The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 01, 1871, Image 1

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\ I .7 tieo«*» Telegraph Bonding, M»o». and Messenger, one year Sit °° 11-.; month w a^- .iTeekly Telegraph and Meei.enger, 1 Six months 00 y.-naoth Weekly Telegraph and Messenger, 66 columns, 1 year 00 Sx montha •• •• j Parable always in advance, and paper stood 1 1 ttben the money rune ont, unleaa renewed nr^M.NC. AiunGMtirrrs with j. «, bckkjc An’s rceucATio.Ns. Ij! |. telegraph * Messenger and Farm and Home - $ 00 firmly Telegraph and MoatjeDger ana Farm and Home ... 03 Semi-Weekly Telegraph and Messenger and_ Farm and Homo d 00 Southern Christian Advocate with Weekly... 00 Boke'e Magazine 1 00 This arrangement n where remit tanoea are ado Xitel to the office of publication. The consolidated Telegraph and Meeoger | r spree sols a large circulation, pervading Kdle, gootheni and Sc uthweatern Georgia and Wtem Alabama and iulddlo Florida. Advertieemca at rgasopable rates. In the Weekly nt ono doll per square of three-quarters of an inch, each pilua- t^o. P.emittanoee should be made by expre, or by nail in money orders or registered letters. Commencement Exercfiies of M tirilliu Female College. Geo-fin, June 29th,71. Ildilari Telegraph and Messenger : Yee relay closed the programme of a brilliant comnncc- mcht of the Griffin Female College. Thexer- dses, from beginning to end, were highiynter- estieg to the largo audience of patrons, cizen3 •ad visitors, as was manifested by theirlaily attendance and unwearied patience. The commencement sermon was preach! by Bsv. Dr. Brantley, of Atlanta, in the Botist church to a very large congregation, 'ext, hokex: 12, “But ono thing is nsedful.” The discourse was forvent, learned and appropnte, containing many strong and convincing agu~ meats why woman especially should seekhe “ooe thiDg needful.” Monday and 'I’nesday were devoted to ptlic (gEfinatious of all the classes. The exanna- tionswere thorough, impartial and entirelyat- isfsetory. c learly evincing the fact that .he young ladies haci been patiently, systematidly and thoroughly tanght. The testimony ofall present is, that the examinations reflected g>at credit upon faculty and pupils, and Judge Jates Jackson made honorable mention of the jo- ficiency of the senior class in English literatre, in his address. The course of study is vry extensive. The institution is one of the fst grade, and affords as many opportunities nd facilities for the acquirement of a liberal nd polished edneation as any in the'Stato. On Tnesday night the annual oelebratia of Ihe literary societies took place. Originales- itys were read, find elegant recitations mad by the young ladies. Tne annual address tothe two societies was delivered by the policed young orator, Mr. Walton Beeks, of Griffis. Wednesday, commencement day, was devted exclusively to the reading of essays by he young ladies of ihe graduating class. The es- iijs were well written and well read, excimg lunch interest and eliciting much applase. Ihe speech of Jndge Henry It. Jackson, atthe dose of thoeo exercises, chaste, eloqaut, 1 . His subject: The infiujBDCt of heal i i itionsupon tho literatnre, po’ it tv, , wrnof a people w-s- ~ wYiti»eaniirttt"»a ^Ai,„rmuLiment,and varied learning— sohappiy ad eloqnently illustrated from the choicet Udaot literature, and was delivered with s each grace and dignity, that none but thoe iho had the pleasure of hearing it can propeiy appreciate. The grand concert' of Prof. Danneberg old hit rnusio class last night closed the programne. Tbs excellent climate, convenie nt locality ad cilovated society of Griffin, together with ts abla,eflioient board of teachers, anditslong pas- to as a seat of learning, secures to the Grijn Dual® College a liberal patronage from all ruts of the 8>ato, and will render it in thefu- t .re one of the most popular and flonriBbing^n- kitotions in the country. Noiio offers nare iidacemcnts and advantages to those who live dinghters to odneate. Macol From Saunter County—Itcsult ol a Kn-blnx Trial. Amekicus, Ga., Jtmo 29, 1871. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: Saa—The Superior Court of Sumter county hts b«*n in session since Monday. The case of tie Suta vs Samuel Ponncey, William Wilder, Jack •I 'lTalh and Robert Bolton, charged with the “Unlght assassination of I sham Jenkins, aper- *»of color, or the noth of May, was called. Defendants severed on the trial, and the case proceeded first against Samuel Pounoey. The evidence for the prosecution consisted almost sfarely of declarations made by deceased when i» artieulo mortis. He stated that a party of men tame jq jjj s houso and called hilt ont. He refused to answer, when his door vts broken open, and he was dragged out and be&en; that he »tn^gl 0l i violently to get away, which ho &*Uy dm. and ns he ran off was (hit in the “Wk; that the parties then took himotl some |alf or three quarters of a mile, concealed him U the top of a tree, and left him far dtad. He that the parties who thns served lim were ™ncey, Wilder and McMatb, and h< thought wlon, but was not positive as to him. These declarations were given in by tie prose- ®®on, Thomas Davenport and two colored W—esaes, between whom there was some con i'din the details of the transaction as said to hiT# been stated by the deceased.' 