The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 22, 1873, Image 1

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■ AND : MESSENGER. By Clisby, Jones & Keese. MACON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22, 1873. Number 6,70 0 ;cor*l» Trlcgrapb IlclIdlnCt *»»■ r.iwsnpb »w> **•*»*», oo* y*tr *10 00 — ........ coo EDO One month B.-W—kiy T.legrepb and . 400 . aoo Svuuooth Weekly Telegraph ul Swuger, M ooloaoa, one jau S0u Hi mouth* Ib0 •jrttJj tiny* to advance, ui<l paper .topped , Leu tbe mosey ran* out. ns 1cm renewed. 7se eooeebdmled Telegraph and Messenger rep- rMentaa Urge circulation, pervading Middle, Sooto- ■n and KoothweeUra Georgia and Eastern AU- , una and Middle Florida. Advertisement* at rea- , >caUe ratea In tbe Weekly at ona dollar pet • Litre of th: efr-quortcro of an inch, each publico- i , Bomiltanooa should be made by espreea, ot f mad in mosey order, or raffiaured letter*. UmvuuTT cr Qioioia.—We oall attention lo tb* adrertiaeaent of tbla initUntlon fonnd Berlin, wbirli gins information of import ia« to al wbo aostemplate sending pnpils a* nest «a«lon. commencing on the let of OsteMr. Tie University bta been bronght u promloently before tbe pnMlo of late years l,y it. alffloat marvelous sucoes.t not only in ro- from tbe abcrk of tbe war ao soon, but in tbe many improvement* made in it* or ganic ayatem, that no ward* in that direction ara o.eJed from ns. W* cngbt to be prond of It, aed if toe people of tbe Slate wiU aopport it aa they abonld we wiU ban the moat abundant room tor knob prida. We are tapeolally gratified to ate the change that baa been made in tbe vacation*. That ia one of tbe wiaeat things tbe Traateee have ever d»r, and we Iraatthey will atiek to it. Taa editor of Iron baa been favored by the Iff* chief cmslruetnr of tbe navy with a view of photograph* of tbe rematkable circular iron clad new at Wtehohrfeff. Admiral Topoff, aaya tb* editor, is reapooaible for Ibo design of, pubapa, (be moot remaiksble veaael that baa I slnl .ine* Noah’* ark. Tbe abip ia perfeotiy nitnUr, and i* driven through Iba water by ait aerew propeller*. 8n far a* bandinea ia concerned, nothing could be more perfect. Tbe propeller* diepoaed arooed the abip—it wonid be ate!cm to talk of stem, or atom, or beam— afford unlimited power of loecmotion. Ahead, aatern, or epinning roned like a top, the voasel ia aqnally at borne. In a aeaway tho behavior ot a eirenlar abip ia aald to be peenliar, bnt for haojanej they are diffi rail to inrpaaa. UirntroTi's Utnizrsx for September con- tiauea i'a aerial*: The New Hyperion ; From Paris to Marly by way of tbe Jthine—illus trated; Sketches of Eratern Travel; A Frin- oeaa ol Tliule; Uamblaa among the Frnita and Mowers of Ura Tropica; Oar Home in tbe tyrel, and Oa the Church Steps. Among the other papers are TwoUocdi; Tbe Ride of Prince Geraint; English Court Feativitlea; A Lj'.na of the Nile; Colorado and tbe Bonth Park; Tbe Patron* of Husbandry; and How they Keep a Hotel in Turkey. Tbe editorial Japirtoeota ara foil. Tbla U an excellent comber. J. U. Lippinoott Jt Co. publisher*, JIS and 717 Market street, Philadelphia. A rauiToaasuo establishment that was ataitad last year in New Orieani baa proved a i3tM*a, and tbla year a largo number of figa aad artichokes will ba sent North. Of tbe lat te fnrit a New Orleans papsr asyrr “The Hoatbero artichoke ia a vegetable so little knovn at tbe North that people having never mas it before cared litUa to pnrohass it at first, bat tboa* wbo acquainted their palate* with tbe dffieate flaror of tbe Lonlaiana artichoke, (peak lead praise* for it, and command tbo manner ci praaervation.*' lamxcrrj—In order to ncoommodale tbom- aalraa to the Weatern Oranges, it ia said that Ignaties Donnelly and Oeneral Sam Cary, old paNUoal jogglers, hove not bathed for six Master, qnu wearing atoekinga, sleep in hay. ■ova. wear homespno, and stand oat in tbe hot brisling aen two bonrs n day to tan them •alee*.—Cmutitutiomiliat. Some Georgia politioian* and effloe bolder* may get a wrinkle from this sketch. It won't go very hard with some of them to learn one er two of these tricks, either. Tbe biggest dia- gaff of the rentnry Is the way these demagogues am trying to “dr thing*" with tbe Grangers let tb* next election. Taxoonaoliditlon or the two leading Meth ods! bodies In Ireland ia likely soon to be ao- tampltihid. The conference of the Primitive Wmlejana, bald in Dublin not long ainoe, ap- petaied a committee to confer with a similar eoamiltea appointed by tbe late Wesleyan Con ference in Cork, npon the snbjeet of onion. Tka lotion on both aides was almost unanimous. Tb* negotiation, for a anion betwoen tbo Prim- *Mvw Wesley ana and tbe Episoopaiians, clisoan- fiatad some twelve month* ago, are about to be rtaextd. Very Strange. | THE GEORGIA press. It eoems to ns that tbe row lately raised in tbe New York Coatom Honae became gome of A “*«■*»«« a:i «•* 1°^. »ith eighteen the underpaid employe* have been r.n. c I8Ulsa “3 one button, was killed one day loU preacnla from importer* in return for trifling wttk on the Potation ot Mr. E bert Fagan, of official favors to the Utter, ia very illogical. Honl, - oa county. The head of the administration let the example I A Brook*, a oho-maker, living at many years ago, and it now stands almost as M^ynolda, attempted to commit suicide by one of the canons of the party he leads. In Uki “ B “ ° Terios « of Undanum one day last hi* lime he baa received many presents, and in I w *®^- A *tomach pump was too smut for him, almost every case has never failed to return the I favor by appointment to office cr in some other I ^ a * ^ or * IBrror Bays: b„.P«ii.»u-Lfc\?sss7sssici.s.ssa apector mast be the personification of virtue I * difficulty in Macon oounty. They met in itself. Qo matt button up his pockets and shut I boggiea near Tote-over creek, and commenced tight hia itching palms. He ia expected to poa- Cna 8 when they got in about ten paces of .11 lh . _ . , , I each others. Nine shots were fired. Under go™!,/*? 7^ ° “l 7 . f I w00d ' fl first Bhot took effeet in Drawhorn's v 1 ,.00 or ffi.oOO, while hla auperiors, with aaU-1 thigh, woend not serious. Underwood was not riee of aa many or more thousands, do the very I touched. The difficulty originated from a fam- sime or woras thing*. I By fend. We protest against such nnjtul diaorimina- Mighty poor shooting, that, tlon. If gift-Uking iato pan into a princi- Tna Sxan-Jwmmm DnxosrmnsT —The pU of government, aad an open palm become AtUnU Herald, of yesterday, says: a symbol of nationality, let the broadest A reporter of the Herald states this morning equably prevail in regard to „,« who prefer, I tbo oao or wait tbs other. Too New York I bat tbit be will adjourn tho discussion from Custom-house is, and alwajs was the centre I the columns of the newspapers until the matter of oorruption, but never until the present ad- I bl ’ beea settled, ministration waa its minagemont characterized DaeB thia mean P iatoIa and co£fe ® ? by such open, flagrant iniquity. The same stick . It ,ook f ° ar •ble-boded Savannah policemen basUrred everybody connected with it during to Ur *' ® ril, 8 e ‘ t of tba ‘ oit *' Grant', offioial Ufe. H. ia the flrat President *? lh ® b ‘ rr,c V Uat Monda y- “* **** of the Coiled State, who by hi, own acta gave e . h “ 8 * a her ® 10 *“ 1110 honor-which, it a quasi endorsement to one of tbe moat shame- | * tr ^,_ 8 7 w “ cheap- fol characteristics of that management, and .'SLttS,, E .