The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 20, 1873, Image 1

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TELEGRAPH MESSENGER. nv clisby, Jones & Reese, MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1873. Number 6,6 9S tiooo 8 00 too 103 300 .^l, Ttleznph Handles, Mocob on* year . jSS? ii«Mo*«.ooi I . •’.... • I £.»>«HrTril n; h sod, * J ^tMw»e.«>tayear ^ ategflfilbl - _V|, iin;i in advance, and piper .topped *• w«V ™»* O® 1 " =olt*» renewed. 27»MoM»Wd Tdegrepb end Meeeenger rep- ‘ , •,rgeeiicnI*tlon.penrkdiaRUiddle l 8ontb- r.,rtbw»*t«» Georgia end Eastern Ala- *V url Middle Florid*. AlrerUeement* etree- “** , rite. In the Weekly et on* doller par ' , c ( ihre^qaartareof aniocb, each pcblica- . * paiiteaee* •honld be made by express. or I'^JB uoa»1 oG*m or tflattred letter*. rj ,usn Corrow Srnrana IanioneWT.—'The | true aplanrr* of Manchester, England, are aieflo grow indignant baeraa* American , loti not oom* np to tbe requisite atan- I j*l el parity. One of tb*m write* tc tbe I uadiwier Ertmintr, eemplaining that be r*. ^iy teok a fair wmpb ont of each bale or a 10*3la*of American cotton, pnrobaaed at C|] I .peeai. and, hiring •bentohad" It, found that Iponada tbera ware £9 pound, of aand and t: poaadr of eottoo. A aaooad trial of aome Lttaworttc.itlonln tbe lot proved a Iota of I, •. ptr oant. The charge la a aeriaoa one, bnt I giChutga Tribune think, it would be atUI „rWai if it wart not a conceded feet that 'i.jwotioo of aimoat every exportable article „, owHon praetiee in England. At present, . of Ibat connlry era bually engaged 11: it* trial or nulla againit ail aorta of dealer* a pfiaioe* *nd grooerie* for Bdolteration. I therefore, can hardly expect to ^[i- 1 «»lha bariaav. Bainu b crcrc* —On* of the moat a bock- I nf tex'.ie* of ihia anteid.l era oconrred laat fib"d«y. near Parle, Tenneaaee. The vio- I ua*w Wm. T. Key, a young man who bad I i«a p-}icR bia addraaaaa lo a Mia* Mollie I yuc, vita looked favorably npon hi* aait at I <a!,bslrecentlydiaalandhim. Haafltrword red lo kill hlnmelf in I be presence of 11* farmer lady love, bnt tba threat wa* treated I n 10 idle jest. On tb* day mentioned, they -piirtd to Ibe bonne of bia nnele, and, in *c- I Nciaae* with hi* threat, in prewnee of Uiaa 1 g)Ui«, plaor d * revolver in hi* month, and, I cm mapping tb* ptatol twioe, deliberately ro- | uarel Ibe oU cepe and replaeed them with k. He again pat the pi.tol in hi* month | md tired, tor leg the lop of hi* bo*d off, *nd it vllbia three feet of hi* sweet-heart. A ViLcinr.* Iirvxwnow.—Tho World’* Ix>o- _m eemapoedeot announces that Ur. Hoe, I e*fimoua ’Tram" mao, and hi* London man* I ipr, htv* at bmt anaoeeded, after fifteen yean* | mat, ia perfecting * • Perfecting Printing Ha I dim," which the fort capon dent say, will de- ] :m **,000 completed aheeta an boor. Tba IrdiaJan *r*ao wide that each one will print I tea eoplea at once, and tbe perfected sheets I w delivered In piles a, accurately aa If they I tel bees put in a proa, aod trimmed. Two laaeasd a boy are all tba*. are necessary to at* I»ad each pres«. Tbe difference in wage* be- i Ike ordinary ten eylinder Hoc pres, ia ■•a !.'■ to Hi. The Daily Telegraph of London I Ur ordered ten of them pretec, at a ooat of Icirlydr* Ibontand pounds, and will aave fir. [to* thuuand ponnd, by Ibo obangs. TnOdaiyfor September wm received ye,. taltj. The aerial psp.ra are: The Wethers 1 War, liy DaKoreat; C! renal Cogitations, by I'iri Badmu ; The U ivotntion of ISIS in Berlin, If Ttoodx.'S. Fey, and Indy Blanobo Mar l'd'* Win.bring <■ 'Pus Cnuing Marriage, by ttert Rhode,, le rather a di.oaralve paper on »Ullage, rr 1 lists. Tbe Uiunnaolh Uet.’gion d Ike Wiwld is an art lots on Bnildbiain. The UliKtvary Hen of tbe Honth, by Edward A. PeUard, ia an artiole written liy Ur. P. three i before hie death. Tbe Broken Lily, SfwkaUam and Langnago. Bummer Days at Sttf-a, Vs. rlarliata, A Feaat of Blood, uu,i nakarwaat make np tba net of contributions. IV editorial department i* nnnrnally foil. Peonusa or IUdiciusk i* Brain.—Tho Vwld'* Seville correspondent writes that all pnperty in that city haa been doclarod oolleo- tiva; tba workmen are declared to bo oo-pro- l«Man of the umnfaotoriea and of tbeir pro- daete, but at the seme time tbe taxes to be paid •poo this property are to be levied exclusively turn the original owneri. At Seville also tho OoBBaulete praolioo all the principles whtob Jaw from the identity of origin of man and aoak.y. They have by deotee "aboliahed tab. ehame,” A few deya aineo there was aoen aa mm cf the most fashionable promenades of Swill*, at tba boor when everybody ie ont, a ftrriegi and pair, whose driver and footman •ad the two "ladles" and two ‘'gentlemen” in- ride were stark naked. T*r largest farm in England ia 9,000 acre* hr extent, and in its cultivation tho “fonr " system i« adopted, "50 aawa being de nted to wheat, 750 (o barley and oat*, 7JO to reads, beans and pea*, and 780 lo roots. Tho The hve stock is valued as follow*: Sheep, tv,000; bones, $t5,000; bollock,, $12,000, ud pig,, $3,800. Tbe artificial fortllixen and annually amount to #9,000, and the entire e*t of manure* is $15,000. Tho oil cako and nee produced annually amonnt to $20,000. Ike yield of the (beep telle for $20,000 and this tains! Is the mort profitable afock kept A siinnt.x rom lady met a birdiah-Iooidng lady in the post offije yesterday, and tho foi sting oonvanstian followod: -'Uary, i, it hit that yonr mot liar U dead?" asked tbe . "It ia,” aald Usry. “And wore yon Burled before ah# died?" "No," said U«ry ; "act until throe d«ys after.” The mlddlo aged woman stared at the bride for a moment, •ad then alowly and bewildaringly said: "Do you mean to say that yonr poor mother died vubout—without seeing what yon were married isT—DaaJwry jYnci. How re oxr ltn> or aw Inoaowwo To* Nail. Oae of tho noil palnfnl anrgical operations Is •waving nails which have grown into the flesh. Thus la no necessity whatsoever for this pain- The near method le to keep the patient ten or therm days In a bed or on a sofa with a bread «t steal poultice applied to the toe. Thl, pool ties U changed several limes daily, and the too h bathed twice a day in water a* warm as msy be home. In ten or fifteen day* the nail be- m* so soft It may be ont with «cie*ors and •wovad by hand witbont the least pain. Sonata* 8*cctm**.