Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, April 09, 1880, Image 7

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Oil?*? dbocgia: HUsklg IDeLegestJly attfc 3f«nmtal $s $tl£js;sjmge*:- 6|ff£RS The Bitters invariably rem»dy yellowness of the complexion and whites ot the eye*, pains in the right aide and under the right shoulder-blade, furred tongue, high ool ere urine, nausea, vertigo, dyspepsia. oonstipa tioD, heaviness of the head, mental despon dency, and every other manifestation or eo- eompanimeDt of a disordered condition of the liver Tho a cmacb, bowela and kidneys also experience their r- gulatirg and tonic in fluence. For sale by all Druggist* and Dealers gen erally. mart lm Afresh slock of Hoswtto'a Bitters oat re St KLl.IB’DltPO 9TOBB. TUK PUBLIC WILL TJ>E 'O’lCX That the Order <-f h I'ostmuUr- fieneral agalatt lire Kalis «f the Lonlilana Slate Loiter; Company is BKB01IDED. Brglstered Letters and Money Orders can be sent through tbe MAILS AS rORMXBLY. FOR FOOD. As manufactured by Andrew Erkenbrecher, Rt Cincinnati, Ohio, is She Queen of table edibles and the most delicious of BTaizo preparations extant. It is incomparably pure,healthful and economical, and a blessing alike to the sick and ircli, far children and adults. It enters into tho most recherche pastry, ices. Rad dessert dIslies, embrac ing blanc-mange, ice cream, puddings, custards, pies, etc., lending a peculiar delicacy and nutritious quality, and is » —oanccessityandaluxury in every doi storehouse. No edible Starch Stands so high tho world over. Sold by Grocers every-where. CURATINE, For Blood Diiesse*. CURATINE, Far Liver Complaints. CURATINE, For Kidney Diseases. CURATINE, For Rheumatism. CURATINE, For Bcrofbla PireosM. CURATINE, Tor ErrllpeUi, Fimpl.f, ylmRMlc. A medicinal com pound of known value— combining In one prep aration the curative powers for the evils which produce all dis eases of the JSteoSI, tbe Urer, tbe j(Mstvs. Harmless in action and thorough in Its effect. It is unexcelled for the cure of all JBIotxI 2H«- esses such as Scrof ula, Tumorm. Boilt, Tetter,Balt MMcutn, JiheumattetH. Mer curial Yoleov.i'ig, also Constipation, Dyspepsia, JCntll- gemtlen, BeurStom- aeh. Detention of Trine, etc. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. I THEBHWI CHEMICAL GO BALTIMORE, Md. HUNT, EANKIN & LAIIaK. Wholesale Druggists. Macon. —THE- Maoon, Georgia, DAILY AND WEEKLY. FOa 1880-1881. The prelect year is pregnant with eiirring and important events. General election are tote held for National, 8tate. and county office* and the interest and excitement evolved by the con tent will be interne. -THE PROPRIETORS CFTHH— Daily Telegrtiit aid Messenger are resolved te fulfill all the requirements of their position by keeping abresst of the news of the world, and while adroeatmg.with all the and ability they possess, the principles of the Democratic party, wQl yet pursue a conservative and moderate couVse upon ail questions. OUR Hamit ffeetly —CONTAINS— SIXTY-FOUR COLUMNS and is one of the best and cheapest publications south of Baltimore. It will bo made even more 1 n teresting to the farmers by the addition of an Agricultural Department, —Edited by— -* General WILLIAM X. BROWNS, Professor ot History and Agriculture in the Uni versity of Georgia. In addition to the WBEKLY, we will famish Southern Farmers' Monthly, One of the best Agricultural Journals in tbe Eontb, for tbe sum of 93.00 per annum. THIS TERMS Of the TSLHGRAFH AND MB88KNGBR re- main unchanged, and are as follows# payable in advance: Daily, one year, - • $10 00 Daily, six months, - 5 00 Daily, three moths, - 2 50 Weekly, one year, • 2 00 Weekly, six months, - 1 00 Daily id t ?tratrt iMttfy, tat y*ar, $11.50 Wttldj aid Farmers’ loathly, “ 3.50 We have secured the services of Mr. IS. 0. 8WJE KT, better known to the nee eptper world as "Jack Plane," the late correspondent of the Savannah News, who will have personal su pervision of tbe WKJJKLT. We respectfully askfera continua'ion of tho present gene root pilronsge of the public. marSldawt! CLISBT * JONB8. a irtiKNMD •rroRTimnvY to WIN A FORTUNE. THikD GRAND DIS'jBl- BUTION, CL A 88 ». AT NEW ORLEANS, TUEaDAY.APRIL15.1850-11 OlM XeS.kU lirawiag. Louisiana State Lottery Company. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Bducational »ua Charitable purpoaea, in IMS, tor tbe term of twenty-five years, to which contract the inviola ble faith ol the State is pledged ,wt ich pledge haa been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing its irsp.rhise in tbe new constitution adcpttdT Decembor 2, 1&79, with a Capital of SI,000,000, to which it baa a:nce added a reserve fund of $850,009. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUM- BER l)l8TELt0TIOP8 wUl take place monthly, on the seendTuesday. It never scales or postpone!. Look at the follow* iog Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE moot). IOO.COO TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS BACH. HALF-TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. LIST OP PRIZES. 1 Capital Prizs £30/00 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Pnza_ 8,000 2 Prizes ct 81.100 SOUV 6 Prize! of 1.000..... - , 5,0<.O 20 Prizes of *00 _ 10 000 100 Prizes of ICO 10,000 200 Prizes of ISO. 10,000 5C0 Prizes of 20...... 10,000 1000 Prizes of in - 10.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZEb. 9 Approximation Prizes of |SOO 2,700 9 Approximation Prins of 200............ 1A00 9 Approximation Priara of 1W„.900 Response all points, to bi. paid. Write, clearly stating full address, for further information, or und orders by express or in a Registered Letter or Money Order by mail, addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans. La. or same person at No S19 Broadway. New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Gene rals G.T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EAR LY N. B.—This Company haa no Agents in the British Possessions, and all persons pretend i g to be so and soliciting 01 dors by citeul-rs or other wise ara Swindlers. GBEATREDOCTIOfi IN PRICE Signature is on even bottle of the GENUINE W03GESTEESHIRE SAUCE. It imparts the most delicious taste and aeet to LANE &IIODLEY CO., CINCINNATI. Manufacturers of Stanford PLANTATION MACHINERY, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Grist Mills. Shafting Hangers. Pul leys. etc. Our machinery is strong, .simrle and well made,and i* especially aasofed t« the wants of farmers and Planters, for Gening, Sawing. Grinding and Factory use. Send f or an lllus- rated Catalogue. TjA ajg 4 jjodlvT CO.. John and Wa’er Sts., Cincinnati, O. marEdUaaSm-weowlSl Mm wf site Baumsd r.wn>mi«*in» Atlabta, G a., March 26.1880. CIRCULAR No 2. . . . ^ T HE following changes are made in the Stand* ard “Schedule ot Maximum Rates" for Pas sengers ana F eights, establlahed by th. Comm's- aioners, lor each Rail.oad Oomi any in this State, viz: lit. The several Pas set gcr Bates now in use on the Hartwell Railroad, the Cher'lea Railroad, the Rome Railroad, and the Panderavilleand Tennille Railroad, may be continued as maxi mum ratei on tsid roads re*pective’y until chang •d hereafter by the Comwis-ioners. 