Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, February 10, 1880, Image 1

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OLiSBY, JONES & REESE, Pbofkistobs. Established 1826. Thi Family Joo swal.—X* ws—Polit tea— Lit*batha*—A obicolto bb—Doxisti; . '. '■«! ii-l ;t ' n ;r 1.-... ,wt•«« [ ...Ti «-»* .1 j-.r ; .a; avet MAGONj; TIIB*S DAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1880- ■ji.ji ■:•!> sHT -tel >1 VYlifjnti hesiui-nxtl tuit ol noil « -.dt barf -rtf.m BY TELEGRAPH CmcAoo, February 1. — Prominent Democrats of the West held a consulta- tion yesterday and decided to make vig orous dibits to secure a meeting of the National Democratic Convention in this city. Cincinnati, February 1.—A meeting of prominent citizens interested inliold- ingthe Democratic National Conventionin Cincinnati was held last night, and ap pointed a committee to visit Wash! iu furtherance of this object. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Febra- an . i. At the Parnell reception on Satur day night, six hundred and fifty-five dol lars wen! subscribed. Mr-mi'in*, Tennessee, February 1.— About $700 were subscribed on Saturday n i c )it to the Irish relief fund, and a com mit tee api>ointed to canvass the city in behalf of Irish sufferers. I’ittsbubo, Pennsylvania, February 1.—At a meeting of the Republican Exec utive Committee of Allegheny county yes terday, to select delegates to the State Convention, the full delegation was in structed to support the nomination of General Grant. / Port Townsend, Washington Ter ritory, January 31.—Steamer California has arrived here from Sitka and Wran- gel. Collector Ball is a passenger en route to Washington to represent the needs of Alaska in the legislation to he proposed this winter. The mining news from Sit ka is favorable. Underground work is progressing, but the mills have been sus pended on account of the severity of the weather. - . Cincinnati, February 1.—Orders were issued at the Depau plate glass works, of New Albanv, Indiana, yesterday to cease work, the skilled employes having refused to withdraw their demand for fif teen per cent, advance in wages. This will throw about five hundred persons out of employment, and it is feared work will not be resumed at New Albany. Favorable propositions have been made Depau to remove liis machinery to McConnellsville, Pennsylvania, and estab lish liis plate glass works there, and the present labor difficulty may cause him to make the move. . .. San Francisco, February 1.—The shell race for one thousand dollars a side tank place at Richardson's Bay to-day, be tween Daniel Leabey, professional, and Ilcmy C. Hoyt, a marine reporter for the Merchants’ Exchange. The course was five miles, turning a stake boat. Leakey won in 34:30, beating Hoyt nearly three quarters of a mile. Leabey used a sliding and Iloyt a stationary seat. Charleston, February 1.—A meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held yesterday to promote the completion of the Western railroad connections of Charleston. President Simonds, of tlie First National Bank, submitted a resblu- tion tendering cordial sympathy and sap-, port to the movement now being made to unite tlie great northwest with the AtlaTt- tic seaboard, and favoring the formation of a committee to prepare and furnish an address showing the advantages? of Charleston as a terminal port and its excep tional value to the great railroad lines seeking an outlet to the ocean, which were unanimously adopted. > ticb Resolutions were also adopted declaring Charleston’s continued interest in ,-fhe Blue Ridge railroad on which several'Bul lions of dollars have already been -' spent, 1 and that the chamber will co-operate iii any practical measures looking to ^com pletion. i j At night, by invitation.of the M; the members of the State Legislature from Charleston met at the city Iiaii, a com mittee of citizens of Anderson, South Carolina representing tlie Blue ltidge rail road. A!1 present expressed tlieir readiness to support such legislation at tlie extra session next week as will revive tlie read and make it desirablo to those who have tlie means to furnish it. Ex emption from taxation and the Remission of hack taxes are among 'the ^privileges proposed. • Mayor Courtenay, as. Chairriltin of this Irish Committee, lias remitted two thou sand dollars to Ireland on aCiMttnt of col lodions. • c 5 Rio Janeiro, February SIT—Yellowfe^- ver has broken out at several' Brazil. Up to the' present -tiriie; tlie epir domic has appeared Jn a mild form,' but fears are entertained that it iuay'spread Rio Janeiro. . t Dr run, February 1.—At A meeting of the Mansion House Committee last niglit it was announced that .£ 26,096 had been received to date, and f! 15,300 disbursed. The chairmaiii . complained : .of attacks which had been made in America on: the eoii-tilutionoftlie committee and its mpde of distribution of funds. Itwasanuounced that the committee, had ,Received'.j£3,000 additional from Sydney, making * total from the Australian - colonies of 1,000, Loniiox, February 2-^-A .Times..Cam- tiahar dispatch says: Terrible accounts reach here from without, the.British lines, it is reported tliat nearly 2,000 families have been exterminated by-Ebilrias, and that seven of the villages of. tlie latter wens afierwards captured by Mazaras and every soul in tbcmsUifaisi • -h-J ‘ • A Berlin dispatch to the Leipsic Grerx- huti publishes an article on European dtt- arniament, believed to die inspired, sug gesting if there'wore'a-British Govem- incnt capable of inducing 1’arliaiuent to declare that England, in case of a Russo- Frcncli attack upon Germany, would guarantee the neutrality of Belgiriffi, Lux embourg and Switzerland and t* demand also the neutrality of the North Sea and the Baltic, such* a declaration would bring about a real peace. • 1' • Paris, February 2.—Pierre Ernest Ben- sab, scientist and author, is dead. London, February 2.—A Yi.ennb dis patch to the Times says tlie correspondent at Rome of the Politiscjic Correspondmz says, the Italian Minister of tlie Interior lias issued a circiilartothe prefects of the provinces bordering on Austria, pointing out the great importance of the govern ment attaches cnltifating Friendly relations with Austria and instructing them' to keep a vigilant eye on itinerant political agita tors and emigrants. from Trieste; Trent and elsewhere, and to repress vigorously any excesses that such persons-may .com mit. n - - -* A dispatch from Cabnl says: Our posi tion here is so much stronger-Ilian it was two months ago, that any fresh movement on our part may take a different direction from tlmt of tlie past. Wc can now watch the course of events and regulate pwr ac tion by the circumstances of the move ment. ' ' London, February 2.