Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, April 02, 1880, Image 1

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/ — — GEORGIA JOERSAE. & ESSEIBGER. CL1SBT k JONES, Proprietors. The Ka. milt Jon ska l.—N «ws—Politics—Litcraturs—Askicultur*DoSisti: GEORGIA TELEGRAPH BUILDING ESTABLISHED 1826. MACON, FKIDAY. APRIL2, 1880. Volume LV—NO 15 ATEH-P.RIV IN A WORKHOUSE A five-o’clock tea-party on Easter Mon day, preparations made for fifty people, entertainers sixteen in number, with this reversal of the usual order, that they went to the guests, instead of the guests going to them. What style of party could it be? Instead of making conundrums about it, we will say at once that it was a feast given in a London workhouse by some young ladies, and the guests were helpless, incurable old women—the halt, the maimed and the blind of three wards. And since we hear so much ot the wretch edness of woikhouses, perhaps it may be a relief to know of pleasure sometimes given to the inmates, and it may stimu late others to do likewise. A friend of ours lias for many years had the habit of visiting and reading once a week to some old women in a workhouse, and at Christmas giving them a tea-party, at which it has been our privilege to as sist in pouring out the tea and banding the cups. We look forward to these oc casions with real enjoyment, partly for the happiness given, and partly for the amusement derived from studies of char acter. Early in January we were rela ting some of the deliciously odd speeches made by the “old ladies,” and saying how intensely they relished their cup of strong tea once a year, when one of the young girls who were listening, exclaimed: “How very nice to make those old crea tures so happy! Why can’t we give a treat, too ?” The idea was received with enthusi asm, and it was decided on the spot that a tea-party should be given at Easter, the money being gradually raised in small sums. Young people with strict guardians are not apt to have large amounts of ready money. Somebody sug gested that the appropriate receptacle for the .collections would be a tea pot, so a shilling was at once solemnly deposited in a little Dresden etagerc thing, that had never served a useful puipose before, and then,from time to time, sixpences dropped in, and even pennies, till the moment drew near for it to he spent. In the meantime we had gone to the matron of the house, and consulted her as to the recipients of the small bounty. Of course her permission was necessary be fore anything could be done, but we knew beforehand that we were secure of that. We knew, too, that she is so kind and ju dicious, that wc" could put ourselves un reservedly into her bands, trusting to her to do the very best thing. “You spoke last Christmas,” we said, “of some helpless old people who have no friends at all. Would it not be a good thing to give this treat to them?” “Yes,” she answered rather doubtfully, “it would indeed be a good thing, but some are paralyzed, some are blind, and perhaps your young ladies might like more interesting ones.” “Oil, no; their aim is to give an unex pected pleasure, and bring a little extra brightness into their lives.” “Well, will you come tip stairs, and then you can judge for yourself. That’s the best plan.” So up stairs we went, into a ward with nineteen or twenty inmates, uwiy *u «T whom were permanently bedridden, while a few old women sat in arm chairs by the fireside. It was quite touching to see the atTcction manifested for the matron; she had been very ill, aim was just able to resume her duties, and those poor old fa ces brightened up wonderfully aft the sight of her. The entrance of a stranger was of itself an event, and the interest be came almost sensational when the mat ron said : “This lady has come not only to make you a visit, but also to arrange about giving you a tea party in the Easter week.” Needless to say there was not a dissenting voice—everybody approved the project. Wc said a few words to each one. Seme were very old—eighty-nine, ninety, and upwards, and one woman said she was a hundred years old. She was en tered on the books as eighty-six, but her brother had visited her last November, and shown that she must be far beyond that age. He was the youngest of twen ty children, of whom she was the oldest, and he was seventy. So the old woman could scarcely he short of ninety. She was large-framed, and, though bedridden, looked good for ten years more. Some were paralyzed, and could not speak dis tinctly; some had outlived theii intellects, and chattered vaguely, making me think of the old grandmother in one ot Dicken’s books. After that we went into a second smal ler ward, and then into a third, of the same general character. All these were clean, airy, and cheerful-looking, and the attendants seemed kind and gentle in their manners. The matron told us that in the larger ward she had five able-bod ied nurses to wait on the helpless old wo men, and that neither care nor expense was spared to make them comforta ble. Many of them probably have never been so comfortable before in their whole lives. When we had gone through tli-'se wards the matron said: “There are forty-one people there, and the nurses will make the number up to fitly. Is that too many for you? And do you find the old people disagreeable?” Wc assured her we were satisfied with the quality and quantity of the guests, and would now proceed to discuss with her and the master what supplies we should send in. Counting for fifty, here is our menu, with the prices: £, s. d. Tea, two pounds and a half at 3s. the pound 0 Cake,twenty-five pounds at 7d. the pound 0 Biscuits, seven pounds at 7d. the pound 0 Bread, six loaves 0 Sugar, eight pounds at 5§d. the pound •' 0 Jam, six pots at 7d. each . . 