2d. The Brunswick and Albany Railroad Com* Sd. The Colombo* and Borne Bailroad Compa ny it allowed to make its own msximnm rates for freights by adding 25 per centum to the said Standard Rates ot the Commissioners. . 4th. The Northeaster.) f-ailroad Company is allowed to make its maximum rates for freights by adding 10 per c*ntnm to the said Standard Rates ot the Commissioners. This Circular will be published as the law re quires, and a copy of the same is directed to be sent to eaoh Railroad Ompany in the State. JAMBS H. SMITH,Chairman. R. A. BACON, Seo'y. marts dlawdw BALL OF LAND. ■pi virtue of a power of rale conferred upon the JO undersigned by mortgage deed, executed on tbe 11th day of February, 1879, by Mrs. Elizabeth Simmons and Ruffin B. R. Barr, (saiddeedbeirg recorded in the office of the Clerk ot the Superior Court of Twiggs county. Book P, folio 148). we will sell b-fore the court house door, in tbe town ot Jeffersonville, in the county of Twiggs, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, for rasb, ot tbe first Tuesday in May n*xt, between the usual hours of rale, all that tract or parrel of land, situate, lying and being in the twer.ty- eighth district of originally Wilkertcn. new Twigss county- and known and distinguished in the plan cf said d-stnet as part Of lots No. 79and 90. containing seventy- five acres, more or let*, being the premises whereon ssid Elizabeth Sim mons and raid Barr resided upon raid 11th of February. 1879. Sold for the purpose of payirg a debt created by note on February It, 1879, ard specif! dm»d deed on which there is a bai rn ce duo of fifty do'Urs and interest) and expen ses of this proceed!, g. Good and fee simple ti- t'es made to purchaser on day cf tale. SOUPS. GRAVIES, FISH, HOT A GOLD JOINTS, GAME, *c.| EXTRACT of a LETTER from a MEDICAL GEN* TLEMAN at Ma* dra* to his brother at WORCB8TBB, May, 1881. Tell LB A A PER. BINS that their Sauce is high yes. teemed in 1 ala, and is,.m my opm- ion, the most palat able aa well as the most wholesonr. Sauce that is rnadt, Sold and nsed throughout the world. TRAVELERS AND TOURISTS FIND GREAT BENEFIT IN HAVING A B0TTL9 WITH THEM. JOHN BUN GAN’S RUNS, LEA &^ERRIN8> 28 C0LLE8E PLACE ARD 1 UNION SQUARE, fobts lawly NB W YORK. NOTICE* T HIRTY days after date the undersigned will make application to the Mayor and Council of the city of Moconfora lease of the reserve at the ornerot Forty th and Johnson streets, being a part of the ent of the Macon and Western rail road, tor the purpose of erecting a church there* on. WM. HAZt.EHURST, a. a. vivot.W- aprfdlawtw Wardens of8t* Pauls church. 9ttL Popular Mont Iy Drawing of the Commonwea tfe Distribu tion Co. AT MAOAULBY’S THEATRE, In the Gitj of Louis yille, on Thursday, April 29,1880, These drawings authoriz'd by act of tbe Log* islaturecf 1869 and sustained by all the courts ol Kentucky occur regularly on the last day of th (Sundays excepted) and are super- prominent citizens of the State. The Management call attention to the grand opportunity presented of obtaining, for only 22, any.of THE FOLLOWING PRIZES. . 39.000 10.000 8,004 10,006 10,006 10.000 10.000 12.000 10,000 1 Prise 10 Prizes $1,000 each . 10 Prises 800 each c 100 Prizes 100 each. 200 Prizes 80 each ..... 600 Prizes 20 each vu< .,000 Prizes 10 each • 9 Prizes 200 eat h, ap’reximat'a prise* 8,700 9Pnxes200each do do 1^0 i9 Prizes 100 each do do 9061 Lf&OPriaee $11A4’0 Whole Tickets, $2. Half Tickets, $L * ‘ l 88 Tickets, 118* ons for dub rates should be made ome office. Full list ot drawing published in Lonisrille Conrier-Jocrnai and New York Herald, and mailed toall ticket-heldors. Send all orders by money or bank draft in letter, or by exprsn. Orders of 65and upward by express can beaett at ourexpeoie. Address R. M. Bcardman;Oour* lor* Journal Building LouianUa Kv„ or at No. SC7andSC9 Broadway, New York, angle eodtuthuaatkwly HOPE-DEAF Garmore s Artificial Ear Drums PrRrECTLT KMTOBE THE HEARING and perform the work of the Natnral Dram. Always in position, but Invisible to others. All Conversation and even wlii.pera heard distinctly. Wa refer to those u«la, them. Rend for descriptive circular. EAR DRUM 04k, CINCINNATI, <k GARMORE ; BAKER SHERIFF SALES. W ILL be sold before tho courthouse door in Newton, wi'hin the legal hears of sale, on tbe first Tuesday in March nrxt, the following proporty to-wit: Lots i f land Nos. three hundred and seventy, two. three hundred and seventy«threo,and three hundred and Seventy-four, all in the eighth dis trict of raid count v, raid to contain each two hundred and fifty acres, more or less. Sold as the property of William Broadaway to satisfy a Superior Corn t A. fa; B. O. Kenton vs. James B. Scarbrough, principal, and William Brovdaway. security. Property printed out bydefendart William Broad sway. Tenmt in poesegrion noli fied in writing. JiS. H. BOWBLIi, Sheriff. January 27.1WI SOtd G EORGIA. Bibb County.—Whereas Willian L. Abbott baa n ale application for le* ten of guvrdiausbip of the property of John B«rl Taravher and Anne Lee Tbra,he*. resident o' Florida, and minor eh-’drenof Early W. Thrarh ir, late of the Stale of Florida, deceased. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at the Court < I Ordinary on tbs first Monday in April next, t thaw cause if any they hare,why letters ot guar diansbip should not te granted to the applicant Given under my official signature msrO'd* J. A. McMvNUS.Ordinary. G EORGIA. Bibb Cnunty.—Whe'eas A. B. Rots, administrator of tbe estate of DejuilG k oolfolk, late of said county deceased. h*« m *de application for leave to sell all tbe real estate be- forging to said estate. This is therefore to rite ard acmonish all rer sons a Messed to be and ap- ear at tt a Court o< Ordinary (*f said oourty on the first Monday in April next to show cause if any they have, why said application »hould not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature. mar7id* J. a. VCMANUS, Ordinary. O RDINARY’S artier, Jonot county, Georgia January 20, 1890.—Where** Robert H. bar- eon guardian for the mi-or children of Samuel T. Morgan.deceased, applies to me for dismissior from said guardianship. These are to notify all persons concerned to show cause at this office on er by the first Hen- Hay in April next, if any they have, wby the same shall not be granted. Witness my hand officially. j«n24id» ROLANDT. ROSS. Ordinary. O RDINARY'S office Jones county, Georgia, January 20.1880.