—A Berlin 'dis patch to the Standard says: “In’ a letter to the Berlin Journal Dn. Siemens, tho eminent telegraph engineer, contends that lie was the first to divide electric light and to utilise it for practical purposes. In proof of this he refers to liis electric/ ilhi- luimttiou of the Imperial arcades at Ber lin; wliieh was achieved long before. MrJ Edison's experiments; ’ - Boston-, Mass., February 2i—Afire' broke out last night in -the warehouse of. It. U. Morse, S40 Washington street, crossed the block aud consumed tlie lum- b?r warehousc tiicd by 1 'A.'T.JStckra»*« fo., containirignlirge quantity of dressed lumber.: A heavy gale was.blowingatthe time and it was fearod an extensive con flagration would ensue. Tlie entire fire oepint merit of the city was at work and tlie most strenuoiis efforts of tlie firemen were required to prevent a more serious fire. Total loss about thirty thou sand dollars. Boston, Massachusetts, February 2.—A dispatch from Mount Washington says there was tho greatest change yester day in the weather ever known on that Mountain, in the same length of 'time, the thermometer at noon being nineteen above, and at nine o’clock last night twen ty-seven below zero. The wind was blowing ninety nlno miles an hour. Washington, February 2.—In the House, the bills introduced and referred this morning were the following: By Mr. Plielps, of Connecticut, a bill appropriating $100,000 for the relief of sufferers in Ireland. Also, a bill levying a duty of thirty per cent, advalorem on all bonnets, hats or hoods imported into the United States, composed of palmleaf chip. grass, willow, straw or other vegetable substance, or of hair, whalebone or other material not otherwise provided for. Washington, Febrnary 2.—A decision was rendered in the United States Su preme Court this afternoon in the case of the Denver and Rio Grande Railway Company vs. tlie Canon City and San Juan Railway Company, upon a petition for a writ of mandamus. The writ , was asked for by the Denver of the Rio Grande Company, upon the ground that the United States Circuit Court for the District of Colorado had disregarded the mandate of this court in . its decision. of points at issue last term. This Court', however, denies the petition for a man damus, upon the ground .that as to sub stantial matters complained of by tlie Denver Compagy, the Circuit Court, was at liberty to exercise . jts judicial discre tion, and that In such cases the remedy for tlie errors coriimitted was by appeal, and not by mnndamtis. .’i.-;-:. This court, however, declines. to. ex press any opinion as to whether the decree of July 187b .and! January, 1R80 contain error to theTwejtrarcc'oT either party; but as the riglits of the-Denver company will cease under the. provisions' of the .act. of Congress in 1882, as to portions of its road then urifinish’ed, the court considers it Its duty to afford the parties an early and final detenriiuation of their controversy uponthe merits. .tP.u, . . It therefore announces that upon the perfection Of an' appeal and upon the filing of a transcript it would hear the motion to advance tlie. cause for consider ation at the present term. . ..... Washington, Feb/mary 2,—A De- partmentestatehieht issued to-day shows a decrease of-tlie National debt for January to be $11,014,263.95; gold certificates out standing, $10,411,1000; silver certificates outstanding, $96,529.10, certificates of de posit outstanding,'$12,035,000; legal ten ders outstanding, $346,010,016; fractional currency outstanding, $15,668,728.99. Washington. February 2.—In the Senate Mr.' Garland, from tlie committee on tlie Judiciary, reported adversely the bill extending the benefit of tlie Southern Claims Commission to tlie Indian tribes, and it was indefinitely postponed. Mr. Thurman, from tlie Judiciary com mittee, reported the bill for reviving and continuing. the' court of commissioners of Alabama ‘-Claims, and Tor thU Attribu tion of. the unappropriated money of tlie Geneva award. Placed on the calendar. It confines the jurisdict ion- pf tlie court to 6lmui* off insurers and lo 'clafins directly resulting from'damage on the high seas by Confederate cruises during the rebel lion.-. -*.,1 . Mr. Harris introduced a bill to. increase Virginia District; G. Bromberg Third, and Sidney Hutland! Fifth Alabama Dis trict; W. W. Woodpasture Second, T. M. Paul-Third, C. H. Paine Fourth, arid W. M. Smith, Fifth Tennessee District. • ■ London, February 2.—A Bucharest dispatch to the Times says the Moniteur officially announce? that Holland and Greece have recognized the independence of Rouinania. c ■ London, Febrnary 2.—Montenegro has ordered 4,000,000 cartridges from Austrian manufactories, a portion of which have been already delivered. ' Intelligence from St. Petersburg an nounces that a new revolutionary procla mation is circulated by the students of the high schools. The students draw a terri ble picture of their condition, and declare they will fight the Great Moloch, called the Russian Government, to the end, even though the best of them perisli. Tho inrodamation is considered important as showing the formation of a new party against the government.' ‘ Petersburg, Va., Febrnary 2—At a meeting of the city council this afternoon, a resolution was adopted authorizing the city’s financial coirimittcc to sell three thousand, two hundred and thirty-five shares Of the. Petersburg and Weldon railroad stock held by . the city, valued at $165,600. The stock was subscribed when the road was. built, and its sale is made to reduce the bonded debt of the city. Savannah, Ga., February 2—The foreign exports of tlris port for the past month, show an increase .of three hun dred and sixty tliousaud dollars over the same time last year. The pilot boats John It. Wilder and John Stoddard, picked up seven balgs of cotton and two bales of yams partially burned, on Sunday morn ing, twenty-five miles northeast of Tybce; also, tlie Port Royal pilot boat No. 4, pick ed up.p lot jri tlie same locality on tlie ? aipe day. The cotton and yarn of the _ wo'first named were landed here. Washington, February 2.