—'The Herald's money Bbole of Batnrday, says much aotivity has been asnlfested of late In various clasaoa of South eta booda, both within and withont the stock baud. On that day 90 was bid for Georgia Mvsns—new—while Alabama eights sold at S3j h 8SJ. At itlnatreting what Wall street thinks sf the souudneas of tho credit of the supremely State of South Carolina, her six per cent, bonds, Inter, st payable in Jlnnxry atd July, *Mid only get a bid of 15. B**a ia the inscription on a tombstono in raaosyirania. "In memory of Tabitha, bc- brred wife of Joseph Wright, Thomas Andrews, then Halstead, Edward Murray and Charlea D**», by her devoted hnrbsnd, Cyrus Morgan, U vu lucky that Tabitha died when she did. In if (he had lived a few years loeger they mid have been compelled to chain the City Oirwetory to her inroophrgos. la* Ooxnrmow Frxo Aoaissr— The AUsuchusetU friends of Butler oomplai tba: his enemies have raised a corruption fund of 9280,000 to defeat liis nomination for Gov •rnor of the B»y State. It may safely be eaid that Udeli the first time Butler was ever fonght with a corruption fued. It i* cruel to kill man with hur own weapons. bxxrroa Joxxa, of Nevada, haa au income of tM i ri,0(X> ayear from mining property. Thta vbat Carpenter and Bailor would oell a modest °°®P*teney for a man doomed to live in Waah lngtoc. CarsarUm and Nelxlnglam. A great deal la being aald now-a-daya abont General Grant’s C«iari*m, bnt however opin ion, msy differ on that point, tha “Scizinjitm' of tbe administration cannot b* doubted. Every few days, on a charge by aome anborned dark, that a tuatoeaa firm haa been attempting evade the revenue laws, an Imperial rescript issued and the firm's vaults, desks and drawers are forcibly entered and all ite private books and papers are seized and earned off. This wa* dose toPhelp*. Dodge A Co. It was done the other day to Platt A Boyd, and it hai been done in numerous mint Tbe more wa reflect npon it the more dag, gerous to liberty and aelf-proteeticn docs tbe assumption o! such a right or power on the pert of the government appear. It is not whit better tbsn the practloee, in this psrticu lur, of the Spanish Inquisition. Doubtless there is law for it, bnt that it is good law—law which ought to exist In a free oountry, aeems ton, impossible. No man will advance (ha plea that goTem. raent can compel anybody to bear witness against himself. But if a man oannot be broaghi into oonrt and compelled to give parol testimony against himself, how happens it that his private depoeitories can bo forced open, and his own written books, entries, memoranda and correspondence be bronght agilnat him? Doe* ibe feet that the words are written in stead of spoken defeat tba application of principle vital to personal security and freedom 7 No man ean read tho story of these secret noselnga aod smiling,—the operation, of ear* rupted clerks and aooonntants, bribed by the hope o' pay as spies and informers—these oper ations by pnmps and eve droppers, rewarded for tbeir treachery and bad faith by dividing great spoils with tbe ltevetraa officers, and-all followed np by theta grand swoops npon booka and private papers by foroe and lock-bretkiog, withont feeling bis gorgo rite—withont seeing that he bimaelf and all the secrets of his life, which be proposes shall die with him, msy be dragged before the pnblio at any minute, when, ever a malicious informer may hope to gratify his spite or greed of gain, by lodging assailed information. Surely there ought to be no power in a free government io break into a man's premises and aerve and uao hla private papers against himself any more than to seize hi* person and oompel him by pain, and penal* ties to give evidence against himself. Tho one praotica ia as fatal to private and personal rights as tha other. Last Week’s Cotton Figures. The New York Commercial and Financial Ohrnniole.of Saturday, reports receipts of the seven days during last Friday night, 15th, at 10,581 bales against 10.C31 bales last week, 12,- 255 tales the previoas week and 12,C1S bales three wetks since, making tbe total receipts ainoe tbe first of Bept., 1872, 3,597,739 bales against 2,714.435 bales for tbs ssme period of 1861 72, showing an increase ainoe September I, 1872, of 883,303 bales. The Interior ports showed the following fig. nres: Receipt, of the week 2,913 bales against 371 tbe same weak last year. Shipment, 5,332 against 1,092. Stock 19,555 against 5,975, The Chronicle's Visible Bapply Table showed 2,200,670 bales, against 2,311,273 last year and 2.02.1,677—indieating n decrease on last year's itdck of 110,603 bale, and on increase of 175., 003 on the (took the 152i of August, 1871. WzxTnan UirosTj r.x Teuobxpu.—Consid erable rain, aaya tba Utuonteto, has fallen the first balf of tha week in the Gulf and Atlantic States, though none of oar reports speak of there being uuy tevere storm corresponding with tbe one which bee visited thta section; tn fact, with one or two exceptions, no oompUlnt ia made of any ill effects from the rain, the main damage referred to being that from cater* pillars in certain eeolionr; otherwise tbe reports are more favorabto. At New Orleans it has rained on more than balf the days of the week —showery. Our correspondent btates that tboy are having too much rain there. Bain is also the latter V«t* of 'fh‘4 W««K Dcin'g- 0 r^Ws, nleaaant; crop reports are e»id to ho u— r* vorable, only very limited injury being as yet • dons by tho caterpillars. They have bad rain on throe days at Betas; caterpillars are increas ing and doing mnoh damage on some plaeea where pontons have not boon applied. Ibe same report of damige from oaterpillara we have received from oar Montgomery correspond ent: it has rained on two days at Macon. At Columbus they have had rain on fonr days, though it has been pleasant and clear tbs I»t'or part of the woek. They also had rain the first half of the week, and dear weather since at Savannah; crop reports are said to be more favorable. It has rained on two days at Angnste; tho weather is now pleaeant. Oar Charleston correspondent does not state how many days it has rained thoro. bnt says that they are having too ranch rain. At Memphis it bas rained on three day*, and orop reports are more favorablo. At Nashville they have bad one heavy rain, which waa mneh needed; the orop ia developing promisingly. The thermom eter lias averaged at Memphis 80; Savannah, 81; Mobile, 81; hlaoon, 84; Colnmbns, 80. Middling uplands were quoted in Liverpool on Friday at 8J1, against 9; Us', year and 8 j to 91 the year before. The New York market was generally inactive thronghont tho week, at a decline. On Friday there was a little revival, bnt prioes were weak. Some half a toon bale, of new cotton are noted, generally abont a week behind last year. Halstead on Ctcsarlaiq. Tho Herald has been interviewing the Cin cinnati editors on C*»riam. Marat Halstead maintain, that there ia not timber enough in Grant to mako a C»mr—as for illustration : “Mr. Halstead—It lakes a man of genins and enerry to make a Carter, and snoh men are not plenty. If Ben Butter had been a great raib- tary encores he might have beoome a Ctetar; bnt ho had none, and had no military (sanity, so ho U no Cottar. The fact t*. wo got through our war without developing a Croat or any re markable genins on eitner aide. "Ilerald Correspondent—Yon uon t seem to think that Gen. Grant Is ranch of a Cmiar then ? "Mr. HaUtead—No, air, I do not; I don t think he knows enough to be C*rar either. "Herald Correspondent—^What do yon think of bis third term prospect? "Mr. Halstead—'Very little prospect he has, I believe Ho can't get the nomination from hto ova party, and he will find it ont in good time and draw off in favor of Phil Sheridan, who will be tho military candidate. ilerald Correspondent—Yon believe this? Mr. Halstead—Yes, eir, I