—Whereas Richard John son, administrator of estate of Toliver Haws, de - ceased, applies to me for dismission. These are to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show enure at this office on or by tbe first Monday in May next, if any they %ve, why the same shall not be granted. Witness mv hand officially, Jan24 td* ROLAND T. ROSS, Ordinary. MILL & FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS: BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, &o. Sand for Price-list. W. H: DILLINGHAM & CO., 143 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY; A, O, TAYLOR 1 ) B l'forrelief.etc, PibbSu-e- VI. > rinr Cosrt. October Term, WM.TAYLOBJ 1879. It appearing to the Court by the return of tbe 8beriff that the defendant is not to be found fr. this county: and it further appearing that he does rot reeide in this State: Order’d, that ser vice be perfected cn said defendant by publica tion to beand appear at the next term rftbis Court, or that co—’*inant be allowed to pro ceed. Ordered farther, tlixt this o*dcr be nnVlirhed once a month for four months in th* Telegraph and Meseenger, a public gazette published in the city of Macon. By the Court: JOHN L. HARDEMAN. Comuiainant’e Solicitor. T J. SIMMON?, J. 8. C M. C. A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Su perior Court. This 22d November, ’879. dec2S-!amtm* A.B BOSS. Clerk. NOriCE LEAVE TOSELL LAND. /^BORGIA. JONBS COUNTY—Four weeks VJT after date application vri'l be mode to the Court of Ordinary of Jones county, for an ordet to roll all tbe lands and undivided interest in lands belonging to estate of Joseph C. Barbee deceased, in the county of Jones. March 1. 1880’ marStd* A J. STEWART, Adminietrator. U tOKQlA. Bibb County.— Rogers, guardian of John 1 vr note xa 27 Tickets. $80. AlPapplicatioi to tbe home offie G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, John P. Fort, executor of the estate of George W. Fort, haa made application for leave to sell all the wild ar d uncultivated lands be onging to said etUte at private sale. These are therefore to cite aid admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on«he firat Monday in May next, to show came, if any they have,.why ■aid application should not te grarted, . Witness my official signature. J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. April S, 1181. apt4 ltaw4w* G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—When aa W. R. Jones has made app'cation for letter* o guardianship of tbe person and property of W L. 'and Lula 8. Jones, minor children of Susan Jones, deceased. , . . ,. „ These are therefore to cite and admonish all persona concerned to be and appear at the Conrt of Ordinary of the firat Monday in May next, to show cause, if any they hav why said application should not be granted. Witnes,myofficfolM^atore. Nug0rdms ^ April 3.18*0. mpr4Haw4w* YYBDINARY’S Office. Jones Countv, Georgia, vjMarch3.1880.—Whereas Martha Pitfs. guar dian of John A. and Minha D. Pitts, applies to me for dismioion. These are to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show <»••»> I* «ny they have, at thil office, on first lcndayinMaynext, *hy the (am* shall not be granted. Witness my hand officially. rrarttd* R.T FQ4W. Ordinary. Gl KORGJi—BIBS COUNTY.-To whom it 'may Ccn ern: On the first Monday in May- next. application will be made to the ordinary o< said county for leave to toll all the property not Heretofore disposed of, real and peraonal, of the estate ot John B. Boa*, fote* ceased, told for the purpose of pa} tag the debt* of tne estate and for distribution. WMeM. KUSB, B. H. PLANT, mar 1-la w-4w Administrator*. G KiiKGIi—BIBB COUNTY.—Where**. L. A Savage, executrix of the esiate of > ala- donia Savage, late of said oounty. deceased haa mrde application for letter* of dismission from said estate. ■ . , . - _ These are therefore, to cite and admonish ail persons concerned, 'to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said oounty on the first Monday in July next, to show cause, if any they have vhy said application ahould not bo * Witness my official signature April SO, 1840. J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. nur4la*-4w* Gt BORGIA.—BIBB COUNTY.—Where**. W. W. Carnes, administrator of the estate of Samuel G.Bonn,late cfaaid county, deceased, haa made application for letters of diamission from aaid eaUts. ‘ . There are therefore, to cite and admonish all nenon* concerned to be and appear at tbs court Ordinary of aaid county, on the first Monday , July next, to show cause, if any they have, by said application should not be granted. Witness my official J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. mar4-lew»4w* NOTICE. A LL persona having claim* aesinst the estate of IT, J 0,0} are herebv notified to present them, duly proven as required by law, for pay ment. And all person* Indebted to said estate are notified to make i“"«««^SSsoN, mr4 lawtw Administrator of J, T. Jorey. dec’d Know Thyself. T HE untold miseries that result frtm indiscretion in early life may be allevrat* ed and cured. Ti.ose who doubt this assertion ahould purchase tho new m*dical work published by the PEA- BODY MEDICAL INSTI TUTE. Boston, entitled THBSOIbNCB OF LIFE. or, SELF PRBsKRYATION. Exhausted' vi tality nervous and physical debility, or vitality impaired by the error* of youth or too close or too close application to barincsv, isoy be rrstor ed and manhood regained. Two hnndredth edition, revised and enlarged, Jnst published. It ia a standard medical work, the b-st in ths English language, written by a physician of great experience, to whom waa awarded a gold and Jewelled medal by the Na« tlonal Medical Association. It contains beauti ful and vsry expensive engravings. Three hun dred pages, more than 80 valuable prescript-'on* for all forms of prevailing citense, the result af many yeara of extensive and auecessful practice, either one af which), worth ten times the price of tbe book. Bound in French cloth, pnoe only $1, sent by mail postpaid. The London Lancet says: “No be without this valuable book, noble benefactor." An illustrated sample sens toall on receipt oi 6 celts for postage. The author refers by permission to JOSBPH SFieHKR. president: W.I.P,INGRAHAM, vice president; W PAINE, HD. OS GAUNTT, M D; H J DOUCkT. M D. R H KLINB. M D, J R HOLCOMB. M D.N K LYNCH, M D, and M R O'CONN ELL, M D. faculty of the Phil)del- ihia University of Medicine and Surgery, ais* he faculty of the American University oi Phila delphia, also Hon P A BI3*ELL. M D, president of the ftational Medical Association. Aridrni Dr W H PAR KER. No 4 Bulfinch St, Boskn. Mass. The au thor ma» reconau'ted on maaaawaaf ■ all disease, requiring THYSELF .kill and experience, mmrnmmaammm DOVSII wly To person should The author its BEAL HL . Whereas M. R. Rogers, guardian of John N. Little, haring appli-d to the Court of Ordinary cf sa'd cnunty for a dischrrge from hia guardianship cf John N. Little's perron and property. This it therefore to rite all persons ennoern'd to show cause by filing theirohjections m mv of fice bv tbe first Monday in Jane next, why tho ssid M. R. Rogers should not be dismissed from faisgaardianshipof John N. Little and receive the asual letters ol dismission. Given vnder my official sirratnrn. marOu!* J. A. McMANU-1. Ordinary. G eorgia, Junes couNTY-wherc&s Charles L. Ridley applies for administra tion with the willannexed, on the estate of Mrs Bnsan A. Ridlej, deceased. These are to ci'e ar.d admoniah all persons concerned to show cause it any they ha-e wbj the same that) not be granted at the n-xt term of this conrt, on flr-t Monday in April next. Witness my hand offlriallv. trarSH* ROL4NI) T R088. Ordinary. ADVANCE IN PRICES OF PIANOS, Didn't we tell you so? And it is not high water vet, THE Cincinnati Packing Packers cf PORK, LARD, and— QUEEN OF THE WEST BBAND OF Extra Sugar Cured Hams, Shoulders and Breakfast Bacon. Cincinnati, Ohio. Third and Last Call. Piano manufacturers hav* isued prices on us hrte times in at many months, but we have nev ertheless b-ld to our old sailing rates thro igh It all.. We intended tv fight it out on that Jin— but the last ditch ia clot* by—it* a deep one- and we have surrendered. Five large manufacturers have to-day notified ts or a fourth advance and another likely to follow April 1. They claim the following ad vane-, in coat of production: Labor, 15 *> IS per cent. | Roaewoi.d.lS per cent " j Tarnish, 28 “ I Glue. IS “ I Hardware. 