The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 14, 1871, Image 1

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THE BY Clisby, Jones & Keese. MACON, GEORGIA FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 14, 1871. Number 6,072 Georgia Telegraph Building, Macon. T.if*r»ot and Messenger, one year $10 00 garni-ffeeklJ Telegraph and Messenger, 1 VCAT.. 4 00 Sixmonths. 2 00 Mammoth Weekly Telegraph and Messenger, 66 columns, 1 year 3 00 Six months. • • 1 60 Parable always In advance, and paper stopped 1 when the money runs out, unless renewed, nrnurso akkaqbmxhts with J. w. burke & oo.’s ruBLrcanosB. Daily Telegraph t Messenger and Farm and Home... $11 00 Weekly Telegraph and Messenger and Farm and Home..... ... 4 00 ■iemi-Weekly Telegraph and Messenger and Farm and Home. 5 00 Southern Christian Advocate with Weekly.... 6 00 jsurke’s Magazine 4 00 This arrangement is where remittances are made direct to the office of publication. The consolidated Telegraph and Messenger represents a large circulation, pervading Middle, Southern and Southwestern Georgia and Western Alabama and Middle Florida. Advertisements at reasonable rates. In the Weekly at one dollar per Hinare of three-quarters of an inch, each publica tion. I’.emittancea should be made by express b or nv mail in monev orders or registered letters. Engine House No. 1, and also ia reference to the horses used at said Engine House. Passed. On motion of Alderman Roberts : Resolved, That the Treasurer have until the next regular meeting to make his quarterly re port, at which time it is hoped a fall statement will be made, which has been delayed, owing to the claims that conld not be adjusted in tune for this meeting. Passed. On motion of Alderman Ellis— Resolved, That authority be and is hereby given to the Mayor, to borrow for the use of the city ot Macon, $ CO,000 for the term of four to six months, pledging as security for the pay ment of the same at maturity, the following stocks, to-wit: $100,000 Macon and Augusta Railroad stock, $189,000 Macon and Brunswick Railroad stock, $4,000 gas stock, $50,000 Sa vannah, Griffin and North Alabama Railroad stock. The above loan to be effected at the rate of seven per cent, per annum. Passed. On motion, Council adjourned to meet this day two weeks at 8 o'clock, p. m. J. A. McManus, Clerk. More Population for the South. From the Cburier, May 13,1871. j In onr advertising columns will be fouud tbe announcement of a grand gift enterprise in which tbe amonnt of half a million of dollars will be distributed by the South Carolina Land and Immigration Association. The importance of the object of the Associa tion should recommend the enterprise to every citizen of the State, and the inducements which are offered are such as to tempt every one. The price of tickets is only five dollars, and the holder of one of them will receive the Academy of Music, one of .the most valuable pieces of property in the whole Southern country. The stores in the building command high rents; the saloon and store has now and can always have a tenant. The halls above are in constant de mand, and the theatre is by far the handsomest in the South. The lucky holder of the ticket which draws that prize will secure a fortune.’ Fireman Liable to Jnry Daly. On Tnesday the following decision was ren dered in the Supreme Court in Atlanta. It af firms that all previons exemption by statnte from jury service, are set aside by the constitn- tion of 1868 and the act of 1869 providing for tbe organization of juries. The court holds, however, that the law vesta in the Judge a wise discretion in exempting from jnry servioe: K. J. Knst, et al. Ex parte motion from [ongherty. Lochbane, C. J.—Plaintiffs in error in this c*ie tiled their motion in the court below to be excused as jurors, on the ground that they wore I The second prize, though -less valuable, will be members ot a fire company orgamzod in 16 ,, 8> enough to satisfy the most grasping. One and exempted by the Legislature from jnry I hundred thousand dollars is at no time to be duty. In the opinion of the court. Asking into I despised. A large number of other prizes are consideration the constitution of 18t>8, article 5, I to be j varying from $25,000, $10,000, section 6208 of the Code and the legislative en- $ 5 ,000, $1,000, A, amounting to over 2,400 nctmont October, 1869, providing for the organ- gifts * izsrion of juries together, all previous exemp- 11|e character of the gentlemen who aro at tion of parties from liabilities to jury aaty I h ea( j Q f this enterprise is snch as to satisfy on account of age, profesmon or connection I every one that there can bo nothing unfair in with fire, or other oompames, were repealed, tbo transaction. Most gift schemes are started and, under the present laws of this State all per- b y irresponsible parties. This one is, on the sons otherwise qualified, over tho age of twenty- contrary, conducted under the anspices of Gen. one years, irrespective of such exemptions, jj. c. Butler , a foriner Major General of the either by specml grant or general law, and who Confederate army, and the candidate for Lien' aro in tbe opinion of the board ofcommission- tenant Governor at the last election; a man era, under the act of 1869, npnght and Intel- wboso name in Sont h Cftro u n a has always been ligent, are liable to jury duty within the terms synonymous with high-tone honesty and integ- of that act; and the right to excuse jurors from rity; Mr. John Chadwick, a gentleman who has the performance of suoh duty is vested in the I invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in the wise discretion of the judge in whose courts state, and who is honored and respected by the sneb persons may be drawn or summoned to entire community, and Gen. Gary, the honest, appear upon legal grounds applicable to each 1 brave, manly and popular gentleman, who SPECIAL NOTICES. Hos. >.ur, H. S-rsjxxss. “Have derived acme benefit from the use of Sim mons’Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a farther trial.” “Your Regulator ha? been in me in my family fol some time, and I am t<ertnaded it is a valuable addi tion to the medical science.