do. Tho Demo- era tic party can elect him by adhering to its old organiattion. Blaine and Morton are tho oivil a-tpiracts, bnt neither will be able to make it. The very boat man to boat the administra tion candidate, probably, ia the man who made Grant but didn’t stay at home to take care of him—tha Fariaian, Waahbnrne. "Herald Correspondent—Let me ask why yon thick Grant’s party will not renominate bln ? ••Mr. Il&Ute&d—Grant’s conduct since bia election ha, disgusted tbe leading men of the putty I mean the ambitions and leading men. \VtUon and Noyfea, for instance, who went np and down the oonntry howling and tearing their throats ont for him, are bitterlv disappointed at Grant’s obtusenees and indifferency in not seeing that to their aimoat snperhnman effort* and not his own special mer »taw*a he indebted for tho success of his seeond candidacy. Grant believed that his re election was duo to the migbtv magic of hianame, and hU oold egotism baa dwplv wounded tbe feelings of his warnest patty friends. As I said, it is donbtfn if the civil aspirants go through, bnt they '" U the pleasure of electing the lieutenant C en era!, for Grant undoubtedly will have the po^er to name hie successor.” Tba Savannah News bears a rumor “that Dramatic Oiub of ten members, embracing tbe beat amateur talent of this city, baa been or ganized for the purpose of visiting Jtaoon du ring tbe Slate Fair and giving three perform aaoao. Ox Friday lost Misses Agnes McMahon, Ag- no* Brown, Ella Kennedy, and Ann Brodwiek, of Stvannab, wers reoeired into the order the Sisters of Mercy. Txz Chronicle and Sentinel says Ur. Lewis E. Grouse, of Angnste, has written 3,016 words in a legible band on a postal card. Yell, vot it ? What profit it it to Mr. G. or anybody else? Worm Ksowrxo.—Under this head, tho Chronicle and Sentinel has the following: Worm Khowixo.—Few people perhaps are aware that, by the lew of the State m party renting a house for twelve months la oompellod to pay the rent for that entire time, although tbe boose should catch fire and burn to tho ground in A week after bia taking possession aa tenant. We beard of twoinitanoes yesterday where tho question came np, a party in each contending that the rent could not be recovered under the oirenmetanoe mentioned. In one the gentlemen to bolding was so satisfied tn regard to hia portion that ha made a bet of one hum dred dollars to five that be was right. The mat ter was referred to a lawyer, and of oonrse de cided against the party bcltting tits hundred dollars. Io tha other a gentleman, while heartily admitting the foot, contended that if a note stipulated! that it was givsn "for value received in honaa rent,” the amonnt which it represented could not be recovered the house for the rent of whioh it was giTen burned down before the tenant had oocupied it tbe stipulated time. The bst in thia inrtanoe waa somewhat smaller than tho other, being only a couple of watermelons. The question was referred to a prominent lawyer, who de cided that nnder the law the tenant would hare to pay tho full amonnt of the reat, notwith standing the clause In the note, above stated. The language of the Code of Georgia is very plain npon the point. The following is the section: Sec. 2267. The destruction cf a tenement by five, or the loss of posseesion by any easnalty not caused by the landlord, or from default of his title, aha'l not abate the rent contracted to be paid. Tbe reports of the Supreme Court of Georgia contain a nnmber of decisions npon this point. In one case carried np, a young man in Savan nah bad rented a room for a year in a building which caught fire and waa destroyed. Tho yonng man waa very aotive in saving shelving and other thing! attached to the freehold, but his landlord, notwithstanding, claimed the rent agreed to be paid by him for the entire year. The young man refused to pay it, woe sued by his landlotd, tho cane tried in the Superior Court, and afterwards carried np to the Su preme Oourt, which rendered a decision in the landlord's favor. Mb. W. It. VxxusDisaiusf, of Honston conn, ty, was thrown from a buggy last Thnrsday, aad one of his legs broken. Houston ooanty is to have a new jail, to oast $C,4*0. M. O'Brien t Co , are the oontraetorx. I Aa Dtino, Eorrr, Dtino.”—Keferrlng to the late enloginms pvononnoed by many South ern pipers npon Gen. Lytle, the author of the beantifnl verses nnder the above title, as a chivalrous soldier and gentleman, a correspon dent of the Houston Home Journal shows that Gen. L. does not at all deserve them by tho recital of the following faots: He says the first brigade of Federal soldiers that entered Win chester, Tennessee, daring the war waa oom manded by Gen. L., and that as soon as tbe brigade bad camped the work of robbery was commenced. Iy posts London a million dollars annually to water her streets. ’The principal part of tbe work is undertaken by a few Urge contractor*, who employ some 1,500 hortes and carta, with as many men, for thirty weeks in the year, at an outlay of about throe pounds week for each horse, cart, and man. It ia contended, how- ever, that the whole of thte watering ean be so- complished in a far more effectual and advan tageous manner by a system of permanently laid pipes, and measures have been Uken for introducing them. Ir ii gr&tifjing to know that H»mborg # Spa, Wiesbaden, and idl the Spas in Europe, from which gambling bas been abolished, are well prtronizsd by great numbers of respectable people thi* yeir. The Americans an! English visit them resort* for a longer stay than ever , before. THE GEORGIA PRESS. C1IAS. COVmELMAH & CO., ion" of''thVMasonVo I ‘‘Barambole,’’ a town in Barambole. The final I (JfiDfirfll Commission HpirliJinK. I ■£ w0 ■* 5*. Southewt 'Alabama and Southwest ation of the Knights triumph of the young mind-reader was the Io. I “ ?? fau JS~^ nB * * ilver cn P' tLo at the Academy of | of a pain in a man’s head, whioh he‘did | H, Oriental Building, CHICAGO. BSatO^Sw^terthOatate #t lli0 Urantl Mnsonle Oemonslrulloii. FaroiDZU-rai, August 19.—Io connection | off b y b,a spelling out the outlandish word with Bpproaehiog dedication c* " *-'* >*!■»■*• ts. « n .i Templo a grand demonstration Templar will take plus at tha Academy Music and the Horticultural Hall, to be oon-11° 8 ricoty, indicating tho ex tot spot where the neoted by a bridge. On the 25th of September, I trouble lay. the evening before the dedication, the Knights . „ __ will give an exhibition drill. I -*■ Vienna Haiti. Meningitis. | Correspondence of the 8an Francieoo Bulletin.] St. Louis, Angust 19.—John IL Fairchild, | , I have been to3tingabath-hon3e. _I explored Every bouse in tha town was thoroughly searched, and all the guns, pistols, ammnmuon and every artiole of veins which had not been effectually concoaled were appropriated withont oeremooy; and when tbe citizen* complained and threatened to report to tbe officers, the sol- -here would boast that General Lytle had given them two hours for plundering the place. Open threats were made that they would burn tbe ■own and murder the inhabitants, merely be- eause the county, Franklin, had in 1861 voted unanimously for eeoossion. Watches, jewelry aod silver ware were in every instance taken, and ladies and gentlemen, who dared to protest were invariably insulted and abused. The stores and offices were all broken opeo and rob- bed, or tbe owners were forced to notook them the murderous ruffians. Too oounty olfiees e.fre mS^en auTi^ ^J**!