—In the House the Committee on War Claims to day decided to report adversely on thirty Southern war claims, for amounts ranging from S200 to $6,000. , , j Before the Senate. Exodus Committee to-ddy, B.' M. Morris, real estate agent of Indianapolis, testified to abundant room and opportunities to work in Indiana.for a large number of colored emigrants. Thomas Mills, his partner, testified that lie and other individual Republicans, Wanted 20,000.male negroes to emigrate to Indiana to vote. It would be a good thing to scatter them around on cheap laud in close counties. Neitner witness knew of any organized party effort to draw npgrpes-toIndiana,.; ...... WASnufriTcrx, Febrnary ' 2.—It i? ex pected that the Secretary of the Treasury will to-day or to-morrow advertise ten or eleven millions ontstanding 6 per cciit. bonds for tlie sinking fund, “ • Wheatland, N. J., February 2. William Palmer was frozen to . death hi the woods this morning. Middletown, N. Y., February 2. Linda Young, aged twenty years, was probably fatally burned to-day by the ig nition of lier clothing from a hot stove. Her mother was very seriously burned while'trying to save her daughter. , London, Febrnary 2.—The operative cotton spinners of Oidham hay.c with drawn tlieir demand of ten per cent, in crease oL wages,, which they gave early in December last. . ‘ _ Dublin, February 2.—Rt. Hon. Dwy er Giriy, Lord Mayor of Dublin, jiriblisbjg a letter Saying t'.ikt the Duke of Maribor- ieutcnaiit of Ireland, in, re report to the President when any place Is dangerously infected, and after the official publication of such report, prohibits the transportation of goods of persons froin Sncli place into a place in another State, until the President proc<aims tlie place no longer infected. Also that the captains of all merchant' vessels coming from any for eign port betwrieh thirty degrees south and forty degrees north latitude, or upon the Metiiterrauean. shall show at the port of entry such, bill of. Ijealtli as tlie board re quires from tlie proper health officer at the , . . .. . , oiigli, Lqrd — — the efflefency of the National Board of > fusing, to^ attend the Mansion House din- Heatth.- It provides that tlie board shall j n er, descended from a position as the rep- " " " rcsentative of the Queen, to that of the representative of a ! party. , • Berlin, February 2.-LThe great rc T serve with which the majority of the French press received the news of the bill before the Buridsrath, for an 'increase of the German army, lias caused great satis- faction here. TJie Gemiari ' press, like wise, jn discussing .the bill, hat; with the, greatest care aVoided any s inimical tone against France. r ,1,! •! ' ' Qinuinnati, February 2.—'The repre sentatives Of theLbtusvUle, Nashville and CTeat Southern railroad met those of the Cincinnati Spritliern railroad, and the trristoes of the same tli?s morhirig, to ,dis- cusk' rates. TWO' Cincinnati representa tives demanded equal rates from here and Louisville. This- the Louisville reprer setitativcs declfiled tp’eoniredC, and the de- niancl tjeing put in'to.the' shape of an ulti- tlie meetiDg "adjourned vvithottt port of deiVarfitrei -■> Mr. Harris introduced a joint resolution autltoriziiig tlie President to call an Inter national Conference :to aijopt an interna- tionat system of notificatiou as to the saii- itaty condition of ports and vessels'leav- ing ports likely to be infdcted. hm Mr. Jonas presenteil tlie credentials of Randall Los:«lert*d6ei»t« r from Louisiana Jbr six years, beginning Match 4tl), J41NJ, nJiich were read , . , After'O'aiiSacting'unimportant business, the Seiiate'adjonnied at 8:30 p: Mr' - *' v In the Ilouso-Mr. . Thompson, 1: of Keii- tugky, iptrodiiced a bill providing that no claim of a citizen . whose State did npt rebel, sliall be disallowed! because of dis; iovaltr, unless Such proof cari be made agal6s£ the-claim as will convict tho (^imant of treason. ,»..a 'Mr. Blah»l,.of Missouri, introduced a bill inaklhg tlife 'mint free and’.open 1 16 coinage of the standard silver dollar iori the same terms and conditions as neiw, or hereafter provided. for the coinage of,gold upon provided by Mr. RobertsoD, of Louisiana, introduced a bill to repeal clause twentyvtwp,,of . tlie Texas Pacific bill, which claiise . grants Iaridsto : fiie New Orleans and Baton Rouge railroad company and to reenact it in favor of the New Orleans Pacific, rail road company. .■ i i vi 1. . B Mr. Gibson, of Louisiana, introduced q bill authorizing the Secretary of, .Stale to appoint agents to procure copies of aH pa pers in tlie possession of the French and Spanish - gbvernnie'fiif relating to thejiis- tory of Louisiana. The Speaker appoilit- cd Messrs. Feltori; of Gcoigii; PliiRips, of Missouri and McKinlay, of 01iio f . Visitors to West Point.' . „ . irr. Weld, ofYIissoun, from the appro priation coinmittce, reported the Indidri Appropriation bill.' 'Printed and recom .. jfr. Reagan, from tlie committee; on commerce; reporfedUe bill appropriating for the iniprovemenl’-of the Susqucbana river, $28 000. For continuing the work on Muscle Shoals on the Tennessee riverj $110,000. For improvement of tlie Davis’ Island dam on. the.Ohiojivmr, $75,000,and it was passed^ under -iPs^ension of the rulro. The House then went into the committee on revision ol rules.; rv;: •;! Mr. Reagan i offered an amendment to nilc eleven, which was agreed to, the ef T feet of which is that tlie committee on commerce shall- have the Same privileges in reporting the riveraud liarborappropri- tion bills as the appropriation qniqmfttas has inlreporting tlie general appropriation, bills. At Fo’cioekj'p. m., he House took a recess to-7.80; the : evening session to be devoted to. listening to: Mr.: iTamell’s ad Y^inNGTON,‘ Fcbrudiy 2.—The fol lowing case was decided in tlie United States SupremeGCourt to-day: Harvey the Teny vs. B. F. and J. P. Little^ frplil the ofstOckhblHers ^ Coint holds that ^suit should be brought in equity-by or tbroiH-creditors,-and that suit maintained at law by one creditor against two, stockholdersiwho are < i:o!j..iml\ liable any a^Tceihent. life ‘Louisville , rtpret dent'atives returned libirie. New York, February 2.—Parnell and Dillon have isstied addresses to the A trie r- ican )>eople,.IilAvhich they say the Dublin complished. She was drfessed in last and looked very charming. The sup per on the occasion was bountiful and ele- G* 11 *'" : ' -! f ' :,e -!/f- : ~ THE GEORGIA PRESS. Savannah,'is making arrangements for an asylum for lunatics." " ■{ .17': ; The telephone, says the Columbus Times has been operated eigh| hundred miles successfully. •. af .!