0 Butter 0 Oranges, fifty at Is. the dozen 0 7 6 14 7 £2 1 11 So that the cost of our tea party was as nearly as possible two guineas. It cer tainly was not an extravagant entertain ment. The question of supplies being settled, we said good morning to Mrs. Douglas, bearing away her assurance that the old ladies would talk of nothing else till the grand day should arrive. The day came at last. All the things had been bought, and the cake had been baked on the " previous Saturday, to pre vent any untoward accident; therefore, when we went to the workhouse at half past four on Easter Monday, the tables were laid, the cake cut, the jam spread on slices of bread, and the old ladies sit ting tip in bed waiting for their tea-party. We were- sixteen in number, grown people, boys and girls; so we divided the ibrecs as equally as possible, taking espe cial care to allot to each room one hoy, having found, from experience .at the Christmas treat, that the “unfair sex”was the most preferred. “If ydu don’t mind, ma’am,” they would say, “we shonld like a yonng gentleman to wait tipdn us down here.” • The 'ordinary workhouse tea Is made very, weak, and boiled with the milk and sugar, consequently one operation suffi ces for “pouring out;” bnt this, of course, was not our plan. We had the best tea, made very strong, and milk add sugar was to l>c added as each one should dic tate. Poor old things, how they did enjoy it! “This is beautiful, ma’am,” they kept saying. Some could not hold the cup to their lips, but they sipped away while somebody supported them; and as soon as one cup was empty they were ready for another. The bread and jam were even more popular than the cake—a greater rarity, perhaps; but full justice wa^done to each, and. slices of cake were put away for the next day. They did not forget their manners, either, and would refuse the dainties with “No, ma’am, I thank you,” till we urged them to take more, and then they would help themselves, saying, “I don’t wish to seem greedy,” or, “I’m afraid ot seeming covetiout.” At last their capacities were exhausted. There is a point at which even an old wor man can drink no more tea. The nurses had a fresh spread; and we went from one to another, to chat, and to find if they had been satisfied. The doctor had said it was a pity to give a party in the large room because the poor old things were past enjoying it, hut he was mistaken; every single one declared she had enjoyed it greatly. One woman, on being asked, “Have you liked your tea?” replied, “Yes, I likr-1 my tea; and I liked being waited upon by the gentles.” Another said, “I’ve been five years in the house, and this i3 the firet time I’ve seen a party. Some kind ladies come and read the Bi ble to us, and the nuns come to the Cath olics, but that’s duty. This is the first time anybody has come for fun.” Surely none of them were the worse for that fun. All the attendants are kind; the women said they were as good as pos sible to them, and they had all they could wish. But think what it must be at its best! Think of being always in the room with several people, never alone, a bed close to youre on each side, and never seeing any beyond that set of people, whether you like them or not; the endless monotony, with the despairing ieeling that nothing can change it; that one day must be like another, except in getting worse till the end. And so few of them have any re sources in their own minds; some are too '■ ill or too feeble to read, too weary to sew. ■ Think of this, and them imagine what an occasional tea-party must be, with its un- • accustomed viands, its service of “gen- • ties,” and the flood of new I thoughts brought in by the new * events. If it were only to criticise our toilettes, we left them ample subjects of conversation. N. B—We made a point of dressing very prettily and smartly. The idea of putting on “anything for poor peo ple” is a great mistake. None are so crit ical, or so acute, or pronounce mdre posi tively on “real gentlefolk.” One old creature of ninety was very funny, talking all the time, saying all sorts of odd things, and raising peals of laughter from the younger ladies. “She must amuse you very much,” said . one of them to a bedridden woman in the same ward. - She turned her head wearily on the pil low and replied: “Perhaps it seems to you, miss, for a little) while; but when its clack, clack, clack, all j day long, it’s tiresome. She’s terrible noisy.” The only young otbimiu — naa - interesting face, and at once attracted our attention by the difference between her expression and* that of the rest. The matron said it was a very hard case. She had been a governess, respect ably connected, but sJl her friends were dead. She was slowly dying of a painful I and incurable disease, and nothing was j left but the workhouse. On talking with | her, we found her very grateful that it had fallen to her lot to belong to this workhouse. She said nothing could ex ceed the kindness of the people employed in the different grades—as for the matron, they all loved her dearly—and the nurses were very good. She seemed cheerful and j really satisfied. We were told by an at tendant that she was generally very nice; j but she sometimes got into such rages of temper that they were fairly afraid of her while they last|d. Still, they knew it was disease, arid took as little notice of it as possible. One old woman was very poetic in her language. “I feel as if you were angels wandering ont of your proper sphere.” “Oh, no,” said the lady to whom she addressed this flower of speech, “I don’t know about our being angels; but since we give you so much pleasure, we must he just in our right sphere.” On the shelf above her bed we saw a well-thumbed copy of “The Pilgrims of the Rhine,” and found that she often read “that lovely book,” and this accounted for the wandering angels. I fancy an author ought to consider it a high triumph not only to be read by the refined and culti vated, but also to give pleasure to a dying AGRICULTURAL. Farm Work for April.—With the Last Week’s Cotton Figures. The New York Chronicle, reports the receipts of the seven days ending Friday exception of the first half of March, the spring has been so favorable for farm op- ’ ni ° bt ’ “ Ctl1 inslant > at o3 > 410 bales, a-,ains u erations, that we presume most farmers . CO,60S bales for the corresponding week of are well up with their work. A spri.ig, : last year—showing a decrease on the however favorable for early planting of wee »- of 7079 bales. Total since 1st of com, may not be favorable for cotton, . and it is well not to be in too great haste J SeP^er 4,447,66?, against 4,119^20 for about planting the latter. We think it is , the corresponding period of the previous a good plan to plow, or at least run rouncotton year, showing an increase of828,- the early planted corn, then plant a part of" .yobalgs the cotton crop, return to the corn .and j ' . ,, " , . , . . plow thoroughly, and finally finish plant- j Chronicle s table of interi«r port ing cotton. In the upper portion of the : business for the week shows receipts 17,- cotton belt, most farmers are still engaged 329, against 34,6S6 for the corresponding in planting com or in preparing land for cotton, ana but little of the last will be planted until the latter half of the month. There Isa very general complaint of scarcity of good seed for planting, and on this account early planting involves risk of greater loss than usual.