*^ ** plunder only ceased when there was nothing eft to steal. The writer of this artiole was in Winchester, a thirteen year old boy at the time, and was an eye-witness to tbe above outrages. No redress was offered by General Lytle, al though tho people oompliined bitterly, no punishment was irfl otod, and the barbarous acts were undoubtedly committed with the ex- press ar implied consent of the commander. Tux Atlanta polios made a raid npon tho street-walkers Monday night, and osptnred a dozen or fifteen of them. They were locked np, and will be prosecuted on a charge of va grancy. Patrick Hetfrunan-, a well-know policeman and fireman of Atlanta, died Monday night, after an illness of three month*. Two thousanh persons attended the camp meeting at Study Springs, fourteen miles from Atlanta, on Sunday. Ex-Judge and ex-M*yor Hammond, of Atlanta, preaohed tho sermon. Daring the month of Jnly 10,287 mail letters, 1309 looat letters, and 2615 papers were (JiUt- ered by the post ofilje carriers at Sivaansh. Daring the same period they oolleoted for mail ing, 13,179 letters. Tar Savannah News has resolved some sam ples of tho now rice orop Which are very fine. The indications at present are that the crop will be nnnsnally large. TsoMisvnxx reoeived Us first bale of now ootton on Friday the 14th. Three balei were shipped from the same point on the same day, to Savannah. Tux Gainesville Kigle has branched out into daily. Tho infant is small but seems healthy. Snch tender blossoms, however, need very cur- fal nursing to keep them alive. Mb. D. F. Wilkie, a citizen of Monroo chanty, for fifty-five years, died l»st Sunday. He was seventy-three years old and had been a member of the Methodist eburoh for more than fifty years. Pafbbs addressed “Browo House,” and ‘ ‘Chi* Hall, Esq, Board of Trade,” Macon, Georgia, may be found at this office. We shall cease from this date, to send mail matter that has been improperly distributed back to tho post offiee. If we do duty as as a mail carrier, we must have compensation therefor. Grant Will Not be a Candidate. The statement is anthoritatively made that Genoral Grant dots not wish to be elected to tbe Preaidency for a third term, at we presume the people have no desire thst he should be. It is possible that he would administer the gov ernment as wisely and aa well through a third as through a seoond term; bnt no one, least of aU General Grant himself, deems it wise to es tablish a preoedent which neither the present nor the prospective exigencies of the country would jnstify.—Albany Earning Journal. The Craning Journal ia a bitter Bsdical paper, bnt seems to be rather behind the times in this matter. It baa evidently aot been “ seen ” by the three-term folks. Perhaps it will sing another tone when it has more light. Grant is jtut as sure to intrigna for, and very probably to get, another renomination as he lives. All the signs g> to show that he wants it—none plainer In our estimation than the utterance of Harper's Weekly, which we published a few dap since. Spctxxs ox Bxsorrnos. — United Statea Treasurer Spinner, in a letter published last Friday, on the resumption of specie payment, Bays it haa been “and I think wiU erntinne to be pnt off until the time when the balance of trade shaU be in oar favor. When that time arrives, resumption will be easy. In truth, it wiU from that cause eome of tts own aoeord.— Tbe conversion of Government stocks from a hiffher to a lower rate of interest ia now pro- onasinc quite aa fast as the preaent available of tno Treasury Department can comfort- ahlv manage it- As the prospects of ite oon- tinnanoe loom to bo pretty oertainly secured, it E 2£“7nestionwtth tha Btmratary -tartar “e wiU exchange for a fire per cent, -took, or wait until be ean place the new stock at fonr and a half or even at foor per cent. East Txsxxbxx Mixuix.—Knoxville from and Herald s*T* Knoxville Marble (Joapany ie shipping eix oar load* of marble to St. Louis. RV r Tl?T RflR A RLT ley, severely Injuring a number of persons and x X XmdXmUVJ X 1x1.x A*i I damming tip the river, tue weterof whioh had I UJLY DISPATCHES. NOTICE. risen 109 feet above its usual height. East-1 MACON _& BBPNSffXOK BULB PAD, 1 neere were of the opinion that the water would ScrxaixTBXDiST a Omot I IK>< S b T?m. ita ba !? ers ’ Y”* 1 ™ h to - -IlfEBCHANTS aad othm dekSSg thift iheir I Railway Strike and Accident. wards Lima, sweeping everything before It, and I iu SHIPMENTS from Eastern cities via 8s- Eochxxizb, August 19.—The conductors and --^merging the lower portion of that city. I vannah. should paaa over the Macon and Brnus- brakasmen of the freight train* of tba Western A disastrous fire haa taken plaoe in Yalpa- Railroad, wiU pleaae have their freghts division of the SewYbrk Central railroadtart «*!?• “ a5l *8 * ** A860t ° f AU “ Uo “ d GaU luu ‘ I night .trunk for advanced pay, in accordance *} ‘ S * Wna ^* JA3 w EOBEffr , ov wirt tha premia** made to them a month since. | M 8™*’ J ““S sd I MyHtf ofne^l ta^tajlecL P. C. SAWYER'S raunra Notice to-Contractors. No freight trains are ms ring between thia I __ pUoe and Buffalo. I ' Gjiewleli News. The express trsla dae here et seven o’clock I Madbid, August 19.—Tbe Culists have 8g*in thin morning from Detroit on the Greet West- en iSf****}? town °* Estelle. I TT7TLI. be let, to the lowest bidder, 'before the em rail wsj is In the g*nsl et Harold. The train I Cortes ere now engtged in the discussion I T Y Coort-houae door, on SATURDAY, the wie drawn by two looomotiTes, end ooosisted I * new loen bill, the first article of which his I instant, st 11 o'clock a. it., the boiHiog of t of aevanl baggage and express ooaches. The M** 0 * do P te<1 bridge mmws Bocky Creek, at Briley’s Mill. Plan draw was open and waa not observed by the Pixprioix, August 19.—A desperate engage- —■.«* ‘ ha of the engineer. Both engines, and all the m«rthia just uken pLoe between a foroe of ^BTorie^^eiioid.' ‘‘ b6 Coarl - lioa<e - and express ears wars plunged into ths esn&l, I numbering 2,400 msn and three ool-' fiiliog tho chasm so thst there was not room j omna 0a ftphnfsh Republicans. The battle was for the passenger coaches. It is reported thst I f°°3ht in the open oonntry between tho towns all the ptSMDgers sod employes escaped in- 1 °* ^ er K* Oaseraa, and resulted in tho de* jury. I feat of the Republietns with a loss of 200 Collision AC Hr a. | and one gnu. New Yorx, Angust 19.—The Alabama re- ports having collided with and sunk the bark | HIND READING. Abeona. Three of the crew were saved. Noth* August 15, 1873. A. B. ROSS. Clerk. anglTeodtda SEED BYE AND BARLEY. 1500 Baahtls oho ‘ ceB J' 8 . 