■•>* ■ The Presbyterians of Fort Gaines sue without a pastor, .V j.... VJ The remains of the ether Irish lad, murdered near Jernigan, Alabama, is sup posed to have been found in the Chatta hoochee river. . . j; ‘ • j Columbus has ; a drunken, hypocrite named Larry Powell, who makes a nuis ance of liimselt by boring-every 'one. ; ; There are several old runaway negro caves about Lexington. .3 ; '■■■■> .. ‘> The Rome Courier says that the people of Chattooga and iYalker. counties are aroused on the railway .question, and a road from Rome to Chattooga is an assur- ed fact. . '• ,‘ ■ - 1 The Covington Enierjmse ■ announces that “Covington has a negro boy only six teen years old thaS Can read Gerinan, French, Latin and. Greek, as well as he can the English language.’’ -/After ho earns to spell a-bj ob,! however, wa'pre sume he will be able to readjtBt ! tlmt much better ,ii>. English than ilveUber, of theotlier languages, { ‘ : '' .'’.*‘ ui 1 . TiiorNtoN . Eclipsed.'A Oglethorpe Echo: Mr. James T: JotinSbh, f of Lexing ton, saj-s he has eaten eighty partridges ill forty days, can prove it by; Captain B. Hi Barnett, who caught them fop him, and is ready at.anytinie to repeat the feat if sotne skeptie'eanfumish tlie birds:’ -'i 1 - ' Tiie same paper says J A report reached us this week that a son of the qld map robbed by negroes of liis.pension ,money near Wiuterville, about two yedrs ago (name forgotten), had ft 'recountre with some blacks, near PleaSant HiR tlris week; and was cut to piece?.. Wo could not learn’particulars. Later.—Wc learn that Ihe whito man was at a negro fair selling jewelry, about .which he got into a .difficulty, and started to run,when four negro men. ran. after an' overtook liim. Onegasji across the baoi was nine inches long, and hb was literal);, carved to pieces. The wouuded-man was 2* J%dc.'' ' , 1 ''f"' , ' 'TnE farmers of this septiofi, saysi'' ti Albany Eeics, bard about cdiripjefed the arrangements,for the year’s'plantjng'op rations, .and have gone earnestly'to work. Much of the land lias been broken up and prepared for seeds, and In some instaniei tie hear of 6i>mplanting. • A great deal of guano will be used, but.hpme-made 1 fej-i tilizers are receiving more‘attention than usual. The financial ’ condition of Wife av erage farmer is perhaps better than IS J^'as been since the close of the waj-;' bht'opm is exceedingly short with many, ‘arid Western granaries will be drawn upon heavily. 1 Labor Is rilentifut. and Dftters the yea’rs work on satisfactory temis. Savannah Netci':' ’ List eveniiig about 7:30 o’clock, as car No. 4, on the-Whitaker street line, passed Broughton street, going south, the lamp in the forward part of tlie; car suddenly blazed up anil created , a ripple of excitement. The chndilctor re stored serenity by ''snatching the liinm frofn its bracket arid dashing it into!the street.' '*■ - > « -i '1 ' The Democrat says that the lilrie rib: hon lias at lastgotten a foothold itlfiain- bridge, and quite a nrimber’fhei®'liaris signed the pledge. ' - 1 ‘ «!’ *“ The Gwinnett' JIerald says the ’’tottOfi seed oil manufactories of Loulst-ille, Ry.‘, ; are reaping lieiVy profits.''' Wlft’do- 'hit! some of our enterprising qitizens lopk into this iiusiiife^ ! Thousands of- btislifeis of sCed rot annually and tivo^thinls -of 'tlie crop is used for fertilizers. 1 If 1 thflrepre sentations bf the profits to' bfe? iiide' in tlit? manufacture of oil 'ard' riot' liisStyt«!a' 'ft6 better Inislriess'citn be forindy .-i sill Says the - DeKnTb i M ectr:! Mr; : Go’za? who lives, about I three, miles, from.:Stone Mountain, in Browning’s district, .liai),.^ bale of cotton stolen from his‘li’onse on . . Tuesday night lott: ‘ It Wastriackvd to'the ij[aiisiiaVlIoiise H C<^iimittee is composed ; residence oi? Mr.-Jaiaes: Jollyj: Slro Jolly cmefly of laridlonls arid government place- : was examined before: Justice:Tt E. Cliewn J men avow"'’ 1 '- tr, tliA n»ml»l invon'Wednesdav. anil l)miil(Inrertr>-+,Hft theiv aspirations, aud is,.thereto] culiariy .. unsuitable' channel ing on! Wednesday, and bouild over to-the re,,» jie- ! Superior Court,- but niadt his escape- from- through {the hands of tUe balifl'--and; has- left ‘for Vlllllllll . lUlOllllUUIK VUWIUlbl UJluiljjU i — — . — — Wlilch to send relief to starving Ireland:' parte unknown. He lias A wife-‘ and two It ivas within the power of tliose compos-' " >- '- i - ‘ ing this committee, by their influence wit h tlie -government, to liave averted the famine.. Despite our efforts, they have persisted in denying, tlie danger of tlie famine, until the success of our -mission inspired tli'ehi with^.ile|ire to gain posses sion of tlmjfimdsV raised r ,in, America, and meauSorcrasmng allopprisition to tlie present land system. It is quite possible thaf, acting under fear of public opinion, mid as the.-consequence of our former warning, tliey .may now give relief to the starving,'tenants, resisting eviction j but it is not expected any man will continue to Work for tlie reform of the land laws when the daily bread of his wife aud children: depends on tlie comiriittee of landlords. It is our painful duty to warn the American people -against this mon strous atferiipt-to crush the movement rap idly becoming.too. strong for landlords. If the. Lord Mayor will remove Sir Arthur Gumniss, Mr. Owens,' Lord Meath, ex- {jolicitbr General David Plunkett, Colonel Taylor and a dozen‘of others equally no torious, arid replace them by men com- -1 ^ Marriage In Washington. Frtm the Washington Star we clip the following describing a brilliant wedding tt Wasluhgton City of a daughter of Rev; Dr. Wills, foffebrtj^of this city. It will be read ^(Jb^ip^elrest hy’.the tnauy friends ofthe bride iiarq: ,. jri j ... . j. A brilliant wedding occurred last even ing at tjic residence of Mrs. Ridgley, 1235 New York avehue. Mr. J. M. Field, of the Signal Corps, and Miss Caroline W. -Wilis, daughter of tho Rev. Dr. David Will?, D. l)->: chaplain U. S. A.-, were united in marriage in a solemn and im- poring manner. The ceremony was per formed • by - the father of the bride, Dr. Wills, assisted by the Rev. Dr. B. F. Bit- tinger, of the Westminster, Church, and tlie Rev. Joseph Kelley, of tlie Ninth Street' Presbyterian 'Church' bf this city; Among the prominent invited guests were Hon. Alexander. H- StephCns, Hon. Mor gan Wise, of Pennsylvania, Senator Kel logg And wi£eyMr. W. K. Kogei-s, private ■j) toih& Preshleut, Colonel Auden- r i. Peiin.Clark, ex-Governbr Dun- laff rind TadyyMiss "Mlnrilb SlbWeV Miss i Fanriie-'Faddis, ’Miss Cora Stover; Mrs'. with Washington, February 2.