100 “ Iron. ISO Pinm lumber, 28 " Hard ' “ 20 “ To sell longer at.old rales involves direct 1< t,. We therefore must announce upon our Hatha- ■ek, > on them Gem and Favcrite Pianos an ad vat.eeof from s-10 to-85 per style. Chickerinv Pianr* will be adranced April ltt ; 25 ol’ each aty'e. This is not He Worst of it. aMMffiMtomamMtommmmBmaKikwmmzH Materiel* and labor are still going up' Im mense strikes among piat o makers are in prog ress. Manu'actarera are months 1 child ordtra. Amcrea's f*etorie< can’t hall the pianos wanted, - l arge advance* are let to mine. Se SM E . ^BU^tSa^nnKSwSyJnre^Sent^Ri'M) .who wait for a decline will get ver< tiled. It will bey can before old prices rule again Those who need pi-no* within the next two years should buy as soon *a possible. — ' ° ^ * " Bibb Countv Sheriff Sales W ILL he add before tbe court house door in the c itv oi Vacort. Coring the legal boon of itave net advanced bntwe czn’t fell » hat day they too will rise. The jeaat is working and they can’t be r ept down. Stnd your order now. Pretent prices are nr t guaranteed for even ten days after this date, March 19,1810. LUDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH. UA, sale, on the 8-st Tuesday in April next, the fol lowing pr-perty to-wit: Lots 10 and 19, according to map of the Bond estate, now cn record in Clerk’s office Bibb'Su perior Conrt, (aid lots cituated in the city of Ha-, . . „ con. in said county. Jheviol on aa the property WHOLESALE FIAIO AMD GRflAM DFAUR 1 ? of James T. Nisbet to catirfy a fi. fa. issued from I decsj-dltawiwly UtftLtKa ‘ Bibb Superior Court in lavor of Joseph Bond, I — K-pYaife^y 1 ! 61 - Propert7 POinteii |iBattle-Snake Water Melon Seed. Alto at the tame time and place, lot* 5 ar.d 6. I iquare 66, fron ing on New itreet * running back to an alley in th. rear, unted in the city of Macon ii said county. Lev- in iquare 66, fron ing on New itreet 108-feet an'd" I of genuine striped or - ■ ' . said .pte sit-' IB»ttle Snake Water-melon seed, to be sold led on as the properly of Peter C. Sawyer to sat isfy «fl. fa. issued fr. m County Conrt of Bibb county, in favor of A. J. Wilkinson v*. P.C Sawyer. *' torney. Also at tbe sametimeand place, theh^nse and fot fn the city of Macon, Bibb known as part of lot No.' map of said city, containing tor melon growers, by „ :> J.F. GREER, marts dSt wSt 4* Poplar St., Mscon, Ga. 12 illUl Ul Ol* 49 • VI UAIUPUII •* a W I a* _ . Property point- dout by plaintiff, at- Mortgage FftlC Of Lftlld* i.fy a fl. fa. issued !rom Bib9 Super or court in favor George R. Barker vs. David D. Craig and Robert A. Morris, nowihfldby M s. Ellen A. : gages executed by Annie Marish Harper, to-wit: One mortgage given to tenure a certain prem ia,cry note for twenty-five dollars due the l£th October, 1879, bearing interest at 12 vet cent, per mm, after matnrity. Said mortgage dated Imitations\ To proteot the public against Imitat ions and Fraud we caution ail purchaser) of BENSOA’S CAFCINE POROUS PLASTERS to see that the word 0APC1NB on the label is correctly spelled. Do not allow soma etc ir p's- to be palmed off nnder a similar sounding nine, with the assurance that it it the same th. ng ‘rt* good. Bear in mind that the oily object such vendor can have is the fact that they can bay 5mi tac tions at the prices lew than that of the gmaine, and they hepe by this subatituiii n to jainz .znO additional profit. SBABURY A JOHNSON,Pharmaceutical Chemistv New York. FOIL SALE. PLOW SUPERPHOSPHATE DIAMOND SOLUBLE BONE -BY- WALTON WTTATsTN- & CO., MA.CON, Q->k. feb7-d&w2m - »-.f .iy- - 1 felGINEiilESi -miTsn.'Av; X SURE CURE for ft]l the di^tasesj f iriifch it is recommended, and ihrtys perfect!*/ 34^5* in the lmndi of even the most inexperienced persons. mm KILLER U J. wyzicinn*, wnwer*. Mtmtmnru*. llwnnrr* c.r mrtorirs. Wort-Shop:, etrtZ lKaiuahoji . Aurtct in HospiDtJg—In short by nrrtfirvly enr-irhere who has ever given it a trial!. tot TEST qf YEARS’ VRJAL. 9 A 3 fiw pf |f 3 Kf R5 fhouM have n plac<> in everv faeforv, irncliinc-shopA iV.L.Sr.11 * , a^ 0 Sro fca fTA and jnflLon every farm and plar.tarbn. and hi crerS’ n0t Cll!y for a, ti “ CRts ’ cuts ’- LraIses ’ w etc., but w tk I RJI if 15 E SVE3 ,s l ''c t'oll-tried and trusted friend of all who vrark Iilii . 1?" w^B a sure end rafe medicine tvhicli can be Creely nicet internally or externally ivithout fear «-f harm and trfth ccrtnlnfy of relief. “ w,hn t! !? reach of all: end ft util annually save many times its crag, doctors bills. For sale by all ftnfesMs at 25c. 50c. and fl.00 per boltie. PERRY DAVIS A. «««. R 5 JONES COUNTY SHERIFF SALE. YTITILL be (old before the court house deor in It thetowaof Clinton on the firat Tuesday in April next, between .ha legal hours of sale, three hundred acres of land, mors or less, adjoinii g the lands of James B. Denton, Jackson Roberts, and others, and known as the Sawyer rises. Lev ied on as the property of P. C. Sawyer, trustee for wife and children, to satisfy a tax fi fa. is-ued byW. J. Gresham, tax collector, lor the year 1879. This February IS, 1880. febl9td W. J. GRESHAM. Sheriff. Valuable Land for Sale G EOKGIA,Crawford crunty.—By virtoe of the powrr vested in me by a certain mort gage executed by J. L. Parsons to secure a cer tain promissory note, for tbe anm of one hundred and eikhty-one dollars and fifty cents. (fUSl-tO). ssid mortgage dated the 26th day of June, 1879. and recorded in the Clerk's office of the Superior Court of aaic county, in book J., both said note and mortgage reing signed by the said J. L. Par son*. and due. I wi 1 on Tuesday the second dav of Mareb. 1990. before the conrt house floor in tbe town of K civille. Georgia, expose at public sale to the highest bidder, for rash, the following de scribed property, to-wit: One hundred and on* ac-es of 1-nd, more or less, beirg the north half oflot number 126, bounded a* follows: North by lands of J. L. Perrons, east by 8. W. Hatcher, south by A n. L. G. Parsons, and wen by R. R. Harmon. Titles fea simp’s will be made to tbe purchaser as authorized in said mortgage.- Said tract of land will be sod to satisfy the prism al, interest, and attorney’s fees, to-wit: One hundred and eighty-one dollars and fifty eents principal, with Interest at twelve per cent, rer annum from the 1st day of October, 1879. and ton percent, additional upon taid principal and interest attorney 'a tees, as expressed in said mort gage. Th- said mortgage made a d delivered to me. the anderxigntd. to secure said note with tha power expressed therein to sell said property in the event default waa made in the payment thereof, and default having been made on the day of sale I will execute titles in fee simple te tbe same _ This tho 2d day of February, 1880. 