Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, January 13, 1880, Image 1

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CL15BY, JONES & REESE, Proprietors. Established 1826. Thi Family Jotrasi Naws—Politics —Literatur*—Asbiculture—Domksti; j . , - GEORGIA TELEGRAPH BUILDING / MACOJV TUESDAY. JANUARY 18, 1880. Volume LV—NO 2 BY TELEGRAPH gpeeitl to Te’cxraph and Mrsjenfrar.J Savannah, Ga., January 5.—The an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Central Railroad was held to-day. 1,493 shares were represented. Twelve of the ol,l hoard were re-elected. J. F. Gilmer was chosen to fill the place of J. R. Wil der deceased. There was no opposition. H. H. J. W vtkiiville, Me., Jannry 4.—Gover nor Garcelon, who is now here, was given hv an Associated Tress reporter to-night the substance of the opinion of the Su preme Court upon the questions recently submitted to it, and was asked whether, in view of the fact that the opinion throws doubt upon the legality of the certificates recently issued by him, he would recall them. The Governor replied that he had no authority for knowing the opinion of tiie Supreme Court, and could not say what he would do. Upon being asked if lie apprehended violence at the inaugura tion of the new Legislature, the Governor replied: "I have no means of knowing. I do not think the people arc foolish enough to resort to violence.” The .Supreme Court, in their opinion, says: It is a government of the people, and. if administered in the spirit of its founders, it shall not perish from earth. Its constitution was formed, to use an apt expression of one whose memory is em balmed in the hearts of his countrymen., <-by plain people,” and plain people most administer it. The ballot is the pride as well as protection of all. It is a just ex pression of the popular will. The official returns required from the munici pal otliccrs of several plantations, towns and cities are and will be made by plain people, and made, in the huny, bustle and excitement of the election. They are not required to he written with the scru pulous nicety of a writing master, or witlr the technical accuracy of a plea in abate- men;. The sentences may have been un grammatical, the spelling may deviate i'ruiu recognized standards, but the returns .tv not to be set at naught because the penmanship may be juror, the langauge ungrammatical, or the sjiclling erroneous. It U enough if the returns can he under stood, and if understood, full effect should be given to their natural and obvious meaning. They are not to be strangled by idle technicalities, nor is their mean ing to be distorted by carpings and cap tious criticisms. When that meaning is ascertained there should be no hesitation in giving it full elfect. Tire language of Mr. JuMioe Morton is strong and peculi arly adapted to the subjects under discus sion. “What,” lie asks, “shall be the consequence of an omission by the select men or town clerk to perform any of these their prescribed duties, and ujum whom shall it fall? For willful neglect of duty the officers would undoubtedly be liable tojiuuishment, hut shall the whole town on that account be disfranchised by reason of the fraud or negligence of their officers. This would be punish ing the innocent for the fraud of the guil ty. It would l*e more just and more con sonant to the genius and sj>irit of our in stitutions to inflict severe jienaUies njxin misconduct, intentional or accidental, of officers, lint to receive the votes whenever they can be ascertained with reasonable certainty. If no return, or only an im perfect one, can be received, let it he sup plied or corrected by the original -record, if any there be. The returns should be tvivived with favor and construed with liberality, for, he adds, from men who usually are and necessarily must be em ployed to make them, great formality and nicety cannot he exjiecteil, and should not be required. The general jii-incijile which governs js, Ilia’ while there should be strict compli ance with the jirovlsion of the statute, yet when they are merely directory, such strict compliance is not essential to the validity of the proceedings under such statute', unless it is so declared to he there in. Tins is especially applicable when the lights of the jmbiic or of third Jicrx.ns are concerned. The dom inant rule is to give such con struction to an official act of municipal officers as will. best comport with the meaning and intention of the parties as derived from fair and honest interpreta tion of language used to sustain rather than to defeat the will of the jieople aud dUfrapchisc citizens. [Signed] • ’ John Appleton, Charles W. Walton, William G. Bassows, Charles Danfoijth, . John A. Peters, Artemi's Libbey, Joseph W. SjssmonDs. Wateuvillk, Me., January 5,-—Tins’ Town Hall was filled to its utmost ca- Pa- ity at a law and order meeting held la-’ night, Governor Garcelon and eonn- cvilort llrown and Moody being present. Sp cdies were made by councillor Brown ami (inventor Garcelon. New York, January 4—A special from Richmond, Virginia, dated January 3d. .-ays: it has transpired at-a late hour to-tiigii! that grave robbers have been at "oik exhuming dead bodies by the whole sale from Oakwood cemetery, situated in the eastern suburbs of this city. It is known now that over forty bodies, mostly Colored jieople, have beenstoleu siiice cool Weather set iii and sliijiped to medical in stitution in different parts of the conntry. Tiie attention of the council committee on cemeteries was called to this matter some time ago by the keejier of Oakwood ceme tery, but no action was taken. The affair has created great excitement among the people living in the vicinity of the ceme tery. New York, January 4.—A special, dated Panama, January 3, says General Nicolas do Pierola was proclaimed Dicta tor of Peru on December 22. The anny of reserve at Lima and Callao and the navy recognize his government. He has promised to save Peru in the jiresent cri sis. _ His‘cabinet is presided over by the distinguished jurist Don Pedro Calderon. President Prado has fled. He arrived at 1 -inama December 27. i: ; : . The Peruvian torpedo boat which sailed •n November from Pauama tinder Ha waiian colors, lias been captured by the Chilians. G Feunaniiina, January 4.—General praut and party arrived here this mom- J,I S front Savannah and were cordially re ceived, the streets being crowded with People. They were welcomed by ex-Sen- a .t’;i Yulee in behalf of the moyor and Citizens, but as it was Sunday, no public demonstrations were made. The recep- h"n will lie held In the City Hall followed • v * grand ball in the evening. . Tiie party will leave here Tuesday for Jacksonville—from there they will go up }nc St. John and Ocklawada rivets and men to si. Augustine, where they will re- to ajn a few days. Cixoix.vATf, January 4.