—Tlie Sen- ate in executive session confirmed tlie Yol- j iSSiss* <*&! ssey^ssaaftassESf small children, Whorii he lias drift! behind-. Mr. Jolly’s family standi high in* DeKalb county, and he himself has- -‘ail ways boeri considered an -exemplary And hoilestt young, man: It is ivitn much -regret that we chronicle this affair,' and hope that Mr. Jolly will return, suffer the penalty for his vvro'rig 1 doing, and yet become -a good citizen. •-'•■•'‘it- • -V 1 J«n*•:! In ;tliese days of railway sensations, tlie Elberton Gazette is determined not to be behind hand. It publishes th'a following which would do credit to ;any-which even “H. W.6.” could get-up: “The stirmises arc “partly correct, that a certain myste rious gentleman wlio- lias been about our village several times in the past week, has some connection with a now Western through railroad' rorite: We have been accorded' a ' confidential interview with him, but' arenbt yet at liberty to make liis statements public: This much we riari make public: An early new route from Chicago to Port Royal is being investiga ted by the most evperienced engineers, wlio are in the employ of; a company that was instrumental in demolishing the Cole combination. The route will certainly take in Clayton and Elberton and Augus* ta, and will certainly fiank Atlanta. We trill keep our readers posted as far as : wri can with prudence.” ‘ ’ f) -• ! i ;,: - y - Bainbridge Democrat: “Trirrercotin’ ty is improving; Randolph county improv ing, Early county is improving, and Thom as; county is improving, yet DeCatur i , standing still, because a' noble river'di- vides her and there' Is no bridge. across it. Build the bridge and Decatur will pt on^e head the march of Improvement iu Southwest Georgia.” ' ' Says the Hawkinsvillri Dispatch: Cap tain Henly, the agent, informed us yester day ere-ning tha‘t the MaCOn'and Bruns wick Railroad has done a heavier business at Hawkinsville, the present season,- than any year, within his knowledge, and lie has been, connected, with the road here for thirteen, years. He makes weekly remit tances, and the aggregate:receipts for the last four weeks have amounted to sevcii thousand fire-hundred and, eleven dollars and ninety-five cents, being an average of nearly two thousand dollars a week. Bet sides, a great deal of guano shipped,hero bad the freight prepaid upon it. ,■ !-j r i Savannah Mews: On Thusday night, shortly before 0 o’clock,-.,a dastardly .at tempt was made iby some vilfian to as- sassinate Rev. Jolrn- Nesbct, colored, pas tor ofjtbe:Baptist B.Lbieliem chmcbrhD qated at the corner of NewHoustoii anil Cuylecstreets, near theLaurelGrove cem- eteny^r The church ;ia.situated on an open lot, and just back of the pulpitis a large window, through .which the form of thq minister, who was in tlie pulpit conduct ing the evening sendees, was distinctly visible, the lights being jnslrover his desk. The villain who attempted the foul deed fired through this window, the shutters: of which were closed at the time. The ball passed through the hijuds and close by the pastor’s head—so,close that he almost felt it—and fell'to the floor; dfirforce bein spent by the passage through the'glass ani wood. The ball wa3 found to be a thirty- two calibre, and was evidently fired from a pistol. ‘ , • The pastor, recovering from 'the shOck of this narrow : escape, stated' totliecOti: S tlon, we are informed; that his life men threatened by .some -parties, and ho presumed this'attack had been made by one of his enemies/■ ’ - A venerable colored member of the church states that a certain colored indi vidual is suspected, Arid efforts will be made to apprehend him,' :^tfter the shot was fired some'of the congregation rushed out and caught a glimpse of a man re treating id the direction of’he qdmmoiis beyond, who had 'evidently come from the rear of the church. ' • ' ' •. : - In this connection we may state thrit the residents in the.Hocality report that it is nothing uriusual : to* hear .a nqfriber cf discharges of guus at- riight, and'hdnce those who,heard, the report-, of the pistol fired at the colored minister paid little lieed to it, and tlie attempted assassina tion was known qnly.-to thbse ivhb'iriire in the church. V 7;* "• -1 '«•-.*, " "VYe may; reriiark here that 'the reckless manner in which the long' range weapons of the present day ale useddfoakes it ne cessary that .sotae restrict‘Ou'ihri placed Upon tliri “inalienable” right 4 bf ‘c’airym" fire ariiis; 'and there'fi 1 tifiile- upon all persons • owning ariy wb; Pistols ai;e useless ahil dangC |hRKllI *«irin; ■ do foris:' ‘ , I fflsnoimT'Giir ■'■ix'OglethprjJe'fdttrtty faritih&pl-c ’SriU caufort nearly «very: J>oll <t« t i to noU BAiNiiKrDGE wants a fiee Wet best cotton market in Soetliwest Georgia. In the—late 1 —iir—fer Grange tw<fa*fc&iS&a 91 $fe9 fi €ift%S Ii afcBgi’^of rinliisutad oottbii weri Btmj&di aind i 'tiie wak-ehobs^, iiisttied'fer'SljSOOj WaS'a ikafl UOldim-'J to lIoiifil.Hjft'UJJf •-TfiE??editors •»P’'tbd Grtterisbifo' 1 I&rbm and'WafrteritoriGdPUbimij/'hdve'hbth Iril raark^ti"' : thrift ; * 1 -thri : 'bthrir is'ta 1 tfoflKey 1 . There hHid telling 1 vffiafc’-piirli'Of thri me nagerie each will be supposed toTepidifeht gddt?»rd>oiloi tied) mu 3111 ahIIoI hiIT p.Mtej JESffi, of MrtWiruto.sJl^Pr.iks.usna), op ShtordWl nightclub was found-deal thonextinorii. jjjgjt noitno.inon le-in-dd^-r *f -nil -10't )ii<| | Duii Jiiiri-.J ' .it lav* •isn^.ggit^tor, .,has,:a brother living in West Point,.Ga- Hfljs si farodudfrait -grower, add- >this- yharihas a negro woinau was Pound ulead .in a- car at Union Springr; 'She'gbtoob'the-fraltt opened at the . Springs yesterday morning she was found debdi. inside Ofit. Frdfii wliat-we.conld leai n it seems tliat no one at that place knew slie was : in. the cir until she was 1 discovered dead, nq ,i i«t- . ■Mini) < ■!■■■ ■«■<»».. ' ’.It A--/-.- I ■i :i.- • VineyilleServifces. "i At night,-Rev it. F. Jackson,’ ‘Jr.J Rector His fhthrir.' 1 said T thonght you were cd-1 pable of doing any tiling for pay; tliht'slan- der was your daily-avocation, and as you had deliberately falsified as- to me I be lieve you capable bf slandering your'own mother ■ 'for pay.- This is a- hard thing to eiy of any'man, but I believe it bfyou. ‘ • - • Yours, -u-'d - W.TL Bherman •• ' — nrirt- 1 • IA delicate phild is more subject to worms than a healthy one, as in the'econ omy'of nature, one anliiial ism'ade to.sub- sist upon' tiuother, and the weaker goes down. -'Af : the.'firafc indication of worms administer' ShritierV Indian ' V-ermifuge; the infalible remedy. ' ; ' Railroad Affairs—What Governor - Brown has to say of the Central Contract, and the Talked of Com bination of the “Cincinnati South ern” and Mr. Wadley’s Road. ;The Constitution publishes : quite -d Tririgthy 'jinlervieW o'f a ’reporter of' ‘ dikt pap^r, with ^fon. Joseph E, I^bwp^m which the Governor talks very freely, 1 and sajdl^ls and Intend? to‘continue'to be ii life director in the lYqsteia and Raifroaif, and jyili, serve. 