-|BY TELEGRAPH. Earope, (says the Springfield Republican) are now no far advanced that its projectors pending the guarantee of individual rights during the continuance of the present troubles. Brigand's Captured. Kcmx, August 21.—The Government has re oeived intelligence of the destruction of a noted yet those who only go a little farther in the ^ «J’H^doe ^ -Ungeronriy iU at the ■ Montgomery White Solphur Springs. Tux Columbus Enquirer, of Wednesday after noon, has thia gloomy report: tame road are to be impaled on the point of public indignation as criminals of tbo most abandoned characters. Tnx Woasrs! Tiie Worms ’ —It ia now pretty generally agroed that tbe ootton crop of thia Tlio Debt®I the Southern Staten. The Washington correspondent of the Oin- I awtl *> 10 b » 1 “E» in P a rtially destroyed by the einnati Uommeroial writea. An gnat 17 : “There fatefPtUnra. Tnoy have commenced their work ia no doubt that n schemj wiU bo introduced in a I™0Bt every direotlon, and are appearing in the next Congrese contemplating tbe as-| b J lbs million on planutiona very near thia sumption, by the General Government, of the *!• 11 “ confidently believed that in the next indebtedness ot tbe Southern States. John W. two W6ok ? ,b «7 w ‘ u mak ® clean work ot the Forney and General Bailor, ot Northern He- cotton plant in this entire Bection, unless in pablioans, are already represented to be oom- easesi where their ravages have been retarded milled to this scheme." b y tbs a PPheation of poisons. Tho weather t>»i. isii.... i. t.,, continues peonliarly favorable for the proptga- Th a movement, if there ia^.n it, tion of ^/ZurioiB inaeota, and tha only hope probab.y 030194 from tbs Iiittlfiililaf, Bwp* I of escape is in tbo diligent nso of poisons. Ow sons, Scutta, Pattersons, Conanta, Stantons I ing to the backwardness of the plant, it is esti- and their Now York flual agent, and bankers, m,t ®d that tbe ravages of the worm will be far - SSi!&iSI5£!JlXSa. l, S of notoriously frindalant bonds which nefer the meantime farmers are mnoh excited at tbe ought to be paid. It is a huge job, and affords gloomy prompter, and the demand for worm a margin for Congressional oorruption to any poisons and exterminator, i, immense. We amount. I betr of aom ® farmer, who are successfully com- amount. i batt i n g ^ worms by tho uao of Paris green. But in respect to the bnlk of the vast amount and otners who think they have stayed their of honest indebtedness—that is to say, honest I progress by sprinkling salt water upon the so far as oontraoted in purananee of law—ia I P !anIa - oonosrned. Congress ought to pay It, because it Jons niCCI3 . a of Brooklyn, N. Y., was created by mere Federal agents, and not by and B s5,maa belonging to the steamship tbe representatives of the (ax pajing population Montgomery, fell off the wharf at Savannah, on Thx Augusta Conatitotionaliat, of Wedaea- mree-eigma oi an inch imcx, the boat ia almost | —r~ - ,. I terday nndar guard from the penitentiary," en indestructible, and so constructed thatit cannot Sax 2 A , n “ n,t route to Fort BUI, where a council ia to beheld bo swamped. In case the balloon should lone P^ty of this oity is equare y divided. Eaoh betweon secretary Delano and Governor Davis Us snataining power through the inevitable leak, wing baa put a legislative ticket in tho field. L nd lho Kiowa a n(J 0amancho tribes, with « age, the party wiU take to the large boat, exoept Ex-Mayor MaeGoffen has developed into an Ti6w of f ar therine peace. Mr. Dcntldion, who will attempt a landing with I out-and out railroad maD, and is the railroad I iieltl Tor Murder, her. for they ooasider it a sin and a shame to I candidate for State Senator, to alternate with 1 p,jv r , nDn -, abandon the balloon, except under thedirest nc- James Clark. The Demooratio municipal con- McCarlT and a von’lh nnmed _ Nncent were held ceasity. Failing in thta, he will crawl into hia vention. which ,a claimed to be anti-railroad, b/^foroner^arytod^ fo/the mnrierof litUe Dost, and, with the ropes of its three sails baa nominated Phillip Boache and A. J. Bowie s f mon Q oorR e, a Frenchman a few nights oco in hia hand and tha steering paddle under hla -'or 8tate Senator,. Tho Tax-payers indepen- Bear tbig cit B ’ b B i arm, will play the bold mariner. In anch a con- dent ticket ° r tbis cit F is galnlog strength daily, on Plrt ., tingency, he will have the sneoeaa ot “Rob end the same is true of the independent anti- Hetbch Anenst °1—Great Are, are ranine Boy” in crossing the Atlintio aa an encouraging railroad movement throughout the Btate. in the „: oodg J Jal ^ o ; c ^®,: Michigan, nea? S recedent, and hia boat ia anperior to the “Rob Carnal Breach. , ha TiI]aga of Eut Tawas ^ Taw ^ City.— ,oy, too. The earner pigeons which have I Wilmixotox, Angnst 21.—The feeder of the The latter place ia in some dancer, been detailed to accompany the expedition, and I Delaware and Chesapeake oanal was oanied I r„i,„ ni.,.....!.. bring back occasional tidings, have been in I away at two o'olook thia morning, oanaing the I w , active training for weeki, and have become loss of a portion of tho Delaware railroad.— . Wa^mmiok, Angnst. 1.—Rear Admiral Tay pretty familiar with the geography of the At The oompanie, are bringing a large foroe of , tCT * r **“ * n " reI lantio coast; they will be instructed to makefor I working men to tho repairs, bat there ia much I * 9a PP eare d from Montevideo, tbe Graphic building, with all haste, the instant I to be done before traffic can be resumed.— I a TheTnrr. they are dropped from the oar. I There will be no poach shipment by rail to- I Bprixofield, Mars, Angnst 21.—TnoHamn- Tbere have been diver, rumors as to the per. day. ion Park raoes have been postponed until to- sons wbo wonid accompany the two professional Great Sensation In Peannts. I morrow. aeronauts, bat their namea have not, as yet, I Omni, August 21.—Three oar loads of Cali- Tbe Connt de Cbanbord's Friends Split, been <dually announced: applioitiona are nn- fornla peanuts (goubera) passed east to-day. I Paura, Augaat 21.—The Opinion Nationale, derstooa to be in excess of ncccmmodation9, Rejoice! The oorner in the gonber market will I of to-day, aaya that negotiations looking to a hnoarar i ^ de f eat6( 3_ The peanut bulla are dambfound- fusion of the Consorvativea of the Assembly ed. The gold market was tranquil tbis morn 1 — - - ing. Tbe Bishop Home, Peovidskce, August 21.—Rev. Dr. Hen Catholic of these States. Tho ‘Ran anti Brother” In Use Fed eral Army. Wednesday, and waa drowned before any assis tance oould be rendered him. Tnx Savannah Skldaway and Seaboard Rail way Company contemplate running a line of There ia a nice bit of a row in proapeotforl . . 