3be defendant introduced his oo-delendanfs '’U all swore they had no knowledge of or oon- with the crime. Wilier and Bolton red mStSS 1 jdibis, end wee sostaiied by wives. Tbe’gener».’ B ^'^d pharaoUr of all ^defendants for peace and orcer for years PttTiOM to tho transaction was sworn to by a rusher of respectable witnesses. Defendant Improved by se veral gentlemen that the charoo- deceased was bad and that; they would •WGutve believed him on his oath in a court of l<Wbe. Thia is tho substance of the testimony, the uoU’U of which are voluminous. After able Argument by Col. Jack Brown and N. A. Smith, Esq., for the State, and Cols. W. A. Hawkins, Mac. T. Goode for the priamer, the jury re- tumed a verdict of “not guilt’,” and the almost hhiversal opinion of all who leard the evidonce ** that the verdict ia right. This will practically arquit the other defendants,though as yet no “•position has been made <f the case against them, Respectfully, S. L. Confederate head Ficm the Gwinett Atlas.] We would call our readers'atteition tothe -ottery in our advertising columns, by which it j3ii> cted to raise the auennt necessary to bnikl a suitable monument 10 the Confederate of Georgia, and to thoae soldiers from other Confederate States vho were killed or died in our State. It is proposed by the origimtors that this Monument shall cost $50,00), wHch sum is to beraised by the saloof rickets. Bice, $5 each, •they offer, as inducements, one prize, in real tstate, valued at $150,000. We presume that in this prize is embodied, ‘be price of the monunent; next, the ex penses, which in all suchuniertaktngs, must be ^«y heavy-the single itmi of 10 per cent. n--n-s commissi ms cn $l>.-KKKyj W0 «Ud be $25,- ' t0 this would ne the amount to be paid n° f thc S0ld anc b<>?P« mine cv tnVm V ’T 2 * Tl a UniedSUites currtn- /^ tho h, e Ute ‘ o‘ which is lig^OO, the lowest sh^TJ^i P refy 5 that this monnm«t ® by 1116 Wilmtaiy ccntnL-u- W T ?, n:UBt ‘dmit that this is not vet flnifc be ^e-shirgtln Monumentis or J ir nmshed * n °twithaa»dino the verv mobufn°th P mad - all ° Ver Ubitid SUt^ hon m amount re^rd for its compfel Sutisttsr we le«:m that, n Wth&kte he corn(r atone .f every effort (reene Monuments, j '* r . ma(i ® t> raise the nocessa*y t®s S,lcee8s Finally, the cil- Ljt; -g ol':am^“. h s, ad ° ple< the lo «e r 7 pl»>, tt- LesisUtnre e5l a' 1er f,r that purpose fron two ar - not lesTkf thi> ert? inc 5 red iu 0l « one plan Paid agents ^ €r ‘ Bith plans must have t.ents, starionery, priuing, pcsUgc, etc., etc. It is true, the printers, in both cases, are called upon to do a great part of the work without fee or pecuniary reward. Bat all of that class can Kve on hope, as their list of subscribers showi. We do not complain in this case, for we p«rfbrm a sacred doty in cheerfully giving aid td the erection of snoh a monument. We would forfeit our right arm rather than not have our mine enrolled among its builders. We call upon every man, woman and child who mspects courage, virtue, constancy, truth, to cone forward end aid iu building a monu ment to the Confederate dead. Let them not forget that “The Boysin Gray,” whose ircvotion and heroism we would forever commemorate, died in defense of constitutional liberty—their birthright. The parties who have control of this enter prise are all men of the highest character. Generals W. H. T. Walker, W. D. Smith, John K. Jackson, and tho youthful Girardey, are beneath the sod—the life blood of two stain ing the battle-field—that of Girardey, on tho day after his promotion, the soil of Virginia; that of the heroic Walker, the hills of Atlanta. Generals Wheeler, Boggs and Cumming, are absent from their native county. These are represented on the list of commissioners by their kinsmen or friends—gentlemen of the highest character, intelligence and social posi tion. Here, also, we find the names of Generals McLaws, Gardner, Wright, Bryan and Stoval, who are still residents of old Kichmond; and well may she be proud of these, her sons. It was fit and proper that those who had been leaders in the camp, the mrrch, and on the bat tle field, should commence this enterprise. Some there are who say that we ‘ ‘should not decorate our soldiers’ graves”—“should not build monuments to the