2 8 la* A. B. SMALL. JONES COUNTY SHERIFF SALES- Tt/ ILL be sold before the court house door in TV the t wnof Clinton, Jozies connty. Georgia, on the first luesrfay in April next, between the 1-gal hours of *«■!<% the folio wing property, to- wit: 1 hree hundred and thirty acres of land, more or lees, adjoining the lands of John 8. Stewart,kobtSmiih aid F.B. Huskel and o hers. Levied on as the property ol Alford Glawrou to satisfy two fi. fat. issued from tbe Superior Court of said oounty in favor of Bl zabctb Glawscn ai d Stodard 8. Glawton. administrators of the es tate of Jesse Glawson. deceased, vs.' Alford Giawsou, principal, and Beaton Glawson and Joseph Glawson, security. Tbe other vs. Alford Glawaon principal, and 8tabon Gla»«on and JamesGlawson security. Properly pointed out by one of the plaintiffs and in poezeisioa of de fendant. This Februaij 28. 1880. febS7td . GRB9HAH. Sheriff. G V . T. Johnson has made application for letter* of administration cn the estate of John W. Briar,, late of tbe State of Ter nessee. dereaaad. and it being shown to me that said JobnJW. Bryan has an estate in the ocunty of Bibb, in laid State of Georgia. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail persons coz rented, to be and appear at tbe ,’ourt of Ordinary of sa d county, on the first Monday id v ax next, to sbow cause, if any tbey have, wby letters ol administration ehcu'.dnot be granted to applicant. Witness my offlei*! eignature Anril s, 7880. J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. mark-law 4w* J*0 RUSSELL ACOjl Green Hirer Work*.! nlAl’dawSm HI OPIUM habit ana permuentrv __ JM| price* retfueed to »uit the times. Mr». J. A. DroUmfar tforrocrly Air*. Dr. S. B- Collins.* La Porte. India mu CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physician, retire 1 from practice, hav- ng had placed in bit hands by an East India missionary tbe formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tbe speedv and permanent curetc * Consumption, Broncbitae,Catarrh. Asthma, ard all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility ana all Nervous Complaints, after baring tested the wonderful curative power* in thousand*of cate*, has felt It hie duty to make it known to .11 suffering fellow*. Actuated bv this motive land adeaire to relieve human suffering, I will send, free of charge to all whu desire it. this recipe with full direct-on* for preparing and using, in German, French or English. Seat by mail by addrcising with stem, naming this paper. 'W. W. Susis 149 Powert’d Block, Rochester. N Y. G eorgia, bibb coujitt—it is agreed by and between the partiei hereof, ail resident* of said county and State, to form a limited co partnership, under tha law* of Georgia, and that aaid coparinerabip shall be condacted under the following provision.: * 1. The firm name of said copartnership (hall be * W. A. Doody,” which alone shall be nsed in iu dealings. 2. Said copartnership shall ba located in the ricy ot Macon, said conntv and State, and its busineis shall be tbe dealing by retail in Gene ral men bandise. each as ary Roods, clothing, boots and rhoes, and other articles ol such char acter, 3. \T. A. Doody shall be the general partner, and sh-llhavo full direction and management of tbe bu«mos». Myron Ntaabaum and Joaeph Dannenberg, all of said connty, are special pirt !r*. 4. W. A. Doody has contributed four thousand dollars to raid partnership, and Myron Nurs- bautnand Joseph Dannenberg have each con tributed four thousand dollars to the capital stock of tbe same. 8. This partnership shall begin on the 29th day af January, 1880, and shall end on the 2Cth day of January, ISsS, unless sooner dissolved, as here- inaiter provided, to-wit: In case either party be comes diss.ti-fied with s*id partnership the same zr ay be dissolved after the first year, pro vided six. months notice be given alter said time, of such intended dissolution to the other party or parties—said notice to be in writing, girirg tbs reasons therefor. It is further agreed that tho ssid W, A. Doody shall be paid from tbe partnership aisets, the sum of fifty dollars per month.' and this amount to baebarged to tbe expense account. This pay ment to continue until a dissolution, unless oth erwise agreed on. Witness our hand*, this 12th day. of January, 1880. W. A. DOODY, . HYSON NU88B SUM JOSBPH DAN*BNBERG. Signed this 12th day of January, ISM, and ac knowledged b store J. T. RODGERS, N. P.Bibb Co., Ga. Macon. Ga., Janu.ry 12.1889. I certify that tha abuva instrument was signed aod acknowledged by the thereto before ms this day. J.T. RODGERS, H. P. Bibb Co, Ga. mMPHHmi 18th day of Msy. 1879, and recorded in the Clerk’ office Superior Court of said county, in book J. Findfoy. transferree. Property" pointed out by I. And oneotber mortgige given to * a car- plaintiff in fi. fa. . tain promissory note for fifty dollar*, due No- Also at the »ame time and place, part of lot No I vember 1,1879. hearing interest at 12 per cent. 4. in clock No. 17. northwest common cf the city I tj* annum alter maturity. Baid mortgage dated oi Maecn in ibid coun y of Bibb, known as the I 18 ‘®> and recorded^ in Clerk’s office place purchased by Mrs. Venable &tm tne estate | Superior Court of sa-d county, in hock J. I will of John Hollingkwurth. Levied on as the prop- I on the first Tuesday in April. 7880, before the erty of Mra. E. Venable to satisfy a fl. fa. issued | QW*nfc.hpuxe door. »iKnoxTtlie._Qaargta. expose at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, tbe following described property, to-wit: • One hur.- dredand sixty (160) acres of lur.d, o ore or l-.-i-, ben g all o' lctNo.42, north of the Macon r ad. in the sixth district of Crawford ccuntv, Ga. T i from Bibb Superior «'ourt in favor of Tomlin and Guernsey vs. Elizabeth Venable. Property poiuted out by plaintiff’s attorney Also at tbe same time and place, that tract or psrcelof land, situated in thd city of Macon. . . , , . -- Bibb connty, Georgia, bounded on tne north by I t,l » simple wui be made *o the purchaser the property of Jmins Peter, on the *outh by I “ autbonzed in and moitgagea. 8aid tract oi 7 ou' dary vtroe', on the weat by an alley run- I -apj* Fill 1° sold to sah fy the principal. interest, ning to the brewerv.rn thereat by property of I *>“ s.'tornry a feet, to-wit, seven‘y-flve dollars tho Macon Water Works Co. Levied on aa the Pr nripal, with interest as above described, and property of H. B. Holdridge, trustee, to sitisfy a twenty dollars attorney’s feea, as expressed m fi. fa. issued from Bibb Superior court, in favor I »»id mortgage*. The said mort gages made and John Rutherford vs H. S. Holdridge, trustee. I delivered to me, the undersigned, to secure said Property pointed out by T. O. Hendrix. I notes with tbe. power expressed therein to sell Also at the same time and p’aca, thtt portion | raid property in the event defanlt wav made in partner in a limited copartnership about to be formed in said county, under tbe name of W. A. Doody, az>d that Myron Nusebium and Joseph Dannenberg are the tpeci.l partner* therein, and that the amount agreed to be contributed by each of them, ta wit: the sum of four thousand dollars, to tbe capital stock of said firm, ha. been actually paid in. and in good faith contributed thereto. A. DOODY. Sworn to and subscribed before me thi - 29th day Of January, 1890. J.T. BODGBB9, mars w4w Notary Bibb county, Georgia. fl PUJM ■UK CUBE Aswly By B. A!. Woolley Atlanta, Ga. Reliable evi dence given, and reference to cured patientsand physicians. Band for my book on tbe habitand its cure. G EORGIA, Bibb County .