'as its,! President as Jong as,'h majority.pi.'tlie stcekhoiders desire him, to do So, Though not consid- mero sensational Tumor.; .There iwerfe doubtless as many persons.,circulating it who, if they had alike opportunity, would have been plriased to, ’ make some ib6n4y> out'ofit: We- did * not choose -to make money 5n tliat way; : ddt *>dl bn* ■ Reporter—iCould, inqt y#>uy.mid. ) Colr onel Cole’s original plan of estahlisliing a great through fine totlieAVraf'becamed out ovri-’the Cinciniati Southfem? '-*'•* ■> # Governor BuowN^rThere are certain contingencies in, could be, done! Jt would bo about one. hundred miles further by that lhfb from St.' Louis; tttft the line'would still' be shorter from St. Lotus by Cindimati to 'Savannah, tbau it is to Nqw..,Yorkj- 8nd,the,:Ufl9 Wild have the advantage of - a net work, of jfeeders penetrating tub northwest,! and' going *- Chicago by-a shoVffer line thhri'the one „ ■Nashrille, ' which would inakA- it' very strong indeed, g- ; tt lo Tnjlyt .oil! h^'evehl! 1 .smnBon I consent to .’i-.iillTvz ia»iu re discnmma- congregatibn we (have - ever seen ih the’ number ,of cards: an<J .destributed in ; the pews s0- 'that all could pai-ticipate la the 1 wbreh5^.;‘ 1 ;T , hiri Vlney-jlHe Unibh! is pyobab'ly 1 ilte., ^est!. attc.ridcd, qf all .tlie. >v road , . .}{Uidion o) SiiU'i impose restrictions, pj- .make tions igatnst.'dfylorgaliiaiflom'drcflilway eomhlnatlon ! ^whatever: ‘All Bborild^be treated Htfkif anti thW ife What Is 'deinahd: od bydhoriaws of tlie Statie Of GeorgM'. •Tho G'otferiior takes ha stock in 1 llie 1 effort tohhild' theWestotn- toad,- thongllffidmi’t- tIng 'that his-irifetest in that enterprise; as W lar^efAtlaUta real estate holder, Was ! SUt periar-'to 'tllbnsfake lhaehe'owhetPiwthri lease of the Western and 1 Atlantic tfafll- road.- JffB -firsf duty Was tmiber'trriif to tkalMstiotaidediW him by. the rectors of that property. < He- did /not biped to dive to see the end 'of the Jfcaset, but liad pro 1 vided'idihis will that he:shonld -'cantinue t»be represdiUed by liiS -sons after life de cease: ■■ What tlie-Govei-rior said coneorh-i ihglhe Central riilrdad contract'and: its reported, combination witlhthe Cincinnati Southern, w‘e give, agifolkrw's:-.oft •«IT “ BkpoiRfER-i-Wrili, , ‘do^n3r’,tlfe ! piiKlf(‘ are verynttxious to know what 1 yeu-thirik about,tlieTQtifirmation of tlip lease ofthe (jrCUtol ! r !, ^ rna ^ i*mrinonr hvflin VaeliriUn aiidCliat ville ah'd controls tliri '-is’ashrillajcaiU Chattanooga: Do youdtiaukitlie ildase willbe carf-ied outi.2- rjtu sH rhiiohl i>n< irniiitiiU(i|i ,i- GpvKidroR i .BiA),w , N*J-l!>-dd hot think it probable. '- aid ui -dd«)fiad-> i>u« tbi4, •> :REi*ORTf:it—Itr isilfratnbnJd /fcbat'- tliri Cent rat railroad coiupimy. wUhdra'wsitd assent to the prop6sitiim inode fey-Galoned Cole; • is that trim ? ■ nl ,W / 9*0 inUl Governor Brown—I have good reasons for bqlierfng-it is. ■■ t ' ir.i-:-/-i .>1 •rReporter- 1 -Why: wai tiiiS dohoP'i:■ y! '- GovEiiNdR B.—I am -not supposed to kriow all tlie reasons which:-actuated tlie able Pi-esident and Board-of Directors of the Cfentraf. Tlie 'cirdirnstances having dntireTy charigedsince tlie prdposilion was made by Colohol Oole and-accepted by the Central Board, they may harotoll'not only that theyi wore unilor, no obligation,to Snt ot «J Volume LY—NO 5 :u<>8 lo inerii nl—- -Lent wiflbeghi orith llthofFebra!. ary. •Mhm ol jpth aijoiilaqeiu qiMtro , „ Governor B.—I idoi not wish to speak pri that subject at present^ There pro peri- lain contlngeiicies, if they ?liould happen, f hat would popularize that 'line inimense- ly ahd make it an exceedingly formidable comuetitor with- the Louisrille andNash- lines will'be competitors. neitlier having" advantage ’oyfcrtfie'ri'fher. As they' aiTO'Only, -contingencies rl’zniist Jeave thentjtoith & ffrinre.ilriw hoomm this' to be aCTOmplished, When the pWspefcts the Nashrille, Chattanooga* afidfituBonifet reii»ny,iunder-ita then, -control, than,they; . . are. ,U9W imder, tl-.e present cpmrql. , Ily^-- piaces,, of worship imor arpundiMacoau ever > 1 ®> not propose to discliss the rea- J sons which control the condWer of'btfirif 4 pCopletb* .V .7/ far- /•- ) vr-mri od n !IA MREi|oiyr^Pi-'V»ro ypn ,-ppt,, v^ignphi disappointed when tlie change was ny tf'i uwtea^^^ . .,, .Tqgssu. owtio-ji" St id V The Groy-OUeftr Cnse.>j* - i OUear, executor and ^ruxtre, was- still out -Instevening> with j-no prtJspeet of' a -e^-dict;' ‘' Tlie, Ctke Wa^ • s^bmitfod'to jtaYt 4 f ?’ cl ppt on^atur;^aj> “tfh'e spent the night in the jury :room; . Sunday was-alsoJ spent In the court ; - house.' ! Snn- 1 day night the;‘jiir^ Wa3 t^kcri,'to a lidtCl ahil-madg. comfprtahW Last; night,' was spent in the courthouse, (■m-unt -:i doiil.v The juiO'-s have heeri bnlyAlIowed tyrft nicals ‘ a'' day an^L 'altogether 3iayc‘ had, a rather, hard. ,timf• f, .Judge gipimons, iiowA ever, is anxious to get- a verdict from them if possible,' ak •the T ‘eaSe'has'rilfteidy ; cost the.county quite a sum of money..! It vu understood laijt' 1 eyqAipgj'' luai ’ it 11 stood nine for,the'piaihtiff.aii)ithree for'thq ^ WK,«a oi i J ‘ court Jtwgri: sent bkek to make* up, a va ;z»*!W>.'iiiii.,;) uvi i-'i.z:-; ;Gen9ral,$lwnna9.,Jn4icted.., ,. lfl On Saturday last the Northern, ,paperaj copied, formal..change pjT ‘jcpndnet ^i- cominganpffigeran()|pg9^^.a^.” i as^iiiiJ5,t General W. T. -Sherman, presented by General IL, V,.Bpyntoq^ uqw, jcp^, respojaje^,,^., .thg!,pinclf{nati Bpyntoju’s ^ifigp.b^is d)^t, anJ.iffeg,. sp?P‘ficatinqs,. afe.^pul^tgn^ajly', embrpped nifly following .cprresppq^enf^ .11,ii .’/to.,, iiitervievv 'ai^P pears in-thri Waslnngton correspondenoa 6 i tjie Cleveland.Lcnder of th&J5th Instantr aud, as .you .wlll.pqrpelye^ ,it, purport^ ^o, give your language. ‘ Of course 1 do’not' object' totliat part,- which treats of my criticisnt of your Mom- oirs; but I -am.loath;to -believe, that you anything To? the, moneyand,'*"Why, for a thousand dollars' Tiei WtJulifslaiia'cr IiiS' o^n'moth- ti&tOk $■!&'/!JltJO l>i tf'ltoitti £hu-S , :1 As -Vi purport io be ^otirexact words, l rn gWP,,??? -kpsjtatipp, in infonmng me if the correspondent nr quris- tfori reported fherri dorrectiy; ana if he did not-llz-aih->olrio ; sure--fyou- tiMUIprompUy disavow them 1 ,,.,yejy ! i-cspe.ctfully ) -,.