicuously warlike moutb, but olhirvi‘3. he ii absolutely harmless. He never killed anj bsdyiubittlo. N. Y. Times, (Bep.) One of the objections to tbe Democratic party is that it is ruled by the South. It might plead in extinuation that the south supplies the votes it requiros. The South ern Republicans who contemplate tho sub jection of the Republican party have not this excuse to offer. Unable to supply the votes, they nevertheless arsert a right to rate. We take the liberty of informing them that tbeir pretentions aro inadmissible. Where tbe votes are the power will be; and tne powor that ausatins tho party will shape its policy. The fact does not imply forget fulness of the interests of the party at the Sonth or of the just claims of those who are there identified with its history and work. Northern Republicans are not indifferent observers of the ooorse of events in tbe Southern States, or lukewarm in their dispo sition to provide remedies for evils that aro remediable, and to bring into exercise tbe auxiliary agencies which Federal authority directs, If their purposes are to be of any avail, the snocesa of the party must not be endangered by tho assertion of claims that cannot be recognized or by the parade ot in fluences that wonld bring it into contempt. N. Y. Herald.1 In the reading room of tho New York Ho tel yesterday evening sat a group of politi cians comprising ths “rebel Union man,” Senator Hill, of Georgia; Senator Davis, of West Virginia; Senator Jones, of Florida, andex-Oongrestman Wills, of New York. Their conversation was not in the vein of “great efforts,” nor would their laughter find acceptance on any stage fora conspirators’ chorus. Theirs was a knd of social caucus in which discussion ranged from Mr. Bill’s white hat to the success of the ootton crop. The Senator from Georgia said his visit waa purely a business one, and that be should be here for aweekormore. Colonel Ben Wil lis said that Mr. Hill waa interested with himself in a lawsuit before tbe United States Courts at Washington. The three Sonth- ernerswere, he said, rather disgusted with the appearance of the New York campaign, and he had not been able to offer them much enoouragement. Said Colonel Willis, who weighs 800 pounds, “I’m an ethereal Demo crat myself and I wanted to rid the party of its too material element.” Lack of Candor- How this world is not given to candor, may be judged from a statement in a Washington letter that General Grant has written in tho last six months to moro than ono person in that city that he expected to reoeive the nomination for a third term, bnt bo should ehake off bis old affiliations with Shepherd, Murphy, Belknap, Babcock, and the like of them. But tbe question whether they will stay shaken off admits of doubt. Boss Shep herd wa3 in New Mexico hunting np a cheap silver mine, when General Grant drew nigh the Pacifio shore. Instantly the Boss dropped his mine and tnshed with all epsed to welcome Grant; for he well knew there was more money in a reconstructed Grant administration, than in any mino ho was likely to find in New Mexico. The writer also elates that if there was ever any doubt, there is none in Wash ington now, that Grant is the stalwart candidate for the nomination, and will secure it. There is. therefore, on th» part either or Grant or of this lslter- ... , _ iaw* iii ii.uuur wmon is deplora ble. North Amerioan, Rip 1 Grant and Hayes seem to be running well in tbe West. Grant draws the b-ggost crowds, bnt Hayes makse the longest speech- A is how oi Hands. The disunited New York Democracy has had, within the past week, a ehow of hands at a representative rally of both factions. Kelly brought out ten thous and boys and men at Tammany Hall, and Robinson, at Cooper Institute, fif teen thousand. These are the estimates of the respective friends of both. It is admitted that Kelly “out-hollered” the Robinson men, bnt be lacked Eeriously in voting power. Robinson says he ex pects to beat both Kelly and Cornell by twenty thousand at leastl It is admitted that he will ran ahead of hia party strength, but the old politicians lack that inspiring and enthusiastic faith which discerns these figures in the dim future. Tho probabilties are that a canvass of unrivalled bitterness has commenced, in the coarse of whioh Tammany will dis play no small amount of rowdyism which may render it difficult to keep tho peace; and at Ia9t tarn the Tammany fac tion over permanently to the Radicals, with whom they will be more naturally associated. The drift of events is forcing the Northern Democrats into a conserv ative position, which as little becomes Tammany as a white cravat does a ohim- ney sweep. As tbe party of iaw, order, the Constitution and free government, it has got to fight all tho isms, from Impe rialism on the one hand, to Communism on tho other. A rough time is before n; bnt it wlil come ont winner at last. pjccented which will require 510 iu advance and tbs NBV&miug part of tbo fuj tivTCOd upon to bo paid when the case i» completed. Consultation free. Address Americas. Sumter county, Ga. sep25 w 41* The Hon Key to Hbilth.—The Science ot Life.or Salt-Preservation, SOOpages. Price, only SI. Contains fifty valuable proscriptions, either cue of which is worth more than ten times the prioe ot the book. Illustrated sample cent on receipt of 6 cents for post ase. Address Dr W H Parker, 4 Eultmtfh street, Poston, Hess. soplS wist. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retire 1 from practice, har- ng had placed in his hands by an Past India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tho speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, BronchitasCatarrT, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Debility ana all Nervous Complaints, alter having tested its wonderful curative powera in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to moke it known to his suffering fellows. Actuatod by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send tree of charge to all who desire it, thisrecipo, with full directions for preparing and using; in German, French or English. Sent by mail hv addrei sing with stamp, naming this paper, W"W Sitarab, 149 Powers’ Block, Rochester. N Y ehI4 Em . —' A Fraud in Silks’ is the startling head line in an exchange. Ml Went back on yon, did she? —Judge Morrison, chief Jaatice-oleotof California, will hold office eleven years at an annual salary of $6,000. —Elihu B. Washburns says tint Gen. Grant, has never told any one that he will ot be a candidate for a third term. —Tho ex-Empress Eugenie is going to Scotland, where Queen Victoria haa placed Abergeldia Castie at her disposal. —Arohbish p Wood of Philadelphia baa decided that the Grand Army of the itepnDlie is not a secret society, and that therefore Catholics may be members. —One hundred aorea of wheat, cut with a reaper, keeping six binders going, was the work of a bootch lassie of Lexington, Ind. She need three pairs ot horses in relays, bat tired them all out. —Six oonnties of Pennsylvania have Urns far given instructions to their delegates to the Demscratio State convention to favor delegates to the national convention who wifi vote for Mr. Tildon. —There is esid to ba ground for tbe rn> mored negotiations for tne porohase of the mansion and park of the late Commodore W. X. Garner, on Caatleton avenne, West Brighton, Staten island, for a home for Gen. Grant. —The immense orang-outang now in Faria became each a nuisance in Borneo, ita native country, that the inhabitants of a village resolved to be rid of it, and chased it mto a deep pit, whero, when weak from want, it wae caged. j.|—A boy pointed a loaded gun at a little girl at Somerset, Md., and threatened to shoot. *AU tight,’ she said, confidently; ‘it oontdn’thuxt me, ’cause mi says If Tea a good girl nothing can hurt me,* The boy palled the trigger and the girl was killed. —The Southern Railway lime convention will meet in Baltimore, the 13th inet. It will arrange time tables for all the prominent railway lines in tbe South, eo that oonneo- tions may be complete with ail parts of the oonntry. It is expected that this convention will arrange for two mails per day between the North and Sonth, by the fast mail train. —The anniversary of Napoleon’s surren der at Sedan, to j edge from its celebration ♦hi- year, bids fair to become to tbe Germans what the Fourth of July is to _■ the United States. Its observance has been growing more general every year, and haa becomes fixed fact with tbe younger generation. It is not likely to augment French love for tbe Teutonic conquerors. —The farmers of a Louisiana parish, find ing that they cannot profitably raise and pre pare sugar in a email way, have combined to bnild a large mill, and will taka their cone to it for pressing on the same principle ihat farmers in soma psrts of New York take milk to a common oheese and batter factory, receiving pay for their milk and an addition al profit for its products, according to prices realized in market. —A Tennessee darky preacher held forth recently as follows: ’Yon girls call your sweethearts ‘darings, and yea men call yours ‘daisies,’ and you girls are afraid to come np hero for fear some omer guri will get eff with your ‘dirlinsa,’ and you men for fear eoms ether tallow will gat away with your ‘daisies,’ and,’ said h«, -Between this ’darling’ and ‘daisy’ business lots of you nigsera are gotag airtight to bel'.’ Mss. Geaht’s Bouquet.