—Whereas Engeniua P. Smith has made application for letters of administration on tha estate of Alex. W. Per sons, late of said county deceased. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons, concerned to be and appear at tbe Court of Ordinary of said county on the firat Monday in April next, to show oanse if any they bare, whs letters of administration should not be granted to tab applicant. Qhron under mo official signature, marfltd* J.A. Me M AH Ud, Ordinary. U BORGIA, Bibb County—Whereas Mra. So phia B. Hail, administratrix ot the estate of B. Bond, late of said county deceased, repre sents to the court in her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that aba baa fully administer ed B. Bond’s estate. This ia therefore to eite all person* concern ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any tbey can, why aaid administrator should not be discharged from her administration and receive letter* of diimission on tbe first Monday in June. ~Btt. Given under my official signature. marOtd# J A McMANUS, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. BY authority of an order of tbe Ooart cf Ordi nary of Chatham eounty. will be sold before tba coart honre door in Savannah ,on tbe lat Ta esday in April next, within the legal hours o. sale, the following property belonging to the estate of Bd- wa-d C. AnderaOD, deceased: All that tract of land situate in the oounty of Bibb, State ot Geor gia, near tbe city ot Macon, and fronting on the road leading from Macon to Forsyth ta Vioeville, known aa the place nought by Geo. W. An derson from Mra. H. B. Freeman, executrix, etc. containing 36X scree, more or Ire*. For information M ~ ‘‘mul dim wtd JINS M. ANDB&BON, Administratrix. apply to Turpin A Ogden, G BORGIA, H1HBCOUNTY—Wherrea J.A. Foster, admit irtratorof tbe estate of A. B. Foster lata of said connty deceased, haa made ap plication foz leave to tell all the wild lands be longing to said citato at private sale. This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Cotprt of Ordinal y of said ooauty on tbe first Monday in April next, tq^how eanse. if any tbeylisre. why aaid application should not be granted. Given nnder my official signature. marOtd* J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. Holdridge, 1 pointed out by T. O. Hendrix. _ at tbe same time and p’aea. thtt portion of the north half of lot No 14,heJetofore conveyed toR P. McEvoy by F. X. Foster, said lot situa ted in the city of M»cou, Bibb county, Georgia. Levied on as tbe property of tho esiate of R. P. McEvoy tolsatisfy amo tgtgefi. fa. isi'-ed from Bibb Superior Court in fever T. R. Bloom. B. L Strohecker and Wm. F. Johnston, trus’e s vi. Wm.P. G-odali, executor of Robert P Mc Evoy. Property pciot-.d cut by plaintiffs attor ney. .. .. Also at the atme time and place, part of lot No 3, situated in East Macon, Bibb county, Georgia, said lot fronting 165 feet on street running bark from Fifth street to Central railroad, thence back 210 faet to lands of John Foley, thence 108 feet to lands o! W. I,. Higgins, thence 210 Icet to ssid street, containing one-fourth of an acre* more tr lets, adjoining tbe lauds of John Foley on east and north, and W. L. Higiins on the weat. Levied on aa the property of W. L. Hig gins to satisfy a fi. fa. from Bibb Superior Conrt, m favor of A. H. Colquitt. Governor, vs. James C. Hindman, principal, and W. L. Higgins, seem Jity. inarttd* GKO. P. CHUBBY, Sheriff. JNOTIOJg. ItYTILL be sold before the couit house door in I BORGIA. Crawford county.—By virtue of n the town of Dublin and county of Laurens. I \JT tbe power vested in me by a certain mort ths payment thereof, and default having been made, on the day of sale 1 will execute titles in fea simple to the same. ' t A. B. SMALL. February 26,788Q.-td Executors’ Sale. ITNDKR and by virtue of an order granted by U the Hon, James P. Broadsway. Ordinary in and for tbe connty of Baker. State of Georgia, will be n ld bet re tbe court hi use door o! Hater eounty, town ot Newton, within tbe lera! honra of sale, in the first Tveadav in April next, as the proiierty of the estate of W. D. William*, late of Baker county, deceased, thre < hundred and sev enty-three and one third 18731-3) acres of land iimatrd m Howard’s district. Bibb county, Ga, and known aa lots Noa. 2(4, 26 and 297. amount ing to 3731 3 acres. Kold for division among ths heirs of said W. D. Williams, deceased. Terms catb. feb24 law4t J[. H. ft W. W.WIU TAMS, Executor). A MUSICAL LIBRARY. D1T3QH ft CO. from time to time, gather 1o- grther their best, choicest, most (uccussfnl and ropu'ar pieces cf sheet music, and bind them in * sedsome Toinmes of from 200 to 250 paves, sheet .iiiioizo. There are now 32 books of the se nes. Qoliectivaly, they contain nearly all the really gtodsheet rtnslo ever published. Sepa rately considered, each book is intleperdeut of be otbor, and bolds the 1 eat tones or pieces of »kind, The Tory moderate coat commends cm. Price m Boards £2.00; C;oth £2.80; Gilt £3.00. Tho following aie the VOCAL bocks cnly: Sunshine of Song. 68 ponnlar songs. World of Song. 95tongs. Great variety. Gems of English Soz g. 79 tongs. New book. Household Melodies. 2vols. 147 songs. Moore’s Itish Melodies. 7C0 famous airs. Silver Chord. 160 songs. Gems ol German Song. IcO German gems. “ Scottish ’• 160 Scottish gems. “ Sacred ** 110 of the best. Shiwor cf Pearls. 62 eapitai duets. Wreath of Gems. 95 Songs, qui'e varied. Silver Wreath. 60 songs, duets and trios. Oiieratie Pesrlt. 92 favorite opeia songs. Musical Treasure. Vocal and Instrumental. Any book mailed, post-free, for above prices, 0LIYER DITSON AC0„ Boston. O.H. DITSON ft CO, 843 B’dway N.Y, 1an24tl mm COTTON 01 Clean* the Seed better, Runs LSstrinv. Qln* Faster and Costs Lean Money ttiaa suoy other Cln In the Mark* 1 , Every mac Waa- * Fully and legal If £s«arranteod» Valuable Land for Sale. Sta'e of Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, thu following property: Six hundred acres of land mere or less. Ijincand being in Lauren* connty. Bute of Georgia, bounded on the north gaga executed Iy G. M. Lumpkin to secures ce tain promissory note for the sum of one hun dred and fifty do’lan (»!S<>), said n on gage dated the 231 day of January, 7879, and recorded in the flu by land of D. M. HuRhcs, on the west by W. A. 1 Clerk’s office ol Crawford county, in Book J, Guincy, on tbe east by J. L. McNeir, and on the | page* 7' and 77.1 will, on Tuesday the.second south by J W. gammers. Sold as tne property day ofMarch. 