| Jurtfirioil ir^M? ■ OF Tire ~ I dTbttV'JahTlirjr : id, I: JhV.' Doynton: -iSiR^aiihave received youxdetterijaclosingAiCopyofafJlavyiand paper which I have glanced at, arid recog; uizu as the report of a young man who came to me saying tliat yoii’had slandered so unexpectedly to you aud Colonel which prevented uur'consiimmatioii of this-aMffisS oilT f.oahT hoinfinl Iiad nO’personal interest iH the matter furtllei 1 tlfe'ri rily 'mta'frisf Hi rileWoebf. the' Western and! Atlantic,ifdihciul-iwas; tonb i»( Bat'bOW' the baby ia restless Auft.-csita itoostoariy? ;to/yifflgoP^,^i’^iRahRdgyKBL>> : ‘=0antoTbri b< If cm^'liiay'yud^B Iroitfj«)rtK6m prints, a good deal of imtation bas-'tiriseh iii PonrisylVariia'orPthd' thttd tortu ’pro ject: - While it isea*8y<i«ibttblett3i«Hi-»itti jority of ?thedRcpubikS*n «veteta in fn f tftS State (aari t opposedtd 'ify Sritiatof IkAi' Oimt eron' has d£teririine<dito masteu tliis' oppof sition. : Ile struek at first for a deciaPatfdB by tlie State; alia*unit, for the’tlii*.! tesfm; but Ills counsellors arfe- 'tiyitig hard,*’ and so for! in vain, to content himyttith Sftnply lioliliug the Blaine 'check; .’and pi-eifeiltirig', any adverse dectoytiorij: t-But Camdron insists om wnHaiy - act ion,; while the Republicans opposed/!to-Ahe :third term are daily becoming mforri '■ iad-iBiore incensed atulife-efforts of Doai Caqseroti to throttle.and drtagotin them ' ikiW: siibjnist »ion*::: Agi-eatidealbf ill feeTnig is arising in -the. St ate,-and :the idespotic; attitude! of the Great- Don-is )not-<{popularizing, the third term sensation, him silt vlswial th-Ji-i ai<il«-i‘«!i> --otto e '^.V^i-no luiirdf -alT ihh'‘riWria&h^,' , syys''^ t\i , e 1 uiM ,0 aua: soiritlfdre’is a'ilmi ! tlarurili’rij!brf 1 UOatinglce. bill oh Ffid^m trie / ri'\ c er°tfa£'b{&i tniiiit'wmi'toted 'fi^e^ -iSTV 1 ' Alliari^, hUd” in ’ tbdstriamrirs'^re’riiikiftgdSily taips. 11,3 W' • tilemer’feria, fft-sf ttrii^ in tffe'p^rifc' eeriYtiiy 1 ; ! lriS' > L , H6e of Zurich is frozfi^WP^atid 1 fhe 'rifac’i 1 figs lriountpinqus ^9119, of, ^lyltzerlanj;,fi^s been jinil^ an^.h^lpiFiilhat of (tl^a lowlands has bfieij^xcfifidingly .qof^.;. Baiis and tlie whole,pf stfriMje wriih ,.:i —'■■■ iiumr-i.-:', Macott arid" Branswick Railroad * BGoibwaihot Mng9)i>*ihiGl ahtouA iThe situation: of<Xhe -Macon And Bruns-' wick railroad lease reitiaius rimchanged sd far tfrif . \Vlcrk, to'tlie r 6ffoc(! 'tlisc£' : tlie lessees' liaVe' iiiade tiidff 'aSrarigtiriulli , ts\b tliri $250,- 00t/required liilf, tiiit before' 1 cohimeriii- 1 Iijg , lUl6’ li eiitcrisf3ri',' ,i ''(lTir 'aWHtt {lie mriel- tte 1 W°<* ! ri ! ditfoU‘iiiat ''teey s'6ttWdriii tii<r^6,ttto l, &&.ii? 11 “•* We cSriiiot^briliHvfi that"’ike '/M^'partf - ..mThn London JVtdA says that the total number of Afghans -hung ,at Cabul is 96-m a pretty bloody month's work,with; the gailows, if/ud-.dt g,:h(ib n.,|i*fimi-> 01ft ol -»-An, exchange tells of a - jrottng tafiy who, in wrjtingto®. confidential friend, stated that^^wos po^pngage^^tt 6 ^at nclejid.^boyB,, thfi^orizon.,about a^ilaigqaSja.rean’shand^j.^,,, —While a bystander on a fashionable Street of.Jtoston^vas taking notes be,say «Wteiw> an d a h^? ^fty-fiyv peqplq>vho wore eyeglasses*. Thirtjy-four were ladies by ; And,twenty^qa.were.)5ie9^v a t K3a ,, T —A man who had $65 stolen from him X?ceiycd.&, npte ?sRh f ri26, saying: Stofed your money,- .Runjorse saws:at my conshens, anthL send soma-of it , back. When- rumorse naws. - again I?U 1 send you. spmemore.’li-,n->Gizo [iuronoq fulllo —The Suez Canal receipt are reported tff hayje..decreased 15 187S $323,200,. from nt J877,.. &nd ,1870,.’showed,- greater .falling pfj“. Ab^sjt three^quartere ip^thenYfifsels passing through ani British*. ^j^jThe^lieik-nlpIslam ^as-tailed on >tihe Constantinople authorities to prevent the V\e^ipg of Paris _ b.oots, lou;.' dresses, anij ilWfiitf ,^y Mjn^s^Jman- -.'ffjwien. to'tlie practfeabilify'of ’i 1 gi^af fi&tiigii llife-frotn tlie West to a 'BouUt-Atiii'ritSri seaport. -He audil hadalwaykldilieretl tails location.*, Gn Sfitountof ^.fmner. Connection .with .tlie Georgia railroad,.lie wanted ta go to T’ott Royal. 1 wayS Vefy‘a!nxi0as tO 'havO' oiie : 'of' thtr portshoB Georgia selected;; and'; always, thought £ayauuah th(uyopqr.pcuL.,I pepd, not now'.discuss the rmpprtancc of. such, a line! 'In my opinion it trottlunafre been the "grandest' iuoveihent - for - th'e 11 ■futilre 1 of Georgia, that has ever - been! inaugural, tefl,jwdtlip failure .of it,.I coiisider asnhq lie calamity; as it would unqifc-stionably have niade Savannah, a great* dx^irtiiig* and' iihpertln^ city,' and -Would* iliive 1 caused vast quantities: of-freight both Ways, ta-jx? carriqdpreiitho. torpiigh.-lmfi the whole length of Georgia, 'which is not otlidrwSse' likely to‘be fcrirried. TlieVh' would nob only have, 'berin vast 'espo'rts 1 tlirougb-tho !,port!,of Savannah; hut. tho importation of goqds-foj t^e ^Veef, w ould, linvp.;been tery heavy opi thr shire; and 1 large' nufriberS* & from tue'old ‘world] would have 'this linBl&rtbttgreat,'fcsW&nd:in,;ipassri |»5 ll >re«Sri ous^Rft?-, ,wun^'V, WLffi them w.puld Jiaye desjred to, stop) by the for in. rifhf itritt^seWle ambrigus-."*Btft It' is 'nrif liecessarj- to disenis tins' matter fortbere Fortheiime jat-least l,-Qcmsidei;dtiie .pip fe^-^elilVonnlust exeiisfi 1 inP, . u . lu .riri^ ri'littleTnroj’Our personal af fairs;* > Itfias been; reported that the unbve- menthet.wecnj'piVftlidfCfilonpl.Cole.and- e Central nultoaa; was intended as a WWttlYniWcifiefit,M f 'ttrabloyoti'to'make a good speculation in stock. Was that ttnilffjiliuoq ISrtilflM GOyEBNOB Of the tbrimisibii : wCrearihrid: 1 Befig ori the ln3ido/Uisaw,.Teiyiin4tnrally;the effect It wfipldibftYSiPPWi thfi stpqlf pf tlip row any reasonable amount'-of ,, diidf as 1 the < sfock' ! v w£flt , tijl'fiftettt' ; odntsoir the : doliar,!In i-,fqwfjdays -IWould ihavct made a lvge suni iby sueli speculation. entirely open for it. But as ft ri'M iriy' Wish'tp ! fcbririect 'my SiUni'HtMr ftri"trarisadtioU , ''!h'"JiI drifetont ‘<m»njier eathrelypl nrifher bought, wir soid asin- glfi shyrq pf.thestwkpfllta ing the period,qf t& nerotlations; nor at any time'siricrij f Sha I'am” 'riof'-tlie 'riwrier 6fa slirigle'Miarerontr'dColoridliiCoteiliad purchased,a! tlMA^outl shares, as, J uniler- Waqley, ; ahd before lie knew that any sridtfdonfritifiria'tttfri'' Ok 1 Httfi'‘rhkcai^i was pOfiiblfe.'