—The railroad a,1 ’l tumjiike bridges at Lillesbut&.Ky., were destroyed by fire at an early hour •ms morning. Loss $25,000. The fire is ™l*posed to have lieen the work of an in- ttmliarr. . New York, January^.—A public re- jldioti was tendered Mr. Parnell, the Rislt agitator, at Madison Square Garden “-night, by the Irish American citizens ” 1 “ w city. Nearly eight thousand pets citizens had seats on the platform. Judge Gildersleeve presided. New Orleans, January 4 Judge Billings, of the United States Circuit Court, yesterday refused the injunction asked by the bondholders to restrain the State Treasurer from diverting funds col lected to pay tiie January coupons. The bondholders, by this suit, soughtjo jier- petuate the refunding act and constitution al amendment of 1874, and have tiie debt ordinance of the new constitution declared void. A despatch to the Times from Dallas, Texas, says tiie boiler of a freight engine on tiie Houston and Texas Central Rail road^ exploded to-day, killing a negro boy and injuring Stephen Johnson, engineer, and G. J. AVillis, fireman. Eugene Sloan, formerly of the Marshall Herald, lias committed suicide at Waco, Texas. Miss Florence Davis, aged 17, daugh ter of Hon. J. F. Davis, while carelessly handling a pistol, shot herself through the heart, causing instant death. New York, January 4.—A special from Syracuse says Miss Hovey, who snot her father’and self at Lyons yesterday .be came insane on the death of Eugene Raines, her betrothed. Washington, January 4 Secretary Sclturz received telegraphic advices from General Hatch to-day, dated Colorado, January 3. Tiie prisoners de manded by the Commission had not yet been surrendered, but General Hatch ex presses the opinion that the Indians, when assured that there is no other way to avoid destruction, will turn them over. Their promise to do so, General Hatch thinks, should be insisted ujKm to tiie last man. Constantinople, January 4.—Tele grams received from the British Consuls states that a terrible famine prevails in the districts of Baskaleh and Bayazied, and in Armenia the authorities are lielp- less to aid the jieople, aud it is feared fam ine will become general on the eastern frontier of Turkey. London, January 4.—-The steamer Si lesia, which left Hamburg for New York December 24th, has returned. She expe rienced tremendous gales about six hun dred miles west of Queenstown, was thrown on her beam ends, and had iter steering apparatus so damaged that iter Captain determined to put back. London, Jannaty 5.—The North Ger man Lloyd steamer Hausa, from New York December 19th, for Bremen, is ashore on Terschelling Island in the North Sea. No jiarticulars. A Paris disjiatch says the Stone bridge of the Invalided was destroyed'by floating wreckage and ice. Considerable damage has been done in the provinces around Nancy. Four hundred - and fifty villagers have been driven from their homes. A Calcutta dispatch states that tiie Viceroy, speaking at the State banquet on New Year's day, said the New Year opened under happier auspices and with more hojiefiil auguries than tiie old one, but tiie soldiers’ work in Afghanistan was not over. Nor could it be relinquished or relaxed until tiie object sought was cotn- jdcteiy attained. That object, he said, was not the acquisition of territory, but securing the future jieace of India and solid guarantees from India's Afghan neighbors. Constantinople, January 5.—Lord Salisbury lias approved of the arrange ment entered into December 31, between Minister Layanl and tiie Sultan. In part fulfillment of that arrangement the jia- lers of Mr. Koeller, a German missionary, tave been handed to Sir Austin Layaril. The remaining principal points of the ar rangements are the release of Priest Ah med Sewfik and an informal written apology to the British representative. London, January 5.—The Norwegian bark Skeim, Captain Jorgensen, which ar rived at Liverpool January 1st from Pen sacola, rescued tiie crew of the Norwegian bark Aldebaxon for Baltimore from Am sterdam, abandoned at sea. London, January 5.—A very serious affray occurred on Friday between the Royal Irish Constabulary and some peas- ants of Galway, during which the jiolicc fired on the people, 'but nobody was in jured. Galway county is in a very dis turbed condition. Two hnndred extra polipemen liave been drafted there. Sr. , Petersburg, January 5.—Adju tant Baranoflj Russian Commander of the gun boat Vesta, during theRusso-Tnrkish war, who was, court-martialled and dis missed; from tiie service for making use of Insulting language in reference to tiie Ministry ofMarine, has presented notice of appeal against tiie judgment of the court, and it is'said the Minister of Marine has presented a jietition for a remission of the sentence and his own resignation simulta neously. ' 'MANCHESTER,: January 5.—The Man- cliestcr Guardian says: “The demand lor goods and yams was moderately ac tive on Saturday. Telegrams are more encouraging, and bnt for the high prices of some of the goods, a fair business might be dona for the Calcutta market. Man ufacturers are, however,, very firm, and the threatening asjiect of the cotton mar ket rehders them increasingly difficult to deal With. rAdvIces from China show no improvement.” New.York, January 5.—Afire broke ont tills morning in tiie basement of No. 74 and (JO East Fourth street, known as Turner Hall, occupied by William Winkle as a ball room. The building was owned 'by the Turner Society, and was damaged $7,000. The stock was damaged $5,000. After the fire, William Geib, ten years old; Louis Schmidt, thirty years old: Henry Gehweiler, twenty-five years old; Teresa Erhard seventy-five years old, were found on the top floor, all dead. Winkle and his wife were badly burned and sent to the hospital. . • Annie Bauer received internal injuries by jumping from the fourth story window, and was badly burned about tiie hands and face. An unknown woman had her arm broken. It \va? known that William Winkle, tiie proprietor, with his wife and employe, slept in tiie building, and before tiie heavy doors could be broken open, several occu pants appeared at tiie upper windows, im ploring help. Even alter the doors had yielded tiie unfortunates could not be res- cncd, as the flames swept up the liroad and only stairway. . , The firemen went to the roof of an ad joining house, hoping to release the im perilled people by means of a scuttle, hut there was no scuttle to the building in which they were confined. A hole had to be cut through the roof, and by this means only tiiey were reached. By this time four persons had been burned or suffocated to death. The origin of tiie fire is unknown. It broke out in the basement and swept up the Droad stairway like a flash of lightning. During the night, there had been a wed ding celebration in the building, but the guests had all departed by two o clock. Three hours afterwards the fire broke Newark, N. J., January 5.