500 For sale chaxp by *ugl61w Buley. E. PRICE A 80N. TO RENT* A FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, on the corner of ] 8*0011(1 and Arch streets, with double hitch- >a. Possession giren first of October. Apply to MRS. M. J. SHERWOOD, aug 14tf* Or MR. O. W. SHERWOOD. ing was seen of the bark in the morning. The That Extraordinary Brown, of Iowa, Gives Alabama was not injured. I the CSleacoau a Taste af His finatlly. Central American Mission. Chicago is aU agog over the wonderfnl per- Minister Williams reached Central America formances of a young man named Brown, from the soth ultimo. He had not decided whioh Iowa, who reads other folks’minds. The other oMhe five Republics should be his hetdqu.r- night> uweleemltom tbe Tribune of Fridsy, J Man Mixing. I be gave a public exhibition, which is tbns de- Lu ns villi, August 19.—A man named Lord, scribed by the Tribane: said to be a traveling correspondent of the Her- The first test wa* that of finding an articlo I aid, is missing sinoe Tuesday. Foal play is hid outside of the room. A gentleman known , , apprehended. I to the committee aaoonuood that he had secret* I r O very desirab!o dwellirgs to rest. Apply to j The Chicago and Alton Massacre. ed an artiole, and he was immediately Intro- { Csioioo, August 19.—The deaths from the I dnoed to Mr. Brown. The latter took bis left I railroad accident have reaobed eighteen. Tbe hand in his own and placed his right hand on FOR RENT engineer of tbe freight train has been arreBted I (be gentleman's forehead, letting it rest there and the offioers are panning the oondnetor. for a few moments; then he took the gentle-I A BIX ROOM HOUSE, with noceeeary onlbnild- | 1 man's right hand and held it to his own fore- I 1 Q B 0 . k* r den. et a a n . . . I raxiflAnnn nf T fl Ka (FATIXTin WAT 2G, 1873.) With Adjustable Boll Box and Swinging Front, for Ginning Damp, Wet or Dry Ootton. Also, the Celebrated Q-riswold Grin, Gonnine Pattern,withthe Oecill&ting or Water Box. Manufactured by Pa G. SAWYER, Macon, Georgia TOR RENT. augl7 6t O. 3 OBEAIt. Accidental Heath. I mans rtgnt nand and Held It to tilt own fore-1 "«».»™»*( on Orangeatreet. opposite | PmLADXLPau, August 19.-Eich.rd Watson, ^ b " a «Pi% n0 ° ' °' i,e=bl '' Q^oTaNUJEB. aged thlrty-seven, brother of John David Wat- r" r . l ‘^ * ho *®“ ter t ° ward the back door of the a ngl73t* At Good .4 Son’s ton, editor of the North American, was killed ® h °f oh ’ After f f «* momsnte’ suspense the 2 — ^ by a coal cart I aadIenca Wflr ® pie««d to see the gentleman re- j IaOSX. Alxaxv Ammsf*9*'howenstedn I "mTtatad^g 1 A HEAVE PAIR OF OOLD SPECTACLES. ZrZZSTiFmSZ theb r em e ntofthe church, and to it the blind- wU1 U ‘'tKraliy rewarded by tear- scoompiioa murder, has been arrested in Oanada. Vlesaa Awards. wwiouioua wa ius vuiuiua, UIU IO U IUO UUUU* I A folded Brown led him quite as straight and per-1 haps a little faster then he oonld have wished BBOW5TS HOTEL I HAVE e number of Sao Milch Cows, in good j order, wbio*! I do ire to dispose of at fair w . * ia * .l - , to the hidden objeeL Then he led a gentleman I UOLCH COWS FOR S A T.'E. t0 thB «P o(. chandelier of whioh he think. 1 one to F. Bradiies, Louisiana ,S. N. Moody, | j n g, found a silver quarter hid nnder a table, Angelo Soeola; A. E. Biker. Behan i Thorn & disoovered a knife in a gentleman’s hat, a small Oo^NowOr eans; Edmond Bargeois, SL James pi609 ot paper nnder , pin - oa3hloni an d wonna Parish, Imaina, nptbs firat series of tests by polling a watch 01 AUb r i a a°i T 4 nuei T . r9_ key ont of the tester’s month. AU of the tests, osive prizes for minerals, and theBienville iron with one exneption. were suooessfnl, and that works of Louisiana, for eotten oiL I partially bo : and as tbe yonng fellow encceed- Dentt: of a Duke. 1 ” • - - - ‘ | prices. angSlawtw JERE HOLLIS, On the Oolumbns road. Tliis Gin Toot Three Premiums Last Year. MILCH COWS FOR SALE. August William, of Bianswiak, died of apo-1 Daring the evening many gentlemen asked Mr. plexy at tho age of 67 years. I Kelly question s regarding the powers of tho I Arms to tno Cnrllita. I performer, whioh were all answered very read!- I Batons!, Angust 19. — The OarlUte eay »°d in a manner whioh fully satisfied the au- THE SAWYER ECLXP8E OOTTON GIN with ite .caa. ,ucu»u. . , [mprovemente, Lae won ite way, upon its own mer- ed in winning each of the oames of hida-and- I T HAVE fonr miloli cdws for baIo at verv rcaeon- I ™< ™ the very firat rank or popnlar favor. It ££ The audience «eetedlta wta annU^t I •“ H? r-and in VineviUe, ^an&Sito, in all the I PERFEOT OOTTON GIN. I Onr Portable or Adjustable Boll Bax places it in the power of every planter to regulate tho picking I of the seed to suit himself, and is tho nnlv ono anglOtf K. G. TERRY. _____ DOMINO BALL. amocV the oargtT safely delivered to them*from I dienoe. After a rest, daringwhioh Mr. Kelly I TTiHEBE wUI be a Domino Ball at the Mclntoah I ,„ rro P 6r >y ’managed. SAWYER’S the Deerhound were 1 ,.10 Berdan r flia. intereated the andienoo with a short disserta- Jf . eSS a ^c , -i nlli ?S 8pr !°5:,°, a . TtJ ^ s HAY, An- KOIJPSEGINwramaintainthefnllnaturallengtU ’ 1 tion, Mr. Brown spelled ont, npon an alphabet E “ 3t 2cth - l8,s - „• ton. “ m&d ° to do 88 rspU work « plaoed against the wall, the names of plaoe J in augiotd ' * Proprietor. Abe old GRISWOLD GIN—a genn'ne pattern— the minds of two gentlemen, one of the trials, • — I . » - ■ - ^ however, being rather a failure, bnt quite set M8UT UUrATl'HKR. fomlahed to order, whenever desired. Three premiums were takon by SAWYER’S EOLIPSE GIN laat year, over all competitore, viz: Refer to W. A. Huff. Macon. Vies President of the Alsrino Insurance Oom- I ike establishment, asking every one I met “fnr pany and President of the Board of Under- I e * n warmes bad.” Some pointed in one direo- writers, in tbi9 city, died but night of cerebro- tion and some in another. At last I found my- spinal meningitis. self before tho woman who sold tbe tiokets. I An Old Man Commits Sulofilx. 1 paid fifty krenfzars. She called “Marie l’ 1 MASonrarza. N. H. Augu.t 19.-0har!ei Mati0 ‘ s bright, Mack-eyed Oerman maiden. Stark, a wealthy and ltfl tenti.l ottizen, aged oi ™ e ’ * hB wet o and1 burdened her- 72. hnng himself lad night. There ia no assign- ™ lf wl h 8 qhanUty of linen, lhro sho signed - - 6 ‘ for me to follow. I went in an expeotant, won dering nnd rather anxious frame of mind. Marie B- ROTTER M. D. Homceopathist. O FFICE Weed’s Block, Second street, third door I below Johnaton’a jewelry eetabliehment. lteeidence Lanier Honae. july 15 tf NEW GINS WiU bo deliverotl on l>oaril the cars at the follow- SELECT PRIVATE SCHOOL I. LINTK 1 WILL DEOFEN Elfl able cause for the 8C' ~ ” I * or ™° 10 Ioll °w. x went in an expectant, wdu* i •* FOR BOYS AND More UabiHK i*h iam ’ dering nod rather anxiond frame of mind. Marie I Monday, Septenbcr 1st. , . „ J, . fl . wont into a noitly farniseed bath-room. Marie I FTiHE nanal Anciont ard Modem LftDcaftgC3 | Seventy Saws... 19 °{ l “ e I ppread a linen sheet in the tub. Marie then turn* I A the h*ghor branchea of MatheaaticB I Eighty Sawa j aj P PI j,ii 5 D. Hood, of Booth Gxrolioa, | on the water. Marie n-aits for the tub to HU, and I without 6xtra chirge. Students prepared 1 and Adolphus Dnpnest and Charles HoUand, I wait for Marie to depart, that X may commence K° e . a . ler any college claaa desired, and those not Kisqoton. Aogni‘ IS.