glorious dead”—our dead— that, by so doing, we perpetuate sectional feel ing. We are not among that number. We say: Georgians! if you value your liberties, and the liberties of your children, ‘ forget not your dead—your glorious dead!" It is understood that this monument will be built in the county contributing the largest amount. This is fair, and all we could ask of the originators, who are all from Augusta. Though we would prefer to see our capital thus adorned, yet, if another city is more liberal, we will not complain. We also understand that, at the proper time, the commissioners will appoipt special trustees from the leading Confederate officers in the dif ferent sections of the State,, who will determine upon the location and plan of the monument. We would suggest that an association be formed in each county Belect a stone and en grave thereon the nam» of the county, and such other inscription as might lie chosen—this stone to be placed in the monument. Cannot the ladies take tills matter in hand? Will not our fair readers of Gwinett act upon this suggestion, and select a suitable monu mental stone ? . <•'.'•••: U>;i We would also suggest that “Jeff. Davis" be selected as the orator. Let us have' a suitable monument, and an orator suited to the occasion. The inducements offered will draw "money from beyond onr State ; but unless our citizens, men, women and children, come forward promtly and purchase one or more tickets, the day of the drawing must be postponed. For. suoh delay we hopo there will bo no necessity. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. - --- -MACnY. ^ ‘jQcXyj,;, - AHI1TVH, Bacon...;.. ‘7.20 a.m. 11.30 a. m 5.05 F. M. 11.05 F. M Atlanta 6.00 A. m. 2.23 p. M 3.28 p. at. 10.15 p. M MAOON AND BBUSSW1CK BAILBOAD. U0AVE. ABKIYE. Maccn C.15A.M. 5.25p.m Brunswick... 6.00a.m. 7.05p.m Savannah ........ ....... A. h. 8.00 p. m KawlinsviUe C IO a. at. 6.45 p. M Macon 305 p. m. 10.20 a. m CENTRAL BAILEOiD. Leave. amove. Macon 700 A. M. 4 51 p. M 620 P. M. 5.15 A. M Savannah.... - 715 a.m. 5.25 p. m 700 p.m. 6.30 a. m Train from Gordon to Milodgeville and E&ton- ton connects with downnighttrain from Macon and up day train from Savannah. SOUTHWESTERN FULEOAD. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Maoon 8.00 A. at. 4.35 A. M 8.50 P. ». 5.00 a. M 7-10 a. m. 4.58 p. m 5.10 p. M. 10.00 A. M MUSCOGEE E AILOAD. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Maoon >,...5.25 A. M. 0.12 p.m 9.15 p.m. 4.10 a. m Oolumbaa 2.45 p. m. 11.00 A. m . 05 p. M. 4.45 A. M MACON AND AUGUSTA An.ROAD. . LEAVE. Maoon 30 A. M. Augusta 1.00 M. WESTERN AND ATLANTICBAILROAD. HAVE. Atlanta 8.5 a. m. 10.5 P. M. Chattanooga 5.0 a. m. 9 JO P. M. ARRIVE. 7.10 p. M 1.45 P. M ARRIVE. 6.17 A. M 2.00 r. m 5.40 a. M 4.25 P. M SPECIAL NOTICES. Hon. H. Swans. “Have derived feme benefit from tlje nee of Sim mons’ Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial 2’ “ Your Regulator has been in use in my family fol tome time, and I am perenaded it ia a valuable addi tion to the medical aeienoe.”—Gov. J. Gill Shorter Ala. ** Simmons’ Liver Regulator is certain'y a specific for that class ot complaints which it claims to cure.” —Kxv. Daviff Wills, president Oglethorpe College. Simmons 5 LIVER DISEASE and Indiges tion prevail to a greater extent than probably any other malady, relief is always anxiously soug ter. If the Liver ia regulated action, health is almost i secured. Want of action or causes Headache, Co J aundice. Pain in the Cough, Liiziness. So Bad Taste in the attacks. Pa i pita t> e p ression of ani ahundre which SIM ULATOR that has acts mi si in pi no , its v Rriably in the Liv- n5ti pa tion, h o u 1 d erg. O -v ^Stomach, X A^^M"Uth, Bilious ~ tion of the Heart the spirits, or Hires 1 other symptoms, MON'8 LIVER KEG- is the best remedy for ever been discovered. It Idly, effectually, and being a a vegetable compound, can do injury. It is harmless in every way; it has been used for 40 years, and hundreds of the good od great from all parts of the coun will vouch for its virtues. V Regulator. Or, MEDICINE, J. H. ZEILIN A CO.. Proprikioes. TESTIMONIALS: " I have never soen or tried such a simple, effica cious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life.—" H. Haines, St- Louis. Mo. . .1 . “I have used the Regulator in my 1 amily for the last seventeen years. I can safely reeommend it to the world as the best medioine I over used for that class of diseases it purports to cure.—H. F. Thigpen ’’ It has proved a good and efficacious medicine.”— C. A Nuttino. i *‘We have been acquainted with Dr. Simmons’ Liver Medicine for more than twenty roars, and* know it to be ihe best Liver Regulator offered to tho public.”