— Christian In dex. week of last year. Shipments, :j2,256, against 44,385. Stocks 266,120, Against 131,463 at same dale last year. The Chronicle's visible supply table showed on Friday night last 2,510,808 j bales of cotton in sight, against 2,447,259 — -o •>— Ground Peas.—April is the proper at same date in 1879, 2,780,515 in 187S, time for planting ground peas. The Ten- ! an< i 2,0S9,917 in 1877, at corresponding more prolific and certain of a good crop, &>*249 bales, over the supply of last jear Ground peas will not fill well cn soils de- at this date, and a decrease of 270,007 ficient in lime; hence an application of ba les on the supply of 1878, and 479,409 >»'<* «»■'>« s“PPly of 1817 at same date,. not desirable, but rather a shallow soil with clay near the surface. The analysis of the chufa shows that it Middling upland in Liverpool last Fri day stood at 7|. Last year, at the same date, the quotations was 5|—in 1878 it contains the elements of nutrition in such was the same, and in 1877 the quotation quantity and proportions as to make a , was 61. very excellent article ot food. The fol- j *’ lowing are the constituents of the chufa, I The Chronicle's weather telegrams of according to Dr. Jackson’s analysis: Wa- Friday for the week ending that day, re- bbrous matter, 12.45; starch, port the Southern rivers subsiding rapidly 27.00; sugar, 12.25; wax, .40; fat oil, 16.05; . . , . ‘ mucilage” or gpm and albumen, 6.5. and plantation work resumed. Texas had some splendid rains. In Galveston Fertilizers for Cabbage—“lam , , T „, .. convinced, after several years’ trial, that f° ur da J TS and °'“ b > Indianola five cabbage require rich manure, and it pays, days and 1.09; Corsicana one shower of when stable or barnyard manure is not 0.34; Dallas had a frost. Wheat and r a i Ch bone i Xst t0 or ad s d uSos S ^ate m tesei oats we “ ^injured by the previous cold more nitrogen and phosphoric acid. Early sna P- Brenham had no rain and had not kinds of cabbage, I also think, require suffered so much from the cold spell as richer soil than late sorts.”—B. Smith, feared. The lowest point in Texas dur- Rome, New York. ing the wee k was 43. Management of Peanuts.—The! . • . . ... „ , most tedious part of the work is the pick- j •“ s t° Louisiana, there had been 1.48 oi ing. Unless the management in the barn rainfall in New Orleans, but none in is carefully conduced there is danger, Shreveport. In Mississippi no rainfall, willbecome heated and mouldy!’* 5 Until but 5-52 thc k bef “ re ; ^ Arkansas the pods are thoroughly seasoned, the fair weather. In Nashville but two light bulk should be frequently stirred and showers. In Memphis but one. The turned over.—D. N. Kern, Lehigh county, ; river was at a stand, and farmers plowing ^* a ' _ , _ _ on uplands and high bottoms. Mobile re- though notn^^S^alty o^SS ceiTed 105 , of rain during the week. Mont- lias demonstrated that that part of the S om cry only 0.40, SB0 Selma no rain. No State is well adapted to their growth, j serious damage from late overflows in Al- wliile Mr. D. C. Schultze, near West Point, on the Western border of the State, has illustrated successful grape-growing there. Railroad Matters—Latest News. The survey of the Georgja Western has ien the tables liad all been cleared away, a suggestion,, was made that we should sing the Easter Hymn. Some of the old people liad said sadly they could neither get to church nor chapel, and Eas ter scarcely seemed Easter without it. So after hunting out- hymn-books, we all gathered in the largest room and sang for them. As a musical performance the singing was beneath criticism; but the fa miliar strains were precious, and unlocked the hearts of the listeners. “Ah, look at the old things,” whispered one younggirl, “see liow they are enjoyiug it. They’re crying as hard as they can cry.” Blessed tears! and happy those who caused them to flow! Then we said good-bye all round, and came away. “How lias it affected you ? ” was asked that same evening of a very serious, girl who had been very active in her ministra tions. “I don’t quite know yet,” she answered. “I must disentangle my impressions. At first, the sight of those poor creatures, crumpled up helpless in their beds, comme des tieux chiffons, was profoundedly de pressing—it was dreadful, and took away my courage. But afterwards, in going from bed to bed, and talking quietly, get ting into individual personal relations, each one had something nice or. Interest ing about her, and the first feeling wore away. Then, again, came the thought of all this pleasure given for two guineas, and how many guineas are wasted! It seems to open up so many questions that I am rather bewildered.” Yes, the questions are endless and per plexing, bnt in doing as much good as we can, and in establishing individual per sonal relations with our poorer brother or sister, wc stand a pretty good chance of arriving at a satisfactory solution of many of them. The Charleston Jetty.—-General Gilimore, according to the Charleston Nieica and Courier, has been recently ex amining the progress of the jetties now being built to deepen the channels of ■Charleston Haibor. He has made no measurements, and the work is, in fact, too incipient a stage to institute any surveys. But- General Gilimore is confi dent that the final result will give Charles- 1 twenty-one feet of water on Her bar at __ r tide, which would be an average of twenty-seven at the flood. If there is no failure in regular appropriations, the work will be completed in about two years. The stone used in the jetties is still brought from the North—owing to some hitch in negotiations about a supply from ti e quarries near Columbia. liis associates, who have gono into <am r about three miles from Atlanta. The survey will begin from this end of the line, near the depot grounds. Captain Glostcr says, (we quote from the Consti tution :) He has ridden on horseback over the entire line ot the read. He says the pro jected line does not run through a very difficult country. The hardest work will be found at this end of the line. Gener ally the country through which the Geor gia’ Western will pass is not so rough as that penetrated by the Western and At lantic . railroad. The survey