^-ne^ boUght as -;*u- investment; ami-Iauidoratan^heihohisiijlijg, tjipusamj shares as such, and I believe that Colon,-'" c lr np reason to ’ey, whose coiirsri 0 a]so complains of cafes being frequent- jfil.^.fe^.pf.^hgious ser r vice. "*? -^uge' 'groiise ■^rom ’the' 'feociy IhStis fidfe recCnhy appeai^d'iri '~’ ~ '~--‘ Uiei^' flesj), w'tuch! ruTmuif omaiic °ur ^ S^ffiwiighfrom'^ix' toeighi ponndis: imS frrim-four f £ 'vfL.' beed-ptaciiased'bya MfS.'lMataiifa'Rrown. Oftthhl^iity: It ttrmprifees' , d, < l00 • aerrisi Chiefly covered with' 'Orchards^ THe'onty buildings said to be on the dstatid are a. dwellingilwuseAnda paper-mill? ,tsdi,,td T»e r'BENNrifhTON VlOTGHY,*-^NriSv Hampshire, 1 Vermont! arid' * Massachusetts haviiig raised $40,000-for a uioftutriehtitt commemoration UfJolKi-Starkri Victery at Bennington, Vermont, over the British tinder General rJBaunr, August/16, !1777, petition. Congress foa national recognition aud nu appropriation of $20,000.- ,-'::>i ibi -rifsJiilq'^stated. tliat ox-Judga Henry Iu OUntOR- has . determined, to commence - a suit, for $250,000, against Mr. William. H* Vanderbilt,for. profos3iouai.serriees- ren- ileredin.the contest,ovteriiis'father’s wRl, Mr.; Vanderbilt havingidechned to payithe hill pm th« ground that it is excessive/ not .iKSANPiERmb-Bs! Erinckly Gift.—Wil-i yirgima> the gift being l i^fi 0, Yp,I ) fTJ/?J lu tariV lecent-callupou ■ a -yafide^Ut>-dVith him.lp relatiottto Mrt VG?, McCormicktj giftnf a.,tft!egepP)? f° . Mr Yapderbilt’? glffonakes Mf-- j ,>.RuickH gift ayailablq. . K , lo , 5)!aI i'TW > P< China ; ,Mereba,nte’.. /ItejaistthlQ [Company lias proved a fornnd^le British steamers in the Chinese coasting trade! a;ut now, according to the.’Ste^^id Jfc’rcury, ’ it proposes tri corn pete, 'ri-itu n: , io jr.i v*-. - fitif 0,0 j liloa rinTob uft •“ American steamers navigating the Pacific, the Sand ,1:111,7--07 m-UH engage m the passenger , Cauton, Honolulu, Wla ^aaJFraSdSS^^ forqign.grapirear: ket a'rri not favo oFffife'^Ats'ttlfc/rorth’iV'thh'lielm- frire'^ofilft !iri?isl>rit , ’t'ri'' make 'iny 1 ’sicii' forili£h > ' 1 ri'aW;aifr’ ’^The' 'secSntf {, Morigagi A«Wa‘'A^ h6rid^S'\ah1e : ss7rom 0 fli^ir^ottg^e^&urift&’URl'lajrio satisfy 1 tb'e' riiiidritiY lliiy 1 ’wire pieced to cover,! h'SficeVW- 1eR'io meOf thri’tAaiAiS'offlie’ secoi'A hatch'. Again, stlcii a'iAoj)<)siti(|n w'o'ujd'jie an^ct of in. our.'Jones, Jasper, iuri'ty r, frie'n'dS, 1 ‘wi jri’Sttd^ 1 RohftS: d^k^^na'VA^Itite'A prisri'if c^tcre’kAi,' ’ ' FmaTiy,' ‘ ■ori6 r ' grriit'' tft)j4fcf' Of'-'' the' Att’ leasing the road, was to open up a new line to Knoxville 'OtUP Cinciimati, or by sume^ther ikite to tile great"AYcit,- which- would insure ^Jjealttotjcfljppetitiou with ling,orean^atRiM. \ „, rP . . e 1 ' ^lace no reliance; therefore, upon thri ahove htory; as it woUld'lii-a'etidaily vk*' cate tile lease. - Jail! t u,-h<-« .1iio»tk| siff .‘Re.prgan'pftlie' ; BrjtWi!gi^|^ says that if Is unlikely that any^ marked rise can be expected before May oWJurie. It wili not eahsedhe 1 A-rirericsin hMlrt airiy sorrowlif-the grain riiarket* domes tb ferieh SjteCuIatotsiiathe sfaff.-oiftlifeiareieckote ed aspiibiiC reneinies; 'andrevdiybridy will 1 bbgladtto lieArioirtlieirbreakdovyriJ »'*' !> Arurnsber oflrtShmefvholtf doifinmnds’ in the aniiios- bOtlDoflCnSl* andH’em.'Thri chief officer ot'th&'Peruvi&'rP'srtrllel-y iB'® Colonel’ O’Holgttn] ri«d,:-d»erior'ditig to th'« Gazette >6f 'Iiima; < tlie re atfe-’fl tbirtetni ‘Captains,'’ and*orier-fri'o -scoreiof officers of tnforior:graideyeithed'Irtshibyi birth oRldesecntf fihhtlri^ iuthe-'tiriuy'oC Peru, while tlie Irish element in thri-vieftta! rious forcesA»f4ho hOttihvreiJubUciis.flvpn greater. ,v«b(,-oIu 4F»ii b">Ion*qfifi raw /-,. (_ ojrirJthasfioriyeffie pastTteennUfiposqihla towntp graitdioomitty Seatpfiurnished^iit England fjoL‘.,inorO'rtlian $5,000,,,a yffuy shooting included,>andahero are very ; few places more :tlian forty, nfilesTrom London wliieh, would rent for that. In fact,, a fine Old fanrilyBe£ft:is<oliO:of,Uiq-ha!dertpla!cea to rent; we 11 unless it haa some, ^extrawRa naryl advantage,; because precisely ,th^ class of people .wlitt brant such places hayq got themof tbeirown.m Those who vv,apt ,,;Her^j>l|^ wro Taming^ver^.ljard repo^^yelations ,^nd W ought to know The truttoftiffi? to tlite inottfEirit, if any defiriitri fcrriafy-liaS herifi agreed 'ttpfftt -he ir, tw^^en ,, th'^ / -“Ceritrril” 'and' , ‘iCindmrati Sorift’ern,” ; thS' fact n hatf ririt 1 trarispiredl M’r. Wad'ley stated- : squartfly;“however} tbit tifo '‘‘Ce'Atrtil’ , -' i ivm co-dperate: -with et'Arj^ft^airijMtio’fi'thatf traelies'ri’riy of his “corinStifioriS'’ ^pferfetftly-fhir!! terni35 without the least partiality or discrimiriiy fioAToi r t5ri"'agafns<-' th^foi''* This is' -but riblit artct’fitorier: ^Bflf^kill-We' hold-:to tlib' belief Wat, soonfer <n* : ratAri/' ft witl "b« to the interest of Mr.JJadley to'-'Cembiiie with, the Ginoinnftti Southcrpisnd Irt'estem and AUan tie-road, tofprm,a grpnj through hrankiroad, from, tiie' Wcsfta ,U»e, -Georgia seaeoast., ii.Tjiei subject hap b?pn ^oQ gcrj- era% and. ifavprablj: i yent ilatcd,; lioy;pyer, and the advantages to.accrup frow,t|fc Cple r fawored oi^ ! oj^ticsiBgers,,, She/bpj ijs Jx^tjoyal ffiyo^ ^andh^fj. earnings fabulous,! iji thfiir,amQgpfi iifitiJfe5^oipiJ^i}ce';and her wealth bring their disadvantages, among which: ^.t^edaiily. js^ipjt pf,fio ( ript;lc!Ssh!^i giug letters wlierever slie appeals. Af Berlin one night recently, the aged Einpe- reJi^ct^jly^^nt on thestage, pf theRoyi^ kjpeSH',^> ’coqgratriia^.,th<j diya;,‘hnt,the papers,.whJfih clu-pnlclejthjs priblielr also- some , letters, one^^of,, vj;hich.readi pWyWl&i,y% fib.AjipA.Irnow vy,e. !^jy r in^y,' and. we will bless ygu.wrej-lasfjriglv,” ; .(rtrjantes Frasex, ^Lsjiop o^jManchester^. is a sdiolar aud a gentleman of,a noble and a kindly nature. ,One bright trait wa^ perpr morp pleasantly sjiown .than upon the occasion of bis marriage the other day when he seat a check.of $l.;i50,tb the poor of the p arlsbes ip arid about "Mant cliester, saying in tlip acconipanyliig letter to his agent: •‘To-morrovv,' all' beinglwell, will be rivy weddiiig-day, and in .tjlie, mfoaf of my own. happiness .1. slKaiid like to mark the day by some little effort to pro mote comfort of others in the • tnidst iff was - so .,entirely.*.seit-sacij'f;cing in .the Brown-Wadley exploded i .coptia,^ t,.t j lire. ’ The inaniagewas 0011- whole trarisaetton, speeulatoil to the ex-! forth so sU'onglyythat it-cuiruot bo ignored | ducted ia the simpfipJ., most ;iiiprctentipua tent of ii dollar on the stock. That was a in future.