—M. R. Lyon, and H. L. Lyon. Bellefon- taine, Ga. •, -, “I was cured by Simmons’ Liver Regulator, after having suffered several years with Chills and Fever.” —R. F. Ancepsiin. ” My wife and self have used tho Regulator for years, and I testify to its great virtues.”—Rzv. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga. “ I have used yonr Liver Regulator with successful effect in Bilious Colic and Dyspepsia. It is an excel lent remedy, and certainly a publio blessing.”— Sheriff C. Maeieeson, Bibb county, Gai. ■ janll-d&wtf HELHBOLD’S HELMB01D’8 HELMBCLD’S HELHBOLD’S HELMBOiD’8 HELMBOID’8 HELMBOLD'S HELMB0LD8 HELMBOLD3 HELMBOLD8 HELHBOLD’S HELHBOLD’S NO CHANGE OF CABS BETWEEN GUSTA AND COLUMBUS. AU- CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. 'CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CHEAP GASLIGHT Tie “ Goulet? G$ Work” I S a simple, safe and reliable pparatus for sup plying PUBLIC BUILDING and PRIVATE RESIDENCES, with a superior aid CHEAP GAS LIGHT. Upwards of FOUR HUNDlEE&re in successful operation in private residence!, clinches, factories, etc. No other apparatus is operftdon the same or any similar principle, which guarantees a light of uniform quality, in either argud or open Burners, WITHOUT THE USE OF ARTFtCLVL HEAT. The practical operation of t e Machines can be aeon at the PASSENGER SH1D nf the Railroad Companies in MACON; also t the Printing and Publishing Houso of Messrs. 5 W. BURKE & CO. We call attention to the loll wing extract from a letter from 3. W. Bnrke, Esq.: Macon, Ga, Much 23,1871. “We have had one of the V. 1. Gaslight Compa ny’s Machines, in operation sii;e the 10th of No vember, 1870, and it is perfects satisfactory to ns In its genoral working and olioapere. We paid the Macon Gaslight Company for foir months of last year and the year previous—vu: November, De cember, January and February—$399. !i6. In using this Machine onr gas for the lour corresponding months cost us $114—thus saviig ts in that time $285.56. The light ts quite as tood as that of the City Gas Company, and has the advantage of being entirely under our control to use as we please. During the severe weather in December it burned without intermission, not being at all affected by the freeze. We see no troublein the Machine or the light, and cheerfully recomnend it.” tsisned - 1 J. V. BUBEE & CO. For information or testimoniJs, apply to EDVARD BO WE, Poet-office boxl59. Macon, Ga, Or WM. FOSTER. Jr., Prosident, m vfi tf 2 and 4 Bade street, N. Y. NEW BOOKS! M BOOKS! BELLE L0YEL! BELLE L0YEL! A new and interesting JUVEMILE OOKTSUMFTIOBff. Its Cure and Its Preventive. By J. H- SOHENOK, M ANY a human being has passed away, for whose death there was no other reason than the neglect" of known and indisputably proven means of cure. Those near and dear to Lmily and triends are sleep ing the dreamless slumber into which, had they calmly adopted 1>R. JOSEPH H. SCHENCK’S SIMPLE TREATMENT, and availed themselves of bis wonderful efficacious tuciiicine?. they would not hare fnlien. Dr. behenek vitality rein,iins, that, vitality, by bfd'tXgilJmes and his directions for their use, is quickened into health ful vigor. ! In this statement there is nothing presumptuous. To the faith of the invalid is madeno representation that is not a thousand times substantiated by living and visible works. The theory of the cure by Dr. Schenck’s medicines is os simple as it is unfailing. Its philosophy requires no argument. It is self- assuring. self convincing. The beawood Tonio and Mandrake Pills are the first two weapons with which the citadel of the malady is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With this condition the bronchial tubes ‘"sym pathise” with the stomach, They respond to the morbific action of the liver. Here thou cumu the culminating result, and the setting in, with all its dis tressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. Tho Mandrake Pills are composed of oneof Nature’s nobloat gifts—the Podophillum feltatum. They pos sets all the blood-searching, alterative properties of calomel, bnt unlike calomel, they “LEAVE NO STING BEHIND.” The work of cure is now beginning. The vitiated and muoous deposits in tho bowels and in the ali mentary canal are ejected. The liver, like a clock, is woundup. It arouses from Its torpidity. The stom ach acts responsively, and the patient begins to feel that he is getting. at last. A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The Seaweed Tonio, in conjunction with the Pills permeates and assimilates with the food. Chyiifica- tion is now programing without its previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless, and the cure is seen to be athand. There is no more flatulence, no excerbation of the stomach. An appetite sets in-” Now comos the greatest Blood Purifier ever yet given by an indulgont father to,lsuffering man. Schenck’a Pulmonic Syrup comos in to perform its functions ami to hasten and complete the cure. It enters at once upon itstwork. Nature cannot be ohcaied. It collects and ripens the impaired and dis eased portions of the longs. In the form of gather ings, it prepares them for expectoration, and lo 1 in a- very sbi'rt time the malady is vanquished, the rotten throne that it occupied is renovated and made new, and the patient, in ail tho dignity of regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy tho manhood or the womanhood that was GIVEN UP AS LOST. The second thing is* the patients must stay in .