*'—Gov. J. Gill Shorter, Ala. Simmons’ Liver Regulator is certainly a specific for that class ot complaints which it claims to cure.” —Rev. David W ills, president Oglethorpe College. Simmons’ LIVER DISEASE and Indiges tion prevail to a greater extent than probably any other malady, relief is always anxiously song ter. If the Liver is regulated action, health is almost in s soured. W ant of action cr causes Headache. Co Jaundice. Pain in the «• Cough. Dixzinoss. So M A, Bad Tasto In the f jcs) attacks. Palpita M, Depressionof V I HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELHBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S I HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLDS HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S an 1 a hundre which SIM U L ATOP, that has acts mi aimpl its variably | tho Liv- ti nation, I HELMBOLD’S Shoulders, ir stomach. Mouth, Bilious 1 HELMBOLD’S >n of the Heart the spirits, or Blues d other symptoms ION’S LIVER REO- the best remedy for ever been discovered It | Idly, effectlly, and being I e vegetable compound, can do it jury. It is harmless in every way; it has been used for 40 years, and hundreds of the good | and great from all parts of tho coun try will vouch for its virtues. Regulator. Or, MEDICINE J. H. ZEILIN A CO., Peopbietois. TESTIMONIALS: I have never seen or tried such a simple, effica cious. satisfactory and pleasant romedy inmylifo.—’’ H. Haixeb, St. Louis, Mo. , “ I have used tho Regulator in my tamily for the la«t seventeen years. I can safely recommend it to the world as the best medicine I ever used for that elass ofdiseasos it purports to cure.—II. F. Thigpin “ It has proved a good and efficacious medicine.”— C. A Ncttiho. “ We have been acquainted with Dr. Simmons’ Liver Medicine for more than twenty years, and I know it to be the best Liver Regulator offered to the | public.”—M. R. Lto.v, and H. L. Lvo.v, Bellefon- taine. Ga. “I was cured by Simmons’ Liver Regulator, after having suffered severalye&rs with Chills and Fever.” —R. F. Andebsoh. “My wife and self have used the Regulator for years, and I testify to its great virtues.”—Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga. j “ I have used yonr Liver Regulator with successful l effect in Bilious Colic and Dyspepsia. It is an excel- I ttkt atomt tvq lent remedy, and certainly a publio blessing.”— | MLIiJUjUJaD o Sheriff C. Masteebos, Bibb county, Ga. ianll-d&wtf . 1 HELMBOLD’S CATAWJ5A GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. CATAWBA GBAPE PILLS. HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S READ CAREFULLY, helmbold’s cast:. Judgment affirmed. U. J. Wright for movants. From !*Iucon County. Oglethorpe, July 11, 1861. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: In one of your last week's issues I noticed a communica tion from a gentleman writing from Chancery, Ga. (Not wishing to bo too personal I give no I country, name.) He has a “word for the farmers.” He nays a farmer in the vioinity of No. 12 M. & B. K. K., whose cotton crop was considered almost ruined by grass, turned some two or throe hun- never knew fear, and whose character stands without reproach. In addition to the high tone, character and responsibility of the managers, other safeguards are thrown around the scheme which would re commend it to the most skeptical, as will appear by tbe advertisements. We feel snre that the only difficulty, which will be had in a few days, will be the obtaining of tickets, as they will be eagerly sought after in every section of the The only preventive known for Chills and Bever is HELMBOLD’S the use of Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. HELMBOLD’S Cotton Crop of* the Southwest. The New Orleans Picayune of last Saturday I Bays: Accounts from some sections of the country tired sheep into his fields and, strange to say, I are more encouraging, bnt on the whole the they were not injuring the cotton by tramping I prospects have improved but little. The ne on it, but were nipping the grass closely to it & oes and working manfully to get ahead of the .7 . r . . . * grass, and if they have sufficient dry weather, and had not been known to ever taste of the b iU ,’ 0 ena bled to do so in a short time. They fcotton I was an eye witness to the scene on are nfiarl aU worklngon shares now, and hence the .iilh, and they were doing wonderful work are f n j| y a ]j ve ^ the importance of steady sp in tho destruction of grass, etc. Having a field Bllcation . Being partownersof the crops, they of ton acres m the same awful fix (drowning aro aB dooply interested as the owners of the men catoh at straws,) I determined to try the land) an d this fact leads us to hope for the best, experiment, having a fiock of CO or _<•>, and tbe ra ins have continued so long, and the highly elated over the now discovery down in , fino bottom lands have been so overrun with Dodge, I at once put my cotton choppers to graKR) that the stand will bo very much injured work. In a day or two I went back to see how in c i na ning out, as many plants will be cut the ovinos wore progrossing, bnt to my gnef down b _ tbo boca . found that instead of their “nipping the grass Bofore this time last season dry weather had c/ose to the cotton they had cleared every cot- I se £ j n ovor nearly the whole cotton belt, and ton stalk of its loaves. The discoverer of this pi an t ers were enabled to clean and lay by their new mode of cleaning cotton says he was_ an cr0 p S jn good condition, and an extraordinary oyo witness, so I havo come to the_ conclusion, picking; season insured a large yield. This year, Messrs. Editors, that cotton down in Dodge is however, the rains have continued a fortnight not perceptible to a “sheep a eye, or that dif- I t QO long, and there is no prospeot of immediate Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is used all over the world by physicians in their | practice. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is imitated and counterfeited, and purchasers will | havo to use caution in purchasing. ferent sheep havo different tastes. 1 advise (with all due deference to my friend in Dodge) cotton planters not to employ sheep cotton choppers when it brings 19 cents per ponnd. Several days have passed without a shower, and those who Bro skilled in toxicology predict drouth, and nothing short of a positive drouth can now make a full crop of cotton to the acre age. Cause and Effect.—That last cargo of Cin cinnati whisky received in Louisville must havo TiSZZZtS 7KSJ r™ I ■»» * *»>> »">»“■ dry spell. The doctors are replenishing their I of Saturday, gets off the following: medical chests, going on the old maxim, “In Bast Thursday Attorney General Akerman time of peaoe prepare for war.” was the only member of tho Administration loft A great deal of excitement is now prevailing 1 in Washington. There perhaps never was a among the female persuasion of this vioinity finer illustration of the little end of nothing over the pamphlet, hailng from Cincinnati, I whittled do vn to a point, known as “Actila,” or “Woman has no Soul.” j T j s ^53 that “Bowen is having an easy lime Me advise Mr. Actila, if he should ever come in ; ai i wbere be } a allowed the society of one down this way, to change his name or have his of J j li g w j vea .” One of his wives! It is bad iife insured for $50,000; for tha females have enongb to put a gentleman in jail for the inno- sworn vengeance. Yours, eto., Grass, j C6n t amusement of bigamy, but it is a con- _ —. 1,1 — __ founded right worse to exclude from the prison l’r,M « S s ot t'onm ll. a il his wives but one. Regular Motino, ) The Savannah News has a notice addressed Council Chamber, July 10,1871.) <‘Xo Onr Subsonbers in Southern Georgia and Present—Hon. W. A. Huff, Mayor; Alder- Florida.” If the two fellows thus referred to men, Strong, Tinsley, Smith, Waggenstein, have confined their reading to the columns of Russell, Daily, Woodliff, Wilburn, Fitzgerald, the News, it is veryremarkablethatthey should Roberts, Ellis and Clay. have been able to find their way to such a dis- The minutes of the last regular meeting and tance from home, tbe called meeting of July 3, 1871, were read j and confirmed, The Clerk of Market reported market fees, $17 50, The report of the City Physician and Surgeon of Hospital was read and filed. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. MACON AND WESTEBN BAILBOAD. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Macon 7.55 a. m. 1.40 a. m -_ . . „ , , • 6.05 p. M. 8.35 P. M lhe Sexton of Rose Hill and Oak Ridge j Atlanta 7.55 a. m. 2.10 p. m ' “ ' 2.60 p. st. 10.25 p. m MACON AND BRUNSWICK RAILROAD. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Macon 6.45 a. m. 6.25 p. st Brunswick 5.00 a.m. 7.05p. m Bavannah • a. m. 8.00 p. Hawkinsvillo 6-SO a. m. 6.45 p. M 3.05 p. M. 10.20 a. M CECTBAL KiUBOAD. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Macon 7.00 a. m. 4il p. at 6.20 p. M. 6.15 A. M Savannah.7.15a.m. 6.25p.m 7.00 p. M. 6.30 Train from Gordon to Milledgevilie and Eaton- ton connects with down night tram from Macon and up day train from Savannah. SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Cemeteries report interments for the month of June, as follows: White adults, 7; children, 4; total, 11. Colored adults, 4; children, 2; total, C». bills passed. O. P. Finney, $30; A. McQueen, $40: J. O. McBurney, $66; Clisby. Jones & Reese, $3.50; I 7 Thos. Wood, $5; W. & E. P. Taylor, $19.25. | Juttcon ’’* The Committee on Street Encroachments re port adversely to tbe petition of John Brim, and favorably upon the petition of Champ Bryant and others. On motion the report was adopted. The Committee on Fire Department report upon the petition of Yonng America Fire Com pany No. 3 for a steam fire engine, that action be suspended until some future time in conse quence of the financial condition of the City Treasury. Passed. The Committees appointed to canvass the va rious wards of the city for subscription in aid of constructing buildings on the fair grounds, re port subscnptioDs$7,000. The petition of H. M. Bebr, to have license refunded in consequeone of his misfortune in having | granted. The petition of Mrs. Y. C. Reeves, for an en croachment in front of her lot on Oglethorpe Street, was referred to the Committee on Street Encroachments. The petition of Hardin T. Johnson, for the privilege of making repairs on his dwelling on Poplar street, between First and Second streets, said dwelling being within tho fire limits, was referred to the Committee on Fire Department. The petition of P. H. Ward and T. B. Law ler, for the privilege of using the Stone Quarry, at the foot of Third street, was on motion, re fused. The communication of L. N. Whittle, to gether with the Annnal Report of the Macon AGUE AND FEVER. HELMBOLD’S Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is good for Dyspepsia. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is a preventive of Chills and Fever. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is good for all kidney and bladder complaints. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is good for Gout. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is good for all Urinary complaints. WHITE ROSE. 1 AA BARRELS of above celebrated brand choice iUu Family Flour. Just receivod and for sale very lowby JONES & BAXTER. TENNESSEE FLOUR AND MEAL, For sale at lowest prices, to close consignment, by JONES * BAXTER Cotton Seed or Oil Cake Meal. The best, richest, aud cheapest food for cows. For salo by JONES & BAXTER. Agency Uhewacla (41a.) Lime. This Lima is conceded to bo superior to any ever brought to this market, for Building, Plastering or Whitewashing. For sala by car load or in less quantities, by JONES & BAXTER, Agents. Boseiale and Louisville Cement AND PLASTER PARIS. Always on hand and for salo cheap. Can famish either by car load on short notico at very lowest rates. JONES & BAXTER. BACON, CORN, LARD, HAY Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Soap Candles, etc., for sale at lowest market rates, by JONES & BAXTER, jane 21-tf 100 Cherry street. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is recommended by all tho Medical Facnlty. Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps Is good for Colic and pain in the stomach. I beg leave to call the attention of tho reader to testimonials in favor of the Schnapps: I feel bound to say that I regard your Schnapps as being in every respect pre-eminently pure, and deserving of medical patronage. At all events it is tho purest possible article of Holland gin. hereto fore unobtainable, and aB such may be safely pre scribed by physicians. DAVID L. MOTT. M- D., Pharmaceutical Chemist, New York. Louisville, Ky.. September 1.—I feel that wo I havo now an article of gin suitable for such cases | as that remedy is adapted to. DR. J. W. BRIGHT. “Scbnapps” is a remedy in chronic catarrhal complaints, otc. I take great pleasure in bearing highly creditable testimony to its efficacy as a remedial agent in the diseases for which you recommend it. Having a natural tendency to the mucous surfaces, with a slight degree of stimulation, I regard it as one of tlio most important remedies in chronic catarrhal HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. ELUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. PUrJFY THE BLOOD AND BEAUTIFY THE COMPLEXION By using HELMBOLD’S CATAWBA GRAPE-JUICE PILLS and HELMBOLD’S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTBACT SARSAPARILLA CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN AU GUSTA AND COLUMBUS. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE,) Geougia Oentbai. Railboad, > Savannah, May 27, 1871. ) and after Sunday, the 28th inst.. Passenger Trains on tho Georgia Central Railroad will run as follows . UP DAY TBAIN. Leavo Savannah 7:15 a m Leave Augusta 8:16 A M Arrive ot Augusta 6:38 p M Arrive at Miliedgoville 8:45 r M Arrive at Eatonton 10:45 r m Arrive at Macon 4:51 rw Connecting at Augusta with trains going North, and at Macon with trains to Columbus and Atlanta. DOWN DAY TBAIN. Leave Macon 7:00 am Leave Augusta 8:16 a m Arrive at Augusta 5:38 p it Arrive at Savannah 5:25 pm Making samo connection at Augusta aB above. NIGHT TltAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Savannah 7:00 P m Loave Augusta 8:30 r M Arrive at Macon 6:15 a m Connecting with trains to Columbus, leaving Macon at 5:25 A m. NIGHT TRAINS GOING NORTH* Leave Savannah 7:00 pm Leave Macon. 6:20 P M Arrive at Miliedgoville 8:45 pm Arrive at Eatonton 10:45 p m Arrive at Augusta 2:45 A M Arrive at Savannah 5:80 a m Making dose connection with trains leaving Au gusta. Passengers going over the Milledgevillo and Eatonton Branch will take night train from Macon, day train from Augusta and Savannah, which con- noct daily at Gordon (Sundays excepted) with tho Milledgevillo and Eatonton trains. An elegant sleeping car on ail night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can be bad at the Central Railroad Ticket Office at Pulaski House, comer of Bull and Brjan Btreets. Office open from 8 A si to 1 r ST,ami from3to6PM. Tick ets can also be had at Depot Office. WILLIAM ROGERS, mayoO tf General Superintendent. SUBS PRIPTION S Are respectfully solicited for the erection of a MONUMENT TO THE Confederate Deed ef Georgia, And those Soldiers from other Confederate States who were killed or died in this State. THE MONUMENT TO COST $50,000. The Comer Stone it is proposed shall be laid on the 12th of October—tho anniversary of tbe death of General Lee. For every Five Dollars subscribed, there will be given a certificate of Life Membership to the Monn- mental Association. This certificate wilt entitle the owner thereof to an oqual interest in the following property, to be distributed as soon as requisite number of shares are sold, to-wit First, Nino Hundred and one acres of Land in Lincoln county, Georgia, on which are the well-known Magruder Gold and Cop per Mines, valued at. $150,000 And to Seventeen Hundred and Forty-four shares in One Hundred Thousand Dollars of United States Currency, to-wit: 1 Share of.... ..$10,000. 1 .. 6.000. 2 “ .. 2,500. 10 “ .. 2,000. 10 1,000. 20 “ 600. 100 “ 100. 200 “ .... 50. 400 “ 25. 1000 10. 