1 " _ . , „ . , I street cars to oonneot tno Central, with the Gnlf the Federal army. Seoretary of War, Belknap, mi, aaya that be will assign negro graduates of West JT* 7 Point exclntively to oommanda in white regl- The following proceedings in the United I States DIatriot Court—in bankruptcy—at Savan- menta, and in explanation of thia he slates that I . . .. .. .. , „ tho law Ieavfea him no opUon. Ho I. required tep °' ltd bj ““ Aa ” rtiaer nnd Ki P ab ' to officer negro regiments exuluaivel, with white Thai foUowing business ha, reeenli, been men, and be therefore has no choioe but to aa- transacted in this court: The foUowing part- sign negro officers to whlto regiment*. The tiooa for adjudication have been filed : Journal of Commerce thinks that the effeot of j Eiwin T. Jordan, of KaoxYiUe, Orawford this law will be to stimulate prejudice, and that | ““,°‘ 7 ;„ ATant and Brlnham - of Folt Talley, the tiprit du corpt of tho army will be impaired by aronaing raoe prejadioes. Bat why, pray. Didn't the white regiments fight for the (quality of Ibe negroesf If a negro ia aa good as a white man down Sonth where he makes laws for, and bosses white folks Solicitors. Wm. B. Brown, of Colnmbu,. Lawia F, | Garrard, Solicitor. Alexander Bine, of Macon. W. A. Lofton, | Solicitor. Wm- 8 Jones, of Irwinton, Wilkin,on conn, ty. W. A. Lofton, Solicitor. John W. Banner, of Millodgaville. W. A. U. D. Conway, London correspondent of the OkrinnaU Commercial, in a recent latter aaya : "On* of our Broad Ohnroh clergyman, being ■eesatly on aa axonrtion in Scotland, was vehe mently rebnked by Lia landlady for taking a valk car Sunday Afternoon. The clergyman ■U that he oould not see the barm, and said: ' Voa know that wo read that oar Lord himself veiled with bis disciples In the fields on tho habbtih day.' * Ay,' said the old lady, ‘ ay, I kta it, aa' I ne'er thought any the better o' bim tail, neither I'" B. W. A 8. H. Jtuisox —It wiU be teen by * said In thia ban* that R. W. Jamison, Etq,, hi* taken hts sen, Mr. Samuel Houston Jem- teo, into copartnership with bim. Mr. Jem. ten has a large aad growing practice, to which h* applies remarkable energy and aetivity of Btad and body, fiat legal attainments and inner*. Hia aoo i* fortunate In ao an introduction to legal praetioe, ud o* niv* no doubt will ahow hlmnlf a chip af tha old bloet Jcnan in Dnoaicv—Tha Harold Wash ington telegrams of Monday gravely auert that Osaaral Biboock has received orders to remove ta atataa of Jaffaraoo from the front of the Whit* Honae, and pnt it in a corner of the Itande in the reer. An Iron fountain (to ran vith whisky on holiday*) take* tha place of the i»iroo*d Virginia statesman, whoso repnbU- Waiom is not soiled to the times. Tbe statue it that date waa bound all round with ropes Preparatory to removal. HomacsnaxtM.—The New Yoik Tribune says election of Butler aa Governor of Slsssa- *•••11* may be oonildered a fixed fact. Well, *• dull interpose no objection. The election ** *■ Y. Bailer as Governor of Massachusetts b* a aatucmmatioa of tha political policy * UisuchuMtti for the put twenty yean. U vtll mown tha work. Uaxta—Huria, of tho Savannah Newt, oom- ••atiogon the editorial fraternity of the State, “I* tha senior of thia paper is tho inventor of * reboofi rak* of great power and utility. That J* * mtaak*. There are to many take* abont “•reaaah already that w* decline to add to the Umbar. "It* an 1U wind." Last week's storm did taai dm able damage along the coast, and no *~|J shir* of it wo* done eff tbe Jersey shore, over 1,000,000 cable yard* were carried 3*t it has made better bathing on the “••ch at Long Branch than was ever before ****». tod the hotel keepers are happy. * a** Faoxetsej Uiuixxb dressed hupret- *’ sppreatiee in all the trophies of the art her to a ahow srindow as a dummy, ihs city was moved by the spectacle. “Did J® 5 svar ao nalural a wax figure T .Why it * PetieaUj life-like. Looks, as though it waa **7 * brottfce and «aUe t m q^ Mix—Hot. Dr. Chapin in tho L*«der c*La Butlor a “Proridentiil a^ ^ a Among all hii sins one * JiiaUerhunever neglected, neueveromitt- *° P I0 ^iie for him«elf. The Advertiser eija a million expendsd in improving that a llii ocurse of ihe lut fourteen months. in ©very position tho Radioal party can thrust I Lofton, Solicitor, him, why isn’t ho good enongh to boss while a oh . a “ bera vrm granted to .... . ,7. . ■ “ .. I Josith Divls and John J. Davis, of Green oonn- soldiers. We foel like sbonting over tbo pros- ty< and Heniy j. DavU> of 8ohIay oo M | yi Ute peot of bringing this equality business homo to copartners, trading under the firm name of those who have forord it npon ns. J- Davis Jb Sons, at E Javille, Schley county. *■* ■ I The Advertiser and Republican is authorized Plain Ttsik from one ol Drmat Bat- to ttat0 , bat tha itam In tha .. Maoon let M CltAmplonS. oolnmn of tho Atlanta Oonstitn Jon to tho The Charlestown (Mass ) Chronicle, on. of effdCt tbat tba Britlah 0on8nl gt SaTaanah hag B...t Butlers moat ardent supporters, is not a foQrtMQ oId in bIs em , aa a disposed to remsin mien under the sttaoka of „ 8 fabrio8tIon . Tbera i3 no!h . those enemies of BnUer a who, wh lo de. ^ „ ent „ .. „ Wb6n you ara nonneng him on acoonnt of ids complicity in | harJ d (Q fl „ tfh Jnst maka the baok pay grab, yet have not a word of condemnation for Grant whoeo signature mtde . ^ Tbig Soeie(y wg8 fnUy organi2ad at the bill a law. It aaya: Atlanta on Wednesday by the eleotion of the “ If any one man shall be stomped with the following officers • infamy of it [the aalary-grab.J stamp Grant For ProaIdenf _j. R Ws |i a00; Fjr v.ce- ‘a^e mhwa^n^thaTmeMnreTe^thMe Presidents-! »t Distriot, J. E Jones, of Barke; above all others for that measure, let those „ d Djatrio , j ohn stark 3d i>:strict, R J. Rad- a^re no. • jgTJT'tte m»°n Mr Freri Sohlev i 4th D.’atriet, J. l’ Fannin, of dent*. ” ** T 1 th ’ U P ' I Tronp; 5!h DiaUiet, Dr. J. 8. Llvender, of iv. I Piko; 6th Distriot, E. O. Groor, of Jones; 7th Farther on the editor notlflea tbe V®*** I Dtertot, H. J. Berchman, of Fioyd; 8th D.a- chaaetta Rrdioala tbat they cannot repudiate p. j. Berokmans, of Biohmond; 9* Dia Bntler and analain Grant at the samo time.— trict, John B. Walker, of Morgan. He adds: Eatoxtox Items. —Mr. W. L. Dzxxis has been “If some one mast be thrown to tho paok, elected principal of tho Eatonton Male and let President Grant be oboeen aa the viotim.— Female College. It is hla right. He baa earned the honor of the Mf Wm M Jeffart0Di , hs fonnJer of tba lUArtyrJoui lie got tho chief benefit of tbe I , „ , ’, . bill, and be alone could have defeated If, and Pre*® “ nJ Messenger, w.U issne, next week, a ho tbetefore is its best representative. It waa I new weekly to be called the EAtontoaSunbeam, a Republican measure, passed by Republican Woods, of tbe Bawkinsviile Dispatch, having votes, aad approved by a Kepnblic.n President b „ nqni8 hed on the field of vegetable mon The party, aa such, is «a mnoh responsible for /. u 1 . “ , K „ it as tor any let that they claim the credit of I etroaitie* by that squash story in the Barnes pteeiog ainoe Linooln was eleoted. Faoe the I ville Gazette, has gone into tbe bnsinees of dia* musio, gentlemen! Oaly—if you are too cow- I covering abnormal babies. He sajs: ardly to do ao—don't i magjoe that von can swim aStraxox Bnxo —From a private letter re- Grant and tick BnUer. They are in the ***', I ceived from Notth O'OTcia, we learn that a boat—and so ia the Bepnblioan party. Tary remukab lo beiog waa born in Bartow oounty recently. It ia a very wonderful freak Nfmrllng » Dally Newspaper. of na f nra T £ e cbjId ( 0T wbateV er it may be The Danbury News men knows a good many | called) had no bonea in its leg* or Arm?, And no other things besides how to be fanny—about I neck; its bead wm placed Immediately on its starting a daily newspaper, for Inatanoo. Ho shoulder*, and had a tail like an animal. It was | neither male nor female, and is altogether an .... ... 1 anomally—tbe strangest ever known. For- “Tbe Fitchburg Sentinel, an exoolleat paper, J tacately it did not live longer than an boar, is going to start a daily. We are glad of it. — I Tho parents are white, and represented as being We started a daily onoa. We ran it nearly four I very poor people, months and then panaed. Sinoe then we take CoL £. U. Harris, of Rome, while on a visit a iivaiv interest in such enterprises. We have to the Stonewall Iron Works near that oity, last J^b, b.nlioel p.0„. daily work, and we are quite sure it will make d!ea Kera app iie dt b0 wever, and he U not eon- them wotk. A man wno goal through life | sidered in any danger from tbe poison, withont having started a daily paper, misses a DAT DISPATCHES. are able to see the beginning of the end. Tbeee I ueat. Wheeler's Exploring XxpedlUOn. I band of robbers, who for along time operated preparations have been oondneted willi the mi- Salt Laxx, Angnst 21.—One of Lieutenant I in the vicinity of Salerno. Six brigands were nnleat attention to details, so that, when every- Wheeler’s exploring parties, in charge of Lient. killed and the rest captnred. ... . , . I Hoiie, of tbe United States engineers, has TbeCarltata Forces. Uung la ready, the hoar of departure can be beeQ graaUy in th a season's operations Loxnox, August 21.—A special dispatch to fixed beyond peradTenlcre o. poaiponemen- I by the desertioa of two packers, who took 32 the standard sava the Carlist forces. uuderEtio, A falso start would be an evil omen in snch an I mules and horses —stripping the party of txans-1 Oorregsry, Lizziraga. Olio and Dan Carlos, enterprise. The Graphic announces that the I poriation. ( I amount to 25 strong battalions, word “go" will be given some time between baid Synopsis Weather statement tha 1st and the lOffi of September. Tho rig- several nights' exceeded in capturing both Wtm Dxp ’ t ’ ° m wa^Storn A?rSt^l“' nil aervica at Wishington will be called npon men and animali This delay prevents tho party PtobabU iU(s: For tho States on toe Atl’anUo to promise favorable meteorological conditions, *fo m miking tteir rendezvous At Fort Wingate, I coa8t# gradually diminishing pressure, rising and, when it can atanre a probability of good ^Mamatir th’- *L^tre T.^In^’wnrlr temperature, easterly to southerly winds with nMj. Ita! b. lofl.trf. Prof. Wb# .xp-ditiaa. I. between Port .nfl Oom- , 0 M ? b „, v wlcdi . ‘. ,emp«rtlrt end hia friends will quietly embark,. wsTing P«<*®. Arizona. Lientenant Marshal, in charge and Roner all y oloody weather, with continued tbelr haU to the crowd, and be cff. Sanset I 2* f i“©P a rly which star .ed from Denver, is near I raJn ^ ar , D gthe night; for the lower lake region, WiU be the probable hour, but no attempt at plom^nTre ali 8 ht| y to fresI ? ... . ..... .... ... .. * , P‘o™‘ion are Bauaiaciory. ine national aatro- aomherly winds with increasing cloudiness publro display will be made; it is a rather sol- momeal observations at Ogden, under Lienten- ^ ocoasional raia fj - r tha Ohio Valloy and enm venture, in fact, and toe huzzAs of a crowd, wheeler, are approaching completion. westward to Kansas, southerly to southwesterly and guns and mnsic, wonid be less rppropriate Evidence tor Tlcbbonae. j wings Rr adaally voerin- to westerly in tbe than tbe nuoovered held and bated breath and - N ? w J 0 ,**' ^?8 Q3t 21.—Whalley, a member lower Missonri valley, and clearer partly clondy . .0 . of the British Parlltment, who has been in this j weather during Friday; for the upper lako re- a ferveni prayer for the safety of tbe men who and other cities in search of evidence for the I gion and thence westward to tho Missouri val- aro thus to trust themselves to tbe good na*! Tichborne claimant, has sailed for Ragland. I ]ey, rising barometer, southerly to westerly lure of the elements. | He said hia visit was satisfactory in all reepeo'.s, I win da with light rain, the wieds in thia region In addition to the Urge boat which will ba tod its object had been fnUy realized, suspended beneath toe car, a Waters piper life- I Weather in New Torn, boat will be taken. Thia craft has inat been The storm of the past week continued. Ram completed, and Prof. Douridaon made a trial f «U in torrents all night, and many ceUars are trip from New York to Long Branch on Satnr-1 flooded and other damage done. The streets day. It ia 14 feet long, has 23 inahea breadth I baT8 beea thoroughly oleaned. Tho wind ia of beam, aud though tbe “skin” is leas than I northeast. three-eights of an inch thick, tbe boat is almost' Cfclifornlia Politics. gradually veering to northwesterly with cooler weather. BiDSluar dispatches. Snntonta anti Big Tree. Galveston, Angnst 2L.—The Indian ohiefa Santanta and Big Tree arrived at Houston yea with tbe Legitimists in the interest of Connt de Obambord, have suddenly come to on end in oonaequenoe of differences upon the qneation of national form. Doties on Grain. M. Bouillere, Minister of Oommerca, baa Curiosities ol Wedlock. In 1853, tha owner of a thrifty little farm in the inxnnant region of Kentnchy, known ns tha bine grass oonntry, was a comely widow I drickaon, Bishop "of tha Roman whoso bereaved condition had tempted more I diocese of Providence, arrived homo from . ... than one matrimonial pretender to offer fntiie Europe last evening. He waa enthuaiaatloally I written a fatter to M. Duval, in which be’ earn anit for the sneoeasion. It waa believed, in- reooived by a large gathering of the people. I thedifi'erentiai duties upon gcrin imported into deed, by the neighbors that she bad determined J Flooding tbe Colorado Desert. ! Franco in American and other foreign vessels, to aocept no second liege-lord; bnt one day, I 8aJf p EJLSOISOOi Angnst 21.—The James wil1 oontinue to be collected until the first of wavfarer on D ‘Jh* Surveying party to explore the Colorado river, Ootober next. . a ° a ».. l Jl 0 )a *L nb h i° h b x b ,*“^. U encamped in the desert near the river, with Another Battle Fought, aeffito dUpMitlo^in^th^ tmapitrif/e lady of tbB J a B ° s f 3 P ab The project of filling Mann.n, August 2l._The Mtnister of War it. lh* I Colorado Desert from the w&tera of the I haB received dispatches announcing that a bat- .1 - river is looked n P° n “ feasible. tie hag taken place sear Berga, between the as asisa to enter and take Hrrved Him Right. Republicans and Cariisia insurrectionists temporary rest; and so ingratiated himself Fort Soot, August 2L—Keller, the man who which resulted in a brilliant victory for tbe by bU deferential manner that the kind mardercd bls wife . two ehUdren end hia wife a former. After a deaperato conflict tha tnsur- hearted widow did not hesitate to give an aiBt ®r. « Twin Springs, was hanged by 010 ”fl e nn nttelIy a d x foat . ed wltb “ 1 “f, of affirmative answer to his reqneat for per. P e °P l0 - 90 killed and 300 wonnded. Among the latter . , ® a K. I Hampton Races. I sro Generals SuballB and Tristanv. mission to oall again. He waa a respectably __ ^ . V a , , wwwv. edneated Irishman of tbe better class; travel- Ha ? pr ?, : *„ P t EK ’ An e aa ‘ 2I -— Ia yesterdays A Eonc-wlndcd Orator, ing in quest of some farm Bnperictendeucy, I r ® c © ^ *••*>! horses, eight started and seven I London, August 21.—Mr. Kenoaly, the lead* and reaolved at once to remain in the neighbor- be4ta wer ® trotted, leaving tbe raoe undecided, ing oonnael for the defence in tho trial of the hood for a while. Hia aeoond oall was followed I Treasury Closed. 1 Tichborne claimant, oonoladod his address to by a third, and that by another. In abort, Wosmxorax, August 21.—The Treasury ia the jury to day. Mr. Kenealy commenoed. to before tbe neighbors had fairly (xhansted their I dosed in honor of Mr. Meredith of Fhiladel-1 apeak on the 22d of July, and has ooonpied stock of wondrr at the Htrango acquaintance I phia. I ^ b ® attention of the oonrt overy day since, they ware informed that tha widow and the I Texas—Dnvls Renominated. I with the oxoeption of tha canal adjournment late wayfdrer were engaged to be married. Acsrrx, August 21.—Governor Davis baa 1 from Saturday to Monday and au extra ad- When the wedding took plaoe it waa a farther been renominated by tho BepnblioanB. journment from Saturday, tbe Ulat of July, to Homdal to the gositps that, as the bride was a I cholera in Missouri. I toe 5th of August, in consequence of the illness Baptist and the bridegroom a Roman Oitholio, St. Loots, August 21.—Four oholora deaths of 8 jnror ' „ „ and each firm in their respective faiths, there I j n Fayette Mo. yesterday. I ,BR * were two ceremonies one in a Protestant and viobon and Knnth Amaricn mth I. Aigffal 21.—The siege of Bargahaa one in a Catholic churoh. Unpopular as waa I , . ofl ti,. r.t 1.,.;.,', ti,„ boon r * laol! * ancl ,bo insnrgeuta are in full re- tbe match in any light, thia ambling of tho A ?? n,t "° — Tb ? w T ork , of J»y»=S tbo treat, bond waa reEarJed .a ominona of not more I “ bla f i° m ' h ” Point to Rip Janeiro has oom- tban half the usual certainties of matrimonial “ anoed :. i The Bt ® ttmer filing wire on board Farmers and Merchant.—Who Are union, and publio sentiment predicted that no set ont thla m °rol°g. ^ th« Best UH 7 good would come of it. Sare enough, after I MGXIT DIM'A iC’HE? • I ^ ar contemporary of tho Oonstitutionalist awhilo the Irish husband suddenly disappeared j * I h'as beon cogitating over this question and de- thisoitylhat^he^uld 0 beenabraptly Gmieoaed I B Funeral of Wi.t.nm Meredith. cides in favor of toe farmers. He aaya it is to Europe on business requiring immediate at- m Bns0 ®P tibl ° of P r °of ttai oat of one hundred s?r n anoe'Mt d r e iM 1 To n °n“tt^ ^om hi^lM reridence The remains wore merobanta - niDe, y flTa ,<n - Bud Banta lo kcow stranRe letter waa djted. Toe next newa for ooavayod to Chriat chnreb. The following >f «>® farmers are any worse off. He con- as a repor o e 3 o 1 | djgtiugujabejj gentlemen acted as pall bearers: I tinues: the desertei lady Organization or THE State POMOLOOICIL So- vessel at sea with all on board; and aa five or I mron^Oadwaldor"* Lndlow"^ 1 ^ j' I a -i i i • , . six years pissed away withont contrary intelii- i at3 « eB K ® ad * a ‘ r . oad - Oadwaldor, Ludlow, J. J. A few oity people thrive and grow noh, bnt Renee from him or anjbody else, the widow d a. SV.® 1 * 7 ; 5°°,' D " Ila B loa '. Petar Mo ' the majority of them eke out only a tolerable carded bor robes of mourning and give her still ? i l , aDd Wl ! Uam ’ - Tno oarnagea Were I ambaWante and live liboriona days. One par- deairab’e hand to a third haaband. Bat, as toe fe f a t fl*. P> | l ... b ^Li amoant , tronble wl| h the farmer is hia manage- reader baa probably expected, tbe Oeltm rover “!“ b !” °L tb ® a ° d ,b ® T® meat * ma °y cas, H - t,f bl ® ohildren. They waa not dead. Two or three years after the re- ae J! aD ‘ 3 ' 3 a „ . w * rd ^° nd .??!^. b T are not bronght np to economical habits, and marriage of tbe lady of tho grange tbo latter I T' , * , . .. ® b nrinl I 8 » 8 ,? 0t . mad . 9 t0 wu,k - PJ 18 jouog gent.emon learned, to her di.msy, that bo survived the ,0 ° k g 1 ™fhaJrn^nt'v fih of „ the ,' amlly ’ ,DK, ' e ' , ' 1 " r '®«“iD K to be egri. be aeo some voere abro*d. would not 8 t0 . u ? d ? f . 01ir .‘ st Ollarob . »<• ‘ b ® corner of Fifth culturalista, by rare and valuable experience. Falling down stairs will hardly compensate him.' Tnx Oldest Max in Amxbioo, socording to a physician who writes to the Louisville Courier Journal about him, is a negro named Fortune Two South Carolinians reoently culled upon [ Snow, living on the farm of Dr. Soott, in Gib- Governor Moses as applicants for a plat e aoD - Tenn :' » ho ‘f 12* J®s™ oIA The xtetlieil , rr ” ; . I oorrespondent a»>a: In June, 1872, 1 want to pohee justice. One waa a gentleman of expert- Ma bi P ; I m et ah oia, snaggled-tooth amend- once, honor and intelligence, but white; the j ment gentleman, C5 yean old, who told me his other a negro unable to write hu nemo, and I “gr&ndpap” was in the house, who soon came known to bo for sale a good deal tripping down the atepsas nimble as some it . a . , . , ° __ _ r I year-old boy. He told me he was 25 year* old thin in the days of slavery. The Govsrnor i hen ^ ; eTO lationary war began. He be- asked them their political opinions. The white I longed to Captain Snow, who served daring the man said he was a Democrat, but would admin-1 war nndar General Marion; was born in South The negro arid he waa a BapnbUoau to the b ia reoeived a pension from toe “best govem- back bone, adding: “ Pacgwine to stick to the I ment toe world ever saw.” He said when he Republican party long aa we's got a Moses to was abont 90 years old he went totally blind, o—w*.**—. n.«.r= s « hia commission. hia eye-aight returned, and a new growth of I hair came out, which ia now about half gray. Tex Democratic candidate for Governor of £ 3 j 0 ya fine health. Oa examination with tba Ohio has been popularly known for the last I ophthalmoscope and otosoope, I found hia sight twenty-five years aa Roaring Bill Allen. In and hearing to be good. He opened hi* Bible ■>'——™- t’XSSaSSwtiSSt.'u OUike oounty in a railroad station. | religious, aad believes strongly in the “good got ac engineer to run h!s locomotive into one I God" wbo preaenred his life through the “old end of too station and open tbo whiatle. Ini war." Reads hla Bible very constantly. I* the aw * . ^..1 Arainra father of IS children, the oldest of whom thm manner toe voice, of rewra oratore were I ^ d ^ oTHl00 tf liTiae; j, Uring dro vned in succeseiou. Mr. Alien waa tnen i ^jth jxja youngest child, wbo ia 58 yean old. brought forward, and hia voioe wo* ao powerful Old Fortune aaya he waa never sick in hia life, that .t was heard by toe multitude over the «» d »®« a »«>k a dose of medicine from a doc- , J _ . .. .. I tor; never bu the tooth-ache—not an unsound whistling, although a eeoond locomotive was too|h ln mootb—DOT any other kind. He brought in and added its powers to tbe hideous certainly is toe lost of toe revolutionists. Ha o:amor . I ia about fire feet six inches, weighs abont 115 * ■ I pounds, very black, with iron-gray hair. The following story is told of a certain y oang I ■' Viaoonnt who bad exhausted the patience of a I Bsioeor Yorxo a Avrxxrs —A New York generous father, and had failed to soften him Son interviewer tells toe following upon the •uffisieutly for toe payment of toe last batch of prophet: . ... , . , . bill*. Tbe yonng Vuoount was at the fete to Here Gov. Young asked the lady for her afg. the Shah at the opera honae, viewing exiateoce, I natnre in hi* visitor a book. It waa the first and toe gala in pomonlar, with* jsnndioed eye, word bo had spoken to her, and toe last. lam when a brilliant idea occurred to him. He flew I told, however, that be chats with aom* or hia ont and drove borne. “My father,** he cried. I female visitor* in a most non-hoiorw ni«ia*r, “embraoe me! Yonr son has jnat been named I parrying their little thrusts with toe skill of an by the Shah aohevalierof toe lion and the eon.” I old auger. A Mr*. Gould, wife of a w«l known “Impossible said toe father, flashing with San Francisco lawyer, was among hia reoent paternal pride. “Indeed, ye*," said the aoo. Visitors. Brigham engaged in* lively ooortr- “here ia my patent,” displaying totoe erednloaa I oarioo with her. At length she said, “Well, eyes of hia parent the programme of the opera, I now, Mr. Young, really, do you know that I which had been printed ln Persian. “Bless I should be ever ao much delighted to visit yonr you, my sod,” exelatmad toe Count; “I will pay I families ?" yonr debts, and I offer yon this trifle of poeket I The old gentleman straightened up in an in- money,” handing him notes to toe amount of I slant. “Madame," be retorted, 'Tm sorry to ten thousand franca. The proud parent ha* I inform you that they are not on exhibition to- uot yet been enlightened. J day.” peril of the aoa somevuer* obro»d, would not I 8'““““ ~ *“»«»“« ] ounnrtnaw, oy prmtiOAl training, either disturb her by re.uroioq to thi3 country, and and Arch streets. situations in town, idle iu the country, or trifla oounselrd her to ui*ke her prndent sooihl statua Tho rafro “ 8 * n Boston. away their time In h«>o>miio£ poor dootors or good by otnainmg a divoree from hnn. I Boston, August 21.—A number of gontlo- worse lawyers. Besidea, tteir taste for floe At onoe withdrawing from wrdlocs itie hirri- meo. mostly groin merohants, met at Youog’a horsea and boggim. Is frequrotly indulged be- fied woman did pr.ioare it divorce; af . r which Hotel yesterday, and organized the Boston jond all prarienoe end disco turn. Akannd her last Ladiand were n-uarrird. Toa.s I Grange of the order of Patrona of Haabmdry. I We do not k iow a farmer .hose boys have twios wedded to two snceefstve lord, me lady John B. Birtiett was eleoted Master, and Her-1 been taught to work who m not now doing well, should have been matrimonially settled tu life bert Radcliffe, Seoretary. A foil number of Rnd even growing ricb. Woite cnoibera of the at lad. It seemed, however, tbit the story waa charter members were obtained, proposed from I “first families,’ laileo into poverty, ire grow- not yet et did. Iu 1861 aha waa onoe more a Granges in all the grain ports on the Atlantic I ing more and more indigpnr, bro-me if Uzr widow, and the eccentrio gentleman in Ire- I coast. Tho Boston Journal of Commerce was members, many of tbeao c*iltd • iowercliesae,” land, hearing of it, oroaaed the ssa onoe more “sfi® tba effieial organ of the New England innrtd to labor and having energetio children, upon another visit to Kentucky. Ouoa more I Granges. I are acquiring property nod it fluenoe. There he appeared at toe door of the farm house aa n Harder in Sow Orleans. are thousands who groan and toil in oitiea who dotty, thirsty wayfarer, was recognized by tba New OnLzoxa, August 21.—John Yeager, a envy tbe farmer, his homo, his lands, hia hei Uby same hospitable hcetesa, and, iu very penitent carpenter residing et the oorner of Claiborne oeoopatioD, and the comforts of rural life, fashion, renewed his old suit. Unspeakable and Sixth Btreets, npon returning home last This may be n mistaken sentiment, bnt it la a was tbe freah scandal of the neighbors when evening from hia work, fonnd hia wife, Cath- notable faot. That the farmers have bnrdenB they heard tbat the pair were to be married for enne Yeager, aged 22 years, lying dead in the to bear of a very onerous character, we admit. thefArrif time! bnt, for ail that, tbe wedding yard, with eight buckshot wound* in her breast Bat that they are any worse off than toe m»- fookplaoe; though only in the Protestant form »nd if ft arm. No cine to the assassin has been jority of city folks we do n: t believe. If they on this occasion, as the bridegroom hod re- obtained. I are, tbe fault ia, perbap*, aa mnch theirs as it nonneed b:B Catholicism; and the union has Tno Modoc*. is tne fault of that tmgab .a o.Had the city fao been exemplary in i a harmony and happiness I WasBixoToS, Augaat 21.—The prooeediDgaof I tor or ,a ® mldd l ‘ min aremtnee. Tbestory ia given to the C,arks-I the military oommiasion whichtriedtheModccrf, I , <r .< ......... ville (Mo.) Sentinel by a former elder of toe were to-day returned to the Secretary of War ™ *' .KKIUl.h 4 KIKE Baptist congregation to which the thrioe-mar- by Judge Advocate General Holt, he having sha rtl0 „ d IO Mur(Irr „ fj , ned hniLand and wifa are now **a!oos com- ] completed his renew, and it is understood ap* | now tbe l>e<Hi wMircompiutiHi WaansoroN, N 0 , Angnst lil—There ia ft re at excitement here over the facts Unit are Sale of Unclaimed Freight Mioox osd Bacxswicx Railroad, > Macon, August 20tb, 1873. j T HE following articles cf UNCLAIMED FREIGHT, if not* colled for before dsto of sole, will be sold to tbe highest bidder at the depot of the Macon and Brunswick Railroad, on 34th DAY SEPTEMBER, 1873, rale to begin at 10 o’clock a. jl S Waxelbaum A Bro, 1 box faua P & Q, 1 box glassware 8 Moreland, 2 bales bedding Jno Foie A Co, I pckg, 2 boxes mdse H Oorrutbors, 1 sack pot ware W J Hodges, I sack empty bogs D \Y Lewis, I sack cotton seed T J Davis. I box hardware Ordinary Telfair Oounty, 2 boxes books W P Eastman, I box. (2) cans oil Jim Saltmarah, I box mdto F F Beed, I box mdse L M Gardner, I trank A B Goodbread, I trunk H Powell, I box Ordinary Falaaki County, I box V, I box pickles B, 4 boxes brandy poaches M Keaton, 1 box books B J Egerton, S3 water buckets “ “ 4 bdls barrel covers Geo F Stevens. I box drawerka No mark. 7 eacks guano “ “ II emoty eacka “ “ Igroincradio “ “ I vack cotton ‘ “ I old pot “ “I eack harness “ “ I box eundriee “ “ I box drcnlar saws “ “ I roli bagging “ “ I epinning wheel “ “ I tin boiler “ “ I pkg, (2) glazed sash “ “ I axle, yoke and buws “ “ 16 pieces bedstead “ “ I mill hopper “ “ I table •• “ 2 socks eeed cottsn “ “ I wagon wheel .• “ I carriage polo “ “ I bnodle scythes “ “ 4 pieces bar iron J. F. KIBBE, aug20dtawtd General Freight Agent. EXTRACTS PROM -F03- STATE OOxMMENOING October 27tb, 1873! WESLEYAS FEMALE C0LLE8E, | MACON, GA. rpHE THIBTlf-SIXrn ANNUAI, 8ES3ION wiU begin October 6, 1873. For catalogues, containing fail information, ad- REV- E. rf. MYERS, D. D„ President. 0. W. SMira, Seoretary. aug7 2m dEHTBAL OITY PABK MACON, €2-^. BARLOW HOUSE, AMEIUCBS, GA, WILEY JONES * €0., Proprietors. Ia first-class and in bnsinees centor. Board per day *2. Lodging or single meals M ctr. m as 0 5m For beat acre of clover hay 9 60 For beat aero lncetno hay Su For best aero of nativo grass 60 For beat acre pea vine hay 60 , , ' r ivi/k- *-v/ | For best acre pea vine bay M I For boat acre of com forage no ' ..— r.. ..’i;, I For largest yield of Southern cane, on acre... 60 . z>~r) r) -TTf'-J'S “—I For boat and largest display gordon vegtablca. ?5 '’■< if.‘ji'Vv, iV'/9ta " | For largest yield upland cotton, ono acre 200 ■ *■ ‘ V if' I ilV — I For beet crop lot upland short etaplo ootton. ■ J Jitii-i i not leas than fivo bales 660 _ mm (WI1H LATEST IaiROVEKENTS.) FOB 20 rEABSTHE STANDARD OF THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. SO 26 For boat ono brio upland short ataplo cotton.. 109 (and 25 cents per pound for the bale) For best bale upland long staple cotton 1C3 (and 25 cents per pound paid for the bale) For tho best oil painting, by a Georgia lady... 100 For the boat display of paintings, drawings, otc. by the pnpils of one school or colloge 103 For tbo best made silk dress, done by a lady of Goorgia not a dreaa-maker. 50 For beat made homo-apun dress, done by a lady of Goorgia not a dreaa-maker ' For best piece of tapeatry in worated and floea, by a lady of Georgia For best furnished baby basket and complete set of infant clothes, by a l»dy of Georgia.. For bandsomeflt set of Moncholr caee, glove box and pin-cushion, made by a lady of Georgia EXCELLENCE | d “ fl e f n J’“ a of «>‘ton eocks knit ■ by a lady over fifty years of age, (in gold).. For best half dozen pairs of cotton socks, knit by a girl under ten years of age (in gold)... OVER 75 0,000 IX USE. I F r^n^^^em3i n — | ery, knitting, crocheting, nised work, etc.. If you think of buying a Sewing ^achino it wil I _®TJ© n ©Jb<3y...... 100 pay yon to examine the records cf those now in I J, or *“© © e8t combination horae 103 uao and profit by experience. THE WHEELElt I For the beat saddle horae 100 Sc WILSON hTANDS ALONE AS THE ONLY I For tho 1)081 Bt y le h*rne*B horae 1W LIGHT RUNNING MACHINE, U°ING THE i For 010 finP8t anfl betft matebod doublo loam. IW> KOTAKY HOOK, MAKING A LOCK STITCH. I For the beat stallion, with ton of hia colts by alike on both eides of tho fabric sowed. Ail shot- j ^tsaid© 350 tio machinos waete power in drawing the shuttle I J or 1J 1 © ©©©t gelainft - back after the stitch ia formed. bringing doable I £ or 8«-malo team 250 wear and strain upon both machino and operator, I J or J 00 oest 8I ?Kj© nrolo 100 benco while other machines rapidly wear out, tho I J, or 0 cow. 10O WHEELER & WIlBON LAaTd A LIFETIME, I ba i 2 and proves an e gnomical investment; Do not I * or P 68 ; ox tea P MO believe all that is promised by so-called ‘ “Cheap” I * or “J© J*©® 180W P^ 53 machines, you should require proof that yeais of I ^ 00 l &r 8©©fc And finest collection of domes- U8B hava tested their value. Money once thrown I T , tio .£ ow *®----- 136 away cannot be recovered. I F° r J bo bo *. t ,ba»fiel of corn Send for onr circolore. Machines sold on easy I „ or *“° f ea f basbs I P®** terms, or monthly paymonts taken. Old machinos I J, or jP° P 68 - 5 aabe J °J ® b o*t pnt In order or received iu exebango. I For the beet bcahei of eweet potato'« ........ 2 WHEELER A WILSON MF’G CO.’B OFFICES: ?, or , 0 b08t ba « b *> of Irish potatoes 2i Savannah, Anenato, Macon and Oolomhus, Ga. I r *“®, fifty stalks of engar catie 6J W. B. OLEVaS. “ • - ----- Gen. Agt., Savannah, Ga. W. A. 1IICK3, Agent, Macon, Ga. Jan 12-eodtjr HAGAN’S SEGRI) NmlSLISU. manic&nts, and he thinki its illnslratien of the I proved the findings of the oonrt. They will bo pluralities of matrimony postibla within the I transmitted to President Grant to morrow, statute and canon laws is more carious, if not custom Receipt*. i to 0 enov 0 B "aL-TforH ,be “ io “ ^° f Nxw Yoax August 21._Coa t om rcceipU to- ^tfrf:T.d^’,rrrt"s nK '^ ^.'’borriii; ■ day over half amilhon. j mutilult d .pp-renriy with kmv.s, wna fontd stole of Gold. I in tbe ciin-E h-,e Sutxtqaeut develop- Twenty-nine bids were made for Government menu make it pret y plain ibai Uamline Newell Ctorrd rocletleti lloldlnic Properly | n I Rold, aggregating $9,624,500, at from 114 05 to who baa ta. nyua wmk t -r yoong darter's Common—Their Kales ot Government— 11540. One bid of 115 25 was made for onh father, b»o uir vety m.gry wih the l.d t>eeaua9 hncceas or those who have Adapted the million and a half. he bed lusdr aw.y with considerable fruit in yiu, | * htierllT's Sale. bar shop. She enuimcned a colored boy named Corretpondence of toe Snn.j I Tbe sheriff’s effioers have posted a notice cf Martin, alias Hicka, and offered him $10 fniBLTSToN S a Anintt 14 Tka nnlnt.a toe sale of the fnrnitnre of the Comptroller'll I “ be wonid kill yonng Odrter. Hicki, wno baa , * *’ * ^ ’ I offioe and other oily property seizad yesterday, I b8en arrested, Baja that he refn-ed the effer, people of CoiletOD county in this State “e I to n, pi aoe oa a’uea.iay .unless tho money ia and she then agreed to give James Anderson and trying the experiment of co-operative labor on I paid. Bin Hooper tbo same amoont if they would kill a large aerie. Forties of from ten to fifty I The Wyoming Sailed. h*™* T be tbrea found Carter and induced him form a society, elect officers, and adopt by-laws. FoRT MoxROE, Augu S t fiL-JIheUnltod Statoa Anderlo^au'd^^r^ro^' to^Hcto to« They have regnlor meeting, at which the of- tSefS’hi. mZng for Bermud^ ^ barter HfaWrefnaed. aud fleers report, and a apeeified amount ia paid " d lba Wett B they answered, “Well, well do it then, into toe treasury by each member. A suitable xembtiMs ranrmiim While near the batcher pen Anderaurr and to“money'being paid *dowS^^ndto^rett^tof DaIiAB ' Tii13 > An 8 nat 2I -— The Bepnbllcan buTdfd noTrantnre ouTvery far.^Andtrg^n ont %»a1'i TO, Sa Jtawat within 0oaTeat i oa oominated for State Treasnrer, A. threwhiB elothing into the stream. Carter rei- rt?«rihnred h. (he cffi-eti elecfrt'ffnr T - Moore; Land Commtarioner, Jaoob Keuch- cned them, ?nd they threw the clothing a seoond <M « rfb " > * db ? th ?- C ^*fy ed f ” «*“«->"• I of Education, rV. B. Mor- time farther into the stream. They tnen dragged E^frto re w 6 oto « a“re Urn raS ctf&pofeU t0 “ * L,entenaDt GoTeroor ’ * U ' Ta J lor ' to dae ? w>ter - aad ^ ^ ^Ser. -• • — •v 8 r l Tbe First Bale. j Hicks saya that as noon as be paw they were Augusta, Ga , Angnit 2 L.—Tbo first bale of I determined to kill Carter he ran aw ay. He new ootton, classed middling, reoeived from j doesn’t know bow tbe cals c&mo on Garter’s Edgefield oounty, South Carolina, sold at 17J I body, bnt affirms that while the boys were armed I with knives, they bad not used them np to the Veetiier aud Crops | time he ran away. He, moreover, says that tbe The wfiithr for tbe past ten days is nnf&vor- woman Newell told them tbat it wan no mor6 able, clondy and wet, with cool nights, ootton j ® 8 ^ n bill Carter than it wag for soldiers to 1 shoot eaoh other in battle. Hooper and the his crop as he deems proper. The o'riy re quirements are good behavior and prompt pay ment of dues, which are usually lignt. Any one wilfully failing to meet hU dees, or con victed of dishonesty, bu allAmonnte previously ( °© DC5 * paid m by him refunded, and is obliged to 1 leave the plantation. If any one desires to withdraw from the so- ciety, be ia returned his share of tbe pnrehase ‘ a «°“° a being badly injure! by nut. money and compensated for all permanent im- I Savannah and Liverpool. I w0 »n have bean arre-..<d. provemeuis. No new member is admitted with- Efforts are being made to establish a line of out common consent. AU sick are eared for by ateamshipe between Savaonto and Liverpool. I A loves of a picaliarly practical turn of tbe society, it being toe duty of the offioera to Municipal corporation, and boards ol trade tn miod haa been discovered. Ia one of hia let- look alter cases of illnasa. If an unusually Georgia pledge themselves to give support to tera to bia fcwjet heart he wrote • “I wish mv large sum of money is necessary to relieve the the line. | . ... . ’ 1 sick, a special meeting is held to r&ise it. Cer- J XSrol&ep. I Gear, tbat yon wonid no. write BU-h long lotteis tain officers are deaignated to settle all dispute* Elxtox. Mt>., August 21.—Advice* from t0 m °' If yoa were t0 brio S an action for by amicable arrangement, and; they seldom Chesapeake City say toe canal is broken, and breech of promise agait at me, the lawyers fail, tons avoiding that petty UtigaUoo which i* u, B water has undermined Beverol houseb. wonid have to copy the correspondenco between toe bane of the colored people. The societies Th, families had to be carried onL A break _ . > u . . " « are formed chiefly cf those who work tor hire, I j, a i J0 repotted at Delaware Oity. " 1 n5 ’ and cbar S 9 fonrpecoe for every folio o{ fifty outs Der day being toe ordinary dne. Some Kpantsti Newa seventy-two words. The shorter the letters ££ i 1n l f£!rS»*u3?taSL T^ r ta« ,“t^heT?i, 1 - GeneralEipartero is th9EtoreEM8&TefrcmthalEW|afB '' Mf*UWm° r offi^ bnt n to^“^w te re OMfl Manuel (Scch^to th““ef°oommand “ Mr what ' a y° nr ctar S a f « rowing me h^Mwo'rk^ 1 of tb® Republican force, in the N’ortbera prov- “'o® 8 tb8 F fitb ?" Hoatmau—“Weei, sir, I was •octette* 1 *^boostedprineipany^intheiowoo^ end jist thinkin' I canna break toeSawbath day for try eatt of the Savannah and Charleston rail- . rloaf ~ 1 tbe 0ua > rcst -d of Navarre, j pa leas than X'fteen shulln *1 —Punch. road. While there are colored men who, by * V‘ 0 of « < 0 63 n»y,, tingle effort, baya acenmuUted fortunes wttoii c: *‘‘ lr,Laa!l1 of ttapra. riz or eight yean, the higher average of | ™ W.^, Ia sneoeM and prosperity is with the si in the soeie- tiee. The reeeon is that, by securing a whole A Vi loinia lady, gathering berries, was late ly etrack twice in the breast by a rattlesnake, plantation, they obUin aufiUmnt good tend for their parch were, white he wbo buys for himself ,#T a °~’ b«*-«3 b for a foroo^P^armj the Cantonal tnsurrecuon. , , ... The prUonara taken by ihe government I boi tdlet artiflora escaped harm, foroe, in eneountera with the Cantonal and "*" are to be sent to rein army ln Cuba. Tax New York Herald asks: “Shall toe Pres- ideat hove a sea-side White House 1'” V(u Lo- poor aubrisience. Iff the interior of J,p.n on ancient Christian ohnroh has been reeectly discovered. It is still strength of the Carlist foroe lieve the one he has is painted yellow bat no operating la eriimawd at 28,000 men of »U | doubt he li take a white one if offered. Magnolia Balm 4 . A FEW APPLICATIONS Ara run a Pure Blooming Complexion. ' It la Purely Vegetable, and its operation is Been and felt at onco. It does away with the flashed Appearance caused by Heat. Fatlguo and Excitement. Heals and removes all Blotches end Pimples, dispelling dark and unsightly spots. Drives away Tan. Freckles and Sun burn. and by its gentle but powerful influence mantles the fAded cheek with MOUTHFUL BLOOM AND BEAUTY.' 8old by all Druggists and Fancy Stores. Do. pot, S3 Park Place. New York. ^ mch5 eod&wly $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Localised Uy Mate Antlmj-Wy aad Straw In Pabllc tn 8L Louie. Brand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. CLASS II. TO BE DRAWN AUGUST SO. 1873. I For tho beat result on one aero in any forago crop ino For tbo largest yield of corn on one aero.... 100 I For tho l&rgeet yield of wheat on ono aero.... r> i I For tho largest yield of oats on one aero.... fin I For tho l&rgoat yield of ryo on ono aero 50 I Fortlio beet result on ono acre, in any corc&l 1 crop 200 I For the boat display made on tho grounds, by I any dry good* merchant 100 I For tbo boat display mado by any grocery merchant hjq I For tbo largest and bout diapUy of green- [ house plants, by one person or firm ICO I For the beat braea band, not lota tbau ten per- 1 formore 250 (ana 650 extra per day for their music.). | Per tbe boat Georgia plow stock ;..... 25 I For tho best Georgia mtde wagon (two horae) 50 For the beat Georgia made cart 25 I For beet stallion four yearn old or more 40 For brat preserved horse over 20years old.... 25 f For best Alderney bull Bi) I For best Devon bull so I For beat collection of cable app es grown iu I North Georgia. 50 [ For best collection of table anploa grown in Middle Georgia 60 REGATTA; Raeo ono milo down stream on Ocmu'gne River, under the role, of tho Regatta Ah-ocilt cu of Macon. I For tho fastest four-oared ehtll beat, rare open to the world 2160 Far tho fastest dout:le-?cuU thell heat, rare I open to the worl 1 60 [ For tho fastest Mnglo-scu'I th J! teat, race I open to the world 60 I For the fastest four-oared esnos boat, rare open 1 to the world 60 (By canoe is meant a boat hewn from a log, ImSaMl wasli-boarda nr other additions.) I Tho usual entry fee ot ten per rent, will bo charged for toe Regatta premiums. MILITARY COMPANY. [ For the beet drilled vriaoteer militaiy compa ny of not lees than forty mrmbere, rank and tile, open to tho world i75J At least firs entries required. RACES. POSSE OSE—$300. For Trotting Horaee—Georgia raised; mile heat-, beat two in three. let horse to reoeivs $2no , 2d horse to reocive 75 5*880 PKIZSV. AKOCXTINO TO 5300,000. | 3d horae to roceivo ... 25 puna* two—4160. 500 prites at t JOOI For Trotting Horeea that have never beaten 2.40 9 prizes of luOQ | mile heat*, beat two in tore*. 9 prim of — 500 I Jet horae to receive.. 1........ tSfO 9 Prite. Of 300 2d home to receive )i n 36 ?rim iS Sd h 0 "® t0 r<, “ iT8 £0 36 prises of—150 I praax thuxi— $660. 180 jdrixoa of... 1<X, j y or Trolling HoTata—optn to tbe world; mile hc&te, beat three in five. 1 prise ol— ..$50,000 1 pris* o: U.4 1 prize of— ...... 10,000 1 prize ol....^..... 7.-7*1 4 prizes of 5,000 4 prises of—2,500 20 prizes LOOu 20 prises of» MO 40 prises of- 5,000 prizes < [ 1st horse to receive Ticket 3 4a). Half Tickets 85. Quarters 12.50. oJir Oar lotteriea are ebartered by the State, are i tn always drawn at the time named, aud all drawings [ are under the supervision of swnru oommliaipnere. 1 M hnr%ft *° ** e * 1T * The official drawing will bo published In the St. Louis paper:, and a cost? of drawing sent to pur- cli3crs of ticket*. ear We will draw a similar scheme the la&l day ot every month daring the year 1873. ttemit at ourrirk by Postoffice Money Orders 50 nrx by rostomco fa on e» Order* Kerlitered Letter Draft or Expre%*. Send for a cir cular. Address. MURRAY. LLEE A CO., PMtofieo Bov 244* Rf. IiAtili. K0BT, A. NISBET, Attorney at Law Comer MCLHERBY Sr. and OOTTON AYE. (Over Fayne'a Drag Store,) jnuelldam MAOON. GA. KENTDliKf DNIVERSITT. Sd horse to receive PTESE I0CH—4350. For Banning Horace— open to the worid: twa-mLe heats beat two in three- let horae to receive ' 2d horao to —....IDO 1 pcbs» nva—3300. For Banning Horae?—op ah to tbewerid-; twom;!: heats, beat two in three let horao to receive - . »3*. PDBSE SIX—tSsO. For Banning Horses—open to tln> world: thj. mile heats, be* two in ihiej. tat horao to receive-...... — ..-.5SO Tho ahovo Fremiumi will bo oioteated for ondtr the roles of tho Turf. The usual entzy fee of 10- per cent on. tha amsnnt of the psnse wifi be charged. T O0ATED at Ashland, the home of Henry Oyi COUN i V. Ih^vHIBITIONS 'I J and Old Traaaylvania. Six ooUeve. Ui oper- I ation, with SO profeaaore, and COO otQiienta from 11. To the county which (through tte 8cc;e17 288lites. Emire fees for ooilegn year, $r0, ex-I or cllab-) shall favnaab the largest ar.d eept in the Lxw, Medical and Commercial Ool- I finest display, jn merit aud var.ety, ot lege*. Boardicg from 53 to 37 per week. For I etocr, products and refute cf homo ix- Cotalogue. addreea J. B. BOWMAN, Begent, Lex- dnatriee, allraited, produced or inxton. jfv. • angtedlawlm tured in tho county 31 ivzuui. Rj. • A I 2. Second beet do SCO 300 FOR SALE- I 3. Second beet do I 8. Third beet do in perfeet preeerviLon, though it in now used I 90,000 men, to the field against the rebels. I P a 7 amcn 2 Lis eonstitnents. He has begun 1 or other purposes then that of worship. IA bill hei been presented in the Gortee, boi- 1 with the Long fyanoh barkeepers.—Nun. 4. Fourth beet do 200 O NE of the meet desirable pUcee in \tU6villa, j Entries to bo made at tLo Augatt Ooeveotlcn in containing 45 seres, with good wella of we- J Athens, ter. comfortable improvements, with wood enough I Articles contnbnted to tbo County Exhibitions to last a fzmiiy 1r>t four or five year*. Good or- I caa also compote for tpeciiic pre«» «* in tne i'rc- ebard of TArioas kind* fruit. The place will bo I mium Li»t; for iuetance, a fat--4.* inay contribute sold, or traded lor city property m Macon. | to the Exhibition of hia county a baafcel of Bren) Apply to A. J. OBB. I Corn, he 'can then enter it, indiviJoally. for pie- angti eodtf At Oliver, Douglass A Go’s. ' mium 144. jonelScod td