—The Celluloid works are on fire, caused, It is reported, by an explosion. The entire city fire department# is out. Iso particu^ lam obtainable at present. ’ New York, January 5.—Surrounded as they were by the flames, and cut off from all access to safety below by a burn ing staircase; several persons sustained se vere injuries by leaping front tbe highest stories of the building. One man, whose name is unknown, while crying franti cally for aid to the firemen beneath, was S 08 were present, including many ladies, all. the while pi^ln n ga'Voman,''-lio Bo J>- Thurlow Weed, Judges Gildersleeve 1 seemed to be resisting, gwav tjwfoajtli After arid many other prominent • story window. She finally, leaped forth and struck the ground on her feet, with sickening crash, breaking both her legs and arms, and almost crushing her to death. The flames seemed to be drawn up the staircase, as if by the draught of a huge chimney, and the sleepers awoke only in season to find their escape cutoff. Of tiie twelve.or fifteen persons sleeping in No. 04," our persons were burned to death and five persons injured. Numbers 64 and 66 East Fourteenth street, the scene of the tragedy, is a double house witli a large number of lodge and meeting rooms. There were no fire es capes attached to the building. There were two stairways, one wide and one narrow. One, tiie wide stairway, served A3 a funnel through which the flames when the fire broke out spread to and seized upon the upper stories, and there had been a meeting of the Turner Society,- who had received visiting brethren from Yonkers, and also a wedding party in the building during the evening, but these had all gone away before the fire occurred. At the head of the wide staircase were bedrooms. William Winckel, tiie janitor, and his wife Josephine, slept in one of them, attd in the room adjoining there was Mm. Winckel’s sister and adopted child, William Seitz, -aged ten years. They had been in bed since midnight, and it was four hours after Mr. Winkel had turned in when the" fire was discovered. 'The alarm failed to arouse the sleeping inmates, and they were stupefied almost to unconsciousness by smoke. Ladders were raised to the roof and the tread of the firemen aroused tiie inmates, who en deavored to make their escape, but they were met by a rush of flames. - Then they made for tiie roof, and the firemen helped them up, all more or less terribly burned. Before the child, however, could be saved it was burned almost to a crisp. Streams of water were in the meantime being poured on the burning building. From the central portion of the” house cries of agony and shouts lor help were heard. Here, on the east side, had slept George Muller, Ernest and Herman Ruhl, Lonis Meyer, Henry Gelirweiler and Louis Schmidt, waiters, auiljn the west bed rooms slept Teresa Erliardt, Anuie and Rose Baner, servant girls. This floor was a vast sea of flames, and men aud women were seen rushing wildly about looking for a means of escape. Ernst and Her man Ruhl reached the roof partly burned. Louis Meyer sprang fronu win dow to the yard below, a distance of sixty feet or more, and was picked up half kill ed. Louis Schmidt was found after the firemen ventured ’-i, crouching in a corner whence ho had been unable to escape, and was. burned to a crisp. Henry Gelirweiler jumped from a window into the yard and was found there, bnt died in the police station. Every bone in his body was bro ken. Teresa Erliardt was burned to' death in her room, and her features were black ened and almost unrecognizable. Annie Bauer sprang from a window rather than die in the fire and fell in the yard. Site was terribly burned and sustained inter nal injuries from her fall, and it is thought she cannot live. Rose tiie last of the ser vants, also jumped from a window, but stnich an arbor in the yards. She broke both legs and arms and received internal injuries. Newark, January 5.—A fearful explo sion occurred about 11 o’clock tips morn ing, in tiie connecting room of the Cellu loid Manufacturing Company, by whicli three men were instantly killed, and two others so burned that they cannot recov er. The men were in their accustomed places, when from some unknown cause, a large mass of celluloid, which is a high ly inflammable substance, suddenly aud without warning exploded, destroying one story of the brick building, with its con tents. The body of Win. Finter, aged fifteen years, was found in the ruins, a ghastly" spectacle. Under him lay the disfigured body of Frederick Stiles, of Ro selle, so charred that it was scarcely rec ognizable. John Gates, residence un known, was also killed. Spencer At wood died in ten minutes from concussion of tiie brain. Elmer Bogart and Freder ick Pierce were also badly -burned, and were taken to St. Nicholas* Hospital. There is no hope of their recovery. Ste phen W. Wade was severely but not dan gerously injured. Tiie loss is estimated at ten thousand dollars, and is fully cov ered by insurance. Richmond, January 5.—An investiga tion into tiie accounts of N. C. Taliaferro, retiring general agent and storekeeper of tiie penitentiary, brought to light a short age of from $15,000 to $20,000. Talia ferro acknowledged tiie shortage, hut says it will be made good by his securities. He says lie does not know how to account for it, except from the fact that he was en gaged in the commission business as well as beiiig agent for the penitentiary and that tiie affairs of both concerns became mixed. He claims to have obtained from tiie accounts sufficient to cover the defi ciency., , Mr. Talifeno attributes the cramped condition of his affaire to the fact that he undertook to rebuild the peni tential^ workshops, which were burned last year, and purchased machinery for the same without any appropriation. Augusta, January 5.—The members of the ^Legislature are now- assembling, and the position of affairs is freely dis cussed by tiie * Republican side, but the Democrats are extremely reticent. A re markably large number of these have not read tiie opinion of the Supreme Court, and refuse to give their views of the result on the incoming Legislature. William M. Rnst, of Belfast, a prominent Green- backer, says the decision of tiie court set tles the case. ‘ There can he no Successlul opposition to that. The Democrats are generally of the opinion that the decision of tho court is a partisan one and they denounce it. Judge Rice has stated in conversation, tliat the opinion isgood law, bnt what effect it will have on the organ ization ha will not say. Mr. Pillsbnryis ont in the Standard,. denouncing the opinion as partisan, and urging the counted in members to stand up to their rights, and not be bulldozed into giving up their seats. Tiie caucus ing to-day will be directed to holding the Fusionists up to this point. It is the general opinion that there is no cohesive power sufficient to hold them, as one after another announce that tiie decisions of the court wjll have great influence. Among the prominent men here may he mentioned Governor elect Davis, Colonel Atwell, of Orono, Hon. Charles Bnffum, Wilder P. Walker, Edwin Noyes, of Wa- terville, General Geojge L. Beal, Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Hon. Eugene Hale, Hon S. D. Lindsey, Hon. W. P. Frye. About one Iialf of tiie members of the Legislature have readied here. McGaheysville, Va., January 5.