—Too Diriaa hi* ta- Goimia htn Iji.h At Uule leaves. 127anJ7ta^MM.itj h3J|i7t!t turned for coal an] provision:. Sho failed to Then X tgodgstly remove my collar. Sad- my eoholars, rather than simply to hear recita- grspple the Asplnwall oxble on aooonat of an- I denly Marie retnrns. It is only to bring an- Horn. Tuition per scholastic month $5, payable favorable weather. 1 other towel. Great Soot!! There is no look on | monthly. andTeodSw The llolytacad Ceremonies. I the door, and supposing l had been . I got LosDcs.AngnstlO.—TbeDukeof Elinbnrgb “ to “Y batl1 > n feat trembling. Tbete aaaisted the Prinoe of Waist In tho Holyhe ad P«ople are bo queer in their wsys. Marie may breakwater ceremonies. | return with two or three of those great, strap- Tlie Turf I P In B German woman to airnb me. I know . ^ ^'kthir. racae for the Oak, sLkea ‘me'^O^emc^ng l“ex!mtoe orL’^mhuW.nUL MarteStn trl waa w.nn.r; (ilo g piIo of Ilnen ah ' e bLwTTr. i, » ema» grtaktraler rinlatieil. The work on the Holyhead hroakwitar Is finished. A forn}tl opening was oeiebra'.ed to day. The Prinoe of Wales officiated at tho ceremony. Fatal Accident. By tbe caving of a tnnnel at Shipton mallet, Somersetshire, two workmen were killed and twenty wounded. Synopsis Weather Nidiemem Win Dxpt, Office cJhixf Signal Offioxe, Washington, Aognst 19 Probubilitiee: For Njw Euglaud and the Middle Atlantic State, rising temparatnre, light easterly to Hontherly wind) and partly cloudy weithrr, with areas nt hgh*. ram no the o >asi: for tho lake region soiitneasterly ta ioathwas terly winds, aligbtly f.Iling biro mater, rising temperature over tbe lower lakes, with lno.(*('.- ing c’.ondme3S on Wednesday, followed by light ram in the northern portion of this region; for the Ohio valley and westward over the Central Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys light southeasterly to southwesterly winds, high tem perature and clear and partly cloudy weather ; for the South Atlantic and Galf States south westerly and variable winds, except on the South Atlaap.o coast, where threatening worth- and rain with rising temperature are proba ble. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHER. Texas kepublican Convention. Txxas, August 12.—The Republican State Convention assembled here to-day. A G. Mallory, of Jrfferson county, was chojen chairman. Gov. Davia made a Bpteoh, in whioh he asked them to aot harmoniously. He did not care who. they nominated—bnt let them be honest men. A committee on credentials was appointed and the Convention then aoj inrned until four o’clock. Oa reassembling, owing to the large crowd in the hall and the hot weather, an adjournment to Pitt’s garden was ordered. Gov. Davis will be re-nominated. Civil Sights la New York. New Yoek, Angnst 19.—Y. Motto, an Italian padrone, waa fully oommitted for trial to day for violating tbe eivil rights bill, by virtually holding ltttlo children in slavery. Extradition. Officer* are in Brooklyn to-night arrangirg pipers for tbe extradition of Lcaenstetn, the muiderer, from Oanada. Horticulture. Pcttt .niTpnn August 19.—A meeting of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society was held to-night, and the snhjsct of organizing a na tional association, with a view lo a grand horti- cultural d aplay on the occasion of ihs Centen nial celebration, was discussed and finally refer, red to a committee, to confer with the Eieontiva Committee of the Centennial Commission, and with power to aot. Tke Boad Heals at Work. Kan Fbiscisco, Angnst 19.—'The mail stage between Mokelnnne Hill and Mokelonce Guy, waa stopped by two highwaymen two miles from Mokelunne City. Tn3y robbed the pas- aeogerr, and took $4,000 from Wells, Fargo A Co.'s treasure box, aDd destroyed the mails, paper: and other valuables. Officers are in pursuit of the robbers, who are well known. Another Kallroad (alltalen. VTilllus-pobt, Pa., Angnst 19.—The Niaga ra express, letvieg here at five p. xt, going east, and tbe Elmira mail, leaving Harrisburg at 12 x, going west, collided at Montgomery station, l.'milea east'of here. It is reported that only two passengers were slightly injured. Proposed State Convention for Z-outeiana. Nxw Oslxass, Angnst 19.—In response to a Communication from the citiaens of Monroe, aa the proper coarse to be panned regarding Louisiana affairs, Mr. John McEnary writes a letter advising the calling of a State convention in December; and the appointment of a com mittee to appeal to Congress. Bteeunar Disabled. Nxw Yoax, Angnst’ 19—A Herald special from London, 19th, aaya the Herald corre- epondent at Cairo reports the break down of tbe steamer with Sir Samuel Barker on board, rr . ahednen Island. A tug haa gooe to ten- der hex amiatauoe. This island is si tasted 300 Tnilee frOOaSutX. The **-«-— aad Chattanooga Kallroad. Waahisotox, August 19.—G. M. Dastaln, United States District Attorney for Alatams, aaya that negotiation* for the sale of the Ala- hams asd Ohattanoogm Bstlroad are progressing favorably. Math American News. Havaxa, Annul 19.—Lite advice* from Lima, Fern, report last a eenona acmdeat re- oeotty oocurred atxty mites from that eity. A body of earth, estimated at tea million cubic yards, fell from the moontein aide into tba val throw on and dry oneBelf in. "i ^UPlSrwJPhK such u:e. I would eo u:e forty were they left, for I am retolved to have my 50 krentzers worth in soma way. When I inquired the nse of the two aprons, I discovered that they were to be worn while Marie came in, and, turning off the hot water, lets on the oold. Practical Advice for Fishermen. From Mr. Beochor’s Christian Union.) First—Find ont if there is any fish in the river to whioh yon ore going; if bo, get some one who knows the water to show you where the fi:h lie: and when he Bhows thim to you, don’t yon show yourself to them. Sooond—Don't imsgine, if the fish does not dart away, that he has not Been yon; on the contrary, he is very likely devoting hia wlioto attention to yon, and preparing to start the mo ment danger is imminent. Third—If yon are fishing with a fly, and yon pass it neatly three times over him, and he re- fuses it, you need not wait any longer; he has seen yonr line of invitation, ard does not in tend to aome. Fourth—If yon are above a fish when yon hook him, get below him as soon as you oan ; for Jf yon pnll him one instant against the stream, and he is a heavy flab, he will break his hold. . . , Fifth—Never throw a tong line when a short one will answor. Sixth—Never mind what is said abont ''play ing your fish till he is tired:’ - put him in your ba-iket as soon as yon oan. ... j Seventh—Remember that every thing depends npon the way yon begin yonr aeqnaintanoe. if yon oan prevail on a fish to gc d iwh the stream a little way with yon, yon wilt afterward have no dIffitally in persnadiDg him to let yon have the pleasure of seeing