& warm room until they get well; it is almost impossi ble to prevent taking cold when the lungs are dis eased, but it must be prevented or a cure cannot be effected^ Fresh air and riding out, especially in this seotion of the country in the mil and winter seasonr arir^alR wrong. Physicians who recommend that" course lose their patients, if their lungs are badly diseased, and yet, because they are in the house they must not sit down quiet: they must walk about the room as much and as fast as the strength will bear, to got up a good circulation of blood. The patients must keep in good spirits—be determ ned to get well. This has a great deal to do with-the appetite, and is the great point to gain. To despair of cure after such evidence of its possibility in the worst cases, and moral certainty in all others, is sinful- Dr. Schenck’s personal statement to the Faculty of his own cure wat.-iu these modest words: ’ "Many years ago I was in the last stages of con sumption, confined to my bed, and at one time my physicians thought that I could n(St live a week; then Uko a drowning man catching at straws, I heard of and obtained the preparations which I now offer to the public, and they made a perfect cure of me. It seemed to me that I could.fcel them penetrate my whole system. They soon ripened the matter in my lungs, and I would spit up more than a pint of offen sive yellow matter every morning for a long time. ; As soon as that began to subside, my cough, fever, pain and night sweats all began to leave me, and my appetite became so great that it was wiih difficulty lhat I could keep from eating too much. I soon g»ined my strength and have grown in flesh ever * “lavras weighed shortly after my recovery.” added the Doctor, "then looking like a mere skeleton: my weight was only ninety-seTen pounds : my present weight is two hundred .and twenty-five (225) pounds, and lor years 1 have enjoyed uninterrupted health, i Dr. dchenck has discontinued his profession at visits to New York and Boston. He or big son. Dr. J. H. Schenck. Jr .still continue to see patients at their office. No. 15 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, every Saturday from 9 a. u. to 3 p. v. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Respirometer will bo charged Jo. Tho Raipirometer declares tho exact condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they are curable or not. " . . . Tho directions for taking the medicines are adapted to the intelligence even of a child. Follow these _di- roetions. and kind Nature will do the rest, excepting that in some cases tho Mandrake Pills aro to be taken in increased doses: the three medicines needno other accompaniments than the ample instructions that ac company them: First create appetite. Of returning health hunger is the most welcome symptom. When itc ,mes, as it will come, let the despairing at once be of good cheer. Good blood at once follows, the cough loosens. th6 night sweat is abated. "In a short time both of these morbid symptoms are gone forever. Dr. Schenck’* medicines are constantly kept in tens of thonsandiof families. As a laxative or purgative the Mandrake Pills are a standard preparation ; while the Pnlmcnic Syrup, as a enrerof coughs and colds, may be regarded aa a prophjlaatene against con sumption in aoy of its forms. . _i ; Price of the Pulmonio Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, ♦1.50 a bottle, or S7.50 a half doien. Mandrake Pills. 25 cents a box. For sale by all druggists and dealers. JOHN r. HBNRY, (No. 8 College Place.New York.) HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID *T W1 "T pfT>Cl*T>»V>TTT.« FLUID EXTBAOT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTBAOT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT, SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTiUiOT SARSAPARILLA. ELUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. / FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. .‘UP-A i-i 1.-. X He; PURIFY THE BLOOD AND BEAUTIFY THE COMPLEXION ’ . By using. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE,) Gioboia Cxntkat, Rauboad, y. Savannah, May 27, 1871. j O N and after Sunday, the 28th inst., Passenger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad will run as follows , CP Dir TRATN. Leave Savannah 7:15 a Jt Leave Augusta 8:16 a m Arrive at Augusta 6:38 p si Arrive at Miliedgeville 8:45 r m Atrive at Eatonton.’. 10:45 p it Arrive at Macon.....; 4:51 pit Connecting at Augusta with trayis gotDg North, and at Macon with trains to Columbus and Atlanta. DOWN DAY TRAIN. Leave Sfacon 7:00 A si Leave Augusta 8:15 am Arrive at Augusta 5:38PM Arrive at Savannah 5:25 p si Making same connection at Augusta as above. NIGHT TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Savannah.....". 7:00 p si Leave Augusta 8:30 p st Arrive at Macon 5:15 a m Connecting with trains to Columbus, leaving Macon at 5:25 A si. NIGHT TRAINS GOING NORTH" Leave Savannah.. - 7:00 psi Leave Macon 0-20 psi Arrive at Miliedgeville 8:45 r si Arrive at Eaton ton 10:45 vst Arrive at Augusta 2:45 a si Arrive at Savannah 5:30 A st Making close ccnnection with trains leaving Au gusta. Passengors going over the Miliedgeville and Eatonton Branch will take night train from Macon, day train from Augusta and Savannah, which con nect daily at Gordon (Sundays excepted) with the Miliedgeville and Eatonton trains. An elegant sleeping car on all night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can be bad at the Central Railroad Ticket Office at Pulaski House,, corner of Bnll and Bryan streets. Office open from 8 a st to 1 p si, and from3 to Cm. Tick ets can also be had at Depot Office. WILLIAM ROGERS, may30 tf General Superintendent. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O Southwestern Railroad Company, > Macon, Ga., May 28, 1871. ) N and after Sunduy, the 28th inst.. Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows: . . DAY EUFAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:00 A. st. Arrive at Eufaula 4:58 p. st. Leave Eufaula 7:45 a. k. Arrive at Macon 4:35 p. st. Connecting with the Albany branch train at Smithville, and with Fort Gaines Branch Train at Cuthbert. ETJPAULA NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon Arrive at Eufaula 10:00 a. si. Leave Eufaula Arrive at Macon .. 6:10 p. jr. .. 6:00 A. at. Connect at SmitbviUe with Albany Train on Mon day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights. No tra leaves on Saturday nights. COLUMBUS DAY PA88EXOEB TBAIN. Arrive at Columbus... Leave Columbua ..11:00 a. at. ..12:45 P. at. Arrive at Macon. .. 6:12 p. m. " TRAIN. Leave Macon ...8:15 P. M. Arrrive at Columbus ...4:45 A. M.' Leave Columbus. . ..3 05 P. M. Arrive at Macon ....4:10 Alt. juulO ly YIRGIL POWERS, Engineer and Superintendent. WHITE HOSE. -S A A BARRELS of above celebrated brand choice luU Family Flour. Just received and for sale very low by JONES & BAXTER. TENNESSEE FL0IJR AND MEAL, For sale at lowest prices, to dose consignment, by JONES &. BAXTER MAX KROMEU, astory of the :ioge of Strasbourg, a new Jnvenile book. NELLY'S DARK DAYS, THE LOST PEARL, New and choice Juvenile bodts. WHY DID HE NOT DIE? a row German novel, and other popular new books. Stationery, School Books, Hank Books. Legal Blanks, Wrapping I’aper, Fancy Goods. Pictures, Mouldings. Picture Frames, etc-., etc.; all at J. W. BU1KE & CO. S, jnnl3 tf No. GO Second st-, Macon, Ga. Tbob. P. Lloyd, Jas. E. Schofied Montezuma, Ga. Oglethorpe, Ga. LLOYD & SCHOFIELD JUST PUBLISHED- IS ONE VOLUME, PRICE 50c. The following Medical Lectures for Gentlemen: 1. PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE. 2. PREMATURE DECLINE IN MAN. 3 NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY. i. DISEASES OF THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 5. SPERMATORRHOEA. G. ABUSES OF THE NATURAL FUNCTIONS. 7. TREATMENT AND CURE. Price 60 cents bv mail. Address the author, Dr. CURTIS, 9 Tremont Place, Boston, jane 14-eodct HELMBOLD’S CATAWBA GRAPE-JUICE PILLS “td .* r.: iin (Tad HELMBOLD’S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED flu::d extract sarsaparilla This is tba time to nse good blood renewing, pu rifying, and invigorating medicines. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARIL LA AND HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT GRAPE JUICE PILLS ARE THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE. One bottle of Helmbold’s Fluid Extract Sarsapa rilla equals in strength one gallon of the syrup or deooction as made by druggists; and a wine glass added to’a pint of water equals the oelebrated Lisbon diet drink, a delightful t nd healthful drink. The Grape Juice Pill is composed of fluid extract Catawba grape-juice and FLUID EXTRACT RHU BARB. , Useful in all diseases requiring a cathartic reme dy, ;and far superior to all other purgatives, such as salts, magnesia, etc. Helmbold’s Grape Juice Pill ia hot a patented pill, put up as those ordinarily vended, bnt the result of ten years’ experimenting and great care