The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 26, 1873, Image 2

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TO AND FROM or AMPLE BTOIUQE. Will fill order* for Corn from point* in Illinois, making porch*** aootrpung through Bill of from shipping point*. aprtS 6m B. O. Funio is. W. W. FiAniOAi • B. 8. Mcmoi*. FLAHHAGAN, ABELL A CO., COTTON FACTORS AID — General Commission Merchants, 186 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. M ANAGING agenta for the English btunewoll Fertiliser. etc. Bagging and Tie* famished. — Bagging and Tie* famished, ana liberal eaah advance* made an consignments for sale ia Savannah. or on shipments to oar cor respondents in Northern, Easter or European markets augl 0m A. M. Sloan. Arthur N- Bollee. General Commission Merchants, Olagborn a Cunningham'a Huge, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. T>AOGING ud Tiet advanced on drop*. Liberal FLOUR BACON JL) ctsh advanoea made on consignments for sale in Barannah, or on shipments to reliable cone#- poudente in Liverpool, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, or Baltimore.aogl gtt W, Danoan. J. H. Johnston. M. Maclean DUNCAN, JOHNSTON A CO., COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants, 92 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. CHILLS AND FEVER, SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR la harmless, Is no draatic, violent medicine, Ta sure to cure if taken regularly, la no intoxicating beverage. In a faultless family medicine, Is the cheapest medicine In tbe world, Is given frith safety and tbe happiest jo* the most delicate Infant, roes sot interfere with business, Doe* not disarrange the system. Tike* the place o! Quinine and Bitters o kind, Contain* the simplest and beat remedies. JOHN FLANNERY. L. J. GUILMARTIN. L. J. GUILMARTIN & OO. COTTON FACTORS General Commission Merchants, BAY BTREET, SAVANNAH. GA. A GENTS for Bradley’s Super Phosphate ot Lime, Jewell's Hill, Yams and Lome,tics, eio Bagging, Bop 0 and Iron Tie, always on band. Banal facilities extended to cuitomere. We Q, MOB MIS- 8« V* BKID. MORRIS Sc REID. Provision and Tobacco Brokers, Boom No. A College Banding, oorner Fourth and Walnut etreeta, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Refer to W. A Huff. ■ mayllSm Ie manufactured only by J. EL. ZEILIN SC CO.. MACON, QA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price 41 CO per p&cktgo; also, prepared ready for nee in bottlse, $100. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. of all Counterfeit* and Imltalione. Represented by A W. Hogan, of Oeorgl. netaOdlT PERNONAX. It may be observed that no attempt la made to ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS. hunt np ont of-the-way. or unknown places. to find names to indorse SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULA TOR. Hon. Alexander H. Btopliens. Jno. W. Peek with. Biahup of Ga. Bail from Pier 20, North River, New York. EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. j» „ The passenger aoccm- — />. r modationa on steamers of L this line are unsurpassed for elegauoe and comfort. Cabin state rooms axe all on G PF >er deck, thus so- _*! 11,'jp curing good light and ven tilation. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, OB LONDONDERRY. Sat Steamers. Wed. Steamers. Gold. Currency. Cabins $75 and $63. $7i and $65. General Jno B. Gordon. Hon. Jno Gill Shorter cx-Governor of Ala. Rev David Willis, D. D., President Oglethorpe Hon. James Jackson (firm Howell Cobb A Jamos Jackson). Attorney at Law, Macon, Ga. Jno. B. Cobb* B. L. Mott, Coiambus, Ga. Yellow Feykh! Yellow Fetes ! Wazax is vn* antidoie ? Reader, you will find it in tbe For passage apply to - * " " ° ‘ HENDERSON BROTHERS, )r to 7 Bowling Green, N- Y. T. H Hexdebbon, Agent, Macon, Ga mayllSm ’T RUNS TWENTY-FIVE PEN CENT. LIGHTER than any other Gear made. It Is mad< . ... Every part bolted to iron. Oyer twenty in use. . . mortise, tenon, or a key to wjrk loose, proven good. Ofiioe, Ne. 14 West Main Street, between First and « Second. Cash paid for Tallow, Lard and Grease. apr25 6m (LANTER8 are requested to call aronnd and *>ea it. In ia not Decenary that yon buy more thin one power to run your gin a lifetime. Many bay horse powers and r ave to buy a gin gear next jut Tku if published on Wednesday a and Satur days, at $4 per annum—$2 for six months. We earnestly recommend this editio n to readers at all points who re ceive mails two or three times a week. It is a p aper containing few advertisements and 'full with fresh and entertaining mat ter ij i great variety. IN QUANTITIES TO 8UIT T HE BECKWITH 420 PORTABLE FAMILY SEWING Machine on no day.’trial; muy advantages overall. Satisfaction guaranteed, or f JU refnndod. Sent oimpjete, with fall directions. Beckwith dewing MachioeOo., 862 Broadway, N. X. T HE NEW ELASTIC THUS <• An important In vention. It retains the Rapture at all times, and uadar the hardest exercise or severest strain. It ia worn with oomfort, end if kept on night and farmebs and merchants day, effects s permanent cure in a tew week*. Bold cheap, and sent by mail when requested. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to tbe Elastic Trass Oo.. No. 663 Broadway, N. Y. city. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trust**. too painful; tbs* slip off too freqgently.may yieodAeowly Gall and see at my Works, Fourth street, near the Brown House, Macon, Ga. Convention of Ex-Cadets tv* Bead for Oiraularf. The Daily Tklegmaph and Memex- oek ia published six mornings in the week st Ten Dollars a year—$5 for six months—92 50 for three months, or 91 per month. A. B. SMALL No. 10 Hollingsworth Block. GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. July27tf Valuable Plantation FOR SALRI. T HE “BLOOM PLACE,”containing 17Macres. Situated on Tobesofkee Greek, oniy fire mile, from Maeon, with dweUing aad all Meeasaiy negro cabins. good gin-boose and eerew. Will be for sale GEOBGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Are invited to meet Convention, at Atlanta, on the first dsy of September next. Tho Central, Macon acd Brunswick, Macon and Western. Atlantic and Western, West Point and Atlanta, and Georgia Railroads will pass members of the Convention for one fare to and from tbs Convention. Let every ax-Cadet who loves the memories th&t cluster around his A'.xaa Mater, and who cherishes a hope of ao<Lng her resurrected from the ashes in which Sherman buried her, oome to this Con vention. ESTABLISHED A. D« 1805, Specially Reinsured with the FACTORS’ & TRADERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY —ANDTHE— Louisiana mutual Insurance Company, AT.Ti OF NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. until October 1st. Time will be given on part of ptuebsee money. For terms, etc., apply to anglOtilsepl BOBT. A. N18BET. Macon. Ga. In the "Weekly ore one dollar for each 1 publication of one inch or lesa. In the Duly, one dollar per eight text lines first publication and fifty cents for gebeequent one*. Contracts tor advertising made on reasonablu term*—circulation of the paper considered. IRON AND BRASS WORKS, JOHN MILLEDGE, President cf the ex-Oedet Association. Jnly30-tile*pl Losses Adjusted With Liberality and Paid Promptly. TXTHISENAirrS COTTON CATERPILLAR VV DESTROYER ie the only caterpillar de utroytr paterttd All parties are warned against any infringement upon my ngats. Arsenic, Pen* Green. Licie and Flour are u*ad in tbe compound patented by me- Any party or ptrties using or veiling any oo a. pound oqp twining any two of lb* above ingredients, or containing subatantia'iv vtut •* r bed upon by me in my oompound for de- stroyi K tbe oouon caterpillar, is infringing upon my rights, and will be proseemed In the Umt*d State* Coart for so dot eg GKEJLN F. WHISK *8ANT. Patentee, iug!9 lw* Cbaoel Hill. T»xaa. WM. E. TANNER ds CO, JAMES H. LOW. (Forxetly of Wood A Low, tod Ute President La. Equitable Life Inaunsoe Oo. of N. O.) Manager Southern Department. Office No. 10 Whitehall street, Jamee’ Bank Block. P. O. Box 106, ATLANTA, QA. 8. M. FABBAB IH.L BACKUS, Beeident Agenta. Offioe, Planter*' Banking Company. H. R. BROWN, MACON BOARD OF REFERENCE. (By PermlMion.) A Nutting, President City B. M. Boranore, of Adams A Basesore. K. Jones, President Central Bank- J obn O. Oord, of Oarbart A . 0. Plant, President First National Bank. B. L. Willingham, of Lawton A WOlingbam. J. Lawton. President Planters' Banking Oo. 1 8. Waxslbanm,of Wawlbenm ABro. Q. Pm»p President *»**»«p lUnk I J W Burke, of J. W. Burke A Oo. a Holt. President Southwestern Baflread Oo. I J- H Ram, of Roes A Oplematt. W. Oabbedge, of Oabbedgs. Haslehsrst A Oo. Joseph Daimenbnrg, ol.bumbaaxa A Dsnneobcrg. H. Plant, of L a Plant A Boo. i ^227^ oaass fTirtlemsii, of Herd—in A fcstta. ^**11 Tboma^O- D « a P* t T- aiCLlNAVt- WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER New Boarding House. O H THE FIBST OF AUQU8T I «fli open the House oo Mulberry street, opposite the La nier Hones, (Granite Hail) formerly kept by N. BMmwt Board 446 per mcoth. and the table eupiis* with the hem the maefcat afferda Moomm naobaImdattharvithar wtthoatfumture. angaim | K. M. BBOWN, Agtoi. Dried Penehes! Dried Peachoe el'.graph & Messenger. TUESDA Y MOBNINO, ACOrsi IC, 1873. BY TELEGRAPH. The MenmboM Cauwlrapbe. Minphu, Aopn^t 24 —Tbe Metmer Julia ar rival Left* 11 o’clock to-d*y, bringing most of (he Mirvivori* of tbe ilbfsted George Wolf. Among tb^m ia CaptAin Henry H Car* ter. fcrr coil mender, who was oomuleraMy browed ab .at the bead, and had hie left leg also bftrily brained. Captwin Carter ataten that a •.hort t:rno l^efore Ihe ixpJonioD he had gone to b:a room to takn a nap. iPatviDg tbe mate on the «a’o>\ and th<* firnt bo koew of tbe accident was that bo tv. t himtslf Uto<t into tbe air with a msvero ►Lock, and fell with the debris on the lower deok. Asboou as ho could extricate him** pelf be glanced and aaw that the forward part of tbe catdn and texts had been blown away aft ot the h l lerv, and that come of tbo timbers bad taken fire. Hi* first thought wan to extinguish tho tliruen, vLicb, by the aid of a few others and a neavy rain which wan falling at tbe time, be tueot eded m doing. Meantime one of tbe crew, who Lad been bnt ►lightly injared, feeing that tbe wreck bad drifted near abore, jumped ent with a line and made fast, when it wa* found that tbe boat hid t>c«n but little injured, except as already atated Aa fcocn a« tbo fire was rzttngnihhed every thing poaaiblo waa done to relieve the anffcreip. Tbe ciptain state* that ►ho had only ten or twolve oabio pissengcri*, only one of whom was lost—Nelboo, a piano-inner, aged abort sixty years. Owing to tho condition of Widen, the clerk, who wa» severely bernod about the chest and throat, it w&a impossible to obtain al:st of the n«*«ec£ere from him and tho bocks wire &U lost. Mrs JUbecoi Cohen, of Jefferson. Tens, who wbonaiaoc. mptmedbyhercoatio W. So'omons of P r «, Texas, states she was on the forward gaord cf i be boat and owing to tbo c - verity of t be atorm which vd raging remarked, let's go into tie oabio, and jnat aa &ho ro^c, tbo explosion nccnritd and ahe wa* blown into tbe river whfre. rtoeir^ a man near, the gm-ped him by the v.ict and bo told her to citch Lis left arm or ►ho w.uld drown both; which abo did and ►eon after a spur amt floating by which ho 8e- cnr* d, and they held to it and llanting down tbe river for a long distance, nntll tbe barber of (be ho»i ctino iotLvir >.>.mutMUCo with a pole, which her prr^erver e*agbt, and, still holding on the spar, rb<y wero safely landed on shore. Mrs. Cubic was contiderahly braised. Tbo piiH-i guiH apeak in tho bigbeat terms of tho roLduoi *f tho < ffisern, and eapeci&lly of Capt. Ontier and tho atewurd. Notwithstanding that tba former w<* * severely injored, hows* moht active in ih^ work of relieving others ard extin- ghlaing tbe f«re. Orral Piniulilnf of Crafh Wxmxxotox Del., Angn t 24.—Tho damago to tbo ve**ol^ and canal borgtn in the Chesa peake and Prlawuio canal includes eleven ►chonnei* and eigbteon barges hopelessly wrecked, while twcnty.eigbt ►chooner* thirty- fieven t>arg*N, two tngsand one propeller steam er are atranded, and most of them moro or lens iDjored. One yeanel lies 400 yards from the o*ual. All the craft tost of. St George'* os- caped at nous injury. The oanul aotboruioa hope to gel them out io a fortnight. Thom nt Hi. George** may be ro- leasod in a mouth Many of the schooners and most of tho barge* are loaded with ooal. Among the Mchoont-rs which are very badly in- jnred are tbe Jane O- MoHbane, Philadelphia, a total lota; Livinm IIopkiiiM, Voiktown, \ &. hole stove in her aide; Miry Wa«hicgton, of HalVlmore, Fplit through the store; Panama, Bffiltimore, on her bexm* end, her bulwark* torn off and otherwise injured, anil the H,>ced, of Baltimore, badly wreoked generally. Kprlni;flH<l Uarra. Hum Nun eld, Align*» 24.—Tho track on Sat nrday w«« in a sp'endid condition. Fully 10.000 people were present. In the 2 24 race Gloster won tbe firnt heat and was second in the last two. Susie won tbe last three heats and the race. Time, 2.23—2 25J—2.25}—2 27. Tbe 2 33 raoo waa won by Clementina— Vanity F*lr winnng the first two heats. Time, 2 88}—2 33} -2 35—2 32—2 30—2 32}. In the thud boat Gotdlesf and Clementina oollided just as they were entering the home stretch. Both h< rae* fell, and both drivers, Doble and Bowen, were thrown, and Goldleaf's sulky smashed. In the next beat one wheel of Rowe’a sulky came off on tho back htrer.h. Tan driver was thrown cat and tbo borne ran round the Iraek to the homo stretch. l\>rtanatejy no one was in j arid. Itanso Accident. New York, August 24 —Steamer Ciydo from Gatveaton while coming into quarantine tti-i morning oollided with bark Gnioau, b »nnd to Orond-tudt. The ba*k lost her bowsprit and jib boom, and tho steamer had her starboard sail carried away. Captain Kennedy of tho steamer waa knocked off the hnrrioaco to tbe main deck and received a alight concussion of tbe bruin. Pfelletua Mawycr 1)14 Not Klfl Himself. A dispatch from Osbkosb, Win., says there is no tm'h io tbe report that Hon. Pbiletus Sawyer, member of Congress from that State, had committed unieido. Ho ianow in (> .l.kob, and in good health Drowned. New Tost, August 24 —Ann Carroll, of Franklin atre*t, and a man who refntod to give hit name, were found lant night clinging to a boat In the lower bay. They stated that Mary O'Hsrra, of West street, and n man wbone name the reamed man refUHed to nnike known, were with them in tho boat at tho time it upsat, and *har both were drowned. ■I, LoalsWoc al Kwil I-aw UuconstltntlonM. St. LjUI-a. Anga*t 24 —Judge Calvin, of the Court of Criminal Corrections, to day decided th* law regulating the social evil now in force here to be Duoonntitutiocal Cholera Id Koozville—Death of Jmlce T. A. R. Nelson. Knoxville, Tenn., Au^n^t 24.—Judge Thos. A. K Noigod, late .fudge of the Supreme Court of T*noeasrv, died at bis residence here nt six o’olook c hi - morning of chohra, Aftt-r an illness of two days. Dentin of An actor. fcl *DAY** UIKPATCHU. r HL3 unrivalled me-Iicine a warranted not to ronu.n a amvle paiircie of Mercury, or any r.juriou* nun erxl nubs lance, bnt ia PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEAR3 it has proved Its great vat no in aii direase* of tLe Liver. Bowel* and. Kid neys. Thousands of the soed »nd great in all parts cf tho country vouch for ita wonderful and i-ocuiiar poner m purifying the Blood, etimointing i he tormd Liver and Bowels, and impartm* n*w life and vigor to tbe whole ay*tem. SIMMONS' LIYBB JiEGOLAlOR is acknowledged to have no equal as & LIVER MEDICINE. It contains four medical dements, never united in the same happy proportion in any other prepar ation, viz . a gentle Cathartic, a wondarfnl Tonic, an unexceptionable A terative and a certain oor- ru't<io of all im.nritire of the body. Hu eh signal enccera has attended it* use, that it is now regard ed as tbe * of GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC Liver Complaint and the painful offspring "P ATi ON, th-.reef, to wit; DYaPRPSlA OONtJTlPAT J a.rfice, tilione attacks. SICK HEADACHE, ColaC. Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH Heart Bum. etc. etc. Regulate the Liver and prtvent Priladelphu Augliat 24.—Henj Young, au aotor *iu! well known delineator of negro ebar- aotero, partioularly In tbo role of Undo Tcm, di*d anddenly to-Oay. Kfinrn of air William Halier. Alkxindiua, KoTrT, August 24 —H»r William Baker, wnb party wmch wont cp tho Nile, have arrived at Hues Newport Tnctst Knee*. Nswpost, August 24.—Tbe Madclaine won the schooner, and the Viaion the aloop prize. A Splendid Sabbath School Book KIM OF LIFE! j^IVEK R Verily a River of T I Melody and JLj Boauty— Abounding in briahe, taking, sing able music which the Sabbath School child re a Lnd home boys and girls will not neod much drilling to learn and ap preciate. As in oar natqsailed Church Book, tho “Aver- / \T7' c*w Tune Book 1 —so in thia we V-/K; have drawn on many well known writers of Sabbath School Music, tho very best in tbe country, to whjae united ef- forts we owe t-ia new and popular Sabbath School Book, edit ed by Meeera. Perkins A Bent- XY£R ley. The proprietor! avail themaelve* of the loll in advertising to present their claims again to the public. Nothing within the range of oar ability is omitted to make the Tu-bojuph ajtd Mhsxsgkb In all its editions acceptable to the reader, tut a vehicle of the earliest news on all cur rent topics—and of careful and candid exposition, we concede no superior in this State. In point of circulation in the range the country trading with Macon, the dif ferent editions of the paper are far be yond competition. They literally per' Yade the Central and South western conn ties of Georgia—addressing and inform ing almost every merchant and house hold. No business man of Macon can afford to be without the use of these columns as an advertising medium. No one abroad seeking a market for any commodity this region can intelligently dispense with their aid in facilitating that object. For successive generations these two papers, united for the post three years one, have commanded this great field circulation, and their hold on the public confidence has never been disturbed interrupted. We are to-day with a larger cosh paid circulation than ever before, and we hope to go on increasing with the progress of the country. We do not say it is the “largest circulation,” but within our proper field—where we can carry the earliest news, it is beyond even approxi mation by any other journal. EXCLUBIYILT, I(* •Snort*** Cannot bo Doubted. 89~hA.Nl) OKD*.Rb JLAKLY. PRICE $30 per 100. Sample copies 30 cents each. Sent pose paid. CHA3. H DITSONACO, 711 Broad w*y. New York. OLIVER DITbON A OO , augl7d'2awAwtf Boaton. The Reign ot Terror In Mississippi, A oorreap^edent cf the Memphis Appeal who waaln Grenada on the morning of the lCtb, the day of the riot, relates: “A train filled with blaoke oarae into Grenada this morning at eight o’olook. Iirqatredas to the ocoaslon of this oonvooation, but none oonld tell. The conduc tor said that eomo secret benevolent (?) black body was gathering iU forces for some purpose r.nknown to the public." Thia correspondent gives a terrible picture of the pending political There are secret associations of blacks every where. They dress and are drilled a* soldiers. Every negro u armed c<tp-a*pie. Io every cabin there are gona and pistols and knives. They are solidly, compactly organ red in outright declared partisan hostility to whites. In poli ties their single guiding principle of aotioti is opposition to the while rsoe Tbe alarm at Grenade thia afternoon grew out of this aimple fact, which the people perfectly comprehend. And thia 1« tbe beg’naing, mark you. of a polit ical oampaign—the significant preface, tbe tnftmg prelude. If Aloona oome* forth as he nntt, or he is forever undone, deeds of violence will btt number leas, and a greater degree of exoitement will characterize the content than has been known for yoare. Eich neighbor ha* its leader, and so of each county and district, and if these autocrats pronounce against Alcorn or AmeSv reason and interest and common sense will interpose object ions in vain. Of the temper of tbe whites he says: “The oldar people whom I enooantered hare lost both partisan and self confidence. Their spirits Are broken. They are disposed to regard each evil that threaten* them aa inevitable, and bow their necks me*kly to tbe negro joke.— He oh a shameful paralysis has seized many aged Miaahwippians, and the younger are so victim ized by prejudice* acd so resolved to do what is unwise, be ease wise policy does not com port with a lofty, exaggerated sen** of honor, that any desirable eolation of pending ques tions cannot be anticipated. Ames acd Ben Butler will ee:ze and pionder the State. There ia no present help for iL The only recourse the people have, is in AJoorn and politicians. • • • The only rocouree left this peo ple oooaisu, I am grieved to say, in the election, aa Alcorn proposes, by the whites and negroee, of an unadulterated negro ticket. Let it be black aa &vbna from stem to sternv from alpha to omega, blacker than the nether extremity of midnigbt, and Ames will go down in darkness so profound that Batler will cock his eye in vain to discover the bottom of the fathomless abyss of black oblivion into which the prim son-in- law will have disappeared. The black ticket- coal blade—caa alone rastore the fortunes of the State and save it from the clutches of a body of thieves aa depraved aa the wont pro - eootal that ever robbed and deatrojed a Roman provisos or gave terrors to the agents of the Is tlie largest weekly in the Cotton States, and prjnta 56 columns. Its ample space admits of a perfect resume of all the news of the week, domestic and foreign. The contents of a single number would make a large volume, and afford in themselves abundant miscellaneous, political and news rending for the week. This is pub lished at $3 per annum or $1 50 for six months. Specimen numbers will be for warded gratis on the receipt of an order enclosing stamp for that purpose. We would he glad if our patrons of the Week ly would show it to friends who ore not subscribers. This edition of the paper is 8ent tio hundreds of Georgians who have emigrated to other States and keeps them perfoctly posted' in regard to every im portant public event in the old Empire State of the South. SEMI-WEEKLY W. A. RANSOM Sc CO., Munfaatureis and Jobber, of BOOTS AND SHOES 138 AND U0 GRIND BT., NEW YORK, LAED OIL. Fact Ay, Noa. 78,75,77, 79 and 81 Maiden Lana, between Ohio and Adame 8treeta, LOUISVILLE. KY. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Great Southern Freight aafl Passenger Line YU CHARLESTON, S. C., NEW YORK, BOSTON AND ALL THE NEW ENQLAND SiANUKAOTDMNG CITIES. ’ SUGAR, COFFEE, THREE TIMES A WEEK, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS. SATURDAYS. jT /lint* ELEGANT 8TATE-KOOM AOOOMMODATIONS-SEA VOYAGE 10 to IS HOOKS SHORTFR VIA CHARLESTON. HE S0DTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, Anfi connectin'! R^ads West, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen First-Class Steamship* to the above Pcrtj t Invito ettention to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the business public in Gotten SUtcafit the Q PORT Oil* CHARLESTON, Offering facilitiee of Bail and Bea Transportation for Freight and Paatengen not «apolled in cie«l!,n a and capacity at any other Port. The fol .owing splendid Ocean Bteamera are regularly ou the Line • TO STEW TTOREI. MANHATTAN M. S. Woodhull, Commander CHAMPION K. W. Lockwood, Commander CHARLESTON James Berry, Commander! JAMES ADGER T. J. Lockwood, Commander. JAMES ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. GEORGIA S. Crowell, Commander. SOUTH CAROLINA T. J. Beckett, Commander. CLYDE J. Kennedy, Commander. ASHLAND —— Ingram, Commander WAGNER, HUGER & CO., 1 . ‘ ™ „ WM. A. COURTENAY. t A-S CIlt3 - Chark-aton, 8. C. to PHiXiAnsijraija.i IRON OT3UABCSKIPS. GULP STREAM .' Alex. Hunter, Commander VIRGINIA C. Hinckler, Commander. Sailing Days—Thursdays. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, 8. G. TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALES MONTHLY. LARD, MEAL, BULK MEATS, SALT, SYRUP, Etc. CORNER CHERRY AND THIRD STREETS, UNDER RALSTON’S HALL, MACON, jnlySOSm Q-EORQ-I A. PATENT ANTI-FRICTION <3-1 3ST OEAR ! TO BAtiTIMOFtEi. FALCON -Hainie, Commander MARYLAND Johnson, Commander SEA GULL Dutton, Commander Sailing Days—-Every Fifth Day. PAUL C. TKENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, 8. C. TO BOSTON. STEAMSHIP MEREDITA, ! Sails Every Oiher Saturday. JAS. ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, 8. C. listen guaranteed a* low at» those of Gompoting Lines- Marino Insurance one-half of one per cent THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Gan be had at all the principal Railroad Offices in Georgia, Alabau a, Tonneeueo and Mississippi. BriBfllPhl B I _ w . State Rooms may be secured in advance, withont extra charge, by addressing Agenta of the steam ships in Charleston, at whose offices, in ali cases, the Railroad Tickets e ho aid be exchanged and Bertha assigned. The Through Tickets by thia Routo include Transfers. Meals and State Room, while ou ship board. The South Carolina Railroad, Georgia Railroad And their connecting Lines have largely increased their facilities for tho rapid movement of Freight and Passengers between the Northern Cities and the South and West. Comfortable Night cars, with the Holmes* Chair, wihout extra charge, have been introduced on the South Carolina Railroad. Fint-01ae« Eating Saloon at Branchville. On the Georgia Railroad Firet-Class Bleeping Cars. Freight promptly transferred from steamer to day and night trains of the South Carolina Railroad. Close connection mado with other roads, delivering freights at distant points with great promptueaa. The Managers will use every exertion to satisfy their patrons that the line VIA CHARLESTON cannot ba surpassed in Dispatch and the Safe Delivery of Goods. For further information, apply to J. M. SELKIRK, Sup’t, Charleston, B. C.;B. D. HA88KLL, Genera Agent, P. O. Box 4979, Offioe 317 Broadway, N. Y.; 8. B. PICKENS, General Passenger and Tioket Agent Booth Carolina Railroad . ALFRED L TYLER, Vi**** n>ic Mnnih Carolina Railroad. Chari Aston. R n SCHOFIELDS IRON WORKS, Adjoining Passenger Depot, Maeon, Ga. CELEBRATED' WROUGHT IRON COTTON PRESSES! All acknowledge ita superiority to say made anywhere or by anybody. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, SAW MILLS, SUGAR MILLS AMD KETTLES, IRON BAILING, MILL MACHINERY, HASTINGS AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. tho mode of construction of wheels eu&pended on Anti-Friction Balia, extended arm to carry tho Pulley and Pinion Shaft. All persona using or making any part of my Patent, will bo prosecuted to the extent of tho law. I Build and Repair all kinds of Machinery at my Works. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. Steam, Water, and. Gas Pipes, and Aa CaaserMlso Wsmsx.—Birain, in a news paper oolnmn about hi, great reconstructed ahow. tpaaks of an anaaaanuog woman be baa wbo astern tbe ring and aboolden a brass field plan* vhUe a Uttls boy jump* oo top of It and trmitlTl It off—producing a stunning report—a MvalparformaaoefoTaa “onaastuning woman.” ■yy E will pay tba highest Cash Price tor Driad > Pesetas. X. PRICE a 80SB. Kaeon, Os. Monroe Advertleer copy 4 times. asgXSSw The approach of active operations in cropping will render one of the editions of thdi paper ia valuable in yoar parcnita. It will Contois ail the earliest crop infor- ms'ioa and general agricultural new*. CXISBY, JONES dt REUSE. All their Fittings for Sale. Fanglit’s ^Patent Gin m- m This Gin Gear has an 1ROM CENTRAL SUPPORT to preveot scttliug of gin li use, AN IRON POST AND IRON BAND WHEEL SHAFT. Mado only by J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. NOTICE.—Having made arrAngomonte with Messrs. SCHOFIELD ABOM forth# frolo maDmacto* of my PATENT GIN GEAR, witu OENTR\L IRON SUPPOKi, all others aro warned not to arize, or the same, aa I ahali prosecute to tho txtent of tho law all peraona using or infr ug : nj? on my Patent- L. It. FA0GQT. Philadelphia. May 24,1873. jr,lyldSm_ ROGERS Sc BONN, -OFFER FOR 20,000 pounds Bacon Sides and Shoulders. 1,000 barrels Choice Family Flour. 31)0 barrels Refined Sugars. ALL ARTICLES IN GROCERS’ LINE AT LOWEST MARKET BATES, Macon Standard Mean Time* H AVING MrfMtad my arrangemect. to correct the ahght<«.t error in tbe Ume-keepm* of ®^. l££],SSrSyibel2ecrioHf an observatory and one of the meet approved TBiRBITRm ^ MENTSfOr the purpose of observing the meridian passage of tbe eon and sure. I v,U be the exact Maaon meantime to within a fraction of a eeoond. WHOLESALE GEOCEES! 11 oaU« brtiu Iron to u dlu Per r a •** i “S! tenn & vbici M