The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 26, 1873, Image 1

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■ ■ AND MESSENGER By Oltbby, Jones & Keese. MACON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2G, 1873, NCMBEB 6,703 r In. Building. S*MB i !«J. tin po GOO 100 . fa* lOOLl'- •- - l(a ^$taakly TM|n|bM KMMngav on “* 4 00 M,sw»oUi Weakly TdeRrapb »aJ M «««:.,;tr, Mentals—- rnt jrrr 31V. tspoiiibi . 1 GO [ it.lI* always Id afirxnce, »ul paper itoppod •ban the moneyruns out, soleurenewed. m eoneobdaled Telegraph and Manungar rap- .••tenleatargedreatalion.perTadingSIIddta.Bonth- trn ^)d Booth western Georgia and Eastern Ala- ,ud Middle Florida. Adrerttaeouits at raa- , . c a!da ratal la tba Weekly at ona dollar par -.ire of three quarter* of an Inch, each pntUca- 1' i ii’ltannse aboald ha made by express, or ouU in moaay ordara or registered letter,. o B t Kioto:.u. Joraxan, or rsz Unittd e ;iT n —The eLnrcbcs of this connlry hare tot bean backward ia uniting themielrea of lb, beat fit of newspaper organa, in aplta of tHr oaea*i*o»l ffenanata'-lon of tba practice of tba daily Jr small in rspnrting aermona and otherwise aiding tba eanaa. IiuweU’a new Axurioxn Newspaper D.rectory ’* reports the exiateace of 400 religion, journals in tba United &4ea. Forty-aawaa of tbaae are coder tba uauoi ct tba HittioJiets, tba largest nnmber „ Ua bead* of aay stogie denomination. Tba jijotn Catholics bare forty-one; tba Baptieta tairtj firaj tbo Vraabytoriana twenty-nine; the gpbaopaUaaa tweatj-ooe; tba Lutherans and itifr*—- 1 Germans fonctaan each; the Jew, Bine, aad lb l OdOgrogatlnnalUta eight There U a large nnmber olaeaed as EeangelleaL Ms Irrr, residing near Btaaiaiane, Califor nia, while sinking a wall, and after passing iLraajb bard pan and aarcrai stratas of sand, forty Stj feet re sob ad a bad cf grave), and with it an atmodanoe cf good water. Imbedded is the lap of tba grawel wai tba skeleton of a maatoion. Hiseral of ths bones, in a good •■a'e ol preitrwatlon, were brought to the ear- lea la one of the bones was dieoorered ■ arrow head, snob as la in common Died by the praaent Indians of tbla continent. Tbs arrow bead was so completely Imbedded in the bone that there nan be bot little doabt that it was Mist Iota tbs monster animal near tbe time ct its death. Aie won Id seem to Indicate that them sootier animals do not antedate tbo pres eel Indian rase inhabiting onr continent. rta biggest internal upon an original inwest- ■amt of 9700 ia tbla country, la Gorernment lUtcd, it Niagara Fella. It ia owned and man- aged by the rotter family. M»ny year, ago— btfjre Niagara bad become a popnler resort— Jidge Porter, tbs Snrroyor of tbe State cf New York, pnrohasad it from tbo State for $700.— Hess e*» he had an eye to ba sines* in tbo ■titer, bat others insist that it was ono of thoao looby transaction* wbicb make a man rich in ■pile of himself. The Jndgo sold half of bis interest toon after fo his brother, and tbe two hate owned it arer ainoe, in themselves and their dseoendenta. Tbo loeomo from this little spot of ground with water around it is now $37,000 a year. Tna Journal of Applied Chemistry aeya tbal the number of can, of peaches packed last year approximated about tweivo millions, tomatoos •tableau million*, and oora from six to eight ■dkaaa The headquarters of peach canning Bela Herylandand Delaware, mors than half of the peaoh-pxeklog Arms hailing from Bal lmer, imh Dirge quantities of oyster, are ibe p-.i np along tbe Cboaapeako. Tomatoes cmc chiefly from New Jersey, althocgh many era peeked la Baltimore, New York end tbe Ktetem States. Tbe beat earn comes from M»la», whirs also are aitotted tba largest lob- atar satabitshmenta. ionr* preparations are making for the great wealing of tba Erangelleai AUianoe in New Terk ally in Ootober. Tbe oommittee of »r- rugsaianU are adeissd that the foreign dele- Ittet will nnmber at least fifteen hundred, and how to find comfortable quarters for them ia a problem wblsh is ergtging mash attention. Aaappeal will shortly ba leaned to the members of the different denominations atking them to tread their hoipiUIltles to tbo strangers. Deeper loeillnte, Irwlog Hell and the room, of thi Coriatiaa Association havo been engaged foe the pnbllo meetings. The mennfsotnrlag indastry of ltiohmond and vWntty i< generally in proiperjns condition, tad tbe prospeoia of the Tatars are highly fav orable. Tbe verlon, fl inr mills ore In fall oper ettas, the celebrity acquired by tbe brands hav ing insured a steady and constantly increasing demand. A’ Uecoheater, the Iron, paper, flour, machine and other factories are fully employed, end the attention of Eastern and Europe in cap italists ia beginning to be directed to the nnsnr- pained water power of that locality. Lovt,TILLS IxcoaTBiaL ExeasiTio!*.—Ur. W. P. Bullock, Jr.. Secretary and Treasurer, hat ocr thank, for a complimentary tioket of ad- suasion to this exposiUnn, whioh will open on Ura 31 of September and olo,e on the 11th of Oetobar. A moat aUraotlTS display Is prom ised Ibis year, and a> reduced railroad and steamboat rates bare been Kecnrod, a visit to that oily this yeeroin be made bout pleasant and profitable. Tnr O.ttom 3acr.—Tbe New Orleans Herald, of Friday, eaya tbit eon dering tbe time has t'*en when 'JO 000 bales of ootton have been sent to that city in the month of Angnst, there la oertainly ground forterion, concern aa to the •bortnea, of the period whioh will bo left to the pickers of the present crop. If wo get fire hun dred bale, of the present crop daring the month of August it will greatly enrprise many people. Her —Yesterday ,n a lively d,y for cater- ptUara. The eun came down in bright piercing sedaoorohing rayatbrongh a cloudless almos phert, and doubtless caterpillars squirmed about dialrere.cgly. It looks aa if dry weather had como at last; wo have now had three days of bright, clear weather. CiOLrnu nr Kn-oxtillx —Tbe press di.peteh aa announce tbe death of Judge T./t. R. Xel- •aa, of cholera, in KnoxriUe on SAnday. On Satarday a onto red drayman died of the same J sease. Tbe Daily Proas and Herald announces that there are no other oases. Tbe (eademaed ladtea. Captain Jack, Sohonahln, Black Jim, Boston Charlie, One-eyed Jim and Slolnek, with aa alias—six of them—are appointed to be hnng on tbe 3d day of next Oetober. They nndoubt edly deserve death. They were guilty of an act of supreme treachery and assassination. Under pretence of treating for pesos they eonght and obtained a conference with General Canby and two United States Feaoe Commissioner,, and mnrdered two of them while unarmed, naans pecting and defenoeleea, and nearly killed the third. Tbe act was unpardonable, and tbe tfTort to prevent Ite condign punishment by tba United Statai authorities U unworthy of the r'Jghteat recognition. Thera it too mnoh of this mawkish aentimen tality in regard to the Indiana on onr frontier. It la mere, sentimentality, without common ■ante, and srithont sensibility to tbe awfal oat- rage, perpetrated frequently on. the frontier settlers from Texas to Oregon. That tbe In diana have been wronged and swindled by Gov ernment agents, may be all very true, and that they may be occasionally victimized to tbe law lessness of the frontier settlers themselves, may be possible. Bat what then ? Beth aides most be tangbt to respect jnatioe and law by a stern repression and punishment of violenoe and wrong. There it no other way