6,000 6,000 2,000 20.000 1,000 10,000 600 10,000 100 10,000 60 10,000 25 10,000 10 10,000 $100,000 Tho value of the separate interest to which the holder of each certificate will he entitled, will be determined by the Commissioners, who will an nounce to the publio tho manner, the time and place of distribution. The following gentlemen have consented to act as Commissioners, and will either by a Committee from their own body, or by Special Trustees, ap pointed by themsolvcs, receive aud take proper charge of tho money for the Monument, as well as the ltoal Estate and tbe U. 8. Currency offered as inducements for subscription, aud will determine upon tho plan for tho Monument, tho inscription thereon, tho sito therefor, select an orator for the occasion, And regulate the ceremonies to be ob served when the corner-stone ia laid, to-wit: Generals L. MoLaws, A. B. Wright, M. A. Stovall, W. M. Gardiner, Goode Bryan, Colonels O. Snead, Wm. P. Crawford, Majors Jos. B. Camming, Geo. T. Jackson, Joseph Ganabl, I. P. Girardoy, Hon. R. H. May, Adam Johnston, Jonathan M. Miller, W. H. Goodrich, J. D. Butt, Henry Moore, Dr. W. E. Dealing. The Agents in tho respective counties will retain the money received for the sale or Tickets until tlio subscription books are closed. In order that tbe sovoral amounts may be returned to the Share holders, in case tbe number of subscriptions will not warrant any further procedure, the AgentB wilt report to this office, weekly, the result of their sales. When a sutllcieut Dumber of tbe shares are sold, tlio Agents will receive notice. They will then forward t this office the amounts received. L. & A. H. McLAWS, Gen. Ag’ts, No. 3 Old P O. Range, McIntosh at., d&wt Augusta, Ga. Wm. A. Reid, of Macon, Ga., will be glad to give information and receive subscriptions. Remit post office money orders by mail, or money by express. This is the time to uso good blood renewing, pu rifying, and invigorating medicines. I HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARIL LA AND HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTBACT GBAPE JUICE PILLS ARE THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE. One bottle of Helmbold’s Fluid Extract Sarsapa- affections, particularly those of tho genito-urinary I rilla equals in strength one gallon of the syrup or apparatus. Witli^mnch rfspect^your obedientser- | decoction as made by druggists; and a wine glass vant, CHAS. A. LEAS, M. D., New York. 26 Pise street. New York. November 21,1867.— Udoepho Wooue, Esq., Present: Dear Sir—I have made a chemical exanrnation of a sample of your “ Schiedam Schuapps,” with the intent of de termining if any foreign or injurious substanco had been added to the simple distilled spirits. The examination has resulted in the conclusion that the sample contained no poisonone or harmful admixture. I have been unable to discover any trace of the deleterious substances which are some times employed in tho adulteration of liquors. I would not hesitate to use myself, nor to recom mend to others, for medical purposes, the “ Schie dam Schnapps,” as an excellent and unobjectionable variety of gin. Very respectfully yours, CHAS. A. SEELY, Chemist. added to a pint of water equals the celebrated Lisbon diet drink, a delightful and healthful drink. The Grape Juice Pill is composed of fluid extract Catawba grape-juice and FLUID EXTRACT RHU BARB. Useful in all diseases requiring a cathartic reme- harmfnl I * ar 8U P°rior to all other purgatives, such as 1 salts, magnesia, etc. Helmbold’s Grape Juice Pill is not apatentedpUl, put up as those ordinarily vended, bnt the result of ten years’ experimenting and great care in prepara tion SAFE FOR, AND TAKEN BY CHILDREN; NO NAUSEA; NO GRIPING PAINS; Chemical and Technical Laboratory, 18 Ex change Place. New York, Nov. 25,1867—Udol- pho Woolfe, Esq —Dear Sir : The undersigned have carefully and thoroughly analyzed a sample of jjUT MILD, PLEASANT, AND SAFE IN OPER- yonr "Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps,” selected by * ourselves, and have found the same free from au organic or inorganic substances more or less inju rious to health. From the result of our examina tion we consider the article one of superior quality, 1 healthful as a beverage, and effectual in its medic- | inal qualities. Respectfully vonrs, (Signed) ALEX. TRIPPEL. Chemist. FRANCIS E. ENGELHARD, M. D. For sale by all respectable Grocers andDruggists. UDOLPHO WOLFE’S EST. july9 dJtw2w 22 Beaver street, N. Y. l\Tiuv»n 8.00 A. M. 4.35 A. si 8.50 P. ». 6.00 A. si Eufaula 7.45 A. M. 4.53 p. si 6.10 P. si. 10.00 A. sc SrCSCOQEK rOttBOAD. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Al&oon 5.25 a. K. 6.12 P. SI 8.15 P. si. 4.10 A. si Columbus .. 12.45 P. M. 11.00 A. 51 8.05 p. si. 4.45 A. K MACON AND AUGCfiTA RAILROAD. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Macon 6.30 A. st. 7.10 r. si AnunHtA 12.00 M. 1.45 r. N WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Atlanta 10.SO r. st. 1.42 A. si 8.15 A. sr. 2.20 r. st 2 45 r. sr. 9.10 A. st Chattanooga. 5.20 r. st. 6.16 a. st 5.30 A. si. 4.25 P. st NOTICE, TREASURER’S OFFICE, ) Macon and Western Railroad Company, • Macon, Ga., Jnne 28,1871. ) PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.’S THROUGH LISE TO CALIFORNIA, CIIUNTA. -A.ISTX3 Touching at Mexican Ports AND CAK.BYIKO THE B. N. MAIL. Fares O-reatly Reduced. o* LSY, > L ) CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, Southwestern Railroad Company Macon, Ga., May 28,1871. O N and aftor Sunday, the 28th inst.. Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows: DAY EUPAULA PASSENGEU TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:00 a. m. Arrive at Eufaula 4:58 p. M. Leavo Eufaula 7:45 a. m. Arrive at Macon 4:35 P. M. Connecting with the Albany branch train at Smitlivillo, and with Fort Gaines Branch Train at Cuthbert. EUPAULA NIGHT FHEIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leavo Macon 8:50 p.m. Arrive at Eufaula 10:00 A. M. Leave Eufaula 5:10 p. m. Arrive at Macon 5:00 a. m. Connect at Smithvillo with Albany Train on Mon day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights. No tra leaves on Saturday nights. COLUMBUS DAY PASSENGER TBAIN. Leave Macon 6:25 A. M. Arrive at Columbus 11:00 a. m. Leavo Columbus 12:45 r. M. Arrive at Macon 6:12 p. m. COLUMBUS NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TBAIN. Leavo Macon 8:15 P. M. Arrrive at Columbus 4:45 a. m. Leave Columbus 8 05 P. M. Arrive at Macon ...4:10 a m. VIRGIL POWERS, junlO ly Engineer and Superintendent, ,NE of tbe large and splendid Steamships of this line will leave Pier No. 42 North Itiver, foot of Canal street-, at 12 o’clock, noon, on the 15th and 30th of every month (except when those dates fall on Sunday, aud then on tho preceding Saturday), with ASPINWALL, connecting, via Panama Rail way, with one of the Company’s Steamships from Panama for SAN FRANCI80O, touching at MAN ZANILLO. All departures connect at Panama with steamers for South American ports. Departure of 15th tonclios at Kingston, Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leavo San Fran- cisco first of every month, except when it falls on Sunday, then on the day preceding. Oneuundred poundB of Baggsge allowed to each adult. Baggage Masters accompany Baggage through, and attend ladies and children without male protectors. Baggage received on the deck the day before sailing, from Steamboats, Railroads, and passengers who prefer to send down early. An experienced Surgeon on board. Medicine and attendance free. For Freight or Passenger Tickets, or further in formation, apply at tho Company’s Ticket Office, on the Wharf, fool ot Canal street’. North River, New York. mar21 ly* F. R. BABY, Agent, CHEAP GASLIGHT Metropolitan Works, CORNER SEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS, RICHMOND, VA. WM. E: TANNER & CO. STATIONARY and FORTABLE ENGINES and SAW-MILLS; BARK. GRIST’and PLASTER MILLS; BOILERS. FORGINGS. CASTINGS, of IRON or BRASS, MILL GERING, etc ; Engines and Saw-Mills of various sizes always on hand. Steam Fittings and Wrought Iron Pipe. Old Engines, etc., repaired and sold on commis- I beonfavorably impressed with his character and en- sion or exchanged for new. AU other repairs terpriso.” ' WILLIAM WIGHTMAN, protaptly and satisfactorily done. Finn of Powers & Wightman, Manufacturing ATION. Two bottlos of tho Fluid Extract of- Sarsaparilla and one bottle of the Grape Juice PiUs are worth their weight in gold to" those suffering from bad blood, poor complexion, ho&d-ache, nervousness, wakefulness at night, costiveness and irregularities and to those suffering from broken and delicate constitutions it wiU give new ood, new vigor and new life. THE CATAWBA GRAPE PELLS are done up with great care and handsome bottles, and will sur pass all those vended in wooden boxes and care lessly prepared by inexperienced men, comparing with the English and French style of manufacture. All of H. T. HELMBOLD’S Preparations are Pharmaceutical, not a single one being patenied, but all on their own merits. To dispel any impression or prejudice that m’ight exist in the minds of many against my preparati ons from tho publicity given through advertising, ilnd that I am and have been a druggist for a period of twenty years, and more conclusively to prove this nee lettter: I From tho largest Manufacturing Chemists in tlie World.] November 4. 1854. ‘Iam acquainted with Mr. H.‘T. Hembold; lie occupied the drug storo opposite my residence, arid was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. I hav 0 CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD,) Atlanta, Ga., June 28,1871. J SIGHT PASSESGER TBAIN—OUTWARD. Leaves Atlsnta ^7 P ’ M Arrives at Chattanooga 6:16 a. m DAY PASSENGER TRAIN—OUTWARD. Leaves Atlanta 8:16 A. m Arrives at Chattanooga 4-25 p. m FAST LINE TO NEW YORK—OUTWARD. Leaves Atlanta 2:45 p. m Arrives at Dalton 7:53 p. m NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN—INWARD. Leaves Chattanooga 5:20 r. M Arrives at Atlanta 1:42 A. M DAY PASSENGER TRAIN—INWARD. Leaves Chattanooga 5:30 a. m Arrives at Atlanta 2:20 P. m ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—INWARD. Leaves Dalton 2:25 A. m Arrives at Atlanta 9)10 a. m i£3“ The above Schedule goes into effect July 2, 1&71 ’ E. B. WALKER, julyll tf Master Transportation. I Free School, was received and read, when, on | \ OIVIOESD of FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE motion, a committee of three, to-wit: Alder- I xjl from the oamings of the Road for the past six men Roberta, Strong and Ellis, were appointee months has been declared by the Directors on the by the Chair to confer with tho Trustees of said I Stock of the Company as held on Uie 1st school. On motion of Alderman Strong- Resolved, That the Finance Committee be authorized to confer with the President and Di rectors of the Maoon and Knoxville Railroad, with power to act, in reference to the survey of satd road. Passed. On motion of Alderman Clay— Resolved, That the Committee on Fire De partment be instructed to investigate, as to the necessity of the great amount of gas used at of July—payable in the currency of the United States, as now received, on and after tho 20th July. The government tax will be paid bv tho Companv. Milo s. Freeman, jnn29tiljnl20 Secretary and Treasurer. J. B. BRES, Cotton Factor & General Com. Merchant No. 196 Gravier street, New Orleans. jnn20 d6mwSm J. RAGLAND, Agent. Freights to all points low. Send for descriptive circular. jul7 d swAwtildeclS. H. B. BROWN, Agent. terpriso.’ I Finn o Chemists, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. % Stock A Bond Brokers NOTICE. COLLEGE COMAIEN CEMENTS. Superintendent's Office Ga. Railroad,) Augusta, Ga , June 12th. 1871. ) T HE Commencement exercises of Colleges will be held at Oxford, July ICtb, 1871. . Athens. July SOtb, 1871. Persons desiring to attend any of said Commence ments will bo passed for ONE FARE. Full fare to be paid going, and the Agent selling the full fare ticket will give return tickets FREE, j Return tickets good for fifteen days, from Thursday before Commencement day. 1 Jun 20 tjuly 30 S. K JOHNSON, Snpt. Prepared by H. T- HELMBOLD, Practical ami I Analytical Chemist. 