—At the osmlvs in Ban Francisco in honor of General and Mrs. Grant, on Thursday evening, Mrs. Grant was presented with a bouquet com posed of ths flowers indigenous to the va rious countries she had passed through in her tour round tho world. The flowers were pltced in regular order, starting from Phila delphia and ending with San Fnneisoo- The bouquet-holder, five ioohes long, was of pnro California gold, and inlaid with quartz and a collection of other metals found on the Pacific coast. —Tho following simple rale for preserving grapes is highly xeceommended. Spread carefully cat fruit thinly on shelves oc tables for a few days to dry ap tho stems a little, Have plenty of dean dry straw cut in inch lengths, and cover liberally the bottom of any suitable tightly Jointed box, on whioh place a thin layer of fruit, cover with straw and then another layer or grapes, and then so on till your boxu fuD, Put in a dry, oool place, and yon can lure grapes next Christmas. —Tno girls belonging to a church choir in Lea Angeles, OaL, got locked in the church the other night white they were talking over the fashions. They gave the alarm, when a man living noar the chnrch put a board np to tbe window and they slid down to the ground. Tho most singular thing wss that after they hit got eafely ta tho ground they looked mad and went off withont thanking the man, and they wont speak to him when they meet him. He couldn't account for it nntii he went to take the board down, when he got slivers in hia fingers and scratohed his thumb on a shlcgle nail that stuck through the board. —Prof. Nordenekjoid is a man of few words. When he got to Yokohama the other day he telegraphed hU congratulations to the patron of taia expedition, the King of Sweden; then he sent this pithy little mes sage to his proud wife: ‘Anna Nordenak- joid, Stockholm. AU well. Adolph.’ Curi ously enough, both telegrams arrived at Stockholm at exaotly the same hour as they were handed in at Yokohama, the seveu hours which the transmission occupied repre senting oxactiy the difference of time at the respective places. Great preparations are already being made in Sweden for the formal weioome which is to be given to the explorer and his associates. Light—An Euglieh engineer has devised a means whereby the light of street tamps having burneis consuming five feet of gas per hour ia increased in illuminating power to the extent of fifty per cent. He divides the light of tbe ordinary bat’s wing bnrnec into two jets, and suspends between them a double convex lens, forming & powerful reflector. Tbe jets, when the less are so adjusted as to get the right foens and full reflection of tbe light, are so brilliant as to resemble very much in tbeir illuminating power tbe eleotrio light. The expense of the reflectors is small; and the city cf Bristol has ordered tho invention to be applied to all tho publio lamps within the oorporate limits.* —English losses through the reoent bod soison lor crops aie already being orientated in tbo homo and continental papers. The immediate weight of the misfortune falls upon the faimers. An estimate puts tha loss on the corn crop alone at $125,060,009, and 314'J,QOO,oso if beans, peas ana rye are added. Potatoes show a loss of $75,0uG,00CL' hops of 57,253,000 and hay of 875,000,000. Hero is a total loss of littlo lees than $300,- COO.COO. It is further said that England Will have to import at least 16,000,000 quarters ot wheat, against 14,600,000 quarters last year. If these figures oaa in any way be re lied on—and there is too much reason to fear they can—thore is no reason for Iuither icquiiy as to how it comes about that tbo mannlaoturera are fairly alarmed at the prospects cf tho home trade. Notice to the Afflicted. TvB D B AGLET will be at the Brown House! AJ Macon, Georgia, oa Tuesday, Wedneiday and Thursday of the State Fair. Office hours from 8 to 10 a m and 8 to 5 p in. Dr B hai been engaged in the eclectio practice for thirty- two years, five years of which time he has traveled ani treated all forms of chronic dis eases. Diseases of women and children made a specialty. Cancer treated successfully without the uso of the knife or much pain. Dropsy and Consumption also treated with success, extreme 45 Years Befoie Ihe Public. THE GENUINE BR. C. McLANE’S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA. AND SICK 1ISADACUK. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. P MN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lia on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to toe top of toe shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in toe arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; toe head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in toe back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. ’A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility; lie is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he com plains of a prickly sensation of toe skin; his spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet Be can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of toe above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet exam ination of toe body, after death, has shown toe liver to have been exten sively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. McLaxe’s Liver Pills, in cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would Advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple puigative, they are un equaled. BElfASE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression DR. ^pLANJi’s Liver Pills. The genuine McLane’s Liver PILLS bear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. >■ < Insist upon having ts. genuine Ds. C. McLane’s Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. 9