of preserving tbo peace. Tbe Indian must bring hia com plaints to the nearest military post and look to tha Gorernment for redress, and not to n der of innooent women and children. Tbe stories of recent Indian raids from the Mexican frontier, where whole families bare beon mnrdered with every imaginable exoeas of cruelty, end little babes burned alive with tbe bodies of their parents, are too horrible to be even conceived. We have no more admiration for tbo stalling savage than we have for a wolf, and aneb atrocities as Ibeeo ahcnld be pnniahed in a way that will teaoh Mr. Indian they can no longer bo tolerated, but will bring awlft and>ndden vengeance on bia own bead. 8r ram’* Cncicn, in New Y'ork, ia bavin, new flror, new oak pews, and tbs pnlpit re stored to tbe centre. Wnere Washington naed to worship e square pew will bo erected, and it h suggest'd that an appropriate tablet be set in it. Taa oil coat of arms will hang above it. Wxxar in Knoxville ta quoted at $1 30 to $1 to for white and $1 SO to §1 30 for amber and red. Oora is wonh 6SJ to C3 oen ta sacked and delivered. Oats 55 to 37 ernta sacked on the cam. Tnn Chattanooga Traits of Saturday says the cholera baa brekea out at Carter’s Depot, on th» Eiat Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia rail- ,a »d, sod six deaths hare ocuarro 1 from it in that village. Botl**. — A Washington dispatch in the i-OUliviUe says Butler baa col lapsed in KiUAvhni«u-t. Ha hi* over-bellied is tbro to be defeated for the Oorersor'i *KxaintUcn. ixKesttckt—la, Gar- eoncty, Hr., four cases of choUra broke on Wftdcsaday and all died before night, were negrcei. Tnt qrj$arioa of uxiDg church property ia w.jelr d i?o»*d. Omo lofea $470,000 in lAlt * yearly boc,n«e $25,W4,7S5 of church P^perty U exempt from tnx$uon. _ Lu reappeared at Vickibnrg, on the r,t * r > in a more mahgninl form than oc it* pfetioo* ruut, aocordicg to reporra. It ia ttatel that the condtiion c f Mr Pig* ^cO*rty, the wonndad enrriring principal in laic Richmond (Va ) dael, ia critical. J* W^oo, 1>xm, good pomee are telling at pnoee ranging from ten dollare to twenty fire. Tim Ohio <c rolore«l Troops** Veiling their £yo ieellt cut. Tbe Ohio negroas had a big convention last Friday at Chillicotko. Tha President—John Docker, a lineal dosoendent of the Booker bo famone in song—on taking the obalr, remarked that in hia estimation the negro race waa politi cally oppressed, and spoke of the “parly to which we belong,” when another brother oor- reoted him by snggestiDg that the words should be “the party to which we are attached.” The same brother, Olark, of Cincinnati, then made a rooming speech, charging that the negroes were ignored in all the Northwest m the be stowal of Federal oilheff, and that ia manicpal offices iu Ohio, or the labor on pnblio works, he was alio Ignored. He said the demands of the black man were expressed in the Philadel phia platform last year, but that the platform had not been obaorved. He thought now was tho time to claim redreoa. Abont 100 delegates from varioas patts of the 8tate were present. The committee on icsolntions reported a long preamble, first qaotir g the promise to them in the Philadelphia platform, and charging that this promiso has boen disregarded, and after a farther recital of grievances presented the fol lowing resolutions which were adopted: Resolved, That we, the oolored voters of Ohio, in convention assembled, do protest against tbe nDjnst discrimination permitted to wards ns by the representatives of the party whom we aid in mooring cfHoial positions.— The colored voter* of this Btate don’t consider themselves under lasting obligations to a party which favors ns aa a class, only in proportion as it is driven by its own necessities. Resolved, That the oolored men of tbe State aro hereby urged to refrain from uncondition ally pledging themselves to tba nominees of tboir local conventions, and they mnet nsa their best discrimination in determining for them selves in each locality whom to vote for and whether to vote at alh Those arc tolerably spunky woids, but they don’t araonnt to mneb. The negroes of Ohio and every other State belong to their masters, tbo Radical party, jaat as emphatically and en tirely as the S mthern slaves did to their mas ters. They may rewlvo as mnch as they please, bat when voting time comes, they will swallow their indignation and be driven to the polls like sheep, jaat as they have always been.— They are beginning to cat their eye teeth, it is trne, bat the additional knowledge that comes of that operations won’t do them a particle of good. A KOYiL ROIAICE. TT10 nansMsrofan Kmperor Full, ia lor* with nu Ennliati Proieuorunitlellelilm of 1C. Tbe cffloial announcement of the betrothal of the Grand Dncbeaa Maria Alexsndrovna, only .laughter of the Czar of Bueaia, to tho Duke of Edinburgh, second aon of Queen Victoria, has brought out another episode in the life of the Greed Ducbees, which ia now the chief enbjeet of gossip in St. Petersburg. It appears that about two years ago ths Czar conceived the idea of marrying his daughter to the Dnke of Edinburgh, and, as a preliminary etep, sent for a young English profeavor in the University of SL Petersburg, named Swayne, to teaoh her English. The Dnchess immediately fell in love with her teacher, and informed him of it. For several months he tanght her English and she ttught him love, bat one day tbe Czar told her be should shortly take her to a German watering-place to make the acqneintanoe of her intended. She informed him that would be unnecessary, as ehe had already given hor heart and hand to Mr. Swayne. Thereupon aho waa sent to her apartments, and Prof. Swayne waa summoned and informed by tbe Gzar that he bad better leave Basel* immediately, which be did. The yonsgDachees was inconsolable for a long time, and swore to her parents ehe wonld never marry the Dnke of Edinburgh. When she was taken to Ger many she refused to meet her intended, and daring her reoent sojourn with her mother in Italy she heaped continual alights upon hia head. Her repugnance, however, waa finally overoome, and now, instead of beooming plain Mr*. Swayne, ehe will soon be the Dochesa of Elinbnrgh. How mnch oomfort the Dnke may detiva from the alliauoe ia another con sideration. The episode shows that even a Czar’* daughter ia apt to be bnman. Oxlt four members of the original Anti- Slavery Society are now living—William Lloyd Gartison, of Boston; Beojamin O. Bacon, of Beverly. New Jersey; the K;v. Motes Theober, of New York, and Oliver Johnson, editor of the Christian Union. If none cf them had over lived tbla country would hare been immeasurably better off. Upon their heed* mate all the blood end misery of the late eivll war, and the atill more damning infamy of Badieal reeooalxuotion with all its nameless and nnmberleas iniquities. If there are aay grades of pnniahment in Tophet these anti-slavery traitor* will anrely enjoy a place very near the store. A icerx occurred in n Galveatoa polios oonrt tbe other day which should impress the youth cf the country with the importance of learning a trade. A yoneg German, well educated and refined in manner, was arraigned for a petty theft. He said that he waa of honorable birth, had come to the United States with several tboas.iud dollars, and had not been aucceasfnl in establishing himself in bnainees. He ob tained work in the kitchen of a Galveston hotel, and purloined $7. Tue young man begged the Kreorder to send him to the penitenuery. in order that be might learn a trade, and added that it not sentenoed for a long term, he wonld commit some other end more eerioos crime Seeing that the youth was in earneet, the oonrt sentenced him to two year* in the Bontayille penitenuery. If this yonog German bad been tanght a n-iefnl trade at borne, aa meat of hia countrymen are, as wonld have been saved the -tame of learning one in the penitentiary. Ntaoaaa squirms nnder tbe extortionary rep- ulauon she has won through many year# of trick* upon travellers. She protista that her buck and livery men are no worse then tho*e of many other pi tees. The fact ta Niagara has thundered in vain this rammer Vtailor* have been few end far between, and althocgh ehe baa fenced in ths fella and chargee twenty-five cent* admission, yet the dividends Lave panned ont very light. THE GEORGIA FRESH. A “cholera bomb" weighing sixty five pounds ia the latest missile of destruction thrown into Borne. It was forged in Alabama. Mitchzll Cooswxll, negro, will be hong Savannah on Friday night. Harder. Tax Chronicle and Sentinel report* that tbe caterpillar is depredating extensively in the Caroline ootton plantations oppoeite Anguata. The same paper learns that tha boll worm has made it* appearance in Jasper oonnty. Tnz Colombo! Son says: Governor Smith, in reply to tha spplieation for a battery of gone for the proposed artillery company here, elates that the appropriation will only justify the purchase of a single battery— the coat of which ia fire thousand dollars—snd that has already been promised to the Chatham Artillery, of Her&onah, which is the oldest oom pany of the kind in the State. Tsx Houston Home Jonrnal says this he* been the sickliest season Ferry has had for many years. For the last week or two nearly every family in that plaoe and neighborhood has bad some of its members under medical treatment The diaeosee are principally of a mild billions typo. The lest Washington Gazitte has these items Kicxeo bta Hoxse asd Skbiocslt IaJcaXD.— We learn itiat llr. Ilrodenc*, a eewmg maobine agent, whose headquarters have been at this place for some time pee!, wa, kicked by a hone at bbaron, in Taliaferro oonnty, a few days ago. Hie j aw bone waa crashed badly, and he was considered to be seriously hart. Cnore —The cropa throughout Wilkes county are fiae as ever grew upon the ground. Noth ing bis failed exoept oom whioh waa planted on low'grounds. This haa be-n injured, and in some oases completely destroyed by overflows and by too runrh rsln. The oorn on nplands is as fine as the noil can prodnee. The cotton is superb where it baa been worked and we think a very foil crop will be gathered if no disaster overtakes it. Battxjcsxzkzs is Tallufzbbo Couhtt.— The good old county of Talllaferro, just across Little river from Wilkes, seems to be gettiog fall of rattlesnakes. A letter from a friend in Crawfordville informs n* that one wts killed on the IStb inat., two miles from that place, which had thirteen rattles. On the 14th one waa killed on tbe plantation of Dr. Ferktns, near tbe Fope plaoe. which meuurod five feet in length, eight and > half inches aronnd the body, and was the possessor of sixteen rattles and a button. On Monday, tha lltb, every large one was killed three or fonr miles from Crawfordville with thirteen rutiles. Another, said to be larger than any of tho above men- Uoned, waa seen a few days ago near the rail way a few miles above the town. Tux seme paper reports the commiaeion 61 a most brutal murder in that plaoe on last Satur day week, the victim being a negro named Hamp Banner, and the murderer a white man named William Sisson. Tha Gazette condemns the mnrder as a most infamous orime, and one that shonld be promptly punished. In all of which we heartily oonenr. It was a hor rible affair and deserves tbe swiftest, heaviest vengesneo of the law. Tna strike in the Granitevilie fsotory near Augusta has come to an end, the operators de ciding to resume work ou ths four woek's pay ment. Aunt ted at Pott Kotal —Tho Chroniole A Sentinel of Saturday has tbe following: The ship LudyDnfftrin arrived at tbe wharf in Port ltoynl Thursday night direct from Lir- irpool, which port ehe bfc .tuna -frith. She brings a miaoelUneona cargo of eleven hundred tons of freight for the cities of Anguata and Sivannah. This ia the second trip that the Lady Dofforin haa made from Liverpool to Fort Boyal. The captain reports thirty feetof water on the bar. There ia a great necessity for a cotton press for compressing cotton for foreign ahipment-t at Port ItpyaL The Captain of the Lady Dnfferinregret* not fioding cotton presses, which he eaya would enable him to take his cargo of cotton at a cost of five hnndred pounds sterling less, to say nothing of the expense of twenty or thirty days delay. We are indebted to Captain Moore, Superintendent of the Fort Koval Koad, for tbe above information. Tbe “Ladv Dnfferin** haa 1,000 tons of ties on board—700 for Messrs. Warren, Wallaoe & Go , and 600 for morehania in Savannah. The vessel waa oonaigned to tbe order of the above named firm, at Fort Boyal harbor. This is di rect trade in earneat, a beginning of what Is to be done in the fntnre. The Savannah local news of Saturday may be briefly summed up. A baggage wagon driver named Edward MrCormick, had one of hia legs broken by the ki jk of a horse ; and a negro boy named Joe Green, was probably fatally injured by being strnck ou tbe head by tha hoisting block of the steamship Sun Salvador. The Athens Georgian reports the burning, by an Incendiary, one night last week, of a barn belonging to Mr. Eugene Heard, of El* bert county, with 200 tnabclsof wheat and a mnlo. Athens mnst bennoommonly ahoriof change. Tho Georgia suya: A man tendered a twenty-doilar bill to an other in payment of an aoooQnt Monday after noon. They at once adjourned to the frit store to change it, end right afterwards to the store adjoining and fo on down the street. When last heard from they were working towards Au gusta, and ono of tbe party had sent for hi9 winter clothes. The same paper tells the champion ‘‘whop per" of tbe seawa. It cau go ahead without doubt, it says: A Man Goes Fishiso on the Sabbath and Gmwe to A Bock.—There ia a report prevalent on ocr Rtreets that a man, living near Scull's Shoals, about twenty miles below this city, told his wife to wake him np before “old God Al mighty woko on Sunday,” aa he wanted to catch a mesa of JLh' for breakfast. Hia wife, in ecoordanoe with bis ioatraotiona, called bim before day Sunday morning, and betaking his fishing tackle, went to the stream, and finding a tempting bole, lock hia seat upon a rock — His wife awaited anxiously for his arrival, but he not appearing toward eight she sum moned some neighbors and went in qneet of the truant. Going to the stream, aha found the miesing man seated upon a rock, and upon the party requesting him to get up and accompany them home, he told them that the Almighly had sent a judg ment upon him and be had beoome apart of the rock and eonld not move, llis friends, think ing that he waa only jesting, took hold of him and attempted to move him, when be eom- menoed (creaming at tbe top of his voiee, and aiked them for God’s sake not to attempt to lift him np, as it wonld murder him. He farther informed them that he had be>'li informed by an nnaeen ptesenoe that, as a judgment for hit profanity and Sabbath bfeeking, be wonld never be severed from his present seat, bat would re- mein fastened to it all bia days, and that be wonld be made to preach his CUE funeral. They aay he lalKa quite freely, and 1.1 visited by ini- meose crowds from this and ad j doing oonntiea. Several parties, we learn, frciu this plaoe and Winiemlle, went to tee him il'edneedey, but has not aa yet returned. Wt only give tbe above as a rumor that has been prevalent in our city all tbe week. We will let uur readers bear the truth of it in onr next issue. Ex-PaxanJENT Davis.—Under this head the AngusisConstitutionalist haa the following: Many of the newspapers ere reflecting very severely upon ex P reel dent Davie on account of bia recent speech before the S ont hern Histori cal Society. The Cincinnati Enquirer thinks ibe ltadic.l leaders in Ohio have been famished with some first-cLam thunder by Mr. Da via, though what hia apeech baa to do with tbe Ohio campaign is not exaotly understood. The same paper thinks it rather strange that Mr. Davis should always break out into speech- making just on the eve of important elections. On thia point the Enquirer hast bit of personal history which is canons as a coincidence but otherwise valueless. It says: - • Before the war Daria waa s man wf action rather than words. He was reticent and said little. 11 cl since tba war he nas become garru lous. and embraces every opportunity to injure the oocatuntioua! party cf the Norih, and to sesist the BepabUcana. Davis ia an old per sonal friend of Grant. When, after the Mexi can war. Grant waa tried by a court-martial for varioas offense#and condemned to be ditmiased from the eervioe, Jefferson Davis, then Beerela- ry of War, overruled tbe sentence, and allowed Grant to honorably resign. To tbe tnflnenoe of Grant in his favor daring the early days at An drew Johnson’* Administration, when Johnson waa nailing for blood, tha preservation of Davis’ life ie generally attributed. It may be that be make these annnal speeches from grad rude to Grant, bat even this » no excuse for him." We do not' believe that Mr. Davis fixes any time for speech-making; and if the time hap pens to be inopportune, it ia, no doobt, a pure iccMera. But if it be trne, uu the Enquirer de clares, that Mr. Davis, by hie utmrenaa*. doe* the Democracy cf the West more harm than all tha Bepnolioah oraion put together, there ta soma question as to tbs discretion of bis public addresses. It may be tint lb* time has gone by what even • speech by Mr. Davis caj do fatal mtaehtof; but this ta not to certain. Pos sibly, it would be better for Mr. Dana if ba hid reposed, after his wonderful end dnmitio career, in that table-land where Lee dwelt in grandeur, calmly awaiting that Terdiot of eter nity which compensates good end 'has a retri button for every wrong. Still, this ta supposed to be > free eonntry, and Mr. Davie has a mnoh light as anybody else to “wreak his thoughts upon expression.” Tax Griffin News has these items: Wa are told that the boil worm haa made its appearance in thia eeotion of oonntry, bnt aa yet they have done very little damage. It ta thought that with a few days of hot dry weather tB>y will disappear. We also bear rumen of cater- pillar, bnt wa do not kno# the troth of this. They have never done gby harm in Middle Georgia, and might do some good by catting off the leaves and giving ootton a ehanoe to mat ore. A Waoxs on TH* Cotton Caop.—A gentle man ia this city ha* made a wager on the cot ton crop of 187S, of e suit of clothes valued one hundred and fifty dollan. and which his been taken up, ta follows: L That the shipment from Griffin for the ootton year oommeneing on the 1st of Septem her, will not bo 10 per oent. lees than that of the preceding year. 3. That tbe crop in Georgia for 1873 is not less that of 1672. 3. That the growing crop will exused four millions of bales. 4 That the orop of i S73 will exceed that of 1872. 6. That there ta a seventy acre field of eotton not a thousand miles from Grifflu, that will make forty bales. fcTBANo Ret rotor i Zzal —Wa have learned at one of toe colored chnrohcs a few miles from the city, at which a revival has been going on for soma time, that the zeal of the members has ran into fanaticism, or perhaps more pro perly speaking a wild, ungovernable excitement We are told that numbers of them etrip them selves, form a ring, march aronnd singing and shouting nntil they give wuy from sheer ex haustion. The wildest ent’uasiasm prevails, and the soenes are indescribable. A man who profesaea to hi-a beon intimate with yonng Tiohborne many ^ ears ago in Eng- land, and who asserts his ability to deolde whether tha claimant ta the genuine Tiohborne or not, baa unexpectedly been heard from at Springfield, Illinois. His name'ta John Grow ley, acd he is ssid to be a well-known veterinary snrgeon in the disiriet where be lives. He states that hia mother kept a hotel at Clogher, Ireland, and daring ths time Sir Boger wa 1 stationed with his regiment at Oahir barraoks he beoama quits intimate with the yonng barontt. A washzbwoman in Toledo reoentiy brought suit against a yonng man to reoover $1U 62 for services rendered. The case oame up before the oonrt, when the defendant put fortrrrd as an offset a bill (gains, the plaintiff for damage done to his feelings by tbe plaintiff having com pelled herdanghier to break off her engagement with him, whioh he assessed at $19 62. The plaintiff admitted the truth of the allegation, but demurred to the amount, but the court thought the olaim a good one, and dismissed, the case. Fostmasteb Pattzbscn, of Methuen, Mssia- chusetta, appointed last year at the instance of Batter, 1s original in bis method of resenting newspaper criticism. Mr. Charles E. Trow, editor of the Methnen Gazette, seats bundle of papers, postage paid, to be distributed through the mail, but hia agent was told that they could not pass through tbe post office. Mr. Trow went to ascertain the ressou, and was assaulted by the postmaster. Patterson was sentenced to pa; a flue of $20 and oosts, from which he appealed. The illness of John Graham, tha noiorious criminal lawyer of New York, ia said to be the result of overwork. He sometimes used to sleep only three or four hours out of the 24. He ta reported as saying that all New York eonld not induce him to take a fee for the pros ecution in any ciuo involving a charge of mnrder. It ie thought ho will be able to re sume hia work by October. The Yellow Fetes in Pensacola.—The Montgomery Advertiser contains a dispatch dated tbe 221, teem the acting Mayor of Fen aacols, which says: There have been fivo deaths in this city with in the last two wo.Icq supposed to be yellow fever. 1 have oonsnlted the leading physicians to day and they report tbe oity in a healthy con dition. We have at present a few sick cases from different ennses, but all are convalescent. Mrs. Bate Ferguson, the wife of a Cleveland printer, was frightened to death on Friday last. She waa walking on tbe street, followed by a small dog, when a dog killer, Beeing a chance to make a fee in his volition, timed the gun at the dog, which so frightened Mrs. Ferguson that she ran soreamirg home, waa seized with oonvnlFious, and died {a a short time. Chinaman no Stmkiz—Melican Man Sbtixsx. —Nonh Adame, ifati , 20 -The rumots that tbe Chinamen in the employ of Mr. Charles T. Sampson, tbe shoe macafsofarer, hid struck for higher wages, ta wholly unfounded. Mr. Sampson, says they are not on a strike, and have not been. The statement that Sabbath bool teachers, whom he h03 admitted to edu oate them, had inoited them to strike is pro- nonnosd to be without truth in any respect.' A New Yoke reporter, who had been hiding In the gallery at the Fulton street prayer- meetings for 18 days, was dragged ont and con verted the other day. After salvation was as sured him be ooLfeise-l that be had been on ths Ntw York press for 15 years, and yet bad only recently felt that he wss going to rule. Coal —New Y’ork Is on tbe rampage again abont high-prioed ooah It is selling at $7 50 and $8 50 against $5 50 and $6 a ton last year. These people are too restive. They don’t skeer worth a cent. Let them come down South and learn putienee cud.r the operation. SraacusEhaa orgin'xed herself into a Liger Beer Protective Association. Laser, no doubt, was in a very defenceless ooedition in Syra cuse, but whether the Association will restrict the number of mugs destroyed ta a question. Ths late Dr. Btorrs, of Massachusetts, preached eirty-two years from one pnlpit at an annual salary of $800, or for a leas sum ia the aggregate than President Grant receives in a single year. The hull of the British ship CoLfience, the flagship in the battle of Lake Champlain, ta being raised from the bottom of that lake near Whitehall. OaLironxiaNs are drying grapes into retains with emcees. One hnndred pounds of gripes worth a dollar will produce twenty pounds of raiaica worth $2 50. A Whcinszn mao has fonud that greea cran berries will cure the djspepus, and in cholera times tbe curse ie sudden. A Cnzcaou bank haa been deteoled manipu lating poker checks, and the directors have raised him. Moxet at the bank in Dallas, Texas, ia worth 33J per oent, and no trouble to let it onL The “tronble” manifests itself in abont ninety days. A nzwbboi in England was sent to prison for helping the sale of hia papers with the cry of “Sadden death of Mr. Gladstone.” Tsx Saratoga Springs hotels are now filled to their almost capacity. The receipts of some of them ran as high as $5,000 a day. The Duke of Edinburgh wifi ba married in January. The Tiohborne litigation bis coat to date over $500,000. DIED. Of eooceettan on the 14th instant, at tha reai- danca of liar paraota, Mr. arid Mis J. B. Wimberly, in Houston oonaty, little Lac aa Taavsa, aged four years end six months. “fibe dtad to Uve, for Jeeue died; t>he liras to die no mot*. Why weep foe one whose lean aie dried, For whom all death ia o'at} * in the traS at— the Bttls hoik Want dovft b$o$$th tb$ fou * In its fire* flight th* littto lark Soared to iu kindred hones " A BY TELEGRAPH OAT DISPATCHES. Flffbts wltk the Iidlatfe Mcsfell Shell Rtvtb. August 19, via Foet Bentos, Mora., August 23.—The abundance tbe preparations whioh the Yellowstone expedi tion made for ths reception of the Indians, has been fsily justified. Angnst 4th, General Cus- tar, with Bloody Knife and a squadron of oav- alry, had been detailed by General Stanley go on seven miles in advanee of tbe wagons and lock np the rood. Having gone about ten miles ahead they halted and pioketod their hones in a wood by the river to wait for the train. Two boon afterward six Indian! ap peared on the plain and made demonstrations toward the camp. Tha dismounted troops were formed in line and akirmtahen wets thrown ont and horses saddled. Tbe Indians ware easily driven off, bnt proved to be a decoy of a targe party in tbe neighboring woods waiting in ambush for the oavalry. Finding tbe rate had failed, the In dtana, to the nnmber of three hnndred, boldly rode out and advanoed on tha grove oeonpied by tbe oavalry. General Caster had only one squadron of eighty men, nnder the command of Captain Mayle. The men again dismounted and formed a skirmish line. The Indiana also dismounted, and formed a line in a semi-oirole around the oavalry, who had the river at their becks. Bapid firing waa kept np at a distance of four hundred yards. Gan. Cos tar deferred charging, hoping the main command wonld noon oome np and assist in capturing tha Indians. After at hours’ fight bta ammunition gave out and he then charged tbe Indiana, who precipitately retreated, dropping their equipments. After retreating several miles they took to the bad lands. One man was slightly wounded in tbe arm and one horse wounded, which formed the extent of Caster's loss. While the fight was going on, several Indians left the war party in Bench of stragglers Horn the train. Coming upon Dr. Hooainger, vete rinary surgeon, and Mr. Bolarin, oavalry sutler, who were less then n mile from Culnma, they killed them and took their clothes and val uables. Private John Bali, of the oavalry, while out hunting, met a similar fate. In this fight two Indians were killed sod several wounded. They loot several ponies General Stanley directed General Custer to take oavalry numbering fonr hnndred and fifty men, aud follow the trail, and if possible, over take and punish the Indiana. General Oastar left on the night of the 8th. On the morning of AngU9t 11th, at daylight, he was attacked by abont eight hnndred In dians, who oame down to the river and fired on hia oamp. The firing waa returned for two or three hours, both parties using treoa as a oover. A party of three hundred Indiana then oroased the river above and below tne camp and en deavored to gain the bluffs in tbe retr. The men dismounted, and posted on the bluffs, reoeived them bravely. The Indians behind ridges kept np a galling fire nutil Oastar ordered a oharge. The men then mounted and pursued them hotly for eight miles. Just at this time a train oame np a:d opened on the Indians across the river vritli artillery. A few shots dispersed them and ended the fight. This battle, which took plaoe within two miles of Bighorn, waa a fierce one. Oastar and Adjutant Ketoham bad their horaea shot under tnem. Lientent Broden was badly shot in tha thigh; private Tattle, General Oustar’a orderly, w.s killed, aud twenty soldi' ra slightly wounded. Four horses were killed and three wounded. Tbe Indian loss is estimated at forty killed and wonnded. TUe Indians wore well armed w fh heavy rifles, aud abundant ammunition, borne of them were dressed in clothes procured at the agency. These were mainly Unoapahas sup- poaed to be under tbe oommand of S : ting Boll. Also supposed to have reoeived the .* supplies from Fort Feck on the Missouri. The expedition arrived at Pompey’i Pillar on the 15th, and reached Mussel Shell, 150 miles from Fort Beaton, ou the 19th, at I is now homeward bonnd. Geo. Stanley expects to reach Fort Bioe by the 1st of October. Tbe health of tha commend ta good. Lieutenant Broden ia getting on well. Great Fire at Belfast, Main , Belfast, Maine, Angnst 25 —A r. e oom- menoed in Dennett’s sail loft, north ol It. Sib ley i & Bros’, wharf, and spread with fearful rapidity along the wharves as far as Carter’s ship yard and the marine railway— oroasing Union street and extending to High street, consuming all the buildings in a southeasterly oourse aa far os the house of E. K. Boyle on High street, where the lire was stopped. Over a hnndred and-twenty-five buildings were des troyed—mostly of wood. Loss half a million. ' Hallway Accident. Whexlino, Angnst 25.—The spreading of the traek near Cameron oaused an acoident. The engine and baggage, express and one emigrant oar were thrown down a twenty foot embank ment Three German emigrants were fatally Injured aud 15 or 20 wounded. Tbe Germans, thinking the engineer and conductor Intended to kill them, drove them off with stones. The express train arrived thortly after when all possible assistance was rendered. The Grangers Shipping. New Y'oek, Angnst 25.—Tbe Bendering Com pany’s boat was seized by the Beard of Health and bnrned. It ta stated that 19 oar loads hipped by the Granges to Toledo realized ten to twenty per oent above the usual profit. En couraged by thia the Grangers o ill for more oars aod propose ereoting elevators of their own. Loon ton Iron Forks Bnrned. oharred bones were found this a. ji. The Froth- ingham House was the oldest two-story frame building on the oonticeut. It was builtabont a century ago. Fatal Fall of a Brldee. Kibkwood, Del., August 25.—A trestle work bridge in progress over the Chesapeake and Delaware canal break on the Delaware rail road, fell at 10 o’olook to-day, killing ono work man and injuring two oihetB. Losses by tho Eaton Fire. Cincinnati, August 25 —Among the losses by the fire at Eaton, was a three story brick building, owned by the Odd Fellows and occu pied by the First National Bank, tho post offlse acd the Eaton Begiater. Another Bank Defalcation. Albany, N. Y-, August 25.—A forty thousand dollar defalcation has been confessed hr the teller of the National Albany Eiohange Bank. His bonds oover the amonct. Synopsis Weather Slatsment Waa Dxf’t, Omos Chief Signal Offices, Washington, Angnst 25. Probabilities: For New England and the Middle Atlantic States, light sontheast to south west winds, with lnoreasing oioudiness and light rain; for the South Atlautio and Gnlf States, partly cloudy weather, high temperature, light variable winds and possibly threatening weath er for the ooast; for the lake regions, northw esterly to southerly winds, cloudy weather and rain during the night; for the Ohio Valley and westward, and the Missouri,Valley, light to fresh sontheaBt to sonthwest winds, with continued high temperature and areas of rain. HIDNIUHT DISrATCHK*. Mobbistown, N. J., August 25 —A portion tba mills of the Boonton Iron Works, Boon- ton, N. J., destroyed by fire. Loss $250,000. The mills have been suspended since the first July, and the fire is believed to the work of an incendiary. A thousand kegs of nails were burned. Outraged aud MnrderetJ. Louisville, August 25.—George Mtngram was arrested, obarged with outraging and mur dering Caroline Lee, whose body waa disin terred and shows palpable signs of outrage. Tbe relatives of the woman wanted to kill Mm- gram at once. Political IsrtDMta lu Sew Tork. New Y’obx, August 25.—The Liberal Bepub- lican State Executive Committee, through their chairman, John Cochran, have sent an invita tion to the Demoeratio Btata Committee to unite calling a State Convention of those opposed the present administration. ualeln Hew Brunswick. St. Johns, N B., August 25.—A heavy north westerly gale has blown ainoe morning. Dam age is apprehended on land and sea. Death or Rev. John Todd. Pittsfield, Mass., August 25 —Bev. John Todd, pastor of the First Congregational church, is dead—aged 73. Death or ■ Railroad Man. Cincinnati, Angnst 25.—Frederick Lord, a well known railroad man is dead. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Farther from ibe Belfast Fire. Belfast, Me., August 25.—The losses from the fire thus far ascertained will reach about $400,000, on whioh there waa an insuranoe of $115,000 divided among various Eastern com painies and the Liverpool, London and Globe and North British and Mercantile. Only one vessel in the stocks was burned—a brig of 500 tons burthen about framed—loss $5,000, on whioh there waa no insurance. Large quanti ties of coal, lumber, oorn, anger and molasses were destroyed. Tbe origin of the fire ia nn- inown. It commenced :n a building where there had been no fire for ceTeral days. In answer to inquiries whether aid is needed the Mayor hts telegraphed: “Belfast will scoept with gratitode whatever pecuniary aid that may offerei" Sale wf Gold. New Yolk, August 25.—The tub-Treasurer paid ont to day $1,100,000 on aecouot of the September interest. The Italian Padre Trial. The cue of the Italian padre, Motts, was continued to-day. Mrs. McQxsds testified that aha had known the boy, Joseph, two years, and knew him u the aon of Yioenxo Poecennello, who, on Satarday, testified thit he wu Joseph’s father. Joseph wu in tbe habit of playing with her children. Joseph admitted knowing Mrs. McQuade and her children. Two children Mrs. McQuade fully oorroberated her testi mony. Commissioner Osborne said be hid heard enough. The testimony of the children was conclusive. The Assistant District Attorney asked an ad journment until to-morrow to obtain farther testimony. He behoved that of Mrs. McQuade (alee. Tbe sate waa adjourned to noon to-morrow. A Confidence Has Come lo Grief. In the case of JoJitu Paradise, aged nineteen, -ho wu arrested at tne suit of J. W. Chisholm, the charge of haring conspired with others, and by frandolent representations, obtained from him four hundred dollars worth of goods, Judge Daniels decided that, being a minor, did not entitle bim to defraud and deceive; that wu rmpooaible tor bis sol ■ till Another. An aeoidect occurred on the Sontheide Bail- road, Luog Ireland, tale moaning, between Free port ud Babylon. Tha thru last can of tha second ■nnnlngTn*—luta from Fatoh- ogne, jam pad tho trank and rallad over aad Only aboot twenty passenger* ware in tba oars, mostly women and ohUdren, all of whom are, more or less, cut end injured. One child is supposed to be injured fatally. Tbe cause of the accident ta attributed to rotten rails and aleepera. A Father (Hay* His Ron. In the ease of Miobael 0. Broderick, who is the alleged murderer of his son early Friday morning, by stabbing him twice in ’.bo heart, the ooroner’s jury rendered a verdi Jt to the effect that the stabbing was done in self- defence. WaiStnaten Notes Washington, August 25.—The President re turns on Wednesday for one day. The Treasury expenditures by warrants for the quarter ending June 30:b, were over $77,- 500,0C0. Matt A. B. Gardner has beta assigned as Judge Advocate General to ths Department of the Booth. Attorney General Williams wilt be absent ten days. Gen. Phillips ao!s ail interim. Appointment — Warren J. Lurry, United States Attorney for the Western District of Virginia, Terrific Kxploslou. Fittsbuxo, Fa., August 25.—An explosion oocorred abont 5 o’olcok this morning at the Amerioin Iron Works of Jones <fb Lxughlin, in south Pittsburg, the report being heard for miles aronnd, arousing the most intenu ex citement. Tne boiler wu torn into fragments, and a targe pieoe went crashing through the warebonse and a railway oar standing near the bniidieg, and fell on the bank of the nver fnliy 1,250 feet distant. No one wu injured, u tbe explosion occurred before the men had com menced woik. Died of Hie Injuries. Coioaou, Angnst 26 —Anton Fiukeii. Myer, injured by the collision on the Chicago and Alton Bailroad, died yesterday. Cbnnge of Bnllroail Tariff It is understood that the Bailroad and Waro- hunse Commissioners have fixed the passenger tariff on first 0la9S railroad i in this State St three oents per mile. Among the roads that aro classified are the Chicago and Alton, tha Chi cago, Burlington and Quincy, tha Toledo, Wabash and Western, and Bock Island and the Northwestern, over which the present rate of fare ta abont fonr cents per mile. Tbe Itciraat Fire. ‘ Belfast, Me , Angnst 25.—B. Sibley A Co., importers of mclasses, lose heavily. The saddest incident of the fire was the death of Mrs. Bebecca Frentts*, a well known lady, aged 80, who perished in tbe Frothinghsm House, where she resided. She wu either be wildered by the smoke or fell in a fit. A few SOUTH MACON DRUG STORE! Prescription Department. I b&vo secured the eerricea of HR. R.U. HOPKINS FROM LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, W HO will lure charge of my prescription de partment. Mr. H. cornee highly recom mended *e an experienced and careful ph&rmacntiet and by promptneea and attention to busin 3e», be will commend himeelf to the pitronege of tbe citi zens of 8ooth Macon. My prescription department has been etirelv reorganized and supplied with a fresh stock cf drugs and medicines. S. D. EVERETT, Druggist, jnlyl8ood3m Fourth itreet* nezrAroh Notice to Contractors. W ILL be let, to the lowest bidder, before the Court-house door, on SATURDAY, the 23d instant, At 11 o’clock a. m., the bailing of a bridge Across Rocky Greek, At R'iiey’s Mill FIad And epecidcAtions to be teen At the offioe of the Board of Gommiationera, at the Court-house. By order of tbe Board. A. B. ROSS. Clerk. An gnat 1.% 1373. augl7eodlda SCHOOL WANTED. A GRADUATE of Mercer University, who haa aome experience in teaching, wants a school inaomeKood neighborhood. He ia competent to prepare boys for college or for bueinees. Refer ence to the Faculty of Moroer IJniveraity. Addrees at once, POST OFFIOE BOX 426. iug23 Stawlf. Macon, Oa. PLANTERS’ HOTEL Oppoaite Hoff’s New Building, Cherry Street, between Third and Fourth Bf ACON, GEOR&IA. T HI5 well-known house being now suitably fitted up. the undersigned is prepared to ac commodate Boarders—Permanent, Transient and Day. Guests will receive beat attention, and the Table ruppliei with the finest the market afforda. J uly30tf J. H. BREMER Auo.her Sarions Railroad Accident. Mabshall, Texas, August 2* r ».—Last night, about 7 o’clock, a construction train, l&den with tiea, forwarded by Dewy & Co., Penitentiary lessees, ran off the track a mile and half west of Ol&dewftter Station, throwing seven oafs down an embankment, killing tho conductor, Mr. Kendall, of Gouncil Bluffs, Jowa, and seriously injaring many others. The following are the names of tho wounded, i far aa Ascertained: J. J. Kelly, guard, cut all over; Wm. Price, guard, shot Iu the thigh by a gun which exploded; James Smith, thigh broken; a brakeman, legs broken; McD. Sar. ge&nt, foreman, head slightly hurt, and nine convicts, whose names aro unknown. The wounded weie all brought to tbii city. It ia reported that the aoo'dsnt was caused by an ox jumping on the track m front of the train. Matters in Arkansas. Little Rock, Anguat 25.—Gen. Bishop has jaat returned from Perry oonnty. He reports that Morse is now iu FerryviUo with about 30 men. Gen. Bithop made a speech to tbe peo ple, telling .hem itm Hawhngbt, the sheriff, ahould make a'l tbo arrests. Wnilo speaking, however, the hhenif lefc tne crowd and waa Been no more. The people aro very well disposed, if the Bhenff should only d j hia duty. The General recommends the organization of tbe militia in that oounty and to~night, the Governor com missioned officers for three companies. No trouble ia apprehended. Ma%aactiaset(H Politics. Boston, August 25.—-TheHamilton Hall oom- ‘tteo, of whioh Hon. E R. Hoar is chairman, will, to-morrow, publish au address to the Re publicans of Ala£s&chU3ett3, urging upon them the importance of attending the primary meet” irg to be called to choose delegates to tbe titate Cuavootion; of eccaring, through them, an honest representation cf ihe R°publican benti- ment of tbe Gomiuona ealtb. Tne address will support Washbnrne for re- election acd denounce the course of Bailer. TbeSont!i*sicl8 RatJro cI Accident. New Took, August 25.—About fifty persons* large proportion beieg women and ohildren / were in the cars overturned on the South-Side Railroad this morniog, moat of wbcvm were more less braised. Oaly one qaild is believed to have been fatally iojarod. Mnrder. Post Jkevij. N. Y.—Valentine Hoechst, a saloon keept-r. shot aud instantly kilted a boat- mun, namrd Oornagm, thia afternoon. Cor- nagan w».s intoxicated, and threw stones through the wiDdovs of tho saloon. Hoeobst was arrested. FRESH ARRIVALS New Catch Mackerel, barrel* ani half-barrels. 300 Ca$es, quart and pint. Pickles* fresh packed and at reduced prices. 100 Cases u White Rock M Potaah. 100 Boxen Wrapped Soap. JAQUZS & JOHNSON’S. &Ug?4 eodtf Bax i^,ow iioutjE, auEU'ltD. rii wit i.v Jones & iu, i’ioi”itton. in rimt elds* ait4 tf. baaint-fca center. Eoard j*«r d.j 42 LudgUeg oi cseaLs 50 da. m&>9 5m K0BT. A. NISBET, -A.ttorn.ey at 1 aw Comer MULBERBY ST. end OOTTON AYE. (Over Payne'a Dru^ Store,) Iunal4d3m MACON. 04. DOMINO BALL. mHEBE will be & Domino Ball at the McIntosh flocee. Indian Spring, on TUESDAY, Au gust 26th, I8i3. All are invited to attend. B. W. COLLIER, Agent. aug!9td Proprietor. 1)R. J. EMMETT B LICKS HEAR, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN Office, No 2 Ootton avenue (up stairs,) next door to Mr. Pajne’s Drug Store, residence, Walnut btreet, (above Spring.) SlcBur- Dey’s tenement building, Macon, Ga. decl lawtf FOR RENT. TORE-HOUSE recently occupied by Johnson A Smith, in the Planters* Warehouse. Poa- seaaion given immediately. Also, one four-rocm DWELLING and six two- room HOUSED. Apply to ■ugQeodlm g. T. JOHNSON. WHISENAWT’S Caterpillar Destroyer Royalty Removed! ■yjyK will sell the Whiaanant’a Caterpillar l)e strojcr to aay who wish to nsa it at seven and a half costs a pound, advising tho uto of twenty pounds to the acre. This compound wo have no hesitation iu recommending as the most effectual, and of little or no injary to tho plant. This price is about as cheap aa any farmer can prepare it—to say nothing of the bad r€ suits whioh may follow theuso of such poisonous compounds when not properly or perfectly mixed. To place it in ths reach of all the owner of the patent has waived tho royalty. ** Albi&y, Ga., August 1, 1873. u Tha Whiaenant compound haa been experi mented with by a good many of our planters, and very thoroughly. It h*3 answered every expecta tion, and wiihout mjury to tho plant when applied as directed. “ N. A A F. TIFT A CO.” Our terms are o&*h or approved acceptance Addrees all orders to HUNT, KAMUN & LAMAR, JuneI5eodAw6m Druggiata, Macon, Qa. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE T HE under#iraed offer* for sale hia propeity in tbe western range of city lots of Macon, containing in all two acree. fronting on College and Orange etreete, at tbe terminus of Walnut street, which he will divide into lots to auit pur chasers. embracing the residence where he now liTee On the place ia a beautiful flower yard, a oboiee variety of fruit trees, and as good, if not tbe beet well of vater in tbe city. Terms easy to nny one wiebing to purchase. For other informatioc, apply to the subscriber. aug!6 2w JAMES MADISON JONES. DE. WEIGHT, DENTIST JJAri removed to Boardm&na Block, over Pen dleton A Kota’, corner Mulberry aud Becond eta., Macon. G*. octIBIy MEDICAL CARD. F ROM this date DR. WM. R. BUBGE88 may be found, day aud night, at bia office over Rankin, Maaeenburg A Co.’s Diug t tore, coiner Mulberry and Third btreeta. Macon. April 28, 1873. od4pr28ea FOR SALE CHEAP. N half-acre lot with a six-room dwelling, kitch . en, outbouaea, etc ,bitaated on S#eomJ street between Oxk aud Aren. I* within a f<;w minutet wilk cf the business put cf the city, depot and workshops, and haa proven to be a healthy place. Apply to D. D. CRAIG. acglOeodtf H. A. BIQKBL-*. GRIEB HOUSE FORSYTH, GA, G. GRZEB, the propiator, haa reduced the _ rates of board to $2 per day for the benefit travel era and parties going to tbe Indian Spring. After the first of September the o>uai rates wilJ be resumed. ‘aogSeodtf BATCHELOR’S Hath D YE rpBIS ipleoiM liter Dye it the best in the wosld The only Tree and Perfect Dye. Harmless, Bteiable end Instantaneous; no disappointment; ridicnloai tints or unpleasant odor. Vemo&ea i ill efforts of bad dyne and washes. Produce. IwMxnxATKLT a superb Black or hatnrte Brown, and leaves the hair Glean, soft and BwotifnL The ■eonino signed W. A. Betrhelot. Sold by ell Dror- •ta CHA8. BA.TOHELOB, mvO Iy Proprietor, New Xork- FOR RENT. F ROM the 1st of October next tbe following property, belonging to th« estate cf Mrs. Jane Rogers, deceased: Tbe eight-room house on Oglethorpe street where Mre. Rogers formerly lived. Two fire-room dwelling houses on Oglethorpe; one new occupied by Dr. T. W. Mason, and one by SoL K. Job noc-u. One Btorehome oh corner of Oglethorpe and Third streets, opposite Findlay iron works. Three five-room dwelling houses on Third street, opposite Findlay’s iron works. One storehouse on tbe corner of Arch and Third atreets, now oocupied by ti. M. Be Ur. Also a number of other small houses. For terms of rent, etc., inqaire cf FREER HARRIS, *APg2i dlw sotu3w Executor. Lucy Cobb Institute, ATHENS, GA. MRS. A. E. WRIGHT, Principal. T HE Fourteenth Annual Beecion will commence on tbe 10th d«y of beptmber, 1873, with a fail corps of Teachers. P. C. SAWYER’S ECLIPSE COTTON GIN (patented IU" 26, 1873.) With Adjustable Bali Box and Swlagtaf Front, for Ginning Damp, Wet ur Dry Ootton. Also, the Ce’.fbritod Griswold Gin, Genuine Fattom, with the OecIUating or Water Bax. Manufactured by P. C, SAWYER, Macon, Georgia. Terms Per Year. ...*20 00 ... 40 0U ... 60 00 :0 00 Primary Department Academic Department, Latin it.eluded. Collegiate Dtpartment, M “ Board per month For farther information apply to tho^rm or to JOHN H. NEWTON, Preeidoat Board of Trusters. Lawaa Cobb, Beoraur^ aug3enAwe44w G EORGIA, bibb OODNTY.—Notice ia hereby given that my wife, Lcntae B. Green, has . my foil permission to do business on her own eo- t count ta a free trad a r- ang8 lawiw JAHX3 W. GBXKN. This Gin Toot Three Preminis Last Year. , THE SAWYER ECLIP3E COTTON GIN with its improvomoL'A, has won its way, upon its own mer its, to tho v.>ry first rank of popular favor. It stands to-dny without a competitor in all the points and q lalities desirable or attainable in a PERFEOr UOTTON GIN. Onr Portable or Adjustable Roll Box places it in the power of every planter to regulate the pickiug of tno seed to auit himself, and is the nnlv ono made that does. Properly managed. SAWYER’S KOLIPrfE GIN will maintain the full natural length of the etaplo, and be made to do as rapid worn as any maohina in nae. ihe old GRI8WOLD GIN—a genuine pattern— furnished to order, whenever de&ired. Three premiums were takou by SAWYERS ECLIPSE GIN last year, over all competitors, vi*: Two at the Southeast Alabama and Southwest Georgia Fair, at Eufaula—one a silver cup, the other a diploma. Also, tbe first premium at the Fair at Goldsboro’, North Carolina. ivjew emvs Will bo delivered on board tho csra at tho follow ing prices: Thirty-five Saws 913160 Forty Saws........ 160 00 Forty-five Saws ' 168 76 Fifty Sews J87 60 Sixty Saws 225 CO BeventySaws "62 60 Eighty Baws 230 00 To prevent delay, orders and old gins should be aent in immediately. Time given to responsible parties. YOLUNTARE TESTIMONIALS! Are furnished from various sections of tho ootton growing States, of the character following: Locust Grove, Ga., October 30,1872. Mr. P. 0. Rawyeb, Macon, Ga. Dear Sir—Enclosed find draft on Griffin Banking Company for $150, as paymont for car gin, with which we are well pleased. Yours truly. H. T. DICKIN A SON. The above letter enclosed Ihe following testimo nial, addressed to Mr. Sawyer, viz: Locust Grove, Oa , October 30, 1872. We. tbe undersigned planters, have witnessed the operation of one of yonr Eclipse Cotton Gini*, which we think superior to any other gin we havo ever seen used It leaves the seed perfeotly dean, and at the same time tnms out a beautiful sample, etc. H. T. DICKIN A HON, E. ALEX CLEAVE LAND, M. L. HARRIS. Mr. Daniel P. Ferguson, of Jonesboro, Ga., writes nnder date of October 10,1872. as follows; I have your gin luntlng. • • 9 I can eay it is the beat that I ever eaw run. It cleans the sred >erfeatly I have been raided in a gin honae, am! [ believe I know all about wh*t should be exported in a first-class Cotton Gin. I can gin five hundred pounds of lint inside of sixtv minutes. The firs' t*t> bales ginned weighed 1100 pounds, from 3010 pounds seod cotton, bagging aud ties included. Ibwintox, Oa., Ootober7,1872. Mr. P. 0. Sawyer—Dear Sir: Tho Cotton Gin we got from you, we are pleased to say, meets onr fullest expectations, and does all yoti promised i ’ should do. We have ginned one hundred aud *ix- t-een bales on it, aud it ha* nrver choked nor inc ten the roll. It picks the soed clean and zu*k?* good lint. We havo had considerable experience with various kinds of ootton gins, and oan, with safety, aay yours is the best we have ever seen run. THOMAS HOOKS, ELIJAH LINGO. Colonel Nathan H&ss, of Rome. Ga., says he h&4 used Griswold’*, Massey’s snd Taylor's Gins, au.1 that he is now running a D. Pratt Gin in Loa coun ty, Ga , ami an Eagle and a Carver Gin in Arkan sas, and a “Sawyer Eclipse Gin” in Rom ?, Oa . am! regards the last named as superior to any of thr> others. It picks vaster and cleimer than fny other gin with which he is acquainted, says be haa ginned eighty-eix bales with it without break ing the roll. Bullard’s Station, M. A li R. If. January 20, 187ft. Mr. P. O. Sawyer, Macon, Ga —Dear Sir—Tho Cotton Gin you repaired for me. with your im - proved box. gives perfect H&tisfaction, end I tako very great pleasure in recommending your gins t * the public. W. O’DANIEL, M. I). Dr J. W. Summers, of Orangfburg. H. C., a rites: All your Gin* sold by me this s'-a^on are doing w#*ll and giving entire satisfaction. I will be able to t ell great many next season. J. O. Staley, of Fort Valley, writes. “Yonr Gin i* tbe only Gin I ever saw that anyb'xiy could fsed I have heretofore been compelled to employ a feeder for ginning, but with your gin a child can feed it and it will never br«&k the roll. It gfes both clean and fast and makes beauti r ul lint " Messrs. Childs, Nickerson A Co-, of Athens Ga., write: “All the Sawyer Gio« *old by us ai giving satisfaction. We will bo able to sell a nuui ber of them the coming sessou.” Cochran, Ga., J*r.naiy 7, 1ST? Mr. P. C. Sawyer. Maocn, G»-: Sir—The Ootton Gin we bought of you Jaat e ih after a fair trial, has given us satisfaction. lc- makes good lint and c‘eans the seed well. Yours respectfoliy, T. J. ft B. ti. LEE. And made as goou as new at the following low figures; New Improved Riba coc. ear Boll Box $10 00 oteb Head and Bottom Pieces 1 50 oach Babbitt Boxes l 50 each New Saws, per set 1 CO each Repairing Brneb $3 CC^$15 00 New Bruah 25 0C Painting Gin 6 CO Can furnish 94 different patterns of iibe to (he trade at 20 cents each, at short notice. p. c. SAWYER,