1 Crystal Palace Drug Store, 594 Broadway, New ” York. Palace Pharmacy, Gilsoy House, Broadway and Twenty-ninth street, New York. Temple of Pharmacy, Continental Hotel, PliilrRel- p'oia, and 104 South. Tenth street, Philadel] ihia. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTBACT BUOHU HAS GAINED A WOKLD-WIDE|FAME. mayll tf General Commission Merchants junelGm SAVASJ»AH> GEORGIA. JOHNSON HOUSE SMITHVrLLE, GEORGIA. O N and after this date the Johnson House will only charge for board and lodging per day $2 50; mealB 75 cents each, while the permanent decline in supplies and the greatly reduced profits In agricultural, mechanical and other pursuits ne cessitate economy. The proprietor, thankful for the liberal patronage extended to bis house heretofore trusts that the public will sustain him in this, ai effort in the right direction, by an increase of bus- mess. T. W. JOHNSON, Proprietor Johnson House, may4 3m Snuthvflle, Ga. R, R t? RAEWAY’S READY RELIEF! CURES THE "WORST PAINS IX FltOJl OXE TO TWJCXTT MIXUTES. NOT OXE HOl'R after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. HEADWAY’S BEADY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. It was the first and is The Only Pain Remedy that instantly stops tho most excruciating pains, allays inflammations, and cores Congestions, whether of the Lnogs, Stomach, Bowols, or other glands or organs, by ono application, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatio, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, RADWAVS READY RELIEF Will afford Instant Ease. Inflammation of tho Kidneys. Inflammation of the Bladder. Inflammation of the Bowels. Congestion of the Lungs. Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics, Croup, Diptheria. Catarrh, Influenza. Headache, Toothaclio- Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Cold Chills. Ague Chills. Tho appliealton of tho Ready Belief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exiata will af ford ease and comfort. Twonty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colie, Wind in the Bowels and all internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Badway’s Ready Relief w th them. A few drops in water will provont sickness or pains from change of water. It better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimu lant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fover and Ague cured for fifty cents. There is not a romedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other' Malarious, Bilous, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other Fevers (aided by Radway’s Pills) so quick as Railway’s Ready Be lief. Fifty cents per bottle. HEAX/raTbeauty STRONG and PURE RICH BLOOD—INCREASE OF FLESH and WEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN and BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Secured to aU. DR. RADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; So quick, so rapid are the changes the body un-’ dergoes, under the influence of this truly Wonder ful Medicine, that Every Bay an Increase in Fleslt anil Weight Is Seen and Felt. TIIE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER ! Every drop of the Sarsaparillian Resolvent com municates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body witli new and soiiDd material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consump tion, Glandular Disease, U1 er» in the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in tho Glands and other parts of the system. Sore Eyes, Strumorous Dis charges from the Ears, and tho worst formB of Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges. Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes of tho life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of modem chemistry, and a few days’ uso will prove to any person using it for either of thoso firms of disease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually pro gressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood—and this tho Sarsaparillian will and does secure—a cure ia certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of purification, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, its re- lairs will be rapid, and every day the p&tiont will 'eel himself growing better and stronger, the food will digest tietter. appetito improving, and flesh and weight increasing. Not only dues the Sarsaparillian Resolvent oxcel ail known remedial agents in the euro of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin Diseases; bat it is the only positive cure for KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS TS a Bimple, safe and reliable apparatus for sup- . . plying PUBLIC BUILDINGS and PRIVATE RESIDENCES, with a superior and CHEAP GAS LIGHT. Upwards of FOUR HUNDRED aro in successful operation in private residences, churches, factories, etc. No other apparatus is operated on tho samo or any similar principle, which guarantees a light of uniform quality, in either argand or open Burners WITHOUT THE USE OF ARTIFICIAL HEAT. The practical operation of the Machines can be seen at the PASSENGER SHED of the Railroad Companies in MACON; also at the Printing and Publishing House of Messrs J W. BURKE A CO. Wo call attention to the following es tract from a letter from J. W. Burke, Esq.: Macox, Ga., March 23, 1871. We have had one of the U. S. Gaslight Comps* ny’a Machines, in operation since the 10th of No vember, 1870, and it is perfectly satisfactory to us in its general working and cheapness. We paid the Macon Gaslight Company for four months of last year and the year previous—viz: November, De cember, January and February—8399.56. In using this Machine our gas for the four corresponding months cost ns $114—thus saving ns in that time $285.56. The light « quite as good as that of the City Gas Company, and has the advantage of being entirely under our control to ubo as we please. During tho severe weather in December it burned without intermission, not being at all affected by the freeze. We see no trouble in the Machine or the light, and cheerfully recommend it.” [Signed] J. W. BURKE * CO. For information or testimonials, apply to EDWARD ROWE, Post-office box 159. Macon, Ga., Or WM. FOSTER, Jr., President, my6 tf 2 and 4 Reads street, N. Y. Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there aro brick-dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white’of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, aud pain in the small of the back and along tho loins. DR. RADWAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tastoless, elegantly coated with sweet gum,purge.regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. Radway’s Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, bladder, nervous diseases, headache, constipation, costiveness, in digestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, bilious fever, in flammation of the bowels, piles and all derange ments of the internal viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or "deleterious drugs. •3* Observe the following symptoms resulting from disorders of the digestive organs: Constipation, inward piles, fullness of the blood in tho head, acidity of the stomach, naueoa, heart burn, disgust of food, fullness or weight in the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or fluttering at the pit of tbe stomach, swimming of tho head, hurried and difficult breathing. A lew doeses of Radway’s Pills will freo tho system from all the above-named disorders. Price. 25 cents per box. Sold by Druggists. Read “ False and True.” Send one letter-stamp to Badway & Co., No. 87 Maiden Lane. New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. Jnne23ddeod<fcsw-ly Erooi News ftrjlie AIM! HOLTON OR BAILY PILLS. PRICES OF THE MASON & HAMLIN Cabinet Organs. H AVING vastly increased their facilities for manufacture, the Mason-& Hamlin Organ Company are now enabled to offer their well known Organs, which are tho Acknowledged Standard of Kxccllcnce among Instruments of the class, at prices of infe rior work. They print their lowest prices, winch are, therefore, aliko to all, invariable. The follow ing are illustrations: Four-Octave Organs $50 The Same, Double Reed 65 Five-Octave Organs, with Tiemulant, Carved and Ornamented 166 The Same, Double Reed, with Five Stops. .. 125 Forty Other Styles, up to 1.000 All in solid Black Walnut. All the Organs made by tbi» Company are thoroughly first-class in every respect. They wUl not make tho so-called cheap Organs at any price. The comparative superiority of their instruments is now greater than over be fore, as every competent judge who trill carefully examine aud compare must perceive. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES, with wood cuts from photographs of the different styles, full information aud lowest prices; also, testimonial circular will be sent free to any addrees. MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO., Warerooms, 596 Broadway, New York. For sale in Macon by G. P. GUILFORD A CO. aprt eodAwtf A CERTAIN CURE for Chills and Fever, Dumb Chills and Ague, Periodical Headache, Neu ralgia, and all affections of like character DR. H. C. BAILY, Americas, Ga. Dr- H. O. Batlt : I used the Holton Pilils in a case of Chills with complete success. My daughter has had no Chills since taking the PillB according to directions. S. A. ANTHONY, Americus, Ga. Dr- H. C. Batlv : I used the Holton Pills in sev eral cases of Chills of nearly a year’s standing, and met with complete success in every case. W. A. WILSON. Americas, Ga. Mu. H. C. B.mly : I have used the Holton Pills in my family with satisfactory results.Wf taken ac cording to directions, they will break up Chills of long standing, with an almoBt certainty of not re turning. T. M. THUBLOW, Americus, Ga. Du. H. C. BAitr: I have used the Holton Pills with my plantation hands, with entire satisfactory results. I am sure they will cure the Chills. A. S. CUTTS, Americus. Ga., April 11,1871. We have used the Holton Pills in our families for Chills and Fever. They have never failed in a sin gle case to cure. J. V. PRICE A 80N, b Americus Ga., April 11, 1871. Dn. H. C. BiiLY; I have sold some four or five hundred boxes of the Holton Pills, with as general satisfaction as other Fever and Ague Pills. E. J. ELDRIDGE, Dawson, Ga., Oct 1868. Da. H. C- Bamv I had the Chills and Fever about six months, tried various remedies without a cure. I took the Holton PillB as directed and havo had no Chills since. I cheerfully recommend them to all who have Chills. B. F. TUCKER, Dawson, October, 1868. I had Chills for about two years, and tried all the various remedies, but they" failed to cure me. I took the Holton, as directed, andhavehadno Chills since. I recommend them to all afflicted with Chills. J. M. CRIM, Dawson, April 3,1871. I certify that I have sold the Holton Pill for two years, and have yet to hear from a single case they failed to erne. JOHN It. JANES, M. D. Dawson. Ga., April 8, 1871. I had the Chills in my family in 1869, and tried tho various remedies, but none cured I tried the Holton Pills, and they cored every c*se in a short time, and have had no return of them. I recom mend them to all who have Chills. E. B. LOYLESS. Tbe Holton or Bailv Pills can bo found in some of the Drug Stores of this citv, and many other places in this and other States. Always on hand, to supply tho demand in Americus, wholesale, by H. 0. BAILY. Americus, Or E. B. LOYLESS, Agent, Dawson, Ga. For sale by J. H. ZEILIN A CO., Macon. aprl3 eodAw3m