in prepara tion. j inia oalvwa ii*J .0 ilia »u: he »:* suiD seed i .ri SAFE FOB, AND TAKEN BY CHILDREN ; *... s . NO NAUSEA; NO GRIPING PAINS; BUT MILD, PLEAS 4NT, AND SAFE IN OPER ATION. Two bottles of the Flnid Extract of Sarsaparilla and ona bottle of the Grape Juice Pills are worth their weight in gold to those suffering from bad blood, poor complexion,; heatl-ache; nervousness, \rakeftllD068,at night, co9tiYon«o« rod irrogalaritioo, and to those suffering from broken and delicate constitutions’it will give new blood, new vigor and new life. THE .OATAWBA GRAPE PILLS are done up with great care and handsome bottles, and will sur pass all those vended in wooden boxes and care lessly prepared by inexperienced men, comparing with the English and French style of manufacture. All of H. T. HELMBOLD’S Preparations are Pharmaceutical, not a single one being patented, but all on their own manta. To dispel any impression or prejudice that might exist in the minds of many against my preparations from the publicity given through advertising, and that I am and have been a druggist fora period of twenty years,and more conclusively to prove this see lettter: (From the largest Manufacturing Chemists in the World.] November 4, 1854. “I am acquainted with Mr, H. T. Hembold; he occupied the drug Btore opposite my residence, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have been f avorably impressed with his character and en terprise. ” WILLIAM WIGHTMAN. Firm of Powers <fc Wightman, Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. Prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist. Crystal Palace Drug Store, 594 Broadway, New York. Palace Pharmacy, GOsey House, Broadway and Twenty-ninth street, New York. €otton Seed or Oil Cake Meal. The best, richest, and cheapest food for cows. For sale by JONES & BAXTER. Agency Cliewacla (Ala.) Lime. This Lime is conceded to be superior to any ever brought to this market, for Building, Plastering or Whitewashing. For sale by car load or in less quantities, by JONES & BAXTER, Agents. Boseniale ani Louisville Cement AND PLASTER PARIS. Always on hand and for sale cheap. Can furnish either by car load on short notice at very lowest rates. JONES & BAXTER. BACON, CORN, LARD, HAY Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Soap. Candles, eto., for sale at lowest market rates, by JONES 4 BAXTER, june21-tf 100 Cherry street. z o s o -J o CO # o z * X X CQ 9 ft ef JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE. Watch Work and Repairing at Shortest Notice, and Warranted. AGENCY OF THE GROVER & BAKER 8EWIXG MACHINES. jnne 14-tf $500,000 TO BE GIVEN AWAY TTNDER the auspioeB of the “South Oarolina.State Agricultural and Mechanical Society,” will give a U SERIES OF CONCERTS, at the Academy of Music, Charleston. S. C., commencing October 1, 1871, for the purpose of raising a fund to enable emigrants to settle upon lands selected by the Association for homes of Northern and European farmers and others, in the State of South Carolina, and for their trans portation thither and support for the first year. REFERENCES IN SOURH CAROLINA—Gen. Wade Hampton, Hon. B. F. Perry, Governor M. L. Bonham, Gen. Johnson Hagood, Hon. Armistead Burt, Hon. James Chesnut, Gen. John S. Proston, Hon. W. D. Simpson, Andrew Simouds, Esq , Hon. G. A. Trenliolm, Governor j. L. Manning, Hon. J. B. Campbell. $500,000 to be awarded to tho Ticket Holders of the Series of Concerts to commence on the first of October, 1871, at the Acadomy of Music, Charleston, S. G., on which day the drawing commences. 150,000 Season Tickets of Admission, and no more, at $5 each. All Orders for Tickets directed to us or our Agents Strictly Confidential.” All tho premiums, including Deed and Certificate of Titlo to Acad emy of Music, will be deposited wiih the National Bank of the Republic, New York. ^500^000 IjST GIFTS ! 1st Gift, Academy of Music, Charleston, S. O., cost to build .$230,0000, having cn annuual rental of about $20,000 from Opera House, Stores and Hails; the building being about 23d feet by 00, and situated comer of King and Market streets, in tlio centre of the city; and well known to be tho finest building and most valuable property in Charleston ; valued at $‘250.00O 2nd. Gift—Cash •••••• 100,060 3d. Gift-Cash 25,000 4th. Gift—Cash 10,000 6th. Gift-Gash...- : -J.000 &> 6tft8=6ftlb-rr--rrtrf:::frrtr:rtttt:rf:::i!& 522 ; ;;;:35,888 250 Gifts—Cash each 50 12,500 600 Gifts—Cash each 25..- 12,500 1250 Gifts—Cash each 10.... 