him to dinner. To these exaellent maxima I beg leave to add one of Mr. Stoddart’a, especially intended for bachelors, yonog and old; “Never fall in love with a woman by the water side; there are simi- tions in which every woman looks an angel.” Op ell the odd deaths in the world, this re ported from India is certainly the oddest: A native, while catching fish in a tank, pnt the head of one in his mouth and bit it, as tho fish waa rather troublesome in the matter of wrig- ging. Suddenly ono of the sharp pointa in the back fin stuck in his hand; he opened his month to call for help, and the fish giving a quick plunge, jumped down his throat and there firmly stack. It was only taken onf, and by small pieces, after he had been carried to the hospitaL He was so exhausted that he died as soon as it was removed. Poou Dzlcokd CnzErxaL—The Empress En genie Is oredited with saying: “Men are easily deluded; they are duped oa t very hand; the same arts succeed with all of them, and the woman ia a genius who airikes out a new way to # get the better of them.” Hobx Gold.—The report is that the X^llaw atone region ti with gold and likely to prove more productive than any other au - riferons region of the United States. Thi Dunkirk (N. Y ) Jonrrai says that Jcseph Warren, of the Buffalo Courier, waa recently challenged to fight a duel by Hon. Israel T. Haleb, of Buffalo. Warren ucotp’.ed the chal lenge and chose broad swords for weapons; dis tance, thirty paces. A Dxs Montis merchant offered Mrs. Barrett a pair of shoes If she wrnld kit: him, and he hasn't disoovered yet where the bullet lodged after carrying away a part of his nose. Sksatob Stocxtox is distribute* hi: back pay amoog his eonstitaeuta. He has begun with the Long Branch ha-kcep^rs.— Acts York Sun. A tombstone maker in Boston ehi-e’s ‘CO. D.” on a large portion of hia tombstones. He aaya it stands for, “Coal Oil Death.” Hoasx thieves are so thick in the prairie re gions of Texas that vigilanoe committee# have been formed to encooTage tree planting. Elizabeth Stuabt Phxlps would (dye in gold, to see oae woman aonaibly dr eased, Dr. i Mary Walker tarred. *191 50 Forty 8aws 150 00 Forty-five Sawa '. X68 75 Fifty Saws..., 187 50 SixtySawa 225 CO 26250 280 00 To prevent delay, orders and old gina ehould be eont in immediately. Timo given to roaponaible parlies. VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS! At CazATid* the earth sparkled and bubblsd as they au u». p bnt it required ths light cf chemical discovery to enable man to repioin o t^em their ele- mente, aa the Seltzor Wator U\a been reproduced in Tarrant’* IfforYcsceiit S«liz3r Aperient. The moat effective combination cf a pnre tonic, a wholesome lax&tivo. a rtfceultiag fobnfage, and a powerful anti bilioua agem at preaent The immediate and permmeDt relief that it affords in caaee of chronic conttipaiion, biliousness, atom- ach complaints, neivone ceproa@ion, fever, iheu- matiem, dropsy, pil«e. headacLo. heartbarn and firtulency, ban become a proveib in every civil ized portion of the Arnsrcan continent, bold* by all drn^ffista. ^ang!6d2aw&w2w WHISENANT’S Caterpillar Destroyer! Royalty Removed! will tell ths Whuouant's Caterpillar Da etroyerto any «h.> wish to nsa it at ecv 11 anl a half osr-ts a ponod, I'lv a ng ilia u e - f twenty pounds to the act Tu;a c mpo.r -.l w.i hAVa no hesitation in rro immeuding AS ths ini.t effectual, and or little or n J U j iry t • thj plant. 1 hie pr'.co ia about aa cheap aa any farmor can prepare it—to e«y nothing of tho bad r< salts whioh may follow tte nee of snob poleoncna compounds when not properly or perfectly mixed. To plica it in the reach of all the owner of the patent hi:;wAired tho royalty. •• tzBiAT. Ga., Angnst 1, 1873. “ Tha Whiisnsut compound, has been expert mented with by a good miny of oqr ptantete, and very thoroughly, ^thai anarerod every exposi tion, and without ltjpry to the pjaqj when applied as directed. V it. i A. f Tier A CO.” Oqr terms are cuh o- soprered iceiptxna > Address alt orders to HUNT, BAA KIN & lAHAB, JuneI5eodJtw6m Druggists, Hicoo. Oa. Are fumishod from various sections ot tho cottcn growing States, of tho charaoter following: Locust Gkove, Ga., Ootobo' 30, 1872. Mr. P. C. Hiwran, Macon, Ga. Dear Sir—Enclosed find drAte.— r*-— — - SSRL" w»eed^ w * bon. The above letter onctosod the following testimo nial, addressed to Mr, Sawyer, viz: Locust Gaovz, Ga , October 30,1872. We, the undersigned planters, have witnessed tbe operation of one of your Eclipae Cotton Gina, which we think , uperior to any other gin wo have ever eeen need, le leaves the seed perfectly olean, and at the asms time toms out a beautiful sample, etc. H. T. DtOKIN * BON, E. ALEX. CLEAVE LAND, M. L. HARRIS. Mr. Daniel P. Ferguson, of Jonosboro, Ga., writoa nnder data of Oetober JO, 1872. as follows: I have yonr gin tunning. ... I can eay it is tho boat that I ever saw rnn. It clo&na the seed perfectly. I have been raised in a gin house, and I believe I know all abont wfiit ehould bo expeeted in a firat-olase Cotton Gin. I can gin five hundred pounds of lint ineido of Bixtf minutes. Tho first two bales ginned weighed 1100 pounds, fromSOlO ponnda seed coUod, bagging and ties inoluded. Ibwintox, Ga., Octobor7,1872. Mr. P. O. Sswyer—Dear Sir: The Ootton Gin we got frim you, we are pleaeed to Bay, meete onr fullest expectations, and does all yon promised it ahonid do. Wo have ginned one hnmlred and six teen bale* on it. and U A<1* never choked nor bro ken the roll. It picks the seed clean and makes good lint. We have had considerable experience with varions kinds of cotton gins, and otn, with aaretv. eay yours is the heat we have ever eeen run. THOMAS HOOKS, ELIJAH LINGO. Colonel Nathan Baas, of Rome. Ga., aaya be baa used Griswold’s, Massey's and Taylor’s Gins, and that he is now running a D. Pratt Gin in Lee conn- ty, Ga, and an Eagle and a Carver Gin in Arkan sas, and a "Sawyer Eclipse Gin” in Rome, Ga.. and regards tbe las: named aa anezsioa to any of the others. It picks tastes and oleines than cny other gin with which he it acquainted. He says he has ginned eightv-eix bales with it withont break- ing the roll. Bullasu’s Statics, M. A B. U. IL January 20,1873. Mr. P. O. Sawyer, Macon, Ga—Doar Sir—The Colton Gin you repaired for me. with yonr im proved box. givoB perfect satisfaction, and I take very great pleas are in recommending yonr gins to the pnblio W. O'DANIEL, M. D. Dr J, W. Summers, of Orangeburg. 