will he pushed with great energy, and though it cannot be said when it will be finished, it is certain that there will be no delay in the operations. It begins to look as if the long deferred hope of the Georgia Western would be fulfilled very soon. An Atlanta special from Nashville as serts that it is an assured fact that Messrs. Wilson and McGhee will unite with Mr. Newcomb in building the Georgia Wes tern. It says :■ All the parties confessed that they had discussed the project. They made esti mates of the cost by the various routes, and described the terms on which they would build, the policy of a joint bond and the feasibility of including the Macon and Brunswick extension in the scheme at last. It was determined and agreed that whenever Newcomb was ready to build the Georgia Western, Wilson and McGhee would join him in the work. This I know to he true, and none of the principals will deny it. It is evident that Wilson and McGhee would have reasons for disavowing a connection that might break the present alliances till they were certain that the new connection would be permanent, hut they nevertheless quietly agreed with Newcomb that they were ready when he was. Per contra, many declare there is no truth whatever in the alleged combina tion. Nor do we believe that the matter has taken any definite shape up to the present time. It seems, after all, there was a confer ence of railroad magnates on Tuesday, at the Pulaski House in Savannah. The parties were General William McRae, General E. P. Alexander, ex-Govemor Brown, C. I. Brown, Esq., of Atlanta, W. G. Raoul, Esq., Colonel Wadley and Su perintendent W. Rogers. We glean from the News that the object of the meeting, however, was simply to consider the tariff of the Railroad Commissioners. That paper says: We hear, however, that Colonel Rogers will at once prepare a statement bearing upon thc subject, giving the rates of freights now charged, which will be pre sented for thc consideration of the Com missioners. The Central, Western and Atlantic and Georgia Railroad Companies are in accord in this matter, and the priv ileges conferred by the charters of the Central and Georgia Roads will he avail ed of to the fullest extent. The meeting lasted about two hours. The visiting magnates returned home last evening. On the subject as to when the rates of the Commission will go into effect, Gov ernor Smith is reported as saying that the law required that the rates should be ad vertised once a week for four weeks. Since thc first advertisement there have been several revisions, and after each a new publication was necessary. There fore, the rates cannot go into effect until about four weeks from the present time. It lias seo'med to some that the Commis sion was going rather slow, hut they have endeavored to perfect their schedules so they may operate in justice to all parties concerned. * The rates have been very carefully considered in every particular. The Gate City Flour and “Geor gia Flour” are two new brands of fan cy flour, by patent process, which are now being actively introduceu by R. A.' Hemp hill, 102 reaelitrec street, Atlanta. abama. In Macon, Columbus and Au gusta there was no rain, and in Savannah only 0.22. The week throughout was fa vorable, but the temperature was gener ally cool. The Chronicle appends the following to **- tohi.1 nf rocchits from plantations: 1. That the total receipts from the plan tations since September 1 in 1879-80 were 4,700,4SS bales; in 1878-79 were 4,245,031 hales; in 1877-78 were 4,008,771 hales. 2. That although the receipts at the out ports the past week were 53,419 bales the actual movement from plantations was only 38,492 hales, the balance being drawn from stocks at the interior ports. Last year the receipts from the planta tions for the same week were 50,549 bales; and for 1878 they were 50,612 hales. Ellison & Co.’s report of March 10th from Liverpool lias the following about PROSPECTS. Nothing lias transpired during the past month to cause us to make any change in the opinions expressed by us in our last, report as to the prospects of supply and demand. We stated in our annual report that the Stock ofeettonin Europe at the close of the season would probably be about 200,000 bales larger than at the end of the last season, and we see no reason for thinking differently now. With re gard to supply, we expect that the out turn of the American crop will he fully up to, if not over, our estimate of 5,560,000 bales. We think, too, that our estimated import of Egyptian will he exceeded by 20,000 to 30.000 bales. It may he that In dia will thrnish a little less than our computation, but there is no cer tainty on this point. We do not think that the rate of consumption will materially, if at all, exceed our estimate of 115,000 bales of 400 pounds per week for all Europe. No doubt, the stocks in Liv erpool and the principal Continental ports will be very moderate in compass through out the season; but this need not trouble consumers, as with judicious buying, there will he quite sufficient cotton to meet all probable requirements at the present scale of values. The enormous business done during the past three or four months, lias taken the rough edge off the world’s appe tite for cotton"goods; and it is not unlike ly that the future, ts in the past, buyers will act very conservatively when mid dling American is at 7£d. At that figure the tendency will be to fall back upon re served stocks, unless some disaster should happen to the new American crop, in which case the outlook would have to be regarded from an altered standpoint. Reversing a Boom. The Boston Daily Advertiser, of Friday, appeared with the following statement which we append: “A dispatch was-received in this city last evening, from Washington, stating that positive information had been receiv ed there that the ex-Presidcnt will with draw as a candidate before the Chicago Convention. It Is further stated that friends of Secretary Sherman have been* expecting the withdrawal of the ex-Prcsi- dent, and have been forming a skeleton organization throughout the country, with a hope of bringing to the support of their candidate the ex-President’s strength in the event of his retirement. Mr. Parker C. Chandler, the representative of Massa chusetts on the Sherman National Com mittee, states that a Massachusetts Sher man club is just about to be oiganized here, and is to put in active work all over the State;” The Advertiser is a Republican paper, but anti-Grant