12,500 2,404 Gifts, amount to \ $500,000 BUTI/ER, CHADWICK, GARY & CO., - AGENTS SOUTH CAROLINA LAND AND IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION. Gehehai, M. C. Butlee, John Chadwick, Kao.. Gusebax. M. W. Gai:y, Gharleaton. S. <J. Commissioners and Supervisors of Drawiug—Gou. A. R. Wright, of Georgia; Gen. Bradloy T. John son, of Virginia; Col. B. H. Rutledge of South Carolina; Hon. Roger A. Pryor, of New York. 71m GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE, VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, J. E. ELLIS, MANUFACTURER, CONTRACTOR, And LUMBER DEALER, WHARF-ST., Bet. Third and Fourth, M&.CON, GA. I HAVE leased the large and commodious two- stcry brick factory on Wharf street, where I ex pect to manufacture Building Material in all its styles. I will keep on hand Blinds. Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Brackets, Mantles, Ballusters, Door and Window Frames; also, Rough and Dressed Lumber of all varieties and sizes. I will bund and repair houses: fencing of any and all dimensions. Let the house be ever so small and the fence short, I will gladly receive the job and give prompt at tention. Thankful for past favors, 1 earnestly solicit a share of public patron age. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention and the goods ship ped with dispatch. Terms—Cash; charges moderate. Junell-tf J. E. ELLIS. AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. THREE TIMES A WEEK--TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS. ELEGANT STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. SEA VOYAGE 10 TO 12 HOURS SHORTER via CHARLESTON. TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALES 7 THE SOUTH CAROLINA Rr And connecting Roads West, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen Fi Ports, invite attention to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatcu afford Cotton States at the PORT OF CHAR: Offering facilities of Rail and Sea Transportation for Freight and Pas- and capacity at any other Port. The following splendid Ocean Steanii TO 3STBW "YOHB GEO:: Mb S %• 1 *4.* Stock dt Bond •ft A* Broker tf Z / General Commission Merchants, june!6m SAVANNAH, GEORG)4. ■ s. A. McLENDON. JLJjUXH Ot. auxiux ™ T ,v-r, kiytisv PUBLIC Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancerj attorney at law and notary p P RACTICE in all Courts, Stats and United fort gaikxs, ga. States. Refer to “Xom. Lloyd” and “Jim practice in all the Courts of the Fataula “tixoraiBOBomxB. ’- aDr4-3m jan 18-tf. Temple of Pharmacy, Continental Hotel, Philadel phia, and 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU HAS GAfiv£D A WORLD-WIDEtFAME may 11 tf INDIAN SPRING COACH LINE. V ISITORS to the above celebrated watering place, from Southern Georgia, Florida and South Carolina, will find our oomfortable coaches at every passenger train to Forsyth. Invalids, as well as the healthy, will be conveyed to the Spring with ease, safety and dispatch The line will be opened on the first of June, and oontinue through the Season. This is the shortest and only regular ooach line to the Indian Spring from any point of either of the Georgia railroads. GREER A BROTHER, my31 lm Forsyth, Ga. MANHATTAN, M. S. Woodhull, Commander. S 1 CHAMPION, SOTJ r R. W. Lockwood, Commander. T CHARLESTON, CLY: James Berry, Commander. J JAMES ADGER. ASH T. J. Lockwood, Commander. JAMES ADGER & CO., WAGN Agents, Charleston, S. C. WM. A TO FECXL. APEIjFIE VIRGINIA, EM] Alex. Hunter, Commander. ( . Sailing Days—THURSDAYS. WM. A. COUIV FALCON, • Hainie, Commander. SEA GULL. Dutton. Commander. TO nAIiTXMOBir MAR Sailing Days—Every PAUL c. the: ( . imui uau. J-' i: oi--.-—-~ Rated guaranteed as low as those of Competing Lines. Marine Lit: THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND TI? Can be had; at all the principal Rai.road Offices in Georgia. Alabam; State-Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra charge, by a< ship* in Charleston, at whose offices, in all cases, the Railroad Tickets si assigned. Tho Through Tickets by this Route includes Transfers, Mea board. The South Carolina Railroad, Geoi And their connecting Lines have largely increased their facilities for tli Passengers belween the Northern Cities and the South and West. Co Holmes’ Chair, without extra charge, have been introduced on the Sontn EatingSalOon at Branchville. On the Georgia Railroad First-Ciasa Sleeping Cars. Freight promptly transferred from Steamer to day and night trains of the South Carolina Railroad. Close connection made with other Roads, delivering Freights at distant points with great promptness. The Managers will uss every exertion to satisfy their Patrons that tho Line VIA CHARLESTON cannot be surpassed in Dispstch and the Safe Delivery of Goods. For further information, apply to J. M. SELKIRK, Sup't Charleston, S. C.; B. D. HASELL, General Agent, P. O. Box 4979, Office 317 Broadway, N. Y.;S. 15. PICKEKS, Gener al Passenger and Ticket Agent, South Carolina Railroad. ALFRED L. TYLER. June 20 eod-Cm Vice-President South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, s. O.