8.0., writes: All your Gina sold by me thia season are doing well and giving entire satitfaetion. I will be able to sell a great many next esmson. EXTRACTS FROM PREMIUM LIST -FOB- GEORGIA STATE FAIR! COMMENCING October 27tb, 1873! HTML mil MACON, GA. 50 GBTTYSBUJttG' ikATALYSIHE WATER—Tbk 0RK4T UsMon op NATcaa. Indorsed by the Highest Medical Authorises. Ke*tore. Muscular Fowor to the Paralytic. Youthful Vizor tp the Asad, and De velops tho Young at a Critical Period; Dissolves Calculi and “Chiliy”- Deposit*; Curei Gout. Rheumatism, Dy«P«J>ai*. Neuraljia. Gravel, in abeui. Disesae4 ol tbe Kidney?. Diver and bkm. A.dom-caJ Dropsy. Chrome Diarrhoea. Cocitip*- Diaeace. Pamphlet* containirz History of the Spring and Testimonials from Medical Journal*. Eminent Phyaiciint and distirzuisbod exuaenfa tent free by miil by WHITNEY BKOS-. Uen 1 Azents, 227 South Front Per ■ale by all druzfiatt. »p g 3eod3a WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE, STAINTON, VA. niHE 24 til annual sear ion begins Feptc Liber 25, 1 1875. One of the first Kfhoole for Young Ladies in the South, '^irwity-three teachers ana o Cl cere. Eceaerj jrritd; bnildinge elegent; health unemra^Hed ; toeb’e eonatitnUone here restored ; 2CX) : Jm from all tbe Htatee from Maryland to Texee. Board and College Tuition for scholastic year $240. Wox catalogue ot 54 pagee, addreus - i BEY. W. A. HARRIS, President. 4ng6dlAWlm Staunton, Vh. J. Gl Staley, of Fort Valley, writoa, “Yonr Gin ia tbe only Gin I ever aaw that anybody could feed I have heretofore been compelled to employ a feeder for giiming, but with yonr gin a child can feed it and it will never break the roll. It gioB both olean and fast and makes beantifnl lint.” Meeera. Child*. Nickerson * Co., al Athene, Gr.. write: 44 Ali tbe Sawyer Gina void by ne are giving satisfaction. We will bo. ehlo to sell a num ber of them the earning eeseon.” Co casts, Ga., January 7,1873. Mr. P. C. S^wx&u. Macon, Ga.: Up, Thn Ootton Gin we bought of yon last Fall, after a fair trial, has given ns satisfaction. It makes vood Hut and c^eana thn seed well. Yours iuepectfrHy. T. J. & B. O. LEE. BINS MINED PfiOMPTLY And made as good as new at the following low figure*; New Improved Rib* ,«....60e. each Boll Box $10 00 each Head and Bottom Pieces- 1 50 each Babbitt Boxes ..." 1 50 each New Saws, par set. 1 00 each Repairing Brush $5 00@fl5 00 New Brush. Printing GUi 600 Gan furnish 91 different pattern, "f rite to th* trade at 20 cents each, at short notice. p, O. SAWYEBj For boat acre of clover hay $ 50 ' For beet aero income hay 5*1 For beet aero of native grace •.•*.11 60 For boat acre pea-vino hay bo For beet acre of com forage 50 For largest yield of Sontliem cane, on acre... 60 For beet and largest display garden vegUblee. 25 For largest yield upland cotton, one acre 200 For beet crop lot upland short staple cotton, not loea than fivo bales 500 For beet one bale upland short Bt&plo cotton.. 100 (and 25 cents per pound for tho bale) For beat balo upland long staple cotton 100 (and 25 cents per pound paw for the bale) For the best oil painting, by a Georgia lady... 100 For the best display of paintings, drawings, etc. by the pupils or one school or college 100 For tbo best made silk dreee, done by a lady of Georgia not a dress-maker 60 Foe beat made home-spun dress, dono by a lady of Georgia not a dress-maker 50 For beet piece of t&peatry in worsted and floes, „ by & lady of Georgia r.n For best furnished baby basket and complete set of infant clothes, by a lady of Georgia.. For handsomest set of Mouchoir case, glove box and pin-cushion, medo by a lady of Georgia 50 For beet half dozen paira of cotton sock*, knit b" a lady over fifty years of age, (in gold).. 25 For beat half dozen pairs of cotton socks, knit by a girl nnder ten years of age (in gold).,. 25 For tho finest snd largest display of female handicraft, embracing needlework, embroid ery, knitting, crocheting, raised work, etc., by one lady * joo For the best combination horae 100 For the beat aaddlo horse ico For tho best stjlo harness horse ion For the fineet and best matched double team. 100 For the beet stallion, with ten of his colta by his side 350 For the beet gelding For tho best six-mule team 250 For the beat singlo mnlo. 100 For tho best milch cow mo For tho beet bnll J* 100 For tho best ox team \ m if q For the boet sow with pigs I!!!!!!!!!! 50. For tbo largest and finest cohesion of domes- Forthe^fcBtbuenci01 wiwm .-.**«***••**••.. or tho beat bushel of BWeet potatoes 25 for the beet result* on dnVacrtf nSrifUj 25 For tho largest yield of com on ono acre.... 10D For the largeat yield of wheat on ono acre.... 6 > For the largest yield of oats on ono aero.... 6^ For the largoat yield of rye on one aero 50 For the beBt reanlt on one aero, in any cereal crop 20ty For the beet display made on tho grounds, by any dry goods merchant 100* For the boet dieplay made by any grocery merchant JOO For the largest and beat display of green house plants, by ono person or firm 100 For the boet brass band, not lees than ten per formers 250 (and $50 extra per day for their music.). For the boet Georgia plow stock 25 For tbo boet Georgia mtdo wagon (two horeo)- IW- For the beet Georgia made cart 25 For boet stallion fonr years old or more 40 For beet preserved homo over 20 yeais old.... 25 For beet Alderney bull W* For best Devon bull W For beat collection of cable app os grown in North Georgia For best collection of table apples grown iu Middle Georgia REGATTA. Baco one mile down stream on Ocmuigeo Itiver. under tho rules of tha Regatta Association of Macon. For the fastest fonr-oared shell M>at, race open to the world 5*50 For the fastest donblo-scull efcell boat, race open to the world 50 For the fastest single-accH shell beat, raco open to the world 60 Forthe fastest four-oar ed cauoo boat, race open to the world 60 (By canoe is meant a boat hewn from a log, withont waeh-hoards or other additions.) The usual entry fee of ton per cent. wUI be charged for tho Regalia premiums. MILITARY COMPANY. For the best drilled volunteer military comp»- ny of not lees than forty members, rank and file, open to tbo world...... At leant five entiles required. RACES, runsx ora—5300. For Trotting Horeee—Georgia xaiaeJ; mileieate, beat two in Gate. let horae to 2d boiee to receive 3 J horae to receive - a tuere TWO—5150- For Trotting Horeee that have never beaten 2:10 mile heats, beet two in three. lat horae to 2d horae to reoeive Sd Uorao to receive rVBBK THEEK— $160. For Trotting Horeee—open to the world; mile beria, bcatttireo in five. let horae to receive 2d horae to receive ......... U horae to receive rnraE Torn—8350. For RnnniDg Horaee-open to tho world; two-mite lieate beet two in three. let hcrae to 2d hone ta pcbss nvz—i309. For Running Horeee—open to tho world; Ivro nnte healB. best two in throe- let horse to receive I tjee* ?rx—$500. For Running noreee—opentotbe worid; three- mile lieate, bett two in ihrei. ^ 1, The abore'rrcmtemi 'trill be cVnt'c'<i'«J H* under ine eoovh ri™ „ nenal entry feo«of l O’ £? SSlk’tfSt-*««-»*5. r“ i* •haigei- ..tGtif* .. HO .. & COUNTY EXHIBITIONS 1 To the comity which (through ite Scciety or Ciube) rhril furnn-h the lergett and finest display* in zaer.t and variety, cf Btoc*v producte and results of borne in dustries, allraited, produced or manufac* • • tured in the county $1000* 2. Second beet do 6C0* 8. Third best do 4] Fourth best do 200 Entries to be made at the Auguet Convention in Athens. Article* contributed to the Cou n v Exhibition* eau also compete for fpecxfic pre*« iU a» in mium list; for in«tance, a f&riaC* to ay contribute to the Exhibition of his county a baa tel of Bread Corn, be can then ent*r it, individually.'for pre mium 144. janeI8eodU