1880. before the court house door, of James M. Lamb to aa ti»fy ore mortgage deed, | In tbe town of Knoxville. Georgia, expose at pub- lio »a)e to tbe highert bidder for ca»b, tbe follow ing de'Cribed property, to-wit: The east half of lot of land N't. 08 in tbe seventh district of originally Houston now I’rawforl co mty. State ot .Georgia, containing one bundre I one and one- fourth acres (161 ii), mere or leas, known aa the Na cy Sbaddeli place. Titles in fee simple will be a ade to tbe purchucr, as authorised iu taid mortgage. Said tract of land will be told to sat isfy the iwineipal.interest and attorney’! fees, to- wit : ( One hundred and fifty dollars principal, with interest at twelve per cent, per annum from November 1,18:9. *nd £28 attorney’s fees, as expressed in aaid mortgage. The taid mort gage male and delivert d to me. the undersigned, to i ecu re aaid note, witi tbe puwer ex prosed therein, to tall taid property in tbe event def ult wot trade in the payment thereof and defanlt having teen made on the d»y oi sale, iwiliexe- ante titles in iee simple to tbe same. This Feb ruary 2.1889. j-n26-law4w JACOB SKISEL with {tower ot sale expressed therein, dated March 18,1879. Signed by said Lamb, and paya ble to Good, Small A Co., and given to secure one promissory note da'ed March 18,1179, and duo October IS, 187* and for the sum o! *129,33, al so oua note in favor of A. B. Small for $190, due November 1, 1879 besides interest, attorney’s fee* and cost of pro coding*. Terms rt sale cash. GOOD, SMALL ft CO., By their attorney Jas. A. Themas. mar7-I*w4w ‘ no i ice. ” YT57ILL be told before the court house door in Tv tbe town of 'Jeffersonville and connty ol Twiggs, in the State of Georgia,en the first Tues day Tn April nrxt.the following property, to-wit: Pour hundred and twenty-fivo acres of land ly ing in the county of Twiggs, in a*id 8t«t«,bound ed on tbe north by the lands cf M. B. Slarpj, on the east by Fd Taylor, and on the south and' west by Janoaof Mrs. Matilda Carte*. Bold as I the property of Irby H. Murrhman, to satisfy one mortgage deed, with power of sale therein, expiesf ed, dated Bibb county, Georgia, Aptil 9th. 1878, signed by said Murebman.and payable to O. G. Sparks ft Bon, and riven to secure tba pay ment of two promisrory notes, each dated April 9.1878. and oae for one hundred dollar*, and one j Norember 1,1878 and the other for seventy-five dollars, and due November 15,1878, with attor ney'efae* and expenses of suit, besides interest. Term cash. O.G. SPARKS ft SON. By their attorney JSs. ft. Thomas. mar7-law4w Administrator’s Sale- $30 REWARD. \\f ILL be paid for the delivery to Bibb coun- V v tyjtil ofa negro woman named Mar Gil bert. about twenty-five year* old. sup.otedto weigh about 140 pound*, about five fret six inch's high. When hut heard of was st Montezuma, March 4th; aha was in compiny with her root her Dafny Johnson, about fifty-five years old, pox marked, and her- sister 8arah Johnson, a tall, likely girl wto haa a small girl child withhtr— all at them black. They may change their amet. ALBX, HBLROBB. Macon, fla-i March 81,1880. «pr 1-wtf TYTILL be .old before the eourt house daor on l 0^?i?h aA C a“ ’ VY the 5th day of April next, between the ua- | M.SS5. > i?, 8 ^t!S ual hour* of sale, one-foarth of an acre of land, fJTlili fo?dUmr«don “ dee easad, more or leas, part of land lot No. 155 in Godfrey’s district, ii> Bibb county, about three miles from the rity of Macon oa the Columbni road. Term* CMh. G. J.BLAKH, Administrator on the ratal* of Mazy Comer; deceased. Macon, Ga., Match 6,1280. . mr7td G EORGIA, Bibb Connty.-Wberea* F. M Heath bss made application for letter* o administration on tbe estate of Lnziaford Heath late of «ald plenty de-eased. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons coo corned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday of April i ext. to show cause if ary tbey have, why letters of administration tbculd cot begrantodto tbe applicant. Given under myr official aignature. martltd* J, A McwANPS, Ordinary. Q.EORGIA,BIBB COUNTI.—Whereas Ben- | applies for dismission. These are to eit* and admonish all persons con cerned to i bow cause at this offlre, on first Mon day In June next, if a-y they have, why tbe same shall not be granted. Witness my head officially. marStd* R. T. ROSS. OitUra-y. O RDINARY’S Office, Jones County, Georgia, * March 3,1SS0. Whereas Samuel L. Chile*, administrator e lite Lucinda Bason, deceased, applies for dis mission. These af* to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show causa at this office,on the first Monday in June next, if any tbey have, wby tbe jne shall cot be granted. Witness my band offic ally. mars’d* R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. j vain T. Ray haa made application for )et- tersof diimission aa administrator from the es tate ol Valentine Nash, late o4 said oounty ide Three are therefore to cite and admoniah all persons concerned to be and appear at tba Court of Ordinary of aaid county on tbe first Monday in April next to ibow can**, if any they have, why letters ot dhmisuon should not be granted to ’witness my official signature. ]an4 ST J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. G BORGIA. BIBB COUNTY-Whereas Si mon Levy has applied to mo for tbe sett ng ap.rtof homestead of penoualtv acd the valua tion of tbe tamo, and 1 will pass upon said ap plication at my office on Thursday tha 16th day ot April. 1882, at 19 o’clock a. m. V. ltnest my official ngnatare. March 20, 1820. marfiTtd J. aTmcMANUB. Ordinary. DENTISTRY. X Respect fully annou-ee to the Htiaess of Ma- eon and the publio generally, that X have opened on Mulberry street, oaposite the Lanier House, a Oentalcffice, where I will practice den tistry in all its branches. I ojdially invito my friends and former pat- rent and tbe public generally who need the ser vice of a dentist to call an ma. Very respectfully,^ baRFULD, D, D, B. iaalt-dlm-wSm*■ Oitatio of Heirs- G EORGIA. Bibb County —Francis Ei*neraa $)>* administrator of M. Eisner, late of said county, deceased, havig filed his a*piirat : on in this court for a citation of the heirs of tha de ceased for a distribution of the estate now in hia ^Tbsae are therefore to cite the next of klncf de ceased to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary for aaid county on tbe first Monday in April next, then and there te ibow their nlationftip G l 1 SHERIFF’S NOTICE. BORGIA. Baler Oounty .—On and after this _ 'date until further notice, tba legal advertise manta of the Sheriff of Baker county will be pnb liahed in tha Albany News. J. H. ROWELL, Sheriff. Newtou. March 1.1180 -10* till tn tinn inverted in Wall atrrotStock* jblU IU wiUU make* fortune*every month. Book tent free explaining everything. Address BkXTBR ft uO, Bankers, 7 Walt street, New York. inrllTC For the Piotorlal Bible Comment* Al’l It • >» ter. 1,018 pages, 478 Illustration tL ||Trn and map*. The moat complete and ft H I C U coi s Commentary on tha entireaenpiores (in one volume) ever published Price $3 78. Bradley, Garreston ft Co, M New 8t, Nashville,, Ttnzu | : mg novTwtm • ; • *. ■ Witness my official lignite re, this March lit, 880 ' marOtd* J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. O RDINARY'S Office. Jcne* County. Georgia MarchS, 1183.~Where** John F. Child* guardianfor Jernee J. and Madiaon G. Barfield aprliea for diamiuion. These aie to cite and admonish a! persona concerned to show oauaa if any they have, at this effioe, on first Monday in May next wby the same shall not bo granted. Witness my hand officially. marStd * ROLAN b T. R03S. Ordinary: ASBOOD EMfOBIB l*wcrlpU<m Free. For speedy Cure of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, ana all dis orders brought on by iodiscrefion or exesesa AAj r>rus’flri’*thastbe injrredienta. Addrew* HAVIOMX A CO., 78 rVaaaan Mte. N. % M G EORGIA, BIBB OOUNTY.