and anti-stalwart. It may well be doubted whether it had any other authority for the statement that General Grant will withdraw than the “wish which is father to the thought.” .The Advertiser is not a paper which either General Grant or the stalwarts would select a3 their or gan of communication with the people or which would be likely to come into pos session of their private views and purposes. It will also he noticed that this telegram commits nobody to anything, Without rea sonable doubt, the statement will find its solution in some scheme to push a rival. As things dtand, Grant is fee candidate," unless he voluntarily withdraws. He may withdraw, if he sees there is serious dan ger of defeat before the people. But he will need strong evidence to satisfy him of that fact. Honest John need be in no hurry to bring out his slide (on. Another Startling Announcement— The Louisville and Nashville have no Title to the Georgia Western- The Franchises of that Road to he Sold—A Big Bone of Contention. The Augusta Evening News prints the following special; v. Atlanta, March 27.—-It has recently come to light that the Louisville and Nashville railway has acquired no legal and valid title to the Georgia Western railroad—as there are minors owning an interest in the road. Before a proper transfer can he made there must be a pub lic sale of the Georgia Western at the Court House. The advertisement has been according ly made, and the road, together with all interest in the same, will be sold in At lanta, at public outcry, on April 6th. • • It is currently rumored that friends of the Georgia and Central railroads will take advantage of the foregointr facts and will be in a position to bid at the ap proaching sale. It will be remembered that the Georgia Railroad subscribed 8250,000 towards the building of the Georgia Western, and. it is apprehended that should the road fall into the hands of the Louisville and Nashville, it will bring suit against the Georgia Road for the recovery of the said amount. The Georgia is determined to protect its in terests, and the friends of the road think it would he cheaper to buy the Georgia Western than pay the subscription. The friends of the Central and Georgia roads are working in perfect harmony, and it is understood that, should they purchase the road, it will be built to the Alabama State line, and operated as a local road. Railroad officials are very reticent, and no information can be obtained from them. President Alexander of the Georgia road,-Las been in the city for several days. — Should the Geoigiay Western be pur chased by the Central and Georgia inter ests, the cot .on that formerly went to Rome will be turned toward Atlanta, and thence go to Savannah and Augusta. President Newcomb will be here next week, and unless he can manage to har monize matters between the Louisville and Nashville, Central and Georgia roads, we look for lively times at the sale. We have no intimation at this writing from the Atlanta papers in confirmation of the news contained in the above tele gram. Should the facts be substantiated, the competition at the sale for the posses sion of the charter to the Georgia West ern will probably he very active. Doubt less, President Newcomb, who is said to regard that highway when completed as the future key of his system of roads to the seaports of Georgia, will bo on hand with his moneybags, and Mr. Wadley and General Alexander, acting possibly in concert, may also enter the arena as pur chasers. Should they succeed in getting possession of the Georgia Western its fu- whether It would be more pcofifSbfti''lb tlieir respective organizations to build, or not to build the new road. We confess to a strong desire to see this link in the new thoroughfare, from the West to. the sea, constructed, the more especially-as it lias been announced that it would be run in connection with the Brunswick road, when the extension to Atlanta is finished. Nothing tangible is known, however, as to the reported railway combinations in Georgia, despite the numberless printed interviews with Newcomb, Brown, Wad ley, Alexander, Standiford, Cole and- les ser lights, or the stream of telegrams re ceived almost daily from the North and West. A heavy fog still envelops tho railway situation. • " ‘ • >' Continued Reports of the Failure of the Oat Crop. The Berrien County News, which by the way is an excellent weekly, and as true to the Democracy as the needle" to the pole, says: From Mr. Loldy Paulk we learn that the oat crop in Irwin willbe a bad fail ure. He says most of the people planted their oats last October, and that the rust orsomething has almost en tirely destroyed the crop. He stated that one farmer had plowed up a field of oats, and will plant the ground in corn. Oats planted later are not suffering so much, but the season has not been a good one for the crop, and it will be short—very short. f "' ‘ Through our traveling agent, Mr. E.Mt Davis, we have almost as discouraging re ports from nearly all of southwest Geor gia;. Where the rust is so injurious as to not make the crop worth harvesting, the very best course that could he pursued, would be to" follow the example of our Irwin farmer, and plow under forthwith and then plant corn, or the. Whippoorwill speckled pea. There 13 abundance of time make a heavy crop of either or both com bined. For early provisions, however, plant the pea to itself. The failure of the oat crop is a sad misfortune to southern Georgia, and no time shpuld be lost in supplementing the loss with upland rice, more corn, millet, peas, cliufas and sweet potatoes— anything, in short, that will feed man 6r beast. WASHINGTON LETTER. An Accomplished Lady. Mrs. Senator Pendleton is a daughter of Francis Scott Key, the famous author of the “Star Spangled Banner,” and a neice also of Ro^er B. Taney, formerly Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. She is represented .to be a woman of rare accomplishments,and after the re tirement of her husband from Congress spent several years in Europe for the edu cation of her two daughters. The Senator has taken a home in Washington where his family now reside and add lustre to the society of the Capi tal. It would not be in the least surpris ing if Mr. Pendleton is brought forward again in the Presidential arena. No man in the country, should, he be nominated and elected, would make a better or purer Chief Magistrate, and his wife, too, would adorn the White House. ■■ Sharp Diplomat*. J It is said that the Chinese government has intimated to our ambassador its read iness to cquiesce in the demand for the withdrawal of their people from this countiy, provided that in like manner every citizen of the United States is made to leave China. Commenting upon this proposition, the Herald says: But, little as an ignoramus like Dennis Kearney may suspect it, the people of the United States, and , : qven the people of California, have interests in China of such importance that such a proposition of non intercourse, pleasing as it might be to Kearney, is entirely inadmissible. The interests of commerce and . our own man ufacturers, which involve the well-being of tens of thousands of laboring people in this countiy, are too great to be rashly ruined by a. Kearney policy, simple as that may appear. But there are interests which affect more closely and directly the people of California alone,which the Kearney poli cy of mutual exclusion would ruinously affect. The greatest and most important industry of California is no longer gold mining; it is wheat growing. Now it does not need a head much wiser than eyen Kearney’s to see that, with the vast and rapidly increasing extent of wheat culture, not alone- on this side .of the Rocky Mountains, hut-on other continents the time is sure to arrive whep the wheat crop of California will not bear the cost of transportation around Cape Horn and leave a margin of profii to the California farmers. They will need a new market, and if they do not get it they will lose money. Now China has four hun dred and fifty millions of people who live on rice; hut no Chinaman ever remained even a year in this country without con tracting a fixed taste for wlieaten bread. California already exports flour to China; but the day is not far distant, with proper management, when a great part of the California crop can be sold in China, and when, at the same time, it will be impos sible to sell it anywhere else at a price re munerative to the fanners of the Golden State.' - • - . ,• ; - The President" has.appointed three com missioners, Me&rs. Angeil, Swift and Trescott, to proceed to China, and in con junction with our diplomatic representa tive at Pekin, proceed, if possible, to ne-" gotiate a new treaty which shall be satis factory to both nations. If the Sand lot fanatics of California persist in persecut ing the helpless Asiatics, and are guilty of any positive act of violence against them, a war costing hundreds of millions inaybe thc result. They should be protected by the government at all hazards. The Ex-President will not With draw.—A Herald Washington Social of the 27th says there' has been a general laugh to-day among the third-term men over the ' alleged dispatch from this city last night to the Boston Advertiser saying that it was now known that the ex-Presi- dent will withdraw as a candidate for nomination at Chicago. The only thing that the third-termers now seem to be en tirely certain of is that tho ex-President can he safely depended upon not to with- Solemn Religious Services, Rev. R. H. Rivers, D.D., of Eufaula, who is assisting the faithful pastor, Joseph S. Key, D.D., in the interesting series of meetings which are conducted from day ChaTcS, preadieif'A searohlhg angV?^ ing sermon on Sabbath morning from the text: “Behold the Lamb of Godjrhich taketli away the sin of the world.” The speaker, a man of benignant coun tenance and fine personal presence, at once commanded the undivided attention of his large auditory. And seldom has it ever been our privilege to hear a more logical, earnest and tenderly persuasive discourse. He began by painting the contrast be tween the Savior and his forerunner, John the Baptist, which'was most graph ically drawn; then, wanning with his theme, proceeded to hold up the incarnate son of God as our mediator, Redeemer and crucified Lord. At times, the" doctor was really eloquent, while always most im pressive and earnest in his deliverances. The delineation of the resurrection scene was thrillingly like life, and many were the tears that flowed at the recital of that momentous passage in the earthly career of the Savior of mankind. The Doctor spoke with all thc emphasis and unction of “a dying man to dying men.” The effect was evidenced by the numbers, who, at the conclusion of the discourse, rose up when invited, and sought the prayers of the church. Dr. Rivers will continue to preach every night this week for Rev. Mr. Key, and we learn that the meetings are to be protrac ted also In the First Baptist—Dr. War ren’s church. A deep feeling of solemni ty pervades both congregations,and it is to be hoped that the interest, under God’s blessing, will culminate in a powerful and precious revival of pure and unde filed religion. Filling up Harbors and Canals. The New York city press have been much afflicted for a long time with the persist ent efforts of the people to fill up. their splendid harbor with street refuse and coal ashes, which have so far been success ful that recently a foreign steamer ground ed in the main channel at Sandy Hook. And now Mr. Seymour, the State Engin eer, reveals the unpleasant fact that; along the line of the Erie Canal, the people are filling up that great avenue of traffic in the same way. When they have bottled up New York at both ends they will have provided for a longTioliday. The Quarterly Review of the Methodist Episcopal Chubch South, for April, appeared in Macon yesterday. Its contents'are as follows: One of the Grande Old Fathers—Nicholas Sucthen; Development of Monotheism antdng the Greeks; Lovic Pierce; Beyond the Grave; The Light of Asia; Conformity to Law in the Divine Economy; Yan Oosterzee’s Practical Theology; The Three Creeds; Terminism; Literary Notices; Notes and Queries. This rich table cfl'ers for Geor gia readers a strong personal, as" well as literary and theological attraction. Terms $3 per annum. B. A. Young, publisher, Nashville, Tennessee. The learned and venerable Dr. Thomas O. Summers, has now editorial control of the Quarterly.- At the town election in Spring Valley, N. Y., last week, there was a sep arate box’ for the- presidential candidate preferences. Of the 275 Republicans 235 expressed their choice,'and 244 of-the 202 Democrats. The vote stood: Republi cans, Grant 170, Blaine 42, Sherman 18, Washington City, March 26,1880. AT PEACE AGAIN. The angry billows have ceased to roar and swell in the House, and all is peace once more. For three days times were certainly lively in that body—much more so than they have .been any time this session. There was'any amount of hot temper, bad blood and angry words, hut no actual hostilities. Sometimes it seem ed as if there must be a shindy, hut that diversion seems to have gone hopelessly out of fashion. In the good old days such language as Townsliend, of Illinois, used to Garfield would certainly have resulted either in pistols or a square knock down and drag out. Now it means notlxingand results in nothing, and is forgot ten by next day. The “barbarism of slavery” was an awful thing, of course, hut somehow when it bore sway here there was much more decency of debate and decora of language in both Houses. Men didn’t call each other wilful liars' and the like without other result than to provoke a laugh or a sneer on the other side. Towshend rubbed this insult into Garfield’s callous hide twice during the tilt between them with no oth er result tbau to draw from the latter something about the former’s indecent ex posure of his mind and person, which was warmly applauded by his side. Town- sheud is a light weight and ought to have his salary docked for raising such a rum pus and wasting so much time over a bit of sharp practice that he must have known would- be exposed and checked, but for all that he showed himself at least a manlier man than Garfield. Tho row, however, has had its uses. It has demonstrated that free trade has no show in this Democratic House with its Democratic Speaker and that when the issue comes of a release from the chains of the robber tariff, put on the country by the Radical party or their countenance, there is no difference between Pennsylva nia and some other Democrats and Radi cals. Even in Georgia they found an ally. Felton either voted with them or dodged every time. I understand he puts it on the ground of iron in his “Dees- trict.” Pray how many of his constitu ents are helped by this, as compared with those who are daily robbed by the iniqui tous exactions oi the tariff robbers? This ought to beat him, if nothing else. There will be no tarifl legislation this Congress. This is not a pleasant fact to think over, from a Democratic standpoint; it is a fact nevertheless. A LULL in the scandal market is reported, much to the disgust of the large cla s here who don’t enjoy their morning hitters and breakfast uuiess spiced with a liberal dash of something naughty. Mrs. Christiancy has put a stopper on her un- commanly glib tongue, and Jessie Ray mond and her “Tommy” have hied them southward to Atlanta. It is norated that she has gone after “more proof,” but in my judgment we have heard the last of her here. Mr. Hill’s persistent determin ation not to be blackmailed has, I think, speaking after the manner of the un godly, “cooked her goose,” effectually. Everybody is now waiting for the next What it will be nobody can sensation. What ii come'™ everybody says it is bound to rives from^ulnd 11 unfold?Tis’buget or other hostile manifestations from the Meanwhile ms *m.,.....—^ —._ 9.. and a pretty big one it was, too, counted by newspaper columns, is capturing a modest living by painting flowers on and such like, and helping her as tute mamma keep house. There was a report, one day last week, that she had committed suicide, aud the reporters were flying around for a while in a mosj frantic manner, but it was soon found to he a canard of the baldest breed. Mrs. C. isn’t that sort of a female, if I am any judge. She is going to live just as long as she can, and marry again if she gets out of her present scrape, but I rather think she will know a little more next time how much lucre there is and exactly how it is fixed. CALLING NAMES, There was quite a scene in the House Wednesday night, the parties thereto be ing “Joe” Blackburn and Coffroth, of Pennsylvania, a pig headed protectionist Democrat. Blackburn was switching his tongue pretty freely on the subject of Speaker Randall’s manifold faults, and especially his leanings to the tariff crowd when Coffroth put in a word for the Speak er. Then Blackburn put in several more words—he can get in a dozen to Coffroth’s one,any time aud not half try—and finally Coffroth said something about Blackburn’s having been a traitor,which Randall never was,he said. Then Blackburn called Cot froth a liar and earnestly invited a ruction which Coffroth didn’t seem to have much stomach for, and then “friends interfered,” you know, and there was no light. Things have come to a pretty pass, it seems, to me, when Northern Democrats pick up out of the filth #f the gutter the worn out epithets of tho Radicals and hurl them at their party associates from a section with out whose votes they would still be in a hopeless minority in Congress. If Mr. Coffroth’s. constituents can do. no better for themselves in the matter of a Repre sentative, they ought to import somebody who lias more sense and decency than Coffroth.. ' THE PROSPECT of an early adjournment is not regarded as exceptionally favorable. I hear that some people still agree with the Speaker that some day in May will see the ham mer fall, but they arc few. The old hands who have watched these matters for many years name June 15th as the earliest, and the last of that month as most probably the date of winding up. If the Senate is in a talkative mood this session—and it generally is—the probabil ities are strong for late in June. The last Presidential election year the session last- ea until August loth, and even that date found the House up to its eyes in the work of uncovering Radical rascality. That teas a year to be sure, but a3 the Grant gang are not in now’ there is not so much of this sort of thing to be done. A. W. R. Georgia Teachers’ Association. The fourteenth .annual session of this Association will begin at Macon on May 4th. It object is to promote the cause of education, by bringing the teachers of the State into closer social and professional re lations; by increasing their ability to do their work well by comparison of meth ods, to so mould public opinion that our people will realize that the first requisite for material advancement is advancement in knowledge. It is under the control of no faction or clique and warped in its ac tion by no prejudices: It is an Associa tion of-teachers of all classes; No live, progressive teacher -can afford to he ab sent from one of it meetings. Every edu cator and friend of education is urged to be present. Any information desired and copies of the programme inay be obtained from Captain Robert E. Park, or Prof. B. M. Zettler of Macon, or the undersigned, at Rome, Ga. S. C. Caldwell,, Sec’y Georgia TeaclAirs’ Association. .. , . Conklingi-5; Democrats, Seymour 150, draw, aud on this account the Advertiser s ixrfK.T.1™, -ji p.svanl Tilden 9 dispatch is received by them with deris- ; Waldo Hutch,ns 06, Bajard 23, J.ldenW, ion. t Hendricks or anybody 6. Guilty.—Anybody recommending a soothing remedy for children containing opium in any form is guilty of doing harm. Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup is war- i-anted not to contain opiates and should i therefore be widely recommended. The Texas Republicans.—The so- called instruction resolution of the Texas Republican State Convention is as follows: “While we recognize that General Grant is the choice of the Republicans of T sxas, it is considered inexpedient to instruct the delegates to Chicago, ftirther than to cast the vote as a unit for President.” Population of St. Louis.—Gould’s Directory for the present year, issued Saturday evening, contains 120,474 names, an increase of 7,120 over last year, and an increase of 42.923 since the Federal cen sus of 1870. By the usual ratio, this gives the city a population of over 540,000. —M. de Lesseps and party arrived in Chicago Friday evening, and will proceed t to Boston this morning, via Niagara Falls. At a banquet given by the Chicago Civil Engineers’ Club M. de Lesseps declined to discuss the Monroe doctrine, saying that his commission was purely commercial,and that on this continent he was merely a canal builder. He expects to sail for Eu rope April 1. Over a Million.—At noon Wednes day the aggregate of the contributions sent from America ‘ to the relief of the suffering poor of the famine districts of Ireland was $1,002,600. This is larger than the reported aggregate of both the Dublin funds, that of the Duchess oi Marlborough and the Mansion House .combined. The New York Herald fund had reached the magnificent sum of $313,689. Of the to tal sent from this side of the Atlantic, $450,000 is credited to the Catholic churches. Among the. Rapid Advances.—The Sun says the rapid advance in firearms and munitions of war is attracting attention n and out of the market. Lead has gone up irom2$ to 5| cents per pound, copper from 16 to 28 cents, gunpowder from 10 to 20 per cent., and fixed cartridges from 10 to 20 per cent. The advance in firearms is chiefly due to the strong market for iron and steel. It cannot he ascertained that there are any orders from foreign' govern ments except a few unimported ones for gunpowder on Chillian’and Peruvian ac count. , ’ —Chinese in numerous small parties continue to arrive in New York from the Pacific coast. Those who arrived la3t week are represented to bo greatly de lighted with the city, where their treat ment is so different from - what they have been. accustomed to in San Francisco., „. They are specially delighted with the privaleges they are permitted to enjoy in common with other people, such as riding in tho street cars, the use of the ferry boats, &c. They are also pleased that they can walk the streets without being compelled to dodge a shower of missiles Iwulliimt. telegram of the 27th says the letter which was addressed to the Hon. William S. Grpesbeck, of this city, signed by Jonah R. Taylor and purporting to he sent by direction of a conference of Democrats in New York reached Mr. Groesbeck this morning. The letter asks if he would ac cept the nomination for President and al so his views as to thc best man to nomi nate. Mr. Groesbeck regrets the publica tion of the letter and declines to give any information touching his answer which will probably be written in a few days. —The United States ship Constellation left the navy yard Friday morning with supplies for the Irish poor. A3 the Con- stellation.passed along side the Colorado a shout went up from the.latter. Commo dore Cotter cried, “Now give Erin a real Irish cheer,” and the response was prompt, tho hand playing “St. Patrick’s Day.” The tug Mitchell, bearing gentlemen who col lected some of the provisions, steamed cown the river in company. The band continued to play “Garry Owen,” “Boy of Kilkenny” and other Irish airs until the relief ship had headed dawn the river. Western Storm of Saturday.—A tremendous wind storm set in after mid night'Friday night in St. Louis" continued with varied severity. At eight o’clock Saturday morning the wind attained a ve locity of sixty miles an hour, and at dif ferent times during the day blew with great force. Very little damage was done however. The center of the low barome ter was between Keokuk and Davenport, Iowa, and the center of the high barome ter near Kansas City. All telegraph lines west of this city are prostrated, and no advices have been received of-the effects of the storm. A Runaway Wife From Georgia.— The Cincinnati Gazette, 27th, says Mrs. Harriet Hall, a runaway wife front Atlan ta, Ga., was found with two of her chil dren, whom she had carried away with her, at Harrison, day before - yesterday, by ex-Lieutenant Hamel, of the Tenth District Station. Her husband liad traced, her all the way to Cincinnati, and se curing the officer’s aid, his recreant better half was discovered. She had walked all the way to Harrison, while in her pock et she carried over $200. The man and wife had a meeting yesterday, and it is possible that a reconciliation may ensue. Blaine and Grant—A War in the Republican Party.—A special to the Courier-Joumal says the feeling "between the third-termers and Blaine men in po litical circles here is daily growing more bitter. The former are beginning to in dulge largely in/comment onBlaine’s con nection with the Mulligan letters, railroad iomls, Jay Gould and jobs in general. The Blaine men are retaliating with copi ous references to the numerous scandals of Grant’s administration. They are also full of sneers at Grant’s electioneering scheme in the South. It is evident the Blainiteg are getting nervous over the suc cess of Grant’s visit in Texas, and the cap ture of the Texas delegation to Chicago, and his prospect of a similar result in Ar kansas aud other Southern States. This feature of the situation is causing much comment in political circles. We are glad to hear it. Our druggis t informs us"that Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup sells bettor than any other medicine, aud always ghes satisfaction. It’s very cheep, oo, costing only 25 cents a bottle.