— A murder was committed at Hopkins’ mill, not far from here yesterday. An old man named Michael was knocked on the head in the public road by unknown par ties. Augusta, Ga., January 5.—Everything is in readiness for_tlie races to-morrow. Fifty horses are on the ground, induding some of the finest runners and trotters in the South aud West. The indications promise fine sport. Washington, January 5.—The follow ing decisions were rendered to-day in the United States Supreme Court: George Watt vs. P. H. Starke, from the Eastern District of Virginia. Decree affirmed with costs. The Mississippi and Tennes see Railroad Company, vs. The State of Tennessee, et al. Judgment affirmed with costs and interest, on authority of Railroad Company vs. Gaines, 97 U. S. C97. John B. Weatherby vs. Matilda Bowie, et al., from the Supreme Court of Louisiana, writ of error. Dismissed for want of jurisdiction. State of South Car olina ex rel., Douglass & Jackson, vs. Peter C. Gaillard, County Treasurer. Ordered for re-aigument, and assigned for Monday, January 26. In denying to-day motions to advance upon the docket several important cases, which cannot, with usual course of pro- ceedure, be reached in two or three yeare, Chief Justice Waite said the court would hereafter refuse to grant all motions to advance cases involving important consti tutional questions, until they can be heard by a full bench. This decision may be taken perhaps as an indication that the court already finds itself evenly divided upon important political and constitution al questions presented in States rights and Federal election laws cases from„Virginia, Tennessee, Ohio and Maryland, now pending decision, and that it desires to postpone, if possible, until Justice Hunt’s seat shall be filled, the consideration of any more questions upon which its com ponent members are likely to stand four against four, and of which, therefore the only decision possible would be affirma- nence by a divided court. Among the cases which the court to-day refused to advance, was Augustus D. Duillard vs. Thos. S. Greenman,commonly known as the legal tender case, winch now stands upon calendar No. 779. The refusal of the court to advance it does not, however, necessarily postpone its consid eration under Rule 20 of this court, if the counsel on both sides agree to forego the privileges of oral argument ana submit their case upon printed briefs, they may bring it before the court at any time with in the first ninety days of the term with out reference to its place upon docket. , Augusta, Me., January 5.—The Gov ernor and Council had no business ses sion to-day, but have; been in consulta tion in regard to the course to be pur sued. A guard of some 200 men is still retained at the State House, where sixty stands of. arms arc stacked ready for im mediate use. Although, every train is bringing crowds into tiie city, there is perfect order. The Mayor Las 200 extra policemen on duty. Neither side has absolutely determined upon a course which is not subject to rad ical amendment. The Fusipnists consid er it very important to have a quorum, and are striving to, secure that result. Tliis afternoon, a deputy was despatched across the country to Farmington to en deavor to persuade Mr. Voler, who has publicly refused to accept his certificate to attend the session to-morrow. Mr. Sproul, of Portland, in his own behalf and that of his colleague, will ask of the Governor and Council certificates as members of the Legislature, under the decision of the judges. Captain Goss, of Bath, and the Republican members of that ami the Other five disfranchised cities, will ask for the same right. They claim that whatever done with the towns, the case of tiie cities is clear and unmistakeable. Every Republican deprived of liis seat Js either here or will be here. At the pres ent moment hut five Fusionists can be counted on who will stay away. London, January 5.—A St. Petersburg dispatch to the Daily Neics says Abdul Rasimati, pretender to the Afghan throne, is said to be at Balkh. Whether the re cently reported understanding between England and Russia will survive such a blow, is a serious question. A dispatch to the Times, from Candaliar, says tiie leader of the Herati troops es caped after their defeat to Gliorian near the Persian frontier, where he is collect ing a force to attack Uabul. . J Washington, January 5.—Commis sioner Raum yesterday received the fol lowing dispatch from Collector Andrew Clark at Atlanta: “I have just received three head of stock and wagons removing illicit whisky and two illicit distilleries, destroyed about four thousand gallons of mash and beer and arrested the operator of the still, after meeting with armed re sistance.” Collector Young at Raleigh, North Carolina, telegraphs to Commissioner Raum to-day as follows: “The general deputies captured two more illicit dis tilleries, Saturday, in full blast in Moore county, run by Clarke Aldred. San Francisco, January 5.—The Legislature assembled to-day. A fusion was talked of between tjie Democrats, Workingmen and New Constitution As semblymen to organize the House, but it fell through and on tiie first ballot the Re publicans elected J. F. Cowdery, of San- Francisco, Speaker. Southern vote already in convention. He will have 138 votes in convention from the South, and he has already New York and Pennsylvania. These secure his nomina tion—for he wants but 185. The only question is whether sufficient antagonism to the third term will be dis played in the Republican ranks to awak en a reasonable dread of defeat in a pop ular canvass. It is claimed now that the German defection in Ohio, Indiana, Penn sylvania and New York will not only en danger those States, hut throw them over to the Democrats. If that be so, the third term movement may take a liitch back ward. But all this may be the machina tions of John Sherman—tiie last tnck ofa desperate candidate. It is certain John is not the man to give up the contest without a powerful effort in self-defense. ’ The Silver Certificates^ •. The following is a copy of a letter re ceived by Mr. F. D. Tappan, the Presi dent of the Gallatin National Bank, from the Comptroller of the Currency* “Sir—Your letter is received; and in pjy to your inquiries, I have to say— 1 First—that the only legal tender quality that silver certificates have is that they are receivable for customs, taxes and all pub lic dues (Section 3 of the Act of February 2S,1878.) Second—There is no authority of law for counting silver certificates as part of the lawful money reserve which national banks are required to hold. Very respectfully, John J. Knox, Comptroller.” Commenting on this the Evening Post saga: Extremely Vexations. It is extremely vexatious, after the stal warts had fixed up the thing for Grant and themselves all right and snapped their fing ers at the country and all the other candi dates.]ust as Grant is letting go his hold of the United States and going to occupy the palace of the Captain General and the halls of the Montezumas, to find the country breaking out here aud therein fiery anti-third-term eruptions, and all in the big States. Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York and Indiana talk alarmingly, particularly as to the so-called German population, who appear to be destitute of that affection for imperialism which is the master passion of the so-called stalwart Republicans. The fact is, tiie German taste is monldcd by experience. Thsir ideas of a strong government, so lovely to our Radi cals, are founded almost altogether on wliat they have suffered from its strength. The Radical ideas of a strong government are founded on a lively conviction of what it can reflect on others, but they all ex pect to wield the rod. It will he seen, therefore, that the views of these two par ties differ mainly because they are taken from different ends of the rod. The Germans, as a mass, do not expect to be lictors. Their ambition is satisfied with an honest, sober and virtuous life of peaceful industry. But tbe stalwarts are inflamed with very different views. All of them are bent on a magnificent specu lation. They want a gorgeous govern ment—imperial in its revenues—magnifi cent in its expenditures—violent in its operation—glorious in its projects and ap pointments because they expect to reap its honors and rewards. The position of a man on this third term question in general, therefore, de pends on the part he expects to occupy in the movement. He will not be much concerned about popular liberty if he counts certainly on being one of the bosses. He cares nothing about public economy if he counts on large official div idends. But he who feels sure that he will pay the taxes and suffer the blows is by no means anxious for strength and magnificence. He prefers the free old Republican gait and modest tackle. But it is a doubtful case for the Ger mans and all other anti-magnificents. In point of fact, the cards are stocked and the game lost already. Nothing but the refusal of Grant to become a candidate will prevent his nomination. He has the ‘The silver certificate is iii the nature of a.warehouse receipt, the same as is a old cert ificate. There is this difference, owever: (1.) the silver certificate has irinted upon it a clause saying that it is a endcr forall dues to the Government and eau be re-issued. The gold certificate is merely a receipt for the amount of gold named on its face, and no mention is* made of its bdiug a legal tender for any thing. (2.) The silver certificates cannot be issued in excess of the .actual amount of 412 J-grains silver dollars deppsited in tbe Treasury. The gold certificates could be issued in excess of the actual deposits of gold. The gold certificates were coun ted as part ef the lawful reserve of tiie banks, not because there was any thing on their face to warrant it, but because they represented gold dollars to a certain large bnt not full ■ extent. It had been supposed that tiie silver certifi cates could be counted as bank reserve, because they represented (dbllar for dol lar) 412 ^grains silver dollars, which are, unfortunately, as full a legal tender as are tiie gold dollars. It is true that tiie gold certificates represented an exception- ably good currency; also, that the Clear ing House banks of New York have agreed among themselves that 412^-grains silver dollars shall not be received at the Clearing House in the settle'ment'of debts due from one bank to another, although these dollars are by lawa full tender for debts. These are the main points of a question that bids fair to become interes ting.” Easily answered.—If a strongman, who has frequently suffered pain, grows im patient and rebellious, how much more iinpatibnt should be the baby, who does not know What suffering means. For the pains of colic, teething," etc., Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup is the sovereign remedy. Price 95 cent*:;? - *: ' r. the distance from the fire, their stream was A MORMON WEDDING FEAST, very weak.h.- i . i —— i The fire originated from'the stove pipe. How a Woman’s Heart Rehelled The damage to.the church building is es-. A gainst the Dopma of the Church, timated at from $250 to $300. Tbe ladies „ . . T . , of the congregation are going to work with SicrameutoUnon! • their characteristic i energy to raise funds. Some months rince Mr. R. brought tho - - - - beautiful Miss Frnnell home to be our with which to make the necessary re- , , pak-3. ' : neighbor—a plural Mrs. R. To my sur- Eatonton Messenger: A crowd of prise I was the recipient of an invitation young men “rode fantastics’* in Avlona to attend tiie supper given in celebration neighborhood Christmas day.. They went of this event. Mis. R. (the first) received to eleven houses audit -is said that at me kindly, for away down deep in her life every house a table containing turkey^ this woman and I ltave ■qualities m kin- breadstufis, pastries and wine was in ship. IVe sat down to supper at six readiness for them. Eleven dinners and oolock. Mr. R. and lus wife sat at oppo- eleven dips at the cup—just think of it. site ends of the tahlo. The new.lrs. R. Marcellus Thornton and his thirty quails ® at b Y “Sister Julia. Lhad the post of sink into insignificance at the thought of Ji® 1 } 01 at the rmht ofthe bridegroom, thirteen stomachs that can contain eleven U'is new kind of Benedict wore dinners and an equal number of glasses of att almost sheepish air, ana vv as the “wine that floweth.” , at ease throughout. It dawned upon Ahlikgton Advance: ,r Dr. M. T. 1 me at last that iny presence oi Alexander, of this place; and Miss Hennie 1 f U( r b an occasion was a reproach to me, Sinclair, of Apalachicola, Fla., were mar- } more than ashamed of my own stu- ried on the 24tbi Inst., in Apalachicola. P!‘ bt y hi yieldmg to What, appeared so They arrived here on Monday last. May ; plainly-as most vnlgai* curiosity. In their hymeneal barque ever glide smoothly, j such a mood it was of course difficult to John Brown, not-the < veritable John, i be atmable, and as the best substitute for but another, negro, wrote J. B. on-a great ) that.liability due from a guest at a many little pieces of paper and mixed l marriage feast, I tried to be_ Suf- them in liis seed cotton. John’s pile was ’ fie* 5 A to sa y> we succeeded m stinging tampered with, and Owen. Idus, another I each oHmc kke a nest. of. angry hornets, shady son.of song, has now got his mouth ! anc * nothing but our good breeding pre- GE0RGIA PRESS. From reliable statistics, we learn that on the first day of the year 17,000 diaries were begun in Georgia, 21,000 girls be gan the study of French or German, and 64,000 young men “swore off.” Verily, if we were to be what we wish to be, and not what we will be, what a moral and accomplished people we would be. Such good fortune, however, is not to be. Remember, brethren, that while Grant is a great man, he is a greater scoundrel, and you cannot hurrah for one without applauding both. The foreign editor of the Constitution has not been heard from since Christmas. We trust his festivities passed off with the utmost “a claw.” One of the liveliest sheets in Georgia comes to ns under the name of^ Berrien County News. The News is edited by a gentleman who links in its columns scholarly' wit with commonsense views, aud we do not have to turn up our lights to find them. We will contribute a dressed turkey, imported last week from Tennessee, to anyone who can inrent a sentencc.tliat will take tiie place of the expression “hap pened to a serious accident.” We accidentally called Hawkinsville’s dilapidated guard house the jail last week, and the Dispatch takes , us to task for thus slandering her solid county structure. In reply to our remarks about the frailty of the building, Woods offers to share his room with ns, and let ns try to breakout. :1,1 1 • Serenaders in Columbus, at least a certain class of them, have become a nui- Thoy sing vulgar songs and dance - jigs on the front porches. Mrs. Bowers and Miss Charlotte Thomson played in Augusta last week. A darkey in Americas says the gyp sies drew a ten-dollar bill out of his pock et book with a loadstone. Seventy additional feet of bine ribbon grace the lappels of pledgers in Savan- number of tV.e reclaimed 1,214. Miss Laura Booker and Mr. James F. Husbands, of Valdosta, are married. Puns are inexcusable. . 1 Albany Adtertieer: Fire.—Monday a. in. about 11 o’clock, tbe fire bells were sounded, and it was soon discovered that the Episcopal church was on fire. When first discovered the roof was in a blaze, and the flames spreading very rapidly. The fire department responded promptly when the alarm was given, but tbe col ored Lightning Hook and Ladder Compa ny was ahead of all the others, arid lost no time in mounting the building and drenching tbe roof with water from their buckets. There being no cistern near by, the engines were unable to raise a stream in time to be of any assistance, and the book and ladder boys had to contend with the flames alone. They received valuable assistance, however, from Mr. Eason Smith, who went up through the steeple and took a position in which he was able to put ill some effective licks. Thronateeska engine ran* in and pre pared to raise a stream from the cistern of the Sims-Rust warehouse, but found it Un necessary to do so. . Eagle, No. 2, put in at the cistern at the intersection of Jack- son and Commerce streets, but owing to stuck. out about a feet because the J; B’s, were fotind-in his’n. k - A little learning is a dangerous tiring for Idus. RATTLESNAKE.-AQuitman Reporter Mr. J. S. Harris informed us that he kill ed a huge rattlesnake on the 18th r ult. which was five feet one inch long, had fourteen rattles and a button, and weigh-: ed six pounds. He found liis snakeship lning by tiie neck, in the crack of the fence apparently dead, but when released and allowed ! to rest awhile in- the sun shine, long enough for his blood to tliaw, he showed that- he; was ready for active service, and was summarily dispatched. A Corner on the Market.—Colum bus Time*: Brownfield is a mathemati cian that will do to depend on. In speak ing of the marriage which took place last week at the' 1 Brown House, in this city, between Miss Setli-Hannon and Miss The odosia Peters, both of Lee county, tlio Opelika Observer, has tlie following cal culation: The groom* went to the residence of his intended that morning to carry her father -a turkey, and after leaving it stole her away. Now, as a young bride is gener ally supposed by the newly made husband to be worth her weight in gold, and as gold is worth $200 per pound, 120 pounds of bride would be worth $30,000. How ever, erroneous the above supposit’on may be, still for a $1-turkey we say, ye gods what a “comer” that young man made in the matrimonial market! Sumter Republican: A Monster Ea gle Claw.—Mr. Z. Bass, of Irwin .sent up the claw of a booted eagle of huge proportions. The talons were Scinches on tbe outside of the curve, -and 7£ inches Dorn point to point of talent. The eagle had made his dinner on a half .grown sheep. , Our County: A Northern paper says that though the South abuses Grant, lie wilbvisit the Southern States after all. Yes; we suspect—after all he can reach with his hands. An Atlanta special says : Great excite^ ment prevails on account of the finding, at 12 o’clock on the 1st iiist.,’ of the partially dissected body of a female in the old soap factory building on Houston street, in the neighborhood of tiie medical college. The corpse was found by a cologed boy, and the. negroes flocked to the place in scrires.” Mr. Tilden Speaks Out—He Refutes the Charsre of Cowardice in 1876— 5 Still in the Field. General James B. Steedman, a promi nent Ohio Democrat, ppblislies the follow ing in the Toledo Democrat: “While in New York, a few days ago, I Called on Mr. Tilden, and had> free con- own versation with him. I rang bis bell, and was proriiptly a'diriitted, Was shown into liis parlor, and sent my name to Mr. Til den, who in a few minutes appeared and gave me a cordial reception. 1 was seated, and Mr. Tilden at once commenced the conversation, which naturally ran into a free talk about tbe election of 1S7S, and the great fraud perpetrated in counting Mr. Hayes into the presidency. Mr. Tilden said: “I. am the only man elected to the Presidency and counted out’by Congress, one brauclfof which, tiie popular branch, contained a large-majority professed friends. I have been accused of cowardice while my hands were tied by the actions of my friends. I was not consulted in re gard to the electoral bill aud knew noth ing about its preparation or intended adoption until Mr. Ilewitt called and in formed me. that, .tiie bill had been agreed upon. I said to Mr. Hewitt, I had" not been consulted, and he replied that Sena tors Thurman, and Bayard were acting in their public capacity as Senators, and would nqt consult anyone outside their sphere, but I consult you, Mr. Tilden. I said, Mr. Hewitt, if Senators Thurman auil Bayard have determined upon their Action and will not Consult me, I cannot give advice- on the subject to any one. If, : iowever,my friends; have any doubt as to my election; if there is a reasonable doubt as to whether there lias been any election by-tlie people, the constitution prescribes the remedy, an election of President by Uie House of Representatives by a vote of States, and that is what I expected Con gress to do. If the House of Representa tives had elected me I would have taken the oath and gorieto Washington'to take the qffice, believing that my friends would have'put me in the White House. How could I take the office ,wlrile my own friends werearbitrating the question of my election? I tlensure no one, but I have told you the truth.” *; ,»«> I then said to Mr. Tilden: “After the presidential election, a number of your friends' in Ohio requested a prominent Democrat, Frank H. -tlnrd, to vislt you and ascertain your wishes and purpose, and when Mr. Hurd returned, he reported that we had made no mistake; that we had elected a brave old man, who was Tilden, “I remember that, interview well, and I was willing then and I am willing now, that it shoiud be published.” i- I asked Mr. Tilden if he was a candi date for -renomination. He replied: “I am in the hands of > the Democratic party, aud I will cheerfully acquiesce In its de cision.” Production of tiie Precious Me tals.—Wells, Faigo & Co., in their’an- nual' report, give $72,6SS,S8S as the amount of the mineral production of Cal ifornia,. Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Utah, 'Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Dekota. The. pro ducts of British Columbia and tbe West Coast of Mexico was $2,660,613. . The statement shows an increase over 1878 in the case of Colorado, of over $8,000,000 vented an open quarrel. We animals foil at that Supper with sometlring of Sna'ppish- ness attributable, to feasting wolves. That agonizing: supper.oVer, we stood' around the.bright fire in, the cosy little sitting- room. Mr. R- hail planned to take his bride T tor the theatre, ahfl so prepara- •tious kutlie way Ofglotes, clb'&ks and bon nets began. The late Miss Fennell was soon toileted for the opera in most fash ionable attire. Mrs. R.—my old friend— stood half reclining against the piano. We bad been silent for a moment, and, to relieve tlio embarrassment taking pos session of us, I said: “Mrs. R., it almost makes one wish to be a bride again.” Mrs. R. laughed accommodatingly. Just then Mr. IL placed liis arm gently around tiie slender waist of his new bride, fold ing her handsome opera-cloak close to her forin arid drew her towards him. She re sponded to this caress'by a tender upward glance of her beautiful eyes. Then I looked towards my friend, to find her face pale as death, while a lo.ok of agon izing endurance, mingled, with devilish malignity, almost froze my blood. I had said aloud in actual surprise before turn ing toward her, “as I live, he actually loves this girl.” .Mrs. B.’s look met mine squarely. That face told me all. No lies now, witli ready lips, at the bidding of fealty to religion. That agonized, re fined face proclaimed tho system damned. A woman’s natural* love rose grandly in the awful denunciation of those fierce eyes. A great throb of pity filled my own woman’s heart. I saw ail the torture and noble rage of self-restraint. I stepped to wards her, as if to hold her in pity to my heart. My Mormon lady friend took me by the! arm with almost rude force, and whispered wamimriy, “Mrs. Casting, for God’s sake, remember where you are.” I did remember, and, discornfited, returned to my place near the mantle. Amid this flurry, tiie bridal. partv took their depar ture, We women were a silent phfly at first. Mrs. B. still stood leaping on ( tke piaiiti with her look bent on me aliribst re-' senttully. “Yon don’t think yourself called upon to pity me, Mrs.: Castine?” she said, with .: an almost quarrelsome tone,' '' . “I do pity you, Mrs. R., arid I hriVe a rightAo.” - u. ' * ■ -- *- ; “You think me jealous of -my new sister, then?” “Mrs. R. We are both proud , women. We only, need to look into our oWn hearts to loam what a real woman must ffiel-un- der the ordeal through which you are passing.”, „ ,- <*■ . “I am riot- jealous; Mrs.^Cai only not jealous, but happy love of my husband. Our faith teaches us tu love these sisters in marriage as our. own flesli. This marriage is not, an es-. trangement ’ of my husband’s love as it’ would lie in an unsanctified Gentile, but a remarriage to inyselt. In this marriage l live over again my own espousal, my own bridal, and. renew again the first sweets of married love.” We were all decidedly uncoriifortable, and our two lady companions took their leave together. But my impulse of pity had not been lost, and, without a word baring been spoken between us after our friends retired, she sank into a chair, and covering-her face-with her hands, cried out in bitterness; .“QhJ. Mrs. Castine, I am most-wretched. Between me and any celestial light, or any glory or peace or consolation jp this life or in the world to come there stands that woman. ■ Between me,and all the light of my religion stands that woman. Thisgirl’s.face is hateful to ine; that my liusband'alibuld love one for her beauty alone! My imagination can not be held, back from all the soul-tortur ing tilings which follow in. the train of this marriage. The box at the theatre holds to-night a man and wife not more. There are the gentle pressure hands, the glances of loving eyes,the blending oflires into one destiny in this life, tbe first exquisite rap ture of honeymoon, which cheats itself with the doiusion that a capital stock of love has been laid.sufficient to draw upon '.for life. Beyond these rise, in spite of all pretense of spirituality, tiie bridal bed, the cradle, the child, in whose veins there can be tiie commingling, life ! current of bnt one father and one mother. All these things one man can have with only one woman in .marriage. No, Mrs.. Castine; marriage to one woman unmarries a man to all Other women, or there is no marri age.” There.was no answer; I offered none, - , but, kissing her cold forehead, I left her alone with her desolate sorrow. Office of “New York and Balti more Transportation. Company.”— Having been troubled for some time with a bad cough, I had occasion to try a bottle of Dr. Biul’s Cough. Syrup. In less than twenty-four hours, I was entirely relieved. I recommend this medicine, to all my friends, for I shall not be without it in my family. E. W. Steever. Conference of the African Methodist Church. To the White Citizens of Macon and Vicinity: The North Georgia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Eniscopal Church convenes in tliis city on next 'Wednesday, the 7th instant.' As pastor of the African Methodist Episcopal Church of this city, and the local repre sentative of the Conference, I most cor dially invite all the white friends of this city and community, who'feel disposed so to do, to attend tiie"daily sessions of the Conference — held with open doors— and to be present at the stated religious services held in connection therewith. Perhaps it'would not be doing violence to propriety to say in this connection that any aid you may feel inclined to give for the snpport: of the Conference will bo thankfully receivedpfor it is said that men reserifble the gods in nothing sb much as in doing good to their fellow creatures, Califomiais. decrease is $149,342 in gold, and I believe tho God of Heaven will aud $588,235 in silver. The decrease, of . bless those that, give, and make their dol- Nevada U ’$13,184,235. There lias been lars grow more rapidly than the laws of a decrease of'$12,404i38I' in the product ‘ trade or anything else, of the Comstock; it being $21,295,043, in in 1878, and only $8,850,562 in 1879. Da kota increased its production of bullion $963,1S3, while' Utah fell off $595,743. Wells, Fargo & Co. virtually handle all the bullion produced west of the Missouri, Yours, very repectfully, i W. J. Gaines, Pastor A. M. E. Church. Martin, Ga-, January 5tli. —By contesting his father’s will, John and tiieir report is, therefore, regarded as H. Lick:will get $385,000 more than his authoritative. . . father intended he should hare. isrrjiiHDKRf Sudden Death ofa Colored «|rl Under Suspicious Circumstances. i On Sunday shortly after twelve o’clock the report became current that a colored girl by the name of Jane Jones, who lived with her parents near the river, had died very suddenly. ' '. The news of her death came .first from the father of the girl, who remarked to one or two that his wife had caused her death. So strong and'frequent were these reports that the matter attracted attentiou at once, and Coroner Chapman was noti fied and requested to hold an inquest. At three o’clock ho repaired to the house where the girl had died, and proceeded to sumriion a jury and to hold the inquisi tion. The evidence brought out was that on Friday last the mother of the girl, Han nah Jones, administered an unreasonable chastisement on her daughter, who was between twelve and thirteen years of, age. In whipping her a round leather strap, about a half inch in diameter and from two to three feet long, was used. One witness testified to the mother throwing a brick at the girl. In beating her the girl fled from tiie house into the; yard and was pursued.' She clasped her mother as if to prevent any further pun,- isbment, when a straggle ensued and the;- child was thrown,' both falling over a large iron pot in the yard, the woman up permost. The child was then carried into the house and the mother locked herself with her. There was, no evi dence as to any cries while the two were thus locked up together. . Tiie testimony further stated that be tween six and seven o’clock on Sunday; morning, the motherof the girl made her get up to drive some hogs across the river a3^was her usual custom. On her return, she complained ofbeing.coM and thought she had a chill. > . -. She also exhibited all the symptoms of tetanus, her jaws being firmly,,.locked and rigid. She went to bed and abput 12 o’clock was found to be in a dying condl- tion and died soon after. The jury made a thorough examination of the body, but failed to find any marks pf violence except a small abrasion be tween the shoulder blades. The skull was also, examined, but no fracture dis- covered. After considering the evidence, tiie jury rendered a verdict of death from unknown causes. The circumstances all pointed to a beat ing administered by the mother beyond : all reason on Friday, and the father of the girl heard to remark to the moth er that it was useless for her to grieve over her death, as she had caused it, and killed her by beating her. Mr. Chapman, the coroner, not being entirely satisfied with verdict of the juzy under the state of facts developed, has placed tiie evidence and other papers into. the hands of the Solicitor General, and the matter will probably be firily invest!-, gated. Tbe girl wa3 buried yesterday. IIELP FOR TIIE IRISH. A (General Movement for the Relief of. tiie Famine Stricken Districts. The cry from Ireland - for help has not been heard in vain in America, and all over the United States movements are be ing made looking to the relief, as far as possible, of tiie districts of the Emerald Isle, which are nori’ famine stricken. The distress is on the increase, and there is no prospect of an abatement of the distress until some time in the summer. The cause is the failure of the. potato crop and the high rents demanded by the landown- The Irish of this city'are taking ac tive steps to do what they can toward the good cause. On Sunday, at a meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, the handsome donation of one hundred dol lars was appropriated to the. relief of the sufferers hi the “old country,” by the So ciety, and ordered forwarded through its president, Mr. John Ingalls. The funds, we understand,have been sent to Archbish op McHale, Archbishop of Tuan, tiie oldest Bishop in Ireland, whose diocese is in the midst of the famine stricken dis tricts. At the same meeting a committee was appointed to canvass the city, and raise funds for this commendable purpose. Tbe following are the names of the com,-; mittee: Jolm Ingalls, Chairman. First ward—E. O’Connell and M. Fitzgerald. Second ward—P. Fitzgerald and A. Mc Kenna. Third ward—C. Burke and C. Sullivan. Fourth ward—D. Daly and M. Redmond. The committee will go to work at once, and we hope will meet with generous re sponses to t heir appeals. Young America Fire Company, No-S. At a meeting of Young America Fire Company, No., 3. held last night, the fol lowing officers were elected for 18801 President—Abner W. VaugliaiU Assistant Foreman—William F. Haven. Secretary—Herbert A. Knight. Treasurer—J. H. Bremer. Engineer—G. Samuel Westcott. Director of Hose—L H. Poole. Pipemaa—James A. May. Driver—C. F. Bennett. Mr. Vic Menard, ex-Foreman, declined re-election on account of ill health ' and removal from the city. Seven Bridges. Complaints continue to come in in re gard to the execrable condition of the Houston county road, over the seven bridges causeway. The road bed is repor ted deeper in mud than ever known be fore, and teams in passing through tho “slough of despond,” go to the very huba a number of places. Besides ruining one of the finest drives in the State, those charge of the work have made the place one of the worst pieces of roadway to be found any where. With the heavy rains :■ of winter coming on soon, the prospect is that the causeway will be absolutely impassable. The human family are constantly using bitteis and tonics to: build up and strengthen the system. Domestic ani mals, whose lives and habits, more nearly resemble man’s, should be subjected to the same treatment. Foutz’s Hoise and Cat tle Powders will accomplish all that is, claimed for them.