-Wkereas W. T Hollingsworth has made application f * letter* of disuisaiou as aiministr tor from th° esiate ct Eliza J. Hollingsworth, lateof sai county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail p-raons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of taid county on the first Monday in April text to show rente, if aav they have, why letters of dismi-sion should sot be granted toauplicant. Witness my offi-.ial signature. . »r4td J.A. MCWANU4 Ordidary , Uew Advsrti ss men ts. L ARGE PROFITS May be realized from small investments br ope- mtmg in GRAIN or COTTON FUTU&88 through tbe MOBILE PUBLIC COTTON AND GRAIN LTLCHANGH. Small o;*eratoM have equal facilities with tr.e largest Busicess con ducted by mail or telegraph, and daily reports mailed to all customera. 810 buya or sells ten balei Cotton or 1,€00 buihela Wheat, etc. Se&d for explanatory circulars, etc., to F. HDTuHTNS & CO.. 4^ 8t. FranciaSt*. Mohi e. Ala, These machines are made of tho icatvrjl^ *3sdlfinr- ▼xrtmanshipand finish aro unexcelled. Have !>Eerv jutraTvIaaS^ premiums at all the State fairs, Georgia xlfihirr^ TrrM^ etc. Upwards of 5000 of our G2X3anolncon*?anl«3B:5X tho Boatheru states, over 1000 having been EoLlialS79L ^ Price List of Gina, Feeders a ad Ccrad****/ ** Boxed ready for shipment and delivered ataur Sixes. 87 50 100 00 112 CO 125 00 HO 00 160 00 180 CO Price with Self Feeder or Condenser. Fetritztxwqi filOOCO lir. 00 1^2 60 no 00 ICO 03 180 00. $u»»* IU &*> t5TTorm8 given on Appircatlcci.JUi under the firm name Clemons* Baowir & co., an as tho Taylor Gin. Turing ------ wo have been and irncle was then ftxuivxi; _ — — lg tho year 1858 we removed K>UU»- place, where we have been exclusively enfrn god in Tzuixm* Tacturinp Gins eversinco. "Wii'i lon^experieneu 1 ,-ihe kaS labor saving machinery andskiP-.iv--rkr:. n. 'ao^onaEr ndvantagosuot enjoyed by any other*' MUutMtm+jeTnvsar line, for producing the best work for - r j least ci-mr*. The demand last yearwas so groat fl nil wljUlliTiring — —-»unfilled, nut ir * * —“ * — ~ remained r b have doobW c ^17^79 4 tBAH and eaprptex to Moult •PI I f Outfit Free. Address P O VlCL* BHT Anmsti. Maine. flD fl i 18Stop*. 3 Set Seeds, 2 Knee Swells. UQuAnu Stool, Book, only <98. PIANOS, Stool, Cover and Book, £21’ to S1GC0. Illuatrat- fMB. Addrres, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, S. J. ADVERTISERS By addressing Geo, X*. Xtowoll «fe Co. to Spruce Si., New York, can foam the ex act ro*t ol any proposed line of ADVERTISING American Ncwmapers. fiaTlO Too-page Pxm- gTBADE* C Cf©:' capacity and hope to be able to meet all demandMiG tho wta^t plan to get your orders ir earfy* SteC for illustrated pampnletgiving ivittut iry from over 500 live, enterprisinr plaiitor* ?ri>w. Tr.nppr+fr «ud cosuplote outfit furnishedwkca tiuruied. Addmaa ' BROWN COTTON GIN CO-, NEW LONEON, txnftT * ‘-iWve. l- cr, aril' PlXBT, HOUilOS CoegJT, Gk. We have known "Bwift’a By phtlitic Specific” trated in hundred* of obstinate cases of Syphilis, Mercurial Rheumatlum. Scroful*. etc, and ts«ti fy that it made the moat perfect and permanent caret in avers ease. Capt. HothL. Cenaard, Gen.Eh Warren, Bam D. Killen. J. W. Wimberly, Judge Co. Cenrt, Dr J. O. Gilbert, drug- J.L Warren, of firm of ’ (gist, J. W. Latbrop ft Co., J. W. Mann, County Savannah, Ga. Treasurer. Bd. Jackson, Deputy CoL O. C. Duncan. Cl’k Superior Conrt. Meat. Day ft Gordon. Mafor Wm, Brunson. Wm. D. Fierce, Sheriff. We *re pet totally acquinied with the rcntle- men whose signature* appear to tbe above cer tificate. Tbey are citizen* of (aid oounty, of the h'gbeat respectability and character. A. 8. GILES. Ordinary Houston County. Ga., I>. H. CULLER, Clerk Superior Conrt, Houston connty, Ga. ly acquainted with ths propria- alto with manv of the gentlemen whose si*nature* appear to the foregoing certificate*. Ihey are men of high character and standing A. H. COLQUITT, Governor ol Georgia. (Fbrmerly Dr. Craig’t Jiulir; Ci-re . vegetable preparation and the on tj remedy in the world for (trlirltt'K i Bfatetes. and ALL Kidi Urinary Diseases. SRdrtTeatlmonials of the highest order I Ii. oruc-' iftoase statemeata. Etf-For the cure of Diabetes, ctJl for Warn- aeri* Safe Diabetes Cam. .•W'For the cure o! Brip;lif , cm! «:b»; disease*, callfor Warner') Safe iritdDana: and Liver Care. Safe RemetfSKS am sold by Oruygato. I end Deafen* ar Medicine ovciry- where. Prepared oz:ly bv the 8 WIFT PAN I. Atlanta, Ga. SPBOIFICCOM- 8oldbyHUVT.SANXINftLAMAB.and ail drugaist: mrr27-c 6m C-BA SPECIFIC UEDIC1E TRADE MARK. [THE greatTRADE Bigliah' rem edy. An un lading a r a for Seminal eSk- n«,«, Spermat orrhea, irnpo- tency, and all distatea that Before Takingquenea or roifAfter Taking abuse; as a lots of memory, universal lassitude, pain tn the back. dimojM of vision, premature oid age. aTd many Olhtdiseases that lead to in- rarity and consumption and a premature grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we de sire to rend free by mail to every ons. The Spe cific Medicine is sold by ail druggists at $1 per package, or six package* for $5 will be nut fret iy mail oa receipt of tho money by ^dressing the GRIT MEDICINE CO. No 10 Moehanica Black, Detroit, Mich. 8old in Macon and every where by all draoritta. octSt da wly. For ale by HUNT, RANKIN ft LAMAR. 9P!INS&U£Blf IALESMEN wantei good'SmnTO sell} •CIGARS TO DEALERS £7 A month andexpcii^s. ^IVWfiwnpIes Frffca Cat this Notice Oat . And send it with your application - taofl Send a 3C. stamp to insure! answer. S.f O$Ti:ft&COe f P.O.Box 13.9.*xiftti, Obio»! Q EU&QIa. hibbCoubty- Wl^re-iii Mr?* Mai-” L- Harm, guardian of Mat lie J. Am® L. &du Jimmie A. Barri», haa app'-ed toU^r- Court of Ordinary of Midctuufy for a dlacj&rscr- frcm hsr gcardiamhipof said Mattie J , Anssitirii,, and Jimmie A. Harris of the-r j erson und ari.v, this U tnerefore to cite till per&enu cor. iesa.- ea to be and appear at the Court cf Urdiap.-* *aid county oa the first Monday in M»w;> ^ ahow caute. if anr tbry hnr#, wby ihn Mv? »haL- Harris thould not bd district d from Ite guardianship of Mid M*t;i3 J- Am A * Harris and reeeive tbe us; of dismission. Giver under my official miniature. usual fob ltd' . Me Si iN JS, Ord .sa^r G EOBGll, Pibb\ — Whoioce T. _ Tinsley, »dminUtralor of tho estate G. Timl*v, Me of said cotuily r $ y ] made apnhcafclon for leave to sell ai! i^; ^ r?s2 u- ta*o belonging to said esi tc This is therefore to cite a? i acm :r>ish tons concerned to besnu arn^r Hi ti c- I'oejttcJ Ordinary of s id oounty, c*. tho- first Monday Ma April next to show cause i/»nyibey ha to-, rofigf •aid ar plication should n<*t bo fram«d Givm under my official bigrature. marfitd* J. A. McM lNH*. « re inary. ) The Litt-.o -tvoch and .oDith b | .n««|'(i!rr fomi the best LANDS m Iks Wmt ►or Southwest, with heaf«» i die ate, I «*r Ue soil, and affected by drouth. XSma* terms of Kile. Full: * Men, Homes in Western Arkansas: Appl^, - fi. SLACK, Land <}" *<«* Artt: