The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 27, 1873, Image 1

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m. TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER ry Clisby, Jones & Keese. MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1873. Number 6,704 ,r{ii Tt!";r»pti IJntldlnr. ilicon . »n i tfeuocgrr, on* year tlO i 6 100 Tol Hk md U*Moogw, OB* ipti ted UoaMcgtr, M eoiamnz, oo* year „ii4« *l«*y* in’ tdrtn'o*] tnd'pnpcr’iiopped , ].«, tii* noci«r ran* oat, onto** renewed. 71.* ooiealitlued T*l*ar*ph and Meaaeager rep eat* a U»s» circulation. ptiradinR Middle,Sonth- .. , !: ,i K- cthwettern Oeorgl* and EutemAla- ■». uJ Mi-MIe Florida. AilvertiMOMnU at rea- . uab> rtiea In th* Weekly at oo* dollar per of iiiree-quertera of an Inch, each public*- Uncittancoa abonld b* made by azpreaa, or ,.il ia mono) order* or registered latter*. in Uia 1L U. T. Hunter baa taken the Held 1 toppoit of tba Virginia Conaerratire ticket. Oncn b*, bean broken ia Waabicgtoo for alia of ib* new bail ling for the British Jim fterrr dipping U very previlent among Ike Vxi'e operative* cf the mill) In Iiaareeoe, iluucbnwtM K*o» Ore to a*ran refrigerator oare, loaded rite tl'trr, are ta'd lo bn obtppad Eiat every day from Chiaigo. Tnt iron trad* in lb* United Stale* gire* cm. ,.:..j.uent to 137,Sid operatlree, and tba Inmber tr*de to ICS 337 operatlree. (ijUirrCiTT, Colorado, i* rej doing orer a tilt of U*ok Bend nlno miloi long and on* mile t,to*»; which yield* $200 gold to the ton. Cau a Ci'iBixo aaya that ha ballerea hi* lata I ff»ir aboot tba yellow dog ha* giren bim great er cotr riaif fban any other not of hi* Ilf*. rnrmuru tob*coo, next to that grown to lloDneotfcnt, ia aaid lo be Ito be*t for •oAuig pnrpaaM raiaad in tbe United State*. tfu fiitun JaSeTodd adrertiac* in an In ditaapoli* paper that ah* left bar hatband one yeer ago, on dleetreriog that be wat part MU™- |L Ia the Sin Franoiaoo eity priaon, recently, a oberry root pipe waa diaoorerad In ona of tba anile, in th* item of which waa oonoaalad fonr 3a* ataal aawa. aonuei Pow*», of Uiaaiaalppi, ia charged with oommoting tbe aentenoca of ooridemned ertaiaal* in order to farnleb more work for tbo leaeeee of the penitentiary. Tat lata Dr. Htorr*,of Ucaaaebntetta, preach el eixiy two yean from one pnlpit at an aDnnal ■iltry of $333, or for a loti earn ia the aggre gate Ihax Q rant reoalraa in a ainglo year. Tns Utwkeye of Birliogton, low*, Orant paptr, aeya that of twenty lira State 8enatora bolding orer, eereatean ara ownrd by railroad* Tba prtae paid for tbam ia not act forth. Touxr bta adrioond ao far in oirilizition *3 to emend b*r real estate law, which wu former lyaa abrard ae that of New York. Foreigners eaa now bold nod bequeath real estate in Tar - key. ’ t At a Snadiy aoliooi oonoert tbe other even ing up at Atlanta tbe following ooonrred : Little fallow (raoitlog bla ran*)—“I am tba Bread of Ufa ” Superintendent (questioning him aa to hiekiowledga of the Bible)—"Who aald 'lam tba Bread of Lite 7‘ * Little fellow (in surprise) —"I uld It,* Uiw Uast W. White ode ie talked of ae a etolnlate, by the former*, for the offloe of Su perintendent of Hobools of Feorla oonnty. Tbo eblaf oooopation of the inonmbent of that oBloo haratofor* baa barn to play jh\er. We don't know Whether M *ry oan fill the bill or not.—El Pmo, TSUmU, Journal. Pi t \Ur.ruu.. tbe late bead of tbo Spanlab Uialatry, baa a name whioh ia than explained: Y la a Sptnieb wold meaning “andPi y Mar. gall metna Pi and Margali This ahow* that Ib* enmama of bis father waa Pi, and that of bla mother Margall. If anob a system prevailed among nr, and Mr. Black married a M as White, their eon woo'd o»U himaolf Block and White. Tut Orepblo aaya that over 1000 persons bsro applied for neats to tba balloon. Several ladies bare entreated earnestly to bo allowed to go, and some persona hare offered to pay a liberal fare. “Standing room on'y” is the notice now, ea tbe party is shoot made np. Mr. Bichrasb, one of Baltimore’s best photographers, and nn old personal friend of Prof. Wise, is going, bnt lb* fall list of pasiengen is not yet annoonoed. A Saco Citt.—Three hundred thousand dol lars of Indianapolis oily boedi were pat on lbs mirket tbe other dry, and with tbe following result: Fifty Ihooeind at par, fifty tbonsand at one belt of cne per oent. premium, ten tbon* •aadst alz’y fire bnodrtd'bs of one per oent premium, one hundred thousand at ono per cent, premium, and ninety tbonsand at par. Tbe bonds inn twenty year*, and draw seven and three tenths per oent. interest. A rrw diys ago, a»y« tbe St. Joseph (Mo.) Ctasette, a mao who Urea near Balmont took a aaw-log to a neighboring mill and soli it, bnt after It ru diaoorared that tba log was hollow, b* rescinds! tba trade with the saw-mill owner, and htoled tba log book boms, where be chop ped and split it np Into lira wood. Daring the progress of this J jb. b r found in the log ten fire dollar gold pieaes, and now he is glad tbit the log was not good enough for Inmber. Junot Wrut, of Washington City, has bad a streak of lurk, recently, which illustrates how a mtn who owns a little real estate in or about a growing olty ia liable to wake np some morn ing end find himself wealthy. Soma years ago, tbe judge was compelled to take an undirided half of a tract of 00 acre* of land la the vtoln- Ityof Ohiosgs, for* debt. It cast bim then about $7 000, and after the fire be bought tbe otber half at tbs earns rate, making tbs east of tbe wbo'e tract $14,090. Tbe property is situ ated la tbe newly laid on: boulevard* of tbe aity, and Jaigs Wylie’* agent inform* him that be cm salt tba land any tim* for $3,000 an acre, or $103,000 for the whole. Taat would bo a fair prolt, oartainly, bat tba jo tga thinks be will wait a bit and ha m ly gst more. It ia reoorded that tba wlraa and daughters of tbs ooal-miners who appeared at a recent fate ia Ltemiugton were “draeacd in expen sive atnff*, and not nafreqnantly in bine silks of tba fashionable tint*," with costly Isoe ruf fian and all tba rest of tbe “fixlna.” Tbo re porter for an English paper who tells thi&ztory, quietly obaarvee, in addition: “Tbe prefils of oar bouse coal at two guineas a ten enable the minrr to place in tbe band* of bis wife and lighten ooetly parasols, and to cdorn their eada with bat* and bonnet* so decorated with teeming fruits and flowers that It ia a wonder tbe bird* and bee: do not assail them.’’ There will be another strike presently ia tbe coil mines These miners are very mneh Imposed ®pc® and dawn trodden. Hnppreaalng the Slave Trade. There’s nothing like suppressing tbe slave trade. Tbe recent movements of the British Government, whereby this cruel traffic in Eiat era Africa has been pat down, btTe been her alded with ebonts and sccliims from all Christ cntlozn. Tha “horrors of the middle passage" are at length done away, and the philanthropic breathe more freely. Bat a low whisper comes from Africa. To be sold into alavery to mors civilized people was, after all, the Tery brat dis position awaiting Africin captives in war; and, In nino coses oat cf ten, doubtless, it eras a via! improvement on the savagery and sottiabnes* of native barbsrlsm at all times. To talk abont cruUtir.j a people, whose beads were always at the disposal of natiro chiefs, and were often taken off by scores for private amusement be fore breakf eet, h ea in i t some*.hi op ern ally j oeoie. Any chsnge was bound to be for tbo bolter. Tbe aemi'barbario master in Eastern Asia was an angel of light oompired with a brutal and murderous alavery to tba native chief. So we may be sura tbe sUvo-tnda, in Its worst estate, mneh more freqaently bettered than impaired the original condition of tbo native Africa!. Bat the** very attractive people hove many ways of disposing of their esptivej besides Bell ing them to tha Aslatio alive trader. They hold them in alavery at home, which is not only an Inconoelvnbly hard lot, but a vary nacortatn tenure, terminating most often in those deadly frock* of tbelr masters which cost a whole throat or a bead; and very freqaently in fur nishing baked meats for a festal table. Tko suppression of tbeslsvo trade in Eastern Africa, fob a time, at least, will therefore open tha mar- ket for cooked African* Instead cf BelliDg them alive and raw. Wo suppose tt can’t be helped. It will not do to interfere with internal policy and nodal niages of tboes interesting people, bnt no donbt many an Afriosn osptive has la mented a change which consigns him to the baking oven instead of the slave mirt. City License List. We reprint to day, npon tbe order of tbe olty government, tbe list of license payments wbiob appeared in tbe GonnoII proceedings published laat Sunday. Tax payers sometimes complain that injustice is done them in the assessment and collection of these license taxes—that they pay too mneh, while some escape altogether, or with an inadequate tax. Now tbs use of this publication Is to place tho entire matter before ell tbe tax-pay-rs—that every ono may sec what be pays and what bis neighbor pays— who pay, end wbo don't pay—if there be any who hove been omitted. Tbo oity government want to equalize taxation—to mako every man boar bla proper burden—no lees and no more. Now perhaps a more effloaoloas provision to se- onrs th!* ond cannot bo desired than a publi cation of lax lists, in order that every tax-payer mty aorntinize It and compare ipe assessments and oollections, and the whole intelligence of tho city bo brought to tha business of review ing and examining tbe tex payments. The city administration desire this to be done, and will tike It as a favor, In any one, to polDt ont omis alons or any cases of inadequate taxation, so that these faults may be oorrecied. I.sit yreeb's Cotton Flrnres Tbs Now York Commercial and Financial Obronlole of Saturday, report*** tbo receipts of the erven dayt, ending laat Friday night, 10,541 bales against 10,581 bales last week, 10,684 bales tbs prcvlons week and 12.255 bales three weeks alood, making tbo total roceipts ainoo tha first of September, 1872,3 608,121 bales against 2,716 696 bales for the same period of 1871- ebowtng an since September 1, 1872, of 891,428 bales. Tbe reoelpts at the interior ports, were 2,402 bales against 274 tbe corresponding week bet year; shipments 5 7 Cl), against 1,272, and stock in band 1G.207, against 4 977. Tho Chronicle’s visible supply tables show 1C1 902. against 2.258,259 the year before, and 2,062 390 in 1871. Wkathxb Kitouts by Teltobaph —Oor re- ports by telegraph to night, ssys tbe Chron icle, are in some sections lea* farorable. Tbe oonlinaed dump, wet weather, so suitable to tbe development of tbe caterpillar eoonrge. Is pro ducing i's natnral result in tho multiplication of these little destructives, and the oonseqnence damage to the crop. As yet tbe evil done is limited, and If we can have dry weather its progress will, we think, b« stayed; bnt these constant showers are cot favorable, and give strength to tbe tears which are felt. It abonld be remembered, however, that neither tbe storms nor tbe oateroiltars are nniversal; they are in great part onnfioed to tbe lower half or twotbtrds of the Golf and Atlantlo States; in tbe balnnoe of the cotton belt the reports oon- tlnno satisfactory. At New Orleans it has rained on two days—severe tbnnder storms. At Mobile it ba* rained on every day bnt one. and tbo complaint ia general of too mnob rain ; onr telegram states that oaterpillars are reported everywhere, and groat injury is undoubtedly holng done In some seotions, bnt tbe aooonnts are cor Hiding an to tbe extent of the damage. It has only rained nn two days at Montgomery, and three days nt Selma and Maoon, while at Columbns It ba* rained on fonr days. Onr Colnmbns, Montgomery and Selma telegram* nil state that considerable damage has been and being done by oMerpilUrs. At Savannah it ha* been warm, snliry and wet; and at Angusta tt baa rained on two days, bnt the weather now more favorable. Oar Charleston telegram says that they bad rain on more than bait tbe days of the week, bnt a* tbo week close* there has been a favorable change; the oaterpillars are said to have damaged considerably the Sea Island cotton. Oar weather report from Mem- cbis ba* failed to reaoh n*. At Nashville it ba* been cold and dry alt tbe week, and tbe crop is developing oromi*iDglv. Tbe thermometer has averaged S2 at Seims, 85 at Montgomery, 79 at Maoon, S3 at Mobile, S3 at Columbus, and SO Savannah. Tho New York market, during the week, was irregular and prices weak, dosing a little firmer on noconut of oaterpillar apprehensions. Louisiana Sugar Cnltnre. A Louisiana correspondent of the New York I Tribane writes a long and interesting letter on tbe oondition of ths angtr culture in that State, [ from which we take the following: In Louisiana, sugar culture, which three boo ensure bad i BY TELEGRAPH Dlf DISPATCHES. Hvro i« t) hara a osv d*pot, 271 feet ••QglL by 55 in wtdih. Tbe foundation Is IitdoQ 1,300 *prn3# pile\ driven from seven to twenty feet Into tho ground to bird bot- * 3ri - Thi building li to b« three itoriec high, W4h * Urge biNDiat Ther* its to bo three tow*, rocoded roof-s tbd highest point ©a th® centra tower btiag eighty feet from the gnxiod. Th® foaadatioa atone* are PortlAoJ brawattan®. Th® wil!s of presied brick will b® relieved by trimming with pnlishad brown- •tone. Light wtll ba famUhed by maliioned Vitxdorv, which trill b® pointed with arotes of broeoston?. The wailing rooms will tolaxge, «nJ CAlcaUted for tbe comfort of the travelling pub’.ic. Tha tra n* will not enter the, but mill com-* up on the sooth side.— t® •‘iCilioa to the Lu’.iiiiug, losg ®e<2 ojuimodi- on* pUtfortas Wail be toilt to mcoommodAte the teivlwt train*. It is st&ted u a remarkable fact that last winter, two bill® were introduced in the Illinois LegioUtnre, one in the Honse and one in the Senate* providing for the repeal of an ezieting law in that State which limits the ii&bility of any railroad eomp&ny for killing a person or pafuengerto $5,000. Both bill® were, however, defeated through the exertions of the Chicago ard Alton Railroad Company, on whose line a terrible accident oecnrred a few days ago, through the criminal careleeenese of employe® on one of the train*, by which fifteen porjoas lost their live®. T*iX-PJRTXTION CF PlTEOLVTM —ThePfcflft- d dphians are agitating a projset for transport ing erode petroleum from the oil wells in Titna- villa to Philadelphia m one long line of iron piping—the oil to be forced over the inter vening mountains by the power of a gigantic force pump. The distance is 300 mile® and the oo6t of the line and machinery ia eet down at $4.500,000—and this line would deliver 7,- 900.000 barrels of oil annnallv. which at fifty cents s barrel would yield $3,050,000 gross income. ^ Tut Cleveland Herald 1® not cne of those Re publican journal® that treat very lightly the na tion of the reeent Democratic State Conven tion of Ohio. That paper say®: “We tell our Republican friends that the nomination of Bill Allen i® no joke. There ia to be no boy’s ptsy thia campaign. Tbe Dem ocratic party ia {stronger to day than It has in Ohio for many jeers. The courage of that party ha3 revived, and it will go into tha con test resolved to deserve eucces®, even if it do not win a victory. Republicans most open their eye®, and they must appreciate tbe gravity of ihe oooasion, for a victory over the Democrat* this fall'will be e harder job than any victory we ever won over the Confederate forces of sick Republican! and politic Democrats.** A anti* in Oakland, Californio, twelve year* old, and fcmall for her age. bos insceeded, by patient, uncomplaining industry, in socumula* ting property to the value of one thousand dol lar®, Glides Fnpporting her poor old mother. It is mostly in jawelry, watchea and oiher small but Talaabie article®, ®uch a® she could collect handily from the hcu«e where she was em ployed. 31 rex amuseujt nt ia caused by email eardi gratmrcu.’Siy circulated about the street® a ► mail cork attached by a string, and having the following printfd npon itm Urge letter*: “The moat horrible death ia to be talked to death. To prer»nt the above terrible fate tt»e the patent life-preserver attached to thi® oard. D»- recionf—put tho cork in yocr ear.”—A\ Y. Latter. Hal Railway Accident. Rochesrza, August 26 —’Theexprea* train ftp- the changed condition* J p roach ing Batavia collided with a carriage kill- of labor, not to mention political cause®, hod j a g both occupant*. One was thrown a number most seriously affected np to the present set- of y*rd3 into the field. The other was dragged aon, now promise® better, and gives hope of ro- till the train stopped. The engineer. John lief at laat to ft® cultivator®. Many of the larg* Day, stopped ths train a® soon as possible, and eat sugar estate® have oeased to be worked I got off the engine to see what was done. In through these combined cause®. Northern capi- passing in front of the locomotive he saw it tal and aid having been withheld in consequence J covered with blood and brains, and was eo over- of the failure of tbe first nan experimenters who I oome by the shock that he wulked bat a few rushed in immediately after the war, and sank *tep®, when he fell. He was carried into tha money they invested. Not only have the ele* J smoking car and died in a few minute®, ment® proved nnpropitioua for three year® past, j seizure or Diamond®, bat man ba. also mismanaged. The present K „ T Ang0 , t 2G hundred and season seem* promising. Toe crop will be read j Li^ fl nn<1 nt»nd t«als. cat diamonds for the mill in abont three montl» time. Laal Smith Afriean fields, and rained at ^r tba entire sugar crop of the State waa lOS.-UsO-WlO, were seized b, the Custom Uonse %!rn 7. • * fe * t * d . th * t officials on the person of N. Lancaster, .Chi- yield *m be mneh greater although ‘be area „ who arriT6 a on the Oity of Chester of culture has been greatly diminished ainee the f J m E . a portion of them were in - war. On ‘ha plantations near the city of New Ch . m0 , 3e £ in b .g* around Mr. Lancaster’. te in new and improved machinery to work np the „ . _ _ ooming crop®. Ia the m^st southern pariahes ' ftHnllfkx. of the State, where 12,000 hogiheads used to J Holifix, N. 8., August -6 —A severe storm bo made before the war, only 8,000 are now P^sed over the city 8®turday night and Sunday made, and even thia i® a larger proportion than mornin 8* ooo®ifie»b!o damage. The gale in most of tbe ffugar district®. In many other I heaviwt experienced for many years, pari&he® tha culture ha® bean discontinued and shipping in port were prepared foi other crops put in, or tho lands left waste. Un- j rode it out. Several small yacht® der the new regime and the evstem of hired la- I were smashed at anchor. United State® frigate bor, the policy is pnrsned of cahiYating less Powhattani dniggsd from her anohorage off Oa- land and forcing a larger production through I wharf, and drifted to the ordnanoe wharf, the aid of fertilizers, now very extensirely em- » h « r ® * h « seonred. Steam was kept np all ployed thronghont the Southern States. Sunday In readiness for any emergency. THE rstiDMiN r* THE suoaB meld. Particulars of the effects of lhs storm have not The gentlemen with whom I have talked on ° oma iD - bnt » & ?e«ed there will be bad news thia subject have a thorough practical acquaint- I Jf?/ 11 t “® country and sea coast Steamship snoe with sngar.pIanUng before and sinee the Hiberaiam arrited from England and New war, aome of them haring employed their for- I Poundland Saturday night, brought Mias Bird mer slaves aione, and others in combination I and apsrty of dsstitnte Eog.ish children.,oon- with Chinese and Spanish Galician®, a few of ] “J R lt ‘ a B P“ “^7 ©©y®. Ship St. whom have been brought into the State under J? 111 *- °‘P> p ‘" 06 : 7 ltb * BonertI cargo from the new ayatem; the negro gets his house-rent, Liverpool for Philadelphia, struck on J ib Bock, fuel, girden spot, with privilege cf raisiogpigs Cl P« Pl ? e * *° a deMa fo 8° n Sunday, the 15th ( and poultry, which he rarely does. These he I *. nd ? nn )F, The erew esosped m boats and ar- gets free of charge. In addition to this, he is ‘ i7ad * afeI J, Trspassy, and came to bt John paid each month at tha rate of one dollar a day. I steamship Leopard. He stipulate* to work ten boar, a day. With a The Italian Slaves, few honorable exception*, he never gives a fair, j New Haver, Angnat 2G.—Two Italian pa- fall dry's work. Although fally understanding drones and six boys were found in Oak street the wnik rtqoired of him, from long practice, last evening. They bad recently fled from New he will almost snrely neglect it, uoleas watched York. The padrones were brought before the and compelled to do it. This watohing is very I City Oonrt and the oases oontinned until Sep oostly to the planter, who must employ trust- tember 1st—they being plaoed under bonds worthy persons for the purpose, who oan do one thousand dollars. nothiDg else. It i* a tex snperadded to hii JSncti Beer Spoiled, necessary expecoa*. CntcixmiTi. August 26 —Blolz's malt and To find evidences of thrift in the freedmanis | ioe houses, with a large quantity of beer, was a rare exception Those who have lived for burned to-d*y. Loss, $200,000; insnranoe. three or more years in the ssme hou*e—some- $150 000. Th« latest estimate places tho loss time* for eight years—whether married or on Valentine Blofx’s brewery nt $200 000; in- slngle, have aecumnlated nothing. They hare gnrenoe $°25 000 no aaviog instinct. They spend all their earn- Balloon Ascension mgs ter food, fine clothes, whisky, and tobae- PnIIJlDEI . riI[l ,. An ™„ t 2C _ Tba oo. They are as fond n< ohildren of aannad I "is iVrriTr^- ■ - - - .. . ’ , R fruit and oiher sweets. To get these loxaries ' t t Yesterday they deny themselves almost a bedstead to lie °®“ tv V “ ll ? townshm Borl.ngton npon or a chair to sit on They esn better dis- “ 5 , of pense with the necessaries than with the luxu- haTiDg trl J eled fifty-two xxsllea in fifty minutes, riea of life. Cleanliness and care of their per- Temperance Convention* non®, whioh need to be enforeedby their former I Sabatooi, August 2C —The National Tern- masters, are generally neglected by them, and I P er * D0 ® Convention, composed of delegates hence, increased sicknea® and a much larger j ^*‘ ona temperance associations throughout th® mortality amoog them of all age®. The death- j country, met here at ten o’clock to-day^ rate among the ohildren, \rhoae increase also I KuJcId© Le® greatly diminished, is in a greatly increased Woboestxr, Mas® , August 20 —Geo. Hen ratio. With the vegetables which oan be ®o I ning Honsen committed 6aicide. He Laves easily raised around h!s cabin on that fertile I wife and child-in Baltimore, soil with scarcely any labor, the food of tho Cnrllata I>*>r«nt<Ml. laborer onght not to coat him 20 cents per day. Madbid, August 2G — Oi Sunday a severe Irish and sweet potato®®, peas, beans, and cab- engagement took place near the town of Edella. bsges can be grown with a minimum of labor; | between 5 000 Government® troop® and 3,000 bnt he will not plant them. He is rarely seen Carlins under Otto. The Carlists were de- warmly dad in winter, and wnnld rather crouoh f eate a and Otto was wonnded. over afire In cool weather—for there i® little | cold in this dimate-to warm himself than T Mlwtetertel Hrelxu.n.n clothe himself warmly and E o ont to work. , Angnat 20 -Morsell, the Post Mas^ BOTH SEXES oeveeally idle atm SHipyLtss ‘^ GsuerRl has tendered his resigna’iou, but The women now work little in tho field, most ?‘ ‘ ho * oU “‘ , ‘’ on , of Mr - ( f ,ic,slono - 00a56r,t3 of them not at nil. A* a role they are simply I *° reraa n n effire temporarily, consumers and Jrone®, which they were not I "* before the war, constituting then an important I NIGHT DINPATCHEIl* element in the labor, together with the ohildren, now idle, to\ w'.io wore superior for some par- | THE S2IITI1 VIIjLE JIUtDIJt. po-es to grown people, especially in the cotton field, for pickin'?, etc This idi^ness might, be I Two A r real a Mn«!c-«»ne or the Murderer' tolerated or erdared if they were good honse I Confts®. kotpers, end took good care of their families. Bat in both these respects they have delerior- I T1 *e Negroes Want to Hang: Him. ated too. They do not even keep tbeir hus- I _ , ,. _ . ~~—, „ bands* honses clean and inviting, and neglect I t0 Ik® Telegraph and Messenger j tnelr children in all wajs from iufancy np. The Wooten, Lse ocuntt, Ga., Angnst 27. ohildren, being nntangbt And nccared for, are | Henry Jackson and Jesse Martin, the negroes being brought np without any habits of indns- imp u caIe d In ths murder of young Jolmaon, at try. Tha older negroes are the moat respee’a- . * . ble and the most industrious; theyonnger often SmUhvOle. Thursday night last, were earned to Insolent, idle, and profligate Of course, thia is I Albany jail to-day. not universally the ca^. There are many I Jackson, tbe first negro arrested, made a con- respectable and industrious families to bo fession to dry to the effect that Martin did the found, bat tbe general rule is as stated, accord-I - , ... . , T r. » , . - . - ing to tbe IrsUmouy of my informants, iho have dea<1 whi,a ba (J«kson) watchsd ont.lde, and employed largo nnmber® of these laborers for I that he didn’t know Johnson had been killed a aerie® of year®, and fonnd bnt few exceptions. I till some lime after they had left the honse. He The women are, many of them, desperately ad- I Martin planned tha whole thing. And that dioted to drinking, more so than the men, and I, , , , , , . , .... are very profligate, being looker in their morals th * on fi m *' P Ian wa3 to P°‘ Johnsons head in than before tbe war. Tbo marriage tie, when j * barrel and smother h’s cries with ahswv; bnt oontrsoted, isbutliltle regarded by eitherparty, I that be (Johnson) made suoh josistauco that and dissolved sh carelessly ns contracted The u arl ( n sai j j, 8 to t,ll him. •WI-L »nd sajs he can good-natnred race, and easily managed. Free- prove that he was at home all that night, dom has not affected them in thia respect. Ini A yooDg man nemed John Got zirt & wears, all ordinary trapsictions they will trust the however, thU he heard Martin’s voice, that ■•■■•utk Park Races. | The Beast In the Field. Long Biasgh, August 26.—In the one and a j Worcester, Mass., August 27.—Gen. Bailer half mile raoe for three years’ old—winners I opened the Gubernatorial campain to-night by j excluded—Stone Henge won. Time 2.44£. I a speech in Mechanics’ Hall, which was filled The second race was a selling race for all {to overflowing. When Batler appeared j ages, one and one-fourh miles, eight started: three cheers were faintly given, end Business, Hattie, Oaeol, bay filly by Beaoon, I a volley of hisses, but his epeecu was atten- St Patrick, Gerald, Camden; Wheatley and I tively listened to—portions of which was ap- j Minstrel. The raoe was won by Basiness, I pleaded. After two.honrs of mingled sarcasm Wheatley seoond. I and statistics, well woven in his own defense, The third raoe, mile heat. Mary, Constant, I he closed without interruption from any source. Utioa and Galitza started. Won by Gtioa. The Prohibitionists. Saratoga Temperance Convention. Sabatcoi, Angnst 26.—The Executive Com- I Sabatooi, August 26.—The eommittee on n ittee of the Now York Prohibition Party, will permanent^organization reported for President J meet here to-morrow to fix npon the time of | rv « holding a State Covention to name a State EXTRACTS FROM PREMIUM LIST judge B. C. Pittman, of Massachusetts. The committee on credentials submitted report showing that there were 140 delegates | present and others expeo’ed to-day. which will probably make the number nearly 300. Tbe Bask of Carload Forgers. —FOB— planter, bnt politically they have learned to be his implacable fo»s. Their education in this regard ha® engendered n disregard for the or dinary intereats of the employers, which is patent at every tarn, and prevents that commu nity of interest so indiepensable to snocesafnl onlture. At a day’s not ioe they will cease gather- night, on’aide the store where J thnann was killed, calling to Johnson to g«t up. Martin bear* a good eharaoter bat J okson a very bad one. , Tbe negroes wanted to harg Jackson yeaier- ing in his crop, leaving it to rot or bo lost, at the | ^7. tot wero prevented. I saw both prisoners, snmmoDR of their political masters to go and and never a worse, or more brutal countenance vote against (heiremployer. _\ery few snear I ^jj an Jgokaon’®. He look®more likes chim- plauters are now “working on share®. ’ The | ^ _ - T .. . .. . experience of the Lonisiac? planters Is .gainst P Rllzae lhan ‘ Ul,tm bas » P ,aU >' B 0 ° a that system. The ordiilary plan adopted is that I f* co - above stated. The wage® are paid monthly, I There R mnsb excitement abont the matter, the laborer receiving every evsniDg his ticket, “not transferable,” for his day’s or half day’s work, ar the ca*e may be. At the end of the month he presents these 'tickets, hi® acoount | in made ont from them, and the cash paid him. bat the law will ba allowed to- take it.® coarse. A W. H. Cnitar'a Confirmed. Washington, August 2G —Offbkl di®patohe® renting their lands at from five to ten dollars , Ca,tat ’ 8 , b . atUa witb ,ba Tha ‘ ,lt,ica - per acre to the negro laborers, takirg a lien on Iars trB 1128 fna5 ° « ber8tJ . fore the crop for payment, which relieve® tho pro-I # »nv®i Batters, prietors from all expenses or responsibility. I Rsar Admiral Almy hn® been ordered to the Others sharo expenses and profits. In fact, command of the South Atlaotio Squadron. The all kinds of experiments are making by indi- I United State® flag^ ship. Rear Admiral Case, vidaals in ootton cultnre ; bnt the share system 1Corfu Angubt 5th from Carthigdna and is the one generally preferred, in which both I other ports on the coast of Spain, take equal risk®. W—flier Xteport® (« be Extended. ^ General ^yer, Chief Signal Officer, sailed August 23J, ur.cL-r orde s frem the War De- Remarkable Set of Immigrants. I partnreat, on a rapid trip to Vienna, to attend New York Times, Acgcst 20 ] a meeting of the chiefs of tbe meteorological The arrival in this conn try of the Russian I aervuee at that place. The General hopes to Mennonite3 has created quite an exoitejaent see thi® convention take the first steps to bring emong the officers of those railroad oompanies I abont a world-wide system of weather reports, that have lends to sell in the far West. This I connecting the United State® and Enrope.— immigration certainly is a moat remarkable one, I Daring hU absence the sigoal office will be in no ee: of men ever h&vicg arrived her® before I charge of Colonel Garriok Mallory, so well snpplied with fund® a® these Ruosians. I ®jaop«ia Weather Htntemeat Htnoe tbelr movements are destined to affect | WiB Dzp ^ i Omn, Chiej Sttwix, Omoxs, to a considerable extent the territory which they may elect to settle in. The richest man among those who arrived hv the steamer Sommonia, ■Washington. Angmt 26 probabilities: In tbe New England and Kid< f cm nro on Prid!v l».i i, STTS St « ta «- lowal ’ lakotegtop, the barometer “K S^fe and four ohildrem T' EZ This gentteman brought with him SSSSSS’«i°JmSSi o^^htrete sold, .nd was the only one who oame in the first i.v. , ~ - " ,, cabin. Another gentleman had with bim $07.- ^ 000 in gold. While all the rest brought from S’ “ .' h °.T “T $4 000 to 525,000. each family aver.gfng about !2SZ23JrSf222£ norS , h ®“ t $10,000. Aa .here were somf twenty families Tn the steerage lhU wonid make an accrec.le T.”*’ • foT 018 ?° alh AUantia aad Ga ' f of $200,00of which, with the money If Mr. 1 ^ teeapsvatere. mitw to soutj- Iaaack, would give a total of $340,000 brought d , J and .P* rt1 -? by twentv familits. Toe result of so rich an s °'® I ’Were l‘g ht immigration can hardly be overestimated. Ialas * ll! Another fact is worthy of note—the l$rge fta- I Padre Diseiiarged. iliea of these Mennocites. One family conaiate I Nrw Yorh, August 26—Vmoenx) Molto, tbe of twelve, one of eleven, one of nine, two of 1 Italian padrone, wa® thi® morning discharged, eight, ono cf seven, three of six. one of five, I In rendering hi® decision Ihe commissioner three of fonr, five of three, and five unmarried I stated that the defence hid clearly proven that persons—making a total of sixty-nine children I bi« wa® a cose cf mistaken identity, and forty-one adult*. Their destination is soma I Toe children found in tue Crosby street point in Dakota, although many, influenced by I dsn were committed to the care of Comznis- the representation of Tcm Scott himself and I aiooer® of Chanties and Correction^ uutil some his European agents, will settle on the line of I permanent disposition can be made of them. the Texas Pacific Kailread. AlTaeWi— Wifea to lew. Ilcbblnc iheGorerameui sad (ilvlus ] San Francisco. August 20.—Orin Dubois, a the Honey to n Cltnrcli* [ of 8*u Jose, iu thia btate, had in hi® From tha Beaton Traveller.) \ employ a young Ohmaman teook. Tbe Chios- » ia » .v ta m%n “li ln 10v ® with Dubois daughter, aged VffiteSS. 2 % t C Cr0i 17 - bnt ** lady did not reciprocal* the soandai l* eomiog to light here. There are la passion. Ha obtained possession of her pho- ?«***-. * $"■■■«..Epueopsl -ogriph. She dem.nted its retora. Yesterday Churches prep r, a—rug theai Car:*. Cau.-ch, he gave tha picture back to her, and in the f L Wa.-THaitr.-Md She ^ri^ay. m , jaJtlntWltoa .ho-a at her from ara- fourteen Mah-.-irt Episcopal, ich.oding the vol «r. Her steel cornet turned tha bullets add JlstIOP^ ,an * n1 Ilbnrehas I . -> ^ - , . _ „ . n j „ . — I *«*»«*• UYl —< uuibov tuiuou !«*<) uaiiBUi mu .^tropoaUAo and r u-d C-archT.. I tdbe eacspod. Ttc Qhintt:m then blew out the church in qo«t on is prosperous »ud 1 oun (j,,!-,. I • ^ juiDlcu-u^, liutocga thsrp vas & tURO vixen I _.. _ Its treasury sraa « a low ecb. ana it i« said the _ . T J? 9 e Tt*" 1 —rites*, delinqueueie- cf Us members were discovered I tte Democretlo Convention, last night, an* throuFi ths eoafesoina of a dying brother.— ! MtflIBctaM attempt waa made to harm on- Th® anzTZc* are of a nature implic«ting prom- I ~®® 1 * legislative ticket. Appearance® do not meat municipal aad Government cffi-riol^, ^nd I ttot a compromise will be effected. it ia aaid the investigation will ahow that within I Awwsuer Dcatraetlve Fire* five veiri over ?260,000 of Government moneys I Ltxn. Maos., August ££— A daatructive fire have been improperly diverted to the u»e of I j 1 * Hie Cp.era House' destroyed the Sigamore tbe oociety. So far as tbe pastor end scree j The theatre wia aaved by the exertions others are concerned* ttorc La® Uifl no of firemen. The lem ia heavy, cioa of the eocroe al ;ne« revaaaee nntii. a j Mr. Hel$’a CeaftitiM. recent Cite, end thooe who have robbed the I Great Fall®, N. Y., August 26;—An unfa- Governihent to eaatnbcte both to their own I vorftble change jfpened yesterday in Lto. pockets and the church treasury have borne j condition of Hon. John F. q^Lw t couvulaiona an enviable reputation for philanthropic gen-1 having followed an attack of eangeotiop of tha [ exoaity. I brain. Ha ia more comfortable to day. GEORGIA STATE FAIR! COMMENCING 1873! -AT- ticket From Spnln. Maputo, August 26 —The report that the I Carlists have left the vicinity of Berga is fully I confiriped by lAter advices. The Ministers of [ IjONdon, August 26.—The prosecution has I War, Marine and Interior, and several General® I dosed the case against the Bank of Euglasd j of the army, threaten to resign if tha Govern- j forgers, and ths defence have opened this I n:ent shall deoide to commute, or in any way I morning. I fail to exeente the death sentenoes which have I In the absence of ooun^el for the accused, I been pronounced npon the Oommnnist Insur- Geo. Bidwell, principal In the frauds, himself I gents. began the cross examination of the witnesses I The Carthagena insurgents have three hun- for the crown. ^ I dred pieces of oannoo. They also have a large I Tbe Times cf this morning siys the British I number of cattle and other supplies. Six hnn- j Government, at the request of Getmanv, has I a red insurgents, who escaped from Valencia, 1 sent orders to the oommander of the British I succeeded in reaching Carthagena, reinforcing ( pquadron in the Mediterranean, to deliver to | the inaargents’ garrison there. The village of j tbe Republican authorities the Spanish steam* I Tortilla has been entirely destroyed by the Car- J era Alamanza and Victoria; tot that owing to I lists. the inferior foroe under Admiral LDbos, ren- I Havana, August 23, via Key West, 26.—Kn- j den the recapture of tbe vessels by the insur-1 mors are again rife that disturbances are likely ] gents as highly probable, if they are snrren-1 to take place at an early day. The Republican I dered. The vessels are without orews, and can-1 and Conservative clnbs hold meetings nightlyv [ not, in their present condition, bo used against j The insurgents, 300 strong, have burned a ] the insurgents. I small coffee estate in Brazo de Canto. Cholera In Hungary. I There has been a very severe engagement be- A special dispatch to the Telegraph says I tween the insurgents and troops near St. Jago I cholera is raging in Hangary and that fifty per I fi® Cuba. The loss was heavy on both sides. I cent, of the eates will prove fatal. The Spaniard® admit having lost 60 killed. It 111 A Trades Union Display I is reported that the Spanish General Burie), I At a demonstration of Trades Unionists, at GoTernor of stanzas, is among the | Edlnbnrgh, Balnrday, there were 15 000 men | "" m ln procession. The object of the demonstration was lo protest ngainst tho criminal law amend-1 Aixww, Angnst 20.—A great eonflagra- ment act. tion was occasioned here last night by a stroke Cable Iatylnjr I of Hgbtning which set tiro to one of the largest Lisaas. Angnat 25,-The expedition whioh !“ r in ,ha cit y- This > w j‘ h ‘^ a snt - I* laying the cable between this oity and Bio ro “ d J D8 800 “ w / a PP^ lr L fla “ 68 ' Janeiro, after haring proceeded 383 knots, was b ’°.^ n "f 3 , d , os A r ° red ’ Td0 stopped by the discovery of a fault in the wire. wa3 at,U bnrniD " a! 10 ° o!ook th,a morning. Tests have been made from whioh it is believed LcryIub Paris, the tenlt is near the land. Tbe expedition will I London, Angnst 2G.—It is said that the nnm- oontinne paying ont nntil it reaches Madeira, I ber of Americans now at Paris is very small, whenoe tbe oable steamer will probably return and that very few of those returning from to repair the fanlt. I Vienna are tarrying there, because of tho Tbe Exposition Hotels. I stories set afloat by tbe Swiss hotel keepers that Vienna. August 20 —Of the thirty thousand 1 1118 cholera was prevailing there, medals awarded to exhibitors at the Exposition, fonr hundred go to Amerioa. There is mneh I An Old-Faihioncd dam Babe, dissatisfaction with the results of the Exposi- For , h# flrattim8 in the hiatory of MarjIan ,j t «??•„ 11 ia ohiirga ‘ J that a nnmber of artioles mya the Bjltimoro Gazette of Saturday, oa which were never entered for oompetit on, Delt week, there will be /clam oeived medals, and that several firms whioh bad take at what i* known ss the Japanese shore, none of their goods on exhibition were awarded abont eJ - bt ^nes from tie oitv oaaoa of tha For beet acre of clover hay $ 50 diplomas throngh tbe manipulations of the jury. branobea 0 f the Patapsco. Few persons Rro * cr0 ln « a ^ aba V It 1* alleged that those who knew how the of tha r eanisit« nmnnratinn ter « P° r , ba8t acre of native graee 60 prizes were Beonred will attaoh no valne tTil pra f a . r8 . 1 ^ton for a oli“m For best acre pea vine bay 50 to the medals of tba Vienna exoositioD f rfie I it te e niettGr of interop, to I For hoet aero of corji forago so anantitv of goods and specimens which "will be *t e °P eratlon * fi r ® tofl is mada of s'one. For largest yield of Southern cane, on acre... BO w ttiwroa® hnma I ®tout ten feet wide and twenty feet loug, snd I For best and largest display garden veetables. 25 te 1 ■ISS aeTeral 00lda of vood *° ba oonsumrd to For largest yield npknd cotton, one acre .. . 26G 5j. ver yJJHSt*’ of the staff will be sold here. heat the Btoaeg t ^ e pr0 p er temperature to do Fop b , 08t crop Iot u P land abort staple cotton. The exhibitors have been leaving In crowd* a* tbe baki After ^ rem p nvua from the not less than five bales L_ fast as they oonld get away-stnoe the olose of bed tha olamqi EeV6Cteen thousand of whioh will Fo ; b ^‘°° 9 b ' la n P 1 “ d 8bort a ‘ a P' e , C9ttori - • 1( » e exposi on. Baker b . 8 pr “ vi f ea fJr tha ocoasion - p * a8ed n P on For best bale upten(flong EbrpleaJtton Mr amnel Baker. it, and they are thoronghly cooked before tney (and 25 cents per pound paid for the bale) Alzxandbia, Egypt, August-j.—Sir Samuel are removed. With that single heat chowder is For the beat oil painting, by a Georgia lady/.. 100 Baker and party have reached Cairo on their I prepared, chickens are broiled, fried, and baked, I For the be&t display of paintings, drawings, etc. retain from their expedition into the interior of I as are also any meats that may be desired, as I ^7 pupils of one school or colloge....... 100 Afrioa. I well as fish and oysters The bake will be nn- Fov tb ® best made silk dress, done by a lady of SbakspereAu Documents Discovered, I der the oharge of Mr. Oscar Florenoe, who has . i° r ^ la n °i 8 d r6rfa ' ma l :e r.-................ London^ Angnat 20.—Some interesting Shak-1 made them on tbe shores of Ehoda Island and lady of 'oeorgia'noli a P d?e8a-maker° n ° br sperean doouments have been discovered, whioh I there is now every indication that it will be For best piece of tapestry in worsted and floVs contradiots the reoent theories lonohing Shak- I largely attended. A number of gentlemen in ’ey a lady of Georgia ! apeare’s bnsines* conneotion with tbe theatres. I the oity have already subscribed toward paying For best furnished baby basket and oomplete 1 the expenses of the olern bake, and many more I eet of infant clothes, bv a lady of Georgia.. will participate in it. A steamer will oonvey the I S’®-’ handsomest set of Monohoir-oaBe. glove P. C. SAWYER’S sur- i hCEHIML citt page MACON, GA. (tatsstid mat 26, 1873.) With Adjustable Boll Box and Swinging Front, for Ginning Damp, VTot or Dry Cotton. Also, the Celebrated Gkriswold Gin, Oenuino rattern.withtho Oscillating or Water Dor. Manufastnrod by P. C. SAWYER, Macou, Georgia. t A Terrific Storm. The storm on Sunday and Sunday night was part & a t0 tba sbore ; one of nnprensdented seventy. ■ Acoonnts from | Cambridge, Peterborough, Wiabaach, Newark and other towns represent that the wind and lightning were appalling. Thousands of people MY NAME IS refn9ed to go to bed lest their houses should be | JOHN VALENTINO overwhelmed while they slept. A toumber of fires were kindled by the lightning, and many deaths are reported. Childerly Hal), near Cam* I bridge, historically connected with the reign of I Charles I, wa® struck by lightning and burned to tho ground. Spanish Note*. Madrid, August 25.—Ia the Cortes to-day, j Senor Ol&ve demanded the prosecution of Hid algo, on the charge of having abandoned his j post as Captain of the iron-clad Victoria. He [ inquired of the Minister whether the re^ that Hidalgo was going to Washington on a mission to tho United States Government was correct. Iu oonseqnence of Olave’® action a duel with Hidilgo was imminent. Through the interven tion of friends the meeting has been avoided. The fleet under the command of Admiral Lo bos, whioh commenced to bombard Carthagena, has been compelled to withdraw ont of range of I am at my same old otacd. 68 CHERRY STREET. I keep &s good LIQUORS And fnmidh aa GOOD MEALS box and pin-cushion, made by a lady of Georgia For best half dozen pairs of cotton sock®, knit by a la*ly over fifty years of age, (in gold).. For beat h&lr dozen pairs of cotton socks, knit by a girl under ten years of age (in gold)... For the finest and l&zgoet display cf female handicraft, embracing needlework, embroid ery, knitting, crochetirg, raised work, etc., by one lady For the best combination horse. ! For the beat saddle horso.... 100 For the beat style harness horse 100 For the finest and best matched double team. 100 For tho best stallion, with ten of his colts by his side 250 | For the beat gelding 250 For tho beat six-mule team 250 For the best single mule 10© 100 » bull..... 100 I For the best ox team iro I For the beat sow with pigs. For the largest and finest collection of domes tic fowls ion I For the best bushel of corn 25 FFIOEWeoa;. Block, Second street, third door | ®JK£1y 23 below Johnston s jewelry establishment. Residence Lanier douse. Julyl5 tf a call and I will give yon satisfaction. angtCtf E. B. POTTER M. D. HomcBopathist- For the best bushel of sweet potatoes "!”!!! 25 For the best bushel of Irish potatoes... nas DeencompeiiearowuDarnw oat oi range or Rftrir'Hl! In AlflPriPfl \ Tor tha ^at fifty stalks of sugar cane... .... 50 the guns of the lusurRents. On acoount of the OreiUCSl Diir&.UU III AmuntH. p or the beet result on one acre in any foraite inferior armament of the vessels they oannot . „„„„ „ ... crop isn cope with the artillery of theforts A 25 BOOM HOUSE for eale at next to nothing, Bor tho largest yield of corn on oneacre""" 100 A contemplated reVolt by the crew of the A 0Q eI!t ^ aara cfad: “ W!mo,u For the latest yield of wheat on one ^e. ". M Spanish frigate Carmen was discovered by the I — For the largest yield of oats on ono acre.... 50 officers, andfortyof themutiners were arrested I2ifiV(lln<v Anil I nfill A cc dpldtffkll on on - e ft0re **-***, 60 and Disced in confinement HUI*U1aI 0 UUU bJild Abb JtittiillU For the best result on ono acre, in any cereal J nowhebe. A c,incus of a majority of the Cortes have . ^ blt Is J6 0 and comoiodions HOU3E, situated For th 0 boat'dispUy'^made'by any’"grocery I0 ° deoided to elect Senor Castilla President of the i?. ,ba °“‘ ra ° f J b ,?J“I' ” a “ ,bo 0l, y n » u “ d merchant .7.......“ .^7. 100 body, and Senor Preyer, Vioe-President. I Markst p.ace, an-h own as tha | For the largest and beet display of green- Fnrther detail* of the battle, near Eitells, — v . y — -vxLver* w. honse plants, by one person or firm 100 ate to the effaot that the Carlists, who were iu FIlXK A SlOUS B. Fo 7j b6b98,; *■ band, not lees than ten per- Urge foroe and under their favorite leaders, I , , , t.ns *seVJfVk‘7,V.‘jl7,'V™.V- 260 were comuletely detested by the liepubliom Will ba sell on .2 monthly installments of 5100 Sor Jhe b?st Oe?reianlow aS — ~ each; has been rented for years at $7o and ¥ 100 | *»*>“ b |f t gS^de^on (t Wohiree) <3 For the beat Georgia mode cart 25 For best stallion fonr years old or more 40 For beat preserved homo ovor 20 years old.... 25 For beet Alderney bull 50 For boat Devon bull 60 For best collection of cable app'ea grown in North Georgia 60 For best collection of table applos grown in Middle Georgia * 50 troops. They a^ked a trace to remove their . dead and wounded, whioh wa® granted. The P^SSaSb ApP 7 1 G. B. ROBERT.-*, One of the most effi lent and valuable cf tho remain® of tbe Carli9t army retired towards tbe French frontier. Don Alfonso, brother of Don Carlos, j if Turn A T OBDTUPO flD TTTDnTUTA General Tristany are among tbe wonnded.— I iullvJuillilij 'Ululrluu Ui Vlxl 1x11/1 JLAp The Carlists have withdrawn from tbe neigh borhood of Berga. having apparently abandoned the idaaof its red notion. Made portable and onily transmissible, even by mail, in the form of a mus, wbiob taa been entitled | Alum and Iron Mass, | A product obtained from the excellent Alum Wells in Washington connty, Virginia, Dr. L&neaejer, Saratoga, Angnst 26 —The National Temper-1 proprietor, by the proems or evaporation, and pos- Colton planters are working almost wholly on I. /\.ugu« su wmaiai cupmoaes ftno6 Convention convened at S.15 p. m When I waaing all the wjnderful virtues cf the water in a share® in Louisiana and Mississippi. 8ome are J® ‘r 1 .1 ^ajt eptr ‘ m # ,7 T c i ^“ r “ * *be committee on resolntions was annonncod | C|1 ! & P^■ convenient form. MD3UGHT DIM PATCH K W. National Terapernncs Convention. tbe chair called npon delegate® for verbal re- Sf2L-*JS2r JTKft* ISKSajlKSKSSf 'Ihe Maats is a tonic, alterauvo and abtorb- ent, and is especially useful to ladies. It ha* been States, whioh call was responded to, and in 1 . - T ^_, . . many instances good reports were rendered. I KndOiSed by IhQ 3l6ulC!ll 1 rofcsslon, Rev. Stephen Merritt, in speaking for New j Wherever introduced, both as a desideratum in York, said there was nothing being done in that their materi\, iffered, and Li For sale by augl7tf > the b.-st popular remedy ever State for the cause of tecaperanoe; nothing in J D6V0 * * & tod to give eati»fa<jiion. ths societies; nothing in the obarches; nothing ° r Ra * >v nmoDg tbe people; nothing anywhere, exoept r movement having a political object. This wa® the all engro®3ing subject In New York. Rev. A. McKean exoepted to this report so far as temperance societies and churches were oonoerned. He said the societies were weJ or ganized, and were carrying forward their good work energetically, and the churches were dis charging their duties faithfully. He claimed PLANTERS’ tlOTEL, Qfrxxeita Uuff'a Nuw Bnt din/, Ckero b*»\fe*n Third aad ^urth, HiC'iiN, CEOU dA. T HU whII-Jtoow n hoaao baiug now eultab’y fitted up. ttie nndarsigned Is pi elated to ac- Yort. " ’ “ * ” ‘ " Important Decision*. commodate Bo&rdere—Puimaaent, Transient and Day. Guests rill receive beet attention, and the Table supplied with tbs finest tbe market aifords. July30 tf J H. BftKMEB Atdinta, AuRust 23.—Tbe Supreme Oonrt of Georgia dcaided to day tbat tbe law forbidding i vitality of judgment for notes whose oonsidera- JN0tllC8 ID, B&DkrTiptCV. tion wss slave*, is unconstitutional, and that 1 Jr o unless barred by State limitation*, aonbjadg. meats oan be made operative. Tbe oonrt wae divided—Judge McCay dissenting. The eonrt also deoided in the mntt6Z of tbe IN THE DJSTEIOr OODRT OF THE UNITED STATED, FOB TBE aOUTnEBN DlsTBIUT qf Georgia. In tbo matter of BichcrJ it Davis, Bankrupt, Alluta street railroad that tb* Gompany tbat 1 9 1'0 WHOM IT MAY CONBEBN —1 li’s is to give got the right to use a street first from the city A notice ohm a week for three weeks that I council baf* a prior olaim. This r«vowos the j feltS;®?******* Mt ***. oi ******* deoisilou of the lower court, <teaiuaip niidk. Nsw yo«K, Angnat 26.—The ►hip Eiith Tr&op; of St. John, New Brunswick, arrived | to-day from Calcutta. She reports she took off the crew of tha British ahip Isle of Wight, hich wa® sinking, and landed them at Cape Bankrupt, wao was, npon hi® own petition, ad- ja ged a bankrupt by e&id Dietr ot Coart. Given under my hand, at Morgan. CaIDouq coun ty, Ga, this 7th August. A D J^332 H. GRIFFIN, Assignee Fat. Rijliord it Davu*. liAiikxupt. MgUaW Town. Hew York Holes, Some 10,000 cratea nnd, LoskbU ->f peaches reached here tqcUy from*, via the Sandy Hook railroad boat route. Mr. Lancaster, the alleged smuggler of dia monds, left to-day for Washington to interview the Secretary of the Treasury, as* to the legality seizing his nnent precious stones. Horse railroad superintendents and others using large cumbers of horses are endeavor ng to take precautionary measures against epizootic disease, which has appeared S.t Pough keepsie. The Icmau steamship City of Limerick, ran Into the new stone pier near the battery to-day, knocking In the massiva masonry to tue depth of three feet end forcing heavy blocks of gran ite from their places for several yard® each side of the point of contact- It ia stated that the steamer is uninjured, bn^ a® £. precautionary measure, no passengers will be take^.cn her return trip. 3V«n ^ISIrd. Nzw Cf'i£nga®t 26.—Ac. unknown man was cat jq 1 two by » train on tbo New Orleans end Mobile Riilroad, near Feannrddo Sration, last night. Hosptfai fioI«L The Marine Hospital ^aa at ar.^tion to day, and wa® purchased by Mayor ^ie'xfor the city for $50.<Xj0. A^fer the Id^aer Dewier®. Boston, August 2G.—A raid was made to-day npon several other prominent liquor dealers by the State constabulary. Ten thousand dollars’ worth of liquor was seized. New Boarding House. O N TBE FIRST OF AUGUST I will open the Hou*e cn Mulberry street, opposite the La nier Hoaee, (Granite Hall) formerly kept by N. Binewanger Board $25 por month.* ana the table supplied with the beet the market »fiords Kcoms can be had either with cr without furniture. augC Itn K. At. BROWN, Agect. Harris.on, Bradford & Co’s STEEL PENS. Special attention called to the well krown number*, 505-75-28-20 c5c 22. Factory, HC. Vernon; office75 JTotxu si, S.Y. ang‘24 3 m Notice to Cantractori. AA/iLL he lei, to bidder, before tbe YV uourt-bouie door, on ISATURDaY, the 233 instant, at 11 o’clock a. m., tbe bail hug cf a bridge across Rocky Creek, at li iiey'n >V»U Bl®u and *peciS2*tions to be seen at the cifice of the Board of Oommiaoioaera, at the Court-tionae. By order of the hoar A. B. ROSS. Clerk- 13, 1873. augi7eodtd® BATCHELOR’S Hath DSTE T his splendid Hair Dye is tbe bent in the would The only True and Perfect Dye. Harmlees, Belie tile and Instantaneous; no disappointment: no ridiculous tint, or unpleasant odor. Iiemediai the ill effeota of bad dyne and washes. Producer a enperb Black or Natural Brown, and leaves toe hair Clean, bo ft and Beautiful. The genome signed W. A. Batchelor. Sold by all Drug gists CHAU. BATOHELOB, no»I2 ly Proprietor, New York. REGATTA. Race ono mils down stream on Ocmalgee River, under the rule* of the Regatta Association of Macon. For the fastest four-oared shell boat, race open to the world $150 For tho fastest double-scull shell boat, race open to the world For the fastest single-scu’l shell beat, race open to the world For the fastest four-oared cinoe bo&t, race open to the world (By canoe is meant a boat hewn from a log, without wash-boards or other additions.) Tbe usual entry fee of ten per cent, will be charged for the Regatta premiums. MILITARY COMPANY. For the best drilled volunteer military compa ny of not less than forty members, rank and file, open to the world $750 At loast fire entries required. RACES. PCBSX 0*5—$300. For Trotting Horses—Georgia raised; mile heats, boat two in three. 1st horse to roc6ive $200 2d horse to recrivo 75 3J horse to receive 25 ruBSE two—$150. For Trotting Horses that have never beaten 2:40 mile heats, best two in three. 1st horse to receive $300 2d horse to receive 100 3d horse to receive 50 russE thbiw— $350. For Trotting Horset—open to the world; mile heata, best iliree in five. 1st horse to reoeive $600 2d horse to receive 100 Sd horse to receive * 50 purse pona—$350. For Running Horses—open to the world; two-mile heats beet two iu three. let horse lo receive $250 2d horse to 100 rvzsz nvx—$300. For Ronnieg Hones—open to the wo heats, beat two in three 1st fcorao to receive lUfiSX BIX—$500. For Banning Horses—open to lbe world; three mile heats, beei two in thiQ3. 1st horse to receive $50 The above Premiums will be contested for under the rules of tbe Tarf. The usual entry fee of 10 per cent, on the amennt cf the purse will be charged. TMs Bin Toole Tirce Premiums last Year. . THE SAWYER ECLIPSE COTTON GIN with Ito improvements, haB won its way, upon its own mer its, to the vory first rank or popular favor. It stands to-day without a competitor in all tho >ointo and qualities deeirablo or attainable in a PERFECT uOTTON GIN. 4 Onr Portable or Adjustable Roll Box places it In the power of every planter to regulate the picking of tbe seed to suit himself, and ia the only ono that does. Properly managed. SAWYER’S ECLIPSE GIN will maintain the full natural length of tho staple, and be mado to do as rapid work as any machine in use. j he old GRISWOLD GIN—a genuine pattern— furnished to order, whenever desirod. Three premiums were taken by SAWYER’S ECLIPSE GIN lost year, over all competitors, viz: Two at the Southeast Alabama and Southwest Georgia Fair, at Eufaula—ono a silver cup, the other a diploma. Also, the first premium at the Fair at Goldsboro*, North Carolina. NEW G-INS Will be delivered on board tlm ears at tho follow ing prioos: Thirty-fiYO S»wa $1J1 60 Forty 8»ws 150 00 Forty-fivoSawa.. 108 75 Fifty Saws.... 187 60 Sixty Szws 225 00 BevontyBswa 262 50 Eighty Saws 2S0 00 To prevent delay, orfioro znd old gina abonld ba sent in immediately. Tima given to rosponeiblo parties. YOIUNTAEr TESTIMONIALS! Aro furnished from various^scclions of tho cotton growing States, of the character following: Locust Grove, Ga., October 30,1872. Mr. P. O. Sawyer, Macon, Ga. Dear Sir—Enclosed find draft on Griffin Banking Company for $150, os paymont for cur gin, with which we are well pleased. Yours truly, H. T. DICEIN * SON. Tho above Jotter enclosed tho following testimo nial, addressed to Mr. Sawyer, viz: Locust Gboyx, Ga , October 30,1872. We, the undersigned planters, have witnessed the operation of one of your Eclipse Cotton Gins, which we think superior to any other gin we havo ever seen used It leaves the seed perfectly dean, and at the same time turns out & beautiful sample, etc. H. T. DICKIN A HON. E. ALEX CLEAVE LAND, M. L. HARRIS. Mr. Daniel P. Ferguson, of Jonesboro, Ga. r writes under date of October 10, 3872, an follows ; I have your gin running. * m 9 I can say it is the best that I ever saw run. It cleans the see*T oorfectly. I have been raised in a gin house, and [ believe I know all abont whU should bo expected in a first-class Cotton Gin. I can gin five hundred potods of lint inside of sixtv minutes. The first two bales ginned weighed 1100 pounds, from 301D pounds seed cotton, bagging and tioa included. Irwintom, Ga., October 7,.1872. Mr. P. O. Sawyer—Dear Sir: Tho Cotton Gin we got from you, we are pleased to say, meets our fullest expectations, and does all you promised it abonld do. We have ginned ono hundred and six teen bales on it. and it has never choked nor bro - ken the roll. It picks the need clean and make# good lint. We have had considerable experience with varions kinds of cotton gins, and can, with safety, say yours is the best we have ever seen run. THOMAS HOOKS, Elijah lingo. Colonel Nathan Rase, of Rome, Ga., nays he h&» used Griswold***, Massey's and Taylor’s Gins, and that he is now running a D. Pratt Gin in Lee coun ty, Ga, and an Eagle and a Carver Gin in Arkan sas, and a “Sawyer Eciiose Gin” in Rome, Ga . and regards the last named as superior to any of tho others. It picks faster and clearer than rny other gin with which he is acquainted. He says ho hoe ginned eighty-six bales with it without break ing the roll. PfTT.T.ard'b Station, M. & B. It. R- January 20, 1873. Mr. P. C. Sawyer, Macon. Ga—Dear Sir—^Tho Cotton Gin you repaired for me. with your im proved box. giv*s perfect satisfaction, and I tak* very great pleasure in recommending your gins to the public. W . O’DANIEL, M.D. Dr J. W. Fommers, of Orangf-barg. B. C., \*riles : All yonr Gins add by me this season aro doing well and giving entire satisfaction. I will be ablo to t-ell a great many next eeaeon. J. C. 8taley, of Fort Valley, writes. “Yonr Gin la the only Gin I ever saw tbat anyb^y could feed I have horetofore been compelled t'» employ e- feeder for ginning, but with jour gin a child can feed it and it will never break the roil. It gics both clean and f&et and makes beautiful lint " Messrs. Childs. Nickerson & Oo., of Athene. Ga.. write: “All the Sawyer Gids sold by ns ore giving satisfaction. We will be able to et!i a num ber of them the coming seicon.” Cocurak, Ga , January 7,1873. Mr P. O. Sawyer, Maoon. Go.: , Hie—The Ootton Gin we bought of yon 3 all, ■Id: two mile [ after a fair .trial, bee 11 makes good lint and c.eans -ho ... ..$30 COUNTY EXHIBITIONS 1. To the county which (through ito Society or Cinhi) shall farniah the largest and finest display, in ment and variety, of atoeir, products and revolts of home in dustries, all raided, produced or manufac tured in the county 2. Second best do 8. Third boat do Fourth best do 200 Entries to be made at tbe August Convention.w Articles contributed to the Con ty Exhibitions ea t also compete for epeaific pr*"» mt in the Pre mium List; for Instance, a is**** may contribute to the Exhibition of hie oonnty a baabel of Bread Corn, he can then enter it, individually, for pro minm 144. juneI8eod t4 BIS Ml PBOMPTLY And made aa good as new at Iho following low figures; New Improved Ribs C'Je. etc* Boli Box *10 30 etc 15 Head and Bottom Pieces 1 50 each Babbitt Boxes 1 50 each New Saws, pex set* ICO each Repairing Bru-tb.... ..$5 C0cl$15 I'D* New Eraah 23W Tainting Gin c CO Can farni«h 91 different patterns of ribi'otho trade at 20 cents each, at short notice. P. C. SAWYER, mm